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How to Find the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

X Tips for Searching for a Personal Injury Lawyer

The right personal injury lawyer can make a huge impact on how your case is resolved. They can help you better understand your circumstances, maximize your payouts, and even accelerate the process in some cases.

So how do you find the best personal injury lawyer for your needs?

The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Your personal injury lawyer will help you in several respects:

  • Legal knowledge and experience. First, your lawyer is going to have an abundance of legal knowledge and experience. They understand all the legal aspects of personal injury cases and can help you better understand your position from a legal standpoint. They can answer all your questions, help you review the process of personal injury cases, and clarify anything that you’re confused about.
  • Recommendations and advice. Second, your lawyer is going to provide you with recommendations and advice. Depending on the details of your case, they will likely recommend negotiating for a settlement to avoid a trial. If this is the case, they will provide you with recommendations designed to maximize your compensation and streamline the process as much as possible.
  • Technical operations. Your lawyer is also going to handle all the technical aspects of managing a case, from filing the lawsuit to negotiating and handling the settlement amount. This way, you can stay mostly hands off.
  • Negotiations. A lawyer is going to represent you during negotiations. They’re intimately familiar with negotiation tactics as well as both positive law and common law, so they can get you the highest possible settlement amount while still remaining fair and respectful of the law.
  • Representation in trial. Overwhelmingly, tort cases settle out of court. It’s very likely that if you have a personal injury claim, you’ll never have to go to trial. But in the unlikely event that you do go to trial, your lawyer will represent you – and coach you through your responsibilities during the trial itself.
  • Emotional support. Your lawyer isn’t your therapist and isn’t necessarily your friend, but they will likely recognize the physical and emotional turmoil of being embroiled in a personal injury case. Their legal responsibilities are most important, but they may be able to lend you emotional support along the way.

How to Find the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

There are many strategies you can use to look for candidates to be your personal injury lawyer. You can get a referral from a friend or family member, consult a legal directory, or simply conduct a search for lawyers in your area.

No matter what, you’ll need to evaluate available candidates for the following:

  • Location. You’ll likely be interested in finding a local candidate for the sake of convenience, but it’s also important from a legal perspective. That’s because different areas have different laws and statutes in place; a lawyer in California may not be able to help you with a case in Idaho, simply because they don’t have familiarity with the laws there.
  • Specialty. Not all lawyers are qualified to handle all cases. Most lawyers practice one or more areas of specialty; ideally, you’ll work with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law. It’s even better if you can choose a lawyer with specific experience in cases like yours.
  • Experience and results. Gravitate toward experienced lawyers. The more years they’ve been practicing, the more knowledge and expertise they’re likely to have. You can also look at past cases to see what types of results they’ve gotten from clients in the past. Based on this information, you may be able to disqualify certain candidates.
  • Availability. You’ll also need to think about availability. Some law firms aren’t actively seeking new clients, and they may not be interested in taking your case. Others are interested in digging into your case, but they may be so bogged down with other work that they can’t give you the support you need.
  • Compensation. In most cases, personal injury lawyers will decline to take on your case if they don’t feel they can win significant compensation. They will also require no payment if you don’t receive a settlement and no money is awarded at trial. However, you’ll typically owe your attorneys a portion of your compensation if you win; pay attention to this pricing so you know what you’re getting into.
  • Communication. Finally, consider communication. The process will be much easier and much less stressful if you hire a lawyer you can easily converse with.

There are likely multiple qualified personal injury attorneys in your area who can help with a case like yours. However, some of them are going to be much better fits for your needs than others. Review a range of different candidates so you can feel confident moving forward with the best person.

The Connection Between Alcohol Addiction and Domestic Violence

The Connection Between Alcohol Addiction and Domestic Violence

Alcohol addiction and domestic violence are two pervasive issues that often intersect, creating a toxic environment that can devastate individuals and families. Understanding the connection between alcohol addiction and domestic violence is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies. This article explores how alcohol addiction contributes to domestic violence, the impact on victims, and potential solutions to address this dual challenge.

The Link Between Alcohol Addiction and Domestic Violence

Alcohol as a Contributing Factor

Alcohol consumption is a significant factor in many cases of domestic violence. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol is involved in approximately 55% of cases of intimate partner violence. Alcohol affects judgment, reduces inhibitions, and impairs the ability to control emotions, which can lead to violent behavior.

Impaired Judgment: Alcohol impairs cognitive functions, leading to poor decision-making and increased aggression.

Lowered Inhibitions: Under the influence of alcohol, individuals may act in ways they would not when sober, including engaging in violent behavior.

Increased Aggression: Alcohol can exacerbate aggressive tendencies, making conflicts more likely to escalate into violence.

Statistical Correlation

Research consistently shows a high correlation between alcohol addiction and domestic violence. A study published in the *Journal of Interpersonal Violence* found that men who consumed alcohol were more likely to engage in violent acts against their partners. Another study by the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 30% of women who experienced domestic violence stated that their partner had been drinking at the time of the incident.

The Impact on Victims

Physical and Emotional Trauma

Victims of domestic violence often suffer severe physical and emotional trauma. The presence of alcohol can intensify the violence, leading to more serious injuries and long-lasting psychological effects.

Physical Injuries: Victims may sustain bruises, broken bones, and other injuries that require medical attention.

– *Emotional Trauma: The fear and stress associated with living with an alcohol-addicted, abusive partner can lead to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Impact on Children

Children living in homes where alcohol addiction and domestic violence are present are at a heightened risk of experiencing abuse and developing behavioral and emotional problems.

Witnessing Violence: Exposure to domestic violence can traumatize children, affecting their emotional and psychological development.

Behavioral Issues: Children in these environments are more likely to develop behavioral problems, including aggression and difficulties in school.

Addressing Alcohol Addiction and Domestic Violence

Integrated Treatment Programs

Effective intervention requires addressing both alcohol addiction and domestic violence simultaneously. Integrated treatment programs that offer comprehensive care for both issues can significantly improve outcomes.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Programs that address substance abuse and behavioral health issues concurrently can help individuals recover from addiction and reduce violent behaviors.

– Counseling and Therapy: Individual and group therapy sessions can help individuals understand the root causes of their addiction and violence, providing tools for healthier coping mechanisms.

Legal and Support Services

Legal and support services play a critical role in protecting victims and holding perpetrators accountable.

Protective Orders: Legal measures, such as restraining orders, can provide immediate protection for victims.

Shelters and Support Services: Domestic violence shelters and support organizations offer safe havens and resources for victims, including counseling and legal assistance.

Community Education and Prevention

Community education and prevention programs are essential for raising awareness about the connection between alcohol addiction and domestic violence and promoting healthier relationships.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Campaigns can educate the public about the signs of domestic violence and the dangers of alcohol addiction, encouraging individuals to seek help.

School Programs: Implementing educational programs in schools can teach young people about healthy relationships and the risks of substance abuse.

Supporting Victims and Perpetrators

Providing Resources for Victims

Ensuring that victims have access to the necessary resources and support is crucial for their safety and recovery.

Hotlines and Helplines: Confidential hotlines provide immediate support and guidance for victims seeking help.

Counseling Services: Access to counseling can help victims process their trauma and begin the healing process.

Rehabilitation for Perpetrators

Rehabilitative programs for perpetrators of domestic violence can reduce recidivism and promote healthier behaviors.

Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help individuals understand and change their violent behaviors.

Substance Abuse Treatment: Providing treatment for alcohol addiction is essential for reducing the risk of future violence.


The connection between alcohol addiction and domestic violence is complex and multifaceted, with alcohol often exacerbating violent behaviors and contributing to a cycle of abuse. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that includes integrated treatment programs, legal and support services, community education, and targeted interventions for both victims and perpetrators. By understanding the link between alcohol addiction and domestic violence and implementing effective strategies, we can work towards creating safer, healthier communities.


– National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). (2020). Alcohol’s Effects on Relationships. Retrieved from [NIAAA](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov)

– World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health. Retrieved from [WHO](https://www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/global_alcohol_report/en/)

– Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (2011). The Role of Alcohol in Intimate Partner Violence. Retrieved from [SAGE Journals](https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jiv)

– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2021). Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol. Retrieved from [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/intimatepartnerviolence/fastfact.html)

Quitting Smoking: Can Nicotine Vapes Help You Kick the Habit?

Quitting Smoking: Can Nicotine Vapes Help You Kick the Habit?

Quitting smoking is a challenging journey, but nicotine vapes might be the tool you need to succeed. In recent years, vaping has gained popularity as an effective smoking cessation aid. This article explores how nicotine vapes can help you quit smoking, shares success stories, and provides tips and strategies for using vapes as a smoking cessation tool. We’ll also address common questions and concerns to help you make an informed decision.

How Nicotine Vapes Can Aid in Quitting Smoking

Nicotine Vapes, also known as e-cigarettes or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), deliver nicotine without the harmful tar and chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. This can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making it easier to quit smoking.

Success Stories

Many former smokers have successfully used nicotine vapes to quit smoking. For instance, John, a 45-year-old from New York, switched to a Low Nicotine Vape after struggling with smoking for over 20 years. “I tried everything, but vaping was the only thing that worked for me,” he says. “It satisfied my nicotine cravings without the harmful effects of smoking.”

Tips and Strategies for Using Vapes to Quit Smoking

  1. Start with the Right Nicotine Level: Choose a vape with a nicotine level that matches your current smoking habits. If you smoke heavily, start with a higher nicotine concentration and gradually reduce it over time.
  2. Find the Right Device: There are many types of vapes available, from simple disposable nicotine vapes to more advanced refillable devices. Experiment with different options to find what works best for you.
  3. Set a Quit Date: Choose a date to quit smoking and stick to it. Use your vape as a replacement, not a supplement, to cigarettes.
  4. Seek Support: Join online communities or support groups for people who are also quitting smoking. Sharing experiences and tips can provide motivation and encouragement.
  5. Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your vaping and smoking habits. Gradually reduce your nicotine intake and celebrate milestones along the way.

Addressing Common Concerns

Are Nicotine Vapes Safe?

While not completely risk-free, nicotine vapes are considered much safer than traditional cigarettes. Public Health England states that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking. However, it’s important to choose reputable products and avoid unregulated or homemade vapes.

Can Vaping Lead to Smoking Relapse?

Using vapes as a smoking cessation tool should be part of a broader quit plan. Avoid situations and triggers that might lead you back to smoking, and use your vape as a temporary aid, not a permanent solution.

Will Vaping Save Me Money?

Switching to vaping can be cost-effective compared to smoking. The initial investment in a vape device might be higher, but the ongoing cost of e-liquids or disposable vapes is generally lower than buying cigarettes.

Success Rate of Vaping for Smoking Cessation

Studies have shown that vaping can be an effective smoking cessation tool. A 2019 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that e-cigarettes were more effective than nicotine replacement therapy in helping smokers quit.

Buy Vapes USA: Your Partner in Quitting Smoking

At Buy Vapes USA, we offer a wide range of nicotine vapes to help you on your journey to quit smoking. Our products are carefully selected to provide the best vaping experience while helping you reduce your nicotine intake.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do nicotine vapes work? Nicotine vapes heat a liquid (e-liquid) containing nicotine and other ingredients to create a vapor that can be inhaled. This vapor delivers nicotine to the user without the harmful byproducts of combustion found in traditional cigarettes.
  2. Can nicotine vapes help me quit smoking? Yes, many people have successfully used nicotine vapes to quit smoking. Vapes can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it easier to transition away from cigarettes.
  3. Are nicotine vapes safe? While not completely risk-free, nicotine vapes are considered much safer than smoking. It’s important to use reputable products and avoid unregulated vapes.
  4. How do I choose the right nicotine level? Start with a nicotine level that matches your current smoking habits. Heavy smokers may need higher nicotine concentrations initially, while light smokers may prefer lower levels.
  5. What are the benefits of switching to vaping? Vaping is less harmful than smoking, can help you quit smoking, and may save you money in the long run. It also eliminates the smell and tar associated with cigarettes.


Quitting smoking is a difficult but achievable goal. Nicotine vapes can be a valuable tool in your journey to become smoke-free. By choosing the right device, setting a quit date, seeking support, and gradually reducing your nicotine intake, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, it’s never too late to quit smoking and improve your health.

Ready to start your journey to quit smoking? Explore our range of nicotine vapes at Buy Vapes USA and take the first step towards a healthier, smoke-free life.

Do you have any tips or success stories about quitting smoking with vapes? Share them in the comments below!


27 Gift Ideas To Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She Is Mad At You

best gift for girl when she is angry

What Should I Gift My Girlfriend After A Fight?

Arguments are inseparable from any healthy, meaningful, and successful relationship. So, if you’ve just had an argument with your girlfriend and said things you didn’t mean, buying her a cute gift is a perfect way to apologize to her. All you need to do is buy her something that will mean to her and decide when the right time is to give it to her.

In what follows, we’ve presented 9 gifts you can buy your girlfriend after a fight to say “sorry.” (1)

1. A Balloon Banner 

A large “I’m sorry” balloon set is the best present for your girlfriend after a fight. If you think “I’m sorry” sounds clichéd, you can get more creative and buy her an “I miss you,” “I love you,” or “I messed up” balloon banner. What a great thoughtful act, don’t you think?

2. A Lovely Bouquet 

Did you know that flowers can trigger positive emotions and stimulate the brain’s release of chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine? So, if you’ve just argued with your girlfriend and want to see her anger transform into a radiant smile on her face, buy her a lovely bouquet of her favorite flowers. (2)

3. A World Necklace

I believe many will agree that a world necklace is the best gift for a girlfriend after a fight.

In fact, any type of necklace could make your girlfriend forget about the fight and forgive you, but buying her a world necklace is a great way to say, “You’re my world/You mean the world to me, and having a fight with you was a stupid thing to do.” 

She’ll never forget how much she means to you by wearing this apology gift on her neck.

4. A Heart Mug

If your girlfriend loves drinking coffee or tea, buying her a cute mug with a heart-shaped handle is a good way to show her that you’re sorry for the fight. Buying her this type of gift is a small but nice gesture, and one thing that’s sure is that by having some warm tea in the mug before going to sleep, she won’t go to bed being angry with you.

5. An “I’m Sorry” Chocolate Box

This is one of the best gifts to get your girlfriend when she’s mad at you.

If you’ve just had a fight with your girlfriend and want to say that you’re sorry for making her sad, buying her an “I’m sorry” chocolate box is an excellent way to show that you treasure and care about your relationship.

Additionally, it’s been scientifically proven that chocolate promotes the release of the “feel good” hormones, the endorphins. So, if you want your girlfriend’s anger to subside more quickly and make her forget about the fight more easily, buy her an “I’m sorry” chocolate bar and let the chocolate do the work.

6. A Jewelry Box

If your girlfriend has plenty of bracelets, necklaces, and rings, especially if she’s got most of these from you, buy her a jewelry box that includes several sections. Not only will this gift help her keep all of her jewelry organized, it’ll also remind her of all the gifts you’ve bought her.

7. A Multi-Photo Frame 

Isn’t it a good idea to remind your girlfriend of some old photos of yours and rekindle memories of your first meeting or holiday after a fight? 

Grab some old and new photos of you two taken in important moments and put them in a multi-photo frame. Give this to your girlfriend as a gift to remind her of your love, the amazing things you have done together, and how much you’ve grown as a couple.

8. Heart-Shaped Earrings

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” especially when a girl is angry with you. If you’ve just had an argument with your beloved, buy her heart-shaped earrings, they don’t necessarily need to be diamonds since this is a great way to say, “You have my heart.”

9. A “You’re My Sunshine” Music Box

In addition to being a very romantic and unique gift, buying your girlfriend a music box can instantly put a smile on her face. I’m sure the beautiful, quiet symphony will melt her heart, and whenever she hears this song, it’ll remind her of you.

What Can I Buy To Cheer Up My Girlfriend?

1. Capsule Letters Message In A Bottle

If you’re not familiar with this gift, it’s basically a bottle containing 50 fake medicine capsules containing a small piece of paper. You can write 50 things you like about your girlfriend or 50 reasons why you care so much about her and the relationship.

When you notice your girlfriend is feeling down in the dumps, give her this gift to brighten her day.

2. Matching Pizza T-Shirts

If you’ve just had a fight with your girlfriend and you want to say you’re sorry for it, get yourselves matching pizza T-shirts. Buying her this gift is a nice way to say, “You were meant for me as the missing piece of my pizza.”

And if she is a pizza lover, don’t doubt that this gift will make her smile.

3. A Custom Photo Throw Pillow

If you notice your girlfriend is having a bad day, get her a throw pillow with a picture of you two printed on it. Not only will this gift brighten up her day, but it’ll also brighten up her home too.

4. A Plate Of Her Favorite Dish

Is there a better way to cheer your girlfriend up than buying her favorite food? Whether it’s grilled vegetables, chicken with mashed potatoes, pasta, chocolate cake, or anything else, buy it for her from your local restaurant and present it in a decorative box. Not only will this gift make her forget about all her worries, but it’ll also show her how much you know her best.

5. A Burrito Blanket

You might be wondering why this gift is on this list, but there’s a good reason for that. 

If your girlfriend has a good sense of humor, getting her this gift will certainly make her laugh. In addition, being soft and cozy, this blanket can become her new favorite thing to snuggle into on her couch or bed.

Suppose she prefers eating pizza or tortillas more than burritos, even better. There are pizza- or tortilla-shaped blankets available in many blanket stores.

6. A Novelty Wooden Table Lamp

If your girlfriend has a bad day, getting her a novelty wooden table lamp can definitely cheer her up. Not only is this gift cute, but it’s also unique. 

You need to buy the lamp, find a funny picture of yourself, and stick it onto the wooden figure. Interestingly, the figure is adjustable, which means that you can adjust its pose in whatever way you want. You just need to be creative.

7. A Corgi Butt Pillow

If you’ve just had an argument with your girlfriend and want to put a smile on her face and make her forget about the fight, buy her a corgi butt pillow. Not only will it serve as a lovely décor on her bed or couch, but it’ll also instantly make her laugh and forget about the silly fight, at least for that moment.

Of course, don’t be tempted to get her such a gift if you’ve had a big argument.

How Do I Make My Angry Girlfriend Happy?

Here are a few gift ideas that can make your girlfriend smile when she is mad at you:

1. Cake

“Let’s face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for many people; it does for me” – Audrey Hepburn. If it can do a lot for Audrey Hepburn, it surely can do a lot more for girls worldwide. Get her a cake of her choice and see her squealing with joy. Order cake online in Delhi, Pune, Gurgaon, Banglore, and other cities as well from leading websites and enjoy a hassle-free delivery and enjoy the cake together.

2. Books

Books are windows to the world. Not only do they keep us glued to the words written, but they give a realistic glimpse of different shades and phases of life. You could never go wrong with books.

3. A Polaroid Camera

If she likes to click, give her the world of it through a Polaroid camera. Not only will it make her happy, but it will keep her busy all day long with her more than perfect shots of you and her.

4. Flowers

Flowers can brighten anyone’s day instantly. Gift a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers with https://parfumellaflowers.com/ and see her smiling all day long.

5. Chocolates

The ultimate mood lifters, chocolates are scientifically known to make a person feel better. Besides, the sweetness is magic. Gift her chocolates to see her being oh-so-happy at the moment. (1)

6. A Chunky Blanket

Nothing says cozy like a chunky, softer than feather blanket. Her day will brighten up as she snuggles inside with a book and coffee.

7. A Cookbook

If your girl likes to cook, then a cookbook could come in handy any time. Not only will she enjoy experimenting with food, but you will also get a savory dish served on a plate too. (2)

8. Aroma Candles

Let the fragrance flow in the air and give a soothing experience to the mind all day long. Aroma candles are a perfect gift for a relaxed experience, whether you light them up in the room or during a nice hot bath.

9. Portable Music Player

Music can do wonders for a person. It can motivate and inspire you, make you feel good and relaxed, makes up any event, and a lot more to count. A portable music player will be a perfect gift for a music lover girl.

10. A Travel Mug

If she is on her toes all day long, then a travel mug will be her BFF. From coffee to smoothies, she can use it for anything to keep her fresh and energetic the whole day.

11. A Desk Décor

If you want her thinking of you from 9 to 5, then buy her a desk decor that she can keep at her workplace. Every time she sets her eyes on the piece, it will trigger thoughts of you in her mind.

12 Signs You Were Raised By Narcissistic Parents

narcissist parents

Raised by a narcissistic mother and an ever-absent father myself, I understand the importance of having mentally stable parents to raise you.

Because ever since we were children, we looked to our parents for love, encouragement, and support. However, when our parents didn’t give us these things, we were forced to develop coping mechanisms in order to survive in the toxic environment.

What’s worse, these coping mechanisms have never left us. Even now, as adults, we are suffering from the traumas of the childhood abuse we went through.

The first healing step of your childhood wounds is your willingness to internalize and process what you went through. This doesn’t mean that you should play the victim and condemn your parents, but to understand your pain to be able to let go of it.  

First, you should understand the difference between two kinds of narcissistic parents:

1. Ignoring Narcissists – are those parents who are not interested in their children’s lives. They neglect their children and set clear boundaries that separate them from their children.

2. Engulfing Narcissists – are those parents that take pride in their children’s achievements because they see them as extensions of themselves. Contrary to the Ignoring Narcissists, the Engulfing Narcissists become obsessively involved in the lives of their children and they don’t have boundaries because they don’t see them as separate people.

What Is Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome?

Narcissistic abuse is an emotional (sometimes physical) abuse done by a person with a narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists tend to use abusive and harsh words to alter and control their partner’s behavior in order to manipulate them for their own means. Some narcissists use gaslighting as a powerful tool for manipulation and confusing their partners so that they can do whatever the narcissist wants or needs from them. 

Is Narcissism Inherited?

Yes, narcissism can be inherited. According to the 2014 study, researchers discovered that genetics could indeed play a major role in causing narcissistic personality disorder. Namely, they found that some narcissistic traits are heritable such as entitlement (35% heritable) and grandiosity (23% heritable). 

How Do Narcissistic Parents Behave?

Below are 12 major signs that you were raised by a narcissistic mother and/or father.

1. They owned your accomplishments.

Has someone congratulated you on winning the first prize for your art piece? Your parents must have immediately jumped in and said something in along the lines of, “Yeah, he/she got the talent from me. I was always artistic as a child.” 

2. They constantly insulted you.

They often insulted, berated, harassed, and demeaned you. They took almost every chance they got to latch onto some insecurity that you’ve had and used it for as means of humiliation. 

3. They tried to control you through codependency.

Your (narcissistic) parents were telling you that they needed you and that you must never leave them because they couldn’t live without you. This has made it impossible for you to be independent and to have a separate life from your parents. You forgot your priorities because you were focused on your parents’ needs.  

4. They laid the guilt on thick.

This is another method that your (narcissistic) parents used to control you – by guilt tripping you into doing what they wanted you to do. You have probably heard them say something along the lines of “We have sacrificed everything for you.” In As a result, you feel like you owe them, so you must be obedient and listen to them.

5. They lied to you constantly.

They lied in order to control and manipulate you into getting something out of you. As a result, now you can’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s not because you always expect people to set you up with a hidden trap that you can fall into.

6. They never respected your boundaries.

You didn’t have any privacy when you were growing up. Your parents had a habit to enterof entering your room without knocking, and they were more than happy to go through your things without any second thoughts. Moreover, they used the things they’ve found to blame you.

7. They gaslighted you.

This psychological technique for manipulation is so subtle that the victim is left feeling powerless without even knowing it. Gaslighting is when your parents made make you feel like you are crazy, or that something is wrong with you to get the upper hand. This results in you doubting everything as an adult.

8. They only loved you when you did what they wanted.

You’ve always had the impression that your parents only loved you when you did something they wanted. Otherwise, they gave you the silent treatment. You’ve always felt that you should prove your worth for them to love you.

9. They never showed empathy towards you.

Your parents never asked about your day or cared about your feelings. You felt as if you couldn’t share your feelings with them because they would make fun of you, or they would never listen to you in the first place.

10. They projected their bad behavior onto you.

For instance, in an argument, you’ve probably heard your parent scream hysterically something like: “How dare you to talk to me like that? Go to your room!”

11. They were infallibly correct and NEVER wrong.

Even when they treated you unfairly – they never apologized to you for their mistake. And when you confronted them, they never admitted they made a mistake in the first place. Instead, they put all the blame on you.

12. They wanted to present a ‘perfect’ family image to others.

They most probably went to great lengths to make others to perceive you as the perfect, loving, and successful family that everyone wants to have. Most likely, you were aware of their ploy, but you had to be silent and go with it because you didn’t want to experience your parents’ wrath.

What Are The Signs Of A Narcissistic Mother?

All children rely on their parents’ love and support, and if the children are neglected instead, it can tremendously affect their future development and traumatize them. Likewise, a narcissistic mother cannot give her children the love and affection they need. Instead, she mistreats them and unconsciously abuses them. 

Here are the signs that a mother is narcissistic.

1. A narcissistic mother lacks empathy and compassion. 

 Every (sane) parent feels pain when their child is in pain. Likewise, they feel happy when their child is happy. However, a narcissistic mother lacks empathy. She can’t attune themselves to their children’s emotions. So, the child feels emotionally neglected and invisible.

2. A narcissistic mother doesn’t respect her children’s boundaries. 

She wants complete control and power over her children’s lives, and therefore, she monitors every step they make. She may show up at the place where her children are unannounced, claiming she was in the neighborhood while, in reality, she was controlling them.

3. A narcissistic mother gaslights her children. 

She tells her children they are overreacting. She tells them they don’t remember what happened. She lies to them. She tries to distort reality by making them feel they are always forgetting things. She also attempts to change how they feel by telling them they should be grateful for the things she does for them.

4. A narcissistic mother only treats her children well in public. 

A narcissistic mom acts differently when she is out in public and behind closed doors. When she is at home alone with her children, she may scream at them and abuse them, but when they are out in public, she is affectionate and even boasts about their successes and accomplishments to other people. The truth is, she projects the image of being the perfect mother, but she is far from a good mother. A narcissistic mother presents herself as the victim. 

She does that to gain sympathy from others and also to guilt trip their children to feel sorry for her and then behave like she wants them to. 

What Happens To Daughters Of Narcissistic Mothers?

  • They believe that love is conditional. Because she grew up with a mother who only loved her when and if she did what she wanted of her. Therefore, she thinks that she first needs to deserve the love of others. 
  • They accept manipulation and abuse in relationships. In fact, they not only accept being abused, they expect it. Because they were abused their whole life by the person who should have loved them the most, they think manipulation and abuse are normal things when you love someone. 
  • They blame themselves for everything that goes wrong in their life. They think everything is their fault because their mother was telling them they were wrong their entire life.  
  • They chase people who don’t love them. In fact, they may spend their whole lives chasing a love that they didn’t have while growing up. 
  • They become people-pleasers. They were constantly catering to their mother’s needs, so they became accustomed to people-please anyone. They tend to think only about the needs of others and not their own. 
  • They need constant validation and approval. 
  • They may become a narcissist themselves. Growing up with a narcissistic mother can turn them into narcissistic person because they think that is the right way. So, they will follow their mother’s example in their relationships with other people. 
  • They will likely end up with severe PTSD. 

If you were raised by a narcissistic mother, it is time to heal yourself. Understand what she did to you. Forgive her for not knowing better, and then move on from her. Sit with your pain for a while. Don’t force the healing process. Victims of narcissistic mothers can have severe trauma that cannot be healed immediately. But with time and the right treatment and approach, you can do it. 

On the flip side, here’s what happens to children having narcissistic fathers. 

What Happens To Sons Of Narcissistic Fathers? 

living with narcissist parents

Sons of narcissistic fathers lack self-confidence. They were raised in an environment where their father was constantly absent from their life and made them feel inadequate and undeserving of their love and affection. Their father never gave them the approval they needed as children. They were controlling, power-hungry, and abusive with their sons. They were critical of them whenever they made a mistake yet bragged about them in front of other people. 

Moreover, narcissistic fathers are often physically or emotionally absent and wrapped up in their work or giving in to their addictions, so they don’t have time to spend with their sons. They neglect their sons, and they think that playing games and doing activities with them is unimportant. They think that as long as they provide for them financially, they are good fathers.

As a result, their son starts feeling scared, helpless, enraged and humiliated because of all the injustice and abuse he went through. So, as an adult, he probably will have conflicts with authority and people with power. He may also become confrontational and aggressive, not knowing how to deal with his emotions properly. And anything they do in life, they will feel like it is never enough. So, they will probably give up trying to be successful and end up “floating” in life without direction. 

What Narcissistic Fathers Do To Their Daughters?

Daughters of narcissistic fathers feel inadequate as adults because while they were growing up, their dad was usually absent from their life, and so their “thirst” for dad’s attention and love was never entirely satisfied. They always had to compete for their father’s time and attention. 

And even though their dad was telling them they were beautiful, and they were daddy’s princesses, when it came to having a real connection and bonding, their dad couldn’t bond with them in a real way. Their relationship was merely superficial because their dad was more interested in maintaining his image as “the perfect father” and being out socializing with other people than being at home with his daughters. 

As a grown woman, she feels like she is not enough for a man. She competes with other women for their love interest’s attention and love because she lacks self-confidence. She doesn’t respect herself, and so, she lives with the constant fear that her partner will abandon her for someone else, just like her father was abandoning her. 

How To Heal From Narcissistic Parents

The first thing you should do if you want to heal from the trauma of living with narcissistic parents is to grieve the things you needed but didn’t receive. Feel the pain. And don’t rush the grieving process because it is necessary for your healing. 

Then, learn to set healthy boundaries with people. Stop accommodating others and cater to their needs. Efforts should be equal. Stop putting up with people who are toxic to your well-being and learn how to say no, and cut off people from your life that doesn’t serve you, even if they are your parents. 

And finally, seek healthy and more functional relationships with people who know how to compromise and love you the way you need to be loved.

Stand Your Ground: When Not to Settle in Personal Injury Cases

When to Take Your Personal Injury Claim to Court

Settling a personal injury claim can often seem like the quickest and least stressful solution, but there are times when taking your case to court could be much more beneficial. As an injury victim, you need to understand when you have a lot of leverage in a case so that you can avoid prematurely settling for less than you deserve.

Understanding When Not to Settle

The vast majority of personal injury cases are settled outside of court. And, in many of these cases, it’s actually within the best interests of both parties to get the claim settled. However, not every case should be settled. 

Here are some of the different reasons why you might be better off taking the claim to court:

  • When Offers Are Too Low: Often, initial settlement offers may not be enough to cover all your long-term needs, such as ongoing medical expenses, rehabilitation, and lost wages. In a lot of cases, the initial offer is worth just 20 to 50 percent of what the insurance company believes your case is actually worth. They do this to leave room for negotiation. If the initial offers for compensation don’t align with the severity of your injuries and your future financial needs, going to court might be your best option.

  • Clear Liability: If the evidence strongly supports that the other party was at fault, and their liability is clear, this can work to your advantage in court. When the defendant’s responsibility is undeniable, jurors might be more sympathetic, which can increase the potential compensation awarded.

  • Underestimated Damages: Sometimes, the true extent of your injuries and their impact on your life can be underestimated or downplayed by the opposing side. Court proceedings allow you to fully present the damages – both economic and non-economic – ensuring that the less obvious or long-term effects of your injury are also accounted for and valued correctly.

  • Punitive Damages: In cases of gross negligence or malicious intent, pursuing a trial can lead to punitive damages, which are designed to punish the defendant and deter similar behavior. These are rarely included in settlement negotiations but can significantly increase the financial compensation you receive.

Choosing the Right Legal Support

It’s important that you hire a lawyer who is prepared to take your case to court if necessary. While many personal injury lawyers may push for settlement to avoid lengthy trials, you need someone who isn’t afraid to fight for your best interests in front of a judge and jury. (Not all attorneys are willing to go to court. Most would prefer a quick settlement, which requires less of their time. So be willing to do your due diligence and look around.)

It’s also important that you find an attorney who has a solid track record of securing favorable verdicts in court. This not only shows that they have the necessary experience but also that they are capable of managing the complexities of a trial.

3 Strategic Considerations

As you consider whether to take your case to court, there are some additional strategic considerations that you’d be wise to mull over. Here are three of them:

  • Strength of Evidence

The strength of your evidence can definitely influence the decision to go to trial. This includes everything from medical records and expert testimony to proof of lost earnings and other financial impacts. You might be correct in the fact that your claim should be worth more than what the insurance company is offering to settle for, but if you don’t have strong evidence, taking it to court might not be the best option. Judges and juries like provable facts – so make sure you have them on your side.

  • Credibility of Witnesses

The credibility and availability of witnesses who can testify on your behalf are also crucial. Their testimonies can help strengthen your case and influence the outcome in your favor. Are the witnesses in your case willing to testify in court? This is another determining factor.

  • Emotional and Financial Costs

While pursuing a trial can be beneficial, make sure you consider the emotional and financial costs. Trials can be lengthy and stressful, and there’s always a degree of uncertainty regarding the outcome. Ensure you are prepared for the duration and the potential costs involved – emotionally and physically.

Putting it All Together

Most personal injury cases are settled outside of court. However, if you feel like going to trial is necessary, don’t be afraid to find an attorney who is willing to go down this path with you. It could be the right decision in the long term!

4 Things You Can Do Today to Reduce Stress in Your Life

4 Ways You Can Cut Down on Unnecessary Stress

Is stress a problem in your life? The main sources of stress among U.S. adults last year included the economy and health issues, according to the American Psychological Association. 

The thing about stress is that it’s unavoidable. Whether you’re alone or with others, stress is normal. What’s abnormal is the unnecessary stress that can wreak havoc on your mental well-being. So, you need to do a gut check to see what sources of stress you can eliminate. 

Continue reading to see four ways you can reduce the unnecessary stress in your life.

  1. Delegate

Trying to do too much on your own is one way to increase your stress load unnecessarily. You need to know your mental and physical limits and work within them, which will mean getting help.

If you own one or more rental properties and are stretching yourself too thin, consider hiring a property management firm to help. A good property manager will offer a wide range of landlord services. Whether you need help finding quality tenants, collecting rent and following up with people who don’t pay on time, or taking care of the rental property, there’s help available.

Some investment property owners love managing their own properties. But even if you’re one of them, you might want to consider hiring a third-party service provider if you’re overwhelmed. If you go this route, don’t make the mistake of hiring a property manager located far from your rental unit. Find a local service provider. If your rental property is situated in Fort Worth, you need a property management firm serving the Fort Worth region. That way, help will be right around the corner if you or your tenants require assistance.

The same applies in any situation. If there’s too much on your plate, get some assistance.

  1. Set Up Boundaries

Another way to deal with excessive stress is to set boundaries. Are some people in your life stressing you out because of their attitudes, words, or actions? Depending on the severity of the stress, putting some distance between you and them might be necessary. And there may be cases where the solution is to cut ties with some people. This process might be painful. But if toxic people are weighing you down, the only option might be to eliminate them from your life.

Setting boundaries will work wonders. If you work long hours and have difficulty saying “no” when people show up at your home unannounced, that could increase your stress. The same applies if your boss expects you to pick up the slack when a co-worker calls in sick. You need to speak up for yourself if what’s being asked of you is unreasonable and unrealistic.

  1. Seek Professional Help

Don’t forget the option of seeking professional help. If you’re struggling with stress overload and can’t seem to get things under control, reach out. You can ask your doctor to recommend you to a therapist who can provide specialized assistance. The medical professional will offer tools, so you’re better equipped to deal with stress and enjoy better overall mental health.

  1. Prioritize Your Physical Health

You need a minimum of half an hour of moderate physical activity daily if the goal is to achieve optimal health. You’ll need to increase that amount if you want to shed some pounds, keep the weight from creeping up, or achieve specific fitness objectives. In addition to getting enough exercise, you should eat balanced meals and drink plenty of water. When you feel better physically, you’ll better be able to deal with stress and achieve good mental health.

Consider these four ways to deal with stress in your life. Some stress is normal. But if you’re struggling with stress overload, take charge with these strategies to be an overcomer in the battle against stress.

What Your Tattoo Placement on Your Body Says About Your Personality

Tattoo Placement on Your Body Says About Your Personality

Every tattoo represents a symbol – of a personal experience, story, or feeling. However, it turns out that there is symbolism in the placement of the tattoo, as well. The tattoo placement says a lot about the person. 

What Your Tattoo Says About You– Tattoo Placement Meaning

Every tattoo has its meaning. Whether it’s about a person, a memory, or a feeling, it is something that a person wants to keep forever. In other words, it is visual proof that a person, a situation, or a feeling really happened and that person wants to cherish the memory for as long as they live

Just like any piece of clothing or hairstyle, a tattoo reveals something about the character of its wearer because it is always there, and it is a part of the person wearing it. Therefore, its font, text, placement, picture, color, style… everything has a meaning in itself.

Choosing the left arm or right arm tattoo, the arm, or the back is not completely a random choice, but it has meaning by itself. 

What Is The Meaning Of  Tattoos On The Body?

People have used tattoos for their symbolism and she agrees that people should really think about the tattoo placement meaning before they ink themselves. Pate also agrees that the placement influences the whole meaning of the tattoo.

Thus, many people think that tattoos on the left side are more meaningful to the individual because the heart is on the left side of the body. And placement really plays a big role in the meaning and influence.

What Tattoos Say About A Person And Tattoo Placement – Meaning

When we spot a tattoo on someone else’s skin, our first thought usually is “what does it mean?” So, if we ask the person wearing it, they will probably provide us with the answer of the meaning behind the skin art.

However, the tattoo placement also carries a meaning. And in some cases, it has a lot more to tell about a person than the shape of the tattoo. Moreover, other people will quickly tell you to be careful what you tattoo on your skin because that will stay with you forever, but they don’t tell you to be careful where you put the tattoo because the place carries a deep meaning as well and reveals a lot about a person’s character.

Here’s What The Placement Of A Tattoo Actually Means:

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Forearms Tattoo

A forearm tattoo, unlike an upper arm tattoo which can be hidden, can only be hidden by long sleeves. This means that a person having a forearm tattoo is very confident and likes to be the center of attention. It is also a good place for showing the art of the tattoo because it is easy to see.

A serious tattoo on the forearm says that the person is strong and tough. If the tattoo is sweet and girly, it means that the person might look tough on the outside, but they’re really emotional deep inside.

This place has become a favorite for both men and women recently. Many get a tattoo there to stress their toned muscles.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Neck Tattoo

Neck Tattoo

If the tattoo is placed at the front of the neck, it means that the person is tough and open for everyone. This tattoo will always be noticed and it isn’t usually covered, so it brings attention and the person knows it.

The nape of the neck is a popular place for girls who want to hide it with their hair whenever they want and expose it when they want. They want the freedom to change their opinion and get away without the consequences.

However, a tattoo on the lower back side of the neck has a different symbolism. It shows that the person is risky and not afraid to make brave choices.

The skin in this area is very sensitive and tattooing this part is very painful. Also, the neck is usually exposed (if you don’t have long hair), so the person is aware that the tattoo will be exposed.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Behind The Ear Tattoo

These tattoos tend to be sweet and small, often hidden and not too much exposed. People with a tattoo behind the ear are free spirits. However, they are careful not to be too exposed. They want to show it off, but also want to have the choice to hide it if they want to.

And because the ears serve us for hearing, many tattoo artists say that this particular space is chosen by people for commemorating music, animals, or people they love dearly. Therefore, tattoos of musical notes can often be seen in this position, behind the ear.

Moreover, people with a tattoo behind the ear are thought to be most ‘outgoing, hippie, and fun-loving.’ They don’t have trouble speaking their mind and expressing their desires. Plus, they never regret the choices they make in life. They always follow their intuition and their heart and that’s why they are rarely mistaken.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Back Tattoo

Tattoos on the back are perceived as a somewhat low-key because they can’t be easily seen. Just like the back is supporting our body, the tattoo on the back symbolizes our foundation, the stability we have in our lives.

The lower back tattoo says confident and sensually aware girl. Girls who have this tattoo are feminine, but they often regret getting it later.

When it comes to men, the guy with a back tattoo is probably always exercising and he is confident about himself since the only way to show his tattoo is going shirtless.

These guys are often so confident that they will always love themselves more than any girl. Depending on the part of the back, some people choose it to have a tattoo when they end an important phase in their life.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Chest Tattoo

Depending on the size, this tattoo placement represents a symbol of something really important to the individual. The large tattoo close to the heart means the tattoo symbolizes something dear to the person.

Something small symbolizes a life event that ended and left an impact on the person. Men with chest tattoos are also confident. This placement has a different meaning when it comes to women. A chest tattoo on a girl represents a symbol of love and it often has a romantic meaning.

This placement has a different meaning when it comes to women. A chest tattoo on a girl represents a symbol of love and it often has a romantic meaning symbolizing someone she carries deep within her heart.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Thigh Tattoo

The thigh tattoo usually has a sentimental value. It’s also mysterious because this part is not usually exposed and the person can choose when to show it. This placement also means that the person is fashionable because it’s a trendy placement. It will soon become a typical tattoo placement, though.

This placement also means that the person is fashionable because it’s a trendy placement. It will soon become a typical tattoo placement, though.

The person wearing a thigh tattoo can be also very sexual, as this tattoo is one of the most sexually alluring. Plus, the fact that this tattoo is fairly hidden is additionally more intriguing and mysterious which makes the person wearing it more attractive.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Wrists Tattoo

These tattoos are thought to be most sensitive and not only because of the fact that this is one of the most painful spots but also because people who have experienced the worst kind of pain tend to feel it on their wrists. Why? Because the wrists are symbols of the pain a person goes through because they are the parts of the body when people most often decide to self-harm themselves.

And some people are using tattoos on their wrists to hide their scars and to have a testimony about what they have gone through and survived. Wrist tattoos are especially typical of people going through depression and that’s why they are the most profound of them all.  This tattoo can be defined as “it is what it is” tattoo.

Girls usually choose wrists for a tattoo. They are girls who want to be different and have a “unique” tattoo but are not bold enough to have a larger tattoo that is more visible. However, they will use every moment to show it off – on pictures or by playing with the hair.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Arms Tattoo

Arms Tattoo

The meaning depends on the size of the tattoo.

The meaning of this kind of tattoo can be very diverse. A person who has a small tattoo on their upper arm is thought to be cautious and wild at the same time.

Half sleeve means the guy wants to have a career, but also show his creativity. When the guy has a full sleeve, he is probably not trying to have a typical job or career, but rather tries to live by his own rules.

All in all, people with tattoos on their arms are people who are very confident and self-assured. They want to show off their tattoo and they don’t mind being at the center of attention.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Feet/Ankles Tattoo

Usually, the person who chooses this part for a tattoo must really love their feet and wants to show them off. However, they are also not so exposed, so this person might also be mysterious or introverted.

This place for a tattoo also indicates that a person may be shy and doesn’t want to bring much attention to themselves. Also, this area is a chosen spot for people who have lost someone in order to commemorate the death of a loved one. And this spot is the favorite one for introverts.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Calves Tattoo

Calves tattoos are commonly seen on athletes because for them this tattoo is easy to show off because they are often wearing shorts. So, everyone can see their art while they are going for a run, playing tennis, shooting hoops, or exercising.

Men have calves tattoos more often than girls. These guys are usually practicing some sport or they’re exercising. They will use every chance to show off their calves because of their tattoo.

This tattoo just like the ribcage tattoo can be bigger because of the size of the space, therefore it can be deeper, and tell an intricate and emotional story about the person wearing it.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Fingers Tattoo

Finger tattoos are not so common, so the person having it is probably unique, but also futuristic. They are bold because they are not afraid to show off their tattoo even in their professional life.

A person with finger tattoos is someone who is very concise and forward. Why? Because with that little limited space, they are able to carry a deep message. Oftentimes, there is one word spelled on the fingers or there is one small picture, but the message they carry can be one of the thousands of words.

Tattoo Placement Meaning of Ribcage Tattoo

People with ribcage tattoos are one of the bravest and strongest and most resilient to pain because this tattoo is the most painful one as the ribcage area is extremely sensitive. If a person decides to get a tattoo on their ribcage it means that they are very confident and strong. Also, any tattoo on this area can carry a very deep message.

Girls who have a tattoo on their ribcage are artistic and sensitive. They’re also brave and confident about their bodies since they are always in bikinis and show off their tattoo in every photo.

What Tattoos Say About A Person

People who have tattoos are:


Because it takes strength and courage to endure the pain of getting ink under your skin. That’s why people with tattoos are thought to be physically resilient and fearless because they consciously put themselves through pain. Plus, the judgment they sometimes experience stands for their emotional resilience as well.


A tattoo is for life. Therefore, the person who gets a tattoo commits to wearing it for the rest of their life. This also speaks about their approach to relationships with other people i.e they are committed and faithful to the people they are close with.


They believe in themselves and they know themselves so well because of all tattoos in the world they know exactly which one they want. Plus, they wear it confidently and proudly because it speaks about them and their character.


People with tattoos are constantly dealing with a lot of criticism coming their way. So, it takes a lot of understanding and empathy on their part not to lash out at anyone who speaks ill of them.


People who have tattoos are knowledgeable of all the different meanings of the symbols that tattoos carry. They are very deep and intuitive and they can understand the meaning of a tattoo the moment they see it, and even if the tattoo seems ordinary, they can find the deeper meaning in it.


There is always something fascinating about people with tattoos. It’s like you know that there is something about them, something that is hidden, some truth that they are telling through their tattoo.


They appreciate the beauty in all shapes and forms. They can spot beauty in every person and find something good in them just as they can find beautiful a tattoo that may look hideous to other people.


These people are anything but ordinary. They are very creative souls. And that’s why they are often misunderstood by others. However, their uniqueness is what makes this world a beautiful place to live in.

What Tattoos DOESN’T Say About A Person

  • That they are uneducated, poor, or “low class;”
  • That they are criminal, religious zealot, a sailor, a prisoner, or in the military;
  • That they are promiscuous and always horny;
  • That they are unprofessional and therefore unemployable;
  • That they are threatening and rebellious;
  • That they are impulsive, reckless, and immature.

Why Do People Get Tattoos?

People get tattoos for various reasons. They get them for self-expressing themselves, for showing off their rebellious side, for attention, for artistic freedom, for motivation, for a reminder of an event or a person, for commemorating a loved one who passed away, for love, for impulsiveness, or even because they are addicted to them.

All in all, tattoos are a very nice way of telling your story and showing your creative side.

7 Clear Signs A Narcissist Is Trying To Manipulate You

narcissist manipulate

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” says Jim Rohn, famous American author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur.

Certainly, the type of personality you are surrounded with influences your self-esteem, motivation, attitude, and finally, success. I am sure you have all had an experience of positive energy transmission by spending time with optimistic and communicative individuals. (1)

On the contrary, the personality types that spread negative influence are much more numerous. On the top of that list are – the narcissists.

Narcissism, defined as a mild mental disorder, involves an exaggerated perception of one’s significance and a deep need to receive admiration and recognition from others.

These self-centered people are unable to see the world from someone else’s perspective and classify only their opinion, desires, and plans as important.

In the fight to play the main role in every situation, the narcissist can manipulate, lie or offend those that do not accept them with full admiration. Namely, they have a repetitive form of behavior.

Here are seven clear signs that will help you recognize them and thus deal with them easily:

1. Me, me, me

This is the first and the obvious sign you are dealing with a narcissist. Narcissists are egocentric people – they want to present themselves as the best, the smartest, and the funniest.

They can go hours-long storytelling about their smart decisions that changed everything, explaining experiences in which they are the hero or forcing others to agree with their opinions.

Don’t be astonished if they change the topic in a middle of a conversation and start bragging out of nowhere. (2)

2. The Accomplishments Downplay

Being in the same environment with someone more fortunate or more successful is unbearable for a narcissist as these people are unable to share other people’s happiness.

They deal with the situation, unfortunately, by either ignoring or downplaying the accomplishments of their family, friends, and colleagues.

Narcissists at a workplace have a tendency to diminish the work done by their subordinates and make them try harder to satisfy their bosses’ requirements by obeying their orders.

3. Aggression and Fear

Although narcissists are often associated with charming behavior, the reality is slightly different. Frequently, they show symptoms of passive-aggressive behavior by being offensive, complaining about being misunderstood by others, expressing jealousy towards the more successful, and over-criticizing authorities.

They enter a state in which they want to attract attention by opposing everything and everyone. In instances, they go as far as verbally insulting their friends or colleagues as that gives them a sense of supremacy and power. (3)

4. The Victim Game

Narcissists are experts in playing games, and the victim game is one of their most common forms of behavior. They tend to exaggerate the “difficulty” of the situation they are in, overstate their problems and talk about embroidered health issues.

Going as far as inventing problems is not uncommon as well. The psychology behind this behavior lies in their need to attract attention – by making others feel pity.

Moreover, this is a very often used tactic in a situation when a narcissist wants to disguise misbehavior or mistake they have made.  They avoid being blamed for something but rushing in and taking the position of a victim.

5. The Triangulation game

Sometimes, narcissists are in desperate need to have someone that will support them in their arguments. The so-called “triangulation game” they use is very simple: they involve a third party in a conversation and persuade him or her that the opponent is completely wrong until a fight is initiated by the two individuals.

In that way, a narcissist gets a feeling that someone else supports them because they were right in the first place.

6. I am sorry – It’s all your fault!

This game goes one step further than the accomplishments downplay. When a narcissist feels that their superior position in a situation is threatened, they choose the “blame the other” tactic.

By passing the guilt onto the others, they regain their back their feelings of dominance and importance.

7. This is me, like it or not!

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible that a narcissist would ever change. Narcissist Personality Disorder is a medical condition that can be treated only if the person wants to change.

Therapy would not function on somebody that is not aware that they have a problem, or even worse, offering help can initiate an outburst of rage and anger, as they will feel their ego is hurt.

Therefore, healing a narcissist is not something we can do easily. However, what we can do is learn their tactics and always be a step ahead.

How A Narcissist Tries To Manipulate You

narcissist manipulation tactics

Narcissists cannot function without their narcissistic supplies. They always need to have people in their life that will admire them, offer them endless attention, and cater to their needs. Therefore, narcissists often target people who are naïve to their manipulation tactics and easily fall prey to their charm.

Here are the most famous narcissistic tactics for manipulation:

1. The Savior, Judge, And The Controlling Know-It-All

The narcissist wants to be in control. They want domination and power. Therefore, they will always act like they know best, and everyone needs to listen to them. They constantly correct and interrupt others and dismiss their opinions as invalid or stupid. Moreover, a narcissist will always choose submissive people who will allow them to demean, criticize, ridicule, and dominate them on a daily basis. That’s how a narcissist gets their validation and feeds their ego.

2. The Hungry-For-The-Pedestal Narcissist

A narcissist always seeks an environment where they will be admired. They need to feel important and superior to others. That’s why they are often in high positions and constantly look to be surrounded by people who will see them as a God.

3. The Breaker Of The Rules

Narcissists can’t follow rules because they don’t want anything to be above them – even the law. They don’t respect other people’s boundaries, which is also a part of their manipulation tactics because they persuade people to relax their boundaries when it comes to the narcissist. The narcissist uses people, and that gives them “the right” to do whatever they please.

4. The Big Showoff

Narcissists like to boast about themselves and their accomplishments regardless of how irrelevant they are. They will always find an audience for their boasting. They adore telling people how wonderful and amazing they are, what their social status is, and how they are well respected by everyone. They do that to get other people to envy them and feel better about themselves.

5. The Confrontational And Uncooperative Narcissist

Some narcissists are deliberately difficult and confrontational with others because it gives them a sense of importance and power. They want other people to walk on eggshells around them because, in their mind, it is better to be feared and disliked than lose the power and control they think they have. Sometimes, a narcissist will subconsciously make everything difficult just to confirm their inner belief and self-loathing that they are undeserving of love.

6. The Fake Wannabe

Some narcissists live through others to make themselves look worthy and valuable. They use other people to fulfill their unfulfilled dreams and fantasies. So, those who find themselves in a relationship with a narcissist are merely the narcissist’s extension. They serve only for the narcissist’s image and to boost their self-confidence because deep down, the narcissist is empty – they feel like nothing.

What Drives A Narcissist Insane?

It is hard to imagine that something can hurt a narcissist. But, a narcissist can get hurt. Here’s what drives a narcissist insane:

– When someone ignores them and gives them the silent treatment. That wounds their ego like nothing else. Because a narcissist thrives on a reaction from you – positive or negative, and when you ignore them, the silence will make them crazy because they will realize that they were not that important to you. 

– When they lose control. That means that they no longer are able to influence and control their victim. A narcissist is a control freak and an emotional psychopath. So, when someone gets free from them, it is a great blow to their ego.

– Being criticized. A narcissist’s self-esteem is extremely low. Therefore, every criticism (even constructive one) is perceived as something terrible and hurts them deeply.

– Not being the center of attention in your world. They can’t deal with the fact that someone else has your attention and love, and it drives them absolutely crazy. Also, they don’t want when you focus on yourself and become the center of attention in your world.

What Happens When A Narcissist Can’t Control You?

narcissist and control

Narcissist needs control like they need oxygen. So, when a narcissist loses control, prepare for the worst!

You will see the narcissist rage and lose control. They will shout, scream, and even become violent. You may start fearing them and looking for places to shelter yourself from their wrath. When narcissists lose control over something, their impulsivity comes to the surface, and they can’t control their behavior.

Many narcissists will become verbally abusive, while others may become physically abusive as well. Some narcissists will become passive-aggressive, i.e., they will ignore you and give you the silent treatment to “punish you.” They will “disappear” and “ghost” you to get your attention and regain the lost control.

Moreover, when you catch them red-handed, they will lie to your face and deny everything. The narcissist will never admit they are wrong. You will never get an apology from them. A narcissist is incapable of empathy, and so, when they hurt you, they will turn the situation around to look as if you are the abuser as if you are the one who hurt THEM. They will gaslight you, and you will feel like you are losing your mind.

But, if none of their tactics work, the narcissist will then bait you by pretending they are sorry and they have lost their senses for a minute. They will assure you they love you and that you should give them another chance. DON’T. It’s a trap. All they want is to control you again and make you miserable.

How To Manipulate A Narcissist Into Doing What You Want?

If you want to manipulate a narcissist, the first thing you can do is to admire them constantly. By using admiration as a manipulation tool, you will become an irreplaceable narcissistic supply to them. Second, you should use their insecurities to manipulate the narcissist to value your attention more than the gratification they may get from abusing you.

You should remember that everything a narcissist does is to gather as much narcissistic supply as possible to rest assured that they always have the admiration and the validation they so desire. So, in a way, their biggest asset is their biggest weakness as well. Therefore, if you want to manipulate a narcissist, you should do that by using their fixation on narcissistic supply and pretend to give them what they need while at the same time making them do what you want.

How Do You Tell When A Narcissist Is Done With You?

When a narcissist no longer sees that they can get something from you, when you no longer provide them with a narcissistic supply, then they will discard you.

Here are the most telltale signs that a narcissist is done with you:

  • The narcissist no longer bothers to hide their true colors. Their abusive ways will be out in the open for you to see.
  • The narcissist will stop love-bombing you. They will no longer shower you with love and attention after being abusive to you. They will simply not care at all about fixing the situation.
  • You feel they have changed.
  • The narcissist ignores everything you have to say. They stop listening to you and act like you don’t exist.
  • Your mere presence will irritate them. They will avoid being on the same room as you.
  • The narcissist will become overly critical of you. Everything you do or say will be met with harsh words and insults.
  • The narcissist will cheat on you. Moreover, they will no longer hide their unfaithfulness. They will stop lying to you by telling you you are wrong by accusing them of cheating. Instead, they won’t give you any explanation, and if you decide to leave them, they will be okay with it.
  • On the flip side, the narcissist may accuse you of cheating and lying. It is their way of projecting their wrongdoings onto you.
  • The narcissist will be distant.
  • The narcissist will gaslight you.
  • The narcissist will treat you like a slave and an emotional punching bag whenever they are bored. They will deliberately do things to hurt you.
  • The narcissist will stop taking your calls and replying to your texts.
  • Everything you say may become a trigger for their rage toward you.
  • The narcissist is always busy looking to find other victims so that they won’t be alone when they finally abandon you.
  • The narcissist will improve their looks because they are flirting with other people and maybe even going out with them.
  • Narcissist is always busy and they are never home because they are busy doing other things with other people.
  • The narcissist stops convincing you to stay. They may even wish for you to leave or tell you that straight to your face.
  • They constantly belittle you and act as if they hate you.
  • The narcissist looks at you with an empty and cold stare with hatred and anger in their eyes.
  • The narcissist refuses to spend any more time with you.
  • The narcissist will flirt with others in front of you, and they won’t care.
  • The narcissist will eventually ghost you.
  • The narcissist will cut all contact with your friends and family.
  • The narcissist will spend every asset they can get from you before they leave you.
  • They will physically abuse you. And they won’t even be sorry about it.

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, please save yourself. Save your life by walking away from them and cutting off any ties you have with them.

Letter “M” On Palm? What Does It Mean?


What Is Palmistry?

Palmistry is an ancient technique of telling a person’s fortune based on the lines on their palm.

Palmistry was widely popular in old Persia, ancient Egypt, Greece, Tibet, and other Mesopotamian cultures. Ancient Romans and Greeks spread this technique around Europe. These cultures believed that a person’s hand can reveal their character and their destiny.

A palm reader will take the hand of the subject and, while looking closely at their palm, they will start telling the subject’s past and future through the placement of the lines and shapes on their palm.

Palm Meaning – Letter M On Palm

The letter “M” on your palm indicated that you are a career-driven, self-motivated, and disciplined person. These traits will bring you great fortune in your life, and you will be successful in whatever career path you choose. Often, they get engaged in political fields or get to the top of the business scale holding a managing position.

These people have strong intuition and can see right through someone’s lies and deceptions. Their strong intuition makes them excellent business planners, and they succeed in everything they set their minds and heart to.

If you are lucky to have the letter M on your palm, it means that you are very creative, intuitive, compassionate, spiritual, and an excellent problem solver. You are a master of anything you choose to do. People with sign M will have good fortune and luck. For example, many millionaires such as Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have M on their palms.

People with letter M on palm are very ambitious and hardworking. They never give up on their dreams and they strive to achieve everything they want. They are success-driven and usually manage to accomplish putting their dreams into reality. They are very money smart and they are destined to be rich. They are very lucky and they bring good luck to their partners as well.

Letter M also means an old soul and people with M on their palms are very spiritually gifted and awakened. They may even have psychic abilities and work as mediums. They are naturally-born empaths. In Vedic palmistry, this letter is considered the mark of the ‘Teacher’ i.e. a person with an ability to teach anything they learn.

How To Read Palm?

Look closely at the lines of your palms. How deep are they? How fine are they? How many are there?

In palmistry, every line has a meaning. And the line’s texture and depth also carry unique details about the life of the person and their personality. There are 3 main lines that give the palm reader the most information about a person. These lines are the Life Line, the Heart Line, and the Head Line.

Below is a guide on palm reading

Which Palm To Read?

It is believed that the person’s dominant hand holds information about their present and future, while their other hand represents their past and the personality characteristics that they are born with and cannot be changed.

However, some people believe that when it comes to females, the right hand should be read, and when it comes to males – the left. Why? Because in the Chinese tradition, the right-hand side represents motherhood and the female form, and the left-hand side represents fatherhood.

Palm Reading: Hand Shape

Every person’s hand is believed to be aligned with one of the four elements (air, water, fire, and earth) according to its shape. Therefore, the handshape of a person can also reveal things about their personality.

Air hands:

Rectangular and straight. The palms are not as wide as they are tall. The fingers are upright. These people use their reason all the time. They are logical, analytical, and rational. They are also great critics and judges. They may appear flighty or aloof because their minds are always thinking and collecting data. They are also sarcastic, however, they play fair.

Water hands:

People with ‘water hands’ have many lightly etched ‘baby-fine lines’. Their fingers are long and bony and their palms are narrow. These people are very emotional and empathetic. They are very nurturing and selfless with a tendency to feel other people’s pain as their own. People with water hands are very compassionate, receptive, and flexible.

Fire hands:

These people have irregular palms with a lot of marks all through them. The lines are deep and irregular. People with fire hands are very charismatic. They are like magnets, attracting people towards them with their fiery energy and enthusiasm. They are also very creative and they want to have fun.

Earth hands:

People with ‘earth hands’ have square palms. They don’t have many lines, but the lines they have are deep. These people, like the earth, are very reliable and trustworthy. They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. They are not afraid of hard work; actually, they prefer it since they are more concerned with getting things done than having fun.

Palm Reading: Main Lines

The heart line

heart line

The heart line shows a person’s love style. This line shows how a person relates to other people and how they like others to relate to them. The heart line is located at the top of your hand. If it is curved up from the edge of the palm under your pinky finger and towards your index finger, it means that you are a very giving, empathetic, and caring person in all your relationships.

If, on the other hand, your heart line is curved dramatically up toward your middle finger, then it means that you are a fiery and passionate person who pursues their dreams with immense passion and energy. It means that you are someone who goes after what they want and usually gets it.

If your heart line is flat, it indicates someone with a romantic as well as rational view when it comes to relationships. They are considerate and thoughtful. They also have a tendency to feel and think about their feelings intensely. They may seem aloof, but they have a soft heart.

If your heart line is short, i.e. if it stops under your middle finger without curving up, this means that you are more of a loner. You are someone who loves to be alone. You are also someone who is productive, up-to-task, hardworking, and loyal. Finally, if your heart line splits in two, it means that you always put other people’s needs before your own.

The Head Line

head line

This line is also called the wisdom line. It reveals your intellectual capabilities and pursuits. This line begins underneath your index finger, on the edge of your palm, and then slices across the middle of your palm.

If your head line is flat, clear, and long, this means that you always think clearly and logically about things. You also like to calculate and make plans to enrich your life. If, on the other hand, your head line is short, it means that you are more quick and impulsive when it comes to making decisions. You don’t overthink, you act. 

A long head line (within an eighth of an inch of the other half of the palm) means that you are a person with a hyperactive mind, someone who thinks constantly and needs stimulation for continual engagement.

On the other hand, if you have a long head line that frays at the end, you are thinking constantly. Your mind always works and therefore, it is hard for you to relax. If your head line wraps around the opposite side of the palm, that means you might have connections to dead people, or you are very spiritually awakened.

The life line

This line is falsely thought to indicate a person’s length of life. This line indicates their vitality system. In other words, it doesn’t tell you how many years you will live, but rather, how much life you will bring into your years. This line extends around your thumb and towards your wrist.

If you have a really round and robust life line that curves around the bulge under your thumb (the Venus mount) you have high vitality, thus are a very vibrant person. The life line also tells us about a person’s connection to their loved ones, their family and friends. Therefore, a short life line signifies independence. A flat line is associated with hardwork and being depleted because of it.

Moreover, a very faint or short life line means that you are someone who is extremely scattered and ungrounded. You may also be experiencing tension and feel chaotic in your day to day life. It may be good for you to find solace in nature and reground yourself with your friends and family.

There is another type of the life line, a line that splits about an inch or an inch and a half above the wrist. This line is called ‘a foreign land life line’ and if you have this line it means that you will spend your life in a foreign country, traveling often, and enriching your consciousness by exploring new lands and cultures.

If your life line is broken, it means that you have experienced some trauma that has impacted your life in a big way.

Other Lines:

Marriage line:

This line is located below your little finger, parallel with your heart line. This line is often faint and short. If you see that it makes onto the palm, then that means that you will have a stable and long marriage. If, however, this line is broken it signifies a separation or divorce.

Children line:

The children line crosses the marriage line vertically and it signifies the bond you have with your children.

How Rare Is M On The Palm?

The letter M on the palm is very rare. And the people who have this letter on their palm or palms are considered to be pretty special and unique people with plenty of amazing capabilities and talents. Those people who have M on their palm are blessed with good fortune and they can achieve almost anything they put their mind to.

How To Spot M Letter?

Look closely at your palms. If you have the letter “M”, you can find it in the middle of your palm. Not all people have this letter, but those who have it, might have it on one or on both hands, and it has a special meaning.

To find if you have “M” on your hand, first, look closely at your Life Line

 – this line is the one that curls from your palm edge between your forefinger and your thumb to the base of your thumb down to your wrist. This line predicts your life longevity, health, and your life path.

Next, look for your Head Line

This is the line that starts on your palm’s edge between your thumb and forefinger and then goes through the middle of your hand, and it may be straight or slightly curved. This line tells how you make decisions and what kind of willpower you possess.

Next, find your Heart Line

This line begins between your middle and index finger, and then it curls to end up just under your pinky finger. This line predicts and describes your relationships – intimate and among family members.

Finally, look for a very small line called the Fate Line or the Saturn Line.

This line is very rare, that’s why not many people have this letter. For some, it might be just a small even unnoticeable crease, and in others, it might show clearly and stretch from the bottom of their middle finger all the way to the base of their palm. This line is known as “career line” because it predicts your fortune and your career path.

So, if you are among the rare people, and you have a letter “M” on your palm – this is the special meaning it carries to your life.

All in all, the letter “M” is associated with good fortune, leadership, success, and excellent life prospects.

Share if you have the letter “M” on your palm, and let everyone know how special you are!