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Novel Coronavirus vs SARS, Spanish Flu and Ebola 

2019 ended with the beginning of a new pandemic. Identified on 31st of December 2019, Coronavirus has become a global threat within a very short period, with 14,628 people infected and 305 deaths. The spread rate and the death toll of this new coronavirus have surpassed SARS, which is also a member of the coronavirus family. SARS killed 774 people with a total of 8098 cases between 2002 and 2003. 

In this article, we’ll explore more about how the new coronavirus compares to other pandemics in recent history.

Novel Coronavirus (n-CoV):

Coronavirus is quite common in our environment, and quite frequently it causes the common cold in the flu season. It’s very likely that you and I previously had a common cold caused by Coronavirus. But that strain of Coronavirus is not deadly and doesn’t do much more than causing fever and a runny nose.The new strain of Coronavirus, AKA, Novel Coronavirus, however, is not the same. It’s a more severe, mutated form of Coronavirus, which is capable of causing severe respiratory diseases like pneumonia and ARDS, leading to death.

n-CoV is believed to have originated from a seafood market that also sells wild animals, in Wuhan, China. All of the first few cases of n-CoV had a history of exposure to this particular seafood market.

It is believed to be zoonotic in origin. Meaning, it was transmitted to humans from an animal source, most likely to be a bat which then infected a snake. “After the RNA sequencing of this virus, it was established that the Coronavirus transmitted to the snake underwent mutation and formed the Novel Coronavirus. It’s been theorized that this particular snake was brought to the source seafood market and ended up infecting humans, and thus the spread began,”says Dr.Nonika,an infectious disease specialist at Doctor Spring.

After observing the first few cases, it’s been established that the n-CoV has an incubation period of 7-14 days. During this period a person is already infected but there are no apparent symptoms. This is an issue because a person in the incubation period will still be capable of spreading the disease further without even knowing that they are sick.The symptoms are similar to a common cold. It starts with a fever and cough, which then progresses to breathing difficulties. In some cases, it can lead to pneumonia leading to ARDS and death.

The disease spread via air. Coming in close contact with infected, or infected surfaces leads to exposure to the disease.No specific vaccine or treatment is available so far.WHO has declared it a global emergency, and currently efforts are being made to isolate the infected and screen the ones who are potentially already infected.SARS:

SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) is a disease caused by the SARS virus from the coronavirus family (SARS-CoV). Viral investigation showed that n-CoV even has some structural similarities to the SARS virus. However, they are two different strains of coronavirus.

The transmission of the virus was also zoonotic in origin. But unlike 2019-nCoV, SARS originated in civet cat, which then transmitted the infection to humans.

The disease caused by the SARS virus is quite similar to the n-CoV. Both SARS and Novel Coronavirus affect the respiratory system, and therefore SARS also causes fever, cough and breathing difficulties. 

The spread of the disease also happens in the same way, i.e coming in direct contact with the infected and infected surfaces.

SARS was ultimately contained in July 2003 by isolating the infected.

Spanish Flu:

Spanish Flu Pandemic was the most severe pandemic in human history, mostly affecting people of the age group 20 to 40 years of age. It killed about 50 to 100 million people and infected about 500 million people (about 1/3rd of the total world’s population at the time) within a few months. The deaths caused by this flu was far more than the casualties of the first world war.

Spanish Flu was caused by an H1N1 influenza virus with bird’s genes, in 1918. An influenza pandemic occurs when a new strain of influenza virus is formed by a mutation in an animal source, usually pigs and birds and then spread to humans by direct contact. It is believed that Spanish Flu was transmitted by birds to humans.

It is not well known what kind of genetic changes made this particular influenza pandemic so severe, but one theory is that malnutrition, poor living conditions, overcrowding in the military camps and high mobility of people due to war were few of the reasons why Spanish Flu Influenza was able to infect so many people and cause a severe form of disease leading to death.

The infection begins with usual flu-like symptoms and then progresses to ARDS quickly. It spreads by direct contact.

There are many unknowns about this disease. Nobody exactly knows where this Flu first appeared, but it was reported by a newspaper based in Madrid for the first time and was therefore named as the Spanish Flu.


Ebola or Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever is caused by the Ebola virus. It was first seen in 1976 in a village near the Ebola River in Congo, Africa. It spreads from infected primates coming in direct contact with humans. 

The average case fatality rate is about 50%. 

We recently had two Ebola outbreaks. The first epidemic happened between 2014-16, which started in Guinea of West Africa and then again in 2018-19, originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The 2014-16 epidemic was the largest Ebola outbreak since 1976, killing 11,325 people and infected 28,600.

The disease is spread by coming in direct contact with bodily fluids of an infected person or animal. and objects contaminated by the virus. The incubation period can be anywhere between 2 to 21 days.

The symptoms include fever, sore throat, muscle pain, and headaches. Then it progresses to vomiting, diarrhea, and rash. Liver and kidneys are the two major organs that are usually affected causing their reduced function. The disease ultimately leads to both internal and external bleeding, causing the death of the patient.

Surprisingly, this virus can persist in the semen and breast week for several months after recovery.

There is no specific treatment available for Ebola as well. However, we do have vaccines against them which was used during the 2018-19 outbreak.

Don’t Settle For Just Anyone, Settle For The One You Don’t Have To Chase

Don’t Settle For Just Anyone, Settle For The One You Don’t Have To Chase

I think that we can all relate to the experience of chasing someone who doesn’t reciprocate our feelings. The truth is that, in the world of modern dating, there are a lot of people who adore the excitement of the chase. I’ve been often told that chasing the man or woman you like is the most romantic and thrilling part of the whole dating process. Well, if you ask me, I don’t share this opinion.

Because there’s nothing romantic or exciting about chasing someone that is not interested in you and desperately wanting them to reciprocate your feelings.

The truth is that when you chase someone, you are in a constant state of unease with a bunch of doubts and questions hovering over your head every day. You feel restless. You’re not sure whether the chase is worth the effort. You’re constantly second-guessing and wondering about everything. Well, that is certainly not romantic and fun.

Therefore, don’t settle for just anyone – settle for the person you don’t have to chase. The person who freely and proudly wears their heart on their sleeve. The person that doesn’t feel ashamed or afraid to undress their soul in front of you and show you all their vulnerable sides.

Don’t settle for just anyone – settle for the person who lets you know how they feel about you. The person that never makes you doubt their love for you and where you stand in their life. The person that doesn’t make you pursue them.

Don’t settle for just anyone – settle for the one who doesn’t make you doubt your worth. The one who doesn’t make you question your strength and qualities. The one who doesn’t make you feel unappreciated and unlovable. The one who doesn’t make you feel like chasing them is all you deserve.

Don’t settle for just anyone- settle for the one who treats you the way you deserve. The one who treats you with kindness, compassion, affection, and dignity. The one who makes your life more meaningful, satisfying, and exciting than it already is. The one who makes you feel happy, fulfilled, and love.

Don’t settle for just anyone – settle for the person who is always there for you. The person that enjoys spending time with you. The person that sticks with you through thick and thin, and not because they feel obligated but because they truly want to.

Don’t settle for just anyone – settle for the one who isn’t afraid to express their love for you. The one who makes you feel desirable even when you look like a mess. The one who loves you and thinks you’re beautiful on both your best and worst days.  

Don’t settle for just anyone – settle for the person that shows you that you’re in this together.  The person that fights for you. The person whose greatest fear is losing you. The person that doesn’t make you chase them.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]   

When A Kind-Hearted Woman Loses Her Faith In You, You Lose Her For Good

good hearted woman

A kind-hearted woman is the kind of woman that always fights for the happiness of those she loves. She is the kind of woman that is willing to sacrifice her own needs and desires for your happiness. She is the kind of woman who’d never give up on you.

A kind-hearted woman is the kind of woman that always looks for the good in other people. She knows that no one is perfect. She understands that everyone has good sides and bad sides. But, she never allows your negative personality traits to outweigh your positive ones.

A kind-hearted woman is the kind of woman that has absolute trust in you. She believes that you’re honest and trustworthy. She believes that you’re someone who hates lies, just like she does.

And when you talk to her, she listens to you attentively. She listens to your words. She listens to your eyes, your facial expressions, your body movements. She even listens to your silence and tries to understand it.

But, no! This kind of woman doesn’t look for the good in you and she doesn’t have absolute faith in you because she is naïve, docile, or stupid, but because she wants to believe that everyone around her is as genuine, trustworthy, and loyal as she is. Because she wants to believe that everyone is as honest about their intentions as she is. Because she wants to believe that everyone has a heart as pure and good as she has.

No. This kind of women isn’t naïve or dumb. She isn’t blind to the truth. And she certainly isn’t looking through rose-colored glasses. Rather, she’s curious about the good qualities in you. She’s curious to find out your core nature and she wants to look deep down into your soul.

A good-hearted woman is the type of woman who will forgive you time and time again. She’s the type of woman who will give you chances to admit to and put right your mistakes and make it up to her. And she won’t do this because she’s gullible, but because she knows that everyone makes mistakes and she believes that you’ll prove she was right forgiving you and giving you chances.

A good-hearted woman is the type of woman who is willing to go out of her way and step out of her comfort zone to make you feel happy, respected, appreciated, and loved. She’s the type of woman who is willing to make compromises and sacrifice her own needs, priorities, wishes, and even happiness, if she knows that this will contribute to your happiness in some way.

But, know that this woman’s good, pure, and soft heart didn’t become that way just because it has only known good. Instead, it is a choice that she makes on a daily basis to go against every bad, evil thing she’s seen and every harsh truth she’s known. It’s a choice she makes to believe that you can do things right, change, grow, and turn into the best version of yourself.

But, there’s one more thing you need to know when it comes to a good-hearted woman and that is that even the woman who has the best and purest heart in the entire world gets tired.

Yes, she gets tired of having her trust tested time and time again. She gets tired of constantly having her character challenged. She gets tired of ending up hurt and having her hopes shattered every time she gives her heart to someone.

Therefore, know that when a good-hearted woman completely loses her trust in you, she won’t give you a chance to make it up to her. She won’t give you a chance to change. She won’t give you a chance to play with her heart and betray her trust again. Instead, she’ll simply walk away.

Yes, she will let go of you.

She’ll let go of you even though this will hurt her. She’ll walk away from you even though this will break her heart in two. She’ll let go of you because she knows that staying with you will hurt her even more than leaving you.

Yes, that’s the truth – when this kind of woman has exhausted every way of fighting for you and when she’s done everything in her power to save your relationship and yet nothing worked, she simply stops trying. She stops trying to save what you two have. She stops investing time and energy in your relationship. She stops fighting for you.

Therefore, remember that when a good-hearted woman loses her trust in you, you lose her forever.  And she … She starts giving to herself all the love and respect she gave you.

A Man Who Genuinely Loves You Will Never Make You Doubt His Love For You

A Man Who Genuinely Loves You Will Never Make You Doubt His Love For You

A man that is truly in love with you will never make you doubt his love for you. He’ll never make you doubt his feelings for you or wonder where your relationship is headed. Instead, he’ll make sure you know how much he loves you. He’ll make sure you know that you are at the top of his list of priorities. He’ll make sure you know how much you mean to him.

A man who loves you truly will always be honest with you. He’ll never make big promises if he’s not sure he can fulfill them. He’ll never feed your hopes with grandiose stories and lies. And he’ll tell you the truth no matter how cruel or painful it might be. He’ll tell you the truth even when you’re not ready to hear it because he values honesty the most.

A man who is genuinely in love with you isn’t only going to tell you that you mean to him. He’s going to do everything in his power to make you feel in the depths of your being how valuable to him you really are.

A man who really loves you will wear his heart on his sleeve. He’ll express his feelings openly and proudly. He’ll undress his soul in front of you. He’ll show you his weaknesses, insecurities, and fears. He’ll let you kiss and heal his emotional wounds.

A man who is truly in love with you will never make you feel like you need to compare yourself with other women. Because he’ll accept you and cherish you for who you are. He’ll embrace your weaknesses and imperfections because he knows that they don’t define who you are. He knows they’re just a small part of you. He knows they’re the reason you are perfect to him.

Always Put You First

A man who wholeheartedly loves you will always treat you with kindness and compassion. He’ll treat you with respect and dignity. He’ll show you that you stand high on his list of priorities.

A man who is genuinely in love with you will let you know how much he cares about you. He’ll always be there when you need him. He’ll always be there for you to rely on him when you’re going through a rough phase in life. He’ll always be there to comfort you and support you. He’ll stick with you through thick and thin.

A man who loves you wholeheartedly will never leave at the first sign of trouble. He won’t give up on your relationship and walk away when the first problems begin appearing between you. Instead, he’ll do everything in his power to get through them together with you. Because keeping you in his life forever is his number one priority.

A man who is truly in love with you will show interest in the things you enjoy. Whether it’s watching romantic comedies, cooking, cycling, or walking in nature, he’ll be thrilled to do it with you since every minute he spends with you matters to him. 

A man who genuinely loves you will make sure you feel like you’re the happiest, most fulfilled, and most loved woman in the entire world. He’ll text you something sweet while you are still sleeping so that you can wake up in the morning knowing how much he loves you.

He’ll send flowers to you at work when you least expect it so that you know he’s always thinking about you. He’ll tell you funny jokes to put a smile on your face when you’re down in the dumps because he can’t stand seeing you feeling worried or sad.

A man who is deeply and intensely in love with you will do everything in his power to keep the passion between you always alive. He’ll make you feel desirable and sexy even on days when you look like a mess and he’ll bring a sense of excitement into your relationship no matter if you’re together for 5 months or 5 years.

A man who is genuinely in love with you will never make you feel like you’re some kind of burden he has to deal with every day. Instead, he’ll show you that he’s proud to have you in his life and scared to lose you. He’ll make you feel so special by the way he looks into your eyes that you won’t want to be without him for any length of time.

A man who loves you truly will show you how much he loves you and cares about you. And no, he won’t make you his number one priority. Instead, he’ll make you his only one.

Narcissists: Individuals That Ooze Negativity And Suck The Life Out Of You

Over the course of your life, you meet various types of people. Undoubtedly, not every person you meet will influence your life positively. Not every person you meet will contribute to your happiness and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

You see, some individuals ooze negativity. They drain your energy and make you feel bad about yourself. They can suck the happiness out of you in the blink of an eye.

They are so skilled at playing mind games and distorting other people’s perception of reality that by the time you realize that you’ve fallen into their trap, the damage will have been already done. These individuals are toxic and they can poison your heart, your soul, and your mind just like any other toxic substance can.

Narcissists fall into this very category of people.

The way these people behave defies every human right and dignity. They’re so egotistic and inconsiderate that their behavior is classified as mental and emotional abuse and domestic violence. They can ruin a person’s overall well-being so insidiously that the victim becomes utterly vulnerable and unprotected.

Narcissists live in their own world. A world in which they consider themselves smarter, better, and more important than everyone else. A world in which they think they’re entitled to everyone’s attention and praise because they’re the best.

That’s why they’re incapable of creating meaningful, deep, lasting relationships with other people. They don’t need others to feel happy, fulfilled, or respected – they already feel that way in their own delusional, wicked world.

The only reason why narcissists need people is to put them in the center of attention and shower them with compliments. If they don’t have someone to boost their fragile ego, they will simply not survive.

Narcissists are so toxic, inconsiderate, manipulative, and ruthless that they can make their victim doubt their own logic, sanity, and worth. Victims of narcissistic abuse have so low confidence and self-esteem that they have a hard time making decisions, even simple ones, and believing in their own qualities, abilities, and worth.

Oftentimes, victims of narcissistic abuse have a hard time trusting their own memory and logic. They feel the need to be constantly reassured that they haven’t said or done anything wrong.

Of course, this is a result of the mental and emotional narcissistic abuse they’ve endured. No matter whether the narcissist was their friend, partner, or family member, they were around a person who constantly accused them of being “too sensitive” and “too dramatic.”

They were around a person who never took responsibility for their behavior. Because narcissists never admit to their mistakes. It’s always someone else’s fault. Instead of admitting their wrongdoings and apologizing to the person they hurt, they gaslight their victim and blame them for making things up and having a very creative imagination.

Of course, all this leaves the victim feeling confused and fearful. They start doubting their own perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and judgment. They start doubting themselves.

It’s very common for the victim to become dependent on the narcissist for their reality. And once this happens, the narcissist claims victory since their goal is to gain total control over their chosen target’s thoughts, feelings, and actions.

When a narcissist feels in control over their victim, they feel powerful, and that’s what they want the most.

No relationship ever ends with such feelings of worthlessness and hate as the one that ends with a narcissistic person. They ruin every part of your life, including the relationships with your loved ones. Every word they say and every thing they do is nothing else but an attack on your integrity, sanity, and judgment.

They insidiously weaken your confidence and self-esteem and turn you from a normal, stable, confident person into one that struggles with feelings of worthlessness.

They manage to convince you that everything you say and do is wrong. They manage to convince you that you’re weak and important.

However, every person who has been a victim of narcissistic abuse can purge themselves of the negative thoughts the narcissist has implanted in their mind. They can get rid of the lies the narcissist has told them and their toxic influence.

They just need to be willing and determined to say NO to the narcissist. They need to find the strength within themselves to say no to that little voice in their head that constantly says: “You’re not worthy. You’re weak and useless.”

They need to be willing to get back in touch with themselves and their reality again and thus liberate themselves from the narcissist’s toxic grip.

Every person who has been a victim of narcissistic abuse has the power to take back control of their life. Once they distance themselves completely from the narcissistic person, they’ll be more prepared to get rid of every negative feeling, thought, idea, or word that the narcissist has internalized in them.

When they realize the truth that everything bad they’ve thought about themselves was actually what the narcissist caused them to think, their healing process will begin.

When they realize that they loved and trusted someone who was never the person they thought he/she was, but a disordered, inconsiderate person that caused them  pain, they’ll feel in control of their life again.

They will know they have to be extremely careful about who they put their faith in.  

Letting Go Of Someone Is Difficult, But Sometimes It’s The Right Thing To Do

Letting Go Of Someone Is Difficult, But Sometimes It’s The Right Thing To Do

Letting go of someone you truly love is difficult and heart-wrenching, but sometimes it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is the most reasonable thing you can do to preserve your happiness.

Letting go of someone that is important to you is hard and, of course, it requires time.

Since the truth is that you cannot let go of someone who means the world to you overnight. The art of letting go happens after you have been betrayed and hurt a number of times. It happens after your hopes have been dashed and your trust abused over and over. It happens after you have given your heart and soul to someone that didn’t deserve that.

Because those of us who have hearts of gold never lose hope that things will get better. We turn a blind eye to red flags. We make our lives miserable trying to make others happy. We devote our time and energy to people who don’t even deserve a second of our attention. We forgive and give second chances to people who don’t deserve to be forgiven.

Letting Go Of Someone

But, you see, all of these negative, painful experiences actually get you where you are supposed to be. They shape you into the person you’re meant to be.

One day you simply realize that all the pain you experienced wasn’t for nothing. You realize that the energy you invested in your previous relationships wasn’t for nothing. Because now you are strong and wise because of it.

Now you know what type of people you need to stay away from. Now you know what kind of people deserve a place in your life. Now you know what makes you happy. Now you know who you want to be and where you’re headed in life.

That’s why when your mind tells you to let go of someone, no matter how painful this may be for you, just LISTEN to it. Because what lies ahead of you is way better than what lies behind you.

Giving Your Employees A Voice in the Workplace

In today’s business environment, one of the critical indicators of organizational success is a company’s ability to make employees feel heard. When an employee is genuinely convinced their contribution to company decision making is seen and felt, they will, in fact, embrace the company culture and continue to communicate ideas, concerns, and opinions.

Giving your employees a share of voice is the one critical piece needed to establish a happy, engaged, and productive workplace. A great way to keep employees engaged is by using an employee recognition platform.

Simply put, employee voice is the vehicle used to drive a corporate culture around respect and values.

Employee voice explained

An employee will understand their place in the company when they see how much if any, they can voluntarily communicate suggestions, opinions, concerns, and ideas. If they see their actions can contribute to company improvements, their overall employee engagement with the company increases beyond just the regular “come in, do the job and get out” pattern. Employee voice goes beyond the typical suggestion box submissions. It is more about proactively seeking out input that improves productivity, collaboration, wellness, and more.

Though still a relatively new concept in business, the bottom-line benefits are significant when giving employees a greater share of voice.

Employees without a share of voice

Corporate cultures not permitting employees to have a voice will result in employees who remain silent. They will not speak up. This is a major issue as it is employees who raise flags or get management to recognize a change needs to happen that may otherwise be overlooked. Organizations that invest in the tools that allow employees a voice see positive results when these tools are used. Inner office poles, feedback platforms, and employee surveys allow employees to give feedback on an appropriate platform.

A great example of this was when Toyota took over a GM plant in California. The facility was highly unproductive, and Toyota made a choice not to replace the staff, instead, they instilled new values, including giving employees a voice to freely offer feedback. It did not take long before managers were implementing 80% of employee suggestions, taking the plant from last in productivity to one of the top tier plants.

If employees are not heard, you will have trained them to do without question and forego changes that will positively impact the business.

Leaders can affect change

Do not confuse an open-door policy with a strong employee voice. The open door, though, is still a significant first step. It is more important to remember that actions speak louder than words. It involves, for example, reviewing suggestions that have been submitted over the past year. Your company can glean a better sense of whether the employee voice has been heard or not.

A system needs to be in place that ensures all opinions are heard and addressed. It does not mean all items will be implemented and actioned. It does mean that all suggestions will be read and acknowledged and submitted for review. Employees must know they are heard, and by acknowledging their input, will go a long way to giving them recognition and value to stay engaged continuously.

Final Thoughts

The frequency of employee participation in discussions around critical decisions and changes will help maintain your company’s employee voice. Measuring engagement can shed a lot of insight into how well your program is working.

Holy Yoga 101

In Christian circles, Yoga is a controversial topic. There are several opinion pieces that are out both for and against it, and the majority of the Christian community is kind of trying to shrug their shoulders at Christians who have yet found another issue to be against each other and divide over with.

There is rising fame for a certain yoga specifically for Christians – the Christian Yoga or Holy Yoga. Holy Yoga (or any type of Christian Yoga) is not considered as a religion. It is rather a physical activity to harmonize the body in confluence with deep breathing and a conscientious intent to focus on God.

The Holy Yoga experience has become a time of veneration, praise, as well as intimate connection with Christ performed in contemporary Christian music. It is a divine experience that teaches someone to cherish, nurture, acknowledge, recharge and thrive in His word and spirit.

Holy Yoga: What is it?

If we quiet our thoughts and focus on God, something incredible happens. It would feel that we are more at peace and more at ease with everything around us.    

Many of us wish to spend a longer period of quiet time with God on a daily basis, but we sometimes run out of time. Holy Yoga sessions will be able to encourage and facilitate Christians to spend more meaningful time nurturing the mind whilst maintaining a healthy body as well.

Holy Yoga focuses on Jesus. It is all about making our relationship with Him deeper and more intimate. It is, therefore, a meditative practice with about the same aim just like any other religious practice to have a spiritual encounter with God, like prayer, abstinence, and meditation. Holy Yoga is about yoga just as much as a music of worship is just about music. In this yoga experience, we are committing everything that we are, and that includes our every breath and every move we make, to Jesus Christ. It is also about remaining still with the mind and heart, to truly experience an intimate and deeper relationship with Him and spend some quiet time in that moment. While it is true that there are plenty of physical benefits when doing Holy Yoga, hopefully, the spiritual benefits of practicing this would outweigh the physical benefits as not to forfeit the true meaning of Holy Yoga.

Physically, we can improve both flexibility and strength that could alleviate stress-related problems, back problems, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, breathing difficulties and digestive disorders. It also can lead to reducing weight and muscle strengthening which has in themselves have various physical benefits.

Just like the physical benefits are different for each individual, no specific spiritual experience can be guaranteed for everyone. However, if someone would just spend some quiet time (for just about an hour or so), it would definitely do something amazing in one’s life, particularly their faith. It might also rejuvenate their souls and enkindle spiritual change.

Holy Yoga is not an occasional physical fitness class. Nor is it a religion that dictates how we should live and praise the Lord. It is really a spiritual practice that weaves into one’s current walk of faith. It will help connect a deeper relationship with God by offering us a new way of experiencing Him with one’s whole being.

Benefits of Holy Yoga

..to the Physical Body

  1. Improve muscle tone and flexibility.

Holy Yoga works the muscles in the same way with typical pushups or squats using the bodyweight for resistance. The muscles that do the work are growing stronger by going through a range of movement while bearing the body’s weight and using other muscles for stability and support.

  1. Increase blood flow and proper circulation.

Poor blood circulation can be the underlying cause of all sorts of problems in our bodies, such as fluid retention and lower extremity swelling. In many aspects, movement is essential to overall wellness, and that includes circulatory health Holy yoga can boost the blood circulation of the body with low-impact motions which are the best form of exercise for circulation problems. Such stretching motions stimulate an increase in blood flow to the body.

  1. Strengthen the joints, tendons, and ligaments.

When you have weaker muscles, the body will depend more on the joints for increased stability. It puts considerable pressure on the joints, tendons, and ligaments. Healthier joints can be developed by strengthening muscles with Holy Yoga. Stronger muscles can support the body, ridding stress and pressure and aid with healthy body weight and pain management.

..to the Spiritual Body

  1. Deepens the connection with God.

As Christians, it is said that they are primarily called to learn the Word and also to be deeply entrenched in the grace of God, for that is the only Truth. Holy Yoga sessions provide scripture and a theme where the time spent doing yoga will also be the perfect time to spend in cultivating a deeper relationship with Him.

  1. Promote stillness with the body, mind, and soul.

It is a chaotic world with such an array of distractions that perhaps the devil uses to try and drive us away from God. Satan wants everyone to believe that being busy and trying to do more is what makes life worth living. The very last thing he wants is for us to slow down, stay still and sit and connect with the Heavenly Father. Holy Yoga does not only promote solitude but stillness in God’s presence with which we can be drawn closer to Him, where we can encounter Christ as the Prince of Peace and ask Him to fight our fights.

  1. Open up and hear God’s voice.

God does not have to deal with the world’s noise. We often pray to hear Him, pray to get an answer to our prayer but we don’t do our part in slowing down so that we can hear His voice above everything else. We open ourselves through humility and stillness during Holy Yoga workouts, to prepare the heart and mind to start receiving what He has readied for us.

Vital points to consider while making a real estate investment & how to give the property on rent

A significant number of real estate investors in India are NRIs. This is primarily because they can earn a huge return on investments from this. An NRI can invest in both commercial and residential properties in India, but they are restricted from purchasing farmland, agricultural land, and plantation. NRIs can possess them if they get such properties through gifts or inheritance. If you are looking for residential real estate, you can create your own portfolio and find and sell investment properties from everywhere in the world. 

Few vital points an NRI requires to remember when making a realty investment in the country.

  • The power of attorney is necessary by NRIs if he/she could not be present in India physically for the carrying out of property deals. It authorizes a person to act on behalf of another. Responsibility is passed on and, thus, assists NRIs to manage their assets in India professionally. POA can be used for purposes primarily associated with the lease, mortgage, collect rent, sell, and manage, borrow, and sale disputes, perform acts necessary by banks and enter into contracts. The government is planning to alter the laws to make registration compulsory for such deals which will help restrain frauds, disputes, and stamp duty avoidance.
  • Investing in real estate in India is no more as challenging as it used to be. Most NRIs today believe that the recent regulatory changes in India have made the sector more well-organized and see-through, rendering the environment favorable enough for investment in property. An NRI investing in India needs to have a checklist of things which must comprise property verification, KYC, list of all documents, tax implication legalities, payment plan, and other local formalities and someone reliable to help ease the whole process so that it is efficient and smooth.
  • India has double taxation avoidance agreements with over ninety countries. An NRI can claim a tax credit on taxes paid by him in the country on income from property in his nation of dwelling. The NRI is accountable to pay tax on the total of capital gains arising in India. A rigid property held for over 24 months is treated as a lasting capital asset and gets the indexation benefit with taxation at 20%.
  • Real estate transactions in India for NRIs fall in the purview of FEMA. RBI has cut down the rules as NRIs holding an Indian passport needs no consent while investing in real estate. Under the general permission group, persons of Indian origin necessitate no approval unless they are citizens of adjoining countries. They can make payment through inward remittance, NRE accounts, NRO accounts or FCNR deposit accounts. Any property investment comprises registration charges, stamp duty, and service tax to be paid as per the Indian laws. NRIs are eligible to apply for loans in India but should reimburse the loan in Indian rupees only.
  • NRIs can buy any number of properties, both commercial and residential. But they are not permitted to purchase any form of plantation property, farmhouse, and agricultural land unless it has been inherited or gifted by them. The regulatory environment and depreciating rupee value after the accomplishment of changes are endorsing a huge number of NRIs to invest in the realty market of India.

Things to consider when giving a 1bhk flat on rent in Noida, India:

Maximum individuals will agree that offering a house on rent is not a simple task. It could become a serious headache if not handled appropriately. The common issues comprise searching for new tenants every few years, mistreatment of the premises by the tenant or his denial to vacate, postponement in payment of rent and nonpayment of maintenance fee on time. The points that an individual should keep in mind while giving 1 BHK flat in Noida, India on rent so that they can avoid hassles later are explained below:

  • Deciding rent

The initial step is to ensure the correct rent amount. It is vital as in such a competitive market you cannot ask for more than the market rate. Doing so will postpone prospective tenants. However, if your house is better furnished and maintained than that of others, you can charge a premium. If the furnishings are superb, you can ask for a premium but may have to wait longer to find a renter. For floors or independent houses, it is tricky, but you can verify the rent of close by properties and get there at an estimated rent per square feet figure and be relevant it to your property.

  • Preparing lease contract

A rent agreement is a lawful document that binds the tenant and the landlord to abide by the mutually-settled conditions. It is the most vital document in case of a disagreement between the two. Thus, utmost care should be taken in drafting the document. It should state all terms and conditions clearly to avoid any argument in the future.

  • Register the lease

When giving 1 BHK flat in Noida, India on rent, after the lease agreement is prepared, it is important to get the task registered.

  • Police verification

This helps in the background check of the renter. Not doing this is a punishable offense under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code. This reduces the risk that the house is not being rented out to a person with a criminal background. For this, the landlord just has to fill the verification form and submit it to the local police station together with identification proof of the tenant. The forms are present online on websites of state police departments.

Apart from the above, the landlord when giving 1 BHK flat on rent in Noida, India should visit the premises periodically to check whether the tenant is violating any condition or if he has sublet the property. If yes, he can demand that he evacuate the house. If the tenant denies vacating, the landlord can approach the authority which manages disputes related to renting with all the documents.

Housing.com is a reliable real estate search portal that offers comprehensive details for properties available on rent with genuine photos and complete information.

Flower garden ideas for beginners

Growing flowers in your garden are fun! It is one of the most popular hobbies across the world to make a flower garden. Spending time in flower garden weeding out, watering the plants, making it more beautiful is nothing but exciting and enjoyable. A flower is a symbol of purity and love. Sending a flower bouquet to a person who is your enemy can turn into your friends. Yes, it is flowers that have the power to make things more beautiful.

To make a flower garden , you don’t have to have a spacious yard as well. You can make a flower garden in front of your residence or back of it. A small space is also enough to make an eye-catchy flower garden if you wish. There are so many flower garden ideas out there for the beginners. Spending some time visiting your neighbors’ yard, you can gather considerable ideas to start your garden. In your garden, you can grow a red rose, lily, sunflowers and other beautiful flowers you like.

With over 100 sizes, oblong and trough shapes, and more than half a dozen styles for our large rectangular planter boxes, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. These boxes look like real wood and can be painted to match your home or left white.

However, in this article, I am here to tell you about some easy but effective flower garden ideas  you can implement to make a flower garden of your own in front or back of your house. Making a flower garden can keep you joyful and be a source of income as well.

Small space? Go for vertical gardening

Some gardeners think that little space is not suitable for making a flower garden. And, then, they stop their effort to go forward. But things are not something you are thinking. You have a small space in front of your house. Don’t worry. Still, you can make a beautiful flower garden. As a gardener, you have already been familiar with the term ‘vertical gardening.’

Vertical gardening is a way of producing or growing flowers vertically using planters in the garden. Planters like a https://www.thelocaltreeexperts.com/ are available out there in the market in both offline and online. You can choose them according to your needs. Alternatively, you can also use your used-bottles, cans, tires, and similar things to use them as flower beds.

Make raised flower beds in layers

To make a raised flower bed in your garden needs some easy steps to accomplish appropriately. Of them, you have to make sure there are no grasses or weeds in the selected area in your garden. Removal of herbs from the place can be done in two different ways. With a shovel or herbicides, you can remove weeds from the area to make it suitable for planting flower plants.

Then use good soil that has enough moisture and fertility to grow flowers. If the ground is not good enough, your entire effort to grow flowers will go astray. So, be careful when you are going to use soil for the flower beds.

Use different color flowers

If you have a spacious space for growing herbs in your backyard, you can segment it into different areas to produce different colors, types, and sizes of flowers. It will add some eye-catchy contrast in your garden. You can grow white roses in the selected plot of the garden, whereas you can plant only sunflowers in another piece of land in your garden.

When it is spring and time for the flowers to bloom fully, your garden will become the center of attraction to your guests, friends, and neighbors. Entering your garden, your mind will fill with joy and love. You can buy different color flower plants from a nearby flower shop or online. Online flower purchases will help you bring the right ones for your garden.

Colorful fencing around the garden

Fencing does not only protect naughty boys and animals from harming your garden but also enhances the beauty of your garden. If your garden has several segments, you can fence them separately. If not, you can fence the entire garden to protect the flowers from being damaged.

Paint the fence (fences) of your garden with several different colors to make it pop. Applying three different paint colors in the bottom, middle, and top of the fence can make it more beautiful than before.

Add a stone-walk way

In the middle of your garden or at the edge of your garden, you can add side-walk using colorful stones. Make sure you place these stones a little bit far from the flower plants. Flower plants are not so strong to endure the weight of these stones.

Not only that, but you can also use bricks to make the side-walk in your garden to make it more delightful. This side-walk will allow you to walk around the garden too.

Final Verdict

Ideas to make a flower garden are endless. Among them, through this article, I have shared some stunning designs you can go for as a gardener, especially if you are a beginner. But you have to concentrate your flower plants mostly, not on the beauty of your garden only. I hope and believe that the ideas mentioned earlier in this definite article will help you make a gorgeous flower garden.