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This Is Why The Girl Who “Hates” Everyone Is The Best Partner

She appears like she hates everyone. She appears distant, haughty, and inconsiderate. But she isn’t. She appears these ways only on the outside. Because on the inside, she has a heart of gold. She possesses a unique personality that makes her stand out from the rest.

Are you wondering what makes her the best partner as well? Well, then continue reading:

1. She’s loyal.

This girl would never cheat on you. She values honesty and loyalty the most and she has no time for playing games. Besides that, dating one guy is completely enough for her.

2. She’s mature.

This girl is mentally and intellectually mature. She’s in total control over her actions and she certainly knows how to manage her emotions.

When she’s upset or angry, she doesn’t let her emotions get the best of her. Instead, she deals with the issue calmly and maturely.

3. She hates small talk.

She has no time to waste on superficial, empty talk and gossip. She’ll never bring up a topic unless she has something smart, useful, and interesting to share with you.

Being in a relationship with this kind of girl means having the privilege to enjoy intelligent, stimulating, and interesting conversations – conversations that will broaden your perspectives on the world and intellectually challenge you.

4. She’ll give you space.

This girl understands that every person needs to have me time. She’ll enjoy spending time with you and she’ll always find a way to make time for you, but you’ll never feel smothered by her.

This means that whether it’s working overtime, hanging out with your friends, or practicing a hobby, you’ll have plenty of time to do it.

5. She’s honest.

This girl always tells it like it is. She doesn’t beat around the bush or sugarcoat unpleasant, hard truths so as to make them less painful. She’ll always tell you the truth, no matter how harsh it may be.

Additionally, she has no problem expressing her feelings. Whether she feels upset, sad, angry, or afraid, she’ll never pretend like everything is okay – she’ll let you know it instead.

6. She chases her dreams.

She knows what she wants in life and how to get it. She has clear goals and works hard to achieve them. She believes in herself and she’s relentless in the pursuit of her dreams.

Being in a relationship with this kind of girl means having someone who’ll always believe in your abilities and strength and motivate you to pursue your goals and dreams, no matter how unrealistic they might seem to everyone else.

7. She has amazing friends.

She can’t stand selfish, jealous, fake people, so she makes sure she stays away from such individuals. She tries to surround herself with honest, supportive, positive people that she knows she can always trust.

So, if you ever have the privilege to be in a relationship with this kind of woman, know that you’ll always be surrounded by genuine, positive people.

8. If she truly loves you, she’ll make sure you know it.

She’ll never make you question her feelings for you because she’ll wear her heart on her sleeve. This girl is not afraid of love and to be loved. And if you’re lucky enough to enter her heart and be loved by her, don’t doubt that she’ll let you know it.

My Anxiety Sometimes Makes Me Feel Like I’m Losing My Sense Of Self

The well-known American author Arthur Somers Roche said: “Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” 

And he couldn’t be more right. Because I’ve felt what anxiety can do to your mind, body, and life.

Therefore, I’ll take the liberty of broadening this definition by saying that anxiety is not just a “thin stream of fear trickling through the mind,” but also a monster that lurks behind every thought, feeling, and action of mine.

Anxiety is like a huge burden that I’m trying my best to shake, but I never succeed. There are times when I manage to remove just a small part of its weight and before I know it, it all comes back stronger and more intense.

I am so tired of fighting with this monster. I am so tired of trying to be strong and control my anxious thoughts. I am so tired of pretending like everything is okay.

I’m tired of spending my days worrying that something bad might happen to me as soon as I leave my house and go out. I’m tired of doubting every decision I make and myself.

I’m tired of saying no to my friends when they ask me to go to parties with them because I fear I might say or do something wrong or stupid and embarrass myself.

I’m tired of creating all kinds of scenarios about the reasons why my fiancé hasn’t come home from work yet.

I’m tired of feeling overwhelmed, worried, afraid, and drained all the time.

I’m tired of battling with this sneaky monster, called anxiety, all the time.

And the hardest thing for me is that I’m not the only one who is suffering. My loved ones are facing this nightmare as well.

They all feel the emotional pain I’m struggling with – my parents, my friends, my fiancé.

My fiancé. The person who is the kindest and most compassionate and caring towards me. The person who is trying his best to understand how I’m feeling and what I’m going through.

And I can’t help but feel like I let him down every time my anxiety reaches its peak.

“Hey, darling, why don’t we go to the movies after we finish lunch,” he asked me the other day.

“I can’t.  I can’t,” I retorted. “I have so many things to do.”

“But honey, chores can wait. Plus, we haven’t been to the movies for months. It’d be a great way to have fun and relax. Okay?” He said.

I flew off the handle and raged at him: “No, I can’t because I have to clear the table and then clean the kitchen. Then I have to vacuum the carpets and iron a huge pile of clothes. Oh, and I also have to go to the supermarket because we are out of coffee. Ugh, damn it, I won’t be able to do all this today!” I sat on the sofa and started crying.

A couple of seconds passed before I felt his hands around me and heard him whisper to me: “It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not angry at you. It’s just I feel so tired. I’m sick of doing everything and feeling like I can’t finish anything,” I said.

“But, you don’t have to do all this now. Leave some of the chores for tomorrow. They’re not going anywhere,” he said.

“That’s the problem, THEY’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!” I retorted. “I’ll have to do them tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and…”

“Shh, it’s all right. I’ll clear the table and wash the dishes and you do the ironing. And then lay down a little bit and try to calm your anxiety. Breathe deeply and take as much time as you need to rest. And then if you still want to do the rest of the chores, I’ll help you with them, and if you don’t, we’ll leave them for tomorrow,” he said.

And that was it.

Have you ever found yourself in this situation before? Please, say yes so that I know I’m not alone.

You see, I’m tired of trying so hard to keep everything in order at home and worrying all the time that I won’t be able to do it.

But I’m also gradually learning, of course, with the help of my fiancé and parents, to control my anxious thoughts. I’m learning to ignore the unreasonable worries and fears that pop into my mind.

I’m learning how not to listen to my anxious thoughts and how to focus more on finding my sense of self.

8 Mental Health Tips You Might Need Right Now

The purpose of this article is to give you tips for handling whatever problem you’re going through – from stress or family, shadow archetype, financial, or relationship issues to mental health disorders.

Dr. Shairi Turner, an Internist and Pediatrician, who is also the chief medical officer of Crisis Text Line, which is a free support line for people in crisis, has given 8 useful mental health tips that can help those in crisis cope with whatever problem or pain they’re going through now.

Here they are:

1. Whether you’ll choose to take action or do nothing in times of crisis, don’t worry – both reactions are fine.

Dr. Turner says: “Everyone has a different threshold.” If you want to help yourself or others deal with a problem, but don’t feel mentally, physically, or emotionally ready for it, don’t feel guilty or ashamed of it.

Instead, make sure you’re in a perfect physical and mental condition before doing your best to help yourself or others.

2. You should never feel guilty for having strong, negative emotions.

You might feel sad, depressed, anxious, angry, or afraid, and that’s fine. You have the right to feel these ways.

Negative feelings are a part of life and they can’t be avoided. Therefore, you should never feel ashamed or guilty of having them. Additionally, you should never try to suppress them or let them consume you. Just let them come, embrace them, and then let them go.

3. Always keep in mind that when you feel desensitized in times of crisis, this doesn’t mean you’re indifferent or inconsiderate.

Dr. Turner explains: “Shutting down prevents being triggered by past experiences, having an anxiety attack, or becoming hyper-vigilant.”

So, if you feel numb when going through a rough patch in life, don’t take this as a sign that there’s something wrong with you. This can show that both your body and brain are going into protection mode.

4. Always remember that if you’ve already experienced trauma or tragedy, negative, painful events can be quite triggering.

Always keep in mind that if you’ve already dealt with high emotional stress or anxiety or suffered from a disease, you’re more prone to having strong emotional reactions to events similar to these.

Negative, painful events can remind you of your past traumatic experiences and cause you to feel the same emotional pain.

So, if this ever happens to you, make sure you are kind, calm, and patient with yourself.

5. Control what information appears in your newsfeed.

Living in an era of social media, we’re daily exposed to information related to all kinds of violent, disturbing things happening around the world. Such upsetting, traumatic events can be triggering even if you haven’t experienced them firsthand.

Therefore, you need to limit the amount of this kind of information that shows up in your newsfeed. And if you happen to notice tragic news on TV, don’t hesitate to change the channel.

6. If you want to stay informed all the time, make sure this is strategic, so that you don’t neglect your other needs.

Make sure you don’t let the time you spend on your computer or watching the news on TV prevent you from taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Make sure you have healthy eating habits and set aside enough time to exercise, walk in nature, and socialize with others.

Here are 3 easy ways you can stay updated but also take care of your overall being at the same time:

– Set a time limit, i.e. designate certain times of the day when you’re going to watch TV or surf the Net.

– Skim through your newsfeed. Decide what news really interests you or is worth reading and skip the less important one.

– Read or watch the news at the end of the day. In this way, you’ll manage to be more productive during the day.

7. Practice self-care.

Self-care has a different meaning for everyone. Therefore, you need to make sure you find out what makes you feel good and fills you with positive energy, and devote more time to it.

Whether it’s sleeping long hours, eating cakes, binge-watching movies, going to beauty salons, hanging out with your friends, or you name it, ensure you take the time to do it.  

8. Whatever you’re going through, talk about it to someone.

Dr. Turner says: “People should allow themselves to experience whatever they’re experiencing and know that no feeling is the wrong feeling. But they should also know when what they’re experiencing is too much for themselves to handle alone.”

Therefore, if you’re struggling with problems or pain, try with TMS TAMPA approved by the FDA. Whether it’s a family member, friend, co-worker, partner, or therapist, let all your problems and worries out of you.

Just the mere act of sharing your problem with another person can feel really relieving and soothing, and if someone knows how to help you, that’s even better.

5 Behaviors You Need To Avoid To Build Lasting And Satisfying Relationships

We all want to feel that our relationship with the man/woman we love the most is special and not just some chance occurrence. And this seems fine. But this can turn into a big problem for those who think that their relationship is perfect just the way it is and that they and their partner don’t have to work at it.

But the truth is that there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every couple, at one time or another, is faced with difficult challenges, problems, and disappointments.

A relationship can never be meaningful, happy, and long-lasting if both partners don’t invest an equal amount of time and effort in it; if both partners aren’t mindful of the way they treat each other; and if both partners aren’t willing to work to help each other solve their problems, both relationship and personal, to gain skills, and to nurture their relationship.

Working at a relationship doesn’t only involve displaying certain kinds of behaviors – it also involves avoiding the negative ones.

Because the truth is that we often show behaviors (unknowingly or deliberately) that make us and our partners grow apart and our love fade.

So, if you want to save yourself from this and also ensure you enjoy a satisfying, deep, and lasting relationship, make sure you avoid the following  behaviors:

1. Not putting effort in the relationship.

If you think that the love you and your partner feel for each other will grow on its own or that your relationship problems will magically disappear, kind of the way it happened to Cinderella, whose sad life was suddenly transformed by her prince, know that this will only make you grow apart and cause the relationship to break down.

What you need to understand is that a good, satisfying, long-lasting relationship comes from effort and from working through unavoidable differences. It’s wrong to think that if you need to work at your relationship, there is something seriously wrong with it or that you and your partner weren’t meant to be together.

Just as the well-known relationship researcher John Gottman says: “Every marriage demands an effort to keep it on the right track; there is a constant tension … between the forces that hold you together and those that can tear you apart.”

2. Mind reading.

Thinking something like, “We’re like one person,” or “My bae and I should know what each of us thinks, feels, and needs,” is not proof of how much you love and know each other. On the contrary, it’s a sign of low-effort.

Mind reading is not what couples that are in healthy, happy, successful relationships practice, but open and meaningful communication.

3. Agreeing on everything.

It’s impossible for you and your partner to share all of each other’s opinions, views, and expectations. You two may love each other truly and deeply, but that doesn’t mean that you two have the same opinions and attitudes towards your relationship and life in general.

What you need to understand is that you and your partner have different backgrounds. You were raised differently. You were taught different values. You have different educational qualifications and careers.

Therefore, there’ll be many situations where you won’t agree with each other’s opinions and choices, and that’s normal. Yet, instead of agreeing on everything or criticizing each other for your opinions, you need to discuss things openly and work together to find a solution to whatever is bothering you – a solution that will be the most reasonable and best for both of you.

4. Blaming your partner for your problems.

There’s no such thing as a perfect person. We all have weaknesses, insecurities, and fears. We’ve all made mistakes and done something that has hurt another person’s feelings.

Unfortunately, when couples are faced with a problem in their relationship, it’s very easy for both partners to blame the other person for it.

But the truth is that blaming your partner for everything that goes wrong in the relationship and always pointing out their mistakes and flaws is a sure sign that you’re avoiding to take responsibility for your own mistakes and bad behavior.

What you need to understand is that your relationship can never be healthy, harmonious, and satisfying unless both you and your partner are willing to admit your own mistakes.

5. Competing with your partner.

No matter what you and your partner’s educational qualifications and jobs are, you two are equal and you should treat each other as such.

Competitions about who is smarter, more talented, more successful, and more likable have no place in a healthy, meaningful, successful relationship.

If you want to enjoy exactly this type of relationship, you need to make sure you don’t try to equal or surpass your partner in every skill. Instead, you should support them and show interest in their life.

Inspired by the book Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success by Carol S. Dweck, one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of motivation and a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University.

I Am Raising My Sons To Respect And Love Their Wives The Way They Love Me

I have two sons and I am raising them to respect and love their wives the way they love me.

I know that they won’t always be these cute, little boys. Time passes so fast and they’ll be grown, mature men before I can blink.

I know that one day, they’ll leave me for the women who’ll steal their hearts. They’ll be women who won’t have memories of their husbands when they were kids. Women who won’t have watched them grow up. Women who won’t know what they’ve been through.

They’ll be women who won’t know that I’ve given my best to help my two boys grow into healthy, responsible, kind, and honest men.

I know that one day, my sons will leave home and that’s okay.

But I need my two boys to know that their mother will always be there for them but I also need them to understand that their mom will not always be their one and only.

And that’s fine.

It is my duty as their mother to give them a life full of unconditional love and support and pleasant memories.

It’s my duty to be there for them whenever they need me. It’s my responsibility to be someone that they’ll know they can always rely on.

It’s my duty to help them establish goals, believe in themselves, and pursue their dreams.

It’s my duty to keep them from making mistakes and give them advice when they have to make important decisions and choices.

But it is not my duty to tell them who to love.

But when they choose the woman of their lives, I want my sons to care for and love their wives wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

I want my boys to love their wives freely and fully, without fearing that I may feel less loved. I want for each one of them to know that it’s okay for him to make his wife the center of his world. It’s okay for him to always be there for her and make her his one and only.

It is my duty to ensure that each of my sons never feels like he has to choose between his mother and wife. It’s my duty to ensure they never feel like they owe something to me or that loving their wives means they no longer love me.

I want them to know that they can love us both.

It’s my duty to raise each one of them to be the kind of man and husband his wife deserves. The kind of man who treats his wife with kindness, compassion, affection, and dignity. The kind of man who cherishes his wife and knows her worth.

It’s my duty to raise my sons to respect and love their wives the way they respect and love me.

It’s my duty to raise sons who will know the true importance of marriage and marriage vows.

It’s my duty to teach my sons the most important lesson of all – how to love.

Picking the Best Quality Hair Dryers and Using Them Securely 

Hair dryers like some other hot styling apparatuses must be utilized on the hair cautiously to stay away from genuine hair harms. With the rush to dry or style the hair, a large portion of the general population give less consideration to their hair that can in the long run clear path for different hair issues that ends up hopeless at a few cases. You may go over various kinds of dryers today with an assortment of highlights and functionalities that may bid you at the primary look itself. In any case, you ought to consider a few different components that are suitable for safe drying of your hair. The successive utilization of low quality apparatuses are found to carry with them genuine hair fall issues.

That understands for what reason to pick an excellent gadget that accompanies imaginative wellbeing https://www.bestadvisers.co.uk/travel-hair-dryers highlights for the security of your hair regardless of whether it cost somewhat more than the conventional styling pole. You will be pleased to possess a hair dryer that can offer you with the best outcome in the snappiest time without hurting your hair in the event that you know about choosing the best quality model from the market. In the event that you don’t know of what characteristics to look while picking a hair dryer that can offer protected and effective drying, at that point experience these focuses. 

The vast majority of the general population think about that the errand of hair dryers is simply limited to blow drying their hair. However, you can likewise utilize it for styling and loosening up your crimped and unmanageable hair when utilized legitimately. It causes you to abstain from utilizing a hair straightener on the hair as it works by creating lesser warmth than a hot styling device. You can likewise spare the requirement for purchasing another styling device for styling the hair as a dryer can fill for these two needs. In this way, while picking, search for the double reason hair dryer that can address your hair drying just as styling needs. The vast majority of the expert models are planned with numerous warmth setting highlights that can likewise help in setting twists in your hair. You ought to likewise look over the various connections that present with various hairstyling choices. Since individuals needs to convey their hair dryer with them when they are far from their nation for occasions or business visits, the cutting edge dryers are outfitted with cutting edge voltage connectors perfect for voyaging purposes. 

Step by step instructions to Choose the Right Hair Dryer 

There are numerous accessible hair dryers in the market today. The assortment makes it troublesome for people to pick one. To enable you to choose which hair dryer to buy, here are a few rules you can pick: 

  1. Wattage is essential on the grounds that suggests the intensity of your hair dryer. On the off chance that you are going to buy dryers with low wattage, hope to invest more energy drying your hair after you shower. The perfect decision is around 1750 to 1800 watts since it dries your hair quicker. You will require more watts on the off chance that you have thick wavy hair. In spite of the fact that the ionic hair dryers guarantee that they dry hair quicker, it will in any case rely upon the quantity of watts your dryer has. 
  1. Consider the kind of hair you have. In the event that you have fine or harmed hair, pick a dryer that has a low warmth level. Fine hair needs a gentler methodology since it can without much of a stretch break. In the event that your hair is wavy, buy a dryer that accompanies a diffuser. For this kind of hair, you won’t require solid wattage however in the event that you are offering the dryer to other people, think about the alternativehttps://www.youtube.comin number 1. 
  1. Check the warmth settings for better control. The various settings permit you alter the warmth in a dimension appropriate for your hair type. Search for the cool shot catch include too. This will help give your hair a precarious style by securing it once you are finished with the style. Ensure that it has a spout connection as well. It will enable you to dry the part you need to focus on quicker. 
  1. The heaviness of the hair dryer is another factor to take a gander at. Ensure that you can deal with the weight so it won’t deplete you while you do your hair.

10 Stylish Short Haircuts for Women with Thick Hair

Bombshell Short Haircuts for Thick Hair

If you have thick hair, you should count yourself among the blessed women since you will not have to deal with a lack of volume and depth in your hairstyles. However, with the blessings of thick hair comes the curse of a dry scalp. To combat this issue, there are several dry scalp treatment options available that you can try. Keeping your scalp hydrated and moisturized is key to maintaining healthy hair, and incorporating a regular dry scalp treatment routine can help with this.

Short haircuts appear sharper as compared to the longer haircuts. And if you have mastered the art of styling short haircut, you are on the right side, and you are likely to be the envy for many people due to your effortless look of your short style. Here are some of the best ideas for pixie, bob, or whatever short haircut version you want to rock this year.

  1. Short Layered Haircut.

Many ladies with thick locks who tried to go short never tell good stories. Nobody wants to go out looking like a rectangle. Layers are integral components for short to medium haircuts — no need to get rid of the volume. The style just requires the entire appealing shape.

  1. Short Sassy Bob.

Short haircuts for thick hair appear great when the hair is straightened. Choosing the sleek blowout during the styling process ensures that any natural volume and dimension gets counterbalanced.

 The layers are kept short at the back and on the sides for a chic, flirty and fun style.

  1. Layered Cut For Thick Hair.

A layered bob, also known as graduated bob is an excellent way to tame your thick hair. Instead of becoming messed up when exposed to dump situation, this haircut develops in a workable volume rather than in unworkable frizz. Ensure that you apply gel immediately you come from the shower to encourage excellent texture.

  1. Smooth Bob.

This short haircut looks gorgeous on women with wavy hair. Rather than choosing bangs, opt for layers at the front that become feathered as you approach the back. This gives this hairstyle super movement and flow. The layers at the bottom are maintained at one length, making this cute hairstyle stylish and sophisticated as well.

  1. Angled Bob Haircut.

This elegant haircut eliminates all excessive thickness out of your super short tresses and transforms it into a cute rounded haircut with beautifully and carefully cut layers. It is beautiful and modern, a sight to hold on to! Why it is kept short enough for easy and fun styling, it is also extended enough to hold it up using a band if necessary.

  1. Short Bob Haircut with Tapered Back.

This short hairstyle can only be described the best using two classic words-sleek and stylish. It is a straight bob that incorporates rounded silhouette and tapered back. It is sharply trimmed at the back of the neck and then subtly feathered to cover the ears completely. The chocolate brown hue incorporated is full bodied and gives a great shine.

  1. Messy Inverted Bob and Highlights.

Are you lucky to have natural waves? Opt for a messy short haircut for your thick hair. The hair is stacked at the back and then left hairy all the way. This is the best-inverted bob style meant for creative and bold women who are ready to experiment with everything that comes along their way.

The dark brown colour with light auburn highlights keeps it well tamed.

  1. Beautiful Shaped Crop.

Do you want an excellently shaped short haircut? Well, this hairstyle is a quick fix for women with short hair. Straightforward to style but stunningly sexy at the same time. The extended side bangs give you flattering face-framing layers. The back is maintained short and sassy.

  1. Ash Blonde and Black Pixie Bob.

This hair colour combo is a beautiful solution in short haircuts for ladies with thick hair. It doesn’t only accentuate your generous manes, but it also creates contrasts that match every season!

 However, you should ensure that you don’t deviate from the same shade undertone (cool, neutral or warm) for an entirely exciting and cohesive colour combination. It is a fantastic colour combination you should really try this year. Nice styling!

5 Activities That Will Boost Your Physical Activity At Any Age

Nobody can deny the benefits of physical exercise. It keeps your heart healthy, improves your mood, sleeps, and it keeps you strong. However, with our lives becoming increasingly busy, it can be hard to prioritize staying active. This article lists some of the ways you can exercise while still having fun; no matter your age, activity level, physical ability or overall lifestyle.


Yoga or pilates can be an invigorating way to exercise that brings together levels of meditative breathing and stretching. You also have direct control over the intensity of the activity, making it appropriate for those of any age and skill level. It is less taxing on your muscles compared to other types of exercises, and is also a great way to workout with others and build relationships.


Dancing is often overlooked as a healthy activity; don’t let this fool you though, because dancing is also an effective way to burn calories and get your heart rate up. From the energetic salsa and swing, to simply swaying to Big Band. Dance classes are also a great way to meet new people, but it is also an enjoyable activity for large groups and special occasions. This is a common event at senior living communities, meaning those of all ages can participate.


Swimming is a great option for maintaining heart health and muscle tone, a much like yoga, you have direct control over the intensity of the workout. Whether you want to swim laps, casually doggy paddle, take a water aerobics class, or play a game of water Marco Polo, there’s a water activity for everyone. Being in the water has the added benefit of being low-impact on your joints, and indoor pools can be a nice respite from the winter weather.

Lawn Bowling or Bocce Ball

Bocce ball, sometimes anglicized to bocci ball, has a long recreational history across Europe especially in Italy and the eastern Adriatic nations. It’s a great mix of physical activity and strategy that is appropriate for all ages. Lawn bowling is a similar activity more suited to winter, as there are usually both indoor and outdoor courts available. Also equipped with a long history, primarily in Britain, lawn bowling is another great option for all ages and skill levels.

Snowshoeing & Cross-Country Skiing

If you have access to a snowy landscape and the right equipment, cross-country skiing is a great winter option to get in some physical activity. Don’t confuse cross-country with more intensive types of skiing. Unlike downhill skiing, cross-country skiing is less impactful on your joints but is still a great option for cardio and muscle toning. It also has the added benefit of serving up some beautiful scenery!

Getting your daily physical activity doesn’t have to be a chore. There are many fun activities that can be completed by people of all ages and at all skill levels. We hope that this list gives you some ideas for physical activities that will maintain and improve your health, and perhaps make some friends and have fun along the way!

Dogs, CBD, and Seizures

Approximately five percent of all dogs suffer from seizures. Watching your furry friend experience a seizure can be awful for dog owners, especially if you are still struggling to find some form of medication that works. Many pet owners have come across studies and anecdotal evidence discussing the benefits of CBD in treating seizures in humans, making them wonder if it is an effective treatment for canines as well.

What Are Canine Seizures?

Seizures are a neurological disorder, often the result of canine epilepsy. The signs and symptoms of a canine seizure depend on its degree. Dogs experiencing severe seizures may shake uncontrollably, have fits, or may even lose consciousness. A subtle seizure is often accompanied by hyperventilation, being “zoned out,” or blinking rapidly. Regardless of the severity, your dog may also collapse, droll excessively, foam at the mouth, lose bowel or bladder control, and twitch. Most seizures last anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.

How Can They be Treated?

Unfortunately, there are not many safe treatment options for dogs. Most of them, including the administration of anticonvulsant drugs like diazepam and potassium bromide, cause serious side effects. These effects may include increased anxiety, weight gain, and anemia. In addition, you may have to be extremely careful about what foods your dog eats. Something as minor as salt could interact with your dog’s medication, causing a severe reaction. Even worse is the fact that nearly 30 percent of dogs who are put on this harsh treatment regime still suffer from seizures. 

Does CBD Help?

Scientists and agencies like the American Epilepsy Society also recommend CBD oil to help treat seizures in humans. This treatment has a 45 percent success rate in humans without any of the drawbacks associated with stronger substances. Since dogs and humans have a very similar endocannabinoid system, CBD oil is also an effective treatment for canine epilepsy. In fact, there is a study currently being conducted by DogDreamCBD to examine the way CBD provides relief for dogs. Researchers hope that once the study is concluded and the results published, it can popularize this treatment, making it the standard one for dogs with epilepsy.

There is no pain quite like watching your beloved dog suffer through a seizure. Learning more about the effectiveness of CBD on canine epilepsy can help you find a better treatment method for your dog, one with fewer side effects and a higher success rate.

Why You Should Review Your Health Insurance Policy Every Year

Health insurance shouldn’t just be bought once and then forgot about. The policy is one of the most important support structures you’ll have and you want to make sure it’s always the right thing for you. Reviewing your health insurance is actually so crucial that you should do it every single year.

You might be missing out on savings and discounts

One of the major reasons to review your health insurance policy every year is to do with the simple cost-saving effect of it. You might be paying for a policy that you could actually get a lot cheaper. You don’t want to be wasting money, right?

Health insurance companies always offer savings and discounts to attract new clients. But sometimes these same savings and offers might also be available to existing customers. However, the insurance providers don’t automatically hand these out – if you don’t ask for it and renegotiate your policy, you won’t get to enjoy the savings.

In addition, you don’t always get penalised for switching your health insurance provider. This means that by reviewing and comparing different options annually, you could actually find a policy that is cheaper than your current one. You might even find a deal that providers more coverage than your current one for the same price, or even cheaper! Therefore, financially, you are going to make a lot of savings by simply taking a bit of time to review your policy.

Your needs might have changed

Healthcare needs don’t tend to stay constant throughout our lives. The fact of the matter is that you change and your health changes. The change can happen for a variety of reasons. You might be going through a period of depression or you might have suddenly started living a healthier lifestyle. You might even be planning to start a family!

These all mean that your health insurance needs are unlikely to remain static. You might require something more from your insurance or perhaps you need less of something. This can mean that your coverage is simply not adequate for your needs or you are paying for things you’re never even going to need. It’s important to assess the situation annually to guarantee your health insurance is still going to help you in the right way.

You’ve forgotten about your rights and responsibilities

It’s also rather easy to forget about your plan and what is actually there to do. If you are healthy, you might not have thought about your insurance after you bought it. This might mean you don’t use it properly – perhaps you’re not utilising the free health check-ups you could be taking or other benefits you might not be fully using. This means you are paying up for nothing and perhaps not even looking after your health as well as you should.

On the other hand, it’s also important to understand your responsibilities to guarantee you don’t end up being penalised later down the line. For example, are you paying the correct amounts and providing your health insurance company with the information they need? There are many things like this that you simply want to remind yourself about and by reviewing your health insurance policy, you get to do this.

Furthermore, this type of annual review is a good way to ensure your policy is correct and error-free. Look for even the most mundane of mistakes, such as typos, because correcting these can ensure you don’t end up with problems later down the line.

How to review your health insurance policy?

As the above shows, it’s crucial to do this kind of work annually and to review your health insurance policy. It will save you money and guarantees you’re getting exactly what you want and need. So how should you go about the review?

It’s a good idea to pick a date on your calendar and leave a few hours of the day to go over your policy. Don’t keep pushing it away or postponing it – the quicker you do it the better. A good review plan would see you:

  • First go over the current policy. Check it for errors and coverage – is it what you need or not?
  • Compare health insurance companies online and see what kind of policies are available for you?
  • Do cost calculations and contact companies for a quote if you want to.
  • If you think there’s a better deal out there, contact your policy provider and talk to them about what you’ve found. They might offer you a better deal.
  • See what option is the best and switch your health insurance or update your current plan if you have to.
  • Set a date for next year!

The benefits of doing a review each year are obvious. If you get into the habit of doing this kind of work, it won’t feel like a big deal and the possible savings will definitely bring a smile to your face. Perhaps you could even use them to treat yourself to something nice afterwards!