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This Is Why Falling In Love Is So Hard For Every Strong Woman

We live in an era where strong ladies who are used to carry the load on their own shoulders are often perceived as man-haters who are most likely to end up as old maidens with 40 cats.

Let’s ease up a bit on them, shall we?

While it is true that independent gals acquire more joy in ruling their own world and search for the happiness within them, it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to fall in love someday.

As an independent woman myself, I can assure you, we believe in love. Just because we seem a bit distant or selfish with our space at times, you shouldn’t get the idea that we’re not up for it.

The thing about us is that we will never be “up for it” with just about anyone.

Finding a suitable partner for a healthy and prosperous relationship in a society which religiously uses dating apps hoping to find their soulmate seems to a be a big difficulty.

And if it’s hard for other people, you can only imagine what it feels like to women who won’t always “budge an inch” for every person that comes along.

Even when we feel like the right one has come to our doors (I’ll feel free to speak in the name of all the independent sisters), it’s safe to say that it all comes down to battling between our feelings of wanting to experience true love and our strong moral code to never compromise our values.

Paradoxical, right?

As a declared independent person, who keeps chasing her dreams and pays  her bills, sadly I’ve had a pretty devastating love experience. I found a guy to whom I was really attracted by the things he did.

But the biggest mistake I made was confusing those nice things with their personality. Which turned out to be plain immature and childish.

Thinking back on the experience, I’m aware I got attached to a person who I thought he was.  The person who presented themselves as supportive of my goals was now trying to alienate my world by projecting an irrational jealousy.

And as much as I realize that as humans we carry each our own madness within and we often make mistakes (We’re far away from perfect) I will have the courage to ask you a question.

If you’re not up for being an equal partner to an open-minded, independent woman, then why the hell do you pretend to be one?

What good is it to date for fun anyway?

The playtime is over. We are mature women with a firm approach to the world around us and that’s the same attitude we search for in a person.

Falling in love is terrifying as it is. But it’s even more exceptionally scary for a woman who’s aware how serious it really is to invest time and energy in someone. A woman who would expect the same from you and would need your understanding.

I would never allow myself to waste my time doing the same mistake ever again. I don’t have the energy to get so intimate with someone only to find out after a while, that they don’t feel ready to live up to the same standards as my own.

I’m not scared to be alone. My biggest fear is ending up with the wrong man.

Image Copyright: kopitinphoto / 123RF Stock Photo

This Is Why Every Man Regrets Losing The Woman Who Waited For Him To Get His Sh*t Together

losing the woman who loved you

You probably have seen romantic movies in which a woman stays faithful and waits for her boyfriend to build his career, or to figure out what he wants in life (is it a marriage with her, or he prefers to stay single) until he finally realizes that he loves her and chooses her, and they live happily ever after.

It would be nice if things were like this in real life. But we are not living in a romantic comedy. Today, when a woman is done, man – she is done!

See the thing with us women is that we give you way too many chances. We are strong believers in your abilities and what you can become, and we want to be next to you when that happens. This is why many women decide to stay in terrible relationships with men that don’t treat them as they deserve.

But, enough is enough, and when a woman is done, she is done.

Once a woman sees that her life is actually better without you in it, sucking her energy and wasting her time – her window is closed for you. There is no turning back. No amount of transforming and bettering yourself, your career, your lifestyle, and your attitude can bring her back.

You will probably try to feed your ego and justify your behavior saying something along the lines of ‘if she can’t handle me at my worst, she doesn’t deserve me at my best.”

The truth is that no sane person can feel obligated to stay and deal with your bullsh*t. No one deserves a life full of drama, stress, and pain. And no one can imprison another human being into waiting for them to figure out what they want in life.  

She, rejecting you means that she finally chose to stand up and take care of herself even though her decision to leave might hurt your feelings. But remember, it was your actions that made her decision.

You will regret losing the woman who loved you when you were at your lowest point in life. The woman who believed in you and supported you when you had little faith in yourself. The woman who stood by your side through all your bullsh*t.

You will regret losing her because the other woman who you’ll meet when you are at your best and loves you at your highest point in life could easily turn away when she sees you are not so perfect as she thought you were.

In these moments you will realize that you once had a woman who accepted you and who did everything for you without you even asking her to. A woman who endured all your storms hoping that you will change. A woman who loved your dark side, but you let her go.

10 Subtle Signs You’re A Victim Of An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Abuse can come in a variety of forms and every person out there has a different tolerance for it. Physical abuse leaves you with pain and scars which can be clearly felt and sighted.

But what happens when you’re a victim of an even worse type, the emotional abuse?

As opposed to physical abuse which includes a physical contact, emotional abuse is carried by a variety of methods, such as words, a certain toxic behavior or harmful actions.

When you are a part of an emotionally abusive relationship, you might not realize it at first, up until that very moment when your instincts start to tell you the ugly truth. You become aware they try to control you and chip away your last bit of confidence by blaming, accusing and making you feel worthless.

If you experience some of these symptoms, it’s most likely you’re a victim of an emotionally abusive relationship:

1. You feel like nothing

As a consequence of the constant humiliation and downgrading, you end up feeling like you’re no good to anyone. They keep making you feel useless and convince you that they’re doing you the favor by staying with you because no one else would want you.

2. Your partner is constantly accusing and blaming you

They accuse you of flirting or being interested in another person without having a reasonable cause. Whatever the problem is, they project the responsibility and guilt to your side by usually stating the “Look what you did!”, “What’s wrong with you?”? These types of behavior are often the excuse to begin physical violence.

3. They punish you by withholding

You feel more and more alienated from your partner. They refuse to listen to you, and never stop giving you the “silent treatment”. They withhold all of the information, every affection and feelings just so they can have the ultimate control over you.

4. They draw away the attention from an important issue and refuse to discuss it

They refuse to discuss an important issue or constantly interrupt you when you talk to them. They treat you like your opinion isn’t worth a dime. You talk but they twist your words and lead the conversation out of context and in their favor. This is a serious sign that you’re a part of an emotionally abusive relationship.

5. They have absolute control over you

They insist to know everywhere you go, they even forbid you to go out and take all your belongings leaving you begging for mercy. Whether it’s your income or your freedom of choice, you end up having nothing.  

They yell at you until you explain every situation that occurred to you, and even then, it’s most likely your answer will be taken for granted.

6. Your partner never stops criticizing and judging you

They act like they’re never satisfied with you, and treat you like a disappointment. If your partner is always on the move to criticize you and refers to it as a “constructive criticism”, better watch out. This can only develop into an even more severe situation where you’ll be the first person to blame.

7. Their needs are always the top priority 

Your partner acts like they’re always in charge and it seems like you have no say in anything. They justify their actions by blaming you and verbally attacking you.

The goal of an abusive person is to weaken you, just, so they can be the one who holds the power.

 At the end, you’re left with no choice than putting them first, so you fall into the trap and start doing everything they order you.

8. They deny your experience of their abuse

They are absolutely inconsiderate of your feelings. In fact, these toxic people have zero empathy inside their heart. They deny your pain and your experience of their harmful demeanor.

They keep convincing you that you’re imagining stuff and it’s all in your head while they successfully manage to disfigure the truth even worse and prolong your suffering.

9. They prohibit your friendships

They cut you off from your friends and family in order to leave you more vulnerable, therefore more suitable for them to continue their abusement towards you.

10. They threaten you

If you keep getting threats from them about harming you in any possible way if you “misbehave” and don’t follow their “rules”, you need to find to develop a strategy to get out of this relationship. And the quicker, the better. Otherwise, you can fall victim to a more severe consequence.

If these signs of emotionally abusive relationship applied to you in any way, you need to get to the root of the problem by asking yourself any of these questions:

– Does it feel like I’m in Hell with them?

– Does my partner always hold me responsible for everything?

– Does my partner always criticize me for everything that I do?

If the answer is yes, then I advise you to search for the cause of this serious issue and try solving it as soon as possible. You don’t need to go through this alone, and you should never be ashamed to ask for a professional help.

Image: @chibelek

5 Good Reasons Why Happy Couples Don’t Post Much About Their Relationships On Social Media

Happy people don’t talk much about happiness, people in love don’t talk much about love. Especially not for the approval of others, which is what social media has become nowadays – hunting grounds for attention.

People are ready to go to any lengths to ‘prove’ that they live happy lives, to show the others how beautiful it is to be in love, and whatnot. It’s totally sickening – especially to those who live this truth and know that you don’t need anyone’s approval to feel this way. You simply do.

Perhaps this is the main reason why people who are happy in love don’t post much about their relationships on social media. In fact, there are several really good reasons that make perfect sense.

1. If there’s anything to post, it will be about a good moment spent together at a special place

Not every moment of your relationship; not every detail about your private lives. Why? Because that’s what people usually do – that’s creating a memory. And happy couples function like this because they don’t find the things they do together as something extraordinary that others don’t. And in the end, who has the time to post frequent updates when you need your focus on your relationship?

2. Genuine joy and elation make us forget to take photos

It’s true – your attention is so much focused on that perfect moment, that pure joy, and that ‘high’ you get from being around your significant other that you don’t really have the energy to think about doing something so tedious as taking a photo. It will ruin the moment really, and for what?

3. If there’s anything to post about, it will never be about the arguments

It’s simply saddening to see how some people like to post about the quarrels they have in their relationships, about how their partner did this or that. Or that addiction to changing the relationship status whenever something happens. Happy couples don’t focus on what the social media will think about their relationship – they focus on fixing the issue and growing together.

4. What kind of validation are you seeking, exactly?

Happy couples don’t seek any kind of validation about their relationship. And posting endlessly about their relationship only implies that they do. So, no, you won’t see too many photos and stories about happy couples online. Simply because their life is between them, and that is what makes them truly happy.

5. Happy couples have nothing to prove

Some people like to post on social media to show off, to prove that they are living the life. However, as I said at the beginning of the article – happy people don’t talk about happiness, and people in love don’t talk about love. They do it – they live it. They don’t need to prove to anyone that they are happy together.

Have you had such an experience with a partner where you simply forget about the world, no matter how beautiful or bad things are? That’s the person you should be with. Someone who makes you forget about social media, about people’s prying eyes and their constant judgment.

Happy couples forget about these things –  that’s why they don’t post on social media things about their special intimate moments and the pure enjoyment they get from being together.


Inspired by: Elite Readers
Image Copyright: avemario / 123RF Stock Photo

Why Some Women Never Get Out Of An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

You want to leave, but you don’t know how…

We can all stop asking why women can be so stupid and weak to stay in abusive relationships. We can all stop being so judgmental for a moment and understand that our judgment and shaming of abused women doesn’t help them in any way.

If you are a woman who is in an abusive relationship, this is for you.

You are neither stupid nor weak for finding yourself in this situation. You probably couldn’t see the signs from the start that you will be in an abusive relationship with your now ex-partner.

In fact, on the first date, he was certainly the most charming person, he flattered you and gave you love and undevoted attention that you’d always dreamed of finding in a man.

And maybe there were some red flags, but you couldn’t see them because your pure soul always believes in true love and in the good in people.

Emotional abuse builds gradually in the relationship. It is a slow, incessant, and methodical process which leaves the victim unaware and paralyzed.

It is like a little drip that you can’t even notice. It begins with a little off-hand comment or remark which is “just a joke.” This remark is so insignificant at the beginning that you hardly pay any attention to it.

Then, as time passes, you begin to notice the dripping. Now, the drip is a public joke at your expense, but you still can forgive your partner because he is always the life of the party. And when he comments about the length of your dress it is because he loves you, right?

Drip, drip, drip…

When he doesn’t like your friend you understand his points, so you decide to believe his judgment because after all, he is more important to you than some friend.

Drip, drip, drip…

You now start to get really annoyed by the dripping. However, you don’t decide to sell your house because of a leakage, right?

When he pushes the boundaries, you tell yourself that he is just being playful, and he doesn’t mean it.

Sometimes he can even say that you are being crazy for not believing him when you start confronting him. So, you may believe him because you start feeling like crazy.

So, you try to recompense for the drips in your relationship. You will be better. You will be more understanding and loving. You will be a better girlfriend or wife.

You no longer sleep peacefully. You are always waiting and agonizing. You always feel like you have to walk on eggshells around him.

The dripping grows stronger and stronger… You are now in denial. And this denial phase usually goes like this: If you hadn’t said what you said, if you hadn’t done what you did – then maybe he wouldn’t be like that, maybe he wouldn’t be so mad. You must have kept your quiet. You should have known better than confront him.

Because of course, he has problems and sometimes you can really be an ungrateful bitch.

Drip, drip, drip…

You begin to work so hard to save your relationship that you don’t notice there is water spilling everywhere on the floor.

Your denial now becomes fear. You start to be afraid of your partner. You fear that the others will find out about the situation you are in, but you are more scared that your partner can find out that you told your family and friends about it.

Now there’s water everywhere and you feel like you are drowning. You can’t ignore it anymore. You are scared but you are determined to save yourself.

So, you reach a pain threshold and you leave.

Because you finally realize that abuse does not always manifest as a bloody wound or a black eye. Sometimes it ends up as total alienation from oneself, as depression, anxiety, complete mental ruin.

And it was never your fault for giving in to the most divine of feelings called love.

At least you knew how to love. Now it’s time to forgive yourself and to let go of the painful past. Because even if the repercussions of your selflessness have turned you into someone who is afraid to love again and to experience life to its fullest again, you should never forget that you were strong enough to go through it all and leave with the strength that kept you alive.

Find A Woman Like This And Never Let Her Go

It’s really not my intention to try and give women some kind of definition of ‘perfection’ they should be following, as I am also sick of everybody telling people how they should behave and what they should look like.

And I don’t like to give men the idea that perfect women are rare to find, as perfection comes from inspiration – it’s not a fixed state.

However, this article is not about setting norms, but rather celebrating ingenuity and that precious gem every person possesses. It’s about celebrating love in its highest form, which if present, one should never let go of.

We all have our differences that make us unique, and we all come together to learn how to work through those differences. Perhaps the greatest motivation for our constant efforts to become better people and to learn to live with one another is love. And if this love is between two specially bonded people, it’s definitely something that they should be fighting for and never let go.

In today’s crazy world, love has somehow lost its meaning, which makes it all more precious in the eyes of those who behold it. So, if you’re genuinely in love and unsure whether it’s being reciprocated, look no further and simply let your guard down, especially if you’re with a woman like this.


No matter the place, or the distance, the time, or your struggles. If the mere thought of her inspires that sweet smile in you, never let her go. This smile has little to do with events and a lot to do with who she is and what she stands for in your life – hope, happiness, excitement, the thought of a better future.


Without the need to do anything special, without the need to even talk too much when there’s nothing special to talk about, but her presence is enough to make you feel good. Never let go of the woman who enjoys your presence as much as you enjoy hers and who can simply enjoy some quiet time with you without the need for anything extra.


It’s not only men who should be thoughtful and provide attention to those tiny things in life, while women wait like queens to be pampered. If your woman shows consideration for you, does small things for you, makes you feel noticed and cared for – never let her go.


It’s hurtful to think that people tend to take all that selflessness, kindness, and one’s giving nature for granted. You begin to wonder whether they are worth possessing as traits and if they actually harm you more than they make you grow. The right woman for you will never take them for granted, though. She will love you for these things that can make you seem naïve. Never let that woman go.


If there’s one indicator that the right woman has walked into your life, it’s the way she inspires you to become a better man and reevaluate your attitudes and perceptions. Not to intimidate you into changing, but to inspire you to grow. If your woman makes you feel like you can always do better for yourself, for her, and for the both of you – never, ever, let her go.


Break-ups are not uncommon, and it usually goes down to different things that lead to that breakup. But what made it not work out in the first place? When you meet that right woman for you, you’ll find out what made it impossible for you to be with the previous. You will simply see the things that were lacking and made those relationships not work out. You will see them because they won’t be lacking anymore.


She doesn’t have to do much, and still, she will reignite your forgotten passions and bring your dreams back. She will inspire you into achieving the things you once gave up on, and she will support you in your goals. And it takes so little to achieve this, but only if it’s the right person.


Not everybody needs to like everyone, but that doesn’t mean that she cannot respect the people you find important. The right woman will respect everyone you love, simply because she will trust your heart. You will know that you should never let her go when you see how fine the people you love feel around her, and how nice she is toward them without expecting any personal gain.


And in the end, no matter the positive and negative aspects we all possess, no matter the misunderstandings that may sometimes arise, and despite the quarrels that are there to make your relationship grow – if that woman makes you happy to be alive and gives you the purpose you’ve been lacking – never let her go.

The truth is, we all need happiness in our lives. No matter what you read, as to what kind of person you should be with, know this: BE WITH THE PERSON THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. There will always be differences that divide, but you should focus on the bridges that connect.

Relationships, like everything else in life, aren’t easy. And the more beautiful it can get, the more challenging it will prove. So, relax and enjoy the rollercoaster of love. Find the woman who makes you happy, and never let her go!

Inspired by: James Michael Sama
Image: @obodnikova

Forensic Scientists Reveal How Jesus Could Have Really Looked Like, And It’s Completely Different From What We Think

Religions have the habit of deifying anything that would otherwise look very human for the purpose of achieving the unachievable mysticism they’re trying to represent. And since Christianity has become a Western religion, it would come to no surprise that the person this religion gravitates around would be depicted as a Caucasian male.

So, you often see the most beloved figure of Christianity depicted with long golden hair, fair eyes, pale skin, and a face as white and gentle as an angel’s. However, this might be very far from the truth in so many ways if forensics were to be brought into the game.

Dr. Richard Neave, a retired medical artist from the University of Manchester, decided to try to unravel the mystery of what Jesus could have really looked like. For that purpose, he gathered a team of forensic scientists who could help him recreate the face of the Son of God.

Bearing in mind that no physical remains of Jesus have been discovered so far, the team worked on developing the image of the typical Middle Eastern Jew that would encompass both physical features and cultural characteristics of that time, such as hair and beard length.

After analyzing the facts that are known for the period and the people where Jesus comes from, Dr. Neave and the forensic team came to the conclusion that Jesus most probably had a darker complexion, wide face, dark eyes, and short curly hair.

And in truth’s favor, it would be utterly unimaginable to put a Caucasian male in a Semite world, when even the Bible talks about Jesus’s Jewish origins. Except if you want to talk about ‘God’s mysterious ways’.

So, to clear things up, the forensic team X-rayed three Semite skulls which were earlier discovered in Israel, while also utilizing available cultural and archaeological information.

After using modern forensic methods and computer programs to achieve as-high-as-possible accuracy, the team finally succeeded in creating the typical Jewish face from the period of Jesus.

This, however, doesn’t mean that Jesus looked exactly like the person in the picture. It could be even far from this, but closer than any of the depictions that the Church likes to present to its followers.

As Allison Galloway, professor of anthropology at the University of California, says, “This is probably a lot closer to the truth than the work of many great masters.”

When you think of it, it was long before the West accepted that Egyptians weren’t white either. But it’s natural to assume that influence comes with color as well. How different would the world be if people weren’t taught to idealize the complexion of one’s skin?

There can be many explanations behind why Jesus was depicted as a man who could have never existed in such a society. One rational explanation is that Byzantine religious art didn’t gravitate much around the actual facts, but rather around the message it was meant to send.

Jesus’s depictions come as a result Byzantine art’s effort to portray him as the ruler of the Heavens, dressed in a golden toga and having long hair and beard, just like the deities before him.

As for the complexion? It would be easier for Caucasians to accept a Caucasian leader of faith than get accustomed to a complexion which was not so common among them. Jesus had no chance of being as white as Christianity tends to portray him, nor was it likely for him to have blue eyes.

“The fact that he probably looked a great deal more like a darker-skinned Semite than westerners are used to seeing him pictured is a reminder of his universality,” says Charles D. Hackett, director of Episcopal studies at the Candler School of Theology in Atlanta.

“And it is a reminder of our tendency to sinfully appropriate him in the service of our cultural value.”

Perhaps with the emergence of new knowledge will we understand just how uniting his philosophy was – one that will require you first to embrace something different from what you prefer to perceive.

Do you think that Jesus could have really looked like that?

Source: The Sun

How To Make The Hospital Easy for Patients to Navigate

It is not uncommon for patients to get lose their way in the hospital buildings. They find themselves lost in the maze of identical corridors, not knowing where they are supposed to go. Navigating through a health care institution is a real nightmare. The experience is rarely pleasant, so it does not come as a surprise that people prefer to stay at home than to pay a visit to a sick family member or undergo medical treatment themselves.

Do hospitals have a design problem? That is a good question. The design of health facilities certainly lacks practicality. More specifically, the setting is puzzling. Neither patients nor visitors are taken into consideration when it comes down to uniting architecture and technology. The setting is supposed to cater to the needs of people, yet, in reality, it only leads to the creation of stress. Unfortunately, getting lost in the hospital is expensive. It has been estimated that health services are losing money by the millions.

Hospitals are pressured to limit expenditure, which means that something needs to be done. But what? How can hospitals help patients find their way? implementing the following strategies might just work. They meet the rudimentary logic, not to mention that they do not require a great deal of work as far as the implementation process is concerned. Wayfinding is detrimental to the health care system to say the very least. Let us take a close look at the possible solutions.  

Modify the technical names for departments

Within the hospital setting, there are various departments, staffed by numerous healthcare professionals. Examples include but are not limited to Anesthetics, Casualty, Chaplaincy, and Diagnostic Imaging. When a person has suffered an accident, they are required to go to the Casualty – in other words, the Accident and Emergency department. The name of the department has a significant impact on the way in which it is perceived by others. This is the reason why it is a good idea to stop utilizing technical names. For a non-technical audience, terminologies are difficult to comprehend.

So, instead of offering a precise description, technical names lead to confusion. Renaming a hospital department may seem like a hazard. Is it really dangerous? As a matter of fact, no. Using simple language simplifies the navigation process. To be more precise, patients are less likely to get lost if they are capable of understanding the area of special expertise. As far as naming departments in a health care institution are concerned, simpler is always better. At present, it is important to have a word that is easy to pronounce and that is recognizable. Instead of saying Otolaryngology, it would better to say ear, nose, and throat (ENT). It is only a suggestion.

Start utilizing hospital signs

It is needless to say that the quality, as well as the flow of information in a healthcare setting, is of paramount importance. Patients, not to mention the individuals working in the busy environment, find navigation confusing and this is all due to the lack of information. There should be signs all over the place. Since signs are no longer crafted out of wood, there should be no problem with making them available in the hospital. What hospital signs do is show patients, visitors, and medical professionals in which way to go, but they also indicate room numbers and store. For more details, please click here.

Getting back on topic, very large facilities should resort to the utilization of signage, whether on the inside or the outside. Signs communicate vital information being read, as opposed to elaborate email messages or detailed explanations. In environments where signage is not present, there is an absolute chaos. Matching the message to the location is realized without much difficulty when hospital signs are in place. In difficult times, signs can act like alert systems, in the sense that they tell people how to avoid unpleasant situations. The problem is addressed at once and there is no need to make alterations in the design. It might just be the perfect cure.

Consider a self-service solution

Interactive kiosks are basically digital terminals that offer access to information and communication applications. It is not hard to understand the usefulness of such devices in a hospital setting. On the one hand, the self-service solution makes it possible for patients to make a map of their destination. People can find the right physician by accessing the map, which points them in the right direction. It is true that a face-to-face conversation with someone from the medical staff comes in handy, but the interactive kiosks are slightly superior.

Thanks to the digitized systems, there is no need to fill out paperwork. The result is that wayfinding is no longer an issue. More and more hospitals are installing digital terminals, so they represent a solution worth considering. The great thing about the kiosks is the fact that they indicate the most direct route, in spite of the fact that vocal prompts and visual landmarks are not present. It does not really matter taking into consideration that it is good for business. Health care professionals are able to avoid appointment no-shows, meaning that patients succeed when it comes to honoring their clinic appointments.

People, for their part, love using technology. They are not required to provide their personal information, as happens when using an application, and they can take advantage of the data whenever they want. Creating a sense of order in a complex environment is not therefore impossible.

Why is it so important to make the hospital easy for patients to navigate?

What is all the fuss about anyway? An institution providing medical and surgical treatment cannot possibly lose that much money from wayfinding issues. Maybe you do not believe us when we affirm that hospitals are losing millions. However, you are capable of understanding that it is the responsibility of the hospital to provide high-quality care to those in suffering. That cannot happen if individuals cannot even make it to the right room.

It is Time to Look Younger with Truffle Infusion Face Lift Cream

Let’s face it, aging is imperative and looking younger is everyone’s wish. We can’t stop aging but what we do in order to keep its sign from showing up is what actually matters. The market is full of products that claim to make you feel and look younger but can you really trust them? It’s a big question – probably a question on which your overall looks depend. Of course, no one wants to try a product that results in side effects and other skin related issues. So, a thorough research and a great deal of carefulness are required to select the product fit for your facial needs.

One such product is the truffle infusion face lift cream by Gold Elements. Gold Elements and its product needs no introduction. In short, you can just close your eyes and purchase their products. With truffle infusion face lift cream, things are exactly the same. From quality ingredients to great customer reviews to excellent customer support – everything about this cream is just perfect. If you are into skincare products, you may already have some idea about the expensive nature of truffles and that many companies just use the name of truffles in their product without actually possessing them.

This facelift cream by Gold Elements is one of the few facial creams that is power packed with black and white truffles. These truffles neutralize your skin naturally by replenishing the skin with moisture, minerals, and other nourishing agents. The facelift cream, when applied to the skin, forms a protective layering, which also protects the skin from UV rays, dust and other particles in the atmosphere. This results in a beautiful, natural, stretched and younger looking facial skin. Ingredients of Truffle infusion face lift cream also contains traces of 24 K gold, the specialty of Gold Elements.

To apply the Truffle infusion face lift cream, wash your face with any regular but quality face wash and dry it. Once you have washed and cleaned your face, apply the cream in smooth circular motions until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. For best results, don’t go out in the sunlight right after you have applied the cream. Once the cream is fully absorbed, you can now work as usual and you won’t need anything else on your skin the entire day.

Some users also say that for the best results, use the cream just before you go to bed. Wash your face with a face wash in the morning and you will be all set to impress the audience around you with younger, more vibrant skin.

The Truffle infusion facelift cream can easily be ordered online. At $899, it is a great value for your money. Depending on the usage, this facelift cream can last for up to 2 months. Some would argue about the price of this product and this is understandable. However, if you really value your looks and fight hard against signs of aging then the price tag makes sense!

Strict Moms Raise Successful Children According To Science

What makes a girl grow into a successful woman? Intellect, hard work, self-reliance, responsibility, good life decisions… lots of things really. But how can a mother nurture these qualities into her daughter? Science has an answer.

Are you listening? Have you done your homework? What about tutoring homework? Do the dishes. Why isn’t your laundry put away? Do it now. Did you wash your face? Brush your teeth – floss too! Is your room clean yet? Focus on your future! Are you listening to me? You’re grounded!

Willing to take that sacrifice? If you have already been using a mixture of these questions, rhetorical questions, and statements, keep it up. Nagging may come at the price of a frowned daughter, but the outcome is surprising.

“Behind every successful woman is a nagging mother,” says a study which focused on the lives of 15.500 girls aged 13 and 14 in the course of six years. The finds may come as a surprise to some parents, but nagging mothers will feel relieved to know that they are doing the right job.

The study finds that in the majority of cases, the mother’s expectations from their daughter strike a deep influence on the likelihood of attending higher education and influence the way these children handle critical life decisions.

In other words, high expectations, and constant reminding of what your daughter is capable of doing – and thus should be doing it, result in greater chances of success of your daughter later in life.

The results of the study showed that the mothers who had shown higher expectations and pushed their daughters into living up to them, helped their daughters to learn to make better life choices.

The study also showed that nagging parents contributed to a reduced chance of teenage pregnancy by 4%, compared to parents with ‘middling aspirations’.

As the DailyMail reports, teenage motherhood correlates to a higher likeliness of leaving school early and earning less if these girls get a job. These girls are also more likely to form relationships with ‘poorly educated and unemployment-prone men’.

Are you a nagging mother? Did your mother push you into becoming a better person?

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