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Break Out of the Box: 4 Fun and Exciting Ways to Challenge Yourself to New Experiences


Break Out: 4 Fun Ways to Challenge Yourself to New Experiences

Tired of doing the same thing day in and day out? We can help! Read on for fun and exciting ways to challenge yourself every day.

Life can quickly become a series of routines that you repeat every single day if you aren’t careful. Before you know it, five years have passed and nothing much in your life has changed. You haven’t grown or experienced anything new.

That can be a scary feeling. But when you realize that your life has become bland and repetitive, it’s time to make some changes. It’s time to start challenging yourself like by experiencing lost reality escape either by yourself or with your friends..

Not sure where to start? No worries, we’re here to help! Read on for some easy ways to challenge yourself into trying new things.

  1. Start with Small Challenges

If you’ve been doing the same routine for several years, the idea of making a big change can be terrifying. That’s why it’s important to start small. Try new things that don’t completely scare you.

You could sign up for an Escape Room with friends, go to a new restaurant, cook new types of food, etc. The possibilities are endless. The idea is to simply break away from the general routine you’ve been accustomed to over the last few years.

  1. Learn Something New That Interests You

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn but just haven’t gotten around to it? Maybe you’ve owned a guitar for ten years but it’s been collecting dust in your spare room.

Or maybe you’ve been interested in learning a new language, or learning how to garden. What’s stopping you? You’re the only person in your way!

Stop telling yourself “someday, I’ll learn how to do this”, and start saying “today, I’ll learn how to do this”.

  1. Attend Events Alone

One of the best ways to challenge yourself and gain confidence is to start doing things alone. 

For example, if you’re interested in joining a cooking class, but have put it off because you don’t have anyone to go with—just go alone! Once you feel comfortable doing things on your own, you’ll be able to challenge yourself in a ton of new ways.

If you remain with the mindset of needing someone else to do something with, you’ll miss out on so many opportunities to challenge yourself and grow.

  1. Always Say “Yes” to New Opportunities

We’re often presented with new opportunities every day, but we’re afraid of change. It can be scary! So we just decline the opportunity.

But the fear of trying something new is preventing you from growing. It’s time to start saying yes.

This can be as simple as saying yes to going out to dinner with friends when you’d normally just stay inside and watch Netflix. It can be as big as going on a trip all by yourself. The sky’s the limit! 

Challenge Yourself with These Tips

Don’t sit back idly while your life passes before your eyes. Take action and start to challenge yourself every day. Not only will this make life more exciting, but you’ll feel more confident and even meet new friends.

Looking for more life lessons and advice? Check out our blog for more helpful articles!

5 Rules to Make The Perfect Cup of Coffee

Are dying for the perfect cup of coffee? You will want to check out these 5 rules. You will not be disappointed.

Did you know 64% of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee every single day? And 79% enjoy that cup of coffee at home. So if you’re one of the millions of Americans brewing your daily cup, you’ll want to make the best cup you possibly can.

Learn how to reap the health benefits of coffee by brewing your own perfect cup. Here are 5 rules that’ll teach you how to make the perfect cup of coffee each and every time.

  1. A Good Cup of Coffee Starts with the Beans

The most important tip we can give is to use the very best coffee beans. Make sure you buy quality beans. Choose the more expensive Arabica beans over the cheaper, harsher Robusta beans.

Also, be sure to buy it fresh. It should be harvested within the past few months and roasted within the past few days. Be sure to store your beans in an airtight container at room temperature — never store them in the refrigerator or freezer!

And, above all, make sure to grind your own beans. Quality starts to diminish almost immediately once you grind them, and it will go stale fast. Some experts even claim that they can go stale as soon as five minutes after they’re ground!

  1. Use Filtered Water

Since coffee is almost entirely water, using quality water in your cup of coffee will make a huge difference. Bottled water or filtered tap water is ideal. Using distilled or softened water is terrible, though — you need those minerals!

  1. Precisely Measure Your Coffee Grounds

To create the perfect cup of coffee, try a more precise measurement of your coffee grounds. The gold standard is using 2 tablespoons per 6-ounce cup.

If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, measure your coffee grounds on a digital scale. The ideal ratio here is 60g for every 1 liter of water.

  1. Temperature Matters

The exact coffee temperature is very important. If your coffee is too hot, it’ll extract more bitter compounds than pleasant ones.

The best range is 195°F to 205°F. Because most coffee makers automatically set temperature, you’ll want to purchase one of the best coffee makers of 2019. Any one of these will make sure your cup of coffee is brewed at the perfect temperature.

  1. Keep It Clean

A clean setup prevents mineral and oil buildup. You’ll want to run vinegar or coffee equipment cleaner through your coffee maker. Do this at least once a month, and make sure to follow this up with a thorough rinse.

Be sure to clean your storage containers and grinder every few weeks also. Even paper filters can benefit from a pre-clean. Try rinsing the filter using hot water to prevent a dirty filter from ruining the flavor of your coffee.

Now Get Out There and Brew!

With these five tips, you’ll be brewing the perfect cup of coffee in no time. Interested in reading more about coffee? Check out our article on 10 curious coffee facts.

Potential health issues related to basement flooding

Flooding in your basement can be stressful and expensive to clean up and may cause damage or loss to some valuable items that are stored.

However, apart from flooding, wet conditions in the basement may pose some potential health risks to you and your family.

Indoor air pollution is believed to be responsible for more than 1 million deaths worldwide.

Studies show that more than 95 percent of households get some form of moisture and water damage in their basements each year.

From time to time you may also notice small puddles from minor leaks in the basement.  The water may become contaminated with sewage.

These situations may cause mold, mildew and other types of bacteria to build up over time.

Elderly persons, children, and pets may be most vulnerable to issues related to basement flooding.

Some of these health issues include bacterial and fungal infections, infestation from cockroaches, mice, and rats that may cause other illnesses.

Other health concerns from flooding may include cross-contamination, increases in asthma attacks, respiratory and skin problems as well as allergic reactions.


Mold build-up may cause discomfort in persons who are asthmatic or have other respiratory conditions.  Breathing in the spores can also lead to sinus issues.

Mold may contain fungi, protozoa, algae and other organisms that can grow very quickly in damp conditions.

Mold may also help reduce the air quality in your basement, by raising carbon monoxide levels which may cause breathing problems.

Persons coming in contact with mold may experience skin rash, itching, runny eyes, asthmatic symptoms or sneezing. Signs of mold include black or green deposits on basement walls or floors. 

Bacteria and may also settle onto basement walls and floors and cause nasal drip, coughing, itching throat, and ongoing allergic reactions.

Some types of mold may include: 

Aspergillus mold

Aspergillus is a type of air-borne fungus found in damp basements or even air condition units.

Exposure to the fungus may cause health issues in persons who have allergies or lung problems. 

It may also increase asthmatic symptoms and produce other forms of fungal infections like candida or Cryptococcus. 

Alternia mold

This is a type of fungus from mold living in damp areas.  It causes allergies that may relate to rhinitis or bronchial asthma. It may also cause death for persons with severe asthma.

Cladosporium mold

Cladosporium mold grows in damp areas including floors, walls, carpeting, paint, cabinets, wallpaper or air condition vents.

It may cause allergy symptoms like coughing, nasal drip and sneezing, itching throat, nose, watery eyes, and dry skin.

Exposure may also increase asthmatic conditions or sinus related issues triggered by fungus.

Severe issues can relate to shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.   

Penicillium mold

There are a number of fungi from penicillium mold that can affect the air quality in your basement.  The fungi thrive in very little moisture.

Penicillium mold can also build up in wallpaper, carpets, old furniture and mattresses stored in the basement.

Cracked basement flooring, chipboard, paint, fiberglass ducts, and boxes and crates can hold penicillium mold.

Some signs of penicillium in the basement may be bright yellow or green mold in walls or items stored in the basement.

They will pose problems for persons who develop sensitivity to the bacterial spores.

Studies also suggest that penicillium mold may be responsible for damage to the skin, kidneys, spleen, liver, brain and bone marrow.

Typical symptoms of penicillium infection may include coughing, anemia, fever, skin lesions, weight loss, sneezing, and itching.

Other organisms living in penicillium mold include:

Verrucosum may cause severe liver damage or cancer.


Penitrem which can grow on food items stored in the basement.


Citrinin, and

Patulin is another organism which may kill mice and rats.

Cockroach infestation

Roaches living in a damp basement may also pose a few health problems.

They can spread parasites and bacterial infections including salmonella to humans.

Studies also show a strong link between cockroach infestation and asthma attacks.

Symptoms of roach infestation may include redness and itching skin.  Cockroaches may also transmit an infection called Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a form of bacteria which grows in water and damp conditions.

Exposure to the infection may produce symptoms skin rashes, ear infections, and soft tissue damage, and lung and blood problems.

Other symptoms may include chills, joint pain, urinary tract infections, red, sore eyes, and coughing and congestion. 

Rat and mice infestation

Rats and mice infestation in your basement can expose your family and even pets to a number of diseases.

Rats urinate and leave droppings on every surface they pass over. These particles can get into the air you breathe or you may touch them and pass the disease to another person.

Rats may also transfer diseases through ticks, fleas, and mites that may bite you and make you ill.

Some diseases from mice and rats include leptospirosis, Hantavirus, Lyme disease, plague, typhus, salmonella, tick fever, and other viruses.

Dust Mites

Dust mites grow in water and may also cause health issues if you’re exposed to them.

Symptoms of dust mites may include itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing and nasal congestion.


Flooding in the basement may also cause items that are exposed to sewage water to spread illness and disease.

It’s a good idea to discard all items including utensils and any food stuff stored in the basement that come in contact with flood waters.

Stepping into water that may contain raw sewage can also pose health risks. Make sure to wear high boots to help reduce bacteria and fungus getting into skin through your feet.


Basement flooding affects many households around the world every year.  Apart from damage to property, it may cause mold, mildew and other organisms to grow and reduce air quality.

Damp, wet areas are the ideal places for bug infestation, and the build-up of bacteria and viruses that may compromise your family’s health.   

Mold, mildew, dust mites, bacteria, fungus and dust mites can cause allergic reactions, and increase asthma attacks. 

Flooding in the basement can be reduced by using a sump pump. A sump pump will help draw water out quickly and keep your basement dry, and free from mold and mildew.

What diseases do mice carry?

Mice may be small in size, but they can expose you to some fairly big health risks from more than two dozen diseases.

Numerous studies reveal that thousands of people around the world get sick, and many die from related illnesses.

Mice spread diseases in a number of ways. You can get sick from being in contact with mice droppings, urine or saliva.

These particles can be on food items, countertops, cabinets, and other surfaces around the house. They can also come from contaminated water, pet food, and garden beds.

Mice may also transfer diseases if they bite you, or they may infest ticks, mites, and fleas that may also bite you.

You may also get mice-related diseases from person to person infection or from breathing in bacteria from mice droppings.

Some of the diseases mice carry include:

Tick fever



Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV)

Lyme disease


Powassan Virus

Haverhill Fever

Hemorrhagic Fever

Murine Typhus

Cutaneous Leishmaniosis

Lassa fever



Sylvatic Typhus

Typhus fever is a type of bacterial disease that may be spread through ticks, lice, and fleas.

Sylvatic typhus is a type of typhus fever that can pass from sick ice to lice and mites.

With any form of typhus, may experience coughing, fever, muscle aches, headaches, inflammation of the brain, or swollen lymph nodes.

Murine Typhus

You can get Murine typhus through infected fleas.  If you get the disease, you may experience skin rashes, vomiting, headache, and weakness.

Powassan Virus

This is a little known, but potentially fatal disease from mice. Some symptoms of the disease may include problems talking, vomiting, reduced muscle coordination, fever, headaches, seizures, and brain damage.

Lyme disease

Lyme disease is transmitted through ticks that feed on infected mice.  Symptoms of the disease can include arthritis, stiffness in the neck, and loss of memory, skin rashes, headaches, and nerve pain.

Severe symptoms may also include heart palpitations and damage to the spine and brain.

Rat Bite Fever

You can get this type of virus or bacteria from mice scratches or bites. The potentially fatal infection may cause headaches, swelling, vomiting, enlarged lymph nodes, skin rashes, and fever.

Haverhill Fever

It’s a form of a rat-bite fever that’s passed from rat-infested food and water.  Some symptoms of the fever are vomiting and sore throat.


The disease may be passed to humans by parasites in ticks found on rats and mice.

Mild symptoms may result in jaundice, flu-like feelings and anemia.  Severe symptoms of Babesiosis may help weaken the immune system and expose you to other illnesses.


It is spread from mice via infected sandflies carrying the virus.  With the disease, persons may experience swollen lymph nodes and skin sores around the bite areas. 


You can get salmonella from contaminated food that’s been bitten by mice. 

Salmonella may cause belly cramps, fever or diarrhea. 

Tick Fever

Tick fever is another disease that can spread from mice through ticks carrying the virus.

With the disease, you may get flu-type symptoms like muscle pains, fever, headaches, tiredness, and chills.

Other symptoms may include rash, vomiting, on and off fever and sore throat.

La Crosse Encephalitis

The disease may cause seizures and other brain-related issues. Other symptoms may include tiredness, fever, vomiting, headaches, and nausea.

It is transmitted from mice through a virus to infected mosquitos.


Tularemia can be transmitted through bites from rats to infested ticks or deer flies.

You may also contract the disease from touching an infected dead mouse or inhaling the bacteria spores.

If you inhale the Tularemia bacteria, you may find it hard to breathe, get chest pains or cough a lot.

If you get a bite from an infected tick, you may experience swollen lymph nodes or ulcers in areas where you get the bite.


Dust particles around mice droppings may help spread Hantavirus disease.  Symptoms of Hantavirus may include headaches, fever, tiredness, and muscle pains.

If the disease persists, infected persons may experience respiratory problems that may be fatal.

Lassa fever

The disease is spread through infected food, water, and mice droppings.  It can also be spread from one human to another. 

It may start with flu-type symptoms such as headaches, fever, and weakness.

Severe symptoms of Lassa fever may cause complications including vomiting, breathing problems, tremors, hemorrhaging in the gums, eyes, and nose, and swelling in the face.

The Plague

The plague is one of the more traditional diseases passed to humans from fleas that feed on infected mice.

The symptoms include chills, fever, weakness, headaches, and enlarged lymph nodes.

You may also die if the symptoms persist or are not treated early.

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV)

The disease affects lots of people around the world. You can contract it through mice droppings containing the virus.

While you may experience flu-like symptoms with the disease, you can also develop brain problems.

Others may experience vomiting, headaches, weakness, vomiting, and fever.

Scrub Typhus

The disease travels from rats to mite to humans. Symptoms are fever, coughing, muscle aches, enlarged lymph nodes, and headaches.

Scrub Typhus may be fatal if left untreated for about 20 to 60 percent of persons who contract the disease.


Leptospirosis is also called Weil’s disease and commonly affects millions worldwide.

Persons may contract leptospirosis from food or water contaminated by mice urine.

You may also contract leptospirosis from handling contaminated pet food or household cupboards where mice may touch.

Symptoms of leptospirosis may resemble the flu or dengue fever and are often misdiagnosed.

Severe problems may include high fever, meningitis, and liver or kidney problems. The disease may cause death if left untreated.


Rats are prevalent in many countries around the world. They leave feces, urine and saliva on every surface they touch. 

These particles are responsible for more than two dozen diseases, some of which can be fatal if left untreated.

Diseases from mice may cause lots of discomforts, including high fever, flu-like symptoms, and more serious complications like brain, spine, liver and kidney problems or even death.

One way to control the mice population is through rat traps. They help reduce the incidence of rats running around and infecting your house.

What is Somatic Psychology?

Every experience that we deal with every day affects us in a way or another both consciously and unconsciously. Some of these experiences, like near-death experiences, serious illnesses, deeply humiliating moments, or even anxiety-driven fearful thoughts can leave us traumas. As a result, these kinds of events make our psyche suffer and we are left with distress and emotional damage. Somatic Psychology can help us in these instances, but how exactly?

Somatic psychotherapy is one of the best ways of dealing with traumas. It lets them cope with the unfortunate incident and ultimately recover and lead a normal life. Somatic comes from the Greek word soma which literally translates to the living body. Somatic psychotherapy is an encompassing therapy that tries to dig deep into both the mind and body and trying to find its connection to the psychological part of the patient. ANS or the autonomic nervous system is said to be easily disrupted by traumas. Somatic psychotherapy aims to deal with this by studying the effects of the instability caused by the trauma on the ANS.

Somatic psychology postulates that the human mind and body tries to hold on to past traumas for as long as possible. This is evident in the way a person who has experienced it acts by way of body language, expressions, and even posture. Some traumas even manifest themselves as unexplained physical pain. Some lead to hormonal imbalance and may then result in sexual dysfunction. Other symptoms include digestive issues, immune system dysfunction, and psychological conditions like depression, anxiety or addiction. (1)

Through Somatic Psychotherapy, however, the ANS can go back to normal and achieve stasis as it was before the trauma had piled up. There is a lot of conditions that are directly resulting from traumas that have happened to a patient’s past. The therapy has been able to alleviate these symptoms.

From an academic standpoint, somatic psychology proves the deep underlying connection between the mind and the physical body. More importantly, neuroscientists are now able to back the claim of somatic psychologists after studying the many functions of our nervous system and finding the link to the physical body.

How Somatic Psychotherapy Works

As an aspiring psychologist that may have taken interest in somatic psychology, you may be deeply interested by how the science works. Traumatic events leave scars to the emotional and mental part of the body as what has already been established. By finding what physical tension is connected to these events, the therapy will be able to look for a way to alleviate these symptoms. By finding which part of the physical body responds directly to the events that caused the trauma, a somatic psychologist can zero in on where to perform the therapy. After tracking the body point, there are then many ways on how to proceed with the therapy. The wide range of activities may include bodily sensations, dance, and breathing techniques. Some patients also respond to healing touches, voice work and any forms of physical activity such as sports or exercise.

There are a lot of benefits for the patients that undergo somatic psychotherapy. For one, the patient can regain his former self by transforming a bad experience and framing it in a better context that does less harm to the psyche. It instills the idea that the patient is worth way more than what he/she is giving himself/herself credit for. And it gives them hope and makes them more resilient for future traumas that they may experience. They also gain physical benefits like reduction of stress and strains that they have been suffering from. And mentally, they can get a boost in concentration. (2)

Titration and pendulated methods are the two most common approaches that somatic psychologists employ. Titration method allows the patient to feel secure by projecting him/her into a safe space or resource state. As the patient is guided by the psychologist through the traumatic memory, his/her reactions are tracked and are being analyzed as the memory is slowly being revived. There will usually be subtle physical effects at the beginning but these will become more pronounced and will require the psychologist to watch the patient more intently as a precautionary for any expected pain.

The pendeluted method takes a careful look at the two important states that the patient will go through, homeostasis and instability. The object is to move the patient from the two states and the physical symptoms are recorded and observed. There is a danger however as it may not be always as easy to bring back the patient to homeostasis after a while. Ultimately, the patient should endure a painful process called a discharge. This is where all the suffering that the patient is subconsciously going through will be flushed out of his/her system.

After sessions of successful somatic therapy patients often describe the feeling as having a huge weight coming off of their shoulder. They can now enjoy a life of being free from all the baggage that they have been holding tightly to for no reason at all. While the physical pain may not be pleasurable, once endured could be the ticket out of a lot of unanswered anxieties.

The career in Somatic Psychology

As a fairly new field of study, somatic psychology might not be offered by many psychology schools. There is still some scepticism surrounding the practice although is slowly in the decline. Schools often offer these degrees as specialization programs in the form of a master’s degree after taking an undergrad in psychology.

While it has been proven countless times that somatic psychotherapy can help people get over their traumas, there are still many people reluctant to accept the field.


There can only be so many ways to deal with emotional trauma. Somatic psychology has however been one of the best ways that had been invented to help patients get over their condition. Somatic Psychology is a journey of the patient to explore how his body is physically responding to traumas done on the mind.

5 Incredible Facts About Breweries

There is nothing quite like a cold, refreshing beer on really any given day. The time of year doesn’t matter; after a long day’s work or a fun day of play, nice craft beer is a great way to unwind while giving your taste buds a little treat. Odds are, you probably haven’t given too much thought to how that hoppy little beverage made its way from the earth and into your icy glass, but the processes that go on behind the scenes in breweries are really quite amazing. In honour of the thirst-quenching beverage that brings us all together, here are five incredible facts about breweries we bet you never knew!

1. Beer is in the Top Three Most Popular Beverages on Earth

Unsurprisingly, water is the most imbibed of all beverages., but right after water and tea is beer. Beer is consumed more than any other beverage on the planet. It’s great to socialize over, a wonderful way to take the edge off, and the perfect beverage for a refined palette. (1)

2. Beer Consists of Four Primary Ingredients

Now, we know that no two beers taste the same, so you might be astonished to find that all beer consists of four basic ingredients: water, grains, hops, and yeast. Now, beer has come a long way since its discovery thousands of years ago, and flavour profiles now have a prolific range thanks to new innovations in technology, but at the end of the day, it’s all thanks to these four fundamental parts!

3. Beer Fermentation Temperature

Here’s another bit of science for you! One of the most important parts of ensuring quality in any good beer is keeping it cold. We know that sounds a little obvious at first, but the science behind it is very precise and involved. According to North Slope Chillers, “Ideal beer fermentation temperature is between 68 and 72° F. Lager requires lower temperatures, between 45 and 55°F.” The slightest deviation in temperature can either change the flavour profile of the beer or ruin it completely, so you can imagine how meticulous brewers are in safeguarding their products, so they remain at optimum temperatures!

4. The Brewing Industry is Booming!

Brewing beer is a global enterprise. According to America’s Beer Distributors, there are over 5,500 brewery locations in the United States alone! Of course, there are the big-name brewing companies we all know and love, but micropubs and local breweries are definitely on the rise and allowing individuals to really broaden their beer horizons!

5. Darker Might Mean Stronger

In general, although not always, there is an easy way to tell whose beer is going to have higher alcohol content. Typically, beer colour can tell you a lot about the percentage of alcohol you’re about to imbibe. Lighter, sweeter beers tend to have a lower alcohol content; whereas, the darker and more bitter-tasting a beer is (think stouts), the higher the alcohol content.

7 Ways to Keep Things Fresh in Your Marriage after Having Kids

Married couples with kids can find it relatively hard to maintain the spark and romance in their marriage when they’re up all night tending to a crying baby. The change from husband and wife to mom and dad can be an overwhelming transition for some people. However, keeping things fresh in your marriage after having kids is still possible by doing things such as moving to a new house, having a date night, complementing each other and many more.

1. Date Night Once a Month

Dating each other is probably what made you fall in love with each other in the first place; therefore, it makes great sense for you to continue dating to keep the romance alive. It does not have to be an over-the-top kind of date. Even if it is just conversing and laughing over a snack in low tones to avoid waking the baby, just set aside time once a month to go on a date and reconnect and stick to it. Family nights do not count as date nights. (1)

2. Random Act of Love and Goodness

Those times when you used to call/text each other just to say “hello” should not stop. Continue to send those lovely texts or notes to your better half even after having kids to keep the spark alive. Leaving a love note for your spouse under the pillow or hiding their favourite treat in their jacket pocket are some random acts of love and goodness, which do not require much effort or time, but they show your spouse that you care and love him/her.

3. Compliments

Everyone loves to receive compliments. Praising your partner on at least one thing each day can help to strengthen your marriage. Be careful to listen at all times. Your partner may compliment you on the areas they wish to receive praise. Ensure that you avoid back-handed compliments. (2)

4. Creating A Sanctuary at Home

You can still create space for romance even if you are sitting at home. Though it can feel hard to achieve a romantic atmosphere when your home is cluttered with toys and dirty utensils, there are some things you can still do to create a romantic sanctuary at home. Give gifts to each other like flowers once a week. If you’re watching television together, you can dim the electric lights and light some candles. If you are just having a quiet talk, you can turn up some romantic music. Always try to keep your home clean, so that you will have a relaxed time. Don’t leave dirty laundry spread everywhere in the house. (3)

5. Together Chores

Many marriages get shaky because of household chores. One party may feel they’re doing more chores than the other person. To avoid such a tricky situation, it may work well to do chores together. By so doing you will be sharing your time together and bonding at the same time. Marriage and kids are your life right now, do not get too busy that you forget to enjoy life. Designate some time to complete chores together.

6. Avoid Using Phones at the Dinner Table

In the world we live in today, many people are glued to their phones most of the time even at the dinner table. To keep things fresh in your marriage after having kids you should make it a point to avoid using phones while having meals together. This allows for conversations at the dinner table and strengthens the bond between the two of you. (4)

7. Move to a New House

Relocation may not be for everyone; however, some homes have negative memories and the marriage may have the ability to move forward by searching houses for sale in Florida together, it may provide a chance to start fresh if that is what’s needed. Close to the beach, new scenery, warmer weather, setting up for success. Moving to a bigger or better accommodating place may help your children and may work well for your marriage as well. A new house can spark a new bond for married couples to enjoy new things in a new place together.


Everything You Need To Know About Plantar Orthotics

Plantar fasciitis is usually caused by aggravation and excessive stress on your foot. The plantar fascia is the connective tissue that goes from your heel bone to the ball of your foot. When your plantar fascia is inflamed, even taking a step becomes painful. When over-tightening, inflammation, and tearing sets in, you then start suffering from plantar fasciitis. (1)

What are the symptoms?

Usually, symptoms vary with each person, but most people complain of pain and stiffness in the heels, close to the middle of the arch. The pain can get sharp, and you might experience a burning sensation. This usually happens in the morning when you first wake up, or after sitting for a long time. Some other symptoms might include tenderness and swelling at the bottom of your foot.

What causes plantar fasciitis?

  • Age can be a determinant as most people that get it to stand between 40 to 70 years. However, it can affect anyone who actively uses their feet for long periods. For instance, plantar fasciitis is a common condition among runners.
  • Poor quality shoes might also be the cause
  • Tightening of your tendons or calf muscles might also cause plantar fasciitis
  • A sudden increase in weight or obesity could cause it given the heavyweight adding stress on the feet
  • High-stress activities such as jogging, ballet, or long-distance running could be a cause
  • Diseases such as arthritis might also cause plantar fasciitis

What are the treatment options?

After a thorough evaluation of your condition, your podiatrist doctor may recommend wearing a custom made orthotic. He also may start you off with medications and anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the pain and inflammation. If medications don’t work on you, you will get a steroid injection to the painful part of the foot. If that doesn’t work either, your doctor will recommend physical therapy to strengthen your lower muscles.

If it gets chronic, you will go through shock wave therapy where the plantar fascia will be stimulated to heal. The last resort to treat plantar fasciitis is usually surgery.

Do orthotic insoles help?

Plantar orthotic insoles usually mitigate pain and discomfort. They also minimize stress when you stand up or start walking. Additionally, orthotic insoles tend to absorb shocks, given the cupping effect they have on your soft tissues. The right orthotic insoles with good absorption capabilities will reduce pressure and impact on your foot.

You can either get customized plantar orthotic insoles or standard insoles. Quality plantar orthotic insoles will relieve your plantar fasciitis pain immediately. They will contour to your feet and offer you great arch support to your feet and therefore, reduce stress in the plantar fascia. If you need help determining which kind of insole is best for you, take a look at the wide variety offered by Protalus and find your ideal insole.


These are the basics of plantar fasciitis and some of the things you needed to know. If you have been experiencing heel pain, you need to see your orthotic doctor get the right treatment.

Recent developments in contact lenses

Contact lenses have evolved a lot ever since their inception in 1508 by Leonardo da Vinci. From scleral lenses developed by F.A. Mueller in 1887 that covered the entire eye to silicone hydrogel lenses of the late 1990s that have made the experience much more pleasant, contact lenses have come a really long way.

In the past, many people have been told that their eyes or their prescriptions weren’t suitable for contact lenses. Twenty or so years back, our choices were limited to one to two companies selling very few types of contact lenses. Our corneas are quite like fingerprints, unique to each and every one. The limited types of lenses made it quite difficult for lens wearers to find something suitable for their eyes and often struggled with ill-fitting lenses. However, times have changed. Contact lens technology has significantly improved over the last few decades making them available for people with almost all sorts of refractory problems. Today, we have numerous brands manufacturing different types of contact lenses from various materials in various designs and lens schedules that it makes us dizzy, see contact lenses UK.

Improved silicone hydrogel lenses with better material properties and oxygen permeability allow the wearer to be comfortable since the lenses do not suffocate the eyes with limited to no oxygen supply. Improved toric lenses for astigmatism and bifocal or multifocal lenses for presbyopia have opened the avenues for people with those conditions wear lenses without experiencing discomfort. Improved Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses offer much more comfort to the wearers when it comes to oxygen contact and is also resistant to wear and tear for a long time. Scleral lenses that cover the entire eye to correct certain medical conditions other than plain refractory errors are also available these days. Along with these developments, a new contact lens solution is also designed specifically to be used on silicone hydrogel lenses.

When it comes to wearing schedules, it is an altogether different story. We have daily disposable lenses that are one-time wear only, for people who wear them occasionally and for children. They should not be reused or worn overnight in any case. Bi-weekly or monthly disposable lenses should also be used for the stipulated time and replaced accordingly. These lenses come in different variants; say 8 hours per day to 14 hours per day. A 14-hour lens, if worn for a significantly lesser amount of time every day, can stretch the limit of bi-weekly or monthly replacement by almost a week. After that, a new set should be worn. Yearly lenses are also available which need to be replaced only once a year.

Apart from these, colored contacts have also seen a huge increase in demand and companies are starting to manufacture colored contacts with refractory corrections. Manufacturers like lens me and solotica solflex natural colors produce reliable and natural-looking colored contact lenses. Better contact lens care products are also available these days designed specifically for each type that helps take care of them better. Even with all these, it is in our hands to be hygienic and use them as per doctor suggestions to have a safer use.

How To Fundraise For Mental Health

Non-profit fundraisers are fantastic, and they’re often about the promotion of a good cause; raising awareness for the particular mental health issue by educating the public and thus gathering support from it too.

Not only that it brings in plenty of volunteers from the local community, offering a hand. There are plenty of aspects that require due consideration as they can make or break your operation you’re planning.

 One point is to figure out what’s more realistic for you to throw because some ideas will have some deciding factors such as funds, locations, staff, logistics, interesting and exciting for everyone.

Give it a Catchy Name!

In regards to making this non-profit fundraiser interesting, you will want to have it stick out to be memorable. If you just name the non-profit fundraiser just this: “Mental Health Fundraiser” that’s not going to excite anybody. Moreover, try to be smart about it as well because you don’t want to offend anybody as mental health is a very sensitive subject for some people.  So let’s look at a more positive example for a cause ‘Movember November’ this is about raising money for cancer.

Have a theme or a Visual style

Sticking to the idea of being memorable, have a visual style or visual representation. Having a logo and thinking about a branding style for your event would be a good start. The former will be another good way of sticking out and being more appealing to your audience. Although you will need to treat this aspect as a design project where you will need to consider what colours and typeface to use. Moreover, the logo will need to be related to your cause. Although this may seem a bit much it’s worth doing. Take Movember for example, You instantly think of a moustache and because the idea was great it was memorable to just about everybody. Do likewise.

Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are fantastic tools for you to use. Those social media platforms are free to use, moreover, just about everybody uses them, so there’s already a large audience you will have access to. Thus making it easier to reach a large and broad audience.

It might just be powerful enough to receive support from old classmates you have not spoken to in years. You never know who will be interested.  For your non-profit fundraising efforts you will be able to connect with more people as you will have the ability to converse with them too.

Make sure to take advantage of using your non-profits visual aesthetics on each of your pages on social media. You will also have better chances of making a memorable impact online too.

Now that we’ve covered a few bits for your potential non-profit fundraisers. We can now move onto the more exciting aspects of non-profit fundraising i.e. hosting an event or organising a community activity so let’s go through a few ideas. Remember some of these ideas will require some serious consideration because there are a few aspects that will require your attention.

Tie-Dye Party

A classic approach to promoting your cause is via the use of T-Shirts. It gets people with the program. You can make it more interesting for your non-profit fundraising event to have a Tie-Dye Party! Where people can create their own T-shirts, together with their family or friends.

Merely charge a small entrance, any personal item for a small donation, or recruit any artist from the local area to create custom designed t-shirts to sell.

You can be cost-effective by having some plain white t-shirts and some tie-dye materials ready to be used, so participants create and stylize their own masterpieces, especially on a budget! Although the tie-dying t-shirts are fun have some board games handy to keep the families and kids occupied.

It makes the experience more memorable.

Dodgeball Tournament

 One way to get people excited, especially the competitive individuals is to host a dodgeball tournament. Have people form teams and raise money for the non-profit fundraiser and reach the required amount of cash to enter. Once they have attained the target amount, let the games begin!

Cooking Competition

A reference to good old reality TV cooking shows, that plenty of people enjoy. What better idea is there than a cooking competition? Everyone loves food and people love competition!

The contestants are instructed to make their best dishes while meeting specific criteria such as the use of specific herbs or any other type of ingredient.  People can pay to have a taste of their best dishes in order for them to give their vote on what was the best dish.

You may also give the people who want to attend the choice of being the judge or chef too. What you can do is charge a small fee for them to sign up as the judge. The proceeds from the voters and the judges will go towards the non-profit fundraiser.  That will make the experience more exciting and interesting for the audience too.