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The Endocannabinoid System: How Weed Gets You High

Most people, when they enjoy a psychoactive substance like alcohol or cannabis, don’t take the time to learn how and why their substance of choice affects them. They are happy with the knowledge that their drink or smoke will have certain desired effects.

But not you. You want to know why weed is making you high — and to understand that, you need to understand the endocannabinoid system.

What Does the Endocannabinoid System Do?

The endocannabinoid system is among the oldest systems in animal biology. Every animal studied, from insects to elephants, has an endocannabinoid system, which seems to say that the endocannabinoid system is critical for creating and sustaining animal life. Despite this, the endocannabinoid system was only discovered by human researchers in the early 1990s, which means that relatively little is understood about what this system does or how it functions.

Still, we do know some about the endocannabinoid system. For example, we know that it facilitates communication between the nervous system and other systems. We know that it plays a role in fertility, especially women’s fertility, as well as pregnancy and prenatal development. We know that the endocannabinoid system is in large part responsible for thermoregulation, or maintaining a stable core body temperature despite shifting environmental temperature. We know that this system has some role in metabolic processes, to include managing the appetite, and that it has some role in forming and storing memories. We know that the endocannabinoid system is somehow involved in pain sensation.

It will take time and intensive study to understand the endocannabinoid system to the degree that we understand, say, the respiratory system or the immune system. Fortunately, the more we know about the endocannabinoid system, the more information we have to help treat those afflicted by corresponding health conditions.

Where Is the Endocannabinoid System?

While other bodily systems are neatly contained in certain parts of the body — like the skeletal system in the bones or the digestive system in the stomach and intestines — the endocannabinoid system isn’t anywhere specific in the human body. Rather, it is everywhere.

The endocannabinoid system is comprised of a series of enzymes and receptors, which are located in different concentrations throughout the body. To date, two types of endocannabinoid receptors have been discovered: CB1 receptors, which are primarily in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal system, and CB2 receptors, which are more dispersed in the peripheral nervous system and immune system. The enzymes created by the endocannabinoid system, called endocannabinoids, bind to these receptors to stimulate different effects in the body and mind.

How Does Cannabis Interact With the Endocannabinoid System?

The cannabis plant produces unique compounds, called cannabinoids, which are not present in any other plant or animal. Scientists have discovered over 110 cannabinoids, but only a few interact with the human body — and in particular, the endocannabinoid system. Likely, you recognize the names of the most prominent cannabinoids: THC and CBD.

The structure of the molecule THC strongly resembles one of the most well-known endocannabinoids, called anandamide. The name “anandamide” comes from the Sanskrit word ananda, which means joy, bliss or delight; indeed, anandamide is strongly associated with feelings of intense pleasure when it binds with CB1 receptors in the brain. Anandamide also seems to have some effect on memory and appetite. Because THC looks so similar to anandamide, it can easily slip into the same receptors and cause the same effects.

The interaction between CBD and the endocannabinoid system is less clear. Researchers currently believe that CBD doesn’t bind to endocannabinoid receptors directly but instead influences them to produce more of certain endocannabinoids, which can result in various physiological benefits. This is perhaps why it is so important to look for a high-CBD strain from a Phoenix dispensary; CBD might temper the effects of THC, allowing for a more comfortable high.

Were it not for the in-depth study of cannabis, it is likely we still would not know about the endocannabinoid system. Given that the endocannabinoid system seems so critical to the proper function of the human body, it makes sense that a substance that influences this system — i.e. weed — would have such wide-ranging medical applications. The more we learn about cannabis, the more we learn about the endocannabinoid system, which is a win for everyone.

Reasons why you should consume cannabis seeds

Today marijuana seeds, and by extension, cannabis seeds, are not only used for cultivation. They have been added to the extensive menu of seeds that we consume daily not only for their nutritional value but also for their medicinal benefits for our health.

Besides, it is now easier than ever to buy weed seeds in Europe on Sensoryseeds and to collect unique cannabis strains.

Cannabis seeds in all countries and cultures

Seeds have been a part of our diet for thousands of years. Buddhist monks in Japan adopted an exclusive seed diet for years to help them meditate. It sounds incredible, but over a thousand years ago, some people only ate seeds and lived healthy lives.

Cannabis seeds have also been a part of our diet for a long time, although it is only in recent years that they have become popular and many of their benefits have come to light. Much of this is down to a science, which has corroborated many of the purported benefits and discovered many more.

Here’s a list of the many benefits:

Cannabis seeds help you lose weight.

The truth is that cannabis seeds are an excellent option to adopt in our diet. In particular, if we substitute certain foods like peanuts (which contain a lot of saturated fats) or animal proteins (which are packed with saturated fats too) for cannabis seeds, we would be making a change towards a healthier diet.

Also, hemp milk is much healthier and better to maintain or lose weight.

Cannabis seeds have a lot of fibre

Fibre is a nutrient that doctors always recommend us to eat more, and more. Why? Although fibre does not provide us with any vitamin or mineral, it is vital to maintain good health in our stomach, as well as to prevent conditions such as hemorrhoids and constipation.

There are two types of fibre. The first, soluble fibre, helps us digest food well and evacuate much more quickly. It is the most accessible type of fibre to acquire through food.

The second type of fibre is digested very slowly, which helps to give us energy more slowly. It also works to prevent diabetes and other types of cardiovascular diseases.

Cannabis seeds are suitable for the heart

Cannabis seeds are useful in two different ways. The first, and most obvious, is through omega 3 and omega 6. Cannabis seeds not only contain large amounts of these fatty acids, but they have the ideal amounts. According to studies, omega 3 is best used when it is consumed three times more in omega 6- and this is precisely the amount that these seeds have.

They also contain nitric oxide. It helps to relax the arterial and vein walls, thus making it easier for blood to reach all corners of our body. This extra help, daily, helps to keep our heart in excellent shape and also prevents arterial hardening.

These are just some of the benefits that cannabis seeds can offer you. Remember, the best way to take advantage of the benefits of these seeds is by consuming them every day: There is no better method than being constant.

Cannabis seeds contain protein

The best quality of cannabis seeds is, without a doubt, the quantity – and quality – of their proteins. Almost a third (25%) of the calories from cannabis seeds come from protein. It means that, for every 35 grams of seeds, we are consuming 10 grams of protein. Nothing bad.

But the most important thing is the type of protein. The protein found in cannabis seeds has all nine essential amino acids; that is, it is a “complete” protein. And there are few sources of protein in the plant world that can be called “complete.” Chia seeds are a complete protein, for example, but impossible to consume in high amounts unless you take them as a capsule. Quinoa is the only complete plant protein that can rival cannabis seeds.

Vitamins and minerals in cannabis seeds

Cannabis seeds are packed with both vitamins and minerals. What’s more, a serving of 45 grams of cannabis seed provides almost half of the daily requirement of magnesium and 15% of the daily requirement of iron that we need, two minerals that are very important for the functioning of our body. Here is a list of other minerals that are found in cannabis seeds:

  • Zinc
  • Match
  • Phosphate
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

And when it comes to vitamins, they are not far behind either. They have a significant amount of vitamins A and E, although you can also find the following vitamins:

  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamin b6 and vitamin b12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D

So, if you’re looking for a multivitamin that tastes good and you can eat, you can now buy cannabis and hemp seeds in many stores! And if you want to collect the best marijuana seeds, you can buy cannabis seeds online at Sensoryseeds.com!

Refinansiering: A Look at the Steps Involved

In life, there are things we want but don’t actually need, and there are things we absolutely need for life to be a little bit easier and enjoyable. For some people, what they need to live a happier life could be owning a home of their own, for others, it could be going to college and obtaining a degree, while people may also feel like they need to own a nice car. Building fond memories with family and friends could also be a need.

Irrespective of the need, it is true that we may not always get what we need and want if it was left to our financial capabilities. However, when you’re unable to get those things you want or need with your own money, you always have the option of taking out a loan.

Many people have gotten out of tough financial situations all thanks to the availability of loans. Depending on several factors, one could get loans of up to millions of dollars to sort out any kind of difficulty. They can be used to settle medical bills, pay for college, buy a home, finance a nice vacation, or even clear credit card debt or gjeld, as it is called in Norwegian; the list is endless.

Unfortunately, while loans can save people from a lot of problems, repaying those loans can turn out to be a problem itself. You see, when you take out a loan, there’s a certain interest that you must pay because lenders are businesspeople that want to make profit. Also, you’re given a specific time within which you’re required to have paid back the loan in full before its expiration.

For instance, a borrower who wants to buy a house can take out a 30-year loan of $200,000 with an interest rate of 30%. Usually, borrowers agree to the terms of the loan since with their present financial capabilities, making the agreed monthly payments wouldn’t be a problem.

But down the road, things like new financial responsibilities and obligations, or a job loss, may affect their ability to meet up with their monthly payments, sometimes leading to the defaulting. This often leads to discomfort and unease that can quickly override the joy and happiness that came from buying that home, car, or getting that degree.

However, like the loan was able to help you out in that situation, a refinance may be able to get you out of the current situation and get your finances back on track.

What is a Refinance?

A refinance refers to the process of changing or replacing the terms of an existing loan with a new one. Basically, a borrower applies for a new loan with better rates and terms which is used to settle the old loan. Many borrowers have successfully paid off their debt by refinancing, and in some cases, they’ve been able to save some money in the process.

Many borrowers think that refinancing is a complex process, but it really only is as complicated as you make it. The processes are straightforward, and the whole thing can be done with before you know it, especially if you’re doing it with a lender that prefers getting things done in a timely manner.

As have been mentioned, people refinance to get a more favorable term and rate that will enable them make their monthly payments without it being much of a burden to them. However, getting new terms or rates are not the only reason people seek to refinance. A person may refinance to switch from one type of loan to another. For example, a borrower can refinance from an FHA mortgage to USDA, VA, or conventional mortgage.

Another reason people refinance is to switch from a fixed-rate mortgage to an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), or vice versa. There are advantages and disadvantages of switching from one type of interest rate to the other. The advantage of fixed-rate mortgage is that an increase in market rates won’t affect your loan since the rate was fixed at the time of taking out the loan. However, the disadvantage is that you also do not benefit when market rates drop significantly, so, it’s more like a two-edged sword.

For adjustable-rate mortgages, the rate is fixed for certain period, after which it becomes adjustable and fluctuate based on a reference interest rate. While the fluctuation may be to the borrower’s favor, it could also be unfavorable and go higher than the initially set rate.

You can learn more about this process here: https://www.valuepenguin.com/loans/refinancing-a-loan-what-it-means.

Steps in Refinancing

As mentioned earlier, the steps involved in refinancing are easy and straightforward. They include:

  1. Applying
  2. Underwriting
  3. Locking your interest rates
  4. Closing


To let your lender know about your intention to refinance an existing loan, you have to first of all apply. During the application, you’d be asked for the information you provided when taking out the existing loan. Following standard procedures, your assets, credit score, and income will be re-evaluated to know which options are available to you.

A borrower who is married may be asked to provide documents about their spouse’s finances as well. Self-employed consumers may also be required to provide additional documents on their income to proof that they are financially capable of repaying the new loan. While some people simply go back to their lender when they decide to refinance, it is not mandatory, and consumers can choose a new lender for the process.


Once your application is submitted, the next step is underwriting which is basically the verification of all the information and financial documents you submitted for your application. In the case of a mortgage, an appraisal will be done to determine the value of the property.

In the refinancing of a mortgage, appraisals are crucial because they help the lender determine the type and size of loan that will be given out to the borrower. Aside from determining the value of the property, other information on the property like the borrower’s equity in the home is also verified. This is especially important in the case of a cash-out refinance.

Because appraisals can affect the outcome of your application, it is important that you make your home as presentable as possible to the appraiser that will be sent by the lender. Little things like cleaning up the home and making minor fixes where necessary can add to the general appeal of the home in the eyes of the appraiser. Finally, listing any upgrade you’ve done on the property since owning it could help increase the value of the property.

Once the appraisal is complete and your home’s value is estimated to be below the debt you are looking to refinance, you may have to cancel the application. However, if the value of the property is equal or greater than the current debt, the underwriting will be concluded, and your application can move on to the next stage.

Locking in Your Interest Rates

Once all your information has been verified and the lender is now ready to draw up a contract, you have the option to lock your interest rate or leave it floating. Depending on several factors, your rate can be locked for as long as 60 days, but, at the expiration of the rate lock period, you can pay a certain amount to renew the lock.

Locking your interest rate is great way to avoid market rate fluctuations that could grow quite high based on several economic conditions. However, these economic conditions could also lower the market rate as have been explained earlier. Overall if you’re happy with the rates at the time of signing the documents, it may be a wise choice to have it locked.


Once everything has been sorted out, you’ll receive a closing disclosure document from the lender that contains all the details of the loan. All the parties concerned with this loan will be present at the time of signing this document.  

Final Thoughts

Once the contract is signed you have a 3-day grace period to get out of the contract if for any reason you wish to discontinue the process. At the expiration of this grace period, you’re “locked in” and the funds will be made available to you on a date agreed upon by both you and the lender.

5 Health Benefits of Leucine

The human body is a complex machine, and it requires numerous components in order to function optimally. As well as getting all the macro and micronutrients you need to thrive, it’s important to ensure that you’re giving your body the right range of amino acids too.

What are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are organic compounds that the body uses to make proteins. They can be classified into three groups:

1. Essential Amino Acids

These are critical to our body’s functionality, but they aren’t produced internally. Instead, we need to consume these amino acids through the foods we eat. There are nine essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, methionine, histidine, valine, tryptophan, threonine, and phenylalanine.

2. Non-Essential Amino Acids

Although we need these types of amino acids, our bodies are capable of producing them, so they’re called ‘non-essential’ as we don’t need to consume them. They include arginine, cysteine, aspartic acid, glutamine, alanine, tyrosine, serine, glycine, glutamic acid, proline, and asparagine.

3. Conditional Amino Acids

These amino acids are only required in certain conditions, hence the name. When we’re unwell or under stress, for example, the body relies on these amino acids, but they may not be required at other times. Non-essential amino acids, such as serine and glutamine, can become conditional if the body is unable to produce them due to injury or illness. Due to this, there may be times when you need to remember their conditional nature supplements your natural reserves of non-essential amino acids.

What is Leucine?

As an essential amino acid, leucine plays a critical role in protein. It’s one of only three branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), which means it functions slightly differently from other non-BCAA amino acids. If your body doesn’t have enough leucine, it will be unable to convert the food you eat into proteins that your body can use. As a result, you’ll find it hard to gain or maintain muscle tissue.

Isoleucine is similar to leucine in structure but relies on different activation methods and has varying functions. Your body needs isoleucine to heal wounds and help remove nitrogenous waste, for example.

To get a better idea of why it’s so important to incorporate leucine and other amino acids into your diet, take a look at some of the benefits associated with leucine now:

1. Build More Muscle

Regular workouts and strength training can help you to build muscle, but you won’t see results unless your body has what it needs to complete the process of generating more muscle tissue. Leucine plays an important role in facilitating protein synthesis, which means your body relies on it in order to build bigger muscles.

By increasing your leucine intake and getting adequate amounts of this amino acid, you can kick-start muscle gains. What’s more – you’ll see results more quickly when you combine leucine supplementation with regular workouts.

2. Increase Strength

As you gain muscle, you’ll notice that your strength increases too. You might start out struggling to lift 10kg, for example, but you can enhance your strength over time and gradually lift heavier weights. When you incorporate leucine into your diet, it enables you to maximize your strength, as you’re synthesizing protein and gaining muscle more efficiently.

3. Prevent Muscle Loss

When you’ve worked so hard to achieve muscle gains, you don’t want to lose muscle tissue by letting the body break it down! Maintaining muscle mass is just as important as gaining, so don’t overlook this critical element of enhancing your fitness. By ensuring you get enough leucine in your diet, you can reduce the rate at which the body breaks down muscle. As a result, you’ll find it easier to retain the muscle you’ve gained and be able to use your muscle tissue more efficiently.

4. Enhance Immunity

Although studies are still ongoing, many people believe that leucine can enhance your body’s natural immune system. Your body relies on an mTOR signaling pathway to activate the body’s immune reaction, which is the same pathway that leucine activates. When you’re getting enough leucine, it can also ensure that your body is primed to fight unwanted germs or microorganisms. Based on this, it’s possible that leucine can help you to fight off infections and viruses more efficiently and keep you healthier.

5. Better Endurance

When you exercise for a relatively long period of time, the amount of leucine in your body is likely to drop. This indicates that the body uses up leucine quickly when performing endurance activities, such as running. It follows, therefore, that the more leucine you have in your body, the longer you can remain active. With regular supplementation, you might find that it takes far longer for you to reach a point of tiredness, fatigue, or exhaustion when you’re training or working out.

In addition to this, leucine can also help to increase recovery rates, which helps you to bounce back from a high-energy workout more quickly and could reduce the symptoms associated with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

What Foods Contain Leucine?

A healthy and varied diet can help you to get all the amino acids your body needs, including leucine. You’ll find that many foods, such as chicken, beef, nuts and eggs, contain leucine. Additionally, milk, seeds, tofu, beef, and tuna can be good sources of leucine and other amino acids.

However, getting enough leucine can be tricky if you rely solely on food sources of leucine. If you skip a meal or eat food that doesn’t much leucine, for example, your levels could drop and your body will struggle to retain muscle tissue, gain muscle mass or increase strength. Fortunately, there are other ways you can boost the amount of leucine in your body.

Supplementing with Leucine

If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to increase your leucine intake, supplementation is the obvious solution. However, choosing a high-quality supplement is key to getting results. With ioLeucine you can enjoy great-tasting supplements with increased results. Increased bioavailability allows your body to use leucine more effectively than other types of supplements, which means you get maximum benefit.

By choosing supplements, such as powders, capsules, and shakes, that contain IoLeucine, you can be confident that you’re consuming high-quality leucine in a form that your body can use to deliver the results you want.

Do You Need to Use Supplements?

Many people assume that it’s only bodybuilders who need to use supplements to achieve their fitness goals, but this isn’t the case. In fact, virtually everyone can benefit from using supplements to enhance their diet and nutritional intake. While you may want to consult your doctor before trying new supplements, making sure that you enjoy a well-balanced intake can transform your well-being.

Whether you’re just starting out on a fitness regime, or you’ve reached a plateau, reassessing your amino acid intake could help you to achieve your fitness goals more quickly.

In addition to this, making sure your body gets enough leucine and other amino acids can help you to feel more energized, boost your mood, and even reduce recovery time after exercise. With so many benefits associated with leucine, it’s easy to see why people are eager to optimize their intake and use this essential amino acid to enhance their health.

5 Best Kratom Strains For Anxiety & Tips to Erase Anxiety

Anxiety and depression affect millions of individuals globally. It is natural to feel sad or worried at times. However, if your emotions become incapacitating, you may seek treatment to alleviate your symptoms.

Medication is a viable and shameless option, but it is not appropriate for everyone. Before turning to a prescription, you may want to try something more natural.

Tips to Erase Anxiety

Regular exercise is beneficial to both your physical and mental wellbeing. For some individuals, regular exercise works just as effectively as medicine to alleviate anxiety.

Refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages.

Quit smoking

Avoid caffeine. Caffeine may induce anxiety and jitters, which are not helpful if you are anxious.

Get some rest.


Maintain a healthy diet

Try Kratom

Kratom, a natural pain reliever and painkiller, may be beneficial. If you have anxiety or depression, you may benefit from taking kratom. If you are looking for premium Kratom, take a look over here.

We will go through the finest kratom strains for anxiety and depression in detail below. We will also go into how kratom works to treat certain ailments and where to get the finest strains. 

The Top Kratom Strains for Anxiety and Depression

Here, we have narrowed down all of the various kratom strains to find the three that perform best for anxiety and depression: 

Kratom Maeng Da

Maeng Da has many uses as a stimulant, pain reliever, and energizer. However, several individuals are unaware that it may also assist with anxiety and sadness. The high concentration of alkaloids in Maeng Da helps to improve your mood and alleviate anxiety.

Customers may utilize Maeng Da as a natural mood enhancer in both its white and green forms. It is not an antidepressant and should not be used as such. It may, however, assist to enhance your mood and decrease mental discomfort. As a consequence, you may notice an improvement in productivity.

Maeng Da’s energy boost goes hand in hand with its antidepressant-like effects. Maeng Da may provide an energy boost while also avoiding nervousness, sleeplessness, and stomachaches.

Some individuals, understandably, become nasty when they are in chronic pain. Not only may Maeng Da improve your mood, but it can also assist with pain problems. Although all kratom has inherent pain-relieving qualities, Maeng Da has a high alkaloid content, making it an effective pain reliever. 

Green Malay Kratom

Green Malay is not a strain that is often mentioned while discussing the relief of chronic pain or other ailments. It is one of the gentler kratom strains. It does, however, have antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties, making it one of the most powerful green strains on the market.

Green Malay yields positive effects because it combines strong euphoria with an energy boost, making the strain ideal for assisting users in dealing with anxiety and sadness. You may anticipate a mood boost unlike any other.

Many individuals take this strain first thing in the morning since it boosts energy and concentration while also boosting mood. Because of this, it ranks high on the list of best kratom for anxiety and sadness.

Green Malay’s alkaloids improve concentration, making this strain good for work or school. It is beneficial to those suffering from anxiety and despair because it changes their perspective and enables them to concentrate on what is essential to them. 

Kratom Red Bali

Red Bali is a Southeast Asian cultivar that is mostly cultivated in Thailand and Bali. It is one of the finest choices for treating anxiety and depression since it contains 25 active alkaloids.

Red Bali contains opioid-like qualities that calm you without the harmful consequences of opioids. It reduces worry and tension, allowing you to concentrate on your daily activities. Its calming properties place it at the top of the list of the best kratom for anxiety and sadness.

One of the most effective strains for pain treatment is Red Bali. Chronic pain, whether mild, moderate, or severe, may lead to severe melancholy and anxiety. By your alleviating your pain, you will enhance your quality of life and have a more positive perspective.

The alkaloids in Red Bali, like those in Maeng Da and other strains, provide an energy boost that will help you get through the day. When other prescription techniques have failed to enhance your sexual performance and stamina, Red Bali may help. 

Red Borneo

The alkaloid 7-hydroxymitragynine is also present in this strain. It is mostly used to relieve pain and relax. This strain aids in the physical and mental relaxation of the body. It also promotes restful and pleasant sleep.

It is also thought that this strain provides some energy to the body. Red Borneo-infused tea is the best way of intake for a longer-lasting impact. It is the primary component in aromatherapies because it has a relaxing and calming impact on the psyche. 

Red Maeng Da

Kratom fans say that this strain is strong and has analgesic properties. They claim to utilize it for pain alleviation and mood enhancement. It has a high concentration of the alkaloid 7-hydroxymitragynine. This is what causes the sedative, analgesic, and anti-anxiety effects. It is the ultimate anxiety-relieving strain.

This strain may be consumed as Kratom tea. This prolongs the duration of its effects while masking the flavor of the Kratom plant. You may also take pills, but the benefits will take longer to take effect. The toss and wash technique is also an option.

5 Essentials of a Data Scientist Resume in 2021

According to the Beaure of Labor Statistics, the job growth in the information technology and data science field will witness a 15% job growth from 2019 to 2029, which is higher than 4% average for all occupations.

Not only that, according to Linkedin, Data Science has become one of the fastest-growing jobs in the USA, and its demand is growing day by day. 

In this growing market, even if you are a skilled professional with 10+ years of experience or a fresher, you need to draft an eye-catching resume if you want to get a job. 

It may look like a daunting task. But in this blog, we will discuss all the essentials for creating a data science resume.

This blog will show you:

  • How to create the header section of the data science resume?
  • How to write your skills effectively in the data science resume?
  • How to present your work experience in a professional way in the data science resume?
  • How to address your educational qualification in the data science resume?

Data Scientist Resume: Header

The header is the top-most element in the data science resume. And It consists of six elements.

  • Your full name 
  • Your Phone Number that is available 24/7
  • Your Professional Email Id
  • Your Location in City, Country Code format
  • Your Linkedin Profile ID (Optional)
  • The Job Title

This seems to be basic information, but it can cost you your job if not done right. 

If you make a mistake on your contact number or email address, it won’t be possible for the recruiters to contact you even if you are selected.

Here is a snapshot of the data scientist resume header:

Data Scientist Resume: Summary

Many people write resume objectives instead of a skill-oriented resume summary. Resume objectives do not talk about the candidate’s experiences and what they can do for the organization, making it dull and ineffective. 

On the other hand, a perfectly curated resume summary gives the recruiter all the necessary information and helps you get selected for an interview. 

Here are some of the tips to write a resume summary:

  • Do not use bullet points to write the resume summary; instead, use paragraphs.
  • Ensure to wrap up the resume summary within 3-4 lines
  • Talk about your skills and accomplishments in the resume summary section
  • Start the resume summary with your years of experience followed by job title

Here’s an example of a data scientist resume summary:

Data Scientist Resume Skills

The skill section is one of the vital sections in the data scientist resume. It helps the recruiters understand your skills without reading the entire resume. 

You can create two separate sections to make this more effective, one for your core competencies and one for your technical skills. 

  • Key Skills: This section consists of all of your core skills for example:
      • Data Analysis
      • Data Visualization
      • Database Management
      • Data Mining
      • Project Management
      • Stakeholder Management
      • Data Presentation
      • Machine Learning
  • Technical Skills: In this section, add all of your technical skills under relevant subheadings—for example, Tools, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, etc. 

Always refer to the job description while creating the key skills section. Identify keywords related to the job and add those keywords in the key skills sections to get your resume passed by the ATS systems. 

Since 98% of fortune 500 companies use ATS to review resumes, this is an essential step to create a data scientist resume.  

Here is an example of data scientist resume skills:

Data Scientist Resume: Professional Experience 

Professional experience is the most important section of the data scientist’s resume. 

It provides detailed information about the candidate’s skills and achievements in their past career. Here are some tips for writing the professional experience section of your resume.

  • Use reverse chronological order to write the professional experience section of the resume.
  • Always use single-line bullet points to describe your key contributions
  • Start each bullet points with a power verb such as “Assisted,” “Collaborated,” “Developed,” “Managed,” “Created,” etc.
  • Back up your accomplishment with statistics and numbers as much as possible
  • Highlight vital statistics and words on the bullet points to put more emphasis on those
  • Club related bullet points under one sub-heading to make it easier for the recruiters to scan. 

Here’s an example of the professional experience section of the Data Scientist Resume.

Data Scientist Resume: Education

The minimum requirement to become a data scientist is a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, or computer science, So, you need to mention these details in the data scientist resume. 

  • If you are a fresher, add your high school education experience to the resume in a reverse-chronological format. 
  • If you are experienced, only add your most recent education information to the resume.
  • Add your GPA only if it’s higher than 3.5 out of 4.0

Here is an example of the education  section in the data scientist resume:

Key Takeaways

After writing the resume, always make sure to proofread the resume two or three times to ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors in the resume.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the blog:

  • Make sure that you have added correct contact details in your resume
  • Do not write the resume summary in bullet format. Use paragraph and wrap up the summary within 3-4 sentences
  • Create separate sections for key skills and technical skills in your resume
  • Write your previous experiences in the reverse chronological format in the data scientist resume

Benefits of Using An Elliptical Cross Trainer Machine

Have you ever waited in a gym queue before getting access to a cross trainer? If yes, then this is not something new. An elliptical cross trainer is a powerful fitness machine that offers many cardio and low-impact training benefits to make you stay fit. 

As a unit with two platforms and smooth grip handles, a cross trainer can walk and run at a comfortable pace. Besides, this machine offers good resistance with a drive system and flywheel. 

However, that’s not all that an elliptical can do. Below is the list of some benefits that you can reap while using a cross trainer consistently. 

8 Benefits of Utilising a Cross Trainer

While every machine has its place in your gym space, a cross trainer is worth an investment for many different reasons. Here are a few: 

It Helps Increase Cardio Capacity and Endurance

If you aim to stay fit for the rest of your life, performing various aerobics and cardio exercises is pretty vital. For instance, aerobic workouts push your heart to pump faster and increase the pace of blood circulation in your body. 

This activity boosts the cardio capacity of your heart and helps with an even distribution of oxygen to different organs and muscles. Besides, cardio and aerobic workouts increase your lung capacity, ensuring a smooth inhaling and exhaling oxygen. 

A cross trainer supports your aerobic and cardio moves, and as a result, helps increase your stamina, strength and endurance. In addition, it ensures your heart stays healthy, and you enjoy a healthy body. 

This Machine Offers a Low-impact Workout

As mentioned above, a cross trainer unit is ideal for low-impact training. If you have poor joints or weak knees, an elliptical makes sure to save you from premature wear and tear. It helps maintain your workout intensity and simultaneously reduces substantial weight-bearing

Moreover, a cross trainer is best for recovering patients. If you are someone similar, hop on one and benefit from its fantastic performance. 

A Cross Trainer is Effective for Weight Loss

Do you know that you can burn as many as 400 calories while using a cross trainer for 30 minutes straight? That’s quite an achievement for people who are struggling with increased weight. 

Besides, an elliptical can burn all the excess fat from your arms and legs. Therefore, moving both these parts can help achieve your target. However, to enjoy a faster burning pace, move your arms and legs with high intensity and for a more extended period. 

While working out with a cross trainer, all include a balanced diet in your life. A combination of both these elements will prove to be very beneficial for your body. 

Moving on a Cross Trainer Improves Your Body Balance

Many of you might not know but working out on a cross trainer is adequate for your coordination and balance. The pedal movement not only strengthens your core muscles but also makes sure that your whole body is well-aligned. 

However, to achieve this benefit, make sure your resistance and incline are practically adjusted. It is imperative so you can perform on a cross trainer without using the unit’s handles. 

You Can Use this Machine to Tone Many Muscles

Do you want a machine to benefit all the muscles of your body? A cross trainer can tone your biceps, triceps, chest, back and even your hamstrings. It targets your entire body, thus giving you a lean figure in a limited time. 

A Cross Trainer Workout Kicks Stress Away 

Have you ever suffered from stressful times? For example, do you go through depressive phases and feel anxious?

If yes, a workout using a cross trainer can be a great way to pull yourself back to a normal state of mind. Even a 15 to 30 minutes long session on an elliptical can be a mood booster and reduce anxiety to a great level. 

Besides, if you suffer from sleep disorders, working out on a cross trainer can help your body feel tired, thus making it easy to fall asleep. However, you also need to reduce your caffeine consumption and screen time simultaneously to sleep soundly. 

This Machine is Very Safe to Use

Unlike most other fitness equipment, a cross trainer has a very simple design. Therefore, there are no technicalities involved while learning to use this machine. 

Besides, since most cross trainers have pedals made from foam, the chances of hiring yourself while falling decrease to a great level. So, even if you are a senior person or suffer from injury, an elliptical can help you stay fit without causing any further pain. 

Wrap Up

Weren’t we right when we said that a cross trainer is worth every pound? Depending on your needs and goals, this machine can change your life for the better. 

So, wait for no further and head out to purchase a reasonable unit that fits your budget and requirements. 

5 Ways to Reinstate the Right Mindset Even After the Meditation Session

If meditation and yoga have been part of your daily routine lately, you’ve probably noticed the obvious changes in your lifestyle. In addition, this could have influenced you into taking up measures that would bring improvements to your body. This entire practice would appear as if it was some sort of self-care you deserved after all the stress you’ve been through, finally, some pampering and time where you do not have to think about anything else but your relaxation. Such practice can have you being at peace with yourself while being aware of the environment around you.

Meditation workshops generate that calming effect after every session, almost as if you do not want to break free from that condition. However, it is important to remember that going back to reality and reintegrating yourself with society. As much as we want to maintain the state of mind we’ve formed during the meditation session, it is needed to consider that those under such workshops would perceive the transitioning from a peaceful encounter to the current situation as a bit challenging. Sometimes, they’re not even prepared to face the demands of the real world. You feel like embodying two different personas all at the same time. One is very active and ready to take on whatever is tasked of him. Another is on the verge of mental instability due to the stress being received.

We have experiences that certainly leave us with no choice but to improve the current versions of ourselves. This permits us to commit necessary changes in all aspects of how we handle our lives. We investigate the reasons and causes of things, weigh the options given and evaluate our decisions. In every experience, we feel the need to be acknowledged. This calls for trusting ourselves with our intuitions and relying on our gut feeling regardless of whether we’re uncertain or not about something. Being able to prove ourselves could take a lot of effort but most of the time, it feels satisfying. We feel most satisfied when we’re able to prove others wrong about their initial thoughts about us.

But before we know it, this motivated mindset we’ve worked so hard to build during the meditation session could be forgotten upon reaching home. However, this could be fixed once through this article.

We don’t have to fret about the transition from the workshop to the current environment we’re returning to. Listed below are some of the things that can be considered doing to keep that mindset intact:

1. Check your breathing

Our breathing could be a very good indicator of your body’s current state. Upon reaching our houses, we immediately think about the problems concerning our family and other personal issues. This results in us being totally different persons from the session. We can inevitably be bombarded with several things at once, so it’s understandable how it only takes a problem to easily remove our grip on the mental state we’ve worked hard to stabilize during the meditation retreat. To address this, we should allow a short time to monitor our breathing patterns. The pacing between the inhales and exhales and filling our thoughts with details that reflect the current environment. (1)

2. Apply physical exercises

Sitting for a long period of time could be very distressing not only physically but mentally. It’s only natural for your body to demand movement, especially from hours of only sitting. We can begin by applying short physical exercises to help your mind process thoughts and maintain the right kind of mindset that is advised during the retreat. There are multiple videos on the Internet that we can utilize to carry out meditation.

3. Adopt a healthy diet

Food is also important in keeping the refined mindset intact. This includes selecting the right kinds of food and food combinations. This also means doing away from the usual unhealthy food choices we’re used to having. It would be difficult to change our food habits at first, but soon after, we will not be used to craving unhealthy foods as long as we train ourselves to follow our respective diet practices.

4. Pamper yourself

Self-love is an important part of meditation and it must be practised even when we feel like we do not deserve it. All the work and stress we’ve encountered can have its toll on our health. Therefore, taking care of ourselves must be a priority. Taking a special time for ourselves allows us to make better decisions and reassess our performance as an individual.

5. Apply meditation

Meditation does not stop at the retreat itself. It could be done at home, too! There are several resources available online that we can rely on at any time. This is a great tool for us to maintain our mental stability and well-being. Depending on how we practice our self-discovered meditation techniques, we know ourselves better than others. 

6. Wrapping up

Ready to do meditation? Have a go with the Maryland MD Mindfulness website to conduct your meditation session at home. (2)

Author’s Bio:

Daniel Medalla is a content writer who writes on general topics. He is fun in writing and loves to share ideas that generate in his mind. During his free time, he loves to read novels.

Why is Pilates Reformer Essential to be Incorporated in Your Daily Exercise Routine?

If you like to invest some of your time and efforts to stay healthy and fit, high chances are you know about Pilates already. Pilates has been among the leading low-impact exercises people do to keep their midsection in shape. It is a sequence of core exercises to tone and flattens down that section of the body alongside enhancing the stability and support of the back and spinal bones. But, as you know, your fitness endeavors will be as effective as your interest, instructors, and gym studio are. Therefore, don’t leave any efforts in finding a veteran exercising center like La Dolce Studio.

Pilates exercises on gym mats are the fundamentals of this series and imperative to learn. But with an outreached program, your instructor might ask you to be upgraded to a Pilate reformer. Hence, in the following section, we have discussed all you need to know before shifting to the advanced Pilates exercises with a reformer.

What is a Pilate Reformer and How to Utilize It?

Pilate Reformer is the brainchild of Joseph Hubertus Pilates. The German physician invented this machine to strengthen and condition the muscles of war-injured soldiers. The equipment’s flat platform is attached to a ring to get regulated resistance limits, while the entire base can move back and forth. For exercising with this machine, you can rest on the platform and move your body along with it, using the foot-bar located at the back of it. The equipment also possesses shoulder blocks to keep you in position during working out.

Apart from exercises with lying down position, the machine can be used for many other activities for several areas of your body, sitting and standing on it.   

Benefits of Pilates Reformer Exercises

If you partake in a reformer pilates fulham program daily, your body will start improving on various levels. It will improve your flexibility, strength, balance, and overall coordination. Because of these enhanced abilities, your personal life will also receive improvements. For example, your body posture will be better than ever, empowering you to move more effortlessly and smoothly. Alongside, such exercises also improve conditions like back pains.

  • Helps in Creating Strong Muscles

The muscles we have in our core are known as the muscles of the Pilate powerhouse. Therefore, improvement of the muscles is crucial if you want a strong core. Simultaneously, strong backs, flatter abs, toned and firm thighs and buttocks will come as apparent results of these exercises.

  • Brings Greater Flexibility

Reformers always contain enough width to support full-range motions. Hence, the same machine is equally productive in enhancing the range of flexibility apart from the intensification of muscle groups. Through Pilate Reformers, the optimum range level will be attained, while the exercises will also assist you in maintaining that range for long.

Wrapping Up

Pilate Reformers are equipped to facilitate several types of exercises. First, it fortifies the core muscles of the body. Simultaneously, it enhances the overall flexibility of the body to confer a healthier, fitter, and more productive lifestyle.

Author Bio: My name is Celeste and I am a student at Austin College. Currently, I am pursuing a business degree and am interested in entrepreneurship while I work for Pearl Lemon. Her content is about SEO tools and lead generation. Before I launch my career, I hope to get the chance to travel internationally.

How To Sell OSRS Gold And Make Money Playing RuneScape

The idea of making money by playing video games sounds like a dream come true. But is it really worth your time? The answer is yes, but you need to know how to do it right. In this post, we will teach you how to sell OSRS gold and make money playing RuneScape.

For those of you who don’t know what OSRS is, it stands for Old School Runescape. It’s from the 2007 version of the game that brings nostalgic feels to those who have played RuneScape during its early days.

Now, how do you profit from playing this MMORPG?

Invest In RuneScape Membership

RuneScape members have access to more quests, minigames, and skills than non-paying players. If you plan on making money by playing RuneScape then it would be best if you invest in becoming a member since this can help you make more OSRS gold faster.

Memberships are either acquired through exchanging OSRS bonds for membership keys, buying RS memberships from a third-party seller, or purchasing them directly from the official site of RuneScape.

Focus On Developing Your Skills

It is no surprise that in OSRS, the “Big Three” of skills are Woodcutting, Mining, and Fishing. Not only are these three essential for survival, but they also make you money!

Woodcutting is the skill you need to cut down trees and get logs. Logs are needed for fire making, construction, and fletching, so there’s always a demand for them!

Mining is an integral skill for those who need to find and sell ores and gems. It provides a way to make money off of the minerals in rocks that are found through mining.

The more skilled one is in fishing, the better their ability to catch a wider variety of fish. Fish are often used for cooking recipes, so it’s necessary, and there are some fishes in OSRS that can be quite expensive when sold.

Farm OSRS Gold Like A Pro

Gold farming is often associated with boring and tedious tasks, but there are a few ways to make your gold production more efficient. First, you need to identify the activities that can bring you the greatest number of OSRS gold at your current skill levels.

Many of the ways to acquire gold pieces in this game are combat-related, but there is some wiggle room for newbies and higher-level players alike. For example, low levels can slay cows and chickens, pick potatoes, or shear sheep, while high levels may be able to slay dragons and magical creatures.

Mining is a great way to make in-game currency. It’s relatively easy and efficient, especially if you choose coal or iron ore for mining purposes. With enough experience points, you can easily earn up to 30k gold per hour.

Smiting is an excellent option that opens the door to mountains of riches. However, it requires reaching a high level in order to attain the necessary experience for smiting cannonballs and steel bars. If you cannot get to this level, then iron ones are your best bet.

If you’re a business-minded person, in-game trading and item flipping is the way to go. Identify something that’s undervalued or just one step up from junk status, such as raw materials, which can be turned into items of higher value with sellable markup in the Grand Exchange.

Using the skills you’ve honed in OSRS to make a profit is an exciting way of earning gold and making your mark on this virtual world. Once you feel confident enough with your skills and have more than enough OSRS Gold, it can be time to sell them for real-world cash.

Where You Can Sell Your OSRS Gold?

Have you played Runscape for a long time and earned millions of gold, or you may be you are thinking of stopping to play it and looking where to sell your earned gold?

Some players purchase or sell OSRS gold coins using websites.

Many players go to forums, Facebook, or eBay to trade with other players, but this method is not trusted, and it can be potentially unsafe and sometimes may lead to scamming, so this method is not recommended. If you want a safer transaction, you may choose a safer and more trusted marketplace.

If you find a marketplace that you feel comfortable with and it is a reputable website/seller, you can easily sell your OSRS gold. You need to register, post your offers, and complete deliveries.

If you have any doubts about the selling and you need more information about the risks involved, make sure that you read the PlayerAuctions’ User Agreement carefully, seek legal advice, or talk to the game publisher directly.

If you trade for the first time, try with a smaller amount of money. Paypal is the method that is most widely used for selling gold, but you can also receive money in Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

When you give the gold, the support agent will give you the money via your preferred payment method.

Your Privacy Matters

During the payment and selling process, it is very important for you to hide your real-life information and you can do this by using any Cryptocurrency.

Tips To Use While Trading With OSRS Gold

Some additional tips to use while selling OSRS gold:

In-game chat to communicate

You should avoid communication through the game and the conversation should be done through their web – site.

Do not use your real IP address

When selling your OSRS gold, try using VPN because Jadex can track your IP address. You use a different IP address for every gold trade.

Avoid trading in a well–known area

While you trade your coins, avoid trading in a well–known area such as Grand Exchange. The meeting place should be usually unknown and unique, where no one expects you to trade.

Sell Runescape Gold To The Best OSRS Gold Site

Choosing the RuneScape gold site, you are going to sell your OSRS gold to is crucial and is almost as important as identifying various ways how to earn those OSRS GP.

When selling OSRS gold, you want to sell to a site with a good reputation and that offers plenty of payment options. Do not fall into the trap of making the most profit and ignoring the obvious red flags. Sites may post great prices for your OSRS gold, but in the end, you won’t get any of it.

Be cautious of these scammers and refrain from sending the gold over without confirming the legitimacy of your buyer. If you have millions of OSRS GP sitting around, you might want to check Probemas and sell your extra gold to them. They’ve been our chosen partner for all our RuneScape needs, and many fellow OSRS players are also fond of their services.

10 Other Trusted Sites to Sell Your OSRS Gold

  1. ChicksGold
  2. RSGoldFast
  3. AccountWarehouse
  4. Player Auctions
  5. YanLili Gold
  6. RSGold420
  7. Food4Rs
  8. RunescapeGoldMarkt
  9. RsMills

Is Selling RuneScape Gold Illegal?

Every item of RuneScape is the property of Jadex and it is not considered personal property of the player. Players who violate these rules risk being permanently banned without even being warned. According to the company’s representative, the company players can no longer sell gold for real money. Jadex prohibits real-world trading, and as previously mentioned, you can be banned for it.

It is not illegal, but it is against the rules of the game.

What Is Osrs Gold Worth?

The price of the Osrs changes on a daily basis. The current OSRS Gold price is $0.79 per million. If you have 1 billion OSRS Gold, it will be worth around $790.

On the other hand, RS3 is at $0.11, and a billion of RS3 gold is around $110.

10 Richest OSRS Players in the World

If you have ever wondered who is the wealthiest OSRS player, we present you with the list of the top 10 world players starting from the tenth until the position number 1:

10. Verb

According to some sites, he is the tenth richest player, and the final screen for this player showed 700 million in his looting bag.

9. Not Mark

On his death screen, he was one of the richest players in the game Old School Rune Scape. He had 420 million in herbs and gear, which took him long to amass.

8. UIM Troll

He was one of the first to get a Twisted Bow in the  Ultimate Ironman Old School Rune Scape, which automatically raised him to 1 billion. Even though the real amount he owns is not still unknown, he secures his place as one of the richest gamers of all time.

7. No Bank Wicked

Although he is not very well known and there is not much information about him, this player made some great achievements, and his estimated net worth is 1.4 billion.

6. Mega and Ampheros

His total profit is estimated as 6.2 billion GP, although his death screen shows a great loss. Still, he had a massive accomplishment in this game.

5. UIM Panda

This player had a looting bag worth $800 million GP.

4. GP Ultimate Low

Ultimate Low is of the richest player in the game Ultimate Ironman. He is one of the rare players that completed Nightmare of Atchihama and with the Nightmare Staff Inquisitors helmet and a Harmonize Orb that is worth 2 billion on its own. His looting bag is estimated as 7.2 billion GP.

3. @Jacky100 

According to some forums and websites, his daily flips are around 100 billion or more. He may take the first place soon.

2. Sparc Mac

According to Reddit, he has an unbelievable sum of 150 billion. He comes second after @Matt 123,  who is considered the best player of all time.

1.@Matt 123

According to some sites, he gathered around  1.5 trillion in-game at his last showing. He even has a nice reputation of being a nice player and financed some other players. In addition, transactions with him always go smoothly.

How Much Is Max Cash Osrs In One Stack?

Gold coins, gold pieces, are the most common form of trade, and in the game, they look like small gold coins in various forms and can be stacked. The players refer to them as GP, gold, cash, or money. If you have a stack of gold it will have a small colored text on the upper – left-hand corner of the stack.

The maximum number of money (in the form of golden coins) that players may hold in a single stack is 2,147,483,647.

This is because of the usage of the signed 32-bit integer data type.

This price is the maximal one you can use while trading and you can not raise the price beyond. In case you raise the price, you will get “Too high” when you offer multiple items.

Players whose wealth exceeds this amount usually invest their wealth in spirit shards. They can also use another item of high market liquidity or discontinued items.

As an alternative,  a player may have a stack in an alternative format that will give him an additional 53,687,091,175 (almost 53.7 billion) coins.