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I’ve Matured And Realized That I Don’t Have To React To Everything That Bothers Me

You probably know how this story goes. You’ve been played. Once again, they’ve mistreated you. And it hurts, I know it does. But as hard as your soul aches, it is even harder to persuade yourself to just let go of those things and move on.

Sometimes will be hard to just leave those awful things behind and forgive the people who considered you as a target to practice their inhuman behavior on. So, as human beings cultivating our madness while dealing with a myriad of emotions, it is in our nature to immediately contemplate and seek vengeance for what has been done.

Your mind tells you it’s payback time, and you are even more tempted by it. Most of the time you find yourself desiring to set them an invisible trap and catch them alive.

Oftentimes you feel like saying all the hurtful things to their faces could make the pain go away. You begin to think that by getting back to them, you’ll prove to yourself that you are not a coward. That you are not afraid.

However, there is one thing we often overlook. Although paying back will make you stand up for yourself and will definitely make you feel powerful at the moment, very soon it’ll drain you of your power source.

Soon, you’ll get more and more exhausted of dealing with the negative energy that vengeance gives away that you’ll finally realize that focusing on your individual progress is the one thing that matters the most.

It took you a while, but you finally realized that you don’t have to hurt those who have done you wrong. One very clear and sure sign that you’ve matured is walking away instead of idly living and waiting for the opportunity to revenge yourself. You resist the temptation to get even because you are a better person now.

Paying back won’t bring you back in time and won’t undo anything. The damage is done. All that is left now is your right to choose the way you’ll react. Because no matter how difficult life is, your perception of things creates the bigger picture. And that’s what counts.

I know it is hard fighting the urge to get back for everything you suffered through, but saying NO instead of indulging in that guilty pleasure will help you grow. Very soon you’ll realize that stuffing your mind with angry and vengeful feelings will leave no place for the enthusiastic and positive thoughts that will, later on, guide you through the ultimate journey to serenity.

Choosing to stay inactive instead of reacting to everything that touches you even a little bit doesn’t mean you are okay with how things are going. It just means you decided to give your energy more selfishly and you’re choosing to rise above every difficulty. Only by forgiving those who’ve hurt you, you’ll be able to find peace.

Because the state of serenity is one of the most overpriced commodities, yet you can’t buy it. Reaching that state depends solely on you. It took some time, but you learned that maintaining your inner peace and wellbeing means more than feeling satisfied and happy.

Even if it means stepping back instead of going for the payback game. Because finding everlasting peace within us has the power to create our own happiness, fulfillment, enthusiasm, and satisfaction.

It doesn’t matter who is it you are at war with, you’re now completely isolated from all that negativity because from that moment on you decided that nothing will ever get to you.

People hold the power to influence other people’s thoughts, words, action. However, most of the times, knowing our wicked human nature, this potential is used in a hurtful manner.

You’ve matured and realized that reacting to things that make you upset gives people the power to rule over your emotions. The more you plot against them, the more they see you care for them.

The more you are concerned about the payback, the more they realize the influence they have on you and you appear even weaker. And the more you lose yourself into that endless cycle, the more powerless you become.

Being the bigger person requires accepting what is done and moving on. No vengeance, no nothing. Because you’ve realized that reacting in a certain hurtful manner won’t change anything and you can bet it won’t mysteriously change people’s thoughts or actions. People will remain kind or mean despite everything you do. You can’t change that fact.

But the only thing you can change is your perception. Choose to be the better one in that situation by focusing only on your inner peace and serenity.

Be the person who seeks their happiness through peace, not through vengeance.

Being An Empathetic Parent Will Destroy You Physiologically, New Research Confirms

There are parents who, in all the disinterest they show for their children, seem to be well on the way of outliving them. And there’s a scientific reason why this is so.

While it’s actually very important to show empathy toward your children and do everything to understand and validate their feelings, research shows that this act will eventually destroy you on a physiological level.

A team from Northwestern University has looked into how much parental empathy costs, only to find that empathetic parents’ cells were under constant low-grade inflammation. Whenever these parents’ children suffered psychologically, their immune systems experienced a massive hit.

“Although parental empathy may be beneficial to children both psychologically and physiologically, it may take a physiological toll on parents,” states the study led by Erika Manczak, Anita DeLongis, and Edith Chen.

After surveying 247 pairs of parents and their adolescent children, the team found that although the parents felt greater self-esteem and purpose in life, their bodies showed higher systemic inflammation. As a result of their empathy, their children showed better emotion regulation abilities and less systemic inflammation.

This study comes a follow-up of a research where the immune response of 143 pairs of parents with children suffering from depression was put to the test. As the research showed, parents who were higher in empathy showed greater systemic inflammation when their children reported high levels of depressive symptoms.

So, why is this? And should we stay empathetic at the cost of our health?

Empathy means sacrifice, simply because when we empathize, we push away our own feelings to make way for someone else’s. This effort increases stress, and stress causes inflammation.

Which is more, empathetic parents don’t think twice before giving their all, including their health, for the sake of their children. They can go nights without sleeping, they can skip exercise, and do many other things that can mitigate stress.

However, this also means that empathetic parents can work on lowering their stress while they remain to be the amazing parents they are. Self-care is very important for those who put in a high emotional effort, explains Erika Manczak, who is the lead author of both studies.

“Things, like getting enough sleep, exercising, and reducing stress, are all related to these types of immune processes,” Manczak told Quartz. “It’s not selfish for parents to make time for those things—it’s actually critical for their own mental and physical health.”


Source: Quartz

12 Crucial Reasons Why Your Cousin Is Actually Your Best Friend

If you are lucky enough to be blessed with a cousin, you know what I mean when I say that they mean the world to us. Although you may not see them every day or it seems like lately, you haven’t heard from them, a cousin best friend is one of the greatest things in life.

 They are like the brother or sister you never had, and the first person you come running to when you need an advice. You are two different people, but the bond between you is stronger than everything else.

I’m guessing that’s the same reason why “God made us Cousins because he knew our moms couldn’t handle us as sisters.” Still one of the most relatable quotes to this day, so if you want to know why, keep reading!


You’ve practically grown up sleeping in the same bed together. There are no awkward introduction moments, seeing as you basically know the way they breathe.

You’ve held hands while peeing. You know the way they react, you feel their fear whenever they’re scared. You understand them completely. Probably the most legit reason to put them on top of the list before every other friend.


I don’t know if they’re stuck with you, but a family will here forever. Cousins are there for us since the beginning of time and they’ve seen you even in your ugliest conditions. They accept you for who you truly are and love you wholeheartedly.


Both of you have been a part of those awkward family gatherings, where your uncle keeps babbling about your country’s political situation and your aunt goes on and on about her freshly baked chocolate chip cookies recipe. Lucky for you, there’s your cousin to take the edge off and laugh through the night.


I mean come on, I’m sure you’ve experienced the horrors of bubble baths together, playing with rubber duckies and Barbie dolls. As a result, it is very likely they’ve seen you in the nude more than your ex-boyfriends.


Seeing that you’ve grown up together, you two are almost twins. Everywhere you go, people ask you if you two are sisters when in reality you are the ultimate partners in crime. Ain’t nobody messing with your clique!


Do you have a special kind of secret lingo for gibberish talk and funny code names for people? The second you see them, you immediately switch to your secret language and leave people wondering what the hell are you babbling about.


Didn’t find the time to shower yesterday? Don’t worry, they’ll find the perfect way to let you know how greasy your hair looks. One of the perfect parts of your relationships is the fact that you two can be honest to the point of brutal without anyone getting offended.


Always there through thick and thin, your cousin has been here through every heartbreak, wiped every tear of yours, heard every story. It is a bond that it’s meant to last forever.


You don’t need a legit reason to show up at their porch in the middle of the night. It’s Friday and you feel bored? You don’t need to be when your cousin lives 2 doors next to you.


And when it comes down to your humor, there’s no better stand-up comedy duo than you two. Probably no one would even understand what are you two laughing about, but then again, that’s their loss.


Nobody is allowed to talk trash about your ‘cuz’. You’re used to defending each other fiercely from anyone who tries to mess with you two ever since you were babies. You can rest assured, they’ll always have your back.

Elon Musk’s Email To His Employees Is An Excellent Example Of The Difference Between A Leader And A Boss

It’s true that there’s no such thing as the perfect workplace, and every job comes with its risks. Such is the case with Tesla, which was reported to have a rise in injury rate – particularly at Tesla’s Fremont, California, plant – reaching more than 30% higher than the industry average in 2014 and 2015.

In response to Worksafe’s report, and in order to lower the injury rate, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk has hired thousands of new employees to create a third shift and reduce excess overtime.

Which is more, Musk sent an email to his employees where he shows how seriously he’s taking the issue. Here’s what he wrote:

“No words can express how much I care about your safety and wellbeing. It breaks my heart when someone is injured building cars and trying their best to make Tesla successful.

Going forward, I’ve asked that every injury be reported directly to me, without exception. I’m meeting with the safety team every week and would like to meet every injured person as soon as they are well, so that I can understand from them exactly what we need to do to make it better. I will then go down to the production line and perform the same task that they perform.

This is what all managers at Tesla should do as a matter of course. At Tesla, we lead from the front line, not from some safe and comfortable ivory tower. Managers must always put their team’s safety above their own.

Everyone will have equal access to parking, eating the same tables, and there will be no management offices. I am convinced that managers should work at the forefront, in the same work environment as the entire team. Even though I run the company myself, I still do not have my own office and often moved my workplace to the most challenging area in the factory and slept on the factory floor when there was a real crisis. Managers should always take care of their team before they take care of themselves – the supervisor is there to serve his team – not the other way round.”

This, if proven true to his word, is a remarkable example of a true leader willing to tackle the challenges that obstruct progress and positive change. It shows a high level of emotional intelligence and a willingness to instill a true leadership instead of playing ‘the boss.’

While the opening words in this email can prove touching, it’s Musk’s promise to take action that bears the power of the email and shows how willing he is to take care of his employees and treat them as equal human beings.

For a leader to inspire his followers, they must practice what they preach and set a right example. This means that they should not only delegate, but also be ready to take things into their own hands, especially when a serious problem is in the way.

What Musk does in this statement is what every manager and leader should do with their employees. Authoritarian attitude may keep your workers in fear of losing their jobs, but the true leader will inspire them to never want to leave their job.

Unfortunately, only a select number of managers have the basic empathetic and moral mindset to achieve what leaders are supposed to achieve.

So, ask yourself today:

-Is there a challenge or pain point my team is facing?

-What can I do to help my team overcome this?

If you know how to answer these two questions and follow through, the job title matters very little. Your colleagues will be eager to follow.


Beware Of Tonight’s New Moon In Capricorn (January 16th – 17th) – The Energy Is Extremely Heavy And Dangerous

Are you feeling weird and heavy lately? Are you feeling like you can’t breathe at times?

If you do, it is because the energy this month has been so intense, and it will continue to grow and intensify until the end of the month with the Full Moon.

The New Moon happening tonight (January 16th) will bring about many things that we all need to prepare for.

The New Moon is dark, and it happens once in every month. On that day the moon is invisible to us. This is because the moon rises and sets at the same time as the sun and its face is hidden from us.

This New Moon brings about new fierce and conflicting energies. One moment we would feel like we’ve been pushed towards something only to find ourselves being unexpectedly pulled back to a very different thing.

This powerful energy will force us to think and revisit old wounds and aspects of ourselves that we haven’t thought about in years. It will exhaust us. It will leave us feeling like we are losing air, putting us quickly into survival mode.

Things will quickly get serious. We will be feeling like we should change something and change our life fundamentally. This determination is not bad if you have a strategy. In the following days, you MUST be prepared and have a plan for every single thing, however minor it is.

To be honest, this New Moon’s energy won’t be easy. It will be extremely hard and heavy. But it is a healing one at the same time. Or in other words, it will hurt only to heal us. It will force us to think differently and most importantly, it will give us the strength needed to move forward once this energetic shift is completed.

Tomorrow’s New Moon will be in Capricorn and as it will symbolize love, it will also bring harmony and stability to any relationships that experienced turbulence in the last month or so.

But, you must be careful with this strong energy. You must stay calm and don’t let it overwhelm you. Only by staying fully calm and grounded you can be sure that things would work out for the best in your life. You must be open to receive as well as give love to others.

 Also, because of the Capricorn’s practicality, you will be bolder and more determined than ever. You will soon realize that you have all you need to achieve your goals and take on the world! This newfound progress and leap of faith will literally shape your life in the most amazing way possible.

So, in order to take the full advantage of the New Moon, you should try cleansing your aura tonight my meditating and make yourself sure that you are perfectly grounded, calm, and ready to experience all these positive changes and use them to your advantage.

Spread the awareness and take care!

This Type Of Man Is The Best Lover (In Bed And Out Of It), According To Research

It can be tricky for men to know what women want in bed. Most men will fall into the trap of all the porn related media that is mainly based on the exploitation of women and gain a false perception of women’s desires.

Luckily, one group of researchers are confident that they finally discovered what men’s traits and behaviors turn on women and give them the best experience in bed.

So, if you want to become the best lover she’s ever had, here are the 5 crucial things that you need to do for your woman.


A man’s scent is far more important than his physical appearance when it comes to how good he is in bed. This is because the man’s scent triggers sexual arousal in their partner and they immediately perceive him as a better lover.

So, next time you are heading out be sure to splash on some sexy cologne on you that she will surely love. Plus, if you choose a unique scent, she will associate that smell with you and this is an easy way to be sure that she will be thinking about you even when you are not together.


Many characteristics of men are more attractive to women than attractiveness. For instance, a man’s sense of humor is one of the most important ones. Women love men who can make them laugh.

If you can make a woman laugh, consider yourself golden. By making her laugh, she would feel more comfortable and relaxed with you and this leads to an amazing sex afterward. ????


You can’t be considered a great lover if you are not genuine and faithful first. Women don’t prefer womanizers or guys that would do anything just to get attention. Women want a man who is truly interested in them and only in them. They want to see a future with him.

Also, women notice how you treat other people in your life because to her, that is an indicator of how you would treat her in the future. Stay faithful to her and she will reward you by being her only one as well.


Men who show their creative side are more open to communication and being intimate than men who don’t have any creative side or hobby. Women prefer men who have many interests, not just sports and beer.

So, if you want to inspire more passion in the bedroom and in your relationship, indulge yourself in some activities that will broaden your mind and spirit. Your newfound spontaneity and an adventurous side will make you an even better lover.


Becoming a better lover means something more than just physical intimacy. Men who are excellent conversationalists, passionate adventure-seekers, and men who don’t fear commitment but embrace it – are the best lovers a woman can have. Better than those who just go on sulking though life and looking for their next sexual prey.

When you have your act together, you are immediately more attractive to women. When you are always finding ways to make your woman happy (and not just in the bedroom), you can say that you are her best lover.

6 Zodiacs That Will Find Their Happiness In 2018

While this year will be a good year for almost all zodiac signs, there are 6 of them that will be especially happy and lucky this year. So, if the last year was difficult and you were struggling a lot, keep reading to find whether in this year you’ll be able to find your happiness.

Here are the 6 zodiac signs that will have great things coming in 2018.


Even though you have separated yourself from many special people in your life in the last year, this year you will find your special one. 2018 will be an amazing year for you. Your life will drastically change for the better. You just need to let go of your worries from the past and focus on the future only.


This year you will not have to worry about your direction or your appearance. So, take time to relax and enjoy your life. You are doing fine, don’t worry. This year will be full of positive changes and experiences that will be very beneficial to you.


While the last year was quite hard and depressing for you, don’t worry – 2018 will be a year full of life and happiness. You will be getting out of your comfort zone more often and you will be taking more chances. So, don’t hold yourself back and take chances because a brighter future is just around the corner.


This year you will find something special. This thing could come to you in the form of a business proposal and financial gain or a romantic relationship. So, be open and ready to receive whatever thing is heading your way. It would be extraordinary either way.


Calm down Taurus, and let go of any resentment and anger that you have been bottling up. 2018 will be a year of passion and at the same time, you will feel a sense of calmness and peacefulness like you’ve never felt before. Also, great things are coming in your work life – your effort will be rewarded generously.


This year you will finally settle down. While you will feel odd and without direction in the beginning of the year, just hold on because everything will soon make sense to you. Only be careful to not let things overwhelm you. Keep your calm, and enjoy the newfound feeling of stability – don’t run from it.

Is your sign on the list?

8 Signs You’ve Been Reincarnated Into This Life

signs of reincarnation

The aspect of reincarnation is the basis of many religions, and as such, it stands behind the idea that our souls and consciousness are immortal and can transfer from one body to another, life after life, in order to grow and become more conscious.

How do you know if you’re reincarnated?

Both ancient and new-age spirituality are well aware of this concept of reincarnation, and the idea that it can, in fact, be one of the most certain things about spirituality is based on many cases of people remembering past lives, and the fact that consciousness does grow with every new generation.

So, how can you know if you have lived past lives and that you have been reincarnated into this life?

Here are 8 signs of reincarnation: 

1. A sense of knowing things for what they are

Learning about the world comes from a different angle for you – bearing the fact that you have most probably acquired the wisdom and knowledge of things in your past lives, only an informational trigger is enough for you to gain a profound understanding of whatever you are engaged into.

2. Heightened intuition

Your intuition is a mixture of the Infinite wisdom imparted in your soul from all of its journeys and your connection with your Higher Self which is intensified throughout various lifetimes. This intuition doesn’t allow for cheap manipulations and vapid lies.

3. Increased emotional awareness and empathy

Not only are you aware of your own emotions, but you are also highly sensitive to the emotions of others. Again, the wisdom and experience you have acquired from the past lives allow you to tap deeper into understanding the emotions and thoughts of others.

4. Bigger challenges

Of course, deeper knowledge comes with bigger challenges – as the lessons you need to learn throughout your lifetimes only become tougher and more complex. Some say that suffering and struggle is a sign of an old soul – and that note of inner sadness and longing is always playing in your heart.

5. Strange phobias

If you have a phobia of something that is unrelated to your current life, it may be that traumas from your past life may have transferred into this lifetime. And bearing in mind that we reincarnate to learn and overcome the obstacles of this dimension, it’s perfectly natural that you’ve been given that challenge to tackle – and it will stay there until you do.

6. A different kind of connection with people

There are some people to whom you feel a strong magnetism, and it doesn’t always have to be a romantic one. It could be that these people were part of your past lives at some point, and the lessons you need to learn together have extended to this lifetime.

7. A magnetism toward certain places or objects

If, for some reason, your past life holds answers to your current lessons which you need to tap into, then it might happen that you are drawn to elements and aspects that defined it. These can include places, objects, or even languages of historic importance and value, where you might have lived in the past.

8. Superior cognition

The way you perceive the world is one which includes the microverse and macroverse both at the same time. You can view things from a much more different angle because the innate wisdom is one that has been transferred through your soul’s journey. Of course, it’s all meant for the next lessons you need to learn in this lifetime, and as much it’s a privilege, possessing such perception can prove to be one of the greatest challenges you’ve ever faced.

Can you relate to these things? We are all at a different stage of spiritual consciousness and it’s perfectly natural. Being an old soul is both a blessing and a challenge that younger souls cannot even comprehend.

Whatever the case, never miss the opportunities that life brings to you, and never avoid the challenges that make it for what it is – we are here to learn and evolve!


12 Characteristics Every Empath Has But Won’t Admit It

Empaths are those unique human beings, capable of understanding the energy and other people’s emotions on a deeper, more intense level. These rare birds are among the most sensitive people between the crowds and they’re indeed considered as the ultimate caregivers in this world.

However, as wonderful as their experience sounds, living life as an empath requires some self-sacrifices. Their ability to feel the emotions of others goes for miles. While a normal person will try to console and comfort someone who feels down, an empath perceives and feels those emotions as if they were their own. Oftentimes, the sensation can be so severely intense that will drain the empath’s energy to the last bit.

So, regardless of the fact that most empaths are different, empaths in general often struggle to admit their weaknesses.

Read on as we reveal to you the 12 characteristics an empath has in them but won’t admit they are having it. Who knows, you might turn out to be one after all.

So, let’s begin!

1.Empaths cultivate an introverted personality

Most people think that empaths are extroverted, but to be honest, most of them aren’t. Having in mind their keen sense of other people’s emotions and sharp intuition, these gems are most likely to spend their lives lowkey. As a result of their intense perception, empaths are more likely to indulge in an introvertive type of life.

2.They often feel afraid to be taken advantage of

The same need to live a more peaceful, introvertive life is often caused by the fear of being hurt. Empaths are people who are used to give and do everything in their power to help people. However, they are not the best at asking for a helping hand because this makes them a good target to be taken advantage of.

3.They need to take some time off in order to recharge

As a result of constantly absorbing other people’s energies and emotions, empaths often suffer from over exhaustion. That is why alone time with their thoughts is a vital method to recharge their batteries and keep them going.

4.They can be a bit moody at times 

As a consequence of their highly intuitive personality, and the fact that they are an actual emotional sponge, empaths can be moody from time to time. As said before, their therapy includes a certain period of isolation in order to regenerate themselves.

5.Empaths will never do a thing they don’t enjoy

When it comes to everything in life, one of the most important mottos in an empath’s life is: “Do the things you love and never settle for less.” No matter how self-centered it may sound, these people would never allow engaging in something they don’t find fulfilling.

6.They have a certain way of knowing when a person is lying

As a result of their heightened perception, an empath will immediately know whenever a person is not telling the truth. Don’t bother pretending, they have the ability to pick up on a lot more things than you can imagine.

7.They tend to love more intensely than most people

One of their strongest suits is their pure, loving nature. Empaths differ from most of the crowd by simply loving profoundly. Loving deeply. They care for the people who matter to them. If you have an empath in your life, you, my friend, are blessed. They are the best people to have around.

8.They suffer from daily exhaustion

Being extremely perceptive of other people’s emotions leaves them worn out with a lack of energy and unable to take care of themselves. Being aware of their own emotions among the invasion of others can be quite a difficult task for empaths.

9.They are highly sensitive human beings

The enormous exposure to the feelings of others influences the empath in a way that often makes them overwhelmed. And because of that, detaching from those situations once in a while is the only way they can heal.

10.They are always on the lookout for the underdog

They are more than willing to walk the extra mile for people who remind them of their own nature. That is why empaths will always be there for people who walk the same path in life.

11.They are often too stressed out

You could only imagine what taking that much energy from others can do to you. Being an empath and going through life while reliving other people’s pain is a process both painful and stressful. Seeing that stress can easily escalate into something much more severe, doing their best to remain peaceful in those challenging moments is very important.

12.Empaths have a highly developed intuition

People cultivating a highly developed empathetic side have the remarkable power to just know things. The voice deep within is far more intense than anything else. That is why their strong sense of intuition is their ultimate guide on their journey to happiness and serenity.

8 Effective Methods To Deal With Narcissists By Putting Them In Their Place

We exist in an egoistic society, where people are encouraged to maintain a strong ‘ME’ approach to life. Manipulation is just another effective way for one to fulfill their needs seeing as we are more and more used to live with the cold-hearted truth that hypocrisy actually makes the world go round.

It’s a fact, narcissists are everywhere around us. Those are the people that rule the ultimate mind games by firstly creating an attractive, enchanting personality that empowers them to seduce their victims with their fake persona.

And right before you know it, their real vile personality takes over. Cold-hearted, two-faced, manipulative and lacking empathy, their wicked nature can have an extremely negative influence on people.

The numbers are rising by the day as studies found that narcissists in the United States are up to 30%. So, considering their highly manipulative nature we can’t always avoid falling into the narcissist trap. However, there are effective ways to disarm them by shutting them down in order to protect ourselves.

If you’re already knee deep in mud with a narcissist, try these 8 effective methods to deal with them by putting them right where they belong:


First things first. In order to find a suitable way to deceive the narcissist’s intention to rule you over, you need to determine which kind of narcissist you are dealing with. Observe their behavior and notice the hints.

Is your partner trying to manipulate sexually? You might have a problem with an amorous narcissist.


It is one of the simplest ways of dealing with a toxic person and it is right there in front of us, yet we ignore it the most. Learning to simply say NO when something is hurting you or even making you uncomfortable.

Don’t be afraid to tell it like it is, and stick to your guns! It’s your own personal life and you choose who you let in it.


A narcissist ultimate weapon against you is your insecurity. That is why their victims are carefully chosen, all of them characterized by lack of confidence.

It is as they have a heightened sense and they can actually smell your fear. The next step is tricking you into thinking you deserve even less than you have just, so they can exploit your insecurity for their personal benefit.

 The only way to help yourself is to show them you don’t care. Show them they have no power over you. You are fearless.


When you gain the courage to step up and call a narcissist on their behavior, be fully prepared for the mind tricks that will follow.

They’ll do anything in their power to defend themselves from the ugly truth by changing the subject and attacking you.

Don’t let their dirty tricks get to you. The second you notice they are trying to change your subject, stand up for yourself and make them realize you won’t allow them to project their manipulation games ever again.


Narcissists are known to be the ultimate players when it comes to promising. They’ll say anything that can be convenient for them in the long run. However, when the time arrives, don’t expect them to deliver.

They’ll fail to give you what was promised and what’s worse, they will leave you begging for more.

However, if you want to face a narcissist, you need to be brave. The next time you hear them promising you the world, simply reply that you ’ll only believe it when you see it.


The minute you sense they’re up for another game of lies and manipulation, confront them and speak up. Tell them that you’ll never allow it to mess you up again. Shut them down by telling them the truth and strongly refuse to be their poor victim.


Constantly seeking for other’s people attention and appraisal, narcissists are strongly convinced that the world is there to serve them. They lure their way into people’s lives making them feel worthless and miserable while feeding on their energy.

Throw them off balance and put them in their place. Knock them down with a sincere and straight-forward talk, and let them know this time will be different. There won’t the usual, same end to this story.


Once you engage with them, a narcissist will make their best to trick you into thinking you are worthless and you deserve nothing in this world.

They’ll get you hooked on their games and make your addiction grow even stronger. You’ll give and give, but there will be nothing in return.

However, all is not lost. You can still save yourself. Have the courage to step up and show them you are not the victim who they thought you were.

Stay strong, show they you’ve grown, became independent and shut down their attempts to make you feel otherwise.

At last, they’ve lost their power over you. You are free.