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7 Amazing Brain Health Tips to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp

Having and maintaining a sharp mind is very important in life. Check out these awesome brain health tips by clicking here.

Did you know that worldwide, over 50 million people suffer from dementia? This common disease can be hereditary, but it’s also strongly related to your lifestyle prior to elderhood.

Are you living your life in a way that will prevent cognitive decline when you’re older?

If not, don’t worry. There are lots of simple ways to change your habits today to impact tomorrow. If you want to maintain your brain’s health, you need to be proactive.

Keep reading for seven brain health tips to implement now.

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet

To maintain a strong brain, you need to eat foods that fuel and support it. That list doesn’t include processed foods, fast food, or junk food.

Brain-healthy foods include nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and protein sources from plants and the sea.

Turns out, the Mediterranean diet has been proven to prevent cognitive decline. This is likely because the diet eaten by those living around the Mediterranean Sea comprises of the nutrients most critical to the brain.

To eat like the Greeks or Italians, focus on eating lots of fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, and unsaturated oils.

  1. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is important for every function of your body, not in the least your cognitive function.

Exercise creates more blood vessels in the brain to grow which allows more blood flow. And, it encourages new nerve cell growth which allows the brain to be more adaptive and efficient.

What kind of exercise is good for brain health?

All sorts! It’s best to do a mix of exercises each week that work your body in different ways. You should do a mix of cardio, stretching, strength-building, high-intensity training, walking, and yoga.

  1. Do Mental Gymnastics

Just like you exercise your muscles to keep them in shape, your brain needs its own exercises too. These exercises are sometimes called mental gymnastics.

Mental stimulation keeps your nerve cells healthy and encourages new ones to grow in the brain.

What counts as mental gymnastics? As you learn about cognitive stimulation, you’ll see that anything that requires you to pause and ponder counts.

You could do word puzzles, math problems, arts and crafts, and commit to learning new things. Signing up for a cooking class improves your kitchen skills and protects your brain.

  1. Practice Self-Care

Depression and anxiety can negatively affect your brain function in the long run. Seeking treatment to these mental illnesses while you’re young is extremely beneficial.

Besides seeking medical and therapeutic help, learn how to practice self-care on your own.

Self-care could be anything from meditation to watching your favorite movie to spending an extra five minutes in the shower. Anything that is an act of love and kindness towards yourself is self-care and benefits your brain.

Many people find that seeing a counselor or therapist contributes to their self-care practice. It’s a chance to unload your thoughts and emotions onto an unbiased, professionally-trained person.

  1. Prevent Head Injuries

Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries are far too common in sports, both recreational and professional. If you enjoy playing football with your friends or it’s part of your job, you must take the extra steps to protect your head.

When your brain suffers an injury like a concussion, it can have permanent consequences. You can experience memory loss, attention issues, and mental illnesses.

It also means that the effects of aging on the brain could be even more intense.

Always wear protective gear, like a helmet, when playing sports. Even if you aren’t an athlete, consider activities that could hurt your head. For example, not wearing a seat belt and getting into a car accident.

If you’re going to walk on ice or snow, wear boots with good traction. Avoid situations where you could slip, fall, and bump your head.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Almost everyone has a problem with sleep. Some people can’t get enough or can’t fall asleep. Others sleep too much and struggle with constant fatigue.

Sleep is necessary for your brain to function and develop well.

When you have fatigue, your decision making isn’t sound and you aren’t able to think critically. Similar effects happen when you’re sleep-deprived. You might also become agitated and irritable.

Most people need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Test which amount makes you feel most energized the next day. Then, create a habit of falling asleep and waking up at the same time each day.  

  1. Embrace Relationships

There are scientifically proven benefits of socializing on the brain. When you chat with a friend over coffee or play a board game with your kids, blood flows to certain parts of your brain.

These areas of the brain depend on your socialization to get exercise and blood flow. Without it, these areas slow down. And, you begin to feel stressed, depressed, and anxious.

Elderly people with dementia are often encouraged to socialize because it helps tame the symptoms of dementia. It wards off depression which, as mentioned above, worsens cognitive functions.

So, get social. That doesn’t mean introverts need to start partying, but you do need to incorporate more interactions into your daily life.

Here are some ideas:

  • Make plans to speak on the phone with a friend once a week.
  • Join a book club, religious group, or art course.
  • Smile when you see people on the street.
  • Engage the grocery store clerk in conversation.

The more you allow yourself to enjoy interactions and relationships, the healthier your brain will be.

Interested in Learning More Brain Health Tips?

The brain is the most fascinating and elusive organ. Scientists are constantly learning new things about it. One thing we know for certain is that cognitive function is related to our lifestyles.

To keep your brain strong and healthy for many years, implement the brain health tips listed above. Then, check out the other tips in our Psychology and Health sections.

Why Does Drumming Have Such a Powerful Effect on Human Beings?

Good drumming can literally move you. Why is it that drums have such a primal and powerful effect on human bodies? Learn more here.

Americans spend more than 26 hours a week listening to music. 

The most popular genres of music are hip-hop, pop, and rock music. All three genres share one thing in common, they all feature drumming. Rhythm is incredibly important to modern music, and it always has been. 

The importance of drumming within music is not new. The value of rhythm was known even in the ancient world. 

Drums were among the very first instruments invented. Drums helped ancient peoples in many ways. Oral histories were even learned and recited using rhythm to pass down knowledge to the next generation.

Now we have books, but drums remain vital to our musical experience. Drums aren’t just good for music. Drums are good for people. Rhythm and timing do a lot for your brain. Drums can help us figure out how to dance and make us feel better. 

What Do Drums Do for Us?

The first thing that drums do is help us mark time. 

When you nod your head up and down to a song you are keeping time with that song. Musicians learn to count these beats. This way a musician can always know where they are in a song and what comes next.

Drums have historically been great for sending signals. Different beats and rhythms are easy for our brains to distinguish. Because we can ‘feel’ rhythms instead of just hearing them, messages could be sent over reasonable distances. 

Organizing marching troops or marking significant points in celebrations are all ways drums have helped humanity out in the past. 

The effect of drums remains strong on us today. Rhythm is a universal constant in music. Every type of popular music has featured rhythm. This is true of classical music, rock music and the rap beats of today. 

A Long History of Humans and Drums

Humanity has been enjoying drums for thousands of years. Music has been an important part of how societies develop and see themselves. From religious ceremonies to epic poems and theater music has helped shape our world. 

As humans, we have developed hand in hand with drums and rhythm. Sharing in the experience of a good song that has a strong rhythm helps build bonds. Tribal groups of humans since prehistory have used rhythm and music in order to tell the histories of their people. 

Drums were helping teach us about our past before books were invented. Even the earliest books we have, such as the Iliad by Homer, were based on poems. These poems were intended to be shared using specific rhythms. 

When engaged in physical activity drums have always been used to help. Coordinating efforts on ships and in everyday life was vital to our exploration and survival. Cadences have been used to do everything from pound wool to hoist a sail.

Drumming and Our Brains

Drumming can make you smarter

Playing specific rhythms and keeping time helps synchronize our brain. Drumming activates the right and left hemispheres of our brain simultaneously. This helps our brain be more focused. 

Drumming also stimulates our brains to release chemicals. These chemicals are called endorphins. Endorphins help us feel better and can combat depression. They can even increase our pain threshold. 

When multiple people listen to the same rhythm it builds a connection between them. This connection can be powerful. This shared connection is often based on the rhythm that we hear.  

The Power of Rhythm in Our Lives

It isn’t just drumming that has benefits. 

People have been using rhythms to teach themselves for a long time. Auditory learning is the way in which many people develop new skills better. Using rhythms and sound to teach and learn is a method as old as humanity. 

Our brain detects certain cues that make it easier to understand the world around us. Rhythm and drumming play into that. This is why you can remember the rhythm of a song you have forgotten the words to. 

Rhythm is also found in almost every aspect of modern life. 

From the sound of appliances to vehicles, people detect rhythms everywhere. You know what cycle your washer is on by how it sounds and the pulsing it makes. You know what kind of music you are listening to by the beats they use. 

How Rhythm and Drumming Can Help Us

Brainwave entrainment music is a growing field of study. Using rhythms and pulses to help your brain think and act in different ways. The music we listen to and the rhythms we here even have an effect on our brain waves. 

Listening to specific rhythms and sounds can help improve your mood. 

Rhythm can aid in your concentration when focused on a task. The effectiveness of this approach has been scientifically proven. In the words of Huey Louis, “It’s got a backbeat you can’t lose it”. 

No Matter What We Are Tied to Rhythm

As a species, we have evolved to use auditory and visual triggers. Almost every language on Earth is based on sound. We use the tempo, cadence, and inflection of sound to inform others of our meaning. 

Words alone are only one part of language. 

All of these cues give us context that we use to better understand each other. Without the ability to understand rhythm you would not be able to effectively communicate. Even people who do not think they have any rhythm use it all the time. 

It’s Not About Musical Talent

Whether you are listening or playing music the benefits of drumming and rhythm on your brain are clear. You do not have to be a performing artist to experience these benefits. Even if you can’t play a single instrument the effect of rhythm on your brain and body is constant. 

All humanity shares this connection with rhythm and drumming. It speaks to us in a primal sense that hasn’t faded in all our time on Earth. 

Tapping into that connection can have important and positive consequences for us. The next time you hear a song, don’t resist the urge. Do what your ancestors did for thousands of years and tap along with it.  

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All You Need to Know About Palm Reading (How It Works)

Palmistry refers to the art of predicting the future through the study of one’s palms. This art is practiced all over the world, but it varies from one culture to the other. A person who practices this art is generally referred to as hand readers or chirologists.

Palmistry is viewed as pseudoscience by most academics due to lack of evidence of prediction made by the chirologist, and also due to lots of contradictions between different interpretations.

The origins of palm reading are not clear, but it may have its roots in ancient India from where it spread to other regions.

History of Palmistry

Ancient Palmistry

Palm reading is commonly practiced in many different regions on the Eurasian landmass. It is has been seen in practice in Indian, Chinese, Palestinian, and Babylonian cultures.

According to acupuncturist Yoshiaki Omura, palm reading has its roots in Hindu astrology, Roma fortune-tellers and also Chinese Ching(Yijing). Valmiki, Hindu sage, wrote a book thousands of years ago, comprising 567 stanzas which explained the teachings on male palmistry. 

Modern Palmistry

A notable person in the modern art of palmistry was William John Warner known by his nickname, Cheiro. He studied under Indian gurus and opened up a palmistry booth in London. Cheiro’s skills on palm reading were so popular that even skeptics and non-believers came in for appointments to have their hands read by the famous Cheiro.

In the 1880s, Edward Heron-Allen, an English polymath, published several books including, Palmistry- A Manual of Cheirosophy, a book that’s still in printing. Wiliam G. Berhan, in his book, The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading, tried to formulate some scientific basis for the art of palmistry. 

Techniques Used in Palm Reading

Palm reading aims to predict the future or to determine a person’s character by studying the palm of their hands. Here you’ll find an informative palm reading guide that will help you to learn more about this art either as an aspiring palm analyst or for casual reading. 

How to Decipher the Lines?

a) Choosing a Hand

In palm reading, it is believed that a male is born with the left hand, but accumulates the right hand throughout their life. As a female, you are born with the right hand, but throughout your life, you accumulate left hand.

Having said that; it is also possible to choose your dominant hand to be present/past life hand while the non-dominant hand will be your future life hand.

b) Identifying the Four Major Lines

1. Heart Line

It is studied from the pinkie finger to the index finger. This line is believed to show a person’s romantic perspectives, cardiac health, emotional stability, and depression. Basic interpretations include:

  • Beginning below the index finger- the person is content with love life.
  • Beginning from middle finger- the person is selfish in matters involving love.
  • Starting in the middle of the palm- the person falls in love easily
  • Straight and short- the person has little interest in romance
  • Touching the lifeline- the person is prone to getting his or her heart broken.
  • Long and curvy heart line- the person freely express emotions and feelings

2. Headline

It is used to study the person’s communication approach, thirst for knowledge, learning style, and intellectualism. The straight line is associated with a structured approach and practicality, while a curved line is linked with creativity. Basic interpretation includes:

  • Short headline – person prefers physical achievements over mental peace.
  • Curved sloping headline- a person is creative
  • Separated from lifeline-  adventurous and enthusiastic life

3. Lifeline

The line runs near the thumb and moves in an arc toward the wrist. It is believed to show a person’s general wellbeing, physical health and life changes such as relocation. You should be aware that its length is not associated with one’s length of life. Basic interpretation includes:

  • Run close to thumb- Often tired
  • Swoops around in a semicircle- strength, and enthusiasm

4. Fate Line

It involves the study of destiny. This line indicates how a person’s fate can be determined by factors beyond their control. It starts from the base of the palm.

How to Interpret Fingers and Hands?

Every shape is linked to certain character traits. The length is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers. Basic interpretation includes:

  • Air- Rectangular or square-shaped palms with long fingers and in some cases protruding knuckles and dry skin. The person is talkative, social and witty.
  • Earth- Broad, squared shaped fingers and palms, thick skin and ruddy color. The person is practical, responsible and in some cases, materialistic.

9 Sure-Fire Ways to Win Him Back Without Hardly Trying

There’s no doubt that relationships are difficult. Even when two people are head-over-heels in love, sometimes things don’t end well.

Maybe you said or did something that he feels he can’t forgive. Perhaps you ended the relationship but have since had second thoughts.

No matter the reason you lost him, the fact is that he’s gone. And you want him back.

In this article, we’ll take a look at nine how to get him back for good, if that’s what you truly want.

1. Don’t Engage in Conversation If He Reaches Out

This probably sounds counterintuitive to you right now, but it’s the right way to go.

When you get a text or call from him, your immediate reaction will be to start engaging and telling him how much you miss him. Ignore this temptation and tell him that you’re not in a position to talk with him at this point.

Don’t be mean about it, but be matter-of-fact. Just let him know that you’re working on a lot of things personally right now, and that maybe you can talk at a later time.

2. Don’t Talk About Him in Public

It’s time to leave the victim mentality and the “feel sorry for me” conversations behind you. While you may feel the need to vent certain frustrations to friends, it’s best to keep them to yourself.

The last thing you need is for anything negative you say to someone else to get back to him.

Instead, keep a journal and write your feelings down when you need to.

3. Focus on Fitness and Your Health

End the days of laying around, moping, eating chocolate and drinking too much wine. Instead, start a simple workout routine that you can stick to.

Start eating healthy foods and get your body in shape. This will pay dividends whether you get back with him or not.

4. Don’t React If You Hear He’s Dating Someone Else

Of course you’re going to feel jealous. That’s a normal emotion in these situations. But the absolute worst thing you can do is to reach out to him and start asking questions.

He’ll immediately sense your jealousy, which he’ll find very unattractive. Take it in stride and trust that he’ll eventually realize how much better you are for him.

5. Make Decisions That Are Best for You

If you want to win him back, you can’t go wrong by improving yourself. But don’t make it about him. Make it about you.

With every decision you make throughout the day, whether big or small, ask yourself how it serves your life better.

6. Completely Disappear from His Life

This is a difficult one, but it needs to be done.

Don’t be spotted frequenting his workplace. Remove him from all of your social media pages. Don’t talk with his family.

Just be gone… for now.

This will be very difficult for him to swallow and will make him want to come back. Trust the process.

7. Look Good When You Go Out

Spend a little extra time each day making yourself look smoking hot. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but the word will get back to him very quickly.

8. Get Out There

Stop locking yourself up and wasting nights watching Netflix. Get out with friends and have some fun. It’ll take your mind off the situation and help you heal.

9. Set a Specific Goal

Keep in mind that this goal can’t have anything to do with him. Maybe it’s a goal of landing a new job. Or maybe you want to run your first half marathon.

No matter the goal, make it about you. Then start working toward it.

Winning Him Back Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Follow these nine steps and you’ll be well on your way to bringing him back into your life for good.

3 Useful Types of Life Insurance to Consider

Life insurance is one of those things that no-one likes to think about, but everyone needs at some point in their life, sooner than later. Ultimately, while you don’t want to have to imagine what your loved ones are going to need to do if you pass away before they do, it pays to be prepared for the future. An insurance policy like over 50s life insurance will ensure that you have a safety net in place for your loved ones, so you can stop thinking about your eventual demise and start enjoying every moment of your life.

Of course, just like many products in today’s financial world, there’s more than one kind of life insurance coverage available, and each option comes with its own pros and cons to consider. If you’re exploring your potential policies for the first time, here are 3 options to look into.

Whole of Life Cover

One of the most common forms of life insurance is whole-of-live cover. Basically, this kind of policy guarantees payments to dependents in your policy regardless of when you might pass away. There are plenty of other forms of cover that will only offer support if you die before a specific date or time.

If you’re the kind of person who wants insurance to offer protection for the length of your mortgage, then term products are probably more likely to appeal to you than whole-of-life – which can be more expensive. On the other hand, if you need consistent peace of mind no matter what might happen in your world – then whole of life is the option for you.

Modified Endowment Contracts

MEC Insurance, or a modified endowment conference is a kind of cash value life insurance contract where the premiums you pay might have exceeded the amount you need to stick to keep all the tax benefits associated with having a cash value policy. When you adjust your contract to an MEC environment, distributions of cash are taken from your taxable gains instead of being taken from your non-taxed contributions.

In simple terms, your withdrawals from a MEC will be taxed as standard income, usually at the highest rate for investments, rather than being treated as non-taxable cash. While these solutions aren’t right for everyone, they’re great tools for wealthy clients with a lot of money and estates that they want to pass onto people in the future.

Increasing Term Insurance

A lot of people consider things like decreasing term coverage when they’re looking for protection during the course of a mortgage or long-term loan. For instance, if you’re getting coverage that will pay off your mortgage in case you die before you’re finished covering the cost of your house, then you won’t need to pay the same amount every year, because the amount left to pay on your mortgage will decrease. However, with increasing-term policies, you pay a little more each year to ensure that you can continue to deal with things like the price of inflation and put more cash towards your payout in the future.


Best male enhancement supplement that boosts your stamina

Have you ever heard of the term, male enhancement supplements? If yes, then what is the first question that comes across your mind? What are these supplements? What are they made of and are they useful? These are many frequently asked questions, and it is essential to know about these supplements before you are thinking to consume them. There can be many situations where you do not want to discuss your illness or any sexual problem, and you want solution; then these supplements can be your rescue. Now, men do not have to worry anymore, as there are many options available for their small erection problem. 

If you wonder, do these supplement physically increase the size of the penis, then the answer is no? These supplements only help in larger erection that allows you to have a good time without any embarrassment. Most men find this way to be the most secure way for large erection without having any side effect. While going through many options, we find Extenze is one of the most effective supplements that are available at Top Male Enhancement.

How long does male enhancement supplements take to work

Before consuming these supplements, it is essential to do some research about how these supplement work and how much time they take to show effects. These supplements mostly take 30 to 60 minutes to work and demonstrate its full effect, but it may vary from person to person. So it is advisable to take these supplements accordingly for better erection at the perfect time. Still, it is advisable to consult your doctor for any other information that may not be aware of these supplements. There are many things that you can consider before thinking of these supplements and items you can expect from such supplements.

Why choosing supplements over another alternative

For one problem you will get many solutions but selecting the right answer matters a lot. These supplements can cost you a lot, but it is the best option considering surgeries for penis enlargement. Surgeries can be risky and do not ensure you expected results. The treatment depends on your condition, which method will work. Sometimes, it is not necessary to go for supplements either as many home remedies can work for you. Even changing your lifestyle and eating habits will help in getting results. 

What effects they can show

One of the essential benefits of these supplements is, it would help men for getting the prolonged duration of intercourse. Even it helps in increasing stamina that will last longer with your partner. It helps in regaining the lost confidence and boosts self-esteem that will eventually impact your social life. These supplements will help to get a healthy erection without any side effects. Many men find these supplements a real miracle for their life and are highly recommended. 

How to Improve Your Memory at School

Memory is a vital human skill. For lack of memory, we could not perceive and reproduce information, would not comprehend ourselves as individuals, and won’t be able to think at all.

At the same time, imagine a person who is not able to forget. He would have had hard time because every day we are knocked down by a frantic stream of information. How can students learn to remember large volumes of the important material efficiently and quickly? How to learn easily and work productively with a good memory? Let’s try to investigate and find the answers to these important questions.

Role of Memory for Students

Human memory is a very important cognitive skill. Its presence allows students to gain new experience, collect a variety of knowledge, and use it in practice. Without a good memory, it is simply impossible to master skills without losing them over time. So, children and adults should understand how to train their skills to remember.

Poor memory significantly worsens the educational progress. That’s why so often students search on Google “help me write my paper” as they are not able to remember lots of material and use it in practice later.

It is worth mentioning that memory develops actively in childhood, much worse in an adult ages. This brain ability requires constant practice and training, otherwise, there will be a significant deterioration in the ability to remember. Scientists recommend to conduct regular trainings to maintain the skill at a high level. School teachers, as well as parents, can help here using simple memory exercises. 

TOP Memory Exercises

The modern world offers a huge number of exciting exercises that contribute to the development of the intellectual activity, including memory. The most effective ones are the following:

Memory Training Cards

The child should remember the objects, which are depicted in 3-4 cards, and name them later. After that, he should find these objects among 10 similar pictures, which are collected in random order. The same can be done with letters and numbers for little kids. With a certain period of time, a number of cards to remember can be increased. 

Snowball Game

If you don’t understand how to improve short term memory, play a snowball game. Children play it in groups. The flow is pretty simple. The first child names any word, the second one repeats it and adds another word, the third repeats the words of the first two children and tells his own and so on.

Going on a Trip

This game is considered to be a classic one and remains popular for several ages. It will be effective in groups when kids are divided into 2 teams or more. The flow is also simple enough: the first person says what he is taking with him on a trip and the next one repeats the initial sentence, and adds his own thing. In this way, students learn to remember a full sentence and add new elements to it. The task can be complicated if a teacher asks to add words in alphabetical order. 

Now you are aware of the basic tips on how to improve memory. In addition to all those exercises, the best gymnastics for the brain is reading, which stimulates the development of all types of memory. This helps to develop intellectual abilities. So, memory exercises at school and reading at home help to develop a perfect memory.

Also, modern technology offers many game options for smartphones and tablets for training recollection skills. You can choose the option not only aimed at developing memory, but also the most interesting ones. Games are designed for different ages and contribute to a good pastime.

4 Common Misconceptions About Urine Drug Test Busted!

drug test

Passing a drug test is one among many prerequisites used by employers among other organizations. People are trying all means to pass a drug test, its paramount to know how it gets conducted. One ought to know what can get detected and how to beat the system.

However, it’s familiar to hear some misconceptions about these drug tests. Below are the common myths about the urine drug test that you ought to know.

  • Drinking large amounts of water can assist in passing a urine test

The human kidney plays a significant role in filtering toxins that can get eliminated via the urinary tract system. Drinking lots of fluids can dilute urine, thus making it difficult to detect some drugs within the specimen availed. However, it doesn’t mean you are in the clear!

Most urine tests measure creatinine levels in an individual’s urine. While you take in a ton of fluids, you are throwing off the natural creatinine levels. It thus serves as a significant red flag to any drug test in question. It’s a great idea to avoid consuming large amounts of fluids in the days before a drug test.

  • Only drugs can cause abnormal urine color

Healthy individuals have a pale-yellow urine color. However, other several factors can lead to unusual urine color. One of them is drugs. Nonetheless, did you know that it’s not only drugs that can result in a distinctive urine color?

Some foods might discolor one’s urine. Foods that have high vitamin B or carotene can make one have bright yellow urine, while asparagus or grains that have senior B complex vitamins can result in dark yellow urine. Carrots, Senna as well as winter squash causes orange urine while beets, boysenberries as well as rhubarb results in red or pink urine.

Certain medical conditions, like urinary tract infection, often result in dark or cloudy urine, while viral hepatitis or cirrhosis can result in bright or dark brown colored urine.

  • Adhering to a rigorous exercise routine can assist on in passing a drug test

Exercising before availing a urine sample for testing has uncertain effects. Some people believe that rigorous exercises assist one in speeding up the metabolic drug rate in the body. Others believe that intense exercise might make one fail a drug test. As they argue that during the workout, routine drugs dissolve in the fat molecules that break down during exercising. You ought to stay vigilant and not depend on exercise alone to beat the drug test. 

  • All drug tests rely on a urine specimen

Did you know that there are several ways to detect drugs other than urine tests? Most people often think that urine test is the only method used thus end up relying on synthetic urine to pass a drug test. However, you ought to come prepared in case of any drug test.

Some organizations tend to use hair follicle drug test, blood tests as well as a saliva test. All these will depend on affordability as well as ease of use.

Urine drug test has a different testing window compared to other drug tests. It has accrued some of the craziest myths that you ought to know. Thus, you are well-equipped with everything regarding urine test.


Every year, new designs in flower girl dresses come into the market. Although the lady of the hour is always the star of the day, the flower girl is an essential part of the wedding celebration and can articulate style. The lady of the hour must give as much attention to flower girl’s dress as she does to her of her bridesmaids’ dresses. When searching for a dress for the flower girl, the lady of the hour must consider affordability, since it’s the flower girl’s parents who usually pay for the dress.


Pink is the best-known shade for flower girl dresses. And to be more specific, the pale frosty pink is the favored color of pink used.

White is another popular color used. The moment the flower girl wears a white dress, the lady of the hour can make her wear a dress that is similar to the bride’s wedding gown. 

Pastel shades are what many brides want their flower girls to wear. If pink or white is not used, you will see the flower girl in light frosty green, lavender, light yellow, or even light blue. Pastel colors, in general, will improve the young lady’s femininity, and pastels will not stand out so clearly that they take the outfit of Lady of the Hour.


Evening weddings offer the lady of the hour the opportunity to select a refined and shady style for her flower girl. A few flower girls have worn silver dresses at night themes. Others have used velvet or plush in dark blue, opaque or dark green, fuchsia and ruby ​​red. Due to the chill of the night air in certain parts of the nation, brides may need to pick a dress style that has a light coat to keep the flower girl warm during a nightly reception.

Events Weddings are a good time for the lady of the hour to plan because there is now an inherent theme for the wedding. Valentine’s Day and Christmas are the two most important occasions for wedding celebrations. Red is the most definite choice every time. However, at Valentine’s wedding, flower girls have been seen in various colors of pink. While at Christmas weddings they have worn green with red or white ornaments.


There are numerous sublime fashion designers and suppliers who have some experience and sell flower girl dresses. The majority of ladies tend to have a conventional wedding, and the modern tones and designs for the flower girl dresses reflect this. A lady of the moment can never be wrong in picking a flower girl dress that makes a little girl appear young.

A dress that is rendered but not very long is ideal so that the girl does not trip while walking through the hall. A length to the middle of the calf is the most common.


Brides should not overlook that accessories are essential to the whole appearance of the flower girl. Hairbands, flowers, hair groups, scarves, shoes and socks or coordination stockings, hoops, doll ornaments: these ornaments can complete an incredible quest for the Flower Girl.


Flower girl dresses are available in a variety of textures, shapes, styles, and shades. They range from bright spring signs to the less white forms of an ordinary wedding dress. Seeing the little girl dressed in great outfit sprinkling flowers down the aisle before the lady of the hour puts a smile to every person in attendance.

Diagnostics and treatment of brain astrocytoma in the best hospitals

Diagnostics and treatment of brain astrocytoma in the best hospitals

Astroglia is present in all parts of the spinal cord and brain as it maintains vital functions and nutrition of the nervous cells. Thus, astrocytoma can arise in diverse parts of the central nervous system. Depending on the grade and localization of the tumor, brain astrocytoma can be aggressive or slow-growing. These factors determine preferable treatment options and the overall prognosis. Hospitals of the developed countries offer precise histological diagnostic and full range of the sparing, approved and novel therapeutic options.

Complaints suggestive of astrocytoma

Symptoms that are most typical for the brain astrocytoma include the following ones:

  • Nausea accompanied by vomiting or without it.
  • Seizures that do not respond to the anticonvulsants intake.
  • Headache that does not respond to the painkillers intake.
  • Vision abnormalities (blurred or double vision).
  • Changes in the personality or mood for no reason.
  • Hampered thinking, concentration and learning new information.

Nevertheless, these complaints can arise in few neurological pathologies. Consultation with a general practitioner, neurosurgeon, or neurologist will make the situation clearer.

For example, a Neurosurgeon Specialist can provide an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive plan of treatment. They can help to choose the most suitable hospital and coordinate the process of care.

Diagnostics: is physical examination enough?

Astrocytoma treatment in Germany is planned according to the results of the laboratory, histological and instrumental tests:

  • MRI or CT scan are visualizing studies that reveal tumor localization, its relation to the surrounding organs, spreading to the nearby tissues, etc. In order to achieve better visualization, a doctor may additionally make an injection of the contrasts dye. This increases sensitivity and specificity of the study.
  • Biopsy is the most informative procedure in terms of determining cancer types. For better safety and lower risks, it is performed as the neurosurgical stereotactic manipulation. 3D coordinates of the brain astrocytoma are predetermined and the procedure is constantly guided by MRI. The received tissue sample is further investigated in the laboratory conditions.
  • Laboratory tests, including the complete blood count, kidney and liver function tests, blood coagulation test, etc.

Based on the results, astrocytoma may be diffuse (low-grade), pilocytic, anaplastic, or glioblastoma.

Invasive and systemic therapeutic measures

When it concerns therapeutic programs in the best hospitals of the developed countries, patients may use benefits of the local medical developments or participate in clinical trials. Beyond all doubt, internationally approved conventional protocols are used there as well:

  1. Surgery is aimed at sparing removal of the atypical tissue. The task may be challenging, as the neoplasm is often located in the vital cerebral zones. For the purpose of maximal safety, neurosurgeons perform functional mapping of the brain, apply robotic systems (e.g. ROSA system) and carry out MRI-guided catheter ablation procedures (e.g. with Visualase™ system).
  2. Radiation therapy includes radiosurgery with Gamma knife and Cyberknife systems, as well as the fractionated whole brain irradiation. The second one is performed after the surgery and serves for the result consolidation and relapse prevention.
  3. Chemotherapy is added in patients with the aggressive cancer. First-line drug in this case is temozolomide. Temozolomide affects tumor cells’ DNA and blocks their multiplication.

Typically, medical programs are followed by the rehabilitation ones. Rehabilitation is aimed at improving life quality and ability to fulfill basic activities of daily living.

Choosing therapy for the brain astrocytoma abroad with Booking Health

Planning treatment of brain astrocytoma abroad, one should consider countries with developed medical technologies, notably Germany. Treatment in Germany may seem complicated for people without previous relevant experience. Booking Health, that is certified medical tourism provider, will facilitate the process in this case.

During the planning treatment of brain astrocytoma in Germany specialists of Booking Health:

  • Assist in selection of the best hospitals.
  • Elaborate and explain the preliminary medical program.
  • Establish communication with an oncologist and neurosurgeon; make an appointment.
  • Exclude additional fees; reduce cost of the medical services.
  • Control the final calculation, return the unspent funds.
  • Assist in medicines purchasing and forwarding.
  • Arrange follow-up tests and rehabilitation.
  • Take care about accommodation, tickets, and transfer.
  • Translate medical reports.
  • Offer services of medical interpreter and personal coordinator.