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How To Build Intimacy In Your Relationship

Every relationship has different needs, but one aspect that it’s important in every romantic partnership is a sense of intimacy. Intimacy goes beyond romantic or sexual exploration, it can also include intellectual and emotional intimacy. Building a solid foundation for closeness in your relationship can help establish healthy communication, build trust and help both you and your partner. Relationships, where people feel safe being intimate with each other, tend to be more successful, and the people involved feel like a team no matter what comes their way.

If you’re in a new relationship, or you’re feeling like your relationship has lost intimacy over time, you may be wondering ways you can encourage more warm moments in your relationship. Though deep bonds aren’t formed overnight, there are ways that you can create an environment for intimate moments to thrive. Not only will this help you and your partner’s relationship, but you may also feel like you learn more about yourself too.

If you and your partner are struggling with intimacy in the relationship, consider speaking to an online therapist from BetterHelp.

Making Time

One of the simplest ways that you can create space for intimacy is to carve out quality time for you and your partner. Though this is sometimes easier said than done in the craziness of day to day life, even a weekly date night can make a big difference. Without time together, it can be difficult for people to feel connected to each other, let alone comfortable enough to be vulnerable.

Quality time can be as extravagant as a special night out to dinner, or an evening cuddled up on the couch with a new movie. This time together creates the opportunity for emotional and physical intimacy with your partner. These moments of closeness are also great times to tackle more difficult conversations, such as ones about the future of the relationship. Instead of feeling rushed or talking about these things when one of you is stressed, doing it in moments of warmth can help these discussions go productively.

The key to making the time more intimate is to commit to really connecting to one another. Put phones away, set the kids up with a babysitter, and create space for you and your partner to bond without distraction. There is nothing worse than a promised date night going sour because one or both partners aren’t making an effort to be fully present.

 Share With Each Other

Some people open up easier than others. It can be challenging to be vulnerable and share experiences, thoughts or feelings that may be on your mind. Though you may trust your partner, you may feel nervous that they will view you in a different light because of it. The more you can challenge yourself to open up about your past, the closer your partner can feel to you. The things that you have experienced are a big part of who you are, and expressing them can help you and your partner build a strong emotional connection.

There are simpler ways to share with each other that can help build intimacy, such as by using words of affirmation. By regularly showing your appreciation for your partner and the ways that they add to your life, you can continue to foster an environment of love and care. This can be beneficial when your partner does something for you or makes an effort to be there for you. By expressing your love and gratitude for your partner, you can find comfort in your relationship.

Keep The Love Alive

Though physical intimacy isn’t everything, it is an important part of any healthy relationship. Though you may seek out sexual experiences with your partner, there are other ways to be physically intimate. Little pats on the shoulder, hugs and back rubs are ways to build physical intimacy in a relationship. These non-sexual acts can build a sense of reassurance between you and your partner, and help you both feel well loved.

When it comes to the sexual aspects of your relationship, communication is key. By talking about your likes and dislikes in the bedroom, and making sure that exploration is consensual, you and your partner can build healthy sexual intimacy. Though there may be lulls in the frequency of your sexual experiences, continuing to talk about your desires with your partner can help you find ways to make it work.

Have Experiences Together

One of the easiest (and most fun) ways to build intimacy? Sharing experiences with your partner. By seeking out fun adventures, you can enjoy life in special ways. You can try renting a kayak one day or planning a trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go. These experiences create memories for you to look back on, and make your bond stronger. Though forming a routine is important in any relationship, breaking patterns every once and a while can help keep your love alive.

These experiences can also be celebrations of accomplishments or milestones in your relationship. Making an effort to have fun together helps you and your partner feel close and take a break from the stresses of daily life. There are other ways to have these moments, such as by taking a class together or trying out a new hobby. Sharing interests is another way for you and your romantic partner to connect on a deeper level. It gives you something to relate to and opens up possibilities for unexpected connections.

Intimacy is something that needs to be cared for over time. If you find there are times when you feel less intimate with your partner, open up a conversation with it. There are nuances in every relationship, and by making intimate connection with your partner a priority, you can ensure that both of you feel well taken care of and supported. Fostering intimacy can help you and your partner set yourself up for a happy and long lasting relationship.

6 Mistakes To Avoid During Your Online Doctor Consultation     

Gone are the days when you had to take a trip to the hospital to check your symptoms. Now there’s no need to face any more troubles to get your symptoms diagnosed. With online medical consultation platforms like TalkToDoc, you can talk with an online doctor who will help you analyze your symptoms while guiding you towards the appropriate medical treatment. 

Even though telemedicine has become mainstream throughout the years, people often fail to get the best out of their online medical sessions. Thankfully there are ways to get past these typical constraints and get your diagnosis. 

To help you do that, here are six mistakes to avoid during your online doctor consultation. 

  • Not knowing what to ask

Before you start your online consultation, think for a while about what you are going to ask the doctor. The doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, but you need to understand your symptoms clearly. Many people fail to describe their symptoms to the doctor and risk having a wrong diagnosis. 

To avoid all that, think about what you will ask your doctor. Make a list of questions you will ask the doctor. You can ask even your slightest doubt just to be sure. 

Remember to ask your doctor about what could be the reason behind the symptoms, the medical conditions, how the treatment looks like, and how much it will cost. Asking the right questions will give the information you need about your diagnosis.

  • Not making the best use of your time

Online doctor’s appointments are usually around 15 to 30 minutes long, depending on the medical conditions. You need to use this time to describe your symptoms to the doctor and understand the further treatment details. 

If you keep talking about unnecessary things during your session, it will end up being a waste of your money and time. 

  • Getting distracted during the session

Nothing is more annoying than when someone keeps checking their phone when talking to them. Your doctor will feel the same way if you keep checking your phone for notifications. 

So, it’s essential to keep your phone away, and in silent mode so as to ensure there are no distractions or disturbances during your session. 

Additionally, if you’re using your smartphone for the sessions, make sure it has a strong internet connection and a good camera. Also, turn on the ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode to ensure other app notifications don’t interrupt your session. 

  • Not having stable internet connectivity

Online medical consultations work on the internet. Platforms like TalkToDoc offer you different ways to communicate with your doctor, such as video calls, text chats, etc. 

These services require a stable internet connection to work optimally. You don’t want your video call to be constantly abrupt due to poor internet speed, and that is why it is important to have stable internet connectivity.

Along with the internet, make sure you have other technical requirements figured out. 

For example, if you are going to attend a video call consultation, check whether your laptop has a webcam or not. Check whether the webcam and microphone are working correctly and whether they have required permissions or not. Check whether you have downloaded the latest version of the software or app for your online session.

  • Asking medical consultations for emergency issues

Telemedicine is undoubtedly one of the great ways to diagnose your symptoms. But it doesn’t mean you should seek medical assistance online for emergency medical problems. 

Online medical consultations are perfectly suitable for medical problems like cold, acne, body pain, etc., that don’t require immediate medical assistance. It won’t make sense to connect with an online doctor if you have just met with an accident. Try to get help from local authorities and hospitals in case of emergencies instead of talking to an online doctor. 

  • Not finding the right place

When you attend an online medical consultation, you need to be visible to your doctor. This will help them observe and diagnose you better. If you sit in a poorly lit area when there isn’t sufficient light, you might not be visible to your doctor, leading to a wrong diagnosis. It’s also important to sit in a quiet place free from all outside noise. 

So, Find a well-lit, quiet room in your home, so you can get the silence and privacy you need to attend your online session. Ensure the windows are closed so that the outside noise won’t disturb you. 

You can also inform your family members about the session and ask them to keep their voices low and reduce the TV volume in the house during your call. 

Ensuring the proper medical diagnosis is essential to ensuring you get the proper treatment for your specific condition. So, try to avoid these common mistakes, and make the best of your online consultation. 

Which of Terminal Degrees in Nursing is Right for You? Understand Your Options

A terminal degree is the highest form of education that you can receive in your academic career. It can vary from field to field. Mostly Ph.D. is considered a terminal degree in several professions. However, some career pathways like nursing can have different terminal degree options based on the degree’s focus on either research or practice.

Advanced nursing degrees can help you achieve your career goals, advance your position in your workplace, increase your salary, and ultimately make you more marketable. Apart from professional degrees, several nursing certifications can also fast-track your career. However, the AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) prefers professional degrees. The professional degrees have different degree completion timeframes, job outlooks, and career prospects. Therefore, you must choose a compatible program to derive the maximum benefit.

Several colleges across the country offer various terminal degrees in nursing. Both on-campus and online degree options are available. You can pursue one according to your schedule. In this article, we have discussed various terminal degree options in nursing. Hopefully, this article will help you choose the degree option best aligned with your aptitude.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

DNP is a practice-focused terminal nursing degree, which prepares you for the highest level of clinical practice. You can pursue a DNP or any other terminal degree in nursing, both online and on-campus. A DNP program instills leadership qualities in you, making you eligible for leadership positions in clinical settings. Your leadership roles may require you to implement;

  • Risk management plans
  • Cost-saving measures
  • Strategies for quality patient care

Assess your personal career goals and compare them with the job roles you’d be eligible for after a DNP. Similarity or differences between them will help you decide if this is the right degree program for you or not. If you are interested in working directly or indirectly in inpatient care, you are the right fit for a DNP program. A DNP program is mostly practice-based but, you can also educate your juniors about the best patient care practices.

Doctor of Education (EdD)

EdD is a research-focused terminal nursing degree, which qualifies you to become a nurse educator in academic or staff development studies. The curriculum of this program is focused on administrative and higher education leadership. This program prepares you to design independent research studies. Your research can involve developing new nursing practices and optimizing the previous treatment plans. This degree also enables you to communicate the existing knowledge with the incoming nursing students. After graduating with this degree, your roles may include;

  • Leading change in nursing education
  • Pursuit of research
  • Scholarly Inquiry

This program is appropriate for nurses seeking work in academia. If you have the caliber to educate the next generation of nurses, pursue a Doctor Of Education in Nursing.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The length of a typical Ph.D. program is three years, with six months focused on theory and the remaining 2.5 years focused on dissertation work and research. A Ph.D. in nursing is primarily a research-based degree. It focuses on fixing academic problems and enhancing the healthcare system. Some of your roles after a Ph.D. in nursing can include

  • Educating undergraduates enrolled in a bachelor of nursing
  • Introducing new nursing services after thorough exploration
  • Overseeing nursing activities organized by your department
  • Leading research teams

If you have a strong aptitude for research and supervision, a Ph.D. in nursing might be a fit for you. A strong interest in academic research and other research methodologies can indicate that this Ph.D. program might be an appropriate option for you.

Doctor of Nursing Sciences (DNS, DSN OR DNSc)

DNS is a world-class research-based degree. It allows you to conduct innovative and life-improving research. It also prepares you to assume a leadership role to advance the science of nursing. It equips you with organizational skills and independent critical thinking. Some of your duties as a DNS may include;

  • Researching medical data
  • Applying findings to nursing practice
  • Educating leaders to advance nursing practices and health care system

It is an appropriate terminal degree option if you want to improve and completely turn around the current healthcare system. A DNS and Ph.D. degree in nursing have similarities in their curriculum, but the AACN prefers a Ph.D. over a DNS. Therefore, concerned authorities are planning to either merge the two or eliminate DNS. If you want to work in a lab instead of being a bedside nurse or being an executive implementing plans, this might be the perfect degree for you. You must be devoted to providing the best patient care using advanced research methods to pursue this degree.

How to Choose the Right Terminal Degree?

Terminal degrees can help you advance your career financially and professionally. If you pursue a terminal degree, take your professional goals, life circumstances, and personal aspirations into account. When choosing a terminal degree in nursing, your professional and personal goals should align with your anticipated career trajectory. Here are a few questions you must answer before deciding on a specific degree.

  • Are you passionate about the field of your study?
  • Do you have adequate financial resources to pursue a degree?
  • Are you a proficient speaker, communicator, and educator?
  • What is your purpose behind pursuing a terminal degree?
  • Are you willing to commit to long hours of research?

The Wrap Up

The ultimate goal of all terminal nursing degrees is to transform the future of healthcare. These degree programs are designed to enable you to either develop new patient care techniques and strategies or educate the younger generation of nurses with your knowledge and experience. This article gives an overview of all terminal degrees you can pursue in nursing. Compare these options with your personal career goals. Opt for a degree that is more aligned with your aspirations. Graduating with a compatible terminal degree can open up several pathways for you.

Choosing a degree for further education can be nerve-wracking. Hopefully, this article has informed you about all possible degree options. Now ask yourself those five questions and make an informed decision for yourself.

11 Nutrients Your Body Needs to Get Strong and Build Muscle

Nutrition and physical activity are essential for gaining lean muscle mass. While it’s important to challenge your body through exercise, you won’t make any gains without nutritional support. In fact, your progress is more likely to stall if you don’t eat enough protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

When it comes to building strong muscles, protein is the nutrient of choice. Not only does it do most of the heavy lifting, but protein keeps you fuller for longer. But, some proteins and nutrients are better than others. Here are 11 nutrients you’ll need to add to your workout routine. Check out these muscle builders, one of the best muscle-building supplements to boost your physical performance and build your muscles even faster.

1. B Vitamins

Eggs are packed with high-quality protein, fats, and vitamin B. Vitamin B helps improve energy, brain function, eyesight, cell health, cardiovascular health, and muscle tone. In males, vitamin B improves testosterone levels, which can help them increase their strength and endurance.

2. Protein

Since our bodies don’t produce protein, it’s considered an essential nutrient and is required for muscle growth and repair. As a muscle-building staple, chicken breasts have 26 grams of protein with every 3-ounce serving and are filled with amino acids needed for optimal health.

3. Creatine

Creatine is one of the best muscle-building supplements because of its three amino acids: methionine, glycine, and arginine. Numerous studies support taking extra creatine as muscle-building supplements due to its ability to increase exercise capacity.

4. Calcium

Foods like fortified milk, cheese, cereals, tofu, spinach, and broccoli contain the building blocks of strong bones and teeth: calcium. As a mineral, calcium is responsible for triggering muscle contractions, which convert to ATP and keep your body moving before and after the workout.

5. Magnesium

If you’re feeling more tired than usual, you may have a magnesium deficiency. Not only that, but magnesium is also considered a de-stressing mineral because it’s essential for preventing cramps, heart diseases, cardiovascular disorders, insomnia, and aiding in muscle relaxation. 

6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is either absorbed by our bodies from the sun or taken as a supplement, especially in the winter. Regardless of how you get your daily dose, vitamin D improves your mental health, reduces anxiety and depression, and produces strong biceps, glutes, and everything in between.

7. Potassium

Most commonly found in bananas, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, potassium is a key electrolyte that aids with muscle contraction and carries nutrients to your muscles. Potassium neutralizes sodium by allowing your kidneys to flush out the excess, reducing your risk of hypertension.

8. B12

B12 is a misunderstood nutrient. While prehistoric humans used to get their B12 from unwashed produce, it’s now only readily available through supplementation. Yes, even meat is supplemented. Without B12, our body can’t produce enough red blood cells or metabolize fats.

9. Carbohydrates

Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates aren’t bad for you. Carbs are one of our three macronutrients next to protein and fat and are needed for muscle repair. Carb loading is especially helpful if you’re doing cardio work, so eat your fruits, whole grains, and veggies!

10. Beta-Alanine

Muscle cramps are the bane of every muscle-builder’s existence, but beta-alanine makes that problem a thing of the past. Beta-alanine fights lactic acid buildup, which could lead to cramping and fatigue. You can find beta-alanine in several pre-workout drinks or protein snacks.

11. Iron

To pump iron, you need a lot of iron. Spinach is one of the best sources for iron per gram, but other leafy greens, like kale, and lean meats, like turkey, are also optimal. Iron helps regulate your metabolism, brings oxygen to muscle tissue, and promotes an overall healthier immune system.

Important Reasons Why Communication With Your Loved Ones Is Crucial While You Are In Rehab

During your treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, you may feel that your life is out of control. But if you attend an alcohol rehab program and work hard to get clean and sober, you can take back control of your life. That means establishing healthy patterns in every area of your world – including the relationships in it. One of the most important relationships that need attention is your relationship with your loved ones. By maintaining open and honest communication with them, you will better preserve these relationships while you are in rehab treatment. Here are the top reasons why it is crucial to communicate with your loved ones while you are in rehabilitative care.

To Get Support

Many people go into a treatment program feeling that they have lost all their friends and family because of their addiction. It is true that your loved ones have probably had to deal with some pretty bad things as a result of your addiction. This may even include your loved ones abandoning you when you need them the most.

However, your family and friends still care about you, and they want to support you. The best way for them to do that is by staying in touch with you while you are in treatment and if you have a cell phone in rehab, this is made a lot easier. This way your recovery process will be easier. To illustrate the importance of support, just think about what your life would look like without it.

You are surrounded by people who want to help you stay sober, but if you have no contact with them, their efforts are wasted. They will not know how to best support you so they can be part of your recovery. But when you let them know that they are welcome to stay in touch with you, they can keep your family and friends updated on how things are going.

To Start The Process Of Reconciliation

Even though your friends and family may not realize it, they probably hold some resentment towards you because of the pain that your addiction has caused them. They may blame you for breaking up the family, losing the job you hate so much or putting yourself in harm’s way on more than one occasion. This feeling of resentment is normal and it will probably remain with them even after you leave rehab successfully, which is why communication with your loved ones during treatment is crucial.

By keeping open communication channels with your friends and family throughout the treatment process, you will be able to discuss the problems that your addiction has caused. This is an important step towards reconciliation and rebuilding your relationships.

To properly do this, you must be willing to listen to your loved ones’ resentment with empathy. By listening, you will understand how the addiction has affected them and they will be able to talk about their feelings. Only by maintaining open communication can they put this resentment behind them so that they are free to begin the process of reconciliation.

The best communication channels for this purpose are probably the phone and email. The next time you are given a phone call at rehab, use it as an opportunity to start this process of reconciliation with your loved ones. For emails, you can discuss the problems caused by your addiction in each one. Even if you have to go through several emails before they feel comfortable enough to mention their resentment towards you, keep in contact, and eventually you can reach that point.

To Stay Current With The Outside World

The outside world is full of great opportunities, but it can also be full of distractions that keep you from staying sober. When you are at an alcohol rehab program, these distractions are not present to the same degree as they would be in your everyday life. However, some of them still remain and this is why it is important to stay in touch with your loved ones while you are at rehab.

When you speak with your friends and family on the phone or through email, you can catch up on all of the news that has happened while you were away getting help for your addiction. This will keep their lives interesting and it will help them not to forget about you, even though you are separated by hundreds of miles.

Staying current with your loved ones means you’ll know what’s happening in their lives, which keeps you from feeling isolated. Knowing what happens with your friends and family will motivate you to stay sober once you leave rehab so that you can be a part of it all.

Keeping an open line of communication with your friends and family is crucial to your recovery. It will help you stay connected with the people who care about you while still in treatment. Then, when you come home, this communication will help you start the process of reconciliation so that they can support you through your recovery successfully. Also, staying current with them will keep you from feeling isolated during rehab and will motivate you to stay sober.

How To Still Maintain Your Christian Faith In An Unbelieving World

When times are hard people often look to God, yet when times are good it is easy to forget all the tough times in which God stood beside you. In some situations, people go through such difficult times that they even start blaming God for their misfortune, often going as far as accusing him of abandoning them. Of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth and in reality, these individuals are unable to see the bigger picture, unaware of the wisdom with which God crafts the path of our lives. When you are in a difficult situation and you start to lose sight of God, you start to look at the world in a pessimistic manner. It makes no difference to the obstacles of life, but it makes a big difference in your ability to resolve them. On the contrary, being able to maintain your belief, or even strengthen it, gives you that push that you need to move forward with your plans and make progress. Even if you fail, what is important is that you aren’t stagnant. Here are a few ways you can keep your faith strong and help yourself to progress in the world of today.

1.  Company

Today we have connections with everyone, whether virtual or real, but the one connection that continues to grow weaker is our connection with God. Rather than keeping a lifestyle that drives you away from God, why not try to make small changes that will bring you closer to God. If you are looking for the perfect match through online dating, then consider those apps that connect you with other believers that also need more positive people in their life. The significant other in your life can have a huge impact on the kind of connection you are able to foster with your creator, and when that person is a believer you can both practice together. You will have someone with who you can be open about your religious beliefs and this will fuel your connection with God.

2.  A Good Relationship

Just knowing about God isn’t enough, you need to make the move to get closer to Him. For different people, this can manifest in different ways, but just going to church once a week is not going to be enough. Whichever confession of Christianity you belong to, through the right Christian dating sites you can easily find people who follow exactly the same practices that you do. These little habits can be the foundation of a strong and long-lasting relationship. With the right person, you will create the right environment at home and it will foster an environment in which you both value your relationship with God. You will have small things that you do that bring you closer to God on a daily basis and multiple times each day.

3.  Learn About Religion

A great way to get back on track is to muster up the courage to learn about religion. Whether this means reading the Bible or reading about significant people from your faith or just learning about the details of important events mentioned in the Bible. The fact that you are learning about the religion will keep you connected and will develop a stronger desire to develop your faith. Moreover, it’s a fantastic hobby to have that will help keep your religious life more active. Rather than just going through the motions and doing what you have always done, you will be working towards becoming a better believer.

4.  Contemplate

Maintaining a healthy mindset is not something that will just happen naturally, it is something that you will have to work on in order to achieve. Reminding yourself that God has kept you alive to see another day should be a good motivation to remind you that He isn’t through with you yet, there is something else, something better that is waiting for you. Reminding yourself that death is inevitable is good motivation to keep going because eventually, it is all going to come to an end one day. These small changes in perception and changing the way you analyze things can go a long way in improving the way that you look at the world and the way you apply your faith and belief systems to life.

Maintaining one’s faith is difficult. Satan will try to make sinful things appear as attractive as possible, in most cases, they will appear to be more enjoyable than they really are. The problem is that you have to go through the ordeal of realizing it wasn’t worth it. The real challenge is to stop yourself before you go that far and remind yourself that you have a code of life, divine teaching to live by, and an Almighty God that you are answerable to.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic in Garden City

Everybody wants to be young as long as it is possible. Men often associate youth with their libido. One of the most important parts of sexual vigor for men is the hormone testosterone. Fortunately, scientists have created a way to renovate its levels with special treatment. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic in Garden City offers leading technologies for such procedures. 

What Is A Testosterone?

It is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. Testosterone is important for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and male sexual function. Testosterone levels rise during adolescence, increasing sex drive and accelerating male body formation. Thus, testosterone in men affects:

  • the work of the male genitals
  • the formation of the musculoskeletal system, the distribution of fat on the body, hair growth, the timbre of the voice
  • metabolic processes in the male body (metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates)
  • the emergence of sexual vigor
  • development of germ cells – spermatozoa

In sum, testosterone is an essential part of men’s health. A strive to keep it at the levels of a young healthy man is logical because, after 35 years, the volume of hormone production decreases.

Low levels of this hormone are linked with many dangerous diseases and health problems: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis.

How Does TRT Work?

This therapy is a non-invasive method to supply the body with testosterone. It is provided in different ways, from special creams, gels, and mouth patches to transdermal skin patches and implants. Injections seem to be the most effective method. HRT garden city clinic provides different kinds of treatment based on your test results. 

If you decide to pass through hormone replacement therapy, you should consult with a doctor, undergo medical tests, and find a reliable clinic with qualified specialists. Garden City clinic in New York is the best choice!

What Counts as Drinking and Driving? 

You probably know that drinking and driving is a bad idea. It’s been the subject of advertising campaigns, awareness campaigns, and a host of strict laws and regulations.

But what exactly is drinking and driving? If you have a teaspoon of wine and you drive home three hours later, could you really be charged with a DUI? Or if you have a few beers, then you ride your bicycle down the block, could you be arrested?

What actually counts as drinking and driving?

A Practical Guide to Drinking and Driving

We’re going to touch on the legal definitions of “drinking and driving,” as well as the subtle distinction between DUI and DWI charges. But to start, let’s explore how you can avoid all charges and all dangers related to drinking and driving.

  • Understand that “legal” and “safe” are two different ideas. If your blood alcohol content is low enough, it might be perfectly legal for you to drive – but it still may increase your risk of an accident. Likewise, you may feel perfectly sober, but the alcohol in your system could make it illegal for you to operate a vehicle. What’s “legal” and what’s “safe” aren’t always the same, but you should strive to operate vehicles both legally and safely at all times.
  • Don’t drink and drive, period. Don’t try to game the system by waiting just long enough to drive home, or drinking a specific number of beverages. You shouldn’t be drinking alcohol and driving under the influence of that alcohol, full stop. If you’ve had more than one drink, or if your last drink was within the past couple of hours, don’t risk any kind of driving.
  • If you’re drunk, change plans. Most of us have had the experience of drinking unexpectedly or drinking more than we intend. There’s nothing shameful about this, but if you find yourself inebriated, you need to find an alternative way home. There are plenty of options, such as calling a taxi, ordering an Uber, or asking a friend for a favor.
  • If you’re caught drinking and driving, exercise caution. If you’re pulled over on suspicion of drinking and driving, don’t say anything remotely self-incriminating. Additionally, if you’re arrested, make sure you contact a criminal defense attorney right away – and listen carefully to their advice throughout the process.

Drinking and Driving: DUIs and DWIs

What exactly is a DUI? And is it different than a DWI?

DUI stands for “driving under the influence.” It means operating a vehicle while impaired, either under the influence of drugs (including legal or illegal drugs) or the influence of alcohol. DWI stands for “driving while intoxicated,” which refers to alcohol exclusively. This is a subtle distinction, but an important one.

It’s also worth noting that different states use different terms for different situations. And some states use entirely different terminology, referring to charges as “OUI” or “OWI” (“operating under the influence of intoxicating liquor” or “operating while intoxicated,” respectively).

Defining “drinking and driving” gets even more complicated because different states have different definitions for both “drinking” and “driving.”

In most states, the gold standard for establishing a person as being under the influence is your blood alcohol content (BAC). In other words, the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. In many areas, if you have a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher, you can be charged with a DUI. In some states, the threshold is lower or higher than that figure. At 0.08 percent, you’ll feel slightly impaired; your vision and reaction time will begin to suffer and your judgment and self-control will be reduced. You may also have trouble with speech and balance.

It’s hard to estimate the number of drinks responsible for producing this effect, since alcohol tolerances vary. A man who weighs 160 pounds will reach 0.08 percent after approximately 3 “drinks,” where a drink is 1.25 ounces of 80 proof liquor, 12 ounces of beer, or 5 ounces of wine. A woman who weighs 140 pounds, by contrast, will reach 0.08 percent after approximately 2 drinks.

“Driving” is also a complex consideration. In some states, you must be operating a vehicle in motion to receive a DUI charge. In other states, merely being behind the wheel with the keys accessible may be enough to earn you a charge. Additionally, you may face a charge even if you’re operating a vehicle without a motor – such as a bicycle.

Playing It Safe

Despite the complexities of DUI laws throughout the United States, there’s a surefire way to avoid all possibility of a DUI charge: don’t drink and drive. If you’re going to drink, have a plan to get home (and a backup plan in case your main plan falls through). Regardless of legality, it’s not worth the risk. 

Should I buy dog supplies for my dog

dog playing

Dogs, of any breed, need daily walking. This procedure should be as safe as possible for both the pet and others. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to control the movement of the dog, if necessary, be able to stop it. This function is successfully performed by the leash, and it must be securely attached to the pet’s equipment. Collars are not always suitable for these purposes, the physiological characteristics of some breeds play a role here (wide neck, small head). In these and other cases, dog harnesses are used. This design initially makes it impossible to injure and even fatigue animals.

The harness for dogs is made of elastic, soft materials with high tear strength. You can buy  dog harness online from these materials:

  • nylon;
  • cotton;

With the help of such dog supplies, you will be able to completely control your dog while walking without fear that the collar will break, fall off or injure the animal. Products are supplemented with plastic or metal fittings that allow you to quickly remove and put on the harness, elements for adjusting the volume of the animal’s chest, as well as a special ring to which the leash is attached. The leash-harness is designed in such a way that all the load during tension and sudden movement of the dog is distributed along the harness without injuring the animal.

This equipment is a critical part of the dog’s gear, so it should be bought exclusively in specialized retail outlets with an impeccable reputation. Waudog is a popular company that has been producing high quality products for many years. Here the consumer will be able to buy accessories for dogs online for small and large breeds. The quality is guaranteed by the manufacturer, the price is affordable and available to all categories of buyers. On the site, you can customize any product by adding the names of animals, contact information of the owners and the current address of residence.

Buy dog equipment at the best price

For the care and training of their pets, many owners choose the best dog supplies for good reason. Thanks to high-quality gear, your friend will always be in shape and under supervision. Speaking about this type of product, it should be noted that personalized gear for dogs is a variety of items: leashes, collars, harnesses, muzzles and much more. Today, there are many types of such accessories for animals. Going Waudog you are always surprised at the sight of such an abundance of all kinds of options. Moreover, you can choose for every wallet, taste and breed of your pet.

Walking adult dogs and puppies is a rather responsible procedure. One of the important points that must be taken into account here is showing respect for the people around you. The offer to buy dog collars online in the Waudog is aimed at the optimal solution to this problem. Convenient and easy-to-use items, customized positions with animal names and full descriptions of each product are presented here. All these supplies  greatly facilitate the actions of dog lovers while walking their pets. At the same time, they are distinguished by increased durability and ease of maintenance.

A collar is not only an element of a dog’s harness, but also a symbol of the animal’s belonging to the great tribe of beloved and desired domestic dogs. Do your best so that this useful device is a source of pride for your pet and does not bring any inconvenience to you or your four-legged friend. We hope that your gear will serve you for many years and will not lose its cost-effective appearance.

How to Communicate with a Professor

Favorite advisor

In the life of any student comes a moment when he has to choose a supervisor – a teacher who helps to prepare the term paper or diploma. Sometimes the tutor is appointed in the dean’s office, as they say, without options.

This person can:

  • advise on the topic of the work;
  • recommend literature, based on which you will get a five-year work;
  • make comments on a draft and give you the go-ahead to write a clean draft;
  • compose a very flattering review (and this is an additional plus in scoring);
  • ideally, in every way to defend your protégé at the defense.

In reality, much depends on how sympathetic the student is to his or her supervisor, whether the student communicates with him or her respectfully, and whether the student approaches the work responsibly.


  • “wake up” a couple of days before handing in and send the professor a weak draft on the principle of “the hope will fly”;
  • during the whole time of writing to ignore the comments of your tutor because of stubbornness or laziness, then the successful defense of your term paper and even more so your thesis will be a big question.

Scientific advisor

A responsible good science teacher (or not so good, but you are his favorites) can do the lion’s share of the work for the student and be your kind of coursework writing service because he will help you so much in it.

  • He will select the literature – give the necessary books, or advise which library they are exactly where you can buy them, discounts links to download them.
  • Will advise (or even do it for you), how to write the main parts, which the commission looks at the introduction, conclusion, conclusions for each chapter.
  • He will point out the shortcomings in the design, correctly structure a term paper or diploma.
  • Will correct your work if it is frankly weak, and strong, but with minor flaws, will bring it to a solid five.
  • You will learn how to write a defense speech.

If you are not lucky, then the supervisor will nag at each word written in the work, saying that the data is not enough and you need more. You will not get good advice from him, and he will write a devastating review. Accordingly, the student will have a hard time at the defense.

Conclusion – you need to build from the first minute’s communication with the supervisor correctly. The good news: it is not difficult. That you need to be polite and responsible, we have already said. Now the specifics.

Be my… supervisor!

As a rule, academic guidance is negotiated in person, in college, or at university. The student simply goes to the teacher and asks if he agrees.

If an academic supervisor is appointed – neither you nor the teacher, as they say, have no other choice. Only joint work. Immediately you can move on to discussing the topic.

If you have any experience or practice with the chosen topic, be sure to mention it in the letter to the supervisor.

The next e-mail after the choice of topic – is, in fact, a discussion of the work plan. And here, do not think out of the box. After the obligatory polite greetings write to the professor, which paragraphs will be in the content. Without the introduction and conclusion while you can do without, but the title and the main ideas in each chapter must be designated. Specify the literature, which you plan to use, and ask for advice and referral, which other textbooks, articles can be used.

Have you made up your mind? Get to work and don’t procrastinate on the deadline for submitting drafts. If the teacher has indicated a deadline (for example, the first version of the finished term paper or thesis should be sent in two weeks), then do not disrupt it.

Further communication with the supervisor in correspondence – it is painstaking finishing your work together.

I’m writing to you…

In today’s world, a student’s main communication with his or her thesis or diploma advisor is via email. It’s easier this way. After all, there can be a lot of edits in a work. Plus the correspondence stays on the server, and if there is any misunderstanding, you can always get into the archive and clarify points of contention.

Students, mostly very young people, have not encountered business correspondence (or have not encountered much), so mishaps often happen. For example, without any hindsight, the student writes with mistakes, deliberately ignores punctuation marks, does not start sentences with capital letters, in general, does as he is used to in communication with friends. An adult teacher is likely to be annoyed by this.

Tips on how to properly write letters to the supervisor:

  1. Always write from the same address and keep a history of correspondence. Imagine the teacher’s confusion when he receives your letter from different accounts today. Corresponding from your boyfriend or girlfriend’s account is guaranteed to confuse the teacher.
  2. Always say hello at the beginning of the letter, address the scientist in “You” (with a capital letter) and by his or her first name and patronymic. In the end, say goodbye. Yes, no one particularly reads or appreciates these pleasantries, but their absence will certainly be noted.
  3. Even the first version of the work sends it in maximum readiness. Writing “look at part of the second chapter and a piece of the third, the rest I’ll finish later” – not effective.
  • First, after the edits, these parts may be off-topic, and you’ll have to rewrite them too.
  • Secondly, in a fragmented form future term paper or thesis is simply not perceived by the examiner.
  1. You can send letters to your supervisor at any time, even at night or at 5 in the morning, but you should certainly not expect a quick response in these cases. Especially – to send repeated messages half an hour later without an answer, saying whether you have read the work, why you did not respond for such a long time, etc.

So, be polite, in every way show the teacher your willingness to work on the work, listen to comments, and then you from the very beginning will not deny scientific guidance, and later will help to create a good term paper or thesis.