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This Kraft Ad Geared Toward Moms Who Swear Is F***ing Hilarious

When we learn the fact that 74 percent of moms confessed that they swear in front of their children, we couldn’t help but wonder: “For god’s sake!

What do the other 26 percent moms do? What is wrong with them?”

Kraft Mac & Cheese may have thought the same thing, because they have even created a “film” with Melissa Mohr – the mom who is the author of the so called Swear book.

In this film, she gives advice to moms on how to use cursing around the house and she even suggests alternatives of curse words that can actually be used around kids.

And this advice indeed is a piece of gold!

Go check it for yourself if you don’t believe me. But, I warn you: It may cause incontrollable laughing. 

For Every View Of This Video A Pound Of Dog Food Will Be Donated To Shelters

Soul Pancake and Puppy Chow team, just released a video that can be found with the hash tag #PowerofPuppies, in order to help raise food donations for shelter dogs.

Each view of this video makes Purina donate one pound of Puppy Chow Natural to Rescue Bank, that will go up to half a million pounds.

The numerous views and shares by good-hearted people, make this campaign still successful today.

So, this is a call to all good people out there: Please view and share this video. You will help some hungry dog get his food. Besides, it is a cute video also. 


Bizarre Video: This Penguin Catches His Wife Cheating On Him – Watch What Happens

Penguins. When you don’t think that they have anything new to surprise you, there they are flapping their bony wings against one another… over a cheating wife.

If you thought that fighting over a cheating wife is only what some men resort to (that is humans), then you should definitely see what happens to this penguin couple when the intruder comes in between.

It’s a fact that penguins mate for life, except for some species, but did you know that some penguins can be double-timing cheaters? National Geographic has caught one penguin wife on camera… and so did her husband.

The let-down husband, however, tries to save his family from the intruder. Unfortunately, it’s the wife who chose the new guy, and she won’t change her mind.

The question is: is the new penguin the intruder, or did the wife start having second thoughts?

Watch to see what happens:



6 Habits Highly Empathic People Have In Common

If you’ve heard the word ‘empathy’ popping out here and there, it’s no coincidence. It seems that more and more people are naturally unlocking their empathetic abilities as time goes by.

What is empathy? Empathy is the ability to feel what the other person is feeling, and recognize and accept that feeling. It’s the ability to step into their shoes and walk a mile, thus drawing conclusions on why they behave and feel the way they do.

Empathetic people understand that no two minds are the same, and that there’s no set pattern on how emotions can be triggered, but that they are there in every situation. And if you thought that these people are meek and vulnerable, you will be surprised to find that they are much more courageous than many.

While empathy was just part of common talk, now even science has started delving deep into its properties and its validity, discovering more as they dive deeper. In fact, neuroscientists have discovered a specific part of the brain responsible for empathy.

The supramarginal gyrus is a region of the brain which, when functioning properly, serves to help the person to distinguish their own emotional state from that of other people, and it’s responsible for empathy and compassion.

While empathy is at its peak during childhood, it doesn’t stop evolving as we grow up. In fact, we can nurture it and use it to transform our lives in a very positive direction. Empathy helps you to gain a better understanding of the world around you, and it opens up a whole new dimension of thinking.

To learn how to nurture this gift, looking at what makes an empathetic person is crucial.

Here are 6 habits that highly empathetic people have in common:

1. Cultivating curiosity about others

Highly empathetic people have this insatiable curiosity about others. You will notice a highly empathetic person talking to a complete stranger sitting next to them on the bus, or at any random place for that matter.

They have stuck to the natural inquisitiveness we all had as children. Not really examining others, but rather being the interested inquirers, these people have managed to resist society’s idea that curiosity is unnecessary when all the answers have already been found.

In fact, when you get to talk to someone you don’t know, you’ll see that every person is a completely new universe to discover, and that the beauty of it all is that you get to discover it first-hand.

The purpose of getting to meet others outside your ‘world’ is to expand your potentials as a human being, socially speaking. It offers a gateway of new worldviews and opinions that may challenge some outdated attitudes that may be lurking beyond your awareness.

Not only does curiosity expand our empathy, it also offers a cure to the chronic loneliness which affects one in three Americans.

  1. Challenging prejudices and discovering commonalities

Prejudices are the worst obstacle that there can be when it comes to embracing your empathetic ability. And really, is there so much to prejudice as you may think there is? Behind the label you are to put on a person lies an individual with lots of qualities.

Prejudices are natural for every mind. However, highly empathetic people like to challenge theirs, by looking into what they share in common with people rather than what divides them.

Differences make us unique, and commonalities bring us closer together. And this knowledge is something highly empathetic people cherish with all their heart. This way not only do they come closer to people, but also learn of new values that make them bigger than they were.

The key is understanding that prejudices are just a mindset that has nothing to do with the actual person they are targeted against. Whatever their behavior, and no matter how much they seem to fit into the frame, the empathetic person will recognize how they got there and what lies at the core of their nature, which is beautiful.

  1. Trying other people’s lives

If you thought that ice climbing and hand gliding are extreme sports, then you should try experiential empathy. You may have not met this term before, but you certainly have heard of great people who have done this.

One such example is George Orwell, who, after several years of being a colonial police officer in British Burma, decided to see what life looked like living on the social margins. For that, he dressed up as a tramp and went to live on the streets of East London.

His life with beggars and vagabonds opened up a whole new window of understanding he was never aware of. Not only did he realize that homeless people are not “drunken scoundrels”, but he even made new friends and wrote a book about it – Down and Out in Paris and London.

His experience showed him that empathy doesn’t only make you good – it’s good for you as well. Do you know people who like to try out different kinds of lifestyles?

Highly empathetic people often consider and practice this kind of life. You might notice them sneaking into services from different religions, just for the experience; travelling to underdeveloped countries and spending time there, living the lifestyle of the people there; doing things that don’t really ‘fit’ into their lifestyle; you name it.

These experiences are the best way to learn about others and understand something which was far from tangible.

  1. Listening hard – and opening up

In conversations, highly empathetic people listen to more than just words. They are aware of what’s going on within, the feelings and the intensity of the thoughts that unfold, while the conversation flows.

They direct their complete attention and awareness to the process of communicating with the other person, to such an extent that they understand the underlying processes, the emotions, and the needs that created the communication in the first place.

And they don’t stop there, as listening is never enough. Highly empathetic people like to open up, and reveal their vulnerabilities. In order to create this strong empathetic bond, it’s crucial to open up completely to the person you’re talking to.

This kind of openness and awareness is what allows empaths to truly connect to others and achieve an honest and a worthwhile communication with others. This way, they not only allow others to feel completely free to express themselves, but they also allow themselves to be completely honest toward themselves in the first place.

  1. Inspiring mass action and social change

Only through empathy can great changes be made. And highly empathetic people tend to inspire others to be as empathetic and follow their footsteps. Empathy can affect the masses and create movements like no other thing can.

You will see empathetic people marching forward to help the downtrodden and marginalized fight their way against the current of prejudice and exploitation. Empathetic people choose to stand on the side of those feeling unjustly singled out and mistreated.

It’s because they understand their struggle and the devastating emotions that they endure because of those who couldn’t care less. And empathy is contagious. Soon, many people join the fight and together change the world for the better.

  1. Developing an ambitious imagination

Empathizing with the ‘usual suspects’, i.e. the marginalized, those who are suffering, is what many would naturally do. But how often have you considered the emotional states of those who have caused the turmoil?

Highly empathetic people understand that empathy should be universal and should be directed toward everyone, no matter their status. This includes the adversaries too. They are people too, although misled by far, but with feelings and struggles.

In fact, the empathetic person will understand that no evil comes by free choice, and that at the core is a vulnerable individual who doesn’t know how to do better. This way of empathizing is a way of developing social tolerance that can lead to profound changes.

A beautiful example is Gandhi’s way of handling the conflicting emotions regarding the conflicts between the Hindus and Muslims, declaring “Yes I am, I am also a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew.”

As Roman Krznaric says, the 20th century was the age of introspection, where the best way to understanding ourselves was through looking inside ourselves. The 21st century should become the age of outrospection – the age of empathy.

Feature image by David Curtis

11 Important Dream Symbols You Should Never Ignore

Flying, water and travelling are some of the most common dreams that everyone has had. Do you know the meaning behind these common dreams?

The meaning of the following 11 dreams should never be ignored:

1. Boxes

If you dream of a case or a box of some sort, that probably means that you have some hidden feeling or you sense that something is being kept away from you. If the box is empty that means you have some sort of disappointment in your life. 

However, if you dream more than one or many boxes, it means that you have a problem in recognizing your feelings, and therefore you need to hide them away from everyone.

If you dream of an open box that might mean that some opportunity will be presented to you in your real life.  

2. Telephones

It is a good thing if you dream of a ringing telephone. When you dream of a ringing telephone, that means that one part of your personality is finally ready to get in touch with your senses the way it is supposed to. Be on alert, there might be an opportunity soon, so be in touch with yourself and your senses.

3. Flying

Dreams about flying are mostly categorized as a lucid dreams, but not always. They might indicate a wakeup call from your subconscious mind. If you dream of flying that might be a sign of some difficulties in your real life, and it can indicate your efforts to overcome these difficulties in life.

The flying is just a representation of an attempt to rise above the problems that you have in your life. It is as simple as that and it is not a good idea to ignore your subconscious.

4. The Moon

If you have a dream win which you see the moon, that might not a good thing. That might indicate that some unseen or never reviled creative side of your personality is fading away.

It might be a sign that you are losing some good quality hidden under your personality. Don’t let that happen, find where your creativity and good qualities are escaping.

5. Roads

If you dream of roads that means you dream of traveling. If the paths you dream of are clear, strait and beautiful in your dreams your life is going straight forward in a good direction.

But if you dream of fogy, dirty and hard to find roads, you have taken a negative course in life and you should consider some changes in your lifestyle. Remember that strait road means an easy journey in life, while a curved road means difficulties along your journey.  

6. Flowers


If you have a dream of a young flower, you should be happy because it is a really good thing. This indicates that new and interesting opportunities will pop up in near future. Dreaming of flowers might mean that some hard efforts from the past will give results and spring to life soon.

Dreaming of growing flowers indicate new beginnings, and bright future.  On the other hand if you dream old and dead flowers you might be facing an end for some phase in your life, or just an end of something, so be careful.

7. Water

Dreaming of water might be an indication of some ambition you have in life. So if you dream of the ocean don’t be afraid to take charge on big opportunities and risks in life.

If the waters you dream of are small lakes or shallow rivers than you are probably setting goals that are too high for you to reach. In any case, the greater the water you dream of the bigger the opportunities you should take.

8. Falling down

One of the most frightening nightmares for everyone must be this one. We all have dreamed of a situation where we are falling down without control. Well, you should know that this might be your subconscious talking, so don’t ignore it.

It might be a result of things getting out of control in your real life. This also might mean that you have some fear of failure in life, or fear of making the wrong choices in life. Also, if you dream of falling often that might mean that you have anxiety disorder.

9. Teeth

If you have a dream involving teeth or falling teeth, then you might have a fear of aging. Many people have had a nightmare were their teeth are falling off. Another meaning is worrying too much about your appearance.

10. Ants

If you have a dream about ants or other insects, this is an indication that something is bothering you in life. This might be a sign that you need to resolve your problems at the same time when they occur rather than letting them build up over time.

Ants are hard workers and team players. If you dream of ants it means you believe in this idea of hard and team work.

11. Green color

You seem to have a lot of love around, giving and getting. If all you dream about are green things than you probably are in a good emotional status.

Dreaming of the color green is a sign that you should be more passionate about life in general. If you have an emotional scar don’t worry, dreaming green indicates that those scars are going to heal eventually.

Psychologists Explain The Benefits Of Baking For Other People

Do you like baking for others? If you do, then you know that anything is a good excuse to whip up something nice today and toss it in the oven. Birthday cakes, brownies, muffins, pastries, and delicious sweets you accidentally discovered while daydreaming.

After reading this, you will have one more good excuse to bake something delicious that will be a treat for the eyes and the taste buds of those who happen to be lucky to be around. It turns out that there’s a lot more to baking than just spoiling the taste buds of those you love.

Perhaps you have already felt these benefits, but how aware are you that baking is a way to fight depression and stress? In an interview with HuffPost, psychologists explain three surprising things about the psychology behind baking for others.

Baking as a form of self-expression and communication

Communicating good feelings, beautiful and happy thoughts, and expressing your creativity, are the key to getting away from negative thoughts and stress.

Baking is all about these things. It allows people to express themselves creatively, and as Pincus explains, creative expression is closely connected to the overall wellbeing. Indeed, all forms of creative expression are a means of stress relief, and much more.

Baking is a form of communicating one’s feelings when words aren’t nearly enough. Whether it’s showing appreciation, thanks, or expressing your feelings, if you are short on words, Susan Whitbourne, professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts, suggests that baking can help.

Julie Ohana, a licensed medical social worker and culinary art therapist, suggests the same, noting that many cultures indeed see food as an expression of love. Food is something everybody can relate to, and enjoy – especially when it’s made with the secret ingredient (love).

Baking as a form of mindfulness

Being here and now is essential to happiness and a stress-free day, among other things. Baking takes all of your senses to here and now.

The whole process of measuring, adding the needed ingredients in the right order, rolling out the dough, tasting and smelling, or in short, as Pincus puts it, “being present with what you’re creating,” is a form of mindfulness which leads to stress reduction.

It’s no wonder that cooking is used as therapy. This type of therapy known as behavioral activation is what Julie Ohana is using to help people out. As she puts it, baking does not only involve the step-by-step thinking and “following the specifics of here and now”, but it also involves looking at the broader picture.

This means that when you bake, you also think of the recipe and the dish as a whole, what purpose it’s going to serve, who you are going to share it with and when. It means that while baking, you manage to achieve the balance of the moment and how it fits in the bigger picture.

This kind of state, the mindfulness you are involved in, can eliminate the presence of sad thoughts and ruminating over them, or any other thoughts for that matter. The process of baking activates many positive psychological aspects.

For one, the productive process prevents you from ruminating over your thoughts, and rumination is the gateway to depression and sad thoughts; to spice things up, the result from baking gives you a tangible reward, which others will benefit from as well.

Baking as a form of altruism

Baking for others is in its core the act of giving. If the process itself contributes to the wonderful effects of mindfulness, and thus overall wellbeing, the reward is even greater when it’s combined with giving.

Pincus notes that not only does baking increase your wellbeing, but it also connects you with other people and gives you the pleasurable meaning in life of doing something good for the world. Creating something nice for others is in the essence a form of altruism.

Indeed, you sacrifice your time and attention to make others feel happy and satisfied, which is a selfless act. This happens when you bake not for the purpose of seeking attention or out-doing others, but when you share with people who you believe will appreciate it.

Of course, baking should be a pleasurable activity for whoever’s doing it. Otherwise, it will more or less lose its charm. Ohana notes: If baking stresses you out, it’s not something you should do. De-stressing is meant to be one of the benefits of baking.



“PIERCING” New Alternative For Anxiety And Migraine Relief?

More than 29 million Americans are victims to anxiety and migraines with women risking three times more to get them as opposed to men, as it is reported by National Headache Foundation

      So, we can’t help but wonder what causes them, and most importantly what can we do to get rid of them?

      Everyday chores may precipitate these horrible headaches, such as watching television, eating certain foods, fluorescent lightings, excessive noise etc. The list goes on, but the fact remains that, when triggered, the person experiences unbearable pain and frustration which can lead to nausea and vomiting.

      If you go to a neurologist, he or she will most certainly prescribe you some anti-depressants to alleviate the pain along with some pills like Excedrin that are supposed to cut the pain altogether – but they seldom do. Moreover, I bet some of you also tried everything you can – from changing your diet, to meditation and yoga, and even acupuncture – but, with no great success.

      A brand-new cure and it comes in the form of jewelry

      Yes, you read right. Let us present you the “daith piercing”: a simple, cheap piece of jewelry.

      This procedure is relatively new and can be done at tattoo and piercing studios. However, there are not many statistics to prove that it works to everyone.

      Tammi Bergman, a specialist in headache relief, says that she always supports her patients in trying new things instead of medication. She says that people should not rely only to medications and pills because, as she adds, these pills that are supposed to cure migraines and anxiety are not yet approved by FDA. So, if there is a way you could go without taking them it is a great thing.

      Dave Kurlander, who performs this type of piercing on patients and is also owner of the Tempest Artistic Studio in Hopewell Junction NY, believes that this method really works and you should definitely try it.

      This process lasts for about 10 minutes and it is a much cheaper solution since it costs approximately 45 dollars, as opposed to acupuncture which is a lengthy and expensive process. Moreover, it is the same concept as acupuncture: while in acupuncture there are tiny needles places into different points of the body, the piercing hits a pressure point which reduces the pressure in the head.

      Dave Kurlander suggests piercing the ear that is located on the side where headaches mostly occur.

      However, the question remains that if there are no studies that support this procedure, how can we trust that it will work on us?

      All in all, I think that it is worth trying. If it works – great! And, if it doesn’t work, you’ll be left with a beautiful piercing. So, it is a win-win situation.  


11 Scientific Reasons Why People Who Are Socially Anxious Are Usually Highly Intelligent

We previously discussed about the positive link between intelligence and anxiety, and it’s truly remarkable that the higher the anxiety, the higher the intelligence of the person is. However, what does this mean for the anxious mind?

Science has been exploring anxiety ever since it was first recognized as a disorder, and their conclusions are mind-blowing.

The fact is that anxious people possess so many traits that others can only wish for, and this gift comes with а price, which is the burden of not being able to cope with anxiety so easily.

For example, did you know that the high level of intelligence that anxious people possess is what creates the troubles in their mind in the first place?

Here are 11 surprising characteristics that anxious people possess:

  1. Sentinel intelligence

Sentinel-related schema are specific cognitive patterns that allow a person to be among the first to detect the presence of a threat. Anxious people possess this ability, and can be real life-savers in such situations.

An example of this intelligence is what a study has shown: anxious people were able to detect the smell of smoke far before anyone else could. This only shows how their hyper sensitivity to threats is more than real. However, it can backfire very easily.

  1. Hyper self-awareness

The fact is that socially anxious people are extremely self-aware. They always watch and control their every move and word, and they are extremely concerned with how their actions could affect those around them.

While this is a positive thing, the problem comes when these people are put at the center of attention. The increased responsibility they feel at that moment can be exhausting and even debilitating, making them want to run away.

  1. Powerful mental processors

The anxious mind is a powerful logical processor. That’s why these people tend to ruminate over just about everything. The anxious mind will be looking at one thing from multiple angles, while expanding the picture to the very ends.

A study has found that anxious people indeed possess this ability to overthink situations, by looking at them from many angles and rationalizing them to a degree of utter madness. The problem is that all of this thinking eventually wears them down.

  1. High verbal intelligence

Anxious people possess an increased ability to perform analyses and solve problems through language-based reasoning. This language-based reasoning involves reading, writing, listening to words, conversing, and even thinking.

In other words, anxious people possess an increased verbal intelligence. This was confirmed by the same study mentioned above, and it is the underlying reason for their excessive thinking.

  1. Mind reading

No matter what you want to show on the outside, anxious people will sniff out your true state of mind and will know what you’re thinking or feeling. Although not mind readers in the literal sense, anxious people have a heightened awareness of other people’s state of mind.

A study showed that anxious people exhibited an increased ability to recognize the cognitive patterns in others, as well as their affective mental state. In other words, they knew what the other person was thinking and feeling.

  1. Empathy

Being able to tell what another person is thinking and feeling has got to do a lot with their powerful logical processors. However, anxious people have been noticed to pick up on other people’s emotional states even without analyzing.

Their empathetic ability is what makes them adopt other people’s problems as their own in many cases; and it is the same ability which makes them experience a great influx of emotions when surrounded by a large group of people.

  1. Down board thinking

Anxious people are masters of down board thinking. They can always predict a few moves ahead, especially in social situations. Their high and quick analytical skills allow them to follow the natural pattern of how things unfold.

Don’t be puzzled if an anxious person ends your sentences, or gets embarrassed before anyone else about an incoming faux pas.

  1. Special bonds

People with social anxiety tend to bond quickly with those with anxiety levels similar to theirs. These friendships form quickly and last for long. They possess the ability to sense and understand people’s minds, so it’s not hard for them to notice someone who is thinking similarly – and it’s mutual.

It’s not that they can’t make friends with others, but a study concluded that the intensity and the rapidity of bonding is increased by far when it comes to those with similar levels of social anxiety.

  1. Empirical conclusions

Their intelligence is unquestionable, so it’s natural to conclude that anxious people base many of their conclusions on empirical evidence. If their stress is showing, that doesn’t make them naïve.

In fact, these people know that history can repeat itself, so they tend to stay away from situations that have caused them to feel negative and stressed out.

  1. Intense sense of reality

Anxious people are not able to dilute the reality they perceive by choosing what to perceive and what to ignore. This keen sense of reality is a result of their constant ‘what if’ tasks in their minds.

While many people tend to ignore many of the possibilities that reality can bring, anxious people are unable to turn a blind eye to the same. This is their gift and curse at the same time.

  1. Piercing perception

Anxious people are able to pierce many of the veils of illusion that others tend to accept and enjoy. Be it an underlying intent, or an effort to hide something from plain sight, the anxious person will always get to the root of it and discover its true nature.

This is what makes them feel pessimistic about their future, especially with the distorted world we live in today. Being aware of how sinister people can be over insignificant things is what eventually pushes them into isolation and depression.


How Much Do You Think You Are Worth? This Story Might Open Your Eyes

Have you ever felt worthless, rejected, and miserable? That feeling like the whole world is judging your personality and abilities because they feel superior to you. You may have really felt inferior to the walls around you when you think of it.

Feeling worthless is the worst thing you can do to yourself, really. Especially because of other people’s twisted opinions and self-obsession which you then seem to take onto yourself. However, while many would just say that people’s opinions depend on your output, it’s not really like that.

You see, there will always be those who are not as aware as you are; and there will be those more aware. Accepting criticism from someone that doesn’t know you is like getting directions from a first-time tourist to a place you know too well.

The Parable of a Ring’s True Worth

Once, a man came to a wise man and complained that he felt worthless and that he didn’t want to live anymore. He said that everyone around him said that he was a failure and a fool, and he begged the wise man to help him.

After a quick glance, the wise man hurriedly turned down his plea, explaining that he had an urgent matter to take care of. However, he stopped for a moment and suggested that he would gladly help the man, but only if and after the man helped him to get the urgent matter done.

Bitterly noting to himself that his concerns had been again dismissed as unimportant, the man murmured in agreement to help the wise man out.

Satisfied with the man’s response, the wise man took off from his finger a small ring with a beautiful gem.

The wise man explained to the man that he had to sell his ring as soon as possible to pay off a debt, and instructed him to take a horse and go to the market to sell it. He asked the man to try to get as much

“Take a horse and go to the market. I have to sell this as soon as possible to pay off a debt,” said the wise man. He instructed the man to take as much as he could for it, and no matter what, not to agree to anything less than a gold coin.

The man took the ring and rode away. Once at the market, he started offering the ring to every merchant he came across. They were interested in the ring, but as soon as they heard that he offered it for at least a gold coin, they lost all interest in it.

Some simply turned away, and others even laughed in his face. It was only one older merchant who kindly explained to the man that that price is too high for such a ring. He told the man that the ring was simply not worth so much, and that the most he could get for it was a silver coin, or some bronze.

Having heard this, the young man remembered the wise man’s instruction not to give it for anything less than a gold coin. And even after offering it to over a hundred people, nothing changed.

In the end, he rode back to the wise man and told him that he hadn’t been able to sell the ring, as no one was willing to pay so much for it, although he was aware that the ring was not worth a silver coin.

“Now that’s a very important point, my son!” said the wise man. “Before trying to sell a ring, you should find out what it’s worth! And who can know that better than a jeweler?”

The wise man instructed the young man to go to the jeweler this time and ask him what he would offer for the ring. He added that no matter what the jeweler said, he was not to sell the ring, but come back to him right away.

The young man swiftly rode to the jeweler and asked about the ring’s worth. After carefully examining the ring and weighing it on his scale, the jeweler turned to the young man. “Tell your master that right now I can’t give him more than 58 gold coins. But if he gives me some time, I’ll buy it for 70, to compensate for the wait.”

The young man was shocked. 70 gold coins! He laughed, thanked the jeweler, and headed back to the wise man. The wise men listened to the young man describing what had happened and looked him in the eyes.

“Remember this, my son. You are like this ring – precious and unique! And only a real expert can appreciate your true worth. So why are you wasting your time going to random people to find out what it is?”

It is true: We often let those who cannot be aware of our worth to attribute too little worth to something they don’t actually know. Many times, underestimating comes as a result of ignorance. Don’t let someone’s ignorance be your setback. Know your worth!

What do you think of this story? Comment your thoughts and SHARE!

How to Understand the Emotions of a Woman

Have you seen the guys at the bar who walk up to a girl and before the end of the evening, she is leaving with him? He has probably used the psychology of women seduction with the added psychology of fractionation which is the “underground” seduction technique that many people say is the most intense and quickest form of seduction that has been developed.


A man just can’t walk up to a strange woman and start talking to her and expect to get her emotions going. Before you try fractionation, there are other emotions to work on which are other parts of the psychology of the seduction of a woman. For example:

  • Leadership skills – women love leaders, not followers
  • Special interests – be unique here – what makes you stand-out from the crowd
  • Social skills – how to talk to women; be funny and interesting and not awkward
  • Confidence – this is the #1 most attractive quality for women, no matter what your body type or how handsome you are – be confident

You should be a man that “she” will want to meet! Humans are creatures of emotions and women are more emotional than men. This is the reason that guys wear cologne, wear trendy clothes and have a cute haircut and bring gifts – all to make the woman attracted to you.

Emotional bond

This all adds up to forming some sort typeof an emotional bond between the two of you – without her knowing. Develop the goal of some trust between the two of you. You must know how to talk to women before you attempt fractionation. When you start talking stay confident and ask her lots of questions about herself.


Try to build suspense when talking to women – just think how much women love drama! Don’t let her know you are into her right away. Make her want to have your consideration and act somewhat aloof.

Similar to soap operas

Fractionation is like the tactic that soap operas use – the soap opera is first likable, easy to relate to characters, heart-wrenching drama all to get the audience emotionally invested in the characters and watch them every single day. It works – after one- hour people can get hooked. This is the same reasoning that is behind TV series. They hook you after one episode and you can’t wait a week, so they give you the entire season on Netflix as well as all the other seasons. So, before you know it, you go on a binge and end up spending your entire weekend watching all 5 seasons of that show.

Emotions of 5 days into 1

So, fractionation is often described as a blending of “mind control”, tone of voice, body language, and hypnosis. Fractionation is basically containing all the emotions of 5 dates into 1.

Behaviors to avoid

After earning a few dates – the work has just started. There are behaviors to avoid:

  • Lack of manners
  • Talking about other women
  • Telling an angry female to calm down
  • Letting hygiene go south
  • Acting cocky – women see that as lack of loyalty

You might want to investigate more on the psychology of seduction and fractionation before you try this.