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Telehealth Breaks Down Barriers to Addiction Treatment


At Confidential Recovery, our San Diego based addiction treatment program, we faced a challenge during the pandemic – how do we treat our patients when we can’t meet with them in person?  Fortunately, technology bridged the gap as we were able to stay connected via telehealth meetings (which function like a ZOOM video conference).

This ‘silver lining’ of the pandemic has actually turned into a very helpful medium for us to keep recovering individuals involved in our treatment program.

Is Telehealth Effective for the Treatment of Addiction?

The core process of substance use disorder (SUD) counseling is a verbal exchange between the counselor and the patient. There have been studies conducted about the efficacy of telehealth treatment (like this one conducted by the American Psychological Association), and the results have been surprisingly positive. In fact, telehealth has been shown to be just as effective as ‘in-person’ care, and possibly even better, due to retention rates being higher.

Utilizing a Hybrid Telehealth/’In Person’ Model

While we have been pleasantly surprised by the results of these studies and also the participation of the clients in our telehealth program, we still prefer to have the patient ‘in the room’ whenever we can. “Even though the studies have shown that telehealth is as effective as ‘in person’ counseling, we strongly encourage our clients to attend our counseling and support group meetings on-site, at least part of the time, ”says Jay Wylie, Operations Manager at Confidential Recovery.

Our treatment program services many Veterans, a population that struggles with addiction at a higher rate than civilians. Veterans in our program have found that the camaraderie of meeting ‘in person’ is very therapeutic.  The recent end of the Afghanistan conflict and the images in the news of the Ukraine conflict have awakened symptoms of PTSD in Veterans, which is a trigger for them to relapse on their drug of choice. “It’s helpful to acknowledge these feelings and speak out to the other Veterans in person, because it is a relief in knowing that you are not alone,” says Jay Wylie.  “Then, beyond the group counseling setting, mindfulness activities and experiential therapy can be great to help our Veterans maintain a sense of well-being, and some of these activities are not appropriate for remote [telehealth] sessions.” (1)

Telehealth Removes Many Barriers to Seeking Treatment

When it comes to substance-addicted individuals, sometimes the first step is the hardest one to take.  Telehealth allows our clients to ‘test the waters’ from home.  Once they’ve started the process of participating in counseling, there is a momentum toward recovery that builds and can carry them into ‘in-person’ involvement.

Telehealth Helps Overcome the Stigma and Shame of Addiction

Stigma is a great hindrance to those struggling with a substance addiction getting help. Shame can exacerbate their SUD. The privacy and confidentiality that online counseling affords can make it easier for the person seeking help to get started.

Overcoming the Transportation Barrier

Many patients are in rural areas and must travel long distances to reach a SUD counselor. During COVID-19, we were all encouraged to ‘shelter in place, ’ and many people lost their cars as a result of financial hardship. For a time, even public transportation was limited in certain areas. But, throughout the entire pandemic, almost everyone had a cell phone, which gave them access to telehealth counseling.

Telehealth Allows Disabled People Greater Access to Counseling

People with cognitive, movement or other kinds of disabilities (including blindness) can have a hard time traveling to drug counseling sessions. With telehealth, they can connect with their care provider for regular meetings without having to worry about arranging for travel to the site.

Telehealth Allows for Greater Flexibility in Scheduling Mental Health Appointments

Counselors and treatment programs often keep short hours.  In the past, many patients have found it difficult to nail down an appointment schedule. By utilizing telehealth, counselors can accommodate a wider range of hours, including nights and weekends, if they so desire. (2)

Getting Started with Telehealth

If you are seeking a telehealth provider for an SUD or other mental health disorder, you can start by contacting The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association (SAMHSA), which operates a toll-free number that is staffed 24/7. That line can be reached by calling 1-800-662-HELP (4357).  If you or a loved one are in the San Diego area and struggling with an SUD, you can call Confidential Recovery at (619) 452–1200.

                                      About the Author

Scott New Author Picture (Scott H. Silverman is one of the nation’s leading subject matter experts on substance use disorders.  He’s made countless appearances on television to spread awareness about the opioid overdose epidemic. He is the founder and CEO of Confidential Recovery, an drug rehab in San Diego that specializes in helping adults achieve sustainable recovery.

8 Most Common And Effective Couple Therapy Techniques For A Struggling Relationship

couples therapy retreat

Is Couple Therapy Effective?

Every relationship has its own ups and downs and if as a couple you have been long enough, is not strange to hit some bumps on the road. We must admit that one of us is perfect, so we must make efforts to better our relationships, learn to communicate better, let go of bitterness, and control our emotions.

If you are a couple experiencing difficulties, it is important to know when to ask for help and couple therapy is a powerful tool if you look to increase your intimacy, and build trust in your relationship.

Couple therapy gained its popularity in the 1980s and at this time, a wide variety of approaches occurred, but experts say that choosing the right one depends on your relationship’s goals.

Still, many therapists do not usually adhere to one type of approach and may use a mix of practices depending on the couple they are working with.

Some therapists are specialized in a certain type of therapy because they believe it is the best practice and has already proven effective for thousands of couples, but the success of the therapy depends on the engagement itself and the therapist.

However, couple therapy has proven to be effective in 98% of the cases and about 44% of couples went counseling before they got married. (1

If you have never been to a therapist, or you want to learn more about different kinds of therapies and find which one is perfect for you, it is essential to choose a couple of therapy that will serve a good purpose for you and your partner.

We offer you the most common types of couple therapy to choose which one is the best for you.

8 Most Common And Effective Couple Therapy Techniques You Can Try

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used for individuals and for couples, is backed by extensive research, and has been adopted by many mental health professionals. It was created in the early 20th century and it is based on the idea that thoughts control your emotions and behavior. The therapist will focus on identifying what each of the partners thinks about the conflicts that have brought them to counseling. When examining how the other partner thinks, you will try to better understand their behavior and strive for their partner to change their thoughts for a more positive mindset. 

It will help you to better accept the differences and build tolerance and it is about building behavioral skills like communication and problem-solving. 

2. Emotion-focused therapy

Emotion-focused therapy is one of the most researched couple therapy, that was developed in the 1980s, by the Canadian psychologists Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg. This therapy provides an understanding of the emotional responses in the relationship and why we do not respond to our partners with pure rationality. 

Partners usually share their problematic events and try to find what makes sense of their underlying emotions that contribute to these events. 

This therapy promotes the idea that secure emotional attachment is the most important for life–long relationships and views isolation as one of the damaging and traumatizing aspects of the relationship, so the therapy seeks to strengthen attachments and promote empathy. (2

One systematic review showed that this kind of therapy is an effective treatment. (3)

3. Gottman method

This is a data-driven approach and it is a great method for couples who are interested in building trust and continuing the marriage life. The first thing you need to do is to fill out an extensive assessment form before you meet the therapist. The therapist collects data and it doesn’t stick to traditional routines. It is a flexible method that addresses the negative interactions of your relationship and it strengthens the 3 main aspects: 

  • Management of conflicts
  • Friendship
  • Shared meaning 

According to psychologist Dr. John Gottman, who has developed this method, it can manage perpetual conflicts including poor communication, sex, emotional distance, or continuous arguments. 

4. Religion-Based Counseling

This therapy is called Christian counseling and it is faith-based. It is based on the couple’s faith and values, not on psychology and science.

It contains doses of spirituality and it can be combined with some of the psychological theories, but some Christian counselors are centered on faith when they do their sessions.

If you are a religious person, you may consider this type of counseling, and combine it with the other types of counseling, depending on how much spirituality you like to incorporate into your therapy sessions and marriage itself.

5. Solution-Focused Therapy

This therapy is a problem – specific and it is recommended for people who look to resolve a specific problem, not a variety of conflicts.

The couple should establish goals and create their future designs. Typically there are 8 sessions and it is centered on solutions, not on problems.

The therapy encourages the partners to envision the positive changes in partners they aspire for and from these imagined circumstances, the therapists and the clients concretize the further steps to be taken to achieve the goals together.

6. Narrative therapy

In this therapy, the couple hears and analyzes the stories they tell each other. The stories can be about the person speaking or about others, but the problems appear when they do not correspond to reality.

If stories are negative, they can create self-defeating attitudes and spur bad decisions.

The couples can see how their wring beliefs and themes from life influence the bond with their partners. They are guided to create more positive narratives that appreciate the other partner’s needs and foster intimacy.

7. Discernment counseling

This therapy was developed around 2008 and it is intended for couples in which one partner wants to end the relationship, while the other one wants to save it.

It is a brief form of therapy lasting around 5 sessions and makes people consider all options they have before making the final decision. It is great for a couple who do not know what they want and are stuck in limbo. (4

8. Imago Relationship Therapy

This therapy is created in the 1980s and it arose from the marital conflict between two therapists, a husband and a wife, Harville Hendrix Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt Ph.D., who wrote their bestselling book, Getting the Love You Want.

This therapy is concentrated on childhood experiences and their relation to adult relationships.

Imago means image in Latin and can be defined as the unconscious image of love that we developed in our childhood, and we project that image when we are married. In most cases, this image includes all the positive and negative behaviors that we associate with love. When you explore the roots of your behavior, you understand the issues that lay beneath. The therapist focuses on listening and understands that listening is a skill that we can improve over time. (5

What Is The Success Rate Of Couples Therapy?

Couple counseling is proven to be very effective and it is estimated that around 75% of the couples who sought counseling successfully reduced their distress and improved their relationship.

If you want your counseling to work you need to:

  • Maintain a good attitude
  • Have honest and open communication with your partner
  • Focusing on changing and improving yourself and not your partner
  • Willing to take on all the challenges the therapy brings

8 Ways To Fix a Broken Relationship

If you are part of a broken relationship, it means you do not get along with your partner, you do not give each other enough time, do not respect each other, have too many expectations and there is no mutual respect.

There are probably signs that show that your relationship is no longer working and you feel disconnected one from another, you are shut down emotionally.

It is up to you to save your relationship and the therapists are here to help you to assess how the damage is big and what are obstacles to cross and get your relationship back on track.

If you are ready to save your relationship you should know it requires a lot of work and love and patience to succeed and here are some tips on how to do it:

Determine whether your partner wants to save the relationship as well

It always takes two people to mend a relationship and if only one partner wants to mend it, they will never succeed in doing it.

Determine why your relationship is broken 

There are many problems that can cause problems and they can linger under the surface for too long, so try determining what makes those big problems.

Share your thoughts with your partner about what bothers you 

Inadequate communication is often one of the main reasons for breaking relationships. Always be honest with your partner and tell what bothers you and allow yourself to be vulnerable. 

Try to understand your partner’s responses 

Try to listen carefully to what your partner says. Careful listening means showing respect. This helps both to figure out what is wrong with their relationship.

Try to see the world through your partner’s eyes 

Make a small break in your life and think about why your partner may get upset and how it can be remedied easily. 

Forgive your partner 

You should accept that no one is perfect, and although forgiveness can be difficult and it takes time to forgive, it can release your anger and pain and this can save your relationship as many others on this planet. 

Consider a Couple Counseling Retreat 

Couples can spend some time together and be engaged in different activities in a couple retreat that host couple with difficulties. There they can enhance their communication and improve their problem-solving skills and learn how to grow and learn together. 

Couples usually seek couple retreats when there is a lack of intimacy or infidelity. 

Gottman couples retreat is a small group retreat where you can improve skills to enhance your romantic relationship based on Dr. John Gottman’s research and methodology. (6)

You can also consider a marriage-intensive retreat if you think that you are stuck in your marriage. You can even find a couple of weekend intensives where the counseling occurs during the weekend, with the help of the Gottman Method. 

5 Types of Worker’s Compensation Injuries 

Worker's Compensation Injuries 

Do you know that back injuries cause workers in the construction industry to miss more work than any other kind of injury? Interestingly, back injuries constitute 25% of all types of work injuries – but what many people often forget is that they can get appropriate compensation for their back injuries through worker’s compensation insurance.

Worker’s compensation is a form of social insurance, originally introduced at least a century ago, to provide medical care and monetary assistance to employees who sustain an injury on the job. An exciting thing about worker’s compensation is that it’s a no-fault system – you are eligible to receive benefits irrespective of who is at fault for your injury. However, the benefits are available for those who know they have a claim and their injuries are covered under this insurance system. Understanding work accident law can be very helpful when dealing with a work injury.  

What it implies is that to take advantage of worker’s compensation insurance, you need to have complete information about the types of injuries covered under this plan. Here’s a list of top five injuries for which you will surely get paid under workmen’s compensation insurance. If you have sustained any of these injuries, consult with a Chicago work accident attorney to help you understand your rights. 

Repetitive Trauma

You can file a claim if the repetitive movement of a certain body part caused you an injury. For instance, carpal tunnel syndrome is a common type of repetitive trauma injury, which occurs due to the constant use of a computer. Back injuries in the construction industry may be a result of repetitive pushing, lifting, pulling or carrying.

Traumatic Physical Injuries

You can receive benefits for a traumatic physical injury caused by a specific work-related activity. For instance, if your work involves using a ladder and you fall off of it, you can receive benefits for your injuries. Similarly, if you sustain an injury for hyper-extending your arm while arranging a shelf at work, you will have a claim because the injury falls in the category of traumatic physical injuries.

Occupational Diseases

Sometimes, you have to work in a hazardous environment where the safety measures aren’t up to the desired standard. In such situations, you may end up getting an occupational disease that usually results from exposure to certain elements/chemicals at work. Take for example a coal miner who sustains a lung injury from inhaling coal dust, they will qualify for worker’s compensation benefits.

Mental Injuries

All types of mental injuries that happen because of workplace accidents are covered under this program. Mental injuries may be a result of emotional strain or they occur due to physical injuries. If you hit your head with a piece of equipment and sustain a mental injury, this is a form of physical injury. However, if you experience serious emotional stress from working extra hours or witnessing a hand amputation at work, this is a mental injury resulting from emotional trauma.

A Car Accident

If you’re traveling for work and have a car accident, you may qualify for worker’s compensation benefits. The interesting thing is that even if the accident was your fault, you will still be compensated for lost earnings and medical care. However, if you think the accident was not your fault, you may also file a personal injury claim against a third party.

Best Cloud Storage Service Every Workspace Must Incorporate

Cloud Storage

If you’re running a business online or working remotely you must have known the importance of cloud storage services. They offer a cloud computing model that helps you store your data online safely, using the internet. Cloud base storage services give you the dexterity, durability, and ease to access your data anytime anywhere in the world.

In this era, where cyber-criminals and hackers are becoming more advanced than ever, the best way to keep your data safe and secure online is using a cloud-based service where your data gets backed up, stored, managed, and maintained regularly. Users generally pay a monthly fee to access cloud storage or in some cases, they pay per consumption price.

The only thing you need to ensure before moving to cloud storage services for your data is to have a high-speed internet connection that makes it easy for you to speed up the backup and storage process. If your current internet connection doesn’t provide the required bandwidth to smoothly run your cloud computing interaction, then we highly recommend you switch to AT&T internet as it offers seamless connectivity and blazing fast internet speed for business clients as well as residential users. (1)

With that sorted, let’s start with some of the top cloud storage services that you must incorporate in your workspace for data storage, sharing, security, and backup:

1. OneDrive

OneDrive is a lot more than just a cloud storage platform as it offers excellent collaboration tools and a variety of integration apps to its users. Since it’s a Microsoft storage platform so it offers easy integration with all the other Microsoft platforms like Microsoft Office and Windows etc.

You can use OneDrive for free if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription. Even if you don’t you can access up to 5 GB of free storage space with OneDrive. The Business or Family plan offers the users up to 1 TB of storage space for up to 6 people and this plan is paid (on annual basis).

2. Google Drive

Google Drive is the ultimate solution for storing and sharing your photos, files, videos, and a lot more data in the cloud. More than any other cloud platform currently, Google Drive offers up to 15 GB of storage space free if you sign up with a Google account. The data is stored securely using encrypted servers and can be accessed from anywhere in the world by the authorized user.

With an easy user interface, Google Drive is the choice of many individuals and businesses. The easy compatibility with Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, and Excel sheets has made both these platforms a bust have incorporation in the workplaces.

You can create new documents, view the shared files between computers, view recent shared starred or deleted documents, and also keep track of the documents that are shared outside your personal drive. Google Drive is also compatible with several apps, which makes it easy for you to edit your photos, audio files, convert PDFs and word files, and generate lesson plans, and a lot more.

3. IDrive cloud storage

IDrive offers a single go-to solution for both online backup and cloud storage. It’s a lot more affordable as compared to other online storage cloud services and offers a great number of features. IDrive provides a secure way for remote workers and businesses to save, backup, and retrieve their data. You do not have to limit the number of devices with this platform as it can sync and store files for multiple devices simultaneously.

Some of the top features that you get to enjoy with IDrive are the Snapshots, disc image backups, folder syncing, and courier recovery. You can even back up your entire device automatically and don’t have to go through the hassle of syncing manually. The tight security and privacy settings make it an even more desirable platform and an all-rounder product.

The free plan of IDrive will offer you 5 GB of storage and if you go for a Base plan you will get 5 TB of storage. The number of computers you can access IDrive with the Base plan is unlimited.

4. Dropbox

Dropbox is a simple and integration-rich online platform used for file storage and data syncing. It covers almost all operating systems and is easily available in in-app centers. Dropbox supports collaboration with other cloud computing platforms. What distinguishes Dropbox from other platforms is the exclusive features like Showcase, HelloSign, and its Paper.

The basic Dropbox account offers 2 GB of storage space for free whereas if you go for an upgraded plan you’ll get 2 TB storage with Dropbox Plus or a Family account. If you’re a professional and demand more space then you can go for a Dropbox Business account and avail up to 5 TB of cloud storage space.

The built-in options that Dropbox offers are easy to use and strongly integrated with the operating systems. All files that Dropbox stores are kept in encrypted and secure storage servers. It’s one of the best choices to go, for online storage to access anywhere directly from Microsoft, Google, and Apple platforms. (2)

Wrapping it up

With the increasing remote working trends, the need of having secure data platforms for storage has taken a new rise. This is where cloud storage services make life easier for businesses and remote professionals. We have mentioned the top 4 cloud services that most businesses are using currently the internet is full of many more options so explore yourself and get started today with easy data storage and security.

Ripple: Description and Advantages Of The Project

cryptocurrency analyses

Now that the entire crypto market is undergoing a downturn and probably all the asset prices have dropped sharply, many people see great opportunities in this large-scale collapse. Buying popular crypto-assets at a low rate is a chance to make a fortune in the future, and wise investors know it for sure.

The most promising projects worth investing in this downtrend market are:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Ripple
  • Solana
  • Cardano
  • Litecoin.

Why does Ripple stand along with such crypto giants as BTC or ETH? Let’s find it out. (1)

What Is Ripple?

It is both a payment method and a network. The native token of the network is XRP. This asset is on the top cryptos in the ratings in terms of capitalization.

Why does Ripple stand along with Bitcoin, and why do we dare say Ripple is better than Bitcoin? The answer is simple – Ripple network performs lightning-fast transactions, it can proceed up to 1500 transactions per second. It is the main Ripple advantage compared to Bitcoin. Users really appreciate high-speed transactions. The network is capable of performing transactions of many users simultaneously.

The Ripple network supports cross-chain transactions and charges lower fees, so using XRP decreases your spending and increases efficiency.

You may find the current price of Ripple coin on all popular crypto exchanges. As of mid-July 2022, the XRP USDT pair is traded at $0.3118.

Where To Buy Ripple?

Since this asset is on top cryptos by marker cap, you will find it on all credible platforms. Check out one of the largest exchanges in Europe, WhiteBIT. It offers over 400 crypto pairs and also pairs with fiat currencies. So you may buy digital assets with dollars, for example. The platform offers numerous advanced trading tools that may interest you. The fees are average – 0.10%, and it does not matter what your transaction amount is – the fee does not change. (2)

How Much Does Botox Cost?

Botox for beauty

We are sure most of you know that Botox is now among the most popular injectables used for cosmetic procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation. It is effective, fast, and affordable for patients with various needs and budgets. Speaking about budgets, sometimes it can be quite challenging for patients to calculate the approximate price of the treatment in advance. That’s why we decided it would be quite useful to tell you more about Botox pricing, as well as ways to purchase it online and offline. Let’s learn together!

How Much Do Botox Units Cost?

In aesthetic medicine, doctors choose the right treatment plan due to one’s desired results, appearance goals, age, and other important factors. Based on that, the amount of botulinum toxin is calculated, and then a person can find out the exact price for the procedure. Typically, it depends on how many Botox units are recommended for the most beneficial effects; the average price varies from $10 to $15 per single unit, and 30-40 units are the most commonly recommended dose in this sphere. As a result, the entire treatment costs from $300 to $600.

Other factors may also affect the price; for example:

  • The location and popularity of the clinic;
  • The reputation of the board-certified plastic surgeon;
  • The size of the treatment area (smile lines, crow’s feet, glabellar lines, frown lines, etc.);
  • Patient’s age;
  • And so on.

Some individuals may say that Botox costs are too much for them and it is better to have surgery to save money. But don’t forget, surgeries are not able to prevent aging symptoms occurrence and keep skin naturally young. Our recommendation is to try Botox consultations to discuss everything that bothers you with a professional and create the best treatment for your unique case.

Why Do People Prefer to Buy Botox Injections Online?

If you have a valid medical license, you can buy Botox online here without any significant delays or complications. And as we live in digitalized times, more and more experts prefer purchasing everything needed for Botox treatments online due to numerous reasons.

Let’s have a closer look at those:

  • Many suppliers cooperate with manufacturers directly; thus, the prices are often more reasonable than in the local pharmacies;
  • Online suppliers often offer impressive discounts or weekly/monthly special offers, so there is always a way to buy wholesale and save some money;
  • It is possible to order botulinum toxins to relax facial muscles in a few clicks and eliminate unnecessary interactions with other people;
  • Everything will be delivered directly to your address despite the parcel size, so you won’t need to carry heavy boxes on your own.

By the way, the cheaper cost of Botox is reasonable, but still, it is crucial to check the reliability of a supplier before paying money to make sure the goods they sell are of high quality and safe for your patients.

Places to Buy Botox for Your Clinic

Online suppliers are not the only ones who sell medicine for Botox treatment; however, they are still believed to be the most comfortable and fast option. Read the ultimate guide to buying Botox online, you’ll learn about all the nuances.

Other variants include such places as:

  • Local pharmacies;
  • Doctors’ offices;
  • Online stores;
  • And so on.

Many factors should be considered before choosing the most suitable option for your needs; however, it is possible to try each one (by placing small orders) to see how all the variants work. Delivery, customer support, product quality, prices – all factors should be checked. Just after that, you’ll create the most beneficial list of potential companies for partnership.

The Bottom Line

The total cost of the Botox treatment depends significantly on a patient’s needs and final aesthetic goals because the price is usually calculated based on how many units of botulinum toxin are used during the procedure. The numbers also vary due to numerous factors, so it is always better to discuss the treatment with a medical professional to make sure all answers to the questions are provided for an individual. As for medical professionals, Botox prices differ from supplier to supplier, and the most crucial thing is to find a reliable company able to sell products of the highest quality. Don’t forget that patients’ safety is essential in the cosmetic beauty sphere!

Common Blunders in Allergy Treatment That You Should Be Mindful Of


Allergies are triggered by one’s immune response overreacting to otherwise harmless things like pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander. Your body reacts to allergens by generating substances such as histamines. These compounds are responsible for typical allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching eyes. As a result, allergies can harm your entire quality of life. The good thing is that there are drugs available to assist you in getting relief. Any hospital or pharmacy will have pills, sprays, and other treatments that can help with the basic symptoms of allergies. However, it is critical to recognize that medications are only beneficial if used appropriately. (1)

Treating Symptoms Instead Of Core Causes

While certain solutions may be able to alleviate some of your symptoms, the recovery is only temporary until the underlying cause is addressed. For example, if you take a decongestant for a blocked nose or perhaps an antihistamine for a runny nose, you may breathe more freely, but the comfort will only last as long as the dosage. Also, if you have persistent allergies yet are using a cold medication, you may only get temporary relief from your symptoms. The best way is to seek a diagnosis from an allergy specialist in an allergy and asthma San Antonio center and build a personalized treatment plan.

Taking Medications Only After Symptoms Appear

Allergy victims frequently wait until they experience symptoms before taking allergy medicine. If you recognize what medication has previously worked for you, don’t put it off. Begin using it before the season begins. To predict when your allergies will flare up again, keep an eye on the pollen count and obtain updates from internet resources. It is vital to know that as the weather warms, pollens and molds get released into the air, and your symptoms can most probably start soon after.

Taking Medications In The Morning

When suffering from allergies, you may notice that your symptoms worsen early in the morning. So, instead of taking medications before you awaken, take them before bed. You may put early morning symptoms in check this way. Also, before starting any new medications, check with your doctor to see what they advise.

Wasting Money on Over-The-Counter Prescriptions

When allergy victims feel miserable, they often visit the pharmacy and experiment with medications like antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops. However, it’s not always a wise or economical choice to treat their symptoms. Instead, it’s best to visit an allergist who can identify your allergies clearly and develop an action plan for them.

Eating Things That Trigger Allergies And Make Them Worse

Some individuals with pollen allergies may have an itchy mouth or throat after eating particular fresh fruits and vegetables. This is known as oral allergy syndrome. The allergic cross-reaction begins quickly after eating the triggering food. It occurs due to the immune system recognizing a resemblance between proteins in some pollens and those in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and spices. For instance, a person allergic to birch pollen may have oral allergy symptoms following consuming apples, carrots, peaches, almonds, or hazelnuts. During allergy season, peeling, cooking, or ignoring the food entirely may help alleviate symptoms. (2)

You should opt to see your doctor if you require assistance managing your allergies. They may recommend you to an allergy expert in an allergy and asthma San Antonio center who can create a customized treatment plan for you.

9 Tips For New Nurses


Becoming a nurse isn’t easy. Becoming a certified nurse takes years of education and several hundreds of hours’ worth of clinical experience. The good news is that there’s plenty of job security since it’s an in-demand profession. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, nursing jobs are expected to grow by 9% by 2030, with over 276,000 new openings.

However, nursing can be a tough job for any entrant. And the coronavirus pandemic is a testament to this fact. Shortage of nursing staff, an increase in patients’ healthcare needs, and workplace safety can make the job pretty daunting for any new nurse. So if you’ve just landed your first nursing job and are stressed out, we can understand why. But relax! We know what you may be going through. And to help you out, here are a few tips that can help you in your initial days as a frontline medical worker.

Prioritize self-care

Your job is to take care of patients, but not at the cost of your well-being. While it is good to show enthusiasm for your new job, don’t forget to prioritize yourself. Practice self-care to stay sane and healthy. Find hobbies you enjoy and habits that keep you healthy and make them a part of your routine. These could be anything from knitting to booking a relaxing day at the spa to relax your mind, body, and soul.

Continue learning

Wit- did you honestly think you’re done after being a Registered Nurse? Wrong! Nursing is a profession that requiraes you to constantly update your medical know-how and skills. So start thinking about educational opportunities now. Higher education can help you advance your career and unlock more exciting opportunities. You could enroll in an online degree in nursing to upskill yourself. Taking the online route helps you create a flexible learning schedule around your new job and achieve a better work-life balance. This also brings us to the next tip on this list.

Create a work-life balance

Understaffing compels some healthcare facilities to make their nurses work multiple shifts. While you may not have much liberty to choose your working hours in the beginning, creating a work-life balance is essential to remain healthy and productive at work. If you overwork yourself, you’ll be burned out and falter on the job. Burned-out nurses are prone to making medical errors and compromising patients’ health, which can be fatal in some cases.

So, learn to draw healthy boundaries between personal and professional life. Use planners, time management apps, and alarms to sort out activities and tasks. Choose your work hours carefully and avoid burdening yourself with too much work. It is important to say ‘no’ sometimes.

Pay attention and learn

Establishing an excellent communication level with your mentor or nurse manager is ideal. Regardless of whether you like the person or not, you need to pay attention. Without taking time to ensure you and your mentor are on the same page, you won’t be able to learn more or enhance your skillset.

Observation is essential, so don’t hold back on gazing upon things that make you curious or if you don’t understand something. Hold productive meetings with your senior nurse and discuss any problems you may face related to treatment, work, or life. Your mentor/nurse manager can further assist in tackling the challenges you may experience. It would help to take notes in a notepad s that you can review them later. Asking questions will clear your ambiguities and prevent you from making mistakes.

Ask questions

As a new nurse, it is essential that you formally express your questions to seek clarity. So don’t shy away. Instead, be confident. If you are uncertain about delivering a particular treatment, ask senior nurses for help. If you have uncertainties regarding protocols and work policies, seek clarity by asking about them.

Be nice to patients

It is easy to become frustrated and angry with so much work. Negative attributes can easily affect your work ethic. It can bring your overall performance down and impact the way patients perceive you.   The lack of positive energy you give off won’t make you feel any better either. So lose the negative energy and smile when you’re with patients.

Your patients are most likely in pain. Therefore, you must empathize with their state and show compassion. By being friendly to your patients, you can make work easier for yourself while also ensuring they have a pleasant stay at the hospital. It will positively impact patients’ overall satisfaction levels and improve recovery outcomes.

Organize your tasks  

Being an efficient nurse is more challenging than being a disorganized one. And if you don’t organize yourself, you’ll have a hard time getting any work done on your shift. So, learn how to prioritize and organize your work-related tasks.

Creating a to-do list, or having a template for your nursing report, can help you streamline your productivity and efficiency. It can help you deliver better patient care on time, especially when working in the ER. Set your tasks according to what’s most important, and do it first.

Work on your relationship with your colleagues

Every healthcare faculty operates as a team- or at least that’s how it should run. The entire medical team works in sync to provide the best medical care to patients. Your tasks are just as important as anyone else’s, and despite the size of the tasks, seeking aid from peers can be helpful for patients in the long run.

So, work on building good professional relationships with other healthcare workers. Discover what challenges your peers have gone through and get insights about how they overcame their problems and challenges. Use this information to improve team dynamics and provide patients with better care.

Work on your mental health

Working in healthcare can be stressful, especially for new entrants. You may experience a considerable amount of mental stress during the experience. Don’t let this stress affect your work and your health. A mentally exhausted nurse of little use to patients and healthcare teams. So if you feel you need help, seek professional help by meeting a mental health professional. It will help you preserve your mental well-being on the job.


Practicing the tips mentioned above can make work and life more manageable for you as a new nurse. Remember that your goal as a nurse should be improving patient care outcomes. While it may seem overwhelming at first, take things one day at a time. Use technology to your advantage and make your work more straightforward. Incorporate good habits to stay mentally and physically healthy. If you’re struggling to cope, get help from a support system of friends, family, and coworkers.

Premature Ejaculation Signs And Causes

sexual health

Sexual health is an important part of your relationships and overall wellbeing, both physical and psychological. Performance issues can negatively impact how you relate to your spouse and can also harm your self-confidence. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual performance issue that affects many men. Much like being unable to sustain an erection, these types of sexual ailments can be embarrassing to suffer from and seek assistance with.

Luckily, there are ways to deal with performance issues such as premature ejaculation. When considering various treatments it’s important to properly research possible cures such as Zoloft. Is Sertraline (Zoloft) safe to use for Premature ejaculation? Dr. Laurence Levine from Promescent explains how this drug, typically meant to treat anxiety, can help with premature ejaculation.

Signs Of Premature Ejaculation

In the general sense, premature ejaculation is defined as achieving climax a few moments after penetration with a romantic partner. A few moments are commonly meant to be roughly a minute or less. Premature ejaculation can occur randomly due to several outside causes such as stress or your overall emotional state. While at the time off-putting in many situations, it is not a permanent condition. However, if this occurs frequently, this is a health condition that requires your attention. Other signs include.

  • Ejaculation after a minute or less of sexual contact in most if not all of your sexual encounters.
  • You are unable to hold or delay orgasm in any situation.
  • Physiological and emotional issues such as stress, shame about your performance, and avoiding romantic encounters (even when wanted) to avoid the associated distress that it causes to your emotional state.

Notably long-term premature ejaculation is classified as two different types depending on the nature of the condition. Primary (or lifelong) premature ejaculation is defined as a lifelong condition that you have had since childhood and secondary (or acquired) has an outside medical cause and is a recent occurrence. The type of premature ejaculation you have depends entirely on the root causes.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

This condition can have several causes, including physical, emotional, and psychological. Depending on the nature of your condition, the types of effective treatment can vary and in some cases, multiple treatment methods may be needed to treat various associated symptoms. The most common causes of premature ejaculation include.

  • Stress: an overwhelming amount of stress can negatively impact your sexual performance and stamina. High-stress levels cause chemical releases in the brain that can reduce your ability to perform sexually or at the levels you are used to. Stress can have emotional and mental triggers and, depending on what is causing your stress, treatments can be varied in terms of application.
  • A Reduction In Male Hormones: current studies have shown that suffering from premature ejaculation could be linked to a reduction in several common male hormones. However, studies are still ongoing to see why and how low hormone levels and ejaculation issues could be linked.
  • Erectile Dysfunction: premature ejaculation can be an associated condition due to other problems with your overall sexual health. ED is often related to issues with blood flow and associated cardiovascular ailments such as high blood pressure. Erectile dysfunction also can cause reduced mood, inability to sexually perform, a reduction in libido, and a general reduced interest in sex due to a lack of ability to maintain an erection for an extended period.
  • Relationship Problems: another common cause of early ejaculation is relationship concerns. In some cases, this is relatively minor, such as the excitement of a new romantic partner or simple performance anxiety for any number of reasons. However, long-term relationship issues such as a lack of trust or openness can lead to sexual issues as well and should be dealt with honestly and with professional help when needed.
  • Psychological Issues: mental health plays a vital role in your overall quality of life and this includes sexual performance. If you have psychological issues such as depression, low self-image, shame related to sexual encounters, sexual encounters early in life, or other issues related to sexual abuse or assault, these could impact your sexual performance and stamina.
  • Other Biological Causes: other causes of premature ejaculation can include physical or biological issues that can impact sexual performance but may not necessarily cause other issues in your daily life. These can include your overall hormone levels, general brain chemistry, and inherited traits.

How This Impacts Your Life

Sexual performance issues are often the target of cruel humor and snide remarks but are serious health issues that should be treated accordingly. The inability to last during a sexual encounter makes it unsatisfying for both parties and being unable to satisfy your romantic partner can be a cause of emotional and psychological stress. In addition to the harm it causes your relationships. It can also impact how you approach relationships entirely and lead to issues such as lowered self-esteem and even depression. Many people avoid relationships entirely due to reduced sexual performance, feeling they cannot properly satisfy a partner or provide the physical support they need. With proper medical assistance, this does not have to be the case.

Final Thoughts

If you have been living with premature ejaculation, you should know there are treatment methods that can help you. Often, the first step is reaching out to a medical professional for advice about how to best treat your condition. While sexual health issues are often seen as embarrassing to talk about, you should not force yourself to just live with it. This is a health concern like any other and a medical professional can help you live a fuller life.

How To Boost Productivity In Workplace? 

how to be more productive at work

Managers and business owners ask themselves quite often how to increase the productivity of their employees and in turn, obtain higher revenue.

If you’re looking to boost productivity in the workplace, consider implementing an internet-based time recording system from Time Clock Wizard for efficient time management.

Here are a few tips on how to increase their productivity: 

1. Motivate them

Motivation and productivity are connected, so try to motivate your employees by eliminating the motivation killers and increase the career development opportunities, overwork, negative employees, feeling under-appreciated, and boredom.

2. Do not organize too many meetings

Before organizing a meeting, you can always ask yourself if you can convey the same idea or information using emails, short video chats, or maybe phone calls. Sometimes, meetings are not necessary and a waste of time, which can decrease productivity.

3. Stop micromanaging

This can negatively affect productivity and cause additional stress and employees would not like it if they are doubled – checked for everything they do. You can always make a balance and be a hands-on manager and believe in your team and sit aside and give clear instructions, and schedule regular inspections.

4. Give your employees the right equipment

All collaborative and communication tools (Trello, Asana, G Suite, and others) will make your team work more efficiently and stay in touch. Also, there are some time tracking tools like ZoomShift that can help them to stay on track and see how they do on the task.

How To Be Productive All The Time At Work? 

Organization and time management at work can be hard, and you cannot dedicate yourself to some tasks and complete them on time, but with some small adjustments, you can improve your productivity. 

1. Take regular breaks

Although most workplaces have mandatory and regular scheduled breaks, and the employees can have a 5 to 10-minute break every hour, it is important to take a break when you feel like you need to. This will help you regain energy and increase your motivation. So, it is important to take several breaks during the day. (1)

2. Use some strategies to decrease the interruptions

Even though small talks with your colleagues are quite enjoyable, they can decrease your productivity, so it is nice to put on your headphones to limit the sounds and tell them politely that you want to concentrate on your work.

3. Focus on one task at a time

When you alternate between tasks, some of them may remain unfinished and be of a lower quality, which cannot be the case if you focus just on one task at a time, where you settle on just one objective. But, if you are able to multitask, you can do more assignments at the same time, but it is important to prioritize the tasks in order of importance.

4. Use the two – minutes rule

This rule included finishing tasks that can be finished in 2 minutes or less and have been postponed, like responding to an email, creating new objectives, printing an outline, etc…

Although they look small, these tasks should be done, and they are part of the to-do list of the day and can be really important for your overall productivity. (2)

5. Consider using time blocks

With time blocks, you can easily set a limit on the task you work on, print out your schedule and highlight the time frames where the time blocks should be, and this will be a visual schedule so you can keep track of the time periods you work on.

6. Make productive meetings

Standing meetings always increase alertness and concentration. You can also take notes during meetings on the most important topics and discuss them again with your colleagues if it is needed.

Nowadays, attending a meeting via a web platform or mobile phone is also an alternative if you do not want to waste your time and have more time for your personal tasks.

How Do You Measure Productivity In The Workplace?

One of the vital components of human resources is measuring employee productivity, and if it is not measured, it cannot be improved. 

Employee productivity should be measured to make investment decisions, such as modernizing the company. Another factor is the estimation of the workforce’s efficiency so you can accommodate a challenging deliverable, and, in the end, all managers would like to see how their employees are performing. 

Every company may measure productivity differently, and there are various methods that you can use, such as follows: 

Measure productivity by profit

This method is usually used by small to medium-sized companies, and it is done by tracking the revenue it is very simple, if the revenue increases, it means that the employees are productive. There are some amazing software tools you can use to track down the productivity of employees in our modern age. (3)

Measure productivity with the quantitative method

This method is easy and straightforward and it depends on the employees themselves and their capabilities of processing calls, products, and applications for an hour, day, or a month it is very convenient for small-size companies and enterprises. (4)

Using the method Measuring By Objectives (MBO)

For this method, you should give each one of your employees some specific goals and tasks to accomplish and measure their productivity by the results they have achieved and how they contributed to the company’s success.

To use this method, you need to set objectives, supervise the whole process and support the employee and do regular evaluations to track the progress of each employee. (5)

How Can You Productive All Day Long? 

If you want to have a successful day ahead and be very productive, you need to do some things on daily basis: 

  1. Limit alcohol, caffeine, and electronics before going to sleep and sleep in the dark and a cool little room to wake up refreshed.
  2. Wake up early, drink a glass of water, do some exercise, and have a healthy breakfast.
  3. Set your intentions for the day and have a moment to think over them clearly and you can write them on a piece of paper and bring them to work.
  4. Avoid social media and use of your phone and do not deliver emails or make phone calls when you wake up.
  5. You can schedule all the activities for the day into your calendar and of course, the breaks.
  6. Have positive thinking and recite some positive affirmations to keep you motivated.
  7. Tackle the most important task first and rest all other assignments for later that day.

 How Can You Be Productive For 12 Hours-Shift?

Working 12 hours shift can have a negative impact on your health and can lead to constant fatigue, sleep disorders, and obesity; sometimes, you need to speak even with your physician about your health problems.

But, how can you make those 12 hours of work easier and more productive for you? Here are some tips to follow:

1. Eat regularly and healthy

When it comes to working 12 hours a day, your food plays a key role in your ability to work and complete all the tasks you need to do successfully. You can make your lunches early in the morning or late at night before going to work.

2. Take breaks to relax and destress

Working 12 hours shift can be very stressful, and you can easily lose focus, so taking breaks is very important for raising your energy level and allowing your body and mind to refocus.

You can listen to some music or chat with a coworker to relax and change the subject you work on.

3. Get enough rest

You cannot function normally with a lack of sleep and enough rest, and you always stick to your schedule when it comes to sleeping and goes to sleep at the same time if you work long hours, although it might be challenging.