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Strong And Happy Relationships Don’t Only Require Love And Effort

meant to be together couple

Healthy, happy, and meaningful relationships require a lot more than just hard work and love. They require both you and your partner to be willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. They require you to redefine the way you understand romantic relationships, which has been immensely shaped by the culture you live in.

So, what exactly are strong, happy, and successful relationships based on?

Following are 7 important truths about relationships that will undoubtedly help you find the answer:

1. Love is not about effort. No one can deny that effort is a very important thing in a relationship. Yet, it’s not the basis. If you don’t feel love in your heart and a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual connection between you and your partner, it doesn’t matter how much effort they put into the relationship.

True love always comes naturally. You can’t force something that doesn’t exist and you can’t force anyone to be in a relationship with you.

2. Love is not about time as well. You can spend your whole life saying that your ideal partner is your best friend because you know them very well and feel the most comfortable with them. But, love is not about being with someone because they make you feel comfortable.

Love is about being in a relationship with someone you’re compatible with. Thus, you can meet someone with whom you have different backgrounds and interests and whom you never thought you could get along with, but you’ll end up together because you’re compatible.

3. Love is about consistency. You can’t be kind, compassionate, or romantic or shower your partner with affection and sweet words once in a while. You have to do that consistently. You have to be consistent in the effort you invest in the relationship and fully commit yourself to it. 

You have to consistently show your partner that you truly love and care about them, not just when you’re in a good mood or when you need something from them because the only thing you’ll achieve by treating them this way is losing them.

4. Love is about trust. You can’t have a happy, harmonious relationship if you and your significant other don’t trust each other. You can’t be in love with someone if you’re not completely sure that they’re always honest with you. That they’re faithful to you and that they deserve to put your faith in them.

If your relationship is not based on trust, you can be sure that it’ll never work. It’s simple as that.

5. Love is about respect. Healthy, meaningful, successful relationships are based on mutual respect. At the end of the day, if you can’t respect your partner or if you’re not respected by them, why are you even dating them?

When your relationship is based on trust, that means that you respect each other’s opinions, feelings, needs, wishes, and decisions. But, if this is not the way you treat your partner, then there’s no doubt – you don’t love them.

6. Love is about communication.  Good, open communication is an essential key to successful relationships. So, always, make time to communicate with your significant other. Make time to share your opinions, ideas, feelings, and needs with each other.

Make time to talk about your problems with your partner, be that related to your personal life or the relationship, and find solutions that will be the best for both of you.  Never let a day pass by without asking them how they spent their day.

And when they’re not around, send them a message to tell them you miss them or call them to just check up on them and make sure they’re okay. Trust me, this will mean a lot to them.

7. Last but not least, love is about friendship. People usually say that the base of a long-term relationship is friendship, and I believe they’re right. There’s nothing better than knowing that you can share your story with your partner.

Nothing makes you feel happier and more relieved than when you share your deepest thoughts, insecurities, and fears with your significant other without being afraid they might judge and criticize you. It feels really good when you’re not afraid to show them your vulnerable and darkest sides without fearing they might call you “too emotional,” “weak,” or “crazy.”

There’s nothing better than when you know you can be yourself when they’re round and that they love and cherish you just the way you are.

If He Wanted, He Would. If He Wants You, He’d Be With You

if he wanted to he would

If he wanted to be with you he would, he’d make that happen. He’d be with you. 

I know. It’s hard and painful to accept this. But, don’t you think that it’s better to be told the ugly, cruel truth than to be comforted with sugar-coated lies?

Since although facing the harsh truth is difficult and heart-wrenching, this same truth is going to mend your heart and heal your emotional wounds way faster than any lie would. (1)

You are a tough and smart person. You’ve been through a lot in life. So, come on, admit it: If he wanted to be with you, he would make that happen. 

If he wanted to keep you in his life, he wouldn’t have treated you the way he did. It’s as simple as that.

If this man, to whom you so selflessly gave your heart and soul, felt for you at least half the amount of love you felt for him, he wouldn’t have decided to break up with you.

If he was aware of what an amazing woman he had in his life, he wouldn’t have let go of you.

I know it’s easier to believe that he just feels confused or that he’s going through some rough time and is therefore not ready to fully commit to you. But, that’s not true. (2)

This is just an excuse you’re making so as to feel better and calm yourself because you still can’t face the truth – the truth that if he wanted to be with you, he would make that happen.

Because, you know, when a man really loves a woman, nothing, absolutely nothing, can stand in the way. There’s no obstacle, problem, or person that could prevent him from being with her.

When a man is truly in love, he makes time for his woman. He doesn’t make her wonder why he seems detached. He doesn’t make her doubt his love for her.

When a man truly loves a woman, he puts effort in the relationship.

He wears his heart on his sleeve and shows how much she means to him.

He stays by her side through thick and thin.

So, as much as you’d like to think otherwise, there isn’t a reason why he’s not by your side today, other than the fact that he’s not into you and he’d rather be somewhere else.

Nothing hurts more than when you’re truly and deeply in love with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Someone who doesn’t choose you.

And I know, it’s easier when he’s an emotionally unavailable, selfish, inconsiderate being who is just taking advantage of you. It’s easier when he’s a manipulative, dishonest person who is playing with your feelings. (3)

However, it’s a lot more difficult when he’s a nice guy and you still have to let him go. When he’s a kind, compassionate person, but he simply doesn’t feel about you the way you feel about him.  Or when he has feelings for you, but he isn’t sure if you’re the one.

But, regardless of the type of person he is, you need to remember that this is not about him, but about you, moving forward with your life. Because no matter how long you were together, or how great memories you two have, or how nice he was to you, he is not into you.

He doesn’t want to be with you.

It’s hard and painful to admit this, but that’s the truth.

I wish I could tell you he just needs more time, or he’s just afraid to commit, or he’s just building walls around him and it’s your job to break them. But, if I told you this, I’d be lying.

And maybe there’s a way for you to accept the truth. Just think about how you feel about him. Think about how genuine, pure, and deep your love for him is. Think about the fact that although you were scared of committing yourself to someone, you still wanted to be with him.

You know that there’s no other place you’d rather be than in his arms. You know he’s the one.

Well, he never felt those things for you.

But, don’t blame yourself for that. It was not your fault that the relationship fell apart. It wasn’t his fault either. Because love doesn’t always work out the way we want it.  

Sometimes, you are not meant to be together.

Sometimes the universe has other plans for you.

So, stop blaming yourself.

Stop convincing yourself that he misses you.

Stop hoping he might change his mind and get back to you.

Stop imagining your future with him.

Let go of him and make room for someone who will be sure about his love for you and who will be willing to commit to you.

He’s gone. What you had is gone. The only thing that’s here, staring at you, is the truth. The truth that if he wanted to be with you, he would be with you.

This Goes To The Woman Who Loves Honestly And Deeply: Your Heart Is Special

woman loves too hard

This goes to you – the woman who loves honestly and deeply. The woman who loves selflessly, unconditionally, and wholeheartedly. The woman who loves too hard.

Are you wondering how I know this? Because I am like you. The sadness, disappointment, and pain you’ve experienced in life are all familiar to me. I know how you feel.

So, hear me out: Never listen to those that tell you that you love too hard. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re overly sensitive, needy, clingy, or boring. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re difficult to deal with. Don’t let anyone tell you: “You love too much. Never get too attached to people. Keep your emotions to yourself.” Yes, I know what it feels like to be told these things.

Don’t let anyone tell you these things since your love can never be too much. Your heart is as big as to absorb all the love in the world. Your heart is rare. It’s unique.  

I need you to know you’re not wrong. You’re not weird. It’s not you who is weak, but them. They want to love the way you do, but they’re afraid they’ll get hurt. They don’t know what pure and deep love feels like because no one has ever shown them love like yours. They aren’t as strong as you are.

You’re too kind and compassionate. You give your heart, mind, and body to the person you love. You completely invest yourself in your relationships.

When one loves as you do, it means they shouldn’t be judged for the way they express their love. They should never worry whether their love is “too much.”

Selfishness is a concept you know nothing of. When you are tired, worried, or sad, you don’t focus on your feelings and needs but you take care of those of other people. When you’re having bad days or going through tough times, you worry others will think that you’re oversensitive and self – absorbed. They don’t care about how you feel.

You have taught people that you come second because you always put them first.

For people like us, falling in love comes naturally. W e don’t see it as something to be won over or to play with someone’s feelings. We know how we want to be treated, looked at, spoken to, touched. We believe that if we love people unconditionally, they’ll love us in the same way. Yet, that almost never happens.

But, you know what? Maybe some people don’t deserve to be loved that way. Some just aren’t worth fighting for.

You never leave others when they need your advice, help, or support. You treat them with respect and dignity although they don’t deserve your kindness. You put in a lot of effort to make others happy although you know deep down they won’t give you anything in return.

Oftentimes, you think the whole world is against you. You feel like nothing you do is ever good enough. Whatever you say or dopeople are never satisfied with you. But, never blame yourself when others fail to understand you or leave you. Don’t let their cruel behavior determine your value and happiness.

Do you often wonder why people can’t understand you? Well, if you do, you better stop now because you’ll never find the answer. They aren’t like you. Their soul is unlike yours. They don’t see people the way you do. Your heart is different from theirs – it’s rear.

They don’t know anything about the burden you carry on your shoulders. They don’t know that your heart has been broken many times and you were left to pick up the pieces by yourself.

Trust me, you’re special. Let others think and say whatever they want about you because you’re much more than that.

Don’t let others make you question yourself. Don’t let them shatter your confidence and hopes. You’re strong, smart, and capable. There’s a lot of strength and courage inside of you, you just need to find it.

I need you to know that you deserve to be surrounded by people who will treat you with love, kindness, and compassion – the way you treat others. Don’t you ever doubt that you deserve that.

Accept yourself just the way you are. Don’t change your attitude towards people. Don’t let your love scare you. Don’t hide your heart because it’s a blessing, not a curse. Yet, learn to be careful who you give it to and protect yourself.

Give your heart to the one who will know its worth and who will love you too hard – like the way you do. Give it to the man who will appreciate you and who will be grateful for having such an amazing person in his life – YOU.


Someone reminding you to love yourself as much as you love others.

We Don’t Meet Anyone By Chance: People Enter Our Lives For A Reason

no coincidence

We don’t meet anyone by accident. People are meant to enter our lives for a reason.

No matter where you are headed on the journey called life, you cross paths with people that come from different educational, religious, professional, and socio-economic backgrounds every day. And regardless of how long they stay in your life, these people don’t enter your life by chance. Instead, they cross your path for a reason.

Some people walk into your life to encourage you to pursue your dreams and goals and teach you how to work on and improve yourself. And other people cross your path to teach you that sometimes life can get very difficult and that no one is immune to sadness, fear, anger, and emotional pain.

Nevertheless, they all add value to your life and teach you important lessons about it.

Here are 7 synchronistic encounters that prove that we don’t meet anyone by chance:

1. The ones that remind you.

Have you ever felt like you’ve lost the purpose of your life? Well, these people come into your life to help you return to the right path to your success and happiness. They remind and encourage you to work hard towards your goals and avoid all distractions that could make you deviate from the right path.

They usually share the same interests with you and they’re always there to remind you of your abilities and strength and to motivate you to keep progressing. These people usually stay with you for a temporary period, but their effect on your life lasts forever.

2. The ones that push you to grow.

These people are like teachers who come into your life to teach you things you’ve never thought about before. Oftentimes, they teach you difficult lessons so as to help you further your personal and professional growth. They help you choose the right direction to become the best version of yourself.

3. The ones who awaken you.

There are people who don’t stay long in your life but they still have a deep impact on you. This kind of people helps you to fulfill your passions and dreams. They motivate you to never give up. 

They encourage you to find new ways and take steps to reach your goals, no matter how high they are. They inspire you to never stop dreaming.

4. The ones who inspire you to practice the art of gratitude.

These people enter your life to make you become more aware of and grateful for everything you have in life. They make you feel more grateful to those who truly love you and care about you for everything they do for you.

They make you appreciate your successes and achievements more. They make you feel more grateful for every opportunity you receive in life to work on yourself, pursue your goals, and nurture your relationships, both romantic and otherwise.

5. The ones who break your heart.

These people cross your path to show you the ugly, painful side of life firsthand. They break your heart. They betray your trust. They shatter your hope.

In this way, they teach you things about yourself that you never knew existed. They encourage you to find your inner strength to heal your emotional wounds and move on with your life. They make you believe that you have what it takes to overcome any pain life may send your way.

6. The ones who hold space.

These people stay the shortest in your life. You meet them every day and as soon as they cross your path, you forget about them. These are the people you meet at parties, on the bus, in the mall, or simply on the streets. You can have a small talk with them about everyday stuff, but you never make a deep and meaningful connection with them.

7. The ones who stay.

Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or your partner, these people are difficult to find, but they’re the most valuable people you’ll ever meet. These are the people who stay by your side and lift you up when you’re at your lowest.

They encourage you to do things you never thought you would be able to do. They usually share the same interests and goals with you and they always want the best for you.

In order for you to find these people, you have to be patient. But, once you find them, they’ll stay with you for good and you’ll see that they are definitely worth every second of the time you spent waiting for them.


A tour inside the brain – What happens when you develop Alzheimer’s and dementia?

The human brain is undeniably the most powerful organ of the body and yet it weighs only 3 pounds. It is comprised of texture that is similar to firm jelly and has 3 parts – the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem. The cerebrum is that part that fills up major part of your skull and it is responsible for problem-solving, remembering, feeling and thinking. This part also controls the way you move. The cerebellum is the portion at the back of your head just under the cerebrum and this part plays a role in maintaining your balance and coordination. Beneath the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum lies the brain stem which is the bridge between the brain and spinal cord. This part functions in digestion, breathing, blood pressure and heart rate.

The richest networks of blood vessels nourish your brain and if you’re thinking really hard, your brain will consume 50% of the oxygen and fuel that it receives. Did you know that with every heartbeat, arteries transfer around 20-25% of the blood to the human brain? There are billions of cells that consume 25% of the fuel and oxygen that is carried by blood.

Straight under the microscope – How Alzheimer’s alters the entire brain

When a person develops Alzheimer’s disease, this leads to the death of nerve cells and tissues all over the brain. Eventually, the brain shrinks drastically thereby having an impact on all the functions of the organ. Scientists can even witness the harsh effects of Alzheimer’s disease when they take a look at the tissues of the brain under the microscope. They’re still not sure about the reason that causes death of cells and loss of tissues in a brain that is affected by Alzheimer’s.

Tangles and plaques usually spread throughout the cortex in a pre-set pattern with the progression of Alzheimer’s. The progression rate varies from one person to another. A person suffering from Alzheimer’s usually lives for 4-8 years after being diagnosed but he can survive with the disease for as long as 2 more decades, depending on the course of the disease and the age of the person. A person with several other health conditions may suffer more than someone who only has Alzheimer’s. Most of the disability care service providers report that majority of their patients are above 55 years of age.

Dementia – A detailed study on the disease of forgetfulness

Dementia is an umbrella term used for describing a collection of symptoms which are caused by several disorders that affect the brain. This is not a single disease but it affects behavior, thinking and the patient’s ability to carry on with his regular tasks. Functioning of the human brain is impacted in such a manner that it interferes with the social and working life of a person. Incapability of carrying out regular activities is a hallmark of dementia and it results from declined cognitive ability.

Physicians usually diagnose dementia whenever two or more cognitive functions get impaired. The functions are as follows:

  • Language skills
  • Memory
  • Spatial skills
  • Understanding of information
  • Attention
  • Judgment


People who have dementia usually have solving issues and controlling emotions. They can even go through agitation, changes in personality, hallucinations and delusions. The symptoms that a person may face will be based on the brain parts that are damaged due to the disease. Few of the nerve cells inside the brain stop functioning, others lose connections and few cells even die.

Pivotal biological processes inside the brain

Any healthy human brain consists of tens of billions of neurons which are nothing but specialized cells that transmit and process information through chemical and electrical signals. Neurons are responsible for sending messages to various parts of the brain, to and from the brain to the different organs of the body. As soon as someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, this leads to a discontinuation of communication of the neurons thereby leading to death of cells and lack of proper functioning.

The neurons usually have 3 main parts – a cell body, several dendrites and one axon.

  • Cell body comprises of the nucleus which is home to the genetic blueprint that monitors the activities of the cells.
  • Dendrites are structures that look similar to branches that reach out from the cell body in order to gather information from the other neurons.
  • The axon is a cable-like thing lying at the end of the cell body and that transmits messages to all the other neurons.

The survival and function depends on different biological processes like:

  • Communication: Neurons are always in touch with brain cells and whenever it gets a signal, it generates electrical charge which moves from the axon and releases neurotransmitter chemicals in a tiny gap which is called synapse. Communication usually occurs through a wide network of brain cells and it is believed that one neuron has as many as 7000 synaptic connections with multiple other neurons.
  • Repair and remodeling: Unlike several cells in the body that are short-lived, neurons can live for a long time, more than 100 years in human beings. Neurons have a characteristic of repairing and maintaining themselves. Neurons can weaken or strengthen synaptic connection or break connections with a group of neurons with a different group.
  • Metabolism: Metabolism is the process of breaking of nutrients and chemicals inside a cell and this is crucial for the survival and functioning of a healthy cell. In order to perform these functions, cells need energy in the form of glucose and oxygen that are supplied by circulation of blood through the brain. The brain gets the richest supplies of blood and also consumes nearly 20% of the energy that is utilized by the human body.

Hence, as we see that neurons play an imperative role in operating the central nervous system, there are other cells too that are equally vital for the functioning of brain health. For example, glial cells are the most numerous brain cells that even outnumber neurons. Together they work to maintain the balance that is required for the brain to function properly.

Dementia and brain exercises – How to keep your brain healthy

Irrespective of whether or not you’ve been diagnosed with dementia, it is always possible to keep your brain healthy and challenge it. Will that help you steer clear from memory loss or delay diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia? Scientists require doing more research in order to conclude whether or not both are relatable. Here are things that you should know for exercising your brain.

Can brain exercises help in procrastinating dementia?

Whenever people do things to keep their brain active, they can retain their thinking abilities till a longer time, as per medical researchers. Hence, you should always engage in puzzles, games and other sorts of brain training to alleviate memory loss and the onset of mental health issues. There was a study that involved more than 3000 adults who were more than 65 years of age. They went through sessions of brain training for a long period of 10 hours for a span of 6-7 weeks. This session particularly focused on techniques for skills like reasoning, memory and speed of receiving and understanding information.

People who received training went through significant improvement in all the aforementioned skills and this lasted for around 5 years. There was also an improvement in daily tasks like doing household tasks which they’ve been doing for a long time now. But the question is whether or not brain training helps preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia. When this question was asked to care providers from dementia home care Sydney institutions, they replied in the affirmative. It is indeed possible to ward off the onset by practicing few brain exercises.

In fact, there was a study that found out that when a person exercises his brain, this delays the decline in his thinking skills. Once a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, if he starts exercising his brain more, this will alleviate the speed of mental decline. Then where lays the silver lining? Well, people who constantly challenge their brains will spend a shorter part of their life in a state of dementia, even though they may be already suffering from Alzheimer’s.

What sort of brain exercises should you practice?

This actually varies from one person to another but the ultimate idea is to challenge your brain with tasks so as to keep it active. How about beginning with something that is as easy as eating with your hand which you don’t usually do often? Few other things that you may try are:

  • Begin to learn something new like a foreign language or your favorite musical instrument
  • Play puzzles, number games or crossword games
  • Engage in board games with either your grandchildren or your kids. You may even call on your friends and sit over a game of cards. Don’t play the same old games time and again. Mix up new games. This will not only exercise your brain but also enhance your social connections
  • Sign up for adult education classes that are held only for adults
  • Play video games or online memory games so as to improve your memory

How do brain activities help in nurturing your brain?

There have been several studies done on animals to keep their mind active. This is what the researchers found on how such activities help your brain to function properly.

  • Activities diminish the extent of cell damage that may happen inside your brain due to Alzheimer’s.
  • Enhances the growth of new nerve cells and
  • Prompts all nerve cells to keep exchanging information with each other

As long as your brain is active with different tasks and exercises, this leads to a build-up of a supply of brain cells and the links within them. This might also lead to a facilitation of new brain cells. In fact, this the sole reason why scientists find a correlation between developing Alzheimer’s and low education levels. The extra mental activity that occurs when a person is educated can safeguard the brain by making the connections between brain cells strong.

Love your brain – Effective methods to adopt

There is growing evidence on the fact that people can alleviate the risk of cognitive decline by adopting new lifestyle habits. Remember that it’s never too late to start off with the good habits. Here are few ways to love your brain.

  • Break into a sweaty routine: Try to engage in cardio exercises that increases the heart rate and enhances blood flow to different parts of your body. As mentioned earlier, there is a clear link between reduced cognitive decline and physical activity.
  • Start reading books: There is never a right or wrong time to educate yourself. Education reduces the risk of mental health decline and delays the onset of dementia. Join a community center or take classes at local colleges.
  • Stop smoking: There are growing evidences that link smoking with an increased risk of cognitive decline. Hence, it is suggested that you quit smoking to such a level that it can be compared with those who have never ever smoked.
  • Know your health: Few of the risk factors for stroke and heart diseases are high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. These diseases also have an adverse impact on your cognitive health. So, just as you take care of your brain, make sure you also take care of your heart.
  • Steer clear of head injury: Did you know that brain injury can increase your risk of developing dementia due to cognitive decline? This is why health experts always suggest you to use a helmet, wear a seat belt while driving and taking cautious steps while using the stairs.
  • Get enough sleep: Not getting proper sleep due to sleep apnea or insomnia may lead to problems in thinking and memory. So, catch some Zzzz’s often.

So, now that you are sure about how to keep dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay, follow the methods discussed above. If you still get diagnosed with the disease of forgetfulness, know how to battle it.

How Does Your Old Mattress Get Recycled?

Recycling has become such a part of our lifestyle that we don’t even think about it anymore. It’s like muscle memory to put all the different types of materials in their proper bin.

It is good for the environment, of course, to recycle and also good for our own mental health.

What happens to big items, though? I mean the things we don’t often throw away that one day no longer serve our needs? Things like mattresses, for instance.

How does a mattress get recycled?

Since you are curious, let’s go over how a mattress can find another life instead of filling up a landfill.


There may still be some life in your mattress yet. Let’s suppose that you have back problems and need to upgrade your mattress. Well, you only bought one less than five years ago and the average mattress gets around eight years of life.

If your mattress is still in good shape, you can donate it. Of course, it is a bit of a process as not every mattress will qualify. If you want to donate, then check out the mattress donation guide here.

Metal springs

If you have an old fashioned coil mattress then those springs will be melted down to be used again.

Any light metal that can be used for things like barbecues, pipes and inside small appliances.


There is a trend not to use foam filled pillows and bean bags but made out of shredded foam.

The shredded foam is a good replacement for people that don’t like how memory foam can cause them to overheat. In this case, a pillow or chair filled with shredded foam can give good comfort and allow your body heat to easily pass through and prevent you from overheating.

This is how most memory foam mattresses end up.


In some cases, the filling or wadding inside the mattress is still in good shape. If the filling is polyester, which it is most times, then it can be repurposed.

If you have a pet bed that has been filled with polyester wadding, then chances are it started out its life inside somebody’s bed.

Low grade fabric

 This is the trickiest part of the mattress to recycle. Often it is not.

The material is usually degraded to a point where it can’t be recycled. It may seem fine, but in most cases it is filled with dead skin cells and the remnants of dust mites. This is why your mattress is heavier when you get rid of it than when you bought it.

Another issue is that many mattresses are treated with chemicals such as fire retardants. This limits how it can be recycled as it creates.

Gotham Footcare’s Tips for Keeping Your Feet Healthy in the Wintertime

There is no time of year when it is more important that you attend to the health of your feet than winter. This is not only true if you live in a climate that tends to be cold in winter. These days, we know that cold weather can strike in unexpected places, so it is important to know how to keep your feet safe and healthy, regardless of where you live.

In order to find out more about keeping your feet healthy in the winter, we spoke to the experts at Gotham Footcare who have built a flourishing practice in Manhattan due to their knowledge in this area. The following are their tips for keeping your feet healthy, no matter your ideal winter pursuits.

Fit is Key

Sometimes, we are tempted to wear shoes that do not properly fit our feet in order to appear fashionable. One such fashion is wearing pointed shoes. Constricting our feet is dangerous because it reduces the blood flow to our extremities. Doing so during the winter is even more dangerous because a lack of blood flow to feet that have been exposed to freezing cold can cause the quick onset of frostbite to your toes or feet.

It is far safer to wear shoes with rounded toes that fit our feet with a small bit of room to spare at the front of the shoe. Also, we want to be careful and choose a shoe that is wide enough for our feet.

Keeping Your Feet Dry

One important issue is that, if it is snowing out, we all need to be wearing snow boots. Snow boots are designed with insulation that keeps our feet warm. Also, the good ones will have rubber over the top of the foot to keep out the moisture that is a symptom of wet wintery conditions. Also, snow boots provide proper traction for icy streets and sidewalks.

Nothing precludes you from wearing your snow boots to the office with your dress shoes or high heels in a bag and changing to your work footwear when you arrive on the job.

For Runners 

Runners can still wear their running shoes, but they need some added equipment. Wear neoprene socks for running in the snow, if and only if they fit in your shoes without constricting your feet. Neoprene socks provide both warmth for a runner’s feet as well as dryness, which keeps your feet from chilling.

Runners also need what are called “ice joggers.” These are rubber strips that attach to the bottoms of your running shoes. The rubber strips are embedded with spikes that dig into ice and snow, keeping you from falling. Also, ice joggers will help you maintain a normal stride as you run.

If you are running in a cold rain, you can use waterproof/breathable socks, such as SealSkinz. SealSkinz socks provide warmth and keep the wet out.

It is even more important to stretch all parts of your body before a winter run because our muscles are less flexible in cold weather.

Skiers and Snowboarders

The American Podiatric Medical Association suggests that ski boots allow skiers to wiggle their toes while keeping heels, insteps and balls of feet from moving.

Proper Socks for Winter

Hikers know that cotton kills. This expression refers to the fact that cotton retains a lot of moisture and is slow to dry. The problem with cotton socks for winter is that, if the socks get wet, they will be very slow to dry. Your wet feet exposed to the cold will endanger you to the risk of frostbite.

There are many manufacturers that make socks that are warm and wicking. Wicking refers to the fact that some types of advanced socks can literally draw water away from your skin. One such manufacturer of waterproof, breathable socks is Thorlo. They have been around for decades and keep your feet warm and dry.

Since wool is both warm and wicking, you can purchase wool socks for winter.

Keeping Your Feet Warm at Work

Sometimes, even formal offices are chilly during the winter. Just as you would wear a warm sweater in a chilly office, you need to consider getting a cheap electric heater that will concentrate the heat under your desk. This will keep your feet and legs warm as you work.

Avoid Fungus –

A simple practice, like drying in between your toes after your shower can help keep your feet fungus-free.

Avoiding Cracking of Your Skin

If your heels tend to crack in the winter, rub them in Vaseline. Also, make sure you drink a lot of water. Our bodies don’t tell us nearly as effectively in winter when we are thirsty, so drink up before you feel thirsty.

Check Your Feet Weekly

According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, everyone should conduct a regular foot inspection. You will want to look for swelling, bruising, ingrown toenails, blisters and calluses.

Also, keep your toenails trimmed, so they will not cut into the sides of other toes or curl under.

If You Pedicure, Play It Safe

Salons that do not follow state-mandated sanitation procedures or are not licensed put you at risk of getting a major bacterial infection. Choose pedicure salons carefully.

Since you won’t be wearing flip-flops in the winter, Footwear News suggests taking a nail polish vacation in the winter in order to allow your toe nails to strengthen.

The staff at Gotham Footcare remind patients to keep their feet warm and comfortable in the winter and wear proper, well-fitting and supportive footwear.

Methods of weight loss surgery: pros&cons

In agreement with the World Health Organization, corpulence is one of the most demanding issues over the globe. Over 1.9 billion individuals around the world are overweight. 95% of patients endure from adiposity caused by intemperate calorie absorption and poor consumption. The remaining 5% of patients endure from symptomatic corpulence that’s ordinarily based on endocrine maladies. The fight against the primary type may be a worldwide issue. So specialists develop new effective approaches for corpulence treatment taking into account patients’ physical features. According to the Bookimed reports, weight loss surgery in Turkey is the most common request among others regarding excess fat disposal. This country is especially popular for obese treatment due to conservative surgical methods use and reasonable prices.Weight loss surgery can also be affordable in America, consult BMCC for gastric sleeve cost options.

Weight loss surgery is a type of gastrointestinal operation based on stomach size elimination and, as a result, calorie consuming and absorption. Bariatric procedures help overweight people lose a lot of extra pounds, get rid of or avoid obese-related conditions like diabetes, high arterial blood pressure, etc. There are different interventional methods of morbidly obese people treatment. In this article, we describe only the key ones.Bariatric surgery procedures and their benefitsы

Stomach sleeve resection (gastric gastrectomy)

This surgical method is recognized as the most common type of morbid obesity therapy nowadays. Conducting the operation, a surgeon eliminates the stomach size and makes it look like a sleeve. As a result, the amount of consumed food decreases significantly and a person gets rid of the gross habit of body. The gastric sleeve lasts approximately 2 hours. The effectiveness of the procedures is measured by the 50-60% weight loss. However, this surgical method is nonreversible.

Gastric bypass

The stomach bypass operation is the second most frequently performed surgical type of the fight against obeseness. During the bypass procedure, a bariatric doctor cuts off the stomach part and makes a ventricle, so food directly penetrates the small intestine. Correspondingly, a person’s meals are limited as he/she cannot eat a lot of food at one sitting. The bypass lasts 1.5-2 hours. A patient stays in the hospital for 2-4 days and returns to the common lifestyle after that. This surgical method is effective enough; a person loses 60-70% of excess weight. The stomach bypass surgery is reversible, so a patient can get back the previous organ condition.

Gastric band

The gastric banding is more rarely carried out weight loss operation compared to gastric sleeve and bypass procedures. The key point of the gastric band is changing the organ size with a silicone cuff or gastric band put on the upper part of the stomach. The bandage diminishes the gastric cavity, decelerates the food moving through it, and makes a person feeling of a full belly. Short longevity is the main pros of the gastric band compared with other bariatric surgery procedures. This kind of operation takes an hour. In 100% of cases, the bandage procedure is reversible. People can lose up to 50% of the overweight. Nonetheless, this surgical method is not available in each bariatric clinic, so a patient should specify this information before the treatment start.

Places for bariatric treatments

Weight loss clinics are located in every corner of the world. Nevertheless, bariatric tourism boosts in its popularity. Why? The cost of adiposity treatment in some countries is prohibitive. It’s a key reason why thousands of patients visit other countries to get rid of the excess fat. Among the most budget variants are Asian countries — Turkey, India, and Thailand. The prices for obesity interventions in these states are 3-4 times lower than in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, or the UK. Moreover, medical facilities provide luxury services and give their patients to combine treatment with a great vacation.

The Benefits & Applications Of Life Coaching!

Life is short and precious for everyone, yet some of us keep ourselves locked and confined within ourselves. Every individual in this world has special powers and competencies, all they need to do is to explore themselves to see where they can maximize their potential.

Life coaching sessions are one of the best ways to help you find yourself and be satisfied with your well being. Life coaching is being encouraged since it has not only helped the successful and wealthy but also many not-so-well-off people who are seeking betterment in their lives. There is no harm in getting help to better your life! 

Online coaching helps in many aspects of one’s personality, like:

  • Focus
  • Aspirations
  • Inspirations
  • Goals acquirement
  • Self-awareness
  • Social strengths
  • Self-management
  • Building relationships
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Cherishing achievements
  • Living in the moments and much more

The strengths and weaknesses vary from one person to another hence the coach must be experienced and smart enough to confide within the person to get his inner potent capabilities out overpowering his/her weaknesses.

Online life coaching helps you to cultivate positive emotions and remain peaceful yet ambitious.

You get more aware of your emotions such as love, anger, joy, amusement, gratitude and much more. Once an individual empowers themselves they become powerful decision-makers.

Optimistic mental health leads to self-growth and personal development, people tend to keep themselves in a shell and are not confident to expose their inner self professionally and personally. 

Online life coaching can help build mental health so that you can attain your goals with the best version of yourself. Few common yet positive changes that are being observed through training are,

  • Long-lasting promising behavior
  • Improved health
  • Stronger bonds of relationships
  • Wise decision-making process
  • Elevated creativity
  • Enhanced performance
  • Flexible in adapting to changes
  • Ardent actions
  • Consistency in actions and results 
  • Polished interpersonal skills

In-depth researches and studies are made to program resources to help master the area you need guidance and support. The resources are gathered and compiled based on real-life success stories and experiences of people who had trouble letting out their hidden skills. There is a lot of information available online to coach yourself like,

  • Ebooks
  • Articles
  • Newsletters
  • Podcast
  • Videos
  • Audios
  • TED talks
  • Success stories
  • Books 
  • Documentaries

In today’s fast-growing world, information and knowledge are just a click away, it’s just that how a person wants to keep himself/herself intact with self-growth and attainability of resources readily available. Hence opting for online life coaching support will be beneficial in every facet of your life like parenting, business, decision making, self-confidence, respect, relationship, time management and much much more. 

So all the people out there holding yourself back, don’t be afraid just break the ice and dive into the pool to acquire knowledge to help yourself to get your locked expertise polished and strengthen them with the passage of time. The online life coaching will surely help you to make productive decisions professionally and personally. The process will aid you to achieve all your future endeavors, stay consistent at it and reach the heights of your desired goals.


Redesigning and remodeling a home can be one tiring but a very fun process especially with the results. Coming up with creative and innovative ideas can be mind-breaking but yet achievable. For anyone interested in redesigning or remodeling their home, here is some inspiring exterior home design. 

Effortless, expertly created home renovations can transform an old home to an empire and when it comes to the beauty of a home, the interior and exterior décor are all that makes the home classy and beautiful. Any redesign can be created in a home once the materials to create the look are provided. 

Exterior and interior remodeling ideas for a home 

Effortless, expertly created home renovations make the home look new and beautiful with trending interior and exterior designs. These designs are of course must be approved by the homeowner. Here are some ideas that could aid with the redesigning process. You can also check out Alpharetta landscape architect for their exquisite designs and quality work.

Use bright colors

Bright colors like red, orange, royal blue or ash have a way of bringing out the beauty of a home

especially when they are blended with other colors that match. It is one of the top trends for homes.

The pillows and curtains should equally have a brighter color so the beauty of the home can be enhanced. Also, make sure the blended colors should have some sort of uniformity or colors that could blend well in a home. 

Value for space

Space on its own is a decorative factor. A spacious home gives the ability for the few decorators to be evident and it equally makes the home look classy. 

Avoid putting a lot of stuff in the living room or any other section of the house. A spacious home both for the interior and exterior of a home bring out brings out its amazing and unique beauty. 

Modify the landscaping

When it comes to how the exterior of a home looks, the landscaping is one of the most important areas to pay keen attention to handyman near me. Shrubs and plants when well- placed can cover a couple of stuff and add some coloring to the area and give it this awesome and sharp look. The landscape when well-designed makes the environment sparkle. 

Exterior lightning 

Putting some sconces above the door and accent light can help in making the exterior of a home visible at all times most especially at night. The lightning can help people who are driving in or out or just walking around the environment or sitting around the house at night.

Apart from the lighting, it adds to the home, it equally gives it this glow and decorations which will make the environment glitter irrespective of the time of the day.

DIYs are possible when it comes to redesigning and remodeling a home but again seeking the aid of a professional can make things easier as they can let you know the cost and best items to go for.