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8 Signs You’ve Been Reincarnated Into This Life

signs of reincarnation

The aspect of reincarnation is the basis of many religions, and as such, it stands behind the idea that our souls and consciousness are immortal and can transfer from one body to another, life after life, in order to grow and become more conscious.

How do you know if you’re reincarnated?

Both ancient and new-age spirituality are well aware of this concept of reincarnation, and the idea that it can, in fact, be one of the most certain things about spirituality is based on many cases of people remembering past lives, and the fact that consciousness does grow with every new generation.

So, how can you know if you have lived past lives and that you have been reincarnated into this life?

Here are 8 signs of reincarnation: 

1. A sense of knowing things for what they are

Learning about the world comes from a different angle for you – bearing the fact that you have most probably acquired the wisdom and knowledge of things in your past lives, only an informational trigger is enough for you to gain a profound understanding of whatever you are engaged into.

2. Heightened intuition

Your intuition is a mixture of the Infinite wisdom imparted in your soul from all of its journeys and your connection with your Higher Self which is intensified throughout various lifetimes. This intuition doesn’t allow for cheap manipulations and vapid lies.

3. Increased emotional awareness and empathy

Not only are you aware of your own emotions, but you are also highly sensitive to the emotions of others. Again, the wisdom and experience you have acquired from the past lives allow you to tap deeper into understanding the emotions and thoughts of others.

4. Bigger challenges

Of course, deeper knowledge comes with bigger challenges – as the lessons you need to learn throughout your lifetimes only become tougher and more complex. Some say that suffering and struggle is a sign of an old soul – and that note of inner sadness and longing is always playing in your heart.

5. Strange phobias

If you have a phobia of something that is unrelated to your current life, it may be that traumas from your past life may have transferred into this lifetime. And bearing in mind that we reincarnate to learn and overcome the obstacles of this dimension, it’s perfectly natural that you’ve been given that challenge to tackle – and it will stay there until you do.

6. A different kind of connection with people

There are some people to whom you feel a strong magnetism, and it doesn’t always have to be a romantic one. It could be that these people were part of your past lives at some point, and the lessons you need to learn together have extended to this lifetime.

7. A magnetism toward certain places or objects

If, for some reason, your past life holds answers to your current lessons which you need to tap into, then it might happen that you are drawn to elements and aspects that defined it. These can include places, objects, or even languages of historic importance and value, where you might have lived in the past.

8. Superior cognition

The way you perceive the world is one which includes the microverse and macroverse both at the same time. You can view things from a much more different angle because the innate wisdom is one that has been transferred through your soul’s journey. Of course, it’s all meant for the next lessons you need to learn in this lifetime, and as much it’s a privilege, possessing such perception can prove to be one of the greatest challenges you’ve ever faced.

Can you relate to these things? We are all at a different stage of spiritual consciousness and it’s perfectly natural. Being an old soul is both a blessing and a challenge that younger souls cannot even comprehend.

Whatever the case, never miss the opportunities that life brings to you, and never avoid the challenges that make it for what it is – we are here to learn and evolve!


12 Characteristics Every Empath Has But Won’t Admit It

Empaths are those unique human beings, capable of understanding the energy and other people’s emotions on a deeper, more intense level. These rare birds are among the most sensitive people between the crowds and they’re indeed considered as the ultimate caregivers in this world.

However, as wonderful as their experience sounds, living life as an empath requires some self-sacrifices. Their ability to feel the emotions of others goes for miles. While a normal person will try to console and comfort someone who feels down, an empath perceives and feels those emotions as if they were their own. Oftentimes, the sensation can be so severely intense that will drain the empath’s energy to the last bit.

So, regardless of the fact that most empaths are different, empaths in general often struggle to admit their weaknesses.

Read on as we reveal to you the 12 characteristics an empath has in them but won’t admit they are having it. Who knows, you might turn out to be one after all.

So, let’s begin!

1.Empaths cultivate an introverted personality

Most people think that empaths are extroverted, but to be honest, most of them aren’t. Having in mind their keen sense of other people’s emotions and sharp intuition, these gems are most likely to spend their lives lowkey. As a result of their intense perception, empaths are more likely to indulge in an introvertive type of life.

2.They often feel afraid to be taken advantage of

The same need to live a more peaceful, introvertive life is often caused by the fear of being hurt. Empaths are people who are used to give and do everything in their power to help people. However, they are not the best at asking for a helping hand because this makes them a good target to be taken advantage of.

3.They need to take some time off in order to recharge

As a result of constantly absorbing other people’s energies and emotions, empaths often suffer from over exhaustion. That is why alone time with their thoughts is a vital method to recharge their batteries and keep them going.

4.They can be a bit moody at times 

As a consequence of their highly intuitive personality, and the fact that they are an actual emotional sponge, empaths can be moody from time to time. As said before, their therapy includes a certain period of isolation in order to regenerate themselves.

5.Empaths will never do a thing they don’t enjoy

When it comes to everything in life, one of the most important mottos in an empath’s life is: “Do the things you love and never settle for less.” No matter how self-centered it may sound, these people would never allow engaging in something they don’t find fulfilling.

6.They have a certain way of knowing when a person is lying

As a result of their heightened perception, an empath will immediately know whenever a person is not telling the truth. Don’t bother pretending, they have the ability to pick up on a lot more things than you can imagine.

7.They tend to love more intensely than most people

One of their strongest suits is their pure, loving nature. Empaths differ from most of the crowd by simply loving profoundly. Loving deeply. They care for the people who matter to them. If you have an empath in your life, you, my friend, are blessed. They are the best people to have around.

8.They suffer from daily exhaustion

Being extremely perceptive of other people’s emotions leaves them worn out with a lack of energy and unable to take care of themselves. Being aware of their own emotions among the invasion of others can be quite a difficult task for empaths.

9.They are highly sensitive human beings

The enormous exposure to the feelings of others influences the empath in a way that often makes them overwhelmed. And because of that, detaching from those situations once in a while is the only way they can heal.

10.They are always on the lookout for the underdog

They are more than willing to walk the extra mile for people who remind them of their own nature. That is why empaths will always be there for people who walk the same path in life.

11.They are often too stressed out

You could only imagine what taking that much energy from others can do to you. Being an empath and going through life while reliving other people’s pain is a process both painful and stressful. Seeing that stress can easily escalate into something much more severe, doing their best to remain peaceful in those challenging moments is very important.

12.Empaths have a highly developed intuition

People cultivating a highly developed empathetic side have the remarkable power to just know things. The voice deep within is far more intense than anything else. That is why their strong sense of intuition is their ultimate guide on their journey to happiness and serenity.

8 Effective Methods To Deal With Narcissists By Putting Them In Their Place

We exist in an egoistic society, where people are encouraged to maintain a strong ‘ME’ approach to life. Manipulation is just another effective way for one to fulfill their needs seeing as we are more and more used to live with the cold-hearted truth that hypocrisy actually makes the world go round.

It’s a fact, narcissists are everywhere around us. Those are the people that rule the ultimate mind games by firstly creating an attractive, enchanting personality that empowers them to seduce their victims with their fake persona.

And right before you know it, their real vile personality takes over. Cold-hearted, two-faced, manipulative and lacking empathy, their wicked nature can have an extremely negative influence on people.

The numbers are rising by the day as studies found that narcissists in the United States are up to 30%. So, considering their highly manipulative nature we can’t always avoid falling into the narcissist trap. However, there are effective ways to disarm them by shutting them down in order to protect ourselves.

If you’re already knee deep in mud with a narcissist, try these 8 effective methods to deal with them by putting them right where they belong:


First things first. In order to find a suitable way to deceive the narcissist’s intention to rule you over, you need to determine which kind of narcissist you are dealing with. Observe their behavior and notice the hints.

Is your partner trying to manipulate sexually? You might have a problem with an amorous narcissist.


It is one of the simplest ways of dealing with a toxic person and it is right there in front of us, yet we ignore it the most. Learning to simply say NO when something is hurting you or even making you uncomfortable.

Don’t be afraid to tell it like it is, and stick to your guns! It’s your own personal life and you choose who you let in it.


A narcissist ultimate weapon against you is your insecurity. That is why their victims are carefully chosen, all of them characterized by lack of confidence.

It is as they have a heightened sense and they can actually smell your fear. The next step is tricking you into thinking you deserve even less than you have just, so they can exploit your insecurity for their personal benefit.

 The only way to help yourself is to show them you don’t care. Show them they have no power over you. You are fearless.


When you gain the courage to step up and call a narcissist on their behavior, be fully prepared for the mind tricks that will follow.

They’ll do anything in their power to defend themselves from the ugly truth by changing the subject and attacking you.

Don’t let their dirty tricks get to you. The second you notice they are trying to change your subject, stand up for yourself and make them realize you won’t allow them to project their manipulation games ever again.


Narcissists are known to be the ultimate players when it comes to promising. They’ll say anything that can be convenient for them in the long run. However, when the time arrives, don’t expect them to deliver.

They’ll fail to give you what was promised and what’s worse, they will leave you begging for more.

However, if you want to face a narcissist, you need to be brave. The next time you hear them promising you the world, simply reply that you ’ll only believe it when you see it.


The minute you sense they’re up for another game of lies and manipulation, confront them and speak up. Tell them that you’ll never allow it to mess you up again. Shut them down by telling them the truth and strongly refuse to be their poor victim.


Constantly seeking for other’s people attention and appraisal, narcissists are strongly convinced that the world is there to serve them. They lure their way into people’s lives making them feel worthless and miserable while feeding on their energy.

Throw them off balance and put them in their place. Knock them down with a sincere and straight-forward talk, and let them know this time will be different. There won’t the usual, same end to this story.


Once you engage with them, a narcissist will make their best to trick you into thinking you are worthless and you deserve nothing in this world.

They’ll get you hooked on their games and make your addiction grow even stronger. You’ll give and give, but there will be nothing in return.

However, all is not lost. You can still save yourself. Have the courage to step up and show them you are not the victim who they thought you were.

Stay strong, show they you’ve grown, became independent and shut down their attempts to make you feel otherwise.

At last, they’ve lost their power over you. You are free.

What to Eat to Get the Perfect Glowing Tan?

The summer is finally here and so does the excitement for your vacation. You are ready to hit the beach and get that gorgeous summer tan. However, you have a webpage and a constant running blog, and you worry about the content of it ultimately reaching a standstill hence of your vacation. With essay writing solutions, you can go on vacation without the need to worry. Other than this the only thing you should worry about is the well-known fact that the damage was done by the sun and its UVA and UVB rays can ultimately lead to sunburns and skin cancer.

The chances are small but why not avoid them. Only small changes like eating certain foods will help you to get the perfect glowing tan. Here are the top ten foods that will boost the appearance of the tan lines. (1)

  1. Carrots

These veggies can do miraculous things for your tan. The alpha-carotene contained in the carrots promotes the colouration of the skin hence why most of the tanning products are made of them. Eaten raw they will make your skin blossom while at the same time they are a healthy snack between meals.

  1. Eggs

Eating eggs particularly their egg yolks will have a significant impact of getting a glowy healthy tan. They are packed with vitamin A which is held accountable for its regenerative effects. (2)

  1. Mangos

Mangos, same as the egg yolk contain great amounts of vitamin A and as we already said super important vitamin for tanning.

  1. Water

Although water doesn’t have vitamin A in it yet 60% of our bodies is water. Our cells need it in order to function properly and to transmit the healthy and vital nutrients from one cell to another. Sometimes the simplest things are the most effective such as keeping your body hydrated. Every 20 minutes don’t forget to drink fresh water.

  1. Cheese

Cheese is packed with high levels of selenium which is important in fighting the free radicals in our bodies. Hence of this, it can help you tan better and avoid all the unnecessary sunburns. White cheese, in particular, has extraordinarily high levels of selenium.

  1. Spinach

Besides being good for the health of your heart it is also miraculous for your tan. Same as the carrots, spinach is packed with antioxidants such as beta-carotene that will help you in getting that golden tan.

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain a compound named different but with similar characteristics such as the one found in the carrots and the spinach- lycopene. It has superpowers when it comes to fighting the free radicals thus accordingly it will keep your skin healthy and happy with a beautiful tan. A salad a day when on vacation will give you all the needed bits of skin-vital elements.

  1. Apricots

They are rich in natural pigments named carotenoids hence why they have their yellowish colour and are rich in antioxidants.

  1. Olive oil

Olive oil will help you in maintaining your tan rather than contributing to getting it. Forget about wrinkled, damaged, and dry skin by only adding olive oil to your cooking.

  1. Peaches and plums

With the high amounts of vitamin A and carotenoids and their radical killing antioxidants, they are true superheroes among all the fruits.

5 Ways to Sleep Better Every Night

With the immensely changing lifestyle of people, finding enough sleep is often a challenge. Lack of sleep has multiple side effects on the body. Some people find it easier and more comfortable to sleep as compared to others and those who are not able to get ample sleep in the night and day of suffering in the day. If you are not getting the required amount of sleep, you may end up developing one of the various problems mentioned below. (1)

  1. Less sleep is one of the prime reasons for weight gain among middle-aged people. Reduction in sleep increases the craving for taking more carbohydrates and more fatty food.
  2. Lack of enough sleep can affect the sexual life of people which may then further increase tension and stress
  3. Skin ageing is one of the significant problems of lack of sleep. Less sleep bring down the elasticity and smoothness of the skin tissues

There is a misconception that only sleep pills can help in improving your sleep but there are various other ways as well by which you can have a better rest. In fact, taking pills should be the last option as they come with their own set of Side Effects that can affect your quality of life. Below we have listed down five steps that can help you improve your sleeping pattern

  1. Make sure that you keep your bed cooled to a specific temperature and choose appropriate bedding. Most people find it difficult to sleep because they are not comfortable in their beds. The mattresses from Cozzy.org have been rated very high by many users.
  2. Don’t overeat but have enough in your tummy so that you don’t feel any craving to divert you from sleeping.
  3. Keep your bed only for sleeping since if you start watching TV and even eating in your bed, it will give the wrong signals to your mind.
  4. Keep yourself away from various types of caffeine in the night as it will deprive you of sleep for a specific period
  5. Follow a regular schedule to create a pattern in your mind for sleeping. Even on weekends try to sleep and wake up at the time that you follow throughout the remaining weekdays.

The above tips and tricks will solve the problem for most people however there are others who may be facing some health issue that is depriving them of sleeping enough. The type of medicines that you are consuming will also play a significant effect on your sleeping capacity. If you are not able to sleep for a few days, then do not worry as it could be because of any underline medical cause and you would probably start sleeping correctly soon however if you are facing a problem for an extended period it is recommended to consult a doctor. Do not take any sleeping pills until an authorized medical professional has approved these. Some websites may attract you with their home remedies and products however most of these are fake and are there to just a track online crowd. (2)

Essential Attributes of a Complete PCB Design Software

Speaking about designing printed circuit boards; there is various PCB design software available in the market. Every electronic engineer who is looking to commence designing a printed circuit board requires the aid and assistance of fantastic PCB design software. Out of all the PCB design software present in the market; sometimes it becomes extremely tough to choose a good one. To help you in your selection we are sharing with you some of the amazing attributes, advantages, and provisions offered by good PCB design software. So, if your selection provides you with the following; go for it. (1)

  • Impeccable & Immaculate Component Management

The majority of the time, a PCB designer has to work on a product that has many different variances, variations or deviations. These variations could be for any element like temperature rating, voltage rating, available memory and many more. Obviously, different variations mean that the value of the associated component needs to be changed. Good PCB design software allows you to set up a new variation in a single project itself. So, if for each variation your chosen PCB design software makes you open a new project it is time that you change your design tool.

  • Unified Design Environment

When coming to selecting the components for your printed circuit board, the list is tremendously huge and each component has its own documentation and datasheet. Rather than wasting your time going through each and every data sheet; good PCB design software has all this data integrated into it in the form of a library. Moreover, if a PCB design software allows you to integrate the same library with other design tools; you, definitely, have struck gold in the form of marvellous PCB design software. Moreover, the availability of a component library provides several PCB design advantages enabling you to develop a quality design in less time.

  • 3D Output

When designing with 2D PCB design software you can’t see what your board will look like in reality. Moreover, 3D enables you to see the heights of different components as well. PCB design software must have the capability to generate a 3D output or view of your printed circuit board. The 3D output is great for the effective placement of components over aboard. Please check that 3D capabilities must be a part of the core software and shouldn’t be offered as an optional provision. Optional provisions, generally, don’t work well and with the majority of optional provisions, you need to open a separate window or a tool to access the functionality, rather than simulating that functionality over your current development environment.

  • Provision to Design any kind of Printed Circuit Board

Good PCB design software is not limited to only one or two types of printed circuit board. Before investing in software, it is critical to know whether the software provides the facility to create any kind of PCB in it or not. If you are looking to design complex boards such as High-Density Interconnect PCBs or a speed design then you shouldn’t look for an alternative design tool; unnecessarily wasting your hard-earned resources and essential time.

  • Support of the Community

The community support of a design tool reflects its popularity. Good PCB design tools are extremely popular amongst experienced and professional PCB designers and usually have a very strong community around them. If you are stuck anywhere while using design software the Help Section must be able to sort things out for you in a matter of minutes; as most projects are time-bound and a PCB designer cannot afford to lose on time.

  • Prototyping & Testing

Prototyping and testing are essential for developing a fully functional and reliable design. Rapid prototyping enables a PCB designer to catch on the faults, errors, and bugs in the designing phase itself. Hence, the final design is virtually free of any kinds of errors. This prevents surprises to come up when the design of the printed circuit board is sent for production.


The above-mentioned points will, undoubtedly, help you to choose good PCB design software enabling you to complete your projects on time as well as enjoy a host of other advantages and benefits offered by it.

7 Most Common Causes Of Depression And Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are one of the most common mental disorders nowadays. The number of people suffering from a mental condition they can’t logically describe rises by the day.

And despite the fact that they are considered as illnesses which can be treated, there are still cases in which the victim isn’t 100% aware of all the relevant factors that might have caused the disorder in the first place. It is not an illness whose origin cannot be easily deciphered.

The statistics of most of the cases have shown that there is more than one cause for developing anxiety and depression. It is usually a “mix” of different factors (genes, past trauma, current circumstances etc.), that when brought together leave a devastating consequence on a person’s life.

Being able to completely understand one’s struggle with chronic depression or anxiety is the most important thing we can do in the process of helping them.

So, despite experiencing a traumatic event such as the death of a close person or surviving war, there are certain lifestyles which can also be a relevant trigger for depression as well as anxiety. The severity of the condition depends on the “mix” that was mentioned earlier.

Here are 7 most common lifestyle causes of depression and anxiety:


Hard-working to the point of extreme exhaustion triggers serious stress reactions in our body. Nowadays more and more people seem to suffer from an excessive stress caused by overworking.

However, to prevent it from happening it is important to know that when the brain is exposed to an extreme stress, the body prepares for a fight-back by producing larger amounts of the stress hormone, known as cortisol.

Thereby higher cortisol levels increase the risk for depression, various mental illnesses as well as lower life expectancy.


As one of the most common vices of today’s society, substance abuse is also considered a possible cause of depression and anxiety disorder.

Consuming drugs and alcohol substances can easily alter the brain’s neurochemistry by distorting the usual communication between the neurotransmitters.

And having in mind that the neurotransmitters are the chemical with which the brain and body communicate, they control every physical as well as physiological experience.

The people who are easily engaged in alcohol and drug use are prone to developing a mental illness.


Although the feeling of grief after the death of a loved one can help us somehow cope with the unfortunate event, prolonged grief can be one of the many causes of a chronic mental illness.

Another important trigger for depression and anxiety disorder is PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) which can be detected in the psyche of the military members.

Witnessing a massive bloodshed and the devastating horrors that wars bear can start a biological reaction that will soon evolve into a full-blown anxiety or a severe depression.


Individuals that are diagnosed with critical, untreatable health conditions are at a greater risk of developing a depression.

Health issues and terminable illnesses such as Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer or any kind of cardiovascular disease can result in producing the feeling of hopelessness, panic, and fear.

The prolonged exposure to these feelings will make it easier for anxiety and depression to manifest.


As humans, we can never be comfortably subjected to changes without feeling thrown off balance for a certain time.

Experiences that happen instantly and have the power to change our perspective in a blink of an eye, can lead us to some serious mental issues.

Sudden unexpected events in a person’s life will be the main trigger to induce chronic stress and as a result, increased levels of cortisol in the body.


As human beings and social creatures, it is in our nature to exist by socially interacting with other people in order to function properly.

Therefore, unexpected or expected separation from other human beings, as well as the rejection of others, is a serious problem which can affect our cognitive functions.

In a nutshell, rejection and isolation from social interactions with people dear to us can lead to a neurochemical imbalance which will later most likely manifest into depression.


Depression can be also the consequence of one’s poor self-image. Sudden devastating changes in our life can weigh us down and crush us in a heartbeat to the point where we are unable to accept the new reality. In this terrible moments, a person is bound to lose their self-confidence.

A frequent negative image of ourselves can harm us by leading us to obsessive thought patterns whether it is for money or appearance or reputation. The more the brain neurochemistry is distorted, the more depressive and disturbed thoughts it will produce.

Going through life experiencing some of this difficult conditions can be quite the nightmare. That is why it is of great value to show these people that they are not alone.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

If you recognize someone in this article, share it with them and show them your support.


Stephen Hawking’s Powerful Message For Everyone Who Suffers From Depression

Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest, most ingenious minds in this world. As a mastermind of our time, Professor Hawking is a well-renowned theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.

His life story, somewhat tragic, yet so inspirational begins at 1942 in Oxford, England. His existence revolved around natural sciences from an early age. Unfortunately, shortly after starting his first college year, he started experiencing strong symptoms that eventually revealed the sad truth about his condition.

At the age of 21-year, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with a motor neuron disease also known as ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). 

“When I turned 21 my expectations were reduced to zero. You probably know this already because there’s been a movie about it. In this situation, it was important that I came to appreciate what I did have.”

However, despite being diagnosed at an early age with a disease so incurable, Hawking’s brilliant mind couldn’t be stopped at anything. He never allowed his physical challenges to stop him from achieving his deepest desires.

He continued studying, working hard and eventually got 12 honorary degrees. Hawking fought against all odds and dedicated his life to procure the best possible answers about the universe, the great creation also known as the Big Bang and many other scientific theories.

When talking about his medical condition, Hawking says: “Although I was unfortunate to get motor neuron disease, I have been very fortunate in almost everything else.”

It might have slowed him down, but despite all the circumstances he kept inspiring our world and never stopped encouraging us to search for the true meaning of our existence.

” I have been lucky to work in theoretical physics at a fascinating time, and it’s one of the few areas in which my disability was not a serious handicap. It’s also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life may seem because you can lose all hope if you can’t laugh at yourself and life in general.”

At a recent Reith lecture in London, in front of a 400 people, the prominent scientist poetically compared black holes with depression and shared a poignant message that black holes are not as black as they are painted.

Hawking said: “They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe.”

And while depression is one of the most common and dangerous enemies of this world, Hawking advises: “If you ever feel like you are in a black hole, don’t give up – there is a way out.”

He also shared some of his experience as a person with a physical disability and spread these inspiring words:

“The victim should have the right to end his life if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there’s life, there is hope.”

These powerful statements went viral and piqued the interest of even those people who aren’t interested in theoretical physics. You may not reveal the absolute truth about black holes, but I’m you’ll find some deeper meaning and an even bigger motivation to keep moving on regardless of life’s difficulties.

As Hawking advises:

 “If you are disabled, it is probably not your fault, but it is no good blaming the world or expecting it to take pity on you. One has to have a positive attitude and must make the best of the situation that one finds oneself in; if one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically disabled as well. “

Now, tell me. Is there a biggest inspiration and motivation than a person who got to celebrate their 76th birthday, while passionately pursuing his career and at the same time living with the most horrid and progressive disease of the century? I think not.

So, no matter where you are in life and whatever it is that you are going through, let these words be your guide through the most difficult stages:

 “One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life are empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away.” – Stephen Hawking

A Scientific Experiment Proves: The Power Of Positivity Literally Changes Our Physical World

We all know that if we want to live a happy life, we should only think positively and let go of any negative thoughts and emotions. And while it is true that thinking happy and loving thoughts can make your life better, you can be even more sure of this fact when you find that it has been scientifically proven.

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a researcher and an alternative healer who scientifically proved that our words, thoughts, and intentions can literally affect our physical world we live in.

“HADO creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.” – Dr. Masaru Emoto

So, what is HADO?

HADO is our power to dip into our spiritual realm to gain the transformative and healing powers of our life energy. This power that is within us can either heal or destroy our life, depending on how we use it. There is a good side, and there is a dark side in this HADO power, and both are equally strong since they come from the same source.

Dr. Emoto’s premise is that water is our reflection. The water directly reflects all our thoughts and words. He thinks that our human consciousness is directly connected with our physical reality. In other words, we can literally change our physical reality by changing our thoughts.

Dr. Emoto’s most famous work is called “Messages from Water”, and in this book he explains in detail that the things we say, the music we listen to, and the way we feel has an effect on water. And since the human body consists of approximately 70% water – the water has a deep effect on us too.

He performed an experiment with rice to prove his point. He placed rice in 3 different glass beakers and fills them with water that submerges the rice. To the first beaker he spoke loving and positive words, to the second one he spoke negative and hateful words, and the third he completely ignored.

After a month, the rice to which he spoke nicely and lovingly fermented and smelled pleasant. The rice that was criticized and hated turned black. And the rice that was ignored started to rot. You can see his experiment in the video below.

Finally, Dr. Emoto explains that how we treat our children is essential to their well-being. This experiment shows how important it is to always show your children you love them and give them your undivided attention.

And it is really amazing to see how by changing our words and the way of thinking could change our life!

What do you think?  


You  Made A Pact With Your Soulmate Long Before You Were Born-Here’s How To Recognize Them 

There are many definitions of what a soulmate is, but they all share the same view that a soulmate is a person with whom you share a deep and Universal connection. This sort of connection involves love, affection, compatibility, spirituality, and care.

But, the most important thing that you will experience when you find your soulmate is a feeling of peace like you have never felt before.

According to Greek mythology, humans were created with 4 legs, 4 arms, and 2 heads. But, Zeus began to fear their power, so he divided them into 2 separate parts while cursing them to spend their lives searching for their other half.

Here’s how you can know that you have found your other half.

1. A Feeling Of Intense Calmness

When you are in the wrong relationship, it is obvious that you will start feeling more and more insecure about the relationship as the time passes, and you will become scared that if you make a mistake your partner can leave you.

When you are in a relationship with your soulmate, however, you feel secure and confident that you have something special and you will be always together. Because you belong together. You feel that with every fiber of your body. You feel comfortable and peaceful with them like you have never felt before.

2. Shared Beliefs And Morals

Being in a relationship with your soulmate doesn’t mean that you need to share the same views, but you need to be on the same page for the things that matter – like your overall ambitions and goals.

Also, your shared morals and beliefs of the world, in general, will make your relationship last because you both see the world through similar lenses.

3. Extreme Challenges And Support

Don’t expect to find your soulmate wrapped up in a perfect package both emotionally and physically. Every romantic relationship (even with your soulmate) comes with challenges.

However, the difference is that when you are in a relationship with your soulmate, all the obstacles, and difficult challenges will only serve as a strengthening power that will keep you together, stronger and more in love than ever.

4. Genuine Appreciation And Love

When every time you touch your partner, you get goosebumps and chills, you can be sure that this person is worthy of your time because every single moment is magical when you are with them. You cannot even explain what you are feeling because it is something that only soulmates experience.

5. Two Identities – One World

Soulmates find and recognize each other, and no outside influence or internal conflict can be so strong to break their bond.

Have you found your soulmate?