If you have a car, you need car insurance. It’s a simple fact of life, but choosing a policy can still be something of a chore. The process is often convoluted and complicated by the incredible variety of options out there. While we all wish it was as simple as selecting a policy and setting up a direct debit, there’s quite a bit to think about first. Luckily, this article is here to help you.
Deciding What Type of Car Insurance You Need
When we think about taking out car insurance, we often fixate on finding the best price, but long before you get to that stage, you need to decide what sort of policy you require. If your license is suspended or restricted due to a severe violation, including a DUI conviction or Reckless driving, you may need to get an sr22 insurance. It’s no good keeping your overheads low if this means signing up for coverage that doesn’t suit your needs. There are three main types of car insurance: fully comprehensive, third-party, fire and theft, and third-party only cover, with sites like Money.co.uk doing a great job of explaining the differences. Before you start searching for policies, you need to decide which of these most closely aligns with your needs.
Getting the most from comparison sites
Once you know what sort of policy you want, it’s a good idea to head to a comparison site (or three!). These now exist in many different industries, helping with everything from choosing a tradesman to finding a reputable online casino. We’ll use the latter as an example. If you were in search of an online casino you could trust, you might visit a site like Bonus.ca. This would show you where to find the best prices and promotions and which providers were the most highly ranked. Car insurance comparison sites work in much the same way, with websites like Insurify.com proving invaluable. These consider the various factors that affect car insurance rates and then deliver a personalized quote to your inbox in five minutes or less. By using them, drivers can save up to $996 on their policy annually.
Comparing quotes
Once your comparison site of choice has given you some quotes to choose from, it’s time to compare these. The website will often outline factors relevant to your decision, such as the amount of excess you’ll be expected to pay. Use these to decide which cover is best for you and don’t make your decision based solely on price. Even once you have your quotes, it can be worth getting in touch with some insurers directly. That’s because not all policy providers are willing to be listed on comparison sites. A broker may be able to help you with this, especially if you share the quotes you’ve already received and are looking to beat. When it comes to choosing car insurance online, there are lots of factors that should influence your decision. While price is an important one, it’s not all you’ll need to take into account, as this article has hopefully shown. Use it to choose the right cover for you.
While many states had already legalized marijuana for recreational and medicinal use some time ago, it has only recently been legalized in Chicago, Illinois – January 2020, to be precise. However, residents should note several legal intricacies to keep in mind when shopping for their favorite cannabis strain in local stores.
You can hand-pick from a vast selection of reliable dispensaries in River North, Chicago, browsing numerous catalogs that list your preferred strains and product variants. Besides residents over twenty-one years old, even legal-aged tourists from outside of the state can buy marijuana in Chicago.
The following is a quick, helpful review of how to go about making your first marijuana purchase in River North for new buyers in the neighborhood.
Where to buy and the permitted amount
Although recreational cannabis was only recently legalized, statistics reveal that Illinois has already become one of the states with the maximum amount of consumption currently.
Thankfully, residents and travellers can easily purchase good-quality cannabis products from numerous dispensaries spread across the River North neighborhood. They can browse options listed on online directories, including the dispensary location, contact information, products list, and other valuable details.
There is a clear distinction between the amount of marijuana that locals can possess and the amount that non-residents can own when it comes to permissible amounts. While it typically depends on the particular product, the average River North (and Illinois) resident is generally permitted to own around thirty grams of marijuana flower alongside other THC-infused products like creams or oils. In any case, this quantity is relatively high, even for the average medical user.
What to carry to the store
Residents and out-of-towners must carry government-issued valid identification to purchase any marijuana product in River North. The ID must include the buyer’s address, age proof, and other legitimate details. People who use cannabis for medical purposes need to carry their state registry cards to the store.
The local dispensaries in River North and other state neighbourhoods make it a point to scan every ID before allowing a purchase to ensure the buyer’s authenticity. This ensures that both parties transact safely and securely without ending up with a bad deal.
Local consumption rules
State laws permit residents to consume marijuana only on their personal or private properties. So, if you lived on rent, your landlord might object to smoking cannabis on the premises. The state police permit balconies or backyards as legally acceptable places to smoke marijuana in River North for locals who would rather smoke outdoors.
The places in the neighbourhood that are off-limits include city parks, boardwalks, bars and restaurants, and other public areas. You could face a massive fine or stricter punishment if caught lighting up in these places.
Selection of products you can expect at local dispensaries
One of the finest qualities of the dispensaries in River North is that they offer an unbelievable range of unique and regular marijuana products. Residents can buy rolled-up joints, fresh buds and flowers, creams and other edibles like gummies and chocolates, cartridges for vape pens, and tinctures.
Moreover, the product that draws the maximum attention in the city includes THC-infused beverages that locals are gulping down by the dozen. Since Chicago is constantly updating its menu, you can be sure to find the latest and most exciting cannabis products in local dispensaries pretty much all the time. If you are looking for something particular, browse the website of the dispensaries and check where it is available.
Preferred payment method
Most River North residents fail to remember that while marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in many states, it is still classified along with substances such as cocaine and heroin by the federal government. This nuance in legality makes it challenging for national financial institutions to regulate money from the sale of cannabis, making card transactions nearly impossible.
You can use the ATMs near the stores as a final resort, but there is a strong possibility that you will incur high-interest charges. That’s why it is advisable to carry enough cash along shopping for cannabis products in River North dispensaries.
Approximate cost
While residents know that medical and recreational use of marijuana is legal in Chicago, not many folks are aware of the average price of the product. Typically, a gram of marijuana in the city can cost around $22, depending on the cannabis type and quality. This is a reasonable price for most city folks as it guarantees them quality merchandise at reputable dispensaries.
Moreover, some locals are willing to pay premium prices for the highest quality cannabis sold by fancy dealers. Therefore, be assured that marijuana is well affordable in River North.
American employees are concerned with several problems ranging from planning long-term vacations to anticipating future promotions. However, among this all, they should be worried about the health impact of our increasingly capitalistic society. How much do you care about your well-being as a working professional? It seems that our national capital –workers – have been afflicted with a decline in overall health since the pandemic. Statistics indicate that over 80% of American employees have been experiencing mental health issues.
Similarly, people are adopting a sedentary lifestyle and spending one-fourth of their days just sitting and doing nothing. What can you do to make yourself healthy again?
Boosting your well-being as a professional worker
Since an organization’s profitability relies upon the workforce’s productivity, it can’t churn out productivity without enhanced mental and physical well-being. Are happy workers more productive? You may type this question on Google and find thousands of search results explaining how satisfied employees become 13% more productive.
That’s why companies are attempting to boost employee morale and promote happiness at the workplace. But where does this happiness come from eventually? It comes from healthy lifestyles, which is why working professionals should dedicate some time to maintaining their well-being. So, here are some strategies for employees to stay healthy and prevent chronic ailments:
Limit Burden
By limiting burden, we mean reducing workload, work timings, and responsibilities. For this reason, have a one-on-one discussion with your employer and go over workable options to limit your work burden – and eventually workplace stress. Alongside this, try to limit the activities you have taken upon yourself. For instance, if you’re continuing education along with your job, it’s best to opt for the eLearning route. Online learning proves beneficial for employees in all sectors, especially healthcare. So, if you’re a nurse willing to become a family nurse practitioner, pursuing online programs is a viable strategy. Besides, becoming an FNP online comes with several career-boosting prospects.
Take frequent breaks
It would help if you didn’t work excessively or continuously since it’s harmful to your overall health. We suggest employees take breaks more often to avoid physical tension. It’s recommended that workers rest for 10-15 minutes after working for two hours straight. Learn when it’s time to press pause after working diligently. Taking breaks more often can prevent eye/neck strain while allowing you to stay ergonomically healthy. So, give yourself some time to relax, stretch your body, and change your posture.
Clean your workstation
Your workstation – especially the mouse and the keyboard – contains thousands of microorganisms just crawling all over these devices. As the pandemic doesn’t seem to stop anytime now, you should consider disinfecting your workstation. Don’t let viruses survive on your gadgets and clean your electronics properly. Use EPA-recommended disinfectants to clean these surfaces and maintain hygiene at the workplace. That’s how you can avoid harming yourself or others.
Always eat carefully
Employees aren’t hesitant to eat all the candy people have placed on their desks! It’s not a healthy practice and may lead to you becoming overweight. Don’t fill yourself with unnecessary pounds and skip the candy once in a while. If you’re tempted to consume extra food, try eating fruits or vegetables.
This way, you’re consuming something healthy and nutritious, at least. So, stay away from these candy bowls and junk food your coworkers distribute. Also, watch your weight now since the path to obesity can be slippery.
Relax your neck
When your shoulders stay in an awkward position for a long time, it may lead to TNS or tension neck syndrome. For instance, workers talking on the phone more often can acquire this syndrome due to which their shoulders become rigid. This syndrome usually leads to neck pain and tender muscles. So, make sure that you are relaxing your neck and shoulders. Moreover, relax your eyes a bit and don’t keep staring into the screen for a long time. Lastly, keep the screen at arm’s length to limit continued exposure.
Manage your stress
Workplace stress remains a crucial matter among western employees today. A survey estimates that 57% of Canadian and American workers are stressed at the workplace daily. These mental health issues can create serious problems for your productivity. So, engage in stress-reducing exercises to overcome exhaustion. For this reason, it’s helpful to meditate or indulge in yoga. You can also acquire hobbies such as jogging, reading, or gardening. These hobbies keep you distracted and help you regulate your mental health issues.
Exercise more often
Don’t neglect the importance of regular exercise for maintaining your weight. So, walk as you’re eating lunch to burn those extra calories and reduce your stress. Better yet, find a walking partner with whom you can engage in this healthy routine. Find excuses to walk to run errands so you can avoid sticking with a sedentary lifestyle. That’s how you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim of obesity in your life. Besides, working out for a mere thirty minutes has helped many workers stay healthy in the office.
Improve your posture
We’ve explained how Americans are increasingly adopting a sedentary lifestyle today. It’s causing an average person to spend over 6 hours merely sitting at a desk. However, it’s not healthy to stare into screens for hours and remain in the same position. It strains your neck and puts pressure on your spine. For this reason, we suggest employees hone their postures and engage in brief exercises with their desks/chairs. These exercises will support your body and make you feel refreshed again.
Drink coffee moderately
Experts have declared that Americans, on average, drink limited amounts of water. However, stress can compel working individuals to imbibe more caffeinated beverages than recommended by experts. So, it would help if you decreased your coffee/alcohol consumption. Since excessively drinking them may lead to nervousness while making you jittery all the time. Besides, it doesn’t just meddle with your daily productivity but also makes you vulnerable to several health problems. So, drink coffee carefully.
We’ve explained how healthy workers are more productive in any organization. Employees should boost their well-being if they wish to function effectively at the workplace. So, how can you hone your health? Our suggestions include exercising regularly, managing your stress, improving your posture, and taking the required amounts of water. Additionally, you must avoid eating aimlessly since consuming snacks mindlessly may lead to obesity. In today’s pandemic-ridden era, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for unhealthy habits and switch to better options whenever possible. So, limit your workplace stress and other harmful practices to lead a better life.
Digital evolution has made a huge impact on our daily lives. It has brought flexibility that allows businesses from different niches to conduct activities online from any part of the world. The pandemic of COVID-19 was the biggest example when everyone was forced to do work from home. So, in that situation, going online was the best option for everyone, which helped many professional organizations resume their activities. The same goes for the education sector, as online classes became the best possible solution during the pandemic. Although the situation is better now, many students prefer to take classes online.
Everything has its merits and demerits, so it goes for online education. There are challenges that you should know, but there are endless opportunities that you can grab. It keeps you safe from the hassle of going somewhere physically, so it saves your time and effort. On the other hand, you can face distractions at home, but still, it is manageable. You need to figure out how. Let’s find out some benefits of an online degree.
1. Flexibility and Convenience
The digital revolution introduced the concept of a classroom with no walls. It means students have the convenience and flexibility to learn from anywhere. For example, if you are serving in the nursing field and want to upskill yourself, you can consider a Masters in nursing online. You can pursue your degree by sitting at home and attending classes regularly.
Online education provides students opportunities to explore learning possibilities in a hassle-free manner. It has ensured that learning can happen anywhere at any time. You need to have the right resources and gadgets to perform your online learning activities.
2. Keeping track of Academic Activities Efficiently
Supervision and assessment are some of the essential parts of the education sector. Online learning and digitalization have made it easy for teachers to keep track of different learning activities. It helps teachers meet the instructional goals without any hassle to conduct quizzes, tests, and different types of examinations.
Instructors carry online assessments through proxy supervision to keep an eye on unfair means. Different students testing formats are also applicable through e-learning. Constructed-response, performance-based formats, sentence completion, MCQs, and true-false are standard online testing methods. These testing methods also make it easier for the teachers to grade students.
3. Awareness of Technology
One of the main requirements of pursuing an online education is proper awareness of the technology. Some individuals associated with the education sector would consider it a challenge, like teachers who are not up-to-date regarding the latest technology. They may face difficulty in conducting online classes. But most of the students are familiar with the latest technology tools, so they do not face any issues.
Most teachers rely on old-school methods as they find it more convenient. But it is essential to understand that having a good grasp of technology is essential for every individual linked to the education sector. People familiar with the latest technology tools were able to fulfill their professional responsibilities during the pandemic efficiently.
4. Developing Lifetime Learners
Online higher education has played a vital role in increasing the number of lifetime learners across the globe. According to a study, the number of students studying online has rapidly increased in the past few years. It means that the number of graduates will also increase in the near future.
Also, many virtual education platforms are evolving day by day to offer degree programs as per the latest high-demand skills. It means that opportunity for the individuals to grow and excel will increase more as they can avail themselves of it efficiently. Graduate programs are an integral part of higher education, but online learning also offers industry-related skills to stay ahead of the latest technologies. Necessity opens the doors of new learning opportunities, so online learning has done the same.
5. Digital Learning is The Future
If we can break the shackles of old learning methods, we can create incredible experiences to connect the digital and real world. Digital learning tools are integrated with creativity and imagination that allow students and teachers to find innovative ways of learning. Technology has enabled us to embrace and analyze different learning styles. This approach provides an equal opportunity for everyone to learn and grow and make progress in their respective fields. The COVID-19 pandemic already proved the significance of technology to create personalized learning experiences. Students actively engaged with the latest learning practices will ultimately accomplish their career goals.
Online education has made a huge impact on the education sector. Especially, the pandemic of COVID-19 has made students and teachers realize how they can remotely keep track of learning activities. It provides a great level of convenience to people linked to the education sector to keep track of academic activities from any part of the world. It saves time, cost, and effort for the students and teachers that allows both parties to improve their overall performance.
Even when you have help raising your kids, it can still be challenging to find enough money and time for your lifestyle. Finding a job that offers some degree of flexibility can help you continue to care for your kids while bringing in more income.
Getting a Relevant Degree
Getting a degree can make your skills a lot more marketable to a potential employer. It’s a good idea to spend some time researching different career paths that can meet your goals of raising your family. If you feel remote work might suit you best, you wouldn’t want to go into nursing. On the other hand, if you want to dedicate just a couple of days per week to work and have the rest of the time off, nursing could be a good fit.
Regardless of the area you choose, you might want to look into getting your degree, especially if you are making a career change. College can be expensive, so consider taking out a student loan to help cover part or all of the cost. Having Earnest private student loans available can make it easier to get your degree while taking care of your family.
Finding Assistance
Don’t feel like you have to do everything all alone. There are others who can help you out as you are job searching. Try to help friends, neighbours, parents, and others so you will have someone to offer to help you in return. Doing so can help ensure you are available to interview for jobs. This is one of the advantages of a growth mindset, you can see the bigger picture and what it will take to get yourself there, while also realizing it is a process.
Once you land a job, having this support network will ensure you have a backup in case you have to go to work and your child needs care. Even if you are raising kids with your significant other, it’s a good idea to have this support network. If possible, look for a mentor who has been in your shoes. They can offer advice and help you figure out what you are looking for in your career.
Looking for a Company That Meets Your Needs
Many things might be important to you as a parent, such as good benefits, childcare assistance, or the ability to work remotely. Think about a few of the most important ones and look for companies that offer these benefits. When searching for a position, look at reviews of each company before you decide to spend time applying and interviewing.
As early in the application process as possible, try to confirm things like time commitments and what the schedule would look like. If it is not a remote job, you will also want to think about your commute time and the impact it could have on your schedule. Look over company reviews as well, especially if you have been offered a position there. Past or current employees might have mentioned if the company culture is supportive of parents. If there are flexible hours or you can work from home part of the time, you might be able to find it out with a simple internet search.
A wedding proposal has become as big of a deal as the wedding itself. Some people still love the intimate setting while others love the idea of an elaborate event.
No matter your style, we’re here to help. Here are several tips for planning the perfect surprise wedding proposal.
1. First Things First: The Engagement Ring
While planning how to pop the question might be tough, it’s also difficult to choose the perfect engagement ring. There are endless cuts, bands, and styles to choose from. But learning about certain qualities and various styles will help you narrow things down.
For instance, you don’t want to buy an oval diamond engagement ring because while they may elongate the fingers, every single one of them has what’s called a “bow-tie.” Due to the cut, the way the diamond reflects light will show a dark bow-tie shape directly in the middle.
Start by narrowing down what you don’t want in a ring rather than trying to start thinking about what you do. It’ll be easier when trimming down your choices.
2. Talk To Your Partner’s Family
This might seem rather traditional, but it’s an important step to take, especially if your partner is close with their family. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re asking for permission. Your partner isn’t property, after all.
But it does show that you honor the relationship they have with their family. It’s also a way to ask them if they want to be involved in any way, strengthening the relationship you have with them.
3. Be On The Same Page
We’d like to think that if you’re reading about proposals, you and your partner are on the same page about marriage. But you’d be surprised at how many people don’t have the discussion beforehand.
Make sure to talk about your future before jumping into anything. Communication is key to a successful marriage but if you’re not talking about marriage you might want to consider waiting until you do.
4. Cater To Their Wants
Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of the proposal and what we think is the most fun. If you’re the one proposing, you will want to think about what type of proposal your partner would want.
There’s the typical grand gesture that has friends and family around or big flash mobs. But you also have the more intimate setting where it’s just the two of you at your favorite place.
Think about what they want most. Do they love hiking? Maybe a mountain top private proposal would be best. Are they a lover of the finer things in life? Take them out to a fancy dinner and bring on the mariachi band.
5. Hire a Photographer or Videographer
There has been a massive trend to document the big proposal. It’s no wonder, as it’s one of the most important memories the two of you will share together.
You may consider hiring A-Wing Visuals, a professional photography and videography team, to capture the moment as a surprise.
If you can’t afford to hire someone, ask one of your friends to use their cell phone. The quality can easily be just as good and you’ll save quite a bit of money.
6. Be Prepared With Your Words
You’re down on one knee and you’re ready to ask your partner the question. However, is that all you want to say? Take some time beforehand to think about what you want to say.
Write things out if you feel like you might get nervous with pre-proposal jitters. It doesn’t have to be a long speech, but it should be something heartfelt that is more than just saying, “Will you marry me?”
7. Celebrate Alone Before You Celebrate With Friends
You might be planning to have an engagement party to celebrate this monumental moment with friends and family. But before you get everyone else involved in your life, it might be worth taking a day to celebrate with just the two of you.
Soak in the moment of being engaged. Before you know it, you’ll have people helping you with endless wedding plans which could take away from the excitement you both get to intimately share together.
Planning the perfect marriage proposal might take some time. For some, it’s a spontaneous question they feel is right in their heart to ask. For others, it requires much more planning. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you’re thinking about your partner first.
Have you talked to them to make sure you’re on the same page about marriage? Do they want to have their family involved? Do you know what style of engagement ring they’d want?
When in doubt, get a little help from a close friend. More than likely they’ve talked about what they may want for their future engagement.
Are you struggling to lose weight? Are you unhappy with your body shape and size? If so, you may be considering surgery as a way to get the body you want. Surgery can be an effective way to remove unwanted fat, but it is essential to choose the right procedure. This blog post will discuss six of the most popular surgical procedures for weight loss. By knowing these procedures, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you. Let’s get to the list.
Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure performed in a surgical center that can remove unwanted fat from many body areas, including the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and neck. As stated by these VIDA’s board-certified plastic surgeons, the surgery is very effective and involves making small incisions in the skin while under general anesthesia. A thin tube called a cannula is then inserted through the incisions and used to suction out the unwanted fat.
Liposuction is an effective process since it can be very precise in targeting specific areas of fat. The procedure is also relatively quick and takes about one to two hours to complete. Recovery time is usually short, with most people able to return to their normal activities within a few days.
Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. It can also tighten the abdominal muscles to create a flatter, more toned stomach. This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about two to five hours to complete.
Like liposuction, a tummy tuck is an effective way to remove unwanted fat and create a more toned appearance. The procedure is also relatively quick, with most people able to return home the same day as their surgery. Recovery time is typically one to two weeks, during which you may experience some pain and swelling.
Coolsculpting is a new, non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses cooling to destroy fat cells. The treatment involves placing a special device on the skin that delivers cold energy to the underlying fat tissue. This process damages the fat cells, causing them to break down and be eliminated by the body.
Coolsculpting is a quick and easy way to reduce fat, with most treatments taking less than an hour. No anesthesia or recovery time is required, making it a convenient option for busy people. The results of Coolsculpting are not as dramatic as those of liposuction or a tummy tuck, but the procedure is much less invasive and carries far fewer risks.
Butt Lift
A butt lift, also known as gluteal augmentation, is a surgical procedure that can enhance the shape and size of your buttocks. The surgery involves placing implants in the buttocks to add volume and create a more rounded, lifted appearance. Butt lifts are often performed with other procedures such as liposuction or a tummy tuck.
Butt lifts are a very effective way to improve the appearance of your rear end. The results are usually long-lasting, and there is minimal recovery time required. Most people can return to their normal activities within a week or two. However, it is essential to note that butt lifts carry a higher risk of complications than other procedures, so it is essential to choose an experienced surgeon.
Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that can remove excess skin and fat from the thighs. It can also tighten the underlying muscles to create a firmer, more toned appearance. This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about two to five hours to complete.
Like other body contouring procedures, a thigh lift can be very effective in improving the appearance of your thighs. The results are usually long-lasting, although you may need additional surgery to maintain your results. Also, it is essential to maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly to prevent the re-accumulation of fat in your thighs.
Upper Arm Lift
An upper arm lift, also known as Brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that can remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms. It can also tighten the underlying muscles to create a firmer, more toned appearance. This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about two to five hours to complete.
Upper arm lifts are a very effective way to improve the appearance of your arms. The results are usually long-lasting, although you may need to have additional surgery to remove more skin or fat if your weight fluctuates. Also, the incisions made during this surgery will be visible, so it’s important to discuss your expectations with your surgeon before having the procedure.
Many different surgical procedures can help you get rid of unwanted body fat. It’s essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and find the best procedure. Remember, these procedures should be considered part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet and exercise routine. So, if you’re ready to make a change, be sure to talk to a plastic surgeon today.
Without even meaning to, many vape enthusiasts regularly draw the ire of friends, family members and assorted strangers. As such, it’s important to remember that while you may view certain behaviors as routine, others are liable to regard them with annoyance. So, if you could use a refresher in vaping etiquette – or are unfamiliar with the concept of vaping etiquette – there’s no time like the present to start brushing up. In the interest of avoiding vape-related conflict, take care to be mindful of the following behaviors.
Blowing Vapor Clouds in People’s Faces
Under no circumstances should you blow vapor clouds in the direction of other people’s faces. Whether the individuals in question enjoy vaping or revile it, blowing vape clouds in their faces is both rude and unsanitary. Furthermore, with COVID-19 continuing to present an active threat, blowing aerosols into people’s faces isn’t exactly the most health-conscious thing to do.
Additionally, depending on the person, getting a face full of your vape clouds may prompt them to become verbally irate – if not physically aggressive. Unsurprisingly, most of the people you encounter aren’t going to be amenable to having vapor clouds blown in their faces. So, the next time you find yourself vaping in a group setting, make sure to be extra-mindful of where you’re blowing your clouds.
Poor Vape Maintenance
A fair amount of vapor comes out of the typical vape pen. So, when vaping in the presence of others, you should be aware that those around you are likely to see and smell your vapor. Additionally, if your vaping tools are poorly maintained, vapor leakage and other issues that make your actions stand out are liable to occur. You can nip many of these problems in the bud by making vape maintenance a priority and replacing certain tools on a consistent basis.
Presuming Permission
Regardless of how intimately you know someone, you should never assume that they won’t take issue with your vaping. For example, if you’re visiting someone’s home for the first time, pulling out your vape pen without asking permission is liable to make things awkward and uncomfortable. Even if the person in question has no problem with vaping in general, they may not be okay with you doing it in their personal space.
So, before vaping in front of someone – especially someone you don’t know very well – take care to ask for permission. Requesting permission illustrates consideration for the feelings of others and is likely to endear you to friends, family members and casual acquaintances alike. On the flipside, simply presuming permission may get you labeled as rude and inconsiderate and potentially place a strain on important relationships.
For best results, you should always ask permission before vaping in front of others – and certainly before vaping in the homes of others. In addition, even if someone gives you permission once, this shouldn’t be taken as an indefinite greenlight to vape in front of them whenever you have the urge.
Vaping in Restricted Areas
Since vaping is restricted in most public places, attempting to vape in these areas is practically asking for trouble. While some businesses prominently display their respective vaping policies, others aren’t as forthcoming. However, even if you’re visiting a place that falls into the latter category, assuming that you can pull out your vape pen and have a puff is liable to land you in hot water.
By extension, vaping in areas where you know doing so is off-limits is immature, inconsiderate and conducive to public embarrassment. Even if you attempt to hide what you’re doing – a process known as “stealth vaping” – there’s virtually no chance of your actions going unnoticed. Not only will getting caught prove humiliating to you personally, it will also serve to embarrass anyone who happens to be with you at the time.
Vaping may be one of your absolute favorite things, but this doesn’t mean that the people in your life are equally keen on it. Additionally, assuming that family members, friends and assorted acquaintances will never take issue with your vaping habits is pure folly. Even some of the most seasoned vapers regularly make an assortment of social faux pas, so there’s absolutely no shame in admitting that you need a refresher in vape etiquette. With this in mind, make a point of avoiding the behaviors discussed above.
Many people think that just because they are good and honest, everyone is like them. Sadly, there are people who don’t have goodness in their hearts. The world is full of liars and manipulators. People who use others to get what they want. And oftentimes, these people are narcissistic sociopaths.
Narcissistic Sociopath: Definition And Meaning
A narcissistic sociopath is a person who can be very dangerous due to their personality traits. This is a person who has both NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and APD (Antisocial Personality Disorder). They deliver their confidence and satisfaction from hurting, using, deceiving, and abusing other people to achieve their goals and satisfy their selfish needs. They do this by using their unquestionable charm and charisma to gain other people’s trust so that they can easily manipulate them.
However, even though narcissistic sociopaths display many toxic behaviors, they are not easy to identify because we tend to look for the positive traits in people and ignore the red flags, especially if the person we are connecting to is mesmerizing us and clouding our vision to see things as they really are.
Lack of empathy, self-admiration, and a sense of grandiosity combined with cold callousness and pure hatred for other people equals a narcissistic sociopath.
Narcissistic Sociopath: Diagnosis
As mentioned above, in order to diagnose someone as a narcissistic sociopath, that person needs to have both narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD).
NPD is characterized by having a grandiose sense of self-worth, preoccupation with power, status, and success, excessive need for admiration and adoration, a sense of entitlement, lack of compassion and empathy, envy, and displaying arrogant behaviors.
People diagnosed with NPD have difficulty dealing with change, stress, and criticism. They often become angry and impatient if something doesn’t go their way. They don’t have much control over their emotions and their behavior and therefore, they are bad partners and their relationships are short-lived.
APD, on the other hand, is characterized by impulsive behavior, lack of plans for the future, not following social norms and rules, irritability and aggressiveness that may result in physical attacks, engaging in deceitful behavior, lying, cheating, manipulating, reckless nature, total disregard for the lives of other people, chronic irresponsibility that leads to job loss, difficulty with managing finances, and lack of remorse for hurting others.
What causes narcissistic sociopathy remains unknown. However, scientists believe that parenting styles such as being neglectful or overprotective may play are role in it. Also, neurobiology and genetics have an impact on the development of NPD.
10 Signs That Show Someone Is A Narcissistic Sociopath
A sociopathic narcissist is callous and cold to others while at the same time seeking attention and admiration from them because they think they are entitled to it. They can openly hate people and think they can exploit them in any way they see fit in order to succeed in life.
Narcissists, on the other hand, only see other people in terms of how good they can make them feel. So, when you put these together, you get a person who is hungry for power and control and who would do anything to get what they want. This person will use other people’s love for them as a tool to manipulate them without having any sense of guilt and remorse for their hurtful behavior.
They see other people as their pawns. They don’t see them as human beings with emotions. Everything in their life is a game and they will stop at nothing in order to win.
Here are 10 other signs that you are dealing with a narcissistic sociopath.
1. They are obsessed with maintaining control and power.
Narcissistic sociopaths are power-hungry and control freaks. They want everyone to obey them and that’s why they often aim to maintain a high position in society. Moreover, their obsession with power and control makes them unable to follow and obey any other authorities, laws, rules, and policies made by society.
2. Their sense of reality is deluded.
Narcissistic sociopaths have a distorted view of the world. They don’t see things the way normal people do. In their world, they feel entitled to do whatever they please and other people must follow them. They don’t care who gets hurt in the process of them getting what they want.
3. They don’t have any morals.
Narcissistic sociopaths don’t have moral boundaries. They don’t have a sense of what is right and what is wrong. So, they will cross any line and obstacle to fulfilling their desires. And when they do something illegal and harmful, they won’t have any guilt feelings and remorse.
4. They use other people as pawns.
Narcissistic sociopaths exploit, use, manipulate, and take advantage of other people. They do this in all their relationships from friends and colleagues to family and romantic ones. They seek empathetic people who they can easily manipulate and control through shame, fear and guilt, and they will hold on to that person as long as they are useful to the narcissist.
5. They disregard people without a second thought.
Narcissistic sociopaths are known to have a huge pile of people who they have disregarded. They throw away people who are no longer beneficial to them.
6. Their range of emotions is limited.
Narcissistic sociopaths don’t feel affection and love like normal people do. They are also unable to be vulnerable and experience feelings of sadness, shame, or guilt. The only strong emotion that a narcissistic sociopath can feel is anger and they will rage every time they are offended in some way or something is not given to them that they think they deserve.
7. They feed off of drama.
Narcissistic sociopaths are people who satisfy their hunger with drama. It’s something about seeing other people in pain that gives them pleasure. This attraction to negativity is a sure sign of a mentally disturbed person who is a narcissistic sociopath.
8. They become hostile when threatened.
Narcissistic sociopaths are extremely dangerous when they feel threatened. And because of their paranoia and inability to trust others they often feel threatened and get explosive, hostile, and aggressive. They may even become physically violent.
9. They often get bored.
Narcissistic sociopaths are constantly seeking new and exciting things to do. It’s as if nothing can keep their attention and interest for a long period. They easily get bored with people and things and they will dismiss them when they are no longer interested in them.
10. They are empty inside.
Narcissistic sociopaths have developed a strong and powerful exterior, but that is only a façade. They are very empty and hollow inside. They lack emotions and empathy and therefore, they can never connect with another human being in any way.
Narcissists & Sociopaths: Shared Trates
Both sociopaths and narcissists are charming and charismatic, selfish, controlling, explosive, unreliable, dishonest, and manipulators. Both of them lack a sense of responsibility for their actions. They both feel entitled to getting the best treatment from others without giving anything in return. Finally, they both lack empathy for others and that’s the biggest red flag because they don’t care if they hurt someone, they only care about themselves.
Differences Between Narcissists And Sociopaths
The difference between a narcissist and a sociopath is in the driving force behind their disorder. Namely, when it comes to narcissists, their ego is always at stake and they base their actions solely on their ego.
On the other hand, the sociopath is driven by their self-interest. So, they gravitate towards the person who can get them ahead in life. In other words, narcissists behave like hurt children, faking superiority and lashing out when they don’t get what they want, while sociopaths are con artists.
Moreover, narcissists try to impress you in order to build their egos. Sociopaths will only impress you if they can get something out of you. Sociopaths are calculated and persuasive, while narcissists are reactive. Sociopaths may even apologize to you and tell you they were wrong to get you to do what they want, something a narcissist will never do.
And a narcissistic sociopath is both of these combined.
How To Cope With A Narcissistic Sociopath – The Worst Of All
The narcissistic sociopath can be violent, abusive, and dangerous. So, the best way to deal with them is to not deal with them at all. Meaning, avoid this person at all costs! This person is very unpredictable and impulsive and you will end up hurt in the end. Narcissistic sociopaths are sadists. They enjoy seeing other people’s pain.
So, do yourself a favor and RUN and NEVER look back.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Merck Manual Professional Version.(1)
Caligor E, et al. Narcissistic personality disorder: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, course, assessment, and diagnosis.
Caligor E, et al. Treatment of narcissistic personality disorder.
Hales RE, et al. Personality disorders. In: The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry. 6th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2014. (2)
Caligor E, et al. Narcissistic personality disorder: Diagnostic and clinical challenges. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Palmer BA (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Narcissistic personality disorder. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5. 5th ed. Arlington, Va.: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. (3)
Kacel EL, et al. Narcissistic personality disorder in clinical health psychology practice: Case studies of comorbid psychological distress and life-limiting illness.
Nowadays considered as a disorder, anxiety has got its evolutionary roots back in the earliest beginnings of human evolution. Humans needed it to survive in the harsh and unpredictable environment they lived in.
Anxiety nowadays is considered to be an inexplicable feeling of unease, nervousness, and worry. It’s true that we have come too far to be affected by the same conditions which gave rise to the protective role of anxiety for our ancestors. So why and how does it occur now?
A lot of literature connects today’s anxiety disorders to some kind of psychological and emotional abuse during a person’s childhood. It has been found that early-life stress has a profound effect on the Central Nervous System (CNS) and that the same effect can occur in adults. (1)
This abuse is now discussed as a major factor contributing to anxiety disorders, major depression, and PTSD. In fact, it has been established that psychological abuse is more detrimental than physical aggression and that it leaves a deep scar on the victim’s mental health.
Children who have been victims of psychological abuse don’t necessarily develop anxiety in their lives, but such traumatic events in times where their brains are still developing contribute to supersensitivity in the neuroendocrine stress response systems.
This means that any additional stress from emotional or psychological abuse later in life bears a high possibility of triggering psychological disorders such as anxiety and major depression.
What Is Narcissistic Abuse?
Narcissistic abuse is one of the most harmful types of psychological abuse. It renders the victim unable to think and reason clearly due to the increased stress and the eventual adrenal fatigue.
This, in turn, triggers a number of possible outcomes, among which the most devastating effect could be an anxiety disorder, major depression, or both. This further increases your susceptibility to the narcissistic abuse and your inability to escape it.
That is why some victims tend to remain in the victim-abuser loop until the rest of their lives and are not even aware that their abuser feeds off them with every passing day.
The most common targets for a narcissist are people who are empathetic, compassionate and choose to see the best in others. This sensitive type of people will choose to trust and understand the narcissist.
And this is what they need to start weaving their web around their good-willing victims. In the process of their flawless manipulation, they will use whatever means necessary to make their victim feel smaller and more dependent on them.
They do it by constantly trying to lower their self-confidence and make their victims believe that they are going crazy. If they see themselves caught in the act, they will skillfully get out of the situation by convincing the other person that they are imagining the situation and are psychologically unstable.
While this is not the truth, you know what they say: a lie told a hundred times becomes truth. The more they make their victim question their morality, sanity, and ability to love unconditionally, the more they nail them to their cross and feed off them.
From the victim perspective, this lowered state and constant stress will eventually lead to adrenal fatigue and a constant fear that they may be doing something wrong. In certain cases, the victims start avoiding people, feel unable to function properly, feeling disconnected and are generally in a disabled state. (2)
This process is what will eventually lead the victim to a state of a shattered self-confidence and a completely destroyed mental state, where a lot of mental disorders have a space to start festering.
In this state, the victim is prone to develop extreme social anxiety, illnesses related to pervasive stress, a complete sense of disassociation from the self, and symptoms of major depression.
If you find yourself in such situation, it’s best that you talk to a psychologist and ask for help. While there are people who are able to recognize narcissistic abuse and get out of that relationship before it develops, some people are very much trapped in the cycle and find it impossible to get out.
It’s not that they don’t want to, but the psychological damage they have endured has left them unable to fight off the abuser and has made them shut themselves off from the rest of the world.
Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome
The narcissistic abuse syndrome occurs when a person has been living with or spending a lot of their time with a narcissist.
People with a narcissistic abuse syndrome often question their own self-worth or sanity, always analyzing and overthinking about their flaws and failures. The truth is, these are simply ideas that were planted in their mind by their narcissistic parent or partner.
People victims of narcissistic abuse often have a hard time identifying with reality because their minds are confused from the constant abuse and emotional manipulation they’ve been or still are exposed to.
The narcissistic abuse symptoms may vary, however, in most cases they mimic those of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, a condition that affects people who’ve endured severe traumas in their early childhoods.
Narcissistic Abuse Symptoms Include:
Intrusive, invasive, or unwanted thoughts
Avoiding people or places associated with the narcissist
Triggers, i.e., physical or emotional responses to situations that resemble past traumatic events/experiences
Feeling isolated and detached from the world
Feeling extremely alert, having a fight or flight response to everything
Not feeling important or valued
Narcissistic Abuse Signs
Many victims of narcissistic abuse tend to approach a counselor in the hopes to improve themselves.
After undergoing a long and traumatic narcissistic abuse, these people tend to perceive themselves as a failure, they are ashamed of who they are and feel insecure, unworthy, incapable, or delusional. Hence, it’s no wonder if they turn to an expert for help.
They focus so much on fixing everything that’s “wrong” with them, they forget to mention the narcissist in their life, the abuser. Or even if they do, they only say nice things about them, praising them and admiring them.
This is so because the victim has absolute trust in their abuser; they think the narcissist can never hurt them. Even better yet, they are the only one that loves and appreciates them.
But how can you recognize narcissists even before they pick you on your radar?
Narcissists are usually charming people who want all the attention on themselves. They are the people that can make an entire room laugh with their dazzling sense of humor, and when they are good with their victim, it may feel like you are on Cloud 9. Unfortunately, it’s their cycle of torture.
They sugarcoat with love and affection, only to smash you on a wooden floor later on with their dismissive attitude and cold-hearted nature. They are conniving, selfish, self-oriented, critical, and bad at listening.
They never truly listen to other people, they just nod and wait for them to stop talking so they can regain the spotlight.
Now, narcissists usually create codependent relationships because they need someone they can emotionally abuse just so they feel good, much like a leech sucking for blood.
Many have been wondering why are narcissists so toxic and needy of a victim whom they can drain from worth and happiness, and although it’s not always clear why it is believed that their emotional clinginess and pumped-up ego stems either from their overprotective parents or childhood neglect.
Below are the signs that a victim is undergoing narcissistic abuse in their life:
12 Signs Of Narcissistic Abuse
1. The abuser seems so perfect (at first)
Narcissistic abuse can be hard to identify because it happens slowly after the victim is already hooked on the narcissist. Victims almost inevitably fall in love hard with the narcissist because the narcissist is everything they want in the beginning. Handsome, smart, funny, ambitious, and charming.
During the love-bombing phase, the narcissist makes their victim feel adored, special, and cared for. The narcissist compliments them, gives them love and affection, and pretends to want to spend the rest of their life with them. In the victim’s eyes, the narcissist is the perfect person, and they are grateful that someone like them is even interested in them.
The early stage of the relationship is very intense. The abuser seems too loving and caring to the victim that they don’t even think that their relationship might be a lie. Then, slowly, the expressions of love and compliments stop, and they are being replaced with insults, lies, and manipulation. The narcissist goes from love-bombing their victim to completely disregarding them, using silent treatment or gaslighting as manipulative tactics.
2. Other people can’t even believe the abuse happened
The abuse coming from a narcissist is very subtle. That’s because the narcissist is not “openly” abusing anyone. You see, the narcissist is someone who cares about their public image. Therefore, they will never let themselves lose control in public. Instead, they will abuse their victim behind closed doors.
The victim may also not know what is happening because the narcissist is leaving them confused and upset all the time. They may even feel guilty for their “mistakes” that are actually the narcissist’s fault. The narcissist will insult their partner in front of everyone, but they will disguise the insult as a joke. So, other people may also not realize they are abusive.
And when the victim of narcissistic abuse needs support and love from their friends and family the most, they may not believe that the abuse even took place. Instead, they may question the victim’s perception of things and start assuring them that they must be wrong and that the narcissist would never do that and hurt them intentionally.
This is highly harmful in many ways. It seems as it not only destroys the hope of the victim for the support and love from their loved ones, but it can also make the victim feel delusional and crazy, believing that they might be actually imagining things.
3. The Narcissist Has Started A Smear Campaign
A narcissist always needs to maintain their perfect image of themselves and their life to have people admire them. So, in order to do that, they need to make others look bad. When they break up with their partner, or when their partner breaks up with them, the narcissist is quick to start a smear campaign against them to destroy their name and reputation.
They do this to save face and make the other person the “guilty” one for the break-up. They may start telling others how they were unstable and hard to be with… anything that they can use against them to discredit them and ruin their character. Plus, the narcissist is deadly charming, and they can make people believe almost anything they tell them.
Moreover, the narcissist may even win over the friends and family of their partner and convince them that their friend or daughter is the crazy one. So, when the victim actually decides to speak up, no one will believe them.
4. The Victim Feels Isolated
When a victim feels alone, with no one supporting them and understanding what they are going through, that might make them even more vulnerable to continue being abused and manipulated by the narcissist. The narcissist will see the sadness and loneliness of their victim, and so, they will try to lure them in with kindness and false promises of a bright future.
This manipulation technique is called ‘hoovering’, and it only works when the victim is in a vulnerable state without support from anyone, not even their loved ones. Plus, if their friends and family tell the victim that they should go back with the narcissist, they may do so and even apologize to the narcissist so that they won’t end up alone and isolated.
That’s how dangerous the narcissistic tactics are.
5. The victim freezes up
Different people respond differently to trauma. Some people may start fighting with the abuser, while others tend to escape the situation altogether (fight or flight response). Some victims of narcissistic abuse, however, tend to freeze up when experiencing trauma.
This freezing response oftentimes happens when the victim is feeling helpless. It can be beneficial in some situations, but the victim is still unable to escape the abuse. It is only a momentary reaction that is usually followed by the victim keep working to keep their partner (the narcissist) happy and keep the relationship from falling apart.
6. The Victim Has Trouble Making Decisions
The victim is constantly being abused and criticized by the narcissist, and they start doubting their own decisions. As a result, they have shattered self-esteem, and therefore, they have trouble doing anything for themselves without consulting the narcissist.
The narcissist has succeeded in destroying their self-confidence by constantly implying that they are not good enough and criticizing the way they are doing things. So, the victim starts to feel as if they can’t do anything right. Then, the narcissist will insult them in a ‘loving’ way, leaving the victim with an unclear perception of things and confusion about what is right and what is wrong.
The narcissist gaslights them to the point of making them believe they imagine things. The narcissist may abuse them, and the victim may think that the event never happened, that it is all in their head.
7. The Victim Always Feels As If They Have Done Something Wrong
The narcissist is someone who never takes responsibility for their hurtful actions. In their world, it is always other people’s fault. The narcissist will always find a way to present themselves as the victim, while putting the blame on others. And they usually do this by getting so angry at the victim that they actually end up apologizing to them and admitting they were wrong in order to calm their anger.
For example, suppose the victim accuses the narcissist of cheating. In that case, the narcissist will quickly get angry and start accusing them and redirecting the blame on them by saying hurtful things in order to belittle their victim. The victim then may get scared that the narcissist will leave them and that they should be ‘lucky’ that they are with the narcissist in the first place.
The victim may even start feeling ‘grateful’ that the narcissist is so ‘forgiving’ and decides to remain with them. Finally, even after they decide to leave the narcissist, they may experience trouble believing in themselves and blaming themselves for anything that goes wrong.
8. The Victim Starts Experiencing Unexplained Physical Symptoms
Abuse may trigger anxiety, and the victim may even begin to experience physical symptoms following the narcissistic abuse they are going through.
The victim may experience fatigue, insomnia, appetite changes, nausea or upset stomach, muscle pains and aches, stomach pain, and other gastrointestinal troubles.
9. The Victim Starts Feeling Unsettled And Restless
Narcissists are so unpredictable. The victim never knows whether they will love them or criticize them and start a fight. So, the victim is constantly on edge, fearing what will happen during their next encounter with the narcissist.
The victim feels constant tension and fear of criticism. They are no longer able to relax. They no longer feel safe, and their guard is always up.
10. The Victim No Longer Recognizes Themselves
Many victims going through narcissistic abuse start behaving differently than they usually would. That happens because they don’t want to upset their partner, so they try to accommodate them by altering themselves, thus losing their identity.
So, when the narcissist complains to their partner that they don’t want them to go out with friends, the victim may stop going out in order to show them their love. Next, they give up their dreams, hobbies, friends, and family, all in the hopeless attempt to make the relationship with the narcissist work.
Sadly, the narcissist is never satisfied, and they keep pushing the boundaries. Their requests never stop, and the victim feels drained to the point of no longer recognizing themselves.
11. The Victim Starts Having Trouble Setting Boundaries
A person a narcissist has abused, usually has little to no respect for themselves, and thus they don’t have boundaries. When the victims of narcissists try to speak up and set boundaries with the narcissist, the narcissist either ignores them or gives them the silent treatment until they end up doing what the narcissist wants.
Many people who decided to leave the narcissist alone and not let them in their life again have found themselves reconciling with the narcissist after the narcissist successfully removing the barriers and destroying their newly-set boundaries.
Finally, people who have suffered narcissistic abuse may also have trouble setting boundaries with other people.
12. The Victim Has Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression
Depression and anxiety are common symptoms of narcissistic abuse. The constant stress a victim feels is enough to put them in a state of worry, fear, and nervousness, leading to anxiety, and later – depression.
The victim never knows what to expect from the narcissist, so they are in a persistent state of fear, constantly feeling helpless. The victim is always asking themselves what went wrong. As a result, they are sad and miserable. Their anxiety and depression after narcissistic abuse also stem from their destroyed self-worth and constant blame of themselves for the failure of the relationship.
Note: If you think that you or someone you know and love is struggling with narcissistic abuse syndrome and undergoing a reiterating narcissistic abuse cycle, it’s important that you seek help from a narcissistic abuse therapist.
It’s not just about making an effort to get rid of the toxic claws of the narcissist, it’s also about seeking treatment to regain the control in YOUR life.
Narcissistic Abuse Cycle
The relationship cycle typical of narcissistic abuse follows a pattern, much like any other cycle of abuse.
Victims of emotionally abusive relationships experience a three-stage, vortex-like cycle of idealization, devaluing, and discarding. Yet, they keep coming back to their abuser because they think it’s them who did something wrong, not their toxic parent or partner.
Narcissists first show affection to hook their victim, and later on reveal their true face. They’ve been loving and caring for a few days, and then suddenly, start saying spiteful things or jokes about their partner in social occasions.
They know their victim is going to be hurt or embarrassed for sharing something so private about them, yet they do it anyways, making their victim insecure, ashamed, rejected.
Or they will suddenly detach from their victim, giving them the silent treatment. You really don’t know what you did? I have to tell you? Had you been a little more observant, you would’ve known.
Now the victim is confused. How come he/she was so gentle and loving yesterday? What happened? What did I do?
Naturally, they think it’s their fault and they try to search for ways to improve themselves. (3)
Narcissistic Abuse Examples
Narcissists expect others to behave in certain ways and they have a way of making people do what they want. That way is usually paved with low empathy, belittling, offensive remarks, and criticism when their victims fail to meet their standards.
Here’s What The Abuse Can Look Like Through Examples:
Your narcissistic partner said your perfume, your hair or your new piece of clothing look stupid and ugly, so you’ve changed them.
Your narcissistic parent told you how you are wasting your time reading books as a kid, so you gave up writing thinking you are not that good either way
Your parent or partner control your time and keep you from seeing friends or participating in social activities by yourself.
If you’ve changed your looks and style, your hobbies, or if you’ve lost things you used to like as a result of their narcissistic abuse and manipulation, you might feel as if you no longer know yourself, hence the disconnection from reality, the panic, and the anxious thoughts that feel like they cripple your day to day functioning.
Anxiety and depression are a dangerous abyss if left untreated, but luckily they can be treated and reversed. (4)
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Toxic relationships are traumatic and leave victims with lingering symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and panic attacks, which take time and active effort to heal.
Your love for the narcissist can convince you t that everything is your fault – every manipulation, every maltreatment, every spiteful and toxic comment they casually threw at you that further deepened your emotional scars and convinced you of your lack of self-worth.
Breaking off the toxic whirlwind is never easy, but all it takes is deciding you want to get out of the tunnel and break free.
Your narcissistic abuse healing is not a one size fits all nor is it going to be as easy as drinking a pill. It’s journey.
Practice self-compassion. Praise yourself for having the courage to end the narcissistic abuse cycle, for having the courage to end the toxic relationship.
Try to rediscover yourself. Find out what you like doing, rediscover your hobbies and interests.
Don’t undermine the importance of positive reinforcement mantras.
Wake up every day and utter the words:
I am beautiful.
I am strong.
I am loved.
I am enough.
With my personality. With my lifestyle. With my job. With my fashion sense. With my music taste. With my cooking skills. With everything that makes me… ME.
I am enough. I am good. I am safe, and I always will be.
Because I am free from my past. Because I’ve moved on and I’ve left all my burdens behind.
…And most importantly, talk to a narcissistic abuse therapist whenever your emotional well-being gets blurred or distorted by unwanted thoughts.
Psychological abuse is more dangerous than physical abuse. It leaves terrible consequences on the mental health of the victim and it renders them unable to recognize it.
In the case of narcissistic abuse, the victim will be certain that they are the ones who are in the wrong, and they will blame themselves for the dark reality they are in. This, of course, is far from the truth.
If you are or have been a victim of narcissistic abuse, know that it has never been your fault and that you did your best to pull that disturbed soul out of its own darkness. The truth is, most narcissists prefer their darkness, and they want to pull you into it.
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