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Discovering the Real You Through Ancestry DNA

A subsidiary of Ancestry.com, AncestryDNA describes itself as “a cutting edge DNA testing service” which uses the most up-to-date autosomal testing technology to provide a whole new and more efficient way of unearthing the family histories of its millions of customers. Combining state of the art DNA science with the interrogation of its own unrivalled database it both pinpoints genetic make-up and reveals hitherto undiscovered family connections.

Offering a worldwide service, its sophisticated web operation directs enquirers to what it determines to be their first port of inquiry, based strictly upon location. From there a range of services is offered at different levels and prices which enable the customer to embark upon a journey of understanding and to discover all it is available to know about their origins and any connections they may have with others on the database.

Are Your Relatives Already on the Database?

The influential Business Insider magazine has monitored the progress of the service over a considerable period of time, and charts how it has improved both with new technologies and with its permanently expanding customer base which has allowed it to provide information with ever-increasing precision.

To furnish potential customers with some initial insight as to what they can expect from the service, AncestryDNA offers a free trial in which some limited information is made available. Thereafter there is a range of paid services provided by Ancestry.com, the most popular generally being a $20-$44.99 monthly subscription.  Ethnicity and traits tests are charged separately.

Presently the service boasts some ten million names on its database spread over around 500 locations. Bearing in mind the number of relatives we actually have when second and third cousins are taken into account, there is a very good chance that users will find somebody there with a previously unknown connection. (1)

The Potentially Life-Changing Impact of a DNA Test

As is correctly pointed out by the respected publication Science News, any provider of genealogical and historical data can only reveal connections that exist on their own lists, and so to acquire the biggest picture possible it would be necessary to subscribe to a plethora of services each offered independently by a number of different outlets. Nevertheless, it is self-evidently the case that where budgets restrict us from using one service, this kind of information can best be obtained from one which has access to the most extensive records.

Discovering relatives in places where we hadn’t previously realized that we had any roots can be a life-changing experience. Stories abound of complete strangers from across the world who have made contact with one another after having discovered that they were distant cousins. New friendships are formed between people who after all share by definition an interest in unearthing previously unknown family connections, with intercontinental exchange visits being arranged and new social media circles forever being created.

The Science News report makes the interesting observation that AncestryDNA, uniquely, provides access to family groups that share DNA with you, the customer. What this gives you is access to others within those groups who themselves do not share your DNA, but who are nonetheless related to you through those family units. Thus the field of discovery is broadened, and relations discovered who would have been missed by competitor services. (2)

Expect the Unexpected

Of course, when we venture to find out things about our ancestry and our genetic heritage it isn’t always just a new Facebook friend or two that we end up finding. The New York Post told the story fairly recently of Linda Ketchum, of California, who was given an AncestryDNA kit by her husband for Christmas because she thought it would be fun to find out more about where she came from and got more information than she had bargained for. It transpired that the German man whom she had called father for half a century wasn’t her father after all and that she was, in fact, the daughter of a now-deceased Hispanic man from New Mexico. Many other, similar tales have been told, so much so that a Facebook community that has been set up solely for the use of people in the same situation has already attracted some 2,500 members.

Discovering things about our genetic heritage and our undiscovered extended families around the world was always going to be a mixed blessing. For every rich eccentric uncle, we uncover there is probably a serial killer or a footballer who plays for the wrong team. You pay your money and take your chance.

All the same, the lure of discovery is too strong for a rapidly growing number of people, who continue to join the subscription lists of AncestryDNA and other services of this kind at an impressive rate. As science improves still further and the company’s private gene pool grows, we will be able to acquire information about our origins with increasing accuracy.

It is often said that with every new advance in science and technology the world is becoming a smaller place. It would be ironic indeed if we were all soon able to chart our relationships to one another by the simple expedient of spitting into a bottle. (3)

15 Best Scenic Destinations in Coastal Road Trip (Ireland)

We admire a good drive, and the coastal road Causeway in Northern Ireland certainly fits the definition of a good trip. With a trajectory of nearly two hundred miles along the coast.

From Belfast to Londonderry (Derry), this Northern Ireland road trip offers everything from castles to stunning scenery, locations, the game of thrones, whiskey distilleries, sandy beaches, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Start with picking a good car from a car hire agency. It’s fine to drive in Ireland with your US license –nothing else needed! Before you start your car, make sure if the vehicle is fully insured? Because many of the car hire agencies don’t provide third comprehensive insurance which is very important in case of an accident.

 It is advisable to have cover for your vehicle with a reputable Insurance providers in Ireland like AA Car Insurance. So that you won’t face any difficulty in getting the insurance claim and enjoy your road trip stress-free.  Let’s hit the road now! (1)

1. Belfast

Your adventure begins (or ends) in the bustling city of Belfast. It is ideal for a short break, with excellent restaurants, nightlife, shopping and cultural attractions in the many neighbourhoods. Discover the legend of the RMS Titanic in his hometown, historic Titanic Belfast and its attractions. The Ulster Museum, Belfast Castle, Crumlin Road Prison and many historic and tourist attractions are also worth a visit.

2. Carrickfergus Castle

Discover one of Ireland’s most impressive monuments and one of Ireland’s best-preserved medieval buildings as you begin the route from Belfast. It was founded in 1177 by the Anglo-Norman conqueror John DeCourcy and played until 1928 an important military role.

3. The Gobbins

Delight all the senses on this exciting cliff path, which was first enjoyed at the beginning of the 20th century. Located on the picturesque island of Islandmagee, this attraction was reborn and reinvented for the 21st century, providing unprecedented access to the rugged Antrim coastline.

4. Carnfunnock Park

The park is an excellent day for the whole family. The park is full of exciting and unusual attractions in a spectacular setting overlooking the Antrim coastline. Highlights include an outdoor adventure park, a family recreation area, a 9-hole golf course, a walled garden, hiking trails, geocaching and a Labyrinth of Hedges Northern Ireland, a caravan and a camping center with a cafeteria.

5. Slemish

With its undeniable profile that rises above the surrounding plain, this extinct volcano has always fascinated visitors. Slemish is famous for St. Patrick’s breeding of sheep for six years after he was captured and brought to Ireland.

6. Glenarm Castle And Fenced Garden

Visit the ancestral home of McDonnell, the Counts of Antrim, with its beautiful walled garden with natural elements created by man. Enjoy a delight in the charming tearoom in the 19th-century mushroom house.

7. The valleys of Antrim

Take time to dig into the famous Glens of Antrim. There are nine in total, each with their stage record, with lyrical names like Glencloy, Glentaisie, and Glenballyemon. Do not miss the Glenariff Forest Park, located in the “Queen of the Glens,” with hiking trails and beautiful waterfalls.

8. Cushendun

Do not miss the stop in the beautiful coastal town of Cushendun at the foot of Glendun, one of the nine Glens of Antrim. A designated conservation area was designed in the style of a Cornish village by renowned architect Clough Williams-Ellis.

9. Torr’s head

Take a detour off the Causeway Coastal Path to this rocky promontory, which is our closest point to Scotland, just 21 km away. It’s a narrow, winding road, but worth the breathtaking views of Fair Head, Rathlin Island and the coasts of Antrim and Scotland.

10. Bonarygy Monastery

Stop at the picturesque ruins of Bonamargy Friary, next to the bustling seaside town of Ballycastle. It was founded around 1500 by the Franciscans and contained the remains of the Kakique Sorley Boy McDonnell.

11. Dark Hedges

This iconic arch of intertwined beech has become one of the most photographed natural phenomena. It was planted by the Stuart family in the 18th century to impress visitors as they approached the entrance to their Georgian home.

12. Rathlin Island

Take a day trip or enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of Ireland’s only inhabited coastal island, which can be reached by ferry from Ballycastle. Follow one of the island’s scenic trails or rent a bike to explore the quiet streets. Get to know the island life in the Boathouse Visitor Center, see the seal colonies,

13. Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge

Take on the exciting rope bridge on the small island Carrick-a-Rede (site of particular scientific interest) and experience a truly spectacular experience. Located in a unique landscape on the north coast of Antrim, the 30-meter-deep and 20-meter vast abyss are crossed by a rope bridge traditionally built by salmon fishermen.

14. Ballintoy Harbor

This small picturesque fishing port is not far from the town of Ballintoy. Follow the narrow, winding road through Ballintoy Parish Church, one of the most photographed churches in Ireland.

15. White Park Bay

Take a walk on this spectacular sandy beach, which forms a white arc between two promontories on the north coast of Antrim. Their only company could be the cows that are known to rest on the beach. Do not miss the picturesque harbour and the village of Portbradden at the western end of the bayer and the village of Portbradden at the western end of the bay.

Tips to Improve your Cognitive Abilities

There are many positive ways to build cognitive skills and lessen the chances of problems such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc. These diseases often make a person act and feel old at an early age. Here is a list of tips to improve cognitive abilities.

  1. Exercise Regularly

By exercising you increase blood flow to the hippocampus which is the part of the brain accountable for memory. According to a recent study, people who perform aerobics and stay fit have better cognitive functioning. Exercise helps the brain to inhibit the production of stress hormones and increase the production of beneficial chemicals such as growth factors and neuronal connections. Physical activity also helps to get rid of lazy and fatigue noons. A healthy mind is not prone to diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular complications.

  1. Reading Books and Writing

Reading can improve life in various ways. Firstly, it keeps your mind fit. Secondly, reading can boost your confidence and personality. It keeps your brain active and engaged which improves cognitive abilities. The mental stimulation from reading helps improve learning capacity and slow down cognitive decline. Writing habits can benefit your brain and personality development, too. It enhances the thought process and cognitive performance. Whenever you have a chance to craft some piece of writing, keep a diary or even provide help with research papers or essays to your peers or kids – use it! (1)

  1. Solve Puzzles

Solving different types of puzzles will keep your brain active as you have to think differently. A standard crossword helps you to learn a definition based on how it spells. Sudoku improves logical thinking by placing the number in the right order in the puzzle grid. Focusing on the puzzle will keep you worry-free or at least keep your mind busy for some time. Concentrating on the data will keep in control the emotional side of your brain which ultimately improves your cognitive abilities. An active brain occupied with puzzles is less likely to get affected by serious diseases.

  1. Reduce Stress

Emotional intensity is one of the causes of declining cognitive abilities. Anxiety can lead to a loss in memory which ultimately leads to a loss in cognition. You should reduce the stress by expressing yourself in the best way and having the ‘let it go’ attitude. Meditation helps a lot in reducing stress and makes decision making more rational and clear. You are able to see the bigger picture through mediation as it improves your focus and concentration abilities. You can sit calmly in complete silence and try to focus. This will allow your brain to concentrate on the innermost thoughts and set you free from stress.

  1. Take Proper Sleep

Today insomnia is a serious problem as it affects memory and other cognitive abilities. According to multiple studies, a lack of sleep increases the secretion of the stress hormone and leads to high blood pressure. People compromise with their sleeping patterns and indulge themselves in work or college studies. It is important to have the proper 6 hours of sleep (at least) and give your brain time to relax.

  1. Listen to Music

Listening to music helps a lot in improving cognitive abilities, managing stress, and generally cheering up. Scientific studies show that children who play musical instruments are more intelligent than those who just read books. So, play instruments or put your headset or earphones on and launch your favourite track, enjoy it and stay stress-free!

  1. Take Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Depression and anxiety are the most common disorders which decline cognitive disabilities. Scientists discovered that people who consume Omega 3 fatty acids are less likely to get depressed. It plays a vital role in brain development in an early age and keeps the body healthier thus contributing to the improvement of cognition abilities. Omega 3 helps master calcium inside the cells which is important for muscle relaxation, secretion of substances like digestive enzymes, cell division, etc. This useful stuff can be found in fish, walnuts, wheat germ, and seafood.

These are some of the effective tips to improve one’s cognitive abilities. Follow them and improve your efficiency at work or in class.

Despair No More – The Person Who Will Know How To Love You Will Come Along

Despair no more – because you’ll be loved again by someone who knows how to love right.

Despair no more because you’ll no longer have to spend your nights wondering whether your feelings are reciprocated. You’ll never have to spend another night crying and feeling desperate. You’ll never have to spend another night blaming yourself for your imperfections and feeling sorry for yourself.

You’ll never have to spend another night feeling sad, helpless, and unworthy because you’ll enjoy nights full of warmth. Passion. Love.

Despair no more because the lonely and quiet mornings you used to spend sitting on the sofa, wishing you had someone by your side are over. You won’t have to drink your first cup of coffee in the morning alone anymore. You won’t have to wake up alone in your bed anymore.

Despair no more because all your sadness and pain will turn into happiness, serenity, and joy.

So, despair no more because you’ll no longer have to hide your flaws and the things you don’t like about yourself. You’ll no longer have to fear that making a small, silly mistake or saying the wrong word might provoke their anger and push them away.

Because the person who will know how to treat and love you right will come along. The person who will see you and cherish you the way you are. The person who will know all your annoying habits, insecurities, and fears, but who will never make you feel ashamed of them. The person who will never base your worth on your imperfections and weaknesses.

Despair no more because you’ll no longer have to wonder whether they feel about you the same way you feel about them. Because the person who will make their love for you known will come along. The person who will proudly wear their heart on their sleeve and fearlessly show how much they love you. The person who will let you know how much you mean to them and who will be willing to fight for you with every fiber of their being.

Despair no more because the person who will make you feel the happiest and the most loved will come along. The person who will never make you feel half-loved or unimportant. The person who will never take you for granted. The person who will know your worth and how amazing you are. The person who will know what they have by their side.

Despair no more because you’ll no longer have to explain to your friends why your heart got broken again. Why your dreams and hopes were shattered again. Why you were hurt time and time again.

Because you’ll soon finally realize why all your previous relationships didn’t work out, even those you believed would last a lifetime. Because the person who will show you how you should have been treated, respected, and loved will come along. The person who will treat you with kindness, compassion, and dignity. The person who will shower you with affection.

Despair no more because you’ll be loved by someone who knows how to love you right. Someone who will never make you fear that they might walk away and let go of you at the first sign of trouble. Someone who will choose you every day. Someone who will feel like home.


Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Celery Every Day For A Week

When you go to a party and there’s a buffet laid out for all the guests, you probably pass the celery and immediately reach for the tasty sandwiches and chicken wings. I mean, who’s got time to chomp on a raw stalk when there’s plenty of fast food waiting for you to dig in?

Celery is one of those veggies that you either love or hate. While some people avoid including it into their diet, others tend to eat it only if it’s dipped in peanut butter or cooked all the way through.

And if you happen to belong to the second group, let us tell you that if you knew all the health benefits celery has, (and it has a ton of them), you wouldn’t underestimate this veggie. In fact, you’d include it in your everyday diet.

What is celery?

This stringy, crunchy, green vegetable has been cultivated since antiquity. It is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean area, but it’s now cultivated throughout the world.

When people started intensively cultivating celery in the 16th century in Northern Europe and Italy, it was still a primitive plant and was only used for medicinal purposes.

By the middle of the 17th century, celery was greatly refined and its leaves and stalks were used as food. And today it’s an important part of almost every cuisine globally.

Why is celery beneficial?

Although this vegetable is 95 percent water, it’s extremely beneficial to your overall health. Celery is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K, and it also contains potassium, folate, and dietary fibers. However, its most essential attribute is its phytonutrients.

Phytonutrients are natural chemicals that keep plants healthy by protecting them from bugs, fungi, germs, diseases, and the sun, but they also have a beneficial influence on people. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help improve our immune system and detoxify our body. They also help prevent cancer and cardiovascular and liver diseases.

What can the consumption of celery do to your body in a week?

As we’ve already said, celery is mainly water, but it still can do wonders for your mental and physical health.  If you don’t like eating it raw, you can steam it or bake it. Additionally, this veggie makes a great addition to soups, stir-fries, juices, and smoothies. So, whatever way you choose to consume celery, make sure you sneak it into your diet.

Eating celery every day for a weak can do wonders for your body and mind. And here are some of them:

1. It improves digestion.

Due to the fact that celery is rich in natural fibers, consuming it improves absorption and nutrient digestion and it also helps prevent constipation.

2. It keeps you hydrated.

Of course, it does. Remember? Celery is 95 percent water. So, consuming this stringy vegetable can greatly help prevent dehydration. So, if you’re an athlete or regularly go to the gym, you know what you should do.

3. Weight loss.

Because it’s mainly water, celery contains very few calories. So, if you’re the type of person who tends to count calories, forget about it – you can consume this veggie as much as you want. Celery is also high in fiber, which means that it’ll reduce your hunger and keep you satiated throughout the whole day.

4. It fights inflammation.

Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, consuming celery helps reduce joint swelling and pain. Besides arthritis, this veggie is also very beneficial for treating rheumatism and gout. 

5. It improves cholesterol.

Being rich in fiber, eating celery every day reduces your level of LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad cholesterol,” which clogs the arteries. One study has shown that consuming 4 stalks of this veggie per day can reduce LDL cholesterol by about 7 percent.

6. It prevents heartburn and acid reflux.

If you’re struggling with this problem, know that celery juice can calm down heartburn very quickly and also regulate the acidity in your stomach.

7. It normalizes blood pressure.

Celery contains phthalides (chemical compounds) that reduce stress hormones and relax the tissues of the artery walls. In this way, the blood is able to circulate properly, which reduces your blood pressure.

8. It keeps your eyes healthy.

Being rich in vitamin A, celery can help maintain the tissues in your eyes healthy and also give you brighter eyes.

9. It repels mosquitos.

If you’re fed up with scratching yourself every summer due to mosquito bites, despair no more because oil extract from celery is a wonderful mosquito repellant.

This Is Why The Woman With The Deepest Thoughts Always Stays Awake Late At Night

She always stays awake late at night because her deep thoughts don’t let her sleep.

She stays up late at night even when she has nothing to worry about. Even when she has fulfilled all her day-to-day responsibilities on time. Even when she doesn’t have problems that weigh her down.

She stays awake late at night because she’s always thinking about something. She thinks about her past mistakes and failures. She thinks about all the people who have disappointed her and broken her trust. She thinks about all of the men who took her for granted and played with her feelings. She thinks about all of the fake friends who pretended that they liked and supported her, but only wanted to take advantage of her and see her hurt.

She stays up late at night because she thinks about whether she’ll manage to fulfill all her goals and dreams. She thinks about whether she’ll get in life where she’s always wanted to be.

Midnight is when she has the most time to think about her priorities and consider her options. When she contemplates her role in the world. Her future.

Midnight is when she has the most time to relax after spending all her energy on her work and family. When she sits in silence and gathers her thoughts. When she analyzes her actions. When she makes plans for the next day.

And truth to be told, she doesn’t really enjoy having these thoughts. No! She tries hard to stay away from them. She tries hard to escape them. She tries hard to prevent them from entering her mind. Why?

Because they’re overwhelming. Because they often make her feel stressed out and anxious. Because sometimes they’re draining. Because sometimes they’re too much for her to handle.

Therefore, she sits in her bed and tries to keep her mind busy by reading the news, be it about politics, science, fashion, or celebrities. She checks other people’s statuses and pictures on Facebook. She keeps the TV on all night long too. Why?

Because she wants to make sure she’s never bored. Because when she gets bored, that’s when her mind starts wandering off. That’s when a thousand different thoughts and questions start running through her head: What should she say at the meeting tomorrow? Is her current job really the one she’s dreamed of all her life? Is she ever going to experience genuine, pure, deep love?

She always stays up late at night because she can create a myriad of scenarios about the next day. She tries to picture what her colleagues from work will say about her new project. She tries to guess whether she’ll see the guy she likes. She tries to guess what life has in store for her.

And she can’t stand this. She hates that she always stays up late at night, thinking, analyzing, and worrying about everything. She hates that her deep thoughts keep her awake late at night and that she always ends up feeling exhausted in the morning as a result.

But this is something she simply can’t escape. Because she’s smart. Because she wants to be prepared for anything life throws her way. Because she’s a deep thinker.

One Day You’ll Be Someone’s Everything

One day you’ll be the person who inspires someone to believe again. You’ll be their hope. You’ll be the light that illuminates their world.

One day you’ll be the person who puts a smile on someone’s face. You’ll be the person who shows them that they’re capable of handling any problem and pain that might stand in the way to their happiness.

One day you’ll be everything someone has been searching for. You’ll be their best friend. Their lover. Their freedom. The brightest star in their sky. 

One day you’ll be the reason behind someone’s happiness. You’ll be the reason for their smile. Their contentment.

One day you’ll be the reason why someone feels the happiest. The most fulfilled. The most loved.  Whole. Alive.

You’ll be the first thought that comes to their mind the moment they wake up and the last one before they fall asleep.

One day you’ll be the reason someone feels secure because they have you. You’ll be the person who helps them face their deepest fears and insecurities. The person who makes them feel strong.

One day you’ll be the person who cures someone’s shattered heart. The person who makes them feel cherished and appreciated again. The person who heals their wounds and makes their pain go away. The person who helps them believe in love again.

One day you’ll be someone’s definition of perfection. They’ll know all your quirks, annoying habits, and weaknesses, but they’ll never judge you for them. They’ll never make you feel ashamed of your flaws. To them, you’ll be more than good enough. To them, you’ll be perfect.

One day you’ll be someone’s favorite story. You’ll be the reason they believe in fairytales and miracles. You’ll be the reason they believe in themselves. In their potential. In their uniqueness. 

One day you’ll be the person who makes love feel effortless for someone. The person who teaches them what pure, strong, passionate, and once-in-a-lifetime kind of love truly feels like. The person that gives them the opportunity to enjoy a meaningful, fulfilling, happy relationship. The person that teaches them how to love purely. Wholeheartedly. Selflessly. Unconditionally.

One day you’ll be the reason why someone no longer walks away. You’ll be the person they choose every day. You’ll be the person that someone feels grateful for having in their life because you make their life worthwhile.

One day you’ll be the reason why someone is no longer afraid of commitment. The only thing they’ll be afraid of is losing you.

One day you’ll be everything that someone sees in their life ahead. You’ll be the person that means the world to them. The person they want to grow old with. The person they want to be around when they feel happy and when they achieve success, but also when they struggle with problems, sadness, or pain.

One day you’ll be the person someone wants to spend the rest of their life with.  

One day you’ll be someone’s greatest love. You’ll be their treasure. The air they breathe.  Their world. Their forever. Their everything.

And you know what?

One day you’ll finally realize why all your previous relationships never lasted and why everyone else walked away because you’ll be with the person who is the best for you. You’ll be with the person who sees you and loves you for who you are. The person who makes you feel happier and more fulfilled. The person who is aware of your worth and knows what they have.

One day you’ll be with the person who wants to touch the deepest parts of your soul and know everything about you, including your burdens from your past. The person who encourages you to pursue your highest goals and wildest dreams. The person who doesn’t make you feel ashamed of your mistakes and failures.  

One day you’ll be with someone who doesn’t leave. Someone with whom you’ll make it to the end. Someone to whom you’ll be everything. Someone who will be the most amazing thing that ever happened to you. Someone for whom you’ll be able to say from the bottom of your heart: “I’ve finally found what I’ve been searching for.”

Does Success Always Imply Happiness?

Why Success is no Guarantee of Happiness

People measure success in different ways – by building a reputable business, nurturing strong relationships, accumulating academic degrees, gaining respectability in a profession, or building a family home. Therefore, we often hear the argument that success is about achieving happiness in one’s life. The following are the reasons why success in your life may not necessarily increase your happiness.

Success at Work isn’t Only About Money

Employers often cite money as an excellent incentive for workers. However, various research studies indicate that once you begin to earn enough money, it ceases to motivate you. It is impossible to deny the significance of a good salary, but when it comes to motivation, things aren’t that simple. Everyone needs to have a strong connection with what one does. Nonetheless, even if you do, it does not guarantee personal happiness. Most individuals will derive intrinsic motivation from just doing a good job. Therefore, the most common factors that motivate individuals include recognition of individual contributions, memories of previous accomplishments, and celebrating small victories.

Inconsistency with Personal Values

We all have our own core values, which usually define what lengths we’re prepared to go to to succeed. Ideally, the principles you find preferable should determine your choice of career or business. People often pursue careers that do not align with their values, especially when they have some personal troubles, such as debts or need to climb the corporate ladder faster than others. Therefore, misalignment of your values and your professional pursuits can get in the way of your happiness regardless of the level of success you will achieve. If you’re not sure what your values are, it is never too late to understand that your satisfaction and happiness are dependent on them.

Unattainable Success

It is natural for any person to pursue success at all costs. You may be after getting a promotion, establishing more business contacts, or attaining the highest academic grade. Consequently, we expend our energy on searching for happiness that we believe will accompany our triumphs. And while doing it, we rarely care about whether we are doing it efficiently. Consequently, your commitment to achieving different goals will prevent you from enjoying the little things in life which make you happy. The fanaticism with which you devote yourself to your career, school, or business often leads to a burnout, thus decreasing your chances of achieving your goals. So, it is advisable to take a break from your busy work schedule or purchase custom papers to allow you to spend more time with your family or go on a weekend trip with your friends. It is often liberating to realize that achieving the unachievable isn’t key to happiness.

Constantly Chasing Success

Everybody’s idea of happiness consists in being happy every single moment of your life and having no negative feelings. Consequently, we tend to pursue the perfect lives we dream about or see others living. In reality, the majority of people, including the richest billionaires and glamorous celebrities you idolize, experience problems and challenges. No matter what they have achieved, there is always something else to pursue in terms of work and life goals. Therefore, thinking that you can only be happy living a ‘successful life’ is wrong. You should also acknowledge that challenges are an inescapable part of our existence. Therefore, you should enjoy the few happy moments you have despite your perceived level of success.

Focusing on Making Progress is Better

Having invested a lot of time and effort into achieving a goal, people typically have a feeling of emptiness after realizing it. In psychology, it is the process of reaching an objective that has a more significant impact on someone’s happiness, not the result itself. Consequently, it is important that you focus on the progress you make rather than make achieving success a priority and continuously manage the circumstances attending its accomplishment. Pursuing progress implies that you will get empowered in multiple areas of life; this, in turn, will dramatically increase your chances of attaining happiness. Hence it follows that success does not equal happiness. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. If you are pleased with the direction of your life, you will be in a better position to achieve your ultimate goal, i.e. success.


Being successful in different areas of life may not guarantee you the happiness you anticipate. You may invest a lot of effort, go against your values, or regularly change your goals, but the end result will be the same – a feeling of emptiness, and discontentment. Therefore, it is essential to re-examine your approach and enjoy the process of pursuing success rather than expect it to happen at some point in the future.

What is the Most Comfortable Bed Available in 2019?

If you’re unhappy with your mattress and your sleep quality, click here to learn about what the most comfortable bed is in 2019.

With over 100 online mattress brands and over 9,000 mattress stores nationwide, it can be extremely daunting to purchase the perfect mattress. 

And with 49 to 72 hours of your week spent sleeping, it’s essential to find a mattress that is designed specifically for your aches, pains, sleeping habits, and budget. 

But how are you ever supposed to find the most comfortable bed with so many on the market? 

Lucky for you, we did all the hard work and researched the best three mattresses that are bound to give you a restful and peaceful night of sleep. 


Luft is America’s oldest and largest privately owned mattress company. If you haven’t heard of their brand, it’s because they don’t focus on huge marketing campaigns that can drive mattress prices through the roof. So, not only are you getting a tried and tested mattress with Luft, but you’re also getting a reasonably priced mattress as well. 

Luft is well-known for its hybrid mattress, which combines the benefits of innerspring and foam mattresses to give you a well-rounded sleeping experience. They also have a variety of comfort levels including plush, luxury firm and firm to make sure your sleeping needs are always met. 


If you’re pinching pennies but are in desperate need of a new bed, the Drooma is for you! This mattress is not only two inches thicker than most mattresses, but it’s also the most reasonably priced on this list. Because Drooma is sold specifically online and doesn’t have any retail stores, they were able to reduce their prices to the affordability you have been searching for.

Plus, Drooma implemented a breathable, Adapt Foam layer along with a cooling gel layer to set their memory foam mattress apart from the hot memory foam mattresses you may be used to. 


Calling all side sleepers! Layla is an excellent mattress for those who sleep on their side due to the soft, flexibility of the material. Not to mention that this mattress is two-sided, meaning the top half is plush and the bottom half is firm. That way, you can pick whichever side suits your sleeping habits best.

Layla was also the first competitor to include copper technology into their mattresses. This impressive technology controls temperature, kills bacteria and is extremely supportive. Layla also offers a ThermaGel cover, which yields amazing cooling properties.

However, this technology is only activated when the mattress senses a temperature change. So, you can rest easy at night knowing the Layla mattress won’t try to cool you down during cold, winter nights. 

When you combine Layla’s impressive mattresses with their foundation bed frame, you’ll get a combination your sleeping habits have been craving for years. 

Most Comfortable Bed

These three mattress companies made it onto the most comfortable bed list due to their impressive technology, plush to firm options and healthy materials. Plus, they’re all sold online and are delivered in compact boxes to provide you with a mattress experience life any other.

And, if for some reason any of these beds aren’t perfect for your sleeping habits, they all have excellent return policies. They’ll even pick the mattress up for you. 

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Understanding why CBD and terpenes are more important than THC for many

For years now, marijuana users have focused on one thing: thc. true stoners have always pushed for higher tetrahydrocannabinol ratios in weed to attain an even great and more diversified mind-altering high. However, the push to increase the plant’s THC levels through careful cultivation means that many true pot advocates have overlooked other crucial components of cannabis such as cannabidiol and the wonderful terpenes of the plant. Let’s face the facts, there is a lot more to mj than THC.

The Cannabis sativa plant is amazing. Whether we are talking about specially cultivated optimum strains of marijuana that are worthy of winning Amsterdam’s Cannabis cup, lush fields of industrialized hemp or cbd dominate weed variations, all are an ingenious creation of mother nature that should be appreciated for more than THC.Avoid the THC and Go for the CBD

When you first walk into a dispensary in canada or america the first thing you start to look at is the top-shelf varieties that are THC-laden at truly mind-boggling ratios. glistening with resins, you start envisioning the possible high. Sure that’s all nice but maybe its time to explore the world of CBD and terpenes. You might start scoffing at the notion. Anyone who has spent any time using marijuana knows that CBD counters THC so if the strain is high in cannabidiol you are not going to enjoy much of a buzz. However, CBD is a healthy choice that you should honestly consider as a daily supplement.

CBD in Your medicine cabinet

Honestly, best cbd oil , vapes, tablets and lotions should be a part of your medicine cabinet just like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and old-school aspirin. You should also be taking it every day right alongside your multi-vitamin if you are into supplements.

Medical conditions treated by Cannabidiol

Here are just a few things that CBD helps:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • pain
  • inflammation
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • muscle spasms
  • nausea
  • Headaches
  • vomiting

Terpenes Also matter

A true cannabis connoisseur knows that THC is nice but its all about the whole-plant. The terpenes and flavonoids tantalize and smell amazing. Every strain is different and every one has its own telltale fragrance. Who hasn’t opened a bag of cannabis just to inhale the aroma? Think about sitting down to a five-star meal and not being able to smell the food. You probably won’t enjoy the dishes as much as you would if you could experience the mouth-watering fragrances. The same is true of the terpenes of cannabis.

The Emerald Cup is About Terpenes and CBD

Are you realizing that there is more to grass than simple THC? In fact, at California’s massive harvest fest, ‘The Emerald Cup’, there are hundreds of strains on display and vying for the prestigious blue ribbon. In 2018, there are 650 various types. However, each year, the most awarded and recognizes strains of cannabis do not contain high levels of THC. Instead, they are rich in amazing, titillating terps and high levels of beneficial CBD. A high THC winner has not taken the honor since 2010. nowadays to be considered primo cannabis and walk away with the mendocino County’s most coveted award the Emerald Cup, the plant must possess optimum CBD and an ensemble of diverse terpenes with flavonoids.

interestingly, in regions of the globe where marijuana has finally been legalized for recreational use, many users are bypassing the THC-products and instead of going straight for the CBD. They don’t want to feel stoned but they want to experience the physical benefits of the plant’s amazing cannabinoids. With CBD products they get the best of the plant to improve their lifestyle and their body’s function without any psychoactive ramifications according to studies.