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This Is The Woman She Turned Into After You Broke Her Heart

She loved you from the bottom of her heart.  She gave you her mind and soul. She devoted her life to you. She showed you what genuine love is.

And what did you do?

You abandoned her. You cut her out of your life so nonchalantly. You emotionally destroyed her. You broke her heart.

She always treated you with kindness and compassion. She often neglected her own worries and problems so as to deal with yours. Because you meant the world to her. Because she believed that you were the one she was meant to be with. Because you were her all.

All that she ever wanted from you was to love her and respect her. But, you didn’t give a damn about her, did you?

Instead of loving her selflessly and unconditionally, you chose to play with her feelings. You chose to tear her heart apart. You chose to break her.

Yes, it was easier for you to trample on her pride and heart than to acknowledge her kindness and generosity. Yeah, don’t worry – you successfully managed to shatter her hopes and confidence into countless pieces. Does this make you happy and content with yourself?

The sad thing is that she never did anything to deserve your cruel treatment. She never deserved to put up with your BS. She was the kind of a person that was very easy to love, respect, and admire, but you never realized that or maybe you didn’t want to see it.

Oh, and I know. I know that many will say that she should have been stronger. That she should have stood up for herself and shown dignity. That maybe it was her fault for letting her “awesome” guy take advantage of her and emotionally abuse her. And that if she had shown resilience, courage and had more self-confidence, she wouldn’t have suffered. But, it was not that easy.

She knew deep down that things weren’t right. She knew her relationship was not what she signed up for. The little voice in her head was screaming to her: “Run! Run the fastest that you can and never look back!” But, she couldn’t. She couldn’t let go of him. She fell into his toxic trap and let him have control over her mind. He got under her skin and could do to her heart whatever he wanted.

After you broke her, she changed. She became a completely different person from the one she was before she met you. After you broke her:

She guards her heart.

It was you who broke it into tiny pieces, you remember that, right? You taught her that love can leave deep scars on her body and soul that will never be completely healed. And now she hides her heart within herself. She doesn’t let anyone come near it. She’s afraid that her painful past can repeat itself again.

She doesn’t trust anyone.

She believed you were the loving, kind, unselfish person she fell in love with the first time she met you. But, it turned out that you were nothing else, but the evil itself in disguise. You were a vampire who sucked the happiness out of her. Now, she thinks twice before she lets other people in her life. Now, she doubts everything that others tell her.

She knows how to fake her feelings.

Before she met you, she was the most honest person. She was never afraid to show her emotions openly, no matter if she was happy or sad. But, when you came into her life, you showed her what real suffering looked like and this devasted her hopes and spirit. Because of that, she started feeling ashamed of her own thoughts and feelings. She didn’t want anyone to know how she felt and what she was going through.

Now, she can put on a smile on her face even though she’s crying inside. Now, she laughs even though her whole body aches. She says she’s fine although a lot of things are weighing her down. She behaves carelessly even though she’s carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders. Now, her face is bright although she lives in darkness.

Yeah, it seems too unfair or depressing but this is what she turned into after you broke her.

What to do in Kiev

The most remarkable thing in Kyiv is that in this city in a bizarre way the ancient culture and modern rhythm of life are combined. The history of the Ukrainian capital is more the 1.5 thousand years old. And even despite all wars and political disturbances wonderful historical attractions each time open new sides of this beautiful city for the sophisticated traveler.

But there are also numerous modern attractions in Kyiv for those who like more active or contemporary entertainments. If you need a company to see modern or historical sights of Kyiv you can find it at web sites for online dating, for example, ukrainian dating site – Deep in love.

We prepared a list of some very special places in Kyiv which can get you a bit closer to the spirit of this amazing European city.

Kyiv city: what to see and where to go

When you are ready to get acquainted with attractions of the city of Kyiv it’s better to start with its most ancient sights. Of course, Kyiv is world-wide famous for 950 churches and cathedrals. Their fascinating architecture created that atmosphere which made this worthwhile city famous.

  • Saint Sophia’s Cathedral

Its architectural complex is outstanding. It took only three years to build this cathedral in the 11th century, but finally it turned out to be amazing. The most interesting fact about this Byzantine cathedral is that the building has had not so many reconstructions. So you have a wonderful opportunity to see the famous architectural monument almost in its original.

It’s also worth mentioning that the cathedral is located on crossing of four big roads, so if you climb to the bell tower of the cathedral you’ll see a stunning view from its top.

  • Saint Andrew’s Church

It’s a wonderful example of Baroque building as its architecture and location are both unique. The neighbourhood of the church is one of the oldest in the city of Kyiv, as it stands on the artificial hill. It can be useful to know that the building has been hit by the lightning. Actually, it has happened twice, but the church is still open to the public.

  • Mikhail Bulgakov Museum

You may think it’s just one of the old buildings in Kyiv. But this one is special, because Mikhail Bulgakov, a famous writer, lived in this house from 1906 and for the next 13 years. That was the time of writing of the White Guard.

  • Mystetsky Arsenal (art quarter)

It’s in the very heart of Kyiv. Mystetsky Arsenal presents not just a history of the old city, but also shows its contemporary art. Ukrainian women and men organize various exhibitions, markets and festivals there. This is a place of the promotion of the culture of Ukraine. Even annual book fair and Ukrainian fashion week are usually held there.

  • Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Monastery

The long history of this wonderful place began in the 11th century, when Lavra was built as one of the earliest monasteries of the whole Kievan Rus. Still it remains significant not just for Kyiv – but for all modern Ukraine.

Its territory is beautiful, its network of catacombs is impressive, and its churches are ancient. Even now Kyiv Pechersk Lavra is one of the symbols of Ukraine. So if you’d like to understand better the culture of this amazing country – don’t miss your opportunity.

Bathtubs from Aquatica

Cannot find a perfect way of relaxing after a hard-working day? Are you looking for a special option that will bring real pleasure for your body and soul? Then luxury deep bathtubs from the leading manufacturer Aquatica are the best choice for you. What can be better than switching on your favorite music and sinking into a bubble bath with warm water? You will definitely feel a sweet relief and get the opportunity to forget about all the problems, at least for one hour. 

While enjoying a luxurious bathing experience in Aquatica’s bathtubs, it’s essential to strike the right balance in your cold therapy routine. If you’re curious about how many ice baths a week is suitable for your wellness regimen, this helpful guide provides valuable insights and considerations for incorporating this rejuvenating practice effectively.

How to Choose a Perfect Bathtub?

While selecting a bathtub, several important aspects should be taken into consideration:

All these factors depend on the design of your house and your own preferences. To make the process of selection easier and more pleasant, Aquatica developed specific filters on its website. Just click on desirable parameters and buy an ideal bathtub for your house.

Difference Between Materials for Bathtubs

A bathtub can be made of various materials that directly influence its cost and durability. One of the most popular ones is fiberglass. It is comparatively lightweight and cheap. Therefore, such bathtubs are well-liked among customers. The main disadvantage of fiberglass is its natural brittleness but a bathtub made of it will probably serve for several decades if you provide proper care. If you are looking for a thicker and more reinforced material, pay attention to acrylic bathtubs. It is highly resistant to different cracks and damages. If you like enjoying prolonged relaxation in a bathtub, it is better to use an acrylic one since it will retain heat much longer than a bathtub made of steel or fiberglass. Bathtubs from enameled steel are heavier and more expensive. However, they will serve for a longer period. Its durability can be provided only if you take care of it in a proper way. Otherwise, a steel layer can be damaged by corrosion. In addition, such bathtubs cannot keep the heat for a long time.

Life After Addiction and Rehab: What to Expect and Tips for Recovery

What can you expect from life after addiction and rehab? Find out what happens next and learn some tips for success during your next chapter in recovery.

We’ve all seen it in the tabloids before: a celebrity who has a history of drugs and alcohol abuse checks themself back into a rehab center. 

We shake our heads, wondering what went wrong. 

Relapse isn’t just something that famous celebrities go through. Relapse is a very common part of addiction. In fact, 40 to 60 percent of people who are recovering from addiction relapse at some point. 

Luckily, there are strategies you can implement that will help you prevent yourself from relapsing. 

Check out this guide to learn what to expect during life after addiction and the top tips for a safe recovery. 

Don’t Assume All of Your Problems Are Gone 

Alcoholism is a chronic brain disease that cannot be cured. Therefore, it’s a mistake to assume that when leaving rehab, all of your problems will go away. 

After leaving rehab, there are a lot of adjustments you’ll have to make, and it may take a while for your friends and family members to get used to the new you. 

You also can’t expect things to go back to just the way they were before your addiction hit you. 

After leaving rehab, it’s going to take you some time to get your life back on track. You may need to find a new job, make new friends, and build a new social life. 

So, be patient with yourself and keep in mind that recovery is an ongoing journey.

Put Together a Post-Treatment Plan 

Whether you’re moving into a halfway house (click here to learn “what is a halfway house?”), entering an outpatient program, or returning home, it’s important to have a plan in place to maintain your sobriety. 

Here are some things that should be included in your plan:

  • Who you plan to connect with for support (ie, health care professionals, counselors, friends, family members, support groups, etc)
  • How you’ll practice and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • How you’ll manage situations that may trigger you to drink alcohol 

If the rehab program you entered offers post-treatment support, we highly recommend taking advantage of it. This type of care is typically overseen by trained professionals, and it may include the following:

  • Support groups
  • Individual therapy or group therapy
  • Medication
  • Recovery check-ups
  • Employment services

If the program you entered does not offer these services, you can ask them for a referral. 

Tips for a Succesful Recovery 

In addition to creating a post-treatment plan, here are some tips that will help you have a successful recovery:

  • Find sober friends
  • Focus on work and hobbies
  • Build a support network, such as AA
  • Help others who are struggling with addiction
  • Eat right and exercise

The more you focus on getting your life together, the less likely you’ll be to relapse. 

Life After Addiction: Are You Ready?

Now that you’ve read about life after addiction, you’ll be better prepared to step out into the real world. 

Also, if you liked this article, be sure to browse our blog for more addiction-related tips and tricks. 

10 Great Supplements & Vitamins for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Panic attacks will take a lot out of you and get in the way of your daily life. Here are a few supplements for anxiety and panic attacks.

Life can get pretty stressful and sometimes an anxiety or panic attack is only a moment away. Lucky for you, there are a variety of supplements for anxiety and panic attacks for you to choose from. If you find yourself suffering from anxiety or high stress, you’ll want to keep reading. 

Panic attacks are almost impossible to avoid, especially when you’re hit with daily responsibilities that become overwhelming. Perhaps you’ve found yourself with common anxiety issues such as overthinking, overanalyzing, or a racing mind. It’s easy for you to go from zero to 100 and feel like you have absolutely too much on your plate. 

Under this stress, millions of Americans suffer without knowing the proper way to combat it. We are all constantly forced to juggle our responsibilities and to multi-task — the need for knowing how to stop panic attacks at night and before you start your next day is growing. Here are 10 of the best supplements for anxiety and panic attacks you’ll find on the market today.

Zhou Nutrition Calm Now Soothing Stress Support

Everyone has those days where your mornings are the hardest parts to get through. You might wake up and feel like you’re running behind on everything on your list. For days like those, and for any other day, Zhou’s Nutrition’s Calm Now is the perfect solution. 

It’s a natural supplement designed to combat the panic attacks chest pain and to help you from your busy life. The key to this supplement is its expertly designed natural formula. It not only promotes calm and relieves anxiety, but it also avoids making you feel drowsy. 

Zahler CalmEase Natural Essences Calming Support

Zahler’s CalmEase is one of the most advanced supplements for anxiety and panic attacks. It reduces anxiety, offers calm, and helps with your overall health and wellness. It also boosts your mental ad physical wellbeing. 

Created in the USA, this particular supplement is manufactured and bottled within an NSF- and GMP-certified facility. Unlike other products, CalmEase is not a pill you take every day. Rather, it’s a liquid formula that offers equal-part 7x dilution of the homeopathic ingredients.

Vital Fuse Soothe Stress Natural Stress Reliever

VitalFuse’s Soothe Stress supplement is created for anyone who wants to regain control of his or her mood. This applies to someone suffering from restlessness to someone suffering from panic or stress. You can reestablish any mood imbalances and your equilibrium without any side effects. 

Some of the most natural ingredients are ashwagandha root powder, glycine, glutamine, L-theanine, chamomile extract and valerian root extract. This results in non-habit forming capsules that provide anxiety relief without sedation, mental fog, or poor concentration. Soothe Stress also helps you stay on top of your busy day.

BeCalm Premium Stress and Anxiety Relief Supplement

The creative formula for Balance’s Be Calm supplement is safe, effective, and a natural stress-reliever. It helps reduce anxiety and helps you stay positive, calm, and poised. It will also support your overall wellness and emotional stability. 

The powerful combination of flower powder, herb, and flower, and an assortment of vitamins are proven to reduce stress. It will also give your mind a great boost to better function. Plus, Be Calm is created in the USA in a GMP facility while being non-GMO. 

Nutratech Alprazium — All Natural Stress Relief and Anti-Anxiety Supplement

Alprazium is created with nine of the most well-known, natural ingredients to help with depression, stress, and anxiety attacks at night. It has passionflower extract, 5-HTP, Gaba, L-tryptophan, l-theanine, piper methysticum 40%, valerian root, California poppy, and melatonin. These ingredients help mitigate psychological and environmental stressors, which are getting worse in today’s fast-paced society. 

This supplement is non-habit forming and slowly builds in your system, over time. It creates a balanced mood, controls stress, and relieves any tension. Nutratech also offers a 30-day, money-back guarantee so you can try the supplement risk-free.

Crystal Clear Anxiety Relief and Stress Support Supplement

You will appreciate this supplement’s formula, as it includes common anxiety relievers like chamomile, passionflower, and lemon balm. Crystal Clear also has magnolia, oat straw, ashwagandha, gaba, and L-theanine. These ingredients are key to getting inner calm and tackling those daily tasks that take up room on your plate. 

This supplement will relieve everyday stress, depression, and social anxiety. It can also boost your focus, improve your emotional balance, create complete relaxation, and create a better mood. It’s packed with natural vitamins, minerals, herbs, and essential oils for anxiety and panic attacks — you should add this to your list.

Calm Natural Anti-Stress Calming Supplement

If you’re living a busy life, CALM is here to relieve your stress, anxiety, and help you live your best life. It contains vitamins and minerals designed to help the brain function, increase your energy levels, and stabilize your mood. You’ll benefit from magnesium, vitamins B-6 and B-12, folic acid, chamomile, and valerian root. 

You’ll also appreciate that CALM is backed by scientific research. it’s formulated by medical doctors that best understand stress and anxiety as well as the effects they have on your brain and body. This is the supplement to help you get rid of everyday stresses and reach peak performance so you can maximize your day.

Ridgecrest Anxiety-Free Stress Relief Complex

This is a powerful stress-reliever designed to manage tension and reduce fatigue. It also counteracts any negative effects and increases calm. This is the supplement to encourage your overall wellness and mental health. 

It’s two most powerful ingredients are ashwagandha and L-theanine. The organic ashwagandha extract is eight times more potent than the basic version. While the L-theanine is a great amino acid to helps with deep relaxation and promote mental alertness. 

True Veda Organic Ashwagandha

As previously mentioned, organic ashwagandha is a great ingredient to lead you to a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. It’s one of nature’s strongest herbs to improve relaxation and help boost your immune system. It’ll also improve your concentration, enhance your memory, and help with mental acuity. 

A great compliment to this supplement is anxiety therapy — this way, you’ll kill two birds with one stone. 

NutriSuppz Anti-Anxiety Formula

Perhaps you’re in a desperate search for increased calm, a better mood, or more positive vibes — this is the supplement for you. It also helps with social anxiety, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression, shortness of breath, PTSD, paranoia, and other similar conditions. NutriSuppz could be the key to reducing your stress, increasing your serotonin production, and lowering your anxiety. 

It also has a 100% satisfaction guarantee so, in the event that you don’t feel less anxious and more relaxed, you’ll get your money back — no questions asked. 

These Are the Supplements for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Keep in mind, before taking any homeopathic or natural supplements for anxiety and panic attacks, speak with your healthcare provider. It’s best to talk about your symptoms and any possible treatments before taking any pills.  Make sure that your product comes from a trusted cGMP certified private label supplement manufacturer, like Generation Nutra to avoid questions of purity. You should also fully understand the interactions between natural supplements and other medications you may take. 

It’s time to get rid of stress and anxiety today!

Everything You Need to Know About Blood Oxygen

We take our bodies for granted for the most part, and it’s only when something isn’t right that we realize just how vital it is that every cell, tissue, and organ works as it should. If you’ve recently found out you have low blood oxygen levels, here’s everything you need to know about the issue:

What does blood oxygen show?

Your red blood cells transport a certain amount of oxygen at a time around the body, and your blood oxygen is a marker of how much oxygen they carry. It’s your body’s job to control your oxygen levels and make sure your blood contains the right amount at any given time. However, if you have a chronic disease, your blood oxygen might be at risk of falling too low.

You don’t need to monitor your blood oxygen levels for the fun of it. It’s only if your doctor has a reason to suspect that your oxygen is too low that they’ll consider carrying out a few tests. If your doctor diagnoses you with a chronic disease, you might have to monitor your blood oxygen for the rest of your life.

What happens if your blood oxygen levels are too low?

If your blood oxygen levels are too low, you’ll probably start to experience a number of combined symptoms, including chest pain, difficulty breathing, headache, quickened heartbeat, and confusion. Low blood oxygen levels are normally always a sign that you have a medical disorder such as COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, heart disease, or lung damage from trauma.

You should seek out a doctor if you experience any one of the above symptoms for longer than a few hours time. They can carry out a number of different tests to accurately diagnose your condition, including X-rays and CT scans, lung function tests, and blood gas analysis.

What happens if you’re diagnosed with COPD?

If you’re diagnosed with COPD or any other illness that could negatively affect your blood oxygen levels, your doctor will put you on a treatment plan and provide you with the appropriate medications for minimizing your symptoms.

It’s common to be offered something called bronchodilators, which are usually administered through inhalers and can help to relax the muscles in your airways. This should reduce coughing and stop you from feeling short of breath as easily. You might use a bronchodilator before strenuous activity, or require it every day, depending on the severity of your COPD.

Other common COPD treatments include steroids, which you’ll be able to inhale through an inhaler, antibiotics for treating infections that might aggravate your COPD, and lung therapies like oxygen therapy, which monitors your blood oxygen levels and delivers supplemental oxygen to your blood.

You might need to go to the hospital for this treatment, where Sensoronics machines with sensors can carefully monitor your condition and provide you with the additional oxygen you need. Some devices are portable and lightweight, allowing you to go about your daily life while oxygen is delivered to your blood.

Five Reasons Why You Need to Go to a Dermatologist

Dermatologists offer a range of treatment solutions to people who suffer from skin problems. Going to a dermatologist is very important if you are suffering from a skin infection or have wrinkles or blemishes on the skin. There are thousands of conditions that can affect the skin that you should know about. Some can prove to be quite serious, while others, not so much. Some might cause a small itch, while others may interfere with your daily life, making it more difficult for you to do basic daily work. Here are five reasons why you should consider going to a skin specialist.

  1. Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affect millions of people throughout the United States. It can cause a plethora of blemishes on a person’s face and usually causes a number of marks on a person’s face. Acne tends to flare up for a number of reasons and can lead to deep cysts, pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. It’s usually caused due to an overproduction of sebum, which clogs the pores. Bacteria might also result in acne. It leads to considerably oily skin and if you don’t get it treated properly, it could lead to permanent scars.

  1. Eczema

Eczema can lead to a series of chronic skin conditions that usually flare up due to a number of reasons. It can lead to inflammation of the skin and can be quite uncomfortable and can cause significant emotional distress. It usually causes patches of dry and patchy skin and tends to affect children and babies. Adults are also prone to acne, which can lead to a rash on the skin, and if you itch on it excessively, it can eventually cause fluid to leak.

  1. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is caused due to a problem with a person’s immune system. It causes the skin cells to form quicker than usual, which then tend to pile on top of the skin. These patches are usually known as plaques, and have silvery scales. They are usually red, and in some cases can be quite painful or itchy. You are likely to suffer from psoriasis, and it’s best if you go to a dermatologist like Dermetics instead.

  1. Wrinkles and Ageing Signs

Your skin is going to change with age. You will begin to notice wrinkles, discoloration, dryness, and a host of other things appear on your skin. Age spots are very difficult to get rid of, so it’s recommended that you go to a skin specialist. They are going to identify exactly what’s wrong with your skin and then give you a plan on how to improve the texture and colour of your skin.

  1. Skin Cancer

Last, but not least, you need to go to a skin specialist in case of cancer. Skin cancer is a serious condition that affects millions of people all over the world. The signs can be identified if you regularly visit a skin specialist for care and treatment.

Some Time Apart: What Is a Legal Separation?

How do courts define legal separation? Learn how separation differs from divorce and how the process works in this guide.

Every year in the U.S., nearly 800,000 divorces take place.

Are you considering getting a divorce? Are you unsure of how to proceed? Are you on the fence about whether becoming legally separated first is a good strategy?

If any of these questions resonate with you, keep reading. Explained below are the details of how legal separation differs from divorce, as well as why you might want to seek a separation from your partner.

What is Legal Separation?

As the name suggests, legal separation allows you to create space between yourself and your partner in a legal way. Some key characteristics of legal separation include the following:

  • You live in separate locations
  • You have separate finances
  • The court handles issues like child custody, child support payments, asset division, and spousal support

Legal separation differs from a regular separation because of the court’s involvement. When you choose to separate, there are financial rules and boundaries backed up by the court, as opposed to you and your partner relying on each other to ensure payments get made and children get seen at regular intervals.

Separation vs Divorce

The key difference between separating and getting a divorce is the fact that a divorce ends your marriage on a formal level. With a separation, even when the court gets involved, you and your spouse are still, in the eyes of the law, married.

When you’re filling out forms, you’ll still have to say that you’re married instead of single. You cannot get remarried during this time, and you and your partner still have a right to inherit money or assets from each other.

Benefits of a Legal Separation

There are plenty of reasons why couples choose to separate before getting divorced. Here are some of the most well-known benefits of legal separation:

Live in Accordance with Religious Beliefs

Some religions frown upon divorce. If you belong to a religion that has rules about getting divorced, you may want to consider separation.

This allows you and your partner to live apart without technically getting a divorce. As a result, you’re still following the rules, but you still get the space that you need.

Gain Extra Time for Decision-Making

Separation gives you time to live apart from your partner so you both can decide if a divorce is what you want. It creates space and allows you to still enjoy certain financial benefits, but you don’t have to finalize the divorce right away if you aren’t 100 percent ready to do so.

Remain Insured

Speaking of benefits, separation allows you to remain covered by your partner’s insurance.

If you don’t have insurance on your own, this can be a good option to consider. That way, you won’t have to worry about being uncovered while you look for a job or go through the process of signing up for your own insurance policy.

Protect Financial Interests

Separation helps both partners to protect their financial interests. For example, if you or your partner obtains certain assets or debts during the separation, they may be considered property. As a result, these assets can’t be taken from you, and debts that aren’t yours can’t be assigned to you, should you decide to proceed with a divorce.

Enjoy Certain Tax Advantages

Because you are still married when you have a separation agreement, you can continue filing your taxes under the Married Filing Jointly umbrella. This allows you to take advantage of tax breaks and enjoy a lower tax rate than if each of you filed on your own.

Set Clear Boundaries

In a perfect world, all separations would be amicable. Partners would never have to worry about getting child or spousal support, and the kids would split their time equally between homes without any hurdles. 

It’s very rare for a separation to look like this, though. In most cases, it helps to have the court or a mediator involved when it comes to establishing boundaries and ensuring that everyone is acting in accordance with them.

Make Divorce Easier

The divorce process can also be easier if you go through a separation first. If you decide after a few months that a divorce is what you want, you can convert your separation agreement into a divorce agreement and end your marriage once and for all.

How to Become Legally Separated

If you think separation makes sense for you and your partner, there are some specific steps you’ll need to take. They include the following:

Know the Rules in Your State

Start by making sure your state allows legal separation. Ensure you meet your state’s residency requirements, too.

File a Petition

Next, you’ll need to file a petition with the court. There are online services that help you do this on your own, or you can work with an attorney. 

File a Separation Agreement

You’ll have to file a separation agreement as well. Again, you can use online services for this or work with your attorney.

Have Your Partner Served

If you and your partner aren’t filing for separation as a joint pair, you’ll need to have them served. After this, they have a certain amount of time to respond.

Work with a Mediator or Go to Court

Next, you and your partner will work with a mediator to nail down the terms of the separation. You may have to go to court as well if you can’t reach an agreement during mediation.

Sign and Notarize the Agreement

Once the details are finalized, you and your partner will sign and notarize the separation agreement. It’ll be filed and kept on record with the court clerk and sent for a judge to review.

Wait for Final Approval

At this point, what’s left is for you to wait for the judge’s approval. They’ll need to sign your agreement as well, as they have to do when someone is going through a traditional divorce process.

Is Legal Separation Right for You?

Now that you know more about legal separation, how it differs from divorce, and the benefits of becoming separated first, what do you think? Does this seem like something you want to pursue?

If so, be sure to remember the tips outlined above. They’ll help to guide you through the process and ensure you don’t miss anything important.

We have lots of other helpful resources on divorce available on our site as well. Check them out today to learn more. 


Caring for Elderly Parents: The Important Things to Know

There are several important things to know when it comes to caring for elderly parents. You should click here to learn more.

Millions of adults in America are providing unpaid care to adults. Many times the adults they are caring for are their parents.

Caring for elderly parents can be awkward because of the role reversal but there are things you can do to make it easier and we are here to help.

Continue reading this article to learn tips for caring for elderly parents.

Don’t Quit Your Job Just Yet

When your parents are aging, it can be hard to see them left by themselves. If they fall or have challenges while you’re at work, you won’t be there to help them, so you might be considering quitting your job.

Before you quit your job, you need to make sure that you’re going to be okay financially. Not only will quitting your job make a big difference in the income you’re bringing in but it can also wreak havoc on your retirement account.

Before you quit your job to take care of your parents, consider how difficult it will be to get work in the future.

If you need free online resources to help you with all aspects of aging at home go to aginginplace.org

Develop a Caregiver Budget

Before quitting your job or doing anything that is going to affect your financial future, you need to look at how much money caregiving is costing or would cost once you start using caregivers outside of yourself.

Once you see how much a caregiver will cost, you should look at your parent’s resources and see if you are using them as good as you could. 

Look at Free or Low-Cost Public Benefits

If your budget is looking a little tight, you can find free or low-cost public benefits that will help you keep more of your money instead of putting it all out on healthcare.

The government has an elder healthcare locator that you can use and many times you can find checklists for your state showing what resources are available.

Look at Medicare and Medicaid

If you aren’t sure if you qualify for Medicare and Medicaid, you might be surprised. While there are some things that aren’t included, there are many services that are available but you need to know what kind of Medicare coverage your parent has since there are different versions.

Consider Professional Help

Instead of trying to do everything yourself, it might be time to consider to try Care Planning Software.

When your parents have needs that are hard to take care of or take a lot of time, you might need to bring someone from the outside in to help you figure out a care plan.

A lot of times, people that do this type of thing full or even part-time know about many resources that you might not even be aware of. Having their help to create a  plan can make a big difference and may help take some of the financial and time burdens off your shoulders.

Considering Living Arrangements for Your Parents

When it comes to the point that your elderly parents can no longer stay in their own home alone, there are more options than ever to make sure that your parents are comfortable and happy.

Understanding the different living arrangements is important before you make any decisions. When you know the difference between the options for elder care, you’ll be able to easily match your parents with a place that is going to work for them.

Assisted Living

If your parents are able to get around on your own and take care of the majority of their daily life, assisted living arrangements can allow parents to retain their feeling of independence but still be safe.

If your parents don’t need around the clock medical care but need help getting to medical appointments, this could be a good option for you. With assisted living establishments, there usually aren’t medical staff on-site but they can reach medical assistance is necessary.

Another bonus of an assisted living center is that there are different pricing packages depending on the level of care that your parent needs. There are more of these places popping up all of the time, so you can usually find one close by that will be able to provide you with the living setup needed.

Nursing Home

Nursing homes are more widely known than assisted living facilities but are for senior citizens that need more around the clock medical care. If your parents don’t have much independence left at all, this is a good place for them to live safely.

Nursing homes are often staffed with nurses and nursing assistants who can help your parents even if they have complicated medical needs.

Many nursing homes require that the nurses go through more training before they are able to work at their facilities. It is true that some nursing homes have developed a bad name but now more people have a watchful eye on these establishments and they can be a good option when your parent needs extra help that you aren’t able to give them.

Become a Pro at Caring for Elderly Parents

Now that you know more about caring for elderly parents, you’ll be able to relax and reduce your stress. These tips will make day-to-day life better for you and for your loved one.

Do you need to learn more about taking care of those that you love or other important life topics? Our site is full of articles that can help you.

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What Types of Lawyers Are There? Everything You Need to Know

Are you trying to figure out what types of lawyers are there and which lawyers make the most money? Read this article to learn more about what types of lawyers are there and get more familiar with this industry. If you are interested in law and you want to choose a career as a lawyer, this information may help you make the final decision. 

Did you know there were an estimated 642,750 lawyers employed in the United States?

Choosing The Right Lawyer Or Specialty

With so many law firms near you, it can be hard to decide which type of lawyer fits your needs. You also have the work of finding the most qualified and affordable attorney.

In addition, you may like to pursue a certain specialty and you want to understand better the roles and responsibilities of different types of lawyers.

So, what types of lawyers are there exactly? Read on to learn about some common lawyer types and how much money they make per year.

Here is a list of different types of lawyers:

Bankruptcy Lawyers

Bankruptcy lawyers can solve insolvency issues for both individuals and corporations. They are experts in U.S. Bankruptcy Code and depending on their specialization, they can represent either creditors or individuals, or corporations, but both specializations, offer solutions for plan confirmations, valuation disputes, and financial restructurings.

So, if you have significant debt you can’t pay and want to file for bankruptcy, then you’d consult a bankruptcy lawyer. These attorneys can help you decide whether to file for Chapters 7, 11, or 13. They can also discuss alternative options.

Bankruptcy lawyers can earn a large salary, especially those who represent corporations. Those who work with average individuals, often earn an income within the average range of most lawyers. In terms of lawyers who make most of the money, if you work as a bankruptcy lawyer you may expect an annual salary of $113,000.

Personal Injury Lawyers

They are mainly focused on civil ligations and represent mainly individuals.

You’d seek a Macon personal injury lawyer if you got hurt in an accident. This kind of attorney looks at the incident to see if any laws apply and will help you get compensation for injuries, either at work or through poor medical practice, lost work time, destroyed property, and other damages.

Here is a list of different types of accidents a personal injury lawyer like Tony Nguyen Law Firm can handle:

  • Nursing home abuse
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Legal malpractice
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Defective products
  • Animal bite injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Aviation accidents
  • Animal bite injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Aviation accidents

If you choose to work as a personal injury lawyer, you will need to collect documents, calculate the expenses, talk with witnesses, and document injuries. They are usually paid a percentage of the amount they recover for the clients and you can easily make above  $70.000 per year. Usually, lawyers who are better trained, have higher fee value.

Trial Lawyers and Criminal Defense Lawyers

If you have been accused of a crime, you need a lawyer that can defend you and the type of lawyer you need depends on your case and on the system.  You can choose between both a trial lawyer and a criminal defense lawyer.

As most cases are settled in the pre-trial phase, with a plea deal, you can employ a criminal defense lawyer which can stay on and become a trial lawyer in case you end up in court facing a trial.

The criminal defense lawyer will focus mainly on negotiating a plea deal or finding some other resolution so you can avoid going to a trial, which can be the best solution since going in front of a jury could end up in stiffer punishment in case you are found guilty.

This type of lawyer can help you get the minimum imprisonment time or fines for a crime you’ve been charged with. Trial lawyers represent clients in criminal or civil litigation. They are responsible for preparing the case for the trial, arguing motions, scheduling, contacting witnesses, and building a record and this means that they are vital for the trial.

They know how to obtain the best possible situation for their clients and this includes conducting cross-examinations, delivering compelling opening statements, closing arguments, and cross and direct examinations. They work well under pressure and need a strong presence and impeccable communication and writing skills.

If you are a trial lawyer you need to have a comprehensive knowledge of the law and stay abreast of current trends and changes in the law. You need to have a sharp memory to remember all the significant facts that may come in handy during the trial and be very persuasive. Being a trial lawyer you can earn $107,142 per year or $51.51 per hour in the United States.

Estate Planning Lawyers

When you need to designate what happens to your property when you pass away, you’d consult with a lawyer as EKRA compliance 2021. This kind of lawyer can help you set up a will, put aside assets in trusts, and create other important legal documents. The legal advice includes all matters related to the passing of the estates, and the estate planning lawyer can create questionnaires to help clients to evaluate their assets, which makes them easier to draw up the will.

They can also be experts in the complexities of estate planning to ensure that all wishes of the client are fulfilled after they pass away and that all tax and legal issues are properly addressed.

The average Estate Planning Attorney’s salary is $70,245 but it ranges between  $63,179 and $78,050 depending on the education and skills, and experience.

Civil Rights Lawyers

If you’ve had your civil rights violated, a civil rights lawyer can help you get some compensation for the incident. They handle cases of discrimination in and outside the workplace along with issues like abuse from law enforcement. Plaintiffs are usually discriminated against based on sexual orientation, freedom of speech, religion, press, constitutional rights, race, age, gender, and other reasons.

So, this lawyer focuses on cases that include social freedom, human rights, and discrimination, and their salary can be around $69,000 a year.

Real Estate Lawyers

Real estate lawyers have homeowners, buyers, or agents as clients.

Whether you’re buying or selling property, a real estate attorney can help you with the associated legal documents like deeds and titles. They can also offer advice if you face issues during the process and make sure the conditions of the transaction get met. They can also handle evictions and foreclosures representing tenants and property owners.

If you want to become a real estate lawyer, you need to have impeccable negotiation skills as you have to act as a negotiator between the parties in the dispute.  The average Real Estate Attorney salary in the United States is $155,114, but it can range depending on many factors such as education, certifications, and experience.

Tax Lawyers

If you’ve faced trouble with the Internal Revenue Service, you can consult with a tax lawyer. They can help understand what tax rules apply to your case and represent you if you face fines or imprisonment.

This lawyer can also represent an organization if she is dealing with government taxing agencies and they are responsible for the preparation of legal documents that involve liabilities. They can also develop plans to help save taxes. The tax structure changes constantly and if you want to work as a tax lawyer, you need to follow all the changes and when are scheduled to take place, so this requires constant study and research. To become a tax lawyer you need to have a professional experience as a leader of a department of at least 2 to 4 years in the tax arena and complete a Juris Doctor degree.

The average salary for a tax lawyer is $130,000 in the United States and depends on experience, education, company size, industry, and market.

Family Lawyers

Family lawyers are very well acquainted with all domestic relations and issues related to the family.

Family lawyers can help you if you need to file for divorce, handle a custody issue, or get child support from a non-paying parent. They can also help with pre-marital agreements and property division in case of divorce, or domestic violence.

If you want to study family law there are different types of training that can secure different certificates in different areas of family law. Other typical responsibilities of this lawyer include paternity, juvenile delinquency matters, and child welfare. Yearly, they can expect a salary of $71,000.

Intellectual Property Lawyers

These lawyers are referred to as IP lawyers and it is on the top of the list when it comes to making money.

If you’ve created something for which you need a patent, an intellectual property lawyer can help you out. They can also help you seek compensation if your idea gets stolen and make the thief cease using it. This includes trademarks, copyright laws, and patent laws. They can also provide information to clients about what other can do with the service or product that have been stolen. These lawyers are very high in demand and can expect an annual salary of $155,000.

Immigration Lawyers

Immigration lawyers deal with family or individuals who are trying to acquire U.S. citizenship. They play a pivotal role in guiding the families and individuals with all the necessary requirements to live, study, or work in the United States in some cases they even assist asylum and refugee seekers and some of them use immigration lawyers to obtain working visas. These lawyers can help you if you have trouble working in the country or staying there. On average, they have an annual salary of $62,000.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers

These lawyers make the highest annual salary of $150,881. Individuals who hire these lawyers have suffered a personal injury after medical treatment, misdiagnosis, or negligence.

Medical lawyers can also represent health professionals and are employed by the medical institutions where they work.

Entertainment Lawyers

They represent musicians, actors, athletes are media – related clients to protect their intellectual property rights. They can also negotiate contracts and connect agents with venues. The average annual salary of entertainment lawyers is ​$116,800​ and can even reach up to $218,360 because they can receive big percentages of the contracts of celebrities and are one of the lawyers that are highest paid.

What Types of Lawyers Are There? Choosing The Right One

Now we’ve answered the question, “What types of lawyers are there?” So, you should have a clearer idea of the type of lawyer you need.

If you are still in confusion, consider looking for lawyers that specialize in general practice. They may help you or be able to point you in the right direction. Whichever lawyer you choose, be sure to check out their reputation, experience, credentials, and specializations.

What Type of Lawyers Make the Most Money?

Lawyers can earn different salaries depending on their specialty, which makes many law school students wonder what type of specialty to choose.

There are many factors that influence the lawyer’s income such as:

1. Law School

Lawyers that make a lot of money come from prestigious schools, but this is not always the case because what is more important is for whom you work and how well you perform.

2. Location

Similar to any other professional career, lawyers who work in larger cities tend to make more money than those who work in rural areas.

3. Law Firm Size

Some lawyers run their own practice which allows them more flexibility. You may have another option that employs hundreds of lawyers across the whole country.

4. Experience and expertise

The salary associate receives in the first year is not the same as that of a partner in a large firm, no matter how talented you are.

The average salary for lawyers in the United States is $126,930 annually. Still, there is a discrepancy between the salaries of different practice areas, for example, entertainment and medical lawyers earn more than the average salary, while family lawyers make money below the annual average.

For more information about the annual salary for each specialty, see the section above where all different types of lawyers are listed.

Be sure to check out our other posts for more general life tips.