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The Dangers Of DIY: 7 Major Risks Of The Self-Move

Moving to a new home is as exciting as it is nerve-wracking. While the excitement about the new life and experiences awaiting ahead will be challenging to contain, glimpses in your rearview mirror can welcome a rush of bittersweet nostalgia. On the side of the spectrum, squirm-inducing anxiety about incoming responsibilities ahead, like finding a house, can creep in at a moment’s notice, leaving you flustered. 

To avoid letting moving stress get the best of you, you may attempt to assume full control of the process, from packing up your belongings to transporting your vehicle. While opting for the DIY approach to moving can save you big bucks, this seemingly brave decision may cause more harm than good. 

Sure, moving alone saves you the money for hiring professionals and helps you evade the hassle of finding the right people. However, are the risks of self-move worth the benefits of saving on professional assistance?

For an inside look into the risks that you take by forfeiting professional help, read on to understand both the hidden and unhidden potential hiccups of doing away with professional assistance when moving. 

Higher expenses

The expenses involved in hiring professional help can persuade any penny-pinching homeowner to forgo moving services altogether. 

However, thinking that you’ll rack up significant savings during your DIY-friendly move is a common misconception that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The harsh reality is that you’re likely to spend more on a solo move, especially if moving to a far distance.

Because the costs of taking time off work to manage the process, packing materials, and renting a moving truck often escape the minds of relocating families, it’s easy to buy into the idea that DIY is a straight shot to savings. But don’t be fooled by these misleading advertisements. 

Between spending money on repairing or replacing items damaged or lost in the process and forking over gas money, these expenses can quickly accumulate and eventually surpass the costs of hiring professionals. 

Damaged items

Another common misconception is that a DIY approach to moving is the easiest way to avoid dented coffee tables, shattered mirrors, and scraped sofas. On the contrary, chances of damaged goods are higher if you move on your own.

First, since you are unfamiliar with the packing techniques for different items, you may fail to pack your belongings well. 

Additionally, you may be unfamiliar with packing your items in the moving truck, let alone driving without having the goods troop over, shift or bump into each other during the move.

Similarly, your lack of experience on the long, open roads may spell disaster for your vehicle’s exterior. Sure, a cross-country road trip may sound doable in the moment. However, one wrong turn and you’ll find yourself headed towards a costly collision or damage-inducing road debris. 

Fortunately, with professional auto shipping companies like Guardian Auto Transport (https://guardianautotransport.com/) there to take the responsibility of car shipping off your hands, you can evade these possible traveling risks and get to your destination without any mishaps.

Damaged property

If you’re moving alone, it’s more than likely that you don’t have the right moving equipment (i.e., a dolly, furniture sliders, and a moving blanket) on standby. In case you do, chances are you don’t know how to use it properly. As a result, you may leave behind damage in your old house or start off on the wrong foot by denting your new home’s door frames, walls, or baseboards.  In some cases, you might risk damaging the moving truck itself. 

For instance, if you lack furniture pads, you risk having scratched floors, broken tiles, and damaged hardwood floors. On the same note, if you don’t have thick protective blankets, you may create dents and chips on the walls and around the tight corners.

Physical injuries

Your primary focus when moving is the safety of your knick-knacks and can’t-live-withouts. Unfortunately, your laser focus on the well-being of your belongings makes it easy for safety precautions to slip your mind. Remember, the heavy lifting involved puts you and those helping you at risk of injuries.

You might strain your back, sprain an ankle or pull a muscle. Moreover, you could fall or drop a heavy object on yourself or somebody else, thus sustaining injuries. You can dodge these moving disasters by calling in professional help, as these moving experts have ready access to the right moving tools and know-how to use them.

Lost time

Self-moving is not only expensive but also time-consuming. You will spend time finding the right moving vehicle, packing your items, loading them into the truck, driving, and later unloading and unpacking.

Given your lack of experience in these tasks, you’ll likely spend more than double the hours a professional would spend on menial moving tasks.  

When you hire professionals, they handle all your tasks, start to finish, allowing you to focus on pertinent paperwork for your new house and saying goodbye to your old life and neighbors.

As a bonus, assembling a team of professionals means you’ll be able to wrap up the process in record time, eliminating select moving inconveniences.

Low security

Security is highly compromised during a move. You need to closely watch your old house, new house, and moving truck to ensure that everything you own is safe. Overseeing the safety of your personal belongings during a self-move is easier said than done. 

However, moving companies are always on the lookout to ensure security risks aren’t within eyeshot. Additionally, these professional moving services offer comprehensive insurance policies that will protect you in the case of losses.

You affect your relationship with friends

When opting for a DIY move, you may ask your friends or neighbors to help lift heavy or awkwardly shaped items in hopes of avoiding the costs of professional movers. While this is a good idea on paper, it may later cost you this relationship.

How? For starters, your friends may feel inconvenienced or even endangered when tasked with spending their free time carrying around bulky furniture. Because there’s always a risk of sustaining an injury mid-move, they may blame their injuries on your lack of foresight. If you’re leaving this group of friends behind, you won’t want your last memory with them to be sweat-stained with taxing physical labor. 

Additionally, some people you invite may throw their hands up in defeat at the first sight of your armoire or might fail to show up, leaving you to grapple with disappointment that could affect your relationship in the long term. 

Is it possible to have a 100% successful move?

Entrusting your hard-earned belongings with a total stranger is no small feat. Nevertheless, hiring professionals to help you make your relocation safer, cheaper, and faster. 

With a professionally-trained moving team in your corner,  you’ll have more time to deal with the emotions of leaving your old life and welcoming the new one. 

What Is the Best Way To Remove Calluses?

Are you a dedicated weightlifter, passionate ballerina, or devoted guitar player? If so, you might consider calluses a sign of all your hard work and are, therefore, something to be proud of. However, these hardened patches of skin are a very different story for the rest of the human race.

To many, calluses are more sources of annoyance and irritation than markings of pride and diligence. That is why we’d rather have them removed than let them take permanent residence on our skin.

Callused feet and hands may prove useful in a sport or hobby, but you won’t need them for much other than that. So, for soft and smooth feet and hands, consider some of these safe practices for removing calluses.

Tips for Safe Callus Removal

Many of us are prone to doing repeated rubbing actions that result in calluses. So, chances are, we may need to apply the following tips to remove these thickened sections in our skin.

1. Leave Them Be

If you’re not in a rush to get rid of your calluses, leave them alone. Just keep whatever you’re doing that’s causing them to a minimum, and they should be out of your hair in no time. Avoid wearing high heels when you can, and replace those too-tight running shoes with a pair that fits just right.

2. Keep New Calluses From Forming

Calluses get out of hand when new layers keep forming over the old ones. You can keep this from happening by avoiding activities that contribute to callus formation in the first place.

If you can’t, keep them at a minimum or wear paddings in areas where most of the friction happens. Add moleskin padding when wearing shoes or heels, and use gloves when doing household tasks that are wearing on the hands.

3. Soak Them

Soften up those existing calluses while giving yourself a relaxing spa-like experience by soaking them in soapy water. Mixing in any soap should do, but some experts recommend using Epsom salts for optimal results.

Not only do Epsom salts have anti-inflammatory qualities, but they also have a gritty surface that scrapes away at those hardened layers effectively. Use this tip to make the next one easier.

4. Sand Them

Once your skin has been softened by sudsy Epsom-infused water, submerge a foot file or a similar item in the water for a couple of seconds and rub over it with your raw layers.

Remember not to go too far, as you could end up removing the entire callus. You will still need to maintain a thick-enough hardened layer to protect that area of the skin from pressure. Fine-grain sandpaper, pumice stone, and an emery board are all good-enough substitutes for a foot file.

5. Moisturize

Lather specifically formulated moisturizer for thickened skin on your hands and feet to keep these areas soft and… well, moisturized! You have a ton of great options to choose from these days, but a good old-fashioned Vaseline should prove as effective as any of them.

To complete the process, pull a pair of socks on before bed so that the moisturizer can work its magic overnight. For the hardened layers on your palms and fingers, use a good hand cream before pulling on a pair of soft gloves and letting the application do its work while you rest.

6. Exfoliate

Urea has proven to be exceptional at exfoliating, so introduce some to your calloused skin and watch those hardened layers practically peel off on your next soaking session. Creams containing salicylic acid are effective, and they also gently discard these rough skin patches.

However, professional advice is necessary where exfoliation is concerned. The process involves harsher ingredients that your skin might not be able to tolerate. Some of the chemicals in these products might also exacerbate an existing skin condition. Thus, don’t buy if you don’t get the all-clear from your podiatrist or dermatologist.

7. Use a Medicated Patch

If it’s just a tiny callus in a specific spot, you can try getting rid of it by applying a medicated patch. Mediplast and Callus Removers by Dr. Scholl’s are excellent options for softening smaller sections of hardened skin. However, they may not be applicable for larger calloused areas on your foot.

If you aren’t sure if they would work in your case, check with your dermatologist. He or she can help you find a way around it or recommend other less-complicated home remedies.

Only Remove When They Get Out of Hand

Having a layer of calluses might serve you better than having none at all. These hardened patches form for a reason—they provide a protective covering for areas that frequently encounter friction. Plus, they do this without compromising your ability to feel the ground you’re walking on.

You might argue that cushioned shoes can offer the protection your feet need, but they will also reduce tactile sensitivity. Thus, it’s never a good idea to get rid of calluses completely. In fact, you can leave just enough for optimal foot and hand protection without compromising aesthetics.

What Are 3 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship?

Unhealthy relationships can be as complicated and toxic to deal with, despite getting emotional support from friends and loved ones.

As such, many prefer professional counseling to preserve the relationship or determine the best course of action.

If you’re searching for one, you can get relationship advice on Mend the Bond to see how they can help.

Regardless if you’re handling it yourself or with a pro, it’s essential to be aware of the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship.

Let’s identify the three most prominent indications.

Lack of Communication

One of the most prevalent difficulties in relationships is a lack of communication, leading to break up or separation.

People are social creatures, meaning we have a strong need to belong and connect with others, especially loved ones.

Healthy interactions can be helpful during stressful days and overall well-being.

Just like with family, proper communication is absolute in a romantic relationship because it’s the most direct way of knowing what’s going on in their lives.

It might be difficult to express feelings at times, but it is necessary to preserve a healthy connection.

The lack of communication is devastating for many because it could mean a lot of negative things.

Indifference, infidelity, or hate are the usual causes.

Effects of Lack of Communication


When you’re not talking or interacting with anyone, the feeling of being alone becomes a strongly negative emotion.

After you’re treated this way for a long time, it could lead to low self-confidence and, in some scenarios, self-loathing and other negative feelings.

Lack of communication because of infidelity can cause loneliness, but it can also be the opposite.

Frequent Arguments

Constant bickering and nagging are the most immediate effect of lack of communication.

Since you’re not in sync anymore with your partner regarding most things, misunderstandings are a common theme.

Smoothing it out in a cordial manner is out of the window because communication or interaction is evidently lacking.


Once partners are not constantly updating each other, chances are one or both will lose interest over time.

It would be very challenging to maintain the excitement of being together if there is little to no sharing of what is happening.


Movies and television shows usually portray relationship abuse when a person gets hit by their partner or forces sexual intercourse.

It may give you the impression that abuse is only physical, but other types of abuse are more subtle.

We will focus on non-physical abuse since it’s not getting too much attention, like the more visual ones.

Verbal Abuse

When it comes to abuse, this is the most common and, unfortunately, most ignored or even accepted by some in a relationship.

In general, verbal abuse happens when a partner uses berating or passive-aggressive words that cause the other emotional harm.

As a result, the receiving party will feel inadequate, loses self-confidence, or in severe cases, physical retaliation.

Usual forms of verbal abuse are name-calling, rude remarks, and making threats.

The popular subtle types of verbal abuse are callous and constant correcting, gaslighting, and silent treatment.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse in a relationship occurs when one partner is deliberately demeaning and scares the other to take complete control.

When this happens, the people who are being abused may have their perception of reality distorted because of how their partner manipulates their sense of understanding.

For example, the partner who cheats will blame the other because apparently, it’s their fault that the infidelity happened.

Abusers would use reasons such as the lack of qualities of the other, not getting enough attention, or blaming their circumstances.

Financial Abuse

As the name implies, it’s about the partner controlling the finances of the other.

This abuse is more prevalent in married couples, starting from making most of the buying decisions to not allowing the other to hold money.

Having credit cards or ATMs is also out of the question.

In some cases, financial abusers will not let their partners earn on their own to be entirely dependent on them for having a living.

That’s why those who managed to get out in such abusive relationship finds it challenging to get jobs due to lack of skills and job experience.

No Affection or Passion

When it comes to warning signs, this is arguably the most telling one.

One of the privileges of being in a relationship is having the freedom to be sweet, caring, and affectionate towards your partner.

The frequency and intensity might fade a bit over time, but they shouldn’t drastically drop or disappear completely.

In relationships, especially married couples, a sudden decrease in sexual gestures or desire could be more than just a lack of energy or time.

It could either be stress, unfaithfulness, or dissatisfaction.


There’s plenty of signs to look out for when it comes to unhealthy relationships.

Still, working through it might get messy in the long run if the signs are not disappearing.

It’s time to pop the question if it’s still worth salvaging when this happens.

Is Dating Online Worth It? 5 Reasons It Is

Online dating has been around for over two decades. Given its convenience, vast memberships, and wide reach, many prefer it over going on a blind date or taking chances at meeting someone at the bar. However, some still wonder if it’s worth their time and investment.

Why Try Online Dating

If you’re skeptical about dating online, here are the top five reasons why you should get on a date online.

It’s an easy way to meet people.

Millions of Americans participate in online dating, but why? One of its most significant advantages is that you’ll get access to a network of people who are also in search of true love.

Online dating sites can introduce you to far more people than you could ever meet at the bar or the gym. They work great for relationship-seekers who live busy lifestyles and don’t have time to go out for a blind date.

It sees no boundaries.

Meeting new people and dating is hard work. Good thing, the internet opens dating opportunities beyond your geographical location.

Online dating sites have helped many people address feelings of isolation and fear. Even without going out, you’ll still have a way to meet new people and, hopefully, find true love. Even if you’re in the U.S. but interested to meet people from Russia, for example, you can simply hop over to the most popular Russian dating sites.

If you’re looking for someone in India, Africa, Latin America, or anywhere else in the world, you don’t have to travel right away. You can connect with potential dates from all over the world. Many sites are accessible via a mobile device, so using them is very convenient.

You can “filter” who you date.

Many dating sites offer personality tests and matching services. These features allow you to connect with only the people you find most interesting.

Whether you’re after a foreign partner, a self-driven professional like you, a passionate artist, or someone with the same sexual orientation, many dating sites let you find exactly the kind of people you want to meet.

However, you must choose a dating site that maintains a high authenticity rate for its members. Reputable sites conduct thorough verification checks to ensure that members are only posting truthful information about themselves.

It lets you connect with people who share your interests.

Do you like dating someone older or younger than you? How about the same age? Are you looking for someone of a specific ethnicity? Does having the same religion matter to you?

While compatibility isn’t the most crucial factor in a relationship over the long term, it is important, especially in the first stage of dating. Compatibility sparks attraction. It also sparks excitement and relatability. When you can relate to the other person, dating becomes a lot more interesting.

Online dating can be exhausting, given the number of people you can meet on a single site or app. Some of the top dating sites have millions of subscribers, so finding the one can be a daunting task.

Good thing, most dating sites can narrow down your network to the people who are most compatible with you. You can limit your online interaction to only those who share your interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

You set the pace for interactions.

Another advantage of online dating is that it lets you set the pace for the interactions. Aside from having control over who you meet, you also have better control over how to set things through.

One common piece of advice in dating is to take things slow. This gives you a chance to get to know a person at a deeper level. Since you’re not meeting the person in real life yet, you won’t feel rushed or pressured to take the relationship to the next level.

How To Get the Most Out of Online Dating

Finding true love is a mixed experience. It’s fun and exciting, but it’s definitely not easy. You also don’t want to waste your time. To get the most out of online dating, here are some tips:

  • Know which dating site or app will fulfill your specific needs.
  • Request a quick video call before your meetup. There are many things you can’t pick up on through photos or chats.
  • Do your research. With most people on social media today, doing a quick Google search to know more about that person is a great idea. That way, you’d be able to tell if a person is honest about what they put in their profile.
  • Choose a go-to spot near you for the first meetups. Even if you’ve been interacting online for quite some time, it’s impossible to know if the relationship will work out. Again, take things slow.


Online dating is one of the greatest technologies in the 21st century. While it can be problematic to date a stranger, online dating has proven to be an effective way to meet new people and spark a satisfying relationship.

If you choose the right dating site and take the time to know the other person more, you can be successful in finding a partner. Hopefully, that person will be your partner for life.

5 Must-Have Components For a Well-Balanced Diet

A healthy and well-balanced diet is suitable for both physical and psychological health. Following a well-balanced diet and some components of it can reduce the risk of having chronic diseases. Besides getting pleasant emotions from food and enjoying the taste, we need to remember that food is also a source of vital nutrients, vitamins, and energy. Not all foods are bad or good. It’s about the balance of it that we need to maintain. So the choice of daily healthy food and the tradition of a well-balanced diet will reflect your body only in a positive way.

A well-balanced diet is about getting specific proportions of every food group that will provide our body with the right nutrition for the body’s proper function. There are five must-have components for a well-balanced diet that will lead to a healthy body and mind.

1.  Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals are micronutrients that are vital for our body’s proper functioning and healthy condition. They support metabolic processes, are responsible for strong bones and teeth, help muscle and nerve functions, and are considered a source of energy and brain work.

Each vitamin and mineral has its function for the body. You can find vitamins in minerals, mostly in fresh fruits and vegetables that contain a high “dose” of Vitamin C. Also, rabbit meat is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals (Vitamin B3 and B12). Thus, it has a well-balanced dose of vitamins and minerals for daily dietary and nutritional requirements.

2.  Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide our bodies with a significant amount of energy. It gives power in the form of glucose which enriches our brain and muscles with strength. There are simple and complex carbohydrates, so the complex is the healthy ones that our body needs. Therefore, choose appropriately from the complex carbs and include them in your well-balanced diet, such as brown rice, whole grains-wheat, fruits, vegetables, etc.

3.  Protein

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which create block cells in our body. Protein is responsible for making new cells and repairing the old ones. It’s vital during growth and development during life, especially for children when their bones, muscles, and tissues are being formulated. In addition, protein boosts the immune system and protects the body from viruses and bacteria. Dairy products like milk, curd, and nuts, eggs, fish, and meat are a source of protein that must be included in a daily diet with balanced proportions. According to PubMed research, processed and red meats may increase the risk of cancer and other diseases.

 4.  Fats

Fats are also considered a great energy source, and 35% of daily calories should contain fats. Fats are responsible for the absorption of vitamins in our bodies and protect internal organs. But using too many fats can be harmful and not healthy. Healthy or unsaturated fats are contained in chicken, eggs, nuts, and others. Be aware of using products that contain saturated fats such as pork, butter, cream.

5.  Water

You can forget about a healthy and well-balanced diet if you don’t drink water. Water is a vital nutritional product for our body, which helps metabolic functions to become easier, it regulates body temperature, and removes toxins from your body. It’s an individual thing the daily amount of drinking water considering the personal needs, the level of activity, age and other individual factors. But it will be perfect to drink about 7-8 glasses of water a day. 


Protein has a significant role in your body, and it implements many vital functions and activities. For example, it keeps the immune system healthy, formulates solid muscles and tissues, helps the metabolic processes, and protects from viruses by creating strong immunity. So it will be perfect for your health to consume healthy food, keep physical activity and be attentive not to catch harmful diseases.

How to Turn a Job Resignation into Greater Happiness and Fulfillment By Dr. Beau A. Nelson, DBH, LCSW

No one, whether a boomer, millennial or Gen Z, has been spared the disruption of the pandemic. The experience has inspired self-reflection and life adjustments on the part of many Americans.

A case in point: “The Great Resignation.” Millions of Americans have left jobs, adjusted career paths, or stepped out of the workforce entirely. 4 million Americans quit their jobs in July 2021 alone, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For anyone who may be thinking about joining them, one question might be how to find greater happiness and fulfilment in the process. The following tips may help.

  1. Acknowledge anxiety and reframe negative thoughts. The fact that many people are changing their work and life paths in response to the pandemic is very interesting from a psychological perspective.

Often, the loss of a job can be anxiety-producing. This anxiety is often a natural response in times of uncertainty. In addition to emotions like fear and dread, there can be the thoughts: “What will I do?” “How will I support myself?” “Will I never be able to get another job again?”

If similar thoughts come to mind when resigning from a job, it may be helpful to consider that with so many people re-evaluating their workplaces, career choices, and the future, a job resignation might not be so scary after all. It might even be freeing. Doing something that challenges and stretches you can be liberating and open up improved quality of life.

  1. Prioritize your time and how you want to spend it. It is said that time is the most precious commodity. Time also cannot be saved up: It must be spent as it is earned, and there is no guarantee when the account will go to zero. This reality becomes especially clear when tragedy strikes. A natural disaster. The loss of a loved one. A societal crisis like COVID. These things can be opportunities for self-reflection and to re-evaluate one’s direction in life.

The same can be true with quitting a job. It can be a process of becoming more self-aware, getting out of autopilot mode, and taking stock of one’s life. This may lead down an entirely new path toward a very different destination, one that is happier and more fulfilling.

  1. Take stock of where you are on your journey and your desired destination. Leaving a job can be a chance to decide where you want to go, much like a long road trip. On a road trip, it helps to have a sense of direction. The mechanics of getting there are also important. One needs to know where to turn off and merge with other traffic, where to stop off and take a food or bathroom break, and how to pace the drive.

When taking stock of your personal journey, consider your quality of life. How well does a job or potential career align with the quality of life that you desire?

A survey of employees cited in an article in Inc. noted that employees are “restless,” with 54 per cent of the survey sample saying they were looking for something new. The crux of the insight was that people are seeking a satisfying career path and want to know where they are going. (1)

By quitting a job, one is saying “no” to the old and “yes” to something new. Consider what new something you may be seeking.

  1. Be realistic. Nobody’s first job is going to be Chairman of the Board of a Fortune 500 company. When considering what factors will be necessary to career movement and success, be realistic about your skills, age, experience, and innovative bent. Simply taking stock is itself a way to deeper fulfillment and self-growth.

It has been said that happiness is not the destination but the journey. Taking time to look at the map and plan the logistics of the trip, based on new information, is good. Similarly, choosing to identify and consciously make the type of changes that might improve quality of life can be transforming.

Take the time to look at your work, reflect on your aspirations, or maybe seek out a mentor or coach to help. Whatever may come of the effort, the simple act of “touching base” with oneself may lead to new open doors.





Dr. Beau A. Nelson, DBH, LCSW, is Chief Clinical Officer at the national behavioral health provider FHE Health.

Why do you need to attend the CoinGeek conference?

CoinGeek conference

CoinGeek New York is finally here. The conference is a three-day power-packed event that takes place in New York Times Square and is open to thousands of virtual participants across the world, along with in-person attendees at the Sheraton Times Square. The event features top blockchain experts from across the globe. Among the speakers of the event are famed economist and best-selling author George Gilder; Brayoun Bryant, software engineer at Handcash; Robert Rice, founder and CEO of Transmira Inc., among other powerful experts.

You need to attend the event because experts discuss trending topics in the blockchain world and the future of the technology, including NFTs, esports and blockchain, iGaming, AR, VR, the Metaverse, and blockchain regulations, payment technologies, among others. The event also features a hackathon and giveaways for participants.

 How to participate in the conference

To participate in this powered-packed blockchain conference, you will have to download CoinGeek Conferences. This mobile app allows you to join the conference from the comfort of your room. The application is available in Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Once you download the application, register for Coingeek New York and connect with like-minded individuals online.

The application contains a detailed overview of all the events that will take place during the conference; there is an in-app messaging tool that allows participants to interact about the event. You can also connect the application to your Twitter account to Tweet about what is taking place at the conference.

CoinGeek New York’s Conference agenda

The conference will be attended by speakers and participants from all over the world; the conference was opened by Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen, who talked about the event’s theme, “It’s About Time,” and what you can expect from the three-day event.

The first day will heavily feature the usefulness of blockchain online games and esports. Speakers like David Case, the CTO of FYX Gaming, will talk about the various ways blockchain can shape the future of gaming technology. Day one of the events will also feature a talk about blockchain solutions for compliance in gaming. AR and VR technology will also be talked about at the event.

The second day of the event will feature a talk about how consumers and businesses can benefit from an improved Bitcoin wallet. Robin Kohze, co-founder and CEO of Vaionex Corporation, will talk about enterprise wallet solutions for Bitcoin, climate change, compliance, Healthcare, and blockchain and the usefulness of NFTs in books, cash flow, and music will be discussed on the second day of the event.

The event’s final day will feature discussions about tokenization and the future of digital assets, stablecoin, equity, and custody with BSV, the future of trading and asset management will also be a discussion on the second day of the event. Blockchain and supply chains, blockchain application in the private and government sectors, better internet using blockchain, the future of fighting crimes using blockchain, and how you can use blockchain to create value in the real world.

Rewards for users

One of the major reasons you need to attend the event is the rewards that will be given to selected participants. Participants of this event can download Omniscape XR, an AR and VR application that introduces users to a world of experimental reality (XR) which allows users to scan their surroundings for 3D objects. Once you download the app on Google Play or Apple Appstore, you will be required to input your HandCash account or your Paymail address. $5,000 in BSV will be distributed to app users during the event.

Things You Should Know about an Insurance Policy Before Buying One

Many factors play a role in everything you do or decide to do. No matter you are a job doer or a businessman; you need to be sure about what you are looking for. The same is the thing with health policies. If you are planning to go for an insurance plan, make sure that you choose one after considering all the aspects like gst on insurance premium, the overall payment and savings and more. After all, the more you are thoughtful about things, the better you can make a choice.

There are so many companies these days that get you amazing options in insurance plans. Of course, the world is growing and so are the opportunities. But if you are not a smart person, you may not be able to make the most of them. The thing is there are always good options and then not so good options. You need to be thoughtful about what you are looking for before you make a choice. Now, specifically, when you think of protecting your family members and yourself from unseen financial burdens because of any sudden health problems, go for a wise insurance plan. Here are some things that you should keep in your mind before you choose for any option.

What do you want the insurance for?

The foremost thing that you need to be sure is the reason you are looking for an insurance. Do you want the insurance plan to ensure that you are safe in the times of health problems? Well, or you want to get one plan for income tax saving? Well, in both the cases, it would be wise if you go through manifold options in insurance plans and policies. Look for the options and then choose on the bases of how much premium you have to pay and what would be the Mediclaim amount you get and so on. Once you are clear about the perks you would get out of a specific policy or plan, you can be much more confident about what you get.

Now, if you are going to get a family insurance plan for your family members, make sure that you do not end up buying one that is not good. Some people do not even aware that there are individual plans and family plans. They simply end up buying individual policies for every person of the family. What is the thing if you are getting individual policies for every single family member and end up paying premiums for each of them? Come on, it would be too tedious and demanding.

On the other hand, if you go for a family plan, you will need to pay premium for one policy and you are done covering all your family members.  There would not be like managing different policies or so on. A single policy is going to work for you. Hence, you can be confident that you get the perfect experience for your family members and that too in the right manner.

What is the waiting period?

Then there are always waiting periods in the health insurance plans. Make sure that you look into it once you choose one. After all, some of the plans have different durations for the waiting period. It would be good if you have least possible waiting period. Often people check waiting period even before they check the premium to be paid. After all, nobody wants that when they want to avail the health assistance, they need to be in the queue to get the insurance funds. So, what do you feel about this? Don’t you feel you need to be really careful about it? Once you keep the waiting period in mind, you can be sure that you choose one that would not get you hassle at the time of you acquiring it.

Evaluate the reputation of the insurance service

Then it is one thing that you are getting an insurance health plan, then the other aspect is from where? Make sure that you pick an insurance plan that works wonderfully for you. You need to be thoughtful about what you seek and from where. Now, what is the point if you are looking into insurance plans with a professional service that is not at all reputed? Such a thing would end up in shallow options only. You may end up with the insurance plans that are ineffective and unwanted. Remember, once you keep the reputation of the service provider in mind, you can be more thoughtful and confident about what they bring to you. After all, it matters if the company has a decent reputation or a bad one. A good, reputed service always tries to get you the best experience, effective outcomes a time. They would even be happy to assist you with what type of plan is apt for you and how much GST is going to be on a specific insurance plan for insurance premium. After all, what can be better than getting insurance policy that too with proper guidance and assistance?


Thus, be thoughtful about all the things that you come across this post today before you choose any Care Insurance plan.

How to Help Your Loved One Overcome Addiction 

Addiction is an extremely difficult disorder to overcome and it’s incredibly hard to watch a loved one go through troubling times. Addiction can appear in many different forms; you can become addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and even food. 

When people develop this type of biopsychosocial disorder it’s important that they have a great support system around them. If you have a loved one in your life that is struggling with addiction, here are seven steps that you can take to help them overcome it… 

Create a Safe Space 

Before you even begin to tackle this issue, it’s important that you create a safe space in which to do so. A safe space can mean different things to different people, but generally speaking, this refers to a physical environment or emotional relationship filled with trust, transparency, and honesty. Whether your safe space is a cabin in the woods, or your relationship with a best friend, it’s a place where you can be yourself and express your feelings without judgement. 

Expect a Difficult Conversation 

Addiction is not an easy thing to recover from, which is why conversations surrounding this topic are extremely difficult to have. Many addicts live in denial, and they refuse to accept the facts. You need to leave your judgement at the door and make the point that change is possible. They have the ability to improve their life and regain control, all they need to do is reach out and get the help they need. 

Never Enable Their Behaviour 

Addiction can consume anyone, your mother, your son, or even your best friend. It gets extremely complicated when somebody you love is in this sort of trouble, but you should never enable their behaviour. Don’t try to hide their addiction and never give them money to fuel their addiction either. These are hard boundaries to set but if you want to help them get sober, you’ll need to respect them.

Take Care of Yourself Too 

Although this article is geared at helping your loved one, you should also consider your own health during the recovery process. Helping a friend or family member overcome their addiction can be very taxing on your emotions and even your own physical health. It’s essential that you find support for yourself too. 

Seek Professional Help 

Addiction can be difficult to deal with on your own and sometimes only a professional will know how to deal with the situation. If you feel like you could benefit from this service, take a look at IOP resource guides to help you make the correct decision. Drug or alcohol abuse normally stems from something much deeper like a psychological problem. A professional can help navigate the nuances of your loved one’s recovery journey. 

Find a Support Group

Having a support group will make all the difference for your loved one. They need to confide in people who are going through similar situations. It’s also a great way for your loved ones to make new friends that will guide them down the right path. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are two of the most popular addiction support groups.  

Get Involved  

When addicts start to get sober, it’s important that they fill their time with plenty of activities to avoid the possibility of relapsing. Many individuals in recovery will spend their day doing sports, taking up a new hobby, or getting involved in the local community. It’s important to accompany them and help them embrace a new way of life. If you normally go for drinks together, avoid dinner settings and go for a jog instead. 

It’s worth noting that addiction is a disorder that takes time to overcome. It’s unlikely that you will see results over a short period of time. Many addicts can start to show positive signs of recovery and quickly relapse. It’s important that you never lose faith and continue to help them with this serious battle they are faced with.

Another important thing to note is that addicts will never truly recover unless they are prepared to do so themselves. The sad reality is that a full-blown addiction will skewer their perception of reality. Many addicts don’t care who they hurt or what they do, until they are ready to make a substantial change in their lives. The most crucial thing you can do is to stand by their side, reassure yourself that this is not their true character, and that they are consumed by their addiction.

What should you consider before buying healing stones?

In the market, there are many healing stones that claim to be able to heal or cleanse your aura. Some of these claims might be true, but it is important for you to know what kind of a person you are before purchasing a stone. It is important because some people will benefit from one type of stone while others need another type.

There are many stones that people use to heal themselves and the natural world. We all have our favourites, but it’s important to know what you’re buying before you start using them. Below are a few important questions to consider while shopping for healing stones:

Does the stone have a good energy flow? It is necessary to do some research on the stone you are thinking of buying. What is it meant to heal? What colour does it have? These questions should be asked before making your purchase because they will help ensure that you find a gemstone with good energy flow for yourself.

What kind of stones are more comfortable for you to work with, smooth or rough? Some people prefer smooth gems, while others favour those with distinct edges and textures. If possible, try holding the healing stones in your hand first. This way, there’s no guesswork involved when choosing which one feels right! You can also see Heilsteine online kaufen for more information on healing stones.

What colour is the stone? You need to find whether the stone matches your aura colour. What is your aura colour? Aura colours are evoked through the chakras, which are energy centres along our spine.

Some of these claims might be true, but it is important for you to know what kind of a person you are before purchasing a stone. It’s also possible that an object will have multiple meanings, so if there’s any confusion, don’t hesitate to ask!

Here are a few useful tips on choosing the right colours based on your chakras:

  • Root Chakra: People with root chakra should look for red healing stones. Red stones are beneficial for people who want to take control of their lives, have strong willpower and need extra energy. These types of people are usually very ambitious, and they always want to be in the spotlight.
  • Sacral Chakra: People with sacral chakra should look for orange healing stones. Orange coloured stones stimulate higher emotions like joy and creativity. Orange colour stimulates creativity, and it also helps you balance emotions, which can cause problems if they are not properly controlled.
  • Plexus Chakra: People with this chakra should look for yellow healing stones. Yellow-coloured stones are beneficial to people who want to feel more open and confident in public, their daily work or relationships. Yellow colour helps stimulate the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the area of your ribs.
  • Heart Chakra: People who seek to open their heart chakra should look for green healing stones. Green coloured stone stimulates feelings like compassion and love, but it also contains grounding properties that help you better connect with the earth’s energies.


  •  Throat Chakra: People who wish to open their throat chakras should look for blue stones because they have the best effect on your communication skills and channelling abilities. The colour helps stimulate creativity, so it is often used by artists too.
  • Third-eye Chakra: If you are not sure what your third eye chakra is, it’s the one located on the forehead between your eyes. If this chakra is blocked or damaged, you will feel anxious and confused about life in general because of a lack of clarity. People who have their third-eye chakras affected usually benefit from purple healing stones that help them improve intuitive abilities they already possess but do not use enough yet.
  • Crown Chakra: People with blocked crown chakras usually have a deep sense of being unworthy, unhappy and unfulfilled. They might also suffer from depression or lack self-esteem, which means they need to use stones that can help them open their third eye, so they feel empowered again. People with blocked crown chakras usually benefit from stones that have a violet or white color.





Is the crystal clear all the way through? Check for the clarity of stone because it is an indicator of purity. For instance, amethyst is a purple stone that assists with emotional issues and depression. If it’s cloudy or opaque, then chances are there are impurities in the crystal that may not be good for your health! Besides, the clarity will affect the price. So, before purchasing a stone, make sure you know what kind of person you are first!

Check for cracks on any of your stones: There are many reasons why a stone might be cracked. For example, if you drop your stones on the floor, they will crack even if it is made of crystal because crystals tend to break when dropped from too high. What’s more, some cracks could mean that the mineral was not formed properly, so this rock may have been reformed or synthesized. Finally, do not buy stones that are too milky.

How much will you use the healing stone? You should consider the stone’s usage before buying it because some stones are only used for display, and others may be used in different ways, such as wearing it around your neck or putting them on top of a table. If you want to wear the stone, make sure to purchase one that can be worn as a necklace. On the other hand, if you wish to keep it on your table, you should consider getting a flat stone instead of one that has many points.

What are the consequences of using a healing stone? Since stones have different characteristics, it is important to know how your body will react once you use them. Some people would feel nothing, while others might experience abnormal symptoms such as itching or feeling hot in certain areas when they put on their favourite necklace made with gemstones.

What kind of warranty do they offer? You can also consider the seller’s credibility before buying one by checking out what type of guarantee they provide for each product sold. There are stores that offer returns and exchanges, but there are some which only allow replacements if something goes wrong with the item within 30 days after purchase.

Conclusion: Every healing stone is unique and has its own purpose. What you should do before choosing what kind of stone to buy is learn more about the stones, their properties, how they are made, etc. We hope this post gives you more knowledge on healing stones and what to look for when purchasing one.