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Games that you probably never heard of before

Simply The Best

When you see a new game come out, what’s the biggest reason that you’re excited to play it? Because it looks like fun, of course! It’s the same with any other kind of game, be it Slingo, battleship, or scrabble! What constitutes fun in a game differs radically from person to person. For example, one person might find the stealth and strategy required for a first-person shooter like DOOM a lot of fun. Someone else might find the ease and lack of complication of Mario Brothers fun, and someone else might enjoy mining and building in Minecraft. Whatever your preference, it doesn’t matter as long as the games you play to deliver on the FUN. Massive media campaigns often accompany new releases put out by big companies like Activision Blizzard, so the games are well known even before they’re released and available to play. Some games, however, are released a little more under the radar, as not all companies have the budget to go huge on marketing campaigns. Though these games aren’t as well known, many games released on the down-low are just as much fun as their big-budget counterparts! Let’s take a look at a few of the best video games that you’ve never heard of…until now!

WomanDuck Game

At first glance, this Steam gem might not look like all that, but Duck Game is one of the most fun games we’ve ever discovered. The premise is really simple: all players are ducks, you choose a hat, you’re dropped off in the arena and you’re told to make it out in one piece; the last man standing is the winner! There are several different maps, each of which has a variety of obstacles to overcome and various weapons for you to collect. It’s pretty hectic but isn’t that all part of the fun? It’s chaotic and still being developed, but boy, is it a good time.


This one’s for Xbox or PlayStation, and it involves…you guessed it; spelunking! Again, at face value, the game doesn’t look incredibly impressive, but it’s what’s inside that counts. Spelunky is incredibly difficult to play, so it’s only for those who are a bit more experienced. In this addictive game, there’s a load to do: other players might drop in and shower you with unexpected bombs in the Death Match, they might join in on your expedition and lend a helping hand: who knows! It’s a short game, but with all the action involved, you’ll come back time and again and get hours and hours of fun out of it.

GamerWonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap

Another one for consoles, including Nintendo Switch. What a shame that this release hasn’t received more attention. The Dragon’s Trap is a remake of Wonder Boy 3, which came out on SEGA Master System, so it’s not an entirely new concept. The formula hasn’t changed much in terms of gameplay so that old fans will be happy. This charming game offers a number of powers, and any changes that were made from the original have been made to the world layout rather than characters. The whimsical, hand-illustrated graphics fit the theme incredibly well and really improve the overall feel of the game. Try something new and go on an adventure with The Dragon’s Trap!

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

If you like horror and H. P. Lovecraft’s strange and wonderful universe, then this is the game for you. Obviously, the game is based on characters from Lovecraft’s world, principally Cthulhu. The game replicates the eerie feeling that Lovecraft’s particular brand of horror offers up and has been called one of the best horror experiences ever by players. The imagery is stunning and terrifying, but unfortunately, while sequels were planned, none ever materialized, likely due to how little attention this incredible title got to begin with. The game developers Head First have since gone out of business, but this title is still available to purchase and play.

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath

You might recognize part of this title from old but legendary games, Abe’s Oddysee and Abe’s Exoddus. Widely regarded as two of the best PlayStation games in history, these 2D games feature amazing graphics and sound design. Super creepy and intriguing! Stranger’s Wrath takes a very different direction from the other games in the series, and as a result, many fans were disappointed with the release. Taking the game on its own, for what it is, is the way to go with this truly unique title. It’s a great action and adventure game, full of the same quality of sound and visuals that we’ve come to expect.

Wrap Up

Whether you’re a PC or console gamer, take a little time to explore the options wherever you buy your games. You might come across a mostly unknown gem and end up with a new favorite game!

How to Encourage Health and Happiness in a Small Business

Small Business

In today’s world where work plays a very large part of most people’s lives, it is important that people get as much satisfaction from it as possible – this is less about doing a good job at work, and more about maximising one’s happiness and health while at work, because this will result in better performance, and more satisfaction in one’s job.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that happiness is good for business; employees that feel happy will get more work done, the quality of their work will be above average, and they will engage with the company culture more. It is important for everyone in the business, on every level, to prioritise health and happiness in the workplace, whether it be physical or virtual.

Some research has indicated that happiness in the world place can improve business decision making, reduce health costs, and reduce employee turnover. All of this together shows that a happy, healthy workplace is synonymous with an efficient and successful business. There are lots of businesses that are taking this to heart; TechQuarters, for example, have taken lots of steps since the onset of COVID-19 to keep their employees healthy and satisfied while working remotely. This London IT support company knows the stresses of work can be amplified while working from home, and so they are committed to supporting employee’s health and wellbeing.

So what are some of the ways in which a business can encourage happiness and health in the organisation?

Encourage Autonomy

There is plenty of evidence that shows employees work better when they are given autonomy. There may be a tendency within some businesses to micromanage their staff, as well as assigning teams that have too many members, because managers think that more team members equals quicker project turnover. This is largely incorrect. In fact, smaller teams generally work much better, because communication is easier and the fact that their managers place trust in them to work autonomously, they are actually happier and more productive while working.

Workers want to know that their managers and bosses trust them, and encouraging autonomy is a great way of doing this. This being said, it is also important that managers and bosses communicate with workers, and find out what their preferred method of work and management is.

Work-Life Balance

This is something that is more the responsibility of employees to manager. Work-Life balance has perhaps the biggest effect on life satisfaction, job satisfaction, productivity, and overall wellbeing. A lot of this has to do with an employee’s productivity at work – if they feel like they aren’t being productive, an employee will be more inclined to work extra hours, thus eroding the line between work and personal time. This can become quite a vicious cycle as employees become more disenfranchised, and therefore suffer lower productivity, and therefore try and work even longer to catch up.

There are a number of solutions to this. To begin with, an employee that is struggling at work should let their managers know they need help. It might be that they are struggling with their workload consistently, or perhaps they are simply experiencing a temporary pileup of work that they are struggling with. Either way, communicating this with one’s manager is essential. Employees should also take time to figure out what workflows work for them, what time or task management techniques help them stay on top of their work, etc. All this can help keep one’s stress levels down while at work.

Give Everyone Credit

It doesn’t matter what role they fill at work, every employee is important – there is no department or role in a business that is more worthy of credit, because a good business functions like a clock, with all the components, big and small, working together to become something that is more than the sum of its parts.

People need to know that they are being valued. There are plenty of employees in a business that work hard at what they do every day, and nobody notices their work – however, at the same time, everyone would notice if they stopped doing their work. This is an unfortunate paradox in businesses, and so its important to recognise what certain roles bring to a business, especially the invisible work that keeps businesses ticking over. Taking the time to acknowledge every person’s work, understand the importance of it, and let them know that the business is grateful for it.

Invest in Staff

Another thing that can easily disincentivise someone at work is when they feel like they are going nowhere with their job. Some people may work in the same role for years, and the nature of their work has hardly changed in that time. It is important for a business to invest in their staff. This could mean a number of things – for example, a business might pay for an employee to receive training in a certain aspect of their field. Or perhaps, give them opportunities to expand their role. Or, a business may want to give them the chance to explore different roles in the business – for instance, they may be an IT specialist working on the helpdesk, but they may want to get more experience with projects. Investing in staff by offering them opportunities to grow in their role, or explore different work, can go a long way in improving their job satisfaction.

Who Pays Closing Costs in Florida? How Much Are They?

To buy a house in Miami, FL, it is better to use the services of a Miami real estate agency, for example, Cardinal Realty, since real estate transactions can’t be carried out without intermediaries. As a rule, agencies operate within the same state, but highly qualified specialists have connections with colleagues from other states.

After choosing realtors in Miami, a client sends them a questionnaire indicating wishes as a buyer of real estate. Based on this information, the specialist will offer options to the customer according to their wishes. The customer, accompanied by a realtor from CardinalMiami, looks at the selected apartments or houses, and the seller is also present. If both parties are satisfied, the contract is signed, and payment is made.

A real estate transaction is a fairly complex process that involves many players and many moving parts. Closing costs occur when property ownership passes from the seller to the buyer. The total closing costs depend on where the property is being sold and the assigned value. Homebuyers typically pay between 2% and 5% of the purchase price, but closing costs may be paid by either the seller or the buyer.

Property tax in the US is required to be paid twice a year. The usual due date for payment of the relevant invoices is March 1 and September 1. At the transaction’s closing, the buyer pays the tax for the first time and at the beginning of the new tax year.

How to Join the Association of Realtors in Miami?

Who are realtors, and why are they needed in America? Firstly, the American real estate association makes it difficult to buy or rent a house on your own. Everyone in Florida values ​​their time, and therefore, when they want to sell a house or rent an apartment, they prefer to turn to professional realtors. Secondly, even though Internet sites and applications help buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants, developers, and investors are widespread in the United States, the information on these resources is far from reality. In fact, their purpose is advertising, thanks to which people, one way or another, turn to realtors from CardinalMiami.com since only they have access to professional platforms.

A higher education diploma is optional to work as a realtor in Miami. Special colleges and faculties for this specialty are not provided, but a package of restrictions for those who decide to become real estate agents Miami, FL, exists. The applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Age at least 18 years old.
  • Have US citizenship. It is preferable to live in the same state where you intend to operate.
  • No convictions.

In general, you can’t become a realtor without appropriate education. A beginner needs to attend real estate pre-licensing classes. They are different in terms of their volume and duration. It all depends on the state where the work is scheduled, and the classes are conducted. Their average duration fluctuates around 40-60 academic hours. Upon completion, you will have to take a paid exam.

A license is issued after completing the classes and passing the exam (which is accepted after a minimum level of answers to questions of 70%). Without it, it is impossible to work as a realtor in Miami. In addition, realtors will have to pay a fine if something goes wrong and the client loses money. To gain practical skills, you can go to the assistant of a Miami real estate agent to the best CardinalMiami agency. Many people start their careers in this way.

Searching for A Nonprofit Clinic in Texas?


As we slowly return to what we consider normal, the pandemic has taught us just how valuable health is and how wealth means nothing without it. Thanks to our superheroes, we made it through.

Victory Medical Center is a center to visit if you need primary care physicians you can trust. Here, you get comprehensive primary care that extends to your family. So, if there are any medical concerns, everyone has access to a care provider. Visitors also don’t have to worry if it’s something the VictoryMed.com physicians can care for.

Patients should be able to comfortably explain why they need to see a doctor. If your medical concerns are standard, patients get to pay the Taxes doctors for a checkup.

The sole aim of this institution is to deliver adequate care to every one of its patients.

The Austin Primary Care Physicians

Everyone should have access to good healthcare. When we feel sick or in an emergency,  we need a doctor we can trust. Someone to give accurate medical advice and prescribe your medical needs. This is very helpful, especially when there is an emergency and you need immediate assistance.

Now, it is possible to have a family physician at VictoryMed.com physicians. Profit isn’t the objective, so you can trust the guidance on which treatments options are available and recommended. You could visit once every year or if you need assistance with treating chronic conditions.

Built on a foundation of mutual trust, patients can freely ask questions relating to their health care concerns or primary health care.

Advantages of Using A Primary Care Center

According to a recent study, people who receive primary health care services in the US have a better overall healthcare experience. This is what makes visiting a primary healthcare center so beneficial.


In a health care center, you have one physician that can treat you and your family members. This means your physician knows everything from immunizations to headaches and blood pressure someone who knows your entire medical history. In an emergency, you’re confident your physician is well aware of what you need.


In a primary health care center, you have access to a wide variety of health services that fall under preventive care and screenings or care for chronic pain and conditions such as hypertension, asthma, and high fever.

Early Detection

Regular checkups in primary healthcare with a specific physician increase your chances of early detection when it’s easiest to treat.

Better Communication

With the relationship that is likely to improve over time, visiting the clinic becomes less stressful. It is easier to talk about sensitive issues when you’re familiar with the physician and the staff of the clinic.

Solving the Challenge of Mental Health Treatment Access in North Dakota

Mental Health

Are you looking for mental health treatment in North Dakota? If so, then you’re not alone. Mental illness is a tough topic to discuss and the perceived stigma that surrounds it can occasionally make it even more difficult to find someone who will listen, let alone help. In this blog post, we will talk about the challenges of mental health issues in North Dakota as well as some of the solutions.

Why North Dakota Struggles With Access to Treatment

Approximately half of North Dakota’s population lives in rural areas, which makes it difficult to get the mental health treatment they need. The nearest provider might be  100 miles away. Making this kind of commute is simply not an option for some, while others may be unwilling to do something so extreme.

Because of how difficult it can be to access these resources for some people, many mental illnesses in the state go untreated. This can lead to a number of problems, such as:

  • Worsening mental health condition
  • People turning to drugs or alcohol for relief
  • Relationship problems

Solutions to the Mental Health Treatment Deficit

While this challenge is very real, it is also something that is being alleviated. Some solutions that could help you find mental health rehab in North Dakota or other kinds of treatment are:

Mental Health Services in Fargo

Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota, with over 100,000 people living within the area. This means that there are plenty of providers for mental health services here as well as treatments for alcohol and drug addiction, which are also problems that the state faces.

Mental Health Services in Grand Forks

Grand Forks, another large city in the state with over 50,000 people living there. Grand Forks offers lots of options for inpatient, outpatient, and dual diagnosis treatment as well.

Mental Health Services in Bismarck-Mandan

Bismark is part of a larger metropolitan area that has over 70,000 people living there. This area offers a variety of mental health services, including inpatient and outpatient care.

Telehealth Options

If you live in a rural community, you may not have immediate access to all of the same forms of treatment, but you do have access to a lot of treatment options through telehealth. One thing that some people are unaware of is that therapists and other mental health care providers can provide telehealth care to anyone in the state they are licensed in, regardless of their location.

Since telehealth is a relatively new form of care, some people aren’t sure what to expect when they’re looking for mental health services through this method. Some benefits include:

  • It is less expensive than traditional inpatient or outpatient treatment options (in many cases)
  • It can be done from home with very little setup or preparation
  • It is time-saving since you can do it from the comfort of your own home at a time that is convenient for you
  • It is a great option for people who are uncomfortable with traditional care settings

The Bottom Line

Íf you suffer from a mental illness, mental health treatment is a critical part of maintaining your overall well-being. If you are struggling to find access to the care that you need, know that there are options available to you. No matter where you live in North Dakota, there is likely a provider within the state who can help you get on the path to recovery.

Sports Participation and its Positive Effect on School Grades


Early morning wake-ups, attend school, practice or participate in a scheduled game, time for homework, and then repeat. The life of a student-athlete isn’t a simple one; obtaining the perfect harmony between academics and athletic achievement isn’t for the fainthearted. However, a general misconception that sports participation in school/college negatively affects student grading and overall performance needs to be addressed. 

Firstly, becoming eligible to partake in sports requires a 2.0 GPA at most schools. This instantly removes the stigmata attached and proves the theory mentioned above to be misinformation. Secondly, it’s scientifically proven that regular exercise benefits mental and physical health; this should have nothing but a positive impact on grades and school life in general.

A CDC report states: “increased time in physical education appears to have a positive relationship or no relationship with academic achievement. Increased time in physical education does not appear to affect academic achievement negatively. Eleven of the fourteen studies found one or more positive associations between school-based physical education and indicators or academic performance; the remaining three studies found no significant associations.”

A great example is found at the basketball college programs in Michigan. Studies held by Michigan State University added to the overwhelming evidence that partaking in recreational sports can enhance grade scores while encouraging students to return for another year. Between the 1,850 students who participated in sports at MSU, the average grade was 3.25 on completing their first year compared to a 3.07 GPA for those inactive from sports.

A significant number of those highest achieving grades stemmed from the basketball court, shining a positive light on Michigan States loving relationship with the sport. Beyond the college campuses, Michigan Sportsbooks offers the mathematically skilled a chance to capitalize on the sports betting market. Available odds can be studied across the college basketball markets, including many other sports.

But it’s more than a love for basketball and positive grades; the aforementioned studies additionally proved that students who participated in recreational sports were less likely to drop out or fail within their first year. In fact, a massive 40% of students under college sports programs would move onto sophomore status and 3 times more inclined to return to the university.

At the end of the year, students who played sports dropped or failed a total average of six credits compared to 7.7 credits among non-playing students,” said Michigan States lead author and graduate of the school’s kinesiology PhD program.  

Most previous studies regurgitated survey results, but MSU has delivered some of the most robust evidence that sports activity offer an imperative factor in a student’s advancements. The student studies at MSU were paired based on GPA, gender, race, and socioeconomic prominence. Lastly, they were correlated to whether they partook in domestic sports.

The only thing that was different between these students was whether they played or not,” commented the professor of kinesiology at MSU. “Everything else was matched.”.

As of 2022, over ten thousand MSU students partake in domestic sports; this exceeds the American national average of 7,000.

It should be highlighted that you don’t need to be exceptionally talented at basketball, or sports in general, to participate in college sporting activities. But the route of participation is often encouraged at MSU and numerous other states across the country.

Studies outside of MSU have consistently demonstrated that physical activity points towards a healthier lifestyle, including a more outstanding performance on cerebral or intellectual ability tests. Certain studies imply the results can be reasonable; a mere ten-minute walk can generate prompt results. Overall, most studies relating to fitness and grades will give irrefutable evidence that more exercise will ultimately lead to a growth in mental capabilities.

It’s now unquestionable that physical activity provides numerous health benefits. Whether it’s dedicating your time or practicing an individual sport, team sport, pick-up game, gym visits, or regular and light daily exercise – taking care of your body will allow the mind to replicate the positivity in these significant or minor achievements. When considering these factors, it’s a no-brainer that sports participation has a more positive effect on school grades than it doesn’t. 

Online presence: It’s meaning and benefits to your adult SEO website

Writing in a computer

By now, you must be wondering what online presence truly means. We often use maxims that we don’t know their meanings, but because it sounds contextually right, we adopt them. One of such concepts is online presence. It is, however, worth noting that presence is life, is appearance, attitude, charisma, and could be personality. So, in a nutshell, having an online presence exists on the internet space. It could be detailed into where and how you can be found online. What you stand for in the internet space is what your online presence means.

So, does your adult SEO have the online presence it needs to increase the traffic on the site? How many monthly subscribers does it have? Do you have a Twitter handle? Facebook page? Or an Instagram page connected to your website? All these are what could help your online presence grow. Everybody is your prospective customer, irrespective of whether they are interested in what you are selling or the services you are rendering. Content from your adult SEO website could change a person’s orientation of what the adult entertainment industry is about. So, what is your online presence saying about you?

Peradventure, you’ve been contemplating having an online presence for your adult SEO website; here are some of the benefits of having one. This should help you in making the right decision

It helps to increase traffic:

One of the main reasons you want your adult SEO website to rank on Google’s first page is the page views and traffics. It is important that you have your content optimized to achieve this, amongst several other important factors that must be considered. However, you could also do this by having a solid online presence. Having a vast online presence on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are some of the best means of increasing the traffics generated to your website since you’d be having lots of clicks from other clients outside the normal Google search. You could have a simple post on your Twitter handle, and curiosity will make some of those on your Twitter engagement visit your website. This way, they didn’t locate your website from Google directly; they got to know your website from your online presence on Twitter. So, for adult SEO website to generate more traffics part from those from Google search, you need an online presence

Helps to grow your audience:

As mentioned earlier, having an online presence has a huge influence on your adult website growth. Everybody is your prospective audience, even those that have not heard or been into the adult entertainment industry for once. You could easily make them your audience by having an active online presence. Imagine having a post about “How to make a woman happy on bed” on your Facebook page. Anybody could see it and read it, from there; the reader might be impressed to click your profile for your website link. If you have awesome content on your website, that’s another audience that would probably subscribe to your website for post updates. When we think of traffic and website growth, we think it comes from Google alone. That’s not true, it could come from anywhere, and all you need to do is have the right content your reader wants per time. If you can answer all their questions, you can be sure of a large audience outside Google page ranking.

Help you understand the concept of search intent:

One of the main reasons you need to have an online presence is getting closer to your audience. Outside your adult website, it is important that you have an avenue to interact with your audience and know what they want and what they intend to read next about the adult entrainment industry. This would help inform your content creation skill and help you grow your Google page ranking. With this, you understand the frequently asked questions, keywords, and what the traders would most likely search when visiting Google. The concept of search engine optimization is broader, and archiving optimization might come in various ways. So, ensure you and your audience have a neutral ground where discussions are raised, alongside suggestions and improvements to be done.

Several SEO agencies could help you grow your adult SEO website. All you need is to find the best from the rest and take every of the options available, even if it means having an active online presence.

How to Calculate Your Profit from Swapping BHD for Other Cryptocurrencies?


BitcoinHD or BHD is a relatively new cryptocurrency. It was launched in 2018 and is based on Proof of Capacity. The primary goal of introducing this cryptocurrency was to make the crypto mining process available and affordable for everyone. Furthermore, utilizing the hard disks as the participants of consensus makes it possible to reduce power consumption significantly.

The price of BitcoinHD is 0,2688 USD. The max supply of the crypto is 21,00 M. The market cap is $1,64 M. HD features lower mining cost, lower heat dissipation, and lower noise. While it becomes more and more difficult to mine BTC coins now, more and more newbies pay attention to BHD.

There is one significant point about BHD cryptocurrency. Although it’s good for mining, it’s not the best choice for investments and trading. What is more, this digital asset has a somewhat limited scope of application. No wonder, after you mine the needed number of coins, it’s necessary to swap them for other tokens. 

And here the question comes. There are so many versatile platforms offering easy and instant crypto exchange options on the Internet. It’s not easy to make the right choice. For instance, LetsExchange.io – instant crypto exchange, allows you to convert BHD to BTC, ETH, and others in a couple of minutes. To cope with this task, you have to take the following steps:

  • Visit the website of an online converter to launch a mobile application;
  • Fill in an online form by selecting BHD and a digital asset you desire to get. It should be highlighted that not all exchanges support BHD. It’s necessary to clarify this aspect before proceeding to exchange;
  • Provide the digital wallet address;
  • Send the needed amount;
  • Wait until the exchange process is finished.     

To catch the most profitable rates, it’s necessary to monitor the market. Cryptocurrencies tend to fluctuate. It happens because of supply and demand. Moreover, the price volatility is also formed by investor and user sentiments, government regulations, and media hype. The thing is, there are several types of online converters. Some of them imply that users have to choose the most profitable rate independently. It’s not very convenient and takes lots of time. Another type of exchange, for instance, Letsexchange.io, finds the most beneficial offers on its own. You have just to provide the details of the swap. 

When dealing with crypto conversion, users have to pay various fees. They depend on copious factors withdrawal fees, network fees, or exchange processing fees. The number of charged fees and their sizes depend on the service you utilize.    

What is more, it’s necessary to check whether you have to pay taxes for exchange or not. In most cases, no fees are charged. Yet, it depends on the location. Thus, it’s better to clarify this aspect to calculate the profit in the right way.  

The easiest way to calculate the profits from swapping BHD for cryptocurrencies is to use an online calculator of the crypto converter. The programs calculate everything for you. Different platforms charge different fees. Your task is to select the most profitable one. 

How Scammers Can Steal Your Cryptocurrency: Buy Securely


Today, the security of cryptocurrency is an urgent issue for many investors. Why? Due to the active interest in a new type of electronic money of hundreds of thousands of Internet users, including hackers. You are not going to become the hero of a crime story? Then, we will be happy to help you. If you want to invest your money in Bitcoin or Ether but soberly assess the threats of cryptocurrencies — this article is for you. You will also find more info on https://alligat0r.com/custom/exchange-pairs/0.03/eth/eur/info.

How to Buy Cryptocurrency Securely?

If you have not yet become the owner of bitcoins and want to know how to buy cryptocurrency safely, our advice to you: use only secure cryptocurrency exchanges.

The best exchanges are those that have been online for many years, and even better, work for European markets. Any exchange platform should have at least a few dozen positive and some negative reviews on the network. Read negative reviews especially carefully! Many reputable and safe cryptocurrency exchanges are adapted for non-English-speaking users. This will be a plus for those who have minimal knowledge of foreign languages.

What Dangers Should Crypto Owners Be Aware Of?

The main danger of cryptocurrency is that once you lose it, you will no longer be able to recover or return it. The security of the cryptocurrency is not provided by the state. This guarantees the impunity of the attackers for almost 100%. Even if you have all the necessary hack evidence in your hands, you can hardly do anything about it. That is why we recommend that you pay so much attention to the security of your cryptocurrency account.

In addition, it is human to err. You can lose the access key, forget the password from one of the authentication stages, or lose the physical wallet-storage of the cryptocurrency, left with nothing. Crypto keys can be easily stolen or lost with the proper skill level of fraudsters or a low level of security of the owner!

In addition, cybercriminals have invented many types of fraud, among which the leading ones are:

  • Ransomware. Over the past year, there have been several outbreaks of a virus that encrypts all data on a computer, with the requirement to pay a ransom for files in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies were stolen along with personal data;
  • Fake wallets. There is now an abundance of fake wallets, almost completely copying the real ones. This situation brings great inconvenience to both companies that manage wallets and the holders of cryptocurrencies themselves;
  • Fake cryptocurrency. One of the clearest examples of such fraud is the Onecoin currency. More than one thousand people have invested in it before the coin disappeared. The lack of blockchain and mining resources did not bother investors;
  • Fraudulent exchanges. Too favorable exchange rates, lack of reviews, a short registration period are a sure sign that during the exchange the user may not receive a cent. You should use only reliable services like Alligat0r exchange aggregator.
  • Fraudulent ICOs. This is a type of fundraising, which involves the purchase of a new cryptocurrency for an existing one. There are frequent cases of creating fraudulent platforms. For example, police managed to reveal the ICO of scammers who have collected more than 10 million dollars in such a way.

Online Divorce in New York | Cost and Steps in 2022


In 2010, New York became the last state to enact a no-fault divorce statute, streamlining the divorce process into a few mandatory steps. Spouses no longer needed to point out the other partner’s misconduct to initiate a divorce.

In addition, it made it easier for couples to file for an uncontested divorce. They can start it online with as little time and money as the couple’s amicability affords.

Let’s see what you should know about divorce proceedings in New York.

What Goes into the Cost of Divorce?

Although divorce has a reputation as a pricey solution to end one’s marriage, the total will depend on three main things.

Contested Divorce / Uncontested Divorce

For one, if you have no intention to accuse your spouse of infidelity, abandonment, or cruelty, you can claim “irreconcilable differences” as a reason for getting a divorce and have an uncontested divorce, which is the least expensive in any state. Those claimants who choose fault-based grounds for divorce are responsible for presenting evidence to prove the case.

Divorce discovery usually doesn’t come cheap. And each spouse has to hire legal counsel and pay an hourly fee which generally starts at $300 per hour in New York.

The Complexity of Arrangements

Suppose you both opt for an uncontested divorce, now you are in the middle of settling your estate and family arrangements. If you have children and property, you have to decide on the child custody split, child support payments, and property division.

There are several options, and each has its price tag. The zero-cost option is for you and your spouse to draft an agreement on custody, support, and distribution of property and debts on your own without an attorney. The judge will review it and sign a divorce decree if it’s fair.

If you don’t want to risk agreeing on something that can potentially turn out detrimental for you or your children in the long term, have an attorney review your settlement agreement (and pay for an hour or two of their time).

Another variant is to let an attorney do the paperwork for you. The price for a flat-fee divorce package depends on whether a couple has minor children and property. In New York, flat fee divorces cost $500 to $1,400.

Legal Assistance or Web Divorce

By agreeing to decide on the divorce-related issues amicably, spouses can consider self-representation, mediation, or using a web-based company to help with the paperwork. 

Mediators assist spouses in reaching an agreement on divorce-related issues and drafting a settlement agreement. Internet divorce services help spouses prepare the divorce papers, memorialize their decisions in a settlement agreement, and provide instructions to file the paperwork with the court. In New York, preparing an application for divorce online will cost you $139 to $500.

What Are the Steps for Filing for Divorce in New York? 

Here’s a standard divorce procedure for an uncontested divorce in New York.

Step 0. Ensure your eligibility.

Meet the residency requirements: (1) either both spouses are residents of New York State when they apply for divorce, or either spouse has lived in the state for at least two years; or if the spouses were married in the state, they have lived in New York State for at least one year. (2) In case of “irretrievable breakdown of a marriage,” spouses must have lived separate and apart for at least 6 months before filing for divorce.

Step 1. Prepare the forms. Obtain and complete the divorce forms. The necessary forms are available through the New York State courts website, along with DIY divorce instructions.

Or, use a Do-It-Yourself service to help you complete your divorce online. You answer questions on the online divorce service’s website and receive the completed forms in a matter of days. What’s more, you can use such platforms without leaving your home.

The forms are to be notarized and duplicated so that you have the originals and two copies.

Step 2. File the completed forms. File the originals and copies of the divorce paperwork with the court clerk. Check the e-filing County List to see whether your county supports e-filing through NYSCEF (the New York State Courts Electronic Filing system).

According to the New York State Courts website, the petitioner (or the plaintiff) will need to pay a filing fee of $210 when they file their divorce application with the court. Low-income families can submit a waiver of the court fees.

Step 3. Serve the respondent. The petitioner must inform the other spouse (referred to as the defendant in New York) of the impending divorce by handing over the divorce papers within 120 days after filing for divorce. The respondent confirms consent by signing an Affidavit of Service. The petitioner files the affidavit with the court. 

Step 4. Wait for the Respondent’s response. In an uncontested divorce, the responding spouse must file the Affidavit of Defendant agreeing to the information in the paperwork submitted by the petitioner to the court. The respondent has 40 days to do so.

Step 5. File the rest of the paperwork. In case of an uncontested divorce, right after the respondent files the affidavit, the petitioner submits the rest of the papers and learns the final court hearing date.

Step 6. Wait for a judgment. In most NY courts, petitioners receive the judgment of divorce by mail. It’s their responsibility to mail the respondent a copy of the judgment and complete another affidavit of service. 

Divorce over the Internet in New York

If both spouses agree on their divorce and sort out the terms related to property, money, and children, the odds of them having a quick and affordable divorce are considerably higher than in a contested divorce with a legal team. They will also have the option of preparing and filing the papers over the Internet. Keep in mind that it can radically cut down the cost of dissolution of marriage.