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One Day You Will Outgrow The People Who Weren’t Afraid To Lose You

One Day You Will Outgrow The People Who Weren’t Afraid To Lose You

It hurts. I know it does. At times the pain is too much to bear. Too much to live with. And it feels like...

Dear God, I Have No Clue What The Future Has In Store For Me,...

There is no way for me to know what the future has in store for me. I can guess, but I will never find...

Loving Without Expectations Means Loving Yourself First

To love unconditionally, without any expectations… you have to love yourself first. You have to stop letting others dictate your life and focus on doing...

You Have One Life – Spend It On Things That Matter And Let Go...

The trouble is, you think you have time. But, in reality, you don’t. Life is an unpredictable journey. You arrive in this world and you’re instructed...

Stop Waiting For People To Make You Happy And Look For That Happiness Within...

Let me tell you a story. I am a person who has struggled with relationships my whole life. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always...

Don’t Despair: What Is Destined To Be Yours Will Find Its Way To You

The truth is that life is not a bed of roses. Things don’t always go the way we want. Sometimes, everything is going well...

Modern Treasure Hunts You Can Take On Yourself in 2021

In a world that feels increasingly small due to new technologies that better connect all four corners of the globe, people have a growing...

To All Of You Exhausted And Fragile Souls Who Feel Like You Are...

Listen to me. I know that you feel like you are not doing much, I get that. I am familiar with that feeling. I know...
We Outgrow The Emotional Hurts And Bad Timing With The Right Ones Eventually

We Outgrow The Emotional Hurts And Bad Timing With The Right Ones Eventually

We outgrow the people that don’t know how to love us. The people that don’t appreciate us. We move past the hurts of the...

9 Uncomfortable Signs That You Are Slowly Transforming Into The Person You Were Always...

Growth means change. And change is a necessary part of this journey called life. Here are 9 positive signs that you are changing and slowly...