Most recent traffic reports suggest that over 15% of road accidents involve a motorcycle. This may be due to their size, which makes their visibility on the road relatively low, or just carelessness and not observing traffic rules. Motorcycle accidents can be severe and lead to permanent injuries, loss of income, or even death. So, with this article, you’ll find 10 tips on how to avoid motorcycle accidents. (1)
1. Be Visible
Visibility is one of the leading causes of accidents involving motorcycles due to their size. So, to be safe, we advocate for wearing reflective or brightly colored clothing, using turn signals and hand signals, and driving with your headlights on during the day.
2. Take a Safety Course
Most accidents caused by motorcyclists are a result of the motorcyclist not knowing what to do hence them panicking, thus causing an accident. To avoid such a case, you can take a safety course where they’ll educate you on what measures to take in case of an impending accident.
3. Obey the Traffic Rules
The traffic rules were created with the safety of all road users in mind; by observing the rules, you reduce the risks of being involved in or causing an accident.
4. Stay at a Safe Distance
Whenever you are riding, always ensure that you are at least four seconds away from the vehicle ahead; this gives you an allowance you can use to stop during an emergency.
5. Use Freeways Whenever Possible
Freeways offer few chances for other road users to turn across your right of way due to the limited access roads, which make them much safer for motorcyclists.
6. Beware of Your Surroundings When Switching Lanes
When switching lanes, ensure you signal your intent in advance and check your blind spots to ensure there aren’t any motorists around before you finally switch lanes.
7. Watch Your Speed
Whenever you’re riding, always adhere to the speed limit. Also, when approaching rail barriers, rocks, bumps, sharp bends, or city roads, reduce your speed so that you can have enough time to navigate the situation and anticipate what may come next.
8. Always Honk to Notify Other Motorists of Your Presence
It isn’t wise to rely on the noise of your exhaust pipes or other motorist being aware that they share the road with you, so always honk to notify them that you are around.
9. Never Drink and Drive
Operating any vehicle requires your complete attention and awareness; hence it isn’t advisable to operate any machine or vehicle while under the influence or even when stressed. So, before you start riding, ensure that you are sober to avoid causing injuries in a motorcycle accident.
10. Always be Aware of the Weather
Weather conditions such as rain interfere with motorcyclists’ vision and may cause slippery roads. Before you take your motorbike for a ride, ensure you are aware of the weather of both areas you are heading to and the situation of the roads leading to your destination.
Remember, safety starts with you, and always respect other road users. Stay safe. (2)
Philosophy often gets a bad rep. A lot of people think of it as something quite boring, reserved for old dusty books and libraries – certainly not something that could be applicable to real life. This viewpoint is unfortunate and quite false.
We all have our own philosophy, whether we like it or not – the difference is that while some famous philosophies are contrived and inapplicable to real life, our personal philosophies are invariably based on experience and truly dictate the way we operate in our daily existence.
There are, however, some ancient philosophies that deserve a renaissance. One of these is Stoicism, a philosophy that is highly relevant to modern ways of life.
What is Stoicism?
Stoicism is a Hellenistic philosophy that arose in Ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC, founded by the philosopher Zeno of Citium and arguably most associated with Marcus Aurelius.
As a philosophy, it rests on the central tenet that you can achieve a long-lasting, durable internal tranquillity that cannot be shaken by external events. It centers around taking complete control of our internal lives, in order to ensure that our happiness cannot be shaken by changes in our material circumstances.
Already, it should be becoming quite clear as to why Stoicism matters in modern life.
It helps bring meaning to our lives
For many of us, the world seems to be increasingly void of meaning. The world around us appears more and more chaotic, with political and climatic turmoil ever present in the media.
Stoicism can help us by providing a stable source of meaning to our lives – stable because that meaning comes from an internal source rather than the world around us.
When our purpose is to achieve mastery of the self and our emotions, to persevere in the face of difficulty, and to increase our wisdom, it matters not what the world looks like around us – we become our own source of purpose, our own source of meaning.
It’s self-empowering
Unlike certain other philosophies and worldviews, an adoption of Stoic philosophy almost always leads to a powerful sense of self-empowerment. Stoicism persuades us to become the best person we possibly can, to realize our full potential; in a modern world that can often seem to encourage us to conform, limiting us when it comes to realizing our full capabilities, this kind of worldview can be both refreshing and empowering.
It promotes responsibility
Something that is lacking in today’s day and age is a sense of responsibility. Everything is someone else’s problem – nothing is our fault.
This way of looking at things leads to a societal circle of finger-pointing, with nothing being done to remedy our errors.
Stoicism promotes a sense of responsibility – each of us is responsible for our own happiness, regardless of our material circumstances.
While this can be hard to accept at first, in time it can have a powerful effect on the sense of control that you feel over your life’s trajectory and your personal happiness.
With all the changes to cannabis laws, more people are becoming curious about this herb. Some weed couples claim that their love of marijuana positively impacts their relationship, while others state it has some downsides.
According to some tokers, pot may help you navigate the trials of a relationship more calmly. Cannabis also has a reputation for being an aphrodisiac, which is a benefit. When you combine weed and relationships, there may be mixed outcomes, some positive and others less so.
Are you ready to discover if toking can take your relationship to new heights? Keep reading to learn more.
Does Marijuana Usage Impact Your Relationship?
Relationships are a complicated concept. When emotions get too intense or communication crumbles, things can become somewhat messy. How do weed connections differ from regular ones?
Cannabis affects the brain and alters your perception, behaviors, and mood. During the onset of a high, you typically feel euphoria and bliss. It’s easy to associate these feelings with your partner, especially if you both experience the buzz simultaneously.
In some cases, cannabis may enhance your love life and result in a flourishing relationship. In other instances, marijuana is simply a means of sugarcoating a dry connection with no substance. (1)
Can Cannabis Positively Affect Your Relationship?
The combination of marijuana and relationships can offer positive or negative results, depending on the foundation of your connection.
These interactions may be more fulfilling since letting your guard down is easier. Many tokers claim that the intensity of intimacy increases when buzzed.
More Sensual Sex
Thanks to the aphrodisiac qualities of the herb, couples who love weed report an improvement in their sex lives. Cannabis may set the mood and heighten your senses, making each touch more enjoyable.
When you’re high, every kiss and caress may feel more pleasurable and make the climax more intense. Marijuana could also boost your confidence, allowing you to perform at your peak.
Being More Present and Attentive
Many relationship problems stem from too many distractions. Those who indulge in cannabis are said to be more present and find time to talk more openly.
After a long day, it’s easy to unwind in front of a screen and ignore your partner. It’s believed to be different for cannabis couples. When both individuals in a relationship choose to relax with a joint, it may allow them to release tension together.
It’s only natural for conversation to follow and a restful night of slumber to ensue.
Engaging in 420 Hobbies
Having common interests is essential in any relationship, and cannabis is becoming increasingly popular. Aside from having a toke to wash away the worries of the day, there are other 420 activities partners can engage in.
For many couples who enjoy weed, cultivating their own buds is a beautiful shared experience. The cannabis crops require consistent care and diligent nurturing to flourish, just like a relationship.
The process is symbolic of their dedication to each other. Overcoming obstacles like weed leaf clawing may also strengthen their connection.
Another well-known marijuana-related hobby is making homemade edibles. Countless recipes are available, from bread and brownies to gummies and chocolates.
Weed-loving partners can take cooking classes together and figure out the ideal way to infuse marijuana. These options offer an excellent culinary experience that keeps the munchies at bay.
Some weed-friendly tours and exhibitions may also help keep the spark alive in a relationship.
Can Weed Negatively Affect Your Relationship?
Love connections can be complicated. Any factor that delivers negative results may cause the relationship to crumble. In some cases, cannabis could be the culprit.
420 couples may sometimes misinterpret their romance and believe they have something extraordinary when it’s only the marijuana buzz. In some cases, cannabis could result in poor conflict resolution and a lack of introspection.
Other relationship problems due to weed include:
The inability to notice problems
Unwillingness to compromise
Unrealistic perception of the relationship status
With that said, it’s thought that cannabis couples tend to settle arguments more calmly. The jury’s still out on whether the adverse effects outweigh the benefits.(2)
Connected by Cannabis
Cannabis is an incredible herb that affects your perception, mood, and behaviors in various ways. It may help you relax, unwind, and release your inhibitions.
Marijuana may allow weed couples to get to know each other on a deeper, more intimate level. It could also enhance your sex life and boost your libido due to its aphrodisiac qualities.
There are a handful of potential risks with using marijuana in a relationship. Why not take a puff next time you’re unwinding with your partner? Decide for yourself if marijuana truly can improve your love life.
Jennifer Gallagher
Jennifer Gallagher, an experienced cannabis grower at SeedSupreme Seedbank. During a 7-year career in the marijuana growing business, Jennifer has gained a high competence in this field. As far as weed is concerned, she knows it all inside out. Jennifer is an expert in pot-growing, as well as cannabis types and their effects. She’s also familiar with all legislation nuances. LinkedIn
The most common causes of car accidents are driver distraction, speeding and drunk driving. If another driver acted negligently in any way and caused your car accident, thus causing spinal injury, you may be able to bring a claim or lawsuit against that driver in order to recover financial damages for your injuries. This may cover medical care as well as any lost wages from missed work, damage to your vehicle and possibly more. With spinal cord injury claims, this is particularly important due to the costs of rehabilitation, continued therapy, and living with an injury of this magnitude.
Car accidents are constant occurrences on Los Angeles streets and freeways. When these accidents are catastrophic in nature, they may cause serious injuries or even death to one or more of the people involved. Pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists are at particular risk of serious injury in a car accident. The speed, force and location of impact in a car accident will typically determine what extent of injury that a victim may sustain, although a combination of these and other factors may also make it seem as though luck is involved. (1)
At Pacific Attorney Group, we handle all types of serious car accident claims throughout the Los Angeles area, including freeway accidents and high-speed or high-impact crashes that result in serious injuries or wrongful death. If you or a loved one was involved in a bad accident, a Los Angeles accident injury attorney at our offices can offer you a free initial consultation to talk about your legal options and filing a personal injury claim.
There are a variety of different serious injuries that may result from a car accident. A victim may be at risk of internal bleeding, head trauma, brain injury, amputation, spinal cord injury, multiple bone fractures, organ damage, and more. Any one or more of these injuries may impact a victim for life, leading to extensive hospitalization, surgery, a temporary or permanent disability, scarring or disfigurement, paralysis, and an unknown future.
Let an experienced car accident injury lawyer at our firm help you in taking legal action against the driver who caused your catastrophic injuries. With our help in recovering financial compensation, you may be able to get the money you need to begin rebuilding your life and moving on. (2)
If you’ve ever read self-help guides or watched webinars dedicated to personal growth and success, then the chances are that you’ve heard of positive affirmations. Millions of coaches and even anxiety disorder specialists often emphasize the effectiveness of positive affirmations, but if you’ve never actually tried them, such an idea may look somewhat weird.
Yes, talking to yourself and telling yourself that you’re great and everything will be alright may look like an awkward practice. However, a lot may depend on how you’re using affirmations, as well as your understanding of how they work.
The truth is that such a practice can be incredibly helpful when dealing with various mental health issues. For instance, many therapists recommend positive affirmations for anxiety, and there is some solid research data that proves their effectiveness. In this article, we will consider affirmations in more detail and think of how they may help you if you have anxiety.
What Are Positive Affirmations?
Affirmations are statements aimed at oneself. They can help a person who repeats them ease worries, cope with fear, and motivate themselves to make positive changes. While many mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, have a lot to do with negative self-talk, daily affirmations allow you to practice positive self-talk so you can balance your unhelpful thoughts.
The practice itself is incredibly simple. All you have to do is repeat the same phrase to yourself every once in a while. You can use different phrases, tailoring them to your goals. For instance, you may use affirmations to challenge negative thoughts, improve your self-esteem, or boost motivation.
When you repeat a supportive phrase over and over again, you basically force yourself to focus on this idea, so the phrase can become quite powerful. When you repeat a thought, it becomes easier for you to believe it, and the more you believe, the more likely you’ll act accordingly, turning your affirmation into reality.
Positive affirmations can help you improve your self-esteem and make you more confident when it comes to achieving goals. Besides, you can use affirmations to relieve anxiety or cope with panic attacks. They can also be very helpful when you’re stressed out. By repeating positive affirmations regularly, you can zero in on the possible positive outcomes, not letting doubts and fear stop you. (1)
Anxiety and Positive Affirmations
According to statistics, anxiety affects about 40 million adult Americans so it’s one of the most common mental health disorders. Anxiety can have a significant negative impact on many areas of your life because it can not only create challenges for you but also impact your relationships with others.
There are several types of anxiety disorders, and most of them are rooted in unhelpful thinking patterns that can influence a person’s decisions and actions, as well as reactions to various stressors. That’s where positive affirmations can help, enabling you to balance negative thoughts with positive ones.
A 2016 study published in Behaviour Research and Therapy demonstrated the positive impact of daily affirmations when treating anxiety. The study focused on excessive worry, which is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety.
Participants were asked to replace thoughts that increase their anxiety with positive words or pictures that showed possible good outcomes. All of the participants showed noticeable improvements after a month of positive anxiety affirmations.
Moreover, even the control group that used affirmations that were unrelated to the subject of their worries benefited from this practice, which means that any kind of positive replacement for negative thoughts can help ease the symptoms of anxiety.
A great advantage of affirmations is that anyone can adjust them to a specific problem. For instance, social anxiety affirmations can be used to improve the sense of self-worth when a person feels threatened. Social anxiety can make a person very sensitive to negative social cues, like facial expressions or tone of voice.
Affirmations can help you switch your focus from the interpretations of these social cues that are driven by anxiety to other aspects of communication and its positive outcomes. They can also help emphasize your personal strengths so that you won’t forget them, and therefore strengthen your self-esteem.
Beware of Toxic Positivity
There is a difference between emphasizing the positive aspects of a certain situation and ignoring or denying the negative ones. If you have anxiety, you certainly can benefit from focusing on the positive aspects, and paying too much attention to the negative ones can prevent you from achieving your goals.
However, it’s also important to make sure that your positive affirmations are realistic because otherwise, they won’t really be helpful. To come up with helpful positive affirmations, you need to acknowledge the current situation, while also focusing on your ability to overcome obstacles. (2)
Acknowledge Difficulties
Acknowledging the challenges you’re dealing with can help you tailor your positive affirmations to a particular situation, making them more specific and therefore more effective. To avoid negative thoughts associated with the difficulties, think of how you’ve succeeded before and the positive qualities that might help you now.
For example, you may say: “I’m in a difficult situation right now but I have the necessary skills and experience,” or “I’m smart and strong enough to overcome all of the current challenges.” By simply denying the problems, you won’t be able to cope with them. If you choose to ignore your hard feelings and fear, they will still accumulate deep in your mind.
Instead of ignoring everything that makes you feel anxious or sad, you can acknowledge these things while also acknowledging the possible positive outcomes and your own abilities. Besides, you should keep in mind that using positive affirmations alone may not be enough when dealing with mental health disorders.
Wrapping Up
When dealing with anxiety, positive affirmations can be very helpful, enabling you to switch focus from your fears and negative thoughts to possible positive outcomes and your strengths that can help you achieve goals.
Given that symptoms of anxiety are rooted in negative thinking patterns, positive affirmations are a great practice that enables you to confront and challenge these negative thoughts. At the same time, it’s important to keep your affirmations realistic, without using them to ignore the difficulties.
Moreover, you should keep in mind that affirmations alone may not be a sufficient method of dealing with mental health problems. If you have anxiety, don’t hesitate to ask for help. When left untreated, symptoms of anxiety may only become worse.
A licensed therapist can help you figure out what triggers your symptoms and suggest effective grounding techniques for anxiety that may work in your particular case. If you have a busy schedule or are socially anxious, you don’t even need to commute to a therapist’s office.
Thanks to online platforms like Calmerry, you can benefit from video chat therapy without leaving your home. Learn more about the benefits of talk therapy — it has proven to be effective when treating many types of anxiety disorders.
Numbers show that in 2019 alone, around 85,739,443 metformin prescriptions were issued in the United States. That means metformin ranks fourth of this country’s most commonly prescribed medications. If you, or someone you know, are also taking metformin, it’s important to learn what to do or avoid doing to increase its effectiveness. Read on to see some of the most useful tips for taking metformin.
What is metformin?
Metformin is an oral anti-diabetic drug sold under the brand name Glucophage. Metformin is prescribed for the management of type 2 diabetes. Like some other medications, metformin has some off-label uses, such as for prediabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), gestational diabetes, and weight gain resulting from antipsychotic medications such as olanzapine.
Is metformin effective for managing diabetes?
Metformin is effective for managing or preventing diabetes, as confirmed by many studies. For example, Diabetes Spectrum published a paper evaluating the effectiveness of metformin in preventing type 2 diabetes.
The paper reported that metformin significantly decreased the incidence of diabetes mellitus by 31% compared to placebo. However, it wasn’t more effective than lifestyle intervention which reduced diabetes incidence by 58%. Scientists concluded that metformin was well-tolerated and effective for preventing or delaying diabetes in high-risk persons.
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism published a review to determine whether metformin should remain the first-line treatment for diabetes. The paper found no reason not to include metformin as soon as a person is diagnosed with diabetes.
Some studies explored how metformin compares to other options such as berberine. When it comes to berberine vs metformin, evidence shows they have similar effects. While metformin could be more powerful, they may work better in combination because berberine is a natural metformin. But when it comes to ozempic vs metformin, the latter is more practical for people who don’t like injections.
Metformin works by making the body more sensitive to insulin. At the same time, it lowers the absorption of sugar and decreases its production. That’s why it can aid the management of diabetes and prevent it in high-risk groups of people.
What are the side effects of metformin?
Every medication has some side effects. Not every person taking metformin will experience adverse reactions, but it’s useful to know the risks.
Common side effects of taking metformin include:
Upset stomach
You may want to consult a healthcare provider if you experience unusual muscle pain, difficulty breathing, feeling cold, dizziness, or slow or irregular heart rate.
Avoid stopping metformin on your own or tweaking the dosage. Consult a doctor who will adjust the dosage based on your needs and condition.
5 tips for taking metformin
People with type 2 diabetes usually get metformin as the first-line medication for this condition. In order to get the most from metformin, you may want to follow the five tips listed below.
1. Take metformin with food
Metformin is supposed to be taken with meals. Avoid taking the tablet on an empty stomach. Taking metformin with food helps decrease side effects that may occur at the beginning of the treatment. Ideally, you should take medicine with or right after your evening meal. Make sure to swallow the tablet whole without crushing, breaking, or chewing it.
2. Avoid certain foods
Some foods can impair the effectiveness of metformin or increase the risk of adverse reactions.
Alcohol interacts with metformin. While moderate use isn’t likely to cause problems, regular alcohol intake or binge drinking can. The best thing to do is to avoid alcohol entirely.
Saturated fat may increase inflammation and make it more difficult to manage diabetes or lose weight.
Trans fats have inflammatory properties.
Simple and refined carbs reduce the effectiveness of metformin. You may want to avoid white rice, white bread, white pasta, soda, candies, desserts, snacks, crackers, sugar, and other low-fiber and heavily processed foods.
Excessive sodium has a higher risk of heart problems and hypertension (high blood pressure).
Metformin doesn’t make your diet restrictive. Instead, it encourages you to make healthy changes and reduce the consumption of foods that may jeopardize diabetes management.
3. Increase intake of certain foods
While some foods can decrease the effectiveness of metformin, others can improve blood glucose management.
You may want to enrich your diet with the following foods:
Vegetables – ideally, half of your plate at every meal should account for vegetables. Opt for non-starchy options such as broccoli, leafy greens, asparagus, cauliflower, and cabbage, among others.
Low-carb fruits are better for glucose balance. Berries are a good example of delicious yet low-carb fruits.
Lean protein can help regulate blood glucose. Choose chicken, turkey, fish, and other lean sources of protein, but make sure to avoid saturated fat.
Healthy fats protect heart health and exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. Good sources of healthy fats are nuts, fish, avocado, and olive oil, all of which are abundant in unsaturated fats.
Complex carbs are abundant in fiber, which slows the rate at which the body turns carbs into glucose. This leads to more effective blood sugar management and healthy insulin levels. Complex carbs include unrefined grains such as whole grain oats, brown rice, whole grain bread, and quinoa. These foods could also help with metformin weight loss, i.e., allow you to lose weight despite diabetes, while also using this medication.
4. Stay away from the sun
Generally speaking, you should stay from the sun and its harmful UV rays as it is. But it’s even more important when you’re taking glyburide-metformin. This medication increases sun sensitivity, thus making you more likely to get sunburned.
When taking this drug, apply sunscreen before heading out and reapply accordingly. It’s also useful to wear protective clothing. Keep in mind this applies only to cases when people take a glyburide-metformin combination.
5. Don’t treat it as a weight loss drug
It’s not uncommon for people to treat metformin as a weight loss medication. Evidence shows metformin won’t cause that significant weight loss and doesn’t exhibit a dramatic effect on visceral fat mass. Even though metformin can be an adjunct to healthy lifestyle measures, you shouldn’t rely only on this medicine to slim down. Losing weight is tricky, especially with diabetes, but it is achievable.
Final Thoughts
Metformin is the first-line treatment for diabetes. A growing body of evidence confirms its effectiveness. To get the most from metformin, it’s important to modify your diet, adhere to the dosage instructions, and take it with or after meals. If you’re experiencing side effects, you may want to contact your healthcare provider or get emergency medical assistance.
Author Bio
Ben’s Natural Health is the world’s first high-quality, all-natural, scientifically proven clinical supplement company. Their motto is to combine holistic healing with modern science.
Ben has brought together a team of naturopaths, nutritionists, and medical researchers to help him create real, side-effect-free solutions to serious metabolic health conditions.
Social media can be exciting, inspiring, and even helpful, especially for those struggling with in-person interactions. But, above all, social media can be a double-edged sword.
With the prevalence of anxiety and social anxiety disorders growing at an unprecedented rate, social media might be playing a role in triggering feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem, and FOMO.
Luckily, online therapy – or Telepsychology – is here to help. But how can you find the right telehealth services for your needs?
Get started with the guide below.
Taking the First Step: You Are Not Alone
Social media is radically changing every aspect of our lives, from how we interact with friends to how we plan our holidays. However, spending hours immersed in that picture-perfect world portrayed by platforms like Instagram can significantly affect your mental health.
According to recent studies, heavy, intense, or problematic social media may be linked to increased rates of depression and anxiety, which can lead to isolation, suicidal thoughts, or self-harm.
Some of the ways you might begin to feel affected by social media also include a sense of inadequacy, fear of missing out, or self-absorption. What’s more, practices such as cyberbullying can take a toll on your emotional well-being.
If you have noticed that these feelings often arise after using social media, you might find it beneficial to practice regular social detoxes or disrupt your algorithm. You can do so by simply hitting the “Not Interested” button to get rid of triggering content.
However, improving your relationship with social media – and regaining mental health – isn’t something that can always be done without the help of a professional. In this case, your first port of call should be a specialized therapist.
Find a Specialized Online Therapist
While telehealth tools have been around since the mid-1990s, online therapy has only become secure, accessible, and efficient during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Today, online therapy is certainly here to stay, and, beyond being as efficient as in-person therapy, it has also made mental health care more affordable and accessible for people around the world.
Nonetheless, finding an online therapist you can trust might not be so straightforward. Ideally, you should consider reviewing the accreditations and qualifications of a professional before choosing him or her as your therapist. This is even more important if you have found a therapist on Instagram or Facebook as opposed to platforms that vet their therapists.
Understand the Costs Involved
Thanks to the advent of online therapy tools, therapists have been able to lower their overhead costs, thus providing more affordable services to their patients. Depending on a professional’s area of expertise and years of experience, you should expect to pay between $75 and $100 per session.
However, some platforms might offer therapy for as low as $20 per session, or provide monthly subscriptions.
Depending on your unique circumstances, you might be able to find financial assistance to cover therapy costs through your university or college, employer, or your local Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC).
Pro tip – as online therapy becomes more mainstream, healthcare insurance companies are quickly adapting by covering the cost of online therapy. Be sure to talk to your insurer to understand what services are included.
Choose a Local Professional
While online mental health services platforms allow you to choose a therapist among a global pool of professionals, you should consider the benefits of partnering with a local clinic.
For example, if you’re looking for mental health treatments and services in South Bay, CA, choosing a local online therapist can help you obtain personal assistance at their clinic if needed.
Give Priority to Your Preferences
Finding the perfect match for your mental health needs can be challenging. However, when doing so, always keep in mind your priorities, including gender preference, budget, and preferred communication methods.
For example, if you are struggling with self-image issues, choosing a therapist of your same gender can help connect on a deeper level, while selecting a provider who can deliver assistance over the phone and via text might be key to accessing uninterrupted care.
If in doubt, consider visiting a local clinic that also offers online therapy services to meet your therapist in person and make sure that you have found the right match.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a set of rules that gives individuals control over their healthcare information. The security and privacy of medical records are essential for protecting sensitive data and keeping personal information private.
When working in the healthcare industry, avoiding HIPAA violations is essential. If you’re unfamiliar with HIPAA, it stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. (1)
What is a HIPAA Violation?
The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the privacy and security of people’s health information. If your business violates HIPAA, you could be fined or even face criminal charges.
If your employees don’t understand their responsibilities in keeping health information secure, they could mistakenly violate HIPAA and risk your patients’ privacy. HIPAA violations can have severe consequences, including:
A fine of up to $50,000 per violation.
Criminal charges in extreme cases.
Damaged reputation and loss of business.
Increased costs to train employees on security protocols.
What Constitutes a HIPAA Violation?
HIPAA violations include negligence or confusion about the law itself. They can take various forms but are often rooted in failing to secure patient information and privacy. If you’re unsure about the rules, you should review them, as ignorance is not a valid excuse for a violation. HIPAA violations can include:
Making unauthorized disclosures of patient information.
Failure to protect the confidentiality of patient information.
Failure to properly dispose of patient information.
Using patient information for reasons other than patient care.
How to Avoid a HIPAA Violation
As a healthcare provider, you must know what a HIPAA violation is and how to avoid it. Here are some things you can do to ensure that you comply with HIPAA and avoid a HIPAA violation.
– Educate your staff: Train your staff on their responsibilities when it comes to protecting patient information. Ensure they know what they can and cannot do regarding health data.
– Create a plan: Create a HIPAA compliance plan. This will help you to focus on your security vulnerabilities and help you to create a plan to address those.
– Use encryption: Make sure you are correctly encrypting patient data. This will help to protect that information in the event of a breach.
Stay informed and up to date on the latest regulations.
New regulations are often added to HIPAA, so staying updated with the latest version and amendments is essential. The best way to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest regulations is to sign up for email updates from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Another way to stay informed is to follow HHS on social media. HHS has a Facebook page and a Twitter account where they post their most recent news and announcements. (2)
Don’t share patient information without consent.
Be very careful about who you share patient information. Make sure you only share patient information with individuals who need it. Patient information should only be shared for treatment, payment, or operations (TPO).
If you are unsure if you can share information, it is best not to share it. You will not get in trouble for not sharing information you are unsure about. You will only get in trouble if you share information without consent and are not sure if you are allowed to share it.
Keep your facility’s physical premises secure – and know when you are not secure.
HIPAA compliance is not just about electronic information. You also have to be sure that your physical premises are secure. This includes keeping patient information out of sight and locking cabinets or drawers.
This also includes keeping unwanted visitors out of your facility. If someone unauthorized can enter your facility, they may be able to see or access patient information. This is a HIPAA violation, and you should report it immediately.
HR Lessons from the Final Rule: Wrapping Up
The final rule issued in the fall of 2002 concluded that the health care industry must take a leading role in protecting patients’ health information privacy and security. The rule reflected three significant changes in the approach to protecting health information:
Application of the concept of risk management.
Using risk assessment to prioritize areas for attention, rather than checking off a list of requirements one by one.
Elimination of the general rule for providers to keep written medical records for at least six years.
Expansion of the entities covered by the Privacy Rule to include health insurance providers, clearinghouses, and others involved in the financial aspects of health care.
HIPAA violations can have severe consequences. They can hurt your organization’s reputation and create a risk of legal action. To avoid a HIPAA violation, healthcare providers must be aware of their responsibilities regarding protecting patient information.
While many people have seen their dating lives cut back drastically due to the global pandemic, there’s still reason to be hopeful that you can and will meet the girl of your dreams at a future time. And although you can’t safely meet in person in many instances, you can still meet people and make plans for dates that can take place later on.
So if you feel like you’ve met someone that you could see yourself with in the future and are a little worried about your upcoming meeting, here are three tips for preparing for your first date with your dream girl.
Put Some Effort Into Your Look
To help yourself feel as confident as possible, you may want to spend some time and effort putting yourself together so you feel comfortable with how you look.
According to the editors of Muscle and Fitness, 85 percent of women want to date a man that looks put together, especially on a first date. While you don’t have to go too far above casual, showing that you’ve put a little effort in can go a long way. The same thing goes for your grooming; if you can swing it, try to shave or trim up your facial hair prior to heading out on your date.
Plan The Right Activity
What you plan for your first date can have a huge impact on whether or not you end up getting a second date with your dream girl.
Although many people think of dinner and a movie as the classic date activities, Patrick Banks, a contributor to, shares that you should avoid a movie on the first date. In the movies, whether you’re watching something together at home or going to another kind of establishment, you don’t really have the chance to talk and get to know each other. So as opposed to this option, consider planning some kind of activity where you can play together as well as have a chance to talk.
Come To Your Date Feeling Curious
Unless you already know the person that you’re going on this date with, Vanessa Van Edwards of Science of People, advises that you should come to your date feeling very curious about the person you’re dating. Ask her a lot of questions so you can learn about her and see if you two really would be a good match. In addition to this being an easy way to avoid an awkward conversation, asking more questions about your date gives you the chance to show just how interested you are, which can make you seem more interesting as well.
If you’re going to be going on your first date with your dream girl soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare for this momentous occasion.
To feel beautiful, great, and pampered, women play with makeup and visit salons and get their nails and hair done. Men, on the other hand, simply grow a beard for the same pleasure. However, not all men are blessed with a beautiful beard and this is where beard products like beard oil come in handy.
Here’s what you should know if you are new to growing a beard and have no experience with any beard oils…
What are beard oils and what are they for?
Beard oils are a kind of beard product that works as a leave-in conditioner for both the beard and the skin where it grows, replicating what the body’s natural oil naturally does.
Sebum or the body’s natural oil plays a critical role in ensuring a beautiful and manly healthy beard for men. It helps moisturize the beard and the skin beneath it and avoids the beard from becoming dry and brittle. However, ordinary soaps that men commonly use often strip away this oil. Because of this, fragrant beard oils are created.
Essential oils and carrier oils primarily make up beard oils. The latter is responsible for leaving moisture that can soften the beard and the skin beneath it while the former contributes fragrance to make the oil smell good and helps keep the skin protected through its antibacterial and inflammatory components.
While there are thousands of beard oil brands and variants out there, the majority of them actually use the same carrier oils on their products. The most widely used are castor oil and jojoba oil but argan oil, grape seed oil, apricot kernel oil, sunflower seed oil, and sweet almond oil are also considered great carrier oil alternatives.
Beard oils can alleviate beard itching due to hair growth.
Men usually deal with skin itching the first few weeks after shaving. During this period, the growing hair strands will curl and poke the skin, disrupting the skin’s natural sebum production and leaving it dry. But thanks to beard oils that keep the beard moisturized and softened, and the skin hydrated, common skin itching will significantly be addressed.
Beard oils for beardruff (beard dandruff)
Our scalp may suffer from dandruff and so does our beard. Named beardruff (short for beard dandruff), this flaking beard condition is actually a sign that the skin beneath the beard needs exfoliation. After proper exfoliation, beard oils may be applied to prevent the beardruff from recurring. However, in some cases, the condition may persist and lead to seborrheic dermatitis which will necessitate an appointment with a dermatologist. (1)
Beard oils as a hair grower.
Some beard oils are advertised as something that can help beards grow. However, there is not enough scientific data to prove this. Experts believe that a beard’s full potential still depends on the person’s DNA and genetics.
But the good news is, there are beard oils that contain biotin and minoxidil which are known to help keep the beard look full and healthy. Biotin enhances the keratin infrastructure of the body, a protein that essentially makes up the skin, hair, and nails. This can boost the hair’s volume and shine. Meanwhile, minoxidil is known well for combatting hair loss and promoting hair growth. The presence of both minerals will expectedly help boost the effectiveness of beard oils.
Using Beard Oils
“When and how should I apply beard oil?”
Beard oil enthusiasts recommend using beard oils three times a day, every day (after washing your face in the morning, later in the day, and before bedtime). Moreover, it is recommended that beard oils be used as soon as hair growth can be seen to keep them soft and moisturized as early and always as possible.
To use it, first, you have to get a few drops into your hand and gently warm it between your palms. Once the warmth is there, proceed by directly applying the beard oil to the skin beneath your beard. After that, apply the residual onto the hair. To better distribute the oil and groom your beard easily, you may use a beard comb or an ordinary hair brush you can find.
The Waiting Game
After applying some oil to your skin and beard, you will instantly get to enjoy a more hydrated skin and a healthy-looking beard. The essential oils will also leave a soothing fragrance. However, for the conditioning and softening effects to become more noticeable, you may have to wait for a week or two, especially if your beard is long. Since this will be part of your daily routine, it is best to ensure that the beard oil you will be using is non-greasy and lightweight to avoid any discomfort.
The Possible Side Effects
Before you begin using beard oils or any beard products for that matter, it pays to be aware of the potential adverse reactions it comes with.
Allergic Reactions. Even oils that are considered natural ingredients can still leave adverse allergic reactions, especially when used excessively. Hence, it would be wise to test out the oil first by applying a little amount to the face. A few seconds from it, start checking whether classic allergy symptoms manifest, e.g. swollen lips, eyes, tongue, or face, chest tightness or shortness of breath, cough, itchy/red eyes, etc.
Sensitivity to Sunlight. There are other essential oils that can be used as a beard oil ingredient that may trigger photosensitivity of the skin, thereby exposing it to more sun damage risks. If you are working outdoors or are often exposed to sunlight, make sure your beard oil does not contain these essential oils: bergamot, angelica, grapefruit, and citrus oils like lime, lemon, tangerine, or orange. (2)
Choosing the Best Beard Oil in the Market
Thanks to this digital age, it now only takes a series of clicks to initially check whether a beard oil brand is worth buying or not. The first step would be, of course, to gather a list of reputable beard oil companies near you (reputable, not popular). From there, proceed by checking for unbiased reviews and feedback about their beard oil products. Try to learn and benefit from others’ experiences. Then if a brand passes the test, the second screening phase would involve checking the beard oil’s ingredients and packaging. Make sure it fits your preference and it’s priced reasonably. Choose well!
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