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Dating Tips for When You’re Newly Single

Breakups are hard. No matter how amicably the relationship ended or whether it was your decision to break up, it was a horrible experience. Many people would also agree that being single can be just as hard, especially if you are used to being in a relationship.

Putting yourself out there when you’re newly single can be very intimidating, but you also can’t isolate yourself forever. Eventually, you need to take the next step and consider dating again.

How long after a breakup you should start dating will differ from person to person. Some people may be fine to get back out there after a few weeks, while others may need a year or even more. Whatever the case may be, if you’re ready to start dating as a newly single person, we have some tips for you.

Try online dating

Online dating is a great way for you to dip your toes into the water as a newly single person, because there is no commitment required, and you can get an idea of who a person is before you agree to go on a date with them.

However, keep in mind that online dating can be dangerous at times, so be sure to tell your friends if you’re meeting up with someone. You can also use Truthfinder to research your online date beforehand.  

You need to be ready

Many people have been in relationships for so long that they don’t know how to be on their own anymore, so they start dating simply because that’s what they are used to.

But it’s important that you are ready to date. Often, this means being okay on your own before you put yourself out there. It’s not fair to enter a new relationship if you’re still hung up on your ex, because you will constantly be comparing them.

Give yourself some time to truly get over your past relationship and come to terms with being single before you start dating again.

You need support

Most people have one of two reactions when they break up with someone. Either they completely isolate themselves from society and want to be left alone all the time, or they try to ignore their feelings and try to stay busy by going out every night.

These aren’t the best options. You shouldn’t be alone all the time when you’re newly single – you need to be able to lean on your loved ones. Similarly, you shouldn’t try to avoid your feelings.

You need to face them head-on, and this often means talking to someone about how you are feeling. Going through a breakup and being newly single can be hard, so there’s no need to feel ashamed about needing support. If you’re having trouble expressing your feelings, this post may be able to help you.

Think about what you want

It’s important to decide what you want from dating. Do you want a casual fling, or are you looking for something serious? You need to be upfront about what you want so that you and your date can be on the same page.

This may sound scary, but rather you know now than a few months down the road. After all, you don’t want your heart to get broken again. If someone doesn’t want what you want, you probably won’t be able to change their mind.

Go on a blind date

Choosing a date can be stressful, especially if it’s your first date after being newly single. So why not have someone else do the choosing for you?

This way, you are diving into the deep end, but once the first date is over, it will be much easier to get into the swing of things. Blind dates can be great for reintroducing you to the dating world since they are generally very low pressure.

Of course, you will still feel a bit nervous, and that is totally fine! Just be sure to do these things on a first date.

Be brave

Putting yourself out there on a good day is scary. But putting yourself out there after a breakup, especially a bad breakup? That’s a nightmare. We get it. You don’t want to get hurt again.

But you can’t let fear rule your life. If dating will make you happy, it’s a risk you need to take. Be brave, and have faith that you won’t get hurt. And just remember that you’ve already survived at least one breakup, so you’re stronger than you think.

Don’t let yourself go

When you’ve been in a serious or long-term relationship, that person starts to feel like a part of you. and when they are gone, it feels like there’s no purpose to anything. All you want to do is wallow in sadness.

You can do this . . . for a while. Cry your heart out, eat all the ice cream, and then you need to remember there’s more to life than being in a relationship. You need to take care of yourself before you start dating. If you have no idea where to start, start by doing these simple things to take care of yourself.

Be strong

When you’re newly single, you are vulnerable, which means you may want comfort. And, of course, this may mean that you are tempted to go back to your ex.

Don’t. You need to be strong. While some relationships can make it work on a second chance, you still need to allow yourself to experience the single life and dating before even considering it. Remember that there is a reason why you broke up, so every time you want to go back to them, remind yourself of that reason.

In conclusion

Dating while newly single can be a scary thing to do, but it can also be worth it. The important thing is to make sure that you are ready to start dating again.

If you aren’t, then you need to remember that it’s okay to be single for a while. You don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy.

What to Look for When Buying CBD Gummies

As many people who use CBD products will know, the industry has come a very long way over recent years. Among other changes that have been seen within the CBD, the industry is a sharp increase in the range of products available. You can now get all sorts of CBD products ranging from CBD drops and tinctures to capsules and edible products. When it comes to the latter, there are many people who go online to buy the best CBD gummies and other edible products.

There are many reasons why people turn to these gummies, and they offer a host of benefits to help with a range of issues. Extensive research into CBD has shown that it can help to reduce anxiety symptoms and stress, lift your mood, provide better sleep, help with relaxation, increase energy levels, and much more. This is why so many people turn to products such as CBD gummies, as they can help with so many things. In this article, we will look at some of the things to look for when buying CBD gummies.

How to Make Your Selection

CBD edibles have become very popular over recent years, and gummies are among the most popular of these edible products. There are lots of reasons why so many people choose to enjoy gummies to benefit from CBD. Some tips that can help you to make your selection with greater ease are:

Look at Pricing

One of the things you should always look at when you are buying these gummies is the cost, and this is something that can vary based on a range of factors. For instance, the number of gummies in the pack will have an impact on the price, as will the provider you purchase from. Taking the time to compare different options will help you to keep your costs down, and you can also look at ways to save money on these products such as shopping in sales or subscribing to provider websites for access to special deals and promotions.

Consider the Flavor Options

Another thing you need to look at is the flavor options available, as you can then ensure you find gummies that are perfectly suited to your palate and preferences. You can look forward to a choice of delicious flavors to cater to a range of tastes, so you should be able to find the ideal ones for your needs without any problems.

Check Reviews

Before you make your CBD gummies purchase, it is also well worth looking at reviews online from other people who have already bought and tried the same product. This will make it easier for you to learn more about the taste of the gummies, how effective they are, and whether they are of high quality. In addition, it means that you can learn more about the service levels and reputation of the provider.

These are all valuable tips that will make it easier for you to find the ideal CBD gummies for your needs. 

How to Meditate at Work

With all the busyness of your life and the stress of situations outside your control–not to mention the stress that sometimes comes from your job–it’s imperative that you take time to relax and relieve tension. One of the best ways to do this is by following meditative practices designed to regulate your breathing and heart rate so you can find yourself shrugging off tension and anxiety. 

When meditation is mentioned, people often get opposing ideas of what meditation is. They may carry the mental picture of one chanting and focusing on spirituality for a long period of time in alignment with the ancient art of meditating. But you might feel a little self-conscious and conspicuous chanting at work–don’t worry, because the definition of meditation is broader than this mental image. Meditation is defined as a range of practices centered around relaxation and creating a sense of calm. It can range from thinking deeply about something to clearing your mind and trying not to think at all to focusing on your breathing as an act of reducing your heart rate. 

Surely these practices sound a lot more manageable to conduct at work, and helpful to provide a de-stressor during the long workday. We spoke with twelve successful business owners and CEOs who all offered insight onto their favorite practice for meditating either at work or during the workday. We know everyone’s work situation looks different right now, and some people can take a meditation break in the comfort of their own homes while others are at the office. Here is an accumulation of the best advice on workplace meditation, so enjoy diving in and be sure to try these methods yourself. 

Meditating at Work 101

The CEO and chief marketing officer of TatBrow points out another popular misconception about meditating, which is that it needs to be done in some type of meditation room or relaxing space. We all know that sometimes your work environment is far from relaxing, but that does not mean you can’t meditate even when surrounded by fast paced operations.

“One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that you need a particular setting and location to elicit its benefits. That cannot be further from the truth. Indeed, if you find yourself at work and in desperate need of a destressor, consider closing your eyes and counting down from 100 to 0. This simple exercise will instill mindfulness and allow you to focus more conscientiously on the task at hand,” says Amanda E. Johnson, CEO and Chief Marketing Officer of TatBrow.

Meditation doesn’t have to be a singular activity. Although meditation is about mindfulness and centering yourself to relieve stress, that doesn’t mean meditation can’t be conducted in a group setting. In fact, meditating as a team can be one effective way to release tension directly related to work.

“One of the best ways to meditate at work is to meditate as a team with your coworkers. Some companies choose to actually set up meditation spaces in the office that employees can use whenever they need, or even plan to meet up and meditate collectively with their co-workers. But even without the fancy meditation space your office can focus on meditative breathing. I like to have my team start our mornings with a group breathing exercise. Usually one of us will lead the group in releasing tension and breathing in a controlled manner. I find it to be a super refreshing activity and by having our whole team complete the steps together, you can practically feel the tension rolling away as everyone feels lighter and more ready to begin their day,” says Adam Reed, CEO of Crown and Paw.

One such company that has designated meditation space is Salesforce. The CEO and chairman reports that the meditative rooms in the office contribute to the general company culture of wanting to keep an open mind when viewing all aspects of life, including work questions and issues that arise.

“Innovation is a core value at Salesforce. It is deeply embedded in our culture. This starts in the mindset of every person in the company — you must cultivate a beginner’s mind. A beginner’s mind is the practice of looking at the world with fresh, unencumbered eyes, and avoiding inside-out or homogenous thinking that can lead to blind spots and missed opportunities. To encourage this mindset, we have ‘mindfulness zones’ on every floor of our office buildings where employees can put their phones into a basket and clear their minds,” says Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of Salesforce Inc.

One issue people commonly have concerning following meditation is that they don’t have enough time. A common belief is that one will begin meditating during such and such season or once such and such big project passes. However, the point of meditating at work is to fit the much needed stress relief break into the midst of the busyness. Mirabai Bush discusses the incorrect notion that meditation takes too much time to easily fit into your day. 

“Pretty much everybody thinks it’s difficult to fit meditation into their lives. But we say, ‘You’re not too busy to brush your teeth or to eat breakfast.’ Once you experience ‘mindfulness,’ which is an umbrella term for meditation and some other practices, you begin to realize its benefits, and then you can incorporate it into your life. Don’t think of it as a big deal, but rather as a short practice each day that really makes a big difference.

“We’ve seen all the research on the various benefits — from stress reduction to health and cognitive benefits, including an increase in attention and creativity and so on. So once you begin to practice mindfulness, you begin to think of it as just part of your life. And there are some ways to make it easier to incorporate into your life. First of all, keep it really simple; brief practice is fine. Just focus on your breathing for a few minutes, and each time you’ll be reminded of how calming and quieting it is,” says Mirabai Bush,  Co-Founder of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society.

Distance Yourself from Distractions

One simple way to meditate that will not consume much of your time but offers great benefits is to remove distractions and offer yourself a time purely for yourself and your relaxation. Digital devices like phones, tablets, smart watches, and computers are all bona fide distractions due to their interrupting nature. Research published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research proves this, with their finding being that even the presence of your phone nearby can reduce cognition by limiting your capacity for mental functioning–even when you try to focus on anything other than your device.

Especially at work, when you receive a notification to one of your devices you probably feel the need to check the message immediately. While it is important to be reachable at work, it also is true that everyone needs distraction-free time and it’s not selfish to allow yourself some anti-distraction time during the work day. Just make sure you have a short window of time to be “unavailable.”

“In order to meditate you need to be able to clear your head and take time to simply think and focus on something other than your notifications. One of my favorite practices for reminding myself that I don’t need to constantly be available to those who want to get ahold of me–because everyone deserves some time to themselves–is setting a timer for 5 minutes and giving myself pure uninterrupted time. After setting the timer I’ll put my phone across the room or on ‘do not disturb’ mode. Then I close my eyes and try not to think about anything that brings me stress or reminds me about what I need to get done. I find this time to be like a period of space where time does not affect me because I am unaware of it. I always leave my ‘me break’ feeling rejuvenated,” says Ashwin Sokke, Co-Founder of WOW Skin Science.

The chief marketing officer of Genexa offers another suggestion for creating a temporary distraction free zone. She allows herself time to simply focus on her food during meal breaks in the work day.

“Meditation is a lot simpler and less time consuming than a lot of people think. I expect many people would be surprised to learn that I use meal times as a meditation. Yes, meditating is often about removing distractions but I choose not to view my meals as a distraction and rather as the thing I want to focus on. I meditate during meal breaks by simply removing all distractions like my phone and hone in on each taste and bite of food. It’s easy to fit this form of meditating into the work day because everyone has to take a break to eat. I’ve found I enjoy my meals so much more when I focus on each taste and flavor than I would if I had half of my attention on my phone and half on my food. That’s not to say I never eat with others; group meals with your friends or loved ones are equally valuable. But when I want to meditate at work, I allow myself to eat alone and focus,” says Kelli Lane, Chief Marketing Officer of Genexa.

Another method for meditating without distractions is recommended by the co-founder of Reel Paper who speaks about a mental exercise that helps release withheld tension. 

“I have a meditation exercise I love that has helped me to recenter myself at work and feel a physical sensation of releasing stress. How I do it is by finding a window of time during my workday when I can take a few moments to myself without being interrupted. I repeat this activity as many times as needed throughout the day. I close my eyes and picture each concern and task that is on my mind causing me overwhelm. I usually picture each little stress as a neatly wrapped package, then I imagine releasing each one until my mental image is clear and empty of packages. You could picture your stresses as any image that helps you to visualize. I find this activity helps me actually feel the release of tension and worry,” says Derin Oyekan, Co-Founder of Reel Paper.

Meditative Breathing Exercises Business Professionals Enjoy

Other forms of meditating fall under deep breathing exercises. When we spoke with these business founders and CEOs about their advice for meditating at work, some of them offered their favorite breathing exercises to use as a form of meditation at work. 

“Meditation can be as simple as stretching and taking deep breaths. After all, studies have proven it is highly effective when workers who sit at a desk stand up every thirty minutes to an hour. I take these opportunities to stretch and focus on the reach of my limbs while I breath deeply. This activity makes me feel centered in myself and ready to focus again. Part of the benefit of stretching is the flow of blood to your limbs and brain which aids in mental capacity,” says Ajay Mehta, Co-Founder and CEO of Birthdate Co.

The founder of plant-based sweets and treats company MiiRO says breathing lies at the heart of reorienting yourself on your tasks at hand. Founder Rym Selmi’s favorite method for meditative breathing is taking the time to count to 100.

“I follow a meditation practice that gives me roughly 100 seconds to refocus and align my priorities back on my health and wellness. When I take deep breaths I remember to be thankful for the life I’ve been given and that no problem or project is insurmountable. I take 100 deep breaths by following an inner dialogue that says ‘inhale and exhale, one, inhale and exhale, two” etc. all the way to the hundreths deep exhale. Usually this is more than enough time for me to feel relaxed and less stressed,” says Rym Selmi, Founder of MiiRO.

Not only does breathing for a specific amount of time designed to offer a relaxing window help bring about a calming effect, but so does breathing with a certain intention. If relaxation is the end goal, sometimes your whole body needs to coordinate with your lungs as you do more than just breathe.

“I follow an easy and quick breathing exercise I call ‘tension relieving breathing.’ I complete this exercise regularly at work throughout the day to help me exude calm. As I take full breaths, inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, I focus on various parts of my body and try to release tension there. Usually I collect tightness in my neck, shoulders, and spine, so I always focus on those areas. Sometimes I’ll give myself enough time to focus on my whole body and other times just my most tense spots,” says Ryan Brown, Integrated Marketing Director of Kenra Professional.

The CEO of Doelashes offers a very simple and comprehensible breathing exercise anyone can follow to meditate at work.

“Meditating is sometimes misconstrued, but it really comes down to breathing to focus on a clear mind. Sometimes work tension makes your brain feel stuffy and overwhelmed which is exactly when I step back and meditate. One method is to breathe in for eight seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, before exhaling for four quick seconds. You can repeat it as many times as needed but you can feel the relaxing effects after only a few rounds,” says Jason Wong, CEO of Doe Lashes.

Meditating at work does not have to only occur indoors, whether in your company’s office or in your self-determined workspace, such as your house or coffee shop. Tension does occur anywhere you deem to get your work done, and isn’t exclusive to offices. The founder of Modloft says he meditates outdoors.

“I find nature to be calming so I like to spend time outside when I need to take a mental break and refresh my mindset. During the workday I always try to give myself time to stroll in nature and focus on taking deep, life giving breaths,” says Ted Toledano, Founder of Modloft.

With these suggestions, advice, and breathing exercises compiled by successful business owners and founders you should have ample ideas for how you can begin to meditate during your work day. The biggest importance is to remember to take time to de-stress, whether through breathing, moving around, or some other healthy method that works for you. 

Tips for Women on Moving and Living Alone

A job change or promotion or for a changed lifestyle, no matter what your reason behind relocation is, moving solo can be a little overwhelming. But this isn’t stopping women from moving to other cities to make a career and live their lives to the fullest. While it is a very positive change in society that women are keen to fulfil their career aspirations and are ready to live alone to achieve their goals, they may face some odd situations while moving and living alone at a new place. But that certainly doesn’t mean that they should not do so. All you have to do is to follow a well curated moving checklist by professionals like iMoving and the tips given below to stay safe during the move and even after that.

Research Your New Place Well

It is very important to know the ins and outs of your new place well. Make sure you research the culture and lifestyle of the city and for that, you can search about it online or can ask friends and family who have been there. It is also wise to visit the place at least once before you make up your mind to shift to that place. Acknowledging the crime rate of the city is one of the most vital steps while doing your research. Learn about your transportation options and also choose the right and safe area for your home. So before you start searching for nationwide movers, research your new city well. 

Also, every state and city has its own culture so it is wise to understand the lifestyle and culture of the city. Get familiar with the locality that you are choosing to live in by exploring the surroundings. Make sure you have easy access to all the mandatory places like grocery stores, pharmacies, clinics, and other essentials. 

Create a Moving Plan

Moving is a daunting task in itself and moving alone is all the more difficult. So it makes sense to create a moving plan and execute it well. Though it is wise to hire professionals to do the packing and moving job, you may want to pack some of your goods yourself. Try to de-clutter the house and downsize your move as much as possible. Make a list of contact numbers related to your move that may include moving companies, electric companies, utility providers, and other service providers at your new place. Do not forget to inform your family and friends about your moving plans. 

Take help from Family and Friends 

If possible, take the help of your family and friends for the move. You can take a family member with you to your new place that can help you in organizing your new home. 

Move/Travel Safely 

Now that you have packed all your household goods and have handed them over to the movers, you will have to travel to your new place. Make sure you share your trip details with your trustworthy and reliable friends and family who will keep a check on you. Do not forget to keep your mobile’s battery full throughout the travel. If you are driving your own car, make sure you do not drive during the night. Try and stay on main roads so that in case you have to stop somewhere then it is safe.

Secure Your New Home

It is very important to secure your new home when you live alone. Make sure you change the locks of each door of your new house. Check if the fire alarm works properly and also get a security alarm installed at home by a security company. 

Know Your Neighbours

Knowing your neighbours and being friendly with them is very important when you live alone. It is very rightly said that a good neighbour is more than family. Knowing and meeting your neighbours often will not only create a feeling of security but will also make you feel at home. 

Keep the Front Yard Clean

Remove any bushes or shrubbery from your front and back yards. While it is good to keep your house clean, it will also keep your house safe as someone can take advantage of the bushes and can hide in them.

Stay in Touch

It is highly advisable to stay in touch with your family and friends. You can call them or can even social media to do the same. Make sure you do not announce that you live alone. Do not discuss it among strange people and never post anything on social media related to you living alone. Most importantly, do not share your address and other contact details with strangers. Know your friends and foes well and make sure you can differentiate between them. 

While it is mandatory to grow in life and you may have to move and live alone to achieve your professional and personal life goals, it is equally important to take some precautionary steps to stay safe. 

3 Signs Your Positivity Is Lacking In 2021

We’re all feeling a little bit brow beaten after the last two years. Here are 3 signs your positivity is lacking and what you can do to pick yourself back up.

We have just been through a collective global trauma. We’re still going through it. Just because the developed countries are over the worst of it and have enrolled a vaccine does not mean that we are at the end of this trial. COVID-19 will be with us for years to come. Every year it will return in winter to remind us of what it took from us.

With so much sadness in the air, there is no wonder that many of us are lacking in positivity as we move into the latter stages of 2021. Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of how we can stay positive as we move into the new year.

3 Signs You Need More Positivity In Your Life (And What To Do About It)

If you start to feel a little bit blue, then refer back to this guide to help you. Here are 3 signs you need more positivity in your life and what you can do to get yourself back on track.

1 – All you can see is the negative in life

As adults, we are subjected to a constant barrage of information. This information is bad. Look at the news for example. When was the last time you saw a pleasant story on the news? Does anyone recall a few years back when Facebook were found guilty of manipulating our emotions through our social media feed? The point here is that the media we surround ourselves with has an impact on our mental health.

This one has an easy fix. If you feel that certain apps or social media accounts or news channels are making you feel worse, don’t open those apps. Instead, surround yourself with positive news feeds. Visit websites like Wealthful Mind, Tiny Buddha regularly to nourish your mind from time to time.

2 – Your relationships are suffering

When you are not mentally happy, your relationships cannot be fully healthy. You will bleed some of your negativity onto your partner. Depending on your partner’s mental health, they may or may not be able to handle that. Of course, a healthy relationship involves giving and taking. If you are negative for prolonged period, you will find that your relationships suffer.

When your relationships start to suffer, turn your attention to your work life balance. Are you spending enough time at home? Are you investing enough into your partner’s happiness? Are you spending too much time at work? If you find there is an imbalance in how much time you’re spending at work, correct this and you should see more positive relationships.

3 – You lack Motivation

Lacking motivation can be normal. Nobody wants to wake up on a Monday morning and start the weekly grind over again. Black of motivation becomes a symptom of mental illness when you cannot physically bring yourself to do the things that you have to do. There is a difference between lack of motivation and doing the work anyway and lack of motivation and not physically being able to do the work.

If you find yourself in a position where you are not physically able to continue because of motivational challenges, then you may be suffering from depression. We would recommend that you visit a doctor and talk to them about this. You can also seek advice and support from the following pages:

Get rid of headaches with professional chiropractic care.

Getting a lot of headaches lately can hamper your thought process and does not allow us to carry our everyday activity easily. An intense headache can easily destroy clarity and can also affect your sleep, and disable your day.

We have listed different kinds of headaches commonly faced by people and how seeking chiropractic care can help treat them.

Four common types of headaches;

Sinus headache

Most commonly occurring headache, chiropractic care can help manage your sinus headache. There are various sinuses behind our nasal passages, which get filled with fluid and cause pressure on your head. This pressure can cause headaches which a chiropractor can treat. 

This headache can become uncomfortable, but a chiropractor can come with diverse treatment options for alleviating it. 

Cluster headaches

Another kind of headache, a cluster headache, can be pretty painful. Though unusual in nature, this headache occurs when a nerve issue occurs on the face. When intense, you will find various symptoms such as twitching, sweating and paralysis on the impacted side. 

Many people also complained of their eyes tearing up and nose running, however only on half of the face, which can be confusing, stressful and painful. However, chiropractor care can bring positive outcomes.

Migraine headaches

Migraine headaches are the most common issue which people suffer from. There are two kinds of migraine, such as;

Aura – here, people experience some symptom or signal before the pain hits, such as strange smells or flashing lights. 

Another kind of migraine is without an aura, where the pain starts without any warning.

Tension-type headache

Unlike migraine pain, which usually occurs at one side, a tension-type headache occurs as a band type, also accompanied by nausea and light and sound sensitivity. This headache is related to scalp muscles. When there is an alignment issue in the spine, you might experience a tug-like feel; along with that, you might also feel muscles from the base of your skull being pulled. This causes tightening of muscles of your head, causing a headache. 

Cervicogenic headaches

The source of the headache is the neck. However, the pain occurs throughout your head, shoulders, and face. This is caused due to neck stiffness, stress, and poor sitting position.

How chiropractors help in managing headaches

Popping a pill every time you get a headache, especially when you get it occasionally, can be harmful. This is where chiropractic care can help address different kinds of headaches. 

Intense headaches can affect the quality of life; fortunately, with proper chiropractic care, you will identify its root cause and get it treated.

The treatment process;

  • Chiropractors start the process by assessing, locating and identifying the symptoms to identify the root cause of your headache.
  • They work on identifying subluxations or misalignments of vertebrae through precise and targeted adjustments. 
  • They make use of an activator, a chiropractor instrument or do it manually with their hands to make adjustments.
  • Various treatment processes will be used by your chiropractor depending upon the kind of headache you are suffering from and its root cause;
  • Manual therapy
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Modalities including electrical stimulation and acupuncture
  • Ultrasound
  • Rehabilitation
  • Lifestyle changes 
  • Referrals
  • Co-management

You can reach out to chiropractic Frederick MD for getting a better briefing about chiropractic care and other health needs.  


It is important to take headaches very seriously, if they are occurring regularly you should definitely think about consulting a chiropractor. If you want to get rid of the pain naturally without popping any pills regularly, chiropractic care can benefit by designing a health plan which works on discovering and eliminating the pain from its root cause.

Dimensional Analysis- Formula and Applications 

For every objective, we can see different dimensions. Either it may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional etc. Analyzing all these dimensions of a particular object is known as dimensional analysis. In simple words, the dimensional analysis provides mathematical answers for the physical quantities. We can measure using lengths and angles for physical objects. 

The definition of Dimensional Analysis is an analysis using physical quantities. If those dimensions are the same, then they are said to be equal. Similarly, we can add or subtract those physical quantities using the dimensions. So let’s have a detailed study on what dimensional analysis is, its principles, applications etc.

What is dimensional analysis?

Dimensional analysis is an approach to finding the relationship between two physical quantities based on their dimensions and units. Unit conversion also plays a vital role in dimensional analysis.

Dimensional analysis and Unit conversion

While comparing two physical quantities, we need to check that all the quantities have the same units. If not, we need to convert them. These conversion factors play a crucial role in comparing physical objects, so dimensional analysis is also known as the Unit factor method or factor label method.


As we know that 1000 meters are equal to 1 km,


5 km = 5 × 1000 meters = 5000 meters

Hence, 1000 meters is the conversion factor.

Another illustration to understand the principle of dimensional analysis is if two persons have pens with each. The first person has a total of 90 pens. Where the second person has in the form of packages, each package consists of 10 pens. A second person has nine packages with him. 

Now we are converting the packages into several pens. So we need to multiply the number of packages and the number of pens in each package. So, 9*10= 90. Hence, both the persons have 90 pence with each of them. 

In this way, we convert the units and compare them using dimensional analysis. Like this, consider several examples of dimensional analysis.

Verification of physical equation using dimensional analysis

Let’s assume that we had confusion on distance, speed and time equations. So I need to verify which one is correct among the following,

time = distance/speed, or

time = speed/distance.

So, let’s decrease or convert both units into their fundamental stage. We will get,

[T] = [L]/[L][T]-1 = [T].

Hence, time = distance/speed.

In this way, we can also check the physical equations.

Principle of homogeneity in dimensional analysis 

According to the principle of homogeneity, for every physical equation, the dimensions should be equal on both sides. If they are unequal, it doesn’t represent a physical equation. It will become a physical inequation. Let’s get more idea about this principle using an example.

Ex:- Verify the equation s = ut ½ at2. Whereas = displacement

             u = initial velocity

  1. = Time

             a = acceleration

             v = final velocity


As we know that L.H.S = s and

                           R.H.S = ut 1/2at2


The dimensional formula for the L.H.S can also be written as

s = [L1M0T0] ………..(1)

According to the unit Factor method, we can convert the units of both physical quantities. So,

           R.H.S = ut ½ at2,

Simply, we can write

          R.H.S = [u][t] [a] [t]2


[L1M0T-1][L0M0T-1] [L1M0T-2][L0M0T0]



If we observe both (1) and (2),

we will get [L.H.S] = [R.H.S]

Hence, it is proven that the given equation is dimensionally correct by the principle of homogeneity.

Consistency of Dimensional analysis

According to the principle of homes in a day, both the L.H.S and R.H.S are equal for every physical quantity. It means that both physical quantities have equal and similar dimensions. If the queen of physical quantities has different dimensions, then the equation is dimensionally incorrect. 

So, the consistency of the dimensional equation states that if both the physical quantities have similar dimensions, they are said to be consistent.

Applications of dimensional analysis

Dimensional analysis is a considerable study of finding relationships between two or more physical quantities. It is very useful for day-to-day life. In the field of physics, dimensional analysis has different applications. They all are listed below-

  • Using the principle of homogeneity, which states that both L.H.S is equal to R.H.S, we can easily verify the correctness of any physical equation.
  • The unit center method is also applied in converting various physical quantities from one system to another. Either from C.G.S to M.K.S or from M.K.S to C.G.S etc.
  • Another application of dimensional analysis is representing the nature of physical quantity by measuring its angles and lengths.
  • We can also derive formulas using dimensional analysis.

Besides all these applications, dimensional analysis also possesses a few limitations.

Limitations of dimensional analysis

Through dimensional analysis is very useful in many ways, it has failed in finding few relations. They are-

  • It always provides information about variables. It was unable to provide information regarding the constants in the physical equation.
  • It can verify only algebraic equations. It failed to check the correctness of equations containing logarithmic, trigonometric and exponential functions.
  • We can find whether the dimensions are equal or not. But we cannot explain whether the physical quantity is a scalar or a vector.

These are the few limitations possessed by dimensional analysis.


Dimensional analysis is an advanced concept in physics that has several applications in real life. Dimensional analysis is defined as a study of measuring the physical quantities based on their dimensions. 

We are also able to compare two physical quantities using dimensional analysis. It follows the principle of homogeneity, which states that both sides have equal dimensions. It is also said to be the consistency of that physical quantity. These are the principles, examples and applications of dimensional analysis. 

Hence dimensional analysis is an advanced concept in physics that has several applications in real life. Dimensional analysis is defined as a study of measuring the physical quantities based on their dimensions.

Distinguishing Factors Between Organic Compounds and Inorganic Compounds

When talking about chemical compounds, they can be found in multiple types. With different properties and classifications of each type, identifying each such type can be an easy task for you, especially after you go through this article.

So, let’s dive into conducting a comparison of organic and inorganic compounds here!

Various types of chemical compounds

Compounds can be divided into two categories:

  • Organic Compounds.
  • Inorganic Compounds.

Organic Compounds

Compounds containing carbon, whether solid, gaseous, or liquid, fall into the organic category. It is possible to describe organic compounds using numerous theories, such as structural formulas, space models, and Lewis structures. The mass spectra of organic compounds are commonly used to identify them.

Living organisms have organic molecules. Nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, and hydrocarbon fuels are examples. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are all common elements in organic compounds.

  • DNA
  • Table sugar, C12H22O11, or sucrose
  • Benzene, C6H6
  • Gaseous methane
  • Alcohol, C2H6O, often known as ethanol

Is there a reason why organic chemicals are so crucial?

Carbon is found in all living species. Hence chemical compounds are essential. The carbon exchange between plants and animals is necessary for photosynthesis and cellular respiration, for example. Organometallic compounds are formed when chemical compounds interact with metals.

Inorganic Compound

Compounds that do not have carbon as their major component are called inorganic. It’s essentially the reverse of what organic compounds are defined to be. Carbon and hydrogen are not bound together in the compounds. 

Inorganic compounds include salts, chemicals, and metals. A total of about 100,000 inorganic compounds have been identified up to this point.

Inorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the chemical and physical properties of substances. All of the inorganic compounds are derived from naturally occurring minerals or compounds and metals, hence making up the majority of them.

Salts, metals, substances derived from a single element and other molecules without carbon-hydrogen bonds are all considered inorganics. Carbon can be found in several inorganic compounds.

  • Sodium chloride, the chemical name for table salt
  • The CO2 is carbon dioxide.
  • A diamond is a diamond (pure carbon)
  • Silver
  • Sulfur

What does the term “organic compound” refer to strictly?

A carbon atom is covalently linked with another element, such as hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen, to form a complex known as an organic compound. Compounds such as carbides, carbonates, and cyanides are the only carbon-containing ones that aren’t considered organic.

What is the total number of inorganic compounds?

There are around 19 million known carbon compounds in organic chemistry, but only roughly 500,000 inorganic chemistry. Inorganic compounds, on the other hand, are responsible for the majority of the world’s wealth.

What is the total number of inorganic compounds?

Inorganic compounds, on the other hand, are responsible for the majority of economic gains. Organic chemistry has roughly 19 million identified carbon compounds, but inorganic chemistry only has about 500,000. 

Inorganic compounds are also simple because they cannot build the intricate molecular connections that carbon enables. An example of a primary inorganic chemical is sodium chloride, better known as household salt, and Na and Cl are needed in this formula.


Compounds that are both organic and inorganic.

Chemistry relies heavily on organic and inorganic substances. For example, organic chemistry deals with the study of organic molecules, while inorganic chemistry deals with non-living things. These people are considered to be a part of a sizable group. 

These organic and inorganic compounds differ primarily because organic compounds always contain a carbon atom, while most inorganic compounds do not. Carbon-hydrogen or C-H bonds are found in nearly all organic molecules.

For the most part, you may distinguish organic substances from inorganic ones because they originate from biological processes. On the other hand, organic substances are the products of natural processes that have nothing to do with life on Earth or the findings of laboratory experiments undertaken by humans.

Carbon atoms aren’t the only Comparison of Organic and Inorganic Compounds; there are many others. These are thought to have features that are unique to each type of chemical.

Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Compounds:


Organic Compounds

Inorganic Compounds

1. Compounds classified as organic contain carbon atoms. Carbon atoms are absent from the vast majority of inorganic compounds (some exceptions do exist)
2. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their derivatives are the building blocks of organic compounds. They lack hydrogen and oxygen, as well as their derived products.
3. As a general rule, organic compounds are more volatile and highly flammable than inorganic ones. These substances aren’t flammable and don’t exist in nature as volatiles.
4. In addition to solids, gases and liquids, these compounds can be found in all three forms. These are made up of solids.
5. These cannot be dissolved in any liquid, including water. In water, they dissolve, but in some organic solutions, they don’t.
6. Compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds are included in this category. There are no carbon-hydrogen bonds in these substances.
7. Most living organisms are composed primarily of organic compounds. Non-living organisms contain these compounds.
8. Covalent bonds are formed in organic compounds. Ionic bonds are formed between the atoms of molecules in inorganic compounds.
9. Heat and electricity are poor conductors in most aqueous solutions. These are known to be excellent conductors of heat and electricity in aqueous solutions.
10. Hydrocarbon fuels, nucleic acids and sugars are just a few examples of organic compounds. Nonmetals, salts, metals, acids, and bases are all examples of inorganic compounds, as are substances that are made up of only one element.
11. Temperatures at which they will melt and boil are both modest. When compared to organic compounds, these have lower melting and boiling points.
12 These are more complex in nature and biological. These are primarily mineral and lack a great deal of complexity.
13 You cannot make SaltsY from organic compounds. You can make sodium and potassium salts from inorganic substances.
14 Organic compounds have a slow reaction rate. The reactivity of inorganic compounds is very high.


Compounds that are both organic and inorganic are part of chemistry. Organic compounds make up the majority of our body’s essential needs, as well as our entire structure. Compared to inorganic compounds, organic compounds contain carbon and are found in the liquid state, unlike inorganic compounds. You can find a carbon-rich organic compound in any phase of the universe

How to tell correlation and regression apart

Even though we’ve all heard the expression “correlation does not indicate causation,” what precisely does it mean?

It is necessary to examine the metrics of correlation and regression, which are two types of statistical analysis metrics. It is possible to establish the relationships between two variables, measure them, and make judgments using their methods in statistical analysis. 

It is common practice in a range of businesses, and it is also evident in our everyday lives to do their analyses. As an illustration, have you ever seen someone drive a strong automobile and assumed that the driver was wealthy? If yes, tell me about it. 

Perhaps you would like to conceive of it as a positive feedback loop: the more time spent jogging in the morning, the more weight you will lose.

Real-life examples can be seen in both of these situations since you are looking at one variable (a luxury automobile or a lengthy exercise) and then examining if there is any direct relationship between the two variables (being wealthy or losing weight). When examining the associations between two variables, it is critical to understand the distinctions between correlation and regression.

Keep reading to understand the difference between Correlation Vs Regression.

What exactly is correlation?

When you hear the word “correlation,” you’re thinking of the combination of the phrases “co” (which means together) and “relation,” which signifies a relationship. An instant or delayed change in one variable is followed by an immediate or delayed change in the other. This is what is meant by correlation in this situation. This means the variables are uncorrelated when one changes without having any influence on the other. This approach measures the connection between two variables in the simplest words possible.

  • A correlation chart, often known as a scatter diagram, makes it easy to observe the relationship between two variables on a visual representation. 
  • In a correlation chart, each piece of information is represented by a single point. 
  • Correlation shows a variety of points from a single piece of data.

Consider the concept of correlation to be similar to real-life occurrences. As an example, it may be in the best interests of your organization to investigate if there is a predicted link between the sale of a product and elements such as advertising, weather,  and consumer income. 

Let’s look at correlation from the perspective of marketing, in addition to the pricing and demand examples provided above, to determine the strength of a link between the two variables.

What exactly is regression?

Regression is a statistical technique that uses the average mathematical relationship between two or more variables to estimate the change in the metric dependent variable as a result of changes in one or more independent variables. Regression is used to estimate the change in the metric dependent variable as a result of changes in one or more independent variables. In many human activities, it is essential because it is a very strong and adaptable instrument that can be used to predict past events, present situations, and future occurrences depending on previous or current events. IFor example, in the case of a firm, it is possible to forecast future profits based on historical data.

Correlation is a statistical measure of the degree of a link between two variables. Because correlation is totally symmetrical, the correlation between two variables A and B is the same as the correlation between two variables B and A. A relational relationship between a pair of variables indicates that when one changes by a particular amount, the other changes on average by the same amount. The increased height is, on average, related to increased anatomical dead space in the children who were previously characterized. If y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable, then this connection is referred to as the regression of y on x (or simply regression).

Correlation Vs Regression

This table points out the differences between correlation and regression in concise:

Meaning The statistical metric of correlation reveals whether two variables are associated or co-related. An independent variable may be quantitatively related to the dependent one using regression analysis.
Usage In order to depict a straight line connecting two variables. A good way to estimate one variable is to fit the best line across it.
Dependent and Independent variables The difference is negligible. It’s important to note that the two variables are distinct.
Indicates In other words, it shows how closely two variables move together. An example of regression would be to see how a shift in the estimated variable (y) affects the known variable (x).
Objective To determine the connection between two variables numerically. Using the values of fixed variables to estimate random variable values.


Correlation and regression have major distinctions that must be understood.


  • When using regression, you may determine how changes in x influence change in y and then see how the findings alter when those two variables are switched. If you use correlation, any two variables, x, and y will provide the same results.
  • Regression is the whole equation with all of the data points represented by a line, while correlation is a single statistic or data point.
  • Regression helps us to observe how one variable influences the other while correlation indicates the link between the two variables.
  • Regression data reveals a cause-and-effect relationship, showing that the other does too when one changes, but not necessarily in the same manner. The variables move together when there is a correlation.


In conclusion, there is a significant difference between correlation analysis and regression analysis.

Correlation and regression are two types of analyses that are based on the distribution of several variables. When describing the type of connection and the strength of the link between two continuous quantitative variables, they may be utilized as a tool.

Although correlation and regression are both mathematical concepts being studied simultaneously, it is clear from the above explanation that there is a significant difference between the two mathematical concepts in question. Correlation is used when a researcher wants to discover whether or not the variables under investigation are connected, and if they are, how strong the link between them is. Pearson’s correlation coefficient is often regarded as the most accurate correlation metric available. In regression analysis, a functional connection between two variables is formed in order to generate future forecasts about occurrences based on those variables.

Avoid these mistakes while preparing for class 9 math Olympiad

Mathematics has always been one of the most difficult subjects students have to deal with in their school life. Difficult questions require quick and accurate calculations. A simple silly mistake and one can only pray that the examiner gives some marks for the steps. Nervousness before the exam gets on our nerves and causes us to make mistakes we never would have made.  

There are many things one must have to win an International Mathematics Olympiad. Now that you’ve enrolled in school, it’s time to make the most of your study opportunities to learn how to prepare for the Math Olympiads. The first step in preparing for this competition is to familiarize yourself with the competition rules and regulations. You will be asked to write a short essay on the topics you want to study and submit it to the IOA. You will also need to prepare a series of tests to be used in competition. To prepare, you can ask your school counselor for help, or you can use some of the online resources available. 

Here are some tips on how to avoid them in the future. 

  • Make a good plan  

Textbooks always have some examples in each chapter to help students. In addition to explaining how to solve a question, they are there to give you a rough format to follow when solving questions. These examples are extremely helpful as they answer questions step by step while describing what is being done. Also, each student must follow a systematic pattern to solve questions and approach each problem in this way. It prevents any type of confusion and the possibility of robbery.  

  • Redo your calculations on paper 

To save time, students often do math in their heads, which is the number one cause of stupid mistakes. It is recommended that you always have a pencil with you so that you can do your calculations on paper; In this way, you can check your calculations at any time and the possibility of errors is reduced. It is better to be careful in solving the question rather than realizing your mistake when you are done with the problem and wasting time repeating it all over again. 

  • Read question twice 

Often, we come across questions that sound familiar to us and begin to confidently resolve them without looking at the question again. It is very risky! You should always read each question carefully and put them all together in your head. Even with word problems, we tend to ignore sentences that seem unnecessary to us, but what makes these questions so special is that they always contain important information that needs to be considered when trying a question. Don’t be overconfident or careless as it can cost you the entire question and is a risk you should not take. 

  • Be careful with graphs  

Students often find the questions to be solved in diagrams straightforward. But it’s not always like this. Graphics also require a lot of concentration, as it is also very easy to make a mistake when solving it. You should always mark and label axes correctly. The points where you mark your answers should also be clearly highlighted and specified. Another tip is to use graph paper carefully, as pencil marks can easily smudge. 

  • More and more practice 

Most of the mistakes you make are due to low self-confidence. Many times, due to stress, we doubt our methods and solve a question incorrectly instead of using the correct method first. Practicing different types of questions increases our speed and helps us understand the concept better, which in turn gives us more confidence and leaves us with no opportunity to make mistakes.  

  • Recheck your answers  

At the end of the job, if you have time, you’d better double-check all your answers. Do the math again and see if you missed any steps or not. If necessary, add the units to your answers. Many students skip this, but it is more important than it sounds as it gives them a chance to correct their mistakes, if any, and prevent them from later regret and confusion.  

  • Don’t forget to take the mocks 

Before the Olympic exam, you must take a practice test. This will help you identify in which areas it is weaker and in which areas it is strong. It will also give you an idea of ​​the type of question you might face during the exam. It can help you prepare for the types of questions you will face on the actual exam. 

Few things to never forget!! 

  1. Stay up to date with the curriculum with google and understand the seriousness of the competition.  
  2. Trust only official sites on such matters. Make the Internet the friend of your success, not the enemy.  
  3. Always remember that time never waits for anyone. Before you start preparing, create a schedule or timeline. Honesty in studying is the key to success on this exam.  

Additional tips  

  • Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a regular, it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of preparing for the Olympiads.   
  • Questions on Olympiad exams are more complicated than on normal school exams. Test your concepts. Practice thinking outside the box.  
  • Olympiad ranks will also strengthen your profile and allow you direct admission to many of the best universities in the world. Therefore, do not take them lightly. 
  • Know that a healthy lifestyle is necessary, which includes good sleep  
  • Having the right attitude is also necessary. 
  • Get the right book from the right place  

Refer below class 9 IMO question paper 2016 

IMO Maths Olympiad Class 9 – 2016 Previous Year Question Paper 

We hope this helps you avoid silly and annoying mistakes, and you do your best in the exam. See you again with more advice and guidance.