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What to Look For In a Chiropractor?

Searching for a chiropractor can be nerve-wracking experience. You’re not sure where to start the search and where to search. There are currently several people practicing given the fact the chiropractic treatment is slowly becoming mainstream. Even though getting the right chiropractor can be challenging, you will definitely know when to consult a pediatric chiropractor in Sioux Falls as the signs will be pretty obvious. There are some tips that will come in handy for better understanding of how they get search traffic and  look for a chiropractor and we have highlighted some of them.

Ask For Recommendations

You can start by asking for recommendations from your primary care physician, friends, and relatives. This will make the process of searching for a chiropractor easier as you don’t have to go online. Someone who is recommended is likely to be trusted to do a good job compared to someone you’ve never met before. Make sure you’re vetting the chiropractor even if he or she is recommended by someone closed to you.


It will be frustrating to show up to the chiropractor’s office only to wait for a long time when the appointment was scheduled. This is an unacceptable situation and you don’t have to condone such behavior. We are humans and mistakes happen but the chiropractor should try as much as possible to ensure that he or she keeps time. We live in an age where everyone is pressed for time and it would be nice to know that your chiropractor values yours.

Respects Your Well Being

The chiropractor should be straightforward with you if there is a problem or whenever a mistake has been made. There could be something wrong but the chiropractor is too timid to tell you because he or she is afraid how you might react to the news. Pain and suffering is not something that should be taken lightly. The chiropractor work is to ensure you’re getting well in the shortest time possible.


The experience of the chiropractor should never be overlooked. You’re likely to be facing serious spine and musculoskeletal issues and you want to make sure you’re working with an experienced chiropractor for faster healing. The more experienced the chiropractor, the better the results you’re likely to experience. It would be better if the chiropractor is experienced in handling your specific condition. A person that has been practicing for more than three years will in most cases have experienced the major spine and musculoskeletal problems people are suffering from.

Speed of Service

No one wants to wait for a long time before they can get an appointment with a chiropractor. The service should not only be effective but also quick. An experienced chiropractor definitely has a routine drill to make the process quick and as painless as possible. This you can establish when you visit the chiropractor for the first time. Not all chiropractors are the same but you don’t want to spend the whole day just for a single session.


It is crucial that find best chiropractors near me as possible during the sessions with the chiropractor. The gender of the chiropractor could play a role in determining whether or not you’ll be comfortable. Chiropractors will apply different techniques when it comes to gender and this should be a consideration when looking for one. You can ask the chiropractor about specific training related to your gender.


Open and transparent communication is crucial when dealing with a medical professional and a chiropractor is no exception. Ideally, you should be looking for a chiropractor who you’re comfortable reaching out to and one that satisfies your information needs. You can gauge this when you meet the chiropractor for the first time. You can ask a question and see how he or she responds. Does the chiropractor adequately responds to your question in a way that you can easily understand without feeling offended or undermined? A chiropractor should genuinely be interested in improving your condition. This means they have to take a personal interest in your welfare and wellbeing.


Make sure you’re researching the chiropractor’s credentials as you don’t want to be dealing with an incompetent medical professional for your condition. One of the easiest ways you can know you’re dealing with a real professional is by making sure they’re licensed. This will be a clear indication that the chiropractor has gone through the necessary training and certification. You can find about the chiropractor’s credentials on your state’s website. The chiropractor shouldn’t have a problem if you ask for credentials just to be sure.

Six Reasons Why A Simple Office Desk Is Best For Productivity

The office desk that you buy should be chosen based on the options that you need for your home.  You have to be sure that you have taken a look at what your options are because you will come up with a way to make the office better so that there are no problems at all.  You have to be sure that you feel like you have the right options when you are making your office a better place to work.  Your home office is just one place where you can get options that will be appropriate for you, and you also need to remember that you can easily work out something that would be right for you.  You just need to remember that it would be easier for you to get help when you are using the desk as a centerpiece around which you will build up the whole room.

  1. The Desk In The Corner

The corner desk can save space, and you will put it in the corner where you do not need to worry about it anymore.  If you have any problems or questions, you should look at how people will flow around the room.  The only way to do this is to be sure that you have come up with a desk that will fit in the corner and stay out of the way.

  1. The Central Desk

The central desk will take up the middle of the room, and you typically work around that desk.  Depending on how big the room is, you might need to make some space on either side so that people can walk around.  If you cannot do this, you need to be sure that you have a way to walk along at least one side of it because that makes a big difference in how you will use the room going forward.  Plus, you have to remember that most people who use a central desk are going to want to turn around and have a computer or some other device behind them.

  1. The Side Desk

The side desk that you use is on one wall, and you have opened up the other half of the room for other things.  This is a great way to make the room look bigger.

  1. The Door Desk

The door desk is a great thing for you to use because it can be right by the door.  You can look at www.moderndigsfurniture.com and other places so that you can find one that will be easy to get that is right size.

  1. The Corner Desk

You can sit in the corner so that you can see the whole room.  You can use the walls for storage.

  1. The Sectional Desk

The section desk takes up part of more than one wall, or you could use one of these desk to take up more space in the front of the room where you can take requests because you often entertain people.  Each design is very functional.

This Is Jonathan, The 187-Year-Old Tortoise And The Oldest Living Animal In The Entire World

You may think that humans often outlive many animals, but that is not always the case. Surprisingly enough there are animals that outlive people. Reptiles are usually one of those incredible species.

Take Jonathan for example. He is the world’s oldest living animal in the entire world. Yes, you read it right. This cute tortoise has 187-years old and it is practically an old grandpa. Jonathan’s home is located on the island of Saint Helena, Seychelles where he resides with the governor at the Plantation House.

The most incredible thing about him is the fact that he’s been first photographed more than one century ago. Yup. Jonathan has a vintage, black and white photograph which was taken back in 1886. Imagine how fun and interesting it is to see that photograph and compare it with that same creature that is standing right beside you.

And what’s even more intriguing and worth mentioning is the fact that the tortoise was 54 years old when that photograph was taken. I know right! It seems that time has completely stopped for Jonathan because he is 187 and enjoying life!

Owners say that he is full of energy and seems younger than he is. However, there are visible signs of aging. Doctors have noticed that his senses of smell and sight are not as strong as they once were. Thankfully, they take good care of him and keep him in good shape with strict diets. He is usually being fed high-calorie foods since grass is not enough for him.

All in all, it’s obvious that he’s one happy tortoise!

We wish him good health and a lot of happiness in the years to come. And we hope he lives up to be 200-years old.

For all of you who want to see Jonathan as a youngster, this is the black and white photo from when he was 54 years old.

Watch this video below to see this cute and incredible creature enjoying his bath!

Read the full article here: justsomething.co

Relationships Aren’t Supposed To Destroy Your Happiness: 6 Red Flags You Are In An Unhappy Relationship

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.  All couples are bound to go through ups and downs in their relationships. All couples are faced with problems, challenges, and temptations in their relationships.

Yet, while it’s true that relationships are not a smooth journey and that they require hard work, it’s also true that not all couples can overcome their problems and fix their relationship and that not all couples are compatible.

And there’s nothing wrong with this, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether you’ve only hit a rough patch in your relationship, or you are no longer happy in it.

Here are 6 red flags you’re in an unhappy relationship:

1. Your partner makes you feel insecure.

Does your partner often compare their own successes with your own? Do they undermine the importance of your accomplishments and successes and make you feel like they are a result of mere luck and nothing else? Do they treat you like you’re inferior to them? Do they often make you doubt your qualities and even worth?

Well, if you answered all of the questions with a yes, try to speak to your partner and tell them how their behavior makes you feel. If you notice that they don’t bother to change the way they treat you, then maybe it’s time for you to put an end to the relationship.

2. You easily get irritated by your partner’s actions.

When you’re in a relationship with someone for a long time, chances are that they are going to annoy you with some of their actions. Perhaps they always leave their clothes all over the bedroom, they chew loudly, or they fill the kitchen sink with dishes and never wash them. You might fly off the handle and roll your eyes, but generally, these things aren’t a big deal. After all, no one is perfect, right?

However, it is a big deal if you can’t spend half an hour together with your partner without feeling frustrated and wanting to yell at them due to something they said or did.  If this is how you feel most of the time when you’re around your partner, this can be a sign that your feelings for them have changed.


3. You avoid spending time with your partner.

At the start of a relationship, all couples feel like even if they could spend time together 24/7, it still wouldn’t be enough for them. They have no problem staying up late at night to exchange texts, talk to each other on the phone, or watch a movie together.

It’s normal for this urge to be in each other’s company all the time to wear off over time. However, if you’ve begun searching for ways to spend less time with your partner, then this can be a sign that you aren’t as happy in your relationship as you pretend to be.

For example, if you’re always having a great time when you’re out with your friends, but the idea of going out to lunch with your bae makes you cringe, then know it’s time for you to think about whether you still want to stay in the relationship.

4. You fight a lot.

Arguments are a part of every healthy, happy, successful relationship. However, if you and your partner can’t start a conversation about anything without flying off the handle and shouting at each other, well, this is a sure sign that there’s something wrong with your relationship.

If you often find yourself feeling afraid to talk to your partner about a relationship problem or complain to them about their behavior because you know this will immediately make them lose their temper and start an angry fight with you, you should reevaluate your relationship.

5. You’ve stopped imagining your partner as a part of your future.

When you truly love someone, and most importantly, when you know that they feel the same way about you, you enjoy imaging the future you’re going to share together. You enjoy imagining the house you’ll live in, the kids you’ll have, and how you’ll grow old together.

But, if none of the above-mentioned things are a part of your plans for your future, then this may be a sign that the person you’re currently in a relationship with is not right for you.

6. You’ve been cheating on your partner.

A healthy, strong, happy relationship is one in which both partners are entirely faithful to one another. In this kind of relationship, there’s no place for a third person.

So, if you’ve started cheating on your partner, or even flirting with other guys/women in bars or exchanging inappropriate texts with another person, then you either don’t feel happy and fulfilled in your current relationship or you’re no longer in love with your partner.

A True Dad Is Not The One Who Pays The Bills, But The One Who Understands That Family Comes First

A true dad is the one who understands that family comes first.

Any man can become a father. Any man can create life. However, it takes someone special to nurture, shape, and love that life.

A true dad is not the one who makes enough money to buy his wife and kids expensive gifts or take them on a 10-day vacation twice a year.

A true father is not the one who earns enough money to send his kids to study in elite schools or pay the bills.

A true dad is the one who understands that family comes first.

A true father is the one who is always there for his family. The one who doesn’t abandon his family the second things get tough. The one who doesn’t leave his family to deal with their problems alone. The one who doesn’t give up on his family and claim that he did the best he could and that there wasn’t anything more that he could’ve done to keep his family together.

A true father is the one who is willing to invest time and effort in his family even when he feels tired and even when he feels like he’s not in his comfort zone.

A true, devoted dad is the one who is willing to make compromises and sacrifice his own needs, wishes, and even happiness for the sake of his family. The one who teaches his kids about unconditional love and support.

A true, good dad is the one who is an example of how women should be properly treated. (1)

The one who treats women with respect, kindness, generosity, and dignity.

A true, loving father is the one who teaches his children about the importance of the virtues of kindness, patience, honesty, and loyalty.

The one who’d never be caught lying or manipulating his family or someone else. The one who teaches his children how to build relationships that are based on trust and respect.

A true, loving father is the one who teaches his children the meaning of proper, decent behavior.

The one who’d never be caught calling his kids or wife “useless,” “incompetent,” “weak,” or “stupid.” The one who’d never allow himself to lose his temper in a way that could make his family feel threatened.

A true, devoted father is the one who places his family as the most important thing in his life.

The one who knows that there is no such problem, argument, or temptation that is more important than his family. The one who knows that there’s no greater and stronger love than the love one can feel for their family.

A true, devoted father is the one who serves as a role model and an inspiration to his family.

The one who encourages his children to work on themselves and grow both personally and professionally. The one who teaches his children how to become the best version of themselves.

A true father is the one who shows his family what pure happiness and joy feel like.

The one who feels the most content when he knows his children are happy.

A true, loving father is the one who knows what his children’s favorite singers, sports, and hobbies are. The one who knows what his children’s likes, dislikes, dreams, and wishes are.

A true, caring father is the one who never allows his own problems to take away his children’s happiness.

The one who, no matter how much dissatisfied with his own life is, never allows this to make his children feel the same way.

A true father is the one for whom his children can proudly say: “He is my role model, my best friend, my mentor, and my coach. He’s my father.”

Indeed, having this kind of father is a real blessing.

Flinging Cheese At Babies’ Faces Is The Latest Challenge Taking The Internet By Storm

A bizarre social media challenge is taking the internet by storm: flinging slices of American cheese at babies’ faces and then posting their reactions on social media so that everyone can see them.

While some people have played this prank on their siblings, dads, moms, grandparents, and dogs, unfortunately, the general “victim” is babies.

If you search for videos showing this bizarre prank on the internet, you’ll see that the unsuspecting babies have different reactions. Some try to eat the cheese, some smile through it, and others look utterly confused.

Although this challenge is not a form of child abuse, Sandy Santana, Children’s Rights executive director, cautioned parents about this prank. She said:

“This phenomenon is not child abuse and is generally not meant to harm the child. But parents should, first and foremost, treat their children with care. Throwing cheese at helpless babies can, in some cases, shock them and lead to unnecessary discomfort. Is that really worth a few social media likes?”

Famous model and a mother of two, Chrissy Teigen, also didn’t approve of this challenge. In a Twitter post, she said: “I love a prank as much as anybody, but I cannot get myself to throw cheese at my adorable, unsuspecting baby who has all the hope and trust in the world in me.”

However, one mom from New York, Lauren Jorgenson, found this challenge pretty interesting and gladly participated in it. “You gotta learn how to live a little. He isn’t upset. It’s not like I threw a bag of flour at his face. We all have our different ways of parenting, mine’s just a little cheesy!” – this woman said of her child.

Scroll down to check the video.


Poor, Abandoned Dog Carries A Bowl Everywhere He Goes Hoping That Someone Would Feed Him

There are a lot of people who think that strays are usually being fed by random, kind strangers, but that is not always the case.

Just imagine how you would feel if you were left all alone on the streets. On top of everything, just imagine how you would feel if no one understood a word you said.

That’s what is like for stray animals. These creatures are forced to live in extreme temperatures, to wander the streets all by themselves, to starve for days and to now know whether someone will help them or hurt them. They cannot communicate their basic needs to the world, and they are usually ignored by everyone.  

This video below will break your heart, but I honestly hope that it will also open your eyes and inspire you to get this message across.


Personally, it left me with tears in my eyes. Just seeing him running around with that bowl in his mouth waiting for some kind and caring human being to give him food reminded me how cruel and unjust this world is. There is no reason for any living being to suffer this way. No one deserves such treatment. No one deserves to struggle in life.

So, tell me. Why are we that indifferent? Most importantly, how can we be that indifferent when there are thousands and thousands of poor, starving living creatures on the streets?

I am truly heartbroken.

Luckily, the only people that bring my hopes back are those few, rare individuals who truly care about these helpless beings and actually work hard on solving this issue. World Animal Awareness Society is one of those groups that are working on spreading this message across. And they are succeeding in their goals.

But now it is your turn to do the same. We all have a responsibility to help these poor creatures. Every action you take makes a difference in their small world. So, know that whether you decide to adopt them, share this article, buy food and feed them, donate money for them, you are helping them.

What Happens When you Get your First DUI? Everything to Know

If you have ever wondered what happens when you get your first dui, click here to learn more about what you should do and what to expect.

Ever wondered what happens when you get your first DUI? Do you lose your driving license? Do you go to jail? Do you appear in court and pay a fine?

Getting arrested for drunken driving can be scary. But driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is scarier and dangerous. You risk your life, as well as the lives of your passengers and other people on the road.

Here is a list of some of the things that will happen when you get your first DUI:

You’ll Be Arrested and Booked

The first thing that will happen when police officers suspect you of driving under the influence is an arrest. They’ll place you into a police vehicle and take you to the closest police station for booking. The officers will take your fingerprints and mug shot for record keeping.

In some states, you’ll be released immediately if someone like your DWI lawyer pays your bail and drives you home.

You’ll Be Required to Appear in Court

During the arrest, officers will give you a ticket that indicates the day and time you’ll be required to appear in court. When you attend your court hearing, don’t try to deny the charges if indeed you were driving under the influence. If you do, the court will play a video of you taking the field sobriety test – which is captured by the arresting officer’s dashboard camera.

If you failed the test, it would be a shame to be disgraced in front of the whole courtroom.

You’ll Lose Your Driving License

After conviction, you’ll lose your driving privileges for a specified period. This happens in all states. In some states, the arresting officer will suspend your license immediately if you refuse to take a breathalyzer, blood, or field sobriety test.

You’ll Be Required to Pay a Fine

If the court finds you guilty of driving under the influence, your sentence will include a fine. All states have specific penalty limits for DUI charges.

However, if your drunken driving included property damage or your driving endangered the life of another party, such as a child in the passenger seat, the fines will be higher. Most states also require you to cater for the court fees associated with handling your case.

You May Go to Jail

In recent years, many states are opting to have jail terms as mandatory punishment, even for first-time DUI offenders. The jail terms only last for a day or two. But if you’re a repeat offender, expect to spend more than two days in lockup.

Your Car Insurance Rates Will Rise

When your insurance provider learns of your DUI arrest and conviction, they’ll increase your insurance premiums. The increment may be a few hundred dollars, or in some cases several thousands of dollars. It will also become increasingly difficult for you to get another insurance company offering you affordable rates. This is why it’s very important to use an online service to compare car insurance companies to find the lowest rate with full coverage.

You’ll Have to Enroll for an Alcohol and Drug Education Program

What happens when you get your first DUI is that you’re required to enroll for an alcohol and drug education program. Only after completing this program will your license be issued back. As part of this program, you’ll be evaluated to determine if you have an alcohol or drug abuse problem.

That’s What Happens When You Get Your First DUI

Never drink and drive! It’s as simple as that. What happens when you get your first DUI is more than what’s listed above. Costly damages may occur, someone could be maimed for life, or life could be lost!

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How to Get Out of Debt Fast Even On a Low Income

Low income no problem you can still pay off your debt fast. Keep reading for how to get out of debt fast even on a low income.

The average American is $38,000 in debt. This can come from a variety of places, including student loans, healthcare bills, and car loans, but a huge chunk of this—25%, to be exact—is in the form of credit card debt.

When you have a low income, it’s all too easy to get buried in debt. After a while, you may question if you’ll ever be able to pay it all off.

The good news is that getting out of debt is possible (especially with a debt consolidation loan), and you don’t need to get a serious pay raise to do so.

Do you want to know more? Keep reading to learn how you can lower and even eliminate your debt while on a low income.

Make or Update Your Budget

The first step in paying off your debt is getting a handle on your personal finances. If you don’t already have a solid budget in place, now is the time to create one. If you do have a budget, consider updating it to fit your current needs.

Creating a budget is easier than it sounds. Simply start by writing down your take-home income. This is the money you have left after taxes, insurance, and 401k contributions have been made.

Then, create a list of all your expenses, including rent or mortgage, your cell phone bill, loan payments, gas, groceries, eating out, and entertainment. When you subtract your monthly expenses from your take-home income, you should come up with a positive number, meaning you have money left over to put into savings or towards paying off your debts.

If you’re barely breaking even or spending more than you’re earning, you’ll need to make some serious changes to your budget. Which brings us to our next point…

Cut Back Wherever Possible

Even if you have extra money leftover at the end of the month, it’s always a good idea to cut back on expenses while trying to get out of debt.

The first places to look at are non-essentials, like eating out and entertainment. Even cutting out that weekly night at the bar and opting to drink at your friend’s house instead can save you a couple of hundred bucks at the end of the month.

Another big money saver is to cancel cable TV and opt for a TV streaming service like Netflix or Hulu.

It’s also a good idea to look at your necessities. Could you downgrade to a smaller apartment or trim costs on your cell phone bill? Can you switch to store brand foods instead of brand-name at the grocery store?

The more places you cut back, the more you can put towards debt payments. Even small savings here and there can add up into something big over time.

Get a Side Gig

When dealing with debt, it’s only natural to wish you made more money. But why not turn that wish into reality?

If getting a new and higher-paid job is out of the question, consider getting a side gig. Part-time serving and bartending jobs often leave you with a nice sum of money at the end of the night, but any job would help.

If you can’t pick up a second job, consider freelancing or doing odd jobs. If you’re good with your hands, you can offer to clean out gutters or repair things in your neighbor’s home for a small fee. Those with talent in writing, photography, or graphic design can find freelance opportunities online.

Focus on One Debt at a Time

The easiest way to pay off debt is to make more than the minimum payment every month. Of course, it can be hard to do this with every debt.

The best thing to do is identify what debt you want to pay off first. Ideally, this would be the debt with the highest interest rate. However, if you have any small debts that are almost paid off, you may feel better finishing these off first.

Once you’ve decided which debt you’ll tackle, make more than the minimum payment every month while still making the minimum amount on all other debts. After this debt has been paid off, pick another debt to focus on and repeat this process.

Consider Consolidating Your Debt

If you’re having trouble balancing all your different debts, consider consolidating them into one large loan. This will make it easier to manage, and you may even be able to get a lower interest rate.

Of course, you don’t have to consolidate all your loans. Let’s say you searched Bonsai Finance and discovered you could get a loan with a 7% interest rate. All your loans that have interest rates higher than that can be consolidated, but you can keep your loans with better interest rates separate to save the most money.

Talk to Your Creditors

Another option to manage your interest rates is to simply call your creditor and ask for a lower rate. It may seem like a long shot, but this actually happens fairly often. Plus, the worst thing that could happen is they say no, and your rates remain where they are.

Don’t stop at creditors, either. Oftentimes car insurance, cable, and internet bills can all be negotiated for a lower rate, saving you tons of money.

Paying Off Debt with a Low Income

Don’t settle for a life of debt. Instead, follow the above tips to help you pay off your loans. From updating your budget to asking creditors for a lower interest rate, there are tons of ways those with a low income can tackle debt.

Is your financial situation causing you a lot of stress? Then check out our anxiety and health blog pages for tips to help you relax.


15 Popular Houseplants to Add Some Green to Your Space

Looking to add a bit of green in your home? Why not try one of these 15 popular houseplants!

Are you looking for something new to spice up your personal space? Getting a houseplant would be a great investment for your home. Houseplants bring color, life and even help to purify the air within your home.

Trendy indoor plants are making a comeback in home decor. Everyone loves a room filled with fabulous green plants. 

There are many different kinds of houseplants to choose from. Some that require low light and minimal work while others may need to be kept a close eye on. Sometimes the best way to kill a plant is by watering it too much so be careful.

Keep reading to find the 15 most popular houseplants and hopefully find one to add to your home.

  1. Pothos Plant

This is a very trendy indoor houseplant because of its leaves. It is a very low maintenance plant and often called “devil’s ivy” because it is very hard to kill. You will want to hang this plant high so the vines are able to grow long.

This is a great plant for rooms with bright and indirect sunlight but it can also tolerate low light conditions. You will want to wait for your pothos plant to dry out before watering. 

  1. Bunny Ear Cactus

A bunny ear cactus plant is different from the normal cactus you may be thinking of. This plant will bring a fun and unique element to your space. It has flat branches that look fuzzy but are definitely still prickly like a cactus.

You will find the bunny ear cactus very easy to take care of. This plant does need a lot of sunlight. Make sure you let all of the excess water drain out of this plant and remove any water left in the saucer after watering. 

  1. Red Prayer Plant

This is another unique plant because its leaves have hints of red and pink shades. These colors really pop out against the dark green leaves and will be a staple in your home.

It also grows very fast and can adapt to nearly all light conditions.

You should water this plant when the topsoil gets dry and it’s recommended to mist your red prayer plant every once in a while. During the day the plant’s leaves lay flat but at night they fold up like they’re praying which is where they get their name.  

  1. Fiddle Leaf Fig

This plant can grow up to 50 feet tall but only in its natural tropical rain forest environment. If you want your fiddle leaf fig to grow nice and tall you may need to change pot sizes as it grows.

Also known as the ficus lyrata, this plant does best in bright but indirect light. You will know when to water your fiddle leaf fig when its leaves become soft and the topsoil is dry. You can get more Ficus Lyrata Info and even buy one for your own home. 

  1. Calathea Orbifolia

This is a plant with huge leaves and thick white streaks running through it. You may find yourself caring for your Calathea Orbifolia a bit differently than some of the other houseplants you find. You will need to stay calm and make slow adjustments for your plant to thrive.

This plant requires low but reliable light, moist soil and good drainage. The Calathea Orbifolia is a plant for someone with a lot of time and passion on their hands. 

  1. Crocodile Fern

This fern is becoming more and more popular. It’s big glossy leaves and texture make it appear to look just like alligator skin.

This is another plant that requires extra care and will need to be looked after a few times a week.

The crocodile fern needs a lot of water but does not do well if its soil is constantly wet and soggy. A bathroom or kitchen would be the best place for this plant because they need humidity. 

  1. Areca Palm

The areca palm, also known as the golden cane palm, is a very tall plant and could be the focal point of any room.

They do well in direct sunlight but also can use a little bit of shade once in a while. You will need to make sure this plant has a good drainage system because it does not do well if there is water stuck around its roots in the soil.

Palms will also help purify the air in your home which makes them a great choice for a houseplant.

  1. Elephant Ears Plant

If you’re looking for a big plant to fill space in your home, then the elephant ears plant is the one for you. This tropical plant has 2-3 foot leaves that can be purplish-black, green or even a white and green mix.

You will want to display it in direct sunlight but it will also require a bit of shade so it doesn’t burn. You may want to invest in a humidifier for this plant because it does require high humidity to really thrive. You will also want to keep the temperature in your home between 65-75 F.

The elephant ears plant requires a lot of extra attention and is good for plant owners who are able to adapt. 

  1. Snake Plant

A snake plant would be a great centerpiece for a low-end table because they grow very tall although some can also be a bit short. This is another unique plant that will add character to any room especially a bedroom.

Besides its uniqueness, this is an extremely popular houseplant because it is very easy to care for. Make sure the soil of your snake plant is completely dry before giving it any more water.

This plant is very versatile when it comes to light. They can do well in low light which makes them good for a bedside table but can also adapt if they are put in high light. They will not do well in direct sunlight though and may even burn. 

  1. Ivy

Ivy’s leaves are very bright and distinct and could look good in any part of your home. They also go well in pretty much any planter. You could hang ivy or plant it in a large concrete bowl.

This plant also likes to be kept on the drier side and you should only water ivy when the topsoil is completely dry. Ivy prefers shaded areas that are like woodland environments but they are able to tolerate a bit of sunlight. 

  1. Anthurium

The anthurium will be a good conversation starter when guests come over to your house. It’s waxy red flowers almost make it look fake.

This plant is very easy to care for and will add a pop of color to all of your other beautiful house plants. The anthurium likes a well-lit place to stay but does not do well in direct sunlight.

You may want to put your anthurium in the bathroom because they do well with high humidity and warmth. You can get away with watering this plant once every one to two weeks but to really make it feel like the tropical plant it is you can spray it with water every once in a while too. 

  1. Chinese Water Bamboo

This is another easy plant to care for but also one of the top trendy house plants. If you tend to over water plants then this is a great one for you because they only require water to grow.

The Chinese water bamboo will do alright in low light levels but will not grow as much. If you place this plant in bright light it will do much better but avoid direct sunlight so it doesn’t burn.

You will want to keep this plant in lots of water and you also may need to change the water once in a while too. 

  1. Tillandsia

Tillandsia is apart of the succulent family, which are by far the easiest plants to take care of. They also tend to be very small houseplants so you can put them pretty much anywhere in your home.

You can occasionally mist this plant but they generally get all the water they need form the humidity in the air. The tillandsia doesn’t require soil as they do not have a root system and can be put in very unique planters to display them.

This plant is often referred to as an air plant because it gets it’s water from the air and doesn’t need any soil.

  1. String of Pearls

This is a different plant from your typical houseplant because of it’s small green bubbles hanging from its thin stem. String of pearls is definitely a quirky plant and will draw attention from all of your guests.

This plant also belongs in the succulent family making it fairly easy to care for. You will want to put this plant in bright light such as a sunny windowsill. You can soak the soil thoroughly when watering this plant but make sure it is able to completely dry out before watering it again. 

  1. Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese money plant has a very distinctive look because its leaves almost look like flat round coins.

This plant grows fairly quickly. You will want to let this plant’s soil dry out in between watering. If the leaves start to droop this is a sign your Chinese money plant needs more water.

This plant happily thrives in bright spaces but does not need direct sunlight. 

Even More Popular Houseplants

This is only a short list of trendy popular houseplants but there are many more. 

Whether you’re in the market for something easy to handle or you want something to care for and spend extra time with, then there is a houseplant for you. 

If you or a friend are looking for fun and trendy houseplants then please share this guide with them and find the perfect houseplant for your home.