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List Of Area Codes Not To Answer – Five Area Codes You Should Never Respond To

five area codes you should never answer

Has this ever happened to you? Your phone is ringing shortly, you look at the screen and there’s a number on your caller ID that is unfamiliar to you. Should you answer that call or not?

Depending on what you decide at that moment will either keep you safe or let you be a victim of an expensive phone scam.

The public is being informed by the police about this dangerous phone scam, because those who will become prey to the scam will have to pay a lot of money, starting from hundreds even to thousands of dollars.

This phone scam is known as the One-Ring Phone Scam.

Criminals have been trying to trick people into phone scams since forever, but the One-Ring Phone Scam is the newest version of the old trick.

What is The One-Ring Phone Scam?

While previous scams involved criminals acting like IRS agents who would gather all your financial information, One-Ring works in another way. Its goal is to deceive people into making costly international calls not being aware of what they are doing.

The trick which the scammers are performing is to automatically connect the caller to a costly phone line and be charged per minute. Furthermore, they could also trick callers into sharing their important financial information.

While reading this, you may think there’s no chance this could happen to me. Here’s where you’re wrong, it can happen to anyone and it can happen in a minute.

Therefore the police are warning everyone not to phone back any unidentified numbers. A warning about this scam has been recently published on the Facebook page of the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia.

In their warning, the police explained that the scammers are calling their prey using foreign phone numbers deliberately which were chosen to resemble ordinary home phone numbers.

On their Facebook page, the police also provide a link that takes us to the fact sheet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission. In this fact sheet the Federal Communications Commission says that some wireless consumers are called by phone numbers with three-digit area codes which look like they are domestic, but in fact, they are connected with international pay-per-call numbers.

An interesting fact about these calls is that they often disconnect after only one ring, so the customer won’t have enough time to answer the call and is tempted to call the number back. But when they do, they are charged an enormous amount of money per minute.

Therefore the FFC warns people, that if they receive a call whose number they don’t recognize, they shouldn’t return that call.

Most of the calls are international numbers in Grenada, Eastern Europe, or the Caribbean. They are carefully chosen because they resemble U.S phone numbers.

You should be aware of  The List Of Area Codes Not To Answer:

268 area code – Antigua and Barbuda
284 area code – British Virgin Islands
473 area code – Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique
664 area code – Montserrat
649 area code – Turks and Caicos Islands
767 area code – Commonwealth of Dominica
809, 829, 849 area codes – Dominican Republic
876 area code – Jamaica

The most popular one is area code 268.

If you’ve faced a problem like this, contact the FFC to file a complaint. Notify your phone company too. But the best thing you can do, in order to be safe in the future, is not return any calls from area codes that are unfamiliar to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can You Tell If The Number Calling Is A Scam Number?

There are different types of phone scams. However, what they all have in common is that they make similar threats or promises. What phone scammers aim to do is commit identity theft by tricking you into providing your personal information and making you pay them a large sum of money.

In what follows, we’ve presented 3 types of scam numbers.

Here they are:

1. Unsolicited Calls– Unsolicited calls from people working for charity organizations as fundraisers, particularly after disasters caused by extreme weather and during the holidays.

– Unsolicited calls from people pretending to be representatives of a public utility, big tech company, or government agency. The thing is that these institutions and firms won’t call you if you haven’t called them first or they haven’t tried to communicate with you by other means.

2. Automated Calls From Firms That Don’t Have An Authorization To Contact You

3. Calls Offering Attractive Services And Products

These services and products include low-cost vacation packages, debt reduction, cash prizes, loans, free product trials, and cheap medical devices.

Things To Keep In Mind

You Don’t Need To Make A Snap Decision

Unlike legitimate businesses, phone scammers won’t give you enough time to consider their offer or provide you with written information about the product or service they’re offering before asking you to commit. When you receive such calls, never make a snap decision. Instead, take your time.

No One Has The Right To Ask You To Confirm Your Sensitive Information

You should not share sensitive information, such as your account number or Social Security number, with a person that calls you out of the blue, even if they say that they work for the Internal Revenue Service or Social Security Administration.

You Won’t Get Any Prize

The phone scammer might say that you won a cash prize or any other prize. However, if they also tell you that you need to pay in order to receive the prize, this is a sure sign that it isn’t a prize.

You Don’t Need To Pay With A Gift Card Or Send Cash

What phone scammers usually do is ask you to put money on a prepaid card or gift card or wire money. Unfortunately, by paying this way, the chances are you’ll never get your money back.

No One Will Arrest You

In addition to pretending to work for a public utility, charity organization, government agency, or big tech company, phone scammers may also pretend to work for a federal or law enforcement agency. They may try to convince you that you’ll have to pay a fine or get arrested unless you pay some debt or taxes. This is not something that legitimate federal and law enforcement agencies will do.

A Company Can’t Call You Unless They Have Your Written Permission To Do That

In addition to this, if your phone number is included in the National Do Not Call Registry, companies’ services you haven’t used before don’t have the right to call you to offer you their products and services. So, if such a company calls you, it’s quite likely that it is a scam.

What Should I Do If I Answered A Spam Call?

Spam calls are becoming more and more difficult to identify before answering the call. 

You’ve probably already received a spam call, failed to recognize that it’s a scam phone number, and answered the call. The good thing is that if you haven’t shared any sensitive information, such as your account number, date of birth, credit card number, or Social Security number, you have nothing to worry about.

The wisest thing to do when receiving a spam call or robocall is to hang up immediately. Then, if there’s an option on your phone to block phone numbers, block that spam call and any other you may receive in the future. You can also install apps that detect spam calls and automatically block them. 

How To Protect Yourself From Spam Calls

  • Register your phone number in the Federal Trade Commission’s National Do Not Call Registry. Telemarketers don’t have the right to call you if you’re signed up.
  • Take your time to ask telemarketers questions. Legitimate companies and charities will give you time to think about whether you’re interested in using their services, buying their products, or donating, and they’ll answer all of your questions. Phone scammers won’t do this.
  • Don’t answer illegal robocalls.
  • Be extremely cautious when you see an unknown caller ID.
  • Use mobile apps that block phone numbers or devices that can recognize spam calls.
  • Don’t call back a spam number. If you do return their call, not only will you show the phone spammers that your phone number is active, but you can also get heavily charged by phoning a hotline in foreign countries or a premium rate phone number.
  • Don’t say “yes” if you hear questions such as “Can you hear me?” By saying yes, you confirm that your phone number is active, but your answer may be recorded and used for fraudulent activities.
  • Do not reveal or confirm any personal or financial information to unknown callers.
  • Don’t pay by wire transfer or with a gift card.

How Can I Get Revenge On A Spam Call?

There is a software called Robo Revenge that enables you to file a lawsuit against robocallers by making them reveal the source of the unwanted calls.

This application provides you with a temporary credit card number you give the robocaller when they try to offer you a service or sell you a product. The credit card is automatically rejected when the scammer attempts to withdraw the money.

The robocaller has to give a name, phone number, and address to the credit card processing firm in order to collect the money. Although the credit card is inactive, the information is sent out to the DoNotPay app. The app shares the information with you, and that’s how you know who to file a lawsuit against. 

The app also provides a letter that requires the robocall company to appear in court or pay the penalty. You need to print out the letter, send it to the robocaller, and wait.

Can I Block An Area Code?

There is a Call Control app that you can use on your phone to block area codes if you are constantly getting a lot of annoying calls from a certain location.

You can also use a call screening device that you can hook up to your phone to block calls that you don’t want from a certain area code. To do this, you’ll need to:

  • Choose what area code you want to block calls from.
  • Get a phone call gateway system.
  • Attach the device to your phone. The device requires people to call you to get a code to reach you. Once they call you, they’ll be required to enter that code. If they don’t do this correctly, they won’t be able to reach you. Not only will this device block specific area codes, but it’ll also block calls from unknown callers.

How Do You Know If Your Number Is Being Used?

Phone spoofing is when a person uses false outgoing caller ID information in order to display a phone number that is not theirs. This means that the spoofed number doesn’t belong to the person calling you.

The clearest sign that your phone number is being used is if you begin receiving text messages or multiple calls from people you haven’t contacted. For example, you may receive calls from someone asking you to stop calling them or texts from people asking you who you are. If you know you have never contacted these people, this is a sure sign that your number is being used for making spoofed calls.

If you’re constantly receiving texts and calls, you can use apps that can block numbers that are not registered in your phonebook. You can also file a complaint concerning these calls and texts with the Federal Communications Commission.

Be Safe. Share This Information With Your Friends And Family

THIS Beer Company Will Pay You $12.000 To Drink Beer All Summer

What if someone told you that your work place will be exactly like your Saturday night out? Drink all the beer you can drink, travel all the places you wanted to see and post it on the social media while you’re having fun.

Sounds like a dream job to me. But now, dreams do really come true.  A chain based in Florida, the World of Beer is composed out of 70 beer taverns and they are here to make your dreams come true or offer a job to three interns who will be paid $12,000 to travel around the world, visit beer festivals, consume beer, post it on social media and have lots of fun.

The announcement came as a shocker, especially for those who wouldn’t even imagine that something that you do out of fun can actually bring you a great amount of money.

The official description for the internship requires someone who will travel throughout the whole summer in different countries in the world, consume a great amount of beer in different brewery and on the top of this, get paid $12, 000 for it.

Luckily, anyone can fit into this job description, however only the lucky three interns will have the chance and the opportunity to participate and earn some extra money, not to mention that all the expenses will be covered.

The lucky three will prove everyone wrong about finding a job that you can really enjoy working by posting their stories on the social media and visiting places which once were impossible to find and all of this, free of charge, now available through this internship offered by World of Beer.

So, even though this is not what you call a permanent job, but more of an internship, those three lucky “Drink it” interns will receive a payment worth of $12,000 and the requirements include drinking and tasting different types of beer, traveling to different countries around the world in order to visit the breweries, consuming beer and at the end, finish your day by posting your blast of a day on the social media.

So at the end of those four months you’ll receive the $12,000 and all the expenses and all the booze for free.

From the company announced that all three interns will have one purpose only- or to present firsthand the experience by capturing precious moments from their adventurous travels, presenting updated and fresh stories to the public or being the first people, behind the scenes in their beer travelling.

The “Drink It” interns will retell a story or narrate their own personal, real experience and therefore gain a lot of experience in this field, which will later on reflect on their career and offer them a lot of possibilities.

How to Apply?

Since the information leaked on World of Beer’s website, people have been wondering how and where they should submit their application and what is needed for the application. The deadline is marked as 26th of March and all the applicants should submit their application on their official website.(HERE)

Moreover, there is a part from the application which you should do and that’s a one-minute video in which you explain about your passion for beer or an experience that you’ve had with some special brand of beer or beer in particular.

Of course that the company will choose only the applicant who stand out from the crowd and are decent representatives of all the beer-lovers.

How to create the perfect video?

The director of Brand Marketing at World of Beer, Hannah Davis, shared some advice on how to create the best video which will present you in the best possible way.

She noted that applicants have to stand out and be noticeable and therefore remembered by them. Of course, they don’t require experts of any type, however the video must show that they have the passion to tell a story and of course, they have the passion for beer.

How will the process of selection go?

Only the ones who will stand out and will catch the judges’ eyes will be contacted and called in for an interview. The interview is going to be with the judges from the World of Beer and held in 9 cities across the States.

The interview will be held on the 8th of April 2017 and all customers who will get to vote for their favorites will be treated with some free beer. The only requirements that the judges will bear in mind is you age or in other words you must be over 21 to participate in this internship.

The lucky three “Drink It” interns will be officially announced and selected in late April.

So, if you liked everything so far and I don’t see why you wouldn’t like such opportunity, get ready to start your adventure and share a lot of crazy and drunk stories and earn some extra money on the way.

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Locals Cut Open Giant Snake Thinking It Was Killing Livestock But It Was Filled With Eggs

Snakes are pretty scary and extremely dangerous carnivorous reptiles. Aside from scary the majority of them are lethal, so you should never take them for granted. But what if they are a threat for your livestock? What would you do then?

The locals in Nigeria killed a giant snake because they were suspecting that the snake was eating their calf. The local media in Nigeria said that the locals based their suspicion on the swollen stomach of the snake and the first thing that came to their minds was that the snake was feasting on their livestock.

However it turned out the people were wrong because when they cut the snake open they found dozens of eggs inside its stomach.

As the images show the snake was overweight because it was pregnant and not full with the local’s livestock.

As soon as the snake was cut open, dozens of eggs were taken out of it by the locals who consider snake eggs as a rare delicacy.

The video shows the inside of the snake’s stomach and you can see dozens of eggs inside it. It’s unbelievable.


Holding Your Children To HIGH Expectations Is a Key Factor To Their Future Success In Life

Parents nowadays try to please every child’s need and can easily take over if the child starts nagging and crying if something seems hard for them to do. This, of course, leads to rigidness in thought and laziness and it can eventually cause a lot of difficulties in their future growth.

Have you been held to high expectations? How many of the things you were expected to achieve have you really achieved?

Without knowing you, I can assure you that if you took those expectations seriously, your efforts in living up to them made you a stronger and more responsible person (regardless of whether you have achieved the expected result in the end).

Expectations come from the idea that the person you hold those expectations to is CAPABLE of meeting them. You cannot hold someone to high expectations if you know that they are not capable of doing it. Expectations correlate with the abilities that the person possesses and are a very natural response.

Now, if you looked it the other way around, the person who is held to high expectations will feel the pressure to meet those expectations.

The privilege of being expected to do something (because you are capable of doing it) comes with the respective responsibility.

It doesn’t really matter if you feel capable of doing it – you’ll have to make everything in your power to achieve it. And here comes the growing process. While you try to meet someone’s expectations, you begin to combine your abilities in a different, unique setting that will allow you to achieve the results.

If you read carefully so far, it all comes to this: The way to achieve something depends on the person; the ability is something every person constructs on the way; the lessons stay for life.

The further you go in life, the higher the threshold will become and thus the expectations too. This means that with every stage of your growth, the difficulty of the tasks will grow too. So, the best time to start building this ability is from an early age.

The fact is that it’s not your child being incapable of doing whatever they are supposed to. You think that if you leave them on their own in such situations where they feel frustrated, it would cause them ‘traumas’ and ‘frustrations’ that would hold them back.

You think that the stress you feel when someone holds you to high expectations may be too big for them, so you spare them from it.

With that, you unfortunately spare them from the growth they need to achieve to become complete individuals capable of finding the appropriate patterns to achieve ANYTHING in life.

So, how to start having high expectations from your child and have them realize that they are capable of achieving them?

First, you need to KNOW that your child is capable of so much more. Every new challenge comes with its own difficulties and you need to let them face them and overcome them.

Being a supportive parent means just that – being SUPPORTIVE, not doing their chores, learning their lessons or finishing off where they started. Consult with your children, help them figure it out and do it – but never take up their role.

It may be harder for them to face the challenge without your mingling, but the long-term effects of this approach are worthwhile.

It has been proven time after time that teachers who hold their students to high expectations see those same students succeed (I am a teacher and I do this all the time). While the teacher is primarily focused on what the student needs to learn from their lessons, parents are their children’s teachers for life.

Of course, expectations you can have on your child depend on their age and capability. Don’t forget that you should expect as much as you can get from your child.

The key is your ability to recognize their current capabilities and skills and recognize if they are able to combine them. Don’t hold your children to expectations they can’t live up to and respect their abilities.

And don’t forget that you CAN’T FORCE your child to meet your expectations. If your child is ‘slacking’ and is being lazy, you should let them be. In the end it’s enough to truly show your disappointment.

Every child wants to see their parents happy, so be true to how you feel about it and they will see their errors and try to fix them.

Hold your children to high moral, personal, educational, social (and you name it) expectations. Let them know that you believe in their capability of handling tasks as they come and help them go through them by supporting them emotionally and psychologically.

What your child learns during young age will reflect throughout their whole life. So, I am holding you to this high expectation: Help your children face their odds by letting them know that you expect that from them. Don’t take over because you feel ‘sorry’ for their short-termed frustration on the way.

Hold your children to high expectations and see them bloom!

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12 Signs You Have High Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever wondered if you are emotionally intelligent? Read this to find out for sure.

Dr. Travis Bradberry has analyzed the data from the million-plus people who were tested emotional intelligence (EQ) in order to identify the behaviors that are certain signs you have a high emotional intelligence.

1.You have a robust emotional vocabulary.

Everybody experiences emotions but not all people are able identify the accurate emotions when they occur. According a research, only 36% of people are able to do this. It is very problematic situation not to be able to identify your own feelings since they can lead you to irrational choices.

People who have higher EQ perfectly understand their emotions and are able to identify them, using extensive vocabulary of feelings to understand and describe those emotions.

For example, instead of describing that they are feeling ‘bad’, people with high EQ will say that they are ‘irritated’, ‘anxious’ or ‘frustrated’. The more precise words you use, the better you understand the emotion you feel at the moment.

2. You’re curious about people.

EQ people are curious about all the people around them, no matter if they are extrovert of introvert person. This curiosity comes out from being empathic and empathy is number one way to a high EQ.

The closer you get to someone the more curious you become about them. If you care about a person you tend to get more curious about what they are going through and your curiosity about them is greater.

3. You’re a good judge of character.

Emotional intelligence is connected to social awareness as well. If you have EQ you most certainly have the ability to read other people. You perfectly know how they feel and understand their situation.

This skill makes you become an excellent judge of character and people are no longer a mystery to you. What is very important is that you can read their motivations; even those motives who are hidden deeply beneath the surface cannot escape you.

4. You are difficult to offend.

You know how much you worth so it’s not an easy task for someone to offend you. Emotionally intelligent people are strongly confident and open minded.

This characteristic makes you bulletproof from provocations and insults. Moreover, you know how to make jokes and poke fun on your account since you have the ability to distinguish the line between humor and degradation.

5. You know how to say no (to yourself and others).

People who have emotional intelligence very well know how to exert self-control. Delaying a gratification and avoiding impulsive actions are means of self-control that you perfectly handle.

For some people it is very difficult to say ‘no’ in certain situations but this is not the case with you. You are not afraid to use the word and you don’t use such phrases like “I don’t think I can” or “I’m not certain.”

You simply use the word ‘no’ and move one to new opportunities and chances.

6. You give and expect nothing in return.

You know how to leave a powerful impression on other people because you give without expecting anything in return. People with EQ most often build strong relationships because they are thoughtful and think of other people.

The rest of the world works the other way round- everybody gives something and expects something in return. This is not you because you are greater than the others.

7. You don’t hold grudges.

Those negative emotions that come when holding a grudge are actually response of stress. When you think of all those things that cause your stress you revive the moment again and again.

Stress can cause high blood pressure and heart disease. Emotionally intelligent people know that they have no use from holding a grudge and they know how to avoid stress.  If you let go of the grudge you also let go of the stress and you will be healthier.

8. You neutralize toxic people.

For most people it is exhausting and even frustrating to deal with difficult people. Emotionally intelligent people know how to control their interactions with toxic people.

EQ people identify their own feelings and approach the situation rationally, without letting the emotions to worsen the situation. They don’t allow the toxic people to pull them down and are able to find common ground in every situation.

9. You don’t seek perfection.

Perfection isn’t real, it doesn’t exist and you know that. EQ people don’t set perfection as their goal since they are very well aware it doesn’t exist. Accepting this reality you are free from frustrations since you are not chasing some imaginary goal that you wish to accomplish.

You don’t spend your time in vain and you keep moving forward, excited about what you have achieved so far and what you will accomplish in the time to come.

10. You appreciate what you have.

Instead of whining about what you haven’t got, you appreciate what you have and you are grateful for all those things in your life.

According to research, people who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude were experiencing significantly improved mood, physical well-being and more energy.

11. You get enough sleep.

If you wish to increase your emotional intelligence and to manage your stress levels, you have to realize how important sleep is for your well-being. Your body and brain recharge during sleep.

The mind, however, is constantly working. Even when you sleep, it sorts all the data you’ve collected during the day so that you can wake up alert and with clear head. EQ people make sleep their priority since they are aware of the importance of having a good night sleep.

12. You stop negative self-talk in its tracks.

If you think that something bad will happen, it will happen. The more you thing on negative things, the more power you give to them. You have to remember that they are only thoughts, they are not facts.

You brain has the tendency to perceive the things you believe are true so if you think of bad things, you will be surrounded by sadness and negativity in your life. EQ people know how to separate facts from thoughts so that is why they have more positive way of seeing things around them.

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Source: http://www.success.com

If You’ve Ever Been Called Overly-Emotional Or Too Sensitive, This Is For You

Has someone offended you by calling you emotional? Do you often cry because you react oversensitivity to things? People think that you are emotional if you shed some happy tears and they call you sensitive when you express that something bothers to you.

Well, don’t worry about those people, they just don’t realize that you have a super-power! Yes, being sensitive and emotional is a super-power that a few people possess. You are able to sympathize and empathize with a situation that is either your own or to other people.

This is truly a rare ability and that is the reason why most of the people don’t understand why you react the way you do.

You should never concern about other people’s reactions towards your sensitivity and emotionality because they are a gift from God. He believes in you, he believes that you are bigger than the rest of the world and someday you will use this gift to make difference.

Someday you will change somebody’s life. You of all the people have the ability to support a friend in need. You are the first person that your friends will call: either they need you to listen to their problems when the world turned them down, or to simply be happy about their happiness when something good has happened to them.

In a world where only money matters, you feel differently. Your special gift makes you see and feel that there is more than material things. The greatness of your heart can lead you to volunteer or donate so that you could help someone in need.

Feeling differently than the rest of the world is an amazing thing. You smile sincerely and from the heart, your smile is big! You feel things with all the senses and you feel deep from the heart. You love from the bottom of your heart, from the very core of your soul. It’s a superb thing!

Imagine that you are emotionless and insensitive. Do you think it’s a good thing? Being without emotions is not a healthy thing.

People who don’t sympathize and don’t have strong emotions to thing around them aren’t very happy in their lives and they are hardly ever satisfied with anything.

You are a rich person. You enjoy the beauty of the world simply because you feel it more. Don’t you ever stop feeling the summer breeze on your skin, dance in the rain if you feel like doing so.

The things that you do, the thing that make you feel more alive are the thing that you have to hold dear to. A simple sunset makes you appreciate more the things that were given to us.

The smell of spring, the song of a bird, the whisper of the wind, you see and feel the nature with all your senses.

The world is beautiful and you know it, and even more- you feel it. This makes you more sensitive and emotional towards people and you sympathize and empathize with them.

Accept who you are and feel sorry for those will criticize for your gift. Those people don’t deserve your presence, they don’t deserve the greatness of your heart.

Remember that you are better and greater than them. Rise above their stupidity and ignore them the next time you are called emotional or sensitive. Be who you are and be proud of you gift.



15 Clever Psychological Tricks That Everyone Should Know And Start Using Immediately

Psychological Tricks

Our minds are one complicated thing, if you decide to see them that way. However, these complicated processes are, in most cases, triggered by simple actions. If used in the right way, you can be the master of your mind and of the situations that involve you.

The mind works with its own patterns and if you are able to notice these patterns and use them to your advantage, then you have started using some very powerful mental tools.

They will help you anywhere from feeling more comfortable with yourself to getting a job that you like or just getting people to like you.

This is why we have compiled a list of 15 mental life hacks that you should know and start using immediately.

1. Silence is golden.

If you ask someone a question and they give you a partial answer, maintain eye contact and keep silent. You will eventually get the whole answer. People keep on explaining if they think that their answer is not enough.

2. Stop feeling anxious or nervous.

When you find yourself in situations which can be stressful or can make you anxious, the best way to handle them is to chew gum. Chewing gum makes your brain think that you are eating and that there’s no danger. That’s why, your brain will start feeling relaxed.

3. Who likes who?

When in a group and everybody is having a laugh, try to notice who is looking at who while laughing. When laughing, people tend to instinctively look at the person they feel (or want to feel) closest to.

4. They know you believe in what you are saying.

And this is why you should avoid using phrases like ‘I believe…’ or ‘I think…’ – it’s already implied by the fact that you are saying that thing. This will make you look more confident in whatever you are saying.

5. Keep your calm at all costs.

When a person is trying to argue with you, stay calm and don’t return the same feelings. The person may become even angrier when you do this, but what you are doing is in fact training them to lose the tantrums.

6. The way you act is the way you feel.

Our emotions come with physical manifestations and these emotional expressions are triggered by the emotions. The good thing is that it works the other way around too. So if you want to feel happy – act happy and smile a lot.

7. Brilliance is confidence

Many people can’t tell brilliance from confidence. If you look as if you know what you are doing, then people will automatically think that you are the best at it. Act confident and see them rally around you.

8. Even your interviewer is human!

The worst mistake one can do is to feel and act as if they were brought in the slaughterhouse for an interview. A good trick is to imagine that you are old friends with the interviewer. Show respect and be relaxed – the results are infectious.

9. Be the one you want to see in others.

This especially refers to excitement and happiness. If you show a person how happy and excited you are to see them, the next time you meet they will be a lot more excited and happier to see you. (That’s the trick dogs use on us)

10. Lesser your chances to be taken to task.

If you are on a meeting and you expect someone to take you to task, lose their pack mentality (and with that the chances to be attacked) by sitting right next to them. People feel less comfortable to attack someone if they lose their pack mentality.

11. Let them see how they look like.

If you work in customer service, try to install a big mirror behind you. People will be automatically nicer, as they feel less comfortable to become jerks if they are able see how they look like.

12. First ask for more, then ask for less.

This technique is called the “door-in-the-face technique” and it’s what makes even you buy things ‘on sale’ on a compulsive basis. People are more likely to agree to a smaller favor if they first deny a larger one.

13. Why feeling stressed, when you can feel exhilarated.

Stress and exhilaration come with the same physical symptoms (heavy breathing, increased heart rate, etc.). If you decide to look at a threatening or stressful situation as a challenging one, your stress will become exhilaration.

14. Associate yourself with fun and excitement.

When on a first date, take your date to some fun and exciting place. The person will start associating you with the thrilling feeling he/she experienced on that date.

15. Eye contact is everything.

Next time you are talking to a person, try to notice their eye color. The slightly increased eye contact you are establishing at that moment will have the person liking you even more.

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Source: Bright Side

11 Things Smart People Won’t Say At Their Workplace

Are you one of those who just can’t hold their tongue to one’s teeth and you must give a comment or remark about everything in any situation? Well you shouldn’t be.

Because there are some words and phrases, which although true, can make you look very bad in front of your boss or colleagues.

It’s not about making mistakes or off-colour jokes, it’s about the subtle remarks.

We may not pay attention to them, but some of those phrases are filled with negative implication which can change the way people look at you.

  1. “That’s not fair”

Life is hard and probably you are thinking that many things are not fair. Put actually saying that out loud, especially in the office, will make you look as immature and naïve person for expecting everything to be fair.

To avoid looking bad, you need to stick to the facts, be constructive and don’t use interpretation. For example, if your boss assigned the project you were hoping to get to someone else, instead of saying “It’s not fair”, say that you’d like to know what you did wrong and what can you do in order to improve your skills for future projects.

  1. “This is how things have always been done”

Everything is changing in the blink of an eye so any method or technology can be considered out of date even after a year or two.

So, when you use the phrase “This is how things have always been done” you give an impression of a lazy person who is resistant to change. Your boss will wonder why you wouldn’t make an effort to do things differently because there’s always a better way.

  1. “No problem”

If a friend or a colleague asks a favour from you and they say thank you for it, don’t answer with the phrase “no problem” because it’ll sound like the request should have been a problem, and you’ve been imposed with the favour.

Instead use phrases like “I’ll be happy to do it” or “It was my pleasure” since they will leave a positive impact on people.

  1. “I think …/This may be a silly idea …/I’m going to ask a stupid question”

Never start your sentences with one of these phrases because you’ll give an impression of insecure person who lacks confidence.

Don’t criticize yourself because if you aren’t confident about the things you say and do how do you expect others to be. But if you really don’t have certain information, say that you’ll find out about it and get back with an update.

  1. “This will only take a minute”

When you say that the task can be completed in a minute it looks like you will just rush through it. Your boss will think that you undermine your obligations and consider you as unserious worker.

Unless is a task which literally can be done in a minute, use the phrase “it won’t be long”.

  1. “I’ll try”

When you are assigned with a task you shouldn’t say that you’ll try to complete it because that way you look insecure in your abilities. Either accept the task and give your best to it or offer another alternative, but never say “I’ll try” because your boss will think that you won’t give your maximum.

  1. “He’s lazy/incompetent/a jerk”

Negative comments about other colleagues are a big no. If someone in the office is lazy, a jerk or isn’t doing his job well, other colleagues have noticed that too, so there’s no need for you to point that out.

Plus, there’s always a chance that you are wrong and in the end you’ll end up being a jerk, because hiding behind someone else’s incompetence will make you look insecure about your working skills.

So, unless you have the power to fire that person or help them to become better, keep your thoughts to yourself.

  1. That’s not in my job description”

If you use this phrase when your boss asks you to do something, you sound like you aren’t willing to take up some new responsibilities.

It will give the impression that you’re in the office only to do the bare minimum expected from you to keep getting paid, which looks bad, especially if you expect security in the workplace.

Next time your boss assigns you to do something that seems inappropriate for your position (of course that rules out something morally and ethically inappropriate) do it happily.

Later, talk with your boss whether there’s a chance for an update in your job description. This way you and your boss will develop a long-term understanding of which are and which aren’t your responsibilities according to your job description.

  1. It’s not my fault”

Putting the blame on someone else is never a good idea. If you were a part of the thing which went wrong, no matter how small your part was, own up to it. If you weren’t a part of that, give your dispassionate explanation about what happened, stick to the facts, and let your boss or colleagues decide who’s to blame.

Because the moment you put the blame on someone is the moment your colleagues stat seeing you as someone who can’t own up to their responsibilities. This will make people lose trust in you. Some will avoid working with you, while others will put the blame on you for the first next thing that goes wrong.

  1. “I can’t”

When you say “I can’t” your boss will get the impression that you won’t. Even if you really don’t know how to do the task, your boss will think that you wouldn’t put an effort and consider you as a lazy person.

Instead, when you think you are lacking the skills to do something you were assigned to, ask someone to help you and show you how, so you could do it on your own.

  1. “I hate this job”

The worst thing is to hate the job that you do, let alone say that out loud. Negative feelings bring down the morale of the whole team, and bosses are quick to spot those who do that.

So, love your job and be happy to do it because there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.

To sum up

It may take some time to eliminate all these phrases from your vocabulary but once you do you’ll be a much better colleague and an employee. Be sure that those around you will notice that and you’ll get your reward for it.

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A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With BIG Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

Science finally brings some good news for all those curvaceous women that struggle to lose butt and thighs fat.

The newest research led by Oxford University professors introduces rather relieving evidence about the correlation of lower body fat, health and intelligence.

It is a well-known fact that the amount of fat stored in the human body is one of the important indicators of one’s health condition. But apparently, more important than how much body fat you have, is where you have it.

Namely, women with the so called “pear type” of body have proved to be not only generally healthier, but also smarter as well.

According to Konstantinos Manolopoulous, one of the leading scholars of the Oxford’s study “the idea that body fat distribution is important to health has been known for some time.”

The novelty brought by the research is the information on how lower body fat contributes to the improvement of one’s overall health condition.

Lower body fat keeps the fatty acids further from the heart, the main arteries, and the liver, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Unlike “apple shaped” women with more upper body and belly fat, women with larger behind report lower levels of cholesterol and glucose.  

It is associated with two hormones: leptin and dinopectina.

Leptin is a hormone that controls the appetite and generally, the overall body weight. Bodies of curvaceous woman maintain a healthier level of leptin, which makes it easier for their brain to pick up the signals of fullness and avoid overeating.

Consequently, these women have smaller chances of becoming obese. On the other hand, dinopectina is a hormone responsible for controlling the vascular condition and preventing diabetes.

Moreover, woman with high levels of lower body fat have higher levels of omega 3 acids, which is associated with brain activity and intelligence.

Omega 3 acids help fight depression, improve cognitive abilities and enhance behavioral function. Therefore, these people are smarter and in a better overall mental condition.

According to The US National Institute of Health, Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial fatty acids that must be part of their daily intake. The right amount of intake of Omega-3 fatty acids is indispensably an important aspect of the retina and fetal brain.

In addition, they also have a great impact in shaping the stretch of development and averting perinatal depression.  Ergo, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are the most naturally dynamic forms of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in algae and seafood.

A similar study by US National Library of Medicine shows that women with more fat in the lower parts of their bodies give birth to children with higher IQ, as their brain development is supported by higher amounts of Omega-3 acids during the pregnancy period.

On the contrary, upper body fat has a negative effect on the polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are crucial to brain-growth development. Therefore, the waist-hip ratio has become an imperative measure of cognitive capacity.

Dr. Michael Jensen, director of the research center in Rochester’s Mayo Clinic that devoted year on the issue, argues: “If you’re going to have fat, you’re definitely better off if you’ve got some fat in the lower body”.

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Orangutan Gets Emotional When Pregnant Woman Reveals She’s Going To Be A Mother

Being a parent is the best thing that can happen to anyone and parenthood is in our nature.No matter if we are talking about human or animal, the bond that a parent and a child have is very strong.

And how do animals react to pregnancy? A very interesting and touching video was captured at the Colchester Zoo in England.

A man and his pregnant wife were visiting the zoo and stopped to observe a pretty large orangutan. The big orangutan, whose name is Rajang, started acting very emotionally when it saw the belly of the woman.

The future-mom-to-be got closer to the glass and the orangutan got even more emotional. Rajang caressed the belly of the woman over the glass and it even kissed the place where the baby was sitting.

The man and the woman are pretty amazed by this big creature’s reaction; it acted as it knew what was going to happen to this future mother.

However, this is not the first time that Rajang acted emotional when seeing a pregnant woman. On the official facebook page of the Colchester Zoo, in one post they say that it is attracted particularly to pregnant women and likes to caress their baby bumps. He even kisses them too!

Since these videos went viral, a flock of pregnant women go to visit this 48 year old orangutan and witness this one in a lifetime experience. They say that visiting Rajang was one of the best moments in their lives and were overwhelmed by his emotional reaction.
