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How to sleep well away from home

Feeling refreshed and rested are just some of the reasons why people go away on holiday, but ensuring a good quality, satisfying sleep is vital. 

If you find you’re sleeping badly on holiday, don’t blame yourself; It’s what scientist call the ‘first night effect’!  

The new study has revealed that it’s our animal instincts kicking in. When we sleep somewhere new, one side of our brain remains alert, and wakes us up at the slightest disturbance – be it screaming children, loud neighbours or a car horn.  

Lucky for us,  travel experts Oliver’s Travels have created an infographic that gives you tips on how to combat the holiday chaos and get a good night’s sleep away on holiday.

This Is The Kind Of Person You Deserve To Be With – Never Settle For Anything Less Than That

You deserve someone who knows your worth. Someone who knows that you’re more than good enough.

You deserve someone who chooses you every day. Someone who chooses you as a lover and as a best friend as well.

You deserve someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated – with kindness, compassion, affection, and dignity. Someone who makes you feel like the most beautiful, loved, and important person in the world.

You deserve someone who is always there for you when you need them. Someone you know you can always count on for their help and support.

You deserve someone who texts you first thing in the morning to tell you how much they love you. Someone who calls you not only when they feel lonely or want something from you, but when they’re having a busy day, too, just to hear your voice and ask how you are.

You deserve someone who doesn’t mind spending Saturday nights at home with you watching movies on Netflix and eating pizza. Someone who enjoys spending time with you regardless of place because being around you is when they feel the happiest. 

You deserve someone who knows what your likes and dislikes are. Someone who knows what your favorite type of food, music, and movie is.

You deserve someone who doesn’t wait for your birthday or Valentine’s Day to come to take you out to dinner or buy you a nice bouquet of red roses.

You deserve someone who gives you their undivided attention when you talk to them. Someone who is always interested in what you have to say because your words mean to them a lot.

You deserve someone who is kind, patient, and compassionate towards you. Someone who speaks to you with respect and affection, even when they’re tired and angry.

You deserve someone who accepts you for who you are. Someone who doesn’t make you repress your true self. Someone who doesn’t make you feel ashamed of your insecurities, vulnerabilities, and fears.

You deserve someone who lets you be yourself and feel whatever it is that you’re feeling.

You deserve someone who embraces all your imperfections and weaknesses and cherishes you just the way you are. Someone who loves you and everything you come with, including your burden from the past.

You deserve someone who believes in you. Someone who believes in your abilities, your talents, your strength. Someone who encourages you to pursue your goals and dreams, no matter how unrealistic they might seem to everyone else.

You deserve someone who motivates you to do better and be better. Someone who, through their words and actions, inspires you to work on and improve yourself.

You deserve someone who is proud of you. Someone who enjoys talking about you to their friends and family. Someone who feels blessed for having you in their life and who is not hesitant or ashamed to share that with the world.

You deserve someone who includes you in their plans for the future. Someone who enjoys imagining the house you’ll be living in and the places you’re going to visit. Someone who can’t imagine their future without you being a part of it.

You deserve someone who loves you truly, deeply, and passionately. Someone who never makes you question their feelings for you and where you stand in their life. Someone who never makes you beg for their attention and love.

You deserve someone whose soul matches yours. Someone who is aware of both outward and inner beauty you hold.

You deserve someone who will fight for you with every fiber of their being. Someone who won’t give up on you and walk away at the first sign of trouble.

This is the person you deserve to be with. The person who will make you feel the most loved, protected, and respected when you feel the most frightened, ashamed, lost, and unimportant. The person who will love you wholeheartedly and unconditionally. The person who will believe that being loved by you is a true privilege and a reason worth living for.

Don’t Date Someone You Have To Impress – Date Someone You Can Be Yourself With

Don’t date someone you have to impress – date someone you can be yourself with.

Date someone you can do silly stuff with. Someone who embraces your craziness. Someone who doesn’t expect and ask you to talk, laugh, dress, or act in a certain manner so that they like you more.

Date someone who recognizes and values your genuineness and individuality. Someone who loves you for who you are. Someone with whom you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Someone who always makes you feel free and comfortable to be yourself.

Date someone you can always be open and direct with. Someone you can have absolute trust in. Someone you can share all your secrets and crazy stories with knowing that they’ll never use them against you. Someone who doesn’t make you feel ashamed of your quirks, belly laugh, and imperfections.

Date someone who listens to you and tries to understand you without criticizing and judging you. Someone who doesn’t expect you to be flawless or have a flawless past. Someone who doesn’t expect you to be the best at everything you do.

Date someone to whom you’re perfect with all your imperfections. Someone who likes the fact that you’re different from them and the rest. Someone who recognizes and values the purity of your soul, your originality, and all your beauty.

Date someone who is not interested in your status. Someone who doesn’t care where you are on the social ladder.

Date someone who is proud of who you are, no matter what your academic and professional qualifications are. Someone who understands that these things don’t define who you are and your worth.

Don’t date someone you have to prove yourself to – date someone who already knows how amazing you are.

Date someone with whom you can always feel free and comfortable to be yourself. Someone to whom you can show your true self. Your true colors. Your insecurities. Your weaknesses. Your fears. Your craziness.

Date someone who makes you feel comfortable to be yourself on both your good and bad days.

Date someone who finds you pretty and desirable even when you have a bad hair day or look pale and tired.

Date someone who doesn’t make you feel like you have to compete with others for their love. Someone who doesn’t make you feel like you have to beg for their time, attention, and love.

Date someone who will be willing to give you all this and more because they know how amazing and precious you are.

How Using Coupons Affects Your Mind

While it is a well-known factor that stores everywhere use discounts and coupons to attract customers, I am sure you’ve never thought about the effect of coupons on your mind. Most of the regular consumers enjoy receiving a discount or using a coupon because it makes you feel good.

As it turns out, the idea of a great deal (aka paying less for a product that’s in demand) taps right into our pleasure center and stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. As a result, we get a rush out of the experience, which can be the final nudge towards a specific brand.

Coupons Influence our Choices

Have you ever wondered why you choose this brand of clothes over the others? Is it because you think they are more comfortable or better in quality, or is it because you received a significant discount on your purchase?

However, the power of coupons can be observed easier with more expensive products. For instance, if you want to buy a new mattress (which is a hefty investment for most), even a 5% discount can be attractive!

Furthermore, sites like nolahmattresscoupons.com help buyers find all sorts of impressive offers in this niche. As a result, the producer who knows how to use coupons to their advantage will end up with more customers and increased profits.

Big Brands Understand the Power of Coupons

The first-ever coupon was distributed by Coca-Cola, in 1887, when consumers received a voucher that offered them the right to one free glass of Coke at any dispensary.

Since then, the idea of discounts, sales, special offers, and online coupons has been tantalizingly used to make us spend money on things we may or may not need. This happens because discounts play on concepts to which we respond strongly such as scarcity and irrationality.

All great deals have an expiration date, which is shorter when the product is in demand. So, by setting a time limit, retailers create a feeling of urgency and scarcity that triggers our fight or flight response. I am sure you’ve heard about those Black Friday incidents, where people fight over products they don’t really need. That’s how powerful the idea of a great deal is!

Furthermore, the discounted prices are specially designed to trick our brain into perceiving them as being smaller than they actually are. For instance, an item that costs $1.99 will be associated with $1 rather than $2. The same goes for bigger prices, where $999.99 looks a lot more appealing than $1,000.

Are Coupons a Bad Thing?

While the idea taps more into our lizard brain (our irrational part), coupons and discounts are not something bad. True, their main purpose is to make you buy stuff, but with a bit of restraint and self-control, you can get some pretty good deals and make significant savings.

So, as long as you remember to consider all the pros and cons of a product before making the purchase, you can use the power of coupons to your advantage!

Why Is It That the More Sleep You Get the Smarter You Are?

The latest advancements of science show that sleep is of crucial importance in our lives. While we snooze, the body goes through a cleanup process, where the tissue is repaired, cells get refreshed, and bad substances are filtered towards the exit.

Furthermore, a good night’s sleep is also extremely beneficial for the brain. According to studies, people who sleep better are better at fulfilling tasks and are more productive at work. So, if you’ve been feeling tired and out of focus lately, have a look at why you should pay attention to your sleep patterns.

Improved Brain Function

People who don’t manage to get enough sleep suffer from impaired brain function, starting with memory and ending with the power of concentration. This happens when you don’t get through all the stages of sleep, starting with light sleep, moving to deep sleep, and culminating with REM sleep which is also called the dream state.

As it turns out, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is extremely important for the brain. So, if you can’t reach it, the neurons responsible with focus, attention, memory, and problem-solving get sluggish. As a result, your thought process is slowed down, and you may find yourself incapable of making decisions based on logic and reason.

Now, your sleep can be influenced by a wide array of factors, but according to the official novosbedcoupon.net/ site, the bed and the surrounding environment play a powerful role. So, if you feel you can’t reach REM sleep stage, run an analysis of your bedroom and make sure everything is according to your needs.

Reduced Stress

We live stressful lives, but with the right tools, we can allow the brain to take a rest and refresh. However, if you don’t get enough sleep, the stress accumulated during the day can’t be released at night, and it piles up leading to anxiety, paranoia, and even brain diseases.

To keep your stress hormone levels at bay, you need to have regular deep sleep that follows the natural circadian rhythm of your body. As a result, you’ll wake up filled with energy and ready to tackle all the great problems of your life.

Naps Make Us Smarter

Do you remember when you were a child and your parents made you nap against your will? The reason behind this behavior was that sleep helps you grow and stay healthy. So why is this habit lost as an adult?

Recent studies show that a nap during the day, especially after 2 pm, is a fantastic boost for your energy levels throughout the day. It’s even better (and healthier) than caffeine!

As long as you do it right (20 to 40 minutes tops), a nap can reduce stress levels, improves cognition levels and memory. So, when you feel your head is falling on your keyboard after lunch, it is a strong sign to go take a break and sleep it off. The results are so strong that many companies all over the world allow their employees a nap break.

Reduces the Risk of Depression

Nowadays we know that depression is not just a state of mind; it’s a condition with strong implications on the brain’s structure and chemistry. Furthermore, recent studies found that there can be a connection between people who suffer from depression and their serotonin levels (which are lower than normal).

So, to prevent your serotonin levels from dropping and leaving you vulnerable to a depressive state, you should always keep a close track of your sleep quality. It takes between 7 and 9 hours each night to maintain a healthy brain and body!

Wrap Up

As you can see, there is a strong connection between the type of sleep we get and brain health. So, before you decide to lose sleep over a work project or a party, make sure it is truly worth it. Even more, schedule ahead to recover the lost time, and regain your sleep balance.

The most effective home remedies to cure eczema

Is your skin dry, red, scaly and notably itchy? Have you been diagnosed with eczema? Eczema is believed to affect millions of people. So, what is eczema exactly? In fact, eczema is not a single condition. It is actually a group of skin diseases including atopic eczema, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, hand eczema, neurodermatitis, nummular eczema and stasis dermatitis. Skin problems are not just about aesthetics but they also mark internal health problems. Finding a comfortable, natural eczema treatment can change your life and eliminate suffering.

Eczema usually affects infants and children, although the symptoms can be seen all the way up and through adulthood. Conventional treatments are not always effective in removing eczema symptoms. While there is no cure for eczema, you can try non-invasive, tested natural eczema remedies that can provide relief during a flare-up and prevention. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to eliminate eczema and keep it under control. In this article, you will learn some natural remedies that will allow you to treat inflammation while rebalancing your body.

Natural and skin care

It is very important to take care of your skin in a natural way. If your skin is sensitive, it is not recommended using conventional products because they contain overly aggressive substances such as parabens, detergents or petroleum. You can prepare you your own skin products, or buy organic ones. If you decide to buy some ready skin product, it needs to be fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, it needs to be made for sensitive skin, and it can’t have perfumes in it. It’s got to be as simple as possible. When it comes to eczema problem, every little detail matters. Try to use natural oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, calendula oil, shea butter. Those products will soothe your skin in a natural way.

Heal Body and Mind

According to scientific research, some skin diseases, including eczema, have a psychological component. Researchers have found that mindfulness, well-balanced sleep schedule, focused breathing, outdoor relaxation and exercises, can provide efficient healing and prevent future flare. The human body needs balance and can’t be overconsumed with toxins of any kind.

Aside from using home remedies for eczema, it is important to take actions to manage stress in everyday life. Yoga and visualization techniques are effective in preventing stress. Attempting hobbies like listening to good music, painting, etc. can also relieve stress.

Eat nice & healthy food

When you eat healthily, your body absorbs the nutrients and throws away substances that are not needed. When you feel stressed and eat the wrong food, it affects your whole body and your skin. That is why you should pay attention to your daily diet. 

Coconut oil and Aloe Vera

Coconut oil is one of the best treatments for the skin when you are suffering from eczema. Coconut oil has antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial properties. You can also make a mixture of aloe vera with the coconut oil if you want to achieve a more soothing effect. While choosing a coconut oil, make sure that you pick up a cold-pressed, young virgin, unrefined, organic one. You can easily find such product in various eco, organic shops.

Keep your house allergen free and clean

Allergic agents such as mites, animal dandruff, pollen, molds worsen eczema. You should wash the house frequently with a vacuum cleaner that will help remove allergens found in the environment. You should also take precautions to avoid damaging bacteria, fungi and viral infections from the environment, as they may also contribute to eczema.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is an effective treatment for difficult skin conditions such as eczema. Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate which has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it effective in reducing the inflammation and treatment of eczema. Patients suffering from eczema with high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes should avoid this method.

Epsom salt baths can be prepared as follows:

Add one or two cups of Epsom salt in a tub filled with lukewarm water and add 10-15 drops of lavender oil to it. Cover the troubled area of your skin in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Clean the skin with a towel and use a moisturizer. You can repeat the procedure twice or three times per week.

Benefits of a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

When you don’t take care of your body, you can’t expect to feel your best. Thankfully, there are many ways to improve your health through a healthy diet, exercise and eliminating bad habits.

Alcohol or Drug Abuse

If you take drugs or alcohol on a regular basis, you’re setting yourself up for a disaster. Not only can they harm your body, they can also alter your personality and cause you to act differently towards others. They can even cause reckless events to happen which, in turn, can cost you money in legal fees and even cost you your life. The good news is that if you admit you have a problem, you can get the proper help to end the habit. For example, you can find a center for men’s drug detox or a drug rehab facility. Studying co-occurring disorders in North Dakota has helped most people realize mental health plays a big part in addiction.


Many people today eat way more than they should to sustain a healthy weight for their body frame. Fast food establishments aren’t helping either with their super-size meals. If you find that you use food as a way to cope with difficult situations, it’s time to identify the problem and put the fork down. Food is not going to help with whatever stressful situation is in front of you. In fact, it will make it worse because you’ll gain more weight and then feel terrible about it, which leads to a vicious cycle.

Remain Active

Simply put, your body needs exercise and activity to remain fit. Signing up for a gym gives you the chance to experiment with different types of equipment and gives you the the added option of taking a variety of classes. If you can’t find the time to fit in a visit to a gym, you can use an online site to stream programs, or purchase a workout video and commit to exercising at home in private. Exercise does more than keep you fit. It can prevent the development of certain diseases, keep you sharp and energized, and relieve stress. In addition to exercising regularly, you should also pick up the pace and walk faster to and from places. This can help you burn extra calories and make room for an occasional treat without the worry of gaining weight.

Healthy Diet

Unfortunately the expression “you are what you eat” is true. If you eat greasy, fatty foods and indulge in many desserts you will gain weight and feel sluggish. On the other hand, if you eat foods like lean meats, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains your body will respond positively. If you’re accustomed to large portions, one trick is to reduce your plate size so that you don’t feel like you’re eating less. This way when the holidays come around, you can enjoy the meals without tipping the scale.


When you sleep soundly your body begins to heal itself. When you have trouble falling asleep or don’t get enough rest, it takes a toll on your body. Luckily, there are ways to improve your sleep habits by creating a nightly routine, which includes activities like taking a hot bath with lavender or drinking a tea with chamomile.

Eliminating bad habits, eating healthy, exercising and getting the proper amount of rest will go a long way to helping you enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle.

Beers That Can Actually Be Good for Your Health

It’s common knowledge that certain food groups are good for health and well-being. Proteins and carbohydrates help supply energy. Fibres aid digestion and repair muscles. However, did you know that beer could be good for your health?

Most people believe that beer is disadvantageous because it induces weight gain, and this is true especially when consumed in large quantities. However, studies have shown that moderate beer consumption might actually be good for the body. Here are some of the benefits highlighted by studies:

  1. Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease: People who consume beer are 23% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as research shows. This could be attributed to its high trace of silicon content and the protective effects it has on the brain. It could also be because of its influence on the body’s cholesterol levels and how they increase blood flow to the brain.
  2. Higher levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL): HDL is responsible for transporting cholesterol in the body, and for removing low-density lipoprotein from the artery walls. Evidence suggests that frequent beer consumption for years can reduce the decline rate of HDL. This will, in turn, reduce the harmful effects of cholesterol and lower the risk of heart diseases. (1)
  3. Increased supply of protein and B vitamins: Beer contains substantial amounts of proteins, which help in energy supply and bodybuilding. They also contain B vitamins that impact cell metabolism and brain function.
  4. Protection from free radicals: Free radicals are molecules that can bind and damage body cells, leading to ageing symptoms like wrinkles. Even though a small quantity of free radicals is tolerable for the body, large quantities can really do damage to the body system. However, alcohol consumers have nothing to worry about, as studies show that beer contains antioxidants that bind and help eliminate free radicals from the body. (2)
  5. Reduced risk of diabetes: Research has revealed that beer can actually reduce the risk of diabetes. This is contrary to the widespread knowledge that it causes diabetes. The study found that people who drank beer three to four times a week were less likely to have type 2 diabetes than people who didn’t.
  6. Protected cognitive function: Polyphenols, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids, benefit the body by reducing the risks of heart disease and protecting cognitive function.

The studies emphasize that drinking in moderation is essential to get all the benefits that come with beer and alcohol. Dietary guidelines for alcohol consumption include one drink per day. The center for disease control defines one drink as “containing 14 grams (0.6 fl oz) of pure alcohol,” or “12 fluid ounces of regular beer (5% alcohol),” and ” 1.5 fluid ounces of 80 proof- distilled spirits (40% alcohol).”

All of this is good news for regular drinkers. The next time you want to enjoy a pint of beer and some salted peanuts, you can rest easy knowing that it may just be prolonging your life.(3)

Food, Mood and Well-Being: How to Eat for Happiness

Happiness is one of those abstract things that doesn’t have a scientific way of measuring it, and yet everyone always seems to be striving for more of it. Here in the United States it seems as though happiness is something that is falling despite people’s efforts to raise it. According to a United Nations report, the United States sits at #18 in the world for happiness, with European countries sitting on top of the list. So, what is the solution? What is the secret to happiness?

Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer, but there is plenty of research that points to food as being a huge factor in a person’s overall well-being and their mood. In fact, you can actually eat your way to happiness in a way, not in volume but in picking foods that do your mind and body good. Here are some food-related tips and advice that can help turn your mood around and leave you feeling happier in life.

Choose Foods That Are High in Dopamine

Dopamine is a really interesting organic chemical that is found in everyone. It is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for carrying signals between the brain cells. It plays a massive role in your everyday behaviors in either a positive way, or a negative way when you have an imbalance happening.

As discussed on Vitamonk in a blog regarding dopamine and how to increase it, when a person lacks dopamine they are more likely to be moody, unmotivated, have sleep issues, have a sense of laziness, feel hopeless, feel fidgety, have problems focusing, and have issues remembering things. All of these symptoms will obviously have a huge negative impact on your level of happiness. So as the blog discusses, by elevating your level of dopamine, you’ll start to see those symptoms ease up and even disappear.

One of the best and most natural ways to increase your level of dopamine is by choosing foods that are high in the chemical. These foods tend to be high in protein. Examples include chicken, eggs, salmon, avocados, turkey, beets, fish, almonds, nuts, beans, and cheese. As well, you want to cut back on sugar and choose things like honey and stevia extra if you need that sweetness instead.

Fill Up On Plants

Another rule to follow if you’re looking to improve your level of happiness is to increase the amount of plants that you eat. This means a significant boost in the amount of vegetables you are eating. Not only are they rich in antioxidants that will fight off diseases, they also have a strong effect on your mood. There have been studies done on the topic that show that when you increase your vegetable consumption, anxiety, depression, mood, and other mental health issues decrease.

Make Sure You are Fueling Your Brain Cells

Another useful tip is to ensure you are fueling your brain cells. This is done through carbohydrates, but not just any kind; you want to choose the complex carbohydrates. These are the carbs that you find in whole grains, vegetables, and fruit.

Complex carbohydrates work by slowly releasing glucose into your body. What this does is act as a mood stabilizer so you won’t suffer from those dips and peaks.

Simple carbohydrates are completely different as they release a quick feeling of happiness and will trick you into feeling satisfied, but then you will feel a big dip not long after. These types of carbs are typically found in high-sugar drinks and snacks.

When it comes to carbs, the key is to think about what will give the most lasting benefits rather than that short-lived high.

Don’t Forget Your Gut Health

Then there is your gut health, which is becoming more and more of a focus for doctors and the research community. It turns out that probiotics and prebiotics work in the same way as an anti-depressant. That’s not to say that you should stop taking your medication, it just shows how important it is to have a healthy stomach. It affects your reactions, your appetite, and your emotions. Probiotics and prebiotics can be found in cheese, yogurt, and fermented foods just to name a few.

Yes, You Can Eat Your Way to Happiness

So, as more and more research is released on just how much of an effect food has on a person’s mood, it becomes clear that you can indeed eat your way to happiness.

This Goes To My Future Daughter-In-Law

Dear daughter-in-law,

I am sitting on the sofa while the cutest baby is sprawled across my lap. He likes to gently touch my neck when I rock him to sleep. And he always falls asleep holding his favorite rattle in his tiny hand. And when I hear him gently say “mama,” my heart melts.

He’s my soul. He’s my everything. He’s my son.

My son and your husband.

When this letter reaches your hands, you’ll just have said those powerful words “I do” and sworn to love my son forever.

There’s still time for that, but I want you to know that I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.

I may not believe in soulmates, but I truly believe in perfect matches made by God. I believe in matches that He creates with a specific purpose, both for each of you individually and together as a couple. I believe in matches like you and my son – matches that are destined to be together and that no force can separate.

Although I still don’t know what your story is, I believe that the story you and my son are going to write together is going to be perfect. It’s going to be a story based on true and unconditional love and support, trust, loyalty, and faith. It’s going to be a story that you’ll be glad is yours.

I pray that you’ll be an amazing wife to my boy. I pray that your soul will be as pure and beautiful as your face. I pray that you’ll love each other with the same intensity every day.

I pray that you’ll treat each other with kindness, compassion, respect, and dignity as God commands.

I pray that one day, you two will become parents yourselves and watch your kids grow.

And I also want to say that there will be days when you disagree with my son and face problems in your marriage. There will be days when you think that marriage is very difficult. But when that happens, I want you to remember that there’s nothing that love, patience, and forgiveness can’t conquer.

So, keep these words in your mind. Engrave them on your heart and never doubt the plan God has for you two.