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She’s Letting Go Of You Because You Didn’t Bother To Keep Her

Why I Am confused About My Feelings For Her?

She is leaving.

She is letting go of you not because of the words you said to her or the things you did. She is letting go of you because of the words you never said and the things you never did.

She’s letting go of you because you were never there for her when she needed you. You were never there to make her feel most loved, protected, and valued when she felt the most unloved, scared, and unimportant.

She’s letting go of you because she trusted you and cherished you, and she treated you with kindness, compassion, and dignity, and you spat on all that.

She’s letting go of you because you meant the world to her and you treated her like she was a second choice to you. A back-up plan. Temporary fun. Because you often made her feel neglected and ignored. Because you often made her feel like a ghost, instead of a loved, appreciated woman.

She’s letting go of you because you said to her those three powerful words, I love you, but you didn’t mean them.

She’s letting go of you because you promised to protect and take care of her heart, and what did you do? You nonchalantly broke it into countless tiny pieces and left her to pick them up all by herself.

She’s letting go of you because you weren’t able to contain all of the love and affection she was giving you in your chest.

She’s letting go of you because you didn’t bother to keep her. Because if you really cared about her, (like you said many times), and if you bothered to keep her, you’d have fought for her.

You’d have listened to her. You’d have paid attention to her words. To her feelings. To what she needed and wanted from you. You’d have heard her cry time and time again in bed, lying next to you in the middle of the night.

If you really cared about her, you wouldn’t have taken her for granted. You wouldn’t have fed her hopes with your empty promises, lame excuses, and sweet words. You wouldn’t have made her cry so many times for you. You wouldn’t have played with her heart.

She’s letting go of you because you’re not the person she believed you were. Because you’re not the sweet, charming, loving guy she fell in love with. Because she realized that you weren’t the honest, caring, and devoted lover you pretended you were, but an immature, selfish, manipulative, heartless person.

She’s letting go of you because you and she are not headed in the same direction. Because you don’t see yourself spending the rest of your life with her by your side as she does. Because you don’t see her as a part of your future as she does.

She’s letting go of you because you’re not giving her any reason to stay.

You’re not doing anything to make her stay. You’re not doing anything to show her that your relationship deserves another chance. You’re not doing anything to prove to her that she’s making a mistake leaving you.

She’s letting go of you since she knows you don’t love her enough to prevent her from walking away. You don’t have the guts to talk to and reason with her. You don’t have the strength and courage to own up to your mistakes and apologize for the way you treated her.

So, it’s all over now – she’s letting go of you.

She’s going to close this painful chapter of her life and write a new, happy, and better one.

She’s going to write a new story of her life with someone who will know how to treat and love her right. Someone who will never play with her feelings and push her away. Someone who will fight for her. Someone who will be more than willing to stop her from letting go of him. Someone who will want to keep her.

This Is How You Make A Once-In-A-Lifetime Woman Walk Away

The once-in-a-lifetime woman is someone who can turn your world upside down. She’s the kind of woman who lifts you up when you hit rock bottom. She’s the kind of woman who stays by your side through your worst days.

The once-in-a-lifetime woman is smart, compassionate, and caring. She is a woman of high integrity. She has strong moral principles and values and she knows what she’s made of. She knows her worth.

The once-in-a-lifetime woman is someone who is not afraid to love and be loved. She’s someone who is not afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve. She’s someone who isn’t ashamed to be vulnerable around the person she loves the most.

The once-in-a-lifetime woman is someone who leaves a permanent mark on your soul. On your life.

So, being loved by this kind of woman is the most amazing, fulfilling, and precious experience you’ll ever have. Being loved by her is a privilege. A blessing.

But do you know what else makes her a once-in-a-lifetime woman?

That’s her strength and resilience. She’s been to hell and back. She’s been hurt many times. She’s seen her heart get broken and her hopes get dashed time and time again. Life has knocked her down countless times.

But you know what?

Every time someone broke her heart and every time life knocked her down, she managed to get up, shake her pain, and move on.

Everything she’s been through has only made her smarter and stronger.

This woman will never allow you to get too close to her unless she’s sure you’re worthy of her trust and love. She’ll never let you break the walls she’s built around her unless she feels that you’re not like those she loved before you.

Because this woman is tired. She’s tired of immature, fickle, selfish guys. She’s tired of constantly being taken for granted. She’s tired of constantly being manipulated and lied to. She’s tired of constantly giving her heart to men who don’t deserve it.

She doesn’t deserve this. She doesn’t deserve to be strung along. She doesn’t deserve to be someone’s back-up plan. Second option. Favorite pastime.

She doesn’t deserve to question your feelings for her.

She deserves to know where she stands with you. She deserves to know that you feel about her the same way she feels about you. She deserves to be treated and loved right.

This kind of woman will fight for you with every fiber of her being. And she’ll give you many chances because she believes you’re worth it. But if she realizes that you’re playing games with her, taking advantage of her kindness, and playing with her heart, she won’t hesitate to leave you in her past and walk away.

She’ll let go of you and walk away without looking back.

You’ll become nothing else but a distant memory to her.

What she’s been through has taught her that she should never settle for anything less than what she deserves. So, even if leaving you will make her heart ache and her soul weep, she’ll gather the strength and let go of you.

She’ll find the strength to heal her wounds and mend her broken heart. She’s already done that before and she’ll do it again.

She’ll spread her wings again and fly away. She’ll find her happiness with someone else. Someone who won’t have to lose her to know what he had.

And you …

You’ll be left with a heart full of regrets – regrets for making a once-in-a-lifetime woman walk away.

How to Ensure the Water We Drink is Pure?

Drinking water is a basic need of every human being. However, drinking pure water has become a privilege. Due to pollution, major sources of water are constantly getting contaminated by hazardous agents like disease-causing bacteria and heavy metals. Every year, waterborne diseases take hundreds of lives across the globe. We buy a water purifier for the safety of our family. However, understanding how to ensure the water we drink is pure is also important. A simple solution to pure water would be a HydroViv water filter, it is a great innovation that was featured on Shark Tank not that long ago. Check out the HydroViv reviews if you are interested.

Let’s discover the mechanism behind some conventional methods of water purification.

TDS Meters
One of the easiest way to test your water is through TDS Meters, where TDS stands for “Total Dissolved Solids”. This type of tester measures the amount of organic and inorganic solids dissolved in a certain volume of water. Aside from being able to know if the TDS level of your water supply is good or bad, TDS Meters also help in improving the taste of your water and will let you know if your water filters are properly working or not.


Due to their minute size, most of the microorganisms escape from filters. However, water filter machines with RO under sink water filter have semipermeable membranes that retain bacteria. The best to remove these diseases causing agent from our water is boiling. Boiling water at 100˚C kills all the viruses and bacteria from water.

Metal containers:

Indians have been using metal containers to store water from ancient times, which actually has a scientific reason behind it. Metals like silver, brass or copper are known to cause an oligodynamic effect on living cells. These metals release ions that disturb the cell membranes of not just bacteria, but other cells like fungal cells, yeast and even algae. Using metal jars instead of plastic or glass jars ensure that the water kept inside them remains free from bacteria for a longer time.

Treatment with halogens:

Halogens like iodine and chlorine have a strong oxidation potential that brings out the lysis of bacteria.

Chlorine is a strong disinfecting agent used to kill water bacteria from more than a century. As a strong oxidising agent, when chlorine is added in water in the form of sodium hypochlorite, it forms highly reactive hypochlorous acid that kills the bacteria. 

Iodine is also a halogen, though not as strong as chlorine, used to kill water bacteria. Iodine is available in the form of tablets. They are especially useful while purifying water outside the house. Unlike chlorine, iodine changes the taste of water, however, it is always better to drink water tasting like iodine than water with germs in it.

UV treatment:

The most modern and most potent technology to ensure the safety of drinking water is UV treatment. Ultra Violate light has the ability to destroy all types of germs such as bacterial and fungal cells and spores, viruses. Spores are like seeds of germs, which remains viable and cause disease even after boiling water. UV is the only method through which spores can be destroyed. Buying a water filter machine using UV technology can be the best water purifier for home. Electric water purifier an also be a good option to ensure the safety of drinking water.

I Am Sorry If My Overthinking Mind Makes Me Hard To Love

I constantly overthink everything you say. I always think that your words and actions mean something else.

No matter where I am and what I’m doing, I can never fully relax because my overthinking mind makes it so hard for me to do that.

You could send me a five-word message and I’ll still think about what your words meant. You could tell me you love me and I’ll think for hours whether those words are true.

So, I am sorry if my overthinking mind sometimes makes you angry. I apologize if my overthinking hurts your feelings. But trust me, it’s not my intention to cause drama and fights. I am only trying to protect the most precious thing I have – my heart.

I don’t want to be someone who gets lied to and manipulated by the one I love the most. I don’t want to be someone who ignores the red flags. I don’t want to be someone who gets betrayed and hurt.

Instead, I’d rather know my partner’s real intentions. I’d rather be aware of the betrayal and pain that are awaiting me. I’d rather know whom I’ve given my heart to.

That’s why I am obsessed with details. I can notice the smallest change in your behavior or in the tone of your voice, and instead of thinking that you had a tough day at work or that you feel tired, I’ll take that as a sign that you’re angry with me or that you’re hiding something from me.

And I know that my overthinking is sometimes too much for you to handle, and I know that my overthinking mind makes me come across as overly emotional and sensitive. Waiting for you to answer my calls and respond to my messages is like a nightmare for me. I create thousands of worst-case scenarios in my head. I’m always on the alert for something bad to happen.

Even if my relationship is going great, I will overthink all the ways it could break down. I could get betrayed. I could get ditched. I could have my heart broken and then get left to put it together all on my own.

When everything is going well in my life and when I feel overwhelmed with happiness, I become suspicious. I begin to think that everything in my life is going to fall apart.

So, I am sorry if I’m making things hard for you. I’m sorry if I get angry at you even though you haven’t done anything bad.

I apologize if it seems like I’m always worried, annoyed, or mad. I apologize if my overthinking mind makes me hard to love.

Know that everything I do, I do it out of love. And out of fear too. Because I’m afraid that you’ll find someone better than me. I’m afraid that you’ll give up on me and leave me. I’m afraid that my heart and hopes will be shattered again.

15 Best Foods For Nutrition After Chemotherapy

There are 15 foods you must try after chemotherapy so that you can remain healthy.  Each of the foods listed below is better food your body, easy to digest, and helps bolster your immune system.  Try all of these so that you know which works best for your body.

  1. Blueberries

Kyani Team Abundance has a number of berries in all their products, and you need to use blueberries in all your foods because they have powerful anti-oxidants that keep you healthy.

  1. Açaí Berries

Açaí berries are even more powerful than blueberries, and they work in all your shakes and smoothies.  This is very important if you cannot chew or digest many solid things.

  1. Whole Grains

Any whole grain that you come across is good for you.  Try these to see which whole grain things you want to use every day.

  1. Water

You need to drink as much water you can.  Water is a good way to flush your system, and it helps you regulate your internal systems.

  1. Whole Grain Pasta

You need the carbs for energy, and you should use the whole grain pasta to fill out meals that are much easier to eat and are much more filling.

  1. Bananas

The potassium in bananas is very good for you especially as it relates to your heart.

  1. Chicken

Chicken is a clean meat that is very easy to eat, and it has all the protein you need to stay healthy.

  1. Rice

Rice is very filling, and it has all the starch and carbs you need to get the energy you need.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are filled with protein, and they can put into many of your meals that will need to have some extra ingredients.  Most people use eggs in their breakfast, but you should use this in all your meals to make it easier for you to eat well.

  1. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a good snack is very filling and helps give you sugar and protein.  This is a good pick me up when you are not feeling well.

  1. Avocado

Avocado is a healthy fat that you can use, and you will find that you can put it into anything that you like.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are good snacks, and they all have protein and healthy fats that you need when you are trying to recover.

  1. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is easier to eat, and you can actually eat it with a spoon without feeling as though you are just eating cheese out of a bag.

  1. Soy Milk

Soy milk is very healthy, and it helps you remain healthy without feeling congested.  This is a good drink when your throat is soar.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea is the healthiest of all the teas, and you should try it in the morning at night instead of the coffee you normally eat.

It may also help you feel better if you use Balance of Nature, a whole food supplement.

The foods you try for chemotherapy should be selected from this list so that you can eat much better and recover faster.

From Embryo to Fetus

Every future mom is interested to know how her baby develops, what he looks like and what he can do at different stages of pregnancy. Currently, thanks to the existence of such a diagnostic method as an ultrasound, the expectant mother can get to know her baby before birth. Let’s examine the development of the embryo by weeks and months.

Stages of development of the human embryo

It is worth saying that the prenatal development of a person can be divided into two periods: embryonic and fetal.

The embryonic period lasts from the moment of conception to the 8th week of pregnancy, when the embryo acquires human traits and all internal organs and systems. So, let’s review the main stages of development of a human embryo.

The starting point of the development of a human embryo is the fertilization of an egg by a sperm cell.

There are the following periods of embryonic development:

  • The zygote stage is short and lasts until the moment of division;
  • Blastocyst stage. At this stage, active reproduction of cells occurs, as a result of which a tube with a cavity inside is formed;
  • The stage of gastrulation is characterized by the transformation of a single-layer embryo into a bilayer (ectoderm and endoderm);
  • The stage of isolation is characterized by the separation of organs and systems with their further development.

During week three of pregnancy a protrusion forms on the back of the embryo that turns into a neural tube. Cranial thickening of the neural tube leads to the development of the brain, and the spinal cord is formed from the rest of the neural tube. During week four of pregnancy, segmentation of the embryo occurs, the differentiation of tissues and the formation of organs begins.

Embryo development at week five is characterized by the appearance of undeveloped hands.

In the development of the embryo at six weeks, the further formation of the hands and the beginning of the formation of the legs are noted. The development of the embryo at 7-8 weeks is characterized by the formation of fingers and the acquisition of a human appearance.

It is known that among women who smoke and consume alcohol, the embryo lags behind in development.

Stages of fetus development

After eight weeks of gestation, the embryo is called a fetus and its further development continues. During this period the fetus has a weight of 3 grams and a length of 2.5 mm. At 8th week of development, the baby’s heart is already beating and the fetal heartbeat can be seen on an ultrasound.

At 9-10 weeks of development, the growth and development of the cardiovascular system, liver and biliary tract continues, the urinary and pulmonary system is actively formed. At this stage of development, there are already genitals, but they are not yet visible by ultrasound due to the small size of the fetus.

By the 16th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus reaches 10 cm, the placenta and the umbilical cord are already formed and the baby now receives all the necessary things through them. During this period the fetus actively moves in the uterus, sucks a finger and swallows, but the future mother still does not feel these movements, because the baby is still very small. The pregnant woman starts to feel fetal movements only at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus reaches a weight of 300-350 grams. At six months of development, the baby can already open his eyes. From the age of seven months, the child already reacts to the light, can cry and can feel pain. At eight months of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed and only gains body weight, the final maturation of the lungs occurs.

All mothers are experiencing wonderful feelings during pregnancy; feelings that she will carry through the years. Love, care, patience, compassion and the desire to always be with her child.

The Network of Reproductive Medical Centers (ISO 9001:2015 certified) “Mother and Child” that employs the highly renowned reproductive embryologists and long-standing members of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has been successfully involved for over eleven years in practical application of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and various types of surrogacy programs at affordable cost that resulted in birth of 9,074 healthy children and helped thousands of people throughout the world to find the happiness of parenthood.

Please contact IVF Group Surrogacy Services at +1(213) 277-5874 or visit our website at www.ivf-international.com to find out more or to schedule a consultation with a reproductive embryologist.

How Can Natural Hormone Balancing Help Your Weight Loss

Have you been feeling as though you’d like to lose a little weight as of late? Have you been trying to lose those extra few pounds and are finding results aren’t exactly easy to come by? If so, you aren’t alone. Statistics show that weight loss is something that roughly half of Americans claim to be trying to achieve at any given time. That’s a whole lot of people who are working to shed the extra pounds, just like you, and just like you many are wondering if there is any secret trick or method that can help speed up and better the results.

One area that is getting attention is hormone balance and its effect on weight loss. While it may not be that secret weapon you were hoping to find, there are some interesting benefits in making sure your hormones are balanced, with weight loss being one of them.

It Feels Like You Are Doing Everything “Right”

Many people who are trying to lose weight feel as though they are doing everything “right” and still not getting results. Perhaps they are eating a healthy diet, using portion control, and exercising yet the results just aren’t happening. Here’s the thing; you also need to have your hormones in balance – specifically insulin, thyroid, cortisol, testosterone, and estrogen. If even one of those hormones is out of whack, then there is a high chance you are going to struggle with weight loss.

As for the most common offender, that would be cortisol. For those who have an elevated level of cortisol, it can be extra hard to lose weight especially in the belly region. Even if your other hormones are balanced, high cortisol levels will take over. Cortisol plays a factor in sleep patterns, sugar cravings, stress, and more. When you are fighting all these factors it’s hard to have success on the scales.

Get Your Hormone Levels Checked

So how can you tell if your hormone levels aren’t balanced? The best step is to speak to your doctor about your concerns. Your doctor will ask about any symptoms you are experiencing, your weight loss/gain history, your stress levels, and more. From there the doctor can order diagnostic testing to get a closer look at what is going on. 

Balancing Your Hormone Levels Naturally

The good news is that you can take natural measures to balance your hormones and get some pretty significant results. Some of these tips are things you may already be doing, and you just need to add a few more into the mix in order to get results.

  • Make sure you are exercising on a regular basis. Exercise works to increase your insulin sensitivity and then decrease your insulin levels. It can also give a boost to your testosterone, which is the hormone associated with muscle-maintenance.
  • Protein should be a part of your daily diet in order to keep your skin, bones, and muscles healthy and strong.
  • Cut back on the refined carbs and sugar that will only add extra pounds and don’t provide any nutritional benefit.
  • Get your stress in check. Stress can elevate hormones, your heart rate, blood pressure, and cause a person to eat more than normal.

Consider taking natural supplements and herbs to help balance your hormones. One great example is fenugreek, which is a plant that the seeds are taken from and used as a spice. What’s really interesting is besides its incredible taste, fenugreek has also been shown to help people regulate their appetite and thereby help to lose weight.

Vitamonk has published an in-depth and very interesting blog on the benefits of fenugreek, and its effects on your health, which can be found here https://www.vitamonk.com/blogs/health/fenugreek-extract-testosterone. The blog post takes a look at how it boosts testosterone, which can then lead to better sleep patterns, help give you that boost you need to take exercising to the next level, and thereby aid in weight loss.

Sometimes It Takes a Different Approach

Weight loss is very rarely simple. Achieving your goals takes hard work, time, and knowledge on your part. You need to know what will give you the best and most lasting results, and hormone balancing should certainly be high on the list of priorities.

Hello, Is It Me You’re Looking For? Top 5 Most Popular Dating Websites

List of Dating Sites: Top 5 Most Popular

Finding the right person can be a challenge. Online dating is a great way to put yourself out there. Click here for the most popular list of dating sites.

You deserve to be with someone who recognizes how special you are. But finding the type of partner you deserve is tough, especially if you don’t have a lot of free time.

But modern problems require modern solutions. Online dating is becoming an increasingly popular way to meet eligible singles on your time. And thankfully, there’s no stigma anymore.

Get your cute photo and clever bio ready — here’s a list of dating sites you’ll definitely want to check out.

  1. Match

It’s only fair that we begin with the dating site that started it all and sparked a revolution.

Created in 1995 by Gary Kremen, Match is the originator of online dating. The idea was truly ahead of its time considering how few people had access to the Internet.

But as web accessibility increased, so did Match’s popularity. Now, Match is available in eight different languages and 25 countries with a membership of several million singles.

It may not be the hippest dating site, but it’s hard to argue with its longevity. Plus, Match hosts occasional group meet-ups, so you can meet people offline, as well.

  1. eHarmony

eHarmony takes the core ideas set forth by Match and improves on them. While it may not be the first dating site, it certainly has the best algorithm.

Upon signing up, you’ll be asked to complete an extensive questionnaire. Topics cover everything from religion to drinking to careers and children.

You’ll answer on a sliding scale, so eHarmony doesn’t rule out other possibilities. So if you’re a Catholic looking for a strictly Catholic partner, you may be better off choosing a traditional catholic dating site over eHarmony.

Once you’ve completed the survey, eHarmony’s powerful algorithm matches you with the best possible picks.

  1. Zoosk
Zoosk may not have the clout of eHarmony or Match, but its free membership opportunities offer more than its counterparts.
With a free Zoosk account, you can create a profile, flirt with singles, and even see who has viewed your profile.
It won’t be the only dating site you use, but it’s worth creating an account all the same. You can check these Zoosk reviews to read feedback and comments about using this particular dating site.
  1. Tinder

No dating site defines today’s culture as much Tinder. More than the hook-up app people paint it to be, Tinder is a fast and fun way to meet people in your area.

It connects through your Facebook account (nothing gets posted, don’t worry) so you don’t have to spend an afternoon adding likes and dislikes. Tinder then pairs you with singles in your area who have similar interests and mutual friends.

Once you’re ready to match, swipe right on users you want to match with and left on those you don’t. If two people swipe right on each other, it’s a match!

  1. Bumble

For the modern woman, there’s no beating Bumble. It’s all of the fun Tinder with even more freedom over your matches.

Once you’ve found someone you like, swipe right. If it’s a match, it’s up to you to send the first message.

The other person then has 24 hours to respond. If they don’t, you’re unmatched and they won’t show up in your selection of singles again.

Use This List of Dating Sites to Spark Your Next Romance

If you’re tired of meeting people in bars or going on hopeless blind dates, this list of dating sites can be a godsend. These apps can pair you with the best singles in your area and give you more choice than ever.

Think it’s a match made in heaven? Check our list of six things you’ll experience once you meet the right person and see.

8 Valuable Lessons Time Has Taught Me Through The Years


1. As much as you want, it’s impossible to please everyone. So, instead of wasting your energy trying to please those around you all the time, focus on pleasing yourself. Put yourself on a pedestal and learn how to respect, love, and take care of yourself properly.

2. No one is perfect and no one is truly satisfied with their lives. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you’ll stop feeling the need to compare yourself with others and the sooner you’ll start appreciating what you already have in life.

3. You spend most of your life pursuing and worshiping false goals and ideals. What you should focus your energy and attention on is discovering what ideals, values, and goals truly matter in life. You need to find out what values contribute to your happiness and success. And the sooner you figure that out, the sooner you’ll begin living.

4. You can try as much as you want, but you can’t reverse the aging process. Accept the fact that it’s natural for your body to age. Whether you’re in your 20s or in your 50s, your body is beautiful at every age. You just need to be willing enough to see that.

5. No one lives forever. No one is immortal. This may be quite hard and painful to accept, but one day, we will all leave this world. Therefore, instead of spending all your energy regretting your past, or what you’re missing in your life, or worrying about what your future might bring, try living in and embracing the present moment.

Surround yourself with kind and positive people, spend more time with those who truly love and care about you, and always make time to do the things that fill you with happiness and bring you a sense of fulfillment.

6. Your physical appearance doesn’t define you. It’s the way you live your life and the things you do to help others overcome their problems and pain and achieve their happiness that define who you are.

Therefore, stop worrying about whether you’re too skinny or a little bit overweight, or about what others think of your looks. Having a pound more or a pound less doesn’t define who you are, and it certainly doesn’t define your worth.

7. There are other things that are more harmful to your health than any tasty burger or cake you may deny yourself. Worry, stress, and fear greatly affect both your mental and physical health.

Living a life full of happiness, enjoyment, and peace is the best medicine.

8. Your material possessions and how much money you have on your account don’t matter. What truly matters is how much love you give to those around you; how kind and compassionate you are toward others; the knowledge you share with other people; and, of course, how much you love and value yourself.


5 Clever Ways To Deal With Judgement And Criticism Positively

The renowned American author and motivational speaker Wayne Dyer said: “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” And I couldn’t agree more.

You see, judging others is a habit we are all guilty of. We know it’s wrong and awful, and yet, despite our best efforts, we can’t break ourselves of it.

We judge and criticize other people on the basis of many things: the way they dress, talk, or laugh, and, of course, the way they live their lives. So the big question is: Why do we feel the need to point the finger at others?

Is it because judging and criticizing those around us give us pleasure? Or is it because pointing out other people’s flaws and mistakes makes us feel better about ourselves? Or is it because we think that some people simply deserve to be judged?

Whatever the reason, when we judge and criticize others, we all do the same thing – projecting our own weaknesses, insecurities, mistakes, suffering, and pain onto those surrounding us.

So, in this article, we want to share with you 5 ways to deal with judgment and criticism positively.

Here they are:

1. Don’t take things personally.

Irrespective of the way you live your life – whether you have kids or you don’t; whether you have your own business or work for someone else; or whether you go to the gym every day or eat fast food and lay on the couch every night, there will always be those who will judge and criticize you for it.

Additionally, no matter how nice, kind, and compassionate toward others and successful you are, there will always be those who will try to find some flaw of yours and judge you for it.

However, you should never let other people’s negative comments and criticism about you get to you. What you need to understand is that people criticize and belittle others when they, in fact, have deep-rooted flaws in themselves. And when they don’t know how to deal with them, they project that bitterness, disappointment, and negativity onto those around them.

Therefore, you should never allow what others talk about you to make you lose your self-respect and your confidence in yourself.

2. Focus on the positive sides of others.

Instead of focusing on other people’s flaws, mistakes, and failures, focus on their positive sides, such as their virtues, accomplishments, and successes.

And if you’re the one that is being judged, don’t let other people’s hurtful words and negative comments about you undermine your confidence and make you feel bad about yourself. Instead, focus on your good qualities, skills, talents, and achievements. The more you focus on your positive aspects, the easier it’ll be for you to deal with criticism positively.

3. Learn how to observe yourself right.

Swami Kripalu, a renowned Indian teacher, writer, and master of yoga, said: “The highest spiritual practice is self-observation without judgment.” This means that instead of being your own worst critic and focusing only on your negative sides, you should release your negative self-beliefs.

What you need to realize is that by judging yourself and creating a negative self-image, you’re only holding yourself back, even more than anyone else can do this. Once you learn how to observe yourself right and focus on your positive sides more, you’ll create more room to love yourself and move past your flaws and insecurities.

4. Always remember that we’re all more alike than different.

When you want to judge and criticize someone, always remind yourself that the other person wants to be happy and live a life free of misery and pain just like you do. Remind yourself that the other person loves their family and friends and wants to be successful, just like you do.

And most importantly, remind yourself that the other person has weaknesses, insecurities, and fears and makes mistakes just like you do.

5. Cut judgmental people out of your life.

If you’ve tried all of the above-mentioned tips and you’re still a target of destructive criticism, it’s best to remove judgmental people from your life.

By distancing yourself completely from the naysayers in your life, you’ll prevent them from affecting your personal happiness, confidence, and self-growth. You need to take care of your overall well-being and live in a positive environment, and being surrounded by judgmental, negative people will only prevent you from doing that.