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20 Toxic Girlfriend Signs That Might Be Not Easy To Recognize

signs of a toxic girlfriend

Your relationship is supposed to bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into your life. It should be your source of genuine contentment and safe haven. And when it comes to your partner, they should be your greatest support. Your biggest cheerleader. Your crying shoulder. Your best friend.

But if the relationship you’re currently in has recently started feeling more like a burden to you or prison instead of a safe haven or paradise, this may be a sign that you’re in a relationship with someone toxic. Of course, you should be aware of how you treat your girlfriend too, and whether your behavior makes your relationship thrive or harms it.

However, if you know that you’re doing your best to protect your relationship and make it thrive, then it’s likely that it’s your partner’s fault that your relationship is headed in the wrong direction. Since recognizing that you’re dealing with a toxic girlfriend may not always be easy, in what follows, we’ve presented 20 warning signs you’re in a relationship with a toxic girlfriend that gift-wraps her controlling behavior, toxicity, and insecurities in affection and love.

signs of toxic girlfriend

20 Signs Of A Toxic Girlfriend That Might Be Hard To Recognize

  1. She’s Not Honest

Honesty is an essential ingredient of any healthy and successful relationship. However, honesty is a virtue that toxic people lack.

So, if your girlfriend has the habit of making all kinds of blatant excuses and telling you ‘white lies,’ which may appear harmless, but in fact can harm a relationship, to justify herself whenever you catch her in a tight spot, this indicates that honesty is the last thing you can expect from her.

Being in a relationship with someone who’s not honest makes you wonder if they’re honest about their feelings for you and intentions and plans when it comes to the future of your relationship, which can drain you out.

  1. She Tries To Isolate You From Your Loved Ones

Does your girlfriend have the habit of throwing temper tantrums, acting like a spoiled kid, or even crying and emotionally blackmailing you whenever you have to go out and hang out with your friends or family?

If your answer is yes, know that this isn’t a good sign. This is how clingy people behave, and clinginess is one of the main personality traits of toxic individuals.

  1. She Counts Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes, right? But we also try to correct them and make it up to the person we’ve done wrong. However, dating a toxic girlfriend means dating someone who is constantly keeping score of all the mistakes you’ve made and all the fights, whether minor or bitter, you’ve had and she uses every opportunity that might arise to remind you of them, which causes you to have the same fights time and time again.

Being in a relationship with someone who often criticizes you and repeatedly makes you carry the baggage of their resentment is a clear sign you’re dating a toxic person.

  1. She Doesn’t Respect Your Needs

One common sign that reveals you’re in a relationship with a toxic person is if your needs are always disregarded. If your girlfriend makes your physical, emotional, financial, or social needs feel unimportant and constantly prioritizes her needs over your own, this is a clear sign you’re dealing with a toxic girlfriend.

  1. She Doesn’t Reciprocate Your Efforts

One of the most common signs that reveal you’re dating a toxic girlfriend is if she expects you to be the only one doing all the hard work in your relationship. She might have set high standards for you and have unreasonable expectations of how you should treat but refuses to follow the rules she applies to you.

Being in a relationship with a girlfriend that is only interested in taking and never in giving is a telltale sign your relationship is toxic.

  1. She Makes An Elephant Out Of A Fly

Does your girlfriend have a tendency to exaggerate and make things more serious than they really are? Let’s say, she asked you to throw out the garbage and you forgot. Or she wanted to eat ice cream for dessert and you bought her a chocolate cake. Or she wanted to go to a particular party but you couldn’t accompany her because you had to finish an important project at work.

Well, when you’re in a relationship with someone who is supportive, forgiving, and understands your needs, things like these are not a big deal. But when you’re dating a toxic person, they may feel like the end of the world. So, if your girlfriend has the habit of throwing a hissy fit and making you feel incompetent, or even stupid whenever you forget to do something she asked you to do or make a mistake, take this as a sign that she’s toxic.

  1. She Often Displays Controlling Behaviors

Does your girlfriend like telling you what people you should hang out with, what clothes you should wear, what goals you should set for yourself, what diet you should follow, how much alcohol you’re “allowed” to drink, or even what career you should pursue?

If your answer is yes, take this as a sign that she is toxic, as toxic individuals enjoy controlling every aspect of other people’s lives.

  1. She Acts Like She’s Always Right

Toxic people don’t like admitting their mistakes and taking responsibility for their actions. They may hurt your feelings, lie to you, or manipulate you, but they’ll never admit doing that.

Sentences such as “I’m sorry,” “I know I shouldn’t have told you those things, and I feel horrible about that,” or “Please, forgive me,” are something you’ll never hear come out of their mouths. Because, in their view, whatever they say and do, they’re always right. They know the best. They’re perfect.

So, if your girlfriend fits this description, this is a sure sign she is toxic.

  1. She’s Never There When You Need Her The Most

A toxic girlfriend can text you or call you a thousand times a day, or even appear at your door if she needs your support or help with something. But when it’s you who want to vent your frustrations, share your problems, or talk about how you spend the day at work, she’ll withdraw emotionally and become distant. A toxic girlfriend is never there when you need her support or help.

  1. She’s Overly Critical

Offering your partner constructive criticism since you have their best interests at heart and you want them to become the best version of themselves is normal and a good thing. But it’s a totally different story when you are constantly nagging your partner about their flaws, insecurities, or annoying habits. This is not constructive criticism. It’s unjustifiable and hostile criticism that’s designed to undermine and belittle the other person.

So, if your girlfriend frequently criticizes you for your weaknesses and that criticism is accompanied by a fair amount of resentment and sarcasm, this is a sure sign of toxicity.

upset couple

  1. You Constantly Have To Prove Yourself To Her

Any healthy and successful relationship is built upon a foundation of mutual trust. But in order to know that you can have absolute trust in your partner, it doesn’t mean that you need to secretly check their phone or constantly ask them about their whereabouts and who they are spending time with.

This is exactly what toxic females do. A toxic girlfriend will have a hard time trusting you, which is why you’ll often find her accusing you of lying and being unfaithful.

So, if the woman you’re dating fits this description and expects you to constantly prove your loyalty to her, this is a telltale sign she’s toxic.

  1. She Doesn’t Respect Your Need For Privacy

Have you ever caught your girlfriend going through your emails, checking your phone, or eavesdropping on your conversations with your friends? Does she insist that you spend time with her 24/7?

If you answered with a yes, know this is an unmistakable sign of toxicity. Since when you’re dating someone who is genuinely nice, compassionate, supportive, and truly cares about you, they’ll respect your need for privacy. They’ll understand that you need space to do things you enjoy doing, and they won’t expect you to devote all of your attention to them.

  1. She Has Frequent Mood Swings

I’m not referring to the mood swings women have when having PMS. A toxic girlfriend has mood swings on a daily basis, often without any obvious reason. The moment you say something she doesn’t like or do something she doesn’t appreciate, she becomes grumpy and upset. And you end up apologizing, even for things that are not your fault, and trying to make it up to her somehow. Well, that’s exactly how a toxic girlfriend wants you to behave.

  1. She Insults You

When dating a toxic person, it’s not uncommon to start having low self-esteem and feel like a total loser who can’t do anything right due to the way the toxic person talks to you. To win an argument or when she’s running out of excuses, a toxic girlfriend will begin saying hurtful things to you. She’ll make snide and sarcastic comments about your vulnerabilities, fears, and flaws. Toxic people often display this type of behavior.

  1. She Doesn’t Follow The Same Rules She’s Set For You

You can be quite sure you’re in a relationship with a toxic girlfriend if she has double standards. For instance, she may insist that you stop hanging out with your female friends while she keeps hanging out with her male friends. Or she may insist that she know all of your passwords on social media and emails but she has no intention of allowing you to know hers.

If this is how your girlfriend behaves, take this as a sign you’re dealing with a toxic person.

  1. She Avoids Being Intimate With You As A Way To Punish You

Let’s say you’ve said or did something that hurt her feelings, which can often happen when you’re dating a toxic individual. The question is: Does she have an open conversation with you so as to tell you how your actions made her feel or does she keep quiet about it and become distant and cold?

If your girlfriend withdraws and becomes cold and distant and avoids being intimate with you whenever you make a mistake, fail to fulfill a promise you made, or do something that hurts her feelings, this is a sure sign she’s toxic because this is how toxic and manipulative girlfriends tend to behave. A toxic girlfriend will stonewall you and give you the silent treatment until you figure out what it was you did that upset her, apologize, and make it up to her.

  1. It’s Her Way Or The Highway

Do you have the impression that your girlfriend always gets her way? Whether it’s deciding what movie to watch on Saturday night or what step you should take next in your career, her opinion always prevails.

Dating this type of woman can be overwhelming, draining, and frustrating since she makes you feel unheard, unimportant, and invisible. She makes you feel like you’re inferior to her. A relationship with such a woman is bound to fail sooner or later.

  1. She Doesn’t Appreciate You

One telltale sign that shows a person truly loves you and cares about you is if they go out of their way to make you feel cherished and appreciated.

But when you’re dating a toxic female, you don’t get to feel this way since she takes you for granted. You never feel appreciated for all the things, whether small or big, you do for her. You rarely hear the words, “Thank you,” “Oh, you’re so kind,” or “That’s very thoughtful of you.” Even if she expresses gratitude or appreciation for something you did for her, there’s a reason behind that – she’s acting nice just because she wants to get something from you.

  1. She Wants To Always Have You Around

She may pick fights with you or give you the silent treatment, but she can’t stand when you’re not around. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend quality time with your partner and have them around when you need help or emotional support, it’s very unhealthy when you feel the need to constantly have them around. As we already said, clinginess is one of the most common traits of toxic people.

  1. She Considers You The Only Source Of Her Happiness

Of course, in healthy relationships, it’s normal for partners to want to make each other happy, content, and fulfilled. It’s normal for them to complete and complement each other. However, when you’re in a relationship with someone toxic, things are a little bit different. A toxic girlfriend will make you the main focus of her life and depend on you for her happiness. And if you fail to live up to these expectations, she’ll see this as a betrayal.

signs of toxic relationship with girlfriend

How Do You Break Up With A Toxic Girlfriend?

Unless a romantic relationship makes you feel happy and emotionally fulfilled, what’s the point of staying in one? Moreover, staying in a toxic relationship can negatively affect your self-esteem and overall health. So, if you’re dating a toxic girlfriend and you’ve done everything in your power to encourage her to change and see how her actions affect you, and yet nothing has changed, so you’re now considering putting an end to the relationship, here are several ways you can break up with her:

  • Cut off all communication with her and take the time you need to process the breakup and heal.
  • If you can’t abruptly end things with her, distance yourself gradually from her.
  • Before you break up, think about all the things you want to say to your girlfriend and how you want to say them so that you avoid creating any ambiguity regarding the status of your relationship.
  • Once you’ve decided that you need to end the relationship, don’t put it off.
  • Stick to your decision to end the relationship and don’t let her make you change your mind about it if she tries to.
  • Break up in person.
  • Make sure you have reliable support after you break up with her. To deal with the negative emotions and pain following the breakup, it’s important and comforting to know that you have someone by your side that is there for you and will help you come to terms with the breakup and move on.
  • In order to leave the toxic relationship in your past and move on with your life unaffected by it, it’s essential to forgive your partner and yourself as well.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Toxic Behaviors?

Over the course of life, we get to meet different types of people. Some are nice, compassionate, and caring. They exude positive energy and bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into our lives. Others are inauthentic, envious, judgmental, and manipulative. They do nothing but hold us back, cause problems in our lives, and prevent us from being happy and the best version of ourselves. These behaviors are rightfully considered toxic since they negatively affect our well-being and mental health.                                                                                                                          

Toxic behaviors have the power to make you feel stressed, mentally and physically drained, and suck the happiness out of you. Knowing how to deal with people that display toxic behaviors can help protect your overall health and change the way you perceive and interact with those around you.breaking up

What Is Toxic Behavior In A Relationship?

Undeniably, all couples experience difficulties in their relationships and go through ups and downs. When you’re in a healthy relationship, having disagreements and arguments from time to time is normal. However, in this type of relationship, both partners are willing to put in the work for their relationship to succeed, openly discuss any issues that may appear, make important decisions together, and enjoy being around each other.

When you’re in a relationship with someone who shows toxic behaviors, well, that’s a completely different story. In this type of relationship, you may often feel stressed, overwhelmed, and drained when around your partner or after spending time with them. You might even dread the thought of spending time with them due to the way they make you feel and the constant arguments you have.

In what follows, we’ve presented the most common toxic behaviors in a relationship.

  1. Toxic Communication

Being in a relationship with someone you have toxic communication with means that the majority of your conversations are characterized by heavy criticism or sarcasm and fueled by hatred.

So, if you’ve often caught your partner making snide or sarcastic comments about you, even in front of others, or if they overly criticize your decisions, choices, or simply the way you live your life, you can take this as a clear sign you’re in a toxic relationship.

  1. Controlling Behaviors

Controlling behavior is one of the most common types of toxic behavior. If your partner constantly insists that you inform them of your whereabouts or become irritated or angry when you don’t answer their calls or texts right away, this may be a sign that they’re trying to control you.

  1. Lack Of Support

When you’re in a healthy relationship with someone, both of you feel the need and a desire to support and encourage each other. You make sure you meet each other’s needs and help each other become the best versions of yourselves and succeed in life. On the other hand, you and/or your partner never get to behave these ways when one or both of you displays toxic behaviors.

  1. Jealousy

When you’re in a relationship with someone you truly love, it’s normal to feel jealous occasionally. But when you and your partner constantly face this problem, which often leads to mistrust, angry fights, and suspicion, it can be classified as toxic behavior.

  1. Disrespect

Does your partner often forget important events or dates and have trouble keeping their promises? If you answered with a yes, know this is a serious red flag in a relationship. It’s a toxic behavior known as disrespect.

  1. Resentment

If you’re in a relationship where you and your partner tend to hold grudges against each other instead of openly discussing your relationship problems, trying to solve them maturely and calmly, and speaking up when something upsets you or hurts your feelings, this may indicate that your relationship is toxic.

  1. Ignoring Your Needs

When you’re in a healthy relationship with someone, your needs are never disregarded, which is exactly what happens when you’re in a toxic romantic relationship. So, if you’re with someone who rarely asks for your opinion when making important decisions or planning a trip, holiday, or date or seldom shows interest in your personal problems, take this as a sign that they are ignoring your needs.

  1. Dishonesty

If you’ve often caught your partner lying to you about their whereabouts or who they’re hanging out with since they wanted to avoid spending time with you or they worried about how you’d react if they told you the truth, chances are you’re in a relationship with someone who is dishonest.

What Does A Toxic Woman Mean?

If you know a woman, be it a friend, family member, relative, co-worker, or even your partner, that’s hard to deal with and causes a lot of problems and conflict in your life, this may be a sign that you’re dealing with a toxic woman. Toxic people can make you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and drained after spending time with them. Depending on how negatively they influence your life, they can also cause you emotional and physical pain.

A toxic woman is any woman that creates unpleasantness for you, brings negativity into your life, and makes you feel stressed and emotionally, physically, or mentally drained after spending time with her. This type of woman acts in toxic ways and if you’re not able to recognize you’re dealing with one or how to handle her negativity and toxicity, this can have a highly negative effect on your well-being and health.

So, the main question that arises here is: How can you tell if a woman is toxic?

In what follows, we’ve presented several warning signs that show you’re dealing with a toxic woman:

  • Her behavior constantly makes you feel confused.
  • You never feel comfortable and your best yourself when around her.
  • You feel like she’s manipulating you into doing something you don’t want to do.
  • When she says or does something that hurts your feelings and she’s aware of that, she never apologizes.
  • You feel like you’re walking on eggshells when she is around.
  • She disrespects your needs and boundaries.
  • You often feel like you have to defend yourself to her.
  • She always needs your support, but she’s not supportive of you.
  • You consistently feel stressed, uneasy, overwhelmed, or even bad about yourself when spending time with her.
  • Whenever you are around her, there’s always drama.

What Does A Toxic Girl Do?

Recognizing that you’re dealing with a toxic girl can sometimes be quite hard. So, in what follows, we’ve presented the most common subtle signs you’re dealing with this type of girl.

  1. She Doesn’t Respect Your Boundaries

If you’ve been clear with her about your needs and she simply continues to treat you in ways that show she couldn’t care less about them and if she acts like she doesn’t understand how important having time to yourself to you is, it’s likely that you’re dealing with a toxic girl.

  1. She Always Needs Something From You

If you’ve noticed that she constantly texts you, calls you, or even shows up at your place to ask for your help or emotional support, but when it’s you who need her support or help, she’s nowhere to be found, take this as a clear sign that she is toxic.

  1. She Manipulates You

Toxic individuals know various ways to manipulate you in order to get what they want. They may sugarcoat things, leave out information, exaggerate, and lie just to make you have a certain opinion of them or act in ways that suit their needs. So, if there’s a girl in your life who fits this description, sorry, but she’s toxic.

  1. She Keeps You Wondering Which Version Of Her You’re Getting

She can be lovely and super nice one day and the next she can be rude and inconsiderate. Oftentimes, you can’t find any reason why she’d change her behavior toward you, but you simply know that something isn’t right. Even when you ask her what’s wrong and whether she is sad or cranky because of something you said or did, you never get a clear answer. What you get is a simple “I’m fine.”

So, when this happens, you often end up apologizing to her, making excuses for her, and trying to please her, which is exactly how she wants you to behave.

  1. She Leaves Your Conversations Unfinished

If a girl you know tends to leave your conversations unfinished, especially when you’re trying to talk about something important to her, like the reason why she’s treating you unfairly, avoids answering your calls and texts, and keeps you guessing what you might have done to upset her, it’s likely you’re dealing with a toxic girlfriend. Since a girl who is genuinely nice, honest, and truly cares about you will never let you feel sad or miserable without attempting to resolve whatever problem the two of you might have.

signs my girlfriend is toxic

What Does A Toxic Wife Look Like?

You are married and suspecting your wife might be toxic? Here are several signs that show she is truly toxic:

  • She disregards your thoughts and opinions.
  • She interferes with your decisions.
  • She tries to control every aspect of your life.
  • She disrespects your boundaries.
  • She avoids admitting her mistakes and taking responsibility for her actions.
  • She keeps score of your mistakes, broken promises, and failures.
  • She keeps secrets from you.
  • She’s overly critical.
  • She makes you feel insecure, unheard, and unappreciated.
  • Intimacy is withdrawn or doesn’t exist at all.
  • You often fight.
  • She’s never willing to compromise.
  • She ignores your need for privacy and personal space.
  • She tries to sabotage your efforts to grow personally, pursue your goals, and become more successful since she’s afraid you’ll one-up her.
  • She tries to isolate you from others.

How Do I Know If I’m The Toxic One In The Relationship?

Have you ever heard the saying: “It takes two people to make a relationship toxic? Well, some people can be toxic without being aware of it. So, what if you are the toxic one in the relationship? If you can relate to the following descriptions, take this as a sign that it’s not your partner who is toxic – you are!

  • You treat your partner like they’re inferior to you.
  • You manipulate them by lying to them, gaslighting them, stonewalling them, and hiding information from them.
  • You don’t respect their need for personal space.
  • You prioritize your needs over their own.
  • You’re hyper-critical.
  • You say hurtful things to them.
  • You’re not supportive and affectionate.
  • You avoid putting in the effort to solve your relationship problems together with your partner.
  • You frequently pick fights.
  • You like playing the blame game more than taking responsibility for your actions.
  • You’re constantly threatening to break up.

What Does It Mean To Keep Your Relationship Private But Not A Secret?

*keep your relationship private but not a secret meaning

What Is A Private But Not Secret Relationship?

Let’s get one thing straight: Keeping your relationship private is the right thing to do. Keeping it a secret is wrong!

For a lot of people, the clearest sign that they are in a relationship or in love with someone is ceaselessly talking about them. For instance, you could be sharing your own problems with someone, and they’ll search for a way to shift the topic from your problems to their girlfriend or boyfriend.

On the other hand, there are many people who don’t like bragging or talking about their relationships with others, including their friends and family.

We’d like to emphasize that it’s completely normal and fine if you want to keep your relationship private. However, you need to ensure that you’re keeping it private and not a secret since there’s a huge difference between a private and a secret relationship.

So, the main question that arises here is: What does keeping a relationship private but not a secret mean?

Keeping your relationship private means that although you don’t like putting it out there and sharing details about it with others all the time, you still never lie about your relationship status, meaning when someone asks you if you’re in a relationship, you say yes. However, that conversation ends here because that’s the only thing you let them know.

A private lie detector test can be beneficial for couples seeking the truth about their relationship. If there is doubt or suspicion of infidelity, this type of exam can help confirm one’s suspicions or strengthen the trust between them. The test results allow both parties to move forward with clarity and understanding, knowing they accurately represent reality.

Keeping your relationship private also means that you don’t inform your friends about what you and your partner are doing when spending time together or about every time you have sex with them. It means you don’t go to your parents to complain about every fight you and your partner might have and share the tiniest details about it with them. It means that you don’t show every present your bae got you on social media.

On the other hand, if no one knows that you’re dating someone and if you never confirm that you’re in a relationship when others ask you if you are, then this means you’re keeping your relationship secret.

Keeping your relationship secret may mean that you’re thinking about cheating on your partner or trying to hook up with someone by making them think you’re rolling solo when you’re actually not.

Keeping your relationship secret can also make others think that the reason you’re doing this is that you are keeping secrets from your partner or that you’re ashamed of them, no matter if they’re right or wrong about this.

things to keep as a secret

Should A Relationship Be Kept Private?

Absolutely yes. There’s something unique and precious about keeping your relationship private. Not bragging about your relationship or showing it off on social media doesn’t mean that you’re afraid of others finding out you’re in a relationship or who your partner is. It simply means that you want to keep your relationship to yourself. It means you don’t want to share details about it with your family, friends, and acquaintances and give others the opportunity to form opinions and comment on your relationship.

So, here are 5 reasons why keeping your relationship private is a good and wise thing to do:

1. Not Everyone Will Be Glad To Know You’re Happy

You need to keep one thing in mind: Not every person you know likes you and not everyone will be glad to know you’re in a happy relationship. This might sound harsh, but it’s the truth. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you or envies you and is jealous of you. There will always be someone who wants to cause problems in your life.

So, the less others know how you’re doing in life or what your relationship status is, the less they’ll have a chance to interfere with your life.

2. It’ll Protect You From Dealing With Unnecessary Opinions

No one wants to deal with or have to tolerate the opinions of people that have nothing to do with your life. Unfortunately, this is something that has happened to us many times. Whether it’s our education status, friendships, career choices, political views, or you name it, we’ve been put in many situations where we’ve had to listen to others share their prejudiced opinions. Well, people love talking about others’ romantic relationships as well.

So, by keeping your relationship private, you’ll prevent others from forming all kinds of opinions about it and interfering with your life.

3. It Prevents Your Ex From Interfering With Your Love Life

You probably broke up with your ex since you stopped loving them or they treated you badly and you could no longer put up with it. And the breakup was probably difficult too and you had to make efforts to come to terms with it and move on with your life.

So, if I’m right about all this, why would you want your ex to know what’s going on in your love life? Just think about it – perhaps they are still hoping they can get back together with you. Or perhaps they’re making plans how to make things hard for you and ruin your relationship.

So, the less your ex knows what your love life is like, the better. Just remember-keep your relationship is private, but don’t keep your significant other a secret.

4. It Strengthens Your Relationship

Keeping your relationship private allows you and your partner to grow closer and connect more deeply. It allows you to enjoy every moment you spend together while preventing others from commenting on your relationship and peeking into your love lives.

When you don’t show off your relationship on social media and brag about it in front of others, you allow it to flourish and become deeper, more meaningful, and more fulfilling.

5. It Makes It Easier For You To Move On Once You Break Up With Your Partner

First of all, let’s hope that you and your partner are meant to stay together forever. But imagine what would happen if you break up? If you allowed others to like and comment on your and your bae’s selfies on social media while the two of you were together, then you have no right to expect them that they won’t comment on and try to peek into your love life after the two of you break up.

Going through a breakup is a difficult and painful thing on its own. You don’t need to deal with other people’s unnecessary questions, comments, and opinions about your breakup. You don’t need to bring more drama into your life. So, this is why keeping your relationship private will help you move on more easily with your life when you and your partner break up.

my boyfriend keeps me a secret on social mediaWhat’s The Difference Between Keeping Your Relationship Private And Keeping It A Secret?

Here are the 8 main differences between keeping your relationship private and keeping it a secret:

1. When You’re Asked If You’re In A Relationship, You Answer You’re Single

Of course, when someone asks you whether you’re dating anyone, they don’t expect you to tell them everything about your relationship or show them photos of your partner. However, saying that you’re still rolling solo when you are not is wrong and disrespectful. Whether you’re hiding your relationship status since you’re worried about what your friends will think of your partner or you’ve recently met someone you’ve started having feelings for, keeping your relationship secret is bad and it’s something your partner wouldn’t approve of for sure.

2. You Avoid Mentioning Your Partner On Purpose

Every time someone asks you something about your partner, you avoid mentioning them by shifting the topic to something else. Even when you’re talking about a situation or event your partner was involved in, you tend to start every sentence with “I” rather than “we.”

While it’s okay to not want to share every detail about your love life with others, going out of your way to avoid mentioning your partner and hide the fact that you’re in a relationship with someone is utterly wrong and you’re aware of it. That means you’re keeping your relationship secret.

3. You Haven’t Introduced Your Partner To Your Loved Ones Yet

If you’ve been in a relationship for a year or so, and neither your friends nor your family, (let alone your colleagues and other acquaintances), has met your partner, then there’s something weird going on between the two of you. Perhaps you’ve been avoiding introducing your partner to your loved ones since you’re not sure whether they’re the one or you’re worried about what they might think of them. Anyways, it’s time to ask yourself why your loved ones still don’t know who your partner is.

4. You Don’t Share Photos Of Your Partner On Social Media

Of course, you don’t need to post selfies of you and your significant other on Facebook or Instagram every day or every week. But if you’re active on social media and post statuses and photos of yourself, including your friends, then it’s certainly not a coincidence that there’s no trace of your bae on your Facebook or Instagram profile. Again, this is a clear sign that you’re trying to keep your relationship secret.

5. You Don’t Show Your Partner Affection In Public

Do you pretend you’re looking somewhere else when your partner tries to kiss you on the cheek or lips on the subway? Or do you let go of their hand when they gently squeeze yours at a restaurant?

Well, if you answered these questions with a yes, know this is not normal. Of course, it’s not that you and your partner need to stick your tongues down each other’s throats or do any “more inappropriate things” when in public. However, not showing any sign of affection doesn’t indicate that you’re keeping your relationship private. It means you’re keeping it secret.

6. You Don’t Call Your Partner “Babe” Or “Honey” In Front Of Others

If you’ve already introduced your partner to your family, friends, and co-workers, did you introduce them as your “friend?” Or do you call them by their first name or “buddy” instead of calling them “honey,” “sweetheart,” or “babe” when you’re around other people?

If you answered the questions with a yes, then it’s more than obvious you’re keeping your relationship a secret. If you and your partner don’t feel comfortable using labels yet, at least introduce them and refer to them by their first name. Never call them “buddy.” It’s insensitive.

7. You’re The Only One Secretive About Your Relationship

If both you and your partner have agreed that you still don’t want others to know you’re dating, that’s fine. It means you’re on the same page when it comes to revealing your relationship status. But if your partner proudly lets everyone know you’re together while you’re doing everything in your power to hide that fact, then they most likely feel bad about how you’re acting.

 8. You Don’t Let Your Partner Post Photos Of You On Social Media

If you’re not active on Facebook or Instagram, that’s fine and understandable. However, if you don’t let your partner post photos of you two on social media or you untag yourself when they do, well, it gets weird.

If you don’t like others to see photos of you on social media, tell that to your partner because otherwise it only appears that you’re trying to hide the fact that you’re in a relationship.

secrets to keep from your partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Boyfriend Want To Keep Our Relationship Private?

There could be several reasons for that and, in what follows, we’ve presented some of them:

  • He doesn’t like or feel comfortable sharing his private life with others.
  • He doesn’t want others to know what’s going on in his love life.
  • He doesn’t want others to comment on your relationship.
  • He thinks that if you put your relationship out there, this will have a negative effect on your emotional intimacy and bond.
  • He might not be sure how he feels about you.
  • He might not know where your relationship is going.

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep Me A Secret On Social Media?

If your boyfriend is keeping you a secret on social media, there may be a cause for worry. He might be doing this due to the following reasons:

  • He’s committed to someone else, so he’s trying to keep you as a secret backdoor girlfriend.
  • His friends don’t like you.
  • He still has feelings for his ex.
  • He’s afraid of commitment.
  • He thinks his parents or friends won’t approve of your relationship.
  • He’s recently broken up with some girl and doesn’t want others, including her, to know he’s dating again.
  • He doesn’t want others to influence your relationship.

Best At-Home Workouts for Remote Workers

breathing exercises

Working from home is way more common than it used to be, which means that more people than ever before are rarely leaving their living quarters. This makes it pretty difficult to make sure you’re moving enough to take care of your body, whether you’d like to maintain mobility in the future, continue feeling relatively energized, or just want to keep some level of physical fitness.

That might mean you’re having a tough time creating a workout routine that works for you, especially if you’re no longer moving unless you absolutely have to. If you’re looking for a workout that’s relatively simple and easy to incorporate into your current work-from-home situation, you’re in the right place. Allow a handful of expert tips to guide your actions, and we’ll break down everything you may want to consider along the way.

Go on a Walk

You’re probably walking around a lot less than you used to when you worked in the office or brick-and-mortar location. And odds are, you’re holed up in only one or two spots in your home while working on your computer. So, if you can manage it, try to go on short walks every other day.

“Walking around can really help get your blood pumping, improve your metabolism, and even get your energy levels up,” explains Karim Hachem, the VP of eCommerce at Maxine of Hollywood. “Even just walking for a few minutes at a time or taking a walk around the block can make a huge difference in the flow of your day.”

This isn’t asking anyone to do an absurd amount of cardio or start running. Simply, going for a short walk can help your body meet several of its needs. You’ll be able to increase the amount of vitamin D your body takes in if you’re going outside, and you’ll also be helping out your digestive system by keeping things moving. 

Stretch Regularly

Adding a bit of stretching to your regular routine can also be incredibly helpful. Not only does this help maintain your flexibility and mobility during a time when you’re not moving as frequently, but stretching can help you in numerous other ways as well.

“Stretch out every part of your body that you can, every chance that you get,” starts Rachel Roff, the Founder and CEO of Urban Skin Rx. “You’ll change up the posture of your body, keep pain to a minimum, and you might even start to feel a little bit more energized just by moving around a little.”

In movement-heavy occupations, stretching can help prevent injuries. However, you’re likely experiencing a lot of pain if you sit in one or two different positions throughout the day. Stretching out your muscles might be able to keep you from getting stuck in these poses, especially when they’re potentially harmful.

Rolling Your Wrists

If you’re working from home, you’re most likely working from your computer. Whether you’re writing content, inputting data, coding, or performing customer service, you’re probably doing a lot of typing throughout the day. This can put a lot of strain on your wrists if you aren’t too careful, so it’s a good idea to ensure they feel relaxed and supported while you’re working. That should especially be the case if you’re working several hours at a time, as many of us likely are.

“Keep your wrists moving, and let your wrists relax,” says Jae Pak, the Founder of Jae Pak MD Medical. “You’ll be very thankful that you do. That’s the muscle you’re using the most if you’re working on a computer all day, and you’ll avoid a lot of pain if you treat your wrists well.”

In fact, this is a good point about keeping your body well maintained, especially for the parts of you that you’re using pretty frequently. Maya Angelou has been credited with saying, “Nothing will work unless you do.” And this is undoubtedly the case.

If you wind up hurting your wrists, you’ll be unable to complete the work that keeps your lights on. The same rules apply if you use other body parts for your work. You must maintain yourself in order to complete the tasks you’re responsible for. If you prioritize completing your work over your own self-care and maintenance, you’ll run out before your work does.

Breathing Exercises

While breathing exercises are technically labeled “exercises,” they certainly aren’t the traditional kind of workout. Regardless, it’s a good idea to take part in breathing exercises on a regular basis. This is useful for maintaining stress levels, getting the most out of breaks, and taking care of your mental health.

According to Dr. Michael Green, the Chief Medical Officer at Winona, “Meditation and breathing exercises can be utterly life-saving. They can help you take your mind off of the stressors of life, as well as get used to hearing your own thoughts without distractions. Very few people are comfortable in silence nowadays, and there is so much strength and goodness in being able to face the silence.”

Breathing exercises can be good for making you more productive in your work, but they can also result in personal growth. Becoming more comfortable with your own thoughts gives you more potential for creativity, mental wellness, and overall organization and productivity. While it can be scary to try and face this kind of “workout,” it can quickly become worth it if you’re willing to put in the work.

However, very importantly, you should be kind to yourself if you choose to participate in this particular exercise. Brené Brown says this in a way that sticks, dictating, “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”

In the case that you’re having a hard time with your breathing exercises, you need to be kind to yourself. Ease yourself into the quiet breath work, and take your time while you start making progress. In the long-term, you’ll likely ultimately find yourself with improved mental health, lowered stress levels, and increased productivity.


It would be best to keep yourself moving while you’re working from home, and this is primarily because you need to maintain your personal health during a period of time where this is incredibly difficult. Establishing a habit of moving around, even just a little bit every other day or so, can make things feel much more manageable. Therefore, we recommend beginning with these exercises because they demonstrate very few barriers to entry.

Start your career as a family nurse practitioner


Working as a family nurse practitioner can be a highly rewarding job with a wide range of benefits. You’ll be enhancing patients’ lives and providing primary, acute and specialty healthcare to families in your community, while also enjoying a certain amount of autonomy and a reasonably high salary.

You’ll also be in demand. The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners has estimated that the US could be short by approximately 120,000 family medicine providers by 2030, so now is a good time to consider training as a family nurse practitioner.

The role of a family nurse practitioner is varied, and includes disease prevention and health and wellness education, as well as diagnosis and treatment, counseling and support. In studying to be a family nurse practitioner, you’ll learn how to apply critical thinking skills and use diagnostic reasoning and decision-making skills to positively impact your patients and manage their treatment plans.

The usual route to becoming a family nurse practitioner is to first qualify as a registered nurse (RN), which usually involves obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). In some states, you can start practicing as an RN with an associate’s degree, but be aware that not all employers will accept an RN without a BSN, even if state regulations do not require it.

Once you are qualified as an RN, you can go on to do a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), which will come with different ‘tracks’ or specialisms, including that of family nurse practitioner. Many nurses qualify as an RN and work, often full-time, in the field while studying to obtain the qualification needed to become a family nurse practitioner. You’ll find that many programs will ask that you have both a BSN and a year of clinical experience to embark on an MSN.

It may seem overwhelming to think about taking on a master’s degree if you’re already working full-time as a registered nurse, but there are online FNP programs that can be studied remotely, with 100% of the coursework completed online, allowing you to fit qualifying as a family nurse practitioner around your current job. There are also a few different options to consider, depending on your circumstances. You may be able to work full-time and study part-time, or even work part-time and study full-time.

If this is the route you choose, you’ll need to consider the fact that juggling nursing work and study requires a lot of dedication, organization and excellent time management skills. You may, however, find that your current employer is fairly supportive. The predicted shortfall in family health practitioners means that most healthcare providers will be happy to hear that their staff are upgrading their skills and increasing their credentials. Hopefully, they will be accommodating of your study schedule, and may even help to pay for your study program.

Becoming a family nurse practitioner isn’t an easy option or a step to be taken lightly, but online study programs really do make it accessible to most RNs with the desire and motivation to further their qualifications.

Is Blue-Green Algae Safe for Human Consumption? Know the Details 

Blue-Green Algae

A lot has been said and discussed about blue-green algae and whether they are safe for human consumption or not. Blue-green algae belong to a group of bacteria. Many scientific research studies have backed the claim that they can be used as a source of protein. 

Blue-green algae produce blue-green colored pigments that are not only high in protein but other nutrients such as iron, vitamins, and minerals as well. They thrive in saltwater as well as a large freshwater lake. The United States of America uses this ingredient in manufacturing a variety of supplements, including blue-green algae powder, capsules, and tablets. 

If the studies are to be believed, blue-green algae may be used in treating high blood pressure and as a protein supplement. It is also used for high cholesterol levels and other lipids in your blood. Some other conditions that may be treated with this ingredient include obesity, diabetes, etc. However, more research and scientific evidence are still required to support these uses of blue-green algae. 

How are Blue-Green Algae Products Grown? 

Some blue-green algae products thrive under controlled conditions, while others are grown in a natural setting with high chances of contamination. When you buy blue-green algae from the market, we recommend choosing the products that have been tested and are free of the contaminants such as heavy metals, toxins, harmful bacteria, and microcystins. 

Blue-green algae are often confused with their counterparts, such as Ecklonia cava, Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus Vesiculoisis, or Laminaria. We advise you to be particular with its use and never choose these counterparts for consumption. (1)

The Effectiveness of Blue-Green Algae 

There are varied opinions about the effectiveness of blue-green algae for your body. But recent studies claim that this ingredient may be helpful in managing various health conditions. For instance, if you want to manage your chronic high blood pressure problem, you may consume this ingredient in any form, for the effectiveness of blue-green algae in treating high blood pressure is high. 

Alternatively, this substance is also used for other conditions, and its effectiveness varies. 

Blue-green algae are rich in many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, making them effective in offering better health. The consumption of blue-green algae supplements increases your metabolism and boosts your immunity. 

Another area where the effectiveness of blue-green algae has been rated high is in treating the signs of aging. According to studies, this ingredient slows down the signs of aging. Following this claim, many brands have started using it in formulating their beauty products. (2)

Is the Consumption of Blue-Green Algae safe? 

Blue-green algae products that are free from contaminants are safe for consumption for most people when used in the short term. It further depends upon the dosage. For instance, doses up to 19 grams daily may be used safely for two months. If you are a beginner, lower doses of 10 grams per day may be used daily for six months. 

The consumption of blue-green algae doesn’t lead to major side effects. You may experience slight discomforts like headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and others. 

We strictly recommend avoiding consuming contaminated blue-green algae products as they may lead to weakness, liver damage, rapid heartbeat, and shock. Do not use blue-green algae products that are not tested. 


While the consumption of blue-green algae is very much in trend, we advise you to have a word with your doctor before incorporating it into your daily diet. Discuss your needs and requirements, and your doctor shall advise you on the dosage accordingly. Lastly, do not buy blue-green algae from a generic brand. Always choose a good brand name to use safely in the long run.  

What You Should Know Before Contesting A Will


Being left out of a Will is dreadful and it happens more often than you think. Receiving an unfair inheritance can come as a shock too.

If you find yourself in such a bad situation, having sound knowledge about contesting the Will can be extremely helpful.

This post will help you learn everything you need to know before contesting a Will.

Grounds for Contesting a Will

In the U.K, the law states that the decedent’s wish in distributing the property must be respected. So, you cannot challenge their Last Will & Testament solely on the fact that you feel their decision is unfair to you.

The following are some of the grounds to contest a Will:

Validity of the Will

The law lays down certain conditions to determine the validity of the Will. Among other things, the Will should be signed by the testator in presence of two witnesses. If there is evidence to show that the Will was not duly executed, you can challenge the validity of the Will.

Lack Of Testamentary Capacity

A Will is challenged on this ground when you have evidence that the Will-maker is not aware of the consequences of the Will, either due to senility or the influence of a substance. Deteriorating mental abilities could be a reason too.

Lack of Knowledge and Approval

This ground applies to situations in which the Will-maker signed the Will without knowing its contents.

Undue Influence

If you can provide evidence that someone forced the Will-maker, either by blackmail or manipulation, you may challenge the Will on this ground.


Errors in writing the Will or comprehending the intentions of the Will-maker can be dealt with by contesting the Will on grounds of rectification. 

Forgery and Fraud

Sometimes, a Will may not have been written by the decedent at all. With solid proof of the fraud behind them, such Wills can be challenged in a court of law.

Who Can Contest a Will?

Interested persons can contest a Will for appropriate legal reasons. These ‘interested persons’ include heirs and beneficiaries.

If you’re neither an heir nor a beneficiary, you cannot contest a Will just because you feel the property has been unfairly distributed.

Heirs are those who would inherit the property in case of no Will. This can include children, spouses, siblings, and parents. They can challenge the Will if they are left out of it, or given a discriminatory inheritance. Since the absence of a Will would assure them a proportionate inheritance according to law, heirs can contest a Will on proper grounds.

Beneficiaries are those individuals or entities named in the Will and they can contest a Will if they are dissatisfied. Heirs are the most common beneficiaries.

If the decedent has not named a minor in the Will and the minor wants to contest it, a parent or guardian can do it on the minor’s behalf since minors are not allowed to participate in court proceedings.

Lenders to whom the decedent owed money are also considered interested persons. They may contest the decedent’s Will given there’s evidence of the decedent’s debt.

How Long Does it Take?

This is a difficult question with no precise answer. Some Will contest cases have gone on for years.

If everything works in your favour, contesting a Will can take less than a year. We recommend you start the process as soon as you realize there is a problem with the Will.

Also, there are time limits for contesting a Will. Your lawyer can advise you about how much time you have for preparing and filing your case.

Often, for the case to be heard in court, it can take a couple of years. This is why legal teams of both parties would often try to negotiate with the executor and come up with a settlement outside the court.

Costs to Consider

Finding a lawyer who takes up your Will contest case on a contingency basis is tough, as these cases involve a lot of risks and judgment can be unpredictable. Legal teams charge hefty fees which can increase if the inheritance worth is huge.

Apart from monetary costs, contesting a Will is an emotional rollercoaster; questions from the opposition lawyer can be harsh and your morals may be judged. After all, not everyone is going to support you. Bitter truths about your family can come out and haunt you for life.

Now you know why they say to keep your chequebook and your antacids ready before contesting a Will.

Dealing with Family Conflict

Often disputes due to Wills are the reason family members become estranged. 

Whether you win or lose the case, other members of the family might hate you for taking it to the court.

This is why alternative dispute resolution is often preferred to conventional court hearings to save the family’s reputation. Mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and conciliation are some commonly used alternative dispute resolution methods.

Mediation is also called facilitation. In this method, a mediator helps both parties arrive at an agreement.

In arbitration, the arbitrator hears the pleas of both parties and puts forward a resolution. It can be described as an informal trial.

Negotiation is a method in which each of the parties tries to maximize their benefits by persuading the opposite party.

In conciliation, the conciliator helps each of the parties to come up with their objectives and demands. This makes it easier when the parties meet for the settlement.

Chances of Losing

Numerous hearings do not always assure you victory. Risks and complications can change the judgment in the blink of an eye. So, you must be prepared to face losing the case too.

If the Will you’re challenging has a no-contest clause and you lose the case, you won’t receive even the inheritance you were originally meant to receive.

As mentioned earlier, contesting a Will is quite expensive. If you lose the case, you also lose the legal fee you’ve paid.

Even though you know well about contesting a Will, we strongly recommend hiring a lawyer to help you go through this.

If you’re sure of your cause, keep fighting. It will all be worth it in the end.

What is a common subject in Alphonse Mucha’s work?

Alphonse Mucha posters

By the end of the nineteenth century, belief in scientific and technological progress had become a constitutional component of a modernist ideal that fostered a new generation of individuals eager to propose revolutionary solutions and improve the spirit of our civilization. Art became a more independent practice aimed at questioning inherited canons and representational patterns rather than a manifestation of a patron’s will.

Although not as radical as some subsequent genres, Art Nouveau appeared to defy what academia had proposed. Although it was articulated theoretically by leading 19th-century intellectuals like French architect Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879) and British art critic John Ruskin, the concept of breaking the difference between fine arts (especially sculpture and painting) and applied arts was perceived as rebellious (1819–1900). It incorporated Arts and Crafts tendencies and the notion of Gesamtkunstwerk, otherwise known as “total work of art,” as an outcome of the unification of various artistic disciplines.

The movement appeared global, with expressions and renowned artists appearing in various contexts. Alphonse Mucha, a well-known Czech painter, graphic artist, and illustrator, who was active in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, was one of them.

Who Exactly is Alphonse Mucha?

Alphonse Mucha is best known for his posters, which he created around 1895 and 1900. Mucha’s style was even dubbed “le style Mucha” at the time because it coincided with the prevalent Art Nouveau style. Decorative panels, otherwise known as panneaux décoratifs at that time, were posters without text that were intended to be used to decorate interior walls. Mucha’s designs were repeatedly used for various editions after being championed as a business novelty by the printer Champenois.

Mucha endorsed and transitioned decorative panels into a new art form accessible to the general public instead of conventional artwork available only to the wealthy. However, there was something special about Mucha’s artistic works.

Mucha’s work frequently featured women, a common subject during Art Nouveau. When you learn about Alphonse Mucha’s sketches, you will notice that many of his portraits involve female subjects. The femme nouvelle, or “new woman,” was a popular subject because it played both decorative and allegorical functions. Mucha and his contemporaries celebrated femininity as an effective alternative to an excessively impersonal, “masculine” world.

Women and Mucha

Something interesting about Alphonse Mucha is that he is regarded as the artist who transformed female sensuality into Art Nouveau. His big break came at age 35, when Sarah Benhardt, a popular theater actress, requested him to sketch the banner for the play Gismonda. Mucha’s work so impressed the artist that she started to promote it.

Mucha’s women are seductresses who are elegant, sensual and connected to nature. The artist understood how to merge the female body with the physical world through ornamentation, creating iconic pieces that stand the test of time.

His work depicts the journey of an artist who overcame adversity to establish his perspective and style.

These amazing Alphonse Mucha drawings, with their soft pastel color theme and sensitive, swirling lines, were the origin of the artist’s overnight sensation, with stories about the lengths people ended up going to possess them. Mucha’s posters from the final decade of the nineteenth century, at the height of his career, feature women perched within these elegant, feminine aspects in such a manner that they initially blend into their environment.

Alphonse Mucha’s sketches use women as the primary advertising medium, attempting to sell products ranging from liquor and biscuits to bikes and even train travel. It’s hard not to believe that by putting women in a similar pictorial space as products that women were deterred from using, Mucha is making a statement about inspiring greater rights for Parisian women.

Mucha’s impact on women’s lives

Women rejected traditional notions of womanhood during the Art Nouveau period, transcending the domains of domestic life and motherhood. The century’s turning point marked the public emergence of the modern woman and the acceptance of more free and independent sexual expression.

Alphonse Mucha’s drawings reflect this cultural shift. Audiences can see the variations in ideal femininity conceptions between the 1800s and Mucha’s time. Art bears witness to women’s liberation, beginning with domestic oppression and progressing to the upsurge of women in public life. Furthermore, Mucha’s works vividly depict the early transitions toward female equality in Western society.

As a result, his contribution to the Art Nouveau era extends beyond the realm of art. Instead, his creations can be seen as questioning old beliefs of pressured female servitude in the household and promoting women’s inclusion in Western society’s public sphere.


Art is frequently a great indicator of current societal norms. Mucha’s work, without a doubt, captures the core of the period’s view of femininity. His work is a visual representation of the advancement of expectations about ideal femininity at the century’s turning point. The work of elegant Art Nouveau painter Alphonse Mucha has always piqued people’s interest due to its enticing aesthetic qualities, but there has been little critical evaluation of his work.

Given that Mucha is best known for the advertisement posters he created, which spotlighted a female figure as their theme, there is a shortfall in the scholarly literature that ignores the fact that women are arguably the authentic “product” being advertised. Mucha essentially depicted women as charming toys, clothed in lovely ornaments or positioned in captivating poses.

Hair Loss Affecting Your Confidence? Here’s How To Regain Your Sparkle

hair loss

If you suffer from hair loss – due to a condition like alopecia, you may struggle to come to terms with it. The important thing to remember is that most people will experience hair loss at some point throughout their lives; you are not alone. If you feel like your hair loss has affected your confidence levels, there are a few things you can do to regain it. This guide is going to show you how. Don’t let your hair loss define who you are as a person. It’s time to get that sparkle back.

Look Into Hair Replacement Treatment

If you suffer from hair loss, you may be considering hair replacement treatment. A hair transplant is a popular cosmetic procedure and one that can add volume to areas where your hair is thinning. The process involves taking strands from parts of your scalp that produces thicker hair – and moving them to the areas that need it. You can learn more about what happens during a hair transplant by referring to some online resources. Be aware that a hair transplant is not recommended for people who suffer from alopecia. This is because alopecia causes bald patches, but they typically grow back over time. A hair transplant is most suitable for people suffering from permanent boldness.

Switch Up Your Look With Human Hair Wigs

If you suffer from a condition like alopecia, you will notice that your hair tends to regrow in places where it has fallen out. You certainly have peace of mind that it will grow back. However, people experiencing permanent baldness do not experience this same benefit. If you struggle to accept your hair loss, you can switch up your look with human hair wigs. Why not go out of the box and select a human hair wig totally different from your original hair? Switching up your appearance can be a great way to regain confidence, as you can find a human hair wig that makes you feel fantastic. The great thing about human hair wigs is there is so much choice. You can have brown hair one day and pink hair the next.

Reach Out To Others

During periods of low confidence, we may choose to isolate ourselves. Hair loss can affect some people so badly – that they don’t want to go out and be seen by others. However, isolating yourself from others will only make you feel worse. So, the best thing you can do is surround yourself with the people you love the most. Your friends and family are your biggest supporters, and they can give you the confidence you need to accept your hair loss for what it is. Your friends and family can also help uplift your spirits on days when you are feeling down. Don’t be afraid to be open with them. After all, your loved ones want to see you happy, and they can help you regain your confidence – to remind you just how beautiful you are.

Remember You Are Not Alone

As hair loss starts to affect your confidence, it can make you feel isolated and alone – especially if you are surrounded by people who cannot relate to what you are going through. However, you must remind yourself that you are not alone. Hundreds of men and women experience hair loss throughout their life. As we age, hair loss will occur, and that is natural. If you suffer from a condition like alopecia, you may feel even more alone. Alopecia is estimated to affect about 15 in 10,000 people. However, you need to remember that hair loss is temporary with alopecia. Often, one or more bald patches will appear, but they will grow back over time. Try to put things into perspective. It is hair that will grow back. At least you are in good health.

Be Patient

Most people will find that their hair loss is temporary. Therefore, try and be patient with it. Regrowth can certainly be unpredictable. Sometimes, it can take a few years for the hair to grow back. However, it will happen for most people, so don’t lose hope. Even those who suffer from autoimmune diseases like alopecia will notice that their hair grows back gradually. Unfortunately, hair growth is not something that can happen dramatically overnight. Therefore, you must learn to accept it for what it is. Failure to do so will mean you struggle to regain your confidence back. Hair loss is a natural part of ageing, so don’t blame yourself for something you cannot control.

Prioritise Your Health

When we suffer from low self-esteem, it becomes easier to feel worried and anxious about the world around us. Due to the fact we don’t love ourselves, we stop prioritising what is important, and that is our health. However, failure to look after your health can lead you to feel a lot worse. So, it is time to start developing healthy habits to help you lift those spirits. If you are feeling down and stressed about your hair loss, distract yourself with a workout. Regularly exercising can work wonders for your confidence as it releases endorphins. These endorphins give us a feel-good factor and can uplift your mood. Take a look at some free online workouts and start putting them into practice. A healthy diet is also just as important as it will give you the energy you need to get up and go each day. 

Write Positive Affirmations Down In A Journal

During periods of low confidence, we may struggle to like anything about ourselves. You will often find that you think a lot more negatively than usual. To combat these feelings head-on, it can help to write down some positive affirmations in a journal. These positive phrases and statements can help you see the good in yourself. If you struggle to know where to start, look at some examples of positive affirmations online. Try to write at least two in your journal daily, even if you don’t feel like it. On days when you struggle badly with your confidence, you can look back on this journal and try to diminish any negative thoughts you are experiencing.

Avoid Miracle Hair Loss Products

When you first notice that you are experiencing hair loss, you may quickly run to your local health and beauty store to look for hair loss products. However, you must not get sucked into these miracle hair loss products. Unfortunately, no shampoo is going to make your hair regrow overnight. Rather than wasting your money on these over-promising products, you can look into some more natural remedies instead. They may not work for everyone, but they can give you peace of mind that you are trying to stimulate the regrowth of your hair. You can find a list of natural remedies for hair loss online. Be aware that they might not work, but they are worth a try.


Most men and women will typically experience hair loss as they age. The important thing to remember is you are not alone. Reaching out to others, exploring hair replacement treatments, and experimenting with human hair wigs are just some things you can do to help you embrace your hair loss with open arms. Remember, your hair loss does not define who you are.

What Qualifies as a Wrongful Death?


If a loved one of yours died in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you might be able to sue for wrongful death. With the help of a wrongful death lawyer, you can gather evidence, file charges, negotiate, or even fight for a worthy settlement in court.

But what exactly is wrongful death and how can you prove it in a court of law?

What Is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

The court concept of a wrongful death lawsuit should be intuitive. If a person wrongfully dies, or in other words, if they die due to preventable circumstances, you can hold the parties responsible for the death accountable for their actions. 

If the death was specifically caused by the action or inaction have another party, that party may be responsible for compensating survivors for costs associated with the wrongful death.

The Elements of Proving a Wrongful Death

Proving a wrongful death in court is, in some ways, easier than proving someone’s guilt in a criminal case, as this is technically a civil case. However, you’ll still need to prove multiple different things simultaneously.

  • Negligence. First, you’ll need to prove that the death was caused by someone’s negligence. If the person died under accidental circumstances, like getting struck by lightning, nobody can be held directly responsible for that death.
  • Breach of duty to the victim. Next, you’ll need to prove that the person responsible for this debt breached some kind of duty they had to the victim. This could be a formal responsibility, outlined by a legal document, or something less formal, like an expected responsibility in ordinary social interactions. For example, motorists are expected to obey all traffic laws and store owners are expected to maintain safe environments for their customers.
  • Causation. After that, you’ll need to prove that the breach of duty to the victim was the cause of the death. In other words, it wasn’t a coincidence that the victim died while the plaintiff was separately breaching their duties.
  • Damages. Finally, you’ll need to prove the damage is associated with this death.

Examples of Wrongful Deaths

These are some of the most common types of wrongful death cases:

  •  Medical malpractice and birth injuries. Doctors, nurses, and other caretakers are responsible for treating you correctly.
  • Motor vehicle accidents. Anyone deliberately or accidentally breaking the law and putting other motorists and pedestrians at risk should be held responsible for the consequences of those actions.
  • Occupational accidents and hazards. Workplaces are responsible for keeping their employees reasonably safe. Even one small breach of duty could lead to a person’s death.  
  • Supervised activities. Nursing homes, daycares, schools, and other institutions often provide supervised activities, putting some people in charge of the safety and health of others.
  • Abuse and neglect. In some cases, the wrongful death is a direct byproduct of abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, this is increasingly common in nursing homes.
  • Violent actions. Sometimes, the wrongful death is attributable to a violent action, like an assault or a mugging.

Types of Damages You Could Receive

If you win your wrongful death case, these are the types of damages you could receive:

  • Hospitalization and medical care. Oftentimes, victims are rushed to the hospital after suffering serious injuries. If you faced significant costs from hospitalization or other types of medical care before the victim passed, you may be entitled to compensation to pay for all those costs.
  • Burial and funeral costs. Similarly, the plaintiff may be on the hook for burial and funeral costs, covering any expenses necessary to lay the victim to rest.
  • Loss of income. If you’re the partner or a close family member who was depending on income from the victim, you may be entitled to compensation equivalent to this income.
  • Loss of potential earnings. It’s also possible for you to win compensation for loss of potential earnings; in other words, how much money could this person have earned in the future if they still had many years of life ahead of them?
  • Loss of consortium. If the person who wrongfully died was a spouse or partner, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of consortium. You’ve lost a partner, friend, and confidant – and loss of consortium payments are designed to make up for that loss as best they can.
  •  Pain and suffering. Subjective pain and suffering may also come into play. If the victim experienced pain or discomfort before passing, you may receive even more compensation.

Talking to a Lawyer

If you have a loved one who has died prematurely, and you suspect you may have a wrongful death case on your hands, talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer will help you better understand the nature of your case, your options moving forward, and the best course of action to win a settlement and find some peace of mind.

Zoom Meetings Anxiety: 8 Tips to Help You Out

Zoom Meetings Anxiety

Do you get anxious when Zoom meetings start up? Does the thought of joining a meeting make your heart race and your palms sweat? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel this way when they have to join or lead a Zoom meeting. In this article, we will discuss 8 tips that will help you overcome your anxiety and make your Zoom meetings a success.

What is Zoom Anxiety?

It’s become increasingly common to hear people talk about Zoom Anxiety – the feeling of anxiety or nerves that comes from participating in video calls, especially for work. There are a few possible explanations for why this might be.

For one, video calls can be more draining than in-person meetings, as they require us to maintain constant eye contact and pay close attention to our body language and facial expressions. Additionally, the lack of physical cues on a call can make it harder to interpret what others are thinking or feeling, which can add to the feeling of unease.

Finally, the knowledge that we are being recorded on video can also add to our sense of self-consciousness.

However, there are a few things that you can do to combat Zoom Anxiety:

1. Improve Your Workspace for Yourself

Try to create a dedicated workspace for yourself where you feel comfortable and relaxed. If possible, set up your camera at eye level so that you don’t have to look up or down at the screen, and make sure there is plenty of light so that you don’t appear washed out.

2. Use the Zoom Live Transcription Feature 

Zoom transcription can be a lifesaver if you’re struggling to keep up with the conversation or want to refer back to something later.

To activate live transcription, go to “settings” and then “accessibility” and toggle on the “live transcript” option.

Once you’ve done that, a running transcript of the conversation will appear at the bottom of your screen, and you can even save it as a text document afterward if you want. (1)

3. Take Breaks

You should also take breaks as needed during long calls, and avoid doing other work tasks at the same time so that you can give your full attention to the conversation. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths like those you take while meditating or step away from the camera for a moment to collect yourself.

4. Join the Meeting Early

If possible, try to join the meeting a few minutes early so that you can get settled and ensure that your audio and video are working properly. This will also give you a chance to say hello to everyone and get comfortable before the meeting starts.

Additionally, if you know that you’ll be leading the meeting, make sure to go over your materials beforehand so that you feel confident and prepared.

5. Mute Yourself When You’re Not Speaking

One of the most anxiety-inducing things about Zoom calls is the feeling that you might be accidentally talking over someone or that your background noise might be disruptive.

To avoid this, mute yourself when you’re not speaking, and only unmute yourself when you want to contribute to the conversation. This way, you can avoid any awkwardness or disruptions.

Additionally, if you’re worried about your background noise, you can also enable the “mute background noise” option in your Zoom settings.

6. Limit Distractions

It can be tempting to multitask during Zoom calls, but this will only make it harder for you to focus and pay attention.

To avoid distractions, turn off any notifications on your computer or phone, and close any tabs or windows that you’re not using. You can also put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode so that you’re not tempted to look at it. (2)

7. Use the Chat Function

If you’re struggling to follow the conversation or feel too anxious to speak up, you can use the chat function to type out your thoughts.

This can be a great way to contribute to the discussion without feeling like you’re under pressure to speak. Additionally, it can be helpful to read through the chat later if you want to refer back to something that was said. This function is popular among patients participating in online Zoom therapies.

8. Take Advantage of the Virtual Background Feature

If you’re worried about your surroundings being too messy or distracting, you can take advantage of Zoom’s virtual background feature. This allows you to have a different background behind you, which can be anything from a nice scenic view to a solid color.

Remember that you don’t have to be perfect – everyone is struggling with these new challenges in their own way. Just do your best and be patient with yourself. These tips should help you to feel more comfortable and confident in your next Zoom meeting.