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Can a Brain Tumor Be Cured?


In the United States alone, around 30 adults in every 100,000 are affected by brain and nervous system tumors.

Brain tumors can be dangerous because they spread to or put pressure on healthy parts of the brain.

Sadly, thousands of people around the world die from brain tumors each year. But can a brain tumor be cured? Let’s explore the subject further.


Types of Brain Tumors

A malignant brain tumor is a cancerous growth in the brain, while a benign brain tumor isn’t cancerous. Benign tumors grow slowly. Certain types of benign tumors can turn into malignant tumors.

There are many types of both benign and malignant tumors. Their names depend on their location in the brain. Typical malignant brain tumors include chordoma, chondrosarcoma, lymphoma, medulloblastoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma.

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

The symptoms people experience from a brain tumor depend on where the tumor is in the brain. But common symptoms include headaches, which are often worse when coughing and sneezing or in the morning time, as well as memory problems, personality changes, regularly feeling sick or vomiting, vision problems, speech problems, and seizures.

Because such symptoms are common symptoms of other health problems, if you experience one or more, it’s unlikely you’ll have a brain tumor.

However, if you do experience any of those symptoms, you should see your doctor straight away. If it is a brain tumor, it needs to be treated much sooner rather than later.

Treatment Options

There are multiple brain tumor treatment options available. Each one aims to remove as much of the tumor as possible and try to prevent it from returning.


With surgery, a surgeon removes a small section of the skull and cuts out the tumor. The small piece of skull is then fixed back into place.


Radiotherapy involves using external equipment to kill cancer cells after surgery.


Chemotherapy involves patients taking medicine to kill the cancerous cells after surgery. In cases in which the tumor cannot be removed, chemotherapy can be used to help relieve symptoms.


With radiosurgery, lots of tiny beams of radiation are fired at the cancer to kill it. Radiosurgery is an option when you’re unable to have surgery.


Medications can be great for relieving brain tumor symptoms like vomiting, headaches, and seizures.

Can brain tumors be cured?

It is possible for brain tumors to be cured with the right treatment. However, that doesn’t mean every brain tumor will be cured. And sadly, it can often be difficult to prevent brain tumors from getting worse.

The outlook for a malignant brain tumor depends on various factors, such as where in the brain the tumor is located, the size of the tumor, and the medical grade of the tumor.

If the brain tumor is caught early on, there is a much better chance of curing it. However, sometimes brain tumors that are successfully treated do come back.

See a Doctor if You Have Symptoms

As briefly mentioned earlier, if you experience any of the symptoms of a brain tumor, you should see your local physician or another medical professional straight away.

After running tests, it can be determined whether you do have a tumor or not. The sooner it is spotted, the sooner it can be treated and the higher chance you have of curing it.

If you do have a brain tumor, a medical professional can help you explore the different treatment options to find the best solutions for you. Often, a combination of treatments works best.

How to Meditate With Healing Crystals: A Beginner’s Guide 

Healing Crystals

There are hundreds of cultures around the globe over the past thousand years that have used crystals for healing and meditation purposes. Its mystical allure has not faded over time, and during times of ambivalence, people turn to alternative therapy such as meditation through the use of healing crystals.

If you are just getting acquainted with the use of these crystals, then worry no more as we give you several things you need to learn before you start your crystal healing journey.

Choosing the right crystal

There are sure to be many people who find brilliant-tinged gemstones fascinating. But it may not be that helpful when you try connecting with your higher self, or it may be less effective in quieting your thoughts during your meditation. When looking for the right crystal, you should feel connected with it. 

One of the first steps you can do is to assess your goals during meditation, then do some research on what crystal would work best depending on your needs. For example, if you have trouble sleeping, moonstone and amethyst are among the best crystals for healing and overcoming insomnia.

Placement of crystals

By this, we mean the physical placement of the stone in your body. Whether it is best to put it in your palm, wear it around your neck, and so on. For this, you also have to be familiar with which stones resonate well with body chakras

Rose quartz, for example, is well known for its association with the heart chakra. We also have Citrine and Tiger’s Eye, which have a connection with the solar plexus. If you already have the perfect stone, focus on the chakra point in your body and use the crystal to channel your energy.

Cleansing your crystals

Just like your body, these healing crystals need cleansing for them to work as intended. Practitioners clean their crystals before meditation by using sage or incense smoke. Others would take their crystals outdoors and leave them under the sun for a few hours. Some practitioners immerse the stones in saltwater. You can also do this to your crystal after you meditate to be clean the next time you use it.

Creating crystal barriers

Most practitioners prefer their thoughts to be undisturbed during meditation. For the practitioners to have a clear perspective, they practice creating an energy field. They can create an energy field by placing the crystals around the practitioner. It is a good way for you to strategically place your crystals if you do not want any of them to be touching your body. The crystals placed around the practitioner may vary.

Final Thoughts

Crystals can be more than just their usual label as pretty rocks. The effectiveness and efficiency of these gemstones are not limited to the metaphysical field but other things like technology and medicine. After all, their thousand years old presence is proof of their versatility. In the end, there is nothing wrong with incorporating different mediums when you meditate as long as you are doing it correctly. 

3 Essential Health Habits for Maintaining a Great Quality of Life

Healthy Habits

Our overall quality of life is dependent on a great many variables. But predominantly, it’s our daily habits that we embrace that can ultimately alter our lives in many ways.

Those who live a healthy lifestyle have developed positive habits that can be seen and felt. And along this same line, those who have poor habits will correspondingly have negative effects show up in their lives. And when it comes to our health, our habits play a crucial role.

Studies have shown that those who choose to embrace healthy habits live longer, have better relationships, and tend to live a much fuller life than those who don’t. But don’t worry. Even if you haven’t embraced a healthy lifestyle just yet, you can change course as you adopt healthier habits.

If you’re looking to make your life much more enjoyable, and you want to take your overall health seriously, the following will explore a few essential health habits for you to consider.

Oral Health

Your oral health plays a huge role in your overall health. And believe it or not, poor dental hygiene can manifest in many negative ways, and many of these don’t just affect your mouth.

For example, studies have shown a distinct link between gum disease and heart disease, particularly with endocarditis–when bacteria travel through the bloodstream and affects other parts of the body, particularly the heart. And this is a condition that can affect the body in many ways.

A few symptoms of endocarditis are as follows:

  • Chest pains
  • Heart valve inflammation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Swollen feet, legs, and abdomen
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweats

At the end of the day, your oral hygiene plays a huge role in your overall health. But unfortunately, many people develop gum disease and tooth decay slowly over time and have to correct the problem through costly dental surgery which many people simply can’t afford.

However, there are other options to consider for correcting your smile while you wait to have dental surgery. And one of these less expensive options is to use veneers. With fake veneers, you can smile confidently while you begin your journey towards better oral hygiene.

Proper Daily Exercise

The health benefits of daily exercise have been studied by science for decades. And the general consensus is that any amount of light to moderate daily exercise can be of great benefit to your overall quality of life.

Studies have also shown that at least 30 minutes of light aerobic exercise each day can reduce your risk for heart disease and cardiovascular issues by 50 per cent for most age groups. And this includes the following daily exercises:

  • Swimming laps
  • Daily walking
  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Intramural sports
  • Cycling
  • Dancing
  • Push-ups

It’s good to note that for men if you’re able to do at least 40 pushups within 2 minutes, you’re 96 per cent less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. And this is a great number to shoot for if you’re just beginning your health journey. 

Mental Agility

One part of your body that is critical to optimal health is your brain. And unfortunately, after late adolescence and early adulthood, not many people exercise the mind in such a fashion as while in school.

Cognitive health declines as we age. And like any muscle, if you don’t exercise your brain in the right way, your cognitive function can begin to slow down considerably. Thankfully, you have no shortage of methods for exercising the mind.

Such activities that you may want to consider for optimizing cognitive health throughout your life include reading, journaling, doing crossword puzzles, meditation, solving problems, or performing any complex mental tasks on a regular basis.

When it comes to optimizing cognitive ability, you have to remember that consistency is key. So the more that you exercise your mind, the stronger it becomes.

Going Forward with Healthy Habits

Studies on habit-forming in humans vary widely, but the general consensus is that if you perform the same activity, it can take as little as 18 days to as long as 254 days to develop a habit. However, it can take as little as 66 days to change behaviour through habitual conditioning.

Developing healthy habits is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And even if you begin small, taking basic steps to improve your overall health through habitual conditioning, you’ll soon see progress in your health and in your life.

Remember, all journeys begin by taking the first step. And if you want to live a healthy life, considering the lifestyle choices listed here can be your first step on the road toward better health. (1)

Quit Smoking for Good With These 7 Self-Help Tips


Smoking can harm your health, not just the health of those around you. Smoking is one of the most common forms of substance abuse in America and it’s said that more than 17 million Americans smoke cigarettes. But quitting smoking for good doesn’t have to be as hard as everyone makes it out to be – here are 7 self-help tips that will help you quit today!

Quit smoking

1. First, Find Your Reason

Why do you want to quit smoking? Is it because everyone around you smokes and you hate having to walk outside every hour for a cigarette break? Or is it something more serious, like wanting to live longer for yourself or your children? Whatever your reasons are, make sure they’re strong enough that quitting will matter. If not, chances are you’ll relapse in the future when things get tough. Thankfully, today there are so many replacement options that make quitting easier and can serve as a first step. You can opt for zero nicotine vape options that give you the feeling of smoking cigarettes without the harmful chemicals. People choose these replacement options because they help them get rid of cravings while they ease off cigarettes gradually, without triggering any withdrawal symptoms.

2. Try Focusing on Breathing Exercises 

When cravings hit, try focusing on controlled breathing techniques instead of reaching for a cigarette. This will help relax both mind and body which can help stop the need to smoke before it even begins. A few deep breaths every time I had an urge helped me stay strong throughout many quit smoking attempts. Breathing exercises are also important because smoking often causes shortness of breath, which is how people get started in the first place.

3. Tell Your Loved Ones

Make sure to tell your friends and family that you’re quitting smoking so they can support you along the way. If you make it public, everyone will be watching to see if you succeed or not. Having people expect me to fail gave me even more reason to stay strong every day for my health, as well as theirs. This also helps with the social aspect of quitting smoking since you’ll be reaching out to your friends and family for support. Your loved ones are essentially the ones who will help you succeed.

4. Take It One Day at a Time

Quitting cigarettes is tough – but staying smoke-free is tougher. When things get hard, remember that staying smoke-free for one day should be all you focus on – because anything more than that should be treated as a huge accomplishment in itself! Focusing on one day at a time helped me stay strong through tough days and tough urges. Also, try not to focus on quitting altogether – set small goals like only smoking half as much or cutting down to one cigarette per day, instead of quitting completely.

5. Find a New Hobby or Activity to Take Up Your Time

Take up a new hobby to take your mind off smoking! When I quit, I exercised more because it helped me relax and focus on something other than cigarettes. If you don’t want to exercise, any activity from painting to skateboarding can help get your mind off of smoking every once in a while.

Play an instrument

A piano, guitar, or even drums might be just what you need to keep your hands’ busy while also getting some exercise in with those fingers! The key here is finding something where there’s no risk of being tempted to light up while playing because this habit could lead back down the path of smoking again. 

Learn a new skill

You may have always wanted to master the art of baking or painting – or maybe you want to learn a new language? Whatever it is, take up that hobby and spend your time learning instead of smoking. It’s amazing how many hobbies there are in the world and if we’re not careful we’ll live our whole lives without discovering even half of them! Find something you love and stick with it for at least a few weeks before deciding whether or not it’s worth quitting smoking for good to pursue.

Read more books

Many people undervalue the power of reading because they’ve never given books a chance. Reading doesn’t just open your mind to new ideas but also helps relax the mind when cravings hit hard. Try reading anything from mystery novels to self-help books. 

Practice meditation 

Meditation is another method that can help ease cravings while calming the mind and body, allowing you to avoid smoking again without feeling too anxious or stressed out about it. It also helps because meditation can bring your focus away from nicotine addiction and onto other positive personal changes like releasing negative thoughts, increasing self-esteem, and improving your overall physical health.

6. Remember the Benefits

If you don’t remember why quitting is important to you, write down all of the benefits that come along with being smoke-free – Not only does it help remind why quitting matters in the first place, but looking at your list whenever things get tough will show how much stronger you’re getting every day in your quit smoking journey. You can also write down all the benefits for your loved ones to help you stay strong.

7. Create a “Help Me” Jar

When things get tough, write down on a slip of paper all of the reasons why you want to quit smoking and put it in a jar. Then when you reach for another cigarette, read through your slips one by one to help keep yourself motivated! This helped me during many tough moments in my quit smoking journey and is a simple way for anyone to stay motivated. Also, remember to reward yourself for staying strong and reaching certain milestones in your quit smoking journey.


Remember that everyone’s journey is different, but these self-help tips can make quitting cigarettes much easier – even if you’ve tried before without any luck. But with support from friends and family, as well as focusing on staying healthy, there should be no reason for anyone to ever have to smoke another cigarette again.

How Can We Improve Our Sleeping Habits? A Guide

Sleeping Habits

With all the distractions and stresses of modern life, many of us are finding that it’s increasingly difficult to get off to sleep or to have a good quality sleep. If you want to learn more about why you could be struggling with your sleeping habits, and what you can do to try and improve them, then keep reading. We will cover some things you can try to improve your sleeping habits, so you can find something that works for you.

How To Tell If You’re Struggling With Sleep

For many people, it’s obvious when they’re struggling to sleep. Tossing and turning at night and finding they just can’t seem to switch their brain off when it comes to the time to drift off. However, poor sleeping habits can go undetected directly, whilst still causing issues for the sufferer. For example, some people may find themselves feeling exhausted, struggling to focus at work, or with low moods and energy levels. This can have a knock-on effect on other areas of their lives, without them understanding why it’s happening. Many people can be unaware that they’re having broken sleep or low-quality sleep. For the body to receive the full rest it needs, it needs to enter into a deep state of sleep called non-REM sleep. This is the stage where our body can fully recover from the day, carrying out important tasks such as repair and recovery. It also allows your organs and brain a chance to rest and prepare for the next day. Those that find they are struggling to get into this stage of sleep could find that their mental and physical health suffers as a result.

What Can Cause Poor Sleeping Habits

Potential reasons for poor sleeping habits can range widely. It could be due to a long-term sleep disorder, such as insomnia or sleep terrors. However, it can also be due to other areas of your life being affected. For example, many people find that when they’re going through a particularly stressful period of their life, they develop insomnia. Poor sleep is also very commonly linked with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Very often, you can improve sleep by targeting the issue at the root cause. For example, receiving treatment for anxiety and seeing improvements in that can result in sleep habits improving as a result. Those working night-time shift work also commonly find that they are not receiving the necessary quantity of sleep, or that the quality of their sleep suffers due to having to sleep during the day. Conditions such as sleep apnoea can also indirectly cause a lack of sleep as the breathing problems experienced with this condition can lead to broken sleep.

Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect Sleep

Health conditions aren’t always the only reason for poor sleep, as it can also be caused by other smaller lifestyle changes. For example:

  • Caffeine consumption
  • Changes in routine
  • Change in workload
  • Travel and time changes
  • Changes in temperature
  • Alcohol, nicotine, and drug use
  • Uncomfortable beds

If you find you’re struggling with sleep, it’s worth taking a look at some of these lifestyle factors to see whether they could be playing a part for you. Sometimes a simple change can be the answer to improving sleep, but if not then you should speak to your doctor about potential further investigations or medication.

Sleep Procrastination

There has also been a new discovery of why we could be experiencing a lack of sleep, known as sleep procrastination. So, what is sleep procrastination? This phenomenon is becoming increasingly common. It is usually due to an individual delaying sleep in order to feel like they have more time available to do spend doing other things. This can be due to feeling as though they spend too much time doing other things such as work, childcare, or housework, and don’t have enough time for themselves. Putting off sleep means they are creating more time free time for themselves but to the detriment of their sleep. Common forms of sleep procrastination include watching TV, scrolling on your phone, and playing video games. To learn more about this common habit affecting our sleeping habits, and what can be done to combat it, read Rise Science’s guide to sleep procrastination.

Digital Distractions

One of the biggest factors affecting people’s sleep in this day and age is digital devices. Whether that’s TV, cell phones, or laptops, they are all making it harder to switch our brains off for the day and drift off to sleep. The blue light emitted from these kinds of devices suppresses melatonin, a key hormone in the production of deep and good-quality sleep. Avoiding using devices for an hour before going to bed, and banning devices from the bedroom are both ways to help you to avoid the temptation to keep checking devices and exposing yourself to blue light. As well as the blue light, these devices also cause us to stay awake, focusing on things such as work emails, social media, or distracting videos. Our brains need to be in the mindset of sleep, and other areas of our life can keep us lying awake at night.

Keeping Your Workspace Separate

One way to help increase your chances of getting off to sleep is to make sure you’re not working in the area in which you sleep. Keeping computers and laptops out of your bedroom and having a separate desk area in another room dedicated exclusively to work will stop your brain from associating your sleep space with being associated with work. Also, avoid using your cell phone in bed and answering emails or working from your bed. If you have a partner, then talking about work before trying to get to sleep can be unhelpful for allowing you both to drift off. Try and keep topics light-hearted and calming if possible. If you’re finding it hard to sleep due to work stresses, then it could be worth discussing time off work or reducing your workload, as nothing is more important than your health.

Florals are the most popular embroidery patterns in the US

Girl with bag

A new study has revealed Floral patterns to be the most popular embroidery style in the United States.

Researchers at the online creative resource and digital embroidery designer Design Bundles analysed the average number of internet searches in the US for a range of different embroidery styles between November 2021 and January 2022.

Six of the top 12 most searched for embroidery designs were of a floral embroidery pattern, with Flowers, Sweet Peas, Roses, Sunflowers, Leaves, and Cacti all featuring on the list. Three of the top 12 were fauna – related to animals – with bees, pandas, and butterflies all making the list.

This means that nine of the top 12 most searched embroidery styles in the US are related to natural imagery, which perhaps reflects a wider trend in the world of embroidery.


At the top of the list was Flower embroidery. With an average of 12,100 searches per month for the period of the study, Flowers were found to be the most popular embroidery pattern in the US by a considerable margin. This fits well with the remainder of the list containing more specific searches related to plants. Embroidering your fabrics with a range of freshly stitched flowers is a great way to bring colour, life, and beauty to your designs check on justcraftingaround

Second on Design Bundles’ list of the most popular embroidery styles in the US were Sweet Peas. The Sweet Pea embroidery style saw an average of 5,400 searches per month between November 2021 and January 2022. Sweet Peas are delicate beautiful flowers which makes them a perfect design for embroiderers’.

Roses came in joint third place on the list along with Logos. Each had an average of 2,900 searches over the course of the three months during which the study took place. Rose represented both third place and the third floral design to be included in the list of most popular embroidery styles in the US.

Just behind Roses were Sunflowers, another floral design. Sunflowers had 2,400 searches per month on average in the US. Sunflowers have long been a popular floral design in all manner of crafts. This is perhaps due to their striking bright colours, tall height, and their immortalisation by Vincent Van Gogh in one of his most famous paintings, ‘Sunflowers’.

Leaves came in fifth place along with Butterflies, both of which had an average of 1,900 internet searches per month in the US between November 2021 and January 2022. This meant that the top five most popular embroidery patterns in the US are all floral designs.

The next and final floral design to feature was Cacti, which came seventh overall with an average of 1,300 searches per month in the US. The colourful, intricate and distinctive look of cacti makes for stunning patterns when they are embroidered.(1)

Most popular embroidery patterns in the US

Embroidery style Average number of searches between November 2021 and January 2022 Rank
Flowers 12,100 1
Sweet Pea 5,400 2
Logo 2,900 3
Rose 2,900 3
Sunflower 2,400 4
Butterfly 1,900 5
Leaf 1,900 5
Bee 1,600 6
Panda 1,600 6
Name 1,600 6
Nike 1,600 6
Cactus 1,300 7

Source – Design Bundles

What is embroidery?

Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabrics with a needle and thread to create patterns and decorations. Other materials such as sequins, buttons, feathers, or anything else that will stitch, can be used as part of an embroidered pattern. Embroidery is used for decorative not functional purposes.

Early evidence of embroidery dates back to over 30,000 years ago. Archaeological remains of the first European settlers, known as the Cro-Magnons, were discovered with evidence of embroidery on the clothes.

Although embroidery is now predominantly used for designing clothes, cloth, curtains, and other everyday fabrics, it was once also used to design and decorate book covers.

What is digital embroidery?

Digital embroidery is a digital design stored in a file that is used for creating patterns with an embroidery machine. So you can choose a pattern that you like and simply send the file to an embroidery machine and it will perfectly recreate that pattern on any piece of fabric you give to it.

Embroidery machines create intricate and accurate patterns in very little time and are far more precise than hand embroidery. Most machine models can complete around 6,000 stitches in just ten minutes. We have certainly come a long way since the early humans were threading simple patterns onto their clothes all those thousands of years ago!

So whether you want to embroider flowers, plants, or any other pattern for that matter, why not try using an embroidery machine next time to guarantee incredible results?

Flower design

How to import digital embroidery designs to an embroidery machine

Using an embroidery machine is a great way to create fast and precise embroidery patterns. So, if you have a machine you can do away with your embroidery hoop and trust technology to bring your next project to life.

First, you need to choose a digital embroidery image or design that catches your eye and that you think would work well for the piece you are making. You will need to buy this image or download it from a site that offers free patterns.

Then you save the image onto your computer and transfer it onto a USB stick. Make sure you safely remove the USB stick so as to ensure you don’t lose any files saved onto it.

You then insert the USB stick into your embroidery machine. There should be a USB port on the side of the machine.

Next, you need to scan or import the image from the stick to the machine. Depending on which embroidery machine you have this is done through methods. Try to locate the USB drive on your machine’s screen and there should be an import option from there. Select the image you saved earlier.

Then you can set the image. Your embroidery machine should then give you the option of setting the size and parameters of the image.

You should then be able to preview the design and have the machine transfer it onto the fabric, and you’re done! (2)

Interesting Facts About Hemp You Didn’t Know


There are many interesting facts about hemp that most people are unaware of and didn’t know. One of the most interesting facts is that some people don’t know it’s a plant like its cousin, cannabis. They tend to hear the word “hemp” and think it’s a fibre or piece of rope? Actually, they are right but didn’t realize it is made from a plant.

Hemp or the cannabis L-Sativa plant is the same as a cannabis plant; however, unlike the cannabis plant, hemp strains contain small trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), typically less than 0.3%. Both cannabis and hemp also contain other compounds called cannabinoids like cannabigerol (CBG), cannabidivarin (CBDV), CBD, and others.

To discover some interesting facts about hemp that you didn’t know about and why so many people like the CBD products made from it, continue reading.

What is Hemp?

The official name for it is industrialized hemp. The most significant difference between hemp and cannabis plants is the cultivation, use, and levels of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). That is the psychoactive chemical that gets users “high” and cannabis strains are notorious for.

For a hemp plant to be legally classified on a dry-weight basis, it must contain no more than three percent THC. Whereas most cannabis plants contain approximately 5-30% THC; therefore, it is essential to know what you’re buying before you try CBD, either extracted from hemp or cannabis.

Cannabis species have more than 480 natural compounds out of 100 that are specific to a group called cannabinoids. Since hemp plants contain small trace amounts of THC, they are often more rich in other cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) that are non-addictive and non-intoxicating.

Facts About the Hemp Plant

In 2018, the Farm Bill distinguished the difference between cannabis and hemp by restricting hemp to be no more than that of 0.3% THC. Many hemp products are made with seeds that contain protein, fats, and other chemicals.

On the other hand, CBD products are made by being extracted from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, where the medicinal properties are such as CBD and other cannabinoids. If you’re looking for high-quality CBD products, Observer recently came out with their top product recommendations.

Without further ado, here are five facts about the hemp plant:

  1. Hemp Was Used as a Government Aid

Many laws in the US regarding hemp have fluctuated throughout history. Hemp was federally legal to grow between 1970 and 2018 but did you know there was a time when the US government required hemp farmers to grow the plant? It was used for WWII as sails, fabric, canvas, paper, and military-grade rope.

  1. Hemp Purifies the Earth

Hemp can be used to help purify the earth by growing on top of radioactive materials such as radioactive heavy metals and nuclear compounds. Hemp plants have a long root system that extends deep into the ground, absorbing harmful chemicals and pulling toxins out. This provides a better alternative than an expensive detoxifying process.

  1. Hemp Could Help Prevent Hunger

By nature, hemp seeds contain high levels of vitamins A, B, D, and E, fatty acids, high levels of calories, and nutritious minerals. Hemps seeds can also be used as a meat alternative because they meet the daily protein requirements. This can help in regions where hunger is a factor due to the rapid growth rates of the hemp plant.

  1. Hemp May Reduce Deforestation

A big problem facing many countries is deforestation. Hemp could help replace what man has harvested for building materials such as lumber and plywood. It can also help save trees used to manufacture paper and pulp products. According to Hemp Technologies Global, hemp grows faster than trees at one acre of hemp vs. 4.1 for trees.

  1. Hemp Looks Different Than Cannabis

While both hemp and cannabis look the same, there are some differences. Cannabis plants tend to grow shorter and wider than hemp plants. Hemp plants grow tall and thin and thrive in hot and humid conditions. There are also more flowers on the cannabis plant than the hemp plant. The leaves on cannabis plants are also wider.

The hemp plant has become a versatile product not only for its therapeutic compound cannabidiol but also for many household and commercial products that people use every day.

Other Facts About Hemp That You Didn’t Know

It is legal to grow hemp in all 50 states and are harvested between 90-120 days. Hemp was used to make fiberboards for construction materials and is both stronger and lighter than wood. Did you know hemp paper was used to write the US Constitution? Yes, it is true.

Industrial hemp strains can be isolated to grow plants that contain little to no THC, making hemp a valuable resource for manufacturing high-quality CBD. Before 1937 in the United States of America, hemp was considered a legal tender and was used to pay taxes.

And lastly, hemp contains a wide range of healthy compounds that can be used as a dietary supplement and has many practical uses for common everyday items that most people don’t even know are made from hemp. One of the most important discoveries was its use for extracting the valuable compound CBD that is used in many products.

How to Keep the Flame Alive in Your Relationship

Lovely couple

We all remember that first spark we felt inside the second we met our partners. It’s a dizzying and intoxicating feeling that just makes the world seem a little softer. And while those first few months are an essential part of a relationship, true love is a marathon, not a sprint.

But with work, kids, daily stresses to contend with, it’s not always easy to keep that torch of passion burning as brightly as it should. It’s no one’s fault, but let’s be honest – all long-term relationships need a little more fire now and then. 

So, how are you going to keep that flame alive when so many of its embers get extinguished by mother nature, father time and other external factors? With a little enamoree magic, you can reignite date night, and resuscitate those dying flames into a scorching bonfire. 

How? Here’s how!

Daily Compliments do Wonders 

Sometimes that one off-hand compliment sets your partner up for the rest of the day. You look great today. That really suits you. I’m so lucky to be with you

Try to have one unique complement handy each day for your partner. It can be anything from their smile to the way they always manage to make you laugh. All that really matters is that you let them know how appreciated they are, each and every day. 

Make Time for Yourselves 

Easier said than done, right? After all, how many times have you said you’ll do something fun or get some alone time, only to crash after a long day?

It’s perfectly understandable. But if you don’t nip it in the bud, that lack of alone time can bloom into some rather ugly terms. Mainly, taking each other for granted and not making an effort. 

Set specific but realistic goals. A thirty-minute cuddle. An intimate conversation away from electronic devices. Some serious snuggle action. Whatever it is, make it for the both of you and forget the rest of the world briefly. 

Experience Something New Together 

Ever go out to eat and see those couples who just have nothing to say to one another? Think of them as your relationship’s Ghost of Christmas Future. How do you avoid such a depressing fate? Shake things up a bit!

No one is recommending you bleach your hair or shave their name into the family pet. It can be as simple as trying a new restaurant in the area or visiting a new place for the weekend. Hell, even if it’s just refusing to choose the same old thing you order from your favourite takeaway. 

Be partners in crime and get that joy or something new to try together and discuss. (1)

Be Their Biggest Cheerleader

With long-term relationships come chores, dishes, and an array of boring adult tasks. And with these tasks can come a rigid set of characters that we cast ourselves as around the house. 

The ‘villain’ who is always asking people to tidy up and do things around the house, and the person who feels constantly nagged into doing things when they just want to relax. Of course, you both do your fair share, but it’s easy to fall into these traps after a long day at work. 

Be sure to encourage one another in anything from taking up a hobby they’re considering to thanking them for helping around the house. A few confidence boosts will inspire far more passion and care than a million frustrated nudges! 

5 Vegan Immune Boosting Supplements

Vegan supplements

When you’re sticking to a vegan diet it’s essential that you’re getting all of the nutrients needed to keep your body running smoothly. While there’s no denying the health benefits of a vegan lifestyle, we could all do with some of nature’s most powerful immunity-boosting supplements. 

So, whether it’s a healthy dose of good old-fashioned Vitamin C, or embracing the incredible benefits of Sea Moss capsules, here are the top 5 vegan supplements to give your immune system a boost. 

Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D is one of the most powerful natural immunity boosters in the world. Whole foods that are grown in sunny climates tend to be rich in Vitamin D. Those of us who don’t go outside as much as they should run the risk of becoming deficient in this essential nutrient. 

Due to its ability to help the body absorb calcium, and the way it helps bones and teeth remain healthy, Vitamin D is vital to an overall healthy lifestyle. (1)

Collagen Booster Supplements 

Are you surprised to see collagen supplements on this list? While they’re better known for being promoted as a beauty supplement, collagen contains proline and glutamine. Both are known to boost cell regeneration and improve your overall immune system.

It’s those very same reasons why collagen supplements have become so popular in beauty regimes. Those cell repairing properties make the skin look younger, fresher, and glowing with natural goodness. 

Vitamin C Supplements 

There was a time when Vitamin C would never have made a list like this. After all, a healthy vegan diet should be packed with foods containing it anyway. But with the global events in recent years, there’s certainly no harm in doing all you can to bolster your immune system and add another layer of protection to your supplements. 

Zinc Supplements 

A deficiency in zinc is a common issue, and sadly, it’s also the trickiest of all the vitamins to get right. Why? Well, unfortunately, not enough zinc is extremely bad for you, but so is too much zinc. 

In other words, there’s a balancing act when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle without risking a toxic health hazard. And considering zincs’ ability to heal wounds and boost your immune system, it’s a balance that’s very important to get right. 

Fortunately, taking regular zinc supplements take care of that for you – offering the perfect daily amount to keep you feeling great without any worries of taking too much. (2)

Sea Moss Supplements 

Due to its adaptability, Sea Moss is used for anything from cooking delicious vegan meals to boosting the immune system. Containing an incredible 92 of the 102 essential minerals your body needs, Sea Moss capsules provide you with 90% of your daily mineral intake in one pill!

Its rich Vitamin A and K content give your skin a natural glow, and with natural iodines, it even helps you to regulate your metabolism, and fat in the body. 

While some of the vegan supplements mentioned here are extremely effective, Sea Moss already contains zinc and iron to boost immunity levels. It even contains collagens! 

Incorporating some of these vegan-friendly supplements into your daily routine will keep your immune system strong, steady, and protected from infections. 

Expand your horizon and your mind


This article is here to tell you to try something new. Opening our minds to the world and all its opportunities is one of the best things that we can do for ourselves. There are so many opportunities out there to explore, so many places to travel, and so many things to try. Do yourself a favor and read along, as we give a few tips to how you can kickstart this process and start expanding your horizon.

Break out of your comfort zone

Breaking out of your comfort zone is one of the healthiest things we can do as humans. Life is about balancing the right amount of chaos and peace in our lives. Peace represents our habits, our everyday life, and the things we are used to doing. Routines and comfort bring us peace. Chaos is represented by the challenges life gives us. Chaos is represented by new opportunities that can abrupt the peace we find in our routines and daily lives.

Balancing chaos and peace is difficult, but many people fear chaos. However, change and growth is only possible when we invite chaos in, face the challenges that we are given, or when we challenge ourselves and try something new. Chaos might seem wild but inviting chaos into your life doesn’t mean quitting your job or leaving your partner. It can be something more trivial as well.

The bedroom is one arena where many people are afraid of expanding their horizon and trying something new. This can make sex a monotone experience, which in time can be fatal to a relationship. As such, you can learn much from being open to new experiences, exploring your fantasies and the like. Have a talk with yourself or your partner and find out what you’d like to try.

You can try using handcuffs, a vibrator, or blindfolds. Take small steps, and once even this becomes routine, you can try more wild things, like a Sex swing. Being open to exploring each other in a relationship can add a really strong dynamic to a relationship that is often underestimated. Sex is often seen like something that belongs to relationships of younger people, however although it is true that our sex drive decreases as we grow older, it doesn’t disappear completely, before we are seniors.

Explore the world

Another way to explore yourself, and expand your horizon is to travel the world. Most people are a product of the surroundings we are raised in, which we of course can’t be at fault for. It is, however, our responsibility as we get older, to acknowledge that there are many other cultures and ways of living out there in the world. Discovering new cultures can help us discover that perhaps our parents’ ways aren’t the best, or on the contrary, help us realize that we were luckier and more privileged when growing up.

Knowing that there are other ways of doing things like politics, food, and life in general, can help us understand the world. And understanding the world we live in, makes us more whole as a person. Travelling is cheaper than you might think, and most of us can save money in our everyday life, by cutting down on expensive habits. So, what are you waiting for? (1)