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Extracting a Rotten Tooth: How to Prepare for Removal

Removing a bad tooth as soon as possible is important to avoid serious health complications. Use this guide to help prepare yourself for extracting a bad tooth.

Do you have a decaying tooth that needs to be removed? Are you nervous about your upcoming appointment?

Extracting a tooth can be a scary prospect. However, there really isn’t anything to worry about. Each year in the US, millions of people undergo tooth extraction with little to no complications. 

While the process is relatively easy and pain-free, you still need to come to your appointment prepared. 

But, how do you prepare for a tooth extraction?

Check out this guide to learn how to prepare for a tooth removal procedure. 

Know the Type of Extraction You’re Getting 

To prepare for your appointment, it’s important to know the type of tooth extraction you’re getting. 

There are two main types of extractions: surgical extractions and simple extractions. A simple extraction refers to a tooth that is visible above the gums and that can be extracted in one piece. 

A surgical extraction is a bit more complicated, as it involves the removal of the bone, gum tissue, or both. In this type of extraction, the surgeon may need to remove the tooth in two pieces. 

With a decaying tooth, it’s likely that you’ll be undergoing a simple extraction. 

Preparing for Extracting

Prior to the extraction, you’ll have a consultation with your oral surgeon or dentist. During the consultation, you’ll thoroughly review your medical history. You’ll also need to disclose any medications you are taking to your doctor. 

Depending on what all needs to be removed, you may need to start or stop taking medication in the days leading up to surgery. Here’s what your doctor might request.

Stopping Blood Thinners 

If you take blood-thinning medication to prevent blood clots, you may need to stop these in the days leading up to surgery. Otherwise, you may experience excess bleeding.  

In order to determine if you need to stop your blood-thinning medication, your doctor may need to see the results of a recent blood test. 

Starting Antibiotics 

It’s also common for doctors to have their patients take antibiotics leading up to their tooth extraction. 

They may do this to treat widespread symptoms and dental infections, such as oral swelling, malaise, or fever.

You also may need to take antibiotics if you have a high risk of developing endocarditis. This is an infection of the heart valves. If you suffer from a heart condition, you’re at a higher risk of developing this infection. 

If your doctor does prescribe antibiotics, make sure you take the exact amount they prescribe, and nothing more or less. 

Are You Ready for Your Tooth Extraction? 

Now that you know how to prepare for extracting, you should hopefully be less nervous about your upcoming appointment. 

Before you know it, the tooth will be removed and you’ll be on your road to recovery. 

While recovering, be sure to check back in with our blog for more oral hygiene-related tips and tricks. 

Life Partners: 5 Key Tips to Help Choose the Right Partner

Finding someone that makes you laugh is important. Keep reading for life partners: 5 key tips to help choose the right partner.

A good sense of humor may be the most important characteristic people look for in a prospective partner. But, there is much more to choosing a life partner that simply someone who makes you laugh.

And yet, working out whether someone is right for you isn’t easy. Do you need help? Check out our tips for getting perfect life partners below. 

  1. Can You Share Mutual Respect?

You need to choose a partner that you respect. However, you also need to make sure they respect you back too.

Even if you have a partner, unless they respect you, they’ll always put you down and undermine your confidence.

You want a life partner that is committed to you no matter what. People say that love conquers all. 

Successful relationships always have bags of mutual respect for each other. Can you imagine always having respect for the other person?

  1. You Share the Same Values 

You don’t have the agree on everything with your partner. But, you need to have the same values about life.

What if you want kids and your partner doesn’t highly value education? What about if you’re passionate about the environment and your partner throws trash away on the street?

Asking questions that reveal your prospective partner’s values can help you determine whether this is the life partner for you.

  1. Can They Handle You at Your Worse

Marilyn Monroe famously said that “if you can’t handle me at my worse, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

These are definitely wise words. Remember, if you’re sharing your life with someone, you’re always going to go through challenging times.

You both need to be prepared to care for each other even when life gets tough. Could you imagine yourself tolerating the other person at their worse?

  1. Getting Along With Each Other’s Loved Ones

This may not appear on any Relationship Test. But, your family is extremely important to you.

Could you really handle your life partner not getting along well with family or friends? 

The most important test of your relationship could be to discover whether your partner can gel with everyone else in your life.

  1. Do You Trust Each Other 100%

Around 10 percent of married couples don’t trust each other. But, this is toxic for any relationship.

You need to be able to be honest with each other. With you can’t be open with your partner – who can you be open with?

If they appear to be telling lies and hiding the truth, it probably won’t work.

Tips for Choosing Life Partners

Choosing life partners is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. This is who you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.

That’s why it’s so important to think about the crucial characteristics of the perfect partner. From sharing mutual respect to be able to trust each other, there are many things to consider.

Do you want to read more tips for dating? Check out our blog for much more!

5 Must-Know Wake Up Motivation Tips to Get Your Day Started

Are you trying to figure out how to wake up stay motivated? Read this article to learn some great wake up motivation to get you going.

The vast majority of Americans hit the snooze button at least once before rolling out of bed. While reasons as to why people sleep-in vary, most of them boil down to the fact that waking up can be difficult if you don’t have the right motivation.

Actively seeking wake up motivation can go a long way when it comes to breaking that pattern which is what we’re going to be sharing with you in this post!

Below, we lay out five wake up hacks that can help you start your day positive, feeling good, and filled with motivation.

  1. Keep Your Dreams Visible

Nothing should get you more energized than what you want to achieve with your life. Therefore, it stands to reason that if you can remind yourself of what your dreams are every morning, you’ll feel inspired to get up and chase them down.

That’s why we recommend that people post their dreams on the ceiling above their beds so the moment they open their eyes, they can be reminded of what they’re working towards.

  1. Treat Yourself

Sometimes we need immediate gratification to get us excited about waking up. Some examples of immediate gratification include a delicious breakfast or a warm bath.

Find out which low-hanging treats you can reward yourself with if you wake up on time and enjoy those things every morning!

  1. Start Your Day With Media That Pumps You Up

There’s something about music and inspirational videos that can have a huge impact on our psyche.

Find various sounds or videos online that put you in your best emotional state. Surround yourself with them the moment your alarm goes off so you can feel good about tackling work or whatever else you have to do in the next few hours.

  1. Share Your Routine With Others

Nothing keeps you accountable quite like telling other people what you’re doing. So, let your friends and family know that you’re somebody that gets up early every morning with the help of various forms of wake up motivation.

That way, if you feel like slacking at some point, you’ll feel bad about letting the people you advertised your drive to down.

  1. Be Thankful

We don’t know about you but nothing gets our team more motivated than reflecting all the blessings in our lives. Try starting each morning by being thankful for five or more things that are special in your life.

You’ll find that a little bit of gratitude goes a long way when trying to start your day off positively.

Finding Wake up Motivation Is Easy If You’re Committed

Wake up motivation is all around us in the way of art, positive thoughts and more. If you’re committed to starting your day off on the right foot, we’re confident you can find a motivation routine that works for you and could quite literally change your life.

If you find that you need additional assistance finding the motivation you need in the morning, consider browsing through more of our lifestyle blog content on the subject.

Choose an Excellent Car Accident Lawyer To Help You Determine Fault in an Accident

When you are involved in an accident, of course, you will be traumatized by the experience and come to feel invincible and capable of taking on the entire world, including the insurance providers. This is usually a mistake when you have been in any sort of accident, and this is why you require the services of a reliable car accident lawyer; however, you will have to find one to protect your interest quickly. You can easily come across websites on the internet that features legal services where you can select a good lawyer. However, there are factors that you have to evaluate before hiring the lawyer who will represent your needs.

Why do you need the services of a car accident lawyer?

Filing necessary paperwork to pursue with the court proceedings is a path that many individuals do not follow since they are worried or nervous about taking legal action. However, if you have been in a car accident, you need to know your rights, and one of them is the legal right to retain a car accident attorney. Remember that Insurance companies aren’t looking out for your interests; they’re more interested in their financial well being. A professional Pittsburgh car accident attorney can ensure your legal rights are protected and assist you in getting the compensation you are entitled to. Plus, the attorney could also arrange for a casual settlement outside of the court. Here, the party responsible might consent to cover all the medical and moral damages, should you withdraw the case from the court. 

The next important question is – how can you find a good car injury lawyer?

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you should not sign any papers the lawyer provides you with unless you are sure that this is the attorney you want on your case. You should have someone close meet the car accident lawyer on your behalf in case you are injured and hospitalized.  They should know what to ask, whom to ask, and whether the attorney is okay for your case. Hopefully, you will be able to do all the talking so you would not have to rely on somebody’s judgment.

A good lawyer is usually a member of an association of lawyers. This will clearly indicate their good standing in the community. You can also dig deeper into your lawyer’s qualifications and check what schools he attended in obtaining his career in law. 

Bearing a good disposition, whether it is towards his/her job or clients, provides an excellent lawyer-client relationship. Furthermore, this will make you feel comfortable asking questions and discussing issues that concern you.

Question your selected car accident lawyer. These questions will help you determine if you are getting a lawyer that will genuinely aid you. Not all injury attorneys are experts in car accidents, so it is vital to ask them what their area of expertise is. Ask how many cases he has handled like yours and what was the result after you think you’ve found the right person to represent you in your case. Asking for references isn’t something that an attorney can always do because of attorney-client confidentiality, but you may be able to ask for references from other attorneys.


There are several ways you can go about finding an experienced car accident lawyer for your legal needs. The most common methods include making use of the local phone book, asking for word of mouth referrals from relatives, friends as well as business associates as well as turning to the internet to do an online search. The main methods for getting in touch with a car accident lawyer to seek help with your case include calling their office directly, sending an email with your inquiry, or stopping by their office to meet with them in person.

God Has A Plan For You That Is Beyond Your Control

God Has A Plan For You That Is Beyond Your Control

Have you ever asked yourself why you develop a strong, deep bond with certain people? Have you ever asked yourself why you feel more attracted to certain people than others?  

And most importantly, have you ever wondered why you had to part ways with some people when they appeared to be everything you ever needed and wanted in life? 

Three different questions and yet they have the same answer: God always has reasons for everything that happens in your life. He has plans for you that you can neither influence nor change.

People say, God works in mysterious ways, so you won’t always be able to understand why something happens in your life the way it does. You won’t always be able to understand why some people who you thought were going to stay forever in your life were simply taken away from you.

And the reason is simple: God has plans for your life that are way greater than your wishes. God has plans for you that are beyond your control.  

So, remember that everything which happens in your life happens for a reason, no matter how hard this might be for you to understand.

God places the people you need in your life at exactly the right time. Maybe the reason for this is that they need to teach you a valuable lesson about you or your life. Maybe it’s to help you overcome your worries, problems, or pain.

Perhaps it’s to lift you up and encourage you to move on with your life when you’re at your lowest. Perhaps it’s to help you explore the deepest parts of your soul – parts you were never aware of.

Maybe God brings you closer to certain people so that they can help you grow and better yourself on a personal and professional level. Maybe God makes them a part of your life so that they can inspire you to be kinder and more compassionate and helpful to others and to yourself as well.

Perhaps God brings you closer to certain people because they are the answers to all your questions about life.

Just stop for a moment to think about all those people who entered your life and you were strongly attached to and then went out of your life. You will likely find that no matter whether someone played a major or minor role in your life, they all taught you valuable lessons about yourself or your life.

They all taught you something very important that you might have otherwise missed if it hadn’t been for them.

The problem is that oftentimes we try really hard to make these people stay permanently in our lives. But, they are not meant to be a part of our lives forever. God called them to stay in our lives just for a limited period of time.  

God brought us closer to them so that they could help us choose the right course of our lives and prepare us for the ones who are meant to stay for good.

And there’s no doubt that this is difficult and frustrating. It’s hard and painful when these people are taken away from us because we can’t let go of them. Because we don’t want to let go of them.

It’s difficult to understand why God would separate us from someone so wonderful and someone who helped us leave our world of darkness and put our life together again. Someone who meant the world to us.

But if you think about this from the perspective that if these people stayed in our lives forever, maybe the beauty of their soul would have faded, they wouldn’t have been inspiring for us, and they would’ve just turned into a dark spot in our lives.

Therefore, we should have faith in God and simply let these people go. We should have faith in God’s plans for our lives.

Because maybe God sends these people in our lives so that they can teach us how to let go of people more easily and without feeling pain and how to understand when someone’s role in our lives is over.

Maybe God brings us closer to these people so that they can teach us how to believe that the next person God brings our heart closer to is the one we need.

Because when the person who is meant to stay in our lives forever appears, we will know it with every single part of our body and soul.

When A Man Is Truly In Love With You, You Feel It In The Depths Of Your Being

good man

The saying actions speak louder than words might sound like a cliché to you, but when it comes to the way men express love, it describes it best.

Because when a man is genuinely in love with you, you feel it in your heart. You feel it in the depths of your being. Why?

Because he accepts you for who you are. He treats you with kindness, patience, and compassion. He treats you with respect and dignity. He appreciates every detail about you. He sticks with you through thick and thin. He makes your heart beat like crazy and your eyes beam with happiness.

Here are 7 signs you’ve fallen in love with this kind of man:

1. He makes you feel safe.

There’s no other place on the earth that makes you feel more comfortable and protected than his hug. He is willing to do the most unimaginable things to defend you from others. He never allows anyone to make rude comments about you in his presence.

When you’re surrounded by negative people, you feel safe because you know he’s by your side. He’ll walk through fire if necessary, but he won’t let anything and anybody shatter your confidence and break your heart.

2. He makes you his top priority.

He has plenty of daily responsibilities like we all do. Yet, there’s nothing more important in the world to him than you.

You’re his everything and therefore he always makes time for you in his busy schedule. He puts your needs, feelings, and wishes first on his priority list. He rarely forgets to ask how your day was. When you’re going through tough times, he doesn’t magically disappear, but stays beside you and helps you solve all your problems.

3. He inspires you.

This man’s words and actions have a highly positive influence on you. He makes you reach your highest potential. He inspires you to see the world from a different perspective. He encourages you to leave your comfort zone and experience new things. He motivates you to grow personally and professionally and become a better version of yourself.

4. He always has your back.

You’re lucky to be with this guy as he does his best to support you without expecting anything in return. When you disagree about something, he doesn’t dismiss your opinions as irrelevant or stupid.

Yet, he doesn’t say “yes” to everything you say or propose doing too. But, he’ll give you support to do the things that matter to you and encourage you to pursue your highest goals and wildest dreams. Whether you want to continue your education or start a new career, he’ll always be there to tell you: “Just go for it. You can do it. I believe in you!”

5. He is sincere.

Honesty is the best policy is his motto. He’ll never allow himself to lie to, betray, or cheat on you. He knows you trust him and therefore he doesn’t do anything that can break your trust in him. This also means that he is always willing to inform you about things he believes you need and deserve to know. He never hides the truth from you, no matter how harsh or painful it is.

6. He never abuses you or others.

He’s against all types of violence. He, too, has days when he feels disappointed or even angry, but he never takes that out on you. His vocabulary is empty of harsh and offensive words, and he never insults you. Additionally, he’ll never allow himself to play with your mind and emotions,  let alone physically abuse you.  

7. He makes you feel beautiful inside and out.

He makes you feel beautiful inside and out both through his words and actions. He admires your outward beauty, but also your character and soul. He knows your worth and makes you value yourself even more. The way he treats and looks at you makes you feel beautiful even on your worst days and when you don’t wear any make – up. When he tells you that you’re pretty and amazing, trust him-he really means it.

Here’s The Harsh Truth: They Are Just Not In Love With You

Here’s The Harsh Truth: They Are Just Not In Love With You

If someone is truly in love with you, you will know it. You’ll feel it in your heart. You’ll feel it in the depths of your being.

So, if you happen to doubt that the person you’re in love with loves you as much as they claim to, don’t ignore your inner voices. Although it’s hard and painful, it is always better to admit that your partner doesn’t reciprocate your love than to live in denial and allow them to string you along.

If you’re having trouble determining if the person you’re in love with loves you too, the answer is perfectly clear – THEY AREN’T IN LOVE WITH YOU!

Here are some bitter truths about love I wish I had known before falling in love:

If they tell you ‘I love you’ during or shortly after the first date (unless it’s love at first sight), they’re not into you.

If they don’t call to ask how you are or just to hear your voice, they’re not into you.

If it takes them days to reply to your messages or they don’t reply at all, they’re not into you.

If they forget your birthday and then come up with a bunch of lame excuses, you can bet they’re not into you.

If they leave you on read but continue to update their statuses on the social media, they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t bother to remember the dates and things that are important to you, they’re not into you.

If they don’t tell you things about them, they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t care about your feelings, opinions, ideas, and desires, they’re not into you.

If they don’t respect your decisions and opinions, they’re not interested in you.

If they’re not there when times get rough for you, they’re not into you.

If they don’t want to meet your friends and introduce you to theirs as well, they’re not into you.

If they frequently talk about their ex, it only shows that they still have some unresolved issues lingering in their head. So, yeah, they’re definitely not interested in you.

If they try to keep things casual between you and insist on keeping their “single” status, they’re not into you.

If they don’t let you go near their phone, yeah, something is going on there. It ’s likely they’re hiding something from you. I’m not saying they should give you their Facebook password or an access to all their accounts, but if you have that feeling that they’re doing something behind your back, well, you better trust it. Chances are they’re not interested in you.

If they only speak to you when they want to have sex with you, they’re not into you.

If they only see you as their fu*k – buddy and/or they don’t want other people to know that you’re together, they’re not interested in you.

 If they don’t want to fully commit to you, they’re not into you.

If they tell you they aren’t ready for a relationship, they’re not into you. Don’t waste your time trying to convince them otherwise.

If they make you wonder whether they love you or not, what other proof do you need? – THEY ARE NOT INTO YOU!

Okay, I think this is enough. If by any chance, you still need convincing, why don’t you think of what real life is about?

So, let’s see.

Life is making time to fulfill all your daily responsibilities. It’s worrying about whether you’ll finish your tasks at work on time. It’s working your as* off in order to earn money to pay your bills. It’s giving your best to make sure your loved ones, be that your parents, kids, or partner, have a good life and don’t miss anything.

Life is about constant working on yourself so as to grow personally and professionally. It’s about trying to overcome your insecurities, fears, and problems. It’s dealing with failures and heartbreak. It’s enduring the pain of losing your loved ones.

If you take all of this into consideration, would you still waste your time and give your heart to someone who is not interested in you? Yeah, I think we both know the answer.

Loving Someone Truly Means Loving Them Unconditionally

Loving Someone Truly Means Loving Them Unconditionally

Loving someone truly means loving them unconditionally. Unfortunately, many people tend to think that unconditional love means loving someone no matter what. But, nothing could be further from the truth.

Because this isn’t what unconditional love means. “Loving someone no matter what” is a lack of self-respect. It is attachment. It is neediness. And these three things have nothing to do with genuine, pure, unconditional love.

“Loving someone no matter what” means that you are going to stay in a relationship with that person regardless of the way they treat you or other people. It means that you are supposed to overlook their bad behavior. It means you are supposed to tolerate everything they put you through.

NO! This isn’t how you love someone unconditionally.

To love someone this way means not being dependent on them for your happiness and fulfillment.  It means not putting aside and ignoring your own feelings, needs, and problems. It means not allowing yourself to be mistreated or abused. It means protecting your identity and not forgetting about your importance.

It means loving and taking care of the other person while loving and taking care of yourself. Because if you don’t love and respect yourself, how can you love and respect others?

When you’re unconditionally in love with someone, your love knows no boundaries. You love them so deeply that just the thought of them makes you feel warm on the inside.

You love being around them and you miss them terribly when they’re not around. You feel that you’re deeply connected with them on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level and that this bond is unbreakable.

You know he/she is the one who understands you the most. The one who knows your essence. The one who has managed to reach the deepest parts of your soul.

When you love someone unconditionally, you accept and cherish them for who they are. You’re aware of all their insecurities, annoying habits, fears, problems, and failures, and still, you decide to stay. Still, you make them your choice.

You don’t try to change them or mold them into the person you want them to be. You understand that their flaws and weaknesses are what make the person they are – the person who occupies the most precious place in your heart.

When you love someone unconditionally, you don’t judge and criticize them when they make a mistake or get emotional, moody, or afraid. You don’t make them feel less important because of their past mistakes and failures.

Instead, you show understanding of their problems and insecurities and try your best to help them overcome them.

Yet, loving someone this way doesn’t mean you accept everything they do to you. Instead, it means that when they say or do something that hurts your feelings, you feel free to have open conversations with them about it.

It means that you don’t sweep problems under the carpet, but you put all your cards on the table and work together with your significant other to find solutions to your problems that will be the best for both of you.

When you love someone unconditionally, you allow them to be the true version of themselves. You free them from wearing the mask which society forces them to wear every day.

You understand that they’re not invincible and that they have emotions, weaknesses, and vulnerable sides. And you don’t make them feel embarrassed because of them. Instead, you make them feel free and comfortable to undress their soul and be themselves in front of you.

When you’re unconditionally in love with someone, you keep the original flame of passion always alive. You remember how you felt at the beginning of the relationship, and you make sure you keep feeling that way after that, no matter if you’ve been together for six months or six years.

When you feel unconditional love for someone, your appreciation for life increases. Everything around you gets a new meaning and appears more interesting to you.

When you love someone unconditionally, you love them free of attachment.

You don’t love them because you depend on them or because they make you feel comfortable. You don’t love them because you don’t think you’ll ever find someone better than them or someone who will be willing to accept your imperfections.

Instead, you love them because what you feel for them is pure, deep, and honest. It’s free of expectations and attachment.

You love them because you know they’re worthy of your love and trust. Because you feel free to be yourself in their presence.  Because you’ve never felt like that in your life before.

Because you know you didn’t make a mistake choosing them.

Separating Yourself From Your Soulmate Is A Life-Changing Experience

Separating Yourself From Your Soulmate Is A Life-Changing Experience

Being in a relationship with your soulmate is a life-changing experience. Because when you’re with your soulmate, you know that you’ve found your forever person. You know that the bond between you is close and strong. You start to see romantic relationships in a different way. And you feel like you can face any challenge and overcome any pain life may throw your way as long as you have this person by your side.

Being in a relationship with your soulmate is a real blessing. But, the truth is that not all soulmate relationships last forever. Sometimes there comes a point in our lives when we have to separate from the person whom we thought we were going to spend our lives with.

And the breakup is difficult and painful. It leaves a void in your life. It makes you think that you’ll never find love again. It makes you think that you’ll never be able to move on. But, this is not true.

Because regardless of how difficult and traumatizing it is to imagine spending your life without your soulmate, you’ll manage to summon up the strength to move on with your life. Sooner or later you’ll manage to pluck up the courage to let go of that person and get back on your feet.

Following are 7 things you experience when you and your soulmate are forced to part ways:

1. You become a different version of yourself.

After you part ways with your soulmate, you’ll never be the same again. You will change both on the inside and outside. You’ll feel like you’re missing an important part of yourself. But, you will also learn to deal with the heartbreak and emotional pain.

You will discover that you have the strength to heal and carry on with your life. The way you approach people and relationships will change as well. And one thing’s for sure: You will become more experienced and stronger than before.

2. The way you think about love changes as well.

Your idea of what love should feel like begins to change. You realize that love is not what you always thought it was. You also realize that you might never get to experience that profound, powerful, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love again, but you’re fine with that fact.

3. You feel extreme pain.

Breaking up with your soulmate will inevitably cause you to feel immense pain. You’ll feel sad, depressed, and devastated. You’ll feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself. But, this is completely normal. After all, you separated from someone with whom you had a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual connection.

Yet, don’t despair. Sadness doesn’t last forever, and as time passes, you’ll heal your wounds and move forward.

4. You feel like a ghost for a long time.

The period after the breakup can feel like hell. You start to feel like you’re just going through the motions and not actually living. You feel empty, confused, and lost. You may even have a hard time socializing. But, don’t worry, this is only a phase and it won’t last forever. In time, you’ll overcome the pain and get back to normal.  

5. You’ll fall in love again, but it’ll feel different.

Of course, in time, you’ll find someone whom you’ll love and care about, but you won’t feel the way you did with your soulmate. The connection and energy between you won’t be as deep and powerful as the ones that existed between you and your soulmate.

Yet, don’t let this discourage you because although this might not be a soulmate love, it’ll still be love and it’ll be special and magical in its own way. You just have to be open to and embrace that feeling and let yourself love and be loved.

6. You’ll always think about that person.

It’s very hard, almost impossible, to get a person like this out of your mind. They’ll cross your mind from time to time irrespective of how much time has passed. No matter what you’re doing in life, where you are, and who you’re with, the memories you have of that person will always be with you.

The wound that you get when you part ways with your soulmate is a wound that never entirely closes. But, this is normal, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of your vulnerability or try to repress your emotions. Instead, let them come, feel them, and then let them go.

7. You move on because you have no other choice.

You move on with your life because you have to and also because that’s the right thing to do. However, you start to see the world around you in a different way. You grow into someone who has become stronger and more resilient as a result of this experience. You also become more determined to not let anyone and anything hurt you that way again.

What you need to remember is that moving forward is the best thing you can do. It’s your life and you need to make the most of it. 

Alpha Women Don’t Let Anyone And Anything Ruin Their Happiness

Alpha Women Don’t Let Anyone And Anything Ruin Their Happiness

An alpha woman. A powerful name for the strong, smart, and independent woman that stands out from the rest. This woman exudes confidence and strength. She oozes charm. She knows what she wants in life and how to get it. She is aware of her qualities and worth.

Alpha women don’t play the victim role. When life throws problems and pains their way, they summon up the strength and handle them. They know worries come and go, so they see no point in focusing their energy and time on them. They know that the only thing that’s truly important is to make themselves and the people they love happy.

Following are 7 things alpha women don’t care about:

1. They don’t care about what other people think of them.

They have their own life. They don’t waste their time focusing on what other people think or say about them. They know who they are and accept themselves as such. They don’t bother proving themselves to others. Moreover, they know what is important to them and they try to be around people who are as independent and strong as they are.

2. They don’t care about breaking off toxic relationships.

Why would you think they do? An alpha woman has little time to waste on a guy who doesn’t know her value, is fickle, and has mixed feelings for her. She’ll never be with someone who disrespects and takes her for granted or sucks the happiness out of her. She’ll never allow herself to stay in a relationship that is holding her back. She knows she deserves much more than that.

3. They don’t care about having a perfect body.

A pound more, or a pound less – what difference does it make? They accept their body as it is, with all their imperfections, because they know each person possesses unique traits that make them beautiful in their own way. The only thing they care about when it comes to their body is to keep it healthy.

4. They don’t care about being right all the time.

Hell, no! They know they aren’t perfect and that they can’t know everything. They’re open-minded and accept other people’s opinions. Moreover, they’re always willing to learn something new and broaden their knowledge.

5. They don’t care about fashion rules.

Who said floral dresses are not in this summer? Or bikinis are not for you if you’re a bit overweight? Come on, you have to be kidding me!

An alpha woman will never care about this. She wears the things she feels comfortable in. It doesn’t matter to her if the color, the material, or the shape don’t follow the latest fashion trends. Moreover, she doesn’t waste time and money on fitting into societal standards of beauty.

6. They don’t care about fitting in.

F*ck the rules. She doesn’t act by following the stupid stereotypical rules that society has made. Instead, she plays by her own. She doesn’t allow other people’s behaviors and opinions to shape hers. This trait of hers makes her stand out from the rest.

7. They don’t care about getting millions of likes on Facebook and Instagram.

What? You’ll never see an alpha woman checking a thousand times a day how many likes her selfies or posts have received on Facebook. That’s just out of the mind. How famous she is on the social media isn’t a measurement of her worth. She spends her time doing things that are beneficial to her, and not counting how many likes she’s received on Facebook or Instagram.