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How to Minimize Chlorine Exposure When Swimming

The swimming pool is a great place to go for some exercise and relaxation. However, it can also be one of the most stressful places you can visit. Chlorine gas is used in almost every public pool to prevent bacteria growth and maintain cleanliness. The downside of this chemical is that it has been linked with many health problems like asthma, bronchitis, throat irritation, coughing, skin irritations, and more.

This blog post will help you minimize chlorine exposure at your local swimming pool so you can have a healthy time while staying safe.

The Problem With Chlorine

Chlorine is a necessary evil in many parts of the world, thanks to its killing of bacteria and other microorganisms. Unfortunately, chlorine can quickly damage your hair and skin when you’re swimming, particularly if you have long or thick hair or sensitive skin. Most people ask how to get green out of hair because chlorine can damage your hair and skin.

Chloramines are formed when sweat, sunscreens, urine, and other chemicals and waste interact with chlorine. This oxidized chlorine gas can be found in the air near chlorinated pools as well as other sources of water.

Negative Effects of Chloramines

Chloramines are chemicals that form when chlorine interacts with organic matter in the water. The longer you stay under chlorinated water, the higher risk to your health. Chloramines are known to cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, burning eyes, and rashes. This is the primary reason why you should always use swimming shampoo to protect your hair from being damaged.

What to Do?

To assist reduce chlorine exposure, here are a few things that may be done:

1.Avoid chlorinated pools whenever possible

Chlorine is toxic to the body, and it’s also tough to filter out of water. It would be best if you, therefore, avoided chlorinated pools whenever possible. If you are going with a friend who wants to swim in chlorine, go for an outdoor pool instead. 

2.Use Vitamin C 

Vitamin C helps to reduce chlorine exposure while swimming by breaking down the toxic compounds in the water. Take a dose of vitamin C before swimming, during your swim, and after you get out of the pool for best results. This is good advice for reducing chlorine exposure and if you are trying to boost your immune system or other health goals because Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. If you do not like taking capsules or want to try something new, drink freshly squeezed lemon juice before swimming and during your swim. 

3.Protect the skin 

Chlorine is absorbed through the skin, so it’s essential to protect yourself from exposure. Wear a swim cap and goggles, as well as an old t-shirt over your bathing suit. Don’t shave any body parts before swimming: Shaving can cause tiny nicks that increase chlorine absorption into the body.

The Bottom Line 

You can minimize your exposure to chlorine by limiting the time you spend in chlorinated water, showering right after swimming, and using products that neutralize chlorine on your skin.

4 ways to help yourself in depression

Depressive Disorder

Depression is a medical condition that has become so prevalent nowadays. It is common to such an extent that it can happen to a person of any age irrespective of their sex. This is a condition that needs to be treated well on time; otherwise, the consequences can be disastrous. A person who has been diagnosed with depression is usually seen tired and out of the world, appearing to be out of his/ her thoughts most of the time. Such a person is highly affected by lots of mental stress and conditions that he/ she doesn’t even know the difference between good and bad.

As said earlier, this is a medical condition that must be treated as it doesn’t go on its own. Depression usually occurs on its own due to various factors which may adversely influence the life of a human being up to a considerable extent. It can be life-threatening if not looked after properly.

Moreover, depression can make you feel lonely, get your energy drained, and make you feel exhausted for no reason at all. The hectic day-to-day schedule, stress due to work, insomnia, feeling low, guiltiness, anxiety, change in eating habits, and other severe health issues are some of the factors that can cause depression to a human being. There have also been several cases where people have been compelled them to lose their life either by suicide or whatsoever reason just because of this serious illness of depression.

So, the point is that this condition should be taken seriously to avoid any further massive complications and health issues. To get rid of this serious medical condition of depression, below are being listed four best ways to help you in depression. Let us have a look:-

1.Get indulged in exercises

 Being indulged in exercises regularly and being habitual to them can bring a major change to your lifestyle and can also assist you in getting rid of depression. Keeping yourself busy in exercises such as going on 20-25 minutes of brisk walk regularly, yoga, and other aerobic exercises can certainly boost your mood and confidence level. It is also natural for people to feel sad and inactive while they have been diagnosed with depression.

So, exercising can be a good way to overcome this problem. You also need to be assured of this fact that once you become habitual of doing exercises regularly, you will yourself see a big change and start feeling better than ever before.

2. Meet a private escort and relieve yourself

 Meeting an escort in Adelaide can be one of the best ways to help you come out of this severe illness of depression. It is scientifically proven that having sex can help you release pressure and can work as a stress reliever for you.

Sex stimulates the release of various feel-good hormones in our brain:

-Dopamine: It helps to increase motivation and works well for increasing focus.

-Endorphins: These hormones can fight everyday stress and give you a temporary high.

-Oxytocin: Also known as the cuddle hormone, it increases the feelings of affection and compassion.

These happy hormones can temporarily reduce the symptoms of depression.

You can click here to browse experienced, good-looking male, female, and transgender escorts that will give you a break from your daily life stress and responsibilities.

3.Sleeping is a must

 A lot of people seem under pressure and exhausted during the entire day due to the lack of sleep. Apart from this, a few people also give the impression to be suffering from insomnia, which is also a major area of concern for people who have been diagnosed with depression. Therefore, it is necessary to have enough sleep to stay fresh and active during the entire day. Further, this can also be among one of the best ways to help you with depression.

People who lack sleep and have insomnia are more likely to suffer depression. A few other cases have alsofiredout.com been noticed where people who have been diagnosed with depression are seen either not sleeping much or sleeping enough. Both of these are harmful signs that can adversely affect your health and takes you to the stage of depression. You should therefore plan a proper schedule to go and wake up from bed the next day on time.

4. Just say “NO” to drugs and alcohol

 Drugs and alcohol seem to have adverse effects on the mental and physical health of a human being. The saying “Excess of anything is bad” is absolutely correct. Excessive consumption can compel you to be habitual of it, which further leads to depression. A healthy lifestyle is a must-need to overcome this situation, which can only be done by way of removing these harmful items from your daily lifestyle.

Sometimes, over intake of these drugs and alcohol can seize your mind and make you habitual of it that can really put your life at risk. Though this is the last way that can help you overcome depression, this is the point that must be noted. Avoiding the consumption of alcohol can bring a change to your lifestyle and make you feel just better. So, learn to say a big “NO” to these harmful drugs and liquor items.

To Conclude

It is very much clear from the above points that these are the best ways that you should follow to stay active and assist you to overcome depression. You should always remember that depression is a serious medical ailment that needs to be discussed among the family and well treated if noticed. It can be just amazing to get rid of it as soon as it is detected, otherwise be ready to suffer from disastrous outcomes. Don’t forget that these devastating effects can damage your life to the extent that they will certainly be life-threatening and serious for you.

How CBD can help relieve symptoms of migraine: A Guide to Managing Migraine

Migraine is a neurological disorder that causes intense headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

It can also cause light sensitivity, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Migraine sufferers often experience auras before or during the headache phase of their migraine attack.

Auras may include flashes of lights (photophobia) or temporary vision loss (partial blindness). How CBD can help relieve symptoms of migraine is something you might be wondering about? We’ll take a look at this in more detail here!

  1. What is migraine and how does it affect the body

Migraines are a form of chronic headache that can be debilitating. Migraine is characterized by intense head pain, nausea, and increased sensitivity to light or sound

(1). The frequency ranges from once every few years to several times in one week with different symptoms for each person as well the location where the migraine begins within their body varies widely along with duration which also vary

(2) . The most common type of migraines have visual disturbances such as blindness followed by throbbing headaches usually on only one side. Other types include those who experience numbness on either side, weakness in limbs, or slurred speech during an episode

(3). In addition some may even see flashing lights before vision loss occurs while others might actually lose all sense of sight and smell.

  1. How CBD can help relieve symptoms of migraine

CBD can help relieve symptoms of migraines by decreasing the frequency and intensity of migraines, as well as reducing inflammation. Some anecdotal reports suggest that CBD may even prevent or reduce auras in people who get them before their headaches begin.

CBD is an effective way to manage pain related to headache disorders such as chronic migraines. It has also been shown to improve sleep quality among other things which are associated with these conditions. In addition, research studies have found evidence suggesting its ability for preventing both nausea and vomiting, two common side effects that arise from using opioids during acute episodes like this one.

Furthermore, some users report having less intense hangovers after taking it because they were able to avoid drinking too much alcohol. How CBD can help relieve symptoms of migraine is a great alternative that many people are turning to as it has shown to be effective and safe.

  1. How to get started with CBD for treating your migraines

CBD for treating migraines is not a new idea. The first studies on the effects of CBD were published in 1973, but there are still many misconceptions about how to use it.

Migraine sufferers often try natural remedies like CBD because they don’t want to take medication that has side effects and can cause addiction or be dangerous if taken at high doses over an extended period of time with other medications

It’s also important to remember that just as different people have varying reactions towards drugs, cannabinoids may affect each person differently too, so you might need some trial and error before finding something effective for your specific symptoms/body chemistry

Also, keep track of what works well together since certain supplements can interact with CBD and affect its absorption.

How to get started on using CBD for treating your migraines is something you may want to discuss with a trusted doctor or health care professional in order to have the best chance of success.


If you have been suffering from migraines, consider trying CBD oil to relieve your symptoms.

Migraine sufferers are often prescribed prescription medication that can be expensive and lead to unwanted side effects like drowsiness or dizziness.

You may want to try a natural alternative such as hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) which is legal in all 50 states and does not carry the same risks of addiction or dependency associated with other drugs for treating migraine pain medications.

We hope this guide has helped you understand how CBD works and given you some ideas about what steps to take next if you decide it’s right for your situation!

10 Strategies to Improve Score in Class 9 Science Paper

The class 9 science exam consists of three subjects; they are physics, chemistry, and biology. The class 9th science exam is important for every student’s future and they should take it seriously and prepare thoroughly. The science syllabus for class 9 consists of 15 chapters and all the chapters are equally important. To improve your score in the class 9th science paper you need to follow a proper routine and stay dedicated. You can use the following 10 strategies to improve your score in a class 9th science paper. Along with these strategies you also need to practice regularly and should not be lazy.

The 10 strategies are as follows:

1 . Be Disciplined

The number one tip for improving your CBSE class 9 science exam score is discipline. You have to be disciplined enough to study daily and dedicate your time towards preparation. Wake up early and follow the schedule, try not to cheat yourself as it will only decrease your chances of scoring well in the exam. Being disciplined will easily improve your mindset and help you to prepare well and let you concentrate over a long period.

2 . Do not let Social Media interfere with your studies

If you want to improve your class 9th science exam score you need to stop using social media during the preparation period. Avoid social sites and just concentrate on the subjects, do not keep your phone by your side while studying as it will distract you and delay your preparation. Ask your parents or elders not to barge into your room as it may break your concentration.

3 . Revision Schedule

The class 9th science exam consists of 15 chapters and you will require a proper schedule to revise all of them. Try to maintain a separate revision schedule where you can allocate 1-2hrs for revising every day. One thing that all students must keep in mind is that they need to revise regularly as the number of chapters is more, this will help you to memorize better and be thorough with each chapter.

4 . Study Actively and with Concentration

Try to study in a peaceful environment and be active. While studying be very concentrated and do not let yourself be distracted by anything. Do not get up for silly reasons as it will break your concentration and hamper your preparation. Always finish your daily chores before starting your preparation and keep a bottle of water by your side. Study actively for at least 1hr and then take small 5 minutes break. Try to study in short chunks and maintain notes.

5 . Work on your weak points

Try to improve your weak points by working on them. Some of the general weak points that a student may have to work on are:

  • Work on your handwriting by practicing more. Regular writing can improve your writing skills also.
  • Learn the difficult chapters thoroughly and give additional time.
  • If you are not able to solve the sample paper within the allocated time, try to improve your time management skill.
  • Increase your calculation speed and accuracy.
  • Use the CBSE class 9 science books for better preparation.

6 . Focus on Certain topics in particular

While preparing for your science exam you will find that few topics can fetch you more marks with a little bit of practice. These topics can be found in all three sections and students should be attentive enough to recognize them. For example learn the diagrams and their labeling, derivations for certain formulas, etc. Students should also know that the chemistry section is the easiest and the highest scoring, so they should try to take advantage of it.

7 . Cultivate Your Skills

During the exam, you need to be fast as well as accurate with your answers. To perform well you need to cultivate your skills over time. You can improve and cultivate your skills by following these steps:

  • Practice writing solutions to the questions in your own words.
  • Revise all completed topics every day or go through them at least once.
  • Try to make short notes for the topics.
  • Separate physics, chemistry, and biology notes should be maintained.
  • Try to solve sample papers few days before the exam.

8 . Proper Rest

Students may find this funny but you need proper and adequate rest. This will keep you fresh and relaxed, try to sleep 6-8hrs daily and eat healthy foods. Avoid fast foods and any kind of junk foods. Keeping your healthy well will benefit you in the long run and help you with your preparation. Eat fruits and vegetables and avoid meat, fish, and eggs during the time of examination.

9 . Chapters that are Important in the 9th Class Science Paper

The science exam consists of three subjects that are physics, chemistry, and biology. All the chapters are equally important and must not be avoided. Following are some of the chapters that will come in the science paper:

  • Matter – Its nature and behavior: This unit is included in chemistry and needs to be studied properly. It contains five chapters. Learn about the names of the elements and the classifications, types of mixtures, and their states. Learn the structure of the atoms and their chemical formulas.
  • Cell – Basic unit of life: This unit is present in biology and it consists of 5 chapters. Study the chapters thoroughly and learn about the types of tissues and tendons. Learn about the plant and animal cells and also learn their differences.
  • Motion – Force of work: This unit is present in physics and it also consists of five chapters. Learn all the laws of newton and practice sums related to it.

10 . Exam Day

Once you get your question paper read the questions properly before answering them. Try not to spend too much time on a particular question, solve the easier questions before attempting the difficult ones. Draw and label diagrams with a pencil.


Following the above 10 strategies will help you to score well in your 9th class science exam paper.

7 Tips for Talking to a Partner About Sexual Health

Healthy relationship

You’ve been dating for a while and things are going well. So, you’ve decided you’re ready to move your relationship to a new level. That means it’s time for a conversation. No, not defining the relationship. Something more important. It’s time to have a conversation about your sexual health and how to boost libido with vigrx plus. 

It may not be a comfortable discussion to have, but your health can literally depend on it. While there’s no perfect way to talk about STIs and sexual health, there are a few things you need to do. Here are some tips for making an awkward conversation a little easier. 

1. Share Your ‘Why’

To start things off, tell your partner why having this conversation is important to you. Your main priority may be making sure your partner is STI-free. Or, you may want to share your own history to be transparent and make your partner more comfortable.

If you’ve recently been tested and know your results, that can be a great way to get things started. While STIs are common and nothing to be ashamed about, they can still be uncomfortable to bring up. Sharing your own experience and explaining why you need to talk about it with your partner can break the ice.

2. Keep Comfort in Mind

Once you’ve got the ball rolling, you don’t want the conversation to come to a screeching halt. Help prevent that by making sure everyone feels as supported and comfortable as possible. That means physically, emotionally, and mentally. Consider where and how you can talk so that can happen.

Ideally, you’ll be in one of your own homes or a neutral location where you feel comfortable having a serious discussion. Sit on a couch, feel free to get cozy, and settle in for a good conversation. If you notice your partner getting uncomfortable, suggest taking a break for a few minutes to reset. Or ask what they need to feel better about what’s happening. They may just need reassurance that you’re not judging them or singling them out.

3. Provide Options

Avoiding judgment is a reason that people dodge talking about STIs and sexual health in the first place. It can also be why they don’t get tested. Prepare for that possibility by being ready with suggestions on how your partner can get tested. Maybe you can go together and get your results at the same time. Perhaps you could explore online STI testing options that are more discreet.

Whatever you choose, make sure your partner knows there’s no shame in getting tested. In fact, it’s the responsible, mature thing to do if you’re sexually active. Demonstrating that you’ve prepared and are ready for this conversation is also the mature thing to do. It lets your partner know that you care about them and their health and the health of your relationship overall.

4. Talk About Your Health

With all this talk about health, don’t shy away from your own. Make sure everyone in the conversation is on equal footing. This shouldn’t be entirely focused on your partner, whether or not they’ve been tested, and their results. You’re going to need to open up. That’s the only way to make sure the conversation is genuine.

If you’ve already been tested, bring your results to the conversation and be ready to answer questions your partner may have. If you haven’t, let your partner know and tell them why. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. You may just have not gotten around to it or haven’t been sexually active before. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Also, be upfront about your sexual history and if you have or had any STIs. You’re asking for all of this from your partner, so you need to share as well.

5. Maintain Privacy

Because you’re sharing some incredibly personal information, make sure you’re talking in a private place. Not only is it just good sense when talking about medical details, but it will also help ease discomfort. Additionally, this conversation may bring up a lot of emotions. You want to be in a space that can happen naturally, without worry that someone else will see.

Knowing that no one will overhear you may make it easier to open up and be honest with one another. You’re going to be talking about personal things. Not only should you be somewhere private, but your partner should know what they say will be kept in confidence. They should also make the same promise to you. This is a conversation between you and your partner. No one else, except for maybe a doctor, needs to know the details.

6. Don’t Rush It

As you and your partner hash out the details, it’s important that neither of you feels rushed. A conversation about sexual health should not happen when you’re in a hurry or on a deadline. Don’t add pressure to a delicate situation by making it seem like you have better things to do. Give it the time it takes and deserves.

That’s not to say the conversation has to be a long one. Say what you need to say, and let your partner do the same. Ideally, the whole thing is pretty quick and painless. If it’s not, make sure you have given yourselves enough time to work through any tricky spots.

7. Be Honest

Because difficult emotions or experiences may come to light as you talk, it’s imperative to be honest with your partner. Let them know what you’re feeling, and give them space to do the same. Be upfront with why you need to know about their sexual health and what your expectations are. Set clear boundaries of what can and cannot happen sexually in your relationship. These boundaries should exist both before and after you learn each other’s sexual health history.

There may be things you need to share with your partner about your own experiences and health. Let them know about the last time you got tested if you have before. Share any history with illness or current STIs. Be open about your concerns and questions. All of this will encourage your partner to do the same.

Having an open and honest conversation about sexual health is an important step in your relationship. As uncomfortable as it may be at the moment, it’s definitely better than unknowingly exposing yourself or your partner to disease. With these tips, you’ll be better prepared to handle whatever happens next.

4 Ways to Bring More Luxury into Your Life

You should treat yourself because you’re worth it, but it can be hard to turn this kind of affirmation into action. If you have a family, maybe you feel like that’s energy that should be directed toward them. If you’re dedicated to your career, maybe you work too much to allow these indulgences. However, for your quality of life, it really is worthwhile to pamper yourself sometimes.

Beauty Routine

Whether you spend a lot of time on your hair, skin and makeup or you’re more of a wash and wear type, you can enjoy the benefits of 100% pure castor oil for natural hair growth. It’s good for other parts of your body as well, including your nails, skin, scalp, eyebrows and lashes. You can mix it with essential oils and enjoy the multiple benefits it offers.


In today’s frenetic world, one of the most luxurious gifts you can give yourself is that of time. There are a few different ways to do this. One is to look over your calendar and see what you can lose. While some things will be essential, chances are there are plenty of other things that you think of as necessary that really aren’t. See what you can clear out of your schedule, and replace it with something that you genuinely enjoy. One way to find time is with a process known as time blocking, which involves choosing a certain number of hours to complete a task. This can help you avoid procrastination. Yet another way to get more time is to simply tune out. Turn off your phone and your devices. You may be surprised to find that you add an hour or more to each day when you aren’t randomly scrolling whenever you have a free moment.

Daily Treats

A rewards system can be a great way to motivate you, but all your luxuries should not hinge on this. You should give yourself something to look forward to every day that is separate from task-based rewards. What that is will vary from person to person. It might be a hot bath, a phone call with a friend, reading a chapter in a book, meditation or something else, but it’s important that every day you work in something that is entirely for you. If you find yourself resisting this because it feels selfish, remember that you can’t be there for others if you’re burned out yourself.

Look for Quality

One of the best ways to experience more luxury even if you don’t have much money to spend is to opt for quality over quantity. You can interpret this in many different ways. It might be about the quality of your relationships. It might be about the quality of the food you eat. Wouldn’t it be better to have one piece of delicious gourmet chocolate than five pieces of mediocre cheaply made candy? It might be about your clothes. Perhaps you will spend more on quality pieces but save money in the long run because you don’t have to replace them. For any product or experience, consider whether you can prioritize quality over quantity.

How eastern countries are adopting western fashion trends


Lately, with social media being our main source of information, fashion has been stimulated by different cultures in the world. I say ‘lately’ because the wave of inspiration and designers coming from the East is relatively new. They have quickly positioned themselves in the industry, positioning themselves in a place that, in one oversight, will surpass the United States and its western fashions. They have disproved the popular and old belief that fashion was non-existent in the Oriental. Even though the thought prevails that fashion was defined by Europeans, the growing obsession with Asian influence begins to question this theory.

Asian Aesthetics

When we think of Asian aesthetics, our mind travels through time and visualizes it for what it is, one of the oldest civilizations. When we go to this idea, the representation of Chinese culture and fashion is seen as something far from modern. The countries of the West, forgetting that there are independent cultures on the other side of the world, cataloged themselves as the maximum enrichment of current fashion, granting themselves the role of trend dictators.

Eastern and Western Fashion

The differences between the style that prevailed in the East and those that stood out in the West were undoubtedly striking. There was not and is not a point of comparison. In the 19th century in the East, women used to wear Vlone Shirt that were mostly sewn by hand using the full width of the fabric. Meanwhile, then-European and American fashions leaned toward figure-hugging pieces. For the purpose of highlighting, exaggerating and deceiving the eye; the trend in the western world was characterized by its use of fringes, ruffles and corsets.

Beauty of Traditional Clothing

The beauty of traditional oriental clothing becomes a fascination for the rest of the world. Treated as symbols of their culture, people recognized the act of owning a piece of art as something that defined an upper social class. If the simple fact of acquiring a foreign object was synonymous with power, imagine what the exquisite oriental embroidery caused, the bright colors of its elegant textiles such as silk and / or any manifestation of the oriental aesthetic. Its extravagance, as it was discovered, made it more and more popular and desirable, becoming a garment or object that was worth having for its eternal and timeless beauty. Belatedly but quickly, fashionistas opened the scene and recognized the Orient as an independent and aesthetic inspiration for global fashion.

Spread of Fashion

Thanks to its exponential growth, it is positioned as a culture that can compete with countries where it was believed that fashion in the East was non-existent. His presence in the world of fashion managed to question the idea that fashion had only one origin. Western countries had a distorted image of the absence of fashion in the rest of the world, which could be interpreted as a somewhat ignorant theory.

The details of oriental fashion commonly copied are: the mandarin neckline, the buttons that close in knots, metallic embroidery, historical motifs such as the dragon, the mao suit (also known in English as Zhongshan suit), the Travis Scott Clothing, the kimono, crossed necklines, silk robes, among others. Iconic pieces of oriental culture that have left a legacy in fashion, usually preferred by fashionistas who give it their own twist. The oriental style received its well-deserved recognition and has been renovated over the years to keep up with global modernization. The eastern trend has unexpectedly proven its worth by becoming a huge influence on the catwalks. This is how the Orient has secured its place in fashion history and has undoubtedly become one of the favorite trends among designers, creatives and connoisseurs.


Fashion has managed to unite and connect the world. Trends are exchanged between cultures, lending themselves as inspiration to designers. Expanding our knowledge and influencing our style with elements from other cultures gives us the opportunity to reinvent ourselves, define our style as something more than unique, something unmatched.

Diamonds: What is the Average Markup on Diamonds?

What is the typical markup on jewelry? When you are buying diamonds, especially diamond engagement rings, jewelry stores would add up on their markup prices on the different pieces of jewelry that they are selling. Now some high branded stores could get away with this because you are essentially also paying for the brand, like Tiffany and Cartier, but oher diamond merchants are facing a whole different battlefield. If you are shopping for a wholesale diamond in Dallas, TX, visit Shira Diamonds for the next priced wholesale diamonds that you could find. With that being said, what is the average markup on diamonds?

How much profit do jewelers make on diamonds?

Different jewelers profit depending on who they have made their transactions with, and here are some examples:

Manufacturer to Broker

When you go to a rough diamond consultant, they usually are the people you go to when you need general ideas for various markups for diamonds as the diamond that you are planning on buying progresses through the various stages of being purchased, from the manufacturer itself, to the wholesale end.

A diamond manufacturer makes roughly about 30 percent to 40 percent in gross margin when they are converting the rough stone to a polished diamond in order to stay in business.

When the wholesalers then would have to sell the polished diamond to all of the other wholesale brokers, then their profit would then margin to 1 percent to 15 percent or an average of 5 percent. But if they sell to a retail shop, then the profits would increase to 10 percent to 30 percent, or maybe about an average of 20 percent.

Internet Loose Diamonds

The earliest practices of making up diamonds 100 percent or more would give way to much slimmer markups in the under 20 percent range, according to the diamond industry educator Truth About Diamonds, with the advent of the internet.

The people who sell loose diamonds online save on overhead costs, which is why they could keep the makeup value low, because the internet retailers do not have to carry around the merchandise in-house themselves but instead, they have the supplier ship it to the customer directly.

These retailers have forced physical retailers to bring down their make-ups as well because of the transparent buying process, according to the Gemological Institute of America-accredited jeweler industry commentator, iDazzle.

Retail Store Diamonds

The diamond that you have been wanting would have been marked up by 1.6 times to three times the original cost by the time the diamond reached a physical retail jewelry store, ready to be sold to a walk-in customer. The larger and more expensive the diamond is, the smaller the markup, but the exception is relatively rare for the rare diamonds. This is because of the scarcity command for a larger “cut” for the jeweler.

There are some competitive brock-and-mortars that decide to sell their diamonds close to the prices that the internet diamond sellers offer but even retail stores could not go as low as them because of all of the expenses that go into maintaining sales staff and trying to keep some diamonds on consignment.

Other Facets

There are other facets that go into the markups like the clout that the diamond company has in the industry where there are the so-called carriage houses that are able to charge big markups for their diamond engagement rings for no other reason than fame and visibility that other retailers could not match.

The choice of setting another opportunity for the jewelry to profit is always a choice. Diamonds do not sell themselves, and a simple platinum setting could be marked up to 50 percent.

There are a lot of factors to consider when you are a jeweler, and when you are the one buying the diamonds yourself. Whether it be a diamond engagement ring, or simply a diamond earring, there will always be markups involved.

This information usually goes for the naturally mined diamonds, and diamonds that are laboratory created are a completely different story. What’s the markup on lab grown diamonds? On average, you will most likely only get up to 20 percent to 60 percent of the original purchase price when you resell your naturally mined diamonds, and when you are buying a lab created diamond, you could expect to pay between 50 percent to 80 percent of the price of a natural diamond, depending on the quality and the size of the stone.

Everything You Need To Know About Rental Car Insurance

If you’re about to rent a car, or if you’ve just rented one but don’t know what insurance to choose, this article will help clarify the situation. Rental car insurance can cover damage to your vehicle, as well as any property that is damaged in an accident caused by the rental company’s negligence. In addition, some rental companies offer coverage for theft of personal items and liability protection which covers injuries incurred by passengers in your vehicle who might not be covered under their own auto insurance policy. Let’s first start with understanding what they are!

What Is Rental Car Insurance?

Rental car insurance is additional coverage that can be purchased for a rental vehicle. If you’re confused about whether or not you should get rental car insurance, the answer is generally yes. The range will vary depending on the insurer but typically cover theft or damage to the rental vehicle; liability if you are at fault in an accident and someone else was injured (this type of protection does not include your injuries); lost luggage or other belongings in the vehicle; and rental car company failure to disclose any pre-existing damage.

Can You Keep Car Insurance While Moving Out Of State?

Most people tend to ask, that “should I cancel my car insurance if I move?” Well, you should not cancel your car insurance if you move, as the law in most states requires that all drivers maintain their liability. However, there is a provision for those moving out of state to transfer coverage through an Out-of-State Move Form from the insurer issuing it.

This form is something you can get from the insurance provider, and they will tell you how to complete it and any exceptions that may apply.

What Does The Rental Car Collision Damage Waiver Cover?

The collision damage waiver covers damages to the rental car caused by a collision. This coverage is not always included in your rental agreement and will be noted on the contract as an option with additional fees. This insurance also includes theft of the vehicle, vandalism, or malicious mischief if you decline to purchase it outright when you rent the car.

Additional information on the collision damage waiver includes some limitations. It will not cover any damages caused by hitting an animal or another vehicle, if you hit a tree or pole because of negligent driving, or if your insurance policy covers the accident for either party (you and the rental company). The collision damage waiver also does not apply to any rental vehicles rented from companies like Hertz, Avis, or Budget.

Benefits Of Rental Car Insurance

If you’re confused and think should you get rental car insurance? Then it is quite important and you must have it. Here are the benefits of rental car insurance.

  1. High on technology

Most rental cars come with the most up-to-date amenities, such as GPS and Bluetooth-enabled speakers, to improve your driving experience. You might request vehicles with back-seat television displays for the youngsters. Some automobile rental companies may additionally provide a customer care hotline.

  1. Convenience and comfort

The procedure of booking an automobile in today’s world is easy and quick. All that is required is to choose a vehicle and make an online reservation. You may be asked to pay in advance online or pay a portion in advance and the balance after your journey.

  1. The ability to plan ahead

You may schedule your journey to suit your needs. The public transportation timetable may conflict with your plans, especially if it’s a holiday. You have complete freedom to begin the day whenever you want, end whenever you want, and modify your goals as you go.

  1. Cost-effective

Traveling by automobile rental is cost-effective since you don’t have to worry about the engine or car maintenance, nor do you have to pay for pollution or other clearances. The owner will take care of all of these aspects while you concentrate on cramming as many experiences as possible into the time available.

What Is The Cost Of Rental Car Insurance?

Rental car insurance starts at $15 a day. If you have the collision damage waiver, it’s usually covered in your rental cost, and only an additional fee is added to cover the deductible. The prices vary depending on what type of coverage you need: liability-only or comprehensive with third-party property damage protection along with liability-only.

Wrapping Up On Rental Car Insurance

Rental car insurance is a must-have if you’re renting a vehicle. It’s not just for the peace of mind, but it can help avoid hefty fines that come with traffic violations and other accidents while driving in an unfamiliar place. Most rental cars come with the most up-to-date amenities, such as GPS and Bluetooth-enabled speakers, to improve your driving experience. You might request vehicles with backseat television displays for the youngsters. Some automobile rental companies may also provide a customer care hotline.

We hope that this guide has been practical and helpful in getting the information on rental car insurance.

How To Save Money on Breast Cancer Life Insurance

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. 1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. That’s why it’s vital for all women to take steps to protect themselves from this disease. One way to do so is by purchasing a life insurance policy that includes coverage for breast cancer. But what if you need more information before you make your decision? 

The idea of paying a monthly fee for something you might never need is enough to make anyone cringe. But, when it comes to life insurance, it’s important to remember the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” If you’re looking for ways to save money on life insurance, then this blog post will be just what the doctor ordered!

Let’s take a quick look at these tips. 

  • Employer’s Insurance

If you have employer-sponsored health insurance, the chances are that your company will provide you breast cancer life insurance coverage. It’s a rare occurrence for companies to offer workplace benefits and supplemental private policies, but it could happen. Also, it is one of the ideal approaches to saving money on life insurance by using the arrangement given through your employer.

  • Start Early

The best time to purchase life insurance is before you need it. The earlier you buy in your 20s or 30s, the less expensive the rates for a given policy amount. Health conditions like breast cancer can increase the cost of an individual’s premiums by up to 80%. Life insurance companies vary in calculating risk factors with a person’s health condition, age, and family history. The best approach for breast cancer survivors is to keep their options open for life insurance, so they can find the policy that suits them on the day they need it most.

  • Search For Cheaper Options

Understand the different types: You can choose from the term universal life or whole life insurance. The term is a one-time premium that covers you for 20 years and expires at age 100. Universal is where you pay monthly premiums until age 120, so your coverage never expires. Whole-life pays out death benefits to beneficiaries as long as an annual premium has been paid in full upfront (basically guaranteed).

With breast cancer rates on the rise and women living longer than ever before due to advances in medical treatments, it’s more important today than ever to take steps towards protecting yourself financially if diagnosed with this disease down the road. The type of policy may depend on other factors like lifestyle choices such as smoking, weight, and exercise habits.

  • Take Basic Hospitalization Cover

You should always take hospitalization cover or the cover for when you need to stay in a hospital. Your deductible and copayment often limit this. However, these are usually very small amounts that will not impact how much money you have saved up in general. You can also add this coverage as optional extra if it isn’t already included with the life insurance plan at no cost. 

It’s worth taking some time to consider what would happen financially if you were hospitalized and had medical bills piling up while you tried to recover from surgery or chemo treatments (or anything else).

  • Go For A Top-Up Cover

A top-up cover is a much cheaper option than going for whole life insurance. It will only cost you around five thousand dollars, which is considerably less expensive than buying an entire policy. You can save money by opting for this type of plan because it won’t cover you overseas.

However, keep in mind that your family will not be entitled to a payout if anything happens to you. 

  • Ensure Cumulative Bonus Points Are Updated

If your breast cancer life insurance company offers a rewards program, you should be sure to enrol and be consistent in accumulating points. There are many ways to do this, including paying bills online, resulting in earning one point for every $100 spent, or referring friends who have never had an auto/home/life policy before. Remember that the cumulative bonus must be updated each time any change is made, so make it a habit to check on those numbers at least twice yearly.

Wrapping Up On Breast Cancer Life Insurance

As you can see, there are many ways to save money on breast cancer life insurance. The best way is to get a quote from the company that sells it. This will give them all of your information so they know what price range would work for you and not just rely on general quotes or estimates, which may be inaccurate in this situation. 

You should also review past policies with other companies to find out if there are any significant differences between different providers; some offer better deals than others based on various factors such as age and gender. We hope that this guide helps you save a decent amount of money on breast cancer life insurance.