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Research Suggests Being Lazy Is A Sign Of High Intelligence

New research appears to demonstrate the hypothesis that brainy individuals invest more energy lazing around than their dynamic partners.

Discoveries from a US-based review appear to bolster individuals with a high IQ get exhausted less effortlessly, driving them to invest more energy for thinking.    

Also, dynamic individuals might be more physical as they have to animate their psyches with outer exercises, either to get away from their considerations or in light of the fact that they get exhausted rapidly.

Scientists from the Florida Gulf Coast University gave a great test – going back three decades – to a gathering of understudies.

The ‘requirement for insight’ poll requested that members rate how emphatically they concur with proclamations, for example, “I truly appreciate an undertaking that includes coming up with new answers for issues”, and “I just think as hard as I need to”.

The scientists, led by Todd McElroy, then chose 30 “thinkers” and 30 ‘non-thinkers’ from the pool of candidates who undergo the research.

Throughout the following seven days both gatherings wore a gadget on their wrist which followed their developments and action levels, giving a steady stream of information on how physically dynamic they were.

The result from the research showed that the thinking group was far less dynamic during that week than the non-thinkers group.

The discoveries of the review, distributed in the Journal of Health Psychology, were portrayed as “highly significant” and “robust” in factual terms.

In any case, the ends of the week demonstrated no contrast between the two gatherings, something which has not possessed the capacity to be clarified.

Analysts recommended the discoveries could loan weight to the possibility that non-thinkers get exhausted all the more effortlessly, so need to fill their time with physical movement.

In any case, the drawback to being brainier – and lazier – cautioned Mr McElroy, was the negative effect of an inactive way of life.

He proposed that the less dynamic individuals, regardless of how cunning they are, ought to plan to raise their general action levels to enhance their wellbeing.

The British Psychological Society cited the review, saying: “Ultimately, an important factor that may help more thoughtful individuals combat their lower average activity levels is awareness.”

Familiarity with their inclination to be less dynamic, combined with a consciousness of the cost related with inertia, more astute individuals may then turn out to be more dynamic for the duration of the day.

The review also included that in spite of highlighting a strange pattern, summing up the discoveries ought to be finished with alert because of the little example of members

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6 Natural Ways To Treat Rashes In Infants And Toddlers

Babies remain susceptible to various rashes that become visible on their delicate skin. These can be prevented if you choose the best cloth diaper for wrapping around them. Some traditional treatments for these skin-related disorders are inclusive of antibiotics, steroids, and other treatments.

These mainstream methods have the ability to clear the rashes effectively. However, innate remedies must be given preference because they do not give birth to ill-effects. Also, their application has a soothing effect on the newborns and helps in comforting them.

Moreover, their application is cost-saving as they require the use of basic ingredients that are readily available, at nominal costs, on your visit to the convenience stores. However, it is advised to consult the medical practitioners before applying herbs or oils on the infants.

Some of the rashes that affect newborns are thrush, eczema, diaper rash, and cradle cap.

In the following details, we have listed six natural treatments for rashes that inflict babies.

  1. Oatmeal

You can apply the oatmeal remedy if your little one has developed cradle car or diaper rash. The former arises as a result of the oil glands being over-productive and is identifiable by the appearance of scaly flakes on the newborn’s scalp. The latter is normally caused due to dampened skin and is characterized by reddened skin.

This treatment entails adding 1/3 cup of the organic variety of oatmeal in a blender for obtaining its powdered form. After that, the prepared powder should be mixed with ¼ cup of water. Follow by applying the paste to the afflicted area, and leave for 10 minutes or so.

After that, use water to rinse the body. Pursue by drying the area with a clean towel after which the organic version of olive oil should be massaged to keep their skin moisturized.

  1. Cold Compress

The use of cold compresses soothes the baby’s distressed skin. Also, their application provides comfort to the newborns.

For this remedy, take a washcloth and soak in tepid water. Then, the excess water should be wrung out, and put over the concerned portion. Keep for 8-10 minutes at a time. Repeat this remedy at regular intervals through the day for the babies to recover promptly.

  1. Keep them Diaper-Free

You must allow the permit to be bottomless as much as possible during the day. Not wearing diapers helps them to ‘air-out.’  Also, their skin can breathe, and they can recover quickly.

  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is favored as a remedy for skin-related complaints due to its medicinal nature. It bears the ability to keep the skin hydrated; thereby, accelerating the healing course.

Coat the baby’s skin with a thin layer of coconut oil, regularly, for enjoying its rich remedial value.

  1. Breast Milk

For treating diaper rash, you can also consider applying breast milk over the rashes for the healing process to ensure. Take few drops and rub gently over their troubled skin. Let it air dry and then wrap around a fresh diaper.

  1. Herbal Tea

If you notice that your newborn’s skin has become scaly and dry, it is possible that they are suffering from Eczema. In such cases, you should prepare tea and apply the preparation over the irritated skin.

For preparing tea, boil 2 cups of water after which you should add one teabag each of nettle leaf and chamomile herb. Let the tea cool and follow by soaking a washcloth in the mixture. Apply the wet washcloth around the rashes.

Eczema is also known to cause itching. For relieving the infants from the associated discomfort, you can try adding the oatmeal powder to a bathtub of lukewarm water and mixing thoroughly. Soak the baby in the mixture for 20 minutes and then dry using a towel.

Pursuing natural treatments for your baby’s rashes is advised as these remedies are safe and easy-to-practice. Baby skin is tender and exposing them to harsh treatments can prove to be highly painful for them.

The home remedies serve as an ideal option for the treatment of baby rashes because of their painless nature. Moreover, they are highly effective. We advise you opt for them first before subjecting your mini-versions to the advanced systems.

Author Bio: Aliza is an experienced mother of 3 children. Over-the-years, Aliza wants to share her life experiences with all the new moms and to-be-mothers who look around for tips and tricks on the internet.

10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Repressing The Hell Out Of Your Feelings

There are all sorts of people in the world; in a lifetime, you’ll get a chance to interact with a myriad of personalities, outgoing, pleasant, disturbing and so on and so forth. Some say that being an outgoing person that expresses one’s feeling is the best thing there is. True? Who knows?

I am quite the opposite. I find it hard to interact with people I don’t know; it takes a lot out of me to befriend someone new. But that’s not all. I also belong to the category of people who don’t express their feelings. You know, the ones that are prone to emotional repression.

To be quite honest, it has done its damage over the years, but there is nothing I can do. It’s just the way I am. If something is bothering me, I’m not the kind of person that will outright say what it is that troubles me.

It’s not something my parents taught me or something I acquired along the way; I was born that way. Even as a child, I remember people, relatives and friends, commenting on my “reserved” personality.

Are you the same type? Do you tend to repress your feelings until they burst out like an erupting volcano?

Here’s how we unconsciously deal with our unexpressed feelings: 

1.Dealing with someone else’s emotions is way easier than dealing with your own. Do you do this? I sure do. I often try to help my friends with their issues and rarely speak of my own.

Probably because I’m afraid to confront my emotions and confronting someone else’s emotions is no “biggie”. I’m usually the “shoulder to cry on” and people often refer to me as “strong” and “brave”. Not true. I have plenty of fears but rarely do I express what’s on my mind.

2. Ditching friends and disappearing for a while. Whenever someone doesn’t act or react the way I expect them to, I find that I am disappointed in that particular person and I always take some time off. Meaning, I don’t call, I don’t ask them out…

I basically disappear from their lives until the uneasiness settles. It usually does and those who know me, don’t take it to heart. I’ve had the same friends for decades and they do admit that it bothers them, but they know that I’m an introvert and that something provoked that reaction on my part, so there’s never any hard feelings. Still, not a good way to deal with a situation.

3. The best way to avoid facing your feelings and fears: keep busy! I’m basically a workaholic. I love working, love chores, love tidiness. If I’m busy, I don’t have time to think or to deal with my emotions.

4. Irrational anxieties pop up all over the place. Repressed emotions will surface one way or the other. You can’t hide from them, you can’t erase them, so developing a number of irrational fears and anxieties is the side-effect. I’m scared of all sorts of things, I think about things a normal person doesn’t – a plane crash, my parents dying of cancer and so on. It never ends.

5. I’m fine. Remember when Ross constantly claimed he was fine with Rachel dating Joey? That’s what happens when you repress your emotions. You keep on saying “I’m fine” even when you’re not.

6. Every cloud has a silver lining – that’s what you cling onto when you try to deal with a negative situation that has prompted negative feelings. You try to put a positive spin on everything and you think it works. It doesn’t. It will come back to bite you in the ass.

7. Being a control freak – trying to control everything, all the time, trying to plan every single future step you take. That’s another thing that keeps you “safe”.

8. Always picking the wrong guy/girlwhy? Because that way you feel emotionally protected, you think… scratch that, you know that you won’t get emotionally attached or too intimate. 

9. It’s all just a big joke you – you keep turning every grim situation into a joke, trying to laugh it off and keep the pain at bay. That’s another way of dealing with your emotions.

10.Nothing can touch you, you are rock solid. You always present yourself as a strong person, nothing can touch you, but there is no such thing as a person without emotions, so hard as you might try to portray yourself as strong, people know better than to judge a book by its “rock” solid cover.

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Scientists Grow Full-Sized Beating Human Hearts From Stem Cells

So many people in the world are waiting for new hearts. And getting a heart doesn’t mean that the struggle is over. After a person gets a heart transplant, a new obstacle, just as perilous as the first, has to be overcome – will the body accept the new heart.

There are so many issues that need to be overcome, it’s overwhelming. However, a new scientific development just might hold the key to overcoming the greatest obstacles in human heart transplantation procedures.

Namely, a team of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School have made great strides in overcoming the major issues of organ shortage by using adult skin cells to regenerate functional human heart tissue.

What does this mean? Well, it means that they managed to grow a full-sized, beating human heart from stem cells.

According to their paper “Bioengineering Human Myocardium on Native Extracellular Matrix” published in Circulation Research, over 25 million people all over the world suffer from heart failure. Nearly 4000 patients a year in the US are on the waiting list for heat transplants, but only around 2500 per year will get the heart they need.

Thanks to this newly developed technique in which the scientists use adult skin cells to regenerate functional human heart tissue, there is much hope that one day everyone that needs a new heart, will get it and will be able to live a long and healthy life.

In their study, the scientists used a technique that was used in mouse hearts,  but this time they used it on human hearts. By stripping away many of the cell on 73 donatedhuman hearts that were recovered by the New England Organ Bank and were deemed unusable for clinical transplantation, the scientists were able to use their newly developed technique to turn them into pluripotent stem cells.

This means that these cells were turned into cells that can become specialized to any type of cell in the body. Then, these cells were induced to become two different types of cardiac cells that were grown under constant surveillance for two weeks.

 During those two weeks, the scientists infused the hearts with a nutrient solution and after the two weeks, the newly grown tissue looked like real human hearts that started beating only after they were given electricity shocks.

“To provide a clinically relevant tissue scaffold, we translated perfusion-decellularization to human scale and obtained biocompatible human acellular cardiac scaffolds with preserved extracellular matrix composition, architecture, and perfusable coronary vasculature,” the scientists state in their paper.

“We then repopulated this native human cardiac matrix with cardiomyocytes derived from nontransgenic human induced pluripotent stem cells and generated tissues of increasing 3-dimensional complexity.

We maintained such cardiac tissue constructs in culture for 120 days to demonstrate definitive sarcomeric structure, cell and matrix deformation, contractile force, and electrical conduction.”

It does sound promising, but the scientists say there is much more work to be done. Their next step is to boost the yield of pluripotent stem cells and quicken the growing process.

Also, they claim that the body-like conditions in which the hearts are grown, need to be perfected. All in all, this is a great leap for humanity – a ray of hope that one day everyone that needs a heart will get a heart and the possibility of a rejected heart transplant will be completely eliminated.



Scientists Succeed In Destroying Breast Cancer In 11 Days Without Chemo!

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is estimated to be the most common cancer among women, with 29% of all cancer cases, and is the second leading cause of death among patients with cancer, after lung cancer. These are the 2016 estimates, but 2017 may be the turning point for the fight against breast cancer worldwide!

A group of scientists in the UK have found that a combination of two already known medications promises the end of breast cancer as we know it.

By combining Trastuzumab (the generic name for Herceptin) and Lapatinib (Tyverb) in an experimental treatment, they have found the potential cure for HER2 positive breast cancer.

Source: Cancer Research UK

The Guardian reports that around a quarter of 66 women with HER2 positive breast cancer were treated with both Herceptin and Tyverb for 11 days before surgery.

When the results came in, the research team were astonished. In 17% of the patients, the tumors had significantly shrunk and in 11% of the patients the tumors had disappeared completely! This means that some women can avoid subsequent chemotherapy altogether while at the same time be cured of cancer with very low chances of remission.

Of course, a lot more needs to be done for this to become practice. The current licensing for Herceptin states that it is only available for use in combination with chemotherapy, and not alone. “Yet before this can be made available we need to see more evidence.” said Professor Nigel Bundred, from the University of Manchester and the University Hospital of South Manchester NHS foundation trust, who presented the data.

HER2 positive breast cancer is an invasive type of breast cancer that has a rapid growth rate. This is because it has a high number of receptors for the human epidermal growth factor (HER2) on the surfaces of the cancer cells. HER2 positive breast cancers have a quicker growth rate than the HER2 negative ones and the new discovery in the research field means that many women can be saved from a fast growing cancer.

“For some HER2 positive breast cancer patients the effect of this drug combination will be amazing and mean they can avoid chemotherapy and its gruelling side effects completely. For others, their tumours may not shrink, but doctors will know either way very quickly, giving them the ability to rapidly decide on further treatment.” said Professor Nigel Bundred on the 10th European Breast Cancer Conference.


F1 To F12: Time-Saving Function Key Shortcuts Everyone Should Know

In today’s fast paced time, everyone could use those extra seconds (which can easily turn to minutes) wasted on clicking and searching. How much do you know about the F keys located at the top of your keyboard?

These keys have a greater purpose than gathering dust – they fulfill functions that can be very practical and can save a lot of time!


Poland Unveils Glow-In-The-Dark Bicycle Path That Is Charged By The Sun

Poland unveils a gorgeous, shining in the dark bicycle path that is being charged by the energy of the sun. This glowing path is situated near Lidzbark Warminski in the Mazury region, in the north of Poland. It is used to help cyclist to get to the wanted point during night time.

100-meter track is made by the construction company TPA Instytut Badan Technicznych in Pruszkow and it is still in the test phase.

The technology is not complex at all. The path is made out of synthetic material that can give out light for up to ten hours previously charged by the sun on a day time.

It was Studio Roosegaarde’s Starry Night bike lane in the Netherlands to be blamed for inspiring the particular concept of the illuminating Bicycle strip in Poland although the technology is quite different from the Dutch version. While the Dutch version uses LEDs the Poland’s path is entirely dependent upon solar power.

As you have might heard until now Poland is the home to some of the most bike-friendly cities in the world.  One of those cities is Lidzbark Warminski. It’s Poland’s objective to become eco-friendly country so it induces bikes as the quintessential vehicle to travel. The ecological illumination of bike’s paths just makes it more ECO.



What Anxiety Actually Is, And Why It Makes Relationships And Dating So Hard

Every beginning of a relationship is challenging, but the word challenging gets a whole new meaning for people with anxiety.

I can still remember the struggles I’ve had at the beginning stages of my last relationship with all the thoughts that something must go wrong. The doubt and distrust in the person for no reason were all caused by my anxiety.

How many times have I stayed up at night, tossing and turning in my bed because I’ve been overthinking about every detail in the relationship? I’m sure that almost all of the worries I’ve had have been unnecessary. It’s was all in my head.

Even if everything was fine, I’ve had negative thoughts about them not showing up or canceling a date the last minute. It was the same with every relationship, no matter whether the guy gave me reasons to think about these things or not.

Another thing that messes with my mind at the beginning of a relationship is the previous experiences. Every ending that has destroyed me emotionally still reminds me that it might happen again. That I might fly high and suddenly be forced to fall down to earth.

Usually, I find the guilt in myself, not in the other person. I always think about my imperfections and talk myself into thinking that I’m just not good enough for them. That they would find someone better and leave. And I would be left alone again. Alone with my anxiety.

Many people don’t realize how stressful a beginning of a relationship can be. They don’t get that you’re stressing about every text you get, wondering if you should be the first one to write or keep waiting. It’s stressful to overthink about every sentence you say because you don’t want to say something bad. Even Instagram and Facebook can become a real agony sometimes because you’re asking yourself if that Like maybe meant something more.

My anxiety has made me start believing in lies, but not made up by the other person, but by me, made up in my head. One late reply is enough to make you create whole movies in your head about them cheating or ignoring you on purpose. Overthinking about every action makes you wonder if they are going to leave you because you’re like this. I’ve imagined the ending for so many times just to be prepared for what would follow.

Even if the person is great, it’s hard for me not to expect the worst of them. I feel insecure even if everything is perfect. I doubt everything and everyone out of fear that I might miss something that could be the cause for ending, although it’s just the beginning.

Anxiety makes me perfectionist in life and in every relationship. That’s why I can get really upset if something doesn’t go according to plans.

While I’m trying to fight the anxiety and live with it, at the same time, I’m doing these things that make everything so much harder. And all I want is them to like me. Everything I do is out of fear that they might change their mind and leave me.

Sometimes, I think it’s best to tell them the truth. Explain that “that’s the way I am and they have to learn to accept that”. But next morning I convince myself that this is a foolish idea. That if I would do it, I would just accelerate the process to the end. Who would want to be with a person like me, I say to myself.

So far, I haven’t found a guy who would make me feel sure in myself and whom I would trust completely, even with telling this. Someone who would reassure me that I’m not alone and that I can trust them. Then again, I may have found him, but my anxiety has stopped me from realizing it.

Individuals with anxiety need a partner who will hug them when they feel low and help them overcome the crisis. A person who will be strong when they are weak. They need someone who will see them for who they really are and who would be ready to go through everything for them.

They need someone persistent and brave. They need a person who will show them how beautiful they are in the other’s eyes and make them see themselves the way other see them.

Photo by Dan Gold 


Hate To Break It To You But You Are The Reason Your Life Sucks So Much….

Do you think your life could be better? That you could achieve much more and you don’t get what you deserve? Well, let me break it to you – you’re probably right.

Negative things usually happen to people who have a negative approach towards life – people who think that everyone is against them and that they have “bad luck” and bad things always happen to them.

Here is a reality check: If you think your life sucks, you are the reason for it!

It’s up to you to make the choice – whether you will achieve greatness or you will work the same boring job forever. It’s up to you to stop being lazy and start running after your dreams and accomplish much more.

It’s up to you whether you will see the world and have great adventures or stay at home envying the ones who had the courage to take the control of their life in their hands.

You can win only if you take risks. Want to go to Brazil? Just book the fight and go! No challenge is big enough if you are mentally prepared for it and believe in yourself.

It’s up to you whether you will have the body you have always desired or not. It’s up to you whether you will be healthy and energized and commit to goals. It’s up to you whether you will broaden your knowledge, read and practice your skills.

It’s up to whether you will be happy, not up to the others. Only you can decide about that and choose to be surrounded by positive people who will inspire you and help you achieve wonders.

If you think your relationship is toxic, try looking at the things you can improve instead of blaming the other half. Once you start working on yourself and become the best version of you, you will also influence the others around you.

It’s up to you to transform your life, no matter how impossible it seems. Only you can take control over your life and start working towards success.

If you think you deserve something, you should go and get it, not just wait for it to come to you. Nobody has achieved greatness by sitting and waiting.

Don’t expect wonders – make them happen instead. Hard work is the essential ingredient of every success story. The greatest leaders, scientists and artists have made sacrifices to reach their goals. Even in the hardest times, push through and keep going because you know how powerful you can be.

Don’t build the wall that blocks your way to success and build ladders and staircases that will take you to the top. Every barrier that you will encounter is not a reason to quit, but a call for action. If everything looks perfect, that means you’re not moving fast enough. 

For every person who doesn’t believe in you, dedicate an important milestone that you have reached. But before you start reaching milestones, you have to believe that you can do it.

You cannot expect others to believe in yourself if you don’t believe it. That’s your starting point in everything: work, school, love, life.

Don’t postpone and lose another day of your life. You already have everything you need, you just need to mark the beginning of the life you want to have. Only you can do that. Don’t allow yourself to wake up one day and realise that you have spent your life not doing what you love.


The Strongest Girls Have A Loved One In Heaven

There is pain you feel when you break up a relationship or be betrayed. But there is a different heartache you feel only after you lose someone dear to death. The strongest girls have felt this type of pain and know how it feels like to lose someone and to manage to live without them afterwards.

This fierce girl knows how it feels like to feel helpless and alone, without having a back up plan or a way to forget about the sorrow.

This girl is fierce for a reason. She has had someone in her life who had made her smile and laugh – a person who should have lived a long and happy life, not be taken from her forever.

If only she could have some more time to spend with them to tell them everything she feels, maybe she would have felt better. But she wasn’t even warned. She learned that it’s important to live every day as if it’s your last the hard way. Because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. But, you can never be enough prepared for this.

This girl wasn’t prepared when she found out. But she had to be strong – for her, for the others, for them. She didn’t know why it happened and she still doesn’t. But she wasn’t given a choice.

At moments, she thought she lost her strength and was about to give up. But she didn’t. She managed to pull through and she survived. And still lives. She lives for her and for someone who is gone. Death has made her fight for life.

Encountering death has made an impact on her life. The grief, the sorrow, the funeral, the place, the people and the way they looked at her have left a deep mark. A mark that nobody could mend or heel.

She wished she was the one who was gone many times. But she wasn’t and she had to move forward, no matter how impossible it seemed. Today she smiles and enjoys life, but only she knows how hard it was for her to get back on track.

She still has the same questions: Why her? Why them? She still cries and a part of her will always mourn, especially when she looks at that date on the calendar or whenever she passes by that place they always visited together.

But the crying won’t stop her from enjoying life. It only gives her strength to continue forward and be ready for any challenge the future might bring.

Nothing compares to the challenge she has already faced. She can take anything because she knows what real heartache feels like.

This girl is fierce, but hasn’t lost her hearth to death. She still loves and wants to be loved.

This girl is fierce because there is still someone who needs her. She is the crying shoulder for her friends and she is keeping the back of her loved ones.

This girls is fierce because she survived losing the person who represented everything for her. She has survived times when life made no sense for her and managed to find her purpose afterwards.

She can stand up to anything in front of her. Anything.