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The 4 Types Of Soulmates And How To Recognize Each One


“A soulmate is the one person whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, of awakening.” – Kenny Loggins

You most probably think that a soulmate is every romantic partner you’ll meet, but, in fact, there’s much more to it. A soulmate is someone who mirrors your soul and propels you forward on your journey.

A soulmate is someone who can enter your life when you expect it the least. And when they do, you feel like you’ve known them forever. You connect with them on a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual level. And through that deep, powerful connection, your experiences expand on all levels.

If you’re able to recognize the types of soulmates you meet during the course of your life, this can help you take full advantage of those experiences and build meaningful and powerful connections.

Here are the four types of soulmates and how you can recognize each one:

1. Twin flames.

If you have a friend with whom you feel like you can read each other’s minds and like there’s a strong magnetism between you, know that you’re looking at your twin flame.

Not everyone is lucky enough to meet their twin flame in their lifetime. Although the relationship with this kind of soulmate can often be intense and turbulent, it also gives you a sense of wholeness and fulfilment.

When you have this kind of soulmate in your life, you don’t want to be apart and you’re willing to learn about and accept each other no matter how different you are.

The most important thing you need to know about the relationship with a twin flame is that compromise and mutual understanding, trust, and respect is everything. If both of you stick to this, your relationship will undeniably last a lifetime.

2. Healing soulmates.

These are the people that enter your life so as to teach you valuable lessons about life and enable you to learn from their mistakes and move on more easily when you hit a rough patch in life.

They do this by mirroring you in order for you to see your reflection in them and recognize your flaws.

Healing soulmates cross your path at the exact time when you need them the most and also when you’re most ready to receive the lesson they bring.  

Usually, these relationships don’t last forever. And as it is the case with other relationships, the relationship with a healing soulmate, be it a romantic partner or friend, will only work if you have mutual respect and understanding.

However, the most important thing is that even if the relationship doesn’t last forever, it’ll be worthwhile.

3. Past-Life Soulmates.

This type of soulmate is someone you’ve already known in some of your past lives. Therefore, this kind of relationship feels comfortable and relaxed.

When you meet this type of soulmate, there’s an instant, powerful connection, and you have the feeling that you’ve known the person for all your life. And due to that connection and the way you feel about them, you may even feel like you’ll be friends forever. And know that you’re most probably right.

The relationship with a past-life soulmate isn’t conditioned by time and distance and it is likely to last a lifetime.

This kind of relationship is special because, with your past-life soulmate, you’ll feel free to be yourself. You’ll feel comfortable to speak your mind and share your fears, problems, and secrets with them. They’ll help you fulfil your dreams and move forward in your life.

A past-life soulmate will enter your life when you’re truly yourself and you don’t hide behind any masks. They’ll never back down on their purpose to help you create the life of your dreams and achieve your ambitions.

4. Karmic soulmates.

Just like the past-life soulmates, these people are connected to you through your past life. The connection with a karmic soulmate is pretty deep and it might even be painful.

The reason for this is that the relationship with a karmic soulmate involves a lot of struggles with your ego so that you understand your ego more and learn how to endure the suffering and overcome it.

Karmic soulmates are very similar to having a twin. For example, when the emotions get intense, you’ll feel the same thing they’re feeling.

If you want to nurture your relationship with this type of soulmate, you need to make sure you’re always supportive and kind to them. And most importantly, you need to make sure you don’t let your ego get in the way as this can cause trouble and ruin your relationship.


I Love You Enough Not To Fulfill All Your Wishes

My son sat on the bed in his room, sulking, because I wouldn’t take him to the store to buy a new toy.

“You know I love you,” I said to him as I turned to leave the room. “And, I am really sorry that you can’t have everything you want.”

“Just because you won’t allow me to have everything I want,” he retorted.

“No, sweetie, it’s because I love you,” I said gently. “I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.”

He rolled his eyes, evidently annoyed and unwilling to accept what I just told him, and asked me to leave him alone. So, I went out of the room and closed the door behind me.

Undoubtedly, he was pretty annoyed, but it is true – I do love him enough to not fulfil all his wishes.

I love him from the bottom of my heart. He’s my soul. He’s my everything. But I won’t give him everything he wants.

And when he feels ready to talk to me again, here is what I’m going to tell him:

My child, I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll feel content when you have nothing more than what you need.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that yearning for more doesn’t make you unaware of everything you already have in life.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you live for real values, and not for material things.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that all material, unimportant, and transient things around you never outweigh the real values in life.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that your wishes don’t get so strong that you start ignoring and disregarding the needs of others.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll find contentment and joy in giving, not just receiving.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you don’t just spend, but contribute as well.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll show respect and consideration for other people’s needs, wishes, and problems, not just for your own.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you can learn that things don’t always go the way we planned and wanted.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll be prepared for a world which is full of disappointments.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll be grateful even in times of scarcity.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll learn how to be patient and hopeful.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you’ll learn how to work hard and know how important this is as well.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you will learn how to sacrifice your needs and wishes for your own good and for the good of other people.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that you can learn that genuine contentment and peace of mind don’t come from having it all, but from giving your all.

I love you enough not to fulfil all your wishes.

So that one day you’ll understand that you already have everything that truly matters in life.

I love you, my child, but even if I could fulfil all your wishes I wouldn’t. Yes, I wouldn’t. Why?

Because it is my duty to help you grow into someone who respects others and yourself as well. Someone who is willing to make sacrifices for his own good and the good of other people. Someone who knows the value of hard work.

It is my duty to help you grow into someone who values hard work and self-sacrifice more than self-indulgence. Someone whose life is so full of love, compassion, grace, mercy, and faith that you will have plenty of it to give to others.

I love you, my child, but I know that you won’t blossom and become the best version of yourself if I always fulfil your wishes.

I love you, my child, and although I won’t give you everything you want, I promise you that I’ll make sure you find your life purpose and live a meaningful, satisfying life.

Inspirational Things You Should Do to Boost Your Studies

Even the best learning materials in the world won’t make you excited about school. You won’t have a desire of working hard if you don’t have any motivation. Inspiration, whether internal or external will help boost your studies. It’s a significant determinant of your success throughout your school life, and your teachers can play a crucial role in motivating you. But again, you can’t rely only on them. Some very educated and kind teachers don’t have the skills needed to inspire kids. Moreover, they may not know what motivates each student.

It’s natural to wonder how a teacher can spur scholars to work hard when the motivation for each of them is different. Well, below are 21 methods that can help encourage them.

  1. Give Students a Sense of Control

A teacher’s guidance is essential when it comes to doing studies. However, enabling students to decide on their own and be under control over some classroom activities is vital. The teacher can allow them choose the type of assignments to do. They will feel trusted and learn how to become responsible. As a result, you will raise their motivation. Moreover, they will be inspired to study hard and prove you that they are mature enough to take responsibility.

  1. Define the objectives

Without clearly defined goals, students cannot be motivated to finishing their home or class work. After all, they have nothing to lose or gain at the end of it. Scholars will always want goals to achieve in every activity to get propelled. Set these objectives clearly. Such a strategy will eliminate confusion and make them understand what goals to achieve by the end of the year.

  1. Create a Threat-Free Environment

Student’s motivation thrives well in a safe and supportive environment. A teacher should keep affirming them that they do not doubt their ability to achieve the set goals.  

  1. Change Your Scenery

A change of environment can greatly trigger other changes. For example, if last year a student underperformed in a particular subject, it’s likely that they will feel more motivated doing the same subject in a different environment. Allow them to study in a library on their own, or you can arrange with another teacher to interchange classrooms. Besides, invite guest speakers to teach them specific topics. In addition, if you teach English online to Chinese students, you can consider using videos instead of the Skype conversations they are used to.

  1. Offer Varied Experiences

As mentioned above, scholars are motivated differently. Some like reading on their own, others work best in groups and others will understand excellently as the professor teaches in class. If you want to spur all students equally, then mix up the lessons. For example, during one lesson let students form discussion groups and tackle various topics, and next time allow them to study on their own. This way, all students will become motivated equally.

  1. Use Positive Competition

Contesting in class work is sometimes healthy and motivating, but not always. Encourage students to adopt a spirit of healthy competition, maybe through team games outside the classroom. Find out inspirational things that will drive them to study hard. For example, they can form baseball teams that compete with each other.  Teach them to hug their opponents after a game, and this spirit will automatically be transferred to classroom competition.

  1. Offer Rewards

Everybody loves getting a reward after hard work. Rewarding those who excel well in assignments can greatly motivate students to work hard. Things such as some cookies, shopping vouchers or a blazer written “excellent performer,” can motivate others to work hard as well. However, different personalities have different preferences, so consider each student’s personality to match it with the reward.

  1. Give Students Responsibility

Assigning classroom work to students can significantly create a community and a sense of responsibility.  They will then view assignments as a responsibility instead of a burden and will work towards meeting expectations. The students will create a sense of importance and value to one another by helping each other.

  1. Allow Students to Work Together

Though not all students will appreciate working in groups, at least a half of the class will enjoy solving problems with peers. This social interaction will help them see each other as a family and therefore become motivated to help one another in attaining their goals.

  1. Give Praise When Earned

Praise can greatly encourage students to work better. We all yearn for approval as well as recognition, and young scholars are not an exception. You can choose to reward students who outperform others publicly and praise them for their hard work.

  1. Encourage Self-reflection

Almost all scholars desire to succeed. However, they need guidance on how to get to that point. Teachers need to ask them to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Taking such critiques of themselves will help them determine to work hard.

  1. Be Excited

Share your passion and excitement of teaching with the learners. For example, if you’re enthusiastic about the way you teach account, share this with them. When they get to know that it is your pleasure to teach them, they’ll know they are not a burden to you but your joy and will be motivated to make you even much happier by working hard.

  1. Know Your Students

Knowing your scholars by their names is not enough. You need to know each one’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses. That way you will know how to encourage them genuinely and show them that you have their interest at heart. That’s enough to make them feel appreciated and inspired to work harder to earn positive feedback from you.

  1. Harness Your Students Interests

Another advantage of knowing your scholars is relating learning material to those items they are interested in and those they have had an experience with. Such things make learning more relatable and enjoyable, thus keeping them more encouraged to study hard. However, some learners will require more attention and hours to improve their academic performance. Perhaps you can refer them to professional custom writing services where they will receive personalized learning.

  1. Help Students Find Intrinsic Motivation

It’s great to try and inspire scholars, but self-motivation is stronger than any other. Help them realize the need to work hard as well as to complete assignments.

  1. Manage Students’ Anxiety

Some learners have a strong desire to pass exams to the extent that the thought of failing depress them greatly. You should remove such anxiety by letting them understand that failing is normal and doesn’t define their ability.

17 Make Goals High but Attainable

Ensure that the goals set by each student are slightly higher than their ability. For example, if a scholar sets to get 60 marks in mathematics, push it to 70 marks. He will have to work extra hard to attain the grades.

  1. Give Feedback and Offer Chances to Improve

Some students will work hard, but their efforts may not bear fruits. However, it is essential to give them an opportunity to improve. The feeling that you understand them and are ready to walk at their pace may be enough to motivate them.

  1. Track Progress

Students may not see the need to keep records of their progress, but it’s important that you do it for them. Pull out such records after some time and discuss with each one of them to show them how far they have come and how possible it is to reach their goals. Such information can greatly motivate them.

  1. Make things fun

Immersing in books and lectures all day for a whole week can be very boring for students. Integrate learning with some fun activities to make it more interesting.

  1. Provide Opportunity for Success

Students’ understanding and ability differ. Plan to award them according to the improvement made within a particular time rather than recognizing the top winners only. That way everyone will feel valued.     

With all the above ideas, you now are equipped enough to help scholars work hard without pressuring them. Students require support and encouragement from their teachers. They also need people to believe in their ability and give them a chance to exercise some responsibilities. Encouraging them to set goals and plan how to achieve them is paramount.   

Bio for Crystal Roman:

Crystal Roman is an author, a co-author and an editor. His degree in psychology helps him to understand the behavior of human beings. He has taught English in various schools and has been a motivational speaker in many colleges. His excellent mastery of language and its use is a rock on his writing career.

This Is How You Deal With Pain And Move On When You’ve Had Your Heart Broken

I’m sure you’ve often heard the saying: The course of true love never did run smooth. Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but the course to true love isn’t smooth, either.

The path to true, honest, deep love is often paved with difficult challenges, disappointments, and heartbreaks. Some people let these negative experiences scar them deeply and prevent them from establishing meaningful, satisfying, and long-lasting relationships in the future. Others, on the other hand, are able to heal their wounds and move on.

So, the big question is: What separates them?

What separates them is nothing else but the way they deal with their heartbreak and pain.

Almost everyone, at one time or another, has been truly and deeply in love and has been hurt.  Almost everyone has had their heart broken by someone they loved with every part of their being. Almost everyone goes through a breakup and tastes the pain of losing someone whom they thought they were going to be together with forever.

And when a person is faced with this, they have two options: a) to let their heartbreak scar them and prevent them from forming healthy, deep, happy, long-lasting relationships in the future, or b) learn from this painful experience, find the strength to heal their wounds, and move on.

Any self-respecting, strong, and resilient person would go with the second option.

And what does that mean?

Here’s how you deal with your pain and move on when your heart has been broken:

First things first, give up the idea of revenge.

You might think that “revenge is sweet,” but trust me – it’s not. Your redemption doesn’t come with revenge. Thinking that your pain will go away and you’ll heal your broken heart by wounding the person who broke it is not only wrong but absurd as well.

Let’s get one thing straight: no matter how convinced you are that getting back at the person who hurt you will make you feel better and make them feel miserable, this won’t make your pain disappear and it won’t make the other person repent for what they did to you.

Trying to get back at the person who broke your heart will only prolong your feelings of bitterness and resentment.

If you really want to get over your heartbreak and be ready to move on, you need to learn to forgive and let go.

Every relationship, be it successful or a failed one, teaches you something. It teaches you valuable lessons about yourself – about who you are and how you behave and what you expect in your relationships.

But it also teaches you how romantic relationships really function. It teaches you that love doesn’t always conquer all and that sometimes it’s better to end a relationship than continue being in one that is one-sided, troubled, and draining.

It’s better to end a relationship than continue being with someone who takes you for granted. Someone who is never there when you need them. Someone who doesn’t reciprocate your love.

Accept responsibility for your actions.

When it comes to breakups, especially the period following a breakup, it’s very easy and tempting to blame the other person for all the problems in the relationship. It’s easier to shift the blame onto your partner than accept responsibility for your own actions.

It’s easier and more tempting to focus only on your partner’s flaws and mistakes and overlook your own.

But the truth is that rarely does a relationship fail due to the mistakes and bad behavior of only one of the partners. In most cases, it’s both partners’ fault.

So, blaming your partner for everything that goes wrong in your relationship, including your breakup,  won’t make you less guilty of your own mistakes and sh*tty behavior, of course, provided that you’ve displayed any.

Refusing to take responsibility for your own actions won’t change the fact that you haven’t taken care of your relationship as you should have.

What you need to understand is that a healthy, satisfying, and long-lasting relationship is one in which both partners are willing to take responsibility for their own actions and admit their own mistakes.

On the other hand, a relationship in which one or both partners refuse to behave this way is simply doomed to fail.

Allow this negative experience to make you wiser and stronger.

Use your heartbreak as a reminder that things don’t always go the way we planned and wanted to happen. Let this negative experience teach you that it’s sometimes better to end a relationship than continue being in one that steals your happiness.

It’s better to end a relationship than continue being with someone with whom you’re not headed in the same direction. Someone who doesn’t feel about you the way you feel about them.

Allow this hard, negative experience to help you become more aware of your strength, resilience, and worth. Allow it to make you a wiser and stronger person who will be able and more prepared to build happier and more meaningful and satisfying relationships in future.

Inspired by Carol S. Dweck – one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of motivation and a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University.

Spending Time Alone Doesn’t Mean I’m Lonely Or Unsociable

When thinking of someone who loves spending time alone, what words pop into your head? Recluse? Loner? Unfriendly? Weirdo? All of these? Or is there another word you’d use?

Well, if you associated all of the above-mentioned words with a person who enjoys doing things alone, know that you’re not the only one – many people think of loners these ways.

Yes, a lot of people consider being alone as a bad thing. And I’ve felt this on my own skin more than once, to be honest.

You see, I’m a person who enjoys doing things alone. And whenever I tell my family, colleagues, or friends that I went out for dinner by myself or that I went on a 2-day trip out of town alone, they look at me with pity.

They immediately conclude that I must have felt very lonely and they start to bombard me with questions about why I went alone and why I didn’t ask them to accompany me.

But the truth is that I didn’t need any company. And, NO! I didn’t feel lonely and there’s absolutely no need for anyone to pity me.

Because the fact that I love spending time alone doesn’t mean that I feel lonely and unhappy or that I don’t like hanging out with others.

Yes, I know that we are “social creatures,” meaning we’re more likely to be around other people, enjoy hanging out and sharing our experiences with others, and thrive in public settings.

So, those who like shopping or going to the cinema or restaurant alone are automatically regarded as introverted and they end up being pitied by those around them for not fitting into the “Social Creatures” category – the one where all humans are expected to belong to.

But let’s get things straight once and for all: spending time alone doesn’t equal loneliness.

Spending time alone is what everyone needs.

Spending time alone gives you the opportunity to reflect on life and gather your thoughts. It gives you the opportunity to figure out who you really are and what you want in life.

The more time you spend by yourself the more self-sufficient you are and the more you learn to enjoy your own company. Just as the famous American essayist and philosopher Henry David Thoreau said: “I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.”

Spending time alone gives you time to reflect on your feelings and thoughts. It gives you the opportunity to figure out what your main priorities are and where you want to get in life.

Spending time on your own offers you the opportunity to find out what aspects of your life need improvement. It offers you the opportunity to think about what changes you need to make in your both personal and professional life on your journey of self-improvement so as to become the best version of yourself.

Yet, it bewilders me how negatively spending time on your own is considered to be. Going to a restaurant or bar alone is literally a nightmare for me. The staff just keeps asking me if someone is going to accompany me. And by the way the other people around me look at me, I can tell that they’re imagining the tragic story of my heartbreak and feeling pity for me.

So, I want to get one thing straight: spending time alone doesn’t mean I’m lonely, unhappy, or unsociable.

It doesn’t mean I’m unfulfilled or desperate or that I can’t stand being surrounded by others.

In fact, I feel quite happy and comfortable when I spend time on my own. Why?

Because spending time alone helps me get to know myself better. It helps me explore my deepest feelings, thoughts, insecurities, and fears and nurture my soul. It gives me time to reflect on the things that I’m doing wrong in life as well as compliment myself on my successes.

Spending time alone also helps me figure out who deserves a place in my life and who doesn’t. It helps me realize that I deserve to be surrounded by trustworthy, kind, and positive people and that I need to cut out of my life all those who are stealing my happiness and dragging me down.

Spending time alone saves me from the discomfort and pain of hanging out with shallow or manipulative and negative people and engaging in small, superficial talk.

Honestly, I thoroughly recommend spending time on your own. Do the things you’ve always wanted to do, but didn’t because you didn’t have company.

Learn to enjoy your own company and give your soul and body what they need. Give some of your time to yourself and never worry about whether others will judge you for that.

The History of Essential Oils

essential oil

Since times immemorial, human beings have used the extracts of plants for medicinal, beauty enhancing, and sensory purposes. Plant barks, roots and leaves have provided remedies for many diseases, dating back to many thousand years.

The Egyptians are credited with the unique distinction of being able to extract aromas out of plants their beauty care, to enhance their spiritual and physical senses. However, the Chinese and Indians were also using essential oils as contemporaries of the Egyptians.

This article will list out a brief history of essential oils for you.

Regional History of Essential Oils


Around 2000 BC, Egyptians used essential oils for their spiritual enhancement and to enhance their beauties. Since these people were very serious about their beauty, they often used these oils to enhance their beauty. Rich ruling families and priests often wore ornate and exquisite fragrances made from essential oils.

The priests who worked in the temples of ancient Egypt also prepared tinctures, ointments and other mixtures made out of these essential oils, as well as used them for religious purposes. In fact, there are many ancient murals on the temples of ancient Egypt that depict scenes of the extraction of essential oils.

The use of essential oils was highly prevalent among the Egyptian royalty. For instance, King Tutankhamen’s tomb contained over fifty jars of alabaster for storing essential oils.


These oils were extensively used in the Ayurveda system of medicine of ancient India which is based on using herbal medicines. For instance, Ayurveda prescribes aromatic massages with essential oils as a treatment for many diseases. In fact, the Vedas, which is one of the most ancient books of India lists out over seven hundred types of shrubs, roots and leaves which can be used for fragrances as well as for healing and codifies the names of medicines that can be used for ceremonies, healing baths, as antiseptics and as analgesics. Basil oil, for instance is considered to be a calming effect and is highly suggested to soothe nerves. 


People from the Roman civilization used these oils generously and decadently. They used them to take lavish baths a number of times, to massage their body and to perfume their hair. Essential oils used as essential ingredients to purify bathing water, skins, braids so as to enhance their fragrance. Exotic oils were mixed by aroma therapists who were highly knowledgeable, and who created celebrated fragrances.

In fact, Pedanius Dioscorides, a Roman doctor wrote an elaborate treatise on essential oils and their medicinal properties by listing down remedies for various diseases by using essential oils. For example, he wrote that myrrh helps curing gum infections, elaborated on the diuretic properties of juniper berries and so on, while highlighting the therapeutic properties of essential oils.


Essential oils and fragrances form a very important component in ancient Chinese Medicine. The Chinese used essential oils much before the advent of Christ. In fact,  Shennong’s Herbal, which dates back to centuries before the birth of Christ contains a multitude of information on how unique plant varieties could be used to.  Huángdì, an Emperor from the Yellow duynasty, also significantly exercised influence over traditional Chinese medicine. He wrote extensively on the medicines that could be used to heal the internal systems of the body, while also listing out the benefits of plant extracts and their oils. This book is still referred to extensively by many traditional medical practitioners today who engage with traditional Chinese Medicine. 


The Catholic Church denounced the use of aromatics and fragrances because it was thought to be a decadent and ornate practice. In fact, bathing with essential oils for the purpose of healing was often decried as it was deemed inappropriate. This led to a decline in the use of essential oils amongst the people for therapeutic purposes, though they were used for aromatic purposes. In fact, there were Monks in that era who secretly kept traditional medicine even at the risk of being burned alive.

For the longest time, using herbal plants was denounced as being ‘witchcraft’ and was thus, a highly controversial practice. Those who dealt in such medicinal practices often faced ostracization from their respective communities. However, by the 1600s, much was being written about traditional medicine by using plant extracts and this knowledge gradually started to spread far and wide. It was because of the Renaissance movement that aromatherapy found favor once again, and folk medicine made a great comeback.  A great Physician of the time, Paracelsus actually cured leprosy with plant extracts and gained huge recognition. By the 1800s though, most medical practitioners in Europe were actually recommending plant extracts for many diseases.

In fact, there were many flower producing areas in Southern France that supplied plant extracts to French perfumers. Although tuberculosis was fairly prevalent in those regions, yet the workers who processed such herbal extracts usually remained unaffected by diseases. Many believed that it was the therapeutic properties of plant essences which protected the workers.

Modern History

The term “aromatherapy” was first coined in 1937 by the French chemist and perfumer Rene Maurice Gattefosse.  Although he did not believe in the natural health movement yet he was nonetheless interested in the therapeutic properties that the essential oils exhibited. There is an incident which says that in 1910 he had burnt his hand badly in his laboratory, and being the first compound available, he treated his hand with pure undiluted lavender oil. 

This helped in easing the pain, and also prevented both infection and scarring. Since the late 1970s and 1980s, there has been a refurbished interest in natural medicine, and the recent rise in environmental concerns has helped to popularize the usage of essential oils both for the purposes of health as well as healing. Many also laud the practical uses of essential oils in order to replace the extremely harmful and toxic chemicals that are used.

Thus, one can see the trajectory of how essential oils have shaped human lives and made them better equipped to deal with physical problems.

How You Can Incorporate Fashion and Fitness

With activewear being one of the hottest trends in the world of fashion, sales of athletic shoes and activewear have now reached into the billions, clearly showing there is a huge market for those who want to improve their health and look great while working out. If you want to find comfortable outfits to work out in that are also fashionable, here are some of the best fashion pieces you can invest in.

Basketball Shoes/Sneakers

Basketball shoes have surged in popularity over recent years, making up a large portion of activewear sales. With famous NBA players endorsing the shoes, sporting a range of colors and space-age designs, it’s safe to say that basketball shoes are a prominent item in the fashion market. As an added bonus, athletic sneakers are also fantastic for proper arch support, helping you stay steady and comfortable on your feet.

Yoga Pants

When compared to basketball shoes, yoga pants have also exploded in popularity, finding their way into couture fashion. There are all sorts of benefits that women can gain from wearing yoga pants, for example, those who wear them for the gym can head off and run errands without having to change. Yoga pants come in a wide range of designs and colors, so there is something to suit everyone’s personal preference.

Wrist Fitness Trackers

Gone are the days where you wore a standard watch when working out. Instead, wrist fitness trackers have burst onto the scene, including the Fitbit, which enables users to track their steps, heart rate, sleep patterns and much more. The watch comes in a wide variety of colors and with a sleek and aesthetically pleasing design, it’s easy to see why so many people wear a Fitbit when doing a workout.

Pullover Fleeces

If you like to exercise outdoors, temperatures can drop below freezing at some points of the year. With that in mind, you will want an item of clothing to keep you warm and alert, such as a pullover fleece. Many outdoor clothing businesses provide fleeces that can give you a stylish and casual way to keep warm. What’s more, fleeces are made with materials and fabrics that wick off sweat, making it a perfect option for those who enjoy outdoor activities. They are great to throw on when you are going for a quick morning jog.

Tank Tops

Both men and women like to wear shirts that show off their arms and physique in the summer months. Tank tops can help cool you down (especially on hot days) and come in all sorts of colors and designs. However, as your arms are exposed when wearing them, this may even encourage you to maintain your fitness routine, such as by lifting weights at the gym. If you are heading outdoors for exercise, be sure to apply sunscreen on your arms.

Pick Flats Over Pumps

While stilettos and high heels may look glamorous and fancy, wearing them on a regular basis can cause serious damage to your physical health. When wearing heels, most of your weight is balanced unequally, leading to potential health problems. Instead of giving fashion up altogether while choosing footwear for working out, why not grab a pair of flats? If you are exercising, you may be interested to know that you can find sneakers from well-known designers such as Gucci. Gucci sneakers can be found via online stores such as SSENSE, who sell a variety of Gucci sneakers and other products that you can use for your exercise. It’s important to invest in a good pair of sneakers for your fitness routine, ensuring you are comfortable and well prepared.

Sun Visors and Hats

When out and about, you will need to make sure that you wear some sort of protection from the sun, whether it be sun visors or a hat. Protecting your hair, skin and eyes from harmful UV rays is incredibly important. You should also apply sunscreen regularly with an SPF of 30 or higher. A hat can also be the perfect accessory to complete your outfit, while hiding unsightly sweaty hair post-workout.

Oversized Sunglasses

Just like with a sun visor and a hat, a pair of oversized sunglasses can make a big difference when exercising in the great outdoors. Giving yourself maximum protection from harmful UV rays is incredibly important, helping to maintain eye health. But if you go for an oversized pair, you can easily hide the fact that you aren’t wearing any makeup. As we all know, wearing makeup during a workout is not the best idea, as when mixed with sweat, it can cause pimple breakouts and clogged pores.

Whether you buy yoga pants, pullover fleeces or a collection of boldly colored tank tops, there are plenty of options to choose from to help turn your fitness wardrobe from drab to glam.

5 Things to Know Before Getting IVF

Infertility now affects one in six couples, so it’s no surprise that an increasing number of people are opting for alternative methods of becoming parents, including adoption, and several assisted reproductive technologies.

In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) is perhaps one of the most common methods used by parents who are struggling to conceive naturally. However, undergoing IVF can be both physically and emotionally draining, not to mention the effect that it can have on your finances. And, there is no guarantee that it will always be successful. So, before you decide to go ahead with IVF, it’s a wise idea to ensure that you’re fully informed. Here are five key things that you should keep in mind.

1. Do Your Research

Before you embark on a course of IVF, you should make sure that you have taken the time to fully understand as much of the treatment process as possible and learn what to expect from each step. Ensuring that you are prepared and well-informed is the best way to be mentally prepared for both the physical and emotional effects of this treatment.

There’s plenty of information available online for you to read through, but the best way to fully prepare yourself is to ask questions. Why not visit the team of fertility experts at King’s Fertility Clinic?  This is one of the most respected clinics in London and their doctors will be able to explain the process to you in more detail and answer any questions that you may have, no matter how big or small. When you’re choosing a clinic, you could even call them up first and see if they’ll answer a few basic questions for you. Once you have peace of mind that you’re speaking to someone who knows what they’re doing, you can make an appointment.

2. Get as Healthy as Possible

Studies have shown that when it comes to IVF, women who are in great physical and emotional shape have a higher rate of success. Improving your health by adopting a balanced diet and active fitness program is the best way to boost your chances of success with any fertility plan, which places like fertilityplus.org.uk which give you more information regarding this topic.

In addition to eating healthier and exercising more, consider cutting out any bad habits that could impact your chance of conception. Studies have shown that drinking over four units of alcohol per week will reduce success rates, and women who smoke are 60% less likely to conceive than non-smokers. If you are overweight or obese, taking proactive steps to reduce your body weight will also help you improve your chance of getting pregnant.

3. Time it Right

Since IVF can be very stressful both physically and emotionally, it’s a wise idea to avoid starting an IVF treatment plan during a period of high stress. For example, if you are undergoing a life change such as a shift in careers or moving to a different location, it’s a good idea to wait until you have settled before embarking on IVF.

When it comes to work, it can be a good idea to share your plans with your employer so that you can make any reasonable adjustments to help minimise work-related stress during the periods of treatment. Bear in mind that you will be required to make multiple visits to your clinic during the treatment period, which may need to be accommodated by your employer.

4. Be Realistic about Your Success

It’s important to stay positive when undergoing IVF, but it’s also wise to look at your chances of success in a realistic manner. Your doctor will be able to give you a more in-depth idea of how successful you are likely to be, depending on a range of personal factors such as your age, weight, general health, and lifestyle choices.

In general, bear in mind that women under the age of 35 tend to have the highest success rates for conceiving, both naturally and through IVF. However, if you’re over 35, don’t think that this will automatically mean you won’t be successful – many women over the age of 35 go on to become mothers through successful IVF treatment. Speak to your doctor if you have any age or health-related concerns.

5 Have a Solid Support System

Having a strong support network of friends and family around you can be very useful when going through IVF. Since it can be so emotionally and physically taxing, you will certainly need people around you who you can talk to and lean on. Bear in mind that along with the natural emotions that you will experience, fertility drugs can also alter your mood.

Don’t be afraid to talk about your experience and surround yourself with family members, friends and a partner who can offer you emotional support. If you feel it will help, therapy sessions can also be useful. You may also want to consider joining online patient forums and social media groups to get virtual support from others who’ve been through or are going through IVF.

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Best hospitals in Germany

Treatment in Germany is one of the most sought-after destinations for medical tourists. German clinics offer unique operations, low risk of complications, short hospitalization and effective rehabilitation in adults and children.

The country also leads in the availability of innovative drugs and equipment. Here, results of clinical trials are introduced into practice without any delay. Quality of medical care is regulated at the state level and at least 11% of the country’s GDP is spent on the development of medical services.

Directions of treatment in Germany

University hospitals and specialized private praxes provide medical services to patients with all diseases. The most popular directions of treatment include:

  • Oncology, with radionuclide diagnostics and treatment, radiosurgery, immunotherapy and CAR T-cell therapy.
  • Cardiology, with minimally invasive manipulations on the heart valves and precise stent placement.
  • Neurology, with stereotactic and robotic surgeries, deep brain stimulation, and treatment of chronic conditions, like Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Orthopedics, with state-of-art endoprosthetics, joints’ restoration with stem cells and comprehensive rehabilitation.
  • Ophthalmology, with LASIK, LASEK and PRK corrective surgeries, transplantation of the bionic retina and optic nerve restoration.

Best hospitals

List of the best hospitals to receive treatment in Germany is updated annually according to results of their practical and scientific work. The most popular among medical tourists are:

The Charite University Hospital is consistently ranked among TOP 3 German clinics according to the rating of prestigious FOCUS magazine. It is famous for neurosurgical interventions and cancer treatment.

The University Hospital Cologne includes over 59 departments and specialized centers. Its Cyberknife center and nuclear medicine department are internationally recognized medical facilities.

The University Hospital Bonn is famous for diagnostics and treatment of epilepsy in adults and young patients. The clinic employs over 750 doctors of different specialties.

Cost of treatment

In Germany, cost of medical services is controlled by law. Medical tourists receive treatment on the same conditions as citizens of the country, without additional payments. Price is calculated individually for each case and depends on:

  • Age of a patient
  • Main diagnosis and comorbidities
  • List of diagnostic procedures (e.g., laboratory tests are cheaper than PET-CT scan)
  • Treatment programs (e.g., drug treatment is typically cheaper than surgery)
  • Need in hospitalization
  • Type of the room (single, double, VIP)
  • Level of the clinic and status of the attending physician

Clients booking treatment in Germany with Booking Health

International patients apply for treatment in the best hospitals in Germany with the help of a certified medical tourism operator – Booking Health. Booking Health specialists will assist you in:

  • Choosing the best clinic, considering your diagnosis, preferable treatment method and desired price
  • Booking convenient appointment date
  • Elaboration of a preliminary medical program
  • Controlling all stages of diagnostics or treatment
  • Controlling invoices from a clinic, providing favorable costs and avoiding overprice
  • Communication with a clinic after discharge and receiving your medical reports
  • High-level non-medical services, including accommodation and transfer

Top Reasons to Become a Psychologist (Explore Hidden Rewards)

Are you studying psychology in college? Do you know the impacts of studying this major on your life?

A psychology major can be a rewarding experience not only for personal growth but also for a successful career. After completing your psychology degree, you will be open to vast varieties of career prospects. Do you have any doubt about your choice of earning a degree with a psychology major? Check out these reasons to kick your doubts out.

Unlimited Career Opportunities

Psychology can’t be a one-size-fits-all career, but you can explore the huge verities of career paths. Graduates can tailor their degree and education for specialty areas as per their interests. Some popular options are:

  • Health Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Sports Psychology
  • Human Factors Psychology
  • Industrial: Organizational Psychology

Understand Others and Your Personality

Do you want to know the reasons of dissimilar behaviors? Sometimes, you have to learn more about your emotions, actions, and mind. After earning a degree in psychology, you will be able to understand people. After studying psychology, it will be easy for you to understand human nature.

A solid understanding may help you to do different things with other people. After successfully completing your degree, you will get a marketable skill, to understand the behavior and actions of other people. You can work in a variety of settings, such as heat care, politics, education, marketing, advertising, and social services.

The viewpoint of Psychology Major

As per the Labor Bureau of the U.S. Department, jobs of psychologists are expected to grow at an average rate of almost 19% through 2024. Qualified psychologists are in high demand in hospitals, schools, social service agencies and rehab centers. Highly demanded jobs are school psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and clinical psychology.  

Rewarding, Challenging and Fun

Working in this field can be rewarding, challenging and fun. If you can solve theoretical and practical problems, feel free to earn a psychology degree. Several psychologists are making money by helping people resolving complex issues and developing suitable solutions for the real world. They can investigate deeper into human behavior and mind by conducting research. Psychology may present unique challenges that are deeply rewarding.

Change the Lives of People

If you are dreaming of making a difference in the lives of other people, earning this degree to achieve your goal. Community service workers, therapists, counselors, and psychologists devote their energy and time to help people overcome hardships. You can help people to deal with their stressful and emotionally demanding time.

Psychology students have to spend their time learning about statistics and research methods. It is essential to learn how to organize, gather, interpret and analyze data to successfully complete the research process. You can use this skill in a variety of careers. For instance, you can work as advertisers, marketers, scientists, administrators, and educators.

Pursue Your Favorite Career

After an undergraduate degree with a psychology major, you can pursue higher education in the same field. With a background in human psychology, you can study in specific areas, such as life sciences, medicine, and law. A psychology degree helps you to get the advantage of several opportunities to align with your interests and passions. The students may get a chance to work with young kids.

Earning a psychology degree may prepare you for different professions. You will get the necessary skills to analyze data, communicate complex information and understand human behavior. If you love to help other people, a degree in psychology can be a great choice. With this degree, you can learn how to change the life of other people.