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7 Clear Signs You Are Dating A Good-Hearted Man After A Narcissistic Relationship

Narcissistic relationships are poisonous. The monster that lies within a soul of a narcissist feeds itself sucking blood from you. It leaves you out of breath. It makes you anxious and depressed.

A relationship with a narcissistic partner is a one-way relationship: you only give love, they only take it. It’s all about them. You matter only and only when they use you for their own purposes.

In the beginning, a narcissist does everything to make you happy and assures you that you are their world. Once they get under your skin, all the masks fall off, and they show you their ugly face. Face created of lies, fakeness, and betrayal.

You are dating someone who makes you lose your own identity. Day by day, you start forgetting who you are. You get used to their presence. You start believing you don’t deserve anything better than being an object of a narcissist’s tortures and manipulation.

You become their victim, you get traumatized and confused. You want to end this toxic relationship but breaking free from a narcissistic relationship is more than hard. It leaves a baggage full of tears, fears and painful scars for a lifetime.

You take this emotional baggage with you…when you finally meet him- a respectable man with a good heart, a man worth your love.

Here are 7 clear signs you have met a good man after a narcissistic relationship.

1. He is patient.

A good-hearted man tries to understand what you went through. Instead of being selfish and thinking about himself only, he supports you to overcome the trauma you’re facing.

He doesn’t push you to talk about your painful memories. He wants you to trust him. He wants you to gain trust in people and be able to trust yourself again.

2. He listens to you.

A good-hearted man pays attention to what you say. He is not self-centered like your ex-partner. He cares about you. Your voice matters to him.

Being in a relationship with him means understanding and freedom.

3. He is kind and humble.

While a narcissist’s mood changes like the weather, a good-hearted man always shows you his kindness. He treats you nicely and with respect.

Moreover, he neither shows off with his accomplishments nor seeks for constant attention, admiration, and ego-boosting.

4. He brings back the confidence you lost.

Your narcissistic partner made you doubt yourself. You lost your identity, self-worth, self-respect, and confidence.

A good-hearted man believes in your choices and supports your decisions. He evokes all the buried feelings within you. He is confident in you. You get confident in yourself.

5. He apologizes when he is wrong.

The narcissist was always right, and he was apologizing only when he needed something from you. Well, it’s not the same case with your present partner.

Of course, there will be fights, but if he is wrong, a good-hearted man will accept his mistakes, apologize and make sure he won’t repeat them in future.

6. He doesn’t manipulate with you.

He doesn’t lie or cheat. He doesn’t throw blames at you. You are not a toy to be controlled by him.

Being in a relationship with a good-hearted man isn’t like stepping on a hidden mine. It makes you feel comfortable rather than cautious about everything you say or do.

7. He treats you the way you deserve.

A good-hearted man treats you like a human being; with love and respect, patience and trust. With sincerity and kindness.

He is willing to give you the whole world in the palm of your hands because he knows you deserve to be loved. He will go the extra mile to make you happy and get your life back on the track.

You realize you deserve to fall in love again, with the right person, and without any fear. With him, you realize life is worth living.

Image: evuschka

6 Things You Need To Know Before Dating A Woman Who Experienced Domestic Violence

Domestic violence leaves painful scars that last a lifetime and affect every future relationship. A woman who was a victim of domestic violence has a hard time to trust people. She feels weak to forget everything.

She was a victim of manipulation, tortures, lies, physical, psychological abuse…Her life was wrapped around insecurities, fears, nightmares and days filled with nothing more than pain and tears.

This woman went through hell. That’s why she is afraid to live her life and love again.

Here are 6 things you need to know if you want to date a woman who is a victim of domestic violence.

1. She still fears her past.

Her past haunts her everywhere. It might be present in the gift you give to her, your sudden movement or loud voice…even in her dreams. It seems like she can’t escape it.

She was manipulated with sweet surprises and flattering words. She went through yelling and raised voice during disagreements. She maybe went through physical abuse as well.

You don’t know how is to walk in her shoes. Therefore, you need to approach her in a gentler, more understanding way, respecting her boundaries.

2. She is lost, empty, and has low self-confidence.

She still hears the voice of her past in her head: “You are a failure”, “You are worthless”, “You don’t deserve to be loved” … Sometimes, she starts to believe these poisonous words. She doesn’t believe in herself.

Moreover, a woman who was a victim of domestic violence can’t find her path. She seems to be lost looking for the right direction. Show her the right way.

3. Physical contact is hard for her.

A woman who experienced domestic violence has a trauma. In the beginning, she might not be comfortable with you touching her.

Don’t put pressure on her. Don’t make her feel bad about this. Try to understand that she had an awful experience and wants to do things step by step.

Try to gain her trust so she can feel much more relaxed when she is with you.

4. She feels she isn’t worth your love.

Her past damages her present. Because of everything bad she went through, she feels she doesn’t deserve to be loved. That’s the way she lived in the past: this woman was convinced to believe she deserves nothing more than suffering and a broken life.

She was blamed all the time; That’s why she feels guilty for everything. Help her realize that she is worth your love. Show her what real love feels like and heal her wounds. 

5. She needs your patience, trust, support, love.

She needs a man who won’t force her to talk about her past. A woman who experienced domestic violence has built up heavy walls. She needs a man who will be patient and wait for her to open her heart.

She needs a man who will try to understand what she went through. She needs a man who will love her the way she is, trust, support and respect her opinions and decisions.

This woman needs a caring man who won’t see her as a victim and feel sorry for her but will be proud of her being strong.

6. She will be able to love again.

She is brave. She battles to get her life back on the track. She is a survivor. This woman will face her fears. She will putt all the broken pieces of her soul together.

A woman who experienced domestic violence will find her inner strength to feel alive and love again.

She went through hell but will come out like an angel. Because there is no such power to break her.

Trust her. Love her. Be proud of her.


8 Things Only Over-Thinkers Will Understand

I can’t sleep at night. I often feel unable to escape all the thoughts wandering my head. They haunt me everywhere. I am curious about everything. I think. I think even about the thinking itself.

I hear that constant voice in the back of my mind. Everything that is simple becomes complicated, and each easy decision transforms into a complex one. I get stuck in my mind and don’t let things happen.  

Does the same happen to you? If yes, then, you’re an overthinker, just like me. Welcome to the club, pal.

Here are 8 things you’re doing because you’re an overthinker.

1. You analyze everything and everyone.

Including yourself. You question everything: “When”, “What”, “Where”, “How”.  You want to know the “Why” as well. It seems like you can’t stop your curiosity.

You are interested in vivid details. Instead of looking at things from the surface, you analyze in depth. You observe people wondering about the way they feel and why they act the way they do it.

Moreover, you analyze every word you hear, wondering whether there is a hidden message and what is the real meaning behind it.

2. You love deep conversations.

You can’t stand the idea of small-talk. What did I have for breakfast? Come on! An overthinker doesn’t like to waste their time talking about meaningless stuff!

You always dig deeper. As an overthinker, you want to know what someone’s life purpose is, what motivates them to do what they’re doing, how their actions help the world.

3. You think a lot but do a little.

Thinking rethinking, overthinking, analyzing, overanalyzing… all these things seem to lead you nowhere. You analyze things so much that this thinking process paralyzes your mind. You get so stuck in your own thoughts that you end up doing nothing.

So, when you’ll need to decide about something, instead of thinking too much, take one option and stick to it, try to act.

4. You find meaning in everything.

Nothing happens without a reason and everything has a meaning for you, right? You constantly torture yourself with the holy “What does it mean?”

Why do you waste your time seeking the meaning of everything? Instead of focusing on some banal things that don’t deserve your attention, try to pay attention to more important things.

5. You get excited when you solve a problem.

You always seek a solution to a problem. You spend a lot of time figuring out how to come to the best one. And when you find it, you feel over the moon.

Nevertheless, your overthinking doesn’t stop there. You suspect whether this solution is the right one or you should analyze it a little bit deeper.

6. You are unable to let things go.

When someone does wrong to you, you may forgive them but not forget. Your mind focuses on those moments and you find yourself unable to erase them from your head.

No matter how much people apologize, you always remember what they did to you. No matter how much you try to escape it, you get caught in your memories.

7. You enjoy doing things that calm your mind.

After all that overthinking, you like to chill out and switch your brain off. You feel tired. Overthinking makes you feel exhausted.

Therefore, you enjoy activities that bring a sense of peace to your mind: Exercising, meditation, long walks in nature… they all seem to bring the deserved break.

8. You get worried when you don’t get a quick response.

You send a message to someone and wait for their response. A minute passed but to you, it seems like a year. There the questions go: “Why didn’t they reply?”, “Did I say something wrong?”, “Do they ignore me?” …You can’t stop torturing yourself.

Moreover, if you notice that someone didn’t accept your Facebook request or unfollowed you on Instagram or Twitter, you will spend a whole night awake just to find out WHY they did it.

And finally, overthinking can be exhausting and annoying but it’s a great power of the mind not everyone possesses.

Don’t think about it. Learn to use it to your advantage.

Image: Ma_Co2013

To Every Woman Who Has Ever Lost Her Heart To A Narcissist

He was my sweetest secret. My obsession. My desire, everything I ever wished for. I decided to give him my heart and he swore on eternal love.

Have you ever loved a man so intensely, so deeply, from the bottom of your heart? I did. My eyes were sparkling with love fire. I was waking up with his name on my lips. My heart was beating in the rhythm of pure admiration and respect. My body belonged to him.

I was naive. Oh, how I was!

Ah, love…Love is blind. I was too. He became my deepest regret. He became nothing more than a sea of tears and sleepless nights. He became a lesson for life.

I trusted him.

I trusted his gentle voice whispering sweet words. I kissed those lips not knowing how much poison they were spreading around. He was always there for me. I felt safe in his arms.

I trusted him.

He made me feel that our love will last forever. He was my hero and I was the queen of his heart. I thought he would protect me. Forever… Little he knew about “forever”.

I fell head over heels in love with a narcissist.

I told him all my secrets. I talked about my deepest insecurities and fears. I came out of my shell and shared my dreams with him. I wanted to share my life…I got my soul naked!

I sold my precious soul to a narcissist.

He stepped on it with his dirty feet. He stepped on it without any fear that will harm that fragile piece of soul.

And he did it. He broke my heart. He crushed my soul. Without any mercy. And still, the world revolved around him.

I was taught to see the best in people.

I thought everyone is like me. He used my good-heartedness. He took out the last bit of hope. He ruined my world.

I got depressed. Dark clouds covered my thoughts. I had nothing to be happy about. Happiness became untouchable. Unreachable. Nothing more than a childhood fairytale.

I thought he would change.

I believed he would stop lying. I believed he would stop using me to achieve his goals. I wanted to believe he would stop blaming me for everything.

I couldn’t accept his true face. He had already taught me he was perfect. I thought he was worth fighting for. I thought he would change…but narcissists never change.

I lost my identity loving a man who was incapable to love.

I let him manipulate me. I became a victim of his control. I got blind. I couldn’t see the light. I lost my self-confidence. I lost my self-worth.

I lost my faith in love. I wasn’t capable to love. I wasn’t capable to feel anymore. I couldn’t put all the broken pieces of my shattered soul together.

I survived.

I learned to love myself again. I survived, and I am here to support you all. I am here to tell you that you are capable to find the light in the darkness.

I survived, and I am here to tell you that you are capable to love again, you are stronger than ever, you deserve more, you always deserve better.

Image:Robert Piosik

8 Things To Avoid When You End A Relationship With Someone

Ending a relationship can bring a great sense of relief if your partner treated you poorly. Otherwise, no matter, if it’s about a short or long-term relationship, breaking up sucks. It’s about time, energy and efforts you already spent.

Moreover, it’s about dealing with a bunch of negative feelings, and that’s painful.

However, when you feel the end is near, you’re helpless to escape it. Something inside urges you: “It’s time to move on”.

So, you decide to end the relationship with your partner…and all the difficulty starts here: you need to go through the breakup. You need to do it without causing much pain and make the process easier for both sides.

Here are 8 things you should avoid when you break up with someone.

1. Don’t make a final decision too fast.

Breaking up is a big life decision, hard as well. You need to be clear whether you want to share your life with a person or not.

Therefore, before you decide to break up, make sure you spend some time with yourself, your thoughts and feelings.

Once you bring your final decision, don’t wait for too long to tell your partner.

2. Don’t break up by sending them a message. Don’t do it in public.

Unless your partner did something awful, and if you respect them, break up in person. Also, don’t do it in public as you won’t be able to express yourselves fully. Be clear about why you want a breakup. Be honest and fair.

Don’t make a drama, don’t create a mess; don’t blame your partner or yourself. Do it gracefully as you don’t want to hurt them, as well as yourself.

3. Don’t break up when you’re angry.

When you’re angry, you don’t think rationally. You’re led by your emotions and impulsiveness. At that moment, you may break up and then, regret it later.

Therefore, if you want to make a good decision, do it when you’re feeling calm.

4. Don’t try to be friend with them.

At least, not immediately. Don’t try to make the other person feel better; you aren’t responsible for their feelings anymore.

Don’t try to comfort them because you can’t. It’s a fact: pain cannot be avoided. You will just make things worse than they already are.

5. Don’t immediately get back together.

Of course, you will miss them, especially if you get out from a long-term relationship. You were a part of each other’s lives.

However, you should be clear with yourself about why you would like to get back: Is it because you miss them, or you miss being in a relationship?

6. Don’t call or text, and don’t stalk them on social media.

So, you told them you want a breakup, and now you send your ex-partner a message? You give them a call? Don’t do that. You’re not helping them.

Why? Simply because it brings confusion; each message or call means another chance. Your ex-partner will think that you want to be in a relationship with them.

Don’t do that if you aren’t sure what you want.

7. Don’t date the first person you meet after the breakup.

Maybe you want to get a revenge, or you want to move on with your life as soon as possible. However, that doesn’t mean you should fall into the arms of the first person you meet.

Take your time. Allow yourself to recover from the pain. Think about what you want from the next relationship. Think about improving yourself.

Isn’t the breakup supposed to teach us something?

8. Take care of yourself.

Work out, get busy, enjoy your new hobby, get more sleep, call your friends…don’t get isolated.

Surround yourself with people who love you. Get your life back on the track.

You are beautiful. You are strong. You will be well.

Image: Kaylee Brendel

8 Great Reasons Why You Should Start Reading Books Right Now

A book is an open window to the world. It gives eyes to the blind. It takes you to places never seen before. A book feeds your imagination. It leads you to the greatest secrets of your dreams.

A book will give you an inspiration and create a new chapter of your life…if you are willing to go for adventures, and are curious enough to seal through the sea of pages and find out the essence of life.

Well, when was the last time you held a book in your hands? Would you rather stare at the television or read a good book?

Here are 8 reasons why you should start reading books. Right now. Every day. No excuses.

 1.“ Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

In other words, reading exercises our mind. When we read a book, we keep our brain in a great form; we keep it active as much as possible.

Reading helps our brain form new connections and reduces the risk of mental diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer.

2. Reading improves knowledge.

A book is a teacher. While reading, you get informed, you learn about people, relationships, human psychology, different places and situations; you have the whole world in the palm of your hands.

Everything you read is stored in your brain. You never know when you will need all that information to help you overcome some life challenges.

3. It reduces stress.

It gives a great sense of relaxing. When you hold a book in your hands, you start searching for a quiet place where you can dive deep into the story while enjoying the silence.

When you read a book, you get into a new world; you escape the reality for a moment. You let your mind wander through creativity and imagination. And you relax and feel calm. You experience tranquility and peace of mind.

4. Reading boosts your memory and concentration.

While reading, you focus on the story, you swim into details and don’t let distractions ruin your peace of mind.

When you read a book, you memorize things about the characters and the story itself. It all comes naturally. Reading helps you remember things much easier.

5. It expands your vocabulary.

You learn new words and can express yourself in a more sophisticated way. Having a rich vocabulary and great knowledge can help you in your career.  

Reading helps to learn new languages in a way that develops your speaking and writing skills. Reading books boosts your self-confidence.

6. Your writing skills get better after reading a book.

Reading, observing the works of other writers, poets, authors, you learn how to improve your writing and create a masterpiece.

The more you read and pay attention to words and sentence structures, the more likely you can recognize the mistakes and develop a great piece of work. Therefore, if you want to be a better writer, if you want to write well, read more.

7. Reading is fun.

Different people-different tastes. And there are books for everyone’s taste: poetry, self-help guides, fiction, romance novels, books full of adventures…You just need to decide which book captures your interest and start feeding your soul with creativity and imagination.

Time spent with a good book is time well spent. Never forget that.

8. Reading makes you more empathetic.

You connect with the characters. You feel what they feel; you put yourself in their shoes.

Reading makes you more empathetic and less judgmental to people in real life. You become a nicer person, indeed.

So, what are you waiting for? Start reading! Increase your curiosity. Expand your horizons. Enjoy. Get the whole world in the palm of your hand!

7 Powerful Truths To Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

Life. It breaks us. It tears us apart like a bloodthirsty dog. It wraps us around with its chaos, pain, tears…Still, it’s beautiful. Still, it’s a wonderful gift from the sky.

When everything seems to be falling apart and you can’t see the rainbow after a storm, keep in mind that you can handle this, keep in mind that you are strong.

Here are 7 things to remember when your life is falling apart.

1. We are all in the same boat.

A boat made of fears, tears, broken promises and pains… pains which take away all the light, all the joy from us. Pains that make us blind. Pains are part of life.

However, we don’t seal the same way; we respond to our pains differently. Some people don’t let pains destroy them. They are the winners. And you can be a winner, my friend.

Accept your pain, accept all the changes as a part of the reality, live with it, learn from it, grow, and never, never let it defeat you!

2. Each struggle is an opportunity for growth.

Difficulties are not obstacles but opportunities. Challenges are a new chance for a better, more fulfilled life.

Every time you face a difficulty, you learn something new. Remember, difficulties teach you and change you. They prepare you to take the next step of your life journey.

As Einstein said: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

3. Pain will make you stronger.

You will fall. Again and again. And you will find a strength to stand up. It lies within you. Deep inside. In your hope. In your faith for a better tomorrow.

Life will hit you hard. But remember, you can keep moving forward! Pain will make you stronger.

Be proud of your scar as they are signs of your braveness and strength.

4. Keep going through the storm.

It is windy. It rains a lot. The dark power of the storm makes you cold. It leaves you sad, disappointed, without any hopes. In the middle of its freezing coldness your broken heart burns…

I know… But remember, keep going through the storm. With all your tears and a head up high. Because in the end, you will see the day. Because the storm will pass, and you will see the light.

5. This too shall pass.

Broken heart, lost love, stressful situations at work, pains, sufferings…

Nothing last forever. Everything has its beginning…and end. Remember that.

Therefore, find the courage to laugh again, be happy and make other people happy. Find the courage to love, enjoy the present moment, because that’s the essence of life.

6. Miracles happen. Always.

Miracles happen because you believe in them. Because you are a miracle.

Believe in yourself, fight for your dreams, lose yourself in the beauty of life, let your spirit wander the excitement of the unknown. Find your soul there. Renewed. Majestic. Pure as light.

7. What is meant to be will find its way.

You may force things, but that’s not the way they happen. Things happen themselves.

Patience is the key to survive every storm, remember. Relax, breathe, let it go…If it’s meant to be, it will be.

Appreciate your life and remember: You are not alone. You are stronger than your pain. You are a human being. You have a life mission to fulfill. You exist. Life will take you where you need to go.

Image:Lizzy Gadd

8 Things Men Only Do When They Are Completely In Love With You

A man who loves you will seal forbidden seas. He will give you all the stars on the palm of your hand, and even reach for the Moon.

A man who loves you will never let your hand in tough times. Because he respects you. Because he cares for you. Because his love is pure. Magical. Eternal.

Here are 8 things a man does when he truly loves you.

1. He respects you.

A man who loves you respects your decisions and takes into consideration your opinions and needs. He may not agree but will listen and respect you for sure.

A man who loves you sees you as equal. Because you matter to him. Because you are more than the object of his desires and fantasies.

2. He loves you the way you are.

Complicated. With a messy hair. With or without makeup. He doesn’t want to change you. He accepts you with all your strengths and weaknesses.

With him, you feel like a human being, you are wild and free; you are beautiful to him just the way you are. You are perfect to him even on your worst days.

3. He is honest and faithful.

He doesn’t tell fake stories, he doesn’t poison your heart with lies. If a man is in love with you, he won’t cheat. He won’t play games.

A man who loves you, won’t break your soul. He won’t disappoint you. He chooses one woman. He loves one woman. He dedicates his life to you.

4. He cooks your favorite meal.

Maybe he is not a master chef in the kitchen, but he will put some efforts to surprise you. Candles. Soft music. A nice bottle of champagne. Delicious food. The two of you…

He wants to see happiness in your eyes; he wants to make you smile. The way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, isn’t it?

5. He goes shopping with you. He fixes things around your home.

To be honest, shopping is one of the most irritating and boring things for men to do. If he’s willing to do it, be happy; he wants to spend some more time with you and enjoy your company.

A man who loves you will show his goodwill to help around your home. He will change a light bulb, fix your shower… If he tries to fix things, he maybe wants to prove that he thinks about future with you.

6. He fights for you.

A man who loves you fights to keep you around. He values you highly and is fully aware that true love is rare nowadays.

He doesn’t want to lose your precious love. He wants to keep your real love because it may not happen again. Therefore, he is willing to fight for you.

7. He listens to you and… remembers.

A man who truly loves you doesn’t just nod his head pretending like he knows what you mean. He listens to you. Carefully.

Moreover, he tries to remember some details as he wants to get closer to you. He is eager to hear your stories over and over again…even if they’re sometimes boring.

8. He cares about your family and friends.

He knows how much your family and friends mean to you. Therefore, he makes efforts to know all the people you love and care for.

A man who loves you will help and treat them with respect.

A man who loves you is your inspiration. You want to be a better person because of the amazing way he treats you.

Image: Meriska

Top 8 Warning Signs To Spot A Narcissist, Sociopath, Or Psychopath

A bloody monster lies within their soul. Their spirit is guided by dark vigor which destroys everything showing on its path. A never-ending path created by manipulation, tortures, poison, lies… All of them for the sake of their hunger for power and control.

Narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths…all of them seem to appear normal, even charming…at least on first sight.

The question is: How can you identify these toxic people who tend to hide their real identity?

Here are 8 traits Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths share.

1. They possess a superficial charm

Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths will sweep you off your feet.

They know how to please you. These toxic people will act like being innocent and good-hearted. They will tell you sweet words, buy presents, lead you through their exciting stories full of adventures.

They will make you feel special; They will give you the whole world, and then, make you feel like you are worth nothing. Like the only thing you deserve is their manipulation.

2. They make you see them as perfect

When a toxic person enters your life, they do everything to leave a good impression. They tend to make you see them as perfect. Later, they show their true face.

However, you can’t accept their manipulative face like that because you already created a picture in your mind; because you already see them as perfect.

This is called cognitive dissonance. Your mind struggles to accept their fakeness. Toxic people make you suffer from self-doubt.

3. They are masterful liars

They manipulate with words so proficiently. They pour poisoning lies every time they want to get something from you.

Even when the truth is obvious, they will deny it; they will cover it with lies. The more they make up stories, the more things get complicated, so truth fades away.

Moreover, these toxic people lie so much that they start to believe in their own lies.

4. They play the victim

Who is capable to create a total chaos more than themselves? They will set the fire, then, watch it burn. So calmly. So peacefully. With a glowing spark of pure enjoyment.

While they act like a victim, you will be the pawn in their well-conducted blame game. They will ALWAYS blame you. It will ALWAYS be your fault.

5. They never apologize

Psychopaths, Narcissists, Sociopaths don’t have a sense of empathy. Therefore, they never feel guilty or ashamed. They don’t feel any regret for what they do to people.

The one and only time a toxic person will apologize is when they want something from you; when they need you to achieve their goals. Or when they want to escape and save themselves from a dangerous situation.

6. They backstab you secretly

A toxic person is not capable of feeling love. Their relationships with people are fake. Toxic people will want you to be their friend if and only if they can use you for their own purpose.

Narcissists, Psychopaths, Sociopaths have no attachment and cannot be loyal. After they use you, you can be immediately replaced by another victim.

7. They feel superior to others

They feel they are better than everyone around them. They think they are always right. Toxic people won’t listen to you because your opinion doesn’t matter.

Their arrogance and rudeness attack your self-confidence, tearing you down. They don’t fear about getting caught doing a crime because they trust their capabilities; they see themselves as smart and unique.

8. They turn people against each other

Toxic people enjoy dramas and scandals. They start the day gossiping about everyone and everything. They know how to twist your perception of other people.

They make you feel suspicious and jealous…even on people you have never met. They make up false stories to have all the eyes on them. They do it because they are attention seekers.

Now, you know. Don’t let them turn your life upside down. Don’t let your fairy tale transforms into their chaotic manipulative game full of lies and fake tears.

According To Experts, These 8 Things Make You Less Attractive To Others

We all want to be attractive to others, right? When we meet someone, we try to impress them. We want to get noticed and constantly seek ways to boost our attractiveness.

However, there are a plenty of behaviors and traits that can turn your protentional partner off. Therefore, you should forget about all the dating rules and advice for a second and turn yourself to discover the wrong signals you are constantly giving off.

Well, here are 8 things that make you less attractive to others, according to science.


In a Chinese study, men and women were looking at photos displaying neutral expressions. Faces accompanied by negative words such as “evil” and “mean” were rated less attractive. The researchers confirmed: “what is good is beautiful”.

Being mean, you will appear less attractive. Therefore, it is of a great importance for you to work on your kindness.  Be nice. Always.

Now, if someone tells you that “nice guys finish last”, don’t believe them, because they don’t.


A study investigated how men and women respond to people who look too happy or proud.  Are they attracted to them? What they found seems to be very interesting…and confusing.

On the one hand, women were most attracted to men who show pride, and least attracted to men who looked too happy.

On the contrary, men were most attracted to women who looked happy, and least attracted to women who exhibited pride.


In a Swedish study, researchers were interested about how we perceive sleep-deprived people. Therefore, they gave participants to see photographs of people who had slept for 8 hours and those who hadn’t slept in 31 hours.

What did researchers find? How do we perceive sleep-deprived people? – As less healthy, less attractive, sadder.


Are you feeling stressed out?  According to a study, women with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol are less attractive.

Just relax and you will appear hotter.


It’s not a surprising fact that people are more attracted to those with a great sense of humor. A study found that not being funny or having an average sense of humor is sabotaging your attractiveness.

Also, researchers found that both men and women find lack of humor unattractive.


Often, we “read” people by the way they speak with their body. The posture of your body says a lot for you. It can make you look powerful or it can create a picture of you looking as less confident.

According to a research, constructive body language like crossing your arms or hunching your shoulders, makes you less attractive.

On the other hand, expansive positions like holding your arms upward in a ‘V’ or reaching out to grab something, make you more attractive.


In a study, participants were asked to rate men and women who were described as intelligent or unintelligent, honest or dishonest. Researchers asked them to tell how attractive these people appeared to them.

It was found that dishonesty is a great turn off. Even more than unintelligence.

“Honesty is the best policy.” Therefore, be honest.


According to science, if you smell too similar or too different from a potential partner, this will make you less attractive in their eyes.

Therefore, we are suggested to seek out partners who are genetically similar to us…not too similar or too different though.
