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5 Reasons Why Many Women Choose Not To Marry

“Why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same?”

Despite expectations from society to find ‘the one’, marry, and have kids, many women decide tying the knot is just not for them. What are the reasons for this? The reasons range from trivial ones like “I don’t want to share my bed” and “I like my last name so much” to more substantial ones.

1.    Single motherhood has become more widely accepted

A recently published study states that 40% of the women in the States decide to give birth unmarried, especially those without college degrees. With the idea of single motherhood becoming more widely accepted, women don’t believe they have to be married in order to have children, even if men make better money. They see it as a pattern they don’t need to follow.

2.    Financial independence

Women no longer need men to support them! Most women today have successful careers with great incomes that allow them to grow, travel, and be independent… Women can fulfill all their needs so, marriage becomes obsolete and unnecessary for them.

3.    Can’t or don’t want to have kids

Among the confessions shared on the ‘Whisper’ app, many women base their decision of not getting married on the ability or desire to have kids. Those who can’t have kids want to stay out of marriage because they’re aware their partner will eventually want kids. Others are simply happy child-free but fear that their partner will reject the idea.

4.    Divorce rates and unhappy marriages

Many women who come from broken marriages prefer to remain unmarried because they don’t want to go through a divorce. Others fear that being married means being controlled and restrained. They’ve seen friends being turned from independent women into housewives and stay-at-home moms or those who stay in unhappy marriages because of the kids. No wonder they prefer to keep their freedom by not tying the knot!

5.    Still waiting for ‘the one’

Despite all the above-mentioned reasons, there is still a large portion of women who remain single because they’re still hoping to find ‘the one’. They believe that there is the perfect partner out there and they refuse to just settle to not being alone.


Married or in a committed relationship? What 5 behaviors can you learn from a surfer to strengthen your family?

A couple came to my marriage clinic. They were exhausted from arguing about money!

Sadly, both had lost their jobs at the same time, now they were experiencing severe financial problems and were contemplating selling their home and moving to a less expensive neighborhood. They had three school-aged children who were settled in their current community, and they did not want to have to uproot them to move to a new location.

Recently, they started bickering and arguing about everything. It seemed as if they could no longer agree about anything. Their relationship was in meltdown. Now, in addition to their financial troubles, they had serious marriage problems. They were considering divorce on top of everything else. That is how they ended up sitting before me in my marriage therapy office.

Listening to each of them describe the situation, I became aware of a pattern. Each kept repeating over and over again what has caused the problem, how they are experiencing the problem, how bad the problem was, and who made the problem. They presented to me every kind of thinking about a situation devoid of one strategy — solution focused creative thinking.

As they repeated their stories with each rendition, I could feel their personal stress ratcheting upwards.

It became clear to me they had to get beyond their self-limited way of looking at the problem and find solutions that were “out of the box.” They had to do some ‘solution focused creative thinking.’

Many individuals do not handle stress well. This can seriously destabilize an otherwise secure and satisfying relationship.

A successful marriage or committed relationship requires two sets of skills: 1. Relationship skills, 2. Individual skills.

Handling stress correctly and remaining calm and positive is a necessary individual characteristic that contributes positively to a relationship.

From what I was observing listening to these two well intending individuals is that neither of them was dealing with their financial stress properly. Rather than doing the things necessary to reduce stress, they were contributing to more stress by doing the wrong things. Rather than fight with each other regarding what the problem was, whose fault the problem was; instead they could pull together as a couple-team and focus on a solution. The first step in achieving this would be for each of them to have realistic expectations.

It is normal for families to have challenges. Just as it is normal for a car to get a flat tire or a shopping bag to break. Life is such that unexpected and unwanted things occur daily. Successful people know how to handle all of this without it taking them down.

This couple before me had not handled the situation correctly and not only were they trying to figure out how to solve their financial crisis in all the wrong ways, they were also wondering if they could even stay together as a family. It seemed to me that their stress had become like an infection and it was spreading from limb to limb, from one part of their family life to another. They, along with their three children who were in their care, were in a nosedive.

My first step was to give them a reality check. That is, to let them know that disappointment is normal and to be expected and that successfully solving whatever the problem requires a realistic adjustment. In other words, as a couple, they need to change and not resist those changes that are imposed upon them and are beyond their control. What is within their control is how to modify their own behavior so what is currently appearing as a problem will in the future no longer be a problem. They need to see adversity as an opportunity!

I said to my clients: Imagine a surfer navigating the violent seas. He is vigilant. He is constantly adjusting his direction. He changes rapidly where he stands on his surfboard, where he places his weight. He anticipates what will happen next: what type of wave is headed his way, who is around him, how far away he is from the beach. The surfer’s mind is highly focused on everything that is happening at the moment. And what he knows first and foremost is that has to ride the wave without falling in the water. There are many moving parts (changing circumstances), and he has to adjust to each one of them. If he does not, he will be thrown from his board and tossed in the water. And if he does adjust successfully, he may even win the surfing championship!

I told my clients they need to be like surfers. I told them they need to be flexible and adjust to the changing situation that they find themselves in. In other words, I told them to embrace change.

I continued breaking this challenge we all face down into small parts:

1-We need to face problems straight on, and not ignore them.

2-We need to be flexible and adjust ourselves to the reality of the situation.

3-We need to consider and anticipate what will change once our solutions are applied.

4-We need to stay vigilant to unanticipated changes and adjust as necessary.

5-We need to accept that after one problem has passed… there will be another.

6-We need to eat nourishing things to face challenges of life for ex numedia MCT oil, it will energize and nourish your body effectively.

I told my clients that ’embracing the problem’ would give them the energy and enthusiasm needed to find a solution to the problem that was caused when they lost their jobs. In essence, I was instructing them to transform the bad into good.

Three weeks later they came back to me for a follow-up appointment. They told me they were starting a new business. They combined their respective talents to build a business team that had a high likelihood of success.

In a follow-up appointment, they told me that their business was growing rapidly and that they were very optimistic about the future. They anticipated that within a year or two they would be earning more money than the two of them had been earning from the jobs that they have lost. They felt good about this. Problem solved!

I told them to commemorate their success they should go buy two surfboards, take some lessons, and enjoy the water — surfing is a great hobby!

Author’s Bio

Abe Kass, M. A., R. S. W., R. M. F. T., is a registered Social Worker, registered Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an award-winning educator, and writer. He has a clinical practice working with individuals, couples, and their families in his office in Thornhill, Ontario (near Toronto), Canada. As well, he works with numerous individuals and couples around the world using the phone and Skype. Abe has authored eighteen self-help books and hundreds of self-help articles. Check out Abe’s website is dedicated to helping couples prevent relationship conflict and divorce.

10 Reasons Why Sarcastic People Are Highly Intelligent

Even though some might argue that sarcasm does not require some special skills; it is a fact that you have to be witty to be able to say one thing while actually meaning the opposite.

Some language experts say that sarcasm is a form of insult with a dose of humor and obliqueness. Still, one may ask, what is the connection between sarcasm and intelligence?

Dr. Shamay – Tsoory, a psychologist at the Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa, conducted a study in which was proved that one’s ability to use sarcasm is linked to the understanding of people’s mind and feelings.

Below we give you 10 reasons that prove that sarcastic people are indeed “the brain” of society:

1.     Sarcastic people have healthier brains

Being sarcastic can improve brain’s cognitive function, research shows. Actually, if you are unable to detect and understand sarcasm it might be a sign of brain disease, such as dementia. Moreover, MRI scans show that the parahippocampal gyrus (the part of the brain that is associated with memory) is the living place of sarcasm.

2.     Sarcasm helps you to choose better your friends

Because sarcastic people are most sarcastic with their loved ones and people they are close with; it is essential for them to be surrounded only with people who get their sense of humor. This is also very important for forming a social connection. Sarcastic people like people who not only tolerate their witty comments, but also give them back.

3.     Sarcastic people are really good at showing emotions 

‘I hate you’ means ‘I love you’ in sarcastic language. Penny Pexman, a sarcasm researcher and a psychologist at University of Calgary, said that the saying that you tease the ones you love is true. However, psychologists recommend caution because some people may see as hostility what sarcastic people see as playfulness.

4.     Sarcasm makes you more creative

One study found that people, who utter sarcastic remarks, as well as those who receive them, tend to be more creative. Moreover, the study also discovered that sarcasm improves a person’s abstract thinking.

5.  Sarcastic people know how to handle a conflicting situation

While it is true that not everyone like sarcasm, and it can lead to an argument, those people who understand sarcasm will know that is their sense of humor. According to Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School and a behavioral scientist, people can only receive sarcasm or give a sarcastic comment to someone they trust and won’t view it as a provocation to conflict than give or receive a sarcastic comment from someone they don’t trust.

6.  Sarcastic people rule the world

Scientists have studied sarcasm for more than a decade, and they are still obsessed with sarcasm and the human wit. One study conducted over the phone discovered that people use the phrase “yeah, right” sarcastically in 23 percent of the time. Moreover, children from the youngest age are exposed to sarcasm and understand it even before they go to pre-school.

7.     They think on another level

Research shows that the brain actually works harder in processing snarky remarks, which sharpens it and improves our problem-solving skills. So, the saying that “sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence” is no far from the truth.

8.     Sarcasm has an evolutionary role in your survival

Studies show that sarcasm is one of the evolutionary crucial survival skills due to its role to critique the society. Simply put, sarcastic comments are now a part of people’s behavior and personality.

9.     Your snark reveals where you are from

Sarcasm can be different in different regions and cultures. One study of students discovered that 56 percent of the participants from northern countries thought that sarcasm is funny, while only 35 percent of participants coming from southern countries found sarcasm to be humorous. It may be some truth in the stereotype that southern people are more sincere.

10.You can give-up sarcasm any time you want

Yeah, right. J In today’s society and culture, and most importantly – social media, it is so much easier for a sarcastic person to share their witty sense of humor.

Do you know any sarcastic person who missed an opportunity to make a salty comment? – Me neither!

Image Copyright: designpics / 123RF Stock Photo

Why Do Couples Start To Look Like Each Other?

I am sure that you all know couples who are so similar to one another that people often confuse them for siblings. They look alike, they finish each other’s sentences, and they even dress the same by wearing the same colors.

Do you think that people are only looking for partners who look like them, or do you think that with time couples start to look alike?

You have probably heard the old saying that “opposites attract”. Well, this is not true according to a research by R. Chris Fraley, a psychologist at the University of Illinois. Contrary, he found out that “like attracts like”, i.e. we tend to choose partners who are more similar to us – from physical appearance to the person’s character and special skills and talents.

In Fraley’s opinion, this tendency that we have to be attracted only to partners that look like us is because we, as people, tend to trust more the face which looks like ours. Also, maybe this is because subconsciously we want our kids to look like us, so we pick a partner who has the similar physical characteristics as ours.

Moreover, according to Robert Zajonic, from the University of Michigan, couples who have been together for approximately 20 years or more start to look more similar to each other because they start mimicking each other’s facial expressions. They have been together for so long that they begin to smile at the same things, frown or cry when something bad happens etc. This mimicking leads to having the same wrinkles and lines on their faces, says Zajonic.

Furthermore, Robert Zajonic says that the happier the couple is, the more they start mirroring each other. This means that the longer they are together, they will start imitating more each other’s habits and characteristics such as the manner of speaking, intonation, musical preference, facial expressions, the manner of walking etc.

It is no wonder that dating coaches advise us to mirror our partner’s movements on the first date because we bond easily when we think that someone is similar to us. This is all done subconsciously.

What do you think of this phenomenon? Do you know such couples who look like each other? Are they happy in their relationships or marriages?  


5 Hobbies That Will Help You Improve Your Health

It seems that the ideal solution for a healthier lifestyle is to maintain a balanced diet and keep up with an exercise routine. Although these have been proven effective, a lot of people are immensely occupied with tight schedules that getting up early in the morning for a quick jog, working out in a health gym or keeping track of your calorie intake isn’t an easy thing to do.

Inevitably, we often get to the mainstream conclusion of lifestyle changes when discussions about health spring up. These so-called changes usually mean altering our routines or doing something we’re not really fond of doing. As it results in a better physical, mental, and emotional health, we don’t mind the changes even if it feels like a torture sometimes.

But if you could live a healthier life while doing something you really love, would you? Who wouldn’t! It may seem implausible, but your favorites hobbies can make that happen. The following are five of the popular hobbies that will give your health an incredible boost!

  1. Listening to music. Music can affect your health in so many ways. There are times when you feel excited and happy when you listen to an upbeat music or feel sleepy when ballad or jazz songs are on. Not only does it have the ability to alter your mood, relax your body, and soothe your mind, listening to music can alleviate stress and anxiety. When you’re free from stress, you can have a better and happier life.
  2. When you let your feet move to the dancing beat, your body feels the energy and excitement. As this fun activity rejuvenates you, it also strengthens your bones, enhances flexibility, and promotes a healthy cardio activity. If you want to trim a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight, dancing can also do the trick!
  3. Going for a walk in a park or strolling around a shopping mall can make a difference in your health. As walking is a part of our daily activities like running some errands or attending the chores at home, you get to participate in this simple form of exercise. It also includes trekking and hiking if you are a bit adventurous. It helps you stay active, strengthens your bones and joints, burns fat, and even boosts the metabolism.
  4. Who would’ve thought cooking can also be a fun and healthy activity? Those who have been battling depression or stress can find a sense of relief and enjoyment in this healthy hobby. Because you have a goal to make sumptuous dishes, you get to focus your mind into something more sensible rather than wallowing in those depressing thoughts. It also spurs creativity that results in a healthier way of thinking.
  5. Sketching and Colouring. Letting your creative hand work into the intricate details of sketching and colouring stimulates mindfulness. Your mind learns to focus and live in the moment. While you practice mindfulness, it helps to reduce psychological distress that adults usually experience. It also enhances self-control that encourages your mind to focus on the good and hence, a healthier mental health. So, if you think this activity is only for the kids, it isn’t. It is your another ticket to a healthier wellbeing!

Immersing in your favorite hobbies gives you another way to live a healthier life. Not only it does allow you to indulge in something you love to do but also improves different aspects of your health – physical, mental, and emotional. So, when you feel you’ve got nothing to do with your free time, spend your day with one of these hobbies and live a healthy and happy life!

The Best 3 Careers for Introverts

Arguably, introverts are the most misunderstood group of people in the modern age. While an estimated 50% of the population can be described as being introverted, this demographic remains at a disadvantage in the workplace as they’re wrongly perceived to be shy, unemotional and in some instances lacking in empathy.

Make no mistake; both introverts and extroverts can add tangible value to the workplace, so your task is to understand that key attributes that define these states of mind and identify the careers that are most suitable.

In this article, we’ll discuss three careers that are ideal for introverts and ask why they’re this should be the case.

  1. Financial or Stock Market Trader 

We’ll start with what is arguably the most lucrative career for introverts; namely financial or stock market trader.

This career option certainly offers scope for autonomy and independence, which are often sought by social introverts and those who occasionally suffer anxiety when mixing with others. Such a career option also enables introverts to leverage their innate critical thinking skills, as the ability to review and analyze data sets is central to successful trades.

We’d particularly recommend stock or futures trading due to their relative lack of volatility, which is likely to suit the mindset and outlook of most introverts. Also if you like 

  1. Database Administrator 

We’ve already touched on the needs of social introverts, and while this may sound like a contradiction in terms it relates to individuals who are not shy but prefer to socialise with a relatively small number of people at any given time, but they want viable and lucrative career .

For this type of introvert, it may be worth considering a role as a database administrator, as this job is detail-oriented and enables candidates to work independently for much of the time. Similarly, it requires a tremendous amount of focus, which is ideal for a group of people may only enjoy socialising in moderate doses.

This role can pay up to £50,000 a year in some instances too, so it’s a viable and lucrative career that can provide financial security for applicants.

  1. Environmental or Industrial Engineer

Introverts are also inclined to be thoughtful and introspective, with the latter quality of confused for shyness or an inability to mix well with colleagues.

Those with an introspective mindset tend to perform well in complex and detail-oriented job roles, as they have an innate ability to think analytically and undertake layered tasks in an extremely efficient manner. These skills are ideally suited to roles such environmental or industrial engineer, which are in high-demand at present and capable of paying £60,000 per annum and beyond.

Introspective introverts are also likely to been keen on self-improvement and career growth, making ambitious engineering roles extremely fit for purpose.

Katy Perry Breaks Down Claiming The “GRACE OF GOD” Helped Her Through Suicidal Depression

In the time of the release of her new album “Witness”, the popular pop singer, Katy Perry, broke down during a live therapy session. With tears in her eyes, she talked about her suicidal thoughts and how ashamed is she now of that, and claimed that her faith in God helped her through her depression.

Her hour-long therapy session with Siri Singh, the host of a reality show about mental health called “The Therapist”, focused mainly on Katy’s self-image. She talked openly about her struggles of feeling like she is caught between two personas: one is the famous pop star Katy Perry, and the other is Katheryn Hudson, her birth name.

She told Singh that her song “By the Grace of God” was inspired by her suicidal thoughts that she had while also battling alcoholism. She feels ashamed that she ever had this kind of thoughts, that she would ever feel that low and depressed.Katy also confessed that she’s been in therapy for five years now together with her parents. She reminisced about her childhood, and that she grew up in a conservative Christian family in Santa Barbara, California with parents who are ministers.

Because of her religious background, Katy was not allowed to do many things in her childhood, but now she says she is happy she got to know her parents better all because of the joined therapy.

Katy admitted also that she is more naïve than people may think. Moreover, she still feels a little lost sometimes, looking for her path, and only recently she got accustomed to the fact that it is okay to hug strangers and not think of hugging as a “sexual thing”.

She is still struggling to come to terms with her private and public persona.

When Singh mentioned her short hair, Katy got upset. She cut her hair short earlier this year and said that she had to cut it because of a damage caused by bleach. However, during the session, she said that she wanted to change her appearance because she didn’t want to look like Katy Perry anymore – she wanted to be her old self (Katheryn Hudson) again.


Stay Single Until You Meet A Guy Like THIS

I always say that it’s better to stay single than to be with someone just for the sake of not being alone. But really, I don’t want to spend my time and energy on a person who doesn’t respect me and doesn’t appreciate me. I don’t want a guy who cares more about his favorite basketball team than me. No, thanks. I prefer being single.

I’ve had relationships with guys who haven’t respected me. Some of them didn’t care if I was home on time or not. Some of them didn’t care about my ambitions and blamed me for their failures. It was enough.

That’s why I say: STAY SINGLE until you meet a good guy that deserves you.

The guy that deserves you should be your biggest support and should help you achieve everything you want. They should not close the doors that are opening to you.

You will find a guy who deserves you.

This guy will not find excuses not to be with you. He will count the hours to see you and he will want to see you again.

This guy will take care of you and you will see it in the details. He will make sure you are safe everywhere you go.

The guy who really deserves you will not be ashamed to kiss you in front of everyone. He will hold your hand and make your wishes come true.

This guy will want you to meet his friends and he will want them to know you. Same goes for the parents. He will show you to his parents with pride and respect.

This guy will be ready to drop everything just to be with you. He will want to be with you and to see you happy.

This guy knows how important your job is to you and he will not bother you when he knows you need some time alone.

You will not be afraid to introduce this guy to your parents.

You deserve a guy who will love you as you are. Who won’t try to change you, but will accept your flaws instead.

You deserve a guy who answers back when you reach him. You don’t need someone who waits to text back.

You deserve a mature guy who doesn’t want scams and hidden things. A guy who is honest with you and trusts you completely.

You want someone who enjoys to cuddle with you because he feels you close to him that way. Someone who will kiss you every day.

The guy you deserve always keeps his word and comes wherever you need him.

The guy you deserve is aware that he makes mistakes, but he also apologizes and admits he was wrong.

The guy you deserve surprises you with flowers or your favorite cookies after a rough day.

A guy who will remember that you have a stressful meeting and will send you a text to wish you good luck beforehand.

Every girl deserves a guy who will encourage her to be the best version of herself. A guy who will inspire her to achieve great things and will push her to become better every day.

Every girl deserves a guy who knows how capable his girl is.

We all need someone to believe in us.

Someone who will not be ashamed to say “I love you” first and repeat it every day.

Someone who is afraid of losing you and wants to be with you forever. Someone who still flirts with you and makes you fall in love with him again and again.

Someone who makes you feel special. Someone who makes you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world just because you’re beside them.

That’s why it’s better to be single until you meet someone who is making your life better than you ever imagined.

Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

New Mom Takes Her Own Life After Silent Battle With Postpartum Depression: Why All Of Us Must Share Her Friend’s Plea

Becoming a parent is a life changing experience that helps people become aware of true happiness. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to handle the change successfully.

The world is upset by the story of Alison, a wife and a mother of a baby girl, told by her friend Julie.

Alison was one of those women that brought sunshine with themselves whenever they entered a room. Bright, positive, communicative. She had a great job, and lived a healthy and fulfilled life.

Her husband worked in the army and they were forced to move a lot because of his job. However, for an outgoing person like Alison, that was never an obstacle to meet new people and make new friends.

Their last location was Montgomery, Alabama. Soon after the arrival, Alison invited their close neighbors, Julie and her husband for dinner. Soon they became very good friends, especially the ladies. They were both expecting the birth of their first child, and that brought them even closer.

They shared experiences, opinions and prepared for the important moments together. As Julie says, Alison was really enjoying her pregnancy days and was very excited for welcoming her baby girl.

 “She was so smart and confident, and she knew how to transfer that confidence to the people around her”, says Julie. “In one word, she was very supportive, a real friend. I trusted her so much since she looked like she knew what she was doing, so I copied everything she was doing to prepare for the baby – buying the same things, reading the same books.”

In a meantime, Alison did not neglect her career. She worked as an educator of preschool children, and she loved her job. She spoke with love and passion about the kids she taught. She knew so much about childcare, that everyone was confident that she would be the perfect mother.

And then, the baby came. Her name was Ainslee. As Julie says, she continued spending a lot of time together and discussed their new challenges. Alison looked like she was handling the situation perfectly. She was telling her friends that she enjoys the moments of happiness with her daughter, and cries only happy tears out of tenderness.

Apparently, that was only on the outside. The reality was quite the opposite – Alison was suffering postpartum depression that was intensifying as time passed.

Her story ended with a tragedy. She took her own life when her baby girl was only four and a half years old, leaving her family and friends in shock and grief.

No one could even imagine what Alison was going through; no one could even suspect that she was fighting depression, taking into consideration the picture of the gregarious girl she presented to the world.

She had developed a suicide plan on her own, and the only thing she left as an explanation was an email. According to her last words, she could find no strength to fight the hopelessness and the emptiness she felt. She might not even have been aware that she had a condition, and that she could have been treated.

Postpartum depression involves feelings of guilt, numbness, sorrow and despair that women develop after giving birth.  Many moms who deal with it have difficulty in connecting with their own babies, and are ashamed to admit it.

Symptoms appear for no particular reason, and in many cases, victims deal with them intrapersonally. Obviously, Alison was dealing with something that was too difficult to fight on her own.

Unfortunately, Alison’s fight is not only her own fight. There are thousands of mothers out there that go through the same pain, but they are too ashamed to talk about it.

Same as Alison, a big portion of those women are not even able to define what they are going through and why the birth of their own child brings them suffering.

That is why Alison’s family and friends decided to tell her story. That is why Julie decided to tell the world what her best friend experienced. All these mothers need to become aware that they are not alone, and that there is nothing shameful about their condition.

They need to know that not every mother is fully enjoying her new role from the very beginning. Some of them are not that lucky, and they need help.

Therefore, let us not be silent. Alison’s life ended prematurely, but it will not go in vain, if her story helps someone fight this painful war.

Talking about the problem will show a desperate mother that she has someone to help her in the pain, whether it be a friend, a counselor or a doctor.

Information for PPD:
24 Hours National Suicide Prevention Lifeline hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
Source: herviewfromhome.com
Photo by London Scout 

Your Body Can Tell You If You Like Someone Or Not – Here’s How To Read The Signs

Next time when you get butterflies in the stomach, you shouldn’t ignore it, but listen to it because it’s probably your body physically reacting and telling you something.

Indeed, the human body is more intelligent than you think and it reacts to situations that involve emotions, stress or relaxation. So, if you’re having doubts about something, it might be a good practice to avoid overthinking and to listen to your body instead.

And the good thing is that you don’t have to be an expert in anatomy to know how to recognize the important signs your body sends to you.

You feel warm in their presence

The feeling of warmth and openness in their presence is a good sign that you feel this person close to you. A relationship based on openness and intimacy is a good relationship with future.

You feel happy

The person you love has to make you feel happy and satisfied, not depressed. Accordingly, if you’re happy and you’re feeling optimistic in the relationship, that’s a good starting point, for sure. Finally, who doesn’t want to be in a relationship that makes them happy?

You’re motivated to achieve more

If you feel motivated to achieve what you’re always desired when you’re with the other person, your body is telling you that you like them and they make you feel good about yourself. Good relationships are all about inspiring the other person to be the best version they can be. If you feel like you can conquer the world with him, he might be “the one”.

You can be yourself in their presence

If you’re faking it in any way, they’re not the person you want to be with. Take into consideration that this person might be the one you’ll spend the rest of your life with. They have to accept you as you are and you have to feel comfortable in front of them. If you already feel good about yourself in their presence, you’re with the right person.

You like the way they smell

They say that people, just as animals, are attracted to someone via the sense of smell. In this way, the body tells you whether you like someone or not using the sense of smell. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

You feel healthy

If your partner wants to see you healthy, you can be sure that you are with a person who cares about you. In a good relationship, both partners are trying to be the best version of themselves, not just for the other person, but for themselves, too.

Your intuition tells you to do it

Nobody has yet proved that intuition works the way we like to believe it does, but everyone has had some kind of experience with it. Haven’t you been in a situation where you felt something is not right, although your mind was telling you the opposite? Listen to your intuition, always.

You feel their pain like it’s yours

Empathy is an important sign that you like that person. When you love someone, you don’t want to see them hurt and you feel every pain like it’s yours.

You’re sexually attracted to them

This sign is obvious, but sexual attraction might be the most important sign of love and strong connection between two people. If they don’t attract you sexually at the beginning, how would you expect to keep them around after years?

You like to cuddle with them

The biggest anti-cuddlers start to cuddle when they’re with the person they love. If you and your partner can’t stop cuddling, it’s an indicator that you enjoy their presence and you like them. The body is telling you they’re compatible with you.

You feel relaxed

They make you feel calm. The stress is our biggest enemy and in today’s world, you don’t want to be with someone who causes you additional stress, but with a person who helps you relax instead. If you feel them as your greatest support in stressful periods, your body is telling you that you’re a good match.

You miss them when they’re not there

If you miss their physical presence, even if you have just spent time together, your body physically reacts to their absence. This is a strong indicator that you like being with them.

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Photo by Yoann Boyer