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What Are the Most Common Types of Birth Injury? 


Birth injuries are physical injuries that infants suffer during the birthing process. The infant’s size could cause birth injuries as births involving children over 8 pounds, or 4 kilograms in weight, often result in birth complications.

The baby’s position during labor and delivery could also result in a birth injury. Other causes of birth injuries include prolonged labor, prematurity, maternal obesity, abnormal birthing presentation, infections, and medications. Birth injuries can have a lifelong effect hence their seriousness.(1)

The following are the most common types of birth injuries:

Brachial Palsy

Brachial or Erb’s Palsy is a condition that occurs mainly when there is nerve damage from shoulder dystocia, which refers to trouble delivering the baby’s shoulder.

When the brachial plexus, which are the nerves in the arms and hands, are injured, Brachial Palsy occurs. The infant loses the ability to control their arms.

The injury can cause swelling and bruising around the arms though mobility should return soon after birth. However, if the nerves are completely torn, there will be permanent damage, and the child will lose motor control in their arms. You can do much to boost your baby’s health and growth, such as special mobility exercises. 

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a collection of disorders that affects the brain’s connection to the nervous system and the body’s muscles. The condition can be characterized by weak musculature, poor motor skills, and muscle spasms.

About two in every one thousand children are born with cerebral palsy. Though Cerebral Palsy will affect a child for the remainder of their life, the brain damage does not get better or worse unless there are other injuries. There is no cure for cerebral palsy.

However, surgery and medication are approaches that could improve the child’s quality of life. Therapy is usually necessary throughout the child’s life to ensure they can live independently or with minimal care. 


An infant has very soft bones; hence fractures are some of the most common birth injuries. Fractures of the collarbone are the most common fractures of all birth injuries.

The reason is that once the baby’s head is through, the shoulders can have trouble coming through as they are wider than the head. Clavicle fractures typically happen during breech deliveries.

The baby will have difficulty moving the arm on the side of the fracture. However, healing occurs rapidly, and the baby regains mobility within the first two weeks. 

Facial Paralysis

During delivery, there can be too much pressure on the baby’s face. The pressure may result in damage to the child’s facial nerve. Facial paralysis can also occur when forceps or vacuum extraction are used during delivery due to the same reason.

It is noticeable immediately after birth since there will be little to no movement of the facial muscles when the baby cries. You may have a medical malpractice claim in such a case, and you should contact thebirthinjuryattorney.com for more information.

In some cases, the infant will be unable to close their eyes when crying. If the injury to the facial nerve is mild, there will be improvements in a matter of weeks. If the nerve is completely damaged, surgery may be necessary.

Oxygen Deprivation

The baby may be deprived of oxygen during delivery due to constriction or obstruction of nasal airways. Oxygen deprivation can lead to long-term damage in an infant, particularly brain injuries.

The brain injuries can subsequently lead to cerebral palsy or chronic seizures. Some long-term consequences of oxygen deprivation during childbirth are chronic physical and mental disabilities. 

Many things can go wrong during a child’s birth and delivery process. Facial paralysis, oxygen deprivation, Brachial Palsy, and fractures are the tip of the iceberg. Cerebral Palsy is the most common of birth injuries. Contact an attorney if you think you have a medical malpractice claim.




Architecture is a field that entails the careful combination of art and technique, resulting in the creation of stunning structures. Architecture is a unique discipline that requires the practitioner to understand the intricacies of design techniques as well as the aesthetics of design. The discipline is ancient, as we see the remnants of ancient buildings in historical sites. Despite the weathering of the environmental elements, the beauty of these ancient buildings still shines through and leaves the beholders to wonder about the architects who designed these structures. Unfortunately, we don’t have many records of the buildings and the accounts of their construction today.

But we know about the origins of different eras of architecture and the civilizations that they belonged to. Despite being spread across various regions of Europe; we can differentiate between buildings in terms of which civilizations they belonged to. For instance, the Greek and Roman architectures. Both civilizations closely resemble each other in culture and architecture, with Greek influence prominent in Roman culture, including architecture. Despite so many similarities, the buildings of both civilizations are easily distinguishable.

Then there are other unique civilizations with notable architecture. There were the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the ancient Indians, the Persians, and the later Europeans. All of these civilizations have left their indelible marks on the world. We even have names of some notable architects from antiquity, whose names were preserved because of their own writings or were recorded in documents from their particular periods. Some of these notable architects were Amenhotep and Imhotep from ancient Egypt, Anthemius, and Ictinus from Ancient Greece, Marcus Agrippa from ancient Rome, as well as many others from various civilizations throughout different eras of antiquity.

One of the most notable civilizations with a unique architectural style was ancient Persia. There were several different eras of the Persian civilizations, with each one having its own flair and style, but the entire civilization is known for its unique architecture. Throughout history, the stylization choices of each era of Persian civilization can be seen clearly in the preserved buildings as well as the ruins. But modern Iran is also known for its modern architecture, with a new generation of architects carrying on the creative torch. Some notable modern architects have made a name for themselves with building projects in Iran and around the world, with beautiful aesthetics and trendy designs.

One such luminary in the field of architecture in modern Iran is Iman Aminlari. Iman Aminlari belongs to the new generation of notable modern Iranian architects. His contribution to modern architecture in Iran has been quite notable and varied. His esthetics and design sense is a testament to the new wave of Iranian architects whose contributions have created a uniquely modern impact on Iranian architecture.

Born in Isfahan, Iran, on July 28, 1979, Iman Aminlari belongs to a family of artists. Belonging to an artistic family influenced the young Iman Aminlari’s aesthetic sense, and this led to a lifelong pursuit of artistic endeavors. Iman Aminlari’s was fascinated by the ancient architecture of the Persian civilizations he saw around him. His artistic interests in his earlier life began with painting. And gradually, he turned toward the world of architecture. The combination of art and techniques inherent in architectural design fascinated Iman Aminlari to pursue architecture professionally. After completing his earlier education, Iman Aminlari enrolled in the Islamic Azad University at Shiraz. And in 2006, Iman Aminlari earned his Master’s degree in architecture from the university.

Immediately after receiving his Master’s degree, Iman Aminlari founded the architectural office of Khaneh-e Tarh Architecture. Along the way, Iman Aminlari established Angelo-Ceramic in cooperation with Italian partners. Angelo Ceramic specializes in ceramic design and tiles.

Iman Aminlari also taught architecture at the university of Amin at Fooladshahar from the year 2010 till the year 2011. Later, Iman Aminlari also taught at the Islamic Azad University of Najafabad from 2012 to 2014. As an architect, Iman Aminlari has designed and worked on many projects throughout his career. His various projects include designing and constructing residential homes, apartment complexes, offices, public venues, stores, and many other structures in Iran. His most notable project includes the design of the Vulcan Restaurant, in the city of Isfahan, in the Isfahan province of Iran.

Besides his projects, Iman Aminlari has also won prizes in many indigenous and international competitions from 2010 to 2019. Today, Iman Aminlari manages his architectural firm, Khaneh-e Tarh, with a dedicated and experienced team serving the architectural sector of Iran.

8 Clear Signs Your Boyfriend Is Toxic

toxic boyfriend signs

Every romantic relationship has its ups and downs. The “perfect relationship” you see portrayed in Hollywood movies doesn’t exist. All couples face problems and difficulties in their relationship. However, there’s a big difference between being in a healthy relationship where you and your partner make decisions together, openly talk about your problems, do your best to solve them, and enjoy each other’s company and being in one that is draining and toxic.

Toxic relationships aren’t built on a foundation of respect, honesty, and trust. In a toxic relationship, you don’t feel emotionally fulfilled and genuinely happy.

A relationship can become toxic as soon as one or both partners begin prioritizing love over other more important elements of healthy and happy relationships. These elements are affection, trust, and respect.

If you prioritize love over trust, respect, and affection in your relationship, this means you’ll put up with being lied to, cheated on, and treated like a second option. You’ll tolerate being with someone who is emotionally unavailable and reserved.

Recognizing whether you’re in a toxic relationship can be hard. So, in what follows, we’ve presented 10 telltale signs of an unhealthy relationship you should look out for. We’ve also explained how you can know your boyfriend is toxic.

What Are The 10 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship?

1. Criticism

When you’re in a healthy relationship, you have open communication with your partner. You’re kind to each other and respect each other’s opinions, no matter how different they are. You listen to each other without judgment.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, most of your conversations are based on criticism and snide or sarcastic comments and they’re fueled by hatred.

If you’re in a relationship where you and your partner often make unfavorable or ironic comments about your physical appearance, achievements, or what’s going on in your lives and rarely talk about your relationship problems, not only is this a sign that you have toxic communication, but it’s also a sign that the relationship is not healthy.

2. Controlling Behaviors

When you’re in a healthy relationship, you don’t expect your partner to constantly inform you about their whereabouts, who they’re with, and what they’re doing whenever you’re not around.

If your partner asks you where you are every time he calls you or sends you a message or if they get irritated and mad when you don’t answer their calls or text them back right away, this can mean that they don’t trust you or they’re jealous. However, this can also be a sign that they feel a need to control you. Controlling behavior can gradually lead to exploitation and even abuse in a relationship.

3. Lack Of Support

When you’re in a healthy relationship, you and your partner encourage each other to accomplish your goals and grow, and you want to see each other succeed in every area of life, which is not the case when you’re in a toxic relationship.

In a toxic relationship, you don’t feel encouraged. You don’t feel that you can rely on your partner to support you. You might get the impression that they prioritize their feelings, needs, interests, and desires over your own. You might feel like you’re not important.  If you’re in a relationship with someone who makes you feel this way, take this as a sign that you’re not in a healthy relationship.

4. Envy

Occasionally feeling envious of your partner is fine. However, it can become a big problem if your envy prevents you from supporting your partner in pursuing their goals and dreams and succeeding in every area of life. It can become an issue if, instead of encouraging your partner to grow, be more successful, and become the best version of themselves, you feel like you have to compete with them.

5. Jealousy

Jealousy can make any relationship healthier and stronger as long as it’s mild and occasional. But if your jealousy prevents you from trusting your partner and leads you to think that they might flirt with others or even cheat on you whenever you’re not around, it can greatly harm your relationship.

6. Resentment

In healthy relationships, partners don’t feel hesitant or afraid to speak up when something upsets them. If you’re in a relationship with someone who genuinely loves and cares about you, you shouldn’t have a hard time calling them out on their behavior when they say or do something that hurts your feelings.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, things are a little bit different. Instead of feeling safe and comfortable speaking up when your partner’s behavior bothers you, you tend to keep your feelings to yourself and hold grudges against them. Holding grudges against each other can destroy your intimacy and even cause the relationship to fail.

7. Disrespect

Often forgetting important events in your relationship, giving your partner backhanded compliments or calling them names, being always late, and not showing interest in their likes, desires, goals, and everyday life are all signs of disrespect.

If these behaviors are common in your relationship, take this as a sure sign that the relationship is not healthy.

8. Dishonesty

Any healthy and successful relationship is built on a foundation of honesty and trust – two elements that are never present in toxic relationships.

If you can often find yourself lying to your partner about your whereabouts or who you hang out with since you worry they’ll criticize you or be angry with you if you tell them the truth or you’re just looking for a way to avoid spending time with them, chances are your relationship is toxic.

9. Walking On Eggshells

If instead of calling your partner out on their behavior or bringing up issues when they arise, you feel like you need to walk on eggshells around them because you worry that if you bring up a relationship problem or start an argument with them, this will make them fly off the handle, so you end up keeping any problems to yourself. So, if you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your partner, take this as a sure sign that your relationship is not healthy.

10. Constant Stress

Undoubtedly, certain things such as a job loss or a family member’s or friend’s health problems can cause you to feel stressed in your relationship. However, if you can find yourself constantly feeling stressed even when everything else is fine in your life, this is a clear sign there’s something wrong with your relationship.

What Is A Toxic Boyfriend?

Being in a relationship with a toxic boyfriend means being with someone who makes you feel emotionally, mentally, and physically drained after spending time with him. Someone who treats you like a second option and takes you for granted. Someone who prioritizes his needs over your own. Someone who doesn’t love you genuinely.

If you’re in a relationship and you suspect your boyfriend might be toxic, in what follows, we’ve presented 8 traits toxic boyfriends have in common.

8 Telltale Signs Your Boyfriend Is Toxic

1. He Is Obsessively Jealous

This is probably the most toxic personality trait anyone can possess.

If your boyfriend can’t stand the thought of you spending time with your friends or family, you might want to consider whether you still want to stay in that relationship.

If your boyfriend constantly expects you to inform him about your whereabouts, who you meet up with, and what you’re doing whenever you’re not by his side and he insists that you do everything together, this is a clear sign he is toxic.

2. He Makes You Feel Insecure

Another telltale sign that indicates whether you have a toxic relationship with your boyfriend is how secure you feel around him. If you can’t feel that he genuinely cares about you or if he often makes you wonder where you stand with him, rarely compliments you, or brings out the worst in you, this means you constantly feel insecure around him. Being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel this way is hard and painful.

3. He Often Criticizes You

A partner who always has something negative to say about you, undermines your achievements, judges you for your opinions, makes snide or sarcastic comments about your physical appearance, interests, goals, and hobbies, and makes you doubt yourself is definitely toxic.

If you’re in a relationship with a highly critical man, you need to set firm boundaries. You need to make sure he knows how you expect and deserve to be treated and call him out on his behavior when he says or does something that hurts your feelings. But most importantly, you must never allow his opinion to undermine your self-esteem.

4. He Seldom Takes Responsibility

If a polite reminder to your boyfriend to wipe the bathroom floors after he’s finished showering ends in a bitter argument every time (since you knew he was going through a rough time in life, so what could possibly make you mention that thing to him now?) – undeniably, this is a sign you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

Partners in healthy relationships aren’t hesitant or afraid to take feedback and accept responsibility for their actions. So, if this is something your boyfriend rarely does, or even worse – he always finds a way to lay the blame for his own mistakes and bad behavior at your door, take this as a sure sign that he’s toxic.

5. You Don’t Have Absolute Trust In Him

The more you and your partner get to know each other, the more you should be able to trust each other. You should prove that you deserve each other’s trust through your actions.

But when you’re in a relationship with a toxic boyfriend, you don’t feel like you can trust him entirely. A toxic boyfriend will rarely keep his promises and take responsibility for his actions. Or perhaps he’ll be caring and affectionate one weekend and completely reserved and disinterested the next. With this type of man, you never know what version of them you’ll get.

6. He Is Constantly Stonewalling You

Fights are an inseparable part of any healthy and successful relationship. Still, it’s one thing when you and your partner go out of your way to discuss your relationship problems calmly and maturely and find solutions to them, and it’s another thing if your partner is always acting like he’s not listening to you when you try to talk to him about what’s bothering you. If this is the way your boyfriend behaves whenever you try to talk to him about something important, take this as a sign that he is toxic.

7. You Feel Down And Insecure In His Presence

One more sign that shows you’re in an unhealthy relationship with your boyfriend is how you feel when you’re with him. When you’re in a healthy relationship, you enjoy spending time with your boyfriend. You feel emotionally fulfilled and happy around him. He lifts you up and makes you feel appreciated and cared for.

When you’re in a relationship with a toxic man, you don’t feel this way around him. Instead, you feel insecure, down, or even drained. Perhaps he’s doing something that makes you doubt your self-worth or his feelings. Perhaps he often criticizes you. Or perhaps he’s constantly on his phone while he’s talking to you. So, if this is exactly how you feel around your boyfriend, take this as a sure sign that he is toxic.

8. You Don’t Feel Like Yourself Around Him

One thing you need to remember is that when a man is truly in love with you, he’ll accept and appreciate you for who you are. He won’t try to change you unless there’s something about your character or physical appearance you’d like to change yourself. He won’t compare you with other women or make you feel like you’re less smart, less beautiful, or less worthy than other women.

So, if you feel like you need to pretend to be someone you’re not around your boyfriend or if he often tells you things, like, “I wish you were more like (someone)” or “You’re not that type of woman,” this means he’s telling you what type of person he wants you to be rather than accepting and cherishing you for who you are.

How Do You Deal With A Toxic Boyfriend?

If you’re in a relationship with a toxic boyfriend, the best thing you can do to save yourself from his manipulation and games is to put an end to the relationship and move on with your life. However, breaking up with your partner can be tough, especially if you’re still in love with him.

So, if you’re well aware that your boyfriend is toxic, but you love him dearly and believe he might change, so you don’t want to break up with him, here are 6 ways you can deal with him.

1. Set Boundaries

When you’re in a relationship with a toxic boyfriend, setting firm boundaries in your relationship is crucial if you want to decrease the impact his behavior has on you. Make sure he knows how you want and deserve to be treated. Make sure he respects your feelings, needs, and desires. Make sure he knows you have no intention of tolerating being treated like a second option.

2. Understand That The Way He Treats You Has Nothing To Do With You

If your boyfriend’s behavior makes you feel sad, insecure, or bad about yourself, don’t blame yourself for that. Remember, the way a toxic person behaves towards you is a reflection of their own insecurities and struggles. That has nothing to do with you, and you can’t control their actions. You can only control how you feel and react and whether you’ll allow someone’s toxic behavior to undermine your self-esteem and hurt your feelings.

3. Call Him Out On His Behavior

If your boyfriend said or did something that hurt your feelings, don’t keep quiet about it, and don’t hold grudges against him. Instead, talk to him about it. Let him know that his behavior upset you and ask him why he behaved the way he did. In this way, he’ll know you’re hurt, and if he truly loves you and cares about you, he won’t let himself treat you in the same way again.

4. Turn To Your Support System

Don’t be ashamed or afraid to talk to your friends or family about your relationship problems. Instead, tell them what you’re going through and ask them what they think of the way your boyfriend treats you. Because your loved ones are able to look at your situation objectively, they may help you get out of the habit of looking at your partner and relationship through a rose-colored lens. Remember, the people who love you genuinely have your best interests at heart, and if there’s something they don’t like about your boyfriend or relationship, they won’t be hesitant to tell you that.

5. Don’t Play Into Their Reality

When your boyfriend treats you poorly, you might feel tempted to pretend that everything is okay or even smile or nod so as not to provoke his anger. While this may appear like a safe and easy option, know that not reacting at all when someone treats you with disrespect can make them think that you’re okay with the way they treat you.

So, instead of pretending that everything is okay, nodding, or smiling at your boyfriend when he is rude or mean towards you, let him know you don’t approve of the way he treats you. Your disagreement and dissatisfaction might upset him, but it might also decrease the likelihood of him treating you the same way again.

6. Put Yourself First

When you’re in a relationship with a toxic person, it’s easy to start feeling like you’re responsible for your partner’s emotional stability. You can easily begin thinking that you should always be there to support your boyfriend and help him overcome his problems. But there’s one thing you need to remember: Just because you appreciate and care a lot about your relationship with this person doesn’t mean you need to prioritize his needs and desires over your own. It doesn’t mean you need to do all the giving in your relationship. Unless you prioritize your overall well-being over anything else, you’ll never be able to deal with a toxic partner successfully.

How to Master IELTS Vocabulary!

learn English

In the IELTS exam, there is no specific task based on vocabulary. However, candidates may need this skill to complete all four sections. This is because taking up speaking, reading, writing and listening tests requires the usage of different types of words with proper spelling, pronunciation and knowledge of their meaning. 

Also, the struggle increases when individuals have to refer to visual information and then write an essay about it in Task 1. There it helps when applicants have a strong vocabulary. Thus, those who are still not there can refer to this IELTS pie chart task 1 vocabulary and follow the below tips to master their IELTS vocabulary. 

Effective Tips to Improve IELTS Vocabulary

It will not be enough to learn lists of vocabulary. Candidates will also have to know the perfect places to incorporate it. Moreover, it will only be possible when candidates make an effort first to know its meaning, practice how to use it properly and learn about the common places of using it. It is discussed in depth below:

1. Find New Words

The best way to learn new words is by reading magazines and books, watching shows, and looking up academic words simultaneously. Here a common thought strikes the mind of almost all candidates that probably such a difficult word won’t come in the exam. But one must remember here our main focus is to improve our vocabulary. So, instead of ignoring it, individuals must make an effort to know its meaning, proper pronunciation, correct spelling and usage in a sentence. 

2. Use Dictionaries

Reading dictionaries is the first and primary step to learning new words. There are tons of words that applicants may find in the dictionary that they have never even heard before. However, one must refer to two dictionaries at a time. One that informs about the meaning of the word and an example of it in English, while the other should give out the meaning of the word in the reader’s native language. (1)

3. Learn Collocations

Collocations are a set of words that compliments each other. For example, it is correct to use ‘heavily populated’, but one cannot use ‘strongly populated.’ Learning more about such fixed academic words will help candidates write and speak more fluently without finding the right word. 

4. Install Vocabulary Building Apps

There are tons of apps available to improve people’s vocabulary, and it is now easy to download, too, as most of us have smartphones now. First, however, candidates must check if the builder app they choose to download gives out the proper meaning, synonym and exercises to use it. 

It benefits candidates to download these apps as they can access them from anywhere and at any time, like when they are free. 

5. Keep a Notebook for Vocabulary

Though it may seem old-fashioned, applicants need to keep a notebook for writing down IELTS vocabulary words with their meanings. This enables students to revise them repeatedly to remember them during the exam. The notebook’s content will contain words along with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and examples. One can also check out this updated list of vocabulary words for IELTS to get started. It can help strengthen the skill. (2)

6. Practice

Now that candidates have a proper notebook and an app to find new words, the only requirement they need to fulfil now is to practice them regularly. To clear the IELTS speaking section task, individuals must pick any topic from the previous year’s exam and then try to speak on it for 1 or 2 minutes. This will help polish the vocabulary they have just learnt. 

Next, candidates must practice not exaggerating a sentence but using single, sophisticated words to express themselves. It is a challenge that many students fail to overcome. 

7. Find Someone Who Can Test Progress

Individuals need an accountability partner to know how much progress one has made in polishing their vocabulary skill. It will be best if candidates can find someone who is also aspiring to clear this exam. So, he or she will have the same amount of motivation. However, if unable to find it can also be someone happy to help. As a result, learning will be more fun, engaging and memorable. 

8. Take the Help of YouTube

YouTube is not only for entertainment purposes. One can also use it to improve their communication skill in English. For this, candidates can surf through different channels that talk about different academic words and explain correct pronunciation clearly. 

Applicants need to learn at least 2000 rich words to clear the IELTS writing exam. However, just memorising it will not help. One must also properly utilise it. So, for this, candidates must first start collecting 100 to 200 new words. Then they must search them online to get proper sentences and examples. It will help them understand how to use them. 

9. Use Learned Words in Conversation

To make sure one does not forget the meaning or usage of the learned words, he or she must try to use them in their conversation with their partner. However, sometimes individuals feel uncomfortable conversing with someone else. In such cases, candidates can also make scenarios and talk to themselves using the new words. Afterward, individuals must take this habit to the next level by writing on new topics using these words. 

10. Learn Connectives and Idioms

Candidates must also make an effort to learn idiom language and search for sentence connectors. Moreover, they must use them while they speak. Usage of connectives is very important while performing IELTS task 1. However, one can ignore idioms as they are an informal way of writing. Also, individuals must practise using it in the right places. Unnecessary or excessive usage of such phrases usually gives out a negative impact on the examiners. 

So, by the above points, it might be clear that candidates will have to make a lot of effort to improve their vocabulary. Just writing down a list of new words won’t do. It is also important to clear the IELTS exam since this exam aims to check how much grip a candidate has over this foreign language. Also, it tells if he or she would be able to keep up with the English language at an academic level. 

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5 Health Benefits Of Cinnamon


Cinnamon is one of the most diverse spices we have in the kitchen. It is a spice we use in both sweet and savory dishes. People will often include cinnamon in certain teas and other liquid-based foods. 

While we generally enjoy cinnamon to spice up our foods and drinks, the spice actually holds a number of health benefits too. Adding some cinnamon to your daily meals can provide you with numerous advantages. 

In this post, we shed some light on some of the most important advantages you can get when you start to include more cinnamon in your daily life. (1)

Why Cinnamon Is Good For The Human Body

Cinnamon has a rich history, with civilizations using it for centuries as a spice. The medicinal uses of cinnamon have also been well documented and continue to remain popular in the modern day. 

There are different types of this spice, depending on its origin. The spice originates from a tree with the same name. The cinnamon tree’s bark is most commonly used, but there are also other parts of the cinnamon tree that people sometimes use. This includes the flowers, roots, leaves, and fruits that are found on the tree. 

There are different ways in which people prepare these parts of the cinnamon tree. The most common form is a powdered version of the bark on the tree. This is the type of cinnamon spice that you can readily find in local stores. 

When looking at why cinnamon is so often used for medicinal purposes, a specific chemical comes to mind. This chemical is called cinnamaldehyde. The chemical is responsible for adding the fragrance and flavor you experience when using cinnamon. 

Apart from flavor and fragrance, cinnamaldehyde also contributes to the health benefits that studies have linked to the use of cinnamon. There are even studies that show cinnamon may potentially help to reduce enlarged prostate symptoms. 

In addition to potentially helping to shrink your prostate, the spice could also improve a weak urine stream. Some people consider cinnamon one of the best foods to eat before sex due to its positive effects on the blood circulatory system. (2)

The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

The versatility of cinnamon makes it easy to add to your meals, coffee, tea, and other items you consume on a daily basis. With this said, it is crucial to understand what you can gain when you turn to cinnamon for its potential health benefits. We share some of the most important benefits that cinnamon could offer. 

1. Blood Pressure Management

High blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension, is a public health concern. This is a serious condition that can lead to additional heart-related diseases. It is also a widespread condition, with the WHO reporting an estimated 1.28 billion people affected by high blood pressure. In fact, up to two-thirds of certain populations experience elevated blood pressure levels. 

Many people refer to hypertension as a silent killer, as symptoms usually only develop when damage has already been done. 

Some studies show potential in cinnamon’s ability to help regulate blood pressure levels. In one study, researchers considered the effects of cinnamon on blood pressure levels. There were two groups, including a control group, to have data to compare the cinnamon results. The study found that cinnamon had a considerable effect on systolic blood pressure. There were also improvements in blood lipid profile among the individuals who received the cinnamon supplement. 

2. May Help With Blood Sugar Regulation

Many people with blood sugar problems turn to cinnamon after hearing someone make such a suggestion. This is especially the case for people who want to know how to lower their blood sugar naturally. 

There is some evidence behind these claims. It seems like cinnamon may hold the potential to lower levels of blood sugar. This can provide a useful technique for people with type 2 diabetes and those with insulin resistance. 

Studies report multiple mechanisms by which cinnamon assists in the regulation of blood sugar. One eight-week study specifically looked at how cinnamon affects lipid profile and the glycemic status in people who have already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This is why some people may consider cinnamon as one of the potential natural metformin alternatives

The study reported improvements in the following values among the individuals part of the treatment group:

  • Fasting blood glucose
  • Triglyceride levels
  • HbA1c

Additionally, the cinnamon also seemed to have a moderate effect on BMI, fat mass, and total body weight. This can further promote improvements in blood sugar regulation and reduce the risk of other conditions that form part of metabolic syndrome. 

3. Antimicrobial Properties

For a long time, people have turned to cinnamon for its antimicrobial properties. You can often see this when Chinese herbal medicine practices turn to spices to treat infections. The cinnamaldehyde in the bark of the cinnamon tree is a type of essential oil. 

Studies show that this essential oil in cinnamon can produce properties that help the body ward off microorganisms. In one study, researchers show that cinnamon oil, with a particular focus on cinnamaldehyde, can effectively reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the body. Another study also shows that cinnamaldehyde also contains antifungal agents.

4. Beneficial For The Gastrointestinal System

The gastrointestinal tract plays a crucial role in the human body. It helps you digest your foods and ensures nutrients can enter your bloodstream. Many conditions can affect the digestive system, leading to bloating, bowel movement changes, cramps, and discomfort. 

The great thing about cinnamon is the fact that it contains prebiotic compounds. These compounds essentially serve as food for the good bacteria, also known as probiotics, in the gastrointestinal tract. In turn, the cinnamon improves your gut biome. A more diverse range of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract can help reduce inflammation, improve nutrient uptake, and provide additional benefits for the digestive system. 

5. Improves Brain Health

We depend on our brain every day to function correctly. Over time, certain proteins can start to accumulate in the brain. This can result in an increased risk for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. 

One study shows that the compounds in cinnamon may provide a helpful option for people who want to decrease their risk of these conditions. The study found that the active chemicals in cinnamon cause a reduction in the number of proteins that build up in the brain. Since these proteins directly relate to the risk of Alzheimer’s and similar conditions, it means that cinnamon could potentially serve as a counter. 

This particular study was done in vitro and calls for additional research to be conducted. Still, the study’s evidence provides evidence of the potential benefits that cinnamon might offer. This makes cinnamon a great choice for the average adult and seniors who want to protect their brains against age-related conditions. 

Final Words

We use cinnamon regularly, often without considering what this spice can do for our health. Cinnamon may help regulate your blood sugar levels and contains fiber, which means adding this spice to your food could potentially help with satiety. There is also some evidence that cinnamon’s active chemicals may contain antimicrobial properties, which is great for reducing the risk of infectious diseases. 

We looked at some of the most important health benefits you can gain when adding more cinnamon to your daily life. 

Author Bio:

Ben’s Natural Health is the world’s first high-quality, all-natural, scientifically proven clinical supplement company. Their motto is to combine holistic healing with modern science.

Ben has brought together a team of naturopaths, nutritionists, and medical researchers to help him create real, side-effect-free solutions to serious metabolic health conditions.

When to Take CBD Oil for Sleep

CBD Oil for Sleep

There are many different purposes for CBD oil and other products today. It has been purported to help with pain relief, and some tests are even going as far as saying it can alleviate discomfort in cancer patients. Although, extra studies need to be completed in many areas. 

One common problem facing individuals today is poor sleep. Many individuals are using CBD gummies and oil to assist in this area too.

The Sleep Foundation recommends how much an average person should rest each night. They state that the average adult should manage 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. 

Trying to get the maximum benefit from CBD for sleep means understanding how much to take, what kind, and when to take it. How effective it is may also depend on the individual, and what underlying causes they have for poor sleep. 

Can CBD oil help with sleeping issues?

While there are many people who believe fully in the health and medical benefits of CBD, including doctors and other authority figures, there is still a lot of study and testing to do. 

The reality is, not enough examinations have been done to prove how effective CBD is in certain areas. The compound has been said to help with anxiety, skin conditions, recovery from injury, and more.

 Sleep is a very common reason for individuals to take CBD, or rather to find a way to improve sleep. Poor sleeping patterns lead to impairment in concentration, mood problems, lethargy, and even depression. 

CBD is believed to help in improving sleep patterns and even lower anxiety levels. When anxiety is the cause of a poor night’s sleep, it would seem to make sense to find a solution that can reduce this. CBD may be the answer. 

How long before sleep should you take CBD oil?

Recommendations on when you should take CBD differ. Some people suggest that CBD should be ingested around 20 minutes before bedtime. Yet, others consider a longer period is better. 

Healthline, for instance, recommends you take CBD 1 hour before sleep. This is perhaps to give the body time to fully absorb the compound into the system to get the maximum benefit. 

What you may find is that experiment is the key here. Your weight and the amount you take may come into play. Also, you may find over time you start to build up a tolerance to CBD, and your previous dosage is less effective than before.

What type of CBD oil works best for sleeping?

A full-spectrum oil might provide the best experience for those trying to get to sleep easier. Many prefer to get a full-spectrum oil with just two ingredients and have found that this can relieve pain and discomfort, and thus aid with sleep. 

The drawback here is that many people want to avoid THC. However, there are multiple other types of CBD products for help with sleep. Experimentation can help you discover what works for you best, but you can read about some of these below.

How do you use CBD for sleep?

CBD oil is probably the most common way to use the compound for sleeping, although gummies will be close. There are some other approaches which you may find preferable though. 

Creams, lotions, tinctures, and bath bombs exist with CBD. Lotions can be used before bedtime as part of a skin-care routine, and these products often contain aloe vera, and other ingredients to help revitalize and moisturize skin. Their soothing properties are said to aid with a peaceful night’s sleep. Again, some of these products contain THC which isn’t desirable for all.

One interesting way that many have found to work for sleep, is the CBD bath bomb. It has been known for years that a relaxing bath before bed can do wonders for improved sleep.  

Bathing can help to relax the mind as well as muscles. It is a useful way to unwind and let go of general stress or anxiety. Add a CBD bath bomb to the mix and you could find the answer to your sleep problems. 

What are the underlying problems with your sleep patterns?

You may also want to consider what is causing you to sleep poorly as well as use CBD though. While CBD can very well help you to enjoy a good night’s rest, it may not solve the issues that are causing your insomnia or restlessness.

Therefore, you may want to consider other forms of therapy or medical advice. It is likely that you have already seen a doctor if the cause of your sleeplessness is pain. But, you could try to incorporate meditation with your CBD to enhance the effects, and reach a place of tranquility. 

If you can create a calm space for meditation in your home, then when you take your CBD oil you may feel a stronger sense of peace and relaxation.

If you take the idea of taking CBD oil one hour before bedtime, you could then have a small period of meditation while waiting for the CBD to work. You could spend half an hour or so meditating, and by the end, you may find yourself fully ready for bed. 

Meditation is known for relieving worries, tension, and anxiety. Much like CBD oil can. Therefore, a joint combination 1 hour before bed may be just the key to improving your night’s rest. 


There is great importance to deep sleep and knowing how to improve sleep quality is beneficial. A lack of sleep can bring about some serious medical health conditions including diabetes, and even heart attack.

CBD oil has shown that it can help anyone who is suffering from a lack of sleep. While there may not be many conclusive studies, there are thousands of advocates who would testify to the benefits they have received. 

One hour before bedtime may be the optimal time for CBD oil to be taken, but you may have to experiment a little yourself. Try out different pre-bedtime routines to find one that gives you the most benefit. Perhaps a drop of CBD oil followed by a relaxing bath, or maybe meditation will work for you.

How Protein Can Boost Weight Loss

blueberry smoothie

What do you think of when you hear the word weight loss? Your mind may go to a time when you were restricting certain foods, experienced an increase in cravings, and felt ravenous.

If you don’t hire a professional, you may have drastically decreased your calories, swore you wouldn’t go through another drive-through and may have even skipped meals.

We’ve all heard about the importance of a calorie deficit, but what about making sure you are eating enough protein? Protein can make your weight loss journey much more pleasant and keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer.

Why am I Hangry?

When you are chasing a number on a scale, the likelihood of you having cravings is high. Why is it that the moment you say you aren’t going to eat something, you suddenly only desire that food?

Constantly telling your mind that you can’t have a particular food, will only make you want it more. Think about when you were a child and your parents told you not to do something, what would you typically do? Exactly.

Limiting yourself to 1,000 calories all week only to consume 2,000 calories or more on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Only puts you in a vicious cycle that will lead to weight gain and a poor relationship with food.

The key is to master balance and make sure you are properly fueling your body with key nutrients like protein. What if instead of the example above, you ate 1600 calories daily and allowed yourself to have the foods you enjoyed while pairing it with protein.

How Protein Can Help?

hazelnut smoothie

If you are looking for a tried and true solution for weight loss, look no further than a diet filled with high protein. Protein has been researched and proven as a beneficial method to manage weight to prevent and treat obesity for over 20 years(1).

Protein can impact your “hunger hormones” in a positive way that leaves you feeling satisfied and full. This can help prevent you from overeating throughout the day and is a great reason to start your day with a high-protein breakfast.

Fear the loss of your muscle while losing weight? Make sure you are eating sufficient protein while in a caloric deficit. If you find yourself saying “I want to be toned” you’ll also want to benefit from a higher protein diet.

Aside from weight loss, a higher protein diet can also potentially lead to improved health markers like blood pressure, blood sugar, and waistline(1).

How Much Protein to See Benefits?

Aren’t sure how much protein you need each day?

Aim for 30 grams of protein at meals to reap the benefits of a high protein-focused diet for weight loss. For quick reference, a piece of chicken or steak that is around 3-4 ounces is the size of your palm.

If you’ve never measured out protein before, don’t shy away from grabbing a food scale to become familiar with different portion sizes. Each ounce of protein provides around 7 grams of protein.

If you follow a vegetarian or vegan approach, you can also reach this higher protein goal. You can try foods high in protein like seitan, tofu, edamame, quinoa, chickpea pasta, lentils, beans, and many more!

Three Ways to Eat More Protein Daily

Naked Shake Chocolate-1

Eating a diet high in protein can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but like anything else all you need is a little practice. Here are three tips and tricks to get started on the right foot.

1.   Start Your Day With a Protein Boosted Smoothie

Grab a high-quality protein like this chocolate protein shake powder from Naked Nutrition and blend it with 1 cup of raspberries that are packed with fiber and peanut butter for a source of fat. The fiber will also help to keep you full throughout the day!

2.   Skip The Coffee and Donut Snack at Work

We know it’s easy and convenient, but try something like steamable edamame, crackers, and hummus for a balanced snack to keep you feeling satisfied and energized.

3.   Prioritize Protein Post Workout

Prepare by grabbing some beef jerky, a protein shake, or chocolate milk for after you workout. This will prevent you from becoming a kitchen helicopter flying around feeling ravenous after a hard training session!

What You Need to Know

If you want to have successful weight loss you need to make sure you prioritize protein. Regardless of what kind of diet you follow, you can reach your protein goals on a daily basis through various sources of plant and animal-based protein.

You’ll need to be prepared and have a plan incorporating tricks such as the three shared above. You can start with one trick and implement the others in the following weeks. Slow and steady always wins the race!

Once you have reached your weight loss or body composition goals, the next step will be maintaining that new physique. Protein is just as important during maintenance as it is during weight loss.

Now it’s time to make sure your grocery list for the week and start planning for success. Make sure you have options like chicken, beef, fish, quinoa, edamame, tofu, and more for a diet packed with protein. Best of luck!

3 Reasons Your Personal Blog Needs Data Protection Measures

Personal Blog

Do you run a personal blog, maybe on Shopify or WordPress? If you have a blog, no matter where it’s hosted, if you collect email addresses from people, you need to have a data protection plan in place. Not having this critical feature could land you in hot water. 

Before explaining how to implement data protection, it’s important to understand what data protection is and how it differs from data privacy.

What is data protection? 

As a leader in data security, Box explains it perfectly. Data protection, also called data security, “refers to the processes and strategies related to securing data’s availability, integrity, and privacy.” Data privacy, on the other hand, restricts access to data by only allowing access by authorized users. 

When you collect email addresses on your blog, you probably don’t need to be concerned with data privacy, but you do need to consider data protection. 

1. Personal blogs are subject to data breaches

No website is immune to data breaches. Any website with a database can potentially be hacked and that data can be stolen and/or exposed. It can happen to any website, even a personal blog. 

Are you an entrepreneur running an email marketing campaign? Do you use WordPress? If so, you’re definitely a target for hackers. Hackers use automated software to search for WordPress installations and plugins with known vulnerabilities that haven’t been updated in a while. 

If you store any contact data inside your WordPress database and you get hacked, you could be in big trouble. You could even get fined for not honoring simple requests made by EU residents under GDPR. 

How do personal blogs become subject to a data breach? 

The most common way your blog might fall victim to a data breach is if you’re using a simple plugin to collect email addresses rather than a third-party email marketing platform. 

As a precaution, never store your contacts’ data inside your WordPress database. Instead, use a secure email marketing application like AWeber, Constant Contact, or MailChimp.

2. Mishandling data comes with hefty fines 

You never know when a regulatory agency will impose a fine on you for a data breach. It usually depends on what data was compromised and the severity of the consequences, however, you can end up in big trouble in other ways. 

For example, in 2019, CafePress was hacked and data belonging to millions of users was exposed. The exposed data included email addresses, passwords, home addresses, social security numbers, and even security questions and answers. Instead of addressing the issue, CafePress patched the security flaw, but never told users about the breach until it was revealed through the press. 

A similar issue occurred in 2018 when shops were hacked and CafePress responded by closing the accounts and charging the shop owners $25 to close their account. The company also misused email addresses for marketing purposes contrary to what they promised users when they signed up for an account. 

As a result of these issues, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fined the former owner of CafePress $500,000. The lesson? You can get in just as much trouble for mishandling data as you can for covering up mishandled data.

Although it might be difficult, if you ever realize your blog has been hacked or compromised in any way, it’s critical to tell your customers if their data has been exposed. 

3. You might get sued 

Say your blog gets hacked and your user data is exposed or stolen. Even if you manage to escape getting fined by a regulatory agency, there’s still a possibility that individual people might sue you. 

If you’re a relatively unknown blogger, the potential for a lawsuit is probably slim. However, if a data breach leads to tangible consequences for one of your users or customers, and they can prove damages, you could be in big trouble.

When someone can prove damages, they could have a case against you regardless of how their data was stolen or exposed. Even if they’re the only person whose data was compromised, if they can prove damages, they have a chance at winning a lawsuit against you. 

Take security seriously – bloggers aren’t immune to cybercrime 

As a blogger, you have a duty to take cybersecurity seriously when you collect information from your customers or subscribers. You may not be officially running a business, but if you’re collecting information from people, you need to implement the same type of security you would for a business.

9 Most Common Spiritual Tattoos – Do Tattoos Have A Meaning?

spiritual symbols tattoos and meanings

People have been inking their bodies for thousands of years. In ancient times, tattooing was used to decorate the body, show status, and oftentimes as therapy or a form of punishment. One of the oldest reasons for this practice is related to spirituality.

What Do Tattoos Represent Spiritually?

In the past, people inked their skin with tattoos to protect themselves from the unknown. For instance, in ancient Egypt, women would tattoo a figure of Bes, a minor god who was thought to be a protector of the household, children, and women in labor, on their thighs because they believed this would keep them safe during childbirth.

Nowadays, people still ink their bodies with tattoos to express their spiritual beliefs.

Tattoos are more than just a permanent word, pattern, or image on the skin, they’re actually signs that represent a person’s spiritual journey. They serve as reminders of who we are and as monuments of a significant spiritual experience in our lives.

What Is The Most Spiritual Tattoo?

Every genuinely spiritual person connects with various symbols that have a powerful meaning.

Spiritual tattoos are the most powerful skin signs. They represent a person’s feelings, religious beliefs, or spirituality. Their purpose is to inspire, protect, and guide the wearer when they find themselves wandering on their path and feel like they lack purpose in life. Spiritual tattoos can also serve as an inspiration for our journey of self-realization.

Spiritual tattoos are usually based on potent symbols, such as the cross, Budha, Mandala, the yin and yang sign, the Trinity Knot, the powerful Eye, or the lotus flower. In addition, some tattoo designs feature typical symbols from Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or ancient Egypt mythology.

Out of all spiritual tattoos, the most spiritual one is the cross tattoo. The cross is also one of the oldest and most widely known symbols.

The cross symbolizes the cyclicity of life, faith, and spirituality. In what

follows, we’ve presented a few other meanings of the cross tattoo:

  • It symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • It symbolizes love for God.
  • The Celtic cross is a sign of infinite love.
  • The Egyptian cross symbolizes wisdom and femininity.
  • The tribal cross symbolizes courage, achievement, and dedication.
  • The Gothic cross typically symbolizes spirituality, anger, or pain.
  • A cross tattoo can mean sadness and loss.
  • A cross tattoo can represent a reflection of a person’s inner world.
  • Some people get a cross tattoo to remember or honor a loved one that has died.
  • It is believed that the two beams of the cross symbol have different meanings. The vertical beam signifies masculinity, whereas the horizontal beam symbolizes femininity, destruction, and death.
  • Some people say the cross represents life itself.
  • A cross tattoo can also represent dedication, peace, or the pain that comes with love.

Other most common spiritual tattoos include:

  • Lotus Flower. Due to the purity of the lotus flower, a lot of gods in Hinduism have been portrayed in art holding the flower in their hands or sitting on it. In Buddhism, this flower stands for enlightenment.
  • The Trinity Knot. Also called the Triquetra, the Trinity Knot is a well-known symbol in Celtic culture. It has different meanings. Some claim that it represents the connectedness of the sky, sea, and earth. Others claim that it symbolizes eternity. And in Christianity, the Trinity Knot represents the Trinity, i.e., God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • A wolf tattoo symbolizes unity and loyalty.
  • In some religions, a tree tattoo symbolizes eternal life. In Buddhism, it signifies enlightenment.
  • In Greek mythology, a dove symbolized the goddess of love, Aphrodite, whereas, in Christianity, a dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In addition, some people say that a dove tattoo represents faithfulness and devotion.
  • Peace Sign. A peace sign tattoo signifies freedom and tranquility.
  • In early Christianity, the anchor was perceived as a symbol of salvation, eternal life, and hope.
  • For people struggling with suicidal thoughts or suffering from depression, a semicolon tattoo is a symbol of a commitment to life.

What Tattoos Symbolize Protection?

Certain tattoo symbols are believed to have protective properties. A lot of civilizations thought certain tattoos could protect them from heartbreak, serious illnesses, and even plague. Nowadays, many people in different cultures wear protection tattoos because they believe they can protect them from evil spirits, negative energy, bad luck, and evil endeavors.

In what follows, we’ve presented 8 widely recognized protection tattoos:

  • Bears
  • Lions
  • The Dreamcatcher
  • The Eye of Horus
  • African lion tattoo
  • The shield knot
  • Single spiral
  • The Triquetra

What Tattoos Represent Power?

If you’re looking to get a tattoo that symbolizes power, here are some symbols that may be the right choice for you:

  • The eye of providence
  • Spirit animal tattoos, such as wolfs and bears
  • Sword wings
  • Cho Ku Rei (a Japanese symbol)
  • Armor design
  • Warrior tiger
  • Blossom deer
  • Meditation symbol

Do Tattoos Attract Energy?

Getting a tattoo is not only about decorating your body. The tattoos we’re drawn to allow us to look deep into our souls, and they can be links to our subconscious minds and dreams.

Some tattoos are believed to bring good luck, attract positive energy and transmit that energy to our bodies. Tattoo designs that attract positive energy are usually those that have a meaning and that you feel connected to. We talked to many tattoo artists, and all of them claim that your energy and what you think and feel can have an impact on the perspective of your tattoo.

So, in what follows, we’ve presented 6 tattoos that are believed to attract positive energy.

1. Ganesh

Ganesh, also called Ganapati, is an elephant-headed Hindu god and one of the most worshipped and most popular deities in Hinduism. He’s considered the God of new beginnings and good fortune and a remover of obstacles. Ganesh is believed to bring good luck. Getting a tattoo of this God is thought to attract positive energy, especially if you feel connected to or believe in him.

2. Ladybug

Not only is a ladybug tattoo believed to attract positive energy, but it’s also believed to bring love.

3. Black Cat

We usually associate black cats with bad luck, but when they come in the form of tattoos, they’re believed to bring good luck. In the astral world, a black cat is considered a symbol of protection.

4. Compass

A compass is a widely known symbol, and in most cultures, it signifies guidance. So, if you’re looking to get a tattoo that will always remind you that you’re on the right track in life, the compass tattoo is a great choice for you.

5. Flower Of Life Tattoo

This geometric symbol is believed to attract positive energy since it symbolizes life and all the beautiful things life has to offer.

6. Lion-Dog

Lion dogs, also known as komainu, are guardian statues that can be found at the entrances to Japanese temples and shrines. The lion-dog symbol represents courage, strength, and protection.

Does Tattoo Placement Matter?

If you’ve decided to get a tattoo, know it matters where you want to put it since this says a lot about your personality.

The body part where the tattoo is placed affects the tattoo design. If it’s put in the right place, the tattooed area appears more attractive to the viewer. That’s why tattoo artists recommend that you choose a big tattoo design for your arms and legs because getting a smaller tattoo, such as a ladybug, on these body parts will look ridiculous.

Another reason why tattoo placement is important is that the tattoo needs to be visible. After all, what’s the point of getting a tattoo if it can’t be seen?

If you want your tattoo to be visible to everyone, you might want to consider placing it on your face, chest, wrist, or arm. If you don’t want your tattoo to be visible, let’s say if you’re worried that it’ll be frowned upon at your workplace, you can place it on your back, thighs, back of the neck, or stomach.

And the last thing you should take into consideration is how visible you want your tattoo to be to you. At the end of the day, it’s for yourself that you’re getting a tattoo, not for others. So, if you want to see your tattoo often, place it somewhere you can easily see it whenever you want.

One more reason why tattoo placement matters is that the body part where you want to place your tattoo needs to be easily reachable. If your tattoo artist can’t easily reach it, this will affect the quality of the tattoo.

Now, let’s see what your tattoo location says about you.

  • If you’re getting a tattoo on your face, the front or side of your neck, or your hand, this shows you’re confident. You know that some people won’t like your tattoo or even judge you for your choice, but you’re okay with that.
  • If you’re getting a tattoo on your upper back, ribs, inner bicep, or feet, this shows you’re very cautious and want to play it safe.
  • If you’re getting a tattoo on your chest, upper arm, thighs, or ribs, this shows your tattoo is very personal. Perhaps it reminds you of a loved one or some special event.
  • If you’re getting a tattoo on your ears or fingers, this shows that you love accessories. You probably think that having something permanent on your fingers or ears will save you the trouble of thinking about what rings, bracelets, or earrings you will put on when you get up in the morning.
  • If you’re getting a tattoo on your forearm, this can mean two things: It can mean that you’re proud of your tattoo, and you want others to see it too, or you just want to show it off.

5 Healthy Ways to Recover From a Divorce


Divorce is a challenge for your physical and emotional well-being. When you find out how much does a lawyer make in New York, how many life pleasantries your partner is going to take away from you, how your life is never going to be the same again, you have neither desire hor strength to care about yourself and your life quality anymore.

But the truth is that you need much power and inspiration since the end of your marriage is just the beginning of your new life. So, your task is to find a healthy way of divorce recovery so that you can move forward to a happier and healthier life without hurdles.

1. Go in for Sports

When you think of a healthy way how to recover from a divorce, the very first idea that pops into your mind is going in for sports. If you choose to work out in the gym, get a sports buddy who will support and encourage you not to miss your training. This way you will also have who to communicate with. Going to the gym will allow you to become physically stronger and healthier, you will have an activity to let your extra tension and emotions out, plus keeping fit will make you look and feel better.

Group sport is also a beneficial choice. Socializing will be much easier. You will have a group of friends with similar interests not only in playing sports games but socializing in general. Plus, you can have sports weekends and outdoor leisure if group sports suit you.

2. Try Out New Hobbies

After losing your partner you may feel lonely after work or lack weekend activities. Instead of spending your leisure at the nearby bar or watching a series all night through, you’d better try out new hobbies. You can pick out anything you used to like when you were younger or before marriage. Or you can opt for a hobby that may help you to get a better job or commit to your healthy lifestyle.

For example, if you choose cooking as a hobby, you will get a list of benefits. You will practice following the plan and learning from mistakes to reach success in the end and apply it to your life issues. Plus, you will care about your scheduled mealtime and healthy dishes by cooking on your own.

3. Take Up Yoga

Struggling to order your life after divorce, you can try out yoga to help you. Yoga exercising will commit to your physical and mental wellness. You will practice focusing and treasuring the moment. Your physical power and endurance will improve. You will both feel and look better. You will learn to control your emotions and reduce your stress levels significantly. As with any other sports activity or group hobby, you will get a group of like-minded people to socialize with, too.

If you are not sure whether yoga is the right choice or lack the confidence to attend group classes, start practicing online or through ready-made training videos. Then it will be easier for you to join group classes later.

4. Travel

Traveling is the best way of handling a breakup with class. You will grab a bundle of benefits for your health and general wellness. Traveling will help you expand your life views and reassess priorities. A deep dive into another culture and mentality will give you a fresh look at your life in general and personal issues. You will get the possibility to spend time on your own or with a great company you choose. Plus, travel after divorce will be the necessary vacation time you deserve.

You can arrange a spa retreat, cultural journey, gastro tour, or any other travel for your body and mind to heal after divorce.

5. Practice Gratitude and Forgiveness

No physical activities will help you to improve your health much unless you care about your mental wellness. You may be stuffed with negative feelings and bitterness after the end of your marriage. So you may need to introduce several good habits to clear your mind and get inspired for a better life.

Practicing gratitude and forgiveness will make a difference and create a nurturing environment for you to heal easier. By forgiving yourself and your ex for not saving your marriage, you will manage to let the past go and move forward. By learning to be grateful for simple things in your life, you will feel happier and more motivated to build up a new life.


Alcohol, divorce parties, or eating away your grief will give only short-term effects but will worsen your divorce recovery in the long run. Instead, if you choose healthy ways to heal after the end of your marriage, you will grab a bunch of benefits for your happy future to come soon.

Take up sports to get in shape, add to your emotional wellness, and socialize more. Get new hobbies to turn them into a successful career and/or a healthy lifestyle later. Do yoga to feel refreshed and recharged for your new life. Travel to relax and get inspired to start over. Practice gratitude and forgiveness to leave your past and welcome the happy future with an open mind and heart.