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Important things to know about your rights at the workplace for a better future

Every place you visit, anywhere you live in or work at, there are some basic rules and regulations that must be followed. Be it those rules and regulations be unsaid or stated publicly, some things are important to know as an individual. It should be made compulsory for a man to know about his basic rights. It is more important for a man to go to a workplace and know exactly how the company or an industry is violating certain rules and rights of their workers. Most people forgo these because they want a job and they want to feed their families. What they are not aware of is the fact that not knowing or ignoring these violations can make their life a living hell in the future and then it would be too late to actually do anything about it.

Mentioned below are some of the basic workplace rights of an employee he should be aware of:

Right to privacy – A large number of standards of human rights are intended to ensure you as a laborer inside the work environment. You reserve the privilege to a private and family life. Your manager has the option to screen interchanges inside the working environment as long as you’re mindful of the checking before it happens. Observing can cover messages, internet, phone calls, etc. You reserve the privilege to perceive any data held about you, similar to messages or CCTV film. Your entitlement to a private life implies you reserve the privilege of some protection in the working environment. You can’t be checked all over the place. In the event that your manager doesn’t regard this, they’ll be breaking human rights law.

Unsafe workplace – Laborers may decline work where they think it is going to jeopardize them, or another worker. The Act incorporates a point by point process for denying dangerous work and clarifies the business’ duty regarding reacting to work refusals. The Act additionally furnishes laborers with security from backlash, or counter, from the business, should they choose to reject dangerous work. Employers must guarantee that laborers know about the perils introduced by individuals, hardware, materials, nature, and procedures. They reserve the privilege to be prepared on and to get data about perilous and unsafe substances that they are presented to, or are probably going to be uncovered.

Compensations – It is important to know about the minimum wage as well as your right as sick leaves, pregnancy leaves, etc. If you have been hurt in a work-related task or at your job, the time away, as well as the medical bill, should be compensated. To know more about compensation rights, you can always contact Walthew Law Firm as they deal with all types of compensation-related cases. Even as an intern you have basic rights, make sure you know about those.

Termination – While managers frequently have extraordinary secrecy over the hiring and terminating of their laborers, in specific conditions, terminating an employee can comprise an unjust end. For a terminating to meet the meaning of wrongful termination, it must be illicit according to the law, for example, abusing an employment agreement or government or state law. For example, terminating someone over their strict beliefs would abuse government social liberties law.

Harassment – Inappropriate behavior is illegal under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. Inappropriate behavior is unwelcome sexual conduct, which could be relied upon to make an individual vibe insulted, embarrassed or scared. It may be physical, verbal or composed. Lewd behavior isn’t a consensual association, tease or companionship. Inappropriate behavior isn’t conducted that is commonly settled upon. Lewd behavior is shrouded in the work environment when it occurs: at work, at business-related occasions, or between individuals having a similar working environment.

Best Air Purifier For Delhi

People living in Delhi need air purifiers because of the rising air pollution. When you get an air purifier on rent you do not have to commute to an oxygen center to breathe in fresh air. You can make your homes and offices toxin-free when you get an air purifier that eliminates all toxins and chemicals from the air. When you stay indoors you can breathe in air that is free of toxins, allergens, and dust. You can prevent air borne diseases using an air purifier. There are many air purifiers that come with digitized features making it easy for you to operate them.

Features to look for in an air purifier

  • Choose an air purifier based on their filtration process. The HEPA filter removes dirty particles and pollutants from air and gives you a clean air to breathe. Air purifiers with this technology are available in different sizes. You can choose the size based on the dimensions of your room.
  • Large and compact size air purifiers are available for you to choose from. Remove all obstructions from the place where the air purifier is placed as it does not hinder the flow of air.
  • Air purifiers with pre-filtering features remove large dust particles from the air. Pre-filters have advantages as they are washable and reusable.
  • Air purifiers with digital controls make operations easy. They come with indicators to specify a variety of information. They are easy to operate with just a push of a button.
  • Look for adjustable fan speeds when it comes to choosing an air purifier. It is ideal to choose on that has 2-5 settings.
  • An air purifier that comes with a timer is suitable for bedrooms as you can set the timer and sleep peacefully breathing clean air. With this feature you don’t have to leave the device on till the charge depletes.
  • Look for handles when you are choosing a large sized air purifier. They make it easy to move and carry the air purifier in any location you want.
  • An air purifier that is coated with antimicrobial coating prevents the formation of dust on the outer surface of the air purifier. This feature increases the lifespan of the device.

Smart connectivity

A few air purifiers come with wi-fi and bluetooth connectivity and let you control and make adjustments wirelessly. A few models come with digital controls and remote making it easy for you to operate the device. You can activate the device remotely using these remote controls. Likewise you can rent cooler online. Feel the cool breeze and breathe fresh air when you have both of these devices. 


An air purifier is a must to prevent air borne diseases. It eliminates microbes, toxins, and many other harmful particles from the air. It enhances the quality of air indoors. Look for chemical filtration if you are staying close to a construction site. Air purifiers eliminate toxins, remove pet danders, odors, smoke, and dust from the air.  It must cover the entire room so air circulates without any obstructions.

Hold On To The Woman Who Sees You For Who You Are But Loves You Anyway

It’s not every day that you get to meet a woman who truly sees you for who you are. So if you are one of those lucky ones who have come across a person like her, be grateful.

Be grateful for her because she will take care of your heart and your soul. Her love will feed you and warm you up in the coldest of evenings. She will embrace you and give you the shelter that you need. But most importantly, she will accept you the real you.

If she does these things, hold on to her and let her know how much you love her:

1. She respects your privacy

Every person has their own life and their own individual time which they spend on doing the things that make them happy. Whether it’s for your favorite activity or just hanging out with friends, it’s your choice.

If your girl understands these crucial things and encourages you to spend time doing the things you love, you’ve got yourself the biggest blessing.

2. She trusts you

Trust is very hard to come by. That’s why it takes a lot of time and energy to earn it. But once you reach that, it can only take a second to break it.

It’s a rare thing to find someone with whom you can be the most comfortable around because you simply trust them. A person who you consider to be your soulmate.

That’s why, if you found yourself a woman who puts her trust 100% in you, you are one lucky guy. Love her, treat her right, and don’t forget to put the same amount of trust in her.

3. She believes in you

If your girl believes in you to do even the impossible no matter how hard the obstacles are, and makes you search for the positive side in every story, she’s the one. She’s a keeper.

4. She makes you feel safe

We all need a place that feels like home. Somewhere we belong. And most of the time, this special place can be found in a person.

In the heart of the woman who loves you unconditionally, in the eyes of the girl who kisses you goodnight every day, in the hug of our soulmate who waits for us to return home safely.

If your woman makes you feel loved and provides you a shelter aside from all the worries of life, hold on to her and show her how much you appreciate her.

5. She empowers you

If you are lucky enough to have a woman by your side who constantly empowers you and lifts your spirits whenever you feel afraid to take a step toward the unknown, you’ve found a keeper.

When your girl helps you confront your fears and stays by your side all the while, don’t let her go. A partner like her can be your greatest source of empowerment in your life. Let her know how much her support means to you.

6. She has an elastic heart

When you find a girl who won’t let her life difficulties get in the way of your relationship, and has an elastic heart, keep her forever.

This shows that she’s willing to sacrifice herself for you and make the relationship work whenever it takes a wrong turn. It’s truly a trait that needs to be respected and cherished in every sense of the word.

7. She respects your family

Take your girl to a family lunch. Introduce her to your closest ones. By the end of the lunch, if she sets a good laugh around the table and you see that your family enjoys her, then bear in mind that she is your precious one and you should really stick to her.

If she plays the family card just perfect and respects your closest ones, and they end up loving her as well, keep her.

8. She supports your biggest dreams and desired goals

Behind every successful man, stands a strong and supportive woman. If your girl makes you act, not just dream, you got yourself a sincere, pure-hearted girl.

Having someone who’ll wake you up in the morning and encourage you to accomplish your ambitions, even your silly dreams is a blessing we all wish to find.  

But if you already managed to find this beautiful soul, hold her close and keep her forever!

9. She shares your sense of humor

Life is hard anyway, so who needs a frown in their life, when you can spend the eternity with a person with whom you can share the most contagious of laughs.  If you find a girl who understands and laughs at your most inappropriate, yet hilarious jokes, there’s no doubt. She’s the one.

10. She has the same taste in music and movies

Okay, now let’s move away a bit from the emotional stuff. Let’s talk more pragmatic. Imagine finding a girl who seems like she was made only for you.  She’s a mad Star Wars and Alien fan. She went to every concert of your favorite bands and loves the same songs that make your heart sing whenever you hear them.

For the love of God, KEEP this unique precious gem forever, because there are only a few people out there that share our crazy interests. Let her know how blessed you are to finally meet her, and enjoy your future adventures together.

So, do you have someone like this in your life?

Image Copyright: captblack76 / 123RF Stock Photo

Either Love Me Or Leave Me Alone – I Am Tired Of Playing Games

I’m a woman who loves from the very bottom of her heart. I don’t settle, I don’t pretend and I’m certainly not the kind of girl who is up for playing games. When I love, I love entirely.

So, when it comes to love and relationships, I want it all in the open. Right there where I can see it. No games, no manipulation tactics, no pretending, no faking, no HALF-ASSED love.

It’s really that simple. You either want me in your life and you do your best to keep me, or you. It’s really not rocket science. It’s the way it’s supposed to be.

To me, love is sacred. It is a profound emotion, a high-frequency vibration that should be experienced fully. It is something that can only exist once we’re ready to give in completely. There’s no gray area in love.

This is exactly why I’m done forcing myself to accept bullshit. I’m constantly surrounded by people who are more than willing to throw their dreams and life away and settle for just about anything, only to feel safe and comfortable.

Well, I’ll be damned, but I’ll never condemn myself to that life.

As a matter of fact, I’m sick and tired of playing those manipulative, hard-to-get games.

I’ll never date someone just for the sake of it. I will never force myself to be a part of a certain relationship just because that is supposed to give me stability. I will never be with someone who doesn’t care about me.

TO HELL with childish games.

I want passion. I want fireworks. I want FREAKING ROCKETS!

If you don’t see yourself standing next to me in the long run, then, please… Don’t string me along.

Just leave and let me follow my dreams. Let me search for the things that make my soul flourish. Let me find the person I was destined to be with. Let me experience what true love really means. Let me be who I want to be.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if there’s one thing I learned it’s that life is too short to take it for granted. I have to be strong enough to keep searching for what I deserve. Because, when it’s right, I’ll know it.

When it’s finally right, I’ll feel it in my heart. Everything will progress naturally. I won’t have to force or beg anyone. I won’t have to wonder if the other person cares for me as much as I care for them.

So, hear me when I say. I’m not into hooking up. I’m not into hanging out. And I simply don’t do casual dating. What I want is LOVE. Real, all-consuming, sensual, everlasting, pure, naïve love.

I’ll stay alone for as long as I need to, I’ll roam this world if I need to, but I’ll never settle for something less than I want and deserve.

It’s pretty simple. There’s no gray area in love.

You either want me in your life, or you don’t. 

She Wanted To Be With You The Most, But You Pushed Her Away

She loved you from the bottom of her heart. She gave you everything she had. She gave you her heart, her mind, and her soul.

You meant the world to her. She believed you were the person she was destined to be with. She believed you were her soulmate. Her forever person. Her true love.

She was aware of her flaws, but she tried hard to be perfect only for you. She wanted to know that she was beautiful to you, despite her imperfections.

But of all things, she wanted to be with you the most.

You were the one who made her eyes beam with happiness. The one who made her body tremble at your touch. The one who made her heart skip a beat when you looked at her. The one who had the key to her heart.

She wanted to make you happy. She wanted to be the reason for all your smiles and moments of happiness. She wanted to hold your hand when you were feeling down and make you feel better. She wanted to be your comfort, your biggest fan, your inspiration, your hope.

She put her priorities aside so that she could take care of yours.

She wanted the best for you.

She loved you with every part of herself. She committed her soul, mind, and body solely to you and wore her heart on her sleeve.

And what did you do?

You took her for granted. You never returned her feelings. You took her heart, tossed it, and left her pick up the pieces by herself.

She knew all your flaws, but she accepted and cherished them.

She accepted you for who you were, with all your faults, quirks, insecurities, fears, and problems. She never tried to change you because to her you were perfect just the way you were.

You deserved her hatred, but she couldn’t bring herself to hate you.

You lied to her, made her feel unworthy, and hurt her feelings many times. You never bothered to ask her how she felt or how her day went. It was all about you. Always about you. As long as your needs were satisfied, nothing else mattered. She should’ve hated you because you were selfish and dishonest.

You were selfish because you kept her in your life so that she could help you stop being dissatisfied with yourself and your life. You kept her by your side because she boosted your ego. Because you knew she was way better than you.

She wanted to stay, but you pushed her away.

She tried hard to make things work between you. She hoped her love for you would change the way you treated her. She thought her love for you would soften that cold, diabolic heart of yours. But, that never happened. It was all just a wishful thinking.

The only thing she did wrong was loving you too much.

You took her for granted. You believed that whatever you said or did, she would never leave. You believed that no matter how many times you’d lie to her, she’d always give you another chance. And that’s exactly what she did. She gave you way too many chances although you didn’t deserve them.

She accepted all your lame excuses and empty promises. But no! She did not do that because she was naïve or blinded by her love for you. She did that because she wanted you in her life. She wanted to be a part of your life too. She wanted your eyes to be the first thing she saw in the morning.

However, by giving you so many chances, she only made you get comfortable depending on her forgiveness.

You took parts of her she thought she would never find again.

Her patience had limits after all. She realized you didn’t love her because you don’t destroy the person you love. Because when you truly love someone you don’t tear their heart apart and then tell them to love. You don’t ruin their hopes and then tell them to be strong and believe.

She realized there was no use fighting for someone who has given up on her  long time ago. She realized there was no point in fighting for someone who pushed her away so easily.

She realized that sometimes you need to let go of someone so that you can get back on the right track and rediscover yourself.

But, she didn’t leave because she was fickle, selfish, and weak. She left because she could no longer put up with the way you treated her. Because she could no longer endure being your second option, your favorite pastime. Because she was tired of your manipulation and devious mind games.

She left because she was strong and resilient for too long. Because she was tired of giving you everything and not getting anything in return. Because she could no longer smile while her soul was crying. Because she exhausted herself trying to make you happy. She was tired trying to open your eyes so that you could see how much she loved and appreciated you.

She left because you gave her no reason to stay.

And you know what? One day you’re going to wake up and realize that you should have listened to and been there for her more. You’ll become aware of all those times you made her cry and shattered her hopes, and you’ll be sorry for it.

And one day, when another man takes your place in her heart, you’ll regret allowing yourself to lose this woman who was one of a kind. The woman who had a unique heart and loved in ways that no words can describe. You’ll regret not giving her the love and respect she deserved. You’ll regret not appreciating her when you had the chance.

Only a few are lucky enough to be loved by such a woman and you were one of them, but you didn’t care about it. You pushed her away.


You’ll Regret Pushing Away The Woman That Waited For You To Realize Her Worth

I believe that you have seen many Hollywood romantic movies in which a woman stays entirely loyal to her man and waits patiently for him to figure out what he truly wants and needs in life. And undoubtedly, you know how the story goes. He first chooses his career and focuses on achieving his goals, and then he finally realizes that he’s truly in love with her and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

Well, this would be true and “wonderful” if we lived in a romantic comedy. But, we don’t.

The thing is that a woman will give you thousands of chances. And she’ll do that not because she’s naïve, but because she believes in you. She believes that you can change, grow, reach your greatest potential, and become a better version of yourself.

The woman who loves you will patiently wait for you to get your sh*t together. Yet, if you blow the chance, then get prepared to face the consequences. She’ll leave you because when this woman is done – she is done.

Once she realizes that her life is much better without you in it, draining her energy and wasting her time, don’t doubt that she’ll walk away. She’ll know that you’re not worth her tears. You can make changes to your physical appearance, habits, attitudes, or career, but nothing of these can make her change her mind about you.

And if you think you can justify yourself by saying that “If she couldn’t handle me at my worst, she doesn’t deserve me at my best” cliché, know that it’s in vain. No one has to put up with their partner’s bullsh*t and no one deserves to have a life full of drama and stress just because he/she doesn’t want to take responsibility for their wrongdoings.

You might think that her decision to leave you was a selfish act, but don’t forget that your behavior was the main reason why she decided to finish her chapter with you and move on.

It’s as simple as that. You can’t keep someone waiting for you until you decide what you really want in life. You can’t expect someone to devote all their attention and energy to you when you don’t even put the minimal amount of effort into the relationship.

There’s no doubt that you’ll find someone who will be with you when you get your life together. However, the real question is whether you’ll find someone who will be willing to stay with you when all your flaws, quirks, and insecurities begin to surface. Someone who will be willing to help you fight your own demons – just like she was.

And this is exactly why you’ll regret losing her. You’ll regret losing the woman who stood by your side when you were at your lowest. The woman who saw your darkest sides and still chose to stay with you.

You’ll regret losing the woman who had a unique heart and loved you unconditionally. The woman who gave you everything she had. The woman who stuck with you through thick and thin and tolerated your bullsh*t.

You’ll regret not seeing her value. You’ll regret not making things right when you had the chance. You’ll regret letting her slip away.

She was worth much more than you were willing to give. You didn’t know how to appreciate her. You took her for granted and this broke her heart.

You thought that whatever you said or did, she’d stay with you. You got comfortable depending on her forgiveness. You thought she had no other options. You thought she would always give you a chance. But, you were wrong.

This woman knows her worth and she won’t settle for anything less than what she deserves.

She’s fallen for your bullsh*t so many times, but now she’s done. Now, it’s time for her to turn the page.

Now, it’s time for her to find someone who will know how to value and love her. It’s time she felt free and alive again.

Image: Cornelius Woodrow

She No Longer Gets Attached Because She Learned The Importance Of Self-Love

She no longer gets attached since she learned that attachment is what brings sadness and pain into her life. She learned that attachment makes her give her love to individuals that don’t deserve her.

She learned that attachment makes her think that the people she truly cares about care about her too. It prevents her from thinking logically and living her life the way she wants to. It makes her hold on to things that aren’t meant for her. It makes her hold on to individuals who aren’t meant to be in her life.

She no longer gets attached since she learned that everyone she loves and cares about will abandon her. Regardless of how hard she tries to make them happy, they will leave her.

She no longer gets attached since she learned that people always walk into her life for a reason. Some help her grow and teach her important lessons about life.  And others teach her that not every person she lets into her life is genuinely good and honest.

They teach her that not all people are loyal and willing to commit. That not all people want to see her succeed in life. And this kind of people doesn’t deserve to be a part of her life.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she learned that loving someone truly and deeply doesn’t mean that they’ll love her back. That they’ll treat her with kindness, compassion, and dignity.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she had her heart broken many times. She gave her heart to men who promised to protect it forever. Men who promised they’d love and make her happy every day. But all that was a big fat lie. They took her for granted and broke her heart into countless tiny pieces.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she realized she can’t trust every person who enters her life. She realized that if someone wants her trust, they’ll have to prove through their actions that they deserve it.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because of all her fake friends from her past. They were the best actors, the best manipulators. They pretended that they liked and were loyal to her because they needed someone who would be there for them when they needed help.

Because they needed someone who would listen to them while they vented their anger and frustration. Because they needed someone who would make them feel better about themselves.

And she unselfishly did all that for them, and what did they do? They stabbed her in the back the moment she turned around. They knew she was better than them as a person and as a friend and they wanted to see her down.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she learned to love herself. She learned how to treat herself with respect, kindness, and dignity. She learned that she should always be true to herself.

She realized that if she doesn’t value and stand up for herself, no one else will. That if she allows others to manipulate, take advantage of her, and put her down, they will, and they won’t stop until they make her lose herself.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she doesn’t want to be the only one who invests herself in a relationship. She doesn’t want to be the only one who will try to solve problems with her partner when times get tough for them. She doesn’t want to be the only one who will nurture and commit to the relationship.

She doesn’t want to be the only one who will be willing to wear her heart on her sleeve and undress her soul. She doesn’t want to be the only one who will put effort and energy in the relationship and fight for someone who doesn’t even deserve a single bit of her attention.

She’s tired of one sided relationships. They make her forget her own worth and lose herself.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she no longer wants to be the kind-hearted, unselfish, naïve girl who always looks for the good in people. The girl who treats others with respect and always ends up hurt. The girl who let others take advantage of her kindness and pure soul so as to meet their needs.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she’s tired of flaky, irresponsible, dishonest people. People who make thousands of promises without intending to keep them. People who don’t know what they want in life. People who have cold hearts and lack compassion.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she realized that love is blind. That things can’t always go the way she wants. That sometimes the best proof that you love someone is to let them go. Let them be the person they want to be and be with the partner they’ve always wanted.

She realized that if she’s meant to be with someone, fate will bring them together.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she still needs time to heal her wounds and mend her broken heart. Because she’s still learning how to believe in and protect herself. Because she’s still learning how to move on.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she learned she deserves better and she should never settle for anything less than that.

Being An INFJ Means Being Special And One Of A Kind

INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. It refers to one of the 16 Myers – Briggs personality types and it’s perceived to be the rarest personality type.

The Myers – Briggs Personality Type Indicator was created by Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers. The test, which was based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types,  examines individuals in four categories: Extroversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving, and the results determine which personality type they are.

INFJs fall into the categories of introversion, intuition, feeling and judging.

Usually referred to as the “Advocate,” INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, and organized. They’re sensitive to the needs of other people and they value deep relationships. All in all – they possess traits that make them stand out from the rest.

Are you wondering if you fit into this category of people?

Here are 7 clear signs that you are an INFJ:

1. You’re a true introvert.

You’re sometimes mistaken for an extrovert because you appear quite outgoing and know how to blend in any social setting. But, you’re actually a truly introverted individual. You can feel happy and fulfilled having only a handful of friends who you know are good and worthy of your love and attention.

You don’t have a difficulty socializing and hanging out with people, but you don’t like the idea of mingling with huge crowds as it makes you feel exhausted. Even when you do so, you always feel the need to take some me-time to “recharge your batteries.”

2. You’re highly intuitive.

You can tell what kind of a person someone is within minutes of meeting them. You have the ability to “see” what’s going on in other people’s minds. By knowing what someone thinks and how they feel about you, you save yourself from getting deceived by them and you know how to treat them.


3. You judge others by the way they make you feel.

You judge others by the way they treat and make you feel. When you feel that people are honest and kind to you, this enables you to make good and reasonable decisions regarding them. You always distance yourself from people who you feel are fraudulent and have hidden intentions.

4. You have deep convictions about the world.

You have strong and unwavering beliefs about the world and you know what you want to see in it. You know what things you don’t like and bother you and you feel the need to change them. You don’t let anyone and anything change your beliefs and you always stick to them. For example, if your job or relationship isn’t in accordance with your moral and social convictions, you’re not reluctant or afraid to abandon them.

5. You’re empathetic.

It’s not difficult for you to understand how others feel. When you see that someone is going through rough times and/or feeling sad, you’re always willing to offer them your help and support. Your unselfishness and kindness cause others to like you even more and enjoy being your friends.

6. You’re a seeker of truth.

People can tell you marvelous tales or make extravagant gestures, but they still won’t get your attention unless they’re completely honest and have no hidden intentions. Additionally, the fact that you’re insightful makes it easier for you to recognize when someone is lying to you. The moment you notice that someone is manipulative and fake, you cut them out of your life.

7. You’re a high-achiever and people – pleaser.

You’re diligent, devoted, and organized worker. Your co-workers and boss know that if an important task needs to be done, you’re the right person for it. Yet, the fact that you always try to complete your obligations well and on time and to make others happy and satisfied can make you forget to make yourself happy.

Image: Alessio Albi

This Is The Woman She Turned Into After You Broke Her Heart

She loved you from the bottom of her heart.  She gave you her mind and soul. She devoted her life to you. She showed you what genuine love is.

And what did you do?

You abandoned her. You cut her out of your life so nonchalantly. You emotionally destroyed her. You broke her heart.

She always treated you with kindness and compassion. She often neglected her own worries and problems so as to deal with yours. Because you meant the world to her. Because she believed that you were the one she was meant to be with. Because you were her all.

All that she ever wanted from you was to love her and respect her. But, you didn’t give a damn about her, did you?

Instead of loving her selflessly and unconditionally, you chose to play with her feelings. You chose to tear her heart apart. You chose to break her.

Yes, it was easier for you to trample on her pride and heart than to acknowledge her kindness and generosity. Yeah, don’t worry – you successfully managed to shatter her hopes and confidence into countless pieces. Does this make you happy and content with yourself?

The sad thing is that she never did anything to deserve your cruel treatment. She never deserved to put up with your BS. She was the kind of a person that was very easy to love, respect, and admire, but you never realized that or maybe you didn’t want to see it.

Oh, and I know. I know that many will say that she should have been stronger. That she should have stood up for herself and shown dignity. That maybe it was her fault for letting her “awesome” guy take advantage of her and emotionally abuse her. And that if she had shown resilience, courage and had more self-confidence, she wouldn’t have suffered. But, it was not that easy.

She knew deep down that things weren’t right. She knew her relationship was not what she signed up for. The little voice in her head was screaming to her: “Run! Run the fastest that you can and never look back!” But, she couldn’t. She couldn’t let go of him. She fell into his toxic trap and let him have control over her mind. He got under her skin and could do to her heart whatever he wanted.

After you broke her, she changed. She became a completely different person from the one she was before she met you. After you broke her:

She guards her heart.

It was you who broke it into tiny pieces, you remember that, right? You taught her that love can leave deep scars on her body and soul that will never be completely healed. And now she hides her heart within herself. She doesn’t let anyone come near it. She’s afraid that her painful past can repeat itself again.

She doesn’t trust anyone.

She believed you were the loving, kind, unselfish person she fell in love with the first time she met you. But, it turned out that you were nothing else, but the evil itself in disguise. You were a vampire who sucked the happiness out of her. Now, she thinks twice before she lets other people in her life. Now, she doubts everything that others tell her.

She knows how to fake her feelings.

Before she met you, she was the most honest person. She was never afraid to show her emotions openly, no matter if she was happy or sad. But, when you came into her life, you showed her what real suffering looked like and this devasted her hopes and spirit. Because of that, she started feeling ashamed of her own thoughts and feelings. She didn’t want anyone to know how she felt and what she was going through.

Now, she can put on a smile on her face even though she’s crying inside. Now, she laughs even though her whole body aches. She says she’s fine although a lot of things are weighing her down. She behaves carelessly even though she’s carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders. Now, her face is bright although she lives in darkness.

Yeah, it seems too unfair or depressing but this is what she turned into after you broke her.

What to do in Kiev

The most remarkable thing in Kyiv is that in this city in a bizarre way the ancient culture and modern rhythm of life are combined. The history of the Ukrainian capital is more the 1.5 thousand years old. And even despite all wars and political disturbances wonderful historical attractions each time open new sides of this beautiful city for the sophisticated traveler.

But there are also numerous modern attractions in Kyiv for those who like more active or contemporary entertainments. If you need a company to see modern or historical sights of Kyiv you can find it at web sites for online dating, for example, ukrainian dating site – Deep in love.

We prepared a list of some very special places in Kyiv which can get you a bit closer to the spirit of this amazing European city.

Kyiv city: what to see and where to go

When you are ready to get acquainted with attractions of the city of Kyiv it’s better to start with its most ancient sights. Of course, Kyiv is world-wide famous for 950 churches and cathedrals. Their fascinating architecture created that atmosphere which made this worthwhile city famous.

  • Saint Sophia’s Cathedral

Its architectural complex is outstanding. It took only three years to build this cathedral in the 11th century, but finally it turned out to be amazing. The most interesting fact about this Byzantine cathedral is that the building has had not so many reconstructions. So you have a wonderful opportunity to see the famous architectural monument almost in its original.

It’s also worth mentioning that the cathedral is located on crossing of four big roads, so if you climb to the bell tower of the cathedral you’ll see a stunning view from its top.

  • Saint Andrew’s Church

It’s a wonderful example of Baroque building as its architecture and location are both unique. The neighbourhood of the church is one of the oldest in the city of Kyiv, as it stands on the artificial hill. It can be useful to know that the building has been hit by the lightning. Actually, it has happened twice, but the church is still open to the public.

  • Mikhail Bulgakov Museum

You may think it’s just one of the old buildings in Kyiv. But this one is special, because Mikhail Bulgakov, a famous writer, lived in this house from 1906 and for the next 13 years. That was the time of writing of the White Guard.

  • Mystetsky Arsenal (art quarter)

It’s in the very heart of Kyiv. Mystetsky Arsenal presents not just a history of the old city, but also shows its contemporary art. Ukrainian women and men organize various exhibitions, markets and festivals there. This is a place of the promotion of the culture of Ukraine. Even annual book fair and Ukrainian fashion week are usually held there.

  • Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Monastery

The long history of this wonderful place began in the 11th century, when Lavra was built as one of the earliest monasteries of the whole Kievan Rus. Still it remains significant not just for Kyiv – but for all modern Ukraine.

Its territory is beautiful, its network of catacombs is impressive, and its churches are ancient. Even now Kyiv Pechersk Lavra is one of the symbols of Ukraine. So if you’d like to understand better the culture of this amazing country – don’t miss your opportunity.