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Coffee And Health: What Does The Research Say?

As the time passes by and the science improves more and more, specifically on the topic of coffee, the new findings are quite likeable for the common coffee lover, let alone the coffee addicts who drink several cups of coffee a day.

Its consumption started back in the centuries, but there was never a firm clue to blame, regarding the question whether it is healthy or unhealthy drink it.

Well, recently, there have been plenty of research that gave coffee lovers a green light to drink their favourite drink without a doubt.Try this best drip coffee maker. The number of benefits range from increasing energy level to living a long life.

Here is what the recent research shows about Bristol Nicaragua coffee and health:

  1. The coffee improves the memory on the long term

If you notice any issues with the memory function, then, you need a real dose of caffeine to improve the long-term memory. It is scientifically proven that two cups of coffee a day is the dosage needed to improve the memory on the long term.

  1. Coffee helps you stay focused

Whole bean coffee lowers the symptoms of fatigue, but also keeps you attentive and alert. This effect is a result if the neuro-chemical reactions the caffeine has. It maintains a higher concentration of dopamine, especially in centres of the brain associated with attention. However, you must not exaggerate the dose, because you may get the opposite effect.

  1. Coffee and losing weight

If you want to get slimmer, why not trying this step?! The coffee helps you to stay active and it boosts your energy, which you can use to do the workout easily i.e. to improve the physical performance and lose weight. Drinking a cup of coffee before exercising in the gym will help you stay active and energetic. It will also suppress hunger so you have a chance to minimalize the meals, if you drink two to three cups of coffee a day.

  1. Coffee reduces the risk of heart attack

Only a cup a day is sufficient to lower the risk of getting a heart attack up to 25%. According to the research, this miraculous property of the coffee is due to the many essential nutrients the coffee contains, but mostly the antioxidants. It has been concluded that Americans intake more antioxidants when they drink coffee, rather than when they eat fruits and veggies that abound in antioxidants.

  1. Coffee protects against many diseases

 Coffee is amazing! It does prevent against diabetes type 2, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Although you have to pay attention to your daily nutrition and to stay physically active, the coffee will help in reducing the chance of getting these diseases. So, if you’re addicted to coffee, it is a message for you.

  1. Coffee is anti-cancer

Apparently, coffee is the greatest source of antioxidants, more than the fruits and veggies have. Serving yourself a nice cup of coffee does not mean dominant antioxidants only, but it is a whole source of useful compounds. The antioxidants in the coffee are responsible for. this amazing property of a drink so simple, delicious and highly aromatic, yet anti- cancer.

So this is why coffee it the healthiest drink in the world. The message is clear, find more time to enjoy the coffee and embrace the coffee along with its benefits for a longer and happier life. It is a message to the ones that doesn’t drink coffee to start drinking a cup of coffee per day for the sake of the coffee health benefits.

What Really Happens When We Give Kids Everything They Want

We often hear about our grandparents’ unbelievable stories about the times when they were young and how strict rules used to be and how they didn’t have anything material or over the top cell phone or expensive racing cars, and somehow they turned out to be just perfect.

Only children who don’t have any brothers or sisters are known to be spoilt. An adjective given to people who are accustomed to receive any material thing that they will imagine and at the top of it, they don’t know how to share anything or they are not used to the word NO.

However, nowadays parents get offended if you even dare to call their kid spoilt. That’s the biggest offend to a parent and God forbid if you give them advice, not to shut up their child with expensive toys.

But, it seems easier to buy that dinosaur or expensive toy car, rather than explaining to your child that he/she doesn’t need that toy because he/she already has so many of them.

However, raising a child in that manner when you explain everything requires a lot of time and patience and sometimes, we don’t have the time, or the energy to lecture our kids.

We are working so much, we barely see our kids and at the end of the day, we only want to make our kids happy, even if that means something expensive.

We often see teenagers spending most of their time on their expensive cell phones or wearing over-the-top clothes and parents who rarely see them because they are killing themselves, working double shifts just to provide anything their little baby desires. 

We try to buy the love of our kids just with the excuse that we love our child so much and we don’t want them to feel left out.

However, it seems that too much love can’t truly kill you. We often forget that material possessions can spoil our children and even mislead them from the true path, the path of real values and appreciation.

Buying your kids everything their heart desires can only lead to one thing, making them more and more greedy for material things and what is most important, making them dependent on things they think they really need and don’t really deserve them.

Finding the time to explain the value of money and the importance of money to your child will be of great help in their development.

Children must understand that money don’t grow on trees, that you and your partner are working extremely hard to provide the best for him/her and that sometimes, they can’t get everything their heart desires, simply because they truly don’t need it.

If you as a parent, had difficult childhood or couldn’t afford everything when you were young, don’t try to compensate by buying every single toy in the store and make yourself believe that your kid is the luckiest kid on Earth, because he/she is able to possess all of the things you’ve once dreamed of.

No, on the contrary, your kid is not the luckiest kid on Earth, but the most spoiled one.

Sadly, the latest generations are full with children whose parents are somehow competing in who will buy the most expensive school bag or the latest cell phone for their child and now, we forgot the term “spoilt” because nowadays, kids who can’t brag with their material possessions are the school outcast, the “weird” ones.

Parents, don’t kill your kids with too much “love”, because remember that no money can buy the happiness in your family.

Instead of buying them expensive possessions or toys to shut them up, communicate with your children, explain to them that one day they will make enough money for themselves if they work hard.

At the end of the day, your kid may be furious at you or even say he/she hates you, just because you haven’t bought them that ridiculously expensive jacket, but one day they will thank you because they will be mature enough to realize that everything that you and your partner have done for them was for their own good.

Don’t feel like a bad parent simply because you can’t afford yourself to buy expensive things for your child and most importantly, don’t feel like you have to buy something for your child simply because everyone has it.

If you believe that something is not worth having it for your child, then don’t buy it. Learn to say NO to your child, no matter how hard or difficult it is to do it. Your kid will thank you one day and there’s nothing more precious than that.

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How To Stop Caring What Other People Think

Have you ever noticed that our friends, families and everybody else always seems to know what is best for us? It’s like they demand that we leave our lives into their hands! And what is worse, we let them do just that.

We let everybody else be the expert on how we should live our own lives, except us. We actually believe that they have that right and like blindfolded fools we do whatever they say we should do and go wherever they lead us to…. never asking questions.

But this very wrong behavior of ours must stop, once and for all. Usually this kind of seeking self validation is very common when we are young and still building our character, but when we grow up and become older we should also become wiser and start separating our thoughts from the thoughts of others.

Unfortunately many of us don’t reach this level of wisdom, the level of self-love. But, if you wish to take control of your life you must love yourself 100%!

And not worrying what other people think or say about you is the highest form of self-love. People that love themselves are smiling, they enjoy life. Sure they have problems like every human being, but they don’t stress about it.

They know that they can deal with all life challenges and they don’t need no one else’s appraisal for doing what’s right. This kind of people love themselves so much that they don’t fear what others may think of them.

All happy people have learned the lesson how to let go of fear… the fear of not being good enough. And you should do exactly the same, let your fear go. Just let go of all judgmental statements of others, let go of your need to be depended on other’s approval.

A very important thing to remember is that you can never please everyone. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you. But, you are not here to live up to other people’s expectations!

You have come into this world to be yourself, to find out who you are and just be that unique Self! And exactly this is your mission on Earth, to be 100% of You!

What matters the most when you want to become this real you, is how you see yourself, not how others see you. We all see and experience reality differently. Most of the time the opinion one has for you depends on the emotions they have at the moment.

For example, if a person is in a good mood and previously has had a good opinion of you, he’ll say that you are ok and he’ll like you. But the very next day, even next hour, if this same person is in a bad mood, his won’t even notice that you are standing next to him, or he might say that you are a bad person and blame you for all the evil in the world.

So here you have another lesson to learn – don’t take anything personally! People’s opinion change constantly depending on their own emotions, it has nothing to do with you.

You must learn to cultivate self-love and self-esteem because the perception we have about ourselves is greater than the perception the others have for us.

If you learn that all you need is your own approval to do the things you love, in the way it pleases you, you shall never depend on anyone else to make you happy.

Remember, happiness is not “someone” or “something”, it is a way you look at life, the aspect from which you choose to understand life.

Something else that is also very important is to understand that you are not the center of the world and people don’t think about you all the time!

As very egocentric beings, humans tend to be overly preoccupied with themselves. So stop using someone else’s value system.

You must build your own. Don’t you ever lose your confidence and self-esteem in a value system of someone else who is also waiting to be validated!

Sit down, take a deep breath and give yourself a definition of who you are and what you like to become and stick to it.

Another thing is that you can never control what other people think of you, but you can control how you react to other people’s opinion. And please, always choose a reaction that puts you in a higher level of becoming who you truly are!

Here I must add that you must also be careful to whose opinion you react. Is this a close person, someone who means a lot to you and you mean a lot to them? Does this person want what is best for you and shall never hurt you or they seem to lead you astray from your dreams and wishes?

You must surround yourself with people that back you up, that no matter what are always there for you.

Be the best of you, become the best of you, because at the end of the day it is your life and it is you that have to live it!


MINDBLOWING Photographs Of The LAST Surviving Tribes On Earth!

There is so much yet to discover about the human race. Just when you thought you cannot be surprised to see another human way of living, there comes a movie featuring the last surviving tribe on Earth.

And it simply blows your mind. Whether you watch it on TV or on photographs, it cannot compare to the real experience of having to see the tribe in live.

Jimmy Nelson is one lucky man. As a photographer, he explored the most remote places on Earth in the past three years only to discover what was left of the tribes.

He took inspiring photos of the last remaining tribes on our planet. You are also lucky to experience closely a piece of his story.

He is sharing 80 photos with you where you can look at these indigenous people. Although he only had good intentions, his work was often allegedly connected to controversy because he didn’t pay attention to all of the genocidal violence in these tribes.

Anyhow, his work is certainly admirable. You can also find the full book with photographs called ‘Before They Pass Away’ on Amazon.

Location: Guangxi, China

This tribe is mastering fishing with the use of the aquatic birds cormorants. In the picture you can see that the fishermen have tied a snare close to the base of the bird’s throat, which will stop the bird from swallowing big fish.

Location: Siberia – Yamal

These people are well-known reindeer herders who migrated across the Yamal peninsula. The tribe has existed for more than a millennium.

People survive the cold winters with minus 50°C and the summers with 35°C. Their survival includes a crossing around 48km in length of the frozen waters of the river Ob.

Location: Indonesia + Papua New Guinea

This tribe has been recognized as pygmies, as men are 150cm tall. In the image below you can see the Koteka, which is a traditional clothing worn as identity. The tribe lives in the virgin forests of the highlands.

Location: Ethiopia

What makes this tribe interesting is the fact that anyone can join it. Ethnicity does not matter.

Location: Rah Lava Island, Torba Province

This tribe honors dancing, which is a great part of their culture. The villages even have dancing grounds named Nasara.

This tribe believes that you can become wealthy through ceremonies.

Location: Ethiopia

The weapons you see are a mark that they are great warriors. These warriors have horseshoe-shaped scars on their bodies.

Location: Kenya + Tanzania

In order to survive, this tribe needs to feed their cattle. That’s why the tribe has to relocate every 5 or 6 weeks. These people are very egalitarian and independent.

Location: New Zealand

The Maori tribe is polytheistic., which means they worship many gods, goddesses, as well as spirits. These people have a belief that their ancestors and the supernatural elements are always near and present, and if they are in the need of them, they will help them.

These people also share Myths about how the universe, god, and people were created.

Location: Indonesia + Papua New Guinea

This tribe is divided into several indigenous groups, who fight over pigs, women, and land. They really want to make a good impression on their enemies. One of the largest of these groups is the Huli wigmen.

They have a tradition of making ornamented wigs from their own hair and they also paint their faces white, red, and yellow, as you can see from these pictures.

Location: Mongolia

These people come from the Mongolic, Turkic, and Indo-Iranian indigenous groups and Huns. They used to live in the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea.

As you can see in the following picture, eagle hunting is one of their traditions for many decades. In terms of their way of living, they believe in pre-Islamic sky cults, fire, supernatural forces of good and evil spirits, and they rely on their clan and herds.

Location: Indonesia + Papua New Guinea

The tribe traces back to the middle of 20th century, when Azaro Mudmen had his first encounter with the Western world.

This tribe is notorious for applying mud and masks on their faces and then terrorizing neighboring villages in the early morning part of the day.

Location: Kenya + Tanzania

This is one of the greatest warrior cultures among the tribes. Young boys are taught the responsibilities of being a warrior and a man very early. The Maasai have a role as warriors. They must protect their livestock from animal and human predators, and also keep their families secure.

Maasai boys are mentored and guided by their own fathers and other elders through ceremonies and rituals, in which they learn how to become warriors.

Location: Indonesia + Papua New Guinea

This tribe does not wear the Koteka, like the Yali tribe, but they conceal their penises in their scrotums, where they tightly tie a leaf. Living in tree houses, they hunt for a living and are strictly separated in terms of men and women.

Location: Ethiopia

Around 200,000 indigenous people live in the Omo Valley in Africa’s Great Rift Valley region for millennia.

This tribe likes trade. They trade for food, cattle, beads, and cloth. However, they have been violent with guns recently.

Location: Argentina + Ecuador

The name of the tribe means ‘human beings’ or ‘people’. These people live in the Amazonian rainforest of Ecuador, the Oriente for more than a thousand years.

They think of them as the bravest among the tribes in the Amazon. Their first contact with the outside world was in the not so distant 1956.

Location: India

As you can notice from the pictures, these people believe in the Tibetan Buddhism. Their religion is a mix of ferocious demons and the pre-Buddhist Bon religion.

Location: India

The Rabari tribe have walked in the deserts of today’s Western India for thousand years.

The women in this tribe love embroidery, which is a part of their textile tradition.

While men are with the herds, women deal with the hamlets and money matters.

Location: Nepal

Surprisingly enough, most of these people believe that the world is flat. They are believed to be the last part of the real Tibetan culture, as they are very religious, having festivals and prayers all the time. Outsiders were not allowed in Mustang until 1991.

Location: Indonesia + Papua New Guinea

Living in the highland villages, these people have a lot of quality food, and respect for the nature that surrounds them. They live a simple life, hunting, growing crops, and gathering plants to survive.

Location: Namibia

The last tribe has its people belonging to two clans, through the mother and the father. They enter marriages that are previously arranged so that they can spread their wealth. Their looks tell about their position and their phase of life.

Source: http://livelearnevolve.com/

Mind Control is Real: You Are Being Manipulated Through Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors (U.S.Patent 6506148 B2)

In broad terms, mind or thought control can be defined as the manipulation of human subjects being in a way that causes them to act without autonomy, being unable to think independently and be subjected to beliefs and affiliations that they wouldn’t freely choose.

Many conspiracy theories regarding mind control have been circling for years and a conspiracy theory is just that until proven it’s a real fact.

The most horrifying thing about the theory of mind control is that it’s more real than you may think, and the US has patented its use in 2001!

The one thing you haven’t been taught in school is the effects that frequencies have on you. These frequencies can come in various forms, as everything you see, hear and feel is a frequency in its essence.

Frequencies have many different uses. They can be used to heal, open up your mind OR manipulate it. This is in fact what the US Government has been working on since 1945.

Knowing about the gruesome experiments Nazi scientists did, the US Government thought it would be a shame to just leave all that research go to waste. That’s why, they have recruited those same scientists secretly in an operation code-named Operation Paperclip.

The main objective of the operation was to tap into the knowledge that the Nazi scientists have gathered from exposing human beings to unimaginable things.

Working together with the Nazis, the Government started developing a mind control program that would grant them power over their unsuspecting targets.

Ever since, the scientists that have devilishly consented to this kind of inhumane work have been developing more and more advanced systems of mind control through frequencies.

One such patent is US 5356368 A, issued in 1994, which is named Method of and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness.

This device uses pre-recorded brain waves that force your mind to feel what you are told to feel.However, their quest doesn’t stop there, as the most gruesome patent published yet is US 6506148 B2.

This patent is named NERVOUS SYSTEM MANIPULATION BY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS FROM MONITORS and (filed in 2001) it was published in 2003.

The patent abstract reads:Manipulating the nervous system is no joke at all. This kind of manipulation can affect everything from breathing to memory and intelligence! Now, how much do you watch TV, sit in front of your computer, or in short, how much are you exposed to monitors?

This means that your mind is being manipulated through your TVs, computer monitors and really any kind of monitor that you may see!

You are being manipulated through words, sound and images – THEY ARE USING FREQUENCIES TO MESS YOUR MIND UP and use it against your free will!

This is not a conspiracy theory – not anymore. It’s real and it’s been patented by the US Government!


Spend less time in front of screens, and more time in nature.

Increase your awareness about frequencies and work on techniques to raise and strengthen your own frequency.

Question everything, give everything a chance to consider, and do some research yourself before blindly believing in or dismissing claims and ideas.

I have personally stopped watching TV a long time ago, or to be exact, ever since I started working on my energetic frequencies. It seems that the more I raised my frequency, the more I saw TV as something very disturbing. Now, I don’t even think about it.

DON’T ALLOW ANYONE TO FORCE YOU INTO DOING THINGS ‘BY YOUR OWN CHOICE’. It’s not your choice – it’s their choice and you have been manipulated into thinking that you chose that!


Source: AnonHQ.com

A Heartbreaking Story – Escaping From North Korea In Search Of Freedom

Imagine what would be like to live in a country with no internet access and no television. Imagine not being able to express your opinion freely, not being allowed to wear what you like, watch or read what you want.

And imagine that all that is happening right now, in front of our noses, in the 21century. The people in North Korea are living under such strict regime, being terrorized constantly.

Yeonmi Park, a young girl who managed to escape from North Korea is now able to tell her story about her life in North Korea asking people to act against the regime and stop such human rights violators.

Yeonmi Park is explaining how life was like in North Korea. She says there was only one channel on TV, where they would watch and listen to news only connected to and celebrating the regime.

She says there were no books, no movies, no songs and no press. They have never watched a movie about a love story actually they didn’t know what love was like. They didn’t know what it means to love your parents, love your partner. There was only love for the regime.

Yeonmi Park was born in 1993, and was immediately abducted, saying that she never knew the words freedom and human rights.

She remembers being nine years old and seeing her friend’s mother being publicly executed – and for what crime? She was watching a Hollywood movie.


Nobody could even dare to express doubt about the greatness of the regime because they would condemn three generations of the family to either imprisonment or execution.

Through pain, she recalls to her mother’s words not to speak her mind, not to even whisper because as she said even mice and birds could hear her.

Yeonmi was only four and was already terrified to speak or even think something bad because she was afraid that the dictator could read her mind.

Even when Yeonmi and her family decided to flee North Korea, things didn’t turn out so well.

The day they stepped foot into China she saw her mother being raped by a Chinese broker who targeted Yeonmi first. But her mother allowed herself to be raped in order to protect Yeonmi.

She says that life for North Korean refugees in China isn’t easy at all. Women and girls are sold over and over again even for a price as low as $200.

Things got worse when Yeonmi’s father died. She had to bury him secretly at 3 a.m. and she couldn’t even cry because she was afraid not to be sent back to North Korea.

When she looks back, she sees them walking across the Gobi desert following a compass, but when the compass broke down they were following nothing else but the shining stars. She said they felt like only the stars were with them and they called them stars of freedom.

When they arrived to Mongolia they were prepared to either death or dignity. If they were send back to North Korea they were prepared to commit suicide. They wanted nothing more but to live a life as every free man on Earth does.

Those who want to help North Korea, Yeonmi says, should read and spread the word in order to raise awareness about human rights in North Korea.

Do as much as they can to give a helping hand to those who are trying to escape North Korea. And more governments around the world should put a pressure to China to stop repatriation.

Yeonmi asks Chinese delegates of One Young World to help and support people from North Korea by speaking up. She asks fellow delegates to join her and make that a global movement which will free North Korea.

Watch the heartfelt speech of Yeonmi Park and please share. 


How To Change My Life For The Better In Just One Month (Complete Guide)

how to change your life in a month

Sometimes changing your daily routine or lifestyle may seem tough. However, it doesn’t have to be. Svetlana Pokrevskaya, a blogger who received a letter from one of her loyal readers asking her to share her lifestyle in order to help explains that there is a way to shape your life in just one month.

She says: This is how I changed my life for the better in just one month.

That’s right – she actually states that if you follow her routine, you will not recognize yourself. Although it may seem tough, once you begin exploiting it, you will come to realize just how unpretentious it can be.

Thus, she sat down, wrote everything she does step by step, and divided it into four parts, each accounting to one a week. Think about it – all you have to do is follow the steps to enhance your life to your liking. (1)

How can I change my life for the better?

The tasks include three things you need to integrate into your daily life in that one month to see amazing results. If you like what you see, she encourages you to endure.

First Week: Cleansing your body and mind

1. The first thing you need to incorporate is getting up at 6 AM.

This is the best “me” time, for things you can do before the rest of the world awakes. As this is the time when almost everyone is still sound asleep, your best bet is to use the time you normally wouldn’t get in different circumstances without any disruptions from the outside world.

That workout you’ve been meaning to pursue, but had no time for? Well, this is a perfect time! Studies have shown that the best and most effective time for exercise is in fact early mornings.

Not only is exercise good for your physical health, it also boosts your enthusiasm in the morning, making you more positive the rest of the day.

This way, the traffic on the way to work will be like a walk in the park, not the usual cranky experience. Being more optimistic about the day is guaranteed to boost productivity as well. The more you smile at life, the more it smiles back.

2. The next thing you need to consider is improving nutrition habits.

We all know that old habits die hard, which is why this next step is bound to be the toughest, requiring a remarkable combination of patient and will.

As most of us, you are probably using up all the energy you have to maintain your body working to overcome the unhealthy intake you consume, like alcoholic beverages and fatty foods. No one is perfect and neither are you, which means we all have something to eliminate.

This includes dropping fried food, junk food, empty calories, and sweet beverages. Cutting these things out of your daily diet will help a great deal. As these things are filled with toxins, they help no one.

Hence, eliminating them is the smartest thing you can do. Drop everything, turn to healthy, more raw food, and watch your life transform.

3. Taking up a sport is one of the mandatory things you need to do to make the change successful.

Svetlana shares that she personally loves sport and finds it obligatory to one’s well-being.

She prefers running, dancing and yoga, but you may take your pick. This does not have to mean you must join the soccer team; take a sport to your liking and do as much of it as you can, even if that means dancing in the elevator. 

Second Week: Placing order into your personal life 

1. In order to place an order in your personal life, you must clean your personal space first.

Get rid of everything you do not need. This includes clothes, makeup you are no longer using, and anything that does not serve you. Keeping old things not only maintains negative energy in your surroundings, it makes cleaning more hectic and dust present.

Your old memories are just that – old. Make room for new things to enter your life. Rid yourself of anything and everything that is old. Finally, after throwing everything away, take the mop and clean it all. The more refreshing space, the better you will feel.

2. Realize your responsibilities.

This next part is extremely vital. We all know responsibilities are above all else, but sometimes leave things for the next day anyway. We all have things we have wanted to do, but have been leaving them for a better day.

Well, it is never the best day. Whatever you have wanted to do, do it now. Have you been dying to take a road trip across the county?

Take a month off work and go! Waiting for New Years’ to come and start doing things has never worked, has it? This is why we make lists.

Take a moment, sit down and think of everything you have been meaning to do. Then, as you do it, tick it off the list. The feeling is so fulfilling it will shock you.

3. Work through your social life. 

That friend you have been dragging around for years that has made you absolutely miserable? Cut them loose, now. Bad relationships are harmful to your mental and spiritual health.

Although it may seem hard to do, it is the only way to allow yourself to grow. In order to grow, one must experience walking away with no explanation.

Learn the art of saying ‘no’ without hesitation. You have a right to your own happiness and that is non-negotiable. 

Third Week: Aims, Plans and Visions 

1. The proven most effective way to make your plans a reality is to write them down and carry them out. When we make long lists of tasks and fail to carry them out, it may burden us.  

Making realistic lists and actually finishing them may be the best way to go. In efforts to seem more productive, we may get carried away and end up making a mess of it all.

Therefore, when making these to-do lists, finish each task and tick it off. This does not only include your more serious obligations. (2)

Make sure to find free time to do fun things, like taking time for yourself, visiting friends and family, and doing things you love.

While preparing the plan, be sure to make it fun. No one wants to carry out tedious plans. You should be thrilled to do these things, not bored to death.

2. When preparing the list, don’t forget your most farfetched dreams.

This should be the most fun thing to do. Think of all the things you would like to accomplish that may seem a bit lunatic to someone reading them.

They should be things that seem extremely undoable. This may involve becoming a millionaire in 3 months or traveling the world at 90.

While imagining these things, remember that there is no obstacle holding you back from pursuing anything that comes to mind. You have all the resources you need, so what would you pursue?

She states that the first time she wrote back in February 2014, has now been completely achieved in its entirety. She even “finds it funny that her wishes were so modest, but at the time they seemed impossible to achieve.” Let that sink in.

3. Remember to plan everything on a daily basis.

This is extremely important: jot down a plan for the next day every evening. The length of the list doesn’t make a difference — it can be any kind of plan as long as it’s down on paper.

Doing it in the evening will help be more productive the next day, even if everything has not been carried out. This has been proven, so make sure to go through with it. Once finished, go over it and see where it leads to, if anywhere at all. (3)

Fourth Week: Spread your limits

1.Try living in a different way.

Once you give this a go, you will come to realize that even the tiniest of changes can take effect. For instance, try going for a latte on your own instead of with friends, give soccer a shot instead of basketball, or even buy a lighter shade of eyeshadow.

Give new things a try. Routines can be a drag, so try spicing it up on a daily basis. This way you will break from the routine and live a more fulfilling life.

2. Leave your comfort zone.

Those of you who have succeeded in carrying out all the steps mentioned so far, you have already come a long way and have managed to escapeyour comfort zone. But you should not stop there. Instead, look fear in the face and beat it.

The best way to beat fear is to do things scared. If you are afraid of deep water, dive into a pool. Tired of your job? Quit. Dying to start a rock band? Do it.

The only way to grow is to try new things, especially those you are afraid to pursue. (3)

3. Last but not least, take a break.

None of these things will come into full effect if you do not stop and take a deep breath. However, taking a break does not involve binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix.

It means turning off your Wi-Fi connection, and spending some alone This may involve going into nature or getting on a long train ride. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you give yourself some honest criticism.

Reflect on the past period and ask yourself if you are proud of your accomplishments. Do you need to make any major changes or are you on the right path towards enlightenment and accomplishments? What can you do to be better?

This is how to transform yourself in a month!

This is your life and your choices. By choosing to change your life for the better, you are automatically starting your improvement process.

This is not something that stops. Improvements last a lifetime but pay off, as you could never imagine.

The steps now seem simple, but once you incorporate them into your daily routine, watch the magic begin. Change is never easy, but it is inevitable for achievement.

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See What Happened When One School Banned Homework – And Asked Kids To Read And Play Instead

Do you think that our children are being swamped with homework lately? Do you agree that too much is required from them, especially from 5th graders and younger students? They spend a lot of time at school, but they are assigned a lot of work to do at home as well.

As a result, children have less time to do things that children their age are supposed to, play games, spend more time outside- actually, just be kids?  

Imagine a school where your children won’t be assigned any homework but just be asked to read with their parents or guardian at their own time.

The principal of the public pre-K-5th grade Orchard School in Vermont, Mark Trifilio, decided to give it a change to such project. Before the beginning of the school year 2016/2017, he asked 40 teachers from the school to give their opinion on the subject how much doing homework was helping kids learn and make progress.

Trifilio has been weighing the pros and cons of this idea, taking into consideration an unequal amount of homework assigned to students in different classrooms but same grade. According to him difference in homework assignments from grade to grade is illogical.

 After going through several researches on homework and its impact on students’ achievement in school, the principal concluded that doing compulsory homework in elementary school doesn’t necessarily mean great academic performance.

Alfie Kohn, a critic of homework, also says that spending a lot of time doing homework doesn’t have to result in higher academic achievement. (Alfie Kohn, September 6, 2006).

Instead we should allow kids in elementary school spend more time on leisure activities and engage in reading only when they feel like doing it.

Trifilio, suggested an experimental project to all 40 teachers. He proposed elimination on all homework in all grades and instead they should encourage students to read at home whenever they decide to do that. If students aren’t able to read on their own they should do that with their parents or guardian.

To his surprise all 40 members, including teachers in special-education and English-language teachers, passionately agreed to the idea and signed on the policy.

The policy was introduced on the school’s website which reads:

No Homework Policy
Orchard School Homework Information
Student’s Daily Home Assignment

1. Read just-right books every night (and have your parents read to you too).

  1. Get outside and play —that does not mean more screen time.
    3. Eat dinner with your family —and help out with setting and cleaning up.
    4. Get a good night’s sleep.

What were the results like?

Six months after beginning of the experiment, Trifilio was satisfied with the results. Students were achieving same results as before and in some cases they were doing even better.

They were no longer drown into homework , but rather had more free time at home to engage in some creative thinking and pursue their passions.

Students needed to read each night. The school provided books and reading materials for the children, but they were not asked to fill out logs like earlier.

In November, Trifilio sent a survey to the families asking them to give their opinion on the policy. 254 parents responded back and about 80 percent of them agreed that the policy was a success.

“We have a first grader, and at her age it’s much a chore for the parents as the kids. Instead we’ve been spending time reading. We don’t have to rush” -said parent Rani Philip about her child’s homework in an interview for Burlington Free Press.

However there were some parents who didn’t agree with the policy at all, worrying that their kids are missing a lot chances to learn something from doing homework and they are not getting enough prepared for middle school.

Although the subject about whether homework is positive or negative thing is still a matter worth discussing, according to a meta-analysis of research published in 2006 by researcher Harris Cooper and his colleagues, homework is not the key element in academic achievement in students.

It only has a humble effect on high school and college students when it comes to improving their academic performance.

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Kohn, A. (September 6, 2006); The Truth About Homework
Needless Assignments Persist Because of Widespread Misconceptions About Learning. Retrieved from http://www.alfiekohn.org
Higgins DeSmet, N. (2017, January 31). Orchard Elementary parents say yes to no-homework. Burlington Free Press. Retrieved from http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/
Cooper,H. Civey Robinson, J. A.Patall, E. (Spring 2006). Does Homework Improve Academic Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987-2003. Retrieved from http://classtap.pbworks.com/f/Does+Homework+Improve+Achievement.pdf
The Washington Post; What happened when one school banned homework — and asked kids to read and play instead https://www.washingtonpost.com/

What Anxiety Actually Is, Since It’s Certainly Not ‘Just Worrying’

Often mentioned, but rarely explained. Anxiety. What is it? How does it feel?

We are anxious because we live in a world of snobs. People who take a tiny part of us, professional identities, and use to them to come to some conclusions about how valuable we are as human.

People who are putting pressure on every single one of us to achieve a goal set by society in order to be successful. Anxiety is the fear and the overwhelming emotion of panic of not being able to achieve that.

 Anxiety is the notion of panic and fear you get in the middle of the day. It’s the sudden acid in your stomach causing you to question every single interaction and conversation you engage yourself into.

It feels like every single cell in your body moves so quickly and fast that your veins become blurry. Despite the constant metronome of your heartbeat inside your ears, it’s like listening to a spastic drumline.

You don’t even realize that you are cracking your knuckles, grinding your teeth, twisting that gold ring around your middle finger, or rubbing your pinky against your palm.

It’s avoiding eye contact, not because you are not interested in what the other person has to say, but because you are so focused on the sound of your own voice and hoping that through the other person’s ears they cannot tell that you are two octaves too high and on the verge of breaking, because your palms are too sweaty and you somehow forgot to speak with anything behind your words other than your insecurities.

It’s more than just sweating, shaking and shortness of breath. It’s a knot in your stomach, it’s a feeling of no control over your life, it’s like watching your world crashing down completely and sitting there like everything is fine.

It’s holding in your tears so much they burn your eyes.

Anxiety feels like fire.

Anxiety feels like drowning your demons, and then finding out they are Olympic swimmers.

It’s like a jump scare that lasts forever and won’t go away.

It’s coming to the conclusion that nothing adds up like it did in high school mathematics. You can’t carry the one and find the square root of the problem, because of most of the times, there is absolutely no problem.

There is no life or death situation. There is just feelings, an abundance of them. And you are feeling them all at once.

It’s the act of overthinking your overthinking.

It’s sitting in a crowded classroom, mentally rehearsing the word “Here!” waiting for the professor to say your name. It’s the fear of saying it so quietly, then having to repeat yourself, drastically increasing the chances of messing up and being embarrassed in front of your classmates.

It’s taking a test and finishing first, but being unable to stand up and walk in front of the whole class, causing you to nervously rub your sweaty palms together, and waiting for someone else to finish as well.

Anxiety sometimes can be truly downright crippling.

 It’s the perfect example of an iceberg – most people don’t see it, but the truth behind it is hidden deep underneath the surface.

It’s constantly hiding that side of you, scared to show someone else the true you. Scared of being judged, of being underappreciated. Scared of not being good enough.

From the outside, it’s very easy to think that somebody has it all figured out. Because someone’s hair is curled, and their cheeks are intentionally flushed.

Because someone’s clothes are ironed and their bed made up – they must not have a single care in the whole world. As if it were expected for the demons to be worn like a scarlet letter upon someone’s chest.

And people often assume that if you can’t see it – then it’s not really there. As if pain doesn’t exist unless you’re bleeding or dead.

But sometimes, the most painful demons are the ones that cannot be seen. So, people learn how to smile, how to grin and bear it. They don’t talk about it because that would make them the odd one out.

That would make them the replaceable one. The one that is the least important. That would make them the annoying one. The anxious one.

Anxiety makes you realize that some days are better than others and that some days are the worst – but they are just days.

Days you can get through.


Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits

When you were little you probably thought a successful and long-lasting love is the one where there are no fights and no lies. You lived in the fairy tales of your books thinking this would become true once you find your perfect partner.

But, let’s be honest and break the spell. Lasting relationships have a lot of fights and they sometimes do lie to each other. But they still survive. How?Researches and studies have confirmed it.

The two keys for a relationship to see a couple of birthdays and a lot of future are being kind and generous to each other.

Statistics says that only three in ten marriages survive and are healthy and happy.

This fact is pointed out by the psychologist Ty Tashiro in his book “The Science of Happily Ever After”.

Although three out of ten, they are maintaining a good strategy. They all care about the other partner’s feelings, are kind to them, and show respect and appreciation.

In the first stages of their study, social psychologists observed marriages when they were in a sort of crisis. Unmarried couples were also involved in the study and psychologists wanted to find out how a relationship can stay healthy and loving for a long time.

John Gottam was one of the psychologists involved in the study. They decided to connect the couples to electrodes and see how their bodies will react when they talk about positive and negative aspects of their relationships.

The couples were then observed in the next 6 years. According to their results, the researchers separated the couples into two groups: the masters and the disasters.

The former were the ones that had a healthy lasting relationship after six years, whereas the latter were unhappy in their relationships or marriages.

The “masters” had a tendency to be grateful to their partners and show respect and appreciation on purpose.

The “disasters”, on the other hand, were only focused on their partner’s errors ad mistakes. All they did was criticizing instead of showing appreciation. Contempt tore apart these relationships.

The most important factor in having a stable and lasting relationship or marriage was shown to be kindness. When partners show kindness, their partners feel understood and loved, and they also act kindly to them.

Kindness is not easy, but it isn’t always something that you are born with. It is a kind of muscle and trait that you can master.

Kindness does not mean that you will not express anger or never be mad. It will be a special way to do it, and that is the kind way – give an explanation to your partner.

One way to be kind is to be generous as well. That does not include buying expensive gifts when you want to apologize, but it includes generosity to your partner’s actions.

Whenever you feel angry about something, try being understanding and generous and you will see the other side. Being generous also includes affirming your partner’s joy, sharing their good moments, and be there for them in good times as well.

Although life can sometimes surprise couples in a negative way, they find their way through by being generous and kind to each other, every single day.

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Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/