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How to Verify Renter Employment in 3 Easy Steps

Renter Employment

Did you know that about 10% of tenants tell the truth about their income? That is definitely some shocking information… but with proper screening, we can cut down that percentage drastically.

If you are looking to rent out a property that you own to a potential tenant (hopefully an honest one) you will need to be able to verify their source of income and employment so you can trust that they will be able to pay you the agreed-upon rent amount consistently.

And not only do you want a tenant to be honest — you want them to be able to afford rent. So how can you ensure that they will be a responsible and reliable tenant? By verifying their employment status. And luckily enough, employment verification is easier to accomplish than you might think.

Request an employment verification form

The first step in starting your tenant/renter employment verification process should be to request an employment verification form from the potential renter themselves. This can be done by either calling the applicant or sending them an email.

It should be easy enough for them to fill out and only takes a few minutes of their time, but it will ask for information like their full name, current address, social security number, and position or title they hold at their current place of employment (if applicable), salary range, or rate of pay per hour/week/month, etc., and whether they have any criminal convictions on record with the FBI or another law enforcement agency.

You can also take an additional step in this process if you feel you need just a bit more concrete verification of their employment status. Take the initiative to call their listed place of employment and ask the HR department if they can confirm for you that your potential renting tenant does in fact work there. (1)

Request a pay stub

If your applicant is employed, you can request that they provide you with a few recent pay stubs as proof of their current employment status and salary or hourly pay rate. The number of months of pay stubs you ask for will depend on the length of the lease agreement made between you and the renter. 

If you’re renting a one-year apartment, for example, a few months’ worth should be sufficient. However, if your potential tenant is planning on staying longer than one year, it’s probably best to request that they provide you with at least six months’ worth (or more) of pay stubs.

When requesting paystubs from renting applicants who are self-employed (for example freelance photographers), be sure to ask for a letter from their accountant or bookkeeper that confirms their income history in addition to copies of tax returns.

Request a letter from the employer

Another simple thing that you can do to verify the current employment status of the person that is applying to rent your property is to request a letter of employment from your prospective tenant from their current employer. This letter of employment verification should include:

  • The name of the employer/company, address, phone number, and email address
  • The current position held by your tenant in their place of employment
  • The initial start date when they began working for their current employer (if applicable)
  • The annualized salary/hourly rate that the employer pays the prospective tenant that is looking to rent your property

Conducting proper tenant screening is vital to protect your investment.

Taking the initiative with each potential tenant by having them verify their employment status truthfully and honestly can make the ultimate difference between having a trustworthy renter that doesn’t cause you any problems and having a disaster renter that causes you nothing but problems for you and your investment.

  • Perform proper tenant screening to protect yourself and your investments.
  • Conducting proper tenant screening is vital to protect your investments. There are a lot of risks associated with not doing adequate tenant screening and your financial security could be jeopardized if you take the risk of leasing to an unqualified person. 
  • On the other hand, by performing these thorough tenant screenings and verifying the employment of potential tenants, you can minimize these risks and provide peace of mind for yourself as well as knowing that your property is safe from harm. Get started today!

Hopefully, by this point, it should be readily apparent what the most important factors are to any employment verification process. If they can provide paystubs as well, then that is even better. With that said, there are definitely ways around everything we’ve outlined here. That’s just part of the game – after all, you’re trying to protect your property and your assets. But if you’re smart and diligent about how you do it, you’ll be in good shape.” (2)

Improving Myself with New Hobbies & Interests

Writing E-Books

Improving Tactical Awareness with Paintball

I tremendously enjoyed paintball when I was a teenager, even though it usually resulted in some unsightly welts! It has been over two decades since I last played, but I would love to buy some new equipment and get back out on the battlefield.

Paintball is an incredible way to exercise, get some fresh air, and taste the thrill of combat without any of the life-threatening risks. The best part is that you can make so many friends in the process. “Capture the flag” is my favorite game-mode, as it encourages teamwork and inspires me to be the best possible version of myself.

Trying My Hand at Writing E-Books

It has been a long time since I’ve been in a classroom, so I haven’t had the chance to sit down and write something worth reading; I’ve always wanted to but haven’t quite found the time! One of my goals is to write at least one e-book by next year and to have it published, which will hopefully earn me some money and encourage me to continue writing. There are so many different genres and topics to explore, and I want to be a well-rounded writer who can appeal to a broad audience.

One of the most wonderful things about becoming an e-book writer is that you don’t have to write lengthy stories to get started; in fact, some people upload short stories to different websites and blow up in popularity overnight! I would like to start off small and work my way up to bigger, more ambitious pieces of fiction.

Caring More About My Looks

Overhauling my appearance starts with a long overdue adjustment of my wardrobe! To keep things fresh and interesting, I am going to buy more colorful outfits that I’ve seen at fashion shows rather than wear the same old threads lingering in my closet. I also want to try out a unique hairstyle that will be noticeable in any crowd.

The cherry on top of this incredible sundae will be a male facelift that will help me look younger and have way more confidence in public. No longer will I feel timid around new people and look ghoulish in front of the mirror! It’s time to revamp my life—I’m excited for what the future holds.

Starting a Podcast

Podcasts have been immensely popular for years, and I have always been interested in exploring that avenue of expression. Hosting my own podcast would open the door to new possibilities and allow me to converse with a wide range of interesting guests. I could even talk about movies, current events, and my favorite books!

A few of my friends have started their own podcasts, and while none has had groundbreaking success, they have had an incredible time producing their own episodes and feel as though their voices are louder and more respected. I’m looking forward to engaging any listeners I might get, and to making my vision come alive! 

Learning How to Do Origami

Like many people, I’ve always been interested in origami, but have never been able to do it properly. Who would have thought that folding paper is difficult?

What I didn’t know until recently is that origami is a subtle yet rewarding craft that requires years of refinement. Going forward, I’m going to try my hand at making more complex folds, and to dedicating at least an hour a day to mastering the craft. My ultimate goal is to be able to create something with a few separate folded parts; it’ll be difficult, but luckily, there are plenty of instructional resources online that I can use, and the process will be incredibly relaxing! If I get good enough, I may even fold some gifts for my closest friends.

Ping-Pong for Hand-Eye Coordination

Ping-pong is a fun sport—it’s not exactly relaxing, but it’s also not terribly difficult. That said, I certainly don’t have the talent, even though I adore the game! Over the course of the next few months, I’m going to learn a few advanced techniques and practice with a local ping-pong club. Hopefully, I’ll become skilled enough to beat my best friend, who has loved the game for years.

In addition to being a fun game, ping-pong helps to improve reaction and hand-eye coordination, which makes it one of the handiest sports out there (pun intended)!

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health In Grad School


Graduate school is hard. You are going through so much with your studies, life responsibilities, possibly a job, and family. It is very different from college because you are no longer a kid and cannot enjoy your academic life like you once used to. Managing everything together can overwhelm anyone, and not finding the time to do things you like can take a toll on your mental health. As a result, mental health disorders affect 13% of the world’s population.

Although graduate school is tough for everyone, it can even worsen mental health for students in medical, engineering, or any other related fields. The statistics show that about 24% of doctoral students deal with depression, and 17% show anxiety symptoms. However, acknowledging your mental health condition alone is an achievement and a first step toward the treatment! Here’s how you can take care of your mental health and improve the quality of your life.

Exercise Often

Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity; it plays a crucial role in both our physical and mental health. One might feel lazy to work out and not find enough strength, but research shows that exercise can boost your energy level, and your body works more efficiently. In addition, physical activity can help deal with depression and anxiety and reduce the risk of developing any mental illness.

Prioritize Your Interests

When it comes to making decisions about your life, most individuals go with what an accomplished person suggests. But, this does not always work. If you are confused between what is generally good and what you like for yourself, choose the latter option. One should always prioritize what they like or are interested in, especially when it involves their future. For example, if you want a nursing degree but are confused about DNP vs PHD degree. Both are great but different from one another. So, take your time and find out more about what you are interested in. It is something you’ll invest your time in the most in forthcoming years.  

Take Breaks Once In A While

You wouldn’t want to have a mental breakdown by working continuously. The study is important, but the brain works better when you give it some time to relax. For example, spend some time reading random books, going out with friends, watching your favorite show, eating your favorite food, or sleeping. Doing these can generate more endorphins (also known as happy hormones), and your brain can work better.

Build Connections With People Outside Of Grad School

Undoubtedly, this pandemic has made most of us a homebody. Although attending grad school can be very stressful, you do not have to think about it all day. Occasionally, surround yourself with people outside of grad school. It’s even better if you are in contact with your old friends. The study reveals that reminiscing happy memories enhance one’s well-being and can buffer acute stress.

Get Therapy Sessions

Therapy is not just for those struggling with mental illness; it’s a big misconception regarding therapy. It can be helpful for people who are going through general stress as well. It’s crucial to get awareness regarding the benefits of therapy sessions. Therapy encourages you to talk and pour out all the stress building up over time. It’s entirely normal for a healthy person to receive therapy so never hesitate to go through therapy sessions once in a while. Due to the pandemic, online sessions are also pretty common now.

Never Compare Yourself With Others

Comparing yourself with other people diminishes productivity. Comparison-oriented people are more likely to hurt themselves psychologically. Everyone goes through a different path that cannot be compared; therefore, don’t waste your time and energy on this. Instead, move at your own pace at which you’re comfortable. The only thing that matters is that you are moving forward, no matter your speed.

Don’t Hesitate To Ask For Help

There are times when you’re feeling overworked and need a helping hand. Do not hesitate to ask for help from people around you, and you’ll be amazed how people are there to help. Sometimes, you just need to share your problems to get them solved. Go easy on yourself and allow yourself to be a little dependent on others at times.

The Bottom Line

Mental health conditions have risen dramatically, and today, almost 1 billion people suffer due to mental disorders. Fortunately, it is being recognized and talked about in today’s world; still, the stigma doesn’t end here. Even now, most people are uncomfortable talking about their mental health. World Health Organization (WHO) claims that due to COVID-19, about 93% of countries worldwide disrupted or halted the crucial mental health services. Luckily, the pandemic has subsided, and things are going back to normal. However, neglecting your mental health can be very risky, and it needs to be treated right away. Don’t hesitate to reach out to mental health experts regarding your health.

Dry humping: This Guy Gets Paid To Dry Hump And Calls It Alternative Love Therapy

Dry humping

Dry Humping: Meaning

What Is Dry Humping?

One definition of dry humping is as follows: Dry humping is grinding or rubbing your genitals against your partner’s genitals or body. And this is usually done through underwear or clothes, meaning both partners remain fully or partially clothed. Or, in other words, humping with your clothes on.

And because dry humping can often lead to orgasm, both partners can experience sexual pleasure but without the repercussions of sex, meaning without the risk of pregnancy or getting an STD.

Dry humping may also occur as foreplay or in addition to sex. It can also be done alone by rubbing your genitals against a piece of furniture or a pillow.

Dry Humping vs. Masturbation

When dry humping is performed as a solo act, it can be seen as another way of masturbation. Dry humping, when done alone, is an act of a person self-stimulating themselves. In other words, dry humping can also be referred to as pillow humping or bed humping.

Benefits Of Dry Humping

1. Sexual pleasure

Dry humping imitates the sensations of having actual sexual intercourse. It is an act that is pleasurable for both partners, promotes intimacy between them, and brings them the ultimate pleasure – an orgasm.

2. Harm reduction

Dry humping protects you from pregnancy and STDs, and STIs.

3. Abstinence

When a person wants to avoid sexual contact or sex with penetration due to their preferences or religion and culture, dry humping is a safe way to experience the intimacy and sexual pleasure they need without penetration.

Risks Of Dry Humping

Dry humping is a sexual experience without any major risks because there are no fluids exchanged, and thus the risk of getting an STD, STI, or getting pregnant, is eliminated.

The only risk is that partners can get tempted to have sexual intercourse with penetration. Also, in some cases, during dry humping, when people wear stretched clothes, there is a risk of accidental penetration or an exchange of bodily fluids. That’s why both partners need to be cautious.

Other potential risks are:

  • Irritation of the genitals – Repeated rubbing on the genitals can cause pain, friction, or even injuries. Therefore, partners should be open about how things feel to them and not do something if it feels painful to them.
  • Moral and religious issues – Even though dry humping is safe for the risk of STIs, STDs, and pregnancy, some cultures are still very much against it. There are moral and religious codes in some countries that prohibit it, thus endorsing strict abstinence from any pleasure-seeking.
  • Consent issues – Like any sexual contact, there is a consent issue when it comes to dry humping. In other words, dry humping without consent can leave a person with serious psychological and traumatic experiences. Therefore, it is not acceptable to do that to anyone without permission.

Can You Get Pregnant From Dry Humping?

One of the main questions when it comes to dry humping is: Can you get pregnant from it? The answer is NO. There is no slight possibility that you can get pregnant from dry humping.

Pregnancy happens when semen contacts the woman’s egg, which requires direct contact with genitals and an exchange of bodily fluids. So, when two people dry hump each other with their clothes on, it is impossible for a pregnancy to happen.

Pregnancy can only happen in rare cases when: two people dry hump but their underwear is with holes, or if the woman sits on a surface when there is semen on it, shortly after ejaculation, or when dry humping leads to penetrative sex.

And even when these things happen, the risk of getting pregnant is still very low because the semen has to enter the woman’s vagina and travel to the egg. Therefore, a brief contact with the skin has meager chances of that process happening.

Can You Catch An STD Or STI During Dry Humping?

The transmission of an STD or an STI during dry humping is almost completely impossible because most of them need an exchange of bodily fluids.

But, there are some STIs, for instance, herpes, that gets transmitted with skin-to-skin contact. And a person can contract this type of STI from dry humping if they aren’t clothed.

In rare cases, some sexually transmitted diseases and infections can happen when after dry humping, they sit on someone’s fluids or get in contact with a fluid that leaked from their clothing.

Myths And Misconceptions About Dry Humping

There is a preconceived notion that only young people dry hump since it is sexual activity without any risks that offers them the ultimate sexual pleasure. However, this misconception is not valid. People of all ages enjoy dry humping, and many people prefer it even more than penetrative sex for orgasm.

Dry Humping As Alternative Love Therapy

Many would find this bizarre and inappropriate – a person getting paid to dry hump, and he is, in fact, trained and licensed to do it. Meet Niko, a certified dry humper and a self-love coach, and welcome to the world of the free and strange.

Dry Hump Technique

A technique from Eastern medicine and what Niko calls Alternative Love Therapy involves the complete experience of dry humping with a spiritual note to it. If you thought professional cuddling was strange, you should give Alternative Love Therapy a try.

Based in Santa Monica, people come to Niko for different reasons. “Some are lonely, some are just trying to recapture their youth.” And it does offer a great difference from having casual sex.

Niko also goes on to explain the benefits of Alternative Love Therapy:

“decreased stress levels, increases in serotonin, decrease in cancer rates, healthier lifestyle, happiness” are just some of the “small benefits” that you can get from this kind of therapy.

Note that this video can be NSFW.

Professional dry humping has received a lot of attention on the internet since this video has come out.

Various people reacted positively, even feeling encouraged to learn to become professional Alternative Love Therapists themselves; others react negatively, claiming that Niko is just using the word ‘spiritual’ to get women into his bedroom.

How To Dry Hump?

However, Niko explains that the point of dry humping has little to do with the sexual experience and a lot more to do with the connection that is being created – something many lack nowadays.

“With dry humping, we don’t have sexual intercourse – we have sexual outercourse,” he explains in a follow-up video where he answers the seven most frequently asked questions.

It involves both men and women, as he explains that when with his clients, he doesn’t see ‘a man’ or ‘a woman,’ but energies and connection. “There’s going to be people who say that this is stupid, that I’m taking advantage of people, that this doesn’t work.”

However, his mental approach is, as he says, different. “This is healing. This is holistic science. I got a degree in spiritual psychology so that I can do this to other people. So, I’m very well trained.”

He finds the fact that people have dubbed this as a purely sexual experience as very offensive as a holistic science practitioner and he says that it has nothing to do with “orgasming, erections, or blue balls.”

Finally, if you want to improve your dry humping experience, try these dry humping tips. 

4 Dry Humping Tips

1. What you wear is important. 

For women, you should choose thinner garments to increase the stimulation between your clitoris and your partner’s body or your vibrator. For example, wearing spandex or silk can give you a stronger sensation and thus help you achieve orgasm quicker. Males, on the other hand, should wear jeans or pants made of thick material to increase the friction between them and their partner and increase the pleasure from their dry humping session.

2. Don’t forget about foreplay. 

Dry humping combined with extended foreplay is a powerful duo. It almost guarantees achieving orgasm. So, before you begin dry humping, try to set the mood by lighting some candles and playing some soft jazz. A sexy and sensual environment can improve your foreplay. So, kiss, hug, cuddle… That way, you will increase chemicals in your brain that are associated with pleasure, and the whole experience will be euphoric. 

3. Be safe. 

When you are dry humping with your partner, you still need to be careful because even though it is not sex and you are dry humping in your underwear, you can still get in touch with your partner’s fluids, such as ejaculation secret. You are still at risk of getting an STI or STD because some materials absorb the fluid and can get mixed with your fluids.

4. There are many exciting and different positions you can try to spice up dry humping. 

From missionary and straddle to scissoring and standing, there are various positions in which you can dry hump with your partner. If you are a woman, then stimulation of the clitoris is a must. On the other hand, if you are a man, then good friction is key. So, don’t be afraid to be creative and try different angles, positions, pressure, and speed to optimize your dry hump pleasure.

And when it comes to dry humping positions you should try, below I suggest four great ones.

Dry Humping Positions

1. Cowgirl 

This is for ladies who want to take charge and for men who want to give in to pleasure and let the woman take the lead. Rubbing your genitals with the same intensity and pace will give you the ultimate orgasm. This is one of the most popular dry humping positions. The clitoris is perfectly stimulated, and there is enough friction for the orgasm of both partners. So, do it on the bed, on the chair… the pleasure is guaranteed.

2. Missionary

Many people think of this position as monotonous and boring. However, when it comes to dry sex, this position can be quite enjoyable. It is great for beginners and the days when you want a quickie (with your clothes on, of course).

3. Against the wall

This position is ideal for spicing things up. Since there is no penetration, the pressure is off, and therefore, you can better focus on your bodies and the sensations from touching and grinding against each other while standing.

4. Spooning

And when you and your partner feel lazy and want to cuddle, this position is excellent for it. But, instead of just cuddling, try dry humping at the same time. Your partner can stimulate your clitoris with his hand while gently grinding you from behind. 

All in all, dry humping is a great alternative for sex when you are not ready for it or you want to try it for fun (and pleasure, of course).

Can You Still Take Omega-3 When You are Vegan? Everything You Need to Know

omega 3

No matter why you’ve chosen to live a vegan lifestyle, whether it be for a myriad of ethical reasons, out of necessity due to dietary restrictions, or you simply want a healthy challenge, you’ve likely considered the need for a source of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. There’s not really a question of whether or not omega-3s are necessary for human health; rather, it’s more of a question of the best way to get the appropriate amount. But with fish and fish oils as the common answer to that question, those who follow a vegan diet are left wondering: what about us? Is there vegan omega-3?

In short, yes. There are a few vegan sources of omega-3 fatty acids. But perhaps more importantly, there’s a source of vegan omega-3 that rivals fish oil supplements in the amount it gives you, the absorption your body experiences, and the benefits you’ll reap in the long run. That source comes as algae supplements, omega-3 supplements from algae – which happens to be the same place that fish get their omega-3 to begin with. (1)

Vegan Omega-3s: Staple Pantry Sources

As mentioned above, there’s one product that stands out above the rest as the vegan counterpart to fish and fish oil as an omega-3 source, and that’s algae supplements. But we’ll get into that in a minute. If you want a quick fix from something you might have in your pantry already, you can get those omega-3s in smaller amounts from any of the following.

  • Seeds – Flax, chia, and hemp seeds are all vegan sources of omega-3s. Gram for gram, these foods contain similar amounts of omega-3s as fish. Eat a handful plain, make some chia pudding, or toss some flaxseed into your baked goods. All three are a great option
  • Brussels Sprouts – Raw or cooked, brussels sprouts provide an impressive amount of omega-3s. Cooked brussels sprouts in particular can give you about three times as many milligrams of omega-3s as raw brussels sprouts, but either way you eat them, you can’t go wrong.
  • Walnuts – Like many nuts, walnuts are known for being loaded with healthy fats, but when it comes to omega-3s, they stand out among the rest. A whole ounce of walnuts can fulfill daily recommendations for omega-3 fatty acids.

These are just a couple of options for vegan omega-3 sources that you might already have on hand. There are more than you’d think, though; you just have to look around! (2)

Algae Supplements: The Fish Oil Replacement

If you don’t want to eat handfuls of walnuts each day, or you’d simply rather take a single supplemental capsule as fish oil users do, then you’re in luck. There is, in fact, a vegan omega-3 replacement to fish oil, and it may even be a better option than fish oil to begin with.
Algae Supplements are capsules, just like fish oil pills, that provide your daily recommended dose of omega-3 fatty acids. It’s the same omega-3s, the same dosage, and the same benefits. So what’s the catch? There isn’t one. Here’s everything you need to know about this vegan supplement.

Straight From The Source

While fish and fish oil are some of the most common sources of omega-3 fatty acids for human consumption, they aren’t actually the source. Fish have to get omega-3s from somewhere too, so they get it by eating krill. But once again, krill aren’t the source of omega-3s either. Krill, then, get it by eating algae.

Algae is our magical source of omega-3s here. Fish and fish oil is a great source of the fatty acid, but they, too, have to get it through algae. The vegan option is actually the best choice here, the original source, and there are several benefits that come with it.


If you’ve chosen a vegan diet for ethical reasons, you’re going to love algae supplements as a source of vegan omega-3. A year’s worth of fish oil pills takes the lives of over 100 fish. A year’s worth of krill supplements takes over 13,000 krill. But a year’s worth of algae supplements? No lives harmed. Instead, it takes about 2 square meters of algae, about 7.2 pounds worth of it. And getting that 7.2 lbs, or a year’s worth, of algae is a sustainable process in itself. Algae farms can use salt water, rather than freshwater like most produce requires. They also can be created nearly anywhere, perfect for unused land that’s not suitable for more traditional agricultural farming. Choosing algae as your omega-3 source leaves the ocean and its inhabitants alone while also creating a product that’s equivalent to what comes from taking the lives of millions of creatures a year.


Oftentimes, vegan replacements to products (thankful as we are for them) are different from the original product in ways that take away from their effectiveness, flavor, or both. With algae supplements, that’s not the case at all. In fact, it’s the opposite. Algae supplements as a vegan omega-3 source are actually the highest absorption omega-3 due to the presence of phospholipids and glycolipids. These lipids act as a shell around the fatty acids, which allows them to distribute and absorb better into the body. Overall, omega-3s from algae supplements absorb about 50% better than from fish oil or fish. And better absorption means you’ll benefit more from those omega-3s in the long run; think, heart health, better vision and eye health, improved mental health and emotional wellness, and better brain development for infants and babies when taken by a pregnant woman.

So if you thought you were out of luck in getting the recommended amount of omega-3s as a vegan, you were wrong. There are plenty of sources of vegan omega-3 right in your pantry, and the real queen of omega-3 supplements is the vegan option of algae supplements. Better absorption, better benefits. More sustainable and straight from the source. What’s not to like?

Tips On How to Buy Crypto


When you buy crypto for the first time, you should not be enchanted by fabulous returns and big promises some projects make to “catch” investors. Amid successful projects, there are also fraudsters who only hunt for investors, promising the Earth.

We recommend running through every project you consider investing in, learning about its founders’ background, the core of the project, what benefits it brings, what problems it solves, etc. And only when you make sure the project is trustworthy buy its coins.

The next question the novice investor may wonder is, “Where is the best place to buy cryptocurrency?” and the answer is centralized crypto exchanges. As a rule, such exchanges are more reliable and propose a wide range of trading tools.

The best way to buy crypto is a WhitBIT exchange – a centralized platform with a full range of instruments for trading:

  • trading bots
  • margin trading
  • leverage
  • spot
  • p2p
  • DEX
  • swap
  • etc

Besides, the WhiteBITcrypto platform has a WhiteBIT Blog that features a lot of interesting and valuable information on different topics:

These and many other topics are uncovered on the WhiteBIT Blog. Now that we found out where to buy cryptocurrency, let’s switch to trading tips for beginners.

Tips on how to buy crypto

The first thing you should consider before buying crypto is a crypto wallet. There are several ways to store your crypto assets – cold and hot wallets or “light” and “heavy” wallets. 

Hot purses are wallets in your mobile application or on your PC. You install such an app, register the wallet and use it. Such wallets are suitable for everyday use if you trade often and need to conduct transactions quickly and conveniently. 

If you want to buy crypto and hold it in a considerable amount, so-called long-term investments, you should better use offline storage – a “heavy” or “cold” wallet. This option implies utilizing a device that is not connected to the Internet, for example, a Ledger. 

The next thing to pay attention to is the rate of the coin you want to buy. There is a great temptation to acquire it when it soars. Still, you better wait for the rate to correct or drop and only then buy it. The fact is that after every skyrocketing, the coin rate falls or goes through some correction. Buying the asset at a lower price is obviously more reasonable.

And the last tip – never spend your last money (do not sell a house or borrow money) on investments; otherwise, you will not be able to maintain a cool head and act reasonably.

The Number 17 Meaning and Significance

Angel Number 17

We all know that numbers have significance. Some numbers are lucky; the others are not. But what about the number 17? Why is this number viewed with importance by so many people?

In this post, we’ll explore the symbolism and significance associated with the number 17. We’ll discuss some of the most common interpretations. Whether you’re a believer in numerology or not, there’s no denying that this number holds some interesting connotations! Read on to learn more about the number 17 meaning.

Numerology Facts about Angel Number 17

Whenever you find yourself repeatedly noticing Angel number 17, it is likely that angels are trying to send you a message. Whether we are looking at the time and see the number 17 appear on our digital clock, or we keep seeing 17s popping up all over the place, this numeral is usually a sign from above. This can be interpreted depending on what is going on in your life.

Number 17 is a very auspicious number in the world of numerology. According to many spiritual traditions, when the number 17 appears repeatedly in one’s life, it can signify an important transition or transformation. This number resonates strongly with those who value knowledge and wisdom and those who are seeking to create positive change in the world. This could be a change in career direction, the start of a new adventure, or the arrival of someone special into our lives.

Number 17 also has many symbolic associations, including balance (the sum of 1+7 equals 8) and harmony (1+7=8). Other symbolic meanings attached to this number include guidance, intelligence, curiosity, spiritual awareness, self-improvement, and progress.

In addition, it is associated with absolute faith in oneself and the universe, as well as inner wisdom and guidance from beyond. Whether you’re dealing with a major life challenge or simply want to start each day on the right foot, focusing on the number 17 can help to guide you along the right path. And who knows? Maybe you’ll uncover some hidden talents or meet your soulmate along the way! (1)

Angel Number 17 and Personal Life

The message of Angel number 17 is that it’s time for new positive changes and manifestations in your life. This could mean you are ready to move on from old relationships, find inner peace with yourself or learn something new like singing. All these will help you be more open-minded when you encounter negative events later. Just make sure that these changes come through gracefully. That way, they don’t disrupt any existing patterns set forth beforehand.


The spiritual meaning of the number 72 is that you need to take your spiritual life more seriously. This could mean spiritual awakening or true adulthood, but it will also require some work on your end for this change of events to occur! For instance, you can take a class, order books online, and look into courses that will teach you things like psychic gifts or abilities from your guardian angels.


New love is on its way! This angel number means that you’ve been waiting for something new, and it’s time to let go of the past. It might be an ending or a beginning, but there’ll be great opportunities in store soon enough. So, keep your eyes open because what happens next in your love life will surprise you.


There are times when you might be feeling lost, wondering what direction to go in. But don’t worry! The appearance of Angel number 17 means it’s time to consider a new career, especially when this number appears during periods of uncertainties and contemplation.

Why not make a few changes to see how it influences your work life? You might be surprised by all the blessings you’ll achieve.


When angel number 17 appears in your finances, it could mean that you’re finally about to receive some money. Perhaps you’ve been waiting for a paycheck or an insurance check, and this might be just the ticket to get out of debt.

There’s more opportunity than ever before. Be conscious when making decisions regarding finance, so they align with what will bring balance back into life and financial success.

Overall Health

Angel number 17 can be a warning sign that you’ve been neglecting your health and wellness. It could be telling the difference between good and bad habits or giving signals about an illness that needs treatment.

It’s now an excellent opportunity as ever before! Take this chance to get back into a routine; start exercising regularly (or take up running), and always think of positive thoughts. You deserve to feel happy and healthy. You know what your body needs, so set a goal for yourself today!

Key Takeaways

Angel number 17 means many things. But it would be best to take it as a great chance to start fresh and make some major changes in your life. Whatever the case, don’t worry too much about this number’s secret meaning because this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Remember that there are other angel numbers, which will give you more insight into where things stand.

Instead of being overwhelmed by the lucky number 17, know that there’s no need to panic. Great things are coming, and bad luck will be pushed aside once this important event pops into your life.

What is TB-500, and why is it good for health?


Thymosin Beta 4 is a naturally occurring healing protein, and TB-500 is a synthetic peptide version. TB-500 improves tissue repair pace, mobility, inflammation reduction, cell motility, and bone formation. Because the peptide can control cell actin, its therapeutic action is mainly responsible for the peptide’s success. Cell actin is a crucial protein for wound healing and recovery.

The thymus gland produces TB 500 peptide, a tissue regeneration peptide that encourages the organism to create collagen and other proteins. Blood and tissue samples after an injury have significant levels of this substance. Research shows that it may assist in mending the epidermis, cornea, and cardiac tissue.

Injured blood platelets contain significant levels of TB-500, an essential compound. Actin-regulating protein is not a growth factor. Scientists use anti-inflammatory and tissue-regeneration TB-500 peptides in studies regularly. (1)

Human and animal cells contain the naturally occurring peptide Thymosin-Beta4, which aids in wound healing, promotes new growth, and assists in repairing damaged tissue. In addition, it proves to aid in the recovery of chronic wounds and the development of new blood vessels.

How Is TB 500 Put to Use?

Actin, a protein that aids in cell motility and reproduction, is upregulated by TB 500. Due to this upregulation, new blood vessels form, and it reduces inflammation. This action results in a faster recovery. The chemical structure of TB 500 has made it a household name. Various systemic benefits, such as reduced inflammation and improved flexibility, are made possible because of this. Hair overgrowth and darkening are adverse effects of TB 500.

The advantages of using TB 500

Stallions and mares alike may benefit from TB-500, a groundbreaking novel medication that proves to improve performance, health, and well-being. Physical concerns prevent stallions from achieving their top ability, and mares are exhausted by a gestation period of more than two months.

These investigations have demonstrated that TB-500 has the following advantages for horses:

  • Incredible gains in lean muscle mass and strength, and endurance 
  • It improves the flow of molecules through cellular membranes.
  • It boosts the growth of new tissue.
  • It relieves joint discomfort, edema, and inflammation.
  • Enhances the animal’s nutrient content

Because of these established advantages, the full potential of TB500 may be unveiled in most of the horse’s body when applied. (2)

Is there any side effect to using TB-500?

We’ve previously spoken about the many advantages of this peptide. This supplement aids with blood cell division and irritation and reduces dangerous free radicals. Some downsides exist, though. Getting a “head rush” when taking TB-500 might be a negative experience. As an added side effect, this mixture may make subjects feel lethargic. There have been several contradictory study findings on this topic when it relates to cancer. However, it also has positive and negative effects on cancer cells, depending on which research you look at. Peptides often produce dizziness or nausea; however, these are generally moderate side effects. TB500 should have no noticeable adverse effects when used regularly. In case you are a researcher who is looking to investigate peptides, you can buy TB-500 online with a credit card.

Leo Woman And Aries Man Compatibility

Leo woman Aries man compatibility

Why Are Aries So Attracted To Leo?

People born under the sign of Leo, which is the only sign in the zodiac governed by the Sun, stand out from the rest. They have bright and lively personalities and live life to the fullest. They’re natural leaders and love being in the spotlight. They’re aware of their power, and they openly show it.

Leos are known for being honest, loyal, generous, enthusiastic, confident, bold, brave, and creative.

In their romantic relationships, Leos are dedicated lovers who wear their hearts on their sleeves. They tend to be attracted to people that can make them feel heard and seen. They love affection and want a partner who is fully devoted to them and shares their passion.

People born under the sign of Aries are highly compatible with Leos when it comes to love and romance. Being both fire signs, they share many things in common. For example, Aries are independent and drawn to leadership just like Leos is. And when it comes to their romantic relationships, they are intense and loyal lovers. They want their partners to show that they care about them.

Aries tend to be highly attracted to Leos since their unwavering spirit, energy, confidence, and passion are irresistible. They’re drawn to Leos emotionally, mentally, and physically. Aries love being in a relationship with someone that is spontaneous, wild, energetic, and fun-loving as they are. Leos fit this description. In addition, just like Leos, Aries are loyal and passionate lovers. 

When people born under these two zodiac signs are in love, they want the entire world to know that. They openly show their partners affection, both with words and actions.

Do Leos And Aries Make A Good Couple?

Yes, they do. Leo and Aries make a fierce and passionate couple. People born under these two signs are committed to their relationships, both romantic and otherwise.

The Leo and Aries match can become a power couple provided that they’re willing to compromise. 

In addition, the two signs crave adventure, fun, romance, and passion. They have the same energy and similar personality traits in common, which makes them even more compatible partners in the bedroom. 

What characterizes the Aries and Leo match is a lot of chemistry and passion. In addition, they tend to connect quickly on a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual level. 

People born under the sign of Aries can give Leos the attention, energy, and passion they require.

In a healthy and successful Aries-Leo relationship, these two motivate and inspire each other to be affectionate, passionate, confident, and energetic, and they cater to each other’s needs and desires. 

What’s also characteristic about Leos is that they’re extremely protective of those they love the most. They can become incredibly hostile towards anyone who tries to flirt with their Aries partner or get their attention.

When Leo and Aries get into a relationship, they’ll be quick to impress one another and treat each other seriously. They’ll be willing to go out of their way to keep sparks flying about and keep their relationship fun and adventurous. If we take into consideration the strong personalities of Leos and Aries, these two signs will likely have trust challenges in their relationship, but their devotion to each other and their need for loyalty will help them overcome this problem in most situations.

And when it comes to their conversations, at first, they will be energizing, lively, and full of affection and appreciation. But as they become more connected, their conversations will become deeper and more empathetic and intellectually stimulating.

When it comes to how compatible Aries and Leo are in the bedroom, there’s such a strong sexual attraction between them that no one can deny. In addition, the fire, passion, and connection between them are a guarantee they’ll have a wild time in the bedroom.

However, as great and fierce a match as Aries and Leo can be, the combination of these two signs is not without its faults. For instance, unlike Leos, who are more methodical and stable, Aries can act impetuously and heatedly, which can frustrate their Leo partner.

Moreover, both Aries and Leo are born natural leaders, which means they both want to have control over the relationship. However, fighting for relationship rulership can lead to bitter arguments and resentment between the two. 

To avoid unnecessary problems in their relationship, Leo and Aries need to be willing to compromise, share the spotlight, avoid fighting for relationship rulership and control their ego.

Are Aries And Leo Soulmates?

Yes, they are. Aries are Leos’ perfect match. Being a fire sign like Leos, Aries will be able to keep up with the enthusiasm and wild ideas, and energy of Leos. They both love adventures and action, which means they’ll always find a way to keep their relationship interesting, fun, and exciting.

Additionally, Aries and Leos agree on most things and love dynamics, which can add more depth to their relationship.

For a relationship to be healthy and succeed, partners need to be able to meet each other’s emotional needs, and Leos and Aries can do this as they both love affection and passion. Leos also want to feel like they’re needed in a relationship, and Aries can make them feel exactly this way.

When Aries and Leo meet for the first time, they can easily get attracted to each other’s personalities and charisma. Their energies match, which they immediately recognize, and they want to get to know each other better.

Leo and Aries can fall in love with each other faster than other combinations. This is because they can feel each other’s energies, and they have a similar attitude to life. They both perceive life as a journey that should be enjoyed and full of adventures.

The Leo and Aries relationship is lively, productive, and balanced, thanks to the admiration, energy, and passion that exist between the two.

The most important problem the Leo and Aries couple can face in their relationship is their competitive spirit. Both of them are proud and want to be in charge of the relationship. However, being willing to compromise and put aside their pride will help them avoid unnecessary problems, disagreements, and arguments. 

In addition, people born under the sign of Leo often show a provocative attitude and enjoy feeling flattered, which can easily provoke the jealousy of their Aries bae. Also, Aries is not very tolerant of Leo’s tendency to be in charge and command.

Nevertheless, despite the differences between these two signs, Leos and Aries always show each other respect. They treat each other with dignity and admiration and value loyalty the most, which helps them overcome any obstacle and difficulty they might come across in their relationship.

How Does The Aries Man Feel About Leo Woman?

The Aries man is attracted to the energy, charming aura, and bright and vibrant personality of the Leo woman. He admires her ability to be proud and egotistical one moment and affectionate, gentle, and compassionate the next. He lets her be who she is and accepts her just the way she is.

The Aries male loves the Leo female the fact that she is as affectionate and passionate as he is, although she may come across as reserved and unemotional at first.

The Aries man is obsessed with the confidence and strong personality of the Leo woman. He admires her ability to stand up for herself when he isn’t around and live her life according to her own principles and values.

Another thing the Aries man loves about the Leo woman is her great sense of self. She knows who she is and what she stands for. 

In addition, the Aries male likes the rituals of courtship and flirting, and he’s attracted to women that are hard to get. Thanks to her high standards, the Leo female belongs to this group for sure. When the Aries man is in love with the Leo woman, he enjoys spoiling her with lavish gifts and compliments.

The Leo woman’s friendliness is another thing the Aries man loves about her. She can easily make friends and connect with others emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Another quality that the Aries man loves about the Leo woman is her loyalty. In her romantic relationships, she’s fiercely loyal to her partner and devotes all of her energy and attention to him. Therefore, when the Aries man is in love with a Leo woman, he gratifies her desires and treats her with respect and dignity, of course, without compromising his masculine superiority.

The Aries man adores the charisma, strong poise, and appealing sensuality of the Leo woman. In addition, she exudes confidence, charm, and gracious warmth, which can make an Aries man instantly get attracted to her.

The Aries man feels great around the Leo woman. She is dynamic, energetic, fun, ambitious, and never boring. She inspires him to work on his personal growth, pursue high goals and put in the effort to become the best version of himself.

With her generosity, compassionate nature, and tenderness, the Leo woman inspires the Aries man to tame his ego and become more caring and loving.

Leo women are usually impetuous and hot-tempered, and they can sometimes be hard to handle. But this is not an obstacle for the Aries man. He knows how to deal with her, even in the most difficult situations.

Aries Man And Leo Woman Compatibility

The Aries man and Leo woman match is a role model for compatibility. The Aries man can’t stay indifferent to the charm, grace, and elegance of the Leo woman. He might find her self-assurance and confidence intimidating initially, but once he gets to know her better, no one and nothing can stop him from pursuing and seducing her.

When an Aires man and Leo woman fall in love with each other, they instantly connect and build a deep, meaningful relationship. They enjoy the little, seemingly unimportant things in life, such as the first-morning coffee or a beautiful sunset.

When they appear in public as a couple, they inevitably turn heads. They’re not hesitant or ashamed to shower each other with compliments and affection around other people. They’re not afraid to openly express their love and show how happy they are to have each other in their lives.

Aries Man And Leo Woman Famous Couples 

In what follows, we’ve compiled a list of 10 Aries man and Leo woman celebrity couples.

Here it is:

  • Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman
  • Renn Hawkey and Vera Farmiga
  • Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olson
  • Paul Rudd and Julie Rudd

And here are some Aries man and Leo woman ex-couples:

  • Jesse James and Sandra Bullock
  • Al Gore-Tipper Gore
  • Warren Beatty-Madonna
  • Edgar Wright and Anna Kendrick
  • Peter Morgan and Gillian Anderson
  • Sean Bean and Georgina Sutcliffe

Mental health nursing: Four things to know

Mental health issues can affect our emotional and psychological well-being. An individual dealing with mental health issues constantly goes through stress and trauma. As you know, the human mind controls every function of our body. Hence, an unstable mind affects your professional and personal life and disrupts your daily activities. You can face difficulty focusing on any particular thing. Mental health nursing holds special significance in treating the patients dealing with such issues.

People who require mental health assistance suffer from various issues, including acute grief, personality disorders, drug addiction, and different psychiatric conditions. Mental health nurses have to overcome tough challenges to build a strong bond with patients suffering from mental health issues. Mental health defines our capability to cope with stress. Once we are lost in thoughts of hopelessness, our brain stops functioning properly. When this happens, it can leave long-lasting harmful effects on your physical and mental well-being.

Here are some mental health nursing facts that you should know if you want to pursue this career.

Mental Health Nursing Careers

You can explore plenty of career options if you want to build a career in mental health nursing. But you should know which career you want to choose and what qualifications are required. For example, you must know how to become a psychiatric nurse if you want to opt for this career path. You should know what skills and degrees are required to establish yourself as a competent psychiatric nurse.

Nurses associated with mental health, work in hospitals, emergency centers, inpatient care centers, and community health centers. Being a mental fitness nurse, you may have to deal with people suffering from different types of mental illnesses. You also have to create plans to make recommendations for the treatment of patients according to their condition.

Also, to make the right career choice, you may consult mental health nurses who have been serving for years. You will get to know about different career choices to make a decision as per your skills and area of interest. It will also make you familiar with the basic concepts of mental health nursing and help you land your dream job.

Good Communication Skills are Required

The mental health nursing job requires sensitivity and compassion to understand a patient’s issues. Nurses need solid communication skills to interact with patients and help them overcome challenges. You also have to give verbal instructions to patients, so you need to have clarity in your communication. It allows patients to feel there is someone who cares for them. It is also essential to have the right voice tone and body language while communicating with patients. As a mental health nurse, you do not have to show your authority over patients, but you have to make them feel that you help them. Therapeutic communication is an integral part of mental health nursing. So, you need to develop problem-solving skills to help patients in the healing process.

Mental health nurses have to work with a team of occupational therapists, social workers, and psychologists, so good communication skills make things easier. They can collaborate with other people and discuss ideas and concerns efficiently.

Community-based Nursing

Primary mental healthcare service is provided mainly in community settings where patients receive healthcare services in their own homes. They also receive assistance in local mental health facilities and clinics. Jobs in these environments have mostly predictable hours, which are closer to business hours. If you want to serve in community-based nursing, you have to follow a predictable schedule daily. Community-based nursing is more common in mental health nursing jobs, so the chances are high that you will find these types of jobs more than in hospitals or medical facilities.

High Paying Jobs

Mental health nursing is a demanding field. In some ways, its demand even exceeds general nursing. But it entirely depends on your interest and qualification and which nursing career you want to opt for. Financially, mental health nursing is one of the most rewarding careers. According to research, the hourly pay rate of mental health nurses is around $30. But it also depends on your qualification and the location where you apply for a job. Annually, the total pay of mental health nurses ranges from $60,000 to $80,000.

The demand for mental nursing jobs is expected to increase in the future, so professionals who want to build their careers in this field will be able to explore plenty of opportunities. If you wish to be a traveling healthcare provider or opt for a typical nursing career, it requires experience of at least two years to get a high-paying job.

Mental health nurses may have to work in outpatient clinics, hospitals, and other facilities. Every place offers certain benefits and drawbacks, so you have to keep such factors in mind while making a choice. Due to the tremendous demand for mental health nursing, professionals earn a market-competitive salary. They also get benefits like health insurance, vision care, dental care, and many others.


Mental health nurses are one of the most integral parts of the healthcare sector, positively contributing to the healthcare landscape. They serve society effectively by adding value to the life of people who struggles with mental health issues and suffer from them daily. Mental health nursing offers a lot of perks to professionals, but at the same time, it is the most challenging field. You always have to stay on edge to deal with new issues and help patients recover.