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8 Red Flags That You Are In A Relationship That Cannot Be Saved

As earthlings who search for security and comfortability in life, human beings are creatures who are not really keen on changing. We always prefer the familiar. Anything else that is out of the ordinary and makes us feel challenged is simply too much.

Therefore, as a result, most of us embrace the already known reality and accept being in relationships that are clearly dead. We choose to be unhappy so long as we know that we’re in that status quo where nothing needs to be altered. The unpredictability of our future terrifies us.  

There is always something that bounds us to that other person even though we are very aware that our relationship has passed the point of no return. Some people choose to swallow their pain and misery for the sake of their children, others do it because their lives are pretty much entwined.

But, regardless of all efforts, the truth is always louder than anything else.

So, what are the red flags that indicate that you are in a relationship that cannot be salvaged?

Here are 8 signs that I’ve drawn from my own personal experience:


There was a time when you were one and you shared everything with each other. But those times have passed. Now, the only thing that surrounds you is the cold, painful silence. You sometimes talk to each other, but those discussions always turn into loud fights or endless shouting matches. There is a complete breakdown in communication.


John Gottman, a well-known marital expert explains that there is a crucial difference between complaint and criticism. A complaint focuses on the problem by finding a solution. Criticism, on the other hand, is aimed directly at a person and it puts the blame on them.

If you’ve been playing this game for a long time now, this is a huge sign that your relationship is hanging by a thread.


You feel like you constantly need to walk on eggshells around them. Every step you take, every move you make, every word you say is triggering them and it makes it insufferable for you two to coexist.

So, the only solution you saw fit was to keep it to yourself. You got used to the silence.

Avoiding what you don’t want to face might sound like a much easier solution, but in the long run, this action will bring you nothing but misery and sadness.


Once your partner’s behavior that once made you laugh starts irritating you beyond explanation, that is a serious sign that your relationship is no longer that happy place that you once enjoyed being in.

When criticism transforms into disgust and hate for your lover, it becomes pretty hard for you to remember why you once fell in love with this person.


There was a time when your lover was the only person you could confide in. Those were the days when you felt free and comfortable to express your emotions around them. You wanted them to see every piece of your soul, every part of your heart.

Those days have gone. The only thing that you feel now is emptiness.


Have you ever caught yourself wondering what would it be like to be single?

If the answer is yes, then I have some news for you. Fantasizing about a life without your partner means that your relationship has lost its spark. It is a clear sign that you no longer love the person. Don’t waste your time saving this relationship if don’t have any feeling left for them.


Do you remember the last time you looked into your partner’s eyes and had a long, meaningful conversation? Do you remember the last time you wrapped your arms around them? If you can’t recall those moments, I’m afraid you already know everything you need about your relationship… You are not powerful enough to save it.


Your anxiety and your constant worry are making you go crazy. You are no longer acting like yourself. Happiness is no longer a part of you. You are trapped in a prison that you’ve created for yourself.

At this point, you have to accept the truth. It will be difficult. If your relationship forces you to lose your identity and makes you feel desperate, it probably shouldn’t be saved.

8 Reasons Why Introverted People Are Incredibly Attractive

Timid. Reserved. Aloof. Average looking. A little bit geeky. If you ask people to describe an introverted person, you’ll likely hear them portrayed these ways.

But just because introverts are not the life and soul of the party, loud, or popular as extroverts usually are, it doesn’t mean they’re shy, detached, and standoffish. And just because they don’t try to fit into social groups and meet other people’s expectations of them, it doesn’t mean they’re distant and haughty.

The truth is that introverts are incredibly irresistible – they just don’t put their attractiveness on display.

Are you wondering what their secret is?

Well, here are 8 reasons why introverts are one of the most charming and irresistible people you’ll ever get to meet:

1. They’re extremely pleasant to be around.

Introverted individuals don’t let people into their lives that easily. However, once they do so and start spending more time with you and feeling comfortable with you, you’ll see that they’re actually one of the friendliest and loveliest people you will ever meet.

In a world where everyone lives at a hectic pace, introverts are naturally laid-back and they prefer to take their time.

Their relaxed nature and calmness and the fact that they make close, meaningful connections with only a few people make introverts truly appealing and exceptional. Therefore, if you have an introvert in your life, you can consider yourself lucky.

2. They’re mysterious.

Trying to find out what an introvert is thinking about is like solving a mystery. And this is exactly what makes them so fascinating and intriguing at the same time.

On the other hand, their mysteriousness is also what makes introverts appear intimidating to the more outgoing, talkative people, and the reason why they’re often labeled as weird and stuck up.

3. They’re attentive listeners.

We all want to have a friend, partner, co-worker, or family member with whom we can talk about whatever we want for hours and feel understood. Well, this is one of the introverted people’s superpowers. They’re great, attentive listeners.

Introverts pay close attention to your words and they listen with the intention to understand you and not just to reply, express their opinion, or give you advice.

Being a great listener, the introvert makes you feel comfortable to share with them your insecurities, fears, problems, and secrets, without worrying that they might judge you and use those against you.

4. They’re motivated by high values.

Things, like being popular, recognized, and approved by others, don’t interest them. Introverted people know who they are, what they want to achieve, and what’s most important to them in their lives.

Introverts live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs, principles, convictions, and values, and they don’t let anyone make them act otherwise. It’s exactly these things that motivate them to pursue their goals and dreams even when there are many risks and obstacles involved and when no one believes in them.

And I believe we can all agree that any person who is strong-willed, driven, and motivated by real values is undoubtedly charming, irresistible, and inspiring.

5. They’re careful of what they say.

Nothing makes you look more stupid, unattractive, and even repulsive than when you say inappropriate, illogical, rude stuff. Well, introverted people would never place themselves in such a situation since they think twice before they speak.

They make sure they go through their words in their minds before they say them aloud. Unless they have something smart, meaningful, useful, and interesting to share with you, they’ll choose to keep their mouths shut, whether someone likes this or not.

6. They’re observant.

Introverts keenly observe everything that’s going on around them. Their minds are like sponges as they constantly absorb new information from the outside world.

Introverts notice things that others (non-introverts) usually fail to see. Additionally, they see opportunities for self-development and both personal and professional success everywhere around them.

And, believe it or not, but an introvert can even tell how you feel by the way you hold your body. You don’t have to spell that out – they’ll feel it.

7. They’re creative.

There’s a number of studies that show that the most creative people in different walks of life are those who are introverted. And the reason for the introverts’ great creativity is their solitude.

Introverts enjoy spending time alone. They adore the privacy and freedom this gives them. In that state of solitude, they get in touch with their inner selves, think deeply, reflect on what surrounds them, and stretch their creative muscles by trying to think of new ways to create something new and meaningful.

8. They’re knowledgeable and smart.

Introverts enjoy reading and broadening their knowledge of the world. They’re interested in learning new information and facts about different things in the world. They love expanding their horizons and learning things that will make their lives easier and more meaningful and interesting.  

This quality makes introverts the ideal people to have a conversation with since they are intellectually stimulating and inspiring. They’re able to hold meaningful, intelligent, stimulating conversations during which they can broaden your perspectives on the world and inspire you to gain knowledge.

And you might say they are the greatest bookworms, but in this modern world, being intelligent is the new sexy, right?

10 Habits the Most Successful Working Moms Have in Common

Every working mother knows how difficult it is to juggle working and taking care of children. It is especially difficult when a mother has to take care of young children as they require more attention. Successful working moms understand the need for balance between work and children.

Currently, more than 75% of mothers in the US are working mothers. Because a mother understands the importance of the growth and development of children, they choose to work and still have to make sure that their children are well taken care of. So how do these super mom’s do it? Here is a list of top things that successful mothers do.

1. Self-empowerment

Successful moms are self-confident. They don’t let other people bring them down. They empower themselves so that they can do better with each passing day. They try to learn as much as they can whenever they have the opportunity to do so.

Why is self-empowerment important for mothers? Self-empowerment leads to:

  • Self-awareness,
  • Positive outlook,
  • Resilience,
  • Stronger relationships,
  • Reduces stress,
  • Creativity,
  • Physical strength.

When you become self-empowered, you won’t need others to validate you. You also will be able to see your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses.

2. Effective planning

Like most successful people, working mothers understand the importance of planning ahead. It gives them time to prepare for all daily activities which lead to effective time management. Time management is very crucial.

If you use your time wisely, you will notice that you are able to achieve far more than you thought possible. Successful mothers know when to wake up, prepare dinner, arrange for their kids birthdays and go to work.

Effective planning also leads to children completing assignments on time. Plenty of planning services exist which provide students with assignment help, allowing moms to spend as much time with their children. Successful mothers also set goals that help them to plan for the future in a proactive approach.

3. They are not afraid to try new things

When something is lacking, or they encounter a problem successful mothers don’t panic. Instead, they try to analyze the situation so that they can come up with the right solution. They are not afraid to think outside the box when it comes to problem solving. These women understand that there’s a solution to every problem.

4. They are not hard on themselves

Being a mother can be stressful. Society has so much pressure on mothers that they are expected to be perfect. This creates a lot of tension and sometimes leads to negative emotions on the mother’s part.

Up to 90% of women in the UK feel maternal guilt. But for you to be successful, you have to realize that you are not perfect and that it’s ok for you to make mistakes.

Your mistakes and circumstances don’t define you. The most important thing is to accept that you are stressed out and look for ways to deal with stress in a positive way. Thinking of the positive things that you have accomplished will decrease maternal guilt.

5. They don’t hold grudges

Forgiveness is a very important attribute of successful people. From time to time people may fall short of their responsibilities or fail you in some way. Your boss or colleagues may be annoying, or children may do things that upset you.

It is key to remember to be patient with them and let go of any grievances. Holding grudges will destroy your mood and relationships with others. But when you forgive, you can move on and have a happy life as a working mother.

6. They love diverse communities

People from different cultures and communities have different experiences. They can provide valuable information on how to do certain things when it comes to parenting and working.

Successful mothers are not afraid to ask mothers from different ethnic or social backgrounds on how they manage to cope with working. This gives them the access to a lot of information that can help them.

Someone from a different community might actually have the solution to your current problem. For you to be a successful mother, you should be welcoming. The ability to be willing to learn something new is an attribute of many successful people.

7. They love giving

Working moms who are successful are not afraid of giving. Whether it is time or resources, they share with others when the need occurs. They want to make sure that everyone around them is happy.

Such women go out of their way to ensure their children lack nothing. Being selfless makes you happy and thus increases your chances of being a successful working mother.

8. Empowering others

Successful mothers who are influential always try to empower other women. Understanding what motherhood is all about puts them in the right position to sympathize with other working mums. So avoid misogyny and encourage other women for positive activity.

9. They are not afraid to ask for help

Sometimes you may not be able to do your duty as a mother due to various reasons. In such moments you may need to ask for help from others. Some people consider asking for help as a sign of weakness, but this is not true. For example, when college student types “write my essay Australia” on Google, it doesn’t mean that he’s lazy. This means that he just could be so exhausted, that need someone to keep him on the straight and narrow.

10. They exercise regularly

For you to be successful, you have to make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle. This not only includes getting enough sleep but also exercising. What does exercising do for you? Exercising leads to:

  • Reduces stress,
  • Builds energy,
  • Improved sleep,
  • Easy relaxation,
  • Strengthen your muscles,
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease,
  • Improves your memory.

These benefits will help you to cope with your job as a mother. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day is considered healthy.


Motherhood is not easy but working and raising children makes it harder. Successful mothers are like superheroes as they are able to accomplish both tasks with success. These women inspire others that people can accomplish a lot with the right determination.

About the author

Sandra - AngelaSandra is a writer and one of the owners of ElizabethanAuthors.org. She has been in this profession for over ten years, and she is familiar with all sorts of formal, academic writings and styles.

Professional Help with Writing a First-Class Psychology Essay

You need to come up with a stellar essay on psychology. It can be for your blog, for a magazine, it can be an essay for your college or university class, or professional article for your corporate media. Goals are different, but core tips and rules are very similar. Of course, you can get professional help from a first-class essay writing service and its professional writers. But we advise to make a try and write at least the first draft using our expert tips.

To make it easier to read, the essay should be divided into separate logical parts. Follow the paragraphs, do not need long monotonous presentations as in the novels.

  • Avoid too long complex and difficult sentences. Break them up a bit shorter. Just do not go to the other extreme and do not chop the text, emasculate the natural perception of meaning.
  • Unlike scientific papers, the essays or professional articles do not always indicate the introduction and conclusion.
  • The content of the main part is stated so that its meaning can be divided into several parts, each of which gets its own subtitle. Depending on the size of the article, they can be different in size: from one paragraph to several.
  • It is easier to give titles to subsections after writing, although a preliminary plan will help keep in mind the main idea of  each part.
  • It is better to draw any enumerations as numbered or unnumbered lists: in addition to the fact that it facilitates perception, it also helps to highlight the main tips, such as the ones described above.
  • Introduction and conclusion. Do not get carried away, a couple of sentences just lead the reader to the essence of the article in the introduction, and to the conclusion in the conclusion.
  • The text of your article should match the title. If you write “Learn how to get rid of depressions” in the title, then you should answer this question in the article.
  • Write on the case, do not spread the thought on the tree. You need to tell something useful, and not type a lot of characters. Make it concise, clear and understandable.
  • Format your text. Highlight the main places in the text, break the narration into paragraphs, use bulleted lists and a beautiful font.

Take Care of a Catchy Introduction or a Lead Part

The introduction is the first part of the article following the heading in which the topic is defined.  Paragraph by paragraph, the reader immerses himself in the topic, finds answers to his questions, or simply learns something new. For the process to be like this, you need to think carefully about your introduction. It must necessarily contain some problem that will be solved in the body of the essay (its main part).

  • You can identify the problem and correctly write it in several ways:
  • Ask a Question;
  • Use a quote on the topic;
  • Include an interesting fact;
  • Write a little story;
  • Whichever way you choose to come up with an introduction, it’s important to have intrigue in it.

Writing a perfect essay on psychology requires lots of reading and facts checking. You are not supposed just to write a simple post on “self-help.” You need to dig deeper and find options to impress your readers, quoting relevant, valid and up-to-date sources as well. Many see essays and articles on psychology like something anyone who watched Oprah can do, but it is far from the truth. Make your article shine to your readers eyes, and you will be amazed how actually people can react. Maybe your essay or article will change someone’s life, so make sure to write it at the highest level of quality!

3 Ways to Start Financially Improving Your Life Today

Most of us are secretly – or in some cases openly – wishing that we could improve our lives in many ways especially financially.

Unfortunately, most of us also think it’s impossible or that we’re stuck with the cards we were dealt and that there is nothing we can do to improve our situation.

Luckily, there are certain things that you can start doing on a daily basis that can get the ball moving and eventually lead to a change in your life. You can read more about some of your options below.

  1. Start a Company

Starting a company might sound terrifying to some, but it really doesn’t have to be.

Remember that most businesses are small-scale and you don’t have to aim to create the next Apple or Amazon unless that’s what you want. Instead, try to think of a passion or hobby of yours that you could potentially make money from.

Are you a good writer? Try to sell your writing skills either as a freelancer or as a ghostwriter. Maybe even consider starting a blog.

Do you paint? Then there are probably people willing to pay for your artwork.

Are you an amazing cook? Look into catering or even arranging cooking classes.

Our point is that pretty much anything can be turned into a profitable business with a little bit of dedication. And if you already have a day job, you don’t have to dedicate more time than you have available. Spend an hour or two every evening on your new business and before you know it, you’ll be up and running.

One of the best benefits of starting a company is that it has the potential of becoming a reliable income stream for many years to come.

  1. Learn How to Trade and Invest

Trading and investing is another fun and potentially very lucrative way of making extra money.

Today there are hundreds of reliable resources that can teach you how to trade which are readily available online. All you really need is a basic understanding of math and an interest in whatever market you decide to trade in.

Obviously, trading also comes with certain risks and the golden rule of trading is to never invest using money you can’t afford to lose.

That being said, there are countless examples of college students, stay at home moms, and others that have turned their lives around by learning how to trade.

The main benefit of online trading is how easy it is to get started. All you need is to create a trading account with one of the top regulated trading platforms, a small amount of money to start with, and enough time to learn how the basics work.

In fact, you could be trading as soon as today and could potentially start making money shortly after.

  1. Tutoring – Online or in Person

If the first option we mentioned sounds interesting but you’re not sure of how to sell your products or skills, there is another option available and that’s called online tutoring.

You see, all of us are exceptionally good at something. It could be anything from math, science or singing to random things like doing handstands or drawing perfect circles.

Think of any skills that you have whether it be something you do at work or a hobby you have. We promise that there is someone out there that wants to learn that specific skill and you could charge that person to teach them.

Better yet, many people are okay with tutoring online which means you don’t actually have to meet the person and you could have students from anywhere in the world.

One of the biggest tutoring markets online right now is language, and if you speak more than one language, your opportunities will be endless. Learning how to play an instrument is also popular, although easier to teach in person than online.

Final Thoughts

Changing your financial situation doesn’t have to be as hard as you think and with a little imagination, dedication, and luck you could start improving your life.

The options above are only three ways that one can make more money on the side and they have been tested and proved by thousands before you.

How Can Kratom Help with Anxiety?

To answer this question, we must first discuss what is Kratom, what does it do, and how does it compare to other medicines.

There is numerous recommended treatment for anxiety. The commonly used is to take prescription drugs such as trazodone, buspirone, venlafaxine and several of the benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam (Ativan), alprazolam (Xanax), oxazepam (Serax) and chlordiazepoxide (Librium), and diazepam (Valium). However, natural medicines are also being considered in treating anxiety. You can find more on ethno botanical council.

Source – organicfacts.net

Kratom is a tropical tree in which its leaves have psychotropic effects. It is a native tree from Southeast Asia. Aside from being used as a recreational drug, it is also used to treat anxiety since it makes the user mentally and physically “relaxed.”

Kratom and Anxiety

What makes Kratom a treatment to anxiety is mitragynine, an indole-based opioid-receptor agonist or, simply put, a psychoactive substance that numbs and stimulates the brain. A single dry leaf of Kratom contains 1.2% to 2.1%.

To clarify, Kratom is not an opioid or a substance that relieves the brain or body of pain. Opioids include codeine, morphine, and heroin. It has been named a “legal opioid.”

For a person with high levels of stress and a tendency to have panic attacks, buy bulk kratom to help in sedating and pleasuring the brain. This happens because mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxy mitragynine react to opioid receptors in the brain. Kratom can be taken in different methods such as through capsules, tablets, gum, tinctures or concentrated liquid, and extracts.

Aside from anxiety, the numbing effect of kratom has also been used to treat body pains, muscle aches, overfatigue, high blood pressure, opioid addiction and withdrawal, diarrhea and irregular bowel movement, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In effect, kratom can be compared to cannabis as both are a natural psychoactive drug.

Kratom and Its Different Effects

Kratom has also different strains with a different effect on its own.

  • Indo – Hailing from Indonesia, the Indo strain’s effects depends on its color. The red strain gives an elevating feeling which gives the person an energetic kick after. The white strain gives the opposite: it gives a tranquil feeling to the person. Meanwhile, the green strain is a mix between the two. Its legality in the United States is still being decided.
  • Bali – This strain is named after an Indonesian island and can also be called red vein due to its reddish color. It is also considered to be one of the purest strains. Its effects include relaxation, anti-addiction, eases chronic pain and improves mental and sexual performance.
  • Malay – It is sourced from Malaysia hence its name. It is also one of the most potent strains having more than 40 active alkaloidal properties. Due to this strain’s strength, its effect of providing a boost and euphoria to the user is long-lasting.
  • Thai – This one is sourced from Thailand. One of its more famous strains is the Red Vein Thai. It is an accessible strain having the potent effects of relaxation and pain-killing with less of the side effects.
  • Borneo – similar to the Indo, its strains are divided into red, white, and green. The effects are similar to the Indo strain. It comes from the Malaysian island, Borneo.

Kratom Vs Other Medicines for Anxiety 

It can be said that kratom is the “new guy” in the array of prescription drugs for persons with anxiety. Usually, it is compared to alprazolam or Xanax due to its similarities such as accessibility, affordability, and relieving effect.

One main difference between the two is kratom is a natural drug derived from a tree while Xanax is a synthetic drug produced in a pharmaceutical lab. Public perception is leaning towards the latter due to having a more structured and reliable production. Both have positive effects, side effects, and long term risks. Below we compare kratom and Xanax in treating anxiety.

  1. Kratom

Positive Effects:

It is an organic substance so there will be fewer chemicals inside the body.

Its effect on the brain is more subdued.

It can provide a “natural high” which helps persons with anxiety overcome panic attacks, a shift in mood, restlessness, and physical tension.

Side Effects:

For first time users. It can cause nausea, constipation, dry mouth, and even psychosis.

Long term Risks:

It can cause weight loss and skin irritation.

Since it is a natural drug, its side effects will be lesser than Xanax. 

  1. Xanax

Positive Effects:

It is a synthetic drug which has been fine-tuned (includes tests and trails) in the laboratory so it is more potent and accurate in treating imbalances in the brain which causes anxiety.

As a therapeutic drug, it reduces restlessness, physical tension, and uneasiness more accurately.

Side Effects:

It can cause loss of physical coordination, memory troubles, speech problems, and even insomnia.

Long term Risks:

It can cause dependency on Xanax which will also have withdrawal effects once you stop using it.


So… can Kratom help with anxiety? Definitely. However, it should be noted that there is still a small number of researches and political talks about Kratom. Most of the knowledge we have comes from subjective anecdotal experiences of Kratom users.

If you want to take a break from synthetic drugs and still want to treat your anxiety in a natural and organic way, Kratom is for you. Even for those who are currently taking Xanax and other prescription drugs, you might want to try kratom and see how it compares to your current medicines. As with all substances, consult Kratom Crazy, a trust reputable seller, and consume in proper dosages.

The Value and Importance of Efficient Treatment and Management of Lymphedema

Lymphedema is the swelling in the breast, torso, arms, or legs. The highest incidences of Lymphedema are observed in individuals who have undergone radiation therapy or surgery for breast cancer.

Lymphedema occurs when your lymph nodes are damaged or removed during the cancer treatment procedures. When the lymph nodes are damaged or removed, your lymphatic system experiences a blockage resulting in Lymphedema.

The lymphatic system is the part of your immune system and when it is blocked, it obstructs proper drainage of the lymph fluids that results in the fluid buildup and ultimately swelling.

While there is no cure for Lymphedema, the condition can be managed with early diagnosis and efficient care.

Treatment and Management of Lymphedema

The main objective of lymphedema therapy is to reduce psychological and physical suffering, restore function, and stop the development of infection.

Experts say that it is extremely important to initiate the therapy and management for lymphedema as early as possible because irreversible, extensive fibrosclerotic changes may occur in the interstitium.

Lymphedema requires self-care and management; hence, it is essential that you find a treatment and management plan that you can easily incorporate in your lifestyle in the long term.

If required, you can consult a lymphedema practitioner who has years of experience in dealing with this condition. He/she may be able to suggest you the right ways and changes that you make to make it more comfortable and manageable for you.

When you are getting lymphedema therapy, the focus is on improving the flow of lymph fluid. It helps in improving the fluid draining while reducing the swelling. When your swollen tissue experience proper drainage, it will lower your risk of infection and will make movements easier for you.

During the initial stages of the lymphedema therapy:

  • The treatment will focus on elevation and exercise
  • You may be advised to wear compression stocks or sleeves

Those who are struggling with movement during the therapy may be advised to use therapy massagers like Dr. Ho Circulation Promoter.

If the condition is complex, the treatment may include surgery, laser treatment, compression therapy, and manual lymphatic drainage.

Health experts say that individuals suffering from lymphedema should consult a professional who can create a treatment plan according to the stage and location of lymphedema and based on any other health conditions.

Complex Lymphedema Therapy

Complex lymphedema therapy includes a standard treatment plan that aims at reducing lymphedema symptoms like swelling, infections, improving the condition of the skin, and ultimately improving the quality of life.

During the treatment phase, the practitioner will provide you with a combination of manual lymphatic drainage and regular skincare exercises and compression bandaging for reducing the swelling. The treatment may last for days or even weeks until the swelling decreases. 

Once there is an improvement, the treatment plan will move on to the maintenance phase. During this phase, your practitioner will educate you about skincare, performing self-massage called Simple Lymphatic Drainage, and how to implement the necessary exercises. This phase is to ensure that the swelling doesn’t show up again.

You may be asked to wear compression garments for most time of the day to ensure that the gains you made during the treatment are maintained.

During the maintenance, you are advised to see your practitioner on a regular basis for a period of 6-12 months.

Modules involved in complex lymphedema therapy

  1. Manual Lymphatic Drainage

This is a specialized form of massage where light pressure is applied to the skin of the affected area. This helps in improving the flow of lymph fluid and stimulating the lymph vessels. This technique will be performed by a professional practitioner and is different for each individual depending on the stage and location of lymphedema. Moreover, you can use body massagers as well to enhance the impact. 

  1. Skincare

Skincare is an essential part of lymphedema therapy. It is to help your skin from any infections. Swelling can bring in redness, scratches, dryness, and signs of fungal or bacterial infections. You are advised to wash your skin properly to prevent infections. There are plenty of moisturizing products available especially for this condition. So, consult an expert about the right moisturizer and apply it every day on your skin. Dry skin can result in infections and skin tears. You don’t want to experience something like that when you are already in such discomfort. 

  1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help reduce the symptoms and severity of lymphedema. Walking, aerobics, cycling, etc. can encourage the lymph fluids to walk around freely in your body. Your practitioner can help you tailor an exercise program particular to your abilities and condition. 

  1. Compression

Compression is a crucial part of lymphedema therapy. It helps in controlling the swelling while diminishing the chances of the redevelopment of swelling. Wearing compression garments and bandages can help.

There is no proven treatment for lymphedema. But your doctor may recommend you certain medications to lower the symptoms if the therapies mentioned above don’t work.

7 Signs Your Skin Care Routine Needs a Reboot

Having a reliable skincare routine can be beneficial and comforting in several ways, but the fact that a skincare routine doesn’t always last forever makes your skin prone to damage.

Most people tend to continue with their skincare routine for years without being aware of the fact that the routine is losing its effectiveness.

What does your face tell you about your regimen? It just might tell when it is time to change some steps in your skincare routine by revealing where exactly you have started to go wrong.

For some of us, it is difficult to embrace change. It is not easy to put together a good signature skincare regimen; it takes months of trial, error, and product testing to determine the right roster of favorites.  

Although no regimen or product guarantees outright aptness, it can help you reach some skincare goals and looks that fit the season, your mood, and your desired aesthetic. 

Here are 7 signs your skin care routine needs a reboot.

#1 You are not getting the results

Physical improvement is what matters when it comes to skin. If you are not getting the desired results after months and years of following the same skincare procedure, it is an indication that you need to change your regimen immediately. It can take some time to see the change in your skin that you are trying to achieve or attempting to treat. However, if you are not getting the desired results, there is something wrong with the procedure you are following. According to beauty tips experts, when you are following a skincare regimen, commit to it for at least 6-12 weeks in order to see whether the routine works or not.

Try using Annemarie Borlind Canada products for a change.

#2 You are way too dry

Dry patches are difficult to cover up with makeup. The flaky appearance on your skin can be a real pain as they are sometimes in the most flattering of spots. Dry skin, irrespective of the season, can be a sign that the products you are using and the procedures you are following are not apt. However, random dryness is mainly caused due to the use of products that contain wrong ingredients. According to skin experts, certain ingredients can cause skin dryness. In case, if you are experiencing dryness, you need to avoid the use of products containing fragrances and preservatives, salicylic acid, alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoids.

#3 Your skin is breaking out

All of a sudden, your face covers up with pimples. They are everywhere on your face. It is frustrating and puzzling how on earth you experience blisters after following the same old routine for so long. In most cases, it is hormones. However, if you have gone past the puberty age, it is uncommon. Skin experts believe that it may be due to ‘skin purging.’ It is a phenomenon that increases cell turnover. It can be caused due to the presence of certain ingredients like hydroxy acids or retinoids in your cosmetics. These components bring the pre-existing microcomedones to the skin surface that ultimately turns into cysts, pustules, papules, blackheads, and whiteheads.   

#4 Your skin goes excess oily

It is alarming when your skin goes from shiny, glowy dewiness to slick, wet shine. This happens due to excess oil production. This is a clear indication that your skincare routine needs a reboot. Improper use or over-use of cleansers and exfoliants can cause excess oiliness. Moreover, if you tend to skip out on moisturizing your skin, it can also cause excess oiliness. Your skin requires its natural oils to hydrate and balance your skin texture.

#5 You are experiencing discoloration of the skin

Skin redness is something that you probably don’t want to experience when formulating your routine. If you are experiencing skin discoloration whether in small or large amounts, you might want to be meticulous about some of your usual skincare procedures. Redness or discoloration of skin can be caused due to the application of pimple medication on un-popped pimples or washing your face with hot water. So, if your face is turning red, it might be the time to make some changes to your everyday habits.

#6 You are experiencing the sensation of stinging, burning, or irritation

Skin irritation is an immediate indication that something is wrong with your skin and you need to make some changes to your typical behaviors. Any sort of sensation like burning, tingling, or stinging may occur, but not for long. It should fade away after 3-5 seconds. If the problem persists, they all are the signs of inflammation. 

#7 Suddenly small white bumps appear on your skin

When you see little white bumps on your skin, don’t misinterpret them as breakouts or acne and do what you usually do – pimple popping. These white clusters of small bumps may look like acne, but they could be actually milia. Milia can occur on your skin if you are using wrong moisturizing products.

Final Words

It is never advised to stick to a specific skincare routine for too long. Your skin is not always the same because of the phenomenon called ‘aging.’ Hence, the procedures you follow and the products you use must be accordingly.

What are the Different Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures and Which One is Right for You?

Flat tummy and firm abdomen are beauty standards that all women dream to achieve. However, sometimes women have to compromise on it for various reasons. Pregnancy and natural weight gain can make it hard for them to fulfill their dream and achieve the ultimate smooth tummy and slim waistline. No matter how rigorously you work out in the gym or how strict a diet you take, the stubborn fat refuses to leave the body. It leaves you with one option—tummy tuck surgery.

You might be familiar with the term but skeptical about its results. Worry not! tummy tuck procedures are one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures being opted by women who desire a perfectly sculpted torso. If you are someone who wants to look younger with the figure of your dreams, this procedure might be for you. This article will shed light on tummy tuck surgery, the various types and which one is perfect for you.

Things to Know about Tummy tuck procedure:

The tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic surgery. In clinical terminology, it is also known as abdominoplasty and it is of various kinds. Like everyone has a unique body, every procedure and its results are individualized, depending on the needs and type of body. A tummy tuck surgery in New York could be an overwhelming and life-changing step for you. It is crucial to understand what to expect from the procedure and how it works.

It is worth noting that tummy tuck is not a weight loss surgery. Instead, it is an aesthetic and correction treatment that removes excess skin and fat specifically from the abdomen area. As a result, it makes the abdomen thinner and firmer by tightening the muscles in the wall. It reshapes the body giving you more defined and sculpted contours.  

It is one of the safest surgeries and the results feel natural after the complete recovery. However, scars may not diminish completely. The best results can be accomplished only if the surgeons’ instructions and precautions are practiced conscientiously. Both men and women looking to lose belly fat can undergo this procedure. Nonetheless, a patient’s health is of paramount importance. Only healthy patients without any chronic or major illnesses must decide to take this route of a slimmer body.

Women who have sagging skin and excess fat around the abdomen as a result of several pregnancies can opt for the tummy tuck procedure. However, pregnant women are strictly advised against it. Also, this procedure should not be opted for if you are looking for losing more weight. Make sure that you have achieved these milestones before undergoing a tummy tuck. It is better to postpone the surgery in case you are planning to lose more weight or get pregnant as these events can reverse the impact of the surgery and loosen the abdominal walls.

Types of Tummy tuck procedures:

The type of tummy tuck procedure depends on the needs of the patient. The procedure can be customized as per the patients’ requirements. The type depends on the target area of the body. It is important to consult an experienced surgeon before making the decision.

          Complete Tummy Tuck Surgery: A complete tummy tuck procedure is usually the standard or traditional tummy tuck surgery that targets the larger area of the full abdomen, right above and below the navel, across the full length of the abdominal wall.

In this kind of procedure, the surgeon usually makes a horizontal or U shape incision to remove the excess fat and tighten the fascia wall. The position is usually followed by repositioning of the navel after the reshaping is done. The incision scare is longer than the partial tummy tuck and is visible between hip bone to hob bone. Anyone who wants much flatter and smoother stomach can take this procedure,

Extended Tummy Tuck: This procedure is commonly known as lower body lift as it has extended the scope and target area. This procedure aims to create slimmer full abdomen as well as hips and lower back. Individuals opting for this can experience a total transformation of the upper body. This is ideal for anyone who had massive weight loss and is interested in the enhancement of their body appeal. This requires a longer and more than one incision as it removes excess fat from the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, hips and back. It might be accompanied by liposuction, additional procedure to contour and provide smoother results.

Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery: This tummy tuck procedure concentrated on the specific area usually the lower abdomen. The treatment aims to reduce the sagging skin or excessive bulge below the navel. While Full tummy tuck is a method of complete transformation, this one has subtler results. This one is for anyone who has lean body type but cannot get rid of fat around the lower abdomen.

The surgery is performed with a small horizontal incision under the belly button. The surgeon removes the excess skin and tightens the abdominal muscles. Since the surgery has a smaller scope, the repositioning of navel may not be necessary. The recovery period is much less than a full or extended Tummy Tuck,

How to Determine Which Tummy tuck procedure is Right for You?

The best tummy tuck differs from individual to individual. The predominant factor determining which tummy tuck technique is appropriate for you is the location and the amount of fat you want to lose. Secondly, skin quality and body type may also be taken into consideration. Scarring on the body from previous surgeries or other reasons may also be an important factor.  

Before deciding which tummy tuck surgery, you must choose, it is important to consult an experienced surgeon who has years of experience in all types of tummy tuck techniques. This consultation must involve a thorough examination of the problem area, the body type, discussions about the best solution, customized treatment plan and the risks and precautions involved. It must be noted that the recovery period varies for each procedure. This surgery can give you results that look absolutely natural if steps are taken to make the results last longer.

She Is Going To Be The Woman You Wish You Married And The One You’ll Regret Letting Go Of

i regret letting her go

She is going to be the woman you wish you married because by the time you realize how much you hurt her and what an amazing person you had by your side, she’ll be gone.

By the time you realize how foolish you were to let her slip through your fingers and by the time you begin regretting letting her go, it’ll be all over.

She Is Going To Be The Woman You Wish You Married And The One You’ll Regret Letting Go Of

This woman loved you unconditionally. She showed you every part of her. She undressed her soul and showed you her vulnerable sides.

She was there for you. She stayed by your side through thick and thin. She treated your problems like they were her own.

She was your best friend. Your cheerleader. Your greatest help. Your most loyal companion.

She supported every goal and dream you had, no matter how silly and unrealistic they seemed to everyone else. Because she believed in you. She believed you could achieve anything you put your mind to.

She gave you her all. She wore her heart on her sleeve. She wasn’t afraid to show you how much she loved you. She wasn’t afraid of getting hurt.

She let you touch parts of her soul that have never been touched before.

She sacrificed herself for you. She sacrificed her happiness and desires for you because you were the most sacred and precious thing in her life. 

She gave you the most precious thing she had – her heart.

And what did you do?

You broke it. You broke it into thousands of tiny pieces and left her to pick them up on her own. You shattered her hopes and left without looking back to see the chaos you created in her life. The desert you created in her soul.

This woman devoted herself to you and gave you all her love and you spat on it.

You took her for granted. You played with her feelings.

With your charm and sweet words, you convinced her that you loved her. You fed her hopes with your lies, big promises, and grandiose stories.

You made her believe she was the only one.

But all that was a lie. An outright, painful lie.

Yes, you traded genuine, pure, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love for an empty, meaningless life. It was easier for you to push her away than stay with her and weather the storm together when heavy, dark clouds appeared across the horizon.

It was easier for you to give up on her than fight for her – as she fought for you.

But trust me. Although you might not feel it now, one day, when you expect it the least, it will hit you. When you walk past the places where you used to spend time and have fun together, memories of her will come back to you, and you’ll realize that you lost the woman that could have made you the happiest person alive if you had let her.

You’ll realize how stupid you were for breaking her heart. For bruising her soul. For destroying her hopes. For allowing her to slip away.

You’ll realize that what you had with her was real. Pure. Magical.

You’ll realize that the connection you had with her happens only once in a lifetime.

But the sad part is that you’ll realize all these things when it’s too late. When she’s gone far away.

Because this woman lived like a bird trapped in a cage. But she decided to put an end to that. She decided to spread her wings and fly away.

When you realize how foolish you were for pushing her away, she’ll be with a man who will know how to treat and love her right. A man who will fight for her and choose her every single day.

She’ll be with a man who will never be “too busy” to spend some time with her. A man who will enjoy every moment spent with her.

She’ll be with a man who will never allow himself to be the reason behind her sadness. A man who will hate to see her sad and hurt. A man who will never play with her feelings and break her heart.

She’ll be with a man who will never leave her when things get rough. Instead, he’ll stay and try to fix every problem that appears in the relationship.

Because he’ll be truly and madly in love with her. Because he’ll be afraid of losing her. Because he’ll know her worth and he’ll be aware of what an amazing, precious person he has in his life.