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Tips to Get Started With Your Fitness Journey as an Older Citizen

During your teens, twenties, and thirties, you can start your fitness journey without many complications as you have all the energy in the world and your body is very flexible. Even though you are obese, you can work your way up if you work hard. However, as you age, there will be more complications to get started with fitness, especially if you never had experience with workouts before. 

As you age, your testosterone levels drop which becomes very hard to put on muscle mass. There might be further complications like diabetes, joint pains, and other cardiovascular constraints, etc. In these cases, you need to carefully plan your exercise programs. To help you better with this, we have listed down a few effective tips that can help you to get started with your fitness journey.

1) Consult health professionals:

If you have health complications, better consult a doctor to know at what intensities you can work out and what are your exercise limitations. For instance, if you are diabetic, you are most likely to be recommended to eat high-carb food before your workout session so that your blood glucose level doesn’t drop. Likewise, depending on your health complications, your doctor will set guidelines. If possible, connect your doctor and personal trainer so that they can work together to build an effective workout program.

2) Start slowly:

As an older citizen, you have to start your exercises slowly and slowly build upon that. As your metabolism and testosterone levels will be lower, you need more time to build muscle. You cannot eat like a 20year old and get away as their metabolism is completely different from the older people. Patience is the key to slowly building an exercise routine and making it a habit to see results quickly.

3) Choose low-intensity workouts:

For older citizens, it’s not recommended to do high-intensity workouts especially the ones who haven’t had any prior experience with exercise. Choose low-intensity workouts like walking, sports, or anything that you enjoy. To workout in the comfort of your home, you can try chair exercise programs offered by Sit and Be Fit. You can find chair exercise DVDs, exercise books, audio, and much more. 

4) Include your friends:

If you have friends of similar age, then try to include them in your fitness journey. Try to have a walk after lunch, join dance classes together or you can use family gatherings for playing any sports. If you make your exercise routine fun by including your friends, you tend to be more consistent with it. Set small exercise goals for each other and try to achieve them.

5) Track the progress:

Progress makes you stay consistent and motivated to stay fit. Track the progress even if it’s minor progress to know how effective your workout program is. To measure your cardiovascular fitness, you can check your resting heart rate. If your resting heart rate has decreased, it shows that your cardiovascular fitness has improved. Likewise, find ways to track the progress of various aspects of your fitness.

6) Fix your nutrition:

As you age, your metabolism significantly drops and you don’t need more calories as it is hard to digest. To preserve lean mass in your body, have adequate protein and ensure you have more complex carbohydrates than simple carbohydrates so that you stay full for a longer time. Cut down junk, sweets and have more vegetables and fruits. If possible. Measure your calorie intake in a day and set them according to your goals. 


To wrap up, the other few things you can do is to focus on strength training which helps you maintain your bone density. Also, as you age, your balance decreases which can lead to injuries as well, so focus on balance exercises too. We hope this article helps you to get started with your fitness journey even in your 50s, 60s, and further.

What Is An Impulse Control Disorder, And Do I Have One?

Content Warning: Please be advised, the below article might mention topics that include prescription medication, abuse of medication, and addiction. The information found in the article is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have.

As society continues to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, many people have found themselves questioning if they are exhibiting certain behaviors due to an underlying mental health disorder. One of the most telling symptoms of certain disorders is impulse control – the inability to fight urges to behave in inappropriate or damaging ways.

Impulse control disorder is a category of mental health disorders where the primary symptoms involve an inability to control certain behaviors or emotional reactions. Impulsivity can be damaging because it can often result in risky behavior, cause interpersonal conflict and can cause a person to get caught in self-destructive patterns. Though we all may have moments where we act spontaneously, people with impulse control disorders feel completely unable to ignore impulses as they occur.

 Symptoms To Look Out For 

Since impulse control disorder is a category of mental health conditions, the way a person’s disorder manifests can be varied. Some people may have impulses to steal (kleptomania), while others may have trouble not spending money (compulsive buying disorder). Though their behavior may seem chosen to people in their lives, people with impulse control disorders have true difficulty not engaging in these behaviors, even if they know it’s damaging.

People who don’t seek out treatment and struggle with an impulse control disorder will often find that their symptoms get worse over time. Often the behavior is followed by a sort of “high” from engaging in the behavior, and people may subconsciously seek out more risky behavior to attain that same feeling. This is especially true for people who have co-occurring disorders, such as depression. Co-occuring mental health disorders are very common for people who experience an impulse control disorder.

A person with an impulse control disorder may feel consumed with thoughts of behaving in certain ways, even if they logically know that the behavior is destructive. They may also act compulsively. This means that they will feel completely unable to control their behaviors or emotional reactions which can impact their daily life and routine.

The effects of these disorders can be tremendous. People who struggle with these impulses may feel isolated, have trouble maintaining relationships and have serious consequences for their risky behavior. It can be challenging for loved ones to be around a person who is unable to control their impulses, and it may feel difficult to feel empathetic to their disorder. These effects can also lead to greater mental health challenges for the person who has the disorder, and make it hard for them to better manage their symptoms.

For more information on impulse control disorders, and their symptoms, check out some of these articles on BetterHelp. If you’ve recently been diagnosed, learning more about your disorder can help you feel empowered in alleviating symptoms moving forward. Treatment is highly effective in treating these types of disorders, and help is available.

What Makes It A Disorder

You may sometimes have impulsive thoughts or tendencies, and maybe you’ve even acted on them. What characterizes the difference between a person who lacks impulse control, and a person who has an impulse control disorder is repeated behavior and how it’s affecting a person’s life. It’s important to note that impulsive and compulsive behavior is not something that a person with this disorder feels that they have control over, and their thought patterns may make it difficult for them to simply not behave destructively.

A person with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, for example, will have strong urges to act out aggressively. Just because you sometimes get upset and raise your voice doesn’t mean you have this disorder. A person with this mental health condition will often feel strong and overwhelming impulses to act in explosive ways on a regular basis. This could lead to physical altercations, damage of property, or regular emotional outbursts. People with this mental health disorder often feel completely out of control when this happens, and may also experience great amounts of shame following an explosive event or circumstance.

In order to fully understand if you are experiencing an impulse control disorder yourself, it’s important to speak to a mental health professional. We often can’t see our own behaviors clearly, as we are very biased. Speaking to a therapist can help you understand your actions from a mental health perspective, and give you insight on steps you can take to prevent future life complications.


Though it can be challenging to experience an impulse control disorder, treatment is available. One of the most common therapy methods is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This is because CBT focuses on understanding thought patterns, and finding healthy ways to cope with them. CBT is solution-focused, so rather than looking into your past and why you may be dealing with a particular mental health disorder, your therapist will focus on providing tools to help it in the moment.

Some people also find medication helpful in treating impulse control disorder. There are certain medications that can help reduce hyperactive behavior and impulsive actions. A person with an impulse control disorder may also be prescribed medication to help treat any co-occurring conditions.

Impulse control disorders are highly treatable with the help of a mental health professional. By taking a closer look at the symptoms that a person is experiencing, a therapist can offer guidance on how to challenge impulsive thought patterns head on. Though it can take some time for a person to feel that they can manage the symptoms of their disorder, doing so can make lasting change on a person’s overall well being.

About the author                              

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

How To Calm Your Nervous System In Tense Situations

Life sometimes puts us in situations that are tense, evocative and can make us react in ways we wouldn’t normally. Our nervous system is a complicated network that exists in the body that is designed to spike adrenaline and comes from a history of survival. Though we are rarely in situations that are life and death, we still may feel a physical “fight or flight” response. This can cause some people to feel overwhelmed with emotion and behave irrationally, and make others shut down and unable to communicate their thoughts and feelings.

Though calming yourself down may be the last thing that you want to do if you’re experiencing heightened emotions, it can help you diffuse the situation and help you think about things from a rational perspective. Finding ways to calm down your nervous system in tense situations can help you approach conflict and other high-stakes situations from a stable place.

If you struggle to control your temper, or have trouble during moments of conflict, getting advice from others can be helpful. This can also be true if there are certain situations in your life that are causing you to be stressed. You’re not alone. BetterHelp has a variety of articles available that cover how certain people choose to handle difficult circumstances that can relate to what you’re going through.

Breathing Exercises

Connecting to your breath is one of the simplest and fastest ways to calm down your nervous system. A simple way to do this is to take a moment to slow down your breathing by inhaling and exhaling through your nose. Not only can this help you feel more relaxed, but it can also help to relax your body and thought processes to better handle a tense situation. You can also try counting your breaths, or breathing in through the nose and allowing yourself to exhale with sound as a way to release tension from the body.

Another way to calm down breathing is to cover up one nostril, inhale and exhale, and then alternate. This can be especially effective for people who experience feelings of panic or anxiety when confronted with a stressful situation.

Taking A Break

Sometimes the best way to calm down from a situation that’s causing stress on the body is to take a break. This could be as simple as asking to take a pause in the conversation, or taking a moment to go for a short walk outside. This brief reprieve can give you time to calm down your nervous system and recollect with your own thoughts and emotions. For people who experience overwhelming anger, this is often the best way to return to a more collected headspace.

This can also be helpful for people who are involved in interpersonal conflict. By asking the person that you’re working through issues with for a break, you can help yourself reconnect with what you’re hoping to gain from the conversation. Though it can be tempting to stay in heated moments to try and work through things, doing so when emotions are running high can make matters worse. Try to keep a gauge of your own physiological responses when you approach conflict in order to best know when a little time is needed.

When asking your partner or loved one for more time to process the situation, try your best to do so in a non-avoidant way. Let them know that you need time to assess the conversation appropriately, and give them an estimate on when you’ll be ready to come back to the topic. It’s important to try to handle conflict in ways that will protect both you and your loved one.

Find Ways To Relax On Your Own

Prevention is one of the best ways to maintain a calm nervous system, even in times of stress. You can do this by not letting your stress levels get too high on a day to day basis. By finding ways to relax in your weekly routine, you give your nervous system a break. Doing so increases your chances of approaching tense situations with more rational thought processes. Though you may be tempted to curl up on the couch with your favorite show as a way to relax, it’s best to find an activity that will promote mindfulness. Everyone has different ways of approaching relaxation. Some people meditate, others like to read. The important thing is to find something that will work for you.

Some of the best ways to calm down your nervous system include activating your body with exercise, even if done gently. Simply going for a walk in nature can help you take time to unwind, relax your breathing, and give yourself time to process the stress that may be affecting your life. For some people, a brisk jog or attending an exercise class can help get their blood pumping and make them feel more connected to their breath and body. Taking time out of your schedule to move your body is a great way to find some peace in the stress of everyday life.

If exercise isn’t really your thing, or it doesn’t feel like it does enough to calm your nervous system, there are plenty of other ways to unwind. Doing reflective activities like journaling can help you get your thoughts and feelings out without involving anyone else. You can also try other activities like playing music, reading or taking a long warm bubble bath.

Make Your Mental Health A Priority

Though you may not always have the time or space to practice these calming exercises, doing them as much as you can help you approach tense situations practically. By making your mental health and wellbeing a priority, you can continue to work through stress in a productive way. Doing so can help you tackle challenges as they come, and give you better insight on who you are and how you approach difficulties in your life.

We can’t control others, or what life throws at us, but we can control how we respond to it. If you take initiative and find ways to calm your nervous system, there’s nothing you can’t handle.

About the author                              

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

What Is Huntington Disease? Important Facts To Know

Content Warning: Please be advised, the below article might mention topics that include prescription medication, abuse of medication, and addiction. The information found in the article is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have.

As we get older, there are a plethora of new diseases that we may learn about and be afraid of. The human body is a complex organism that sometimes has challenges that we can’t be prepared for. One of the more rare conditions that some people learn about is Huntington’s Disease.

Huntington’s disease is an inherited and rare disease that causes breakdowns in a person’s nerve cells in the brains. It can have a variety of symptoms and greatly impacts a person’s way of life over time. Though some people who have this disease are able to carry out life with minimal distraction at first, the degenerative nature of the disease is likely to make symptoms worse over time. There are treatment options available for people who have been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, but unfortunately they cannot cure the person who has it.

Since Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder, there is a 50% chance that a person who has it will pass the gene on to their offspring. It is caused by a mutation in the HTT gene in the brain, which is responsible for caring for nerves in brain cells. Someone who has Huntington’s disease has an HTT gene that attacks these nerve cells rather than aid them, which causes them to break down. The disease was discovered by George Huntington in the 1800s, and it affects an estimated 1 in 10,000 people on the planet.

For more information on how Huntington’s disease can affect a person’s mental health, check out these resources from BetterHelp. Learning more about the disease after a diagnosis can help you better understand it and what to expect. Though there is no cure for Huntington’s disease, there are ways to treat it to reduce symptoms and make life more comfortable.


There is a wide range of symptoms of Huntington’s disease that can affect a person’s physical and emotional well-being.

Physically, common symptoms are:

  • Involuntary jerking
  • Muscle issues, such as rigidity or tenseness
  • Abnormal or slow eye movements
  • Impaired posture and balance
  • Difficulty with speech or swallowing

Emotionally and cognitively, common symptoms are:

  • Difficulty with organization
  • Feeling “stuck” on certain thoughts, and feeling unable to put thoughts together
  • Affected impulse control
  • Slowness in learning new information
  • Feeling irritable, sad or disinterested in life
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • A desire to be alone more often, and social withdrawal

Someone who has Huntington’s disease may feel overwhelmed with their disorder, and find it difficult to handle the loss of control that they experience with their body and mind. It’s also possible for a person to deal with difficult emotions surrounding the terminal nature of the disease, and find it more challenging to be around people. Explaining the disease to others may cause them discomfort, along with the physical, cognitive and emotional toll it takes on the body.

What To Expect 

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for Huntington’s disease. Most people learn of their diagnosis between the ages of 30 and 50, but juvenile cases do happen. Receiving proper treatment in the early stages of the disease can help slow down the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. It’s important to speak to a physician if you feel that you may have symptoms of this rare condition.

When being treated for Huntington’s disease, the goal is to manage symptoms as much as possible. Though there is no way to reduce the damage that the disease causes on nerve cells in the brain, there are ways to make a person’s life more comfortable and adapt treatment as you go. It’s likely that a person with this disease will eventually need home care and assistance doing most physical tasks, and so preparing for this ahead of time can help ensure that they receive the help that they need.

Treatment is based on the severity of symptoms and how it affects each individual. Some people have found that a combination of physical and speech therapy can help people adapt to their disease, along with medication that’s designed to reduce involuntary movement. It’s also important to treat your mental health. Seeing a therapist can help you cope with the emotional toll that the disease takes.

Juvenile Huntington’s Disease

Juvenile Huntington’s disease is a less-common, more aggressive form of the disease that starts in childhood or adolescence (before a person turns 20). Unfortunately, if a person is diagnosed at a younger age, the progression of the disease often occurs at a much more rapid pace. Treatment is generally focused on enhancing a person’s quality of life while their symptoms progress and adapting to the needs of the individual.

Symptoms of juvenile Huntington’s disease are similar to those who experience it in adulthood. This can sometimes be more difficult to spot since children may not recognize the symptoms as uncommon, or be cognitively developed enough to spot emotional changes in their wellbeing. It’s important for parents to keep a close eye on changes in physicality and behavior in their children.

If someone you know has Huntington’s disease, make an effort to learn about the disease and be there as a pillar of support. Having loved ones around can make symptoms feel less overbearing, and help a person feel more comfortable. Ask your loved one what you can do to help them, and find ways to be involved in their treatment plan.

About the author                              

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

The Importance of Inclusive Mental Health Care

With inclusivity becoming more of a focus in today’s society, it’s important for our healthcare system to follow in tandem. Though there are still strong stigmas surrounding the conversation of mental health, progress in education and acceptance has been steadily increasing. Mental health is a constantly growing and changing field. As experts learn more about our brains, adjustments need to be made. This includes finding ways to make mental healthcare inclusive, sensitive and adaptable.

Being inclusive in mental healthcare means giving the same amount of care to an individual without discriminating or stigmatizing them. For mental health professionals, this may mean that they have to do their own work to reduce the chances that their implicit bias has an effect on the way that they treat patients. It’s also possible that people will look to seek mental healthcare from professionals who identify similarly or specialize in ways that cater to their needs.

Learning more about inclusive mental health can help you gain a better understanding of how it differs from more traditional models. You can learn more about inclusive mental health with these resources from BetterHelp.

Diversity and Mental Health

A person’s experience is individual to them. Their mental health is affected by their life circumstances, the way they see themselves and the way they see the world. A person’s experience as a transgender individual will be different than that of a cis-gender one. The challenges that people face in their identity can be so much more nuanced than the traditional models of mental health care suggests.

It’s also important to note that not everyone has access to the same resources as others. People of color and people from lower income communities have less access to mental health resources. It’s important for mental healthcare providers to continue to find ways to offer affordable counseling and find ways to reach out to communities that may not otherwise be able to get care.

Everyone deserves care for their mental health and wellbeing, and adapting for the needs of our communities is key to giving support to people from all walks of life. Outreach for mental health services is crucial, along with training mental health professionals to not shy away from conversations around diversity.

Why It Matters

Ignoring the adversity that people face doesn’t make it go away. Though there have been steps forward in the treatment of people from marginalized communities in recent years, there is still a lot of work to do. The repercussions of oppression and intergenerational trauma will continue to linger in the individuals that face it. Creating effective, intersectional treatment plans can help people heal and live more positive lives.

Awareness and honest conversations around inclusive mental health are important to continue progress forward. Though it can be daunting to have challenging conversations, they can be empowering for both professionals and clients. Our identities are closely tied to our emotional wellbeing, and acknowledging them for their complexities can help people thrive in their day to day lives.

About the author                              

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

How To Build Intimacy In Your Relationship

Every relationship has different needs, but one aspect that it’s important in every romantic partnership is a sense of intimacy. Intimacy goes beyond romantic or sexual exploration, it can also include intellectual and emotional intimacy. Building a solid foundation for closeness in your relationship can help establish healthy communication, build trust and help both you and your partner. Relationships, where people feel safe being intimate with each other, tend to be more successful, and the people involved feel like a team no matter what comes their way.

If you’re in a new relationship, or you’re feeling like your relationship has lost intimacy over time, you may be wondering ways you can encourage more warm moments in your relationship. Though deep bonds aren’t formed overnight, there are ways that you can create an environment for intimate moments to thrive. Not only will this help you and your partner’s relationship, but you may also feel like you learn more about yourself too.

If you and your partner are struggling with intimacy in the relationship, consider speaking to an online therapist from BetterHelp.

Making Time

One of the simplest ways that you can create space for intimacy is to carve out quality time for you and your partner. Though this is sometimes easier said than done in the craziness of day to day life, even a weekly date night can make a big difference. Without time together, it can be difficult for people to feel connected to each other, let alone comfortable enough to be vulnerable.

Quality time can be as extravagant as a special night out to dinner, or an evening cuddled up on the couch with a new movie. This time together creates the opportunity for emotional and physical intimacy with your partner. These moments of closeness are also great times to tackle more difficult conversations, such as ones about the future of the relationship. Instead of feeling rushed or talking about these things when one of you is stressed, doing it in moments of warmth can help these discussions go productively.

The key to making the time more intimate is to commit to really connecting to one another. Put phones away, set the kids up with a babysitter, and create space for you and your partner to bond without distraction. There is nothing worse than a promised date night going sour because one or both partners aren’t making an effort to be fully present.

 Share With Each Other

Some people open up easier than others. It can be challenging to be vulnerable and share experiences, thoughts or feelings that may be on your mind. Though you may trust your partner, you may feel nervous that they will view you in a different light because of it. The more you can challenge yourself to open up about your past, the closer your partner can feel to you. The things that you have experienced are a big part of who you are, and expressing them can help you and your partner build a strong emotional connection.

There are simpler ways to share with each other that can help build intimacy, such as by using words of affirmation. By regularly showing your appreciation for your partner and the ways that they add to your life, you can continue to foster an environment of love and care. This can be beneficial when your partner does something for you or makes an effort to be there for you. By expressing your love and gratitude for your partner, you can find comfort in your relationship.

Keep The Love Alive

Though physical intimacy isn’t everything, it is an important part of any healthy relationship. Though you may seek out sexual experiences with your partner, there are other ways to be physically intimate. Little pats on the shoulder, hugs and back rubs are ways to build physical intimacy in a relationship. These non-sexual acts can build a sense of reassurance between you and your partner, and help you both feel well loved.

When it comes to the sexual aspects of your relationship, communication is key. By talking about your likes and dislikes in the bedroom, and making sure that exploration is consensual, you and your partner can build healthy sexual intimacy. Though there may be lulls in the frequency of your sexual experiences, continuing to talk about your desires with your partner can help you find ways to make it work.

Have Experiences Together

One of the easiest (and most fun) ways to build intimacy? Sharing experiences with your partner. By seeking out fun adventures, you can enjoy life in special ways. You can try renting a kayak one day or planning a trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go. These experiences create memories for you to look back on, and make your bond stronger. Though forming a routine is important in any relationship, breaking patterns every once and a while can help keep your love alive.

These experiences can also be celebrations of accomplishments or milestones in your relationship. Making an effort to have fun together helps you and your partner feel close and take a break from the stresses of daily life. There are other ways to have these moments, such as by taking a class together or trying out a new hobby. Sharing interests is another way for you and your romantic partner to connect on a deeper level. It gives you something to relate to and opens up possibilities for unexpected connections.

Intimacy is something that needs to be cared for over time. If you find there are times when you feel less intimate with your partner, open up a conversation with it. There are nuances in every relationship, and by making intimate connection with your partner a priority, you can ensure that both of you feel well taken care of and supported. Fostering intimacy can help you and your partner set yourself up for a happy and long lasting relationship.

6 Mistakes To Avoid During Your Online Doctor Consultation     

Gone are the days when you had to take a trip to the hospital to check your symptoms. Now there’s no need to face any more troubles to get your symptoms diagnosed. With online medical consultation platforms like TalkToDoc, you can talk with an online doctor who will help you analyze your symptoms while guiding you towards the appropriate medical treatment. 

Even though telemedicine has become mainstream throughout the years, people often fail to get the best out of their online medical sessions. Thankfully there are ways to get past these typical constraints and get your diagnosis. 

To help you do that, here are six mistakes to avoid during your online doctor consultation. 

  • Not knowing what to ask

Before you start your online consultation, think for a while about what you are going to ask the doctor. The doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, but you need to understand your symptoms clearly. Many people fail to describe their symptoms to the doctor and risk having a wrong diagnosis. 

To avoid all that, think about what you will ask your doctor. Make a list of questions you will ask the doctor. You can ask even your slightest doubt just to be sure. 

Remember to ask your doctor about what could be the reason behind the symptoms, the medical conditions, how the treatment looks like, and how much it will cost. Asking the right questions will give the information you need about your diagnosis.

  • Not making the best use of your time

Online doctor’s appointments are usually around 15 to 30 minutes long, depending on the medical conditions. You need to use this time to describe your symptoms to the doctor and understand the further treatment details. 

If you keep talking about unnecessary things during your session, it will end up being a waste of your money and time. 

  • Getting distracted during the session

Nothing is more annoying than when someone keeps checking their phone when talking to them. Your doctor will feel the same way if you keep checking your phone for notifications. 

So, it’s essential to keep your phone away, and in silent mode so as to ensure there are no distractions or disturbances during your session. 

Additionally, if you’re using your smartphone for the sessions, make sure it has a strong internet connection and a good camera. Also, turn on the ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode to ensure other app notifications don’t interrupt your session. 

  • Not having stable internet connectivity

Online medical consultations work on the internet. Platforms like TalkToDoc offer you different ways to communicate with your doctor, such as video calls, text chats, etc. 

These services require a stable internet connection to work optimally. You don’t want your video call to be constantly abrupt due to poor internet speed, and that is why it is important to have stable internet connectivity.

Along with the internet, make sure you have other technical requirements figured out. 

For example, if you are going to attend a video call consultation, check whether your laptop has a webcam or not. Check whether the webcam and microphone are working correctly and whether they have required permissions or not. Check whether you have downloaded the latest version of the software or app for your online session.

  • Asking medical consultations for emergency issues

Telemedicine is undoubtedly one of the great ways to diagnose your symptoms. But it doesn’t mean you should seek medical assistance online for emergency medical problems. 

Online medical consultations are perfectly suitable for medical problems like cold, acne, body pain, etc., that don’t require immediate medical assistance. It won’t make sense to connect with an online doctor if you have just met with an accident. Try to get help from local authorities and hospitals in case of emergencies instead of talking to an online doctor. 

  • Not finding the right place

When you attend an online medical consultation, you need to be visible to your doctor. This will help them observe and diagnose you better. If you sit in a poorly lit area when there isn’t sufficient light, you might not be visible to your doctor, leading to a wrong diagnosis. It’s also important to sit in a quiet place free from all outside noise. 

So, Find a well-lit, quiet room in your home, so you can get the silence and privacy you need to attend your online session. Ensure the windows are closed so that the outside noise won’t disturb you. 

You can also inform your family members about the session and ask them to keep their voices low and reduce the TV volume in the house during your call. 

Ensuring the proper medical diagnosis is essential to ensuring you get the proper treatment for your specific condition. So, try to avoid these common mistakes, and make the best of your online consultation. 

Which of Terminal Degrees in Nursing is Right for You? Understand Your Options

A terminal degree is the highest form of education that you can receive in your academic career. It can vary from field to field. Mostly Ph.D. is considered a terminal degree in several professions. However, some career pathways like nursing can have different terminal degree options based on the degree’s focus on either research or practice.

Advanced nursing degrees can help you achieve your career goals, advance your position in your workplace, increase your salary, and ultimately make you more marketable. Apart from professional degrees, several nursing certifications can also fast-track your career. However, the AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) prefers professional degrees. The professional degrees have different degree completion timeframes, job outlooks, and career prospects. Therefore, you must choose a compatible program to derive the maximum benefit.

Several colleges across the country offer various terminal degrees in nursing. Both on-campus and online degree options are available. You can pursue one according to your schedule. In this article, we have discussed various terminal degree options in nursing. Hopefully, this article will help you choose the degree option best aligned with your aptitude.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

DNP is a practice-focused terminal nursing degree, which prepares you for the highest level of clinical practice. You can pursue a DNP or any other terminal degree in nursing, both online and on-campus. A DNP program instills leadership qualities in you, making you eligible for leadership positions in clinical settings. Your leadership roles may require you to implement;

  • Risk management plans
  • Cost-saving measures
  • Strategies for quality patient care

Assess your personal career goals and compare them with the job roles you’d be eligible for after a DNP. Similarity or differences between them will help you decide if this is the right degree program for you or not. If you are interested in working directly or indirectly in inpatient care, you are the right fit for a DNP program. A DNP program is mostly practice-based but, you can also educate your juniors about the best patient care practices.

Doctor of Education (EdD)

EdD is a research-focused terminal nursing degree, which qualifies you to become a nurse educator in academic or staff development studies. The curriculum of this program is focused on administrative and higher education leadership. This program prepares you to design independent research studies. Your research can involve developing new nursing practices and optimizing the previous treatment plans. This degree also enables you to communicate the existing knowledge with the incoming nursing students. After graduating with this degree, your roles may include;

  • Leading change in nursing education
  • Pursuit of research
  • Scholarly Inquiry

This program is appropriate for nurses seeking work in academia. If you have the caliber to educate the next generation of nurses, pursue a Doctor Of Education in Nursing.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The length of a typical Ph.D. program is three years, with six months focused on theory and the remaining 2.5 years focused on dissertation work and research. A Ph.D. in nursing is primarily a research-based degree. It focuses on fixing academic problems and enhancing the healthcare system. Some of your roles after a Ph.D. in nursing can include

  • Educating undergraduates enrolled in a bachelor of nursing
  • Introducing new nursing services after thorough exploration
  • Overseeing nursing activities organized by your department
  • Leading research teams

If you have a strong aptitude for research and supervision, a Ph.D. in nursing might be a fit for you. A strong interest in academic research and other research methodologies can indicate that this Ph.D. program might be an appropriate option for you.

Doctor of Nursing Sciences (DNS, DSN OR DNSc)

DNS is a world-class research-based degree. It allows you to conduct innovative and life-improving research. It also prepares you to assume a leadership role to advance the science of nursing. It equips you with organizational skills and independent critical thinking. Some of your duties as a DNS may include;

  • Researching medical data
  • Applying findings to nursing practice
  • Educating leaders to advance nursing practices and health care system

It is an appropriate terminal degree option if you want to improve and completely turn around the current healthcare system. A DNS and Ph.D. degree in nursing have similarities in their curriculum, but the AACN prefers a Ph.D. over a DNS. Therefore, concerned authorities are planning to either merge the two or eliminate DNS. If you want to work in a lab instead of being a bedside nurse or being an executive implementing plans, this might be the perfect degree for you. You must be devoted to providing the best patient care using advanced research methods to pursue this degree.

How to Choose the Right Terminal Degree?

Terminal degrees can help you advance your career financially and professionally. If you pursue a terminal degree, take your professional goals, life circumstances, and personal aspirations into account. When choosing a terminal degree in nursing, your professional and personal goals should align with your anticipated career trajectory. Here are a few questions you must answer before deciding on a specific degree.

  • Are you passionate about the field of your study?
  • Do you have adequate financial resources to pursue a degree?
  • Are you a proficient speaker, communicator, and educator?
  • What is your purpose behind pursuing a terminal degree?
  • Are you willing to commit to long hours of research?

The Wrap Up

The ultimate goal of all terminal nursing degrees is to transform the future of healthcare. These degree programs are designed to enable you to either develop new patient care techniques and strategies or educate the younger generation of nurses with your knowledge and experience. This article gives an overview of all terminal degrees you can pursue in nursing. Compare these options with your personal career goals. Opt for a degree that is more aligned with your aspirations. Graduating with a compatible terminal degree can open up several pathways for you.

Choosing a degree for further education can be nerve-wracking. Hopefully, this article has informed you about all possible degree options. Now ask yourself those five questions and make an informed decision for yourself.

11 Nutrients Your Body Needs to Get Strong and Build Muscle

Nutrition and physical activity are essential for gaining lean muscle mass. While it’s important to challenge your body through exercise, you won’t make any gains without nutritional support. In fact, your progress is more likely to stall if you don’t eat enough protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

When it comes to building strong muscles, protein is the nutrient of choice. Not only does it do most of the heavy lifting, but protein keeps you fuller for longer. But, some proteins and nutrients are better than others. Here are 11 nutrients you’ll need to add to your workout routine. Check out these muscle builders, one of the best muscle-building supplements to boost your physical performance and build your muscles even faster.

1. B Vitamins

Eggs are packed with high-quality protein, fats, and vitamin B. Vitamin B helps improve energy, brain function, eyesight, cell health, cardiovascular health, and muscle tone. In males, vitamin B improves testosterone levels, which can help them increase their strength and endurance.

2. Protein

Since our bodies don’t produce protein, it’s considered an essential nutrient and is required for muscle growth and repair. As a muscle-building staple, chicken breasts have 26 grams of protein with every 3-ounce serving and are filled with amino acids needed for optimal health.

3. Creatine

Creatine is one of the best muscle-building supplements because of its three amino acids: methionine, glycine, and arginine. Numerous studies support taking extra creatine as muscle-building supplements due to its ability to increase exercise capacity.

4. Calcium

Foods like fortified milk, cheese, cereals, tofu, spinach, and broccoli contain the building blocks of strong bones and teeth: calcium. As a mineral, calcium is responsible for triggering muscle contractions, which convert to ATP and keep your body moving before and after the workout.

5. Magnesium

If you’re feeling more tired than usual, you may have a magnesium deficiency. Not only that, but magnesium is also considered a de-stressing mineral because it’s essential for preventing cramps, heart diseases, cardiovascular disorders, insomnia, and aiding in muscle relaxation. 

6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is either absorbed by our bodies from the sun or taken as a supplement, especially in the winter. Regardless of how you get your daily dose, vitamin D improves your mental health, reduces anxiety and depression, and produces strong biceps, glutes, and everything in between.

7. Potassium

Most commonly found in bananas, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, potassium is a key electrolyte that aids with muscle contraction and carries nutrients to your muscles. Potassium neutralizes sodium by allowing your kidneys to flush out the excess, reducing your risk of hypertension.

8. B12

B12 is a misunderstood nutrient. While prehistoric humans used to get their B12 from unwashed produce, it’s now only readily available through supplementation. Yes, even meat is supplemented. Without B12, our body can’t produce enough red blood cells or metabolize fats.

9. Carbohydrates

Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates aren’t bad for you. Carbs are one of our three macronutrients next to protein and fat and are needed for muscle repair. Carb loading is especially helpful if you’re doing cardio work, so eat your fruits, whole grains, and veggies!

10. Beta-Alanine

Muscle cramps are the bane of every muscle-builder’s existence, but beta-alanine makes that problem a thing of the past. Beta-alanine fights lactic acid buildup, which could lead to cramping and fatigue. You can find beta-alanine in several pre-workout drinks or protein snacks.

11. Iron

To pump iron, you need a lot of iron. Spinach is one of the best sources for iron per gram, but other leafy greens, like kale, and lean meats, like turkey, are also optimal. Iron helps regulate your metabolism, brings oxygen to muscle tissue, and promotes an overall healthier immune system.

Important Reasons Why Communication With Your Loved Ones Is Crucial While You Are In Rehab

During your treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, you may feel that your life is out of control. But if you attend an alcohol rehab program and work hard to get clean and sober, you can take back control of your life. That means establishing healthy patterns in every area of your world – including the relationships in it. One of the most important relationships that need attention is your relationship with your loved ones. By maintaining open and honest communication with them, you will better preserve these relationships while you are in rehab treatment. Here are the top reasons why it is crucial to communicate with your loved ones while you are in rehabilitative care.

To Get Support

Many people go into a treatment program feeling that they have lost all their friends and family because of their addiction. It is true that your loved ones have probably had to deal with some pretty bad things as a result of your addiction. This may even include your loved ones abandoning you when you need them the most.

However, your family and friends still care about you, and they want to support you. The best way for them to do that is by staying in touch with you while you are in treatment and if you have a cell phone in rehab, this is made a lot easier. This way your recovery process will be easier. To illustrate the importance of support, just think about what your life would look like without it.

You are surrounded by people who want to help you stay sober, but if you have no contact with them, their efforts are wasted. They will not know how to best support you so they can be part of your recovery. But when you let them know that they are welcome to stay in touch with you, they can keep your family and friends updated on how things are going.

To Start The Process Of Reconciliation

Even though your friends and family may not realize it, they probably hold some resentment towards you because of the pain that your addiction has caused them. They may blame you for breaking up the family, losing the job you hate so much or putting yourself in harm’s way on more than one occasion. This feeling of resentment is normal and it will probably remain with them even after you leave rehab successfully, which is why communication with your loved ones during treatment is crucial.

By keeping open communication channels with your friends and family throughout the treatment process, you will be able to discuss the problems that your addiction has caused. This is an important step towards reconciliation and rebuilding your relationships.

To properly do this, you must be willing to listen to your loved ones’ resentment with empathy. By listening, you will understand how the addiction has affected them and they will be able to talk about their feelings. Only by maintaining open communication can they put this resentment behind them so that they are free to begin the process of reconciliation.

The best communication channels for this purpose are probably the phone and email. The next time you are given a phone call at rehab, use it as an opportunity to start this process of reconciliation with your loved ones. For emails, you can discuss the problems caused by your addiction in each one. Even if you have to go through several emails before they feel comfortable enough to mention their resentment towards you, keep in contact, and eventually you can reach that point.

To Stay Current With The Outside World

The outside world is full of great opportunities, but it can also be full of distractions that keep you from staying sober. When you are at an alcohol rehab program, these distractions are not present to the same degree as they would be in your everyday life. However, some of them still remain and this is why it is important to stay in touch with your loved ones while you are at rehab.

When you speak with your friends and family on the phone or through email, you can catch up on all of the news that has happened while you were away getting help for your addiction. This will keep their lives interesting and it will help them not to forget about you, even though you are separated by hundreds of miles.

Staying current with your loved ones means you’ll know what’s happening in their lives, which keeps you from feeling isolated. Knowing what happens with your friends and family will motivate you to stay sober once you leave rehab so that you can be a part of it all.

Keeping an open line of communication with your friends and family is crucial to your recovery. It will help you stay connected with the people who care about you while still in treatment. Then, when you come home, this communication will help you start the process of reconciliation so that they can support you through your recovery successfully. Also, staying current with them will keep you from feeling isolated during rehab and will motivate you to stay sober.