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What Happens When Two Exes Confront Each Other About Cheating?

At the end of a relationship, there is always one person who gets broken hearted. However, sometimes this person is better off without their partner, like in the case of this woman.

The Scene recently confronted two exes in a video that quickly went viral. The woman, who was later identified as Kourtney Jorge, confronted her ex-boyfriend, who cheated on her countless times and wanted to know why he hurt her so much.

There was no dramatic fighting or impulsive reactions of any kind by Kourtney’s side, although many would have definitely done something like that. Instead, Kourtney faced her ex and calmly asked him why he cheated on her.

The boyfriend was also identified once the video went viral. Leonard Long III and Kourtney told their whole love story at the beginning of the video – the way they met and how they became so close in their relationship.

They were best friends. But then, she started reading the messages he was getting from other girls. Once, Kourtney found him with another girl and he asked her to leave. She cried the whole night, but nothing changed.

The most heartbreaking part of the video is the part where Kourtney asks Leonard how many times he has cheated on her. He answered: “I wasn’t counting”. Many people would have reacted dramatically to this, but Kourtney just left the scene to take a moment and calmly returned on the chair.

It is clear that Kourtney was really hurt, and still is. While she listened to him with tears in her eyes, Leonard looked mostly unaffected, although he admitted that it was his fault and put the blame to his commitment issues he had back then.

The internet reacted and many Twitter users expressed their feelings about Leonard, showing their support for Kourtney. Some of them decided to dig deeper into the story and to find Kourtney. Now we know that she is in a happy relationship with someone who treats her right, as she herself posted.

After the confrontation of Kourtney and Leonard, The Scene posted other videos of exes facing each other and shared their stories in a series called Heartbroken.


Zuckerberg’s Motivational Speech To Harvard Graduates: Even Global Changes Start Small

He may be a college dropout, but he is also one of the richest people in the world. Mark Zuckerberg left his Harvard studies in order to launch and work on a social network that has soon become an online empire.

Indeed, younger generations cannot imagine the world without Facebook and the social network is not going away soon. Instead, it even changes marketing, PR and journalism.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO and Harvard dropout, addressed the Harvard graduates of class ’17 earlier this year. The Commencement address attracted the attention of the media and Marks’ inspiring statements are still quoted by many.

“I’m an unlikely speaker, not just because I dropped out, but because we’re technically in the same generation,” he said to the graduates at the beginning.

During his speech, he shared what he’s learned about the world. But he also shared some memories of the time when he received the email telling him he was accepted into Harvard.

He recalled the first lecture at the university, which he still remembers and the way he arrived with his T-shirt inside out because he was late. The only person who talked to him on that day now runs a great part of Facebook, Zuckerberg revealed.

And that, Class of 2017, is why you should be nice to people, he said.

College is a dear part of his life to him also because he met his wife Priscilla at Harvard, who gave him two children.

When speaking about finding the purpose, he said that just finding your purpose is not enough, but we should rather create a world where everyone has a sense of purpose, which is what creates true happiness. The new generations have the challenge to create a renewed sense of purpose, not only to create new jobs because the old ones are not coming back.

Back in his college days, he couldn’t imagine that he would be one of the people who will connect the whole world, but he wanted someone to do that when he launched the first version of Facebook, which had the aim to connect Harvard community.

He just kept moving forward and didn’t quit and thus he was the change that he was sure someone else will be. His advice to the graduates was to follow his steps and be the change they want to see in the world instead of waiting for someone to do it, because no one will.

Even when he got offers from big companies and everyone was telling him to sell, he was determined to continue to develop his idea because he believed it could change the way people learn about the world.

Zuckerberg also talked about the future of technology, which will inevitably replace tens of millions of jobs. He also motivated graduates to do great new things that will influence the world. It’s important to start, even if you don’t have everything clear in your head yet, he said. And in order to succeed, be prepared to be called crazy and even to fail. Even he failed several times before he created Facebook.

Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla have started the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which is committed to promoting equal opportunities. Wanting to see many more people doing this, Mark motivated Harvard graduates to donate and help others.

Millennials are one of the most charitable generations in history, but Mark was right when he spoke about giving their time, not only money. An hour or two a week is nothing for a student, but it might mean a lot to someone who needs a helping hand.

Zuckerberg also added building community as an important step towards creating a sense of purpose for everyone. Today, it’s most popular to be considered “citizen of the world” rather than citizen of a country or group. However, global community also comes against other forces, such as nationalism and authoritarianism, but Mark believes that change will happen at a local level.

Taking into consideration that he started with a local network which he developed into this global network that connects the world, it’s safe to say we can trust him, don’t you think?

Zuckerberg continues to be an inspiration for youngsters everywhere thanks to his honesty and humbleness, but also his intelligence and ambitions. With his 33 years of age, he is the fifth wealthiest man in the world.

In 2015, he and his wife gave 99% of their Facebook shares to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. He launched Facebook when he was 20.


11 Scientific Facts That Make Redheads Special

Redheads are so popular nowadays. Not only are we admiring popular female redheads, but we have started to see male redheads as style icons.

Ed Sheeran and Prince Harry are some. Among the female celebrities that have this hair color there are Nicole Kidman, Lindsey Lohan, Emma Stone and I recall that even Rihanna dyed her hair hot red once.

Apparently, ginger is really hot right now, especially compared to the past. And we are happy for that because there are so many cool facts about redheads that make us adore these people even more.

1. Gingers are really rare. How rare? It is believed that only around 2% of the population has natural red hair. Statistics show that there two countries much higher percent of redheads. Can you guess which two? Of course, it’s Scotland and Ireland.

2. Except being super rare, they are special in another way. Namely, it is thought that they have more sexual action, a German researcher claims. He conducted a research on thousands of women and discovered that redheads had more sexual partners than all the rest. I told you they’re hot, didn’t I?

3. Redheads’ skin absorbs more Vitamin D. Being more pale naturally, they are prone to absorbing more of this vitamin from the sun. Vitamin D is good for the bones and for the immune system, but one should be careful not to stay too long exposed to the sun.

4. Many redheads are also left-handed because both of the genes are recessive, i.e. in order to get a trait expressed by a recessive gene, both of the parents must have it.

5. Apart from skin cancer, gingers also have higher risk of getting Parkinson’s disease. Researchers studied more than 130,000 people in a period of 16 years and discovered that redheads have twice the chances to have this disorder than people with natural black hair.

6. Natural red hair is linked to skin cancer. Namely, these people have higher risk of this type of cancer, or twice as much as the others, International Journal of Cancer reports.

7. Believe it or not, one of the awesome reasons why it’s better to be a redhead is the fact that they can withstand more pain than the rest of the population. Scientists discovered that they have a 25% higher threshold to pain and this trait is linked to a gene mutation.

8. When it comes to pain, doctors also have problems with them when they need to use anesthesia. It’s something connected to the same gene mutation that makes them withstand more pain. It’s good to know this before going to labor because you might need more anesthesia than the normal doze.

9. Many redheads are anxious to go to the dentist, which is weird since we just saw that they withstand more pain. However, their resistance to anesthesia maybe has something to do with this. Statistics show that they’re more likely to skip visits to the dentist. 

10. It seems that having red hair makes you special in many ways when it comes to health. Thus, ginger women are more likely to get endometriosis or to be protected from it. Namely, fertile redheads have higher chances to get it, but the chances are lower for infertile redheads. This condition can cause cramping and heavy bleeding.

11. Maybe the most awesome fact about redheads is that they don’t go grey. Instead, they will first go blonde and then white, but never grey because their pigment just fades away.


Are You Attacked By Dark Energies? Here’s How To Find Out

There is a constant presence of positive and negative energy which surrounds us in everything we do. While we all strive to live as positively and as protected from the negative energies as we can, we can’t always keep our guard up.

And in such cases, we are unaware that we are under attack from the negative energy projected by those around us, or the one we have unconsciously attracted.

And when this negative energy starts running our lives, we usually start feeling miserable and drained.To become aware of this negativity is always the first step of removing it from our lives.

These 10 signs can tell you if you are under attack from these dark energies and we will give you some advice on how to get rid of them:

  1. Constantly feeling drained

An obvious sign of a negative energy attack is the draining effect it has on all of us. And no matter how much sleep you get, no matter how many coffees you drink, you will notice that the feeling of being drained comes from somewhere else.

  1. Losing excitement for the things you usually enjoy

Of course, we all change, but this change is too sudden and quick. You suddenly start losing interest and enthusiasm for the things that make you happy and joyful. And you will know this is not a natural change if you can’t find anything that will make you happy.

  1. Problems with sleeping

The negative energy that attacks you will usually leave you stressed out so much that you will find it hard to fall asleep. The other extreme is an overwhelming sense of tiredness that will force you to sleep more than normally.

  1. Constant feelings of worry

Even when there is nothing in particular that makes you feel worried, this feeling seems to overwhelm your thoughts throughout the day. It’s like a worm that eats you on the inside and you can’t help but feel worried all the time.

  1. You are more susceptible to control from others

You may notice that you have started doing whatever others tell you to do as an automatic response and you have a difficult time saying no. This control from those around you makes you feel even more miserable.

  1. You can’t cope with criticism

Criticism, in all forms, is a means for growth. However, in your vulnerable state, you can’t tell constructive from destructive criticism and both make you feel devastated.

  1. You find it very hard to move out of your comfort zone

The comfort zone is a place where the personality slowly starts to deteriorate. While we all tend to move out of it in order to grow, in this period you will find it very hard to do so. Your constant fear and worry make you want to stay sheltered as much as you can in what you already know.

  1. You start comparing yourself to others more than usual

There are no two same people on this planet, and you know it. However, it seems that your increased focus on the negative side and the fear of being judged makes you compare yourself to others and envy them.

  1. Debilitating stress

Everything around you seems to cause you a lot of stress – it’s like your whole body is electrified with stress and you can’t handle it. The lack of focus on the positive things in your life further enhances this feeling and everything around you loses its charm.

  1. Becoming highly emotional

Your emotions tend to get the best of you this period. Everything around you evokes some deep and disturbing emotions that you can’t cope with. In the end, you find yourself being controlled by them and you can’t do anything to get a hold of yourself. 

What to do to get rid of this dark energetic influence?

There is nothing more powerful than a positive thought that can strengthen and improve your perception. However, in this case, you do need a little help from a positive source of energy.

Get out in nature as much and as often you can and go with someone who is positive and caring. Walking in nature is proven to relieve stress and calm the mind, but on an energetic level, it’s even more powerful.

Start focusing on the beauty of things and accept the negativity that surrounds you, as it is here and it’s a part of everyone’s reality. In this period you need to focus more on positive things and try to recognize and distance yourself from the negative things.

This includes negative people and crowded places. You will benefit a lot from some alone time, where you can start reflecting on your thoughts and emotions.

If you have the will, some meditation will help you strengthen your energetic shield and cleanse you from the negativity which has gathered up inside you. Meditation comes in all forms, from a prayer to allowing yourself to think of positive things. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to sit down and close your eyes.

A very simple and empowering form of meditation is the technique of focusing on your breath – and you can do this anywhere. Just start focusing on your breathing and let any thought that comes to your mind to drift away.

When it comes to the people around you, here’s a very good video which can tell you a lot about how to understand them better and remove the negative energy they emit.


Source: Awareness Act

What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: The Straightforward

You bring your no-bullshit policy and attitude anywhere you go and in every situation. From your work environment to your private, dating world, people who know how to appreciate your honesty are magnetically drawn to you.

Your moodiness counters your pragmatic nature and it can really create confusion among your partners. But once you hook up with that one who can tune into your vibe, your ride-or-die nature starts to shine.

However, your partners will do anything to avoid fighting with you, as you take it to the next level. You go all out and there are no limits when you are pissed off. The intensity is something rarely who can deal with.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: You notice each other across the room and lock eyes instantly – the intense sexual tension leads one thing to another and you quickly become inseparable.

Most Aries-y breakup: You become fed up with their petty dramas they won’t shut up about, and you just dump them wherever… You realize that you don’t need that kind of person and you are already over it.


Taurus: The Rational

Your practical nature reflects your dating habits. Your risk-free attitude never allows you to mess with the wrong people and end up in toxic relationships. You wouldn’t bother getting to know someone who is checking you out if you already knew someone who is really interested in you.

And you don’t really care about chemistry, and you would very much prefer to notice that guy who has been asking you out for the last three months.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: Dunno, they kinda stuck around long enough to break you down.

Most Taurus-y breakup: After carefully considering your pro and con list, you finally decide that all that long and tepid dating is something you will there and then. 


Gemini: The Adventuresome

You are super easy going and this is what makes you most attractive to those around you. It’s probably because of this that most of your relationships have evolved from platonic to more physical.

You are very fun to date because your date ideas are not something many would come up with. Mini golf? A film festival you are sure no one under 55 would attend? Sure! Absolutely!

People perceive you as someone who is extremely confident, even though you may not be feeling that way all the time, so people sometimes confuse your nervousness with sarcasm.

Your adventurousness and creativity are what makes your partner adore you, but your indecisiveness could easily annoy the sh*t out of some people.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: After years of orbiting each other’s friend circles, it finally hits you that that is the one you’ve been looking for. You don’t hesitate to suggest the first date, and after an hour of your superb conversational skills and irresistible charm, you have them tied around your little finger.


Most Gemini-y breakup: They suggest moving in together, and you can’t really decide whether you want to or not. So, after some thinking and consulting with 18 of your dearest friends, it pops to you that you weren’t that much into them to begin with.


Cancer: The Piquant

You can be a really tough as a partner, and you can’t accept it easily when someone is into you (even when it’s very obvious), which leads to most of your problems. You are most in your element when you’re with people who are on your wavelength, but you should be careful not to end up with a carbon copy of yourself. All that pessimism won’t be healthy at all in the long run, even if it may feel very validating to find someone hating the world the same way you do.

Dating you is a hell of a ride, considering your ability to intensely connect with people, and that is a real turn-on for many. Also, sex with you is, in one word, fantastic. But your biggest enemies are your insecurities and your quick-to-react nature, which can cut off some very good relationships.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: Sulking together somewhere in the corner of a party and hating the same pretentious people, which soon lights up the chemistry between you and turns into love. You don’t give it too much of a brag to your friends, but that ‘whatever’ changes when they see you lighting up when they text you.

Most Cancer-y breakup: They propose marriage to you and you’re like, “Wait, as a friend, right?”


Leo: The Star of the Show


Not that you really wanted to read this, but you’ve been tagged by your friends and here you are! You are a real star, and you aren’t afraid to show it. This magnetic disposition of yours makes so many quickly fall for you.

And you don’t waste your time playing games with them. If someone really likes you, they better show it in a way that everyone will remember! You’d prefer a proposal that remains the talk years after, that will go viral – a wedding that will earn its spot in the tabloids – you get it.

Once someone has earned your attention, you go on to show them what loyalty and affection really mean. And you are quite the flirt with your amazing conversational skills and a real party animal.

Your weak spot is when someone says you’re self-centered, and this will be a problem for whoever said it. But what if you are? You have no problem asking people what they think of you and you don’t have a problem doing that all the time, so it’s no surprise.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: They couldn’t help but notice you and then keep looking at the photos you’ve been tagged in, until they finally got the guts to ask you out.

Most Leo-y breakup: You ended up being late to their Big Event because you lost track of time while taking selfies and obsessing over your Twitter mentions.


Virgo: The Martyr

Your hard-working nature and your tendency to really do your best is what makes your partners fall for you. Your methodical approach to things is especially shown in your love life, and your partners love your sensibility and matureness.

However, you often fear that you may be a bit boring and that you should be a little more spontaneous. But there’s nothing to worry about! In the end, your mate is with you and chose to be with you (you certainly didn’t chase them!).

But your martyr-like intensity in everything you do for your partners will be something many cannot measure up to, and you will eventually end up feeling disappointed. You need to control your tendency to put yourself last and immerse yourself into things you don’t really have to overdo.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: You caught them Snapchatting the same “Scrub Daddy” display you were Snapchatting at the local Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Most Virgo-y breakup: They brought in their friends, who invaded your private space, disrespected it, left a mess behind, and you couldn’t recover from all that.


Libra: The Un-Self-Aware

You need to wake up and stop dating partners so beneath yourself. And you also need to stop apologizing to them all the time. Your tendency to assume that you’re always in the wrong is something many will exploit.

The truth is that you must learn to stand up for yourself and learn that you can’t allow everyone to step over you. While being non-confrontational is good with the right partner, not everyone is the right partner, and they will use this to their own ends.

You possess an amazing charm and a sharp wit that will easily sweep anyone off their feet, so it’s really a wonder how you always feel like you’re in the wrong.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: He kept on ignoring you until he didn’t and now you’re head over heels for each other.

Most Libra-y breakup: You think that you are definitely with ‘the one’until some billionaire catches your attention and you are surprised to find out that you are actually interesting. Anyway, you later dump that fellow for Jake Gyllenhaal, so whatever.


Scorpio: The Stormy


It’s fun to date a Scorpio if you want to explore your masochist side. Haha, joking! But you get the message. Everyone will say that you are one of the best. And yes, you may at first feel skeptical about all of your partner’s friends, but it’s only because you don’t want them dragging your mate with the wrong people.

You are well aware of your intensity, which can be even too much for some people. However, you aren’t afraid to put a lot of hard work in everything you do. This intensity is what makes your partners realize that you are the best in bed, and you are very proud of it.

Your exes are literally scared to the bone by the thought of you.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: You roasted them ruthlessly on Twitter and it went viral.

Most Scorpio-y breakup: You wake up in the morning to find that you’ve been blocked by them literally from everything.


Sagittarius: The Firecracker


A real firecracker! You are well known for your humor and great charm. In fact, you are by far the funniest one in the group and this along with your charm bring out the sexiest in you.

You choose to always see the best in others, which while it’s good it can also be a bit unrealistic. I mean really, if someone has been a real asshole three times, it probably says something like, they will be an asshole again.

And another thing: you should really stop trying to befriend your exes.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: You crack them up with a funny joke while you’re both struggling with a hard-to-open wine bottle at a party.

Most Sagittarius-y breakup: While searching through their likes tab on Twitter for a meme that you both laughed your brains out, you accidentally notice that they’ve been liking selfies of their ex.


Capricorn: The Mature

Your high sense of responsibility makes you the mom figure in your friend group, and frankly, the one who is in charge in any of your relationships. You just can’t help it! And you do want to be large and in charge.

Your partners love your self-confidence and the trust you put into your relationship. And you are ready to do just about anything for your partner – they just need to mention it, and you are already two steps ahead of it.

It can be a bit difficult for your partner to withstand your snobby and pessimistic side, which can pop out from time to time, but once you get with someone who is on your level (…or, well, close enough) it all becomes a smooth ride.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: You notice them having a hard time choosing between two books by the same author and you know that person is problematic. However, you get to talk about the whole of it together and you kind of hit it off from there.


Most Capricorn-y breakup: You wake up one day and it pops to you: “I can do better.”


Aquarius: The Autonomous

Most of your partners don’t get it: you need your space and there’s nothing you can do about it. But other than that, your deeply caring nature, vigorous loyalty, and endless support make up for your great quality as a partner. However, you won’t waste your time on scrubs. They are canceled the moment they do a wrong step that would piss you off.

And, you are, like really, crazy in bed.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: They were most probably already in love with you, for as long as you can remember, and after an extremely deep and woke conversation it finally hits you that they could most likely be your soulmate.

Most Aquarius-y breakup: You suddenly disappear from their lives.


Pisces: The Hypersensitive


It’s very sad to realize that all that compassion and love you are able to give is wasted on the jerks you tend to date. It’s probably a good idea to start listening to your friends when they tell you these things about your next squeeze – they’re just trying to protect you.

Your artistic and gentle nature shines the brightest when you get together with someone who knows how to truly appreciate your sensitivity and emotions – and also those Indie slammers you have compiled.

What your partners love most about you is your artistic ability and interests, and the fact that you never cease to amaze them by first introducing them to something new. Your heart is filled with compassion and kindness and you always make people feel good about themselves.

How you’ll meet your soulmate: After both commenting on Instagram photos of a tattoo artist you admire, you start following each other, and one thing leads to another.

Most Pisces-y breakup: You get cheated on, they swear they won’t do it again, you take them back, they don’t change.


Source: Cosmopolitan


15 Hysterically Adorable Comics About Happy Relationships

It’s not often you see comics of everyday lives of couples. One of funniest and most adorable comics are that of artist Catana Chetwynd, who represents her daily life with her boyfriend.

We chose the most hysterical and amusing comics you simply cannot look away from without grinning. They are extremely honest, which makes them entertaining and fun.

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The Police Officer Who Arrested Utah Nurse In Viral Video Is Now Under Criminal Investigation

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, the police officer who was seen on a viral video arresting the nurse who refused to draw blood without a warrant from an unconscious patient is under criminal investigation now.

On Friday, Sim Gill, a Salt Lake County District Attorney, put under investigation the case of Detective Jeff Payne who violently attacked and arrested the nurse Alex Wubbles on July 26 because she refused to obey him and draw blood from an acutely injured and unconscious patient.

The Associated Press reported that Jeff Payne is on administrative leave. However, the police department of Salt Lake City announced that two of their employees has been put on administrative leave on Friday, so it is not very clear if Payne is among them.

In the video of the incident it is clear that Alex Wubbles, the head nurse of the burn unit in the University of Utah’s hospital, is calm the whole time while trying to explain to the police officer why she is not allowed to draw blood from the unconscious patient.

The before-mentioned detective keeps on insisting her to draw the blood, but she explains to him that she is only allowed to do that under 3 circumstances: if the patient has an electronic warrant (which he has not), if the patient is under arrest (which he has not been), and, finally, if the patient is consent (which he was not because he was unconscious).

Because none of these requirements were fulfilled, she explains calmly to him that she cannot do what he asks her to do. He then places handcuffs on her hands and arrests her.

When the video the incident went public, it caused serious criticism on Payne’s action. The City Major of Salt Lake Jackie Biskupski together with Police Chief Mike Brown apologized publicly for Payne’s assault and said that the whole case will be further investigated.

“I was alarmed by what I saw in the video with our officer and Wubbels. I am sad at the rift this has caused between law-enforcement and the nurses we work so closely with. I want to be clear, we take this very seriously, said Brown in a joint statement.

After the incident, the nurse was released immediately without any charges upon her because the rules from 2016 Supreme Court prohibit obtaining a blood alcohol test without having warrant.

In a report by the Tribune, Payne said that he did that because Wubbles has interfered with his police investigation. Moreover, he said that he wanted the blood sample in order to protect the patient.

After the video went viral, the National Nurses United, denounced publicly Payne and the police department of Salt Lake City. Presently, they are funding a campaign against violence at the workplace.

“As the videos and news accounts make clear, there is no excuse for this assault, or her arrest, which sends a chilling message about the safety of nurses and the rights of patients”, stated the organization’s co-president, Jean Ross.

 After the video was released on Friday, the Tribune reported that District Attorney Jill gave Brown instructions to search for an outside agency to investigate the case. Later that day, from the chief’s office announced that the United Police Department would be investigating the case.

According to Utah’s ABC 4 News, Wubbles have decided to forgive him after the apologies from the Major Biskupski and the Police Chief Brown.

Furthermore, the New York Post reports that the University of Utah’s hospital stands by the nurse’s decision to not draw blood from the patient.

Finally, a spokesman from the police said that they updated their blood drawing policy recently and aligned it with the policy of the hospital. In addition to this, the police officers have received training on the subject.


Facts on Blondes -12 Facts Why Blondes Are Special Girls!

blonde hair blue eyes facts

A friend of mine (who happens to be blonde) always says that it takes a hairdresser to dye your hair, but it takes confidence to be blonde. And we can see from so many iconic figures from the past and present that this might be true.

People like Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Tailor Swift, Kate Moss, just to mention a few, are all famous for their blonde hair.

These iconic blondes weren’t the only ones who loved or love this color. Millions and millions of blonde ladies visit their hair stylists every month in order to be blonde.

And the hair color is as popular as ever, so it seems like you can’t make a wrong fashion choice if you go blonde.

12 Facts on blondes:

1. Statistically, around one in three women are blondes, but most of them dye their hair. If you’re naturally blonde, you should consider yourself special because you’re in the 2% of people who are natural blondes.

2. Another reason why you should consider yourself special if you’re a natural blonde is the fact that natural blondness is a result of a really small genetic mutation. How small? Imagine one different hair in billions of others.

3. Hair color can change. Thus, you can be blonde as a child, and go dark later in your childhood. The reason for this is the level of eumelanin, which regulates the darkness of the hair and usually rises with age.

4. If you have blonde hair, it doesn’t mean that you have also blue eyes. There is no connection between the color of the hair and the eyes in the case of blondes.

5. Blonde also doesn’t come in one shade, but around 30. You can be grey blonde, brown blonde or café au lait blonde. And there is a visible difference between the shades. For instance, you might look good with one shade, but look unnatural with another shade. There is even a shade called strawberry blonde, which is a combination of blonde and red.

6. Dark skin comes with dark hair? Not always. The Melanesians of New Guinea are a dark-skinned group of humans with a high blonde hair rate. However, the gene that makes their hair blonde is not the same gene mutation that happens to blonde Caucasians.

7. Some scientists believe that men who have blond hair and blue eyes are naturally more attracted to blondes. The reason for that lies in evolutionary psychology.

Namely, parents pass blonde hair and blue eyes to children only if both of them are blonde and blue-eyed.

In other words, your children will have those traits for sure only if both you and your partner have them. Thus, blond and blue-eyed men might be instinctively attracted to women with the same traits so that their children will look like them.

8. Statistics show that blondes are more hairy. It’s true, blondes have more hair on their head compared to the rest. Experts say that the reason for this is in the quality of the hair. Namely, blonde hair is finer and the scalp can “hold” more hair.

9. From Marilyn Monroe we learned that gentlemen prefer blondes. This might be true, according to science. Studies show that blondes are the most attractive to men. Statistics show that they are more likely to be helped when they need assistance and to be picked up in a bar. 

10. However, other studies show men having a different opinion for blondes. Namely, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology published a research implying that men consider blondes as needy, high-maintenance, and neurotic.

11. The stereotype of “dumb blonde” is so popular that men actually behave more stupid in the presence of a blonde woman. French researchers tested the hypothesis on men who were shown blonde women and dark-haired women while taking a test. The scores were lower when they looked at the blondes.

12. Whether they consider them dumb or not, wealthier men tend to marry blondes more often than dark-haired women. Researchers at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) discovered that blondes not only end up with wealthy men, but they are also paid more.

How To Identify The Quality Of White Chocolates

Chocolates are the most popular celebrated food type in the world, and a vast number of foodstuffs involving chocolate have been created, particularly desserts including cakes, pudding, chocolate brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. Many candies are filled with or coated with sweetened chocolate, and bars of solid chocolate and candy bars coated in chocolate are eaten as snacks.

Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes like eggs, hearts, coins have become traditional throughout the world on specific holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, Easter. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages such as chocolate milk and hot chocolate and even in some alcoholic drinks. Yep, you heard it right, in some alcoholic drinks such as crème de cacao.

How To Identify Top Class White Chocolates:

If you find yourself asking this question – where can I buy couverture chocolate, it is important to first be in a position to identify the best white chocolates.  They must be ideally made up of at least 20 percent cocoa butter, 14 percent milk solids, 3.5 percent milk fat and no more than 55 percent sugar or other types of sweeteners should be added.

Most chocolate companies attempt to create chocolate that is unique from other brands in the business but falls short of customer’s expectations. But few succeed in making first class chocolates by sticking to superior quality and manufacturing in their supreme way.

Few simple tips to choose quality white chocolates:

A good quality white chocolate will have cocoa butter, the creaminess of the chocolate, as top ingredients.

In exceptional cases, milk solids may be an ingredient in white chocolate. Avoid chocolates that have sugar as the top ingredient or if additional fats are added.

Purchase chocolate that has been made recently. The more recently the chocolate was made, the fresher it will be. Aged chocolate would have lost some of its quality and taste. White chocolate should be consumed within six months.

Be genuine to pay more for high-quality chocolates. If you are looking for top quality chocolate, expect to shell out more for the quality. Good quality chocolate will cost more than the commercial grade chocolate.

A high price does not necessarily mean it is high-quality chocolate. Some sellers may try to push out commercial grade chocolates at a higher price.

You can browse the label of the chocolate for the list of ingredients added if you see many ingredients that you have not come across or familiar with; opt for a different chocolate company. It must also be GMO-free.

Best Ways To Accomplish Good Tasting:

To get the most out of your chocolate, it is advisable to consume it in the morning when your sensitivity is higher. Having chocolate at the end of a meal is not the best way to reveal its flavor.

Avoid drinking champagne or having ice cream before tasting your chocolate. Doing so will affect the flavor of the chocolates since your taste buds will be preoccupied.

Tasting chocolates in small amount enhance the appreciation of fragrance and flavors. However, you can always repeat the tasting sessions.

How to choose the right mattress: the steps to follow

How to choose the right mattress? It is not a simple operation but it is an excellent sign that you are wondering why it is a very important operation. Whether you are students, employees or freelancers, the importance of resting well remains unchanged.

If you have a bad sleep, the body does not restore itself and, if it does not restore itself, does not make it in daytime life. There are experiments to demonstrate this and even art has gone so far as to declare it openly with films like “The man without sleep” (whose protagonist is Christian Bale) in which he shows what happens in an individual when he renounces bed for too long.

Having comfortable mattresses is the basis for deep sleep but on the market there are many models and each of us has its own characteristics that can put us all in front of important crossroads. You are advised to visit several sites that are able to compare the specifications of various mattress products such as Rest Right Mattress.

How to choose the right mattress?

There are rules, advice, tips and subjective considerations but first of all, among the characteristics of a good mattress, there is the fact that it must support your body in a neutral position, the one in which the vertebral column assumes a natural curvature and the parts of the body on which the greatest pressure is burdened are supported in a correct alignment. Make sure the mattress is not too stiff otherwise it would add stress over the pressure points, leading your body to an incorrect position. On the contrary, if it’s too soft, the pressure points of your body would not receive the most adequate support. The solution is an ergonomic mattress.

The second question

The second question to analyze is to understand your state of health. If you suffer from low back pain, in fact, you will need to have a stiffer mattress. We do not say so but a research conducted in Russia studied people who had suffered from years of back pain and the research has discovered that, on a scale that rated from 1 to 10 the rigidity of the mattress, the people who slept on a medium stiff (5.6 on the scale) in the morning they felt less pain than those who slept on a softer product.

How do you know if the bed you are sleeping on has to be changed?

There is an unequivocal signal. If you wake up in the morning with a bit of backache that goes in about half an hour, it means that it is time to put your wallet in hand. You should use your feeling. If you feel pressure, however, it does not work. If you can’t quickly convince yourself, you might consider our advice. Use an adjustable bed and based on our experience, Reverie 9T adjustable bed is one of the best.

This is why this brief overview of the tips to choose good mattresses concludes with the importance of doing a test in the shop. Experts suggest trying the mattress in the shop, in fact, lying on each product in the position where you usually sleep. You should be there at least 10 or 15 minutes on the bed, though, or the test will not be true.

Not only that: do not forget to bring your pillow! The more you can recreate the way you really sleep at home, the higher your chances of choosing the right mattress will be.