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12 Warning Signs That You Are Dealing With An Evil Person

signs of an evil person

While we like to think that we know what evil is, true evil is much more intelligent and will often seem like it is not there. People are essentially good – whatever they are, there will always be some good in them.

No matter how much we wish to see the good in everyone, some will be ready to use whatever good is left in them for a sinister purpose. These people are genuinely evil, and this is something they enjoy.

12 Signs Of An Evil Person: 

1. Denying reality

The truth you know it to be as such is not something they will agree upon. These people know a different truth, and they will never agree with the reality that really is. And this is not a difference of subtle differences – this is facts versus their twisted ideals and interpretations.

2. Twisting facts

The secret of their trade lies in their ability to twist any fact that they come across. That is, any fact that does not agree with their goals and the manipulative reality they are trying to impose. They are ready to take things out of context, glue them to other things taken out of context until they create ‘alternative’ facts that align with their purpose.

3. Withholding information

If they believe that something will compromise the identity they are trying to create; they are ready to withhold any relevant information about that. “I didn’t lie! Not saying anything about it isn’t lying.”

Of course, lying or not, they keep this information from the others and use their ignorance of the situation to their ends. And if you find out? Not only will they twist the truth and spice things up, but they will even make you feel guilty of not trusting them.

4. Misleading people

If they find it suitable, they will use some truth to twist it in such a misleading way that you will feel afraid, vulnerable, attacked, hated, or incompetent. They know how to pick the right words to evoke any emotion they intend to create in you.

In the end, you will start believing in the information the way they presented it. They can create enemies in your mind using simple words; they can make you feel like you are doing everything wrong – words are their weapon, and they know how to handle it nicely.

5. Lying constantly

Their form of ‘sincerity’ is one wrapped up in silver-tongued lies. Lying is their way of expressing themselves. They cannot construct a thought in their head without thinking of how something juicy could also be included too.

They lie to gain something out of it, and they lie for the pleasure of fooling those around them. And each time you catch them in a lie, they will tell you a dozen more to cover it up. They will ‘sincerely’ explain to you why they were forced to lie about it, and you might even start feeling sorry for them.

6. Remorselessness

These people will not feel sorry for anyone they have destroyed, are destroying, or plan to destroy. They see people as pawns in their game, and they consider the best people to be the best pawns. If they spot the good in you, they will use that good to work for them, and they will treat you like garbage in the process.

They do not feel sorry for good people, and they see an opportunity in every weakness they expose. It is because they simply enjoy other people’s pain and they do not see a reason why those people should not experience such pain.

7. Avoiding responsibility

Evil people do not have a moral compass. They do as they please and they will never feel responsible for the pain they have caused. If they sense that some sort of blame is going to hit them, they start redirecting it even before it gets to them.

They toss their blame onto others, and they do not know the meaning of an apology. They find apologizing to be a virtue of the weak, and they know how to get an apology from anyone they have harmed. In the end, you apologize for their mistakes. Isn’t that convenient?

8. Manipulating

They are masters of manipulation. They know how to plan ten steps ahead, and they always know the purpose of their manipulation.

If they want to, they will make you feel stupid, they will make you do the things they are not competent at doing, and they know how to take all the credit afterward, leaving you feeling that you were not competent enough to do what you did (although you already did it well).

Signs That You Are Dealing With An Evil Person

9. Fair-weather friends

If such a person comes to your aid, know that they have done it for a purpose that involves them in the end. In other cases, they will be around when things go well, and they will disappear when things go sour.

You should not expect support from these people. If you get support, know that you are being played and that you will end up being the pawn in their well-devised game. They do not see a reason why they should be there for you if there is nothing in it for them.

10. Stealing your time

If they know that you have some kind of deadline or other important events with close people and family, they will subtly get under your skin and make you lose track of time. They do not want you to be better than them in any way, so do not expect to be good when they are around to ruin that expectation.

They know exactly when to show up and mess up your plans. In the end, they will even put on a concerned face and watch you lose your mind as things start spiraling down. Time is a very important asset, and they are well aware of it.

11. Leading double lives

These people will never reveal their true lives to you. And saying that they lead double lives is an underestimated expression when they come into question. They lead a hundred lives – each life more different than the rest.

They are different with every person, and they have a well-devised history to tell that would accompany the image they are trying to portray. The common thing about all of them is that nobody really knows their true essence or past.

12. Control freaks

Of course, to hold everything together, they have to be in complete control over the situation. They will easily get possessive and controlling if they see that someone else is trying to earn your trust and be a genuine friend.

The control they have over others is how they can feed off them. If they lose this control, they lose their precious pawns. It is very simple, really. And it all becomes very evident once they start losing control.

Everybody can possess one or some of these characteristics. However, put them together, and you are dealing with someone who is truly evil (1). Do not expect from them to change for you, as you mean nothing to them.

And if you love yourself enough, you should definitely break free from their control and manipulation and go on living your life surrounded by genuine and sincere people. Nobody is perfect, and if someone is trying to look perfect, they have something they are hiding beneath.

Signs you should stay away from someone:

stay away from someone

1. You find yourself complaining about them constantly

Complaining about them has become a hobby for you. You find yourself constantly complaining about them and the way they treat you to your family and friends. Well, this is a sign that you may be dealing with a bad person. And even though you can’t stand them, you feel so consumed by them and their toxicity that you can’t get them out of your mind. Stop giving them so much power!

2. You are losing control of your emotions

An evil guy or girl can really make you lose control over yourself and your emotions. And even if you don’t react to their snide comments and ill-treatment of you, you will lose sleep repeating the scene over and over in your head and getting mad at yourself for not saying the things that you wanted to say. You start feeling like you are losing control because you cannot control your emotions of sudden anger, rage, frustration, and sadness.

3. Your self-esteem is ruined

Every person who is dealing with an evil guy or girl has one thing in common – a lowered or ruined self-esteem. Wicked people have the power to make anyone feel bad about themselves. They do that because they want to be in control. They want to be dominant. That’s their food. An evil person will belittle you, call you names, and insult you to lower your confidence and make you feel unworthy of anything because when other people are feeling so low, they feel like a God.

4. You are scared of spending time with them

If the thought of meeting them gives you chills down your spine, or you feel dreadful having to spend time with them, then they are most definitely a bad person. Wicked people make any encounter a traumatic experience. Afterward, you feel drained and worthless because they have managed to eat away your positivity and self-confidence.

5. You stoop to their toxic level

If you ever felt so drained and exhausted from dealing with a certain person that you even tried stooping to their level of negativity and evilness only to find your peace, you are not alone. Many people have made the mistake of lowering themselves to the level of an evil person. This is a huge red flag that you must stay away from them in order to find the peace you need.

6. You have developed unhealthy habits

Everyone has their own style of dealing with pain. And when someone is constantly putting you down and breaking your heart, then you have probably developed some habits that are bad for you, such as excessive eating or drinking. You may find some relief in those things, but the best medicine for your broken heart is staying away from the evil person that harms you.

7. Your relationships with other people get severely damaged

Have you found yourself in a situation where after spending time with an evil person and absorbing their negativity, you go home and start yelling at your husband and your kids for no reason? Or, you get annoyed at your parents or your close friend, and you lash out at them. This misplaced anger will damage the relationships you have with other people who love you and care about you. Stop for a moment and ask yourself: Who really made you angry?

8. You lack healthy boundaries

Wicked people make it extremely hard for us to set healthy boundaries. That’s why our relationship with them is a power struggle, and they are always the winner. They will lie to you, manipulate you, belittle you, and take you for granted only to prove to themselves and you that they are better than you and that they have more power over you.

9. You feel guilty about everything bad that happens in the relationship

evil mean

This is probably the most important sign since it is so commonly used by evil people. If you feel like you are always the one to blame for everything that goes wrong in the relationship, then you are dealing with a manipulative, evil person. When you feel like a scapegoat for all their issues, then you better get out of the relationship fast because your physical, mental, and emotional health is in serious trouble.

10. You feel taken for granted

Wicked people are master manipulators. They only take and take and take without giving anything in return. The word ‘reciprocate’ is not in their vocabulary. They take people for granted and use them for their convenience. And when they no longer have a benefit from them, they toss it away like a piece of garbage. That’s how evil and manipulative these people are.

11. You feel ridiculed and unworthy

An evil person will do everything to belittle you so that they can feel ‘above’ you. They will ridicule your opinions, mock your appearance, and throw insults at you constantly. With time, you will start feeling unworthy of anything good, and you may even start feeling ‘lucky’ that they are putting up with you. How wicked is that?

12. You are not happy with them

If you are not happy when you are with someone, then you know what to do. You should never undermine yourself to the point of sacrificing your happiness and your well-being for the sake of staying with someone who mistreats you. You should never accept their toxic treatment of you. You are better by yourself.

Let them go because if you don’t protect yourself, no one else will. If you don’t have boundaries, everyone can hurt you. You deserve better than someone who breaks your heart on a daily basis.

What does evil mean?

Evil people are ready to walk over corpses with no remorse, and they do not pick favorites. If you get in their path, be ready to be used, manipulated, and thrown away like trash without any second thoughts.

The worst is our nature to try and see the good in everyone can often make us blind to the evil that permeates from them. So, how to be sure that a person is worth having around? What does it really mean to be evil?

Spot them in someone, and you can be sure that whatever good is left in them, they will use for their ends, and if necessary, they will use that good against you. 

How to deal with an evil person?

deal with an evil person1. Get Angry

This is probably counter-intuitive but if you want to disarm an evil person – get angry with them. Because anger is a powerful emotion that if it is properly distributed can really change your life for the better. You can use the power of anger to make the changes necessary to walk away from the evil person and drastically improve your life.

2. Distance yourself

Distance yourself from people who are bad for you. Protect your energy because an evil person will try to eat away at your positivity and fill you only with negative thoughts and a bleak vision of reality. Don’t let their toxicity get to you.

3. Don’t try to fight them

Evil people may try to involve you in unnecessary drama. They may intentionally hurt you only to watch you in pain because that is what satisfies them and strokes their ego. And when you do fight back, to them, it means that they have managed to get to you. That’s why you shouldn’t accept their invitation to fight.

4. Rise above them

Don’t get sucked into their level. Rise above their evil ways. Don’t let their bad treatment of you define you and diminish your self-worth. Get away from them, physically and emotionally. Don’t let them drag you down. Don’t entertain their devilish and immature ways. You are better than that.

5. Stay in control of your emotions

Practice mindfulness. Meditate. Do anything you can to get hold of your feelings because they are your weapon against them. Don’t let them push your buttons and make you angry. Stay in control of yourself and your emotions by rationally dealing with them.

6. Set clear boundaries

If the evil person is your work colleague or a family member, then you can always protect yourself by setting clear boundaries by limiting your contact with them to a minimum.

7. Don’t let anyone steal your happiness

You and only you are responsible for your happiness. No one else. Therefore, don’t allow toxic people to ruin your day. You are in charge of your life, and you should make the best of it.

Share and spread awareness! 

All U.S. Presidents Are Related -12 Year Old Girl Discovers That All But One US President Are Directly Related To Each Other

All US Presidents Are Related

Why Are All US Presidents Related?

BridgeAnne d’Avignon, aged 12, was doing genealogy research on her lineage when she decided to change the course and try to decipher the genealogy of the presidents of the United States. She discovers all presidents are related!

In her thorough research which involved over 500,000 names through history, her aim was to find the ancestry of all US presidents and see if there was a ‘presidential Adam’ that connected all of them. To everybody’s surprise, she discovered that 42 of 43 US presidents trace back to a single person: John Lackland Plantagenet, King of England (r. 1199-1216).

If you are familiar with the theories about the Illuminati, or the ruling elite families that govern the world, it may not come to a big surprise to find that ALL United States presidents (with the exception of one), including the Bushes, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and even Barack Obama, happen to be cousins and that all of them are descendants of King John of England. (1)

The only president BridgeAnne couldn’t connect in the lineage was Martin Van Buren, the 8th president of the United States. As for the others, this means that they are not only descendants of King John of England, but also distant cousins of Elizabeth, the Queen of England, and the British Royal family.

Who Was King John Plantaganet?

King John Plantaganet was king of England from 1199 to 1216. He was most famous for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, and for losing the Duchy of Normandy to King Philip II of France, thus receiving his nickname Lackland. He was also depicted as the villain in the Robin Hood tales. He was also responsible for the collapse of the Angevin Empire which resulted in the power growth of the French Capetian dynasty during the 13th century. (2)

He was the youngest of the four surviving sons of King Henry II of England and he became his favorite, which resulted in a revolt against his father, the king, led by his brothers Geoffrey, Richard, and Henry the Young Kind in 1173-1174. John became the Lord of Ireland in 1177 and he had lands in England under his command. However, he attempted to raise a rebellion against the royal administrators of his brother, King Richard who was in the Third Crusade at the time. Even though the rebellion was unsuccessful, he was proclaimed king after Richard’s death in 1199.

King John managed to achieve early victories in the war with France in 1202, however, his empire in northern France collapsed due to a lack of military resources and his treatment of Anjoy, Breton, and Norman nobles. He then spent more than a decade trying to regain these lost lands by rebuilding alliances and reforming his army which resulted in him impacting the English common law system with his judicial reforms.

After John’s attempt to defeat Philip in 1214 failed at the Battle of Bouvines, when he returned to England, he faced a rebellion by his barons because they were angry with his fiscal policies and his treatment of many of England’s nobles. And even though king John together with the nobles signed the Magna Carta peace treaty in 1215, neither side complied with the conditions of it, resulting in the Civil war which broke shortly afterwards. The barons were led by King Louis VIII of France. King John died of dysentery in late 1216.

Many chroniclers have criticized king John’s reign since the 16th century. On the other hand, historian Jim Bradbury, has pointed out his good qualities, saying that he was a hard-working king and an able general. However, modern historians point out his faults as a king saying that he had many distasteful and even dangerous characteristics, such as spitefulness, pettiness, and cruelty. That’s why he was portrayed as the villain in the Robin Hood legends.

Is Trump Related To King John?

Do you remember the news story (you can read above about it) about BridgeAnne d’Avignon, the girl who discovered that all but one president are descendants of the same English king, John Lackland Plantaganet? Well, Donald Trump is ALSO in this group together with Hillary Clinton! In fact, the Dailymail has uncovered that both Trump and Clinton claim lineage to John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and son of King Edward III of England.

As the Dailymail reports, Clinton claims the lineage to her 18th great-grandparents through the Rodham family of her father’s side while Trump is related to her through his mother Mary Anne Macleod, who was born in Scotland.

According to MyHeritage.com, both Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s lineages trace back to John of Gaunt, the 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his third wife Katherine Swynford. John of Gaunt was one of the sons of King Edward III.

King Edward III of England is in the Plantagenet family tree and is a descendant of King John Lackland Plantagenet, which means that even the newest president of the United States is not different news from the others when it comes to the lineage and their ancestry. This adds Donald Trump to the group of US presidents that share the same ancestor, a discovery made by BridgeAnne d’Avignon.

Obama Related To King John

During the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, there was news that he and Dick Cheney (the 46th vice president of the US) are distant cousins. However, a 12-year-old girl revealed all the family ties of America’s presidents.

This girl is BridgeAnne d’Avignon and she was determined to find the roots of the most prominent politicians of America and therefore, she found that all but one American president have the same ancestor.

The 12-year-old girl found that all US presidents with the exception of Martin Van Buren are related to King John of England. Martin Van Buren’s descendants are Dutch. Moreover, she thinks Obama is her 18th cousin.

BridgeAnne took a trip to the White House and created a poster of the presidential family tree.

U.S. Presidents Who Were Related To Each Other

  • George W. Bush (the 43rd president) is the son of George Bush (the 41st president).
  • John Quincy Adams (the 6th president) was the son of John Adams (the 2nd president).
  • Benjamin Harrison (the 23rd president) was the grandson of William Henry Harrison (the 9th president).
  • James Madison (the 4th president) and Zachary Taylor (the 12th president) were second cousins.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the 32nd president) was a fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt (the 26th president). Genealogists have determined that FDR was distantly related to a total of 11 U.S. presidents, 5 by blood and 6 by marriage: Theodore Roosevelt, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ulysses Grant, William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, James Madison, William Taft, Zachary Taylor, Martin Van Buren, and George Washington.

U.S. Presidents Who Are Related To British Royalty

  • George Washington (descendant of Edward III of England)
  • Thomas Jefferson (descendant of Edward III of England)
  • James Madison (descendant of Edward I of England)
  • James Monroe (descendant of Edward III of England)
  • John Quincy Adams (descendant of Edward III of England)
  • William Henry Harrison and his grandson, Benjamin Harrison (descendants of Edward I of England)
  • Zachary Taylor (descendant of Edward I of England)
  • Franklin Pierce (descendant of Henry I of England)
  • Rutherford Hayes (descendant of William I of Scotland)
  • Grover Cleveland (descendant of Edward I of England)
  • Theodore Roosevelt (descendant of James I of Scotland and Edward III of England)
  • William Howard Taft (descendant of Edward III of England)
  • Warren G. Harding (descendant of Henry II of England)
  • Calvin Coolidge (descendant of Edward I of England)
  • Herbert Hoover (descendant of Edward III of England)
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt (descendant of James II of Scotland)
  • Harry S. Truman (descendant of Robert III of Scotland)
  • Richard Nixon (descendant of Henry II of England)
  • Gerald Ford (descendant of Edward I of England)
  • Jimmy Carter (descendant of Henry II of England)
  • George H.W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush (descendants of Edward I of England and Robert II of Scotland)
  • Barack Obama (descendant of Edward I of England and William the Lion of Scotland)
  • Donald Trump (descendant of Edward III of England)

As you can see, all of the people on the list are direct descendants of Alfred the Great. With the exception of Rutherford Hayes, all are descendants of William the Conqueror as well. And Queen Elizabeth II is considered to be among the closest living relatives of George Washington through their descent from Augustus Warner. (3, 4, 5 )

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Defined – How Narcissists Act, Love, And Break-Up The Whole Truth

narcissism define

Narcissists… are everywhere. These charming chameleons can sweep you off your feet and then destroy you as if you are garbage. Every single day thousands of hearts get broken by narcissists and their mean ways.

This article covers everything you need to know about them so that you can protect yourself.

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental condition in which the person with NPD has an inflated or grandiose sense of self-importance, fantasies of unlimited power and success, needing excessive validation and admiration, feeling unique and special, having a sense of entitlement, showing exploitative behavior in relationships, lack of compassion and empathy, envy, and being perceived as arrogant.

Of course, not all of the aforementioned characteristics are necessary for diagnosing a person with NPD. However, versions of these symptoms can be seen in people with NPD throughout their childhood and adolescence.(1)

What Causes Narcissism?

When we think about narcissists and narcissism, it is vital to know that the characteristics that label someone as a narcissist are also a part of normal human development. In other words, we can definitely expect some narcissistic traits in a person during their childhood and adolescence.

One of the problems with the diagnosis of NPD is that we don’t have an exact and clear definition of what exactly NPD is. However, there are three theories that are popular among psychiatrists about the causality of narcissism.

The first one is that narcissism is inherited. Of course, it is not unusual that a percent of our mental and general health disorders are genetic. There is a division between heritability (inherited traits) versus environmental ility, or in other words, the amount of variance that can be explained by the nature of genetics versus the amount of variance that can be explained by triggers from the environment that surround us. With NPD, the heritability is somewhere between 40 and 65 percent which is a great amount of contribution from genetics to the development of NPD.(2)

The second theory is that when it comes to NPD, some structural changes or differences can be found in the brain. There have been numerous studies done where scientists scanned the brain of people diagnosed with NPD and people who didn’t have NPD, and then they looked into the differences between the two categories of people. They have discovered that all the differences that they found are related to the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotional regulation and social behavior.

The third theory of the potential cause of narcissism is the environment. In other words, a lot of focus when it comes to individuals with NPD is on their experiences during childhood. Some of the factors that seem to have a link with NPD are, for example, a situation where a child receives excessive praise and excessive criticism as well. Moreover, a lack of parental empathy, emphasis on success and achieving high status, focusing on appearances instead of feelings, emotional abuse, and neglect, are all significant contributors to developing narcissistic traits.

What Are The 4 Types Of Narcissism?

When we think about narcissists, we think about certain people and their traits. However, there are 4 types of narcissists out there, and they all have different characteristics.

1. The Vulnerable Narcissist (or the Covert Narcissist)

This type of narcissist is the exact opposite of the general type of narcissist. While the stereotypical narcissist craves attention and admiration, the vulnerable narcissist is typically shy, hypersensitive to how other people see them and what they think of them. However, this type of narcissist is also extremely envious, just like the general narcissist. They tend to think their pain is bigger than anyone else’s and that they want other people to feel sorry for them.

2. The Somatic Narcissist

This type of narcissist bases their self-worth on their looks and body. They get overly obsessed with their physical appearance to the point of undertaking great measures to keep their body from aging. They are scared of gaining weight and getting old because their whole ego and pride revolve around their physical appearance.

3. The Cerebral Narcissist

This type of narcissist derives their self-worth and importance from their brain. They believe they are more intelligent and smarter than anyone else and they tend to look down on other people, considering them stupid and unimportant.

4. The Spiritual Narcissist

This narcissist uses their spirituality or religion to manipulate people and intimidate them. The spiritual narcissist justifies their toxic behavior by taking a “holier than thou” stance and putting an emphasis on their relationship with God or their spirituality.

How Can You Tell If Someone Is Narcissistic?

If you are wondering whether you are dealing with a narcissist, these are the signs that show a person is a full-blown narcissist.

  • They are extremely charming. When you meet someone, and they sweep you off your feet – be careful. Love bombing is the first phase of dealing with a narcissist. The narcissist will seduce you, compliment you, put you on a pedestal, and tell you all you want to hear just to get their way with you. And when they get what they want out of you, they will leave you out in the cold. So, whenever someone comes too strong in the beginning, be careful because it is not a good sign because true and genuine emotions don’t get developed instantly because you don’t know each other that well.
  • They always interrupt the conversation to tell you how great they are. Narcissists love to brag about their achievements and accomplishments. They want to feel better than anyone else, and so they tell other people how awesome and successful they are. However, they oftentimes exaggerate their achievements to feel superior and be adored by others. Moreover, they will also interrupt you while you are talking about yourself because they are not interested in you, they only care about themselves.
  • They need compliments in order to survive. Even though narcissists seem like they are the most confident people in the world, the truth is, they lack self-esteem. Therefore, they need to be complimented constantly in order to feel good about themselves. They always need people around them to tell them how amazing they are and make them feel powerful. Another thing is that narcissists tend to punish anyone for their lack of self-esteem by putting them down in order for them to feel superior and important.
  • They lack empathy and compassion. Narcissists are oblivious to the feelings of other people. That’s the number one sign of narcissism. A narcissist can never make you feel important, seen, accepted, or understood because they never care about you in the first place. They don’t care whether you are in a bad mood, or whether something bad happened to you. They can never console you. That’s why almost all their relationships fail inevitably.
  • They don’t have many (or any) long-term friends. If you look at the narcissist’s social circle you can notice that they don’t have any real friends. They only have colleagues and acquaintances because they are not able to be vulnerable and form deep long-lasting bonds with other people.
  • They constantly pick on you. Perhaps at first you thought they were teasing you. However, their insults have become constant with time. Narcissists will always criticize you, what you eat, what you wear, where you go, who are you friends with… everything you do is wrong because they want to be superior to you at all times. So, they will call you names, put you down, and diminish your self-esteem in order to destroy you and one-up you. It gives them pleasure knowing they can destroy someone like that.
  • They gaslight you. Gaslighting is the ultimate form of emotional and mental abuse where the narcissist completely distorts your reality and makes you feel as if you are the crazy one. Signs that someone is gaslighting you are: you don’t feel like yourself anymore, you are anxious, you are constantly wondering if you are overly-sensitive, you feel as if everything you do is wrong, you question your sanity, you constantly apologize, you always think that it’s your fault when things go wrong, and you make excuse for your partner’s abusive behavior.
  • They don’t define your relationship. There are many reasons why a person won’t put a label on your relationship. They may be polyamorous, they want an only friends-with-benefits thing, or they only want to keep it casual. However, they need to be honest about it. If your partner expects to treat them as your partner and be faithful to them, but you don’t get the same treatment from them – it is a red flag. They want to gain all the benefits from you while keeping their options open. They may even flirt in front of you, and when you confront them they may call you crazy and blame you for causing drama.(3)
  • They never apologize because they think they can do no wrong. It is almost impossible to fight with a narcissist. The battle is not fair because the narcissist will never compromise or say they are sorry for hurting you. In their head, they are always right and you should be the one bowing to them and apologizing. You don’t need someone like that in your life. A good partner will always respect you and when they do something wrong, they will apologize because they don’t want to lose you.
  • If you try to break up with them, they will start panicking. They will start love-bomb you in order to keep you stuck to them. They may promise they will change and do everything you want. Of course, they are lying. That’s why narcissists have on-off relationships until they find a new victim to date.
  • And when you are really done, they will start badmouthing you to save face. Because their ego will be severely bruised, they will try anything to make you look like the bad person, like you are the one who is responsible for the breakup. A good reputation is all they care about and therefore, don’t expect a narcissist to play fair.

What Are The 13 Traits Of A Narcissist?

types of narcissists psychology1. Entitlement and superiority

Narcissists’ number one priority is to be superior to anyone. They derive their confidence from feeling powerful and superior. Of course, that confidence is a fickle one, it is not real. In the narcissist’s world, they are at the top, and everyone else is below them. They feel entitled to control everything and have everyone admire them and listen to their orders.

2. Constant need for validation and attention

Another narcissistic trait is their relentless need for admiration, attention, and validation. No matter how supportive you are, how loving and encouraging you are – it is never enough. Because deep down, they don’t believe that they are good enough. In spite of their grandiose, self-absorbed persona, they are very insecure at heart. That’s why they constantly fish for attention and compliments.

3. Perfectionism

You can tell a person is a narcissist by their need for perfection. Everything in their life needs to be perfect. And if their plans are not going well, they instantly get pissed off and miserable. Then they start criticizing others for their failed plans.

4. Excessive need to control everything

The need for control and manipulation is typical narcissistic behavior. They need to control everything and mold it the way they want it. Plus, their need for control goes hand in hand with their need for power.

5. Lack of boundaries.

There are many people out there who lack boundaries or cross other people’s boundaries, but normal people are aware when they have crossed the like and they are quick to apologize and heal the damage. However, narcissists don’t have any boundaries. They don’t respect people and social norms. They believe they can do anything and no one can tell them no.

6. Lack of responsibility

Another glaring sign of narcissism is a complete lack of responsibility. Even though a narcissist desires to be in control in situations, they don’t want any responsibility. When something doesn’t go as they have planned, they are quick to shift the blame onto others and remove themselves from the situation and not suffer the consequences for their actions. That’s how they keep their ‘perfect’ façade. They almost always blame the most loving, loyal, and affectionate person for their wrongdoings.

7. Lack of empathy

 Narcissists don’t have any empathy and compassion in them. They are selfish and self-absorbed to the point that they don’t even think that other people can get hurt by their actions. They don’t think about other people at all. They only think about themselves and how they can get what they want. They don’t feel any guilt and remorse if they stomp upon someone’s heart. They view people as objects and they don’t care who they need to break in order to accomplish their goals.

8. Emotional reasoning

Many victims of narcissists have made the mistake of trying to explain and reason with the narcissist to get them to understand what they have done and how deeply they hurt them. However, all the efforts to talk and reason with a narcissist are futile because the narcissist doesn’t take your words into consideration. Your words mean nothing to them. The narcissist only cares about their own thoughts and feelings. So, if you are hoping that if you explain to them that they will change, don’t waste your time.(4)

9. Lack of ability to read body language

Narcissists perceive every sarcastic comment, every unusual facial expression as an attack to them. When they are angry, even “I love you” can trigger their rage. The lack of ability to read your emotions and facial expressions is a common narcissistic trait. In other words, narcissists cannot believe you feel differently than they feel. They can’t see and feel your love because they can’t love anyone other than themselves. That’s why they are always defensive. They think everyone wears a mask when they are the one wearing it and being fake.

10. Personality split

The personality of a narcissist is split into good and bad. In turn, narcissists split everything into good and bad. Everything negative that occurs into the relationship they blame onto the other person while taking credit for the good things that happen. Also, in their world, there is no middle ground. They tend to remember things as wonderful or as horrible. They can’t seem to feel or remember both positive and negative things in a particular situation. They only see it as black or white.

11. Fear of rejection

The whole life of the narcissist is driven by fear. Of course, they would never show it. However, narcissists are constantly scared of being rejected or ridiculed. They also have abandonment issues, i.e they fear being abandoned. They fear being seen as inadequate or losing all their money. All of these fears stop the narcissist from trusting another human being and opening up to them. Moreover, the closer you two get, the less they will trust you. They are deeply afraid of you seeing their imperfections and judging them. That’s why they will push you away before getting emotionally close to you.

12. Anxiety

Some narcissists feel anxious all the time. They are preoccupied with thoughts of doom and they tend to project their anxious feelings towards their partner. So, they call them negative, crazy, mentally ill, not being supportive or understanding, selfish, and so on. And as their partner begins feeling worse, they feel better. That’s how twisted their mind is.

13. Deeply repressed feelings of shame

Narcissistic people carry a lot of shame. They do believe that there must be something inherently wrong with them, but they don’t know what. They are ashamed of their feelings and fears, and that’s why they never show their vulnerable side. That’s how they keep their false image that everything is perfect in their world. But their world is full of lies and illusions.

What Is The Behavior Of A Narcissist VS. Non-Narcissists?

A person with a narcissistic disorder behaves differently than a person who is not a narcissist. Narcissists have very different values and views of the world than regular people. Here’s the difference between the narcissist’s behavior vs. the behavior of normal people.

Narcissists: lack empathy, are impulsive, don’t question their behavior, deny or hide their mistakes, hold grudges, blame others, withdraw or stonewall when they are upset, spoil other people’s good moods, are driven by fear, are hypersensitive to criticism, have casual relationships, are selfish, and pursue win-lose strategies.

Non-narcissists: care about the emotions of other people, are spontaneous, value introspection, learn from their mistakes, apologize, are hopeful, take responsibility for their actions, don’t take anything personally,  celebrate other people’s success, seek win-win situations, have reciprocal relationships, accept criticism, seek resolution to problems,  and communicate when they are upset.

Narcissistic behaviors such as those mentioned above are specifically designed by narcissists as a means to mask their insecurities and weak spots. There are some behaviors, like denying mistakes, avoiding introspection, blaming others, and stonewalling that is meant to put away the spotlight from the narcissist’s flaws. Others, such as lacking empathy or having casual and superficial relationships are signs of the narcissist’s inability to form a meaningful relationship with another person.

What Are The Values Of Narcissists VS. Non-Narcissists?

There is a big contrast when it comes to the values of narcissistic people and healthy people.

Narcissists value: status, perfection, image, winning, superiority, and getting attention from other people.

Non-narcissists value: fairness, equality, growth, development, love, compassion, authenticity, and connection with others.

Narcissist’s values such as superiority, winning, status, and perfection are all had in the likes of gaining respect, admiration, and approval from other people. They are all self-aggrandizing, as opposed to the values of other people that revolve around connection and compassion to other people.

How Does A Narcissist Act In A Relationship?

Narcissists are very bad relationship partners,” said firmly professor Brad Bushman from Ohio State University. Many studies have shown that narcissistic partners play mind-games, manipulate their partners, and are less likely to form long-term committed relationships. (5)

A relationship with a narcissist is extremely challenging. A narcissist is someone who has a hard time loving another human being because they don’t even love themselves. They are obsessed with themselves and their well-being that they see people only as an extent of them, they don’t see them as separate people with their own thoughts and feelings. They see others in terms of what they can provide them with. They value their spouses and children only to the extent of the things they can meet their needs. Plus, a narcissist can never feel empathy for their partners’ feelings which makes the relationship toxic.   

However, there are many people that continue to get drawn to narcissists and it is because narcissists are very charming and captivating (especially at the beginning of the relationship). They will do anything to win your heart and make you feel grateful for having them in your life. You will feel blessed because someone like them has chosen you. But, as time goes by, you will notice their possessive and controlling nature. They get easily triggered and then lash out at you angrily. And you will be left wondering what has happened to the wonderful person you first met.

Narcissists are very prone to falling quickly in love with someone and committing to them. However, their infatuation and commitment is short-lived. People dealing with narcissists feel very lonely during the course of their relationship with them because the narcissist only cares about their needs and wants.

The best thing you can do if you are in a relationship with a narcissist is LEAVE.

What Does A Narcissist Do At The End Of A Relationship?

If you decide to do the right thing and break up with the narcissist, expect these behaviors from them.

  • They will blame it all on you. They may try to change the narrative to make you the bad person. They may also try to guilt-trip you and manipulate you to stay by saying “You don’t want to give this relationship a chance,” “You never cared about me,” “You are leaving me when I need you the most…” etc.
  • They may literally say “I don’t accept this,” “You don’t mean that, you are overreacting,” “You can’t break up with me”, and so on.
  • Try to make you jealous. They may quickly find a new partner and go out publicly with them for you to see them because they want you to feel that they have moved on and they are happy without you so that you question your decision of leaving them. They want to awaken the competitive nature in you and make you fight for them.
  • Make you feel sorry for them. They may try to guilt you into staying with them by saying “I will kill myself if you abandon me,” or “You have no heart, leaving me alone when I am still grieving my father’s death”…
  • Promise to change. “It is going to be different this time.” Of course, it will never be because narcissists are incapable of change.
  • Stalk you.
  • Feign something terrible happened to them. You may hear from them all of a sudden telling you how they lost their job, their dog died, they are ill… all sorts of crises in order to get your attention again.
  • Seek revenge. “You will never see the kids again,” “You will regret this,” “I will kill you.”

Can A Narcissist Really Love You?

A person who is diagnosed with NPD cannot really love another person because they don’t have the ability for it. Moreover, they don’t understand love as normal people do.

A narcissist may act in a loving way towards you, but their loving ways are almost always conditional, meaning they expect to gain something in return. They view relationships as transactions. That’s why a relationship with a narcissist can be filled with drama, toxicity, and be an overall traumatic experience.

When a narcissist loses interest and decides that it is over, that can be a shock to their ex-partner because they cannot understand what happened. The narcissist usually drops their victim during the love bombing phase when the passion between them is still there. That’s why it is extremely difficult for the other person to get over the breakup with the narcissist. The victim is left feeling abandoned, confused, betrayed, and heartbroken.

What Are Female Narcissists Like?

There is not much difference between a female narcissist and a male narcissist. However, since they socialize differently, female narcissists have developed some specific personality traits.

Even though male and female narcissists share common narcissistic traits, there are differences when it comes to exhibiting their narcissistic traits. For example, when angry, male narcissists tend to be explosive and aggressive, while female narcissists tend to punish the one who angered them by withholding affection and attention.

Moreover, male narcissists use status and power as a form of control, whereas female narcissists use guilt or neglect as a means of controlling people and getting them to do what they want.

A female narcissist is superficial, deeply insecure, only concerned with their social image and physical appearance, she likes to bee seen as the martyr, she is very jealous and competitive, and as a parent or a mother-in-law is extremely over-bearing always wanting others to do things their way. A narcissistic mother-in-law may even be jelous of the partner of her son.

One of the biggest misconceptions about female narcissists is that they don’t exist. They do exist. Also, they are equally violent and dangerous. Females can also be bullies, just like male narcissists.

Bottom line…

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist or involved with them in any form, protect yourself and your sanity by removing them from your life. Or, if you can’t do that, then by all means try to cut contact with them to as little as possible. Because, with a narcissist, there is no stability. There is no love and understanding. Only pain, betrayal, and heartbreak.

Why You Will End Up Marrying The Wrong Person?

marry wrong person

When it comes to marriage and choosing the right person to spend our lives with, we can’t help but wonder how we can be sure that we are making the right decision. The truth is, no one is perfect, and we all have our flaws, so finding someone who can tolerate us and whose flaws we can tolerate can seem to be a big deal.

According to Alain de Botton, a founder of The School of Lifethere seems to be a lot of anger that we hold on to, anger and rage that we secretly have, and it has us sulking about the way our love lives have gone.  However, he says that if we are able to turn that anger into sadness, then we can make progress. Why? Because if we can turn rage into grief, we have given up hope entirely.

In his words, “scratch the surface of any regularly angry person, and you will find a wild optimist.” Rage is primarily driven by hope. And when it comes to love and relationships, it is extremely hard to give up hope because there are many, many industries that are all designed to inflate our expectations of love and what a loving relationship or marriage should be.

One of the reasons you will marry the wrong person is because you are strange and difficult to live with. We all are. In fact, there are many things that are wrong with us, things that only our closest friends and family know about (and very probably our ex-lovers), but they would not dare tell us.

It’s like most of us are addicts but not in terms of a substance we are taking, but an addict in terms of a behavior or pattern you are taking in order to not be alone with yourself and with your thoughts, and more importantly, not to feel your deeper emotions and get in touch with yourself and who you are as a person deep inside. So, you remain addicted to doing anything that keeps you away from yourself. And since you don’t know yourself, you can successfully relate to another person, let alone love them.

Love requires you to do things you don’t want to do. Not everyone is comfortable expressing their vulnerabilities. You probably don’t want to show your partner you are vulnerable and scared.

According to psychologists, people use two patterns of behavior whenever they are in danger of becoming vulnerable. One group of people gets anxiously attached.

This means that instead of saying, “I need you, I depend on you, I love you”, they say, “Where have you been? You’re 15 minutes late.” But then, they start getting critical and strict when actually they want to ask the scary question, “Do you still love me? Am I still important to you?” But, they don’t dare ask those questions out of fear.

The other type of people is avoidant, which means that when they need someone, they act cold and aloof like they don’t need them at all. They don’t reveal the need and love they have for another person. Instead, they start rejecting them. And this pattern gets toxic because other people start wondering whether they are important to them, which results in a lack of trust.

It’s as if we don’t dare to be humble and vulnerable and reveal how much we need another person, so in a way, we reject love. This is because we don’t know how to love.

According to Alain, love is not an instinct but a skill that needs to be learned. To love is to have the capacity and willingness to interpret someone’s not very appealing behavior in order to find more benevolent reasons why that not-so-good behavior may be unfolding. Or in other words, to love someone is to apply charity and generosity of interpretation for someone else’s actions towards us. And in doing that, we will cut some slack for ourselves because we are not perfect either.

Another reason why we will probably end up marrying the wrong person is because many of our early experiences of love are bound up with various kinds of suffering. As a result, there is a shift when we start dating and choosing love partners. We think that we want to find someone who will make us happy, but we are not. Actually, we are looking for someone who will feel familiar with us.

And there does a problem arise because familiarity and happiness are oftentimes two different things. Familiarity can be bound up with a particular kind of suffering and torture. This explains why when people encourage us to go out on a date with an amazing person, we end up “not feeling it” even though we agree that they are smart, charming, and amazing. We tell our friends that we didn’t feel the spark, that they were boring etc.

In fact, we are really trying to say that we have spotted that this wonderful and quite accomplished person won’t make us suffer in ways we are accustomed to suffering for us to feel that love is real. And so, we reject them.

We are not on a journey to be happy, we are on a quest to suffer in ways that feel familiar, and this is the main reason why we will end up marrying the wrong person.


How To Avoid Marrying The Wrong Person? 

Finding love is not easy. However, when you do find love, the question is whether you two will be compatible in the long run. So, here are some tips that will help you determine if you are with the person you should marry. 

First, when you think about marrying the person you are in a relationship with, you should really look into their virtues and flaws. You should look at who they are as a person and don’t expect them to change. You must like them as they are in the present, without hoping that one day they will change the annoying habits they have. In other words, avoid marrying potential. 

Furthermore, you should be open with your future spouse. The biggest mistake that couples make is not being honest and open about their wants and needs in a relationship. They need to be honest about what they could and could not tolerate in the partnership. Openness and sincere communication can be the key to everlasting marriage.  You and your partner should be able to discuss your feelings about having kids, financial planning, future plans, etc. before you decide to get married. 

Finally, both partners should be aware of and take care of the emotional needs of their partner. That’s how they build their trust and keep the love and passion between them alive. Before you marry someone, you need to ask yourself, “Do I admire and respect my partner? Can I trust them? Am I able to rely on them? Do I believe them and trust their judgment? Do I feel safe around them? Can I be vulnerable with them? Am I at peace with them?” 

And lastly, you are responsible for your happiness. You need to be happy and fulfilled by yourself before being happily married. Marriage by itself is not vital to happiness. If you are miserable alone, you will be miserable in your marriage as well. 

How Do You Know You Married The Wrong Person? 

Of course, every individual is different and has their own breaking points; however, some signs can be useful to you if you are confused and wondering whether you married the wrong woman or man. 

1. You are arguing more frequently. 

Bickering is the slow killer of relationships. So, when it starts happening in a marriage, it is a sign that the marriage is in serious trouble. But then, you start feeling that you married someone who has no idea who you are as a person. Someone who has become your enemy.

2. You no longer talk about your day. 

When you no longer need to talk about your day and share the little things that happened to you, then probably the connection you have with them is lost. Not sharing things is a red flag, and it usually means that your partner is not your best friend, and the marriage will slowly deteriorate as a result.

3. You often think about what your life would have been if you married someone else. 

When you catch yourself fantasizing about other people, it is a sign you are married to the wrong person. When you think about your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend and what would your life have been like if you had married them instead, then you need to really look into your spouse and ask yourself if you are happy with them and your life together.

4. You find excuses to not spend time together. 

Another sign that you are not happy with your spouse is that you often look for other things to do instead of spending time with them. The intimacy between you is probably lost, and therefore, you start avoiding them because you are not ready to face the reality that you probably have married the wrong person for you.

5. Your fights often escalate into screaming at each other. 

If you are someone who never raises their voice, and then you find yourself screaming and shouting at your partner, then probably something doesn’t feel right between you and your marriage. Fights can often be constructive and good when both partners are open to discussion and compromise but yelling, shouting, and calling names are never good.

6. You are impatient around them. 

Almost everything your partner does bothers you. You are frequently impatient and nervous around them. It is as if you don’t recognize the person that is your spouse, and they have many flaws you think you overlooked that are now getting on your nerves.

7. You behave more like roommates and business partners. 

You start feeling that you and your spouse have nothing in common except bills. Your marriage has now turned into a business transaction, and you no longer have a romantic interest in one another. 

If you found yourself in these situations, then you are now probably questioning your decision and wondering… 

Is It Normal To Regret Marrying Your Spouse?

Feelings of regret are typical in a marriage, especially when you have had certain expectations and they have not been met by your spouse. So, it is a human thing for feelings of regret, shame, and guilt to overwhelm you. 

Perhaps you realized that you and your spouse don’t have anything in common. Maybe the quirks you loved about your person when you met them are now the red flags that annoy you and make you angry that you even married them in the first place. 

Whatever your reasons, it is perfectly normal to regret marrying your spouse. And it is never too late to start anew and choose a happier life for yourself. 

What To Do When You Are Unhappy In Your Marriage? 

If you are feeling unhappy in your marriage or if you are wondering what’s the right thing to do – whether you should divorce your husband and have a fresh start, or accept your decision and learn how to live with it for the sake of your children (if you have them) – then, I would advise you to talk to your closest friends and family about your feelings. Sometimes, a new perspective on things can do wonders and remove your doubts. 

Or talk to a professional counselor so that you can be sure that they are objectively viewing the situation. Then, they can help you by leading you to make the right decision to solve your problems. 

Good luck!

11 Reasons Why Your High School Friends Are Your Best Friends For Life

High School Friends Are Your Best Friends For Life

People often say that the friendships you make in high school are for life. And we can all agree that high school, along with your high school friends, is most certainly a memorable time for anyone.

It is a time when you had fun, had your (first) crushes, shared secrets, were there for one another, and loved each other unconditionally those were your best friends. However, not everyone stays close to their best friends from high school after graduation. Sometimes, your life paths separate you no matter how much you want to stay close.

Do you stay close to your high school friends? Or do friendships end in high school?

We all like to believe that high school friends are forever. No one wants to separate from their best friends with whom they shared so many laughs and cries, went to amazing parties, studied together, have one another’s back, and so on. But life happens. And it brings changes. Some will go to college, some to trade school, some to the military, etc. Everyone’s life is supposed to change. That’s why even the strongest friendships sometimes cannot stand the time.

You will become busy, your high school friends will become busy, and suddenly, you won’t have time to see each other as much as you had. Of course, there are bonds that are unbreakable, and this change cannot shake them.

However, knowing and being okay with having some people leave your life is okay. The most important thing is to remember them always and be grateful for the impact they had on your life. Because it’s true – high school friends are true gems!

They are literally close to one another. They live in the same neighborhood. So, it is easier for them to keep their bond strong when they are living so close to one another and they can see each other often.

Or their friendship is low maintenance. Meaning they don’t need to constantly see each other or communicate with each other every day to feel connected. They can go on for days without speaking and then see each other and feel as if nothing happened. They can resume their friendship and communicate as no time has passed by.

Finally, they have the same interests and hobbies that they probably started together in high school, and they still enjoy doing together.

Why do most friendships end after high school?

The main reasons why many high school friends lose touch after high school are: First, for them, being connected constantly and seeing each other on a regular basis is very important.

And second, things between them and around them have changed. Meaning their lives change, their routines are now different, they have changed, their personalities have changed, and so, they feel as if they don’t have anything in common anymore. Change is part of life, and so we all need to embrace it and let go of people that no longer belong to the next phase of where are we headed.

Do friends change after high school?

High School Friends Best FriendsYes. People change as life goes on. So do high school friends. But, whether you stay friends after the changes that you will both inevitably go through, here are some things that you should always remember:

Accept the fact that both you and your friends are always changing and growing. That’s life. Your high school friends won’t stay the same and neither will you. And that is really a beautiful thing.

You can use the help of social media to stay close. Today, many high school friends have reconnected through Facebook and Instagram. Social media allows us to keep in touch and be involved in each other’s lives in times when we don’t have much time to see each other regularly.

Some of your high school friends were toxic. Yes, no friendship is drama-free, and even best friends have some conflicts. However, as it happens in any friend group, there can be some bullies and toxic individuals that everyone fears. And so, as high school ends, so end those toxic friendships.  

You can have a fresh start. Graduation is something you will remember your whole life. The end of high school is the beginning of the new life that is ahead of you. And that life is full of possibilities.

So, the question remains: Do high school best friends last?

Below are 11 reasons why your high school friend will be your best friend for life!

1. You know everything about them.

Including their crushes, their exes, all of it. You know all their secrets. That’s what makes your bond unbreakable and long-lasting.

2. You have survived high school together.

Meaning you have survived your most awkward period together. Hormones. Mood swings. You have gone through it together. Hand in hand. And that counts for something.

3. Their parents treat you like you are family.

They love you and you love them as well. You feel at home at their house. In fact, you love their company and their jokes. Plus, there was always something delicious cooking in the oven there! And it really felt like home.

4. They have seen you at your worst.

They have seen you cry. They were there when you were sick. They have seen you after waking up… They have seen all of you – good and bad.

5. You know all their embarrassing stories (and they know yours).

But you won’t tell anyone. And most importantly, you were in those stories with them as well because you were inseparable in high school.

6. They are your personal therapist.

No one can understand you (and your mood swings) better than your high school friend. They are always there for you to listen to your drama and console you when you are going through a bad time. Plus, they give you chocolate and they will eat fast food with you because they know what is necessary during those moments of distress.

7. You can be yourself with them.

You feel free to tell them everything without being afraid that they will take it the wrong way. Because they know you, they know the real you, and they love you. And you love them.

8. You have had your fair share of drama and fighting.

Even though sometimes you have spent months without talking after a big fight, you always found your way to each other. And every time you patch up things, your friendship becomes even stronger.

9. You have the best drunk memories together.

Some of the best nights of your life you spend with them. Nights that were filled with laughs and alcohol. You were the best drinking buddies and perhaps still are! Cheers!

10. They will never get tired of listening to your stories again and again.

There are some things that you keep repeating over and over again because of how attached you are to them. Only your best friends will listen to the same story a thousand times and never say anything to you.

11. You can always count on them.

No matter what kind of problem you have on your hands and how serious it is, you can always count on your high school friend to help you. That’s true friendship.

Are you still friends with your best friend from high school?

20 Reasons Why Female Empaths Have Trouble With Romantic Relationships

dating an empath woman

What is An Empath?

An empath is a person who feels deeply. They are someone who has an incredible ability to put themselves into someone else’s shoes and feel what they are feeling. An empath can feel the pain, the sadness, and the happiness of others as their own.

Empaths are deeply sensitive and have great intuition. They can see and feel things that an ordinary person cannot. And when we are talking about empaths, female empaths are one of the most mysterious and deep people in the world.

Female Empaths And Relationships

Female empaths are some of the most amazing people out there. While having an empath for a partner can be one of the most wonderful things that can happen to you, it can still be a challenge for some men to be in a relationship with a female empath. (1)

Because, when it comes to relationships, female empaths can struggle to find love due to their intense personality. They feel everything deeply. Their love is as deep as the ocean. Therefore, it takes a real man to be with a woman like that and not be overwhelmed by her intensity.

What Happens When A Female Empath Falls In Love?

A female empath loves differently from other women. She loves hard, honestly, intensely, and unconditionally. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She lets her partner know where he stands with her.

When a female empath falls in love, she commits to her partner. She’s fiercely loyal to him. She gives him all of her attention.

When an empath woman falls in love with a man, she accepts him for who he is. She is aware of his weaknesses and imperfections, and she embraces and loves him for that.

When an empath woman falls in love with a man, she fights for him. She does her best to keep the spark between them alive and nurture the relationship. And most importantly, she doesn’t leave at the first sign of trouble.

Why Do Female Empaths Struggle In Romantic Relationships?

This is because female empaths are very honest. They don’t play games or date around. They can’t be in a relationship with someone who is not ready for them.

Here are 12 reasons why female empaths struggle in romantic relationships:

1. They Know What They Want

An empath woman doesn’t look for a fling. She knows that she wants a stable relationship filled with love and respect. She wants a partner who can be with her through the hard times. If the man is not serious from the start, she will never begin the relationship in the first place.

2. They Are Intense

Empaths are people who want only deep and meaningful connections with others. They are not superficial nor are interested in the ordinary. Some like this intensity of the empaths, and for others, it is too much that they cannot handle being around them for too long.

3. They Are Feeling Their Partner’s Emotions

Female empaths are very sensible to how their partner is feeling. They are very in tune with the people that are in their life. Their empathic nature makes them able to understand how everyone is feeling and what they are thinking. That’s the reason why they are the most loving partners and friends anyone can have.

4. They Value Reliability

Men who are wishy-washy should never even try to have a relationship with an empathic woman because she needs stability more than anything in her life. She is not interested in someone who doesn’t answer her calls, shows up late, or cancels dates at the last minute.

5. They Are Extremely Supportive

Female empaths are the biggest cheerleaders for their partners. They are always there for them, supporting them and encouraging them in everything they do. Their pure heart wants their partner to be happy. They deserve a partner who will be supportive as well.

6. They Do Everything To Make Their Partners Happy

Female empaths want the people around them to be happy. They want to see happy faces. The sadness of others deeply affects them and they do anything they can to help the ones in need. When it comes to their partners, they go out of their way to fulfill their wishes. They are the most loving, caring, and warm partners you can find.

7. They Are Very Loyal

Female empaths are incredibly loyal people because they know how much it hurts when the one you love betrays you. That’s why they never cheat on their partners because they don’t want anyone to feel that pain. They don’t want to hurt anyone, especially their partners.

8. They Are Too Sincere

An empath is never good when it comes to white lies or sugar-coating things. Instead of telling you what you want to hear, this woman will always tell you the truth. And for most people, it is hard having to face the truth every time.

9. They Are Always Ready To Help

Because empaths are very much in tune with their emotions as well as the emotions of others, they always want to help the ones they need their help. They will listen to you, cry with you, and offer you solutions to your problems without expecting anything in return.

10. They Can Be Too Understanding Of Manipulative Partners

Of course, female empaths don’t enter into a relationship knowing they will be abused or lied to. When they are in a relationship with someone, they are with them because they are in love and sincerely want to be with them. That’s why when they are with a manipulator, someone who lies to them, abuses them, and takes them for granted, they have trouble leaving them because of the love they feel for them.

They may not be aware that there are people out there who can exploit their warm and giving nature for their selfish reasons. That’s why it is crucial for female empaths to choose their partners carefully and to leave behind those who don’t match their energy and can’t satisfy their emotional needs.

11. They Don’t Give Up Easily

Female empaths are fighters. They are fighters for love. They don’t give up easily on the things and people they love and care for. That’s why when an empathic woman decides to walk away from you, there is nothing you can do to bring her back because she has been hurt to the point of no return.

12. An Empathic Woman Needs Her Freedom

No one can put an empath woman in a cage. When she senses that a man is trying to restrict her in some way – she will leave him without a single doubt.  

13. An Empathic Woman Is Often Misunderstood

Most men cannot understand what it is really like to be with a woman who is an empath until they get in a relationship with her. She is more complex than most people give her credit for. This woman is a walking mystery, and her partner will always feel like she hides something from him.  

14. An Empathic Woman Needs Emotional Satisfaction

In order for an empathic woman to be completely fulfilled in a relationship, she needs to be satisfied both emotionally and physically. She can’t have the physical without the emotional, or the other way around.

15. She Doesn’t Do Short-Term Relationships

She doesn’t involve herself in short-term relationships. Her motto is – all or nothing. She would rather stay single than be with someone who doesn’t want to commit.

16. She Asks A Lot Of Questions

An empathic woman wants to be clear to everyone about anything. So, a man can expect to be asked a lot of questions from her because she wants to know everything (not for manipulative reasons, mind you, but to satisfy her curious nature).  

17. She Sees The Best And Worst In People

This woman sees the best and the worst in others. So, this makes her, at times, hard to read and difficult to follow. When you think that she is going to do one thing, she could completely surprise you by doing just the opposite. Also, dating someone with a bad reputation is not a strange thing for her because she sees the good in him.  

18. She Tends To Take Things Very Personally

The emotions are running high in the empath woman. She can be hurt even by the smallest thing because of her oversensitive nature. But she doesn’t hold grudges and she is ready to forgive when someone apologizes. Only that not many men can admit their mistakes.  

19. She Is Deep

This woman is not an ordinary woman. Her feelings are as deep as the ocean. That’s why she can’t be with someone who is not on the same level as she is. She needs deep bonds and connections. She can never be in a shallow relationship.

19. She Loves Hard

An empathic woman loves harder and more intensely than any other. She gives her all but expects the same from the other person. Being with a woman like this is a hard pill to swallow for them.

Being loved by female empaths can be the most wonderful thing that can happen to you. However, many men are just not prepared for this kind of relationship. Most of them realize what they have, but they realize it when it is too late.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Empaths Attract Other Empaths?

Yes, they do. Empaths can magnetically attract other empaths. What an empath looks for in a relationship is honesty, trust, reliability, and commitment. And if there’s one person that can provide these qualities to them, then that’s undeniably another empath.

When two empaths meet, a deep, strong connection pulls them together. They feel like they’ve finally found someone whose soul matches theirs. Someone who understands them deeply. Someone who can sense their energy and feel the same way they feel and absorb other people’s emotions and energy. Someone who is as honest as they are. Someone that is in tune with what makes them happy.

What Are Female Empaths Like In Their Friendships?

Any friendship with a female empath is one of the deepest, warmest, and most fulfilling friendships anyone can have in their life. In their friendships, female empaths are generous, compassionate, caring, and supportive. Having a female empath as a friend means having someone who is able to feel and understand your innermost feelings. Someone who wants to reach the deepest parts of your soul. Someone who stays by your side through thick and thin and never leaves you to solve your problems and fight your battles alone.

Having a female empath as a friend means having someone who can show you your insecurities and fears and also help you overcome them. Someone who can offer you different perspectives on life and everything that surrounds you. Someone who inspires you to work on yourself, learn, and grow and who inspires you to become the best version of yourself.

Having an empathic woman as a friend is one of the most amazing experiences you can ever have in life, of course, if you’re ready to reciprocate the same love, loyalty, support, and dedication she gives you.

Can Two Empaths Fall In Love?

Yes. Two empathic individuals can fall in love, and when this happens, they’ll connect deeply at all levels, which will lead to a long-term, meaningful, and fulfilling relationship.

When two empaths fall in love, they’ll understand each other deeply and be able to know how the other person feels as well. Their souls will match, and they’ll connect mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Empathic individuals tend to put other people’s feelings, needs, and desires ahead of their own, so when two empaths fall in love, they’ll feel greatly acknowledged, appreciated, and taken care of.

When two empaths fall in love, they’ll openly show their love. They’ll express their feelings and be vulnerable around each other without worrying that the other person might think they’re “too sensitive” or “weak.” They’ll know how they feel about each other, even if they don’t say it out loud, because they’re able to feel and take on each other’s emotions.

Do Empaths Make Good Lovers?

Dating an empath is not easy. However, empathic individuals possess many traits that make them one of the best lovers that you could ask for in a relationship. Are you wondering what those traits are? Well, first of all, once an empath commits, they’re fiercely loyal to you. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do to make you feel loved, fulfilled, and happy. And they’d never do anything that could break your trust in them.

Then, empaths are natural healers. They can sense and take on other people’s pain. So, being in a relationship with an empath means being with someone who will recognize your emotional wounds and do everything in their power to help you heal them and ease your pain.

Another trait that makes an empath a great relationship partner is their calm and collected nature. You can rarely see an empath express their anger. Even when they’re overwhelmed by anger, they know how to control themselves so as not to pick a fight with you or say or do something that could hurt your feelings. They handle any argument in a calm and civilized manner.

Empaths are optimists too. So, being in a relationship with an empath means being with someone who will inspire you to look on the bright side of life, even when you’re feeling down or going through a tough time in life. It means being with someone who will know what to say or do to put a smile on your face when necessary.

One more trait that makes empaths great lovers is their ability to love intensely and unconditionally. When an empath is in love, they wear their heart on their sleeve. They openly express their feelings, and they shower you with affection.

Being in a relationship with an empath means being with someone who will inspire you to grow personally and spiritually. Someone who will help you overcome your deepest insecurities and fears. Someone who will motivate you to believe in yourself and your potential. Someone who will inspire you to become the best version of yourself.

Honesty is one more quality that makes empaths great lovers. If there’s one thing they hate the most, that’s lying. These people always tell it like it is. They don’t like sugarcoating things or mincing their words. They’ll tell you the truth no matter how unpleasant or cruel it might be. 

In their romantic relationships, empaths are always honest about their feelings, which means you will always know where your relationship is headed.

Why Are Relationships So Hard For Female Empaths?

Empathic individuals struggle in their relationships since they feel things too much. They feel their partners’ feelings on a deeper level, which can intensify their own emotions. The ability to sense their partners’ feelings as if they were their own can often cause them to have mood swings and make them feel emotionally, mentally, and physically drained.

An empath tends to prioritize other people’s needs, feelings, and desires over their own. Sometimes, this can lead them to forget to take care of themselves and neglect their physical and mental health.

All of these things can make an empath’s romantic relationship a big struggle, and in what follows, we’ve presented 6 problems empathic individuals face in romantic relationships.

1. They Can Detect Inconsistency

Empaths hate when a person says one thing and does another. If their partner behaves this way, they’ll immediately recognize their inconsistency. 

Similarly, empaths don’t like when someone is trying to lie to or manipulate them or break their promises. If they notice their partner shows such behaviors, they won’t hide their dissatisfaction. Instead, they’ll call their partner out on their behavior. This, of course, can make things difficult for both people since it disrupts the honesty, trust, and loyalty between them.

2. They Always Prioritize Their Partner’s Needs

An empath puts their partner first. They tend to put their partner’s feelings, needs, and desires ahead of their own. Treating their partner this way can create an imbalance in their relationship. In addition, they also risk becoming pleasers in the relationship.

An empath tends to put their partner first because they want the best for them and want them to be happy. But focusing so much on their partner, the empath is unaware that they may end up looking after themselves last. In some cases, they may not even notice that their partner is taking advantage of them.

3. They Need Their Alone Time

Besides feeling the emotions and energy from within themselves, an empath feels and absorbs the energies and emotions of their partner. This can often make them feel overwhelmed and drained, which is why they often feel a need for physical and emotional space. They feel the need to spend some time alone so as to recover and recharge their batteries.

4. They Can Detect When Things Go Wrong

As we already said, an empath can feel their partner’s emotions and energies as if they were their own. Additionally, they’re highly adept at detecting when something goes wrong in their relationship, even before their partner becomes aware of it. 

The problem with this is that it’s difficult for them to overlook hidden feelings, intentions, problems, or pain. That’s why they spend a lot of time talking about their partner’s feelings so that they know where exactly they stand with them. They also make sure none of their relationship problems remain unresolved.

5. They’re Reluctant To Break Up

Empaths hate to end romantic relationships even if breaking up is the right thing to do. An empath always tries to see the good and potential in their partner, even when they treat them unfairly. So, they’d do everything in their power to hold the relationship together, even if their partner doesn’t understand their effort and commitment.

6They Take Things Personally

Whether they had a little argument or minor disagreement with their partner or made a sarcastic comment about them, it can be very difficult for an empath to get over it and move on as if nothing had happened. This can create tension in the relationship, particularly if the empath’s partner doesn’t know what makes them feel upset.

From Baby Boomers To Generation Alpha: Understanding Generation Names And Their Impact On Society

Generation Names

Our society changes and develops permanently, and any labels we might use to categorize and describe various generations also change inevitably. When observing and analyzing different generations, such as tech-savvy Generation Alpha or perhaps baby boomers, we will notice that every generation faces different challenges and is known for its specific features.

How did these generation labels appear, and how do they affect society?

We’ll explore generational names and how cultural shifts affected each generation, from Baby Boomers To Generation Alpha. If we understand the historical background of these labels, we can comprehend each generation’s beliefs, values, and positions. 

Markets, businesses, and organizations must understand these different generations and their target audience to create messages, programs, and products that would appeal to every individual generation and generate positive feedback.

Defining the single characteristics of each generation

The first step in understanding generation names is to define the characteristics that set each generation apart. Various factors shape these characteristics, including historical events, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. Let’s take a closer look at the defining traits of each generation.

Baby Boomers: The generation that shaped the modern world

Baby BoomersBaby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are often characterized as optimistic, hardworking, and driven. They came of age during economic prosperity and social change, with the post-war period fueling a sense of optimism and possibility. Baby boomers witnessed and participated in significant historical events, such as the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War, which affected and shaped their values and beliefs.

Generation X: The independent and adaptable generation

Born between 1965 and 1980, Generation X grew up in a time of economic uncertainty and social upheaval. They are known for their independence, adaptability, and skepticism of traditional institutions. Generation X witnessed the rise of the internet and the fall of the Berlin Wall, events that profoundly shaped their worldview and influenced their approach to work and life.

Millennials: The tech-savvy and socially conscious generation

Born between 1981 and 1996, millennials are the first generation to grow up fully immersed in the digital age. They are often described as tech-savvy, socially conscious, and driven by a desire for purpose and meaning in their lives. Millennials came of age during rapid technological advancement, economic recession, and increased awareness of social and environmental issues.

Generation Z: The digital natives redefining the future

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, are true digital natives. They have only known a world with smartphones, social media, and constant connectivity. Generation Z is characterized by their tech fluency, entrepreneurial spirit, and desire for authenticity. They are growing up in a time of unprecedented technological change and are poised to reshape industries, politics, and social norms.

Generation Alpha: The youngest generation and their unique traits

Born from 2013 onwards, Generation Alpha represents the youngest members of our society. While they are still too young to understand their impact fully, early indications suggest that Generation Alpha will be the most diverse, connected, and globally-minded generation yet. Growing up in an increasingly interconnected world, Generation Alpha will face unique challenges and opportunities as they navigate the complexities of the 21st century.

The impact of generation names on our society

The labels we assign to each generation profoundly impact how they are perceived and how they perceive themselves. These generation names can shape societal narratives, influence policy decisions, and drive marketing strategies. Let’s explore the impact of generation names on different aspects of society.

The influence of generation names on marketing and advertising

influence of generation namesMarketers have long recognized the importance of understanding generational differences to reach their target audience effectively and successfully. Marketers can increase engagement and drive sales by tailoring their messaging, products, and campaigns to resonate with each individual generation. Generation names provide a helpful shorthand for understanding different consumer segments’ values, preferences, and behaviors.

The importance of understanding generation names for businesses

In addition to marketing, understanding generation names is crucial for businesses in areas such as talent recruitment, employee engagement, and organizational culture. Each generation brings unique skills, perspectives, and expectations to the workplace. Businesses can attract and retain top talent by creating a work environment that accommodates and values the diverse needs of these different generations.

Conclusion: Embracing generational diversity in society and business

In conclusion, generation names play a significant role in shaping our understanding of different age groups and their impact on society. By understanding the defining characteristics of each generation and the historical context in which they emerged, we can gain insights into the values, beliefs, and attitudes that shape their worldview. This understanding is crucial for marketers, employers, and policymakers who seek to engage with different generations and drive positive outcomes. Embracing generational diversity in society and business will lead to more significant innovation, collaboration, and success.

As we navigate the complexities of an ever-changing society, let us remember that each generation brings unique strengths and perspectives. By embracing and leveraging the diversity of generation names, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous future for everyone.

From Stamina to Stress Relief: How Ashwagandha Can Boost Men’s Well-being

Ashwagandha Can Boost Men's Well-being

Ayurvedic medicine has been celebrating and using the ancient herb ashwagandha for centuries. Ashwagandha is known for its potent health advantages and uses, and it has been found to improve your overall well-being, enhance stamina, and relieve stress. This article will provide more information about this particular herb and show you how it can boost men’s well-being.

Ashwagandha is known for its adaptogenic properties, which means it helps the body adapt to various physical and mental stressors. This can translate into increased endurance and improved stamina for men, making it a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Additionally, ashwagandha has been shown to support healthy testosterone levels, which can positively impact energy levels, mood, and libido.

The benefits of ashwagandha go way beyond physical performance. This herb has been found to have stress-relieving properties by helping men cope with daily life pressures. Ashwagandha can help promote a sense of calm and relaxation by reducing cortisol levels.

Understanding the Importance of Stamina for Men’s Health

Stamina is an essential component of men’s overall health and well-being. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or just someone who wants to keep up with the demands of daily life, having good stamina is crucial. Stamina is the ability to sustain physical or mental effort for extended periods, and it plays a significant role in various aspects of men’s lives, from work performance to sexual health.

The Role of Ashwagandha in Boosting Stamina and Endurance

Ashwagandha in Boosting StaminaAshwagandha, also known as Withania Somnifera, is an adaptogenic herb used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is known for its ability to help the body adapt to various physical and mental stressors. For men, this adaptogenic property can translate into increased endurance and improved stamina.

Studies have shown that ashwagandha supplementation can positively impact aerobic capacity, which measures how efficiently the body can use oxygen during physical activity. This means that ashwagandha can improve your body’s ability to perform physical tasks for extended periods without getting tired. Whether you’re a runner, a weightlifter, or someone who enjoys outdoor activities, ashwagandha can help you push your limits and achieve new levels of stamina and endurance.

Managing Stress and Anxiety with Ashwagandha

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become common and frequent problems that affect both physical and mental health. As men, we often face unique pressures and demands, which can take a toll on our well-being. Ashwagandha has been found to have stress-relieving properties, making it a valuable tool for managing stress and anxiety.

One of the key ways ashwagandha helps with stress relief is by reducing cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, and high levels of cortisol can have detrimental effects on various aspects of health, including immune function, energy levels, and mental well-being. By reducing cortisol levels, ashwagandha can help promote a sense of calm and relaxation, allowing men to better cope with everyday pressures.

Ashwagandha’s Impact on Testosterone Levels and Sexual Health

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in men’s overall well-being. It affects everything from energy levels and mood to muscle mass and sexual health. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, leading to different symptoms like fatigue, reduced libido, and decreased muscle mass.

Ashwagandha has been shown to support healthy testosterone levels, making it a valuable herb for men’s sexual health. Studies have found that ashwagandha supplementation can increase testosterone levels, improve sperm quality, and enhance sexual function. Whether you’re looking to boost your libido or improve your sexual performance, ashwagandha may be the natural solution for achieving all this. 

How Ashwagandha Promotes Muscle Growth and Strength

Ashwagandha Promotes Muscle Growth and StrengthIn addition to its benefits for stamina, stress relief, and sexual health, ashwagandha can also help promote muscle growth and strength. This is especially beneficial for men looking to build lean muscle mass or improve their athletic performance.

Ashwagandha has been found to have anabolic properties, meaning it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis and help increase muscle mass. It also has anti-inflammatory effects, aiding muscle recovery and reducing exercise-induced muscle damage. By incorporating ashwagandha into your fitness routine, you can optimize your muscle-building potential and achieve your fitness goals more effectively.

Choosing the Right Ashwagandha Supplement for You

When choosing an ashwagandha supplement, it’s essential to consider factors like quality, dosage, and form. Ashwagandha is available in various forms, including capsules, powders, and liquid extracts. Each form has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that suits your preferences and lifestyle best. 

Look for a reputable brand that uses high-quality ashwagandha extract and follows good manufacturing practices. It’s also a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or a qualified nutritionist to determine the proper dosage for your specific needs. Everyone’s body is different, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Incorporating Ashwagandha into Your Daily Routine

To experience the full benefits of ashwagandha, it’s crucial to incorporate it into your daily routine consistently. Taking ashwagandha as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle can help maximize its effects and support your overall well-being.

Depending on your preference, you can take ashwagandha supplements with meals or on an empty stomach. It’s recommended to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it over time, depending on how your body tolerates it. Be patient and give your body time to adjust to the herb’s effects. It may take a few weeks to notice the full benefits, so don’t expect rapid and instant results.

Some Precautions and Potential Side Effects of Ashwagandha

While ashwagandha is generally considered safe for most people, it’s important to be aware of potential precautions and side effects. Some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort, such as stomach upset or diarrhea, especially when taking high doses of ashwagandha. If you experience any adverse reactions, it’s best to discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

Ashwagandha may also interact with certain medications, such as sedatives, immunosuppressants, and thyroid medications. If you’re currently taking any medications, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider before starting ashwagandha supplementation.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Ashwagandha’s Benefits for Men’s Well-being

In conclusion, ashwagandha is a powerful herb that can significantly enhance men’s well-being. Whether you’re looking to boost your stamina, find relief from stress, improve your sexual health, or promote muscle growth, ashwagandha may be the right solution.

By incorporating ashwagandha into your daily routine, you can experience the numerous benefits of this ancient herb. Remember to choose a high-quality supplement, consult with a healthcare professional if needed, and be patient as you give your body time to adapt and respond to ashwagandha’s effects.

Take the first step towards better well-being today and discover the transformative power of ashwagandha.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Megalodons and Exploring the Fascinating World of Fossilized Giants

Mysteries of Megalodons

Millions of years ago, the world was dominated by ancient giants called the megalodons. These prehistoric creatures often referred to as the “monsters of the deep,” were the largest sharks that ever lived, and their existence has fascinated scientists and storytellers alike. In this article, we embark on a thrilling journey to unravel the mysteries of megalodons and explore the captivating realm of fossilized giants.

With their massive bodies, razor-sharp teeth, and powerful jaws, megalodons ruled the oceans for over 20 million years. But what led to their extinction? How did they hunt? And what can their fossils teach us about the Earth’s history? We’ll explore the latest scientific findings, examine their lifestyle and ecosystem, and admire the incredible size and power of these ancient predators.

Join us as we dive deep into the depths of the past to uncover the secrets of megalodons. From fossil records to modern-day discoveries, we’ll navigate through a sea of knowledge and ignite your imagination. Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping adventure into the fascinating world of these colossal creatures.

History and Discovery of Megalodon Fossils

The story of megalodons begins with the discovery of their fossils. The first recorded mention of megalodon teeth dates back to the 17th century, but in the 19th century, scientists started to recognize them as belonging to a distinct species. The renowned paleontologist Louis Agassiz played a crucial role in identifying and naming these ancient giants. Since then, numerous megalodon fossils have been unearthed around the world, providing valuable insights into their existence.

Megalodons’ fossils are typically found in marine deposits, such as sedimentary rocks and ancient sea beds. These fossils are often well-preserved, thanks to the mineralization process taking place for over millions of years. Through careful excavation and analysis, scientists have been able to piece together the puzzle of megalodon’s history and gain a deeper understanding of their biology and behavior.

The study about these fossils has not only shed light on the existence of these colossal creatures but has also contributed to our knowledge of the Earth’s past. By examining the age and location of the fossils, scientists have been able to reconstruct ancient marine environments and track the changes that have occurred over time. The discovery of megalodon fossils continues to captivate researchers and enthusiasts, fueling the ongoing quest for knowledge about these ancient giants.

Size and Characteristics of Megalodons

When we discuss the topic of size, megalodons were genuinely unparalleled. These massive sharks could reach up to 60 feet, making them significantly larger than their closest living relatives, the great white sharks. The sheer size of megalodons is awe-inspiring, and their teeth, some measuring over 7 inches in length, are a testament to their formidable presence.

This size wasn’t the only impressive aspect of megalodons. These ancient predators possessed a set of razor-sharp teeth and powerful jaws capable of crushing through bone. Their teeth, designed for grasping and tearing prey, were continuously replaced throughout their lifetime. By examining the wear and tear on megalodon teeth, scientists have gained insights into their feeding habits and the types of prey they target.

Megalodons were apex predators, ruling the oceans with an iron grip. They were well-adapted to their environment, with a streamlined body shape and powerful muscles that allowed them to swim swiftly and efficiently. While much of their biology remains a mystery, scientists continue to study their anatomy to reconstruct the life and habits of these awe-inspiring creatures.

Megalodon’s Place in the Prehistoric Ecosystem 

Exploring their place in the prehistoric ecosystem will provide us with an understanding of the degree of their importance. These ancient giants occupied the top of the food chain, significantly influencing the marine life around them. They played a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the oceanic ecosystem as apex predators.

Megalodons primarily fed on large marine mammals, such as whales and seals. Their powerful jaws and massive size allowed them to take down even the largest prey easily. By studying the bite marks found on fossilized whale bones, scientists have been able to estimate the force and techniques megalodons used to hunt their prey.

The presence of megalodons in the prehistoric oceans shaped the evolution of other marine species. The constant threat of predation influenced the behavior, size, and distribution of smaller marine animals. Some species developed defensive adaptations, such as increased speed or protective armor, to avoid becoming megalodon’s next meal.

Understanding the role of megalodons in the prehistoric ecosystem is crucial for comprehending the past and predicting the future. By examining the interactions between ancient apex predators and their environment, scientists can gain insights into the potential consequences of losing these critical species in today’s ecosystems.

Fossilized Evidence of Megalodons 

The fossilized remains of megalodons provide a wealth of information about their existence and behavior. Apart from teeth, which are the most commonly found fossils, other skeletal elements have also been discovered, including vertebrae, jaws, and even fossilized feces (known as coprolites). Each fossilized find adds another piece to the puzzle of the megalodon’s story.

With the help of analysis made of the shape and size of megalodon teeth, scientists can estimate the age and growth rate of these ancient sharks. The study of growth rings on teeth, similar to those found in tree trunks, has revealed valuable insights into the lifespan and development of megalodons. These findings have dispelled some common misconceptions about the species and provided a more accurate understanding of their biology.

Fossilized vertebrae offer additional clues about the size and movement of megalodons. These bones provide information about the structure of their spine, allowing scientists to estimate their agility and maneuverability in the water. The presence of healed injuries on some vertebrae suggests that megalodons were not invincible and occasionally engaged in fierce battles with other predators.

Coprolites, or fossilized feces, provide a unique window into the megalodon’s diet and digestive system. By analyzing the contents of coprolites, scientists have been able to identify the remains of prey species, offering valuable insights into the hunting habits and dietary preferences of these ancient creatures.

Theories about the Extinction of Megalodons

Theories of MegalodonsThe extinction of megalodons remains a subject of much debate and speculation. While no definitive answer has been found, several theories have emerged to explain the disappearance of these colossal creatures from the Earth’s oceans.

One popular theory suggests that the decline of megalodons was closely tied to changes in the marine environment. As the Earth’s climate shifted, sea levels fluctuated, leading to the disappearance of their preferred habitats. The reduction in prey availability and changes in ocean currents may have contributed to the decline of the megalodons’ population.

Another theory proposes that the emergence of new competitors played a role in the extinction of megalodons. The evolution of smaller, more agile predators, such as the great white shark, may have put pressure on megalodons by outcompeting them for resources. The rise of these new competitors, combined with the changing environment, could have spelled doom for the megalodons.

Some scientists argue that a combination of factors, including climate change, competition, and changes in prey availability, led to the decline of megalodons. The exact sequence of events and the relative importance of each factor remains uncertain. The extinction of megalodons serves as a reminder that even the most formidable creatures can be vulnerable to environmental changes.

Megalodon Myths and Misconceptions

Megalodon Myths and MisconceptionsThe allure of megalodons has given rise to numerous myths and misconceptions over the years. From exaggerated size to sensationalized tales of their behavior, these myths have perpetuated a sense of awe and fear surrounding these ancient predators.

One of the most common misconceptions is the belief that megalodons still exist in the deep, unexplored parts of the oceans. Despite occasional claims and rumors, no scientific evidence supports the existence of living megalodons. The extinction of these creatures occurred millions of years ago, and their remains are found exclusively in the fossil record.

Another myth surrounding megalodons revolves around their size. While they were undoubtedly massive, some depictions in popular culture have exaggerated their dimensions to monstrous proportions. The largest confirmed megalodon specimen reached lengths of around 60 feet, significantly smaller than some portrayals suggest.

Megalodons also suffer from the misconception that they were mindless killing machines. While they were undoubtedly powerful predators, their behavior was likely more complex than simply attacking anything in sight. Like their modern relatives, megalodons probably had specific hunting strategies and targeted certain prey species.

Separating fact from fiction is crucial when examining the legacy of megalodons. By dispelling myths and misconceptions, we can appreciate these ancient creatures for what they were – fascinating and awe-inspiring, without exaggeration.

Famous Megalodon Discoveries and Exhibits

The allure of megalodons has not been limited to the scientific community. Over the years, their fossils have captured the public’s imagination, leading to numerous discoveries and exhibits dedicated to these ancient giants.

One of the most significant megalodon discoveries occurred in the 1980s when a nearly complete skeleton was found in the coastal cliffs of Peru. This remarkable find provided scientists with a wealth of information about the megalodon’s anatomy and allowed for detailed reconstructions of these creatures.

Museums around the world have capitalized on the public’s fascination with megalodons by showcasing their fossils in captivating exhibits. From life-size reconstructions to interactive displays, these exhibits offer visitors a chance to marvel at the size and power of these ancient predators.

Megalodons have also made their way into popular culture in recent years through books, movies, and documentaries. Authors and filmmakers have drawn inspiration from the mysteries surrounding megalodons, weaving tales of thrilling encounters and exploring the potential impact of their existence on the world today.

Conclusion: The Enduring Fascination with Megalodons

The mysteries of megalodons continue to captivate our imagination. From their discovery in the fossil record to the ongoing debates about their extinction, these ancient giants have left an indelible mark on our understanding of the Earth’s history.

Through the study of megalodon fossils, scientists have gained invaluable insights into the past, unraveling the secrets of these colossal creatures. The enduring fascination with megalodons is a testament to their awe-inspiring size, power, and the sense of wonder they evoke.

While we continue to explore the depths of our oceans and solve the mysteries of the past, the legacy of megalodons will remain an enduring testament to the vastness and diversity of life on Earth. Whether through scientific discoveries, museum exhibits, or creative works, the story of megalodons will continue to spark our imagination and inspire future generations to explore the unknown depths of our planet.

9 Ways How To Be More Productive, Improve Your Concentration And Stay Motivated

How to be more productive

You probably spend hours in front of your computer, and you are not getting things done? Your colleagues and friends always finish their work earlier with maximum efficiency. What are you doing not right, and how can you improve your strategy? There are some tactics that you can use to help you improve your productivity because being productive doesn’t always mean working hard and having strong discipline.

Productivity is very important because you can do more for less time and have more free time to spend with your friends or practice your hobbies. It also gives you a sense of feeling accomplished and releases dopamine in your system to enhance your mood.

Why Do We Struggle With Our Productivity? 

There are some reasons why some people struggle with their productivity:

1 . You do not know your end-goal

You do not know your right direction because you are overwhelmed with activities, your brain is full of many thoughts, and you cannot focus on the task and accomplish what you need to.

2. You start working late

Sometimes you do not have enough time in the day because you start working late when the day is almost over. The do list for the day can be big, so if you have a lot of activities for the day, it is better to wake up early and get the things done.

3. You are distracted by social media

In modern technological societies, we are often distracted by constant message alerts, notifications, replying messages, and social media, and you may pass your time scrolling messages all day long. According to one report in 2018, most Americans spent around 11 hours per day on their computers and tablets or on other media. (1)  

4. You are bored with work

There are times when you feel bored with work, and you work too much, so you find your work tedious and you do not have the motivation to finish it.

In addition, the task you are working on it may be very difficult and complicated and hard to finish, so you will try to find a way to focus on easier tasks, which leads to lower productivity.

 How Can You Increase Your Productivity And Focus?

How can I concentrate better

If you have problems with your productivity, these tactics may be helpful:

1. Focus on harder tasks first

When you start working, first focus on harder and most important tasks and not the easiest as most people would do. If you have many tasks to do, try finishing the difficult and most important ones first because in some cases, you will not have enough time to finish all the tasks for the day.

2. Be an early riser

Many important CEOs showed to be successful early risers, proving their success. (2)  

This is also associated with better health and better grades at school for students, which leads to better job opportunities. One study from Harvard Business Review showed that early risers are more successful than night owls. (3

3. Set limits

Set a work schedule for a week or a month and also on how long you are going to work on a task. It will also shrink your work and make you more productive. Also, it will push you to work harder and do your best to finish the task on time.

4. Change the scenery

If you work for long hours in the office, you can change the scenery and start working at home, or in a coffee shop if you have flexible time and you can do it.

The focus sometimes depends on the environment you work in and the people you are surrounded by.

5. Have a positive self-talk

When you are overwhelmed with work, try using some positive self-talk like “I can do it” or “I am good at this”, because the negative one will make things even worse.

Several studies have shown that around 80% of self-talk is negative and critical, and we all need inner strength to make new changes and get new healthy habits. (4)

How Can You Concentrate Better?

What are the 4 tricks to stay motivatedIn the digital world, we are distracted and need to focus on our tasks because it takes our time and attention better. 

Concentration is our ability to direct and control our attention according to our will. Many factors can decrease it, like lack of sleep, environment, eating habits, or distraction.

But, we have a few tips to help you improve it: 

  • Close all media applications and silence notifications, as many researchers have already found that our cognitive capabilities improve when our phone is out of our sight.  (5)  
  • Practice meditation to calm your brain and relaxation of the whole body and use your breath to distract your mind. 
  • Improve your sleep habits and try not to read from electronic devices before going to bed because they can emit light to the blue end of the spectrum and block the secretion of melatonin that promote sleep in the brain. 
  • Focus on the details that are important for the moment and let go of the past moments, and do not think about the future. 
  • Try some stimulating games like chess, jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, and some video games that can stimulate your brain and improve your short-term memory. 
  • Listen to music, exercise, and eat well to increase your serotonin and dopamine levels, which affect your focus and attention. Food like blueberries can stimulate your brain because they have an enzyme that improves the flow of oxygen to the blood and brain. 

How Can You Reset Your Brain To Focus In 15 Minutes?  

If you wonder how to reset your mind in a few minutes’ time, here is how: 

1. Take a break for a glass of water

Most Americans feel dehydrated and this slows the function of the brain. So, whenever you feel you need more focus, drink a glass of water and improve your brain capabilities.

2. Have a healthy snack 

Have a healthy snack like grain toast with avocado, nuts, healthy seeds, and dried fruit. These are very helpful to have on your work desk as they contain protein and carbs to balance your blood sugar.

3. Have a walk

Walking generates energy, and even a brisk walk can help your body produce even more energy. It is a good combination of fresh air and exercise that promotes better concentration and focus. Sometimes a simple stretch can help your body stimulate the blood flow and give you a different perspective.

4. Inhale lemon essential oil

Citrus, rosemary, or eucalyptus oils can help you stimulate your nervous system and get you to feel energized.

What Is The 80/20 Rule For Productivity?

What is the 80/20 rule for productivity

80/20 rule is a common rule that every entrepreneur can benefit from and was created and developed by Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto who stated that 80% of your productivity comes from your 20% effort and spending your energy on the right work. (6)

This rule doesn’t apply to time, and it doesn’t mean that you should work just 1.5 hours out of eight per day, but it means that you should focus on the things that matter the most and should pinpoint the efforts that drive the most of the results in your business and your life. 

For example, after research, you can see that most of the company’s revenue comes just from 5 clients and you should focus your energy on them instead of managing 25 clients and getting overwhelmed in the process. 

This way, you will maximize your process and get the best results. 

Another example of this Pareto principle can be as follows:

  • 20% of your sales team may create 80% of your sales
  • 20% of your lead generation sources may create 80% of your leads

To find your critical 20%, you should start collecting data such as spending time on specific tasks, the activities that dominate in your company, which tasks give you the best return, what are the main tasks, etc…

Then prioritize and improve the critical 20% and do not waste too much time on the other 80%, and distribute the time of the day carefully.

This rule is an example of how to work smarter than harder.

How Do You Keep Productivity High When Motivation Is Low?

One of the biggest obstacles to overcome is self–motivation, which is probably very low when we are fed up with something. 

We all need some booster from time to time, although we work and live in an encouraging environment and love our work.

Here are some tips on how to improve your motivation when it is low:

Find what keeps you from moving on 

Find the very issue that prevents you from moving on in the right direction, although sometimes they can be presented in a hidden format and it may be the one you least expect, probably the least difficult one, and then it is easier to move on. 

Find an encouraging coach 

When you feel that your emotional drive sets you back, maybe the best solution is to find someone that will help you to boost your motivation. Maybe a friend or a colleague who can be an example of a highly motivated person and can help you to move on if you are planning to quit. 

Books are motivational boosters 

Books are great for learning about other people’s experiences and some of them may be written on the theme of motivation, and you will be surprised how they can be focused on the weaknesses and compare your story with other stories and you will find the one that is right for you and it will surely boost your motivation and help you move on!

Find your hidden fears 

In many cases, your hidden fears and anxiety can prevent you from reaching the peak of their best, identify them and continue on the programmed track. It is always normal to have some hidden fears, and that is why you need some external booster to keep on moving.

Anxiety Disorders And Major Depression Are Linked To Narcissistic Abuse

empath and narcissist

Nowadays considered as a disorder, anxiety has got its evolutionary roots back in the earliest beginnings of human evolution. Humans needed it to survive in the harsh and unpredictable environment they lived in.

Anxiety nowadays is considered to be an inexplicable feeling of unease, nervousness, and worry. It’s true that we have come too far to be affected by the same conditions which gave rise to the protective role of anxiety for our ancestors. So why and how does it occur now?

A lot of literature connects today’s anxiety disorders to some kind of psychological and emotional abuse during a person’s childhood. It has been found that early-life stress has a profound effect on the Central Nervous System (CNS) and that the same effect can occur in adults. (1)

This abuse is now discussed as a major factor contributing to anxiety disorders, major depression, and PTSD. In fact, it has been established that psychological abuse is more detrimental than physical aggression and that it leaves a deep scar on the victim’s mental health.

Children who have been victims of psychological abuse don’t necessarily develop anxiety in their lives, but such traumatic events in times where their brains are still developing contribute to supersensitivity in the neuroendocrine stress response systems.

This means that any additional stress from emotional or psychological abuse later in life bears a high possibility of triggering psychological disorders such as anxiety and major depression.

What Is Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissistic Abuse - Empath And Narcissist

Narcissistic abuse is one of the most harmful types of psychological abuse. It renders the victim unable to think and reason clearly due to the increased stress and the eventual adrenal fatigue.

This, in turn, triggers a number of possible outcomes, among which the most devastating effect could be an anxiety disorder, major depression, or both. This further increases your susceptibility to the narcissistic abuse and your inability to escape it.

That is why some victims tend to remain in the victim-abuser loop until the rest of their lives and are not even aware that their abuser feeds off them with every passing day.

The most common targets for a narcissist are people who are empathetic, compassionate and choose to see the best in others. This sensitive type of people will choose to trust and understand the narcissist.

And this is what they need to start weaving their web around their good-willing victims. In the process of their flawless manipulation, they will use whatever means necessary to make their victim feel smaller and more dependent on them.

They do it by constantly trying to lower their self-confidence and make their victims believe that they are going crazy. If they see themselves caught in the act, they will skillfully get out of the situation by convincing the other person that they are imagining the situation and are psychologically unstable.

While this is not the truth, you know what they say: a lie told a hundred times becomes truth. The more they make their victim question their morality, sanity, and ability to love unconditionally, the more they nail them to their cross and feed off them.

From the victim perspective, this lowered state and constant stress will eventually lead to adrenal fatigue and a constant fear that they may be doing something wrong. In certain cases, the victims start avoiding people, feel unable to function properly, feeling disconnected and are generally in a disabled state. (2)

This process is what will eventually lead the victim to a state of a shattered self-confidence and a completely destroyed mental state, where a lot of mental disorders have a space to start festering.

In this state, the victim is prone to develop extreme social anxiety, illnesses related to pervasive stress, a complete sense of disassociation from the self, and symptoms of major depression.

If you find yourself in such situation, it’s best that you talk to a psychologist and ask for help. While there are people who are able to recognize narcissistic abuse and get out of that relationship before it develops, some people are very much trapped in the cycle and find it impossible to get out.

It’s not that they don’t want to, but the psychological damage they have endured has left them unable to fight off the abuser and has made them shut themselves off from the rest of the world.

Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

The narcissistic abuse syndrome occurs when a person has been living with or spending a lot of their time with a narcissist.

People with a narcissistic abuse syndrome often question their own self-worth or sanity, always analyzing and overthinking about their flaws and failures. The truth is, these are simply ideas that were planted in their mind by their narcissistic parent or partner.

People victims of narcissistic abuse often have a hard time identifying with reality because their minds are confused from the constant abuse and emotional manipulation they’ve been or still are exposed to.

The narcissistic abuse symptoms may vary, however, in most cases they mimic those of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, a condition that affects people who’ve endured severe traumas in their early childhoods.

Narcissistic Abuse Symptoms Include:

  • Intrusive, invasive, or unwanted thoughts
  • Avoiding people or places associated with the narcissist
  • Triggers, i.e., physical or emotional responses to situations that resemble past traumatic events/experiences
  • Feeling isolated and detached from the world
  • Feeling extremely alert, having a fight or flight response to everything
  • Not feeling important or valued

Narcissistic Abuse Signs

empath and narcissist

Many victims of narcissistic abuse tend to approach a counselor in the hopes to improve themselves.

After undergoing a long and traumatic narcissistic abuse, these people tend to perceive themselves as a failure, they are ashamed of who they are and feel insecure, unworthy, incapable, or delusional. Hence, it’s no wonder if they turn to an expert for help.

They focus so much on fixing everything that’s “wrong” with them, they forget to mention the narcissist in their life, the abuser. Or even if they do, they only say nice things about them, praising them and admiring them.

This is so because the victim has absolute trust in their abuser; they think the narcissist can never hurt them. Even better yet, they are the only one that loves and appreciates them. 

But how can you recognize narcissists even before they pick you on your radar?

Narcissists are usually charming people who want all the attention on themselves. They are the people that can make an entire room laugh with their dazzling sense of humor, and when they are good with their victim, it may feel like you are on Cloud 9. Unfortunately, it’s their cycle of torture.

They sugarcoat with love and affection, only to smash you on a wooden floor later on with their dismissive attitude and cold-hearted nature. They are conniving, selfish, self-oriented, critical, and bad at listening.

They never truly listen to other people, they just nod and wait for them to stop talking so they can regain the spotlight.

Now, narcissists usually create codependent relationships because they need someone they can emotionally abuse just so they feel good, much like a leech sucking for blood.

Many have been wondering why are narcissists so toxic and needy of a victim whom they can drain from worth and happiness, and although it’s not always clear why it is believed that their emotional clinginess and pumped-up ego stems either from their overprotective parents or childhood neglect.

Below are the signs that a victim is undergoing narcissistic abuse in their life:

12 Signs Of Narcissistic Abuse

1. The abuser seems so perfect (at first)

Narcissistic abuse can be hard to identify because it happens slowly after the victim is already hooked on the narcissist. Victims almost inevitably fall in love hard with the narcissist because the narcissist is everything they want in the beginning. Handsome, smart, funny, ambitious, and charming.

During the love-bombing phase, the narcissist makes their victim feel adored, special, and cared for. The narcissist compliments them, gives them love and affection, and pretends to want to spend the rest of their life with them. In the victim’s eyes, the narcissist is the perfect person, and they are grateful that someone like them is even interested in them.

The early stage of the relationship is very intense. The abuser seems too loving and caring to the victim that they don’t even think that their relationship might be a lie. Then, slowly, the expressions of love and compliments stop, and they are being replaced with insults, lies, and manipulation. The narcissist goes from love-bombing their victim to completely disregarding them, using silent treatment or gaslighting as manipulative tactics.

2. Other people can’t even believe the abuse happened

The abuse coming from a narcissist is very subtle. That’s because the narcissist is not “openly” abusing anyone. You see, the narcissist is someone who cares about their public image. Therefore, they will never let themselves lose control in public. Instead, they will abuse their victim behind closed doors.

The victim may also not know what is happening because the narcissist is leaving them confused and upset all the time. They may even feel guilty for their “mistakes” that are actually the narcissist’s fault.  The narcissist will insult their partner in front of everyone, but they will disguise the insult as a joke. So, other people may also not realize they are abusive.

And when the victim of narcissistic abuse needs support and love from their friends and family the most, they may not believe that the abuse even took place. Instead, they may question the victim’s perception of things and start assuring them that they must be wrong and that the narcissist would never do that and hurt them intentionally.

This is highly harmful in many ways. It seems as it not only destroys the hope of the victim for the support and love from their loved ones, but it can also make the victim feel delusional and crazy, believing that they might be actually imagining things.

3. The Narcissist Has Started A Smear Campaign

A narcissist always needs to maintain their perfect image of themselves and their life to have people admire them. So, in order to do that, they need to make others look bad. When they break up with their partner, or when their partner breaks up with them, the narcissist is quick to start a smear campaign against them to destroy their name and reputation.

They do this to save face and make the other person the “guilty” one for the break-up. They may start telling others how they were unstable and hard to be with… anything that they can use against them to discredit them and ruin their character. Plus, the narcissist is deadly charming, and they can make people believe almost anything they tell them.

Moreover, the narcissist may even win over the friends and family of their partner and convince them that their friend or daughter is the crazy one. So, when the victim actually decides to speak up, no one will believe them.

4. The Victim Feels Isolated

When a victim feels alone, with no one supporting them and understanding what they are going through, that might make them even more vulnerable to continue being abused and manipulated by the narcissist. The narcissist will see the sadness and loneliness of their victim, and so, they will try to lure them in with kindness and false promises of a bright future.

This manipulation technique is called ‘hoovering’, and it only works when the victim is in a vulnerable state without support from anyone, not even their loved ones. Plus, if their friends and family tell the victim that they should go back with the narcissist, they may do so and even apologize to the narcissist so that they won’t end up alone and isolated.

That’s how dangerous the narcissistic tactics are.

5. The victim freezes up

Different people respond differently to trauma. Some people may start fighting with the abuser, while others tend to escape the situation altogether (fight or flight response). Some victims of narcissistic abuse, however, tend to freeze up when experiencing trauma.

This freezing response oftentimes happens when the victim is feeling helpless. It can be beneficial in some situations, but the victim is still unable to escape the abuse. It is only a momentary reaction that is usually followed by the victim keep working to keep their partner (the narcissist) happy and keep the relationship from falling apart.

6. The Victim Has Trouble Making Decisions

The victim is constantly being abused and criticized by the narcissist, and they start doubting their own decisions. As a result, they have shattered self-esteem, and therefore, they have trouble doing anything for themselves without consulting the narcissist.

The narcissist has succeeded in destroying their self-confidence by constantly implying that they are not good enough and criticizing the way they are doing things. So, the victim starts to feel as if they can’t do anything right. Then, the narcissist will insult them in a ‘loving’ way, leaving the victim with an unclear perception of things and confusion about what is right and what is wrong.

The narcissist gaslights them to the point of making them believe they imagine things. The narcissist may abuse them, and the victim may think that the event never happened, that it is all in their head.

7. The Victim Always Feels As If They Have Done Something Wrong

The narcissist is someone who never takes responsibility for their hurtful actions. In their world, it is always other people’s fault. The narcissist will always find a way to present themselves as the victim, while putting the blame on others. And they usually do this by getting so angry at the victim that they actually end up apologizing to them and admitting they were wrong in order to calm their anger.

For example, suppose the victim accuses the narcissist of cheating. In that case, the narcissist will quickly get angry and start accusing them and redirecting the blame on them by saying hurtful things in order to belittle their victim. The victim then may get scared that the narcissist will leave them and that they should be ‘lucky’ that they are with the narcissist in the first place.

The victim may even start feeling ‘grateful’ that the narcissist is so ‘forgiving’ and decides to remain with them. Finally, even after they decide to leave the narcissist, they may experience trouble believing in themselves and blaming themselves for anything that goes wrong.

8. The Victim Starts Experiencing Unexplained Physical Symptoms

Abuse may trigger anxiety, and the victim may even begin to experience physical symptoms following the narcissistic abuse they are going through.

The victim may experience fatigue, insomnia, appetite changes, nausea or upset stomach, muscle pains and aches, stomach pain, and other gastrointestinal troubles.

9. The Victim Starts Feeling Unsettled And Restless

Narcissists are so unpredictable. The victim never knows whether they will love them or criticize them and start a fight. So, the victim is constantly on edge, fearing what will happen during their next encounter with the narcissist.

The victim feels constant tension and fear of criticism. They are no longer able to relax. They no longer feel safe, and their guard is always up.

10. The Victim No Longer Recognizes Themselves

Many victims going through narcissistic abuse start behaving differently than they usually would. That happens because they don’t want to upset their partner, so they try to accommodate them by altering themselves, thus losing their identity.

So, when the narcissist complains to their partner that they don’t want them to go out with friends, the victim may stop going out in order to show them their love. Next, they give up their dreams, hobbies, friends, and family, all in the hopeless attempt to make the relationship with the narcissist work.

Sadly, the narcissist is never satisfied, and they keep pushing the boundaries. Their requests never stop, and the victim feels drained to the point of no longer recognizing themselves.

11. The Victim Starts Having Trouble Setting Boundaries

A person a narcissist has abused, usually has little to no respect for themselves, and thus they don’t have boundaries. When the victims of narcissists try to speak up and set boundaries with the narcissist, the narcissist either ignores them or gives them the silent treatment until they end up doing what the narcissist wants.

Many people who decided to leave the narcissist alone and not let them in their life again have found themselves reconciling with the narcissist after the narcissist successfully removing the barriers and destroying their newly-set boundaries.

Finally, people who have suffered narcissistic abuse may also have trouble setting boundaries with other people.

12. The Victim Has Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

Depression and anxiety are common symptoms of narcissistic abuse. The constant stress a victim feels is enough to put them in a state of worry, fear, and nervousness, leading to anxiety, and later – depression.

The victim never knows what to expect from the narcissist, so they are in a persistent state of fear, constantly feeling helpless. The victim is always asking themselves what went wrong. As a result, they are sad and miserable. Their anxiety and depression after narcissistic abuse also stem from their destroyed self-worth and constant blame of themselves for the failure of the relationship. 

Note: If you think that you or someone you know and love is struggling with narcissistic abuse syndrome and undergoing a reiterating narcissistic abuse cycle, it’s important that you seek help from a narcissistic abuse therapist.

It’s not just about making an effort to get rid of the toxic claws of the narcissist, it’s also about seeking treatment to regain the control in YOUR life.

Narcissistic Abuse Cycle

The relationship cycle typical of narcissistic abuse follows a pattern, much like any other cycle of abuse.

Victims of emotionally abusive relationships experience a three-stage, vortex-like cycle of idealization, devaluing, and discarding. Yet, they keep coming back to their abuser because they think it’s them who did something wrong, not their toxic parent or partner.

Narcissists first show affection to hook their victim, and later on reveal their true face. They’ve been loving and caring for a few days, and then suddenly, start saying spiteful things or jokes about their partner in social occasions.

They know their victim is going to be hurt or embarrassed for sharing something so private about them, yet they do it anyways, making their victim insecure, ashamed, rejected.

Or they will suddenly detach from their victim, giving them the silent treatment. You really don’t know what you did? I have to tell you? Had you been a little more observant, you would’ve known.

Now the victim is confused. How come he/she was so gentle and loving yesterday? What happened? What did I do?

Naturally, they think it’s their fault and they try to search for ways to improve themselves. (3)

Narcissistic Abuse Examples

Narcissists expect others to behave in certain ways and they have a way of making people do what they want. That way is usually paved with low empathy, belittling, offensive remarks, and criticism when their victims fail to meet their standards.

Here’s What The Abuse Can Look Like Through Examples:

  • Your narcissistic partner said your perfume, your hair or your new piece of clothing look stupid and ugly, so you’ve changed them.
  • Your narcissistic parent told you how you are wasting your time reading books as a kid, so you gave up writing thinking you are not that good either way
  • Your parent or partner control your time and keep you from seeing friends or participating in social activities by yourself.

If you’ve changed your looks and style, your hobbies, or if you’ve lost things you used to like as a result of their narcissistic abuse and manipulation, you might feel as if you no longer know yourself, hence the disconnection from reality, the panic, and the anxious thoughts that feel like they cripple your day to day functioning.

Anxiety and depression are a dangerous abyss if left untreated, but luckily they can be treated and reversed. (4)

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

empath and narcissist

Toxic relationships are traumatic and leave victims with lingering symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and panic attacks, which take time and active effort to heal.

Your love for the narcissist can convince you t that everything is your fault – every manipulation, every maltreatment, every spiteful and toxic comment they casually threw at you that further deepened your emotional scars and convinced you of your lack of self-worth.

Breaking off the toxic whirlwind is never easy, but all it takes is deciding you want to get out of the tunnel and break free.

Your narcissistic abuse healing is not a one size fits all nor is it going to be as easy as drinking a pill. It’s journey.


Practice self-compassion. Praise yourself for having the courage to end the narcissistic abuse cycle, for having the courage to end the toxic relationship.

Try to rediscover yourself. Find out what you like doing, rediscover your hobbies and interests.

Don’t undermine the importance of positive reinforcement mantras.

Wake up every day and utter the words:

I am beautiful.

I am strong.

I am loved.

I am enough.

With my personality. With my lifestyle. With my job. With my fashion sense. With my music taste. With my cooking skills. With everything that makes me… ME.

I am enough. I am good. I am safe, and I always will be.

Because I am free from my past. Because I’ve moved on and I’ve left all my burdens behind.

…And most importantly, talk to a narcissistic abuse therapist whenever your emotional well-being gets blurred or distorted by unwanted thoughts.

Psychological abuse is more dangerous than physical abuse. It leaves terrible consequences on the mental health of the victim and it renders them unable to recognize it.

In the case of narcissistic abuse, the victim will be certain that they are the ones who are in the wrong, and they will blame themselves for the dark reality they are in. This, of course, is far from the truth.

If you are or have been a victim of narcissistic abuse, know that it has never been your fault and that you did your best to pull that disturbed soul out of its own darkness. The truth is, most narcissists prefer their darkness, and they want to pull you into it.

Spread the awareness! 

Copyright © Curious Mind Magazine

Top 10 Exercises For Piriformis Syndrome To Help You Get Rid Of Your Pain – Piriformis Stretches To Remove Hip And Lower Back Pain

Sciatica Nerve Stretches

Hip and lower back pain can come as a result of an irritation of the sciatic nerve. This pain can spread downwards and can affect the limbs and the feet. It is something many people suffer from, and the pain can affect your daily routine. Below is a list of 10 exercises for piriformis syndrome to help you get rid of your pain effectively. (1)

The sciatic nerve is located deep in the buttock. Because of its vicinity to the piriformis muscle, constriction or swelling of the muscle may lead to irritation of the nerve and pain. (2)

This muscle connects the top of the femur to the spine, and it’s the main muscle that allows for outward movement of the hip, upper leg, and foot from the body. The sciatic nerve passes beneath the piriformis muscle.

However, in many cases, the sciatic nerve passes right through the muscle and this leads to sciatica symptoms caused by what is known as piriformis syndrome. This leaves them with pain in the lower back and hip region that won’t go away, and this eventually contributes to poor movement and balance.

It is estimated that at some point in life, 4 out of 10 people will get sciatica or irritation of the sciatic nerve.

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis Syndrome is a very painful condition that is not so common. It is a neuromuscular disorder that occurs when the sciatic nerve gets compressed by the piriformis muscle and it leads to irritation and extreme pain.

The piriformis muscle is a muscle that is flat and band-like and it is located in a person’s buttocks, near the top of the hip joint. The piriformis muscle is very important for the movement in the lower body because it has a function to stabilize the hip joint and it also rotates the thigh away from the body which makes us able to stand, walk, or run by shifting our weight from one leg to another thus maintaining balance.   

The sciatic nerve, on the other hand, is a long and thick nerve in the human’s body. This nerve goes through or passes alongside the piriformis muscle, then goes down the back of the leg, and then it branches off into smaller nerves that finish in the feet. So, nerve compression can be a result of a spasm of the piriformis muscle, a condition known as piriformis sciatica.

Piriformis Syndrome Symptoms

Piriformis syndrome not always has the same symptoms, however, the most common ones include pain in the buttocks that gets more intense when a person sits, especially when the legs are crossed. Other symptoms are:

  • severe pain while sitting or squatting
  • pain that goes away when you move
  • pain that comes from standing, sitting, or walking for more than half an hour
  • pain in the opposite sacroiliac joint
  • foot numbness
  • pain when standing up from squatting or sitting
  • pain, numbness, tingling, itching, or burning sensations from the sacrum down the back of the things that oftentimes ceases above the knee.

Piriformis Syndrome Causes

The most common causes of piriformis syndrome and sciatica pain are: hip injury, leg-length discrepancy (when one leg is shorter than the other), abnormal location and development of the sciatic nerve or the piriformis muscle, severe and harmful exercise, prolonged periods of sitting, foot problems, such as Morton’s neuroma, and so on.

The leading cause of sciatica is, as mentioned earlier, constriction in the piriformis muscle, or swelling, both caused by an injury or spasm. Consulting your doctor is highly recommended, as there may be other more serious causes.

Sciatica treatment involves sciatica nerve exercises, medications, and can even lead to surgery. The oral over-the-counter medications given to people who suffer from sciatica pain include acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, or naproxen).

Patients can also be given muscle relaxants, antidepressants for chronic lower back pain, and pain medications for more severe pain.

In other words, if the whole treatment is taken into account, the therapy can last for as long as the nerve is irritated. This means that if you don’t do something extra about your sciatica, you will most likely spend years on medications.

Fast Relieve From Piriformis

Serving as pain relief exercises, there are some piriformis sciatica nerve stretches that you can try. It’s important to note that you must stay within the comfort limits. This means that in this case, no pain IS gain. If you take it even a bit further, you may complicate your condition.

Also, before you stretch you must warm up. You can do this by taking a walk, marching in place, or climbing up and down a flight of stairs slowly. Whatever warm-up activity you choose, you will need to do it a few minutes before starting the stretches.

Here Are The 10 Piriformis Sciatica Nerve Stretches Relief: 

Please note that these exercises must be done within the comfort zone of your body. Any unnecessary pain can lead to complications, so don’t overdo the stretches. 

IMPORTANT: Before starting any type of stretches and exercises, you should always consult your spine specialist first.

Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome (And How Long To Hold A Stretch)

1. Supine Piriformis Stretch

1. Lie down with your knees bent upwards.
2. Cross your affected leg over the other leg, by bending it upwards toward your chest.
3. Grab your knee with one hand and the ankle with the other hand and pull slowly toward the shoulder which is in line with your ankle – until you feel a stretch through the glutes in the buttock.
4. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and release.

Note that you shouldn’t feel a pinch in the front of your thigh. If you do, you will need to stretch your hip flexors first.

If you don’t feel a stretch in the glutes, you cross your legs as in step 2 and pull the leg which is sitting on the floor by grabbing behind your thigh and pulling the leg toward your chest.

Here’s a video to demonstrate:

2. Standing Piriformis Stretch

Another exercise good for sciatica pain relief is the standing Piriformis stretch.

1. While standing, place the affected leg over the other leg’s knee to get what looks like the number 4.
2. Slowly lower your hips toward the ground at a 45-degree angle, while bending your standing leg’s knee appropriately.
3. Lean forward with your torso and extend your arms parallelly to the ground, while keeping your spine straight at all times.
4. Hold for 30-60 seconds, and switch legs when done.

If you have trouble balancing, you can stand with your back against a wall and distance your feet from the wall by 24 inches. Use the wall as support and follow the steps above.

3. Outer Hip Piriformis Stretch

1. Lie on your back and bend the affected leg upward by placing your foot close to the back of the other leg’s knee.
2. Tuck your foot behind the other leg’s knee and twist your leg to the opposite side with the knee facing or touching the ground.
3. Place the hand which is on the side where the knee is (if you’re stretching your right leg, place the left hand on the knee) and raise the other arm in the air.
4. Slowly start lowering your other arm toward the opposite direction of the knee, with the intent to touch the shoulder to the ground.
5. Stay like that for 20 seconds and switch legs.
6. Return to the lying position and stretch both legs. Bend the two knees together and gently pull them with your hands toward your chest.

You won’t be able to touch your shoulder to the ground at first, and don’t try to achieve that with try 1. The purpose of this exercise is to achieve a stretch in the piriformis muscle, and any stretch that is comfortable is enough.

4. Long Adductor (Groin) Stretch

1. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs straight out and as far apart as you can.
2. Gently tilt your torso forward toward the ground and place your hands on the floor next to each other.
3. Try to touch your elbows to the ground by gently leaning forward. You should tilt forward as long as you feel a comfortable stretch and stop if you feel any pain.
4. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds and release.

If you feel pain in other parts of your legs, such as behind your knees, or your thighs, you should do some other leg stretches before attempting this stretch.

5. Short Adductor (Inner Thigh) Stretch

1. While sitting on the ground, put the soles of your feet together in front of your pelvis.
2. Hold your ankles with the opposite hands (left hand – right ankle and vice versa).
3. Gently push downward with your knees with the effort to touch the ground with them. You need to stop right before any pain occurs, which means that if you feel pain, get back an inch or two and stay there.
4. Hold for 30 seconds, release, and flutter your legs in that position (like a butterfly) for 30 seconds.

If you want a deeper stretch, you can use your elbows to push your knees down, and for an even deeper stretch, you can bend your torso forward while keeping your back straight.

6. Side Lying Clam Exercise

1. Lay on your side, with the affected hip on top.
2. Bend your legs backward to achieve an L shape, while keeping one foot over the other and your legs parallel to each other.
3. Make sure your body and spine are not bent in any way, and that your affected hip is directly on top of the other.
4. Keeping your feet together, raise the top knee upward, while paying attention that the body remains in the original position.
5. Return the knee to the initial position slowly. Repeat 15 times.

7. Hip Extension Exercise

1. Place your hands and knees on the ground (get on the ground on all fours). Your hands need to be in line with your shoulders.
2. Tilt your weight off the affected leg and raise the leg upward (with the knee bent) toward the ceiling.
3. Lower your leg slowly, reaching almost to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.

8. Supine Piriformis Side Stretch

1. Lie on the ground with your back straight and your legs flat.
2. Bend the affected leg upward and place the foot on the outer side of the other leg, near the knee.
3. Using the opposite hand, gently pull the knee of the affected leg across the midline of your body until you feel a stretch. If you feel pain, loosen up the stretch.
4. Make sure you don’t lift your shoulders and hips off the ground.
5. Hold for 30 seconds, return to the starting position and switch legs. Repeat the whole process 2-3 times.

9. Buttocks Stretch for the Piriformis Muscle

1. Position your hands and knees on the ground (all fours).
2. Bring the affected leg’s foot underneath your trunk and twist it toward the opposite side, near the hip, while pointing with the knee toward the shoulder.
3. Lower your head, until your forehead touches the ground, and lean your forearms on the ground for support.
3. Slowly stretch the non-affected leg out behind you, while keeping your pelvis straight.
4. Push your hips slightly toward the floor.
5. Hold for 30 seconds and return to the initial position slowly. Repeat 2-3 times.

10. Seated Stretch

1. Sit on a chair and cross the affected leg over your other leg’s knee.
2. Bring your chest forward and bend slightly forward, while keeping your spine straight at all times.
3. Hold for a couple of breaths and try to bend a bit further (if you don’t feel pain).
4. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and slowly release. Repeat with the other leg.

Piriformis Syndrome VS. Sciatica

Even though these two terms are oftentimes used as synonyms, they are not the same and they are different when it comes to their symptoms, causes, and their treatment. They both inflict pain in your leg, buttock, or lower back, but the underlying cause for the pain is different for piriformis syndrome and sciatica.

  • Piriformis syndrome as I said, is a condition where your sciatic never gets compressed and irritated by your piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve gets close to this muscle and therefore, the symptoms of piriformis syndrome can transmit to your sciatic nerve by traveling from your hip and buttock towards your leg.
  • Sciatica is caused when spinal stenosis or a herniated disc compresses or irritates one or more nerve roots in your lower spine since these nerve roots are merged together and form the sciatic nerve.

And while piriformis syndrome can be a result of any changes in the anatomy of the piriformis muscle or the sciatic nerve, sitting for a long period of time, or injury of your buttock or hip, sciatica is a result of a series of problems that affect and damage the lower spinal nerve roots, such as spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, or herniated discs.

If the cause of the pain is piriformis syndrome, then the hip and buttock pain is more present than pain in the lower back. If the cause is sciatica, however, the pain in the leg is more prominent than the lower back pain. In sciatica, the affected leg also feels heavy. Moreover, in piriformis syndrome, when the person sits for long periods of time, the pain increases. In sciatica, the pain minimizes when the person raises the affected leg while lying down.

Piriformis Muscle Stretch And Physical Therapy

When it comes to stretching as a way of curing piriformis syndrome, there are numerous stretching exercises you can do using hip extensors or hamstring. These tools will help you relieve the pain and better your motion. Here are two simple piriformis stretches you can do:

  1. Lie on your back. Bent your knees while your both feet lie flat on the floor. Then, pull your right knee up to your chest, grasp it with your left hand, and then pull it towards your left shoulder. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  2. Lie on your back. Bent your knees while your both feet lie flat on the floor. Rest your right leg ankle over your left leg knee. Then, pull your left thigh towards your chest. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Do these exercises at least 3 times a day.

Hamstring Stretches

It is very important to stretch the hamstrings i.e the large muscle on the back of your thigh, in order to heal any type of sciatic pain. Here are 2 simple exercises that will help you do just that.

  1. Bring two chairs and place them face to face with each other. Then, sit on one chair and put the heel of your leg on the other chair. Then, by leaning forward, bend at your hips until you feel your thigh stretching. Then hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  2. Lie on your back. Your legs should be straight. Then pull one leg up and straighten it by holding onto a towel that you have previously wrapped behind your foot. Pull until you feel your thigh stretching. Then, hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Repeat these exercises 3 times every day.

Physical Therapy For Piriformis Syndrome

Physical therapy can be of great additional help for curing piriformis syndrome. A chiropractor, physiatrist, a physical therapist, or another qualified health practitioner, will make a program of different motion and stretching exercises designed just for you and your problem in order to help you stretch the muscle and thus decrease spasm.

Passive Techniques For Treating Sciatica

Cold And Hot Packs

Frozen or heated packs containing gels, beads, or granules have proven to be helpful in alleviating pain when you place them over the painful and sore tissue.

The hot packs can relieve the pain by relaxing the stiffness of the muscle by improving blood flow and reducing muscle tension. Cold packs, on the other hand, relieve the pain by producing a numbing effect thus reducing the swelling and the pain. Moreover, cold packs reduce the chemical reaction that causes pain and inflammation.

Apply cold or hot therapy for 15-20 minutes with a 2-hour break in between the applications. Put a towel between your body and the pack to avoid injuring your skin.

Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

This therapy is applying electric current directly to the sensory nerves by using a transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation unit (TENS) thus creating a tingling sensation that minimizes the pain, mostly in the lower back area.

Neuromuscular Electric Muscle Stimulation

This is a therapeutic method that uses different amplitudes and wavelengths in order to reduce the contraction of the muscle and improve its function and movement.

Finally, stretching together with physical therapy and the other passive techniques can help you get rid of sciatica pain and piriformis syndrome if you are persistent.

8 Exercises To Avoid With Piriformis Syndrome

There are also some piriformis syndrome exercises you should avoid that can aggravate your pain or irritate the piriformis muscle.

Piriformis syndrome is a nagging chronic pain condition, and the piriformis muscle gets very sensitive when the hip muscle doesn’t function or is unbalanced.

An additional trigger and tension may make the muscle spasm, even more, when you are in pain.

The pain also inhibits the muscles that play the primary role in the body, such as the gluteus maximus in this case and some other hip muscles, and will try to compensate, which leads to even greater pain and spams. There are some exercises that can aggravate the pain and make addition tension and muscle spasm.

So, let’s go for the list of the 8 exercises to avoid:

1. Avoid Sitting Exercises

If your problem is caused by sitting for long periods, you should avoid sitting exercises. If you do an exercise while sitting on a chair, you should consider an exercise that can be done while lying on the floor.

It would help if you also stopped stretching the muscle if you have been stretching it, as sometimes it may worsen the symptoms.

2. Clam Exercise

In addition, some other prescribed exercises can worsen the problem, such as Clam exercise, although it is a very popular and fantastic strengthening exercise. It is because it involves the hip’s external rotation, and this movement actually causes piriformis. This way, you activate it even more and your piriformis is already overworked. So it is always best to exercise the muscles around the piriformis, but not the piriformis itself. 

3. Cycling

When you sit on a bike and do not have back support, you put additional stress on the lumbar spine and hips. The hip flexors are the muscles that are used when cycling, but they tend to be very tight and overworked as we sit most of the time. So, the cycle bent posture exacerbates the existing hip imbalance and does additional pressure on the spine and hips.

4. Some Gym Exercises

If you are an athlete, you should avoid any exercises in a seated position, such as:

  • Riding a bike
  • Using a recumbent stepper
  • Rowing
  • Upper body ergometer 

Also, runners should probably cut back on running and start using cross-trainers instead.

5. Exercises with high-intensity movements

Your body is not in a condition to handle any high-intensity moments, especially jumping, which can cause additional pressure on the hips. Additional plyometric exercises to avoid are:

  • Running
  • Drills
  • Stair climbing

6. Side-lying leg lift

This simple move triggers the thighs, but you can easily make a mistake and move your hip joint and not your back by rotating the leg out. This will trigger even bigger pain and make it worse.

7. Intense scratching and foam rolling 

Runners and athletes should avoid intense scratching and foam rolling. of the piriformis as this will tighten the muscle even more. Try scratching just the opposite leg, gently releasing any tension of your non – painful leg. 

Is Walking Good For Piriformis Syndrome?

In general, yes, but you should cut on your distance or pace if you notice that your pain aggravates. 

Always Remember Pain Is The Messenger

You should monitor your progress and exercises and see how your body communicates with you. If you have reduction and pain and greater mobility, you are making progress.

Amping Up Your Omega 3 Foods List: How to Get More Omega 3 in Your Diet

food is highest in omega-3

Omega-3s are fatty acids that benefit your health in numerous ways. Since your body does not make them by itself, in order to function properly, you need to get them from foods and dietary supplements.

Did you know that most adults in the US don’t get enough Omega-3s in their diet? Omega-3 foods list can help fight depression, improve eye health and brain health, decrease risk factors of heart disease, and reduce symptoms of ADHD.

What Food Contains Omega 3 and What Types of Omega-3s Are There?

There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

  • Docosahexaenoic acid is present in oily fish, such as mackerels, salmon, and sardines.
  • Alpha-linolenic acid is found in seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid is present in oily fish.

What Food Is Highest in Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Fish as well as other sea food are a rich source of omega-3s. Certain vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and fortified foods also provide omega-3 fatty acids. In what follows, we’ve presented a list of different Omega-3 foods list that include all sorts of foods that are high in omega-3.

1. Salmon

Half a fillet of farmed and cooked salmon contains 4,123 milligrams of omega-3s, while 100 grams of salmon contain 2,260 milligrams. Salmon is also packed with vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium, and it has protein too.

Additionally, studies have indicated that regularly consuming fatty fish, including salmon, or fish oils which are a rich source of EPA and DHA, decreases all-cause myocardial infarction, cardiac death, and stroke and it reduces symptoms of depression as well (1,2).

2. Mackerel omega 3 Mackerel 

100 grams of mackerel contain 5,134 milligrams of omega-3s. Mackerel also contains a good amount of selenium and vitamin B12.

3. Herring

100 grams of Atlantic herring have 2,366 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. Herring is also high in vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium.

4. Sardines

Although they’re small, they are very nutritious. They’re packed with vitamin B12, vitamin D, phosphorus, selenium, and calcium, and there are 1,480 milligrams of omega-3s in 1oo grams of canned sardines.

5. Caviar

This luxurious food is made of fish eggs and it’s usually consumed as a garnish or starter. It’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids, 100 grams of caviar have 6,786 milligrams of omega-3s. Caviar is also packed with choline.

6. Trout

There are 581 milligrams of omega-3s in 2.2 ounces of trout. Trout is also high in vitamin D, potassium, and protein.

7. Cod Liver Oil

This oil is extracted from a codfish’s liver. One tablespoon of cod liver oil contains 2,682 milligrams of omega-3s. Cod liver oil is also a good source of vitamin A and vitamin D.

8. Anchovies

100 grams of canned anchovies contain 2,113 milligrams of omega-3s. Anchovies are also high in selenium and niacin.

9. Shrimp

Shrimp omega 33.0 ounces of shrimp contain 267 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. Shrimp is also a good source of potassium and protein.

10. Oysters

Oysters need to make high positions in you Omega-3 foods list as well. 100 grams of oysters have 435 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. What’s characteristic about oysters is that they’re extremely loaded with zinc. They also have a good amount of vitamin B12 and copper.

11. Chia Seeds

28 grams of chia seeds have 5,060 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are also a rich source of magnesium, manganese, selenium, amino acids, and protein.

12. Soybeans

100 grams of roasted soybeans have 1,443 milligrams of omega-3s.  Soybeans are also loaded with fiber, potassium, vitamin K, folate, magnesium, riboflavin, and vegetable protein.

13. Flax SeedsFlax Seeds omega 3

One tablespoon of flax seeds contains 2,350 milligrams of omega-3s, whereas 1 tablespoon of flax seeds oil has 7,260 milligrams. Among whole foods, flax seeds are the highest in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is why people commonly use the oil extracted from these seeds like an omega-3 supplement. Flax seeds also have a good amount of magnesium, fiber, and omega-6 fatty acids.

14. Walnuts

Approximately 14 walnut halves contain 2, 570 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are also packed with fiber, vitamin E, manganese, and copper.

15. Hemp Seeds

1 tablespoon of hemp seeds contains 1,000 milligrams of omega-3s. These seeds also have a good amount of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and protein.

16. Mustard Seed

1 tablespoon of ground mustard seed has 239 milligrams of omega-3s. Mustard seed also has a good amount of phosphorus, potassium, choline, and magnesium.

17. Canola Oil

1 tablespoon of canola oil has 1, 279 milligrams of omega-3s. This oil is also a rich source of omega-6 fatty acids.

What Fruit Has Omega-3 Fatty Acids?avocado omega 3

Avocados have a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids. 100 grams of avocado contain 111 milligrams of omega-3s. Other fruits which are high in omega-3s are the following: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and guavas. 

What Vegetables Have Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

  • Navy beans. 1 cup of cooked navy beans contains 375 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids. Navy beans are also rich in fiber and protein.
  • Red lentils.  There are 240 milligrams of omega-3s in ½ cup of raw red lentils. Red lentils are also a rich source of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins.
  • Spinach. 1 cup of cooked spinach contains 166 milligrams of omega-3s. Spinach also has a good amount of vitamin E, choline, and betaine.
  • Brussels sprouts. There are 135 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids in ½ cup of cooked Brussels sprouts. This vegetable is also a good source of vitamins K, C, and A as well as manganese and folate.
  • Kidney beans. ½ cup of kidney beans has 0.10 grams of Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Kidney beans are also a good source of protein, iron, folate, copper, potassium, and manganese.

Do Eggs Have Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

If you’re not a big fan of seafood, then you can definitely include omega-3 enriched eggs in your diet. You’re probably wondering how omega-3 fatty acids get to eggs. Well, the answer is pretty easy. Eggs containing omega-3s are laid by hens which are fed on chia seeds, fish oil, and flax seeds. One egg contains approximately 100 to 500 milligrams of omega-3s.

Does Milk Contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Milk is not believed to be a good source of omega-3s, although it can be fortified with these acids. In cows fed on vegetables that contain omega-3 fatty acids, or canola, or flax seed, there’s a maximized transfer of omega-3s from their diet to their milk. There is less than 1 gram of these acids in 244 grams of milk with 3.25 percent of fat. Additionally, conventional milk has a lower rate of omega-3s than organic milk, (organic milk refers to the milk produced by cows that are grass-fed).

Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty AcidsHealth Benefits of Omega-3

1.They Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

One study has revealed that omega-3 fatty acids have a protective effect on blood sugar levels. 148 Brazilian people with impaired glucose tolerance were included in the study and they were asked to consume Omega-3 foods with fatty acids over 12 months. After this period of time passed, 92 participants had normal levels of plasma glucose. It was also shown that some of the participants were more likely to enhance glucose disturbances (3).

2. Combined with Physical Exercise They Promote Weight Loss

One piece of medical research has proved this. 75 overweight or obese people were included in the research and they were assigned to two groups: Participants in the first group were asked to consume vegetable oil high in omega-6 fatty acids every day with or without doing exercises and participants in the other group were asked to take fish oil high in omega-3s with or without exercising for 12 weeks. The results showed that only the participants who took fish oil supplementation and exercised lost body fat (4).

3.They Reduce Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease the production of compounds that cause inflammation in the body. One study has reported that these acids have anti-inflammatory activities, and for this reason, they might be an effective tool for managing autoimmune and inflammatory conditions (5).

4. They Curb Your Appetite

One study which examined the impact of long chain omega-3s on appetite in obese and overweight people who are on calorie-restricted diet indicated that omega-3 fatty acids modulate satiety (6). So, if you want to feel full for longer, make sure you include omega-3 rich foods in your diet.

5. They Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

The DHA and EPA present in supplements and foods can reduce levels of triglycerides in the blood, thereby lowering the risk of developing heart diseases. However, these acids may slightly increase your bad cholesterol levels.

6. They Might Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Some pieces of research indicate that people with increased omega-3s intake might be less likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s. However, more research is needed so as to better examine the impact of omega-3s on the brain.

7. They Have a Positive Effect during Pregnancy

Pregnant women should consume around 12 ounces of fish or other seafood a week as this may maintain the health of their baby. Nevertheless, they should eat fish that isn’t high in mercury, such as sardines, trout, herring, and salmon and they should eat two portions of fish a week at the maximum. They should also avoid consuming swordfish and shark. It’s worth mentioning that many formulas for feeding babies have DHA present in them.

8. They May Help Alleviate Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis leads to stiffness and pain in the joints. Combining supplements that are rich in omega-3s with conventional medications for RA may help control this condition. For instance, for those suffering from RA, taking these supplements may cause them to lower the number of medicines they take to relieve their pain.

9. They May Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration

This is one of the conditions that lead to vision loss in older people. Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids may decrease the risk of developing AMD. However, taking supplements containing omega-3s doesn’t prevent AMD from worsening when a person already has this condition.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids vs Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Omega-6 fatty acids are also obtained from food and as omega-3s, these acids play an essential role in our bodies too. However, there should be a balance between omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids in the body as this is needed for the prevention of inflammatory processes.  Namely, consuming large quantities of omega-6 fatty acids interferes with the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s.

Foods which are a rich source of omega-6 include: seeds, meat, safflower oil, avocado oil, tofu, corn, and nuts. So, to prevent inflammation in your body, make sure you consume less foods rich in omega-6 and consume more foods packed with omega-3s.

Side Effects

Omega-3 fish oil can have some unwanted side effects, such as:

  • Stomach upset
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant taste
  • Loose stools
  • If you consume more than 3 grams of this oil a day, it can cause bleeding. So, prior to increasing the amount of fish oil, consult your physician so as to determine what dose is good for your health.
  • It is still not sure if people who are allergic to seafood can consume fish oil safely.
  • Supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids may interact with anticoagulant medications.


  • Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods and dietary supplements.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the three types of omega-3s.
  • There are many foods which are rich in omega-3s, but fish is the highest in these acids.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids have several health benefits.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids should be balanced in the body.
  • Consuming omega-3s can have unwanted side effects.

21 Signs He Is Making Love to You

making love

Love has happened to you after a long long time.

That tingling sensation deprives you of your sleep, it overflows you with a sense of joyous fulfillment.

It’s new, it’s passionate, it’s invigorating.

His honeyed words feel like ecstasy.

Things have been going really well lately and now you are wondering about his feelings towards you.

Is it just some wild sex making powered by a thirsty sex drive or is it passionate, caring, Cloud 9, sense altering love making? (1)

What are the signs he is making love to you?

Chill Karen, it’s just the beginning, who cares? We’ll see how it goes – you think to yourself, yet those making love vs. sex thoughts are somehow stronger. They shut every other rational thinking.

You can’t help it. You want to know, meanwhile those thoughts are lingering inside your brain and you are constantly torn between the two extremes:

Is it just some animalistic sex making because your energies seemed to have overlapped or is it that sensual, burning, slow type of making love that exceeds both chemistry and physical attraction? (2)

Everyone knows making love and having sex is not the same thing.

Duuh, right?

Yet, we all somehow struggle with making a clear distinction between the two.

Ever wondered why?

It’s because when love is happening to us, all our discerning powers vanish into thin air!

That’s fine. It happens to all of us.

Sex is…well, just sex. A natural hormone-influenced occurrence that functions like drug to the brain. But that just sex, when mingled with feelings, intimacy and a real connection, can turn into an emotional involvement that goes beyond having sex for the sake of having it.

But men are just about having sex! – you may think to yourself.

Stop right there.

We’ve all been there where love making hasn’t been our priority, but things change when you meet the right person.

We change, our thoughts change, our actions… EVERYTHING changes.

So, what are the signs he is making love to you, and it’s not just about sex?

All matters of the heart pose pondering dilemmas, which is why we’re here to help you identify the signs he’s making love to you, not just having sex:

1. He makes eye-contact with you

When a man wants to make love meaning he loves you, you will know it because he’ll be making eye-contact. Long, intense, scanner-like eye-contact. He’ll love making love to you – and his eyes will show you that more than his words ever will.

Eye-contact, especially when longer, is so deep and personal, so intimate; it is the internal dialogue of the eyes, that silent click of the senses.

If he is not afraid to dive into your eyes and see you, really see you, it means he is not just having sex. Making love is in question! As Tony Montana puts it, the eyes, chico, they never lie. A true case in point!

2. He goes heavy on the foreplay

We all know that making love is not just about that physical tiredness of the body, those time intervals of pleasure. It’s about the full immersion in a sensual experience.

You’ll know best that he is not just having sex when he takes time to kiss, he touches your body, and notices what particular gesture, touch, or kiss made your heart skip a beat, so he makes sure to repeat it.

You’ll know he is making love to you because he won’t rush the sex act, and he’ll take his time to explore every millimeter of your skin. He’ll simply love making love to you – there’s no other way to put it!

3. He takes your body’s hints

Because satisfying himself is not his priority, he’ll be much more observant. He’ll notice and take hints based on your reactions.

He’ll respond to your movements and gestures, to the hints your body is giving out, and most importantly he’ll be nervous throughout your making love. You can notice this because whenever he’ll recognize you don’t quite enjoy or respond well to something, he’ll either back down or ask you what’s wrong.

4. He is gentle in the bedroom as well

When having sex, he won’t suddenly become Mr. Beast that can’t be tamed. Rather, he’ll maintain the perfect balance between the rough and the tender.

He’ll be considerate of your wants and needs when making love to you, and you won’t feel like you are there just to satisfy a basic need. He’ll be loving, caring and receptive of the queues your body is sending him.

5. He cares about pleasing YOU


You’ll know that his making love won, like really won your heart because he puts you first.

Sex won’t be about finishing in a bit and then moving on to the next best thing – he’ll care about fulfilling every caprice, every wild, crazy fantasy of yours even if it takes being all covered up in sweat and literally fighting for breath! He’ll make that extra effort because he cares.

6. He will ask questions about it

He wants to make sure the sex gave you pleasure and satisfaction, and he will ask questions. Whether you enjoyed the act, whether you had an orgasm, or whether it lasted long enough for you to reach that finish line.

He is eager to listen to you, soak in the impressions, and emphasize that you should always communicate with him – he welcomes constructive criticism and is willing to implement it.

Why? Because he is making love to you, of course! He’s caught some feelings and the fact that he cares about your pleasure before his is a CLEAR sign of that.

7. He’ll initiate pillow talk

Does he like talking after just having sex? That’s another sign he’s making love to you! And if the pillow talk is fun, easy, effortless, and endless that you are late for stuff, guess what? You are in it for the real deal.

The sex glow is real, and it just makes you want to cuddle afterwards and talk for hours on end. You talk about silly things, you rewind the sex experience, or you try to find life’s purpose after making love, and this is not only deep, but it’s the perfect proof that you both love making love to each other. 

Otherwise, neither of you would’ve bothered staying in bed, bonding, and cuddling. That’s pure investment, right there.

8. He stops when you tell him to

Making Love

This is a great sign that he is making love to you – he respects your boundaries. He wants you to enjoy the sex act because a man who wants more than just sex will treat you right outside of the bedroom and in it.

Whatever your reservations may be when it comes to physical intimacy, he will respect them. If you feel uncomfortable in a certain position or if you are uncomfortable doing something, he’ll understand. He won’t force you into anything and will never stretch your limits because the sex will be about MUTUAL satisfaction. Period.

9. He likes to cuddle after sex

He wants to be intimate long after the sex is over. Making love doesn’t stop when one of you collapses on top of the other in sweat. Instead, you feel happy and fulfilled.

It feels right and there are no cringing moments after the sex because you are both comfortable with your naked bodies, you cuddle and hug for hours, he lies on your chest in attempt to listen to your heartbeat, or he plays with your hair. He wraps his arms around you, soaking every inch of your skin – his hands are practically glued to your body.

It’s how you know making love won! You both have accepted your bodies, so that physical closeness, that comfort, and long-hour cuddling, when coming from the heart, cannot be faked nor mistaken for anything other than love, sweet love!

10. He chooses intimate positions

Face-to-face positions hint that the person you are with is into you. If he only chooses some fancy, twisted sex positions or doggy-style, odds are, you aren’t making love.

Bummer, we know.

But if the positions he uses instigate eye contact, intensity, and intimacy, we have some great news for you – he is making love!

Of course, sex is about experimenting and pleasure, and no one is denying that you should try new things, but if among that sexual rollercoaster intimate positions like missionary or cowgirl aren’t included at all, you may be wasting your time.

11. He goes down on you

A guy would go down on you even if he’s just sexually attracted to you. But when a man does this alongside all these other things, he is in for the long run. He loves your taste. He reciprocates. He pays attention. He hunts your reactions, your breathing, your sweet little moans.

He is romantic AND a giver. At the same time! Ever wondered why?

Well, because nothing matters more to him than pleasing you and satisfying you in bed – even if it means being a bit submissive and following your pace.

12. His personal hygiene will be spotless

You can see he put in some effort to look nice and to smell nice for you. He’ll be shaved, his beard will be in perfect line, and you’ll feel his perfume across 4 rooms.

When you are making love with someone you genuinely care about, you’ll pay attention to the smallest of details.

13. He is not rushing anything

After you finish making love, you don’t have the urge to get up, get your things, and vanish within 5 minutes. You feel good in his arms and you want it to last, but you are afraid he doesn’t feel the same. You are afraid he’ll get up and start to talk about how late he is for a meeting, or that he promised to meet his friends.

But no sir! He offers you lunch or coffee, a cigarette, even a glass of wine. He continues to lie in bed and just soak in your smell. BAM! That’s another sign that he is falling or has fallen for you already.

When he has no plans after the sex act and he is ready to enjoy a couple of peaceful hours with you, know that he is making love to you.

14. He lets himself be vulnerable in front of you

That means all selfishness and egotism aside. He’ll ask questions, he’ll seek affirmations that the sex is going well, and he’ll communicate with you. He won’t be afraid to start up bedroom conversations and ask whether you are enjoying the sexual innuendo and most importantly, he won’t be afraid to communicate his insecurities and imperfections with you.

He’ll be honest about his endurance or preferences, he’ll want to know how synchronized your bodies are, and that’s yet another sign he is making love to you. None of that macho man playing or anything.

15. He holds hands

This is really important. Is he holding your hands when making love or is he holding your neck in a firm grasp? If he is he grasping your neck or hair abort mission, we repeat, ABORT MISSION! Unless you want to get your heart stumbled upon.

To be sure that he is making love and not just satisfying a need in a whim of passion, don’t be the first to touch his hand – wait to see if he is the one initiating the hand holding or those gentle touches that feel warm and fuzzy.

Crude touches feel that way because they are not emotion-inspired; they just help you get a firmer grasp of your partner’s body, and when going for something serious, those are the things you want to avoid.

16. There is some dirty talk, but the sex is not based on it

He compliments you. He wants you to know how you make him feel. He won’t be afraid to whisper something romantic because he wants to be with you. He won’t feel less of a man for being cheesy or romantic or too honest or too loud in front of you.

There will be some dirty talk because hey, you are passionate about each other and you can be your kinky self, but you will also talk about feelings and emotions and when you are together, you’ll know he is making love because you won’t feel like a piece of meat. You’ll feel valued, loved, respected, and appreciated.

17. He waits for you

If he’s not making love but just having sex, he’d end all tired and panting, probably wanting to hit the shower right away – or just put his clothes on. But when a man is making love, he will try to cling closer to you and put his arms tighter around you. He won’t be selfish and self-oriented.

He will ask you if you are close, and he’ll go above and beyond to follow your timing. In case he is faster, he’ll want to continue right away so you can finish as well. After all, there’s two of you, right?  He knows that, and he acts accordingly.

18. He has a favorite night gown or lingerie of yours

Out of all the pieces of erotic clothing you own, he already has picked out his favorite one. He has told you what color he likes most on you or has even bought you some silky nightgown or seductive lingerie in that color.

He wants to spice things up, but always in a way that will make you feel loved and important – always in a way that will make you feel special.

19. You don’t feel lonely as soon as it’s over

He is not making love to you if you get this innate feeling of frustration, sadness, or loneliness. Things might be great during the physical act, he feels present, but as soon as it’s over you get hit by the somber reality: you are not a couple. 

He makes it physical. He makes it only about himself and it shows – that’s why you feel that way.

When a man is serious about you, after the sex is over, he stays in bed to cuddle and talk. That feeling of ecstatic happiness is so mighty that it uplifts your senses and brings joy to every atom inside of you. It feels different because it is different.

20. He wants to do it at home

On a cozy, spacious bed. With clean sheets and candles or dimmed lights. He takes time and plans the act. Sex with you for him is not happening out on a whim, it’s an experience. A journey. He wants you to be comfortable and to feel respected, which is why he is willing to let you enter his private sphere and wear his t-shirts after sex.

If he always initiates doing it in his car or somewhere out in the open for the sake of adrenaline, know that he isn’t quite making love to you. Carnal desire tends to be spontaneous, unplanned, less comfortable.

Making love, on the other hand, touches the private zone of our everyday lives, smashing our boundaries of both privacy and intimacy.

21. He doesn’t expect sex every time

Last but not least – not everything leads to sex! This is perhaps the most important indicator. Your cuddles don’t always end up with sex. That’s the biggest indicator that he is making love to you.

It means he plans a future with you – a bond that’s beyond the physical one; a bond that’s spiritual above all else and transcends the carnal, the animalistic, the hot-blooded… the lustful.


Making love is not cut and dry as it seems. It will never be. It varies for each person, because we all have different ways of connecting and expressing emotions.

The above-mentioned signs will inevitably help you differentiate between making love and having sex, but they are not mutually exclusive and vary from person to person.

One thing is certain though: when he is making love to you, you will be able to feel it. You’ll know it deep down in yourself because everything will feel more intense, cringe-free, and beyond comfortable.

You can mimic passion, but feelings? They are hard to fake, and that’s the beauty of love.

17 Plants for Bedroom That Smell Nice, Help You Sleep Better, And Have Health Benefits


Another sleepless night has passed and you have to get up and go through your busy day giving your best. What’s more difficult than that? Sleeping disorders will drain your energy, reduce your productivity, make you moody and nervous, and in a worst-case scenario cause some difficult health problems.

There’s one easy way how you can improve your sleeping without having to rely on sleeping pills: plants for a bedroom.  (1)

Yes, bring flowers and plants into your home. They will not only spice up the décor, but they will also help you relax and purify your body-eventually leading to better sleep.

Since anxiety and stress are guilty of half of the sleeping disorders, it will certainly do you good if you decorate your house with various plants which have calming effects.  

According to studies, spending time in nature is the best cure for stress and anxiety, but since we are living such a fast-paced life and we can’t afford to go to nature very often, then why not bring nature to us.

Polluted air, molds, and bad odor are a few things that affect our breathing, causing insomnia and sleeping disorders. According to a study conducted by NASA, these could be easily solved just by decorating your home with a few plants which can purify the air.

Due to their purifying and calming effects, these are the 12 bedroom plants that will help you sleep better:


Jasmine is an exotic, gentle plant that has many calming effects. According to a study having jasmine in your home will be helpful in reducing anxiety, thus improving the quality of sleep. And not to mention, jasmine plant care is easy and will enrich the appearance of your room. It’ll attract a lot of attention with its ivory or pink blossoms.

In fact, Jasmine can replace chemical air fresheners with its fresh, springy scent. 

Research has also shown that such quality sleeping will increase your readiness and you’ll make the most of your day.   


All of us are familiar with the smell of lavender. Lavender is also famous for its calming and relaxing effects which can induce sleep and reduce anxiety and nervousness. Research has confirmed that the smell of lavender slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress.

Another study has shown how lavender scent calmed down crying babies, and at the same time reduced the level of stress in the child and the mother as well. Isn’t this great news for all new mothers?

Lavender scent will increase light sleep in women, and decrease rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, and will also decrease the period of time to wake after first you’ve fallen asleep, but it’ll have the opposite effect in men.

Sure there are many alternatives where you can get lavender scent from, like lavender mattresses or scented sleep masks. But a beautiful lavender plant will fill the room with an amazing scent and enrich the décor as well.

Lady Palm (Bamboo Palm)

Lady Palms serve a solely decorative purpose, perhaps unlike many other bedroom plants, but that doesn’t make them any less dandy and beautiful. 

Regardless of your home decor style, the Lady Palm will fit in perfectly with its elegant evergreenish fan pattern. This houseplant is fairly simple to grow and nurture because it doesn’t need excessive watering or direct light. You can put it on one of your shelves or in the corner of your bedroom.

The Bamboo Palm or the Reed Palm is an exotic plant that. In case the leaves lose their authentic green color and start turning yellow, you might need to treat the plant with insecticide.

Fun fact: Lady Palms are ideal for homes with cats as they neutralize litter box smell.

Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue)

The Snake plant is number one plant when it comes to purifying the air. That’s because it takes in the carbon dioxide during the night while at the same time emits oxygen, thus filling the room with clean air, providing us with better sleep.

This plant is also an effective filter for some nasty household toxins from the air, like trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde.

Another positive side of the Snake plant is that it’s a pretty strong and easy-to-care-for plant. So if you are one of those who want plants but find it difficult to take care of them, the Snake plant is the real choice for you.

You can purchase it in a 6-inch pot from this page on Amazon.

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera has the same effect as the Snake plant. It takes in carbon dioxide and emits oxygen. The amazing Aloe is also easy-to-take care for plant, so don’t worry if you forget to water it sometimes.

The Aloe Vera reproduces very fast, so if you have only one plant for now, soon you’ll have enough to decorate every room of your house and even give some as a gift to your friends and family.

Since the Aloe Vera needs a lot of sunlight, the perfect place for this plant would be by the window.

The gel from the Aloe Vera is an excellent healer of insect bites, minor cuts, burns and it’s also good for dry skin and much more. Aren’t these reasons enough for you to have this plant at your home?


These beautiful flowers are another great choice for your bedroom because they can be very helpful in providing you with quality sleep. According to some studies Gardenias are as effective as Valium in reducing anxiety and promoting quality sleep.

But Gardenias can be difficult to take care of because they need constant care in order to maintain the leaves beautiful. Place an indoor Gardenia in a place with enough daylight, but do not expose it to direct sunlight.

The benefits you’ll get from having a Gardenia in your home are worth putting a little effort in trying to take care of it.


Passiflora refers to a genus of about 500 types of flowers from the family Passifloraceae. Passionflowers are another wonderful bedroom plant choice because of their soothing smell, exotic flowers, and distinctive petaloid.

According to folk medicine, passion flowers aid in reducing anxiety and insomnia. 


Looking like being plucked from a coral reef, Bromeliads are a type of tropical air-cleansing plant that captivates with its vivid colors. The Bromeliads are called air cleansers because they increase oxygen in the evening and absorb carbon dioxide during the day.

This bedroom plant is a family of monocot plants encompassing over 3000 species. The flower is native mainly to the tropical Americas such as Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia.

To bring a piece of that tropical heat in your home, you should just get a Bromeliad—extravagant, colorful, and ever in full bloom. As for watering, Bromeliads are not very needy—once a week is enough for them.

Spider Plant

The Spider plant is also a very effective air cleanser. According to NASA tests, it’s good in removing 90% of formaldehyde- which is considered a cancer-causing chemical. And formaldehyde is one of the components in many household products so maybe it’s a good idea to have one of these plants around.

Plus the Spider plant will absorb bad smells and fumes and maintain normal level of oxygen in the room, thus improving your sleep.


The Valerian is a seasonal flowering plant. Its scented white or pink flowers bloom in summer.

In the 16th century, the blossoms of the Valerian were used as a perfume and its root was the major ingredient of tea or tinctures. The Roman philosopher and physician, Galen prescribed Valerian root as a cure for insomnia.

Recent research proved that Galen was right in his theory- it’s sufficient to only smell the root and you’ll fall asleep fast and sound.

Keep this plant by the window since it needs 6 hours of direct sunlight. You can also add several petals to your bath to help you relax.

Chinese Evergreen

For all those preferring evergreen plants that look lavish yet don’t need much attention, the Chinese Evergreen is a perfect choice. The plant is a powerful air cleanser, much like the Bromeliad. Chinese Evergreens have splendid leaves and thrive in medium to low light or indirect sunlight.

The houseplant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and apart from being ornamental, it is also considered to be a luck bringer.

English Ivy

English Ivy is an easy-to-take-care-of plant that requires a little direct sunlight exposure and is very effective in cleansing the air.

According to studies the English Ivy is good in fighting allergies and asthma- which can cause many sleeping disorders. In a report from The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology it was said that this plant removed 78% of airborne mold and 94% of airborne feces in a period of 12 hours.

We all know how harmful sleeping in a room filled of mold is, so buying an English Ivy is not a bad idea at all.

The plant will look luxurious in a hanging basket with its leaves trailing down. But you should have in mind that it’s toxic, so make sure it’s out of reach for pets and children.

Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is not only a beautiful plant to look at. It’s also a champion in filtering trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and benzene from the air.

This bedroom plant can raise the level of moisture in a room by up to 5%, thus suppressing airborne microbes which cause allergies. It also calms down an irritated dry nose and dry throat, which can cause sleeping disorders as well.

Place your Peace Lily in a shady place, keep it away from children and pets, and water it once a week- it doesn’t need much and it’ll provide you with a good night’s sleep.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a perennial herbaceous plant from the mint family, native to south-central Europe and the Mediterranean, Central Asia, and Iran.

The lemon balm bedroom plant is aids anxiety, stress, insomnia, indigestion, and it’s also used as prevention for dementia.

If you cannot fit it into your bedroom or you have enough bedroom plants already, drinking lemon balm tea, using the lemon balm-based essential oil as your air freshener can also have a calming effect on your body.

In fact, many plant-based supplements that treat insomnia use mint and lemon balm as their main solidity.

Bamboo Palm

The Bamboo Palm or the Reed Palm is an exotic plant that will replace the chemical air fresheners.

 Place it in a shady place, water it regularly but be careful not to wet the soil too much, and enjoy clean, fresh air throughout the day and night.

Gerbera Daisies

Yellow, orange, pink, white- the choice is yours. These beautiful flowers will certainly improve your mood. But that’s not all they can do. Gerbera Daisies also purify the air during the night and release oxygen, thus help you breathe easily while you’re sleeping. These daisies will certainly be helpful if you suffer from allergies or apnea.

Have in mind that these Daisies require extra attention since they are easily prone to fungal diseases.

Golden Pothos

NASA names this plant as another excellent air cleanser. The Golden Pothos has heart-shaped leaves and it’s an easy-to-take-care for plant. A few hours of sunlight exposure and weekly watering it’s all this plant needs.

The best place for this plant is in a hanging basket. Keep it out of pets’ and children’s reach because it’s a toxic plant.


Native to the Mediterranean region, the rosemary bedroom plant is an indoor, needle-leaved shrub with pink, purple, blue, or white flowers.

The rosemary plant needs direct sunlight and regular watering, but be careful not to over-water it for the root may start to rot. The plant is used for improving indigestion, memory, and it’s a rich source of antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Once in your home, you can use its leaves in your day-to-day cooking as a spice, or make rosemary oil which you can use as a powerful cognitive stimulant.

When Bringing Plants To Your Home:

  • You should make sure that they aren’t toxic to pets and children.
  • Don’t forget to wipe their leaves at least once a week so they can do their job of filtering the air effectively.
  • For better results combine plants that will purify the air and those which will provide you with a good night’s sleep.
  • According to NASA 15-18 air-cleansing plants in an 1800 square foot house will be enough.

The Brutal Truth Behind The Toxic Relationship Between An Empath And A Narcissist

The toxic relationship between an empath and narcissist

The Toxic Relationship Between An Empath And Narcissist

Toxic relationships manifest themselves in the form of exhaustion, insecurity, discontent, emotional baggage that reappears in relationships with other people, anxiety, even depression. (1)

The thing about toxic relationships between empath and narcissist is that they are usually comprised of a narcissist that weighs the other person down and quite frequently, that another person happens to be an empath or just anyone that’s loving, caring, selfless, and lenient.

Relationship With A Narcissist

The relationship with a narcissist affects all areas of life – from socializing and your ability to focus at work all the way to affect your mental health.

The tricky part about being stuck in such a relationship is not knowing whether your partner really is a narcissist or just overly confident and if they are, what can you do about it? How can you change that? Or should you just leave that toxic environment and turn a new love page?

Narcissists select people that are vulnerable, either because of their past (their childhood or a past relationship) or because they have high levels of empathy. (2)

At the start of the relationship, narcissists will love bomb their victims, making them feel special and showering them with gifts, compliments, and affection. Then there goes their flip side.

All of a sudden, they turn cold and distant, reproaching, critical, harsh, and patronizing. The victim is suddenly confused: What happened? They were so loving and sweet but changed overnight. It must be because of something I did!

No one is bad all the time – neither are narcissists. They have this little game they play called hot and cold. Similarly, they alternate between these two phases, to hook their victim.

Hooked on those tender moments of the narcissists, desperate to feel loved and special again, the victim is willing to stand through the darkness, just so they can feel the light again.

The relationship with a narcissist feels like endless spinning in circles, constant spiraling between heaven and hell, affection and detachment.

What happens when a highly empathetic person is in a relationship with a narcissistic person who lacks empathy and has an immense sense of self-importance. The outcome? Toxic and painful (for the empath).

All narcissists have one common thing that you should be aware of – they are emotionally wounded people.

It is usually some childhood trauma that scarred them for life. Probably they have been feeling unappreciated and worthless in one period of their life which made them a constant ‘seekers’ for validation and admiration from others.

Empaths, on the other hand, are the ‘healers’ of society. They are highly sensitive and empathetic that they are even able to feel the emotions of others as their own. They want to help and protect everyone in need, and they will try to eliminate the pain and the emotional damage of the narcissists. However, these virtues that empaths possess may become their downfall if they are not careful enough.

So, when these two opposites meet the attraction is enormous – but toxic. 

This is because the empath fails to see the narcissist’s dark side. A narcissistic person is a person who can suck out the soul from everyone they come in contact with. It is a narcissistic way to feel validated while making others fragile and unbalanced and use them for future needs.  

This situation can be very confusing for an empath. An empath might not even be aware that they are dealing with a narcissist because their sensitive nature makes them see only the good in everyone.

Empaths tend to think that everyone is like them, that people are actually good at heart. This gullibility however admirable can be damaging to them because not everyone is honest and good as they are – and different people have different agendas.

A narcissist’s agenda is to manipulate. They want to be in total control of others and use them as a ‘validation tool’ in their need to rise above them. An empath’s agenda, on the contrary, is one of love, care, and healing.  There can never be balance a between these two contrasting natures.

If, however, they start a relationship, this relationship will soon become a vicious cycle that it will be almost impossible to get out. The more affection and love that the empath gives, the more in control the narcissist would feel, thus making the empath the victim.

In a relationship between Empath And Narcissist the empath will soon become wounded and begin to feel like the victim that in turn may give them some narcissistic traits. When a narcissist sees that the empath is wounded, it may give them a sense of validation. Because the more unhappy the empath is – the happier the narcissist feels.  The unhappy empath will then start seeking for feelings of love and support from the narcissist.

At this point, the empath will focus solely on its feelings of pain and will seek for validation and love, failing to realize that they are not the one to blame for this – the damage is coming from the narcissist. It is essential for the empath to wake-up and realize this before they become self-absorbed and narcissist themselves; because the truth is, everyone who is deeply hurt is vulnerable to become a narcissist.

relationship between an empath and narcissist.

So, how can an empath stop the damage and put an end to this toxic relationship with a narcissist?

Every plan on having a conversation with a narcissist is useless, because the narcissist, while very charismatic, is a very manipulative person too, and will try to blame the empath for his and their pain as well. It will make the empath feel responsible for all the problems in the relationship.

The empath has a choice: they could remain the victim in the narcissist’s game, or they could find the needed strength to walk away and end the relationship.

The empath should accept the fact that the narcissist will never change. And the waiting for a narcissist to change is a waste of a precious time. (3)

In the end, all that matters is that we let others treat us as we think we deserve to be treated. If an empath chooses willingly to stay in this kind of toxic relationship with a narcissist – it is their way of thinking that they do not deserve better than that.

This could not be further from the truth. Empaths have to understand that it is not their job to fix others, especially those who do not want to be fixed, as they are not aware of their disorder.

Empaths should realize that the treatment they get from the narcissists is not a treatment they deserve and must find the courage to utterly walk away.

Toxic Relationship Signs

It’s never easy to leave a relationship that you invested your soul, time, and energy in for years. BUT if you notice the following signs in your partner, it may just be the time for you to take some action and get rid of the narcissist near you:

1. Your partner is short-tempered and thinks the world revolves around them.

Ever tried to have a conversation with an it’s all about me person? Someone who is all about my way or the highway, only listens to themselves and when the conversation is not about them, they slowly redirect it back?

This stems from the need of the narcissist to be in the spotlight constantly, and if they are not, then they feel irritated and tend to burst out in the heat of their moment.

If you ever wondered why all narcissists are so short-fused and impatient, the answer is quite simple. Narcissists have a sense of entitlement wherein they believe to be entitled or, in other words, that they have the right for constant attention and admiration.

2. They disregard your feelings.

The narcissist will make decisions based on what will benefit them, not the relationship. They simply don’t care about your feelings as they are preoccupied with their own.

Narcissistic people are often quite like children—you take away their toy and they start crying and sulking. Well, it’s the same with the narcissist. It has to be their way or no way that in attempts to meet their wants and needs they forget yours even exist.

Don’t be such a baby, I was only joking.

God, you are impossible. You act like a baby.

Why are you so needy?

Do any of these phrases ring a bell? It’s what narcissists usually say to justify their dismissively selfish behavior.

empath and narcissist

3. They are manipulation experts.

Being an adult yourself, you may think it’s easy to spot a manipulator. But not a narcissistic manipulator. They have sly tactics that they employ with their victim, that by the time you become aware, the emotional damage has already been done.

Being in a relationship with a narcissist means having to go through a lot of belittling—whether in private or in public, the narcissist won’t hesitate to put you down and expose your insecurities, especially in front of your friends or coworkers. To cover up for their spitefulness, they will just say something like, Relax, it was just a joke. Jesus, can’t you take a joke?

Narcissists play the victim. They cannot take responsibility for their actions, so they either gaslight you by bending the truth and convincing you that it’s not how it happened or that that’s not what they said.

They will twist all your arguments posing as the victim: I have to go through this nightmare with you every single day. See? You’re always just trying to start an argument with me. Do you even want to be with me? I am telling you, I never said such a thing. Are you crazy?  

4. They have delusions of grandeur.

These people believe they are superior to everyone else, and they are not afraid to let that vibe float in the air so other people notice it. They want to be feared and admired and believe to be better than other people, so if you notice your narcissistic partner behaving condescendingly towards you and others, know that’s a huge red flag there.

5. Everything is either black or white.

There is no grey area. There is winning and losing. If the narcissist sees any threat to their ego, they will immediately feel attacked and will fight back.

They will go to lengths to make sure the world doesn’t perceive them as weak, ill, or defeated, even if it means attacking their opponent where they know it would hurt them the most. To them, not everyone can be the lucky winner, and they always make sure it’s them.

6. They have a split personality.

The narcissist’s charm comes with a twist. Narcissists are usually loving and caring at the start of a relationship and then they just switch to their regular selves once they have you hooked. From that moment on, it feels like you barely know the person you are with.

One minute you feel as though you’ve found the one, and then the next minute you wonder who is that person standing in front of you. The thing is, these changes happen slowly and gradually, so at first, you think you are the one that did something that hurt your partner.

You try to justify their ill-mannered behavior and every time you become aware that it’s not you, it’s them, they show you glimpses of that same old charm that made you fall in love, and continue to have you trapped in their net of lies.  

7. They have no sense of boundaries.

People in a relationship with a narcissist will do something despite the fact that you’ve told them it makes you uncomfortable. Narcissists overstep boundaries in many ways, including breaking promises or responsibilities, showing little remorse, or blaming the other person for something that’s clearly their fault.

Leaving A Relationship With A Narcissist

empath and narcissist toxic

When you reject a narcissist, their fragile artificially pumped up ego and self-esteem take a plummeting downfall. Because they think they are superior, they can’t understand how someone could no longer want them. They cannot come to terms with rejection. 

And what happens next is they will try to claw their way back into you’re your life to prove to themselves that you cannot live without them, that you need them desperately. To prove to themselves, once again, that they are worthy.

They will beg, sugarcoat you with their tender words, while their same old toxic selves will lurk just below the surface waiting to reappear a few weeks or months after you’ve agreed to give them another chance. It’s just a trap! It’s best to go no contact and detach yourself from their constant injections of toxicity.

Don’t fall for their sweet words and empty promises. Seek expert help if you need to heal after their cruelty and public humiliation, after their unpredictable behavior and their twisted mind games of manipulation.

Take action. All your loved ones can help you. Trained coaches can too. It may be hard, but once you close the door to your narcissist, don’t try to open it ever again.

It’s what would hurt them the most. Absolute detachment. Going cold turkey.

You will go back to being your old energetic, lively self—the one you used to be before meeting them. Breakups are not easy, I know. But reiterating anxiety and mental torture is way harder.

Absorb all the strength your friends and family can give you. Absorb all the power you and God will give you and let go. 

20 Empath Signs – How Do I Know If I’m Empath


Empathy is a gift that makes you a special person – one of the true healers of this world and a part of a much greater whole.

What Is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to connect with other people on a deep level. To feel their feelings, see what they see, and look at things from their perspective. Empaths can see someone in pain, and they can immediately feel their pain if it was their own. Empaths are also very in touch with their own feelings, and they have high emotional intelligence.

Empathy is the ability to feel what others feel, to walk a thousand miles in their shoes, and understand how they got to where they are. As much as this gift is a blessing, it can also be a curse that can drain you out.

And just like with any other gift, it all depends on how we use it that will make the difference between a blessing and a curse. However, what matters is that empathy is an exceptional ability, and it is the recipe for our future as humankind.

There are people who can see someone suffering and do nothing about it. They even act hostile and are indifferent towards them. On the other hand, empaths can never see someone in pain and not do anything about it. On the contrary, they will do anything to help them and heal them, at least minimize their pain.

Empaths are very good listeners, so people open up to them and tell them their problems. They are also thinking about how others are feeling and whether people feel comfortable in their presence. Others rely on empaths for advice and consoling energy.

Moreover, empaths have a strong gut feeling, and their intuition is never wrong. They can spot a liar from miles away, and they can always tell whether someone is a good person or not.

Empaths also have a problem setting boundaries with other people because they care deeply about others and want to help everyone who is in trouble and suffering. That is why they often get overwhelmed and exhausted. (1)

There Are Three Types Of Empathy That A Person Can Feel:

Somatic empathy

This empathy occurs when the person has a physical reaction as a result of seeing someone in trouble or pain. There are people who can physically experience what others are going through. For instance, if they see someone crying, they can start crying too. (2)

Cognitive empathy

This type of empathy is an ability to understand what a person is going through and their mental state. It is an awareness of someone else’s thinking process in a given situation. It is thinking about what the other person is thinking. (3)

Affective empathy

This empathy is an ability to feel what the other person is feeling. An ability to walk in someone else’s shoes and see things from their perspective so that you can help them in the right way. It is being genuinely concerned about another human being. (4)

What Are Empaths?

Empaths are extremely sensitive people, able to feel what other people are feeling and think what the others are thinking. However, they are more than that. They are also very spiritual individuals with many psychic abilities in hand. They can sense and absorb the energies of others as if they were their own and thus transform their lives and help them on their path.

Empaths are also great friends. They are compassionate listeners, and they always, always show up for anyone who is in need. Their hearts are golden and big, and their soul is generous and pure. Their intuition never fails them. It is always on point and helps them stay on the right track in life. They are also very emotionally intelligent, and they always consider the feelings of others before making a decision as they don’t want to hurt anyone.

But, these extraordinary qualities that empaths have are the same that make them feel exhausted and depleted. Due to the fact that empaths feel everything that other people are feeling, they can often become overwhelmed with emotions, especially bad emotions, such as anger and pain. And because empaths take the problems of others as their own, their own life can feel difficult to them as well.

Moreover, with their intention to help anyone, they are not able to set boundaries and say ‘no’ whenever someone asks too much of them.

Are You Born An Empath?

Genetics is the first factor that can help you determine whether you’re born an empath or not. If your parents or other family members are empaths, you might be an empath as well since some forms of sensitivity may be transmitted through genes. For example, extremely sensitive parents can have children with the same inborn traits.

Then, the second factor that determines whether you’re born an empath is an inborn temperament. Some babies show signs of empathy the moment they come into the world. For instance, they are way more sensitive to touch, temperature, light, sound, smells, and movement. They’re very alert. Such babies are newborn empaths.

How To Know If You Are An Empath

If you are an empath, know that you are not alone – many are being born empaths, and more are becoming powerful empaths with each passing day. Empaths are born healers – they can feel the pain of the world, and they are here to mend it.

The curious thing about empaths is that they have a unique set of characteristics that others do not possess. It may seem strange to those who have not developed their empathetic side, but for empaths, these 11 characteristics are something that comes naturally.

1. You Are Overly Sensitive

If you hear people tell you to ‘toughen up’ because you are ‘too sensitive,’ don’t listen to them. You are sensitive for a reason. Some movies make you cry, and the news on TV is something you cannot stand because of all that negativity. Seeing pain makes you feel pain.

This is very natural for an empath, and there is nothing wrong with it. No matter how much people tell you that you need to be tougher, they will never understand that your sensitivity is the cure for this world that has become too tough.

2. You Absorb The Emotions Of Those Around You

Perhaps this is why crowded places may seem too much for you. It is because you tend to absorb people’s emotions like a sponge. You feel what they are feeling, and you cannot control it. Sometimes you may even be confused about whether these emotions are yours or someone else’s.

People feel comfortable speaking to you because you genuinely understand how they’re feeling and what they are thinking. And it is no wonder. If only the world could be more sensitive the way you are. Wouldn’t it be a much better place?

3. You Are An Introvert

All the sensitivity to the energies around you makes you want to stay away from many people. It is simply because you do not always have the energy to cope with all those emotions.

Instead, you tend to look for more quiet places, people to who you can relate, or just being by yourself for some time. This loner attitude is something that helps you to recharge and muster your strength for the next emotional challenge.

4. You Possess High Intuition

Your empathy does not only mean that you can feel people’s emotional energy, it means that you can sense all energy around you. It is just that people’s emotions usually radiate with the strongest intensity.

However, your ability allows you to truly listen to the energy around you, and this activates your intuition. You know how things will turn out; you know if somebody is lying or trying to manipulate you; you know the things your intuition shows you and only you can understand them.

5. Intimate Relationships Can Be Overwhelming For You

When you connect to someone on a deeper level, you start absorbing so much of them that you may feel like you are losing touch with your identity. You suddenly see yourself reacting the way they would, feeling the things they are feeling – and it can all be too much for you.

However, this ability allows you to truly understand your partner and show genuine care and devotion to them. They may not be aware of what you are going through when you are near them, but they know that you understand them perfectly for the people they are.

6. You Are A Magnet For Narcissists (And Vice Versa)

You are a healer, and narcissists are one of the most emotionally damaged people out there.

Don’t be afraid of the notion that you are drawn to narcissists. You have the ability to spot manipulation from a mile, and you can also peer deeply into one’s true nature.

This does not only give you the upper hand over narcissists, but you also have the potential to bring them back to the genuine and beautiful self hiding beneath their monstrous masks. So, trust yourself, and if you love someone, never give up on them.

7. Nature Is Your Cure

If you offer the cure to those who need it, nature provides that cure to you. In fact, when you look at the way you function, you are like nature. You feel unconditionally, you give unconditionally, and you understand unconditionally.

That is why your sanctuary is in nature, and nature is your best teacher. So do not forget to visit nature regularly and nurture plants in your home. Being in touch with nature means clearing off any negativity you may have absorbed and learned lessons that only you can understand.

8. You Have A Heart Of Gold

If everyone could be named after the strongest characteristic they possess, your name would be ‘Emotion.’ Your emotions are always sincere and pure; you give them unconditionally, and you always try to help people heal.

People will try to take advantage of your golden heart, as many think this is a weakness. Trust your intuition and your empathy, and you will easily read their intentions like a children’s book. Protect yourself as much as you try to protect others.

9. Sometimes, You Cannot Tell Your Feelings From Those Of Others

This usually happens when you are emotionally drained. You start experiencing the feelings of others, and you think they are your feelings. It takes practice to tell your feelings from those of others, and it takes energy too. So, don’t forget to recharge.

In some cases, empaths are even known to mirror the emotions of others. These empaths are also known as Heyoka empaths, and they are considered to be one of the most powerful empaths out there.

10. When You Are In Public, Sometimes You Feel Overwhelmed All Of A Sudden

Whenever you are around a bunch of people, you feel overwhelmed because you sense their energies and absorb them. You may suddenly feel so overcome with emotions that seem to come out of nowhere.

Therefore, it can be a challenge for you to go out in public and be around people. Plus, you will need extra time recharging and recovering when you come home after being out because of the intensity of the experience that leaves you feeling drained.

11. You Understand Where Other People Are Coming From

Empaths have the ability to feel what other people are feeling. They have the ability to walk in other people’s shoes and see life from their perspective. That’s why they can understand where other people are coming from and why they are doing what they are doing.

Moreover, empaths can also sense intuitively what other people are thinking, and as a result, they can understand them and connect with them on a deeper level, which makes empaths one of the best people to be around.

12. You Feel Triggered By The “Vibes” Of A Room

You can pick up bad vibes in a room and get immediately triggered. You are extremely sensitive to how you are feeling when you enter a room. Therefore, when you are surrounded by calm and peace, you feel positive and happy. On the other hand, if you start feeling annoyed, negative, and bitter, you know that you need to leave quickly, or else you will get disturbed.

That’s why a walk on the part, quiet gardens, warm baths, or rooms that feel peaceful have a transforming effect on you. They recharge you and bring positive energy into your life.

13. People Ask You For Advice

With your insight, intuition, and your ability to see a situation from every perspective, it is no wonder that people go to you whenever they need advice, support, encouragement, or just a listening ear.

They know that they are safe with you. They know that you will always be honest with them because you always speak from the heart.

14. Not Only Do You Feel Other People’s Emotions, But You Also Feel Their Physical Illnesses Too

When a person is injured or sick, you can feel it. You can feel the injury as if it is happening to you. And this doesn’t mean that you only show empathy for their pain and what they are going through. It also means that you’re actually feeling the pain as if it was your own. Your body physically hurts.

And you probably don’t see this trait as a ‘gift.’ However, this is why you are such an exceptional caregiver and healer. Without this gift, you wouldn’t be able to connect with others on a deep level and get them what they need to help them ease their pain.

15. Intimate Relationships Overwhelm You

Relationships can overwhelm you and become a challenge for you because you can sense every change of mood, you can almost hear your partner’s thoughts, and you know what they are feeling at any given moment. You also know when your partner is lying.

Moreover, when you and your partner start living together, sharing the environment can also be a trouble for you. Having another energy to cohabit with can also be overwhelming and challenging for you because your home is your sanctuary from the world, it is your safe place where you recharge and recover. That’s why it is important to find a partner who will respect your boundaries and need alone time.

16. You Can Spot A Liar From A Mile Away

You are a walking lie detector. Of course, there may have been times when someone managed to deceive you, but that happened only because you were ignoring your intuition and your gut instinct that screamed to get away from that person.

You can spot and process even the tiniest social cues, and therefore, it is almost impossible for someone to hide their true intentions from you.

17. You Have The Power To Heal People

You have an energy that calms people. People go to you for advice and healing. They sense your aura and they want to be around you because you make them feel good. And it is true that whenever someone is in trouble or pain, they always go to their most empathic friends for comfort.

You can heal people with your energy and your good heart. You are always there for them when they need you the most, and sometimes it is all it takes to mend their broken heart.

18. You Just Can’t See A Person Suffering Without Wanting To Help Them

Being an empath, you can’t walk past someone who is in pain and having a problem without trying to help them. There is no way that you can just walk away when you see someone suffering.

And that is why empaths are considered the healers of this world. They are the blessing of the human race. They are the brightest star in the sky, always trying to light someone’s way and guide them on the right path.

19. You Need Your Alone Time

You can get easily drained and exhausted when you are around other people. That’s why alone time is very important to you. You need to be alone to recharge your batteries and clear and replenish your energy.

20. You Are A Target For Energy Vampires

Your sensitivity often makes you a target for energy vampires i.e. people who feed off your energy and leave you feeling depleted.

Empaths are especially targets for narcissists who lack empathy and compassion. They use other people as scapegoats to manipulate them and abuse them in order to feel like they are in power.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Characteristics Of An Empath?

Empaths are highly sensitive and giving people. They are like sponges who absorb other people’s emotions. They are highly intuitive and introverted. Therefore they need their alone time. They can easily be overwhelmed in romantic relationships due to the extreme emotions they feel. Empaths are targets for energy vampires.

Is It Rare To Be An Empath?

There’s a much-divided opinion on the subject of whether empaths are rare or not. Some people believe that real empaths, i.e., those who experience empathy and are able to sense and absorb other people’s emotions and energy all the time, are rare. It’s believed that only 1 to 2 percent of the population have this ability.

Others believe that many people are empaths, but they are not aware of it.

And there are others who believe that we can all become empaths if we practice consciously, work on ourselves, and learn how to be more receptive to sensitivity. In fact, many empaths share this belief too. They are known to try to teach other people how to be more aware of and sensitive to other people’s feelings. They’re known to teach others that everyone is born with the gift of feeling empathy and that this gift needs to be nurtured.

Answering the question of whether empaths are rare or not is also difficult because it depends on what qualities you believe an empath should possess. For example, some people think that feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and energy makes you an empath.

Other people believe that one needs to possess many other abilities so as to qualify as an empath. For instance, they believe that true empaths are highly intuitive and sensitive and can read people’s minds, spot liars, and heal other people’s emotional wounds.

You might agree with the first definition more than the second or vice versa, but all that we can say is that both are true in their own way.

Do Empaths Cry A Lot?

Yes, empaths do cry when they are overwhelmed with emotions. Empaths are extremely sensitive people, and they can feel everything so deeply. They can also feel what other people are feeling, and it is because they are very compassionate and intuitive.

Therefore, whenever empaths get triggered by bad news or by weak people who are in deep problems and misfortunes, it can be difficult for them not to cry because they want to help them as quickly as possible.

Are Empaths Born Or Made?

There are factors, like genetics, that can reveal whether a person is an empath and to what degree. Scientists believe that when a person is born, they will have mirror neurons in their bodies if they are an empath. Plus, they will be highly sensitive to the vibrations around them.

In certain circumstances, empaths can be made from experiencing trauma. Any traumatic experience from childhood through adolescence can make a person highly intuitive and aware of what is going around them. They can also develop deep feelings and get in touch with everyone.

Who Are Empaths Attracted To?

Empaths are attracted to narcissists. And this is because they have a lot of empathy and compassion, something that the narcissist lacks, and they feel an immense need to help them and cure them. On the other hand, narcissists want someone to worship and idealize them.

Of course, this is not a good match because narcissists tend to hurt people mercilessly, and empaths tend to forgive them. This is why the empath keeps getting broken and betrayed by the narcissist, but they stay, allowing the narcissist to create even more drama and chaos in their life.

What Should Empaths Avoid?

Empaths should avoid watching violent news on the media, being around narcissistic and critical people, spending time in overcrowded places, and being around negative people. All these things can make an empath feel anxious, depleted, drained, and used.

What Is A Dark Empath?

A dark empath is a person who can be the most emotionally dangerous, even more, dangerous than a narcissist. Why? Because a dark empath will draw you close to them and thus be able to inflict more harm as a result. Dark empaths can only understand someone’s emotional state without the willingness to help them.

Dark empaths also have dark humor, which means laughing at someone they think is inferior to them. They can be very malicious and conniving. They are also adept at guilt-tripping others.

Can Empaths Sense Evil?

Yes. Empaths can sense evil. They can feel immediately when something feels off or disturbs their energy. They can also sense when someone is angry or upset.

Are Empaths Selfish?

Empaths do prefer their alone time. However, that doesn’t mean that they are selfish and self-absorbed. On the contrary, if the empath feels a need to go silent and retreat into a quiet environment, it means that they just need that peace for the sake of their own well-being.

Are Empaths Good In Bed?

Yes. Empaths are known to be good in bed because of their giving qualities. They always tend to put other people’s needs ahead of their own and make everyone happy. Plus, the hypersensitivity of empaths is well known. Empaths are extremely sensitive emotionally as well as physically, which makes them able to give and receive ultimate pleasure.

What Is Special About Empaths? What Power Do Empaths Have?

Empaths are known for their power to feel what other people are feeling and sense what they are thinking at any given time. Moreover, they can put themselves into any person’s situation and see it from their perspective. And that is what makes them so special and unique.

Why Do Empaths Attract Narcissists?

Narcissists see empaths as giving and loving people who are always there whenever they need them. And this trait attracts narcissists because they want people to be obsessed with them. If, however, empaths stop doing things their way, the narcissist’s mask of generosity and goodness will fall off, and they will get cold, distant, and punishing.

In the beginning, the narcissist will get attracted to the empath and their good qualities. However, once the narcissist finds the empath has a flaw, they will immediately start detesting them because the narcissist hates everything that is not perfect.

Additionally, empaths always try to fix narcissists by giving them more love and doing more for them. However, when the empath treats the narcissist this way, the narcissist becomes, even more, mean towards them. Empaths need to understand that they can’t heal someone who doesn’t want to be healed.

Do Narcissists Think They Are Empaths?

The covert narcissist is a special type of narcissist that is perceptive and hyper-sensitive. The covert narcissist is aware of their insecurities and the childhood trauma they carry with them. They also know that they can be hurt.

This type of narcissist usually invests a lot of time and energy in making themselves look intuitive, generous, loving, compassionate, and caring. Covert narcissists can also boast that they have psychic or spiritual superiority over other people. But the problem is not that they try to make themselves look like real empaths or claim they are empaths. The problem is that many people tend to believe them.

So, to prevent yourself from getting manipulated and deceived by a covert narcissist disguised as an empath, in what follows, we’ve presented 3 methods to check if you’re dealing with a true empath or a covert narcissist.

1. Observe How They Behave When You Get Angry With Them

An empath will immediately try to think about why you’ve gotten angry or frustrated with them. They’ll try to understand you and help you. A covert narcissist will likely try to imitate the behaviors of an empath, but you’ll be able to feel that they don’t really understand or care. You’ll likely feel that they’re not really trying to help you or that their “attempt” to help you doesn’t benefit you in any way whatsoever.

Even if the covert narcissist is very adept at mimicking the behaviors of a true empath, they’ll gradually become impatient and upset by you being frustrated. They may even try to blame you for being “too dramatic or sensitive,” making them feel frustrated, or playing the victim.

All you need to do is listen to your gut feeling. It can tell you whether you’re dealing with someone who feels true empathy for you or someone that is pretending to feel sympathy for you and taking you for a ride.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

Another effective way to tell whether you’re dealing with a true empath or a covert narcissist is to set clear boundaries. For instance, begin disagreeing with or saying ‘no’ to them, especially in front of other people. An empath would get embarrassed and think about whether the way they behaved towards you was wrong. Rather than denying saying or doing something wrong or changing your mind, they would try to understand you and see why your point is valid. On the other hand, a covert narcissist would try to disagree with you, embarrass you, or intimidate you.

In addition, a covert narcissist would never accept your ‘no.’ Instead, they’d try to push you to do things you don’t want to do or want to do at a slower pace. So, if you notice that you keep having trouble maintaining your boundaries, despite them being caring and thoughtful, this is a telltale sign you’re dealing with a covert narcissist.

3. Ask Them Specific Questions About Their Purpose On The Planet

Empaths are aware of their purpose on the planet – which is to help and heal people. And they won’t be hesitant or ashamed to state that fact. A covert narcissist will also say that they have the ability to help and heal others, but there’s one big difference between these two types of people. If you ask an empath what their purpose on the planet is, they’ll likely tell you about their own healing path, i.e., how their abilities had helped them get where they are now in life. In addition, they’ll likely mention that they can’t help or heal EVERY person.

On the other hand, if you ask a narcissist the same question, they’ll likely exaggerate their past successes. For example, they might say that they’ve helped and healed thousands of people. They might even claim that they have spiritual powers. Moreover, to avoid answering this question, they may also try to interrupt you, change the topic of discussion, or create a different drama. One thing is for sure; it won’t be long before you realize how shallow they are.

Do Empaths Cheat?

Yes and no. No one could say with certainty that empaths are cheaters or not. They are human beings, after all, equally prone to mistakes like other people.

Empathy is a very powerful trait, and being an empath is as demanding as it is beautiful. If you are an empath, know that you are doing humanity a great favor by helping it heal from the bitterness and coldness we’ve all learned to love dearly.

Never try to change who you are, as you are highly appreciated among your close friends and among those who truly understand your role in this world.

Let everyone know who you are!

Don’t forget to share.

Copyright © Curious Mind Magazine

You Deserve To Be With Someone Who Knows Your Worth

you deserve someone

You deserve to be with someone who will know your worth. Someone to whom you’ll be more than good enough.

You deserve to be with someone who will show you the true meaning of love. Someone who will show you that love doesn’t have to be tough and painful. Someone who will show you what raw, genuine, deep love feels like. (1)

You deserve someone who is sure about you.

You deserve someone who will be willing to pull down the walls you’ve built around your heart to protect it. Because your heart got broken too many times. Because your trust was betrayed too many times. Because you committed to people who couldn’t see that you were a person that was the easiest to love. You were a woman with a heart of gold.

You committed to people for whom you were willing to fight with every part of yourself. But, they didn’t care about it.  They didn’t care about you.

That’s why you deserve someone whose biggest fear will be losing you. Someone who will walk through fire and fight demons to make you feel happy and protected.

You deserve to be with someone who won’t be afraid to love and be loved. Someone who won’t be ashamed to express their feelings. Instead, they will wear their heart on their sleeve and they’ll never make you doubt their love for you. (2)

You deserve to be with someone who won’t think that showing their vulnerabilities makes them look weak.

You deserve to be loved by someone who will make sure you know how special you are to them.

You deserve someone who will make your eyes glow with happiness when they’re around. Someone who will make your body tremble and your heart skip a beat at their touch. Someone who will be tender and supportive on your bad days and loving and passionate on your good days.

You deserve someone who will make you feel wanted.

Someone who will shower you with affection, sweet words, and compliments. Someone who you’ll always be able to rely on. Someone who will feel like home.

You deserve someone who will accept and love you for who you are and always let you be yourself.

Someone who will be aware of all your weaknesses and faults and who will have seen you at your worst, and still accept and cherish you the way you are.

You deserve someone who will be aware of your beauty, both outward and inward, and of the purity of your soul. Someone who will know that you’re the best thing that could have ever happened to them. That you’re their strength. Their guiding light. Their blessing.

You deserve to be loved by someone who will be patient with you and who won’t lose their temper and call you “needy,” “clingy,” or “boring” when you get emotional and show your vulnerable sides.

You deserve someone who will show understanding of your problems.

Someone who will patiently listen to you when you complain about what a bad day you had at work or about how much your best friend disappointed you. Someone who won’t leave you to fight your battles on your own.

Instead, they’ll stick with you through thick and thin. They’ll be your crying shoulder and greatest support. They’ll do their best to help you overcome your problems and see that gorgeous smile of yours on your face again.

You deserve someone who will enjoy spending time with you.

Someone to whom it won’t matter whether you spend the Saturday night in the best club in the city or at home, watching your favorite movie and eating pizza.

You deserve to be loved by someone who won’t make you beg for their attention and love.  (3)

You deserve someone who will be honest with and loyal to you.

Someone who will be both your best friend and an amazing lover. Someone who will respect your opinions, ideas, and decisions, but also tell you when you say or do something wrong or stupid.

You deserve someone who will show interest in the things you like. Someone who will do the seemingly unimportant things that actually mean a lot to you.

You deserve someone who will send you a bouquet of white roses to your office because they remember they’re your favorite ones. Someone who will leave you cute love notes on your pillow in the morning so that you begin the day knowing how much loved you are.

You deserve to be loved by someone who will tell you to text them when you get home because they want to know you’re safe and okay. Someone who won’t forget to ask you how your day went. Someone who will call you just to hear your voice. Someone who will terribly miss you when you’re not around.

You deserve someone who will be proud of everything you are and everything you do.

Someone who will show the world how grateful they are for having you in their life. Someone to whom you’ll be the most important person in the world.

You deserve to be loved by someone who won’t see you as a burden or just one more obligation they have to fulfill. Instead, you’ll be their strength. Their energy. Their priority.

You deserve to be with someone who will know your worth and remind you of it. Someone who will make you their choice every single day. Someone who will love you unconditionally and never give up on you.


Your “Meanest” Friend Is The One Who Actually Wants The Best For You And Gives You The Best Advice

If you have a friend you love, but at times can’t stand because their harsh (though true) words can hurt like needles – you can’t help but think that they are just being mean. However, science says this is not the case when it comes to your closest friends. 

In fact, recent findings have shown that your meanest friend is the one who truly loves you and wants the best for you.

According to research published in Psychological Science, people who tend to make others experience negative emotions believe that the impact of those emotions will be beneficial for them in the long run.

The research was conducted at the University of Plymouth and included 140 adult participants. The scientists behind the study observed their behavior during hypothetical situations: for instance, by generating the fear of failure in a friend who instead of learning for exams – is procrastinating his studying.

The researchers claimed that asking participants to take another person’s point of view has increased the likelihood of them choosing negative experiences and emotions for the other person if they thought that that experience would be helpful to them.

The findings of the study confirmed what scientists believed – that people indeed may be “cruel to be kind”.

“What was surprising was that worsening effect was not random but emotion-specific,” says López-Pérez, the lead author of the study. “In line with previous research, our results have shown that people hold very specific expectations about the effects that certain emotions may have and about which emotions may be better for achieving different goals.”

In other words, people can sometimes be “mean” to you not because they hate you, or they want to hurt you – but because they care for you and their “meanness” comes out of selflessness and empathy.

So, go ahead! Share this post and tag your “mean” friends and tell them how much you love them for their honesty!

How Can You Ask Your Friend For Advice Politely?

When it comes to friends, they have the empowering ability to give you the best friendship advice and you can rely on their support. When you decide that you need to talk to someone about the problems you have, it means that you have control over your life and it is a sign of intelligence. (1

And your true friends ( the ones who are cruel and honest with you always), although sometimes can use harsh words, are always there for help because true friendships are there through thick and thin and, what is important, in this situation, both parties benefit.

The whole interaction you will have, when you ask for advice, with your friend is a serious act that involves patience, diplomacy, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. 

The whole process may go easily in the wrong way and lead to frustration, below-average solutions, decision gridlock, and prevented personal development. You should be careful when you ask for advice from your friend and do it without annoying them: 

The start of the conversation is very important. You should always start with a positive tone and just use the most simple friendly statement, “I’d love your advice,” and immediately address your problem.

You have probably already understood the problem yourself and you are not sure about the root of the problem, it is hard for you to find a solution, but you still have some desired outcomes in mind.

According to a study conducted by two Harvard Business School professors, Joshua D. Margolis and David A. Garvin, there are 4 different types of advice you can ask your friend:

1. Counsel

When you seek counsel, you ask for guidance on how to face a difficult situation and the type of question would be, “How can I support by controlling manager? “

2. Mentoring

When you ask for this type of advice, you need it for your career advancement and professional effectiveness. It is a guide for your professional success and the question would be similar to “ How can I succeed in exposing the project I am working on? “.

3. Coaching

This type of advice is used for personal and professional development, enhancing skills and self–awareness. It involves self–management and proficiency in the tasks you work on and the working environment.

The typical advice you would ask when you need coaching is: “ How can I improve my collaboration skills? “

4. Discrete

When you ask a discrete question, you have few options in mind and you need to decide, so you need the advice to make the right decision. The type of question would be: “ Where shall we invest next – in China, in Japan, or in France?”

When you continue with the conversation, you should clearly define the problem. It is always best to come prepared with specific details at home, and include all the essential background information your friend should know and keep him interested in the problem.

Always ask the right person

Several studies showed that people who seek advice usually seek it from their close friends than from their acquaintances, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they will receive quality answers. (2

So, think creatively from whom you seek advice. If you ask advice from a CEO about your personal life, do not expect a miracle.

You probably have the right friends for advice on your relationship, cooking, or finances. So, before asking someone for advice, think about:

  • Are they honest with you?
  • How well do you know them?
  • Shall they be willing to speak about the issue?
  • Are they genuinely helpful?

Do Not Think You Know The Answer

When you find the right friend for your question, never assume the answer and think that you already know the answer.

In the end, the answer you will receive is not probably what you except for because it is seen from their perspective. But, this is a valuable experience and can open your eyes to new ideas, but it doesn’t mean that you should blindly follow them. Make sure it aligns with your own beliefs.

Be Grateful!

It is always nice to emphasize that you should BE GRATEFUL!

When the conversation is over, say Thank you to your friend for the time spent with you and for the advice given. You can even send them a message or an email the next day to say how grateful you are they are your friends and how their feedback helped you. Being appreciative and humble is a key to having a long relationship with your friends.

Do Not Give Up

Sometimes you have a big problem, but people just do not listen to you. But, do not give up on your problem. You will, in the end, find the right person who will help you have a happier and healthier life.

10 Benefits Of Dancing For Your Overall Health

dancing benefits

As we grow old, some of us start developing a rather negative relationship with the mirror because it starts showing off our grey hairs, our body’s saggy parts, and the many lines on our faces that come with age.

However, you can improve the relationship you have with your mirror because neuroscientists have finally found an enjoyable way to slow down the aging process.

Dancing, yes, dancing can be a great way of supporting your physical and mental health and increase your over well – being. 

Dance classes have been a favorite hobby for people who want to stay in shape and increase their health and are easily accessible as many gyms are beginning to provide dance classes to their clients. 

How Does Dance Affect Your Life?

Dancing can improve your life, and people who dance tend to be more socially active, socialize more easily, and are more creative. Let’s name just a few benefits of dancing: reduced anxiety and stress, improved stamina, better heart health, and better memory. 

From virtual classes to some freestyle in your kitchen, here are the ten benefits of dancing that might make you feel like trying it:

1. Dancing is the number one exercise for slowing down the aging process

According to a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal about the Health Benefits of Dancing, physically active people can slow down their brain’s aging process. Neuroscientists behind this study say that dancing is the most effective physical activity. (1)

So, why is dancing the most effective exercise for slowing down the brain’s aging process?

According to Dr. Kathrin Rehfeld, the lead author of the study, physical exercise has the effect of slowing down and even preventing the decline in both the mental and physical activity in the brain that comes with its natural aging process, so the benefits of dancing for seniors are enormous.  

In their study, they prove that 2 different types of physical activity – dancing and endurance training – both increase the brain’s area that declines over time as we age. But, only dancing has proved to be effective when it comes to changes in behavior due to the noticeable improvements in balance.

The researchers selected 52 elderly volunteers aged 63-80 years for the purpose of the study. Then, they divided them randomly into two groups, one group was assigned to join dance classes to experience the health benefits of dancing, and the other group joined the sports control group.

The dance group took dance lessons with a constant change of choreography, which moves they were asked to memorize. The program for the sports group, on the other hand, consisted of strength training, endurance training, and flexibility training.

The hippocampus area of the brain which is the most susceptible to decline because of the aging processes has increased in both groups. This area of the brain is also responsible for memory, balance, as well as learning.

But, only volunteers in the dance group had an increased volume of other subparts in the left hippocampus. Moreover, only dancing had increased the volume of one part in the right hippocampus, called the subiculum.  

This study proved that dancing, especially when followed by a change in choreography, is indeed superior to repetitive physical activities such as walking or cycling.   

Dr. Rehfeld further explains that they provided the participants in the dance group with different music genres. They changed the dance routine every second week, introducing new arm patterns, formations, steps, rhythms, and different speed levels. (2)

2. Losing weight

Coming to dancing classes can have many positive effects on your body, and in combination with a good diet regime and frequency, your body will look good in 1 to 4 weeks. Still, this depends on your personality and how much weight you want to lose. Some may enjoy going to the gym or running, but dancing is another enjoyable way of losing weight while listening to good music in a dance studio. While dancing, you can burn around 5 to 10 calories per minute, but that depends on your intensity and speed. Zumba dancing is beneficial for the whole body, and it is a great exercise for maintaining healthy body weight.

3. Better heart and lung health

While dancing, your heart and breathing rate may increase, and it can be great for people who are at risk of cardiovascular disease. It is one of the best sports activities to keep your lungs and heart-healthy from a very young age, and some studies have found that people who took dancing classes and are over the age of 40 have 50 % lower chances of dying from cardiovascular diseases.

4. Improved balance

Balance is one of the most important things for athletes, and the focus on good posture and core strengthening in dance can improve your balance. You are physically aware of your body all the time, and this makes you will more aware of your body moving within the space. One study found that years of dancing may change how your nervous system coordinates muscles for walking and balancing motions. Therefore, dancing can help coordination, strengthen our reflexes, and facilitate the connections between mind and body.

5. Great exercise for the brain

It is an excellent mental exercise, especially Tap dancing. It can increase your focus while you change the moves and increase your memory when you learn new steps, moves, and patterns which you need to recall. It can prevent dementia and impaired memory in old age.

6. Improved flexibility

You can easily reduce your body stiffness while making the arabesques and plies that ballet dancers practice. When you have better flexibility, you can reduce the joint pain and aching that usually appears after exercising. In addition, better flexibility reduces the risk of injury while doing some type of physical activity (not just dance) and can help you maneuver your body in multiple positions, which can help avoid injury.   

7. Increased energy

If you have a hard time waking up in the morning, dancing classes may help you to increase your energy in the long and short term. According to one study published in the journal The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, dancing may improve the physical condition and increase energy in adults.

8. Increased muscle tone

You may not need to go to the gym to have your muscles toned, you can have great muscles in your legs and glutes with dancing. For example, if you are a Latino dancer, you may have well-defined calves, while Break Dancers or Acrobats have strong shoulders. It can also work for toning your abdomen, lower back, and hips.

9. Better stamina and endurance levels

Dancing can offer an unexpected form of cross-training and quick moves that can help build up your stamina and muscular resistance. If you have problems with staying pace with your running exercise, do not wait any longer and take new dancing classes to improve your aerobic stamina.

10. Dancing has no age limits.

People of every age can gain something from dancing. Unusual for many sports activities, everyone can practice dancing, starting from toddlers to retirees. You can enjoy this beautiful experience, and it is good for everyone. Dancing means leading a healthy lifestyle, and it integrates the body, mind, and soul relationship.

What Are The Mental Benefits Of Dancing?

When you move, you feel happy and good, so this means dancing can improve your mood and mental well-being. 

Nowadays, when mental health becomes a hot topic, researchers are trying to find a correlation between dance and mental health. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that dancing can have positive effects on our mental health, such as the following:

1. Improved mood, reduced stress and anxiety

Numerous researches have shown that while dancing, within the body of the dancer, a great number of mood-improving chemicals are unleashed. One study conducted by The Arts in Psychotherapy found that these mood chemicals, when unleashed, can improve your mood instantly when unleashed, and even one “lively” session may reduce depression.

One other study conducted in 2007, has found that besides boosting mood and energy when you are taking hip hop classes can lower your stress level. Moreover, it engages the sense of touch, which also can lower your level of stress and anxiety. (3)

So, when you feel stressed, just shake your body and listen to some music, and the stress will fly away.

2. Dance as a social anxiety therapy

Dance has the ability to relax participants allowing them to dance in front of the public. Therefore, some therapists prescribe them to patients who suffer from social anxiety, such as fear of public speaking or speaking in front of an audience. So, one of the biggest benefits of dancing is increased confidence, and it can give you a sense of accomplishment and pride.

3. Dance for depression reduction

According to one study, patients who practiced dancing and were hospitalized with depression had a lower level of depression compared to those who didn’t. Also, teenagers showed lower levels of depression when placed in dancing and movement programs.

4. Dance for social bonding

Physical activity of dance can produce mental health benefits, and there is evidence that when dancing with somebody may increase the sense of connectedness and social activity. The dance classes are a great opportunity to make new friends, and you will find people with similar interests and hobbies.

According to one study conducted by Oxford University, dancing can light up the brain pathways, and you have the feeling that you know whom you are dancing with and can establish a connection easily. (4)  

3 Purposes Of Dance

Dancing has 3 different roles, and they are as follows:

1. Recreational role

Dancing can be practiced for entertainment and fun. Ballroom dancing is a create recreational and social activity. Aerobic dance can be a fun and excellent hobby for losing weight.

2. Ceremonial role

There are many dances that are performed for some celebrations and rituals by Native Americans and West Africans to celebrate events such as worshipping, good harvest, etc…

3. Artistic role 

The intent of the dance is a communication of some emotion, idea, or feeling, as usually in ballet, tap dance, and modern theatrical dances.

What about those who have two left feet and no sense of rhythm?

Try to lose yourself in the music and don’t think about how awkward and funny you might look. Because music indeed has many therapeutic benefits – it lifts our spirit and increases our happiness levels.

More And More Intelligent And Gorgeous Women Are Rolling Solo

smart attractive women single

Have you ever wondered why so many smart, confident, and attractive women are often single? Well, let’s get this straight – they aren’t single since they think they’re better than the rest, but because they can’t find men who deserve their attention, respect, and love.

It’s not that these women fear that someone might betray their trust and break their hearts. Or that they are solely interested in building a successful career and achieving high social status. The truth is that their high self-esteem and intellectual abilities prevent them from beginning a relationship with someone just for the sake of being in a relationship. (1)

They don’t want to waste their energy and time on a man that can’t keep up with them in all aspects of life. A man that’s afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve. A man that lacks confidence. A man that doesn’t bother to commit.

So, if you’ve been wondering why so many intelligent and gorgeous women are often single, make sure you read the following reasons:

1. They have very high standards.

These women are aware of their worth and they won’t accept to be with someone who isn’t compatible with them. Their partners must possess all the necessary characteristics this type of women are looking for in a man. Being strong, confident, independent, and driven matters a lot.

2. They put in a great deal of effort and energy in becoming accomplished in different spheres.

Super smart and gorgeous women like doing whatever they can to become more independent and improve themselves on a personal and professional level. They don’t wait for things to get done by themselves. On the other hand, it seems that men lack that ambition and commitment to shoot for high goals. This is something these women can’t stand. (2)

3. They already feel complete.

This kind of women doesn’t need a guy to feel emotionally complete and accomplished. They already have amazing friends and careers. They always look for new goals and passions to pursue. If they decide to be with someone, then he must respect and know how to deal with this.

4. They can’t tolerate bulls**t.

Hell yeah! Why would you think otherwise? These women would never allow someone to play little devious mind games with them. They’ll never let anyone juggle with their feelings, cheat on, and lie to them. They’ve had this kind of crappy experiences many times before and now they won’t let be manipulated again.

5. The childish dream of marrying the prince on a white horse does no longer exist.

Hah, they’ve grown up. They don’t believe in these delusions anymore. They don’t need a husband to feel safe and protected. They don’t need someone to watch them while they sleep at night. They even know that they don’t need a guy to have kids. They’re not afraid to be single mothers and pave the path to their happiness on their own.

6. They are never a second option.

These women always come first and will never settle for anything less than that. If most guys are so naïve to believe that they can easily replace these women with the first one they find on the social media, they’re awfully wrong. These women have a sixth sense and if they feel something strange is going on behind their backs, they’ll stop that even before it begins.

7. A lot of guys feel intimidated by smart and attractive women.

This kind of women is aware of their power as well. Yet, they’ll never consent to act as if they’re naïve or stupid so that they don’t diminish the confidence of some guy or make him feel inferior to them. These women know what they deserve and if men can’t deal with it, then I’m sorry, but it’s their loss.

What Is Your Most Powerful Chakra According To Your Zodiac Sign

Chakra According To Zodiac Sign

Speaking from a spiritual perspective, we all come to this world at the exact time and surroundings to learn a lesson and achieve a purpose in our lives. There is no coincidence in anything, even your personality. 

And for the Universe to make sure that you will be striving for the ideals you were born for, the planets’ alignment played a role in enhancing one of the seven chakras in your energetic body that will lead you to the path of the challenges meant for you. 

Depending on your zodiac, you can learn what chakra is your most powerful one and what that means for you and your life. 


The solar plexus chakra, or the Manipura (meaning “City of Jewels”), is the chakra of one’s inner treasure and the chakra that allows us to connect with other people. It is a warm, nurturing, and fiery chakra that is yellow in color. 

The solar plexus is the chakra of action, and the main challenge that comes to this chakra is the sense of shame and lowered self-esteem. No wonder Aries are usually those who like to protect their Selves from others and maintain their sense of self-identity. When in disbalance, this chakra will project an aura of laziness and a loss of will power. 

The solar plexus chakra is a chakra that is connected to one’s passions, self-esteem and personal strength. This chakra determines our confidence and our place in the world and also our perception of it. The solar plexus chakra also is a chakra that speaks of balance – a balance in life, a balance of emotions, and a balance between the heart and soul. It is a chakra that brings harmony to all other chakras and also in interpersonal relationships.

The Aries sign which is connected to the solar plexus chakra is a strong sign because this chakra is a force chakra, but it is also a chakra that is very balanced and intellectual, but warm. People born in this sign with this chakra as their ruling chakra, are people who know who they are and are confident in their abilities. Integrity is a trait that is very meaningful to these people. They radiate with confidence and self-assuredness, but not in an arrogant way. And that is the reason why people accept them as leaders.

But, if the solar plexus chakra is not open, Aries people may be shy and passive. They will also become superficial in their emotions because they will have fears of rejection and abandonment issues. That’s why it is essential for these people to meditate or do yoga in order to regain their inner strength.



Although people in the Taurus sign are usually perceived as emotionless and materialistic beings, the governing heart chakra says something much different about them. The green Anahata (meaning “Unstruck”) stands as a bridge between our spiritual and physical Self and it radiates with empathy, love, and protective instincts. 

The main challenge for a Taurus is grief and romantic disappointment, from which they guard themselves fiercely. People with a governing heart chakra are here to learn to forgive and be more compassionate, and when in disbalance, these people are more prone to showing anger and lust. 

The Heart Chakra is the chakra that symbolizes love and affection. This is a chakra that connects us to our higher self. People born into the sign of Taurus are aware of things that are beyond their perception of the physical world. They are very spiritual and guided. They are also very intuitive and they even have psychic abilities.

People governed by the heart chakra are very friendly, open-minded, and loving people. They are the empaths in this world, always willing to help anyone in need. They are extremely forgiving and compassionate beings with warm hearts.

When the heart chakra is open, these people are very good at stabilizing relationships and bringing harmony to their life in general. If you are a Taurus and your heart chakra is open, then you treat everyone in a loving way. You are very kind and caring towards others and you are also kind towards yourself. You are in touch with yourself and you know what is good for you, so you are not afraid to say no to people and things that don’t serve your highest good.

If, however, your heart chakra is closed, then you are prone to experiencing feelings of emptiness and loneliness. You may also start feeling bitter or angry. People with closed heart chakra are thought to be very closed and distant when it comes to dealing with other people. They have a lot of suppressed emotions that they need to work through. They need to recognize their feelings and make a peace with themselves. They must learn to forgive themselves for what they have been through and remove the blockages that keep them from connecting with people in a real way.



As master of communication, Gemini is clearly under the strong rule of the throat chakra. Vishuddha (meaning “Especially Pure”) is the chakra of communication and the creative identity of the person and its color is blue. 

The main challenge Gemini go through is facing the truth, as lying (even to oneself) is what makes the throat chakra swerve out of balance. The throat chakra serves as a means of expression of all other chakras and it is there to purify them through expression.

The throat chakra is assigned to people born under the zodiac sign of Gemini. This chakra is all about freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of choice. It is a chakra that is associated with properly communicating with others, i.e communicating with truth, honesty, and undertaking moral action. It is also a chakra that is associated with integrity and keeping promises.

When the throat chakra is open, that means that the person is aware of the language they use and the meaning and the impact of their words. A person with an open throat chakra communicates clearly and concisely. They speak in a kind and pleasant way. They communicate their thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and without fear of being misunderstood. They are also not afraid to be vulnerable when it comes to expressing themselves because they know that being able to show vulnerability is a sign of strength, not weakness.

On the other hand, when the throat chakra is closed, then there is a blockage that manifests in people having a hard time expressing themselves and openly communicating their thoughts and wishes. These people may suppress their feelings and avoid communicating with other people. They are not revealing themselves to others and therefore, they can’t form close connections with other people. They need to open their throat chakra if they want to get rid of their superficial way of dealing with people.


Governed by the Moon, the intuitive and mystical Cancer has their indigo-colored Third Eye as the most active chakra in their system. The Ajna (meaning “Command”) is the chakra of insight and it allows the individual to see the bigger picture and the connection between everything. 

Illusions are the biggest challenge for people who have their Third Eye as a dominant chakra, as they can lead to false perceptions, prejudice, and subjectivism. The Third Eye possesses the power to literally command the energy and reality around you, should you activate it and use it properly. 

The Third Eye Chakra is all about perspective and perception. It is a chakra that deals with judgment and a clear vision of things. This chakra is thought to be connected to the divine and that’s why it is often referred to as the chakra that is the spiritual eye of every human being.

When this chakra is opened, it signifies that the person trusts their gut and they are in touch with their intuition. It also means that they can look at the different sides of a story and see the situation from all of the different angles and empathize with all of them. Therefore, these people don’t make rapid decisions. They are always analyzing a situation before making a final judgment and decision. That’s why these people can accept other people’s opinions and perspectives with an open mind even though their own views may be completely different.

If, however, the forehead chakra is closed, then it is believed that the person has troubles with concentration and also has difficulties seeing things clearly for what they are. These people tend to lose a clear perception of things and therefore start relying on other people’s beliefs. Therefore, they need to distance themselves from other people’s influences and by practicing meditation to begin to regain their concentration and perception of reality.


THE CROWN CHAKRAGoverned by the highest spiritual aspects, the violet Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara (meaning “Thousand Petalled”) is the chakra of higher knowledge and learning. It offers divine wisdom, spiritual connection, a sense of oneness, and the ability to tap into the Universal consciousness. 

This chakra’s main challenge is attachment, and when in disbalance, the Leo will turn to their self and become consumed by their ego, as they lose touch with the Universal consciousness and the Oneness. 

The Crown Chakra is associated with a person who is very conscious and aware of the world. They are also very wise and they are in full knowledge of themselves and what is sacred to them. That’s why they form connections with others that are very deep, meaningful, and special. These people are fully knowledgeable of their limitations and their destructive patterns and so, they are constantly working on themselves and their healing.

This chakra is also connected with our limitations and its transcendence, whether the limitations are personal or bound in time and space. It is a transcendental type of awareness that opens all the other chakras and connects us to the Universe. It also makes us feel blissful, enlightened, and ecstatic. It lightens up our inner wisdom and our divine self.

When a person’s crown chakra is imbalanced, they can feel disconnected from their spirit. They can also become very cynical and sarcastic. They can also feel deep disconnection from their body. On the other hand, when the crown chakra is blocked, the person can feel lonely and isolate. They can lack direction in life and have difficulty connecting with people.

The healing of the crown chakra can be done in many ways with meditation being the most effective method of healing and balancing this chakra. It can further help if during your meditation you start visualizing a violet or white lotus flower unfurling because a lotus flower with one thousand petals is the symbol of this chakra.


The laborious Virgo is governed by the blue-colored Throat Chakra, just like the Gemini. The Vishuddha (meaning “Especially Pure”) affects Virgo mostly in the purification process of oneself and the healing powers it brings. 

The honest and critic side of Virgo is also an aspect of the throat chakra, and this expression comes from their meticulous analysis. The biggest challenge for those under the influence of the Throat Chakra is lying (to others and to oneself). 

The Throat Chakra, as its name suggests, is the chakra that is responsible for the way we express ourselves. This chakra also represents our growth process, how much we have grown as a person in terms of communication and expression of our thoughts, feelings, and desires.

When the throat chakra is opened, it means that the person is very communicative and expressive. They speak their mind in a clear way. They also talk very kindly and nicely to others, showing their empathic side. People with an open throat chakra are also excellent organizers which makes them perfect for the corporate world. They know what to say and when. Their oratory skills are what will move them forward and up the corporate ladder.

On the other hand, if the throat chakra is closed, that means that the person is an introvert. They have trouble expressing themselves. They are also distant and shy. They often feel helpless and unable to do anything about their problem with expressing themselves. On the flip side, there are also people with an overactive throat chakra. These people speak a lot and tire other people. They are also one of the worst listeners because they only want to talk about themselves and they never stop.

This is the reason why these people should remain calm and truthful in every situation. They should also practice meditation to feel better and also follow the golden rule of communication, i.e. to think twice before they speak.



Just like the Taurus, Libra are also governed by the green Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata (meaning “Unstruck”). The heart chakra is the bridge between the spiritual and physical Self and is governed by love, compassion, and protective instincts. 

The selfless nature of Libra proves just how loving and caring a person can be, and their endless compassion toward everything and everyone around them is just another sign of how powerful their Heart Chakra is. The main challenge for people under the command of the Heart Chakra is the ability to forgive and overcome grief, which can lead to anger and lust if not handled properly. 

The Heart Chakra is governed by the planet Venus, the planet of love and relationships. It is a planet of being emotionally open and awakened.  People born under the sign of Libra are people who love beauty. They love beautiful things. They love the arts. They love having peace and harmony in their lives. Every Libra radiates with calmness and peaceful energy.

The heart chakra is a balancing chakra between the upper and the lower chakras and therefore, these people also remained balanced through their interactions with other people. They know how to relate to anyone and also, they know how to maintain peace and balance in their life.

 Having an open heart chakra means that you understand the meaning of relationships and you know how to maintain a healthy balance. You know how to create deep connections with others and that’s why you are thought to be the social butterfly. If, on the other hand, your heart chakra is closed, then you may encounter difficulties maintaining healthy relationships. You may feel as if though you can’t stay in a relationship and create a deep bond because you are always fighting due to your closed heart chakra.


The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana (meaning “The Welling Place of the Self”), is the chakra of emotions, feelings, sexuality, creativity, and the inner child and its color is orange. It is the most sensual chakra in the system and the birthplace of creativity and our playful nature. 

People governed by the Sacral Chakra see the world mainly through feelings, and they radiate with and communicate through feelings. The main challenge for these people is the feeling of guilt and the loss of the inner child. 

The Sacral Chakra is the center of sensations, pleasures, emotions, sexuality, nurturance, and movement. Its purpose is to let go of things and emotions and thus to create flow. This chakra is a very sensitive chakra because it is connected to feelings. Every person has a right to feel and no one should say that having feelings is a sign of weakness.

People born under the star sign of Scorpio are in touch with their emotions. They are very conscious and aware of what are feeling and why. They are also great at finding the root of their emotions. When someone challenges their right to feel, they become disconnected and numb. And if they block their feelings for a long time, then they can lose their identity and lose themselves in the process.

When this chakra is open, then the person is emotionally intelligent, nurturing, able to express their emotions, able to experience pleasure, able to change and set clear boundaries, and able to move on and let go of things that don’t serve their highest good. If the sacral chakra is closed, then the person may be experiencing fear of sex, fear of pleasure, rigidity in their attitudes and body image, fear of change, and also a lack of excitement, passion, and desire.


Like the Aries, Sagittarius is also governed by the yellow-colored Solar Plexus Chakra, also called the Manipura (meaning “City of Jewels”). This chakra is the seat of our personality and our Self, and it serves to connect with other people. This is why Sagittarius people don’t find it hard to connect with anyone they know and reveal the most of their personality in the shortest of time. 

The Solar Plexus is the chakra of action and willpower. The main challenge for people governed by it is the sense of shame and lowered self-esteem, and when in disbalance, they start being lazy and lack the necessary willpower to perform in life. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the chakra that is connected with spirituality. Also, it is a chakra of passion and adventure. So, people born under the sign of Sagittarius are very passionate beings. Also, they are very restless and are constantly moving and trying new and exciting things. They are guided by their impulses and live their life recklessly and fiercely.

The solar plexus chakra attracts harmony in our lives and this chakra makes us accept our circumstances no matter how hard they may be. This chakra is also connected with a person’s personal power and strength. It increases one’s self-esteem and makes them aware of their abilities. It also gives them the courage to seek new things that will make them happy.

But, if the solar plexus chakra is closed, then the positive energy that surrounds these people is also off. Therefore, they may feel drained and as if the weight of the world is on their shoulders. They may feel hopeless and lose their zest for life. Their self-esteem and confidence also suffers which further makes them desperate, sad, and hopeless.

If you are experiencing these difficulties, then you need to heal and realign your solar plexus chakra. To do this, you need to do something out of your comfort zone, something courageous that will remind you of the power that is within you. That way you will regain your boldness and your daring energy.


THE ROOT CHAKRAThe base chakra, also known as Mooladhara (meaning “Root Support”) is the chakra of our physical manifestation and identity and its color is red. People governed by its power are rather materialistic and their primary concern is the material, worldly dimensions, and possessions. 

Which is more, these people are very sensible and grounded, and this allows them to take solid and well-planned steps in their progress while projecting an air of security and stability. The main challenge for people governed by the Root Chakra is fear and lack of essential physical conditions. 

When the root chakra is open, then people follow their instincts with great strength and determination. They feel very confident and secure with their moves. A person with an open root chakra is a person who has a great perception about everything that is going on around them which makes them very insightful and aware. When the root chakra functions well, then the person has great inner strength and they can offer comfort and support to other people who need their guidance.

If, however, the root chakra is closed, then it means that the person is experiencing a great deal of troubling energy. A person with a closed root chakra is nervous and full of fears. They may be shy and feeling lost. They are anxious and insecure. So, they need to heal their root chakra and the best way to do that is by trying to let go of their anxious thoughts and fears by reminding themselves that they do not have control over what will happen tomorrow. They only have control over how they react in the present moment.



Just like the Capricorn, Aquarius is ruled by the red Root Chakra – also called the Mooladhara (meaning “Root Support”). This chakra allows them to govern over their territory, maintain control, and project a sense of warmth and security. 

The root chakra is the chakra of our physical manifestation and identity and is the most material chakra of all seven. The balanced Aquarius has the power to maintain a strong connection with every living creature and with nature while living their life with reason, passion, and joy. The main challenge for people ruled by the Root Chakra is fear and poor living conditions. 

The Root Chakra is a chakra that brings stability through responsible actions and hard work. This chakra cuts off everything that doesn’t serve us, thus making us stable and grounded individuals. This chakra also eliminates the fickle energies around us because it doesn’t like irresponsibility.

People born under the star sign of Aquarius have good taste when it comes to how they should be living their life. They are responsible, but they are also fiery and passionate. They are also master manipulators when it comes to creating the life they desire. They know how to turn things in their favor and get what they want using their wit, imagination, and creativity.


Like the Scorpio, Pisces are ruled by the orange-colored Sacral Chakra-Pisces chakra, also known as Svadhisthana (meaning “The Dwelling Place of the Self”). This is the most emotional chakra, and it governs over feelings, creativity, the inner child, emotional consciousness, and sexuality. 

This is why the emotional and creative nature of Pisces is their strongest side. When they feel free to express their emotions and creativity, as well as their sexuality, Pisces are most in their element. However, their biggest challenge is the sense of guilt, which can disrupt the Pisces Chakra and cause them to lose their inner child and deny themselves of the pleasures of life. 

The Sacral Chakra is all about spirituality, expansion, faith, philosophy, creativity, and optimism. These people are people who are very sensitive and intuitive. They trust their instincts and they have a very strong sense of intuition. Their gut feeling is powerful and when they follow it, they never make a mistake.

People born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are very social and communicative. However, they prefer deep and long talks over casual and superficial ones. They want intensity more than anything.

If the sacral chakra is open, then these people are able to live their life and enjoy every moment of it. They are open-minded and energetic. They are in touch with their emotions and their inner self which makes them able to connect with other people on a deep level and develop strong relationships with them.

If, on the other hand, the sacral chakra is closed, then the person is a manipulator, playing a lot of mind games. They are jealous and envious of the success of others and they want to bring them down. They have an inferiority complex and that’s why they get frustrated seeing other people win in life.

Use Of Crystals To Boost Your Chakra  

Crystals have healing properties, like black tourmaline meaning getting rid of negative energy. Black tourmaline is a very powerful gemstone, also called as Schrol. The health benefits of wearing black tourmaline include strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation, good skin health, and better metabolism.  

Below are other crystals and their health benefits: 

  • Rose Quartz: This precious gemstone nurtures emotional health and a great stone commonly used in meditation to boost chakra. It helps slow the aging process and increase fertility. Rose quartz is a perfect gift for anyone and for any occasion. 
  • Green Jade: The benefits of green jade stone include balance and harmony for your heart chakra. Wearing green jade chakra assist in good physical and emotional well-being. By having a healthy heart chakra, yourself and the environment are balanced.  
  • Opal: Opal connects your base to your crown chakra. It stabilizes your mood, enhances meditation, and stimulates connection with the spiritual world. The watery depths of water opal can be used for scrying, assisting transitions out of the body, which is a temporary vehicle for your soul. 

Holistic Medicine To Boost Your Chakra  

Holistic medicine involves using alternative therapies or non-traditional and non-pharmaceutical means to treat signs and symptoms of diseases, such as chronic pain. With holistic medicine, your body and soul can benefit from various therapies, thereby boosting your chakra and your overall health.  

Check out these holistic therapies to help you boost your chakra:  

  • Acupuncture: This holistic therapy can help relieve the signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, including pain, muscle spasticity, bladder problems, numbness and tingling, and depression. Acupuncture also provides pain relief among MS patients. However, it is best combined with other pain-relieving therapies for it to be more effective.  
  • Mind-Body Therapy: Choose challenging mind-body exercises, like yoga. This helps condition the mind, thus increasing pain tolerance.  

21 Revealing Signs That Your Partner Doesn’t Love You Anymore

signs your partner doesn't love you anymore

There is a saying that love is blind. Sometimes, it is hard to pay attention to little details that show that our partner doesn’t love us. Especially when we really love him/her, and we want our relationship to last.

But, you must be aware and pay attention to the little details that your partner does or doesn’t do, so you can get the real picture of your relationship and whether it will, or it won’t work out between you two.

21 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You:

1. Their Mind Starts Wandering

If you start noticing that your partner’s mind wanders often – it is not a good sign. When your partner stops listening to you as attentively as he/she was before, it is a sign that they no longer respect what you have to say, and their love might be fading. Maybe they are thinking about someone else?

2. They Start Blaming You For Everything

When you feel that you can’t confront your partner about anything that goes wrong in your relationship because somehow it all ends up being your fault, guess what? They do not care and love you enough to accept their mistakes and say they are sorry. Rather, they will make it seem like it is your fault than compromising themselves. (1)

3. They No Longer Respect You

When you notice that your partner’s behavior has shifted, and they are even disrespectful toward you-you know that is not a good sign. You can’t love someone who you don’t respect, and vice versa – you love only people you respect. So, when your partner stops respecting you, it is a clear sign that he/she has stopped loving you too.

4. They Always Find Excuses For Not Spending Time With You

When your partner starts spending more time at work and out with their friends, and can’t find time to meet with you-you know that you are no longer a priority to them. They indeed may be busy with work, but if they never make time to see you in their busy schedules, it may be a time for you to leave.

5. They Don’t Show You Any Signs Of Love And Affection

 You notice that your partner is not as loving and attentive as they were in the past. Even though this is a hard pill to swallow and it can hurt like hell, best is to accept the truth that your partner no longer loves you, move on with your life, and focus on yourself.

6. You Lack Conversation Topics

When you notice that you have more and more uncomfortable silences and it seems like you two don’t have anything to talk to, it might be a sign that you both have lost interest in each other. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words, and when silence occurs usually the love dies.

7. They No Longer Support You

If you notice that your partner no longer seems to agree with you and support you and your plans – it might be a sign that you are no longer important to them. Plus, if you notice that they get annoyed and impatient when they are with you-you get the message.

8. They Stop Giving You Explanations

When you are not an important part of someone’s life, they won’t feel the need to give you explanations for their actions. When your partner no longer gives you any explanations that is because they no longer value you, and you should leave them because you deserve better.

9. They Don’t Consider You In Their Future Plans

You don’t need any further explanations for this. When your partner no longer mentions you in their future plans, you know that your relationship is doomed to end because they no longer see themselves with you.

10. They Start Talking About Other Women/Men

When you notice your partner looking at other people in front of you, or even start talking about how great they are looking – it is a sign that he/she stopped loving you and began looking and considering other options.

11. They Hurt You And Make You Hate Yourself

When your partner is disrespectful to your needs, or even lies to you, and cheats – they no longer care about your feelings and the pain you feel. Plus, you will start to hate yourself for it if you try to forgive them. So, walk away from the relationship before you start to lose yourself in the process of hate, blame, and hurt. (2)

12. They Start A Life On Their Own

You feel as though you don’t exist for them anymore. They ignore you completely and start to live their life as they please, apart from you. In the past, when they still had a love for you, they discussed things with you and made decisions together with you. But right now, they act as they are single.

13. They Start Avoiding You

You no longer see them even though you live together. They are doing that on purpose. They are avoiding you. Knowing your daily routine, they do anything to escape an encounter with you. They do this to make you realize that they no longer love you and want out.

14. They are not involved or even interested in your life

You used to do things together, but not anymore. It’s like they have suddenly lost all interest in you and what you are doing. They suddenly hate everything about you. They don’t respect you or your interests. They are also not interested in going out with you or doing something together.

15. They are rude and condescending towards you

They are very harsh with their words, both in public and in private. They are not choosing their words. They demean you, and they don’t care whether you get hurt or not. Their harshness and rudeness are their way of letting you know they don’t want to be with you anymore.

16. They are secretive, hide their phone, and lie to you

They get ready, look at their phone, smile, and leave without even telling you where they are going and with whom! They stopped informing you where they are and when are coming back. They hide their phone so that you can’t see with whom they are communicating. They even lie to you when you ask them about their whereabouts. These are clear signs that they stopped loving and caring about you. (3)

17. They are hot and cold

One moment they are all over you, the next they are pushing you away. They play the game of hot and cold and that means that even they don’t know what they are feeling. They don’t have love like they had for you, but there may be some feelings left, so they are trying to decide whether to leave you or not.

18. They get angry easily

They get angry at the slightest little thing. It is as if day by day, their tolerance levels are getting lower and their annoyance is getting higher. Your connection is slowly but surely becoming a battlefield. You yell at each other without a reason and that’s because they want to break things with you.

19. They no longer say “I love you”

You stopped acting like two people who love each other. You also stopped saying loving things to one another. Your partner has stopped saying “I love you to you.” Of course, actions speak louder than words, but when there are no loving actions and the loving words are missing as well, this is a big red flag.

20. They stop making you happy

They stopped doing all those things you like and make you happy. They are not even trying to make you happy anymore. They just don’t care. Whether you are happy, angry, or sad – they don’t give a damn. When this kind of indifference is present in your relationships, it is practically over between you because the love is long gone.

21. They avoid having sex with you

If they lose interest in having sex with you, then it is a clear sign that your relationship is in serious trouble. Once your partner loses interest in sharing intimacy with you, then their feelings for you are lost as well. If they never initiate love-making then the truth is, they don’t love you anymore.

What To Do?

If you have noticed this sign in your partner’s behavior towards you, the best thing you can do for yourself is leave. You can stay with someone who doesn’t love you. You cannot do that to yourself. You can’t stay and continue hurting yourself.

Life is hard as it is, and you need to be someone who will make your life better. Someone who will make you happy and fulfilled. Someone who will love you as you are, flaws and all.

Gaslighting Signs-How To Spot Manipulators That Make Their Victims Think That They’re Going Crazy

Gaslighting Abuse

We know what we’ve seen and heard, at least most of the time. This is especially true about things we find important. However, it’s very creepy when you suddenly realize that you might have been imagining some events.

There are always those people who will correct you about a thing they’ve said or done, or even about things you have said or done. And when it comes to this, there are those who will start making you question your own sanity and believe that you might be imagining stuff more than usual.

Have you found yourself questioning or own sanity? If someone led you to this, then you should be very careful. You see, there could be a mind game that is designed to keep you under control. It’s called gaslighting and its purpose is to have you feel so discredited that you may start thinking that you’re going crazy and feel terrible about yourself.

The tactic these people are using is named after a movie from the 50s which is about a man who manages to trick a woman into thinking that she’s going crazy. And this technique is no stuff of films – it’s more real than you can imagine.

What Is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting-mind game is a term that describes emotional abuse

Which, as Rebel Circus describes, will eventually lead you to the point where you question what really happened, how you really feel about things, and whether you should feel angry about things that your partner may have done.

The most common things you may hear from a person who’s trying to gaslight you are “I never said that,” “That’s not what I did,” “You’re so sensitive,” or “I can’t believe you forgot.”

The truth is that they are trying to convince you into disbelieving in something you already know. And it’s true that you can’t always be sure of what you have heard, said, or done, especially in front of someone you feel like you trust.

A person who’s trying to gaslight you will always start slow and small. It could really all start with an insult, for which they will apologize but will also tag you ‘emotional’ and use that tag to manipulate every one of your reactions in the future.

If you have ever been in the search for that gaslighter meaning, there you have it—a person that will twist the reality by bending the truth and denying everything that you begin to question yourself and what really happened.

If left untreated, gaslighting can have severe effects on your emotional well-being

Gaslighting Abuse Can Be Done In Several Different Ways

The manipulator will not let you regain confidence so easily. Denying the truth is only one of the most common steps they will take, but there are some even more devious ways they can manipulate you.

They Will Make You Wonder What’s Wight And What’s Wrong

And they will do this by calling you irrational, delusional, and that you’re the one who’s actually abusing them. They will do everything to make you feel displaced and completely lost.

In fact, they will be ready to extend their technique to your friends and family. They will infiltrate themselves in your closest circles and try to create a gap between you and those you love. In extreme cases, they will do everything to represent you as crazy and unstable in front of the others, and that they are doing everything to help you out.

To wear you down, they will regularly start arguments over things ‘you’ve done wrong or the ‘fact’ that you make them feel bad. You may know that they’re not right, but that’s not the purpose of the fight.

However, at the end of the day, the manipulator will always try to portray oneself as the strong one who was broken by your words or actions, because he/she let you in. And which is more, they will start acting as your ‘defenders’ against the cruel reality you are ‘incapable of facing.’

In this role, they will start diagnosing you and inform you of your feelings, by purposely misinterpreting your behavior. You may hear that ‘you’re depressed or that you are feeling ‘betrayed’ by your friends, and they will exaggerate every one of your reactions to reinforce the ‘diagnosis.’

The Effects Of Gaslighting  Abuse Are Devastating

Nobody is immune to gaslighting, as it’s a subtle technique that allows for a long and uninterrupted exposure. Because of the length of the process, you might not even notice that you are being manipulated, but you will feel more upset and weaker as time goes by.

The victims of gaslighting end up feeling worn down, start questioning themselves, and will generally feel frustrated with their life. They will often feel unable to win arguments and can grow increasingly resentful of their partners.

They also learn to apologize for everything. It’s because they feel like they’re always in the wrong and that they are incapable of doing anything right. This insecurity and stress will eventually lead them to the final stage where:

They no longer feel able to decide for themselves and they lose all touch with the reality they used to perceive. In this final stage, they will just assume that they have really lost their mind and that they can’t remember anything anymore.

This is when the manipulator takes over completely and starts deciding for them, telling them what to do, who to talk to, and who to trust (which would be only them).

If this sounds like you, you need to get away from that person

To deal with gaslighting abuse best is to disengage. If you notice that someone is trying to gaslight you, get away from that person without starting arguments and trying to prove yourself right.

It’s in their nature to deny whatever doesn’t go with their plan, so you will never get the better end of the argument. Because of that, cut every connection you have with that person and inform your closest friends (if you have any left) and family about what that person has been doing.

And when you disengage, don’t allow yourself to get back to that person, because he/she will only escalate the manipulation if you do.

Gaslighting abuse is a tactic that will ultimately have you feeling like it’s your fault that you’ve been gaslight. However, it’s not your fault and you should do everything to toss away all the illusionary blame you have taken on.

Gaslighting In Relationships

While it is likely that politicians, institutions, and public figures sometimes turn to obscuring and hiding the truth from their people, it is more likely that gaslighting is happening a bit closer to home. It’s that most direct type of gaslighting that has the most severe influence on the individual’s life.

Gaslighting occurs somewhat subconsciously, stemming from the need of the gaslighter to hide the embarrassing truth and not lose control over the situation.

For example, if you see clear signs that your partner is spending a lot of money, that they are growing distant, or have started gambling, you might want to confront them. If they refuse to admit the truth and face their guilt, and if they try to toss the blame on your side of the playground, it means you are gaslighted by someone and that someone is only the person you chose to spend your life with.

Your partner denies your facts, calling them proof-free hunches, accuses you of being paranoid, insecure, or a control freak. Does this sound too familiar?

The worst part is, gaslighters are often not even aware that they are gaslighting someone. They are not aware of their little gaslighting abuse technique, but they do it because throughout the years, they learned that lying, denying, and modifying facts and emotions helps. They make their victim doubtful and insecure, so the victim withdraws and starts analyzing every word, every action.

They start questioning themselves: Did I cross a line here? Was I too harsh accusing him/her of something so serious? He/She has every right to be mad, how could I have doubted him/her?

Because the victim withdraws in themselves, they begin to take every word their partner says for granted. They’ve learned to trust their gaslighter’s versions of the truth to avoid belittling, thinking it’s them that has to change for the better. Thinking it’s them that cause all the problems in the relationship, that their partner just has to live with their overbearing self – that it’s them making the sacrifice for love.

Gaslighting Signs In A Relationship

  • You apologize often
  • You feel like everything you do is wrong
  • You feel isolated from friends and family
  • You think it’s your fault when things go wrong
  • Decision-making is puzzling for you
  • You feel hopeless and you take little to no pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • You sense that something is wrong, but you are unable to identify what it is
  • You wonder if you are good enough
  • You question whether your response to your partner is appropriate (you wonder if you are too harsh or not loving enough)
  • You feel less confident and you are anxious 
  • You are not happy in the relationship
  • You make excuses for your partner’s behavior
  • You avoid giving information to friends or family members to avoid confrontation with your partner
  • You often feel confused and even crazy in the relationship.

Gaslighting Phrases You Can Hear In A Relationship

  • You’re so sensitive.
  • You are just paranoid.
  • Nobody believes you, why should I?
  • That’s not true, stop acting crazy.
  • Relax, it was just a joke.
  • You know that’s just because you are so insecure.
  • You sound crazy, you know that, right?
  • You just love making me miserable.
  • I was just joking!
  • You are making that up, you are always imagining things that aren’t there.
  • It’s no big deal.
  • There you go again, I am telling you, that’s not what happened!
  • You’re imagining things.
  • You’re overreacting.
  • You are exaggerating, as always.
  • Don’t be so dramatic.
  • Jesus, don’t get so worked up again.
  • That never happened.
  • You know you have the memory of a sieve.
  • You’re hysterical.
  • Nobody believes you, why should I?

Gaslighting By Parents

Parents are sly gaslighters that turn into emotional and psychological abusers for their children.

  • The parent plays the victim
  • The parent makes their child feel worse about themselves
  • The parent denies their child’s subjective feelings and experiences

In these situations, the child is dealing with a gaslighter of a parent that manipulates their child. A gaslighting parent is always right and always harshly critical for the child’s “own good”.

Growing up, maybe you’ve heard these gaslighting phrases uttered by your parents:

  • You are crazy. 
  • I am harsh on you because I care for you.
  • I criticize you because I love you.
  • I am not arguing, I am discussing this with you.
  • You are making a big deal out of nothing.
  • You should have known better.
  • You are so sensitive.
  • You are being too emotional.
  • Stop being dramatic.
  • You’re not cold, you’re tired. Go to sleep.
  • You should have listened to me.

How To Overcome Gaslighting?

Experiencing gaslighting abuse is more harmful in a child’s formative years than later on in adulthood. Becoming aware of the issue, becoming aware that it’s not your fault is the first step towards your healing process.

Seeking support from trusted friends, family members, and expert professionals is the second step in the process.

You can fight gaslighting abuse by checking the facts, remembering (even writing down) the order of events, the exact words your manipulator parent, sibling, friend, or partner told you, and by setting boundaries.

Don’t let their harmful words get to you and talk to a professional to get a firmer grip of reality. It may take some time until you regain your confidence, but it will happen. Things will get back to normal.

Remember, it’s not you. It’s them.

Recheck facts.

Set boundaries.

Seek help.

Now, put down that burden that has been pressing your chest and throw it away. Far, far away.

Making the decision that you want to be free from emotional pushover and gaslighting abuse makes you already… FREE.

Free form the firm grip of your gaslighter… free to live your life however you want to live it.

Strong Women Would Rather Be Alone Than Waste Time With Assholes

Let’s not mince words here, dating can be fun and amazing. However, more often than not, it is just a waste of time. Can you count all the failed relationships in your life? I’m sure that most of them ended because of a jerk who didn’t call you back or stopped respecting you.

The truth is: You don’t need that!

You don’t need to wait for someone to call you or ask someone to respect you. You don’t need a person who will lie to you or a person who wants you to change.

I know, he is gorgeous and sexy and you know that nobody is perfect so maybe you could just give him one more chance. He’ll change, you say to yourself. But the reality is: he probably won’t! Everyone has flaws, but cheating and lying are choices. Choices that he made consciously. You don’t need that.

Everyone has flaws, but cheating and lying are choices. Choices that he made consciously. You don’t need that.

From my experience, it looks like most of the available good-looking guys are jerks. That’s why I decided not to take the risk and I’m staying single until I’m sure that I’ve found a genuinely great guy. And honestly, I enjoy being single.

It’s great to do whatever you want every single day. Nobody judges me when I spend hours doing my nails or stay at home during the weekend just to watch reality shows.

And another thing – I don’t miss a guy in my life. I realized that looking for the right guy is not so important as it seemed to me before. Now I know that being alone is not the same as feeling lonely. You can feel lonely even if you are in a relationship. Being alone is liberating!

I don’t need another cute guy who will turn out to be a douchebag. I don’t want that! I want to be myself and do the things I like. I feel free to explore and conquer the world!

Nothing can stop me now. After many experiences with douchebags, no guy can fool me into going along that road again. I know that all of them are fun at the beginning, but that doesn’t prove that they are good guys.

That is why I address this text to all the girls who had a jerk in their lives. You don’t deserve that! You are powerful, free-willed and independent and you can be whatever you want in your life.

You don’t need a guy to succeed or travel the world. Especially not an asshole who puts out the fire in you.

Don’t allow to be fooled by the puppy-eye look or the sweet words. You know what he did to you! Don’t let him do it again.

Don’t be afraid to be alone. You don’t need dating to be happy. Happiness is much more than that! It’s feeling comfortable and free.

Even if you choose to date, do it carefully. Do it bearing in mind that you have everything you need – yourself. And don’t forget that all the other guys also seemed perfect at the beginning.

Enjoy living life by yourself. Time goes by very quickly and you don’t want to waste it, do you? At the end, you want to be sure that you’ve had everything you wished for and not feel sorry that you wasted your nerves, energy and time on someone who simply wasn’t worth it.

Always remember that if you don’t love yourself, the others won’t love you either. By loving yourself I mean enjoying life freely and not sacrificing yourself for someone who doesn’t even respect you.

Be strong and fierce, because you have to be, in order to succeed in today’s world. And you don’t need anyone for that.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha


Parents Who Raise Good Kids Do These 5 Things

people who are good with kids

Times have changed greatly and with new times come new habits, sets of behavior and attitudes that seem very different from the ones we were used to when we were kids.

Today’s generations are all geared up with the newest technology that seems to distract them from the need to go out and play, socialize in the ways we used to or just spend time having fun. 

The challenges vary in many ways, but the main things is that today’s parents raise their children way more differently than they were raised and the outcome of those parents’ care is the greatest challenge.

Will my kid learn to be a complete person, the one who pushes forward and a person with good manners, who can bond and communicate with others freely and openly?

Every parent asks the same questions: Am I missing something? Am I doing everything right? Will my child succeed in life?

Am I Good Parent For My Child?

All these questions linger inside the head of every parent, no matter how old their child is. Parenting tips are literally never enough, so having a parenting guide by your night stand is always gonna come in handy.

You can never say you’ve read too many parenting guides and you know everything there is to know because parenting is art on its own. It changes and fluctuates. It’s never fixed, and perhaps, that’s the beauty of it.
Amid all those question marks and doubtful thinking, the ultimate question remains: How to raise good kids? Even better yet, how to be a good parent?

You are trying so hard, yet feel like you could still learn a secret or two. Knowledge never hurt nobody, right?

To find answers to your questions as well as the ultimate parenting tips you need, just scroll down. 

How To Raise Good Kids? 

Psychologists at Harvard University have thought of the same questions and have found that there are several elements that are still very important and basic for every kid’s childhood. The key to upbringing a well-adjusted child in these changing times is not as complicated as you may think.

5 Secret Parenting Tips To Raising Good Kids, According to Harvard Psychologists:


It’s not enough just to be physically around your kid – you need to be with them completely. This means that no Xbox console or new iPhone can replace the bonding that the child truly needs. By communicating with them openly, listening carefully and doing the things they like together, your child will not only love you more, but will also learn how to be a considerate and caring person, and remember their childhood a positive experience.

This is the foundation of it all. Your kid would very much prefer (above everything else) having a real person to talk to and to share ideas and experiences with, even if they may not seem aware of it.

Being a good parent means asking your kid how their day went, listening carefully, and discussing the dilemmas they may have in their head – be careful not to ‘dogmatize’ lessons from your experiences though, they need to experience these things through their own perspective. We’ll talk about this later in this article.

See what their favorite things are and try to learn from them how to play the games they like – they would enjoy sharing their ‘fun’ with you!

Read them a book before bed (or do it together during the day if they are in the mood for it). Just be around them completely and acknowledge their emotions.

Practically speaking:

Devote some time of your day to play their favorite games with them;
Read them a bedtime story and enjoy the whole story with them;
Ask them questions about their day, include questions like:         What was the best part of your day? The hardest part? What’s something nice someone did for you today? What’s something nice you did?  What’s something you learned today – in school or outside school?


Children learn the most from their surroundings, especially at a younger age. What you do is what they will become. This is why you should always pay close attention to your manners and actions and be ready to admit faults and mistakes. Show your child that you care and that you are ready to accept your faults and work on them.

The result you wish to see in your child comes from the effort you put into yourself on this one. Practice fairness, honesty, and care for yourself. This picture will teach your kid to do the same habits. The key to all this is to talk these things through with your child.

Acknowledging your mistakes, especially those that involve your kid in them, and speak openly about these things.

The aim is to show your child good manners, humility, and honesty. With that, they will feel a lot more comforted and encouraged to look to a positive outcome in their problems.

Your child will look up to you only if you earn their trust and respect. Achieving this is showing your child that you are as human as you can be, and that comes with faults too.

Practically speaking:

Admit your mistakes, apologize and show that you wish to make up for them and plan to avoid it next time.
Tell your child how you plan to avoid that mistake and what you learned from it.
Make time for yourself and re-energize yourself during that time. You will need that energy to be more attentive to and caring with others.


Your child needs to socialize and bond with others in the right way. Caring for others’ happiness and avoiding selfishness can bring a lot of benefits to your child’s future.

As the findings from Harvard say, “It’s very important that children hear from their parents and caretakers that caring about others is a top priority and that it is just as important as their own happiness.

Even though most parents and caretakers say that their children being caring is a top priority, often children aren’t hearing that message.”

This comes with holding your children to high ethical expectations. Be ready to honor their commitments. Teach them to do the right thing even when it’s hard and be a role model for this. It’s simple: you need to justify whatever you say to them with your actions.

Responsibilities and obligations are something you always need to remind your child of. They come in every shape even from early age: chores, school responsibilities, manners, friends, and promises.

Be sure to remind them that they are not alone and that others have expectations from them that they need to be ready to fulfill because they can.

Practically speaking:

Change the message you send them on a daily basis from “The most important thing is that you are happy” to “The most important thing is that you’re kind and you’re happy.”
Encourage your kid to ‘work it out’ before deciding whether they should quit a sports team, band or friendship. Ask them to consider the consequences their action may have on the others and encourage them to work the problem out before abandoning it.


Our 4th of the parenting tips states: A child that’s not spoiled is a child that acknowledges the roles of others in their life in a healthy way. This acknowledgment comes with appreciation for the people who contribute to their lives.

Gratitude is a two-way road with wonderful effects. People who practice gratitude on a regular basis are more likely to be helpful, generous, compassionate and forgiving. They are also more likely to be happy and healthy.

Let their habit start by learning from your actions. Be ready to show gratitude for something nice they do for you – but be careful!

Showing a lot of gratitude for things they are supposed to do will spoil them! As the Harvard psychologists say, “real responsibilities.”

“Expect children to routinely help, for example, with household chores and siblings, and only praise uncommon acts of kindness. When these kinds of routine actions are simply expected and not rewarded, they’re more likely to become ingrained in everyday actions.”

Practically speaking:

Encourage your child to be grateful on a regular basis. Be ready to receive gratitude for your extraordinary acts of kindness and generosity towards them.
Encourage to express appreciation towards family members, teachers, or others who contribute to their lives.
Be grateful.


A common fact is that children empathize with and care about a small circle of families and friends. This is a very normal thing, of course, but the real challenge is to teach kids to start thinking about people outside that circle.

This larger circle could include a new kid in class, other people who work in his/her school, a person who doesn’t speak your language or anyone who lives in a distant country. Children need to know how their thoughts and actions can impact a community.

As the study shows, “It is important that children learn to zoom in, listening closely and attending to those in their immediate circle, and to zoom out, taking in the big picture and considering the range of people they interact with every day.”

 Practically speaking:

Encourage your child to consider the perspectives and feelings of others, especially those who may be vulnerable. Give them simple ideas for taking action, such as comforting a kid who was teased or reaching out to the new kid in class.
Discuss engaging topics about some people’s hardships, like different experiences of children in other countries or communities.
Childhood is the period of life when most of our personality is shaped. That’s why you should start paying attention to their development, the best way you possibly can – by helping them understand the main things that make them complete persons.



Perhaps you have stumbled upon the expression raising conscientious children in literature, but you may have dished out that helpful reminder thinking that’s up to your child to learn and practice through life, but that’s where you are wrong.

Conscientiousness is up to you a great deal – especially during a child’s teenage years. What does this mean? Not defending or justifying your child when they’ve done something morally or ethically wrong, otherwise, you are feeding their ego and sense of self-righteousness, which can lead to crippling setbacks later on in their life.

Conscientious children tend to cope well in adulthood, for they are more aware of how the real world works. They haven’t been justified whenever they did something bad and they are aware that actions have consequences. Overprotected children, in turn, may grow up having a distorted moral compass and common sense, and will chose shortcuts and short-term payoffs over honest work and long-term gratifications.

As a parent, avoid bending the rules so they serve your child, thinking that with that you are protecting their future and well-being because adult happiness doesn’t arise from overprotection. Rather, it comes from children learning the rules and conforming to them so they grow into well-formed, down-to-earth adults who don’t think the world owes them a living.


While parental participation and involvement can increase goodwill, achievement, communication and help develop a sense of community for the child, you always need to have a balance. How much involvement is too involvement?

You cannot be doing every tiny easy little chore for the child nor redo everything they’ve done because a) you will make your child lazy and spoiled or b) you will suffocate their confidence and they’ll end up thinking nothing they do is ever good enough (which then lingers form their early, formative years all the way through adulthood).


Develop routines

Steel is shaped while hot. Mark this rule as important in your parenting tips genesis because for your kid to grow into a responsible and diligent person, you need to teach them core values and combine them with a daily routine, so they don’t start procrastinating or slacking off.

That means personal hygiene, getting dressed independently, picking up after themselves, limited time spent online, some sports activities after screen time, and so on. Routines and adhering to a schedule are good for building discipline. 

Bully proof  your child

A whopping 49.9% of children aged 9-12 have reported bullying at school, so to prevent that from happening you need to armor your child long before they start going to school.

Raise your child’s awareness about bullying and prevent them from becoming a victim or a bully from an early age because bullying does not stop at school only. Online bullying and after-school bullying are still a reality.

Assign chores

Make your child feel important and capable. Assign them simple chores to activate them; chores like pouring their own milk, putting their toys back in the box, washing their teeth, etc.

Encourage cooperation and teamwork

You don’t want your child riding solo and going against the world, do you? Teach them from a preschool age the importance of collaboration and team spirit.

Make everyday fun

Whenever you are doing something together, play some music in the background. Make your own music band and rock together. Be messy when you draw, draw yourselves as mighty superheroes,  make the most delicious Halloween cookies together… have your own inner jokes or awards after completing every milestone.  

That way, your child can have a good example to learn from when they become a parent. Showing love, care, and dedication will free your child from depressive episodes, frustrations, and self-destructive behavior. A happy child is a happy adult, remember!


You are a parent AND a friend

Curfews, tyrant parents that say no to everything and restrict everything are the death of a thriving, meaningful child-parent relationship.

Be understanding. Let your child express their opinion. Let them have their voice in the family. Let them be heard. Let them make their choices. A child that trusts you, your reactions, and understanding, will have the confidence to tell you anything.

Similarly, a child that has freedom will never violate it, but to be a good parent, you need to show that you can hear first, react, or make assumptions second.

Make eating one meal together a rule

This is perhaps one of the most important parenting tips that gets swayed under the carpet. No matter how busy you all are during the day ALWAYS make sure you have at least one mean together. Around the table, chit-chatting.

Ask questions and show interest

As grown-ups, we tend to lose our energy; it gets sucked from poor working conditions, biased bosses, and average salaries. It gets lost amidst the everyday, so much that we forget we are… PARENTS!

A good parent shows curiosity, asks questions, and shows that they really care. Don’t go asking the same routine questions because teenagers can small fake miles away. Listen. Really listen because teenagers will sense when you are drifting off in your thoughts.

Try to notice the authenticity in your child, try to spark their joy with your affection and dedication, and you are 5 steps ahead in the game!

Parenting tips are there to be shared. And sharing is caring!

Making Caring Common Project – Harvard University.

How the SHEA Water Course Helps Reduce Environmental Risks

Water Course

Water is our most valued natural resource. It has to be kept safe and clean for the environment as well as for us. However, pollution, wastage, and misuse of water are grave dangers. That is why training courses like the SHEA Water Course are so valuable. The course provides essential skills to workers in the water industry in order to prevent hazards to the environment.

The SHEA Water Course educates employees about how their work affects the environment. They get to know safe working practices, control of risks, and laws. Experts can reduce environmental risk and save water resources more efficiently with this course.

Environmental Concerns in the Water Sector

The water sector is faced with many environmental problems, which are:

Water contamination – Industrial process waste pollutants, sewage overflow, and chemical spillage can harm ecosystems and human health.

Mismanagement of waste – Waste products are not disposed of in a proper manner, polluting land and water.

Inefficient utilization of water – Waste of water or its excessive use drains natural resources and increases the use of energy.

Risk to health – Lack of proper disposal of wastewater and chemicals is dangerous for workers and the general population.

The SHEA Water Course responds to such challenges by empowering employees with the knowledge necessary in order to properly prevent and control environmental risks.

How the SHEA Water Course Reduces Environmental Risks

1. Promotes Best Practice in Water Management

The SHEA Water Course teaches employees how to use water safely and economically. Students learn about:

  • Proper disposal of waste products
  • Conserved water use practices
  • Prevention of leakage and contamination

By following best practice, employees conserve water and additionally reduce water pollution.

2. Increases Awareness of Legal Requirements

Green legislation and regulations are upheld stringently by water industry workers. SHEA Water Course acclimatizes them:

  • The Environmental Protection Act
  • Water safety standards guidelines
  • Industry-specific responsibility to comply

Such awareness protects companies and individuals from breaking the law and damaging the environment for the sake of incurring penalties.

3. Promotes Chemicals Safe Work

The majority of the activities in the water industry are done with the help of chemicals for treatment and maintenance. Misuse or disposal causes a lot of harm to the environment. The SHEA Water Course covers:

  • Appropriate methods of chemical storage and disposal
  • Appropriate use of personal protective equipment
  • Appropriate response in the event of chemical spills

With this knowledge, workers can prevent harmful substances from reaching the environment.

4. Improves Emergency Response Capabilities

Accidents and spills do happen even when precautions are taken. The SHEA Water Course trains staff members in:

  • Emergency response procedures
  • Containment and cleanup procedures
  • Reporting and recording accidents

Quick and effective responses to environmental emergencies can prevent long-term water supply and ecosystem damage.

5. Promotes Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is one of the primary focuses of the SHEA Water Course. It promotes:

  • Reduction of water wastage
  • Use of eco-friendly materials
  • Reduction of the carbon footprint of water management

By embracing sustainable practices, the water sector can enable the preservation of natural resources for generations to come.

Who Should Enroll in the SHEA Water Course?

SHEA Water Course is beneficial to the following people:

  • Water industry professionals
  • Water company contractors
  • Utility staff who deal with water supply and drainage
  • Water industry environmental experts

Any professional dealing with water management can gain from this course.

Environmental risks in the water industry are very high, but they can be reduced with good practice and awareness. The SHEA Water Course is a vital course that can train employees in water safety, regulatory requirements, and sustainable practice. With this course, specialists can have a tangible contribution to protecting the environment and delivering clean water to all.

SHEA Water investment in training is compliance, not compliance. It’s an investment in a cleaner, greener, and safer world for everyone.

A Deep Dive Into Family Code 215: Understanding Its Impact on Family Law

A Deep Dive Into Family Code 215: Understanding Its Impact on Family Law

Divorce remains a significant issue for a lot of couples. In the U.S., 43% of first marriages end in divorce. That number rises to 60% for second marriages and 73% for third marriages.

Going through a divorce can be a highly challenging and emotionally draining experience. Spousal support or alimony, is usually one of the significant concerns that is associated with divorce. California’s Family Code 215 changes how alimony is handled in order to promote equitable and flexible divorce and separation proceedings. 

Other states have their own family law codes and statutes that govern similar issues, such as divorce, separation, and property division. For example, under divorce laws in Maryland, spousal support may be awarded to one spouse if they lack sufficient income or property to meet their reasonable needs.

Learn more about Family Code 215 and how this law affects you and your family.

The Origins of Family Code 215 

California Family Code Section 215 aims to make spousal support orders equitable and clear. It facilitates spousal support modifications to keep up with the quick changes of events post-divorce. This portion of the Family Code is constantly updated with new alimony regulations to make it more equal and responsive to changing life circumstances.

Family Code 215 came into being through input from legal experts and advocacy groups as part of efforts to address the complexities concerning the financial arrangements used in family law. It primarily focuses on spousal support after divorce or separation.

Key Provisions of Family Code 215

Understanding the legal provisions of Family Code 215 is necessary when you are involved in spousal support. 

Family Code 215 allows for the modification or termination of alimony in the event of a significant change in circumstances, such as remarriage or the formation of a new domestic partnership.

If the spouse receiving spousal support experiences significant financial changes that allow him or her to become self-sufficient, the support may be adjusted under Family Code 215. 

Family Code 215 outlines the procedures for changing or terminating alimony so parties understand and can exercise their rights. Allowing courts to make decisions based on current circumstances rather than outdated ones improves fairness.

Spousal Support Guidelines and Their Implications

Understanding spousal support under California Family Code 215 necessitates a thorough understanding of how modifications and terminations are determined. 

If the supported party remarries or establishes another state-registered domestic partnership, either party can request that payments stop. This legal change recognizes that a new partnership involves different financial duties than a divorce. 

Any change in either party’s financial condition may be used as a reason for modifying the amount of support. This shift could be caused by unemployment, health issues, or any number of other economic changes.

Family Code 215 aims to balance the financial duties of spouses, the business, and the support arrangement in the short and long term. Before making changes to existing spousal support arrangements, the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of the receiving spouse, and whether the paying spouse’s circumstances have changed are checked.

The Role of family code 215 in Family Law

Family Code 215 governs more than just the issue of alimony. This section has a broader scope, addressing various changes in family law. Family Code 215 encompasses how courts approach economic justice in divorce as well as separation-related cases. 

Mediation and conflict resolution play critical roles in allowing both parties to reach agreements outside of court. This helps reduce or stop full-scale adversarial litigation.

The Future of Family Law in Light of Family Code 215

Family Code 215 will continue in effect as California family law evolves. Fairness and equality, especially regarding the many family formations and practices, will continue to be prioritized. Courts may prefer spousal support arbitration that is flexible and up-to-date so that it can adapt to how people’s marriages and finances change all the time. 

Family Code 215 naturally encourages collaboration through conflict resolution. Both sides must find solutions through out-of-court discussions. This may lead to more settlements that help families resolve their disputes.

Effective Exercises for Long-Term Sciatica Pain Relief Strategies

Do you find yourself dealing with persistent leg pain that shoots downwards? You’re not alone. Recent statistics reveal that 28% of U.S. adults experienced chronic low back or sciatic pain during 2022 according to Statista. The percentage of people with this condition rises to 35% among individuals aged 50 to 59.

Positive developments exist which can offer pain relief.

What You’ll Discover Inside:

  • Understanding Sciatica Pain
  • Key Exercise Principles
  • Top Exercises for Relief
  • Creating Your Routine
  • Recovery Enhancement Techniques
  • Progress Tracking Methods
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • Long-Term Management Tips

Understanding Sciatica Pain

If you’re suffering from sciatica, you know the telltale signs – that sharp, burning sensation that runs from your lower back down through your leg. Physical therapy stands out as one of the top non-surgical treatments for sciatica as recommended by the American Medical Association.

Managing pain involves more than finding immediate relief because it requires developing an ongoing routine to ensure continuous mobility and comfort.

Key Exercise Principles

We need to define basic principles before we start specific exercises.

  1. Start Gradually: Start your exercise routine with light movements and progressively increase the intensity.
  2. Listen to Your Body: Stop if you experience increased pain
  3. Consistency Matters: Exercising regularly at a moderate pace tends to yield better results than participating in occasional intense workout sessions.
  4. Warm Up First: Never skip your warm-up routine
  5. Maintain Proper Form: Quality of movement trumps quantity every time

Top Exercises for Relief

Discover the most successful workout routines to control sciatica discomfort.

1. Nerve Glides

Nerve glides work to keep your sciatic nerve free from entanglement just like floss cleans between teeth. The nerve moves through surrounding tissue with greater ease because of gentle movements.

How to perform:

  • Lie on your back with knees bent
  • Extend one leg at a slow pace while bending your foot towards your shin
  • Hold for 5 seconds
  • Return to starting position
  • Repeat 10 times per leg

2. Bridge Pose

The bridge pose offers core and glute strengthening benefits while allowing your spine to extend gently.


  • Lie on your back with knees bent
  • Position your feet flat on the ground at a distance that matches the width of your hips.
  • Lift hips toward the ceiling
  • Hold for 10 seconds
  • Lower slowly
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions

3. Cat-Cow Stretch

The gentle spinal movement provides immediate relief while enhancing flexibility.


  • Start on hands and knees
  • Alternate between arching and rounding your back
  • Move slowly and breathe deeply
  • Perform for 2-3 minutes

4. Bird Dog Exercise

Excellent for core stability and spinal alignment:


  • Begin on hands and knees
  • Extend opposite arm and leg
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds
  • Keep your spine neutral
  • Repeat 10 times each side

Creating Your Exercise Routine

Maintaining a regular exercise regimen is essential to achieve lasting relief. Here’s a suggested weekly plan:

Monday & Thursday:

  • Nerve glides: 3 sets
  • Bridge pose: 3 sets
  • Gentle walking: 15-20 minutes

Tuesday & Friday:

  • Cat-cow stretches: 2-3 minutes
  • Bird dog: 2 sets
  • Stretching routine: 10-15 minutes

Wednesday & Saturday:

  • Light cardio: 20 minutes
  • Choice of previous exercises
  • Rest as needed


  • Active recovery
  • Gentle stretching
  • Short walks

Recovery Enhancing Techniques

Several other methods exist which can further improve your recovery process beyond exercises.

1. Heat and Cold Therapy

Significant relief can be achieved through alternating heat and cold treatments.

  • For heat therapy effectiveness apply it continuously for 15-20 minutes which boosts blood circulation and eases muscle tension.
  • Cold therapy should be applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes to simultaneously reduce inflammation and numb pain.
  • Before any exercise sessions apply heat and afterwards use cold therapy when discomfort is present.

2. Proper Sleep Position

The way you sleep affects your recovery process.

  • To keep your spine properly aligned during side sleeping use a pillow between your knees.
  • When sleeping on your back use a small pillow beneath your knees to minimize pressure buildup
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it strains your back muscles.

3. Workplace Ergonomics

Making your workspace sciatica-friendly is crucial:

  • Chairs should be adjusted so feet rest flat on the floor.
  • The computer monitor must be positioned directly at eye level for best viewing.
  • Arrange your desk setup to keep items you use regularly at easy reach.
  • Movement Breaks: Stand up every 30-45 minutes

4. Daily Activities Modification

Implementing simple changes to your daily routines can help prevent flare-ups.

  • When lifting objects, protect your back by bending your knees and keeping your waist straight.
  • Drivers should maintain proper lumbar support throughout their journey and take regular breaks when on extended drives.
  • When doing household chores opt for tools that have extended handles to minimize bending.
  • Protect your knees with pads during gardening and try not to stay in a squat position for too long.

When to Seek Help

Exercise offers health advantages but seek professional advice when necessary. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience:

  • Severe or increasing pain
  • Numbness or tingling that worsens
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Weakness in legs
  • Pain that prevents sleep

Measuring Your Progress

Monitoring your progress helps to maintain motivation while enabling routine modifications when necessary. Here’s how to effectively monitor your progress:

1. Pain Journal

Create a thorough record that tracks both your pain intensity and daily activities.

  • Assess your pain level every day with ratings from 1 to 10
  • Note which activities increase or decrease discomfort
  • Record both the length and strength of your workout sessions.
  • Record any modifications that help reduce pain
  • Document your sleep quality and position

2. Exercise Progression

Monitor your exercise advancement:

  • Track the number of repetitions and sets
  • Note when exercises become easier
  • Document any increases in flexibility
  • Record improvements in daily activities
  • Monitor both the time spent walking and the distance you walk

3. Weekly Assessment

Allocate weekly time to review your progress status.

  • Compare current pain levels to previous weeks
  • Review which strategies are most effective
  • Identify patterns in pain triggers
  • Assess improvements in mobility and strength
  • Plan adjustments for the coming week

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Stay alert to these usual mistakes when you begin your exercise routine for sciatica.

1.Begin your exercise routine with caution to avoid intense exercises too soon. If you begin your exercises too forcefully it can worsen your symptoms and delay your recovery.

2. The relief you need requires regular exercise since sporadic workouts will not produce results. Regular exercise leads to better results in your treatment plan.

3. Although mild discomfort during exercise is expected, sharp or escalating pain serves as your body’s warning to cease activity. Understand how to separate normal therapy discomfort from damaging pain signals.

Success Tips

Remember that healing takes time. Prioritize correct exercise form over speed when performing workouts. Document your symptoms in a pain diary to monitor your progress while determining which activities provide relief or cause pain to worsen. Working with healthcare providers to adjust your treatment plan will be greatly benefited by this information.

The Path Forward

The healing process moves forward in an unpredictable way because some days you will feel better than others. Successful recovery requires an emphasis on overall trends over time rather than short-term daily changes. Take time to appreciate your progress in small steps while remaining patient with how your body heals.

Successful sciatica management demands both commitment and patience through exercises combined with proper body mechanics and lifestyle modifications. Through consistent exercise practice and adherence to these guidelines you will achieve meaningful progress toward long-term relief. Your recovery journey is personal – discovering your best methods will require time but your hard work will pay off.

Comprehensive Guide to Oxygen Therapy for Sleep Apnea

Are you interested in learning about the benefits of oxygen therapy for treating sleep apnea?

One billion people across the globe suffer from sleep apnea and selecting appropriate treatment is vital for maintaining good health and well-being. According to research data patients who use traditional CPAP therapy encounter difficulties with this treatment method.

The good news?

Oxygen therapy products provide a different treatment option which can improve your breathing and sleep quality.

Inside This Complete Guide:

  • Understanding Sleep Apnea and Oxygen Therapy
  • Types of Oxygen Therapy Solutions
  • Benefits and Limitations
  • How to Choose the Right Option
  • Getting Started with Treatment
  • Monitoring and Maintaining Your System

Understanding Sleep Apnea and Oxygen Therapy

Sleep apnea represents a severe health condition that impacts multiple aspects of your wellbeing beyond simple snoring. The 22 million Americans diagnosed with sleep apnea face difficulties in discovering successful treatment options. People with sleep apnea can achieve improved rest through learning about oxygen therapy.

Here’s why oxygen therapy matters:

CPAP machines as traditional sleep apnea treatments fail to work for some patients. Research indicates that 50% of individuals with minimal or no symptoms of OSA struggle to follow CPAP treatment protocols. Oxygen therapy serves as an important secondary or alternative treatment option.

Here’s what makes oxygen therapy different:

When you visit specialized facilities offering hyperbaric chamber sales, you’ll discover that oxygen therapy provides supplemental oxygen to maintain healthy blood oxygen levels throughout the night. Researchers have been investigating this novel treatment method for sleep apnea for more than thirty years. Untreated sleep apnea creates significant health risks according to research findings.

  • Daytime fatigue
  • Reduced cognitive function
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Increased stroke risk

The best part? The combination of oxygen therapy with additional treatments produces optimal health results.

Types of Oxygen Therapy Solutions

Different oxygen therapy options offer varying levels of effectiveness. Choosing the most appropriate oxygen therapy solution requires a thorough understanding of your available options. Finding the appropriate oxygen therapy solution requires selecting equipment that matches both your lifestyle and specific needs.

Want to know the best part?

Modern oxygen therapy systems have become both more efficient and easier to use through recent technological advancements. Whether you need something mobile or a full-scale home system you will find an ideal fit for your requirements.

Continuous Flow Systems

Continuous flow oxygen systems supply uninterrupted oxygen throughout the night which makes them the preferred choice for numerous sleep apnea patients. Why? These systems provide reliable oxygen therapy that remains consistent without requiring users to make complicated adjustments or monitor the device.

Here’s who benefits most:

  • Continuous flow systems benefit patients with severe sleep apnea who require uninterrupted oxygen support.
  • Continuous oxygen delivery systems benefit those who require stable oxygen levels during their entire sleep period.
  • People who have trouble with CPAP masks should consider a more straightforward oxygen therapy option.
  • Those who undergo substantial drops in oxygen saturation throughout their sleep cycle

Continuous flow systems operate reliably throughout each night after setup because they function with minimal adjustments.

Pulse Dose Systems

Pulse dose systems stand at the forefront of modern oxygen therapy technology. These smart devices function differently from continuous flow systems because they release oxygen only during inhalation which results in high efficiency and cost savings. Pulse dose systems represent a “smart home” approach to oxygen therapy technology.

Here’s what makes them special:

  • These systems enable better oxygen utilization by delivering it at precisely timed intervals.
  • Pulse dose systems provide much greater tank longevity than traditional continuous flow systems
  • Greater portability due to smaller, lighter equipment
  • The operating expenses decrease because the device uses less oxygen.
  • The device features intelligent monitoring functions which adapt to your respiratory cycle.

But that’s not all…

Advanced systems include breathing pattern analysis and automatic flow adjustment features. You receive the precise amount of oxygen you require at exactly the time you need it without any excess.

Benefits and Limitations

Are you wondering whether oxygen therapy is suitable for your needs?

Research indicates that oxygen therapy produces positive outcomes. Supplemental oxygen treated patients with moderate to severe OSA by fully removing morning blood pressure spikes according to a major study. Individuals suffering from blood pressure complications due to sleep apnea will find this development significant.

Research identifies the main benefits of this treatment as follows:

  • Prevents respiratory event-related hypoxemia during sleep
  • Improves blood oxygen levels throughout the night
  • Can significantly reduce morning blood pressure spikes
  • Works effectively for specific patient groups
  • May improve daytime alertness and cognitive function

And the best part?

Patients typically experience these advantages after using the treatment on a regular basis for several weeks. We need to maintain a balanced perspective by understanding oxygen therapy benefits along with its limitations.

Understanding the Limitations

Let’s be completely honest here…

Oxygen therapy doesn’t work as a universal remedy for every patient. Oxygen therapy delivers remarkable benefits to many individuals but requires careful consideration of several important factors.

  • Oxygen therapy does not eliminate all forms of apnea events.
  • Requires proper equipment maintenance and monitoring
  • Needs regular professional adjustments
  • The identification of the ideal settings for oxygen therapy requires time.
  • Best therapeutic outcomes might depend on integrating oxygen therapy with additional treatments.

You should understand that oxygen therapy functions in the same manner as other medical interventions. You can achieve success through proper use and regular monitoring while maintaining a strong partnership with your healthcare provider to develop an effective treatment plan that fits your needs.

These are the major benefits you should understand.

  • Prevents respiratory event-related hypoxemia
  • Improves blood oxygen levels
  • Can reduce morning blood pressure
  • Works well for specific patient groups

However, it’s important to understand the limitations:

  • May not reduce all apnea events
  • Requires proper equipment maintenance
  • Needs regular monitoring
  • Could require adjustment periods

How to Choose the Right Option

Choosing the proper oxygen therapy solution requires careful consideration. This treatment will become part of your nightly routine so it’s crucial to get it right for the best sleep quality and health benefits.

Here’s the thing that most people miss:

The best oxygen therapy system for your needs might not be the most expensive nor feature-packed option. The ideal oxygen therapy system aligns perfectly with your individual requirements as well as your daily habits and sleeping routine.

Now let’s examine the main elements you should evaluate.

Your Sleep Apnea Severity

Different severity levels require different approaches:

  • Mild cases might need minimal supplementation
  • Severe cases often require more robust solutions
  • Combined treatments might be necessary

Lifestyle Considerations

Think about:

  • Your sleeping habits
  • Travel requirements
  • Home setup
  • Budget constraints

Medical Requirements

Work with your healthcare provider to evaluate:

  • Oxygen flow needs
  • Monitoring requirements
  • Potential complications
  • Integration with existing treatments

Getting Started with Treatment

Proper setup and detailed planning are essential before beginning oxygen therapy treatment. Here’s your step-by-step guide:

1.Medical Evaluation

  • Complete sleep study
  • Review treatment options
  • Get prescription and recommendations

2. Equipment Selection

  • Choose appropriate system
  • Verify compatibility
  • Schedule installation

3. Initial Setup

  • Professional installation
  • Safety briefing
  • Usage training

4. Adjustment Period

  • Monitor progress
  • Track improvements
  • Make necessary adjustments

Monitoring and Maintaining Your System

Proper maintenance and monitoring are essential for successful oxygen therapy treatment. Here’s what you need to do:

Regular Maintenance

Keep your system running smoothly by:

  • Cleaning components regularly
  • Replacing filters as scheduled
  • Checking connections monthly
  • Calibrating flow meters

Safety Measures

Essential safety steps include:

  • Installing oxygen monitors
  • Maintaining proper ventilation
  • Following storage guidelines
  • Having backup power solutions

Progress Tracking

Monitor your progress by:

  • Keeping sleep logs
  • Tracking symptoms
  • Recording oxygen levels
  • Noting any concerns

Expert Tips for Success

How can you maximize the benefits of your oxygen therapy treatment? Follow these professional tips:

1.Consistent Usage

  • Use as prescribed
  • Maintain regular sleep schedule
  • Follow all safety protocols

2. Environment Optimization

  • Control room temperature
  • Maintain proper humidity
  • Reduce air pollutants
  • Create a calm sleep space

3. Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Avoid alcohol before bed
  • Practice good sleep hygiene
  • Stay physically active

Taking Action

Sleep apnea patients who find traditional treatments ineffective can find successful relief through oxygen therapy. The health care community needs to prioritize discovering effective treatment methods since sleep apnea affects almost one billion people worldwide.


  • Studies confirm that oxygen therapy produces significant symptom improvement.
  • Proper equipment selection is crucial for success
  • Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance
  • Professional guidance helps optimize results

Are you interested in learning about oxygen therapy as an option to treat your sleep apnea? Seek guidance from sleep specialists who will show you different options and help you develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders in Integrated Addiction Treatment Programs

Learn about the methods addiction treatment services use to manage patients with co-occurring disorders.

Most individuals underestimate how complicated the connection between mental health issues and substance abuse problems actually is. People with both mental health disorders and substance abuse issues require treatment that integrates approaches to both conditions.

Inside This Guide:

  1. Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
  2. The Link Between Mental Health and Addiction
  3. Benefits of Integrated Treatment
  4. Key Components of Effective Programs
  5. Finding the Right Treatment Program

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders: A Growing Challenge

The simultaneous experience of a mental health condition and substance use disorder defines co-occurring disorders which are also called dual diagnosis. Recent federal data reveals that nearly 9.2 million adults in the United States face co-occurring disorders where mental health issues accompany substance abuse.

This isn’t just a minor overlap. The numbers reveal a striking connection:

  • A third of individuals diagnosed with alcohol use disorders present at least one serious mental health disorder.
  • A serious mental health illness affects 53% of individuals diagnosed with drug use disorders.
  • Almost one-third of individuals diagnosed with mental health disorders engage in substance misuse.

These interconnected conditions demonstrate the critical need for integrated treatment approaches. If you’re seeking help for addiction or mental health challenges, programs like the alcohol detox program in Boston offer comprehensive care that addresses both conditions simultaneously.

The Complex Relationship Between Mental Health and Addiction

Substance use disorders and mental health problems sustain each other while forming a cycle that requires professional help to break. People experiencing anxiety, depression, or trauma may use drugs or alcohol to manage their symptoms. Long-term substance use can both initiate new mental health disorders and intensify existing ones.

The interplay between mental health issues and substance use disorders demonstrates why addressing only one condition usually fails to produce effective results. If the untreated condition persists it can cause symptoms to worsen or trigger a relapse. Modern addiction treatment services focus on treating both mental health issues and addiction together because this approach leads to more effective outcomes.

Why Integrated Treatment Makes a Difference

Integrated treatment involves addressing both mental health problems and addiction together instead of handling them individually. Healthcare providers achieve superior patient results through this methodology.

  1. Addresses root causes of addiction
  2. Provides comprehensive support for both conditions
  3. Reduces the risk of relapse
  4. Improves overall quality of life
  5. Offers more sustainable long-term recovery

A considerable treatment gap persists which demands immediate attention. Recent studies indicate that treatment programs addressed both conditions in only one out of every ten adults with co-occurring disorders. Two-fifths of adults with co-occurring disorders lacked any treatment during the previous year.

Essential Components of Effective Treatment Programs

Integrated treatment programs that achieve success exhibit multiple common characteristics.

1.Comprehensive Assessment

  • Detailed mental health evaluation
  • Substance use history analysis
  • Physical health screening
  • Family history review

2. Personalized Treatment Planning

  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Group support meetings
  • Medication management when needed
  • Life skills training

3. Evidence-Based Therapies

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Trauma-informed care
  • Motivational interviewing

4. Ongoing Support Services

  • Aftercare planning
  • Relapse prevention strategies
  • Family education and support
  • Community resource connections

Breaking Down Treatment Barriers

Many people still struggle to receive appropriate treatment. Studies demonstrate racial differences in treatment access as Black (47%) and Hispanic (43%) adults with dual diagnoses receive mental health and substance use treatment less frequently than White adults who receive treatment 64% of the time.

Engagement with the justice system often creates barriers to accessing medical treatment. The justice system involvement was higher among adults with dual diagnoses compared to those who only suffered from mental illness yet they experienced limited access to concurrent treatment.

Finding the Right Treatment Program

You should evaluate these vital factors when selecting a treatment program.

1.Program Accreditation

  • Verify proper licensing
  • Check staff credentials
  • Review success rates

2. Treatment Approaches

  • Evidence-based methods
  • Integrated care model
  • Customized treatment plans

3. Support Services

  • Family involvement options
  • Aftercare planning
  • Community resources

4. Practical Considerations

  • Insurance coverage
  • Location and accessibility
  • Program duration

The Impact of Untreated Co-Occurring Disorders

Untreated co-occurring disorders can lead to serious and extensive consequences. Recognizing these impacts underscores the necessity of appropriate treatment.

1.Health Complications

  • Increased risk of chronic health conditions
  • Higher rates of emergency room visits
  • Greater likelihood of severe medical complications
  • Compromised immune system function

2. Social and Relationship Issues

  • Strained family relationships
  • Difficulty maintaining employment
  • Social isolation
  • Increased risk of homelessness

3. Mental Health Deterioration

  • Worsening of existing symptoms
  • Development of new mental health challenges
  • Increased risk of self-harm
  • Higher rates of crisis situations

4. Legal and Financial Problems

  • Greater risk of legal troubles
  • Financial instability
  • Employment difficulties
  • Housing insecurity

The Role of Family Support

Successful treatment outcomes heavily depend on family involvement. Here’s how families can support recovery:

1.Education and Understanding

  • Learning about both conditions
  • Understanding treatment approaches
  • Recognizing warning signs
  • Supporting recovery strategies

2. Active Participation

  • Attending family therapy sessions
  • Participating in support groups
  • Creating a supportive home environment
  • Maintaining open communication

3. Long-term Support

  • Helping maintain treatment compliance
  • Supporting lifestyle changes
  • Encouraging continued care
  • Participating in aftercare planning

Looking Ahead: Improvements in Care

Addiction treatment services develop continuously through emerging promising advancements in multiple areas.

1.Telehealth Services

  • Remote therapy options
  • Digital support tools
  • Virtual support groups

2. Treatment Innovation

  • New therapeutic approaches
  • Advanced medication options
  • Improved assessment tools

3. Access Expansion

  • Insurance coverage improvements
  • More treatment locations
  • Reduced wait times

Treatment Approaches That Work

To successfully treat co-occurring disorders healthcare providers must implement a comprehensive treatment that simultaneously addresses both conditions. Here are the most effective treatment methods:

1.Individual Therapy

  • One-on-one counseling sessions
  • Personalized treatment planning
  • Regular progress assessment
  • Skill-building exercises

2. Group Therapy

  • Peer support and learning
  • Shared experiences
  • Social skill development
  • Accountability building

3. Medication Management

  • Proper medication evaluation
  • Regular monitoring
  • Adjustment as needed
  • Education about medications

4. Holistic Approaches

  • Stress management techniques
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Physical wellness activities
  • Creative therapies

The Recovery Journey

While recovery paths differ among individuals successful treatment programs generally consist of these phases:

1.Initial Assessment

  • Comprehensive evaluation
  • Treatment planning
  • Goal setting
  • Support system identification

2. Active Treatment

  • Regular therapy sessions
  • Medication management
  • Skill development
  • Progress monitoring

3. Aftercare Planning

  • Ongoing support resources
  • Relapse prevention strategies
  • Community integration
  • Follow-up care scheduling

Your Next Steps Forward

The development of addiction treatment services has reached a critical milestone with the integration of co-occurring disorder treatment strategies. Caring for patients with both mental health issues and substance use disorders demands a complex treatment strategy that blends multiple approaches.

As you continue your journey keep these important points in mind.

  1. Early intervention is crucial
  2. Integrated treatment offers the best outcomes
  3. Family support plays a vital role
  4. Recovery is possible with the right help

Understanding integrated treatment options becomes a fundamental initial step towards recovery whether you face these challenges yourself or assist another person. People who receive comprehensive care along with proper support can achieve stable recovery and fulfilling lives when managing co-occurring disorders.

Enhancing Oral Health with Personalized Dental Care Plans

Enhancing Oral Health with Personalized Dental Care Plans

Looking to improve your dental health beyond the basics?

Your smile stands as one of your most important assets which demands upkeep beyond basic tooth brushing and flossing. Recent research shows that preventable dental conditions led to 78,800 hospitalizations across Australia between 2021 and 2022.

And here’s the thing…

Appropriate planning for dental care could have prevented most of these conditions.

What’s Coming Up:

  • Understanding Modern Dental Care
  • The Power of Personalization in Dental Health
  • Key Components of a Dental Care Plan
  • Making Your Plan Work

Understanding Modern Dental Care

The practice of modern dental care has advanced significantly from the simple routine of brushing teeth twice daily. Today’s dental care services achieve exceptional results by combining state-of-the-art technology with personalized treatment plans.

Just how important is this? In the period of 2021-22 Australian residents paid $11.1 billion for dental services while the average personal dental expenditure stood at approximately $259 according to national statistics. Your oral healthcare expenses represent a considerable financial commitment so you should seek maximum value from your expenditure.

Professional dental care focuses not only on treating existing conditions but also emphasizes stopping dental issues before they develop. Look for a practice and trusted dentist in Surrey Hill that develops individual care plans for patients to address their specific needs and risks which promotes improved long-term dental results.

dentist surrey hills

The Power of Personalization in Dental Health

Think about it:

Every person’s mouth is different. We all have unique:

  • Oral bacteria compositions
  • Dietary habits
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Previous dental work

That’s why one-size-fits-all approaches often fall short. A dental care strategy designed for you integrates all these factors to function effectively for your needs.

Key Components of a Dental Care Plan

Regular check-ups only represent a part of what makes up a comprehensive dental care plan. It should include:

1.Professional Assessment Schedule

  • Regular dental examinations
  • X-ray monitoring
  • Oral cancer screenings
  • Periodontal health checks

2. Preventive Care Protocol

  • Professional cleaning schedule
  • Fluoride treatments when needed
  • Sealants for cavity-prone areas
  • Home care recommendations

3. Customized Treatment Timeline

  • Immediate concerns
  • Medium-term improvements
  • Long-term maintenance goals

The latest health reports indicate that 52% of Australians visited a dental professional during the past year. Better overall oral health outcomes require an increase in this number.

Making Your Plan Work

Developing a dental care plan tailored to you is straightforward but adhering to it presents another challenge. Follow these steps to achieve success in your dental care journey while maximizing your oral health investment.

Your dental team can develop an ideal care plan yet your commitment to following it determines its success. This includes:

  • Maintaining recommended home care routines
  • Keeping scheduled appointments
  • Following dietary guidelines
  • Reporting any concerns promptly

Private health insurance providers in Australia subsidized 50.0 million dental services according to the latest statistics. Professional dental care proves vital for sustaining oral health.

As time progresses dental requirements will evolve. A good care plan should be:

  • Flexible enough to adapt
  • Regularly reviewed
  • Updated based on your progress
  • Modified for new conditions

Why Prevention Matters

Here’s something interesting…

Studies show that children aged 5-9 years experience the highest preventable dental hospitalization rate at 10.8 per 1,000 population. Early prevention and intervention should be fundamental elements of any dental care strategy.

Prevention through personalized care plans helps:

  • Reduce the risk of serious dental issues
  • Lower long-term dental care costs
  • Maintain better overall health
  • Prevent unnecessary procedures

Looking Ahead: Your Dental Future

A personalized dental care plan you start now will lead to improved oral health in the future. Through detailed planning and expert advice you will:

  • Prevent major dental issues
  • Save money on expensive treatments
  • Maintain a healthy, beautiful smile
  • Enjoy better overall health

Most people overlook an important detail about dental care planning.

Your dental care plan achieves success through proper personalization to match your unique needs and lifestyle patterns. A personalized treatment plan produces better results than a generic approach because it addresses individual needs and circumstances.

Now we’ll examine the elements that make personalized dental plans effective.

The frequency of your dental visits should align with your personal risk factors. A three-month dental check-up schedule is necessary for some individuals but others can keep their oral health at its best with twice-yearly visits.

Your treatment plan needs to be personalized based on your individual risk profile.

  • Family history of dental issues
  • Current oral health status
  • Lifestyle habits and routines
  • Specific concerns and goals

Personalized oral health strategies allow you to receive specific care that goes beyond generic dental advice.

Taking Action Now

Achieving optimal oral health begins with developing a dental care plan tailored for your needs. These points outline the essential steps to begin your dental care journey.

The foundation of your personalized care plan relies on a comprehensive initial assessment. During this assessment, your dental team will:

  • Review your complete dental history
  • Examine your current oral health status
  • Discuss your concerns and goals
  • Identify potential risk factors
  • Create a baseline for future comparisons

The dental team will use your assessment results to create a personalized treatment plan which includes several key components.

  • Immediate treatment priorities
  • Preventive care schedule
  • Home care recommendations
  • Long-term maintenance strategy

A dental care plan achieves its best results when you can maintain its consistent application. You and your dental team need to collaborate to develop a customized plan that accommodates your lifestyle preferences along with your schedule and financial constraints.

Making It Work Long-Term

How can you achieve lasting dental health success?

It’s all about consistency and commitment. These effective strategies will help you stick to your dental care routine.

Maintain frequent communication with your dental team about your oral health updates and inquiries.

  • Any changes in your oral health
  • Questions about your care routine
  • Concerns about your treatment plan
  • Updates to your medical history

Track Your Progress Keep a record of:

  • Your dental appointments and treatments
  • Any symptoms or concerns
  • Changes in your oral health
  • Improvements you’ve noticed

Your dental team can modify your treatment plan based on provided information, which guarantees progress towards achieving your oral health goals.

Making Your Investment Count

Think about this:

According to recent data Australians spend $259 annually on dental services on average. The amount you spend on dental services matters less than how well you use those resources.

Implement smart investment strategies to optimize the benefits from your dental care expenses.

  • Use insurance-covered preventive services to safeguard your oral health.
  • Stay ahead of expensive dental repairs by booking regular maintenance appointments.
  • Purchase superior home care tools and products for better dental maintenance.
  • Tackle small problems before they develop into big issues.

A personalized dental care plan that is executed properly provides numerous advantages that extend well past basic oral health.

  • Reduced risk of systemic health issues
  • Lower lifetime dental care costs
  • Increased confidence in your smile
  • Better quality of life overall

Getting Started

Want to manage your oral health effectively? Here’s your action plan:

  1. Schedule a comprehensive dental assessment
  2. Discuss your specific concerns and goals
  3. Get a customized care plan
  4. Commit to following the recommendations
  5. Regular review and adjust as needed

Your experience with oral health management will always be distinct from others. The best way to achieve and maintain your deserved healthy smile is to partner with dental professionals who understand personalization and can create a customized approach.

Lab-Grown vs Natural Diamonds: Price Comparison 2025 – What You’re Really Paying For

Lab-Grown vs Natural Diamonds Price Comparison 2025 - What You're Really Paying For

In the ever-evolving world of luxury and fine jewelry, consumers face an increasingly meaningful choice: lab-grown or natural diamonds? As we delve into 2025’s market dynamics, this comprehensive analysis reveals the true cost differences between these options and what drives them. Understanding these factors is crucial for making an informed decision that aligns with both your values and budget.

The Price Gap: A Clear Distinction

Recent market analysis shows lab-grown diamonds typically cost 50-75% less than their natural counterparts of equivalent size and quality. For instance, a 1-carat lab-grown diamond with excellent cut, VS1 clarity, and F color averages $1,500-2,000, while its natural equivalent commands $7,000-9,000. This substantial price difference has made lab-grown diamonds an increasingly attractive option for conscious consumers.

Understanding the Cost Factors

Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds’ higher prices reflect several key factors:

Mining Expenses: The extensive infrastructure, labor, and environmental management required for diamond mining contribute significantly to costs. Modern mining operations invest heavily in sustainable practices and community development, further increasing operational expenses.

Scarcity: Natural diamonds took billions of years to form and exist in finite quantities. This natural scarcity, combined with controlled supply, maintains their premium pricing.

Market Structure: Traditional diamond supply chains involve multiple intermediaries – miners, rough diamond dealers, cutters, wholesalers, and retailers – each adding their markup to the final price.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

The cost structure for lab-grown diamonds differs considerably:

Production Efficiency: Technological advancements have significantly reduced production costs. Modern facilities can create diamonds in weeks rather than billions of years, with improving efficiency each year.

Sustainable Practices: While initial setup costs for diamond-growing facilities are substantial, ongoing operational costs are lower and more predictable than mining operations.

Shorter Supply Chain: Lab-grown diamonds typically move through fewer intermediaries before reaching consumers, reducing cumulative markups.

Quality and Certification Considerations

Both lab-grown and natural diamonds undergo identical grading processes by respected institutions like IGI and GIA. Key quality factors include:

– Cut quality

– Color grade

– Clarity grade

– Carat weight

Importantly, these characteristics are identical between lab-grown and natural diamonds of the same grade. Both types are chemically, physically, and optically identical, making them indistinguishable without specialized equipment.

Investment Value Perspectives

Natural Diamonds:

Traditional diamonds have historically maintained value, though they typically experience significant depreciation from retail prices. Their resale value often ranges from 40-60% of the purchase price, depending on market conditions and stone characteristics.

Lab-Grown Diamonds:

Lab-grown diamonds generally see steeper initial depreciation due to continuing production efficiency improvements and increasing market supply. However, their lower initial cost means less absolute value at risk.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

The environmental impact increasingly influences purchasing decisions. Lab-grown diamonds typically generate lower carbon emissions and have minimal land impact compared to mining operations. However, natural diamond producers have made significant strides in sustainable mining practices and community development programs.

Making Your Choice in 2025

When deciding between lab-grown and natural diamonds, consider these key factors:

Budget Impact: Lab-grown diamonds offer significant savings that could be allocated to other priorities, such as a larger stone, more elaborate setting, or non-jewelry expenses.

Personal Values: Consider how environmental impact, origin transparency, and traditional versus modern production methods align with your values.

Long-term Plans: Think about whether potential resale value matters to you, or if you’re purely focused on the diamond’s personal and symbolic value.


The price gap between lab-grown and natural diamonds reflects fundamentally different production methods and market positions rather than quality differences. As technology advances and consumer preferences evolve, both options remain valid choices depending on individual priorities and values. The key is understanding what you’re paying for and ensuring that choice aligns with your personal priorities.

For those seeking exceptional quality at lower cost points, lab-grown diamonds offer compelling value. However, if traditional sourcing and potential value retention matter more to you, natural diamonds continue to fulfill these criteria. Whatever your choice, today’s market offers more transparency and options than ever before, ensuring you can find the perfect diamond to match both your aesthetic preferences and financial goals.

4 Innovative Corporate Event Trends to Take Your Event to the Next Level

4 Innovative Corporate Event Trends to Take Your Event to the Next Level

The world of corporate events is ever-changing. You need to move beyond the usual to make your events stand out. The US corporate event market was worth $95.3 billion in 2020. However, Allied Market Research estimates it will reach an impressive $510.9 billion by 2030.  

Strong US economic growth, business travel sector development, and widespread internet and technology adoption have contributed significantly to this increase. To stay ahead and create events that truly impact your audience, it’s important to explore new approaches. 

This blog post presents four innovative trends that can transform corporate events and provide outstanding experiences. These trends will help you create events that are not just good but truly next level. 

#1. Try Hybrid and Virtual Events

You need to adapt to new realities by embracing hybrid and virtual events. Companies are shifting from fully in-person gatherings to formats that mix both physical and digital experiences. Virtual events allow you to extend your reach, reduce travel costs, and engage a broader audience.

Similarly, hybrid events, which combine in-person and online elements, are proving their lasting value. Hybrid events offer many advantages. They increase who can attend, reach a wider audience, and can be more cost-effective. Record growth data supports this approach. According to Custom Market Insights, the virtual events market was worth $161,024.76 million. Experts estimate this valuation will exceed $571,917 million by 2032.

Similarly, Bizzabo, an event management platform, revealed that about 4 in 10 respondents favor hybrid events. Another 67.8% of respondents say their preferred event style is in-person or hybrid. Likewise, the same percent of participants chose in-person + hybrid arrangements, compared to 32.2% who favored webinars + virtual setups. 

Selecting the right physical location becomes crucial when you plan hybrid events. The Farm Soho suggests renting fully equipped event spaces, as they’re ideal for offsite team meetings, parties, meetups, and social events. However, selecting a venue needs careful consideration. It must work well for in-person attendees and connect smoothly with the online platform. This creates a united experience for everyone, no matter where they are.  

If you are looking for an event venue in a busy city like New York, location matters a lot. An event venue in New York should be in an easy-to-reach location where parking is available. You don’t want attendees to get stuck in the notorious NY traffic forever!

#2. Experiment With Immersive Technologies

People now seek more than just typical events. They crave experiences. Experiential marketing is becoming more important in the event industry. Attendees want events that are memorable, personal, and unique. To create events that truly stand out, consider immersive technologies.

You can boost attendees’ engagement by using these technologies. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) tools will soon become common in corporate events. The AR/VR market is growing rapidly, offering innovative ways to interact with products and ideas. Allied Market Research reports that the American AR/VR market was worth $4.39 billion in 2020. However, estimations reveal it will exceed $134 billion by 2030.

Set up an AR demo station or use VR to take your attendees on a virtual tour. AR can offer interactive product demonstrations or create immersive training. For in-person attendees, AR can add digital features to the real world. These technologies create a “wow” effect and keep your attendees engaged. This makes your event a memorable, hands-on experience. 

Immersive tech also helps bridge the gap between remote and in-person attendees. With improved digital interfaces and interactive displays, you create an environment where every participant feels part of the story. This trend boosts interest and sets your event apart from standard presentations.

#3. Focus On Sustainable and Eco-Friendliness

Sustainability is a key consideration in today’s event industry. Sustainable events aren’t just good for the environment. They also improve your brand’s image. A large majority, 78% of Americans, see sustainability as increasingly important. People support brands making environmental, social, and governance-associated claims. 

A McKinsey and NielsenIQ study reveals labels making more than 50% of their sales from such products have repeat rates of 32 to 34%. Moreover, they appeal to stakeholders who value environmental responsibility. By planning eco-friendly events, you can reduce costs and contribute positively to the environment. This focus creates long-term benefits beyond a single event. Make your corporate events more sustainable by taking practical steps. 

Choose event venues that have green certifications and allow for sustainable practices. Reduce waste by using digital materials and reducing single-use items. Choose vendors who share your sustainability goals and opt for biodegradable decor and renewable energy sources. You can also use carbon offsetting programs for event-related travel.

#4. Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) 

You should promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) to ensure your event resonates with every attendee. DE&I is not only a social imperative, it also drives creativity and innovation. It is important because it attracts a wider range of talent, encourages new ideas, and shows the company’s values. 

Inclusive programming leads to higher engagement and better overall outcomes. You can design your event to include diverse speaker panels and accessible venues. Plan sessions that encourage interaction among employees from different backgrounds. Ensure your event communications are clear and respectful. 

Finally, invite feedback from all participants to continuously improve your DE&I efforts. Promoting DE&I fosters a sense of belonging and creates a richer, more dynamic event environment.

People Also Ask

Q1. How can I keep virtual attendees engaged during hybrid events?

To engage virtual attendees, make them active participants, not just viewers. Use interactive tools like live polls and Q&A sessions. Incorporate virtual networking breaks and ensure your online platform is easy to use. By offering dedicated virtual experiences, you make everyone feel like a valued part of the event.

Q2. Is immersive technology expensive to implement for corporate events?

Implementing immersive tech doesn’t mean breaking the bank. Start small by using AR for a product demo or VR for a venue tour, which can be surprisingly cost-effective. As the AR/VR market grows, more affordable options are emerging. Focus on experiences that offer high impact without high costs.

Q3. How can I ensure my corporate event is accessible to attendees with disabilities?

To make your event accessible, start with your venue. Choose venues that are ADA-compliant, offering ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms. Provide materials in multiple formats (digital, large print). Offer services like sign language interpreters or captioning for sessions. Ask attendees about their needs beforehand to ensure everyone can participate comfortably.

To take your corporate events to the next level, embrace these innovative trends. Embracing hybrid and virtual formats extends your reach and boosts engagement. Experimenting with immersive technologies creates unique, memorable experiences. Meanwhile, sustainability shows responsibility, reduces costs, and enhances your brand image. 

Finally, promoting DE&I ensures that every voice is heard. By incorporating these trends, you can create corporate events that are not just successful but truly exceptional and forward-thinking. Explore these trends for your next event and see the positive impact they can bring.

The Role of Flowers in Minimalist Home Design

The Role of Flowers in Minimalist Home Design

Minimalist home design is a philosophy that embraces simplicity, functionality, and a deliberate approach to space. It is rooted in the idea that less is more, focusing on clean lines, neutral colors, and an uncluttered environment. However, minimalism does not equate to sterility but seeks to create a harmonious and inviting atmosphere. One of the most effective yet often overlooked ways to achieve this is through the strategic use of flowers.

Flowers introduce an organic element that brings warmth, life, and a touch of elegance to minimalist interiors. They act as natural art pieces, offering subtle color, texture, and fragrance without disrupting the serene essence of a minimalist space. In a home where every object is intentional, flowers play a pivotal role in enhancing aesthetic appeal while maintaining simplicity. Whether sourced from local florists or through a monthly flowers delivery service, incorporating fresh blooms into minimalist décor can transform a space effortlessly.

The Balance Between Nature and Minimalism

Nature maintains an intrinsic relationship with minimalism. The principles of minimalist design that use natural light, organic materials, and neutral tones match the peaceful natural atmosphere. The incorporation of flowers creates a link between nature and minimalism that brings life and grounding to a home environment.

Minimalist design requires each object to fulfill either practical or visual purposes. Flowers meet both criteria. Flowers establish visual harmony in bare spaces while rounding complex angular structures and bringing periodic changes to interior environments. Flowers are an attractive yet low-effort method to maintain interior dynamism because they do not require the storage or maintenance typical of traditional decorative items.

An orchid stem on the bedside table or white tulips in the kitchen counter area creates subtle, sophisticated touches without sensory overload. The neutral color schemes of minimalist interiors become enhanced by fresh flowers since their introduction creates intentional decorative elements that stand out against the neutral backdrop.

Choosing the Right Flowers for a Minimalist Space

Every minimalist home benefits from floral decor, but success depends on selecting simple and balanced flowers that match minimalist principles. Floral arrangements that exceed regular sizes or display complex designs create an inappropriate visual impact when placed in minimalist environments. The best approach for floral arrangements in minimalist spaces uses minimalistic placement and understands the power of negative space.

Minimalist spaces achieve their best look with bouquets that use one uniform color. A mix of white roses with pale pink peonies and soft lavender hydrangeas creates a gentle atmosphere while avoiding clutter. A single flower stem in a simple, unadorned vase makes an impressive statement through its elegance.

The selection of vases stands as essential as the other elements. Minimalist interior spaces display their flowers with glass, ceramic, or matte-finish vessels that feature neutral color schemes. The materials enhance the environment through compatibility while focusing on natural flower beauty. Combining a minimalist bud vase containing fresh eucalyptus or a clay pot featuring a few anemones creates a powerful yet delicate visual impression.

Seasonal Flowers and Their Evolving Role

Minimalist home design gains an exclusive benefit from flowers because they can adapt their appearance to different seasons. Flowers present an attractive, dynamic quality that brings continuous freshness to interiors.

The arrival of spring offers the perfect opportunity to use delicate cherry blossoms or daffodils, bringing renewal and brightness to interiors. During summer, gardenias or daisies create an ideal choice, while autumn brings out dried flowers and pampas grass and burnt-orange chrysanthemums as ideal options. During winter seasons, decorating evergreens with amaryllis or bare branches allows people to create minimalist holiday environments.

Selecting seasonal flowers allows homeowners to create subtle environmental changes while preserving the minimalist design principles. The home achieves visual allure through this method while establishing harmonious links between interior spaces and natural seasonal patterns.

The Psychological Benefits of Flowers in Minimalist Homes

Flowers deliver multiple psychological advantages and enhance people’s emotional state. Minimalist spaces achieve their peaceful and transparent appearance through design, while flowers strengthen this effect by creating environmental wellness. Research demonstrates that fresh flowers help people decrease stress levels, lift their mood, and increase their productivity.

Rooms with flowers create natural visual draws that help people maintain mindfulness while appreciating beauty’s simplicity. Fresh bloom scents create relaxation through peaceful aromas that enhance the welcoming atmosphere of any space. The mindful practice of flower care through water changes and stem trimming and arrangement becomes a meditative activity because it matches the minimalist worldview.

A flower subscription service allows people who enjoy routine to receive continuous fresh flowers without requiring them to decide on purchases repeatedly. Regular deliveries of fresh flowers enable homeowners to sustain their home’s aesthetic balance and simultaneously experience the natural’s impromptu aspects.


The Role of Flowers in Minimalist Home Design

Minimalist home design benefits significantly from flowers because they introduce natural elements that combine elegance with changing aesthetics and warmth to precisely crafted spaces. The minimalist lifestyle finds its ideal match with flowers because their natural beauty exists without unnecessary embellishments. The minimalist approach accepts flowers as decorative elements when presented as single elements in sophisticated vases or as seasonal designs that enhance space vitality while preserving aesthetic minimalism.

Flowers are more than decorative items because they can improve mood and wellness and establish spaces with purposeful appeal. Minimalist spaces gain their perfect balance when homeowners thoughtfully introduce fresh blooms to create warm and restrained spaces, thus showing that simple details produce substantial impact.

The Ripple Effect: Understanding the Impact of DUI Charges on Personal Injury Victims

The Ripple Effect: Understanding the Impact of DUI Charges on Personal Injury Victims

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) remains a serious issue in our society, leading to countless accidents and tragic consequences. While DUI offenders face legal repercussions, the impact on victims can be far-reaching and devastating. This blog explores the complex relationship between DUI charges and personal injury claims, shedding light on how such incidents ripple through the lives of those affected. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for victims seeking justice and recovery.

The Legal Landscape of DUI and Personal Injury

According to Kawecki Law Firm, when a DUI incident occurs, the legal ramifications can significantly impact both the offender and the victim. For the offender, being charged with DUI typically results in severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, and possible jail time. For victims, however, DUI charges can play a pivotal role in strengthening their personal injury cases. Proving that the other party was under the influence at the time of the accident establishes negligence, making it easier for victims to seek compensation for their injuries and damages.

Victims of DUI-related accidents must understand how the legal system works in these cases. Depending on the jurisdiction, victims may file civil lawsuits against the drunk driver for damages resulting from the accident. These damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Furthermore, the presence of DUI charges can significantly influence the outcome of the civil case, as it can lead to higher settlements or jury awards due to the egregious nature of the offense.

The Immediate Effects on Victims

The physical injuries suffered by victims in DUI-related accidents can be severe and life-altering. Common injuries include broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries, which may require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. For many victims, the path to recovery can be long and arduous, leading to prolonged pain and suffering. These injuries not only affect the victim’s physical health but can also disrupt their daily lives, affecting their ability to work and engage in normal activities.

Beyond physical injuries, the emotional and psychological impact on victims can be profound. Many survivors experience trauma, anxiety, and depression as a result of the accident. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not uncommon among those who have been involved in serious accidents, especially when alcohol is a factor. The emotional scars can last long after the physical wounds have healed, complicating the recovery process and leading to additional challenges for victims and their families.

The Long-term Consequences of DUI Charges

The long-term consequences of DUI charges extend beyond immediate injuries, significantly affecting victims’ quality of life. Many individuals struggle to regain their independence after an accident, as they may require ongoing medical care or assistance with daily tasks. This loss of autonomy can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness, further exacerbating mental health issues. Victims may find themselves grappling with the realities of chronic pain, permanent disabilities, or emotional scars that hinder their ability to enjoy life fully.

Social stigma is another factor that can complicate the lives of DUI victims. Friends, family, and even strangers may not understand the challenges these individuals face, leading to isolation and alienation. Victims might find it difficult to reintegrate into their social circles, as they navigate the emotional toll of their experiences. This ripple effect can create a cycle of despair that is hard to break, making it essential for victims to seek support and connection with others who understand their struggles.

Navigating the Legal Process

For victims of DUI-related accidents, navigating the legal process can be daunting. It’s crucial for them to understand their rights and options when pursuing a personal injury claim. According to www.dwaccidentlawyer.com, one of the first steps victims should take is to consult with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in DUI cases. A knowledgeable attorney can guide victims through the complexities of the legal system and help them gather the necessary evidence to support their claims.

Victims should focus on documenting every aspect of their experience. This includes obtaining medical records, collecting witness statements, and taking photographs of the accident scene. Thorough documentation is vital for building a strong case. Additionally, victims should not hesitate to seek emotional support from therapists or support groups. Having a solid support system can empower victims and provide them with the resilience needed to navigate the legal process effectively.

Advocacy and Support for Victims

Numerous organizations and resources exist to support victims of DUI-related accidents. These organizations offer various services, from legal assistance to counseling, helping victims rebuild their lives after such traumatic events. Victims are encouraged to reach out to local support groups that provide a safe space to share their experiences and connect with others facing similar challenges. This sense of community can be incredibly healing, allowing victims to feel understood and supported in their journey to recovery.

Advocacy plays a vital role in raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. By sharing their stories, victims can help educate the public about the consequences of DUI and encourage others to make safer choices. Engaging in advocacy not only empowers victims but also contributes to a broader societal change, fostering a culture of responsibility and awareness surrounding alcohol consumption and driving.


Understanding the ripple effect of DUI charges on personal injury victims is essential for fostering empathy and awareness within our communities. The impact of a DUI incident extends far beyond the immediate legal consequences, affecting victims’ physical, emotional, and social well-being. By recognizing these challenges, we can better support victims on their road to recovery and encourage responsible behavior on the roads. If you or someone you know has been affected by a DUI-related incident, seeking legal advice and emotional support is crucial. Together, we can advocate for change and create safer communities for everyone.