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8 Warning Signs You’re Dealing With A Narcissist

This world…This world is full of hypocrites, liars, miserable, selfish people who pretend to be what they aren’t. Dangerous people. Unable to love. Psychopaths. Narcissists.

Narcissists…  Narcissists will go to the extreme to satisfy their needs. They will create a hell of your life enjoying their heaven in it. Leaving a total mess, painful tears, suffering.

Narcissists are everywhere. We never know when they may cross our path. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to recognize them.

Here are 8 signs of a narcissist that will help you detect these sneaky manipulative creatures.

1. They believe the whole world revolves around them.

You cannot compare with a narcissist. You are the pawn, they are the king. Narcissists will show you that they are the smartest, hottest people who walk on the earth. They think they know everything.

Moreover, they seek constant attention and admiration. Everyone needs to adore them. They are so full of themselves that they believe the whole world needs to serve and honor them because they are so special and unique. Yes, narcissists suffer from such an illusion.

2. They never apologize.

These magnificent creatures are never wrong. Narcissists do only right things. Why should they apologize to you for that?

A narcissist will harm you in so many ways, but they will be blinded by their sense of superiority. Therefore, they will never admit and accept their mistakes. Moreover, they will blame you for not understanding them.

3. They don’t care about your feelings.

Narcissists can’t empathize. They’re so self-centered that there is no space about you in their narcissistic world. They care only about their desires and needs.

A narcissist will have a hard time listening to you, but they will be happy to talk and talk about their achievements for hours. Even though they have never really achieved anything.

4. They are overly sensitive to criticism.

If there is something in this world a narcissist hates the most, that would be your “harsh” words bumped on their sensitive face. When you try to tell them that their behavior is not acceptable, narcissists think you’re against them.

They take everything personally. Even your good will to help them is considered an attack. They can’t stand to hear the truth.

5. They are jealous.

Jealous of people they have never met personally, their enemies, friends…they are even jealous of their partner, family. Narcissists can’t stand your success. The world is supposed to admire them, remember?

They will never admit their need to possess everything they want: power, better status, things…people. A narcissist will never admit their jealousy.

6. They are manipulators.

Narcissists will make a lot of effort to get to know your inner world, weaknesses, your secrets. They will be your ear and a helping hand just to make sure you get comfortable to trust them.

After they get under your skin, they will use all your insecurities and flaws against you, to get what they want. Without any mercy.

7. They are in love with their physical appearance.

Narcissists want to shine with their self-confidence. Therefore, they’re obsessed with their physical appearance. A narcissist believes that looking attractive will help them achieve some of their goals.

Narcissists use their attractiveness as a weapon to control some people. They think there is nothing wrong with narcissism, so there is no reason for them to hide it.

8. They are capable of everything.

Narcissists have goals and plans. Always. Remember that. If they need you to achieve them, they will show you their angelic face. A narcissist will be gentle, sweet, and charming, seductive, with puppy eyes.

Their shining aureole will glow from miles. Dare to say “No” to them and you will see how this aureole fades away, changing into horns. They will be ready to destroy you.

Keep these things in mind, don’t fall into the illusion that you can change them.

Run, my friend! Save yourself before it’s too late.

5 Special Personality Traits Of People Who Like To Be Alone

Nowadays, people are extremely judgmental. Some people have lost their capacity to accept what is different from them. They have lost themselves in their blindness. It seems like they can’t see any further than the end of their nose.

The majority have the last word: People who prefer to be alone are judged as shy, introverts, loners, weird; Therefore, they don’t belong to the group who follow what the society already set as acceptable.

However, the truth is that people who like to be alone just want to enjoy some peace and recharge their batteries. That’s it.

Here are 5 special personality traits of people who prefer to be alone.

1. They know how to enjoy themselves.

They are not lonely. They are not depressed. They just want to enjoy all the beauty of silence, breathe some fresh inspiring air.

People who like to be alone need some space, a place where they will experience their freedom to be alone and acknowledge their true thoughts and emotions. Instead of ignoring what they think and feel, they get to know themselves better.

2. They are strong.

A person who spends their time alone is a person who digs into their past, analyzes their weaknesses and mistakes, faces their deepest fears. They learn how to attack problems effectively and make better decisions.

People who like to alone learn from their past mistakes developing the strength to move on with their life with a smile.

3. They don’t crave for acceptance.

People who like to be alone, don’t have a need to be the center of attention. They are simple people who know their worth. No matter what you think about them, they are happy with themselves.

Moreover, they don’t need any approval from other people. People who like to be alone do what they think needs to be done.

4. They are brave.

They have a strong moral system. People who like to be alone don’t follow the crowd. They follow their own path. They are independent.

A person who likes to be alone is open to new ideas, has the courage to do things they have never done before. Moreover, they help other people overcome their own obstacles.

5. They are friends for life.

They are loyal. People who like to be alone like people. They have a small circle of friends, though. They set boundaries to people who threaten their peace of mind. Their time is valuable; they won’t waste it on meaningless conversations, gossiping, judging.

Once a person who likes to be alone opens the gates of their circle to you, you will be a part of a trustworthy and meaningful friendship. They will be with you through thick and thin.

It’s easy to judge someone. It’s difficult to understand them.

We must be willing enough to broaden our mindset to accept and respect what’s different from us. It’s not easy. However, it’s worth it.

Image: maximilianmair

6 Useful Tips To Help You Stay Productive When You’re Depressed

It harms our physical and mental health. It kills us in silence. It’s about the most dangerous disease of the 21st century: Depression.

Depression makes our life heavy. It takes all the joy from our hearts. Simple things always sound complicated, and everything we want to accomplish seems to be impossible. We avoid people, sleep for hours, enjoy the eternal noise of our devastating thoughts and feelings.

Depression steals our confidence, identity. It seems like we fall into a never-ending black hole.

Here are 6 tips that will help you to stay productive when you’re depressed.


Always try to be kind and have a respect for yourself. Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes. However, you need to learn how to avoid self-criticism and be more compassionate.

Learning from your mistakes is what matters. Therefore, encourage yourself on the way to become a better person from yesterday. Learn to love yourself first and you will be able to show your love to others as well.


The more you are surrounded by positive people-the better. Why? Simply because you will get positive vibes. You will see how your negative energy fades away, you won’t feel lonely. You will feel loved.

Always make an effort to be social, even if you are an introvert. Don’t be quiet. Don’t be shy. Learn to express yourself and share your ideas with people.


People who fight depression have a hard time to get outside and enjoy the beauty of the day. They will rather stay in their room for hours, days…even months. However, going outside can lift your mood.

Go for a walk. Stay in touch with nature. Don’t get back to the past. Don’t think about future. Do everything to enjoy the present moment.


Why does writing a list of tasks work? First, it will give you a clear picture of what you need to do. Second, it will remind you of your goals. Third, achieving your goals one by one will make you satisfied with the positive results.

Write new life goals, don’t stop until you reach them all. Focus on what’s most important to do. It’s refreshing. It will make you feel much more motivated, productive.


Do you spend a lot of time working? It’s time for creativity then! Surround yourself with plants, paint the walls in your favorite color, hang motivational quotes there, get rid of unnecessary things, things which at some point make you sad or bring some negative energy.

Show all your organizing skills! Not only it will make you feel comfortable, it will inspire you to spend more time there.


Try to think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to do things you have never done in your life. New experiences will make your life more interesting, exciting, unpredictable, inspiring,  full of amazing memories.

Do uncomfortable things. Take risks. Meet new people. Expand your social circle. Don’t get caught in routines. Take courage. Look the depression in its eyes. Do it without any fear.

The battle with depression is more than difficult. In the end, there is always one winner. May you find the strength to be that winner! Never give up.

8 Ways How Lack Of Socializing Hurts Your Mind And Body

You feel drained, you lose yourself in the fog of the reality. You are a slave to your modern way of life: Different personalities, relationships that are falling apart, crowded places, insane traffic jams, too much noise… So many reasons why people need to spend some time alone, far away from crowds.

Your mind and body crave for some solo time. However, the line between your alone time and isolation is very thin. In other words, when you find yourself locked in four walls, avoiding to spend time with people often, you get isolated, alienated, lonely, depressed. That doesn’t do any good to your mind and body.

Here is how lack of socializing harms your physical and mental health.


How many times have you found yourself not willing to get up, go out, see anyone? Sleeping, watching tv, playing computer games for days?

You lose a sense of reality. You exchange it for fiction. You give all your powers to the imagination. Depression catches you in its cage.


The eternal thief of your joy and good health. Your best friend of sorrow. Depression makes you lose interest in everything around you. Including yourself.

Grab your phone right now, call someone. You may get surprised how many people care about you. Share your life with them.


When you isolate yourself from people, you have a plenty of time to think, overthink, analyze, overanalyze. Thoughts are powerful… and devastating.

A bunch of negative thoughts overwhelms your mind and body. You experience a lot of stress. Therefore, your immune system gets weaker.


Social isolation makes a lot of space for your own thoughts. You put an accent on yourself only. Moreover, it keeps you far away from other people.

You lose your empathy diving into the deep ocean of your needs, negative thoughts and emotions, forgetting about other people.


According to Elizabeth Ann Shaw, “[people] who were continuously isolated day in and day out…developed a poor body image and self-esteem over time.”

In other words, spending a lot of alone time makes you feel less attractive, weak, not important. You are not the person who believes in their dreams and goals anymore.


Loneliness gives you chills, you become colder. According to researchers, even the idea of being socially excluded was enough to make people feel colder.

Therefore, hug someone, surround yourself with warmth and comfort. Your body temperature will increase.


Even when there is no threat all. When socially isolated, you become more defensive, researchers say. Loneliness makes your brain work in a different way.

Moreover, lonely people tend to be more connected to negative thoughts and feelings; their brains unconsciously look for dangers.


Especially among the elderly. Studies show that people who live alone eat junk food, smoke a lot, exercise less. Therefore, they are at a great risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Get out, go for a cup of coffee, spend time with people who love you, socialize more. Always find time to visit your parents, grandparents, friends.

Always try to find a balance between your alone time and time spent with people. Never forget that “man by nature is a social animal”.

Our connection with others is the key to happiness, crucial for our survival.

Image :Ronny Garcia

Women, Stop Doing These Annoying Things To Your Man

You always try to give your best in a relationship. If I think a little bit better, you give even much more than that.

You try so hard to get your partner’s attention. To help him even when he doesn’t ask for a help. Not only you want to open and win his heart, you desperately guess what’s happening in his head and where all his thoughts wander. Moreover, you wake up with the idea that he can change.

That’s irritating, annoying. It hurts your relationship. It brings lots of frustrations.

Dear women, here are some of the Big Red “No” things you’re possibly doing to your sweety.

DON’T assume he has the power to read your mind.

Men are simple creatures. When he tells you he’s going for a cup of coffee with his friends, and you already have a plan to be with him, Don’t tell him you’re fine with that.

Tell him that you thought it will be your night. Say what you think, express how you feel. If you say you’re fine with it (when you are not), he will accept it and go. Then, you will be mad at him and he won’t even have an idea why.

DON’T act like his mommy. Don’t treat him like a child.

Men are supposed to be strong. They want to feel that way. They want to be seen as protectors. That’s why most of them avoid bringing their emotions to the surface.

So, when he finally tries to open himself about his emotions a little bit more, dOn’t look at him as you look at a baby. Don’t suffocate him with your care. Babies are sweet, men are grown up. Treat him like that.

DON’T have unrealistic expectations about him.

Yes, he might be the man of your life, but he definitely can’t act like a prince charming all the time. It’s about real life. He is not perfect. Nobody is.

Don’t expect him to do everything you want because you may get disappointed. Instead of this, try to appreciate him for what he is, and he will be willing to put much more efforts to make you happy.

DON’T ask him questions whose answers will make you mad.

“Why are you looking at her? Is she prettier? What does she have I don’t have?” You’ll just create a big cloud of confusion. You don’t want To know the answers. You don’t want to get mad. And you will. Both ways.

If he tells you “no, she is not prettier”, you will think that he’s lying. If he says “yes”, you will get mad at him and all this will drive both of you nuts.

DON’T act like the “Big brother”.

In other words, don’t smother him with your control. Don’t check his phone. Don’t read his emails. Don’t ask where he is over and over again. Don’t torture him with 1000 of questions about his colleague! Yes, the one with a dark curly hair and perfect legs! Don’t.

Nobody wants to be in chains. Let him some free space. Let him breathe. He will appreciate that for sure.

I know, your man is your treasure, the other half, he’s the man of your life. You love him. But, I also know, this way, you’re torturing him as well as yourself.

In the end, of course, people are different. Maybe there are men who do like these things. However, for most of them, this stuff is annoying. I thought, your man will want you to know all this.

ImageDiego Lizarazo

If You Love Her, Don’t Break Her Heart

Do you remember, she was everything you ever wanted: a gentle lady, a wild lover, another half with a shining smile, a simple woman who knows how to admire. And love. Strongly. Passionately. Infinitely.

These women happen once in a lifetime, my friend! She came into your life for a reason.

Don’t let her go.

If you love her, get back to the day when you met her for the first time. You couldn’t stop looking at those sparkling eyes that made your heart jump. You couldn’t wait to taste those lips red like forest strawberries. And you admired her honesty.

Recall on the time when you were making angels in the snow, playing like two kids, not thinking about tomorrow. Surrounded by happiness. Drunk of sincere love.

If you love her, don’t forget why you fell in love with her.

If you love her, accept her for who she is. Don’t try to change anything about her as she is perfect the way God created her. With all her strengths and weaknesses, wrinkles and white hairs. With all her perfect imperfections, she is created to give love and be loved.

If you love her, treat her the way she deserves. The way every human being is taught to love. Nothing less, nothing more.

If you love her, don’t make her beg for a bit of your love.

If you love her, show her you care. If you love her, show her how much she means to you. If you love her, dare to reach for the invisible, give her the impossible. Impossible. What is impossible for a man who loves?!

If you love her, love her because she is a good woman who loves with a mind, heart, and soul. Do it because she chose to love one man. She chose you.

If you love her, don’t make her regret the time she has spent with you.

If you love her, love her with a patience and devotion. Let her be the only woman in your life. Be faithful. If you love her, give her the keys to your heart. Open those heavy gates of your deepest secrets to her.

Be patient when she is having a hard time to open herself to you. She is tired to be hurt. When she gets ready to open a new page, be proud. Be very proud of her.

If you love her, don’t make her cry.

If you love her, learn something new about her every day. A woman is a galaxy.  Never-ending. Never fully discovered. Be hungry, be thirsty for knowledge. Go on that long journey to discover this amazing creature.

Let your imagination lead you. Let your curiosity bring some excitement and joy to your eyes. Like the day when you met her. Like all those starry nights.

If you love her, don’t treat her like she is ordinary.

If you love her, don’t break her heart. Don’t play with its fragile nature. This heart is still breathing. It’s still beating. For you. For everything, you have gone through. Don’t be the reason she’ll hate love.

If you love her, don’t let real love fade away. Real love is forever. Real love makes people grow. Together.

If you love her, never stop trying to win her heart.

If you love her, let her know you will never give up on love. Take her hand, lead her on the journey to the Moon. To the stars. To the eternal infinity of two loving hearts.

Image: Danny O’Connor

5 Ways To Stop Overthinking And Find Peace Right Now

Overthinking is the root of all your problems. It makes things look more complex than they are. You carry it on your shoulders like all the problems of the world. It weighs.

Something happens, and you can’t stop thinking about it. It hunts you for days, weeks, months, even years. You can’t’ free yourself to see the real situation.

You are a slave of your own mind, being in a box with no keys to get out of it. You feed your imagination with cloudy thoughts. You overthink.

This is how you can help yourself to stop overthinking and find peace of mind.


The Sun is calling you outside. You take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. The wind is playing with your hair gently while you pick up some flowers. That pleasant grass smell evokes all your senses. Birds are singing, butterflies show you the path. Everything seems to fall into its place. And you feel alive. Yes, you do!

Have you lost your mind in nature? More precisely, I should ask: have you found your soul there? When you’re in nature, you focus your mind on all the beauty, and it seems like all your worries stop right there.


Meditation is a great remedy for overthinking. It helps you look deep down into the real version of your thoughts, yourself. When you meditate, your thoughts focus on the present moment. All negative vibes stop, and you stop overthinking.

Take at least 10 minutes a day to be alone with your thoughts. Just your thoughts and you. If you still can’t silence your mind, try yoga.


Maybe you are good with languages, have a talent for drawing, maybe you can dance well…or maybe you enjoy playing some football. Whatever it is: get busy. You have a lot of energy to give!

Getting a hobby makes you focus your energy on things that fulfill you. It is fun and a great way to escape your overthinking.


What can bring more pleasure and peace than a warm hug with your pillow? That’s right, sleeping is one of the ways to help you stop overthinking.

Don’t drink coffee before going to bed. Distract yourself from the mobile devices. Relax. Close your eyes. Rest your mind. Calm your imagination. Wake up refreshed and full of energy!


When overthinking, people don’t connect with reality. They may think of a problem from the past which is gone. They may feel scared about what future brings. They torture themselves with details. And everything seems to go wrong.

Instead of overthinking, live now. Always try to see the things from the bright side. Fill your mind and soul with optimism and lightness.

Does this work for you? Do you have your own ways?

Sharing your thoughts and suggestions may help other people find their peace of mind.

Sharing is caring.

Image: Alessio Albi

What to Look for When Buying a Bathrobe

There was a time when bath supplies such as bathrobes were considered a luxury of the elites. Most people thought a set of two large bath towels more than enough for their bathing needs that needed covering and drying. However, with time the luxury that you enjoy at spas and hotels have made their way into regular households, and now most people prefer having a bathrobe for their post-bath cover.

Robes are not only for your personal use at home, but they also become convenient and comfortable in outdoor spaces such as spas, public pools, and beaches. You can do a stylish robe that gives you a soft cover and lounge on a chair with a book.

Bathrobes have become such a common trend in the recent past that you will find bulk robes lying around everywhere, That being said, to this date most people do not know how to buy the right gown for yourself. Here is how you can buy a good bathrobe that fits all your needs and requirements perfectly.


There is no point in buying a bathrobe if it fails to provide you the comfort and coziness that you require. Moreover, most of those cheap robes that are readily available in the market are made using rough towel weave that is rough on the skin. Furthermore, they tend to lose their shine and feel over a period. Some bathrobes also won’t fit you after wash because of shrinkage. A good quality bathrobe might be a tad bit pricier but will go a long way. Go for a pure cotton terrycloth bathrobe if you are looking for something soft and plush that makes you feel warm and pampered. If you want something that has a more sheen to it with a tailored fit a waffle or microfleece polyester blend robe will work great.


If you are someone who spends most of your time in your robe, or you intend to carry it around at your resort trip or fitness center, you might want your bathrobe to have additional details such as pockets. Pockets come in very handy to store belongings such as keys, wallets, etc. that you might not want to lock away in the locker. Other details may include some personalization such as your initials embroidered on your robe.


Most people go wrong when sizing their bathrobes. It is very common for people to get either robe that is too large or too small for them. Contrary to what most people believe, gowns are not free sized. You need to measure your sleeve length and chest to make sure that your robe fits you perfectly. Robes that are not the right size are not only very uncomfortable to carry and might fail to provide you the much-needed cover, but they can also look very odd and awkward if you are carrying it in a public space such as a beach. If you are someone with a comprehensive body frame, it is recommended that you avoid kimonos and stick to shawl collared robes as they provide a much better cover.

What’s Pink Himalayan Salt And Why It’s Superior To The Regular Table Salt

Salty snacks, salted salads, salt in the sea. I bloody love salt! Yesterday, I heard about some pink Himalayan salt. Pink Himalayan what? What the heck is that?

As a salt lover, I couldn’t escape my damned curiosity. Well, not to complain, that damned curiosity has led me to some amazing stuff about this Himalayan salt which I am going to share with you right now.


It is a fact that our body needs salt. Moreover, it needs sodium. This mineral maintains the blood pressure, it relaxes muscles, prevents dehydration, kills bacteria.


Pink Himalayan salt, often known as rock salt, halite, Himalayan crystal salt, is the purest form of salt to be found on earth, untouched and protected from pollution. It comes from crystalized sea salt beds that were covered by lava near the Himalayas, in Punjab region of Pakistan.

This pink Himalayan salt formed millions of years ago, noticed in the period of Alexander the Great, gets its color from some minerals, particularly iron oxide.

It is used in cooking as the regular table salt, to preserve food, as bath soaks. You can even have a salt lamp made of this pink Himalayan salt.


 1.It improves our respiratory system.

As an antibacterial, pink Himalayan salt can be used as a salt therapy. Inhalation, a method in which salt is used, clears up sinuses, helps with coughs, bronchitis, asthma.

2. It provides nutrients to our body.

It makes a detoxification. Pink Himalayan salt can be added to a bath. When added in water with a temperature the same as our body’s, it has a power to release our body from toxins. A feeling of pure refreshment.

3. It improves digestion.

No more issues with gassing or constipation! If you suffer from slow digestion, the pink Himalayan salt will speed it up.

Moreover, it increases hydration, libido, improves circulation, strengthens bones, it’s excellent for red blood cells, it cleans the air, it’s a natural sleep aid.


 1.Pink Himalayan salt is more natural.

It is hand-mined. It is less processed and doesn’t contain additives in contrast to the regular table salt which is chemically processed.

2. It is rich in minerals.

Imagine, including iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium, copper, this pink Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals! Moreover, they can be absorbed easily.

Pink Himalayan salt is naturally rich in iodine. In table salt, iodine is artificially added.

3. It contains slightly lower amounts of sodium.

How much sodium do we need to take per day? – No more than 2,300 mg. Too much sodium has a negative effect on health. It increases blood pressure which leads to heart attacks, dementia, kidney disease.

While table salt contains 97.5 to 99.9 % of sodium chloride, pink Himalayan salt contains 87%.

Store it in a cool dry place, make sure it’s from Pakistan. And remember: it is all about the right amount. Use it in moderation.

Now, pass the salt, please.

Do Partners Who Argue Love Each Other More?

Love is not always sugar and sweets. Roses and fairytales. Many relationships go through heaven and hell. Mostly because of different personalities. Here’s where arguing begins.

However, having a different perspective in a relationship is healthy. Having another side who thinks and acts in a different way from yours gives you a crystal clear view of what’s good and bad.

Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist suggests few things that are of a great importance to be taken into consideration when arguing:


-Think before you speak;

-Don’t go from one topic to another;

-Bear in mind that you can’t be always right.


Can you express yourself freely? Are you afraid to share your authentic self with the person next to you?

Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, an expert in ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and chronic pain says that arguing is one of the key ingredients for a healthy relationship.

She explains: “I’ve never seen a healthy couple that doesn’t argue. They never fight, however – they argue. If a couple comes into my office and tells me they’ve never argued, something isn’t quite right.

You can argue without fighting. Arguing is non-combative – you and your partner state your points of view without name-calling or raising your voice. Sometimes you agree to disagree – and that’s okay. Figure out what your ‘non-negotiables’ are – the things that you will not budge on. Now rethink that list. I like the saying, ‘You can either be right, or married.”

Relationships in which partners do not argue are full of tension. Because nobody speaks their true emotions. Their emotions boil to the degree of exploding but people feel scared to not hurt each other.

 Every relationship faces challenges.

People have disagreements. They want to be heard about their needs. They seek understanding.

Therefore, they need to have trust and be open about what they think and feel, respecting all the difference. Being quiet about inner storms brings frustration nobody will know about.

Healthy arguing means being open about yourself and caring about others.

You can argue without being angry.

When you fight, learn to fight fair. Moreover, don’t say things you will regret later.

Learn to not raise your voice while arguing. Also, don’t underestimate the power of a simple “sorry”.

Healthy arguing means having respect for your partner even though your opinions differ.

Arguing means passion.

Couples who argue a lot are very passionate. When arguing, tensions become high, blood pressure rises, arguments become intense and heated.

All this leads some couples to enjoy sex after arguing.

Yes, healthy arguing means passion.

Arguing is the secret of a successful relationship. Arguing means connection and love. You can always get a win-win situation because it can be transformed into learning. All you need to do is to master that art.

Listen, be heard, communicate, compromise, have trust, behave with respect. Love your partner, love yourself. Grow your love.