Extracting a Rotten Tooth: How to Prepare for Removal
Removing a bad tooth as soon as possible is important to avoid serious health complications. Use this guide to help prepare yourself for extracting a bad tooth.
Do you have a decaying tooth that needs to be removed? Are you nervous about your upcoming appointment?
Extracting a tooth can be a scary prospect. However, there really isn’t anything to worry about. Each year in the US, millions of people undergo tooth extraction with little to no complications.
While the process is relatively easy and pain-free, you still need to come to your appointment prepared.
But, how do you prepare for a tooth extraction?
Check out this guide to learn how to prepare for a tooth removal procedure.
Know the Type of Extraction You’re Getting
To prepare for your appointment, it’s important to know the type of tooth extraction you’re getting.
There are two main types of extractions: surgical extractions and simple extractions. A simple extraction refers to a tooth that is visible above the gums and that can be extracted in one piece.
A surgical extraction is a bit more complicated, as it involves the removal of the bone, gum tissue, or both. In this type of extraction, the surgeon may need to remove the tooth in two pieces.
With a decaying tooth, it’s likely that you’ll be undergoing a simple extraction.
Preparing for Extracting
Prior to the extraction, you’ll have a consultation with your oral surgeon or dentist. During the consultation, you’ll thoroughly review your medical history. You’ll also need to disclose any medications you are taking to your doctor.
Depending on what all needs to be removed, you may need to start or stop taking medication in the days leading up to surgery. Here’s what your doctor might request.
Stopping Blood Thinners
If you take blood-thinning medication to prevent blood clots, you may need to stop these in the days leading up to surgery. Otherwise, you may experience excess bleeding.
In order to determine if you need to stop your blood-thinning medication, your doctor may need to see the results of a recent blood test.
Starting Antibiotics
It’s also common for doctors to have their patients take antibiotics leading up to their tooth extraction.
They may do this to treat widespread symptoms and dental infections, such as oral swelling, malaise, or fever.
You also may need to take antibiotics if you have a high risk of developing endocarditis. This is an infection of the heart valves. If you suffer from a heart condition, you’re at a higher risk of developing this infection.
If your doctor does prescribe antibiotics, make sure you take the exact amount they prescribe, and nothing more or less.
Are You Ready for Your Tooth Extraction?
Now that you know how to prepare for extracting, you should hopefully be less nervous about your upcoming appointment.
Before you know it, the tooth will be removed and you’ll be on your road to recovery.
While recovering, be sure to check back in with our blog for more oral hygiene-related tips and tricks.