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The Importance of Researching Your CBD Flower and Where You Are Getting It

The Importance of Researching Your CBD Flower and Where You Are Getting It

In the rapidly growing CBD industry, CBD flower has garnered significant attention for its natural and potent properties. However, with increasing popularity comes the risk of encountering products of varying quality. To ensure you reap the full benefits of CBD, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research on your CBD flower and the sources from which you obtain it. Organic CBD Flower, in particular, stands out for its commitment to natural and sustainable cultivation practices.

Understanding CBD Flower

CBD flower is derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, specifically from strains that are high in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t produce the “high” associated with marijuana. Instead, CBD is praised for its potential therapeutic effects, such as reducing anxiety, alleviating pain, and promoting better sleep.

Why Research Matters

Quality Assurance

The quality of CBD flower can vary significantly between different brands and sources. Research helps ensure that the product you’re purchasing is of high quality and free from contaminants like pesticides, heavy metals, and mold. Hemp is a bioaccumulator, meaning it can absorb both nutrients and toxins from the soil, making quality assurance crucial.

Efficacy and Safety

Proper research can help you identify reputable brands that provide lab-tested products. These tests verify the CBD content and ensure the absence of harmful substances, guaranteeing the product’s safety and efficacy. Ensuring that the CBD flower contains the advertised levels of CBD and other beneficial cannabinoids is essential for achieving the desired effects.


Reputable CBD flower producers often provide comprehensive information about their cultivation practices, extraction methods, and lab test results. Transparency is a strong indicator of a trustworthy company. Brands that are open about their processes are more likely to produce consistent and high-quality products.

Legal Compliance

The legality of CBD products can be complex and varies by region. Researching the source of your CBD flower helps ensure that it complies with local laws and regulations. This is crucial to avoid legal complications and ensure that you’re purchasing a legitimate product.

What to Look for in a CBD Flower Supplier

When researching where to buy your CBD flower, consider the following factors:

Source of the Hemp

High-quality CBD flower typically comes from organically grown hemp. Look for suppliers who specify where their hemp is sourced and whether it’s grown using organic practices. Organic farming methods help maintain the purity and quality of the hemp.

Third-Party Lab Testing

Ensure the supplier provides third-party lab test results for their products. These tests should confirm the CBD content and check for contaminants. Avoid suppliers who do not readily provide this information, as transparency is key to ensuring product safety and efficacy.

Reputation and Reviews

Research the brand’s reputation by reading customer reviews and looking for any red flags. Reliable brands will have positive feedback and a history of satisfied customers. Independent reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the product’s quality and effectiveness.

Certifications and Standards

Check if the supplier adheres to industry standards and certifications, such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) or ISO certifications. These indicate that the company follows high-quality manufacturing processes. Certifications are a mark of reliability and commitment to maintaining product integrity.

Making an Informed Choice

Research Brands Thoroughly

Start by researching different brands and their products. Look for detailed information on their websites about their cultivation and extraction processes. Brands that invest in high-quality practices will usually highlight these aspects.

Verify Lab Results

Always check for third-party lab test results. These should be easily accessible on the brand’s website. If the results are not available, request them from the supplier. Lab results ensure that the product contains the correct levels of CBD and is free from harmful substances.

Read Customer Reviews

Customer reviews provide firsthand insights into the product’s quality and effectiveness. Look for reviews on independent websites and forums to get an unbiased perspective. Positive feedback and high ratings are good indicators of a reliable product.


In the ever-expanding CBD market, doing your due diligence is more important than ever. By thoroughly researching your CBD flower and the sources from which you obtain it, you can ensure that you’re investing in a product that is safe, effective, and worth your money. Take the time to look for high-quality, lab-tested products from reputable suppliers. Your health and well-being deserve nothing less.

For authoritative information on CBD and its benefits, consider checking out this research article.

By making informed choices, you can enjoy the full potential of CBD flower, knowing you’ve chosen a product that aligns with your health and wellness goals.

8 Things You’re Not Realizing You’re Doing Because You’re A Woman With ADHD

People who have ADHD have the habit

Do you often feel like you forget something? Do you misplace your keys and anxiously look for them while being late for an important meeting? Do you feel like you can’t get your life in order, and there are always problems that arise that you cannot control? 

If you feel this way, then you probably suffer just like many women with ADHD. 

What Is ADHD?

ADHD or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a common mental disorder that typically affects children. However, adults are not an exemption. ADHD in adults is also present. 

What Are The Three Main ADHD Symptoms in Women?

The three main ADHD symptoms in women include: 

  • Hyperactivity (constantly moving, unable to calm down).
  • Impulsivity (swift actions that happen out of nowhere and without thinking).
  • Lack of focus. 

What Can Trigger ADHD in Adults?

ADHD can be caused by a number of triggers; however, the most common are:

1. Stress – Stress is the most common trigger for ADHD in adults. On the other hand, ADHD is a common cause of stress. For example, a person who suffers from ADHD cannot focus most of the time, and so their stress level increases. Or, if the person is going through a stressful period, they can experience ADHD symptoms such as becoming hyperactive and having trouble concentrating. 

2. Lack of sleep – Not getting enough sleep can result in mental tiredness, which worsens ADHD symptoms, thus causing drowsiness, inattention, and careless mistakes due to the lack of focus. As a result, our productivity levels drop significantly, because we are unable to concentrate and perform like when we are fully rested.

3. Overstimulation – Crowded places and loud noises may trigger ADHD symptoms in some people. So, try avoiding busy and crowded places to prevent or diminish the ADHD symptoms you are experiencing.

4. Technology – Constant stimulation from our smartphones, computers, and TVs is also a significant trigger for ADHD in adults. Plus, if you already have trouble focusing and concentrating, the flashing screen from your laptop or cellphone will certainly not help you with your condition. So, try to limit your access to the internet and technology as much as you can for your brain to rest.

Adult ADHD Signs

Adult ADHD, or adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a mental health disorder that leads to low self-esteem, problems with relationships resulting in instability, lowered work abilities, and other difficulties. 

The symptoms of ADHD in adults may not be apparent as that in children. They vary from mild to severe, and some people may not be aware that they have ADHD. They just feel that they always have to experience problems and have difficulties with their everyday tasks.

However, some common symptoms of ADHD in adults include:

1. Lack of Focus

Adults experiencing ADHD have problems with focusing. Their lack of focus includes being easily distracted, overlooking some important details, having difficulties listening to other people during a conversation, and not completing projects or tasks. 

2. Hyperfocus

The flip side of lacking focus is hyperfocus, and there are people with ADHD who experience this condition. This means they can get so engaged and focused on something that they could become totally oblivious to anything happening around them. 

3. Disorganization

A person with ADHD can feel disorganized and off-balance. Therefore, their life may seem a lot more problematic and challenging compared to others. As a result, they may find it compelling to organize their life and keep everything in check. 

4. Forgetfulness 

People with ADHD tend to forget things. Their ‘forgetfulness’ varies from forgetting where they have put something to forgetting important meetings and dates. 

5. Problems with Time Management

Adults with ADHD may also have difficulties managing their time. Therefore, they often show up late to meetings and important events, procrastinate, or ignore tasks they find boring.

6. Impulsiveness

People with ADHD are oftentimes impulsive. They can be socially inappropriate, constantly interrupting other people during conversation, acting without thinking first, rushing through their tasks, etc.

7. Negative Self Image

Adults with ADHD often think very low of themselves. And this is all because they tend to struggle with their work, relationships, and life in general. Due to their failures, they tend to view themselves in a negative light. 

8. Anxiety and Restlessness

Anxiety and restlessness are prevalent symptoms of ADHD in adults because adults struggling with ADHD tend to replay bad memories and events, which puts them in a state of worry and frustration that leads to anxiety. They also tend to move around constantly, shift in their seat because they can’t sit still, or tap their feet or hands. 

9. Tiredness

Tiredness may seem contradictory given the fact that adults struggling with ADHD are often restless. However, tiredness and fatigue are also symptoms of many adults with ADHD. Their exhaustion comes from their hyperactivity and constant effort to focus and get things done.

10. Dysfunctional Relationships

Adults with ADHD have difficulties maintaining healthy relationships, whether romantic or professional. This is because adults with ADHD are often inattentive, easily bored, or bad communicators. So, they usually come across as uncaring, insensitive, and irresponsible.

11. Health Problems

ADHD can cause a person to be neglectful about their health because of their lack of motivation and organizational skills. As a result, they may start compulsively eating, forgetting to take their medication, or stopping exercising, leading to possible health problems in the future.

ADHD In Adult Women

Even though research suggests that ADHD is more common in men than women, there is also research that shows that ADHD is not diagnosed or diagnosed later in women. 

Women tend to be more inattentive than impulsive or hyperactive. Also, they are more likely to internalize their symptoms, and that is why they are often not diagnosed with ADHD. Women tend to mask their symptoms and develop new coping strategies to deal with their difficulties. As a result, they are often diagnosed with anxiety and depression rather than ADHD.

Women who have ADHD have more internalized and inattentive symptoms that include: 

– Difficulty focusing on long projects or engaging in tasks that require constant mental focus; 

– Difficulty following instructions or completing work responsibilities;

– Troubles with paying attention to details, thus making “careless” mistakes; 

– Trouble listening attentively when a person is speaking;

– Difficulty making decisions;

– Procrastinating;

– Difficulties with time management, keeping home and workspace clean and organized, or organizing daily activities; 

– Difficulty making realistic plans; 

– Having trouble with regulating emotions, especially when under stress; 

– Easily distracted by unimportant things; 

– Forgetfulness, such as forgetting to pay bills, meet deadlines, return calls, or go to scheduled appointments; 

– Often misplacing keys, wallet, cellphone, etc. 

Impulsive or hyperactive symptoms are less common than inattentive ones. They become more internalized, and they include: 

– Having trouble waiting in lines, waiting for turns, etc.;

– Difficulty sitting still. Instead, tapping feet or hands, fidgeting, squirming in their seat, and walking around are common things adult women with ADHD do;

– Interrupting conversations, answering questions before the other person has finished asking them, and so on; 

– Having difficulty being quiet during leisure activities/talking excessively.

What Does Adult ADHD Look Like In Females?

Women with ADHD may feel like every day is a struggle. They feel that their life is at a halt, and they cannot move forward. There is sadness and frustration in their eyes because they can’t manage to meet their goals. 

These women often feel that they forgot something, that they failed to pay their bills, or forgot about some important meeting. They are also unorganized with money, so they tend to get behind their bills. 

They may spend a lot of money to buy themselves products to keep them more organized; however, they end up not using them. So, they often find themselves embarrassed when they forget about something. They also avoid having guests because they are ashamed of their messy and cluttered home.

When they are in a grocery store, they may feel overwhelmed and anxious because they can’t decide what to buy. Also, they don’t keep a list, so they always forget to buy the thing that they need to buy the most. 

Women with ADHD are usually overspenders. They do that to compensate for their lack of focus. For instance, when they forget a friend’s birthday, they buy them an expensive gift to make up for their forgetfulness. Or, when they don’t have a clean outfit, they buy a new one. And they always feel regret and guilt when their credit card bill arrives.  

Here are 8 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Have ADHD:

1. Interrupting others without noticing it

People who have ADHD have the habit of obstructing others while talking. They are not doing this willingly or because they are not interested in what you are saying. This is simply a result of the disorder. They are doing this quite often, and they can’t help it. They are often unaware of doing this until it is too late, and then they feel ashamed.

2. Easily frustrated

People living with ADHD want things to go fast and smooth. When something takes longer to get done than usual, they get frustrated. This is because of their lack of patience. This could result in difficulties when learning new things and completing new tasks.

3. Low self-esteem

Living with this disorder is more difficult than you might think. It might look like a slight drop of concentration but is much more than that. Having difficulties through life every day can severely impact one’s self-esteem, especially at young school age. This is because you get frustrated when comparing with others, seeing how much more energy and time you need to complete a task.

4. Feeling misunderstood

Having ADHD can make you feel like nobody understands what you are going through. This is because nobody takes ADHD seriously. Even doctors sometimes take it for granted. Sometimes when you do your best to finish your obligations, people might be impatient with you because they are unaware that you suffer from ADHD. All this can make a person feel awful.

5. Weak short term memory

People with ADHD have difficulty memorizing things in their short-term memory. This is a result of too much activity and tension in their brain. When forgetting stuff, a person often gets frustrated easily, thinking that he is not careful and committed. 

6. Hard to get motivated

People suffering from this condition have a hard time completing daily tasks alone. Therefore, school or work can be too much for them. They require much more energy and attention to complete tasks at school or work. Thus, their motivation can drop down to a very low level.

7. Don’t want to slow down

People who have ADHD want to go through things fast. They can feel restless and hyperactive. They tend to complete tasks fast and easily, not paying attention to things that matter, like school and work. Therefore they can feel traumatized when they have to complete a task that requires more time. This isn’t because they are lazy or tired; it is simply a symptom of ADHD.

8. Having insomnia

Having trouble sleeping is part of life with ADHD. This is because of the hyperactivity in your brain. Turning the lights off won’t slow down your brain. Often, overthinking things when going to bed will keep you awake.

You might feel restless for no reason. Even when you haven’t slept for days, you might have trouble sleeping. On top of that, when you do finally get to sleep, you might often find yourself waking up in the middle of the night and having difficulty getting back to sleep.

Going through everyday tasks and responsibilities is much more difficult when living with ADHD. It is more complex than it can be described. If you or someone in your surroundings is suffering from this condition, it is crucial to be patient. Give yourself or that person time to complete a task. Try to be supportive and stay organized.

What Is It Like To Have Inattentive ADHD As A Grown Woman?

When you are a grown woman diagnosed with ADHD with inattentive symptoms prevailing, you probably have learned to deal with your condition in your own unique way. 

Some women choose to be with a partner who can help them with their management skills and help them with organizing their life, and getting it in order. Others isolate themselves in order to put all their energy into succeeding at work. Sadly, many women with inattentive ADHD never live up to their potential because they usually tend to choose stress-free, low-demand, and low-pay jobs in order to deal with their anxiety. 

Women with inattentive ADHD tend to lose the sense of time. Meaning, that they need constant reminders to meet all the deadlines and important dates. These women often don’t have a sense of the passage of time because, for them, time is a vague notion. They may wake up, then lie in bed scrolling through social media, and when they think only 30 minutes have passed, they panic to see how much time has actually passed and that they have spent almost half a day in bed. 

Many women with inattentive ADHD tend to forget deadlines and make too many mistakes at their work that they end up getting fired. Some of them are only interested in the creative aspects of their job while forgetting everything about email lists, budgets, and keeping schedules. They may keep their home clean and in order, but their workplace is often chaotic. 

These women also spend a lot of money on clothes and make-up because they tend to put their best face when they are out with other people. They think that by taking care of their appearance, they can mask the mess that is inside them. By looking well put together, they shield themselves from other people judging them and further destroying their self-esteem.

Finally, when it comes to their parenting, women with ADHD tend to have children with ADHD. So, an inattentive mother with ADHD who has trouble getting her life in order can be further challenged to get a safe structure for their children. So, she may find herself anxious, often yelling at them, because she can’t keep with the everyday tasks and keep her children’s lives in order.

How do you check for ADHD in adults?

Adults can be diagnosed with ADHD only by a licensed mental health professional or a physician. So the important thing is to be trained and have experience with people with ADHD. 

The most important thing to do is to get help from an expert. ADHD can be treated carefully, and you can drastically improve your life for the better. You just need to follow the medical advice and be patient. 

Take care!

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Defined – How Narcissists Act, Love, And Break-Up The Whole Truth

narcissism define

Narcissists… are everywhere. These charming chameleons can sweep you off your feet and then destroy you as if you are garbage. Every single day thousands of hearts get broken by narcissists and their mean ways.

This article covers everything you need to know about them so that you can protect yourself.

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental condition in which the person with NPD has an inflated or grandiose sense of self-importance, fantasies of unlimited power and success, needing excessive validation and admiration, feeling unique and special, having a sense of entitlement, showing exploitative behavior in relationships, lack of compassion and empathy, envy, and being perceived as arrogant.

Of course, not all of the aforementioned characteristics are necessary for diagnosing a person with NPD. However, versions of these symptoms can be seen in people with NPD throughout their childhood and adolescence.(1)

What Causes Narcissism?

When we think about narcissists and narcissism, it is vital to know that the characteristics that label someone as a narcissist are also a part of normal human development. In other words, we can definitely expect some narcissistic traits in a person during their childhood and adolescence.

One of the problems with the diagnosis of NPD is that we don’t have an exact and clear definition of what exactly NPD is. However, there are three theories that are popular among psychiatrists about the causality of narcissism.

The first one is that narcissism is inherited. Of course, it is not unusual that a percent of our mental and general health disorders are genetic. There is a division between heritability (inherited traits) versus environmental ility, or in other words, the amount of variance that can be explained by the nature of genetics versus the amount of variance that can be explained by triggers from the environment that surround us. With NPD, the heritability is somewhere between 40 and 65 percent which is a great amount of contribution from genetics to the development of NPD.(2)

The second theory is that when it comes to NPD, some structural changes or differences can be found in the brain. There have been numerous studies done where scientists scanned the brain of people diagnosed with NPD and people who didn’t have NPD, and then they looked into the differences between the two categories of people. They have discovered that all the differences that they found are related to the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotional regulation and social behavior.

The third theory of the potential cause of narcissism is the environment. In other words, a lot of focus when it comes to individuals with NPD is on their experiences during childhood. Some of the factors that seem to have a link with NPD are, for example, a situation where a child receives excessive praise and excessive criticism as well. Moreover, a lack of parental empathy, emphasis on success and achieving high status, focusing on appearances instead of feelings, emotional abuse, and neglect, are all significant contributors to developing narcissistic traits.

What Are The 4 Types Of Narcissism?

When we think about narcissists, we think about certain people and their traits. However, there are 4 types of narcissists out there, and they all have different characteristics.

1. The Vulnerable Narcissist (or the Covert Narcissist)

This type of narcissist is the exact opposite of the general type of narcissist. While the stereotypical narcissist craves attention and admiration, the vulnerable narcissist is typically shy, hypersensitive to how other people see them and what they think of them. However, this type of narcissist is also extremely envious, just like the general narcissist. They tend to think their pain is bigger than anyone else’s and that they want other people to feel sorry for them.

2. The Somatic Narcissist

This type of narcissist bases their self-worth on their looks and body. They get overly obsessed with their physical appearance to the point of undertaking great measures to keep their body from aging. They are scared of gaining weight and getting old because their whole ego and pride revolve around their physical appearance.

3. The Cerebral Narcissist

This type of narcissist derives their self-worth and importance from their brain. They believe they are more intelligent and smarter than anyone else and they tend to look down on other people, considering them stupid and unimportant.

4. The Spiritual Narcissist

This narcissist uses their spirituality or religion to manipulate people and intimidate them. The spiritual narcissist justifies their toxic behavior by taking a “holier than thou” stance and putting an emphasis on their relationship with God or their spirituality.

How Can You Tell If Someone Is Narcissistic?

If you are wondering whether you are dealing with a narcissist, these are the signs that show a person is a full-blown narcissist.

  • They are extremely charming. When you meet someone, and they sweep you off your feet – be careful. Love bombing is the first phase of dealing with a narcissist. The narcissist will seduce you, compliment you, put you on a pedestal, and tell you all you want to hear just to get their way with you. And when they get what they want out of you, they will leave you out in the cold. So, whenever someone comes too strong in the beginning, be careful because it is not a good sign because true and genuine emotions don’t get developed instantly because you don’t know each other that well.
  • They always interrupt the conversation to tell you how great they are. Narcissists love to brag about their achievements and accomplishments. They want to feel better than anyone else, and so they tell other people how awesome and successful they are. However, they oftentimes exaggerate their achievements to feel superior and be adored by others. Moreover, they will also interrupt you while you are talking about yourself because they are not interested in you, they only care about themselves.
  • They need compliments in order to survive. Even though narcissists seem like they are the most confident people in the world, the truth is, they lack self-esteem. Therefore, they need to be complimented constantly in order to feel good about themselves. They always need people around them to tell them how amazing they are and make them feel powerful. Another thing is that narcissists tend to punish anyone for their lack of self-esteem by putting them down in order for them to feel superior and important.
  • They lack empathy and compassion. Narcissists are oblivious to the feelings of other people. That’s the number one sign of narcissism. A narcissist can never make you feel important, seen, accepted, or understood because they never care about you in the first place. They don’t care whether you are in a bad mood, or whether something bad happened to you. They can never console you. That’s why almost all their relationships fail inevitably.
  • They don’t have many (or any) long-term friends. If you look at the narcissist’s social circle you can notice that they don’t have any real friends. They only have colleagues and acquaintances because they are not able to be vulnerable and form deep long-lasting bonds with other people.
  • They constantly pick on you. Perhaps at first you thought they were teasing you. However, their insults have become constant with time. Narcissists will always criticize you, what you eat, what you wear, where you go, who are you friends with… everything you do is wrong because they want to be superior to you at all times. So, they will call you names, put you down, and diminish your self-esteem in order to destroy you and one-up you. It gives them pleasure knowing they can destroy someone like that.
  • They gaslight you. Gaslighting is the ultimate form of emotional and mental abuse where the narcissist completely distorts your reality and makes you feel as if you are the crazy one. Signs that someone is gaslighting you are: you don’t feel like yourself anymore, you are anxious, you are constantly wondering if you are overly-sensitive, you feel as if everything you do is wrong, you question your sanity, you constantly apologize, you always think that it’s your fault when things go wrong, and you make excuse for your partner’s abusive behavior.
  • They don’t define your relationship. There are many reasons why a person won’t put a label on your relationship. They may be polyamorous, they want an only friends-with-benefits thing, or they only want to keep it casual. However, they need to be honest about it. If your partner expects to treat them as your partner and be faithful to them, but you don’t get the same treatment from them – it is a red flag. They want to gain all the benefits from you while keeping their options open. They may even flirt in front of you, and when you confront them they may call you crazy and blame you for causing drama.(3)
  • They never apologize because they think they can do no wrong. It is almost impossible to fight with a narcissist. The battle is not fair because the narcissist will never compromise or say they are sorry for hurting you. In their head, they are always right and you should be the one bowing to them and apologizing. You don’t need someone like that in your life. A good partner will always respect you and when they do something wrong, they will apologize because they don’t want to lose you.
  • If you try to break up with them, they will start panicking. They will start love-bomb you in order to keep you stuck to them. They may promise they will change and do everything you want. Of course, they are lying. That’s why narcissists have on-off relationships until they find a new victim to date.
  • And when you are really done, they will start badmouthing you to save face. Because their ego will be severely bruised, they will try anything to make you look like the bad person, like you are the one who is responsible for the breakup. A good reputation is all they care about and therefore, don’t expect a narcissist to play fair.

What Are The 13 Traits Of A Narcissist?

types of narcissists psychology1. Entitlement and superiority

Narcissists’ number one priority is to be superior to anyone. They derive their confidence from feeling powerful and superior. Of course, that confidence is a fickle one, it is not real. In the narcissist’s world, they are at the top, and everyone else is below them. They feel entitled to control everything and have everyone admire them and listen to their orders.

2. Constant need for validation and attention

Another narcissistic trait is their relentless need for admiration, attention, and validation. No matter how supportive you are, how loving and encouraging you are – it is never enough. Because deep down, they don’t believe that they are good enough. In spite of their grandiose, self-absorbed persona, they are very insecure at heart. That’s why they constantly fish for attention and compliments.

3. Perfectionism

You can tell a person is a narcissist by their need for perfection. Everything in their life needs to be perfect. And if their plans are not going well, they instantly get pissed off and miserable. Then they start criticizing others for their failed plans.

4. Excessive need to control everything

The need for control and manipulation is typical narcissistic behavior. They need to control everything and mold it the way they want it. Plus, their need for control goes hand in hand with their need for power.

5. Lack of boundaries.

There are many people out there who lack boundaries or cross other people’s boundaries, but normal people are aware when they have crossed the like and they are quick to apologize and heal the damage. However, narcissists don’t have any boundaries. They don’t respect people and social norms. They believe they can do anything and no one can tell them no.

6. Lack of responsibility

Another glaring sign of narcissism is a complete lack of responsibility. Even though a narcissist desires to be in control in situations, they don’t want any responsibility. When something doesn’t go as they have planned, they are quick to shift the blame onto others and remove themselves from the situation and not suffer the consequences for their actions. That’s how they keep their ‘perfect’ façade. They almost always blame the most loving, loyal, and affectionate person for their wrongdoings.

7. Lack of empathy

 Narcissists don’t have any empathy and compassion in them. They are selfish and self-absorbed to the point that they don’t even think that other people can get hurt by their actions. They don’t think about other people at all. They only think about themselves and how they can get what they want. They don’t feel any guilt and remorse if they stomp upon someone’s heart. They view people as objects and they don’t care who they need to break in order to accomplish their goals.

8. Emotional reasoning

Many victims of narcissists have made the mistake of trying to explain and reason with the narcissist to get them to understand what they have done and how deeply they hurt them. However, all the efforts to talk and reason with a narcissist are futile because the narcissist doesn’t take your words into consideration. Your words mean nothing to them. The narcissist only cares about their own thoughts and feelings. So, if you are hoping that if you explain to them that they will change, don’t waste your time.(4)

9. Lack of ability to read body language

Narcissists perceive every sarcastic comment, every unusual facial expression as an attack to them. When they are angry, even “I love you” can trigger their rage. The lack of ability to read your emotions and facial expressions is a common narcissistic trait. In other words, narcissists cannot believe you feel differently than they feel. They can’t see and feel your love because they can’t love anyone other than themselves. That’s why they are always defensive. They think everyone wears a mask when they are the one wearing it and being fake.

10. Personality split

The personality of a narcissist is split into good and bad. In turn, narcissists split everything into good and bad. Everything negative that occurs into the relationship they blame onto the other person while taking credit for the good things that happen. Also, in their world, there is no middle ground. They tend to remember things as wonderful or as horrible. They can’t seem to feel or remember both positive and negative things in a particular situation. They only see it as black or white.

11. Fear of rejection

The whole life of the narcissist is driven by fear. Of course, they would never show it. However, narcissists are constantly scared of being rejected or ridiculed. They also have abandonment issues, i.e they fear being abandoned. They fear being seen as inadequate or losing all their money. All of these fears stop the narcissist from trusting another human being and opening up to them. Moreover, the closer you two get, the less they will trust you. They are deeply afraid of you seeing their imperfections and judging them. That’s why they will push you away before getting emotionally close to you.

12. Anxiety

Some narcissists feel anxious all the time. They are preoccupied with thoughts of doom and they tend to project their anxious feelings towards their partner. So, they call them negative, crazy, mentally ill, not being supportive or understanding, selfish, and so on. And as their partner begins feeling worse, they feel better. That’s how twisted their mind is.

13. Deeply repressed feelings of shame

Narcissistic people carry a lot of shame. They do believe that there must be something inherently wrong with them, but they don’t know what. They are ashamed of their feelings and fears, and that’s why they never show their vulnerable side. That’s how they keep their false image that everything is perfect in their world. But their world is full of lies and illusions.

What Is The Behavior Of A Narcissist VS. Non-Narcissists?

A person with a narcissistic disorder behaves differently than a person who is not a narcissist. Narcissists have very different values and views of the world than regular people. Here’s the difference between the narcissist’s behavior vs. the behavior of normal people.

Narcissists: lack empathy, are impulsive, don’t question their behavior, deny or hide their mistakes, hold grudges, blame others, withdraw or stonewall when they are upset, spoil other people’s good moods, are driven by fear, are hypersensitive to criticism, have casual relationships, are selfish, and pursue win-lose strategies.

Non-narcissists: care about the emotions of other people, are spontaneous, value introspection, learn from their mistakes, apologize, are hopeful, take responsibility for their actions, don’t take anything personally,  celebrate other people’s success, seek win-win situations, have reciprocal relationships, accept criticism, seek resolution to problems,  and communicate when they are upset.

Narcissistic behaviors such as those mentioned above are specifically designed by narcissists as a means to mask their insecurities and weak spots. There are some behaviors, like denying mistakes, avoiding introspection, blaming others, and stonewalling that is meant to put away the spotlight from the narcissist’s flaws. Others, such as lacking empathy or having casual and superficial relationships are signs of the narcissist’s inability to form a meaningful relationship with another person.

What Are The Values Of Narcissists VS. Non-Narcissists?

There is a big contrast when it comes to the values of narcissistic people and healthy people.

Narcissists value: status, perfection, image, winning, superiority, and getting attention from other people.

Non-narcissists value: fairness, equality, growth, development, love, compassion, authenticity, and connection with others.

Narcissist’s values such as superiority, winning, status, and perfection are all had in the likes of gaining respect, admiration, and approval from other people. They are all self-aggrandizing, as opposed to the values of other people that revolve around connection and compassion to other people.

How Does A Narcissist Act In A Relationship?

Narcissists are very bad relationship partners,” said firmly professor Brad Bushman from Ohio State University. Many studies have shown that narcissistic partners play mind-games, manipulate their partners, and are less likely to form long-term committed relationships. (5)

A relationship with a narcissist is extremely challenging. A narcissist is someone who has a hard time loving another human being because they don’t even love themselves. They are obsessed with themselves and their well-being that they see people only as an extent of them, they don’t see them as separate people with their own thoughts and feelings. They see others in terms of what they can provide them with. They value their spouses and children only to the extent of the things they can meet their needs. Plus, a narcissist can never feel empathy for their partners’ feelings which makes the relationship toxic.   

However, there are many people that continue to get drawn to narcissists and it is because narcissists are very charming and captivating (especially at the beginning of the relationship). They will do anything to win your heart and make you feel grateful for having them in your life. You will feel blessed because someone like them has chosen you. But, as time goes by, you will notice their possessive and controlling nature. They get easily triggered and then lash out at you angrily. And you will be left wondering what has happened to the wonderful person you first met.

Narcissists are very prone to falling quickly in love with someone and committing to them. However, their infatuation and commitment is short-lived. People dealing with narcissists feel very lonely during the course of their relationship with them because the narcissist only cares about their needs and wants.

The best thing you can do if you are in a relationship with a narcissist is LEAVE.

What Does A Narcissist Do At The End Of A Relationship?

If you decide to do the right thing and break up with the narcissist, expect these behaviors from them.

  • They will blame it all on you. They may try to change the narrative to make you the bad person. They may also try to guilt-trip you and manipulate you to stay by saying “You don’t want to give this relationship a chance,” “You never cared about me,” “You are leaving me when I need you the most…” etc.
  • They may literally say “I don’t accept this,” “You don’t mean that, you are overreacting,” “You can’t break up with me”, and so on.
  • Try to make you jealous. They may quickly find a new partner and go out publicly with them for you to see them because they want you to feel that they have moved on and they are happy without you so that you question your decision of leaving them. They want to awaken the competitive nature in you and make you fight for them.
  • Make you feel sorry for them. They may try to guilt you into staying with them by saying “I will kill myself if you abandon me,” or “You have no heart, leaving me alone when I am still grieving my father’s death”…
  • Promise to change. “It is going to be different this time.” Of course, it will never be because narcissists are incapable of change.
  • Stalk you.
  • Feign something terrible happened to them. You may hear from them all of a sudden telling you how they lost their job, their dog died, they are ill… all sorts of crises in order to get your attention again.
  • Seek revenge. “You will never see the kids again,” “You will regret this,” “I will kill you.”

Can A Narcissist Really Love You?

A person who is diagnosed with NPD cannot really love another person because they don’t have the ability for it. Moreover, they don’t understand love as normal people do.

A narcissist may act in a loving way towards you, but their loving ways are almost always conditional, meaning they expect to gain something in return. They view relationships as transactions. That’s why a relationship with a narcissist can be filled with drama, toxicity, and be an overall traumatic experience.

When a narcissist loses interest and decides that it is over, that can be a shock to their ex-partner because they cannot understand what happened. The narcissist usually drops their victim during the love bombing phase when the passion between them is still there. That’s why it is extremely difficult for the other person to get over the breakup with the narcissist. The victim is left feeling abandoned, confused, betrayed, and heartbroken.

What Are Female Narcissists Like?

There is not much difference between a female narcissist and a male narcissist. However, since they socialize differently, female narcissists have developed some specific personality traits.

Even though male and female narcissists share common narcissistic traits, there are differences when it comes to exhibiting their narcissistic traits. For example, when angry, male narcissists tend to be explosive and aggressive, while female narcissists tend to punish the one who angered them by withholding affection and attention.

Moreover, male narcissists use status and power as a form of control, whereas female narcissists use guilt or neglect as a means of controlling people and getting them to do what they want.

A female narcissist is superficial, deeply insecure, only concerned with their social image and physical appearance, she likes to bee seen as the martyr, she is very jealous and competitive, and as a parent or a mother-in-law is extremely over-bearing always wanting others to do things their way. A narcissistic mother-in-law may even be jelous of the partner of her son.

One of the biggest misconceptions about female narcissists is that they don’t exist. They do exist. Also, they are equally violent and dangerous. Females can also be bullies, just like male narcissists.

Bottom line…

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist or involved with them in any form, protect yourself and your sanity by removing them from your life. Or, if you can’t do that, then by all means try to cut contact with them to as little as possible. Because, with a narcissist, there is no stability. There is no love and understanding. Only pain, betrayal, and heartbreak.

5 Types of Personal Loans and When You Can Use Them

5 Types of Personal Loans and When You Can Use Them

Financial surprises are inevitable. Maybe your car breaks down, or you have a dream vacation you can’t afford with savings alone. In those situations, a personal loan can be a helpful tool. These loans are a versatile solution offered by banks, credit unions, and online lenders for any financial need, from overcoming an economic setback to consolidating debt.

But with so many types of personal loans out there, you want to choose the right one for you. When considering a personal loan, you need to have a clear picture of your credit score and financial needs to get the most out of your loan. Here are five personal loans and when to use each.

  1. Signature Loans

Personal signature loans, or unsecured loans, are for borrowers who don’t want to put up collateral like a car or house. Instead, lenders approve you based on your creditworthiness and income. It makes them suitable for anything from consolidating high-interest debt to covering unexpected medical bills or home repairs.

When should you get a personal signature loan?

These loans are ideal for borrowers with solid credit and a low debt-to-income ratio. It means your income is higher than your existing debt to repay the loan comfortably. With a strong credit profile, you’ll qualify for the best interest rates and terms.

  1. Secured Personal Loans

Secured personal loans can get you money at lower interest rates than unsecured options. They work like car loans or mortgages, but instead of using your car or house as collateral, you put up another asset as collateral. It could be a certificate of deposit, a savings account with a big balance, or even specific securities.

When to use a secured loan:

It is for borrowers with lower credit scores who may not qualify for the best rates on unsecured loans. But remember, if you default on the loan, the lender has the right to seize your collateral to recover their money.

  1. Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt consolidation loans can significantly improve the management of multiple high-interest debts. They combine existing debts like medical bills, credit card balances, auto loans, and other loans into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This simplifies the payment process, with one monthly payment instead of multiple bills.

When to consolidate your debt:

A consolidation loan can be a lifesaver if you’re struggling to manage multiple high-interest debts, but you must choose a loan with a much lower interest rate than your existing debts. Consolidation loans often have origination fees, so factor those in to ensure you’ll save money.

  1. Co-signed and Joint Loans

Co-signed and joint loans can enhance your loan terms or increase your chances of loan approval.

  • Co-signed loans: A co-signer is a safety net for the lender. They guarantee repayment if you can’t make your payments, but they don’t get access to the loan funds.
  • Joint loans: Both borrowers are responsible for the loan and have access to the funds.

When to consider these loans:

A co-signer with good credit can get you approved and lower your interest rate. Co-borrowers with good income can get you approved for a bigger loan than you could on your own. Joint loans are for expenses you’ll share, like home renovations or a wedding.

  1. Personal Line of Credit

Personal lines of credit are a flexible way to get cash when needed. You have a pre-approved borrowing limit. You only pay interest on what you borrow.

When is it a good option?

A line of credit allows you to borrow as you go for projects with variable costs, like home renovations. This option is perfect for those who appreciate having quick access to funds for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies where you might not know the exact amount you’ll need upfront.


With some planning and responsible borrowing, a personal loan can be an intelligent way to overcome financial hurdles and move forward. Consider your credit score, the purpose of the loan, and your desired repayment flexibility. Whatever your situation, there’s a personal loan out there to help you achieve your goals. Do your research, compare, and choose the loan that suits you.

Why You Will End Up Marrying The Wrong Person?

marry wrong person

When it comes to marriage and choosing the right person to spend our lives with, we can’t help but wonder how we can be sure that we are making the right decision. The truth is, no one is perfect, and we all have our flaws, so finding someone who can tolerate us and whose flaws we can tolerate can seem to be a big deal.

According to Alain de Botton, a founder of The School of Lifethere seems to be a lot of anger that we hold on to, anger and rage that we secretly have, and it has us sulking about the way our love lives have gone.  However, he says that if we are able to turn that anger into sadness, then we can make progress. Why? Because if we can turn rage into grief, we have given up hope entirely.

In his words, “scratch the surface of any regularly angry person, and you will find a wild optimist.” Rage is primarily driven by hope. And when it comes to love and relationships, it is extremely hard to give up hope because there are many, many industries that are all designed to inflate our expectations of love and what a loving relationship or marriage should be.

One of the reasons you will marry the wrong person is because you are strange and difficult to live with. We all are. In fact, there are many things that are wrong with us, things that only our closest friends and family know about (and very probably our ex-lovers), but they would not dare tell us.

It’s like most of us are addicts but not in terms of a substance we are taking, but an addict in terms of a behavior or pattern you are taking in order to not be alone with yourself and with your thoughts, and more importantly, not to feel your deeper emotions and get in touch with yourself and who you are as a person deep inside. So, you remain addicted to doing anything that keeps you away from yourself. And since you don’t know yourself, you can successfully relate to another person, let alone love them.

Love requires you to do things you don’t want to do. Not everyone is comfortable expressing their vulnerabilities. You probably don’t want to show your partner you are vulnerable and scared.

According to psychologists, people use two patterns of behavior whenever they are in danger of becoming vulnerable. One group of people gets anxiously attached.

This means that instead of saying, “I need you, I depend on you, I love you”, they say, “Where have you been? You’re 15 minutes late.” But then, they start getting critical and strict when actually they want to ask the scary question, “Do you still love me? Am I still important to you?” But, they don’t dare ask those questions out of fear.

The other type of people is avoidant, which means that when they need someone, they act cold and aloof like they don’t need them at all. They don’t reveal the need and love they have for another person. Instead, they start rejecting them. And this pattern gets toxic because other people start wondering whether they are important to them, which results in a lack of trust.

It’s as if we don’t dare to be humble and vulnerable and reveal how much we need another person, so in a way, we reject love. This is because we don’t know how to love.

According to Alain, love is not an instinct but a skill that needs to be learned. To love is to have the capacity and willingness to interpret someone’s not very appealing behavior in order to find more benevolent reasons why that not-so-good behavior may be unfolding. Or in other words, to love someone is to apply charity and generosity of interpretation for someone else’s actions towards us. And in doing that, we will cut some slack for ourselves because we are not perfect either.

Another reason why we will probably end up marrying the wrong person is because many of our early experiences of love are bound up with various kinds of suffering. As a result, there is a shift when we start dating and choosing love partners. We think that we want to find someone who will make us happy, but we are not. Actually, we are looking for someone who will feel familiar with us.

And there does a problem arise because familiarity and happiness are oftentimes two different things. Familiarity can be bound up with a particular kind of suffering and torture. This explains why when people encourage us to go out on a date with an amazing person, we end up “not feeling it” even though we agree that they are smart, charming, and amazing. We tell our friends that we didn’t feel the spark, that they were boring etc.

In fact, we are really trying to say that we have spotted that this wonderful and quite accomplished person won’t make us suffer in ways we are accustomed to suffering for us to feel that love is real. And so, we reject them.

We are not on a journey to be happy, we are on a quest to suffer in ways that feel familiar, and this is the main reason why we will end up marrying the wrong person.


How To Avoid Marrying The Wrong Person? 

Finding love is not easy. However, when you do find love, the question is whether you two will be compatible in the long run. So, here are some tips that will help you determine if you are with the person you should marry. 

First, when you think about marrying the person you are in a relationship with, you should really look into their virtues and flaws. You should look at who they are as a person and don’t expect them to change. You must like them as they are in the present, without hoping that one day they will change the annoying habits they have. In other words, avoid marrying potential. 

Furthermore, you should be open with your future spouse. The biggest mistake that couples make is not being honest and open about their wants and needs in a relationship. They need to be honest about what they could and could not tolerate in the partnership. Openness and sincere communication can be the key to everlasting marriage.  You and your partner should be able to discuss your feelings about having kids, financial planning, future plans, etc. before you decide to get married. 

Finally, both partners should be aware of and take care of the emotional needs of their partner. That’s how they build their trust and keep the love and passion between them alive. Before you marry someone, you need to ask yourself, “Do I admire and respect my partner? Can I trust them? Am I able to rely on them? Do I believe them and trust their judgment? Do I feel safe around them? Can I be vulnerable with them? Am I at peace with them?” 

And lastly, you are responsible for your happiness. You need to be happy and fulfilled by yourself before being happily married. Marriage by itself is not vital to happiness. If you are miserable alone, you will be miserable in your marriage as well. 

How Do You Know You Married The Wrong Person? 

Of course, every individual is different and has their own breaking points; however, some signs can be useful to you if you are confused and wondering whether you married the wrong woman or man. 

1. You are arguing more frequently. 

Bickering is the slow killer of relationships. So, when it starts happening in a marriage, it is a sign that the marriage is in serious trouble. But then, you start feeling that you married someone who has no idea who you are as a person. Someone who has become your enemy.

2. You no longer talk about your day. 

When you no longer need to talk about your day and share the little things that happened to you, then probably the connection you have with them is lost. Not sharing things is a red flag, and it usually means that your partner is not your best friend, and the marriage will slowly deteriorate as a result.

3. You often think about what your life would have been if you married someone else. 

When you catch yourself fantasizing about other people, it is a sign you are married to the wrong person. When you think about your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend and what would your life have been like if you had married them instead, then you need to really look into your spouse and ask yourself if you are happy with them and your life together.

4. You find excuses to not spend time together. 

Another sign that you are not happy with your spouse is that you often look for other things to do instead of spending time with them. The intimacy between you is probably lost, and therefore, you start avoiding them because you are not ready to face the reality that you probably have married the wrong person for you.

5. Your fights often escalate into screaming at each other. 

If you are someone who never raises their voice, and then you find yourself screaming and shouting at your partner, then probably something doesn’t feel right between you and your marriage. Fights can often be constructive and good when both partners are open to discussion and compromise but yelling, shouting, and calling names are never good.

6. You are impatient around them. 

Almost everything your partner does bothers you. You are frequently impatient and nervous around them. It is as if you don’t recognize the person that is your spouse, and they have many flaws you think you overlooked that are now getting on your nerves.

7. You behave more like roommates and business partners. 

You start feeling that you and your spouse have nothing in common except bills. Your marriage has now turned into a business transaction, and you no longer have a romantic interest in one another. 

If you found yourself in these situations, then you are now probably questioning your decision and wondering… 

Is It Normal To Regret Marrying Your Spouse?

Feelings of regret are typical in a marriage, especially when you have had certain expectations and they have not been met by your spouse. So, it is a human thing for feelings of regret, shame, and guilt to overwhelm you. 

Perhaps you realized that you and your spouse don’t have anything in common. Maybe the quirks you loved about your person when you met them are now the red flags that annoy you and make you angry that you even married them in the first place. 

Whatever your reasons, it is perfectly normal to regret marrying your spouse. And it is never too late to start anew and choose a happier life for yourself. 

What To Do When You Are Unhappy In Your Marriage? 

If you are feeling unhappy in your marriage or if you are wondering what’s the right thing to do – whether you should divorce your husband and have a fresh start, or accept your decision and learn how to live with it for the sake of your children (if you have them) – then, I would advise you to talk to your closest friends and family about your feelings. Sometimes, a new perspective on things can do wonders and remove your doubts. 

Or talk to a professional counselor so that you can be sure that they are objectively viewing the situation. Then, they can help you by leading you to make the right decision to solve your problems. 

Good luck!

Why Narcissists And Psychopaths Stay Friends With Their Exes, According To Science

how narcissists treat their exes

Although it may seem quite the norm when your former boyfriend or girlfriend wants to stay friends, studies have proven it may mean they are a psychopath, or worse, a narcissist.

These types of people are prone to ego-boosting behaviors that are not only strenuous for them but for those they spend time with as well.

A narcissist or psychopath can sometimes be easily spotted by their “me, me and only me” behavior. However, that may not always be the case, which is why caution must be taken when dealing with these individuals.  

You may know someone who maintained contact with a former partner for friendly reasons. While that may not be the most farfetched thing you have ever heard, research carried out at Oakland University in the United States proves that these “friendly” relationships may hint at narcissism.

Referring to the study, these types of people partake in “dark personality traits”, which in turn make them desire to pursue a friendship once both parties have called it quits.

The study at Oakland University asked 860 individuals to clarify the reasons for their aspiration to stay in contact with their former partners, screening those who implied dark traits.

According to the Daily Mail reports, the people who “score highly for these traits are more likely to pick friends for strategic reasons, and prefer short-term relationships”, and those who carried out the research were curious to know if it can also be applied to relationships with exes as well.

Subsequently, the researchers requested people to rate their motives for staying in touch with their exes by the level of significance.

The study showed that the majority claimed that these people impacted their lives because they were “reliable, trustworthy, and of sentimental value.”

Nonetheless, the more interesting thing the study found was that those with “measures of dark personality” were more inclined to keep exes in their lives due to “practical and sexual reasons.”

According to the study, “men rated practical and sexual reasons for staying friends as more important than women did”.

If you have ever found yourself in this type of situation, this may sound utterly familiar. We all have that one ex that just will not give up. Either they will text you out of the blue asking to “hang out” or just wanting to know how you are.

During the time in which we receive those messages, it may seem legit and even courteous. Nevertheless, if we step out of the box for a minute and look at the bigger picture, we begin to grab hold of the real situation at hand.

During the time spent with our former partners, we may have noticed some odd character traits like selfishness and egoism, but we may have brushed them to the side, referring to them as “flaws”, which we chose to accept.

Yet, according to psychology, these individuals all have similar traits.

Narcissists and psychopaths are referred to as the dark triad, which contains a group of three main personality traits: psychopathy, narcissism, and at times even Machiavellianism.

What this means is that they lack empathy, can be cruel and selfish and possess egotistical and pride-like characteristics. Notwithstanding, narcissists tend to be disparaging, manipulative, and cunning. Therefore, the word dark is used to predict their vindictive nature.

You may be asking yourself why someone would want to remain in a friendship with someone such as the one described above. For one, these types of people are very witty, which means they have the ability to mask these traits with kindness and affection.

Other times, they may not be a bad person, as seen in the study. For example, most of the people interviewed claimed that they remained friends with a former partner due to reliability and trustworthiness. This implies that the person on the other end of the story may not be the monster they are made out to be.

However, when viewed from a darker point of view, the study also concludes that those with indications of a dark personality were more inclined to keep relationships at the touch of a button for less tasteful reasons.

The research showed that quite a few people stated reasons for maintaining the relationship to be “sexual and practical”.

Therefore, the next time your ex tries to lure you into spending time with them or doing something for them, drop everything and run. You may have a psychopath on the loose.

When speaking of narcissism for an interview with Broadly, expert Dr. Tony Ferretti explained why individuals with dark personality traits would want to keep links with a past relationship. “Narcissists hate to fail or lose, so they will do what they can to maintain some connection if they didn’t make the choice to end it,”

Dr. Ferretti said: “They can experience narcissistic injury when rejected by a partner and have difficulties letting it go or healing from it.” Dr. Ferretti also stated that “People who are in deep, close, healthy, and intimate relationships tend to be happier.”

Narcissists often cling to those who are more empathic, compassionate, and understanding. As a result, when such a relationship ends, they feel the need to stick around.

It is not uncommon for these type of people to make an effort to keep their ex partners around. Therefore, the next time your ex tries to initiate contact, make sure they do not check the boxes of the characteristic traits.

Read on if you want to know more about how narcissists treat their exes!

How Narcissists Treat Their Exes

So, you broke up with a narcissist? Then, get ready to be lured in and manipulated even more because narcissists never let bygones be bygones, especially when you were the one who broke up with them. The narcissist will always seek revenge. And here are some ways narcissists tend to treat their exes after the separation. 

The majority of narcissists tend to go in and out of their exes’ lives. Why? Because we all know that narcissists are unpredictable. They are immature and fickle. They make decisions in the spur of the moment, and that’s how they decide to come back to their ex or disappear if things don’t go as they planned or they get bored. So, if you have broken up with a narcissist, expect them to return sooner or later. 

Some narcissists remain friends with their exes. They do so, claiming they don’t want drama and they want things to end amicably. However, this is their tactic to leave the door open should they start wanting to come back in the future. The real truth is a narcissist has a sense of superiority, and they believe they can go in and out of other people’s lives as they please because they are irreplaceable. 

A narcissist will flirt with their exes to test the waters and see if they are still desired. A narcissist is always curious whether their ex still wants them, and when they see that their ex hasn’t moved on, it gives them the ultimate satisfaction, and it boosts their ego like nothing else. Their flirting is also a tactic to lure their ex back in if they sense they are about to move on with their life.

Narcissists are prone to spreading lies about their exes. They do that in order to save face and look like the ‘good guy’ after the breakup. Their self-image is all they got, and they will do anything to protect it because their ego depends on it. And, without their ego – they are nothing. 

After the breakup, narcissists resort to playing mind games to keep their exes on their toes. It is very hard to break away from the toxicity of the relationship with a narcissist because the narcissist will continue to torture you and emotionally manipulate you. They will love bomb you only to ghost you a few days later and then love bomb you again. The cycle of abuse is difficult to end because narcissists are very skilled at toying with their partner’s emotions and keeping them under their thumb. 

Finally, some narcissists will blackmail their ex-partners, using anything they have against them to have their way with them and get what they want. 

Will A Narcissist Miss You?

If you are wondering whether a narcissist will miss you if you break up with them, it is hard to say. As I said before, a narcissist is a very unpredictable person. However, while everyone says that narcissists are incapable of loving anyone but themselves, they do struggle when things change, so the separation can affect them, especially if you were the one to break up with them. 

A narcissist may feel sad, but they won’t ever admit it. 

Now, a narcissist may miss you and want you back, but only for selfish purposes. They need you to validate them and give them an ego boost. They need you because they need someone they can manipulate and stomp all over. So, they don’t miss you per se; they miss how you used to love them unconditionally and fulfill all their needs. 

Why Do Narcissists Keep In Touch With Their Exes?

Narcissists stay in touch with their exes solely for selfish reasons. They need validation. And a validation from an ex-lover always feels nice and exciting. 

The narcissist may pretend that they have changed and act differently from how they used to act in the past. However, all that is a mask to get their ex-lover back in their trap. They want their ex-lover’s love and attention. They crave it. And if their ex decides to give them another chance, the narcissist will drag them back into the same patterns of toxicity and abuse. 

Another reason why narcissists stay in contact with their exes is due to their abandonment issues. A narcissist is deeply insecure at their core. Because anyone who has a solid sense of self doesn’t feel the urge to go back to someone from their past in order to feed their ego. Narcissists do have that urge, especially if their ex was someone who was popular, rich, powerful, sexy, attractive, and younger than them. 

Why Do Narcissists Talk About Their Exes?

A narcissist will talk to you about their ex to “teach” you how to behave. Namely, they will say something along the lines of, “My ex was very jealous. She never wanted me to go out with friends. That’s why we broke up. I’m glad you are not like her.” By saying this, the narcissist will imply that you are not allowed to complain when they go out. 

When you are at the beginning of a relationship with a narcissist, it is easy to think of those comments as compliments to you. But don’t be fooled. This is pure manipulation from the narcissist to keep you bound to them and have you completely obedient and servile to them. 

The narcissist wants to make you scared of them leaving you as they did with their ex, so you will find yourself in a situation where you will watch what you say and do to not make them angry. This is called conditioning, and it is a toxic and evil way of manipulating someone and messing with their psyche. 

How Do Narcissists Feel About Their Exes? 

Most narcissists do feel bad, and they are sorry when the relationship with their narcissistic supply ends. However, they mostly feel bad because they have lost the love and attention of their ex. And they feel bad only when they realize their ex has moved on. 

If their ex is sending messages and signals to them that they still love them and want to reconcile with them, then the narcissist will not feel sorry. Instead, they will feel glad that their ex still loves them, and that will give them the ego boost they need. 

Do Narcissists Ever Go Back To Their Exes?

Anyone in a relationship with a narcissist will realize sooner or later that they are better off alone. And when they do decide to leave the narcissist and experience the world without pain and anxiety, they know they made the right decision. However, the narcissist may eventually try to come back into their lives and ask for another chance. Why? 

Because narcissists don’t forget their exes. In fact, they like to think that they always have someone to turn to. That’s why they keep a set of people who satisfy their needs and then shuffle them over time, going in and out of their lives as they please. 

In conclusion…

If you are in an on-again, off-again relationship with a narcissist, it is time to MOVE ON. Break free from the toxicity and the manipulation of the narcissist. I understand that it is difficult because this vicious cycle is so addictive and intoxicating, but you have to do it! 

After all, what is the point of having someone in your life who is not loyal and you know will leave you sooner or later?

How To Perfect Your French Kiss In Just 5 Easy Steps

what is french kissing

What Is French Kissing?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, french kissing is “an open-mouth kiss usually involving tongue-to-tongue contact”.

In other words, a French kiss is an amorous kiss where the partners use their tongues to touch each other’s tongue or lips. This kiss can be very stimulating and erotic since the tongue, and the lips are very sensitive to touch. Therefore, a French kiss can be powerful foreplay and can induce high sexual arousal in partners.

Plus, French kissing releases endorphins and reduces stress levels in a person.

Where Does French Kissing Come From?

The term French kiss was first used by the British and the Americans in the early 1900s because it was a popular belief that French people were more adventurous and open to sexual experiments and practices.

French Kissing vs. Regular Kissing

A regular kiss or a “smooch” is a lip-to-lip kiss without using a tongue. It is gently touching one another’s lips. French kiss, on the other hand, involves using the lips as well as the tongues of the partners.

And while both types of kissing are expressions of affection, love, and sexual desire, “smooches” are less intense and less passionate than French kisses. French kisses can be extremely passionate and sexually arousing; thus, they are almost always a part of the foreplay.

What Does French Kissing Feel Like?

Your lips and tongue are highly sensitive because they are full of nerve endings. Therefore, when you french kiss someone, you will get the sensation of feeling their tongue touch your tongue, which can be an enjoyable (and arousing!) experience.

French kissing is an overall intimate and bonding experience between two lovers as it can increase the feelings they have for each other.

How To Perfect Your French Kiss?

Do you think you are a great French kisser? No matter how great you think you are, there is always room for improvement. Read on these 5 simple french kissing techniques to become a better kisser instantly! (1)

1. Look your partner in the eyes and smile

You have to look your partner directly in the eyes while giving them a little sexy smile. However, be careful not to stare at them for too long. Look at them just enough so you can let them know you want them and you find them attractive. 

2. Top lip – bottom lip

Start by kissing your partner’s top lip and then go to their bottom lip. And, then back to their top lip. Just make sure your lips don’t cover your partner’s mouth – that is not good. Begin with a soft kiss, so you have something from which you can work your way up toward a more passionate one. (2)

3. Introduce the tongue

Introduce your tongue gently and slowly into the kiss. But, don’t stick it out too far or keep it in your mouth. Your tongue shouldn’t go more than halfway out of your mouth. Then, start massaging your partner’s insides of their mouth with your tongue but don’t do it forcefully – try to make it feel natural.

4. Move around

When you are French kissing, keep your head moving but not too much and not too fast. However, you don’t want to stay in one place too long either – the kiss will be more passionate when there is more head movement.

5. Take breaks

An important part of the kissing process is taking breaks. Just think of the kiss as a wave crashing on the sand, and then it slowly retreats. The break of the kiss is the retreating part of the wave.

Finally, when you are done kissing, don’t forget to smile! That’s the cherry on top.

Clutter Is A Trigger Of Stress And Anxiety, Psychologists Say

Imagine this: you come home after having a hard day at work and the first thing you notice when you walk through the door is that the whole place looks like a bomb went off.

Your kids have made piles of clothes, books, and toys in their room, the kitchen sink has been cramped with dirty dishes, the coffee table has been covered with empty and half-filled cups, and let’s not forget your dog, which has knocked over a couple of flowerpots.

Well, if you’re like me, you’d start to have a panic attack and go nuts immediately. But don’t worry. You’re not crazy, and there’s nothing wrong with you. In fact, psychologists say that cluttered space triggers stress and anxiety.

Have you ever wondered what the fear of clutter is called? Well, the medical field doesn’t have a specific term for this disorder. However, psychologists call it “obsessive-compulsive disorder”, which is a disorder that happens when people have unwanted recurring thoughts, sensations, or ideas that make them feel obsessed and driven to do something compulsive, such as obsessive hand washing, or cleaning, etc.

What Is Clutter A Symptom Of?

People tend to keep stuff they don’t need or use, such as clothes, documents, photographs, furniture, souvenirs, or bills, because they associate them with memories and remind them of happier times in their lives. Here we can see the psychological elements of mess. One such element is the inability to make decisions that can define a person’s relationship to their belongings and space.

Other factors that cause people to retain things they don’t need or use any longer are attachment, guilt, low self-esteem, and grief.

In addition, clutter can indicate certain psychological conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with this condition fear that they may make wrong decisions or feel guilt or regret about throwing away stuff.

Moreover, a person who was raised in a cluttered environment is more likely to retain old stuff which they no longer use or need as an adult.

Does Clutter Cause Stress – Clutter Stress Syndrome?

Clutter causes stress, anxiety, and depression, according to 2009 research from the USA. The research found that the cortisol levels were higher in mothers who lived in cluttered houses (1).

8 Main Reasons Why Clutter Is A Trigger For Stress And Anxiety:

  • Clutter makes us feel overwhelmed since it exposes us to a lot of unimportant stimuli.
  • It makes it harder for us to relax mentally and physically.
  • It makes us feel guilty for not being more organized and embarrassed, especially when someone pays us an unexpected visit.
  • It takes our attention away from things we should focus on.
  • It sends our brains a signal that our work is never finished.
  • It hinders our productivity and creativity.
  • It makes us think about how we’re going to tidy up all the mess.
  • It frustrates us by making it more difficult to find what we need.

Does Clutter Cause Anxiety?

Yes, clutter can cause stress and anxiety. Researchers don’t know exactly why, but they speculate that it may be due to the fact that some people care about tidiness and can’t stand being in a disorganized space. Plus, they tend to associate peace and happiness with a clean house.

Here are 4 other ways in which clutter causes anxiety:

1. Clutter feels never-ending. Therefore, it is extremely overwhelming to see cluttered rooms. It seems as though you need enormous work and effort to clean it up.

2. Clutter will waste your time by distracting you and lowering your focus. It can make you unable to find things you are looking for, which can cause you to feel stressed.

3. Clutter can make you feel guilty because every time you look at it, you may berate yourself for not being more organized and tidy.

4. Clutter may decrease your productivity and creativity. Because when you are stressed out, you forget about being creative or properly doing something you need to do.

What Does Clutter Do To Your Brain?

Clutter has a deteriorating effect on the cognitive functions of our brain. Our brain likes order. It wants to look at organized things because, in that way, it is fully able to focus. On the other hand, looking at a messy home can reduce our ability to focus and think straight. Plus, the cognitive overload that is a result of clutter reduces our working memory.  (1)(2)

Removing clutter from your house and work environment can improve your focus and your ability to process information, as well as increase your creativity and productivity.(3)(4)

How Do You Deal With Clutter Anxiety

Living in a constant state of clutter over-stimulates your brain and prevents you from relaxing and focusing on more important issues as well as projects you need to complete. The tons of stuff scattered around your home constantly reminds you of all the tasks you need to fulfill. (5)

For many people, living in a cluttered environment causes feelings of embarrassment, shame, and guilt. It also causes them to feel anxious and a loss of control. All this can result in depression fast.

To overcome clutter anxiety, the first and most important thing you need to do is change your mindset. Once you do that, you can truly deal with your clutter and turn your home into a neat and organized space. In what follows, we’ve presented 7 steps you should take to deal with clutter anxiety.

1. Start Small

Many people think that in order to get rid of clutter, they need to declutter their entire home at once. But, this is wrong. 

What you should do is declutter one drawer, cabinet, wardrobe, or room at a time. For example, if you’re tackling the clutter from your dresser, don’t get rid of all your clothes at once. Instead, get rid of items that are torn or stained. After that, you can throw them away. Then take out items that you no longer use and can donate. Having fewer items in your dresser will make it easier to organize and keep it tidy.

2. Clean The Obvious Clutter

What we mean by “the obvious clutter” is the trash and the dishes in the sink. Having an empty and wiped sink and clean kitchen countertops, and taking out the trash that is built up will reduce your stress and anxiety and make you feel in control.

3. Don’t Blame Yourself

When your home is in a state of mess, you can easily begin blaming yourself for the clutter and feeling unproductive and useless. But, instead of engaging in negative self-talk, be proud of yourself for deciding to declutter your home and turn it into a beautiful, neat, livable space.

4. Observe How You Feel

You may have noticed that piles of clothes or dishes you didn’t even notice in the morning make you feel overwhelmed and anxious by the end of the day. Well, there’s a good reason for that. The thing is that the longer you are exposed to mess, the more it affects your mental state.

So, if you notice you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed for no reason, take a look at your environment. For example, if you realize that the clutter in your home is causing you to feel stressed and irritable, make sure you tackle it first prior to continuing to do other things around your house.

5. Reward Yourself

Once you’ve tackled some of the clutter in your home, don’t forget to reward yourself. For instance, if you cleared your wardrobes of clothes that don’t fit you anymore, go buy yourself a few comfortable and stylish pieces of clothes to replace them. Or, if you got rid of a couple of torn boots, buy a new pair of boots that you know you’ll wear the next winter season.

6. Keep A Gratitude Journal

When decluttering your environment, it’s a good thing to keep a gratitude journal where you’ll write about all your efforts that are improving the quality of your life. For example, ask yourself the following questions and write the answers in your gratitude journal: Do I spend less time looking for my keys in the morning before going to work? Do I get ready for work faster? Am I feeling calmer and more relaxed? Am I feeling more patient with my family? 

7. Be Consistent

Sometimes you’ll manage to tackle a small amount of clutter, and other times, you’ll manage to declutter an entire room. Sometimes the clutter will get worse, and you’ll feel unproductive. And that’s okay. What matters is that you stay consistent. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Tackle as many spaces as you can, one at a time.

Is clutter a mental illness? Or, more importantly, what does clutter do to your mental health?

Sadly, clutter doesn’t go away when we go to sleep. And our problems don’t stop there. In fact, sleeping in a cluttered room can cause you major sleep problems such as insomnia or disturbed sleep, which negatively affect your overall health (6) (7).

According to research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, clutter has a negative impact on the overall well-being of a person. For example, clutter causes stress, anxiety, and depression. Plus, another research has discovered that when you are in a cluttered room, you’re more likely to grab a bar of chocolate than an apple. Poor health choices have also been linked to clutter, which causes people living in cluttered homes to be overweight.

The Clutter-Depression-Anxiety Cycle

A cluttered environment can cause anxiety and depression, and one of these conditions or both can lead to a cluttered environment. It’s a vicious and never-ending cycle.

The only way to break this cycle is to shift your mindset. Find the strength and decide to declutter your home and part with items you no longer need or use.

Decluttering and organizing your environment will reduce your stress and anxiety. It’ll make you feel more relaxed and in control of your home. It’ll increase your energy levels and enable you to focus more on other projects and issues.

Can People Feel Pain From Clutter?

Yes. Clutter can make you experience pain that feels almost physical. When we keep buying things we don’t need, getting rid of them can be a painful experience. Namely, people with compulsive hoarding disorder keep possessions and buy unnecessary things which clutter their space, and removing them from their house can also be a trigger for anxiety and depression. (8)

People with hoarding disorder can feel physical pain when they throw away their items because the areas of the brain associated with pain get activated (the same regions that get started when you put your hand on a hot stove or slam your finger in a door).

Psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter says: “Clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and workspaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is Clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives.” 

So, the question is: Why is the mess stressful and anxiety-inducing?

If you are like me, you often question yourself: “Why am I so messy and disorganized?”

The answer is that people who are surrounded by clutter are often perfectionists. However, they lack the skills to organize their lives. You can’t blame yourself for that. Clutter stress syndrome is a mental disorder, but you can regain control over it and change your life.

If you are often late for meetings, if you always lose things and can’t find anything you need, if you hate deadlines, and if everything in your life seems chaotic – don’t worry. It can be solved with time and a good strategy.

Here’s how you can effectively do that, according to Carter:

1. If your house is full of stacks of clutter, don’t clean out things by yourself. Instead, get the whole family involved in decluttering.

You can do this by making each person responsible for one room. And if you are on your own, start by cleaning up the clutter in one room at a time and finish tidying up that area before moving on to the next one.

2. You can prevent clutter from invading your place by creating specific places for items you often use. In this way, you’ll be able to find what you are looking for faster and more easily.

Yet, avoid storing items on open shelves because you’ll still be able to see the clutter that triggers stress. Instead, store items in “closed” spaces, such as cabinets and drawers.

3. Get rid of things you don’t use, need, or want. Whether you’ll recycle it, donate it, or just toss it out, it doesn’t matter – make sure it no longer occupies a place in your home.

As for the items you rarely use, you can keep them in boxes (e.g., in the garage) so that you make more space for the things you use more commonly.

4. After you’ve finished using something, put it back to its designated place right away. In this way, you’ll prevent clutter from piling up all over the house.

5. Make a pending folder. This will benefit you in two ways. First, it’ll help you clear off your workspace. Secondly, it’ll make it easier for you to find pending projects.

6. Make sure you don’t let papers turn into piles. Go through all your newspapers, magazines, menus, flyers, and mail and get rid of those you don’t need.

7. Tidy up your workspace after you’ve finished working. In this way, you’ll feel more satisfied because you’ll know you’ve finished with your work, and I believe you’ll agree that it feels really good when you return to a clean space.  

8. Last but not least, don’t forget to make it fun. As you’re decluttering your home, put on your favorite songs. This way, not only will you enjoy the music, but the time will pass more quickly, and you’ll more likely work faster.

How Does Decluttering Reduce Stress?

If you’ve ever felt happier and calmer just because you decluttered your bedroom and got rid of so many things, know there’s a good reason – decluttering reduces stress. (9)

Decluttering and organizing a space enables you to take control of your environment and makes you feel calmer, more relaxed, and happier. Creating a relaxing and clean environment, in turn, helps you focus your attention on other projects you need to complete and more important problems in your life.

Another way decluttering decreases stress is by providing a sense of satisfaction, pride, and accomplishment. Getting rid of unnecessary stuff makes you feel more in control, more organized, and satisfied.

How To Stop A Narcissist From Hurting You

How To Stop A Narcissist From Hurting You

Sadly, I know the pain of being in a relationship with a narcissist. I know the tears. I know the anxiety. I know the struggle. I know how a heart breaks. When the mask of the one you imagined sharing your life with falls, then everything gets destroyed. 

How to Stop A Narcissist From Hurting You

First, you need to understand how and why they hurt you. 

A Narcissist is someone who most likely hurts you by projecting their unhealed wounds and traumas onto you. They may have felt abandoned, misunderstood, rejected, and not good enough in childhood that left a mark on them, and now they want to spew their wounds all over you and make you bleed as they have bled. 

The narcissist wants you to be responsible for them. They don’t want to be partnered up with you. They are not team players. And there is nothing you can do to satisfy a narcissist and make them feel happy and at peace. 

So, the narcissist will inevitably hurt you. However, in order to stop hurting yourself, you need to accept that you will never get the things that you want and need to have a healthy relationship with a narcissist. 

You can’t get blood out of a stone, and you can’t make someone behave the way you want them to behave when they don’t have the capacity to connect with you emotionally. 

So, stop hurting yourself and let the narcissist go. 

What Are the Signs That You’ve Been Broken by a Narcissist? 

A narcissist is someone who will destroy your whole life without you even realizing it. A narcissist will lie to you, abuse you, ridicule you, call you names, demean you, push you off your limits, and gaslight you to the point that you believe that it is all your fault and you deserve it.

The narcissist destroyed your sense of self forever. You were first idealized and adored, and then the narcissist pushed you off the pedestal and devalued you. The narcissist said horrible things to your face and then abandoned you. They left you in the destruction they have made. 

And then, after all the pain and trauma you have endured, the narcissist decides to show up and try to lure you in. They want a second chance – a second chance to destroy what was not destroyed the first time. 

Nothing in your relationship with the narcissist was good and normal. And even though you may not have visible scars and physical wounds, the psychological injuries are inside of you. You live daily with the trauma of being with a narcissist. 

So, if you recognize yourself in these 8 symptoms of being abused by a narcissist, then you may have suffered at the hands of a narcissist. 

1. You walk on eggshells around certain people. 

When you have been deeply hurt and broken by a narcissist, it is normal that your brain wants you to avoid anything that reminds you of the pain and the trauma you have experienced. So, that’s why you may find yourself walking your eggshells around them and the people that remind you of them so that you can avoid the drama and their wrath. 

2. You sacrifice yourself and your needs to please them and keep them from leaving you.

Once upon a time, you were optimistic, full of life, ambitious, and wanted to make your dreams reality. But, during your relationship with a narcissist, you start forgetting about yourself and your needs, and you cater to your partner’s needs because you fear they will abandon you. The sad thing is, they will leave you sooner or later, and they are never satisfied with what you are offering them, regardless of how much you give them. 

3. You stop trusting others. 

You have developed trust issues after your relationship with the narcissist. Because when the person you love betrays you, there is a big hole in your heart, and you will need a lot of healing in order to start believing in love again.

4. You isolate yourself. 

If you are a victim of narcissistic abuse, you certainly have felt the need to isolate yourself from anyone because you don’t want to deal with the shame of what you went through. You may also fear that no one will support or believe you, so withdrawing is your solution to escaping judgment from other people.

5. You compare yourself to other people and blame yourself for the end of the relationship.

It is typical for a narcissist to bring third parties into the relationship and make you feel as though you are not enough for them. And instead of you leaving, the narcissist will play with your mind in such a way that you may think that it is all your fault and even try to “convince” the narcissist to leave other people and focus on you. With a narcissist, you compete ALL THE TIME. 

6. You sabotage yourself. 

When you have been abused for a long time, you may still find yourself hearing the voice and the words of your abuser, telling you you are incompetent and you don’t deserve anything good. This negative talk can still ring in your ears, and you may unknowingly sabotage yourself because you believe those words. Stop doing it. Stop ruining your goals and dreams. Stop ruining your life. You are worthy. And you deserve everything good. 

7. You gaslight yourself by protecting your abuser.

As a victim of narcissistic abuse, you may start minimizing, rationalizing, and even denying what you’ve gone through because you want to reduce the pain of knowing that the person you thought loved you is capable of treating you that way. So, you tell yourself they are not that bad, and maybe you have provoked them to act that way. 

What Do You Do When A Narcissist Breaks Your Heart

If you have survived in the hands of a narcissist, don’t worry – you are not alone. There are millions of survivors like you around the world. And they all are broken-hearted and fearful, just like you are. They are all traumatized. They have all experienced pain. And they all want to heal and move on with their lives.

So, the first step you should take in your healing process is to acknowledge what you have gone through. For instance, you can keep a journal and write about your experience with the narcissist. Speak your truth. Don’t let those negative feelings bottled up inside you. 

Ask for help whenever you feel anxious, lonely, scary, or depressed. It is good to have someone close to you you can trust to guide you in your healing process, be it a friend or a psychiatrist because it is not easy to leave and heal from an abusive relationship. The trauma bonds you form with your abuser are strong and are not easy to break. 

However, you can do it, and you are not alone. And it is worth doing it. It is worth saving your life.

How Do You Outdo A Narcissist?

First, don’t sink to their level. Narcissists are skilled manipulators. They love drama and fights. And you may feel like they win every time you fight with them, but it is not that they are good at it, but they know which buttons to push to make you angry. The narcissist likes seeing you lose control. So, avoid fights. They don’t lead anywhere. That’s the first step to conquering a narcissist.

Don’t give them any attention. Narcissists’ ego is always hungry for attention. Let them starve. 

Let them go and move on with your life. Don’t bother with them at all. 

And now, let me tell you a story about a girl who fell in love with a narcissist and how he broke her heart.

He came into her life like the most welcome guest. He was everything she ever wished for…or at least he seemed to be. He walked through her life, spreading his charm everywhere. That unexplainable charm… nobody could help themselves but fall for it.

And he left damaging footprints. He stepped on her self-confidence and self-worth so proudly, without any fear that he might harm her. And he did. He created a total mess in her head.

He set a fire and watched it burn. A narcissist broke her soft, fragile heart.

Now, even though this strong woman broke free from that toxic relationship, she can’t put the broken pieces of her heart together. She is still the victim of all the painful memories of the narcissistic abuse.

She feels empty and scared.

She feels lost. She can’t see through the darkness and find the light. She can’t choose the right path. This woman is broken in her thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

She can’t escape her memories; they have been haunting her everywhere. She fears them. She fears her new life. She is even scared to feel, so she avoids everything but fear. Her fear becomes her best company.

 She doesn’t trust anyone.

All those manipulations and tortures killed her last bit of hope for a better tomorrow. She lost her faith in people. She is scared to trust anyone. She already trusted and gave her heart to a narcissist.

What did he do? He played a disrespectful game with her heart. She betrayed her trust. Therefore, she is afraid to share her life with someone else.

She is afraid to love again.

This woman believed in true love, but she was never loved. She was manipulated. She was humiliated. Because of that, she feels she doesn’t deserve to be loved. She feels incapable of giving love.

His heart was torn apart. How can a broken heart flutter again with the same warmth? Love has brought her nothing more than pain.

She needs someone who will heal the wounds of her heart.

This woman needs someone who will accept and respect her. A helping hand that will lead her through the dark storm, someone who will fill her heart with love and her spirit with faith and hope.

This woman needs someone with whom she will forget the past and enjoy all the beauty of the present moment. She needs someone who will heal her broken heart and make her whole again.

She needs someone who will show her what real love looks like.

This woman needs someone who will be with her through thick and thin, someone who will never give up on her no matter what happens.

She needs someone who will be everything that the narcissist wasn’t.

To all women whose heart has been broken by a narcissist: You deserve to be loved the right way. Believe in yourself. Keep your head up and your wonderful heart strong.

The best is yet to come.

Living Free Psychology – Marriage Counselling Online

Living Free Psychology - Marriage Counselling Online

Signs You Might Need Marriage Counselling

Marriage is a journey filled with highs and lows, triumphs and trials. While every relationship has its fair share of challenges, there are times when professional help might be necessary to navigate the complexities. Here are some signs that you might need marriage counselling to restore harmony and understanding in your relationship.

Communication Breakdown

One of the most common indicators that you might need marriage counselling online is a breakdown in communication. If conversations with your partner often turn into arguments or if you feel like you’re not being heard, it’s a clear sign that professional guidance could be beneficial. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, and a counsellor can help you and your partner develop better communication strategies.

Persistent Conflict

Every couple experiences disagreements, but when conflicts become frequent and intense, it might be time to seek help. If you and your partner are constantly at odds, unable to resolve issues, or if the same arguments keep resurfacing without resolution, marriage counselling can provide the tools needed to address and manage conflicts constructively.

Emotional Distance

Feeling emotionally disconnected from your partner can be deeply distressing. If you notice a growing emotional gap, where you no longer share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, it might indicate underlying issues that need attention. A counsellor can help bridge this gap, fostering a deeper emotional connection and understanding between you and your partner.


Infidelity can shatter the trust in a relationship. Whether it’s an emotional affair or a physical one, dealing with the aftermath can be incredibly challenging. Marriage counselling offers a safe space to address the pain, rebuild trust, and work towards forgiveness and healing.

Life Transitions

Major life changes, such as having a baby, moving to a new city, or career shifts, can put a strain on a marriage. These transitions can lead to stress and anxiety, affecting the dynamics of your relationship. Counselling can help you navigate these changes together, ensuring that both partners feel supported and understood.

Lack of Intimacy

Intimacy is a vital aspect of any marriage. If you’ve noticed a decline in physical or emotional intimacy, it might be time to seek help. A counsellor can assist in identifying the root causes of this decline and work with you to rekindle the connection and intimacy in your relationship.

Financial Stress

Money matters can be a significant source of tension in a marriage. Differing spending habits, financial goals, or debt can lead to frequent arguments and stress. Marriage counselling can help couples develop a unified approach to managing finances, reducing conflict and fostering financial harmony.

Parenting Differences

Raising children is a rewarding yet challenging task that can bring up differing parenting styles. Disagreements on discipline, education, or general child-rearing practices can create friction between partners. A counsellor can provide strategies to align your parenting approaches and strengthen your partnership in raising your children.

Considering Separation

If thoughts of separation or divorce have crossed your mind, it’s crucial to seek help before making any drastic decisions. Marriage counselling can offer a space to explore these feelings, understand their origins, and work towards finding a resolution that considers both partners’ wellbeing.

Feeling Stuck

Sometimes, couples feel like they are stuck in a rut, with no idea how to move forward. If you feel like your relationship has hit a standstill and you’re unsure how to reignite the spark, counselling can provide new perspectives and tools to help you and your partner rejuvenate your relationship.

Would your marriage benefit from counselling?

If you recognise any of these signs in your relationship, it might be time to consider marriage counselling. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of failure but a proactive step towards building a stronger, healthier relationship. By addressing issues early and with professional support, you can navigate challenges more effectively and foster a deeper, more fulfilling connection with your partner.