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What to Do if You Get in a Car Accident With Someone Without Insurance

There are certain things you should do if you get in a car accident with someone without insurance. You can check out our guide here to learn more.

6 million Americans get into a car accident every year.

And while it is required that drivers do have insurance, not everyone follows this rule. So, what happens if you get into a car accident with someone without insurance? Who pays for your car to get fixed and any medical bills you might accrue on top of it?

In this blog post, we’ll talk about what to do in that situation, and what your rights are.

Read on for crucial information on what to do should you find yourself in this position.

If You’re in a Car Accident with Someone Without Insurance, Look at Your Own Insurance Policy

Because the other driver doesn’t have insurance, there’s typically no one to bill to cover the cost of repair or medical bills. That’s where your own insurance comes in.

Some states require that you have uninsured motorist coverage or UIM. Washington, however, is not one of them. You can see what’s required by state in this article.

While not all states require you have UIM coverage, all states are required to offer it to you when you take out a policy. If you have the coverage, you can claim up to your total liability coverage per accident, but not more.

So, if you find out the other party has no coverage, your first port of call will be your own insurance.

Score! They Have Insurance….But Is It Enough?

Just because the other party has insurance doesn’t mean they have enough insurance. What does this mean?

In some states, there’s only a bare minimum insurance required for a driver to get on the road. If this is your state, that means that just because the person you got in a collision with has insurance, it doesn’t mean they have enough to cover the accident.

As such, you’ll need to speak to the other party or their insurance company immediately to figure out if you’ll be covered. If not, you can use your own UIM insurance coverage.

But, you’ll need to be sure that you make the claim in a timely manner. Not all insurance companies allow you to make a claim after a certain amount of time, typically 30 days. Because of this, you’ll need to follow up as soon as possible, and not let the time roll by.

If You Live in a No-Fault State

In no-fault states, your insurance will still have to pay some of your bills no matter what happened. They will still be responsible for a portion of things like car repair and lost earnings.

You can view a list of no-fault states here. Washington isn’t one of them, though. If you don’t live in a no-fault state, the person who is at fault for the accident will be responsible for paying for most of the repair work and lost wages.

Can I File a Lawsuit Against an Uninsured Driver?

You’ve probably heard a lot about car accident lawsuits, especially if you watch a lot of day time TV. And while suing someone is an option, there are some reasons why it may not be the best idea in this case.

In no-fault states, lawsuits are very difficult to carry out. This is because by law, neither party is actually at fault for the accident. As such, a judge can’t really decide who to hold responsible in court.

If you sustained very serious injuries and require help with medical bills, or someone died in the accident, there may be recourse. Otherwise, it’s not the best plan of action.

Additionally, when you sue someone for a car accident, you’re typically suing the other person’s insurance. When someone doesn’t have insurance, you’re simply suing the other person. Most people don’t have access to huge amounts of money.

Therefore, if you sue someone for $300,000 in medical bills, you made find yourself unable to collect even if you win. If they don’t have the money, they don’t have it.

What to Do If You’re in a Car Accident

Read more now about some of the most common car accidents in Los Angeles to help you avoid a car accident in the first place and stay alert.

But, if you are in a car accident, you should immediately stop the car, get out and call the police. Do not apologize, as this can be used as an admission of guilt.

Take as many photos of the accident, injuries and damage to the car as possible.

Get as many details as you can, including the model and make of the car, as well as the other car’s driver’s license. You should also exchange details with the other driver. Even if they don’t have insurance, you should still get their phone number and other contact information.

Lastly, never accept money from someone after an accident. Because you won’t know how much everything will cost, you don’t want to accept money that doesn’t cover everything you need.

Getting Into an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

Getting into a car accident with someone without insurance is extremely stressful. But, thankfully, you do have some recourse and you can get your bills paid. Make sure you work with your own insurance company and make your claims as fast as possible to avoid being denied for being too late.

Are you interested in more content about living in and around the Seattle area? If so, have a look at the rest of our lifestyle content.

A Lifesaving Guide: How to Respond to a Medical Emergency

Learn how to spot a medical emergency and the best way to react to it. This guide shares common emergencies and how to help someone experiencing one.

Almost half of the medical care administered in the United States happens in emergency rooms. That’s about 139 million visits each year. Being able to recognize an emergency and act quickly can mean the difference between life and death. 

Read this guide and learn what is a medical emergency, examples of emergency situations, and what you should do. 

Have a Plan in Place 

Create an emergency plan in advance, so you know what to do in emergency medical situations. This will help you stay calm and act quickly. You should create a medical plan and supply kit, you can learn about tourniquets and how to find helpful for you.

Then everyone should learn where the kit is and how to use the included tools. This will help everyone stay calm and respond appropriately. 

Signs of a Medical Emergency 

Not all injuries or medical events are severe enough to be considered an emergency. Knowing the difference will dictate whether you should help the person or call emergency services. 


Minor bleeding is not an emergency. However, uncontrollable bleeding, exposed tissue or bone, or deep wounds are emergencies. Try to slow the bleeding and call emergency services. 


Breathlessness is a normal occurrence for someone engaged in physical activity. But if it’s sudden and unexpected, then there’s a more severe problem. Breathing problems commonly manifest as painful, shallow, or noisy breaths. 

Try to keep the person calm to not worsen the problem. If it doesn’t subside, seek medical help. 


If someone collapses, they have likely lost consciousness. This could be the result of a variety of medical issues. The best thing to do is to put them in a recovery position and call for emergency medical services. 

Heart Attack 

If someone has a heart attack, they’ll likely have a few of these symptoms. 

  • Feel dizzy or lightheaded 
  • Feel sick 
  • Sweat
  • Anxiety 
  • Coughing or wheezing 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or tightness 
  • Pain radiating from the chest down the left arm 

If someone has a heart attack, you should immediately call for emergency medical services. Without treatment, the person’s blood supply will continue to be blocked or stopped. 


Someone having a stroke is suffering from their blood supply getting cut off to their brain. It most often happens because of a blood clot or bleeding in the brain. The key to surviving a stroke is acting fast. 

The faster the person receives medical treatment, the lower the risk of brain damage. Use the acronym FAST to tell is someone is having a stroke. 

  • Face- Drooping, loss of function, inability to smile 
  • Arms- Inability to lift arms, numbness 
  • Speech- Changed or slurring speech, inability to speak, inability to communicate clearly
  • Time- Act immediately if you see these signs  

Seek Recovery Afterward 

Not all emergencies warrant talking to a lawyer. But if someone suffers an injury as a result of another’s intentional or negligent acts, then it may be appropriate to seek compensation. If you think you may have a claim, review these common questions and seek out the advice of an experienced attorney. 

Prepare for a Medical Emergency

By knowing how to recognize a medical emergency and knowing what to do, you can help when it matters most. By staying calm and acting quickly, you can help someone receive the medical care they need. 

Check out the health section of our blog to help you live your best and healthiest life. 

Be Proactive and Stop Stressing About Your Health

If it seems no matter where you look, stress follows you, and then it’s time to face it and be proactive. Stress affects everyone differently, so the method to treating your anxiety, nerves, or feeling of impending doom may be different than what you’ve learned.

Most people bottle up their stresses and never speak about them, which is a mistake. Talking about what’s going on and getting out of your head are the two best ways to alleviate stress and get help.

In this article, we talk about some different ways to manage and completely eliminate stress from your life.

Remember: “Stress is Inevitable, Distress is Not”

What’s bothering you? Can you say what it is out loud? Be clear when you speak and assert your needs. This is an important step to realizing what’s going on within our bodies and minds. Otherwise, you may push things to the backburner or ignore what’s bothering you, which only adds more stress.

Pause and Escape to a Quiet Place

When you are stressed, any type of distraction makes it difficult to address what’s bothering you. Most people are addicted to their phones, social media, and screens, so take a break from it all and head to the park. A quick change of scenery and a true self-exploration may be necessary to understand what’s going on in your mind.

Schedule Time for What You Love

You may not think there is any time left in your schedule for things that just make you happy, but this is an important step forward to managing stress. Your mind and body need a break from the constant pressures of life, so make time for your favorite show, go to a painting class, or take a dance class. You are not defined by your stress. It’s what you do and love about your life that makes it your own.

Get Healthy from the Inside Out

Did you know that deficiencies can stress our body and mind? If you feel tired, fatigued, foggy, or just depressed, there are a few vitamins that you can take to help boost your moods, such as B-vitamin supplements, vitamin D, vitamin A, iron, and zinc. In addition, you may want to try CBD gummies for a daily boost to your overall health and wellbeing.

The Cognitive Restructuring Technique

Dr. Albert Ellis developed a new technique for handling stress, and it’s a key factor in cognitive behavioral therapy. It’s all about challenging negative emotions and correcting the negative beliefs that make these emotions seem more important than anything else.

The truth is we are strong and can take on a number of challenges throughout our lifetime; so in essence, you can reduce stress by taking a moment to yourself, analyzing your thoughts, identifying negative “automatic thoughts,” and thinking about the evidence to support or disprove those beliefs. You also have to be fair to yourself and forgive shortcomings; otherwise, the stress can hold you back in other aspects of life.

Have You Felt Stressed Lately?

Before allowing the stress to take over, you should monitor your present mood and remember how anxiety, stress, and depression work. These emotions and thoughts want you to feel pressure to stay down and helpless, but if you tackle these moods head-on, you can push past it and manage your stress like an expert.

How Does Refinancing a Car Work? A Concise Guide to How, When and Why

If you’re like many Americans, you may feel a bit pressed for cash towards the end of each month. It seems like there’s never enough money to go around. And it doesn’t help that you have hefty car payments, rent, and other bills.

You’re not alone. Did you know 78 percent of American workers are living paycheck to paycheck? However, just because financial stress is common, it doesn’t mean you’re destined to live with it forever.

What if there was a way to alleviate some of this financial strain by refinancing your car?

But how does refinancing a car work? When should you do it? And are there reasons why you shouldn’t refinance?

Keep reading our car refinancing guide for the answers.

How Does Refinancing a Car Work?

Refinancing a car means implementing discipline. For example, the better your credit score is, the better the rate you’ll receive for your new car loan. However, this can take time, and in most cases, requires sacrifice.

However, you can learn how to boost your credit score later. Right now, let’s talk about how to refinance your car.

How to Refinance a Car

To refinance your car, you essentially need to reapply for the loan. You can do this with the same lender who currently holds the loan or seek financing from other agencies. We recommend shopping around for the best rates.

However, the answer to “How does refinancing a car work?” may depend on your situation. For example, you won’t be able to refinance a car if it’s estimated value is lower than the requested loan amount. This can be due to damages or depreciation. 

You can also fail to be approved if you have a poor credit score, a history of missed payments on the original loan, or a high debt-to-income ratio. 

When and Why to Refinance a Car

Let’s talk about the right time to refinance a car loan. There are several situations that indicate a good time or reason to refinance, for example:

  • If interest rates are substantially lower 
  • If your financial situation has improved (you could obtain a loan with much more attractive rates)
  • If you got a less-than-favorable deal on the original loan
  • If your car payments are high and causing financial strain
  • If you want a new loan under your primary bank

Keep in mind, if you’re wondering “How does refinancing a car work?” in terms of qualifying, most lenders will want to see at least six months or more of car payments on the original loan before they’ll approve you for a refinance. They want to make sure you’re responsible when it comes to paying bills. 

Bad Reasons to Refinance a Car

Finally, you need to recognize when refinancing a car is a bad idea. Here are some of the top reasons why you shouldn’t refinance:

  • The car loan is nearing its end
  • Your credit is worse than when you took out the original loan
  • You owe more on the car than it’s estimated value
  • The original loan carries early payoff fees or penalties
  • You plan on applying for a home loan in the near future

Looking for More Great Advice?

We hope we provided adequate answers for “How does refinancing a car work?” If you can use our advice to get approved for a refinance, it could significantly improve your loan rates, lower your monthly payments, and save you tons of money in the long run.

However, if you still have other questions about finances, love & relationships, or health and wellness, be sure to check out some of our other articles before you go. Good luck!

Ground Rules of maintaining a stepfamily

Divorce and remarriage with children from past and present relationships brings with it many challenges relating to adjustment. The relief of emerging out of a stressful relationship and settling down with a new partner is a joyous event full of expectations. However, the situation is quite different from the kid’s viewpoint. Parents have to realize that it is extremely difficult for the kids to accept the new partner of their biological parent. They are suddenly uprooted from their natural environment and made to step into a new household.

They feel uncertain and have concern about getting along with new siblings, whom they may not like at all. Children often throw tantrums and show disobedience, which may cause frustration to the parent.  The process of creating a new blended family is never easy, but with understanding, love and a great deal of patience it can be a rewarding experience. The whole family can also play table games in order to keep the family together.

These guidelines can help you bond with your stepchildren and deal with common stepfamily issues.

Adjustment Issues

Children of different age and gender differ in the process of adjustment.

  • Young children below 10 years adjust more easily as they are more adaptive to changes.  They are more dependent on parental care as they have more daily needs than older children. However, they demand a lot of attention and may consider their stepsibling or their step parent a rival. Hence, both the parent and the step parent to reassure the child that they are bonded as a family. 
  • Adolescents in the age group of 10 to14 years undergo the most difficult time in the process of blending with a new family.  They are resistant to accept orders from a stepparent. It is difficult to gauge their feelings, as they may not express it openly but need love, affection and discipline at the same time.
  • Teenagers, who are 15 and above are generally not attached to the household of a step family. They prefer to live in their own world. However, they need to feel important and secure.
  • Difference in gender also has different issues.  While boys tend to bond quickly with the stepfather, girls are rather slow. Both boys and girls are uncomfortable with physical show of affection. 

Setting up Ground Rules

Keeping in mind the various issues a set of new ground rules must be set up.  While setting up the rules, the parents must be aware that children may require time to adjust with the new rules as the two different households may have separate set of rules. As such, in order to make the rules effective they should consider every member’s points of view and concern. The rules should be firm and clear and address the expectations of the children and their consequences.

  • The partners of the new family must realize they are starting life afresh. As such, they must concentrate on creating a new bond between the children and themselves. They should not live in the past and avoid any discussions on related topics, particularly in front of children.
  • Both partners must agree on the disciplinary measures and when to execute them. Thereafter, one must to stick it and avoid conflicts. It should be borne in mind that natural parent must take up the role of the disciplinarian. Children may be hostile if they feel that the stepparent is trying to replace one of their natural parents. It is, therefore, important that the child is made to feel that the stepparent is not a replacement but an addition.
  • Favoritism towards the biological child must be avoided like taboo. On the other hand, it is also not a good idea to show too much affection for the stepchild. All children in the household, whether natural or step must treated with equal amount of fairness.
  • Communicate with your natural child often to explain that moving out of relationship does not mean that the parents do not love their children any more. Remember that children will always expect that their own parents will come together at some point time. 
  • It is necessary for all members to understand that the bonded family is a team. Dining together, spending quality time together, sharing experiences, concerns and preferences can quickly forge a happy relationship.
  • In any household privacy is an important matter and must be included in the house rules. Children must keep to their own rooms and should intrude upon their stepsiblings’ room unless specifically invited. 
  • Sometime we tend to forget the sensitivity of our children and we publicly discipline them. Whatever be the matter, the child must be taken aside and told that what he/she has done is not right. This installs a feeling of self-importance in the child and makes him follow the rules better next time.
  • Children should be allowed to behave as children. The parents should understand that the games they play might not match with your idea of maintaining the house. However, the rule is that the child should be told to clean up any mess they create. Children should also be made to understand that they are not supposed to vent the effects of their mood swings upon their stepsiblings. They must learn to manage their emotions or share them with their parents.
  • Sometime the children like to talk about the other parent in a negative manner. This should never be allowed, as the children often subconsciously want to find a crack in the relationship between the parent and the stepparent. 
  • At times you may observe that your partner is treating your child unfairly. In such cases, never support your partner or be a silent spectator. You must take a positive role and defend your child in a manner, which neither shows any lack of respect for your partner, nor let the child feel left out. This goes a long away to win the trust of your child and assures him/her of your continuous love and affection. 

There can be an endless list of do’s and don’ts to ensure in an attempt to plug all loopholes in creating a well-bonded stepfamily, but the stakeholders must note that nothing can replace Love and Kindness.

Modern lifestyle leading to increase in neurological problems

Few years back a shocking fact came to notice after united nation published a report saying nearly 1 billion people, which is one in six of the world’s population, are suffering from various neurological disorders, that includes Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, strokes, brain injuries and even epilepsy to migraine. Nearly 6.8 million people die every year out of diverse types of neurological disorders. Of late, the addiction to mobile games is also one of the reasons for increase in neurological diseases.

In current time there are more than 600 neurological disorders. Neurological disorders are those diseases that mostly affect the brain and the central as well as autonomic nervous systems. In order to understand the signs and symptoms of common neurological problems, it is first necessary to distinguish the various types of neurological disorders.

Some common types of neurological disorders:

There are various types of neurological disorders, which include:

Alzheimer’s disease (ad)

Multiple sclerosis



Parkinson’s disease

The world health organization has stated that every year nearly 24 million suffer from Alzheimer’s disease whereas 326 million have severe migraines. In the coming years the world will see a higher number of people suffering from neurological ailments both in developed and developing countries.

Causes behind neurological disorder?

If you notice that any of your close family members or loved ones are suffering from one of these neurological issues, you may also start thinking about what is the reason behind a neurological disorder. Well, the reason behind such dysfunction can be pretty diverse. as our spinal cord and brain are insulated by so many membranes that are actually vulnerable to force and pressure. The peripheral nerves which are located deep under the skin are also extremely vulnerable to damage. Neurological disorders can not only affect a single neuron, it can damage an entire neurological pathway too. 

Even if a small disturbance takes place to a neuron’s structural pathway it can result in dysfunction. There are various causes of neurological disorders.


Unhealthy lifestyle


Nutritional deficiency

Environmental impact

Physical injuries

Signs of neurological disorders

The signs of neurological disorders can be significantly diverse. It generally depends upon the type of disorder the patient is suffering as well as the particular area that is affected. In some cases patients experience emotional symptoms while in several other cases some physical symptoms may occur.

Emotional symptoms of neurological disorders

Some emotional symptoms that are generally seen in cases of neurological disorders may include mood swings or sudden emotional outbursts. Some individuals also experience depression or delusions.

You must understand that these emotional symptoms could also be signs of other disorders and conditions. If you experience these types of symptoms in yourself or in any of your close family members, you must seek help from a medical professional right away as if this left untreated some serious neurological issues may happen in future.

Besides emotional symptoms there are some physical symptoms of neurological problems which are as follows:

Muscle weakness

Difficulty reading and writing

Decreased alertness

Poor cognitive abilities


Partial or complete paralysis

Partial or complete loss of sensation

Unexplained pain

Short-term and long-term consequences of neurological disorders

If neurological disorders are left untreated for a long time, it can result in numerous serious consequences.  For example, 50% of individuals who suffer from multiple sclerosis will experience severe depression at least once.  Similarly Parkinson’s disease turns out to be more severe over time, as this is known as a progressive disease. So when you realize that someone you care about is perhaps suffering from a neurological disorder you must seek medical assistance without delay.

Neurological test or self-assessment to diagnose neurological disorder

If you are concerned about a possible neurological disorder, it is important to seek professional medical assistance. a number of medical examinations can be performed to diagnose the presence of a possible neurological condition. This type of tests may include brain scans, genetic screening, and other tests. Even though all self-administered tests or self-assessments cannot positively identify the presence of a neurological disorder, 

Blurry vision




Mood swing

Numbness in the legs or arms

Changes in coordination or balance


Slurred speech

Medication for Neurological Issues

It is common that people get frightened once they are diagnosed with a neurological disorder. It is also necessary to understand that drug options for neurological disorders are available. With proper medication you or your loved one can certainly better manage the neurological condition and reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Neurological Drugs:

The type of medication that doctors prescribe for the treatment of any neurological disorder mostly depends on the patient’s condition. Some popular neurological drugs are corticosteroids, which are mostly used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. This medicine is helpful to reduce inflammation. There are some Dopamine-affecting drugs, which help with rigidity and tremors.

Medication Side Effects

When taking medication for the treatment of any condition or disorder, it is important to understand that you may experience certain side effects. Medication side effects related to the treatment of neurological disorders can vary based on your own situation and the type of medication in question. In some instances, it may be possible to develop dependence to the medication you are taking. This can occur even if it is a prescription medication, and you are taking it for the treatment of a serious health problem, such as a neurological disorder.

Medicine Overdose

The chances for medication overdose are very much real and one should not take this issue lightly. There are plenty of cases where an individual has become excessively dependent on a medication, and they gradually start consuming increasingly larger doses of the medication just to ensure getting the same effects. This often results in medication overdose – which can be fatal.

If you have noticed someone you know is taking too much medication and causing medication overdose, it is crucial to seek professional help right away. 

Regardless of how long a patient is suffering from neurological disorders you must know that professional assistance is available all the time. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, it is possible to manage any neurological disorder effectively. Just make sure that the treatment facility has specialization in treating neurological problems. 

How violent footage influence the teenager minds

8 things you should stop doing for your teenager

As the world is getting gripped with violence in some form or the other, visual image of the same being displayed on the television and in the social media platforms is on the rise. In some cases, the live stream of the incident is also being telecasted on television and also on the social media. With every passing day, social media is fast becoming an alternate source of news platform. Such violent videos and images are shared and reposted on the platforms for regular and further viewing.

Young adolescent minds are greatly affected by viewing these types of violent imaging. Since brains are found to be developing at that stage, they found to process the information to be quite troublesome. When the young adolescent brain gets some information, it is still puzzled on how to process the information and which part of the story needs to be highlighted in their memory is still a work in progress mode. The young brains do not know how to conceptualise these information and remains in a puzzled state. In the adult brain, such information processing method has already been set. So, the impact of such information on the adult brain is less.

During the past few years, it has been observed that social media is spreading its wings faster than expected and the young adolescents are falling prey to it. The matter further worsened with the advent of Smartphone as every adolescent in the modern world is expected to have a Smartphone in his hand. Due to this, his mind is always found to be immersed in social media accounts. He or she makes it a point to see every image that is shared in their social media accounts.

The issue of the impact of violent images or videos on the developing male or female adolescent brain is not a new topic. The issue was also raised by the scientists after the Second World War when the violent images of the war were telecasted and viewed on television. Now young minds in their adolescence are more involved in playing violent mobile games in good online casinos like Luckyniki. As the popularity of the mobile games is increasing, such reputed online casinos are coming up with lucrative offers which are attracting such young minds. Violent imagery through violent mobile games is also influencing the mind of these adolescents.

It was observed in various researches that exposure of young adolescent minds to such violent imagery creates a feeling of fear or aggression in them. In most of the cases, a tendency of aggression in every matter is observed which leads to shooting the classmates or killing people in a church. But the outcome of seeing such violent imagery also leads to development of fear and that is mostly found in relatively younger male and female adolescents. There is a tendency of checking the locks regularly or not willing to sleep separately without parents. But the problem of aggression needs to be addressed first as this nature may have a tremendous impact on the family and social system. Sometimes, too much aggressive nature may create family problems leading to an increase in family violence.

It has been observed that the basis of formation of teenage behaviour is following the peer norms. Regular view of the violent imagery may lead the young mind to believe that these norms are a part of social context. Hence it can be concluded that sharing of violence through social media gives a feeling of tacit approval or encouraging the act of tremendous aggressive behavior. Expert psychiatrists are suggesting the minimum exposure of young adolescent minds to social media. They are also urging social media companies to show lesser streaming of violence, but to what extent such recommendations will be heard remains a matter to be seen in the coming days.

Reputed psychiatrists have also given some recommendations to the parents to follow so that the impact of such violent imagery can be minimized. The expression of excessive aggression and fear can be minimized by following some rules which has been mentioned below –

  1. When you are seeing the violent imagery scene on the television, do not keep quiet. Speak to your children about the incident and the imagery and try to present the situation in your own sympathetic way. But not in the violent way in which television is explaining and showing the telecast to you. If you avoid any conversation at that point of time and remain silent, the young mind will have a feeling that you do not have any objection and is endorsing these acts of depiction. After a few months, his or her behaviour will start changing and turn into aggression if as a parent, timely intervention is not done. So, do not let your children see these acts of violence alone on the television.
  2. While seeing the scene of violence try to engage your children by involving him into a set of questions. Always focus to improve their empathetic side by making him observe the incident from different points of view. Try to explain the incident to him from the victim’s angle so that a feeling of empathy is developed in his mind. By explaining the incident from the victim’s point of view, ask him his opinion about the incident at the end of your conversation. Do not ignite any feeling of revenge in his mindset as that may lead to aggression in the future.

Teachers in the school can also take a proactive role in convincing the young minds about the spread of fake news in the TV channels and also on the social media. Time is now ideal for the respective authorities to act or else, otherwise, we may produce not humans, but violent animals in the near future. Seeing such violent imagery is affecting such young adolescent minds to a great extent. Some also get influenced under fear and become unable to lead a normal life when they enter college to make a promising career.

Revealed: Where Do Stem Cells Come From?

Stem cells are present in all of us acting like a repair system for the body. Discover the different sources of stem cells here.

Stem cells could be a promising treatment for everything from COVID-19 to regenerating the body’s natural aging process

But they’ve also been surrounded by controversy, and usually unjustly so. 

There are many sources of stem cells in the body. Here are some of the most relevant sources of stem cells. 

Sources of Stem Cells: Bone Marrow

Bone marrow is found at the center of the majority of bones. There are two types of marrow, red and yellow. Both types produce stem cells.

The stem cells found in yellow marrow are called mesenchymal stem cells, and they are destined to become bone, fat, and cartilage. 

Red marrow produces hematopoietic stem cells that turn into red blood cells. Most of your body’s red blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow. 

Sources of Stem Cells: Peripheral Bloodstream

Historically a bone marrow transplant of red marrow was believed to be the only way to replenish red blood cells in a person. Particularly cancer patients.

But scientists eventually discovered that not every single stem cell produced in red marrow actually becomes a red blood cell. This discovery of stem cells in the bloodstream created all types of price ranges for stem cell therapies. So some can be found floating in the bloodstream throughout the body. 

These are called peripheral blood stem cells (iPSCs). These stem cells have aged, but they can be genetically recoded to their original state. Then there are procedures where peripheral blood stem cells can be extracted and transfused into medical patients. 

Sources of Stem Cells: Amniotic Fluid

There are a number of stem cells found in amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is the liquid cushion between the fetus and the amniotic sac during gestation. The stem cells found here are generally referred to as amniotic stem cells. 

These types of cells are differentiated from other types of stem cells like embryonic, but also have similarities to some adult stem cells. You can also find fetal stem cells here. 

A procedure called amniocentesis allows for stem cells to be extracted from the amniotic sac without causing harm to the embryo. 

Sources of Stem Cells: Umbilical Cord Blood

Umbilical cord blood can be extracted from the umbilical cord and placenta of a newborn child. Extracting stem cells this way does not harm the child or the parent that the cord and placenta come from. 

This source is also promising because of the variety of different cells and components it contains. For example, you can find both red and white cells, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), fetal stem cells, immune cells, plasma and more. 

Sources of Stem Cells: Human Embryo 

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) come from human embryos. The human embryo is one of the more controversial sources of stem cells. This is because the primary way to get access to human embryos is through abortion. 

What makes these cells so promising is that they can develop into any of the over 200 types of cells in adult human bodies. This gives them potential use in fighting a variety of diseases and medical conditions like Parkinson’s, genetic diseases, and more.  

Understanding Stem Cells 

This list only scratches the surface of the different sources of stem cells. Stem cells can be sourced from adults to the very beginning stages of human life. 

The possibilities for advancing science and curing a multitude of ailments is astounding. 

Click over to our health section for more news and information about science! 

7 Proven Benefits of Yoga That Are Backed by Science

What’s your daily routine? Most people’s routine will often involve waking up, make the bed, have a coffee, some breakfast and popping to the washroom to starting the day. Incorporating yoga into a routine whether its daily, two sessions a week or on a weekly basis, could really benefit your quality of life. Yoga routines and this greek website have shot up in popularity recently, many people from all walks of life are trying and partaking in yoga.  In this article we have 7 scientifically proven benefits of yoga that might convince you to try it out.

Increase Strength 

Holding your own body weight in different positions will help increase strength. Holding positions where the acting load of weight wouldn’t normally be will cause your body to adapt to this increase of stress in that position. Now stress doesn’t mean it’s going to be too hard for you to perform the position. There are varying levels and options to make it easier for you when you start. Begin with a few moves that can be done comfortably and then build on these as they become easier. There are multiple studies that confirm this. You can head over to 889 Yoga to know some more about it.

Improved Flexibility 

Practising yoga for just 15-30 minutes a day will improve flexibility in targeted areas. Again, this is where you realise that the body is made for adapting. Studies show that holding a stretch and repeating this over time will allow your body to become comfortable with it meaning you will be able to stretch a little further. This has been demonstrated in studies of adults of all ages, ranging from collage adults to pensioners in studies that compare yoga to other activity’s such as calisthenics (a type of body weight exercise).

Better Brain Health

Studies that used Hatha yoga showed an increase of better mental function based on the increase of grey matter in the brain particularly with an aging sample. This study also showed more cortical thickness in regular yoga practitioners, cortical thickness is associated with higher intelligence. Hatha yoga is focused on the connection of breathing and movement as well as meditation.

Decrease Stress 

A group of women who perceived themselves as emotionally distressed were used for a study where they measured their levels or cortisol. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone secreted by the body. After 3 months they had significantly less cortisol and other mental benefits, this effect has been demonstrated in an array of studies focusing primarily on yoga.

Corrects Irregular heart beats 

According to a journal published by the American College of Cardiology in 2013, Atrial Fibrillation experiences reported by patients dropped drastically among patients who engaged in regular yoga sessions to half the number they had at the beginning of treatment. AFib is a condition characterized by abnormal heart rhythm. Because of the irregular beating of the heart, this condition is responsible for stroke and other significant heart conditions.

May Help Fight Depression 

There are some studies that show yoga could have anti-depressant effect which could help decrease symptoms of depression. This could be as yoga can help decrease the amount or cortisol a stress hormone that influences levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter often associated with depression. It also helps with social interaction which can help benefit you if you suffer with depression alone or with traditional methods. 

Improves Problem Solving and Memory

When we are stressed and facing pressures from work and home life, we can find that we lose the ability to think rationally and solve basic problems. Studies conducted in the USA shows that practicing Yoga twice a week could help the synapses in the brain create new pathways. It is this creation of new pathways that can help us with problem solving, this coupled with the reduction of the stress hormone, cortisol, can help us think more rationally. Furthermore, practicing yoga was also shown to help increase memory, it is not understood how this works yet, but it is thought that chanting involved in some practices helps promote memory function and recovery.

Final Thoughts

Yoga can be a satisfying and toughly enjoyable pastime that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. Morning or evening, setting aside time and making room in your day to fit a 15-30 minute yoga routine is quite achievable. It doesn’t have to be everyday it can be just once or twice a week and you could soon be reaping the benefits for yoga. There are many different types of yoga available, so you will be able to find one that suits your needs. Some types have a combination of different positions and emphasis on breathing, meditation and stretching. You will be able to find a type that can help you work on certain areas that you want to improve. Try yoga and see if you can take advantage of the benefits as proven by science.

Can You Be Friends With Your Ex – Pros & Cons

Being Friends with Your Ex: Reasons Why This Is Impossible and How to Stay in Warm Relations

Most divorced couples hope that after the divorce, they can remain friends. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with staying in a warm relationship with an ex, but the main question that arises here is: Is it a good idea to be friends with your ex?

Many are not even aware that chances are that this won’t work out and that it can negatively affect the lives of both of you. It makes sense to stay in a warm relationship and respect each other. But friendship is far from what is needed. Let’s talk more about this right here.

10 Reasons Why Staying Friends With The Former Is Not The Best Idea

  • If you have never been on friendly terms with your spouse or the relationship has worsened during your married life, then staying friends after getting divorced can create an unnecessary illusion. Friendship can cause you to make peace, but most likely, it will be the desire of only one side, and this practice has often been shown to be deceiving.  (1)
  • Friendly relations with your spouse will not give you the opportunity to change your life. Divorce is the beginning of a new life and an opportunity for a person to become completely different, to do new things, and so on. Relations with the former second half will slow down all this and make you plunge into the past. And after a divorce, you need to stay in the present, not the past.
  • If you are still experiencing feelings for your ex, staying friends with them can lead to another breakdown. Your ex may meet a new soulmate, which can cause you to feel disappointed even more.
  • Your ex may have feelings for you, which can also prevent both of you from living a new life. Friendship, in this case, is better to be minimized, as your ex will hope that not everything is lost and there is a chance to get back together with you again. (2)
  • An attempt to stay friends with your ex may aggravate the recovery process after a divorce. Usually, people need time to be alone with themselves. You’ll need to spend some time alone so as to process your feelings,  mourn your married life, and let go of your pain. But pretending to be “friends” with your ex will dull the whole process, and you will not be able to recover from the breakdown and will live in the hope that there is a chance for you to be together.
  • Staying friends with your ex may look weird to your children. Even if attempt to stay friends with your ex may aggravate the recovery process after a divorce. 
  • You cannot get into a new romantic relationship with your ex. You will most likely direct all of your energy toward learning how to stay friends. And this means that you won’t be able to let go of the divorce and get into a relationship with another person. Do you understand that sooner or later, you will need to open up to a new relationship? Staying friends with your ex will put off this chance for a long time. Now you understand that staying friends with your ex is not the best option. But maintaining a warm relationship with them would not hurt. Let’s look at three key tips to help you stay in a good relationship with your ex.
  • Get divorced peacefully, if possible. For example, you can fill out legal forms for divorce online to avoid the burden of dealing with many documents. Specialized companies that help to get divorce papers online will tell you how to prepare the divorce do-it-yourself kit, so you can fill out the divorce paper form quickly and simply.
  • Agree with your ex that you will meet only when necessary and when you need to discuss issues related to your children. Also, make sure you treat each other with respect whenever you meet.
  • Don’t hold grudges against your ex. Be open to new opportunities in your life. The longer you live in the past, the more you become immersed in a depressed state and feel resentment against your ex. Release all negative emotions, and then you can communicate warmly with them.

It is certainly good when you and your ex-spouse can maintain a respectful relationship after a divorce. Now you know how to do this, so say goodbye to negative emotions and open yourself to a new life.

Can You Be Friends With An Ex You Still Love?

The two tricky questions we often have after we break up with someone are: Can exes be friends? and Should I be friends with my ex? The answer?

Well, some people say yes and others say no. If you ask me, I believe the answer to these questions depends on whether you’re okay with the breakup and you’ve come to terms with the notion that whatever you and your ex had is really over. The thing is that if you still have feelings for your ex, chances are that you’ll secretly cherish hopes of reconciliation. And if your ex gets into a relationship with someone new, this is going to break your heart once again. So, in this case, staying friends with your ex isn’t a good idea.

Undeniably, when you break up with someone, whether respectfully and gracefully or on bed terms, you’re left with all kinds of confusing and complicated emotions. It can be difficult to determine how you’re feeling, especially if you’ve been in a long relationship with someone, the breakup can make you feel like your whole world has collapsed over your head.

However, if that breakup didn’t happen because one of you cheated on the other person or did something devastating, then you need to accept the fact that you were a couple for a long time and share many memories. So, in this case, chances are that you might want to stay friends with your ex.

The tricky thing is that the only way to transition into the friend zone is to have a clear intention in mind. If you still truly love your ex, it’s likely that staying friends is only going to bring a lot of disappointment and sadness into your life.

But if you know that you no longer feel anything for your ex, or that even if you feel something, you know those feelings will fade over time, in that case, it’s possible and a good idea to be friends with them.

So, if you’ve decided that you want to keep your ex in your life, here’s how you can safely and easily transition into the friend zone:

How To Be Friends With Your Ex

  • Take the time to get over the breakup.
  • Do not a booty call them.
  • Think about why you want to stay friends with them and how this might benefit you.
  • Ask yourself whether there’s even the slightest chance you might still be longing for them, and let’s hope you’re not.
  • Have an open conversation with your ex about your breakup and come to terms with the notion that things are over.

Why Does An Ex Want To Be Friends?

There could be various reasons why your ex might want to be friends with you, and in what follows, we’ve presented the 8 most common ones.

1. They Miss Your Company

If you’ve been in a relationship with someone for a longer period of time, it can be difficult to come to terms with the breakup and accept the idea that your ex is no longer a part of your life because, after all, you share so many memories.

So, your ex may miss your company. They may miss the things you used to do together and the places you used to go to while you were in a relationship. They simply yearn for your company.

2. They Regret Breaking Up With You

Your ex might have realized that the decision to end your relationship was an impetuous and wrong decision, so now they want to get you back into their life by staying friends with you.

3. They Want You As A Quick Fix

Maybe your ex planned to get into a relationship with someone new soon after you broke up. But, their plan didn’t come to fruition, so now they feel stuck and lonely. So, they may think becoming friends with you can help soothe their loneliness, at least until they find someone else.

4. You Share Common Friends

If you and your ex share common friends, chances are that you’ll often meet. So, becoming friends with you will help make the situation less awkward and unpleasant every time the two of you and your common friends meet.

5. They’ve Realized The Advantages Of Being In A Relationship With You

The reason your ex might want to be friends with you could be that they suddenly realized all the advantages you enjoyed as a couple. Perhaps they felt happier, more content, and more satisfied with their life. Or perhaps they miss the perks of sharing expenses with you.

6. They Fear Change

Cutting all ties with someone who’s been truly important to you in your life can be difficult. Chances are that your ex wasn’t aware of this earlier, but now they are. This has caused them to fear making changes in all aspects of life, from daily chores to personal relationships to work.

7. They Want You To Be Friends With Benefits

Whether you like this idea or not, it could be the reason why your ex wants to keep you in their life. Being in a relationship where they won’t need to commit to you will give them the freedom to see and date other people, which is an opportunity many would like to take.

8. They Want To Keep The Peace

If your ex has told you that they want to be friends with you so badly, perhaps the reason for this is not that they miss your company, want to hang out with you every day, or want to rekindle the relationship. Instead, they might want to be friends with you because they don’t want to live their life thinking that you hold grudges against them or that you believe they feel about you this way.

Is It Best To Cut All Ties With An Ex?

Cutting off contact with an ex may be a difficult thing to do, especially if you’re still trying to come to terms with a breakup. However, going no contact is the most effective and quickest way to get over a breakup and move on with your life. So, here are 6 reasons why cutting all ties with your ex is a good idea:

1. It Will Allow You To Take The Time To Grieve

Whether the breakup was messy or friendly and respectful, sadness, disappointment, regret, and anger are common emotions we experience following a breakup. And the truth is that it’s difficult to deal with these negative emotions if you still keep in touch with your ex.

Cutting all ties with your ex after a breakup will help you heal, get them out of your soul and mind, and move on with your life way faster.

2. It Can Improve Your Self-Esteem

Your relationship most likely ended because it was broken, and things between you and your ex didn’t function the way they should have. Being in this type of relationship can easily diminish your self-esteem and cause you to have a negative outlook on life.

Letting go of your ex means letting go of all the complaints about them and the disappointment and negativity you had to endure while in a relationship with them. Once these are out of your life, you’ll be able to perceive the world and life positively and boost your self-esteem.

3. It’ll Help You Reconnect With Yourself Emotionally

Not only cutting off contact with your ex will help you heal faster, but it’ll also help you achieve emotional clarity more quickly, which, in turn, will help you determine what steps you should take next.

Achieving emotional clarity can also help you become more aware of your deepest emotions and decide what qualities you’re exactly looking for in a partner and what kind of relationship you want to be in in the future.

4. You’ll Be Free To Do Whatever You Want

It’s sad that many people stop doing activities and practicing hobbies they enjoyed before they got into a relationship. Many people tend to forget their likes, interests, desires, and passions in a relationship. They get accustomed to living life in their comfort zone and forget about essential parts of their lives.

Cutting all ties with your ex will give you more energy and time to commit to pursuing your goals, do things you’ve always wanted to do, practice hobbies you’ve always wanted to try, and go to places you’ve always wanted to visit. Once you let go of your ex, you’ll quickly realize that your life without a partner can be so beautiful, sweet, and meaningful.

5. It’ll Prevent You From Idealizing The Relationship Or Your Ex

When you break up with someone and feel disappointed and sad since the relationship failed, it’s easy to fall into a trap where you’ll constantly remind yourself of the good times and all the beautiful memories you and your ex share while overlooking their flaws.

If you focus too much on your past, you can easily start idealizing your ex and hoping you’ll rekindle the relationship. However, what you need to remember is that just because your relationship was deep and meaningful doesn’t mean you’re supposed to stay together forever, and loving someone doesn’t mean they’re right for you.

6. It’ll Make It Easier For You To Find A New Relationship

Cutting all ties with your ex will make it easier for you to find and fall in love with someone who’s right for you. Someone who deserves your attention and love and is more than willing to commit to you.

However, if you don’t get rid of the emotional baggage from your past relationship, every romantic relationship you might be in in the future is bound to fail.